Licensing and certification in tourism. Dekhtyar G.M.

the Russian Federation

"TOURIST AND EXCURSION SERVICE. REQUIREMENTS FOR ENSURING THE SAFETY OF TOURISTS AND SIGHTSEEERS. GOST R 50644-94" (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 21.02.94 N 32)

Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation
dated 21.02.94 N 32

Date of introduction 1994.07.01

This standard establishes requirements for tourist and excursion services that ensure the safety of life and health of tourists and sightseers (hereinafter referred to as tourists), methods of their control and is intended for the purposes of mandatory certification of tourist services.

The standard is intended for enterprises and all organizational and legal forms and citizens - entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as tourist enterprises) providing tourist services to the population. Mandatory requirements services that ensure the safety of life and health of tourists are set out in Section 4.

Based on this standard, standards can be developed that establish requirements for groups of homogeneous tourism services.

SanPiN 42-123-5774-91 Sanitary norms and rules for enterprises Catering, including confectionery enterprises producing soft ice cream

Requirements for traffic safety on bus routes. Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR N 31 dated 11/17/74

Rules fire safety tourist bases and campsites

Medical indications and contraindications for referral to tourist camps

The terms used in this standard are in accordance with GOST 1.0 and GOST 28681.0.

4.1. When providing tourist services, an acceptable level of risk to the life and health of tourists must be ensured both under normal conditions and in emergency situations(natural disasters, etc.).

4.2. The risk to human life and health in tourist and excursion services arises under the following conditions:

Existence of sources of risk;

Manifestations of this source at a dangerous level for humans:

Human exposure to hazards.

4.3. Harmful factors (risk factors) in tourism can be classified as follows:

injury risk;

Impact environment,

fire hazard;

biological impacts;

Psychophysiological loads;

radiation hazard;

Chemical exposure;

Increased dust and gas pollution;

Other factors;

Specific risk factors.

4.3.1. Injury hazard can arise as a result of movement of mechanisms and objects, bodies, complex terrain, movement of rocks (rockfalls, mudflows, avalanches), unfavorable ergonomic characteristics of the used tourist equipment and inventory, leading to injuries (uncomfortable shoes - abrasions of the skin of tourists, etc.). etc.), hazardous atmospheric phenomena (atmospheric electricity, lightning, etc.).

Reducing the risk of injury is provided by:

Protective devices and fences when using mobile mechanisms, objects, dangerous areas of the territory (lifts, cable cars, scree areas in the mountains, near water bodies, ski slopes, etc.);

Using funds personal protection(safety ropes, harnesses when crossing difficult sections of the tourist route, head helmets, ice axes, hooks and other safety equipment);

Compliance with ergonomic requirements for tourist equipment and inventory;

Compliance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02 for residential and public buildings and the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents for the technical condition Vehicle used for the transportation of tourists (sightseeing buses, boats, etc.);

Compliance with the rules for the operation of the inventory and equipment used (elevators, hoists, trolleys, etc.), ensuring its safe operation;

Proactively informing tourists about risk factors and measures to prevent injuries. Tourists should be informed about how to avoid possible injury and what emergency measures should be taken in case of injury.

4.3.2. The impact of the environment is due to high or low ambient temperatures, humidity and air mobility in the tourist service area, and sharp changes in barometric pressure. Indicators of the microclimate in the tourist service premises (bedrooms, meals, clubs and others), as well as in vehicles, must comply with the established sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Prevention of the harmful effects of this risk factor is ensured by:

Choosing a favorable time of year, day for a tourist event;

Rational design of the route of the tourist route;

Taking into account the weather characteristics of the area;

The construction of shelters from the weather on the routes of tourist routes;

Equipping premises and vehicles with air conditioning, air deodorization, heating, automatic control and alarms;

Providing appropriate equipment for tourists, including personal protective equipment;

Timely informing tourists about real to predicted conditions on the route (including climatic conditions, elevation changes on the routes).

4.3.3. fire safety

The nomenclature of requirements and indicators for ensuring the safety of tourists from the impact of this risk factor and methods for their verification - in accordance with GOST 12.1.004. The operation of service facilities must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of approved regulatory documents (Fire Safety Rules).

