Professional ethics of the librarian. Requirements for the profession and personality of a librarian

"Ethics and psychology of modern library service, relationship between librarian and reader" "Ethics and psychology of modern library service, relationship between librarian and reader" Ivanova L.P. Ivanova L.P. NB Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy NB Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

The code of professional ethics of the Russian librarian was adopted at the Conference of the Russian Library Association (4th Annual Session) on April 22, 1999 Librarian: considers free access to information as inalienable right personality; considers free access to information as an inalienable right of the individual; opposes the restriction of access to library materials and does not allow unauthorized seizure and unreasonable refusal (censorship) of the requested documents; opposes the restriction of access to library materials and does not allow unauthorized seizure and unreasonable refusal (censorship) of the requested documents; builds its relationship with users on the basis of respect for the individual and his information needs; builds its relationship with users on the basis of respect for the individual and his information needs; protects the confidentiality of data on the information activity of the user (except as provided by law); protects the confidentiality of data on the information activity of the user (except as provided by law); recognizes copyright in intellectual property; recognizes copyright in intellectual property; takes care of the high social status of his profession, seeks to show the social role of the library, to strengthen its reputation. takes care of the high social status of his profession, seeks to show the social role of the library, to strengthen its reputation.

7. Bad luck in the lottery. How do you react to this? A) I will try to appear indifferent, but I will promise myself never to participate in it; B) I will not hide my annoyance, but I will treat what happened with humor, promising to take revenge; C) losing will ruin your mood for a long time.

Each "A" - 4 points; "B" - 2 points; "B" - 0 points. From 20 to 28 points - you are tactful and peaceful, avoid conflicts and disputes, avoid critical situations at work and at home. Maybe that's why sometimes you are called an opportunist. From 10 to 18 points - you are known as a conflict person. But in fact, you are in conflict only when there is no other way out and all means have been exhausted. At the same time, do not go beyond the correctness, firmly defend your opinion. All this earns respect for you. Up to 8 points - conflicts and disputes - this is your element. Love to criticize others, but do not take criticism in your address. Your rudeness and intemperance repel people. It is difficult for you both at work and at home. Try to overcome your character.

USA Code of Professional Ethics We are committed to providing the highest level of service to all users through properly organized collections, an equitable service policy, equitable access, and accurate, thorough, and gracious responses to all questions. We must provide the highest level of service to all users through properly organized collections, equal service policies, equal access, and accurate, thorough, and gracious responses to all questions. We uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and oppose any attempt to censor library materials. We uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and oppose any attempt to censor library materials. We respect every user's right to privacy with regard to the information requested and received, as well as the materials studied, taken or acquired. We respect every user's right to privacy with regard to the information requested and received, as well as the materials studied, taken or acquired.

We treat employees and colleagues with due respect, honesty and trust and protect the conditions of equality of rights and opportunities for all employees of our organizations. We treat employees and colleagues with due respect, honesty and trust and protect the conditions of equality of rights and opportunities for all employees of our organizations. We do not extend personal interests to users, colleagues or employees of institutions. We do not extend personal interests to users, colleagues or employees of institutions. We strive for a high professional level, for this we exchange knowledge and experience, encouraging the professional development of employees and attract potential members of our profession We strive for a high professional level, for this we exchange knowledge and experience, encouraging the professional development of employees and attract potential members of our profession

United Kingdom Code of Professional Ethics Members of the Library Association must comply with the terms of the Association's Charter and Articles of Association and the provisions of this Code. Members of the Library Association must comply with the terms of the Association's Charter and Bylaws, and the provisions of this Code. Members must not be seen engaging in conduct that could seriously damage the reputation of the library profession or the Library Association. Members must not be seen engaging in conduct that could seriously damage the reputation of the library profession or the Library Association. Members must be competent in their professional activities Members must be competent in their professional activities Members of the Association must report to the Secretariat of the Library Association about facts that, in their opinion, may damage the reputation of the library profession Members of the Association must report to the Secretariat of the Library Association about facts, which, in their opinion, may damage the reputation of the library profession Members shall not permit the distribution or transmission of any material, information or administrative documents (whether in traditional or electronic form) that have been entrusted to them in confidence Members shall not permit the distribution or transmit any materials, information or administrative documents (in traditional or electronic form) that they have been entrusted with in confidence

Ukraine The Code of Professional Ethics provides library and information services in the context of the development of a democratic independent Ukraine; provides library and information services in the conditions of the development of a democratic independent Ukraine; ensures the preservation and enrichment of the spiritual values ​​of the people of Ukraine, contributes to the development of national cultures. ensures the preservation and enrichment of the spiritual values ​​of the people of Ukraine, contributes to the development of national cultures.

federal state educational institution higher professional education





on the topic: "Professional ethics of a librarian: modern requirements"



The purpose of this work is to study the professional ethics of a librarian and consider the main modern requirements.

In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

study and analysis of literature on the topic of the course work;

consideration of the library profession and current professional requirements;

analysis of ethical problems of modern user service.

The object of the study is library personnel, the subject of the study is the characteristics of the profession and the requirements for a librarian.

The relevance of research in the field of library ethics is due to the fact that in modern conditions the global tasks of the development of society have a single point of reference - the importance of a person, respect for his rights, the priorities of moral relations between people. The radical transformations taking place in our society are essentially aimed at establishing this dimension of a person and make us pay special attention to the system of universal human values, ideals and moral principles. Ethical issues today inevitably arise in all spheres of public life: politics, culture, economics, education. Until the paramount importance of culture and education and the ethical norms of behavior and activity produced by them is not recognized, society cannot become either civilized or democratic. The spiritual recovery of people is greatly facilitated by the library, the work of which is based on moral principles, on the moral principles that have been formed in the profession of a librarian.

1. Basic concepts of ethics

The concept of "ethics" comes from the ancient Greek ethos (ethos). At first, ethos was understood as a place of joint residence, a house, a dwelling, an animal lair, a bird's nest. Then they began to mainly designate the stable nature of some phenomenon, temper, custom, character.

Understanding the word "ethos" as the character of a person, Aristotle introduced the adjective "ethical" in order to designate a special class of human qualities, which he called ethical virtues. Ethical virtues, therefore, are the properties of the human character, his temperament, spiritual qualities.

For a more accurate translation of the Aristotelian term "ethical" from Greek into Latin, Cicero introduced the term "moralis" (moral). He formed it from the word "mos" (mores - plural), which was used to denote character, temperament, fashion, cut of clothes, custom.

Words that mean the same thing that is understood by the terms "ethics" and "morality". In Russian, such a word has become, in particular, "morality", in German- Sittlichkeit. These terms repeat the history of the emergence of the concepts of "ethics" and "morality" from the word "morality".

Thus, in its original meaning, "ethics", "morality", "morality" are three different words, although they were one term.

Over time, the situation has changed. In the process of development of philosophy, as the identity of ethics as a field of knowledge is revealed, these words begin to be assigned different meanings.

So, ethics primarily means the corresponding field of knowledge, science, and morality (or morality) - the subject studied by it.

Professional ethics - a system of moral principles, norms and rules of conduct for specialists in various fields, taking into account the characteristics of their professional activities and the specific situation. Professional ethics concretizes the general moral requirements in relation to the originality of the corresponding profession and deals mainly with the norms and rules of conduct.

Library ethics - a set of ethical relationships that arise in the process of implementation library activities, and their reflection in library theory.

Information and library ethics - a set of ethical relationships that arise in the process of carrying out the activities of libraries to ensure the availability of information.

The Code of Library Ethics is a set of ethical norms and postulates expressed in a systematic documentary form and adopted by the library community in order to regulate ethical relationships that arise in the process of library activities.

The librarian profession and the initial ethical ideas about it arose at the same time as the foundation of the first libraries. Already in the monastic libraries there were ethical prescriptions for "book loaners", which initially had a "protective character" in relation to books. It took several centuries for the norms of ethical behavior to form into the first codes of professional ethics.

Today, from IFLA's point of view, the code of ethics is, along with the charter and development policy, a necessary document for the activities of professional library organizations. Currently, there are more than 180 public professional and 380 specialized national library associations.

At present, due to the expanding information and communication networks, incl. Internet, one can even talk about a certain oversaturation of the individual with information. The professional responsibility of information intermediaries, among which, first of all, librarians, is also growing. Librarians came to think about ethical responsibility in the last quarter of the 20th century, faced with some of the inevitable problems associated with the informatization of society. There are such international documents as "Resolution on the role of libraries in modern society" (European Parliament, 1998), which proclaims "free access to information for all citizens"; "Statement on Libraries and Intellectual Freedom" (IFLA, 1999), where IFLA "calls on libraries and their staff to adhere to the principles of intellectual freedom, unrestricted access to information and freedom of expression, and to respect the privacy of library users" .

