Panfilova training of pedagogical communication read online. Panfilova A.P.

TRAINING OF PEDAGOGICAL COMMUNICATION Panfilova AP Training of pedagogical communication: textbook. gusobie for stud. higher textbook establishments. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. The I8BN Study Guide is a complete guide to preparing, conducting and reviewing a pedagogical communication training. Accessible style of presentation, exercises, advice and a variety of playing techniques create the most favorable conditions for the practical use of this book. A significant place in it is given to the technology of conducting training, the work of a trainer, the requirements for his personality, image and competence, the problems of "burnout" and professional mental hygiene. Practical tools for conducting training of pedagogical communication are presented: tests, game exercises, cases, simulation games, diagnostic methods of effectiveness. For students of higher educational institutions. It can be useful for teachers, coaches, psychologists, coach managers, teachers.

THEORY AND METHODS OF EDUCATION Gritsenko L. I. Theory and methods of education: personal- social approach: studies. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / L.I. Gritsenko. 2nd ed., ster. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The manual outlines the foundations of the personal and social concept of education, in which the ideas and traditions of national pedagogy, viewed through the prism of modern scientific theories, are priority; upbringing is interpreted as a holistic process that combines the socialization of the individual and the development of his individuality in a humane organized community (collective). Represented technological solutions implementation of the ideas and principles of this concept. For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. It can be useful for school teachers, university professors, researchers and anyone interested in education.

Sociology of the family Sociology of the family: Textbook / Ed. prof. A.I. Antonova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M: INFRA-M, p. - (Classic university textbook). 15ВМ Х The textbook presents theoretical approaches and basic scientific schools, the formation of the institutional sociology of the family and the familistic paradigm is disclosed, the basic concepts, functions and structures of the family are determined; on the basis of sociological research, changes in familistic processes and family behavior are described; research methods are characterized, as well as goals, ways and means of family policy. Recommended for students, graduate students and teachers of sociological, psychological and pedagogical faculties, specialists in social work.

SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION Garaja V.I. Sociology of Religion: Proc. manual for students and graduate students of humanitarian specialties. 3rd ed., revised. and additional M.: INFRA-M, p. - (Classical university textbook). 15YOU The book introduces the basic ideas and problems of the sociology of religion. Characterizing religion as a subject of sociological analysis and considering the methods of its research, the author traces the stages of development and the most important trends in the sociology of religion, based on the works of the classics of this branch of knowledge E. Durkheim, M. Weber, B. Malinovsky, T. Parsons and others. The book reflects the modern the level of knowledge of the key problems of the sociology of religion, understanding and defining the religious phenomenon, forms of organization of religion and its interaction with politics, economics and others social systems, studying the process of secularization. For students and teachers of higher educational institutions of the humanities profile.

SOCIOLOGY OF LAW Lapaeva VV Sociology of Law / VV Lapaeva. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M. : Norma, p. (Short training courses in legal sciences). ISBN The book covers general problems of the sociology of law, the history of the formation of the sociology of law as a legal discipline, the formation and development of a sociological approach to the study of law in Russia, state of the art and prospects for the development of domestic sociology of law. The publication was prepared on the basis of lectures delivered by the author at the Academic Law University at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences and at the Russian Academy of Justice. For students, graduate students and "teachers of law, sociology and other humanitarian universities and universities.

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Andrienko EV Social psychology: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / ed. V.A. Slastenina. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN Study Guide is a systematic course in social psychology, presented from the standpoint of a personal approach. The problems of social control, communication, leadership and leadership, intergroup and | intra-group relations, socialization and social development of a person. The pedagogical aspects of some traditional socio-psychological topics. For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions.

SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY Dobrenkoe 6.I., Kravchenko A.I. Social Anthropology: Textbook. M.: INFRA-M, p. (Classic university textbook). ISBN The book outlines basic knowledge social and cultural anthropology, taking into account world experience, as well as the university standard of education and the requirements of the state standard: the place of anthropology in the system of scientific knowledge, the subject, object and methods of research, theory and empirical data of anthropogenesis (human origin) and sociogenesis (evolution of prehistoric society); typology of early societies and historical stages of development traditional society(hunters and gatherers, tribal system, chiefdoms). The book is intended for students and teachers of humanitarian universities, as well as everyone who loves this most interesting modern science about man and society.