4.3.4. Biological factors (pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products, microorganisms, as well as poisonous plants, reptiles, insects and animals that are carriers of infectious diseases, causing burns, allergic and other toxic reactions).

The impact of these risk factors on tourists is warned:

Compliance with established sanitary standards and service rules;

The use of equipment and preparations for disinfection, disinsection, sterilization, deratization, automation production processes;

The use of safety signs and the necessary markings on items of equipment and facilities used in servicing tourists (dishes, kitchen utensils, including for cooking on a hike, water intake points, wells, etc.);

Conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations service personnel;

Proactively informing tourists about dangerous animals, fish, reptiles, plants whose distribution areas coincide with the tourist route, about how to avoid unwanted contacts and what emergency measures should be taken in case of injury (contact).

4.3.5. Psychophysiological risk factors: physical and neuropsychic overload.

Exclusion or reduction of the impact of psychophysiological risk factors is achieved:

Rational construction of a tourist service program, travel schedules along the route, providing sufficient conditions for normal human life (sleep, eating, meeting sanitary and domestic needs);

Taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of tourists when forming a tourist group;

Compliance with ergonomic requirements for used tourist equipment and inventory, vehicles, furniture.

4.3.6. Dangerous radiations are: an increased level of ultraviolet radiation, radiological radiation Prevention of the danger of ultraviolet radiation on tourist routes is ensured by:

Informing tourists about the effects of ultraviolet radiation on humans;

The use of personal protective equipment (protective masks, creams, clothing that covers the body, arms, legs of tourists, sunglasses).

It is necessary to take into account the effect of this risk factor when planning the route schedule (along open, unshaded sections of the route in mountain, water, ski and other trips).

Tourist routes may be laid and operated only in areas with favorable radiological conditions.

4.3.7. Chemical risk factors: toxic, irritant, sensitizing.

To prevent the action of these risk factors in serving tourists, it is necessary:

Carry out regular monitoring of the content of harmful chemical substances in air, water, soil, food and other biological media;

Carry out the construction and placement of facilities to serve tourists in a favorable environment, from the point of view of chemical risk factors;

Use preparations for disinfection and disinfestation in strict accordance with the instructions for use, excluding the possibility of tourists coming into contact with these agents.

4.3.8. Increased dust and gas content Requirements for the permissible level of harmful substances in the air of tourist service areas, premises, vehicles must not be lower than the sanitary and hygienic standards established by GOST 12.1.005, sanitary norms and rules. Safety is ensured by compliance with the requirements for equipping premises, vehicles with ventilation with air purification.

4.3.9. Other risk factors

Other risk factors include hazards associated with the lack of necessary information about the service and its nominal (designed) characteristics.

It is necessary to provide:

Providing tourists with sufficient information about the tourism services being sold - in accordance with the requirements established by the current regulatory documentation(requirements for the content of the Information Sheet to tourist package, Travel Technological Map, Excursion Technological Map - about the main characteristics of these services, terms of service);

Conducting necessary safety briefings for tourists, taking into account the specifics of the type of tourist route.

4.3.10. Specific risk factors in tourism are due to:

The possibility of natural and man-made disasters in the area of ​​location of a tourist enterprise or route, as well as other emergencies (including those related to the state of public order in the tourist service area);

The technical condition of the used facilities of the material and technical base (tourist hotels, bases, campsites, cable cars and drag lifts, tourist routes, including mountain and pedestrian, ski, ski, water, riding and pack animals, various vehicles, including bicycles, small and rowing boats, architectural, natural sights);

Difficult terrain (river rapids, mountain slopes, moraine, rocky, ice sections of tourist routes, etc.);

The level of professional readiness of the attendants (instructors, guides, etc.); - preparation of tourists for movement along the route a certain kind and categories of difficulty (instruction, equipment, etc.);

Information support (hydrometeorological forecasts, marking of routes of tourist routes).

4.4. A tourist enterprise must have a set of current regulatory documents to ensure the safety of tourists and be guided by them in their activities.