Thus, on the one hand, according to these documents, libraries are obliged to adhere to the principle of intellectual freedom as institutions designed to protect it, since they were created for the purpose of storing and disseminating information. However, on the other hand, the main object of library activity is a person, and the librarian bears a moral responsibility to his reader.

At the present stage, the focus is on key issues regulated by the principles of information ethics, such as the problems of censorship, accessibility of information and confidentiality of the consumer of information.

The most significant contribution to the development of problems in the field of library ethics was made by specialists G. A. Altukhova, I. G. Morgenstern, M. Ya. Dvorkina, Yu. P. Melent'eva, V. R. Firsov and others. In this work, I used articles by I. A. Trushina, B. N. Bachaldin, V. N. Solovyov, Yu. N. Stolyarov. From modern publications, the work of I. A. Trushina “Ethics of a librarian: the moral law is within us. Experience of different countries".

The group of developers of the "Code" included: Yu.P. Melentieva, G.A. Altukhova, M.Ya. Dvorkina, O.V. Shlykova (MGUK), E.M. Mushroom ( public library No. 39, Moscow), G.P. Diyanskaya (Russian state library for the blind), O.L. Zucchini (RGDB), L.M. Stepachev (VGBIL) .

As Yu.P. Melentiev, while working on the creation of the code, the experience of France, Germany, Great Britain and the USA was studied. As for the American library experience, it should be noted that, in general, the development of librarianship in Russia during the 1990s. he had a significant impact, incl. to the developed code

In order to identify the features in the content and in the process of forming the Russian code and in order to see it in the context of the codes of library ethics of various countries, the author analyzes the provisions of the code according to 4 sets of ethical relationships that a librarian enters into in his work:

"librarian - society";

"librarian - user";

"librarian - colleagues";

"librarian - myself".

The relationship "librarian - society"

The Russian Code declares the following obligations to society:


provides high quality and the comfort of services, their availability and diversity to everyone through the use of the capabilities of their institution, as well as the involvement of other library resources;

considers free access to information as an inalienable right of the individual;

opposes the restriction of access to library materials and does not allow unauthorized seizure and unreasonable refusal (censorship) of the requested documents;

Three of these four provisions are devoted to the principle of accessibility of information. Thus, in accordance with the code, the Russian librarian sees the main meaning of his activity in providing information. At the same time, "information-centricity" seems to be not just the dominant content, but the only area of ​​activity for libraries. A certain absolutization of the information function of libraries is typical today for most countries of the world. At the same time, the richest traditions of the educational activities of Russian libraries are one of the characteristic features of Russian development.

Relationship "librarian - user"

In relation to the user Russian code There are three positions devoted to library ethics:

is not responsible for the consequences of using information or a document obtained from the library;

builds its relationship with users on the basis of respect for the individual and his information needs;

protects the confidentiality of data on the information activity of the user (except as provided by law).

From the cited paragraphs, the principles of attitude towards the reader, characteristic of all codes, follow: respect, confidentiality.

2. Ethical problems of servicing the modern user

.1 The problem of access to information

The main problems of modern library and information ethics of user service are the issues of accessibility of information, compliance with the principle of confidentiality of information activities, censorship.

The principles of freedom of access to information, freedom of speech and expression proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 19) seemed to be universal. However, with the development of the Internet, the problems of censorship have become relevant again. Unlimited access to Internet resources turned out to be just an illusion. Obviously, there is censorship there too, and more and more often information comes to the user in an incomplete form, after passing through filtering and blocking systems. It is also obvious that not all web resources can be accepted by certain segments of society, some of which take an active position in imposing their assessment on others. What are the prerequisites for the emergence of the phenomenon of censorship on the Web? The emergence of various systems for filtering and blocking information is caused by such public concerns as: a threat to national security and the security of large corporations in connection with the actions of hackers; distribution of obscene information; intellectual property infringement; the use of the Internet by extremist political groups to publicly disseminate their ideology; availability or dissemination of information about drugs, weapons, etc.; widespread worldwide fear of terrorist attacks.

To solve the problems associated with the controversial and questionable content of information on the Internet, in addition to regulatory regulation, today information filtering systems (or recommendation systems) and the assignment of an evaluation category to information resources are used. However, this is only part of the current trend of assigning metadata to all Internet material, ie. data representing a brief description and assessment of the material. They are accessible and facilitate the filtration of materials. Today, there are also such types of filtering as filtering for the purpose of recommendations - to help the user in selecting information, as well as filtering for the purpose of blocking it.

The use of blocking programs at the level of providers information services is usually based on the principle of excluding certain words, websites and graphic images of a certain informational meaning. Due to the straightforwardness of the information selection methods used in such programs, quite valuable materials are often blocked.

The assignment of evaluation categories to Internet materials is carried out by services that specialize in comparing ratings and grading an information resource, or by the authors themselves or distributors of the site. For example, the RSACi system developed by the Computer Entertainment Advisory Council (RSAC) rates content on a scale of 0 to 4 for violence, nudity, sex, and language. The Council of Europe, expressing its position in the Guidelines for a European Cultural Policy, allows the use of metadata about information containing the assignment of the last defined category or its assessment in places of public access to the Internet to facilitate the user's choice. This recommendation is directly related to libraries.

If, before the use of electronic communications, censorship was open, at least in democratic states, then the technical capabilities of the Internet made it possible to introduce anonymity of censorship - the user often does not know who filters or blocks information. The Internet allows for total surveillance, and in this sense it is increasingly regarded as an attribute of a totalitarian society. It is in connection with the presence of web resources of a "doubtful" nature from the point of view of the public that a librarian with an Internet connection has a certain responsibility for providing access to it their readers. And it should be based on professional principles, which are fixed in the ethical codes of many countries of the world.

Thus, professional organizations of librarians in Australia, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Canada, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, USA, Ukraine, Philippines, Croatia, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Japan recognize as the main the librarian's responsibility is to provide users with access to information and documents without restrictions, unless the latter have been previously established by law.

However, this raises an ethical dilemma in practice. On the one hand, librarians are obliged to adhere to the principle of intellectual freedom, as representatives of an institution called upon to protect it. On the other hand, libraries are humanistic institutions, the main object of activity of which is a person, a reader, to whom librarians have a moral responsibility, and the value of human life is of primary importance to them. However, what should they do if they request information from the library's Internet room, for example, about methods of killing, obtaining explosives, etc.

In the document of the Council of Europe "Guiding principles for a European cultural policy" in paragraph 5.2. It states: “Personnel should not conduct ongoing general monitoring of user activity with the express intent to monitor the use of illegal or obscene information. However, if such use is brought to their attention, staff must demand that the user stop working with information of an illegal nature and advise the user to refrain from openly working with information of an obscene nature.

So, as practice shows, various approaches are possible to the problem of accessibility of Internet resources. However, common sense dictates that censorship cannot be avoided here. But the issues of access to information on the Internet today are resolved in Russian libraries ah spontaneously often at the technical level. Decisions about filtering Internet information or, conversely, about free access are made by employees of automation departments, heads of Internet rooms, system administrators of the library server. The experience of foreign libraries shows that the regulation of freedom of access is carried out by them on the basis of laws (for example, filters are installed in the US libraries according to the CIPA law), the charter of the Board of Trustees, internal regulatory documents, moral norms of ethical codes.

2.2 The problem of confidentiality of information activities

Another problem that a specialist in our field faces, having complete information about user requests at his disposal, is the issue of its confidentiality.

In solving the problem of confidentiality of information, librarians could rely on the Russian law on librarianship, according to which it is not allowed "to use information about library users, reader requests, except when this information is used for scientific purposes and the organization of library services." However, since it does not unambiguously follow from this provision that from this point of view it is possible and necessary to consider the work on the Internet of a library user or its employee, At the moment, the confidentiality of information in our institutions is not respected. Moreover, this kind of information can be used in someone's subjective interests.

The development of the issue of confidentiality of personal information was greatly influenced by the adoption in a number of countries of anti-terrorism legislation after the events of September 11, 2001.

On October 2001, the USA PATRIOT Act, approved by the US Congress, came into force to provide the federal authorities with the appropriate tools to combat terrorism.

The law amended more than 15 federal laws, including laws on criminal investigation procedures, computer fraud and abuse, emigration, foreign nationals, student privacy, and others. These amendments give the FBI the right to access information of a commercial nature, medical, educational and library records, including stored electronic data, to intercept telephone connections to the Internet and electronic communications without any judicial sanction.

One of the sections of the Law - paragraph 215 directly affects the interests of libraries and their users. In accordance with the text of paragraph 215, the FBI is given the right to access information about library reader activity, i.e. to records of Internet usage, traditional documents, and reader registration information. At the same time, the FBI officer is not obliged to explain the reason for accessing confidential information, since his personal confidence in the connection of the information or the person who requested it with terrorism is a sufficient reason. In addition, the law prohibits libraries from telling a user that information about him and his requests has been passed to the FBI, or that he is the subject of FBI attention.