Fundamentals of andragogy Vasilkova T.A. Fundamentals of andragogy: study guide / T.A. Vasilkov. M. : KNORUS, p. ISBN From the standpoint of the achievements of theory and practice, the foundations of andragogy, the problems of education, upbringing and didactics of adults are revealed. Concrete innovative technologies(distance and modular education, education of the unemployed population, etc.). For students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions, as well as students of advanced training faculties, practitioners of the adult education system,

SOCIAL WORK WITH PERSONS AND GROUPS OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR Pavlenok P.D., Rudneva M.Ya. Social work with individuals and groups of deviant behavior: Proc. allowance / Resp. ed. P.D. Peacock. M.: INFRA-M, p. (Higher education). ISBN B study guide theoretical and methodological problems are considered social work with individuals and groups of deviant behavior. It is recommended to students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, practical social workers, as well as to everyone who is interested in this issue.

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Zhuravlev AL, Sosnin VA, Krasnikov MA Social psychology: textbook. M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, p. (Higher education). ISBN (FORUM) ISBN (INFRA-M) The manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Russian Federation for students of higher educational institutions. The first section provides basic information about the structure, history of social psychology and methods of its research. The second, third and fourth sections outline the main provisions of the main directions of social psychology of personality psychology, interaction and psychology social groups. The fifth, applied, section deals with the theoretical and applied aspects of the psychology of conflict, ethnic psychology, psychology of management and entrepreneurship. The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions of both psychological and non-psychological profiles, teachers of psychology and pedagogy departments, practicing psychologists and readers interested in theoretical and applied aspects of psychological science.

SOCIAL PEDAGOGY. PROTECTION OF THE FAMILY AND CHILDHOOD Lodkina TV Social pedagogy. Protection of family and childhood: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / T. V. Lodkina. 3rd ed., ster. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The training manual considers a holistic model of family social educator as an intermediary in the interaction of the individual, family, society; while revealing theoretical basis and a methodical solution to the problem is given, showing the technology of protecting the family and the child, diagnosing and correcting the pedagogical neglect of children and adolescents, consulting a family social teacher, etc. For students of higher educational institutions. It may be useful for graduate students, practitioners in the field of education and social protection authorities.

SOCIAL PEDAGOGY Mudrik AV Social pedagogy: textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / A. V. Mudrik. 6th ed., revised. and additional M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The textbook examines upbringing in the context of socialization: it shows the influence of various factors on the development of children, adolescents, youth; the state, regional, municipal and local systems of education are characterized; reveals the features and content of family, religious and correctional types of education; presented methodology social education in educational institutions. For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. Can be used by students of pedagogical colleges.

Social Pedagogy Mudrik AV Social Pedagogy: textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / A. V. Mudrik. 6th ed., revised. and additional M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The textbook examines upbringing in the context of socialization: it shows the influence of various factors on the development of children, adolescents, youth; the state, regional, municipal and local systems of education are characterized; reveals the features and content of family, religious and correctional types of education; the methodology of social education in educational institutions is presented. For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. Can be used by students of pedagogical colleges.

Social pedagogy: Self-realization of schoolchildren in a team Tikhomirova E. I. Social pedagogy: Self-realization of schoolchildren in a team: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / E.I. Tikhomirova. 2nd ed., ster. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The manual reveals the technology of pedagogical support for the self-realization of schoolchildren in a team. Methods for this work are proposed. Theoretical materials are accompanied by practical tests, tasks, game situations. For students of pedagogical universities. It may be useful to all those interested in improving the practice of educating the younger generation.

Professional and ethical foundations of social work Medvedeva GP Professional and ethical foundations of social work: a textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / G. P. Medvedev. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The textbook, in accordance with the course program, contains the material necessary for a social worker in his practical and scientific activity. Particular attention is paid to the formation in students of a holistic, systematic understanding of the ethical and axiological foundations of activity in social work. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Social work", teachers and social workers.

Pedagogy Borytko N.M. Pedagogy: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / N.M. Borytko, I.A. Solovtsova, A.M. Baibakov; ed. N.M. Borytko. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The textbook discusses the traditional issues of the course of pedagogy from the standpoint of the humanization of education, when the central problem of pedagogy is the formation of a person as a subject of activity, behavior, communication, a subject of culture, an active creator own life and active member of society. For university students. It can be useful for students of secondary vocational schools, students of the system of advanced training and retraining of educators, as well as teachers as a reference and methodological guide. It is of interest to the methodological services of institutions and educational authorities.