4.4.1. The safety of living in tourist hotels, bases, campsites is ensured by compliance with:

Requirements of building codes and regulations in the design and construction of tourist service facilities;

Safety requirements for the technical operation of buildings, structures and equipment established by regulatory documents;

Technical equipment that complies with current regulations;

Measures to guarantee the personal safety of tourists and the safety of their property.

4.4.2. In order to ensure the safety of life and health of tourists, the requirements for storage, transportation and preparation established in regulatory documents must be observed. food products in accordance with SanPiN 42-123-5774.

4.4.3. Transportation tourists during excursions, hikes and travels are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current Rules for servicing passengers on specific modes of transport (road, rail, air, water, etc.).

4.4.4. Tourist equipment and inventory used in servicing tourists must comply with the requirements established by the current regulatory documentation for these types of equipment.

4.5. Each tourist enterprise must develop and approve emergency action plans for personnel (natural disasters, fires, etc.), including interaction with local governments involved in rescue operations.

The head of the tourism enterprise is responsible for the preparedness of the staff to act in emergency situations.

4.6. Service safety requirements for specific types of tourist services are established by regulatory documentation for the relevant types of services: state standards, Rules, Charters, Codes and others.

4.7. Tourist enterprises are obliged to familiarize tourists with the risk elements of each specific tourist service and measures to prevent it.

4.8. The information necessary for tourists in order to protect their life and health is provided in advance, before the start of the holiday and during the service.

Information characterizing the natural difficulties of the tourist route, the necessary level of personal physical fitness of the tourist, the features of individual equipment, should be contained in advertising and information materials and in the text of the information leaflet for the tourist voucher.

Information that ensures the safety of life and health of tourists in the process of servicing is provided in the manner prescribed by the current regulatory documentation.

5.1. Control over the implementation of tourist safety requirements is provided by authorities government controlled who exercise control over safety in accordance with their competence.

5.2. Control is carried out at the beginning of the season - when checking the readiness of the tourist enterprise and the route for operation, as well as during ongoing inspections.

Current checks to ensure the safety of tourists are carried out in accordance with the plans and schedules for technical inspections (tests) of buildings, structures, vehicles, beaches and swimming areas, tourist equipment and inventory issued to tourists by rental points, checks of food preparation, terms and conditions of storage and transportation food, checking the readiness of tourists to go hiking.

5.3. Tourist service safety control is carried out on the basis of the following methods:

Visual (by examining the relevant objects: the territory along which the hiking route passes, tourist equipment and inventory, etc.);

Using measuring instruments (measuring environmental conditions, water quality, air quality, etc., technical condition routes, lifting mechanisms, vehicles, etc.);

Sociological research (by interviewing the tourists themselves and the attendants);

Analytical (analysis of the content of the documentation: route passport, medical examination log of tourists going on the route, other documents, generalizations of the results of all other surveys).

Scheme of the transport excursion route



Tourism service design

Tourist and excursion service. Projection of tourists service

Introduction date 1995-01-01


This standard establishes the procedure for developing documentation for the design of tourism services and is intended for enterprises, organizations of various organizational and legal forms and citizens - entrepreneurs providing tourism services.


Law Russian Federation"On consumer protection"

Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection"

Loading schedule of a tourist enterprise ();

Information leaflet for a tourist voucher, which is provided to the consumer ().

5.8.2 Designing the service "Tourist trip" provides:

Carrying out an expeditionary survey of the area and the route of the tourist trip;

Preparation of projects for the placement and equipment of tourist shelters and parking lots on the route of the tourist trip;

Calculation of the required number of tourist equipment, equipment and vehicles;

Determining the need for tourism instructors, other service personnel and organizing their training;

Determination of security measures for the “tourist trip” service.

The development of hiking trails should be carried out in areas with favorable natural conditions that meet environmental and sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements established in the current regulatory documentation (SSBT, standards in the field of nature protection), as well as taking into account real opportunities development of a particular type of tourism.

The documentary basis for the design of the "tourist trip" service is a report on the expeditionary survey of the route of the tourist trip (), as well as materials from a sociological study of the wishes of tourists for servicing on this route.