Such legislation not only violates the user's right to confidentiality of personal information, but also affects the freedom of choice in reading, since users, having a rough idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat might be of interest to the FBI, deliberately exercise self-censorship. In this case, the anti-terrorist legislation violates the fundamental human right to freedom of information and freedom of expression, proclaimed by the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" of the United Nations.

It is impossible to transfer world experience to the activities of domestic libraries. In Russia they have long been spiritual institutions an institution of enlightenment and a stronghold of morality. Perhaps it is precisely because of this, and not just the lack of technical means, that our colleagues, almost without hesitation, install filters on sites containing pornography, propaganda of violence and other odious information.

Thus, the main problems of library and information ethics today are the availability of information and the confidentiality of information activities. The ethical issues of confidentiality present the librarian with a dilemma: on the one hand, a set of social obligations should be adhered to, and on the other, the intellectual freedom of readers should be protected. Censorship, filtering of information is used in most libraries of the CIS countries that provide their readers with access to the Internet. As a rule, information of a pornographic nature that promotes violence, entertainment sites, gambling sites, chats, etc. is filtered. This practice is typical for most European libraries, but the fundamental difference from Russian and Kazakh libraries is that abroad object of normative (or administrative) regulation and is reflected in the obligatory informing of readers. A characteristic feature of CIS libraries in this issue is that the decision to restrict access to information is made at the technical level, without being fixed in legal, regulatory acts. Only the ethical principles of library employees, their ideas of virtue and piety determine the solution of issues of access to information, the content of information services in general.

3. Requirements for the profession and personality of a librarian

.1 Librarian personality requirements

The problem of attracting and retaining young specialists in librarianship can be safely called international: this problem is relevant and vital for Kazakhstani libraries as well. Today, the Library Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan characterizes the personnel situation in the libraries of the country by three main indicators: aging, fluidity, "washout".

The salaries of librarians are traditionally low, uncomfortable working conditions often lead to the fact that young, but already experienced employees leave libraries. The system of additional payments applies mainly to those who have at least 5 years of work experience. There is a real need to develop a set of measures for social protection and create conditions for the creative and career growth of young library professionals. The aging of the staff of library managers and heads of departments requires the creation of a reserve of middle managers, the involvement of creatively active, active youth in managerial work.

According to the results of the "Analytical review of the activities of the libraries of the MKI RK system in Kazakhstan for 2007" in libraries in last years there is aging of personnel, poor renewal human resources. The percentage of specialists with a library education under the age of 30 is negligible, young people do not see their future in the library field.

The number of young specialists in the libraries of Kazakhstan up to 30 years old is about 926 people; 40 years and older is 5,801 people. Accordingly, the percentage of employees with work experience from 10 to 20 years and more than 25 years is also high.

Young employees do not see the prospect of career growth. Senior positions are occupied by older specialists, slowing down the natural turnover (renewability) and career movements of promising young employees. The situation of stagnation of professional growth is obvious. The industry needs to develop a personnel succession policy.

Continuing education bears the main burden of adapting librarians to the new responsibilities associated with raising social role libraries in the local community. Post-university education compensates for the lack of knowledge of graduates of educational institutions, caused by the gap between the educational process and the dynamically developing library. It is planned to conduct advanced training courses and organize seminars on the basis of republican and regional training centers. The new, quality-focused library depends on young leaders who create the internal conditions for success. In the republican library development centers, it is necessary to plan the organization of traveling seminars-trainings on the development of psychological competence and teaching the basics of management and leadership. The formation of a reserve of middle managers from among young specialists is also a requirement of the time. Young specialists will be identified, from among those who wish and have a real potential to enter the reserve for promotion, and the database "Gold Reserve" will be formed. The identified group will be purposefully trained in modern principles of library management. An opportunity will be given to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities from the field of management in practice: work as an understudy for the head of one's own or another structural unit.

Information and methodological support for specialists

Professional growth is not possible without self-education, therefore, it is necessary to make the widest possible range of professional publications available to young professionals through a subscription not only to printed periodicals, but also to subscription full-text scientific databases for librarians.

A young specialist should confidently navigate the development of the library industry in the country, be aware of all innovative projects, know the history of libraries in Kazakhstan, know the names of older specialists who have made a significant contribution to the development of the library business in Kazakhstan. To this end, it is necessary to initiate the creation of such databases as "Who's Who in the Libraries of Kazakhstan", "Successful Projects of the Libraries of Kazakhstan", "100 Young". At the same time, young specialists themselves must administer these databases, collect and process information to fill in the databases - that is, perform all organizational and methodological work.

In addition, it is necessary to entrust young specialists with participation in the release of a library newspaper, where young specialists from different regions of the country could act as their own correspondents.

Involving young librarians in the process of administering library websites, databases, publishing newspapers, holding professional chats and video conferences, blogging (virtual diaries) on professional topics will enable young people to feel their relevance, learn to make decisions, develop a vision for projects, take responsibility for yourself to grow professionally.

Questionnaires became the next stage of our work: “The librarian of the XXI century. What should he be?

When the CLS librarians developed these questionnaires, they assumed that only adult readers would answer them (the questions seemed difficult to us), but in practice it turned out that children, starting from the 5th grade, were also curious and quite capable. Readers' answers were very interesting, they showed the extraordinary thinking of many of our users, their interest, desire to answer the questions posed.

Questioning “Librarian of the XXI century. What should he be? aimed to identify the attitude of modern children to the profession of a librarian, what qualities and what knowledge and skills are necessary for a librarian of our days and the future, which of them will be lost over time, whether our profession will die out in the future and if so, when.

The results of the survey turned out to be completely unexpected: our professional and business qualities are not so important for children (“The desire to bring culture to the masses”, “Efficiency”, “Systematic work and the ability to structure information”), although they should be higher for the librarian of the future (“ Mind", "Erudition", "Knowledge of literature and English", "Computer skills", "Self-improvement", "Multifunctionality", etc.). The most important thing for a child who comes to the library is our human qualities, which in one form or another were named by almost every one of those who answered the questions of the questionnaire (“Kindness, benevolence” - 57%, “Love for children and books” - 21%, "Patience, tact" - 19%, "Sense of humor" - 11%, etc.). This indicates a lack of a humane attitude towards children, and this is what they often look for, including in the library, but at the same time they fear that these qualities will eventually be lost by people in our profession.

All respondents understand that the future of librarianship is connected, among other things, with automation and computerization (“Knowledge of computers”, “Ability to work on the Internet”, “Knowledge of modern technologies”, - 39%). Most readers do not believe that the profession of a librarian will die out in the foreseeable future ("The profession of a librarian will not die off" - 50%, "It will die out in 100-200 years" - 11%, "It will die out in 2999 - 2%").

The results of the survey may not have had a real impact on our immediate work, but they showed how adults and children see a librarian, they showed the ideal we should strive for.

In the development of a user-centric library. Of particular importance is personnel policy. rod good governance staff is to encourage employees to want to engage in a user-centric approach.

The librarian should not only recommend interesting novelties to the reader in accordance with the genre and thematic preferences of each, but also set himself the task of familiarizing readers with high examples of fine literature, helping him to penetrate the fabric of a complex text.

The library profession is one of the most interesting and fascinating in the sense that every day brings acquaintance with new books, fresh issues of newspapers and magazines, new people, unique specific situations arise.

Serving others - you grow yourself. Academician D. Likhachev called the librarian a scientist who works not on one “own” topic, but on many “foreign” topics. This is a scientist who gives himself entirely to others.

The librarian profession requires active position, connection with life. Everything that is done in the country is the vital business of librarians.

High pedagogical skill is a professional feature of a librarian. As a teacher, he must first of all love people, help readers develop a system of knowledge, approach different categories of readers in a differentiated way, take into account the peculiarities of their information requests, help navigate the reference and bibliographic apparatus, clearly explain and check the quality of assimilation of the material. And this requires tact and at the same time perseverance from a specialist.

People of this profession are characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness, politeness, attentiveness. The principle "Everything for the reader" is the main one for the librarian. But if the librarian is an indifferent person, if in the process of communicating with the reader he has a feeling of irritation, boredom, apathy, then the profession was chosen by mistake.

For a real librarian, a reader is not a statistical unit, but a person with individual characteristics and needs.

A specific feature of a library specialist is knowledge of the book. He must perceive the book in its interrelationships, and most importantly, imagine to whom it is intended. Therefore, the librarian must constantly work on himself. Systematic, organized, consistent reading is a professional feature of a librarian. The profession also requires the development of organizational qualities. The librarian needs to know the basics of management, forecasting.

Today, working with readers imposes certain communicative requirements on a specialist: contact, sociability, emotionality, the ability to understand and listen, to find the right tone in a conversation. Work on the subscription, in the reading room allows you to show these qualities.