Fundamentals of sociology and political science Pavlenok P. D., Kukanova E. V. Fundamentals of sociology and political science: a study guide. M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, p. - (Professional education). ISBN (FORUM) ISBN (INFRA-M) The textbook examines sociology as a science of society, its place in the system of social sciences; society as an object of study of sociology and as a socio-cultural system; issues of social structure ( social communities in their diversity, social and ethno-social relations, personality and its social roles), as well as the subject of political science, political power and power relations, the political system, subjects of politics, political consciousness and culture. Designed for students majoring in social work.

Fundamentals of General Pedagogy: Theory and Methods of Education 3rd edition Selivanov B.C. Fundamentals of general pedagogy: Theory and methods of education: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / Ed. V.A. Slastenina. - 3rd ed., Rev. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The manual reveals the main pedagogical theories of training and education as a holistic process of forming the personality of students, the essence of activity, personal, systemic approaches in pedagogical science and practice. The means of education are characterized, which are considered different kinds activities of pupils - play, communication, work. The ideas and achievements of domestic teachers and psychologists are widely represented: K.D. Ushinsky, P.F. Kapterev, P.P. Blonsky and others. For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions.

Organization, management and administration in social work Organization, management and administration in social work: Proc. allowance / Resp. ed. P.V. Palekhov. M.: INFRA-M, p. (Higher education). I$BN The proposed study guide considers the main issues of organization, management and administration, taking into account modern features and the development of social work. The work offers theoretical aspects and applied models of the described problems. The textbook is intended for students, graduate students, undergraduates studying in the direction (specialty) "Social work".

General Sociology General Sociology: Proc. allowance / Under the total. ed. prof. A.G. Efendiev. - M.: INFRA-M, p. - (Higher education). ISBN The textbook provides a consistent description of the problematic field of modern sociological science, the basic branch of social science. Much attention is paid to understanding the initial elements of social reality, the principles and forms of social interactions, social institutions, communities and groups, social stratification, sociological analysis of culture, personality, organization, economy, politics. Key issues are considered through the prism of historical development. The fundamental nature of the analysis is combined with the accessibility of the presentation. For students, teachers and graduate students of sociological, social and humanitarian, law faculties, faculties of economics and management, as well as for all those interested in issues of sociology.

Methods sociological research Dobrenkov V.I., Kravchenko A.I. D 55 Methods of sociological research: Textbook. M.: INFRA-M, p. - (Higher education). ISBN The textbook discusses the methodology, methods and techniques of sociological research. Particular attention is paid to the types of sociological research, the theory and practice of sampling, the creation of a sociological research program, the form of data presentation and their analysis. The types and forms of work of sociologists, their place and role in the modern world are described. great attention is given to the formation of sociological questionnaires, the problems of their creation. An important place is given to survey methods. Of undoubted interest is the chapter devoted to the methods of political research. A large section is devoted to non-survey methods. Separately, the use of tests in applied sociology is considered. The book concludes with a chapter describing the most famous sociological research centers in the world. The book is addressed primarily to students and graduate students, as well as teachers of sociological faculties. It is of interest not only to research scientists, but also to everyone who is interested in sociological science.

Microsociology of the family Antonov AI Microsociology of the family. - M.: INFRA-M, p. - (Classical university textbook). The book outlines the main theoretical approaches and perspectives of the microsociology of the family, the methodological principles of the study of family structure and dynamics. Methods for collecting and analyzing data on family events, cycles, networks and lines of family behavior are critically examined. The author, based on his own long-term research, analyzes the methods and tests of family and marital compatibility, reveals the wide possibilities of technology semantic differential. Recommended for undergraduate and graduate students, teachers of sociological, demographic, economic and psychological faculties, anyone interested in constructing and interpreting sociological data.

Communicative activity of the teacher Kolesnikova I. A. Communicative activity of the teacher: textbook. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / I. A. Kolesnikova; ed. V. A. Slastenina. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN The manual is devoted to the interdisciplinary consideration of the problems of pedagogical communication as an independent type of professional activity. The content covers the entire range of modern communicative practice of a teacher from communication with preschoolers to intercultural communication, from individual forms of pedagogical communication to network information and communication forms of education. Opportunities and main directions are considered from a communicative position information links educational institutions with the public. Review takes a big place modern means pedagogical communication. For students of higher educational institutions, teachers of all types and types of educational institutions. It will be useful for educators-researchers, school psychologists, education managers, public relations specialists.