The result of the design of the service "Tourist trip" is the passport of the route of the tourist trip ().

The tourist route passport must be coordinated with

Bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service;

Other organizations that control the movement of vehicles (traffic inspectorate, water inspectorate, etc.);

Management bodies (owners) of land along which the route of the tourist trip passes.

5.8.3 Designing the service "Excursion"

Designing the service "Excursion" provides for the definition of:

- thematic focus;

objects of inspection;

duration of excursions;

The amount of information;

Forms of movement along the route of the excursion;

The results of a sociological study of the proposals of excursionists on the terms of service.

The result of the design of the service "Excursion" are the following technological documents:

Technological map of the excursion ();

Excursion control text;

Materials of the "Portfolio of the guide";

Scheme of the route of the route of the transport excursion ().



________________________________ name of the tourism company,

serving the route


tourist trip along the route ____________________ on 19 ____

route name

1 Main indicators of the route

Type of route _________________________________________________________

Route length (km) _______________________________________________

including on foot (on skis) ______________________________________________

on boats (rafts) _______________________________________________

Travel duration (days) __________________________________

Number of tourist groups _______________________________________________

Number of tourists in the group _______________________________________________

Total number of tourists on the route ___________________________________________

Total man-days of service _____________________________________

Start of service on the route of the first group ________________________

Start of service a route of the last group _____________________

End of last group service _________________________________

Ticket price ___________________________________________________


Numbertourists per month

Arrival schedule for tourist groups months

Number of groupsper month

01 _________________________________________________________________

02 _________________________________________________________________

12 _________________________________________________________________

Tourist company address where the journey starts _______


2 Tourist service program on the route _________

Settlements, distances between them, modes of transportation, time of arrival at the point and departure from it

Name of tourist enterprises and accommodation conditions

Scheduled travel services. Names of excursions (with a list of the main display objects), tourist walks and hikes

Intra-route transportation

Excursion expenses for 1 hour

Total ____________________________________________________________

including 1 _ _____________

including 2 _ _____________ company ___________________________________

including etc. __________company ____________________________________

Intra-route transportation is carried out by enterprises:


Signatures of heads of enterprises serving the route

The transfer of groups is carried out at the point:


x - service in a tourist enterprise

Executive signatures financial services(chief accountants) of enterprises

cn - dry ration

pu - overnight in the field (camping tents)

"_____" ___________________ 19 __

3 Short description travel (repeated in the information leaflet for the tourist voucher)

4 Head of the tourist enterprise serving the route





tourist enterprise by groups of tourists on ______________ 19 _____


Group numbers

Tourist itinerary number

Service dates


2 ¼ 30




to a travel voucher

travel name

Mandatory Information

1 Indication of the type and type of tourist trip, the main content of the travel service program, the length and duration of the entire route and its hiking part, the category of trips.

2 Description of the route of travel - points of stay, duration of stay and conditions of accommodation at each point of service (type of building, number of beds in a room, its sanitary and hygienic equipment).

3 Brief description of the travel area (attractions, terrain features, etc.), service programs at each travel point (in accordance with the technological map of the tourist travel).

4 List of services provided for an additional fee.

5 Availability and brief description of sports facilities and playgrounds, parking lots, passenger cableways, ponds, beaches, attractions, children's playgrounds (rooms), libraries, cinema halls, etc.

6 Address of the tourist enterprise where the tourist trip starts and travel to it.

Indicative list additional information

1 Information about age restrictions, admission of parents with children, family.

2 Special information for hiking trips.

Note- It is advisable to note that "persons in need of treatment and constant medical supervision are not recommended to travel along tourist routes."



The structure and main content of the report on the expedition survey of the hiking route

1 The report on the expeditionary survey of the route of the tourist trip is the information basis for the design of a new tourist trip, including a trip.

2 The text part of the report may contain the following sections:

2.1 Reference information about the trek area: how the features of the trek area determine tactical and technical decisions in the preparation and conduct of the trek.

2.2 Information about the hike: contains detailed information about the route of the hike, its length and duration, a list of its individual stages with different modes of movement.