What ethical features should a librarian working on a loan have, and what should he know? First of all, he must promote the best literature, find an approach to each reader, understand his needs and interests, be able to talk about books, and give a comparative analysis of sources. In addition, the subscription worker must carry out various public events; well navigate the flow of literature; promptly conduct bibliographic searches; know funds and catalogs; organize information work; conduct bibliographic reviews, informant days; arrange exhibitions.

To do all this, a specialist needs the methods of propaganda, reference, bibliographic and information work; methods of studying readers (individual and mass work with them); methodology of library research; technical means.

One of the important forms of individual work is a conversation: about the rules for using the library, about catalogs, about new arrivals, etc. The librarian should be the first to start the conversation, or discreetly encourage the reader to do so, i.e. act as a psychologist, try to understand the psychology of the reader. Respond promptly and kindly to the reader's requests; choose an effective method of influence in relation to each of them.

A person's personality, there is a culture, general erudition, the ability to express one's thoughts well, to lead a discussion ... Often these features of a librarian have a decisive impact on the interests of readers, contribute to a deeper perception of the meaning of communication.

Contact with the reader should be informal, confidential. It is no coincidence that the reader prefers to turn to the same librarian for advice in choosing books. A positive attitude towards a specialist arises not only because he is well versed in the fund, but also because of his benevolence, ability to have conversations at ease and excitingly, and willingly help in choosing books. therefore, a real librarian is characterized by empathy, awareness of the individual uniqueness of another person. Even the choice of literature should correspond to the mood of the reader. To give the reader the book he needs at the right time is the task of the librarian. Sometimes you need advice and guidance. Therefore, a certain degree of intimacy and mutual understanding with the reader is required.

The problems of the culture of communication are especially significant, because contacts with people of different ages, tastes, professions should occupy most of the librarian's time. So, for example, in a conversation with a prepared reader, a quick reaction is required. It is better to address older people by their first name and patronymic.

A trusting style, mutual understanding is very important. It’s not news to librarians that during “rush hours” you get tired and not always in control of your emotions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the skills of a critical analysis of psychological situations that arise in library everyday life.

Communication with the reader is an exchange of information. Not many people know that 40% of information is conveyed by intonation of speech. And how many remember that in addition to the text there is a subtext? Sometimes the "discovery" of these truths comes in conflict situations.

The tone of the conversation plays a huge role. In the refusal "no" readers sometimes feel the subtext ... "How tired I am of you all."

Communication with the reader is not limited only to the observance of certain rules of etiquette. Contacts presuppose the possession of a psychological culture. It begins with the comprehension of a person, the world of his feelings and thoughts. This knowledge helps the librarian to accurately determine the role positions of the reader and, in accordance with this, build his communication tactics.

Every librarian needs to develop a culture of communication. It should be remembered that without a willingness to work for people, communication will be meaningless. Meaningful communication is always creativity, in which moral and pedagogical aspects intertwine and interpenetrate.

For librarians who are in constant contact with readers, the ability to communicate in a businesslike manner becomes not only important, but also professional. necessary quality Therefore, increased requirements are imposed on the librarian's speech. The librarian must constantly work on his diction, figurativeness and expressiveness of speech. Of particular importance is the frequency and clarity of pronunciation, coherence, consistency, richness of vocabulary, clarity in the delivery of questions and answers, optimal speech speed for perception.

Observation is extremely important for a librarian. Without it, he will not notice whether the reader is comfortable in the library, how he works with catalogs, how he reacts to the manner of communicating with him, whether he pays attention to exhibitions, stands, whether he spoils books, etc.

The librarian must be internally assembled. The ability to work for a long time without deteriorating its quality and reducing the pace - not only volitional quality, but also a sign of endurance, physical health. A librarian must be able to maintain steady attention for a long time, despite fatigue.

Sociability, personal charm, good looks - these traits are also necessary for a librarian. A good psychological climate in the library is created by cheerfulness, a sense of humor, emotionality, and a sense of collectivism.

A high level of work with readers, a creative atmosphere in the library are directly dependent on such qualities of a librarian as discipline, accuracy, efficiency, creativity to the point.

So, it is possible to determine the personal qualities that a librarian engaged in serving readers should have. First, the ability to critically analyze phenomena, facts; be able to choose the necessary information from the total volume, grasp the essence of the problem; secondly, to be attentive, to be able to quickly switch from one type of activity to another; thirdly, to have business qualities, force yourself to do any necessary work; fourthly, to have communicative qualities: to be able to conduct a business conversation, clearly communicate your thoughts to the reader, find the right tone, an appropriate form of communication depending on the individual characteristics of the readers, and, finally, fifthly, to speak competently, coherently and logically express your thoughts.

Thus, a librarian is a highly educated person who owns the basics of the psychology of readers, pedagogical skills, orients himself in the variety of publishing products, knows how to use technical means in his work, knowing the basics informatics, propagandist, organizer.

The librarian has no right to be indifferent, arrogant, vindictive, too hot, familiar, quarrelsome, conservative, sloppy, too extravagant.

In the library press, the idea of ​​the influence of the personal qualities of a librarian on reader satisfaction and, consequently, on the image of the library in the public mind, is becoming more and more pronounced. So, one specialist philologist from the USA, working in many libraries and archives of France, came to a rather, perhaps banal, but very important conclusion: the low quality of service and especially the poor availability of the documents available in the funds are most often associated solely with the arbitrariness and dishonesty of the library staff.

Attitude towards work is a problem that exists in many areas of activity. The American Library Association has paid systematic attention to the professional ethics of the librarian since 1939. The 1981 code of ethics enshrines the principles that oblige librarians to provide a high level of service, to resist attempts to censor library materials, to protect the right of users to maintain the privacy of the information received, to prevent profit from users, colleagues or libraries. Russian specialists are also aware of Sh. Ranganathan's five library postulates, which to a certain extent can be considered a code of professional ethics. The ethical side of library work is associated with the rights to intellectual freedom and access to information, which is noted in many publications. The ethical and professional level of librarians is often quite low: they are not always helpful, tolerant and attentive to visitors and users, they value readers' time less than their own, reference and bibliographic services lag behind modern requirements, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is minimal, sometimes there is not enough knowledge in areas of librarianship.

Interestingly, the professional ethics of a librarian is viewed in a broad social and moral context. For example, a general decline in the level of labor morality has been noted. Which came from the unambiguously formulated worldview positions. Ethical values ​​have shifted towards moral indifference. Indifference to the consumer, the reader has become, unfortunately, the norm, resulting in largely social lack of demand for libraries.

The code of professional ethics should consolidate the changes in the social status of libraries and librarians. The ethical norms of the library profession today should be formed with the understanding that in the current difficult life situation, people come to the library not only for books, but also for the sake of communication in order to restore spiritual comfort.

Thus, it is quite obvious that not only readers, funds, material and technical base of libraries, but also librarians should change. They will have to soberly and self-critically evaluate their personal capabilities, personal influence on the formation of an atmosphere that makes the library attractive to the reader and, therefore, necessary to society.

librarian ethics code qualification

3.2 Professional requirements for a librarian

Cardinal technological changes in libraries put forward the most important professional requirement for programmers in continuous library education to ensure constant updating and expansion of knowledge in the field of using new technological tools and information technologies. Transitioning to 12-year education, Kazakhstan sets the goal of pedagogical education - to promote the development of a competent teacher, his ability to solve professional problems, due to the strategic directions for updating 12-year education.

The new model of results-oriented education will also require new abilities, a wider range of professional competencies. In this regard, the information and methodological needs of educators have changed significantly, their educational needs have become more individual, more diverse. We, librarians, will need to work in accordance with the basic programs, new requirements, in this regard, we will need to be able to predict the needs of all members of the teaching staff, develop a special strategy for our activities, from planning to analysis. Here, there will definitely be a need for continuous library education for all librarians. Many researchers (E.B. Sukiasyan, A.N. Vaneev, I.M. Suslova, E.B. Artemyeva, E.B. Soboleva, etc.) see a way out of this situation in the rational organization of the system of continuous library education, partly which is a system of advanced training and retraining of personnel. In the study of the system of continuous library education and advanced training of librarians, taking into account the conditions for the transition to 12-year education, the main attention is paid to modern requirements for curricula, the ratio of traditional and innovative content, teaching methods, and the infrastructure of continuous education. Theorists consider it necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "training" and "retraining", to fix these terms in reference professional literature and regulatory documentation.

Kazakh specialists consider continuous professional education librarians like:

a method to close the gap between the current skills of employees and modern qualification requirements for the position;

builder corporate culture;

personnel motivation method;

way of fulfilling the mission of the library.

The developers of the system defined the basic principles of the system as conceptual provisions:

generality (i.e. the need to improve the skills of all library staff);

continuity (i.e. ensuring a continuous process of improving the professional level of librarians);

versatility (i.e. advanced training in three directions - professional, theoretical and general cultural)

diversity (use of forms and teaching methods that complement each other).