Study socio-economic and political processes Tavokin B.P. Study of socio-economic and political processes: Proc. allowance. M.: INFRA-M, p. (Higher education). ISBN The textbook outlines the theoretical, methodological, methodological and practical issues of the course program "Study of socio-economic and political processes." Chapters and sections in structure and content fully comply with the State Educational Standard of Higher vocational education majoring in State and Municipal Administration. Recommended for university students, as well as students various forms training, retraining and advanced training, studying the training course "Study of socio-economic and political processes".

Globalistics Prykin, Boris Vladimirovich. Global studies: a textbook for university students studying in the specialties of economics and management, "Political Science" and " International relationships» / B.V. Prykin. M.: UNITY-DANA, p. ISBN Agency CIP RSL The textbook reveals the subject, principles, tasks and methodology of global studies, which is one of essential sciences the modern globalizing world, reflecting all aspects of the life of human civilization - social, economic, political, environmental; the problems arising as a result of the discrepancy between two processes are outlined: the natural order of the general activity of nature and the artificial order of human activity. The author sets out the doctrine of self-preservation of civilization, which is very relevant today, when human society is faced with serious economic, political, religious crises, as well as natural and man-made disasters. For students and teachers of higher educational institutions, as well as all those who are interested in the problems of human development in the context of the globalization of the modern world.

Lectures on pedagogical psychology Davydov VV D138 Lectures on pedagogical psychology: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / V. V. Davydov. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. I8ВN This book by the outstanding Russian psychologist, the creator of the theory and practice of developmental education in Russia, V.V. Davydov (), outlines the features and patterns of the mental development of a younger student, placed in radically different learning conditions from the traditional system. These conditions are the system of developmental education created by V.V. Davydov and his students. For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. It may be useful for graduate students of pedagogical universities, teachers, researchers in the field of philosophical and psychological sciences.

ETHNIC PSYCHOLOGY Krysko VG Ethnic psychology: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. 4th ed., stereotype. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. ISBN Ethnopsychology studies the peculiarities of the manifestation and functioning of the psyche of representatives of various ethnic communities and is currently one of the youngest, most complex and promising sciences. The textbook reveals the history of the development of ethnopsychology in Russia and abroad, the basic concepts and categories of this science, the principles and methods of ethnopsychological research. Much attention is paid to the psychological characteristics of various ethnic communities, their comparative characteristic, the psychology of family relations in various ethnic groups, as well as the specifics of interethnic conflicts and methods of educational work in multinational teams. For university students. It can be useful for teachers, practical psychologists, political scientists, as well as parents and everyone interested in the problems of interethnic communication.

Demographics Medkov V.M. Demography: Textbook. 2nd ed. M.: INFRA-M, p. -(Higher education). ISBN The textbook reflects the main sections of the demography course: the subject of this science and its place among other disciplines, the relationship with sociological science, sources of data on the population, indicators of the dynamics and structure of the population, marriage, fertility and reproductive behavior, mortality and self-preservation behavior, reproduction of the population in in general, modeling of demographic processes, demographic forecasting, problems of demographic policy. Much attention in the textbook is paid to theoretical interpretations of population trends and their causes, analysis of the main research paradigms of modern demography. The publication is intended for students and teachers of sociological faculties, faculties and universities of social work, economists, psychologists, demographers, social workers, specialists in other social sciences, as well as all those interested in the problems of demography.

Geopolitics Nartov, N.A. Geopolitics: a textbook for university students studying in the specialties "State and municipal management", "International relations", "Regional studies" / NA Nartov, V.N. Narts; ed. IN AND. Staroverov. 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA: Unity, p. - (Series "Golden Fund of Russian textbooks"). I. Nartov, Vladimir Nikolaevich. The fourth edition of the textbook complies with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education. Geopolitics is a synthetic science that teaches to think systematically, “think by continents”, embrace the world as a whole, look decades ahead, deeply analyze the whole range of events taking place in our dynamically changing world. Particular attention in the textbook is paid to the problems of globalization, causal relationships, processes taking place in the hot spots of the planet: Iraq, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Serbia, Kosovo, as well as confrontations in the Caucasus, in Transnistria, around the Caspian a large pantry of oil and gas ( Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan). Readers are presented with new historical facts of the formation and development of the largest states of the 21st century. USA, China, Japan. The geopolitical picture of Russia's relations with many countries of the world is analyzed. More attention is paid to the Asia-Pacific region, the largest and dynamically developing politically and economically. For university students and teachers, political scientists, sociologists, as well as for a wide range of readers.