2.3 Organization of the trip, incl. justification for choosing this particular route.

2.4 Schedule and technical description hike.

Particular attention is paid to the description of security measures, possible emergency situations, methods of orientation in conditions of limited visibility.

Most characteristics area, hiking, how to make the hiking route easier, safer and more interesting.

2.6 List of references, list of used tourist reports and other sources of information when preparing a trip and compiling a report.

2.7 Applications:

Lists of personal and group equipment, recommendations for the acquisition of equipment and inventory;

Diet during the trip, information about the possible replenishment of products on the way;

Weight of products and equipment per group and per participant;

Estimated expenses for the trip;

- schedules of transport, communication centers, location of points medical care;

Photos (sketches) for the report - should characterize the difficult sections of the route of the hike, the nature and sights of the area. Photos should be numbered and signed, indicating the objects of shooting;

An overview map of the hiking area with a route marked on it, its alternate options, indicated directions of movement, places for overnight stays, obstacles and landmarks, places for filming the main photographs. The map is supplemented with sketches (crowns) of the most difficult sections of the campaign, indicating ways to overcome them.

3 Making a report.

The report must be typewritten (with 1.5 spacing), bound and numbered along with the appendices. The total volume of the report, as a rule, is up to 100 pages, including text - up to 50 pages. The report must have a title page with a title, content listing all sections, photographs, maps (diagrams). An envelope for cards and documents is glued on the inside of the cover (leaflet).



list of display objects

Duration (h) _______________________________________________________________

Length (km) ____________________________________________________________

Route map

(graphical representation of movement sections, stopping points with the designation of duration (min) and length (km))


1 Name of tourist enterprise __________________________________________

Type of tourism _____________________, route of the hike ________________________________


name of the main geographical points

Length ______________ km, duration __________________ days.

The number of tourists in one group ________________ people.

Period of work from __________________ to ___________________

The passport was drawn up in 19 ______________ in ____________ copies.

Changes were made in 19 _____________ on page ____________

19 ______________ on page ____________

Passport copies sent to:

1 - _______________________________________________________

2 - ________________________________________________________

3 - ________________________________________________________

4 - ________________________________________________________

5 - ________________________________________________________

2 Route plan

Journey day

Sections of the track



Total with active modes of transportation ____________ km

3 Scheme of the route of the campaign (it is allowed to paste printed maps and diagrams with a scale of at least 1: 200000 with the designation of the route of the campaign).


hiking trail

spare route options

lodging places


hiding places

medical aid points

points of contact (specify the type of connection)

a brief description of hiking trails

Description of difficult sections of the route

4 Information about the climate in the area of ​​the hike route (fill in only for the period of operation of this route)









Wind speed, m/s


Average rainfall

5 Possible natural phenomena and actions of the group when they occur

6 Requirements for pretreatment preparation of tourists

Theoretical and practical classes at the camp site



Number of class hours

Conduct form

8 Tourist equipment for the route:

a) provided by the tourist enterprise on a tour, incl.

Group (for __________ tourists and one instructor) ___________________________


Personal (for ___________ tourists) ______________________________________________


b) provided for an additional fee ______________________________________


9 Improvement of the hiking trail

Marking __________________________________________________________________

Shelters, places of lodging and shelters, improvement of the route ___________________________


Director of the enterprise ________________________________

Art. Instructor ______________________________________


(signatures of coordinating organizations)

Instructions for drawing up a passport:

1 The passport is compiled separately for the route of each main or training trip lasting more than 1 day.

2 The passport is the tourist enterprise where the trip begins.

3 Information about the climate and possible natural phenomena in the travel area is entered according to the observations of the hydrometeorological service.

4 The passport is sent to each tourist company involved in serving tourists on the route of the hike.

5 Changes that have arisen during the operation of the trekking route must be made to all copies of the passport within a month. If necessary, replace individual sheets or draw up a new passport.

Length (km) ______________________________________________________________


Excursion route, ________________________________________________________________

including route options (summer, winter) __________________________________________

Sections (stages) of movement along the route from the place of gathering of tourists to the last point on a specific section of the route


Display object

Inspection duration

Main content of information

Organizing instructions*



* Preferred points, viewing angles of display objects are indicated; exits of tourists from the bus; specific moments of providing information.