To implement the proposed provisions, methodologists should develop educational and thematic plans and programs for advanced training courses for librarians of educational organizations. For librarians, upon transition to 12-year education, the main form professional retraining refresher courses were determined at regional institutes for advanced training of teaching staff. Every year, two or three groups of librarians should be retrained in such courses. 1-2 school librarians from each region should take part in the republican courses. Upon their return, they share their knowledge with their colleagues. Basically, new professional knowledge, new methods, library specialists should receive at seminars and meetings that take place within methodological associations of libraries. As experience shows, the rich information, technological and methodological potential of the libraries of Kazakhstan in solving the problems of developing the professional competence of librarians is not yet used. Such experience exists in the Scientific Library of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, it shows that the organizational issues of conducting courses for librarians are resolved through the faculty of teacher training, which is in the structure of PSPI. Authoritative teachers of the departments, the most experienced specialists of the scientific library, who have the skills to work with the audience, are involved in conducting classes at library courses. The institute has a center for methodological assistance to librarians, the university library strives to create conditions for the transition from periodic to continuous vocational training library staff. The organization of advanced training courses on the basis of regional methodological centers is provided for by the Regulations on the Republican system for advanced training of library personnel in the education system of Kazakhstan: Approved. Rep. Library and Information Commission May 26, 1997 In connection with this provision, course programs should be developed for various categories librarians Course programs should focus on:

professional adaptation of novice librarians;

improving the skills of employees with professional education;

specialization of certain groups of librarians in connection with the introduction of new technologies and methods, the innovation of experienced specialists in the field of organization of library activities.

In the context of the transition to a 12-year education, the programs should include the study of the basics of organizing the work of an educational library and library management, modern methods of creating a traditional library apparatus and an electronic catalog, organizing work to form an information culture of users and other topics. At the end of the course, students should write test papers and abstracts on topics of practical relevance to their particular work. The purpose of written assignments is to consolidate the skills of organizational, analytical, independent activity in students.

A further step in professional studies, which contributes to the acquisition of a higher qualification of a librarian in the transition to a 12-year education, is the organization of creative laboratories based on the best libraries in the region. Laboratories professional excellence and creative laboratories are a modern form of the School of Library Excellence, actively used in methodological work in the 70-80s of the last century. They were characterized by the specificity of topics, selectivity in the selection of participants, thoroughness in the preparation of training sessions. Modern laboratories of professional excellence are able to bring the spirit of creativity, the method of live demonstration of effective methods and techniques of library work in a certain direction of the library. When determining the base of thematic creative laboratories, specialists of the methodological center should rely on the experience of working in libraries and the ability of library staff to participate in the process of methodological assistance to colleagues from educational libraries. Classes on the basis of such laboratories will provide an opportunity to trace the process of implementation of library innovations, achievements of library theory and practice. The experience of the work of Soviet schools of excellence proves that the organization of such laboratories promotes the dissemination of excellence, promotes the development of the creative initiative of employees of basic libraries, strengthens the public image of the library and its employees in the teaching staff of the educational organization. Here you can use the experience of the FML library, where we saw the use of electronic technologies. The advent of the era of electronic communication is inevitable and inevitable. But this era should not be idealized and hoped that smart machines will do all the library work. We need to seriously prepare for it, look for opportunities for continuity and cooperation of electronic and documentary communication, without succumbing to seductive illusions. We see the complication of the information needs of modern man and modern society; librarianship is armed with new technologies, including computer ones, the possibilities of which make it possible to achieve previously unseen results. The responsibility of librarians becomes both teaching, consulting users, and mediation, since the huge amount of information requires more than before the number of specialists who have the skills to search for information and who are able to analyze and evaluate resources and users' needs. The experience of many librarians shows that the computer and the book are not antagonists. Computer technologies, the active use of Internet resources, the development of media lessons only contribute to the activation of reading.

Therefore, special attention is paid to mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of librarians when using computer technology, using Internet resources, organizing media lessons, and multimedia presentations. The librarian must be a real professional, a qualified assistant and intermediary between information and the user. To do this, the librarian needs to be fluent in the computer. In the plans for the work of the center of methodological assistance, the development of programs should also be in the first place, teaching materials and organizational documents for remote seminars and professional retraining courses for school librarians. Given that computerization has been completed, many people have stable access to the Internet, the possibility of remote advanced training becomes real. Today we have a site Gore UO library, where we can take the material we need. Also courses work. distance learning. All of these forms do not replace the most accessible form of advanced training - professional self-education. Theorists and practitioners express the need for purposeful management of self-educational reading by librarians. In a number of libraries, self-education of librarians is organized in the form of personal creative plans, which provide for both independent work on a certain topic, and the final forms of this work (preparation and defense of an essay on a topical topic before the teaching staff of the school, presentation at a seminar, review of publications at the bottom of professional information, etc. The system of advanced training must radically change in order to be able to to answer the questions raised, to solve the problem of training a librarian of a new formation.The content of advanced training should meet the needs of librarians, develop their professional competencies, form sensitivity to ongoing changes and promote mobile response to them.

The new model of advanced training should be result-oriented, the content of all programs should meet the needs of educators, develop their key competencies, form sensitivity to ongoing changes and the ability to respond constructively to them.

In general, the result-oriented professional development technology should include:

studying the needs of librarians in training;

formation of an order for advanced training;

development of training programs adequate to the needs;

course preparation, research and design activities;

assessment of learning outcomes.

The most important tasks in the professional development of librarians are:

introduction of active, creative forms of coursework;

development of interactive, distance learning methods for students;

management of inter-course process of self-education of a librarian;

tracking the effectiveness, return of training.

The content of course events for advanced training should be aimed at equipping librarians with effective tools for successfully solving state problems in the field of education, developing the ability to think and act in a new way, creatively overcoming existing stereotypes. The course should help librarians enter a democratic society, recognizing their civil rights to professional development, taking into account personal motivation. It is important not only to demonstrate a student-centered approach in the system of advanced training, but to organize the pedagogical process in such a way that each student receives and acquires knowledge not in general, but personally for himself, i.e. personally. In order to improve the professional skills of librarians, it is necessary, on the basis of diagnostics, to differentiate work with course participants according to their level of training. In organizing the professional development of librarians, it is important systems approach which is implemented both in the process of self-education and in the course of continuous library education. Such consistency is associated with the disclosure of the creative potential of the librarian, mastering by him those pedagogical skills and abilities that allow him to work in a dialogue mode, conduct discussions, provide objective information. In order to deepen professional knowledge, information-thematic seminars are organized and conducted. This form of advanced training is very effective, because in addition to informational and educational tasks, it allows you to get acquainted with the innovative experience of other libraries in practice. Innovative forms of deepening professional knowledge include such types of active learning as business games, round tables, analysis of problematic situations, professional trainings, price lists, master classes. When organizing them, much attention is paid to the personal qualities of librarians. These types of training are actively used in advanced training courses.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that while implementing the state program for the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while improving the professional training of library staff on the basis of a competent approach, it is necessary to:

use interactive forms and methods of classes with students;

systematically conduct post-course monitoring;

provide students with the opportunity to choose an individual trajectory for professional development;

to introduce the possibilities of the Internet into the methodological service.

As practice and discussions in the pages of the professional press show, the issues of personnel retraining are especially acute today. There is a need to develop fundamentally new educational programs aimed at creating and supporting labor resources higher level than before. Today, in addition to mastering library processes, the general awareness of librarians about publishing, ethics, state information policy, the importance of information technology and other problems of information business is important. One of the most positive qualities of a modern librarian is the ability to take a broad view of the problem, to see those factors that are common to many industries, to expand the horizons of the reader and help cross-fertilization of ideas. This is a serious counterbalance to today's over-specialization.

At present, the main links of the system of continuous library education have developed, but the process of their formation was largely spontaneous, and therefore the coordination links have not been established, the mechanisms of the established sequence and continuity of the content and the methods of training and education of specialist librarians are weak. Educational structures still focus on the learning process, not fully coping with the solution of the problems of educating and developing creatively thinking specialists, whose professional knowledge becomes a person significant and practically realizable and practically realizable, aimed at systematic training and qualitative transformation. Today, it is necessary to study the mechanisms of formation and ways of implementing the intellectual abilities of librarians. It will help ensure the effectiveness of managing the development of the intellectual culture of specialists.

The formation of a system for advanced training and retraining of library personnel in the USSR dates back to the early 1920s. It was during this period that the basic principles of its construction were developed. The first discussion was held on the pages of the Red Librarian magazine (1924).

In the 30s. work on advanced training and retraining of library staff has increased significantly. Certain systems were formed according to the types and types of libraries: regional, city, district, scientific, etc. The old proven forms of staff training were improved, new ones appeared - “Schools of Excellence”, “Open Days”, “Schools of a Young Librarian”, cluster seminars were urgently included in the practice of libraries.