Proc. allowance. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 336 p. — ISBN 5-7695-2658-0.
Resolution 300 dpi, text layer, color cover. The manual is a complete guide to preparing, conducting and analyzing the training of pedagogical communication. Accessible style of presentation, exercises, advice and a variety of playing techniques create the most favorable conditions for the practical use of this book. A significant place in it is given to the technology of conducting training, the work of a trainer, the requirements for his personality, image and competence, the problems of "burnout" and professional mental hygiene. Practical tools for conducting training of pedagogical communication are presented: tests, game exercises, cases, simulation games, diagnostic methods of effectiveness.
For university students. It can be useful for teachers, trainers, psychologists, coach managers, teachers. Contents: Preface.
Communication as a process of establishing and developing contacts between people.
The role of communication in business interaction.
Types and types of communication.
Communication functions.
Models of pedagogical communication.
Styles of pedagogical communication.
Pedagogical communication as a pragmatic necessity.
Communication as an act of communication.
Verbal and non-verbal means of communication.
Barriers to effective communication.
Feedback to understand information.
Questions and answers in interpersonal communication.
Non-verbal means of interpersonal interaction.
The main channels of non-verbal communication.
Types of interlocutors and interpersonal interaction.
Individual psychological characteristics of interlocutors.
Models of people's learning styles.
Social competence in pedagogical communication.
Socio-psychological training as a method of active learning and a form of increasing the communicative competence of the individual.
Trainings pedagogical communication.
Types of trainings.
Methodology and training programs for pedagogical communication.
Forms and methods of teaching pedagogical communication.
Formation of the training program of pedagogical communication.
Effective types feedback at the training.
Participants of training groups as subjects of active communication.
Models of human behavior.
Difficulties in interpersonal communication.
Types of behavior: suppression, manipulation, business partnership.
behavioral analysis.
Observation during training - gathering information for behavioral analysis.
Skills and skills of effective pedagogical communication.
Leading as a leader, trainer and participant in communication.
Tasks of the trainer and the content of his work.
Image and first impression of the coach.
Professional requirements for a coach.
Knowledge and skills of an effective coach.
Burnout, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of the coach and control of the situation.
The specificity and nature of the training of pedagogical communication.
Evaluation of the training and education program.

Training of pedagogical communication. Panfilova A.P.

M.: 2006. - 336 p.

The manual is a complete guide to the preparation, conduct and analysis of the training of pedagogical communication. Accessible style of presentation, exercises, advice and a variety of playing techniques create the most favorable conditions for the practical use of this book. A significant place in it is given to the technology of conducting training, the work of a trainer, the requirements for his personality, image and competence, the problems of "burnout" and professional mental hygiene. Practical tools for conducting training of pedagogical communication are presented: tests, game exercises, cases, simulation games, diagnostic methods of effectiveness. For university students. It can be useful for teachers, coaches, psychologists, coach managers, teachers.

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Preface 3
Chapter 1. Communication as a process of establishing and developing contacts between people 8
1.1. The role of communication in business interaction 8
1.2. Types and types of communication 10
1.3. Communication functions 11
1.4. Models of pedagogical communication 42
1.5. Styles of pedagogical communication 50
1.6. Pedagogical communication as a pragmatic necessity 56
Chapter 2. Communication as an act of communication 65
2.1. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication 65
2.2. Barriers to Effective Communication 86
2.3. Feedback for understanding information 102
2.4. Questions and answers in interpersonal communication 107
2.5. Non-verbal means of interpersonal interaction 115
2.6. The main channels of non-verbal communication 118
Chapter 3. Types of interlocutors and interpersonal interaction 146
3.1. Individual psychological characteristics of interlocutors 146
3.2. Models of People's Learning Styles 164
3.3. Social competence in pedagogical communication 166
Chapter 4. Social and psychological training as a method of active learning and a form of increasing the communicative competence of the individual
4.1. Training and pedagogical communication 185
4.2. Types of trainings 188
4.3. Methodology and training programs for pedagogical communication 204
4.4. Forms and methods of teaching pedagogical communication 209
4.5. Formation of a training program for pedagogical communication 235
4.6. Effective types of feedback in training 236
Chapter 5. Participants of training groups as subjects of active communication 256
5.1. Models of human behavior 256
5.2. Difficulties in interpersonal communication 269
5.3. Behaviors: Suppression, manipulation, business partnership 273
5.4. Behavioral analysis 278
5.5. Observation during training - collecting information for behavioral analysis 281
5.6. Skills and abilities of effective pedagogical communication 286
Chapter 6
6.1. The tasks of the trainer and the content of his work 295
6.2. Image and first impression of the coach 303
6.3. Professional requirements for a trainer 307
6.4. Knowledge and skills of an effective coach 310
6.5. Burnout, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of the coach and control of the situation 311
6.6. The specifics and nature of the training of pedagogical communication 315
6.7. Evaluation of the training and education program 319