** Instructions on creating a certain emotional and psychological mood of the tourists, on the use of specific methodological methods of conducting excursions.

Deciphering the route map

1 List of geographical points of transportation along the route.

2 List of stops.

3 Designation of the starting point of the tour.

When designing tourist services, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and sightseers, which are legally enshrined in GOST R 50644-94.

This GOST was developed by the Technical Committee for Standardization (TK.4? 199) "Tourist and excursion services", introduced by the Office of Standardization and Certification in the Service Sector of the State Standard of Russia and approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated February 11, 1994 No. 32.

This Standard establishes requirements for tourist and excursion services that ensure the safety of life and health of tourists, methods for their control and is intended for the purposes of mandatory certification of tourist services.

The standard is intended for all tourism enterprises providing tourism services to the population.

Based on this standard, standards can be developed that establish requirements for groups of homogeneous tourism services.

When providing tourism services, an acceptable level of risk to the life and health of tourists, both under normal conditions and in emergency situations (natural disasters, etc.), must be ensured.

The risk to human life and health in the tourist-excursion Service arises under the following conditions:

Existence of sources of risk;
- manifestations of this source at a dangerous level for humans;
- human exposure to hazards.

Harmful factors (risk factors) in tourism can be classified as follows:

injury risk;
- environmental impact;
- fire hazard;
- biological effects;
- psychophysiological loads;
- radiation hazard;
- chemical influences;
- increased dust and gas contamination;
- other factors;
- specific risk factors.

Injury hazard can arise as a result of movement of mechanisms and objects, bodies, complex terrain, rocks (rockfalls, mudflows, avalanches). unfavorable ergonomic characteristics of the tourist equipment and equipment used, causing injuries (uncomfortable shoes and, as a result, the appearance of abrasions of the skin of tourists, etc.), hazardous atmospheric phenomena (atmospheric electricity, lightning, etc.).

Reducing the risk of injury is provided by:

Protective devices and fences when using mobile mechanisms, objects, dangerous areas of the territory (lifts, cable cars, scree areas in the mountains, near water bodies, ski slopes, etc.);
- use of personal protective equipment (safety ropes, harnesses when crossing difficult sections of the tourist route, head helmets, ice axes, hooks and other safety equipment);
- compliance with ergonomic requirements for tourist equipment and inventory;
- compliance with the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02-89 for residential and public buildings and the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents for the technical condition of vehicles used for transporting tourists (sightseeing buses, boats, etc.
- compliance with the rules for the operation of the inventory and equipment used (elevators, hoists, trolleys, etc.). ensuring its safe operation;
- proactive informing tourists about risk factors and measures to prevent injuries. Tourists should be informed. how to avoid possible injuries and what emergency steps should be taken in case of injury.

The impact of the environment is due to high or low ambient temperatures, humidity and air mobility in the tourist service area, and sharp changes in barometric pressure. To reduce the impact of these factors, the microclimate indicators in the tourist service premises (bedrooms, meals, clubs and others), as well as in vehicles, must comply with the established sanitary and hygienic requirements, enshrined in the relevant GOSTs. For outbound tourism, these indicators are also indicated by the regulatory framework of the host countries.

Prevention and reduction of the harmful effects of this risk factor is ensured by:

Choosing a favorable time of year, day for a tourist trip;
- rational design of the route of the tourist route;
- taking into account the weather characteristics of the area;
- construction of shelters from bad weather on the routes of tourist routes:
- equipping premises and vehicles with air conditioning, air deodorization, heating, automatic control and alarm devices:
- provision of appropriate equipment for tourists, including personal protective equipment;
- timely informing tourists about the actual and predicted conditions on the route (including climatic conditions, elevation changes on the routes).