An example of the historical development of the advanced training system can be the activities of the largest library of the CIS countries - the RSL (former GBL). A significant milestone in the training of GBL staff was library apprenticeship, the right to organize which she received in 1948. Students were distributed among departments and, under the guidance of mentors from the most qualified library workers, mastered production processes. The future specialists of the first set took exams at the same time in the courses and state exams in a library technical school, as a result they received a diploma of secondary library education and a certificate of completion of library apprenticeship courses.

The GBL was constantly looking for ways to retain young cadres. Creating conditions for them to receive higher and secondary specialized education, to combine studies with work in departments. At first, one of these ways was seen in the creation of a branch of a library technical school for young people with secondary education on the basis of the educational department of the library.

In 1969, a branch of the library technical school was opened in the GBL with a degree in Librarianship. Although the branch of the technical school fulfilled its task - to give a library specialty to employees who, for various reasons, did not have the opportunity to continue their education at the institute, nevertheless, he could not solve the problem of retaining staff. The real possibility of stabilization personnel was seen in the training of specialists with higher education on the job, within the walls of the library. This was facilitated by the activities on the basis of the library of the evening department of the Moscow State Institute of Culture.

In addition, short-term courses were organized at the GBL, which varied in subject matter and duration. They provided a differentiated approach to learning.

The most important form of advanced training has become the one-year Higher Library Courses (HLC) at the GBL, the main task of which is to ensure the acquisition of library and bibliographic knowledge by employees with higher non-library education.

The experience of the GBL has shown that building a system of advanced training in one single library cannot solve the general problems that are characteristic of the country as a whole. But he made it possible to see directions that could be deployed in relation to the general principles of its construction.

Activation of the learning process by moving from passive, mainly lecture, forms to active ones (problem learning, role-playing games, search for a way out of conflict situations), which originally arose in educational institutions, extends to the system of advanced training.

For this system to really work, its main elements - methodological centers, library personnel, forms and methods of providing methodological assistance - must be interconnected and form a single whole. A stepwise nature of the structure is needed, in which each subsequent step will contain forms and methods aimed at improving and deepening the previously acquired knowledge.

In this article, professional qualifications are considered as a complex characteristic that includes the features of technological training and the personal characteristics of an employee. Their application in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities allows the librarian to perform professional duties at the level of requirements recorded in the documents that regulate his activities. The category of "knowledge", "skills", "abilities" are included in the substructure of personality. Among the personal characteristics are considered those that are necessary for the implementation of a particular activity. Therefore, by the term “training and retraining of personnel”, we mean an integrated system that ensures the actualization, expansion and deepening of existing knowledge, the acquisition of new modern theoretical and practical skills for the rapid adaptation of personnel to constantly changing social and production conditions.

The problem of professional development in recent years began to pay more attention than before.

After a long break, attempts have been resumed to develop models for the qualification of a librarian. Among the interesting works that appeared in the late 1970s, we should mention the article by L. Efimova "Model of qualification of a librarian" (Soviet library science, 1975. No. 4), in which mathematical modeling methods are widely used. To build the model, the necessary statistical material was obtained as a result of a survey of librarians in the network of academic libraries. The qualification card, developed at the NMO BAN USSR, consisted of 20 questions, the answers to which in the aggregate gave a complete description of the employee in relation to his educational background, the content of labor activity, the forms of advanced training used by him, professional and promotion. The concepts of "qualification" and "level of qualification" are clarified.

As complex indicator the level of qualification the researchers chose the position. Including a number of characteristics: education, work experience, scientific and methodological activities, as well as socio-psychological characteristics - job satisfaction, social and social activity, etc.

In addition to questioning, the researchers resorted to the method of expert assessments widely used in sociological research. The results obtained led to the conclusion that the model can be considered a fairly reliable assessment tool, although it is considered by the authors as a preliminary, experimental one.

Despite the established system of traditional forms of advanced training for librarians, many libraries continue to search for non-traditional forms of education. There are regional universities of the rural librarian. There are forms borrowed from the education system, TV, radio. So, for example, “political fights”, “brain ring”, idea auctions”, brainstorming, “aquariums”, “fields of miracles”, etc. appeared and disappeared. Therefore, the interest of practicing librarians in various kinds of business games, problem situations, quizzes and competitions is not accidental. On special pages periodicals scenarios of business games begin to appear, articles describing the experience of using them in advanced training. However, the authors are not sure about the correctness of their organization. It is no coincidence that one of the articles is called like this6 “Playing, but is it right ...?”

But not only a variety of forms and methods ensure the achievement of the intended goals in the process of advanced training and retraining of personnel. Of no small importance here are the flexibility and dynamism of the content and means of transferring knowledge.

Therefore, the most important activity of advanced training faculties is to equip students with knowledge about the latest information technologies. Lack of acceptable educational and methodological materials on this issue, insufficient provision educational process modern equipment forced the faculty of advanced training of teachers of Moscow State University in the classroom at the interuniversity school of the leader discusses issues of management, the implementation of scientific and technological developments and best practices. The Interuniversity Methodological Association checks the activities of libraries. Departments that are recognized as the best, for example, in servicing readers, acquisition and use of funds, educational, reference and bibliographic, information work, become the basis for conducting schools of excellence. A characteristic omission is a weak understanding of the promotion of librarians, heads of sectors, who have been working in one place for many years, are competent and have a high professional qualification. By the way, this shortcoming concerns not only university libraries. Training personnel reserve in libraries, in our opinion, it is the weakest link in the system of advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Efforts are being made to improve the system of advanced training of personnel in accordance with modern requirements for the qualifications of workers, to the level of their intellectual and cultural development. The directions of these efforts are focused on creating a learning system that can quickly take into account changes in the environment for the functioning of libraries, identify and evaluate innovations in terms of the appropriateness of their inclusion in programs, and establish the dependence of the content of training on the needs of students.

Thus, the main task of the council for advanced training of personnel is to ensure the organic unity of the economic and social development of the team in terms of advanced training and retraining of personnel. Organizational and methodological guidance is provided and Information Support, coordination of the activities of all links in the system of advanced training of personnel of one of the largest libraries in the country, creates conditions for the transition from periodic and continuous production and professional training. Its decisions are obligatory for execution in all departments of the library in the structures.

The master plan is prepared taking into account the problem orientation of education, general theoretical training and continuous updating of the practical knowledge of specialists and is carried out at three levels. The first is industrial and vocational training directly in the departments in the areas of library and scientific work. The second is the training of managers and chief specialists at general library courses for special purposes. The third is the training of specialists at the Institute for Advanced Studies, information workers, the People's University for Scientific and Technical Information VINITI, the International NTI Center at the Faculty of Advanced Studies, etc.

The system of personnel training in order to improve their qualifications is supposed to be built based on the following principles: the basis for planning should be the long-term need of library departments for specialists in the context of further improvement of library technology; Determining the need and raising the qualifications of specialists should be based on the knowledge of the general and additional needs for personnel at different levels.

Thus, the organization of work to improve the skills of library staff at the present stage is one of the leading functions of managing library staff. The two-level advanced training system functioning in our country (regional and local levels) is focused on solving three interrelated tasks: deepening and updating theoretical knowledge, expanding general cultural horizons, continuous improvement of the professional training of library specialists, bringing it to the level of professional excellence. Differentiation as a leading principle is observed in the formation of groups of students and in the organization of classes. For methodological support of the educational process, manuals and recommendations are published. Various forms of activating the cognitive activity of listeners are being introduced.

In general, in modern system Libraries have developed the following areas for staff development: raising the general theoretical level, expanding and deepening theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of library science. There is a need to organize an integrated system of training and retraining of personnel.

Thus, it can be stated that in the existing structure there are forms of advanced training and retraining of personnel of various complexity, which are not interconnected and do not provide the possibility of a phased advanced training.

Relevant structures function in the regions and there is no interdepartmental center coordinating their work; there is no interrelationship between advanced training institutions and libraries - carriers of advanced experience, with higher educational institutions of culture in the regions. No attempts are made to create alternative forms of advanced training that provide the trainee with a choice of programs and forms of education.

It is not practiced to draw up and update programs and curricula based on predictive data. Analysis feedback if it is carried out, it is episodic.

When completing groups, they do not take into account the psychological and pedagogical features of adult education, although they take into account the characteristics of their activities (the staff of the institution, the distribution of functional duties, qualification requirements, etc.).

The results of the analysis show that the problem of advanced training and retraining of personnel is being actively discussed, and there is a need to move from posing the problem to specific proposals, recommendations and proven projects for the formation of the system.

Among the problems to be solved in the near future, the following should be mentioned: planning advanced training and retraining of personnel, taking into account changes in the professional needs of specialists, developing a school of assessments and determining the degree of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, scientific and methodological support for the learning process of students, creating teaching aids, taking into account the main goals of self-education, the formation of a problem-oriented database containing bibliographic, factographic information on the results of monitoring the state and trends in the development of library and bibliographic activities, the development in the system of postgraduate education of the function of obtaining new knowledge, knowledge of the scientific sector through the widespread use of seminars - discussions and brainstorming, business, innovative games, etc., development and testing of teaching methods that are actively used in other industries (incident resolution, case analysis, case study.