A. P. Panfilova







A. P. Panfilova





Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association in the specialties of pedagogical education as a teaching aid for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty 031000 ( 050706) - Pedagogy and psychology



Publishing Center "Academy" 2006

Edited and published on the website

UDC 373.2(075.8) BBK 74.100ya73 P167

Reviewers: doctor of psychological sciences, professor G. S. Sukhobskaya ; doctor of psychological sciences, professor I. P. Volkov

Panfilova A.P.

P167 Training of pedagogical communication: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 336 p.


The manual is a complete guide to the preparation, conduct and analysis of the training of pedagogical communication. Accessible style of presentation, exercises, advice and a variety of playing techniques create the most favorable conditions for the practical use of this book. A significant place in it is given to the technology of conducting training, the work of a trainer, the requirements for his personality, image and competence, the problems of "burnout" and professional mental hygiene. Practical tools for conducting training of pedagogical communication are presented: tests, game exercises, cases, simulation games, diagnostic methods of effectiveness.

For university students. It can be useful for teachers, coaches, psychologists, coach managers, teachers.

UDC 373.2(075.8) BBK 74.100ya73

The original layout of this publication is the property of the Publishing Center_ "Academy", and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.

© Panfilova A.P., 2006

© Educational and publishing center "Academy", 2006 ISBN 5-7695-2658-0 © Design. Publishing Center "Academy", 2006


To understand something, you have to do it.


AT modern society competence in the field of communication has become one of the main components of high professional level. This applies to almost all professions in the system of human relations - doctors, managers, marketers, journalists, psychologists, public relations specialists, service workers, etc. For the teaching profession, communicative competence is the leading one. professional characteristic on which personal success, competitiveness and personal satisfaction depend.

What is it connected with? First of all, with the specifics of pedagogical work, where communication, its means, models, styles, forms and methods constitute the profiling basis on which the entire pedagogical methodology is based. Pedagogical education is basic, it involves not only the expansion of one or another competence - the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, in ways professional activity, development logical thinking but also immersion in culture, the development of a system of values ​​and meanings, the development of feelings, relationships and the ability to manage them.

Modern young people most of which have access to the Internet, are very widely informed, they require a respectful attitude, partnership contacts built on productive pragmatic interaction. In this regard, the teacher, as soon as only a translator of information, ceases to be in demand. In the system of educational services, he has many new missions: he is an instructor, a spiritual mentor, an envoy of culture, an interlocutor, an educator, and a presenter. In order to meet all these roles, he himself needs to constantly learn, develop, mastering new competencies, among which the leading one is communicative.

A modern teacher must also be psychologically and socially literate. Developed empathy, the ability to reflect


these, the ability to work continuously and productively in conditions emotional tension, artistry and creativity, external expression and internal culture - this is an incomplete list of requirements for the profession of a teacher who is able to manage himself and maintain a creative and businesslike atmosphere in the audience that allows participants in professional communication to express themselves, liberate themselves, maximize their natural potential, working in a collaborative environment.

Meanwhile, an analysis of the curricula of pedagogical universities shows that when teaching teachers the problems of communication are given a minimum of attention, interactive technologies are still not used enough. The new time requires new approaches not only to the development of curricula, but also to the introduction of intensive forms of teaching teachers to communicate, to the revision of the content of programs.

Today, as studies show, the following trends are observed in the practice of business interaction, which is undergoing serious changes.