These requirements are especially relevant when visiting countries that have unfavorable seasons for visiting. For instance. Thailand, where there is a rainy season with well-defined time limits. For tourists who are in the country during this season, the risk of tropical diseases increases sharply, as well as diseases, the source of which may be high humidity (various kinds of eczema and dermatitis). Another example is Egypt, a visit to which) in the summer is not recommended due to the high air temperature, which is very poorly tolerated by the inhabitants of the middle zone.

Fire hazard is one of the main risk factors for the life, health and property of every tourist. Billions of rubles worth of property is destroyed and people die every year as a result of fires.

That is why the requirements for fire safety are one of the main ones in the certification of tourist accommodation facilities and offices of travel companies that provide customer service.

The nomenclature of requirements and indicators for ensuring the safety of tourists from the impact of this risk factor and the method of their verification is made in accordance with GOST 12.1.004.-91. and the operation of service facilities must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of approved regulatory documents (Fire Safety Rules).

The impact of biological factors (pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products, as well as poisonous plants, reptiles, insects and animals that are carriers of infectious diseases that cause burns, allergic and other toxic reactions) is a great danger to the health and life of tourists.

The impact of these risk factors on tourists I warn you:

Compliance with established sanitary standards and service rules;
- the use of equipment and preparations for disinfection, disinfestation, sterilization, deratization, automation of production processes:
- the use of safety signs and the necessary markings on items of equipment and facilities used in servicing tourists (dishes, kitchen utensils, including those for cooking on a hike, water intake points, wells, etc.):
- conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of service personnel;
- proactively informing tourists about dangerous animals, fish, reptiles, plants whose distribution areas coincide with the tourist route, about how to avoid unwanted contacts and what emergency measures should be taken in case of injury (contact).

Psychophysiological risk factors, such as physical and neuropsychic overload, can also cause significant health problems.

Exclusion or reduction of the impact of these risk factors is achieved:

Rational construction of a tourist service program, travel schedules along the route, providing sufficient conditions for normal human life (sleep, food intake, satisfaction of sanitary and domestic needs);
- taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of tourists in the formation of a tourist group;
- compliance with ergonomic requirements for used tourist equipment and inventory, vehicles, furniture.

For example, youth groups should not be accommodated in family-friendly hotels, and groups should not be formed without taking into account the age and social status of the tour participants.

A significant health disorder, up to the occurrence of malignant tumors and radiation sickness of varying severity, can be caused by various types of radiation. Dangerous radiations are: increased level of ultraviolet radiation, radiological radiation.

Prevention of danger from ultraviolet radiation in tourist travel is provided by:

Informing tourists about the effects of ultraviolet radiation on humans;
- use of personal protective equipment (protective masks, creams, clothing covering the body, arms, legs of tourists, sunglasses).

It is necessary to take into account the effect of this risk factor when planning the schedule of travel along the route (along open, unshaded sections of the route in mountain, water, ski and other trips).

Tourist routes may be laid and operated only in areas with favorable radiological conditions.

Of considerable importance are chemical risk factors: toxic, irritating, sensitizing.

To prevent the effect of these risk factors in serving tourists, it is necessary: ​​D - to regularly monitor the content of harmful chemicals in the air, water, soil, food and other biological media;

Carry out the construction and placement of facilities to serve tourists in a favorable environment, from the point of view of chemical risk factors;
- use preparations for disinfection and disinfestation in strict accordance with the instructions for use, excluding the possibility of tourists coming into contact with these agents.

Also, serious risk factors for the health of tourists include increased dust and gas pollution.

Requirements for the permissible level of harmful substances in the air” of tourist service areas, premises, vehicles must not be lower than the sanitary and hygienic standards established by GOST 12.1.005, sanitary norms and rules. Safety is ensured by compliance with the requirements for equipping vehicle premises with ventilation with air purification.

Other risk factors include dangers associated with the lack of necessary information about the service and its nominal (designed! Characteristics.

It is necessary to provide:

Providing tourists with sufficient information about the tourism services being sold - in accordance with the requirements established by the current regulatory documentation (requirements for the content of the information leaflet for a tourist voucher, technological map travel, technological map of the excursion - about the main characteristics of these services, terms of service);
- conducting necessary safety briefings for tourists, taking into account the specifics of the type of tourist route.