Thus, based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

the librarian sees the main meaning of his activity in providing information. The Librarian-User relationship is based on the principle of information availability. The librarian is not responsible for the information received by the reader. This provision is only in the Russian code. The most important ethical task of a librarian in his relationships with colleagues is to increase the role and status of the profession in the surrounding society. The main principle of attitude towards oneself as a librarian is the desire for self-improvement.

One of the problems regulated by the principles of information ethics is the problem of censorship. Modern technical means make it possible to filter information provided from electronic networks by an infinite number of features. This can be done at any level (both in the library and in the provider organization, and at any intermediate stages) anonymously from the end user. In Russia, in most cases, librarians take the position of limiting the information they receive, primarily of a pornographic nature. Motivation can be different - limited throughput traffic, prioritization when resources are limited, etc. But the very fact of filtering information in electronic networks requires ethical self-determination. For in the absence of such, as well as any formal instructions, the issue of restricting access is decided on a subjective basis. Another issue is consumer privacy. The Federal Law “On Librarianship” states: “State or other censorship that restricts the right of library users to free access to library funds, as well as the use of information about library users, reader requests, is not allowed, except when this information is used for scientific purposes. goals and organization of library services. However, modern communication means make the consumer of information practically "transparent", his every step through cyberspace is fixed and recorded. The reader of the traditional library has also become more unprotected in this sense. Modern forms of recording, registering readers, fixing his requirements on a computer also provide the librarian with more and more information, which is inherently confidential.


Issues of professional ethics play a prominent role in the activities of a librarian. Since the emergence of the profession, the moral attitudes of a specialist have had a significant impact on the relationship of colleagues in the library, on their communication with readers. The main quality of professional morality of a librarian has always been a humanistic orientation. Possession of the highest moral qualities constitutes the authority of the library profession, determines its purpose for society, influences the basis of professional morality, and forms only its inherent characteristics. Professional duty becomes a moral need of a librarian, and he is aware of it in his work with readers.

Librarian ethics and reader service are related concepts. Service means providing the necessary services, friendly assistance in introducing readers to sources of information, creating a healthy atmosphere in a professional environment. Ethics also includes the concept of human character, the nature of actions, the needs of people and the peculiarities of their communication. Having studied the laws of ethics, realizing his professional duty, the librarian feels responsible for the quality of service for readers, creatively treats each request of the subscriber.

The development of the theoretical and practical foundations of professional ethics largely depends on socio-political and economic conditions the life of society. There is a pattern: economic instability, the decline of morals, political instability cause an increase in interest in ethical issues, including issues of professional ethics. At present, library science is showing considerable interest in such ethical issues as free access to information, censorship in the library, confidentiality of reading, priority service, managerial ethics, and many others that have not previously been the focus of attention of specialists.

The professional morality of a librarian has an ideological orientation, which turns it not only into a set of certain norms and prohibitions, but also into an internally ordered system that becomes an organic element of education, forms a stable need for scientific knowledge about professional morality, forms an internal unity of professional requirements with social requirements.

It should be borne in mind that the moral norms of society change over time, are periodically updated. History records these changes. Feudal, feudal, communist and other types of morality are known. At the same time, the old moral and professional systems are preserved, which can no longer meet the requirements of the time, the moral consciousness of society. In this regard, the moral and professional training of a specialist should be consciously organized and purposeful. The professional ethics of a librarian expresses the professional normative intrinsic value of morality, therefore it is necessary to create ethical codes library worker, with the help of which each specialist can make the right moral choice of his professional behavior.

Ethics, on the one hand, is the adherence to values, virtues, principles that people need to live in peace and mutual respect. In this sense, the appearance of information that causes the moral degradation of a person rather than his development is inevitable. On the other hand, the meaning of the search for truth, humanization, freedom, standing above the interests of the state, is also embedded in the concept of ethics. And then the information is "peaks in the struggle for truth" and trust in the authorities. But in any case, the problems of protecting intellectual freedom and the existence of censorship on the Internet require self-determination from the librarian.

Clearly the task of librarians already now to find the optimal balance between intellectual freedom and moral guidelines for the activities of the Russian library.


1.About librarianship [ Electronic resource]: the federal law RF dated December 29, 1994 No. 78-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2009). - Electron. Art. - Mode of access to the article: Reference-legal system "ConsultantPlus".

.On library and information services for the population of the city of Moscow [Electronic resource]: law of the city of Moscow dated September 23, 2009 No. 36 (as amended on June 20, 2012). - Electron. Art. - Mode of access to the article: Reference-legal system "ConsultantPlus".

.On the Concept for the Development of Library Services for the Population of the City of Moscow for the period up to 2015 [Electronic resource]: Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 22, 2008 No. 318-PP. - Electron. Art. - Mode of access to the article: Reference-legal system "ConsultantPlus".

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.Altukhova G. A. Fundamentals of the library image: [educational manual] / G. A. Altukhova. - Moscow: Litera, 2008. - 224 p.: ill.

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.Altukhova G. A. Professional ethics of a librarian: a textbook for higher and middle prof. textbook institutions of culture and arts / G. A. Altukhova; Moscow state University of Culture and Arts. - Moscow: MGUKI Publishing House: IPO "Profizdat", 2000. - 101 p.

.Altukhova G. A. Speech culture of a librarian: a textbook for higher and secondary prof. textbook institutions of culture and arts / G. A. Altukhova; Moscow. state University of Culture and Arts. - M.: IPO Profizdat, 2002. - 95 p.

.Borodina S. D. Communication culture of libraries: a scientific and practical guide / S. D. Borodina, G. M. Kormishina. - Moscow: Liberea-Bibinform, 2008. - 127 p.

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.Ezova S. A. Library communication as a research phenomenon: monograph / S. A. Ezova. - Moscow: Liberea-Bibinform, 2007. - 160 p.: ill., tab.

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.Kormishina G. M. Image communications of a modern library: organizational and activity approach: monograph / G. M. Kormishina; Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Kazan State University. University of Culture and Arts. - Kazan: KGUKI, 2010. - 328 p.: ill., tab.

.Kormishina G. M. Communication culture of libraries / G. M. Kormishina, S. D. Borodina. - Moscow: Liberea-Bibinform, 2008. - 128 p.

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.Matveev M. Yu. Image of libraries as a socio-cultural phenomenon: monograph / M. Yu. Matveev; Ros. nat. b-ka. - St. Petersburg: RNB, 2009. - 444 p.

.Trushina I. A. Ethics of a librarian: the moral law within us: the experience of different countries / I. A. Trushina; Ros. Library Association, Grand Fair Publishing Group. - Moscow: FAIR, 2008. - 270 p.: tab.

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.Altukhova G. A. Pedagogical culture of a librarian // Skvortsovskie readings. Librarianship - 2012: Library and Information Activities in the Space of Science, Culture and Education: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Scientific Conference (April 25-26, 2012) / Federal State University. budgetary educational institution of higher education. prof. Education "Moscow State. University of Culture and Arts” [and others]. - Moscow, 2012. - S. 176-179.

.Altukhova G. A. Professional ethics // Management of library collections preservation: educational program materials, projects / [G. A. Altukhova and others; scientific ed. Yu. A. Grikhanov]; Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, Acad. retraining workers of art, culture and tourism, Department. Library Science and Informatics, Interregional Center for Library Cooperation. - Moscow, 2008. - S. 185-191.

.Altukhova G. A. Values ​​and functions of the library image // Library business - 2007: modern technologies and resources: materials of the XII International scientific conference (April 18-19, 2007) / Feder. agency for culture and cinematography, Moscow. state University of Culture and Arts, Bibl.-inform. Institute, Center. scientific s.-x. library of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences [and others].; [comp. L. I. Salnikova, scientific. ed. A. M. Mazuritsky]. - Moscow, 2007. - Part 1. - S. 11-14.

.Altukhova G. A. Ethics of communication in the “librarian-librarian” system // Library business-2004: universal accessibility of information: materials of the ninth international scientific conference (Moscow, April 22-24, 2004) / Moscow. state University of Culture and Arts (Bibl.-inform. in-t), Tsentr. scientific s.-x. b-ka, Ros. state b-ka [and others]; [comp., scientific. ed. V. V. Skvortsov]. - Moscow, 2004. - S. 159-160.

.Borodina S. D. Professional subculture of librarians as a subject of professionalization // Skvortsovskie readings. Librarianship-2010: integration into the global educational space: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Scientific Conference (April 28-29, 2010) / Moscow State University. University of Culture and Arts, Bibliotecno-inform. in-t [and others]. - Moscow, 2010. - Part 1. - S. 112-118.