First, in business environment the role of interpersonal communication is enhanced. For example, researchers of the activities of effective general managers found that the work of a modern leader is mainly communication (by 70-90%), and communication, which in modern business communications is called "walking management". We are talking about the technology of "small talk", a series of questions and answers, 10-minute business discussions, jokes and attempts at influence. Today, not only the managers of the organization, but also specialists of various profiles, bypassing the formal chain of command and specially organized business meetings, solve the tasks they have undertaken and build a system business connections meeting with colleagues in the corridors, on the sidelines, during lunch, etc. Asking questions to colleagues, colleagues and subordinates, they carry out individual marketing, interpersonal interaction; with those who answer their questions and give them information, they treat correctly, respectfully.

Secondly, in connection with the development of virtual forms of interaction, direct communication between colleagues is becoming increasingly minimized. We are talking about such phenomena as “virtual negotiations”, “virtual organization”, “virtual transaction”, “virtual jobs”, “telework” (telework), “telecommuting” (telecommuting), “cyber interaction”, as well as E-business, or e-business(performed via the Internet), etc. Here, the emphasis is on the exchange of information, on electronic communications, and not on the direct interaction of business partners. It is also known that the Internet has supplanted not only direct face-to-face communication, but also traditional writing.


new speech - "paper correspondence". At the same time, as the training specialist E. V. Sidorenko notes, users Email in business communication pleasantly differ from those respondents who do not use such mail, primarily in that they are able to formulate and express their thoughts more accurately and concisely, avoiding misreading and misunderstanding.

Thirdly, the role of communication with clients and consumers of various services, including educational ones, is increasing. Scientists believe that the era of the “attention economy” is coming, that in the future business interaction will increasingly become collaborative activities to create services and intellectual products. The problem is that there is an infinite amount of information, and the need for it is limited by the hours of wakefulness of specialists and the amount of their attention. Therefore, companies selling certain services need to work hard to get their ads noticed, or look for other ways to communicate with the client. Modern life business people turns into an endless exchange of service offers and the services themselves, i.e. into the world of mutually performed services. According to experts, in countries with developed market economy already now, 75-82% of working time is spent on marketing, advertising and services, and only 18-25% - on the production of goods.

Many modern Teachers sometimes find it wild to think that what they provide to learners educational services, i.e. actually belong to the service sector. The student in this situation becomes a client, and the client, as you know, requires special respect. Meanwhile, this is exactly the case. Moreover, the educational process is an excellent example of how a service is actually produced by the joint efforts of a teacher and a student. To improve its quality, mutual competence and motivation, appropriate effective communication from both sides are necessary.

It is no coincidence that there was a need for training of pedagogical communication. Appropriate training programs should teach the teacher to effectively interact with students, colleagues, parents, business partners, and members of the public, communicate information constructively and achieve the realization of pedagogical goals and student satisfaction, i.e. the problem of the formation of the communicative competence of the teacher is actualized. This result can be achieved with the help of training technology.

Training of pedagogical communication, taking into account all these trends, should include both social-role and intimate-personal communication. At the same time, it should be aimed at developing interpersonal relationships in a business environment, to master the technologies of small talk, speaking and listening, questions and


answers, establishing feedback during the interview. According to experts (F. Burnard, T. A. Soltitskaya, E. V. Sidorenko, N. Rysev and others), the training of communication, communicative competence is precisely aimed at teaching participants to be simultaneously involved in several cases and several threads of discussion , with quick reactions, adaptation and the ability to switch. Such training teaches the conduct of any conversation, public communication, develops the ability to establish and maintain interpersonal relationships. In addition, communication training should contain techniques of personal influence and counter-influence, enrich participants with technologies to counter verbal aggression, the ability to adapt to a partner using non-verbal communication. In the future, such trainings will also include the mastery of virtual communication, the skills of written and symbolic formulation of messages, communication by e-mail.

This tutorial shows what teachers need to know about effective communication and how to learn it. It is dedicated to the training of pedagogical communication - the most suitable for educational process interactive simulation technology that does not require a long time to master and apply and is in demand teaching practice. The advantage of training training over traditional (lectures, seminars) lies in the simulation of real situations of pedagogical communication, which makes it possible to discuss with him right in the classroom (here and now). participants effective methods and techniques of interaction, verbal repertoire, offer various exercises and role-playing games to consolidate constructive skills, master the scenarios of partnership communication.

In the textbook, the psychological theory on communication problems is combined with the theory and practice of socio-psychological training in order to enrich the trainers with psychological and communicative competence, and the teachers with interpersonal interaction skills, the ability to establish collaborative relationships with a wide variety of business partners and, first of all, with those who is the subjects and objects of interaction, consumers of educational services.