Fulfillment of these requirements is a necessary condition for the activities of the travel agency.

In addition to the above risk factors, which are present not only in tourism, there are also specific factors in tourism, which are due to:

The possibility of natural and man-made disasters in the zone of location of a tourist enterprise or route, as well as other emergencies (including those related to the state of public order in the tourist service area);
- the technical condition of the used facilities of the material and technical base (tourist hotels, camping bases, cable cars and drag lifts, tourist routes, including mountain and pedestrian, ski, ski, water, riding and pack animals, various vehicles, including number of bicycles, small and rowing boats, architectural, natural attractions);
- complex terrain (river rapids, mountain slopes, moraine, rocky, ice sections of tourist routes, etc.);
- the level of professional readiness of service personnel (instructors, guides, etc.);
- preparation of tourists for movement along a route of a certain type and category of complexity (instruction, equipment, etc.);
- information support(hydrometeorological forecasts, marking of tourist routes).

Each tourist enterprise must have a set of current regulatory documents to ensure the safety of tourists and be guided by them in their activities.

The safety of living in tourist hotels, bases, campsites is ensured by compliance with:

Requirements of building codes and regulations in the design and construction of tourist service facilities;
- safety requirements for the technical operation of buildings, structures and equipment established by regulatory documents:
- technical equipment that complies with current regulations;
- measures to guarantee the personal safety of tourists and the safety of their property,

In order to ensure the safety of life and health of tourists, the requirements established in regulatory documents for the storage, transportation and preparation of food products in accordance with SanPiN 42-123-5774-91 must be observed.

Transportation of tourists during excursions, hikes and travels is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current Rules for servicing passengers on specific types of transport (road, rail, air, water, etc.).

Tourist equipment and inventory used in the service of tourists must comply with the requirements established by the current regulatory documentation for these types of equipment.

Each tourist enterprise must develop 11 approved action plans for personnel in emergency situations (natural disasters, fires, etc.), including interaction with local governments involved in rescue operations.

The head of the tourism enterprise is responsible for the preparedness of the staff to act in emergency situations.

Requirements for service safety for specific types of tourist services are established by regulatory documentation "and the corresponding types of services: state standards, rules, charters, codes, etc.

Tourist enterprises are obliged to familiarize tourists with the risk elements of each specific tourist service and measures to prevent it.

The information necessary for tourists in order to protect their life and health is provided in advance, before the start of the holiday and the service process.

Information characterizing the natural difficulties of the tourist route, the necessary level of personal physical fitness of the tourist, the features of individual equipment, should be contained in advertising and information materials and in the text of the information leaflet for the tourist voucher.

Information that ensures the safety of life and health of tourists in the process of servicing is provided in the manner prescribed by the current regulatory documentation.

Control over the implementation of tourist safety requirements is provided by government bodies that exercise safety control in accordance with their competence - certification centers for tourist and hotel services, licensing authorities.

Security control of the services provided begins at the stage of licensing, since the presence of a certificate of compliance of services with security requirements is the main license condition.

The control of specific tourist companies is carried out when checking the readiness of the tourist company to start activities, as well as during ongoing inspections of the inspection control over certified services.

Current checks to ensure the safety of tourists are carried out in accordance with the plans and schedules for technical inspections (tests) of buildings, structures, vehicles, beaches and swimming areas, tourist equipment and inventory issued to tourists by rental points, checks of food preparation, terms and conditions of storage and transportation food, checking the readiness of tourists to go hiking.

Tourist service safety control is carried out on the basis of the following methods:

Visual: by examining the relevant objects (the territory along which the hiking trail passes, tourist equipment and inventory, etc.) and visiting promotional tours;
- using measuring instruments (environmental conditions, water quality, air quality, etc., as well as the technical condition of the route, lifting mechanisms, vehicles, etc.);
- sociological research(by questioning the tourists themselves to the attendants):
- analytical (analysis of the content of the documentation: route passport, medical examination log of tourists going on the route, other documents, generalizations of the results of all other surveys).

Knowledge of regulations this standard and their impeccable and literal execution are necessary conditions activities of each tourism company.