The author, like many experts, interprets the term "training" in a broad sense as an intensive, interactive form of teaching pedagogical communication (taking into account the definition of this term in the theory of game management as a kind of teaching any discipline and its definition in social psychology as a special kind of active socio-psychological - physical training aimed at obtaining practical skills and abilities necessary in everyday work).

In addition, the author describes the training of pedagogical communication in an interdisciplinary paradigm, taking into account both the socio-psychological approach to training and modern approaches to communication problems presented in social psychology, pedagogy, management psychology, focusing on the integrity of the description of the problem and the practical usefulness of the textbook for trainers, teachers and students.

As you know, the success of any training is determined by the following factors:

  • effective organization of the educational process; - methods, forms and content adequate to pedagogical goals curriculum;
-personality teacher or trainer, his competence. This manual consistently reveals the content of the training of pedagogical communication, the very forms and methods of training, focused on results, on changes in the behavior of participants and the requirements for a trainer who actively interactive learning. It is desirable that training training be conducted by special trainers who have undergone professional (game-technical) training or received additional psychological education, and, therefore, have interactive competence that allows them to understand mental processes and socio-psychological characteristics of group dynamics, manage others and correct their communication skills.

The manual consists of six chapters. Each chapter contains the main conclusions, questions to consolidate the material, literature, as well as a master class that includes tests, exercises, cases, trainings, game tasks designed to develop communicative competence.

Due to the fact that the training of pedagogical communication does not have a clear job orientation, it can be useful both for administrators of educational institutions and for specialists working in the system of subject-subject relations. The manual will be useful not only for teachers and students of pedagogical universities, but also for those who study the problems of communication, develop the concept of pedagogical communication training for the training and development of participants, and wish to master communicative competence.

Communication cannot be learned only by reading certain manuals, memorizing their content. To develop specific skills and abilities, it is necessary to practically participate in communication situations (real and simulated), analyze what is happening, observe different behaviors, reflect on them and learn from them. All this gives the training of pedagogical communication.

I wish successful interaction to the readers of this book!



In communication all our days pass, but skillfully communicating is the lot of a few, but not only those who have a talent for this Art, but those who know these wise laws and apply them with benefit.

M. Lomonosov

  1. The role of communication in business interaction
Business communication occupies an important place in the life of the organization, the teaching staff and has a serious impact on the behavior of individuals and groups. Communication is a complex multifaceted process studied by various sciences: psychology, social psychology, philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, linguistics, etc. The word "communication" comes from lat. communis , meaning society, community, general. In order to exchange information with someone, you must first make contact with him, communicate, and then try to reach a common understanding.

In the psychological and communicative literature, there is practically no clear separation of concepts denoting communication, which leads to some confusion, and there is also no clear separation between the concepts of "communication" and "activity". There are the following points of view:

  • communication is a type of activity, and speech activity is meant;

  • communication is a part (element, aspect) of any activity, it is included in any of its forms, while the activity itself acts as a condition for communication;

  • activity and communication are two different and independent aspects of a person's social being, his way of life.
In the psychological dictionary, communication is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people, due to the need for joint activities and includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction,

perception and understanding of another person. It is psychic contact that characterizes communication as a two-way activity, involving not only interconnection and interaction for solving different tasks, but also mutual exchange of emotions empathy, compassion and compassion.

A. Zverintsev in the book "Communicative Management" retells the legend of one of the African tribes that God, when creating the inhabitants of the continent, first created a drummer and only then a hunter and a blacksmith. The question arises: why? It turns out because the wise African God understood: you are a tribe alive This is not so much thanks to a well-aimed hunter or a clever blacksmith, but thanks to a skilled drummer who, in a moment of danger, will instantly gather fellow tribesmen fussing in huts or wandering through the surrounding thickets. The drum plays such a significant role in the life of African tribes that each of the newborns is given two names: one is the usual, speech, and the second is specially for the drum, the “drum” name. The language of the drum is understood by almost every African born in the village, moreover, the village and the village are talking through the sounds of the drum, heard at a distance of several kilometers, and the subject of communication is very diverse: they declare war, give information about the state of health, about weddings, meetings of elders. By the way, in Russia the role of the "collective organizer" was performed, as you know, by the veche bell.

In this book, we consider