.Ezova S. A. Library communication as an object of research (1990-2006) // Library in the context of history: materials of the 7th International Scientific Conference (Moscow, October 3-4, 2007) / [comp. M. Ya. Dvorkina] - Moscow, 2007. - S. 41-45.

.Ezova S. A. The international component in the ethical and communicative training of library staff // Skvortsovskie readings. Librarianship-2010: integration into the global educational space: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Scientific Conference (April 28-29, 2010) / Moscow State University. University of Culture and Arts, Bibliotecno-inform. in-t [and others]. - Moscow, 2010. - Part 2. - S. 102-104.

.Kovaleva O. E. Features of the formation of psychological and communicative competence of a library specialist / O. E. Kovaleva, V. M. Rezonova // Sociocultural potential of libraries in the modern world: from monologue to polylogue: materials of the V Republican Scientific and Practical Conference (Saransk, 20 -21 Apr. 2010) / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, State. educational institution of higher education prof. education "Mordovia state. un-t im. N. P. Ogarev”; [editor: Ageeva G. M. (ed.) and others]. - Saransk, 2010. - S. 99-100.

.Kormishina G. M. Communicative competence of library and information specialists // Professionalization of library and information specialists in the context of industry modernization: monograph / Kazan State University. University of Culture and Arts; S. D. Borodina, A. Ya. Vodolazskaya, A. V. Gainullina [and others]. - Kazan, 2009. - S. 78-97.

.Kormishina G. M. On the need to train library and information specialists for the implementation of the communicative policy of libraries / G. M. Kormishina, S. D. Borodina, Yu. scientific and practical conference (Samara, January-December 2006) / Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, Federal State. educational institution of higher education prof. Education "Samara State. acad. culture and arts”; [editor: M. G. Vokhrysheva, O. L. Bugrova]. - Samara, 2007. - S. 10-14.

.Matveev M. Yu. Features of the image of domestic libraries and librarians in the context of sociological research // Book. Research and materials. Collection 87/1. - Moscow, 2007. - S. 125-141.

.Matveev M. Yu. The problem of the image of libraries in domestic research // Library in the context of history: materials of the 7th International Scientific Conference (Moscow, 3-4 October 2007) / [comp. M. Ya. Dvorkina] - Moscow, 2007. - S. 46-53.

.Pavlova L.P. Imageology in the process of training specialists in the field of library and information activities // Social and information resources of library and social work: cathedral yearbook / Altai State University. acad. culture and arts, Fak. inform. resources and design, Dept. information management. resources and bibliosocial. work. Issue. 11. - Barnaul, 2009. - Issue. 11. - S. 68-71.

.Pavlyuk V. N. A professional librarian in modern society: the image of a librarian and his profession // Results and prospects scientific work State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences: materials of the scientific session (Novosibirsk, February 14, 2007) / State. public scientific and technical library of the Siberian branch of the Russian acad. sciences; [editor: O. L. Lavrik (responsible editor) and others]. - Novosibirsk, 2007. - S. 227-233.

.Trushina I. A. "Code of professional ethics of the Russian librarian" - the first public and professional act of the library sector of the Russian Federation // Libraries in the legal space. Contemporary Issues: collection of articles / Russian bibl. assoc., Russian nat. Library, Interregional Center for Bibl. cooperation; [ed.: V. R. Firsov, E. I. Borisova]. - St. Petersburg, 2008. - S. 217-231.

.Trushina I. A. Censorship in Russian libraries today: law and ethics // Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: a collection of scientific papers / Ros. nat. library, St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of the History of Natural Science and the History of Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; comp. and scientific editors: M. A. Benina, M. B. Konashev (responsible editors), N. G. Patrusheva. - St. Petersburg, 2011. - S. 73-81.

.Tsareva A. V. Modernization of the status and image of a librarian in France in the context of the formation of a new educational environment // University of Culture and Arts in the educational system of the region: materials of the IV All-Russian electronic scientific and practical conference (Samara, January-December 2006) / Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, Federal State. educational institution of higher education prof. Education "Samara State. acad. culture and arts”; [editor: M. G. Vokhrysheva, O. L. Bugrova]. - Samara, 2007. - S. 376-381.

.Altukhova G. Why doesn't the code of ethics work? // Library. - 2003. - No. 8. - S. 71-73. - About the code of professional ethics of the librarian.

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.Basov S.A. It is impossible to accept: about punctuation marks in the draft Code of Library Ethics // Library business. - 2011. - No. 6. - S. 36-41: ill. - About shortcomings of the new edition of the Code of professional ethics of the Russian librarian.

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.Bukreev A. I. Simple rules of good manners: Business Etiquette and protocol in modern library// Librarianship. - 2009. - No. 12. - S. 16-17.

.Vetchanova O.V. Communication in the children's library: problems and ways to solve them // Handbook of the head of a cultural institution. - 2010. - No. 7. - S. 55-67.

.Vikhreva G. M. Axiological foundations of library ethics in the light of the realities of the XXI century: [report] // Information Bulletin of the Russian Library Association. - 2009. - No. 53. - S. 71-74.

.Vikhreva G. M. The code of professional ethics in the light of the axiological attitudes of the Russian library community // Newsletter of the Russian Library Association. - 2010. - No. 56. - S. 129-132.

.Golovina N. N. Library communication as a basis for the activities of libraries // Young in library business. - 2007. - No. 3/4. - S. 57-60.

.Gorn L. The image of a professional in our hands: the corporate style of Russian librarians in accordance with European dress code requirements // Bibliopole. - 2011. - No. 10. - S. 30-33: ill.

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.Ezova S. A. Library, librarian and reader in terms of relations // Young in library business. - 2009. - No. 2. - S. 42-48: ill.

.Ezova S. A. Librarian - colleague - reader: relationship problems // New Library. - 2010. - No. 14. - S. 14-17.

.Ezova SA Types of library communication // Scientific and technical libraries. - 2010. - No. 6. - S. 54-61. - The types of library communication are disclosed in the article, taking into account the characteristics of the types of communication in psychology and library specificity.

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The Russian librarian is guided by the following
The library is an essential institution for
informational, educational and other functions that meet
the needs of the individual and society;
dissemination of knowledge and information is an important condition
social development, modernization and prosperity of Russia,
contributes to social stability and justice;
library resources are the basis for the conservation, development
and dissemination of cultural heritage, spiritual traditions…;
humanism is the ideological basis of the library
the public character of the library profession is based on
sense of social responsibility


guided by professional duty, not personal
views or preferences of political, economic,
religious and other organizations;
opposes censorship, economic, political and other
barriers to ensure user access to information,
knowledge and cultural heritage;
observes statutory measures to prevent
use of information for the purpose of violence, dissemination
racial and religious hatred, national, political and
other discrimination;
contributes to a positive intercultural dialogue of ethnic,
linguistic and cultural groups represented in society;
seeks to develop partnerships with authorities,
public organizations and various institutions for
promoting the development of libraries and improving their social


treats all users with respect and kindness,
real and potential;
provides high quality library services, a high level
communication culture;
provides the user's rights to access cultural property and
initiates the participation of the user in the cultural life of the society;
provides the user's rights to search, select and receive information
and knowledge, incl. through modern ICT;
ensures equal rights of users to library services,
regardless of gender, race, nationality, etc.;
contributes to the socialization of the individual, the formation of civil
promotes the development of the information culture of the individual;
does not recommend unreliable, deliberately false materials, is aware of them
danger and harm;
protects the user's right to privacy and confidentiality
information about his information activities


shows kindness, respect and honesty;
participates in the formation of corporate culture
team and follows it in order to effectively collaborate
work and comradely mutual assistance;
contributes to the professional development of young people
adheres to the principle of confidentiality of personal
seeks to earn its reputation through professionalism and
moral qualities, does not resort to dishonest methods
results of third-party intellectual activity
uses conscientiously, avoiding plagiarism


tends to professional development and raising
qualifications, cultural self-education as conditions
fulfillment of their social mission and professional duty;
makes efforts to increase the social prestige of its
profession and recognition of its promising role in the information
takes care of his appearance as part of the formation
positive image of the profession;
in the course of professional activity does not allow obtaining
personal material or other benefit at the expense of users, colleagues
and suppliers of goods and services;
does not commit acts that damage the prestige of the library
profession, takes care of its high public recognition
Adopted by the RBA Conference, May 26, 2011

Professional debt - a view of the totality
demands and moral precepts
society to the personality of the librarian, to the fulfillment
professional duties (creative attitude to
their work, observance of the law, exactingness to
yourself, professional development…)
Professional honor - public assessment of his
real professional merit, manifested in
the process of fulfilling his professional duty
The authority of a librarian is a moral status in society,
a form of discipline through which
librarian influences readers' beliefs
Professional tact - moral behavior,
including foreseeing all the consequences of one's act

"Professional Library
consciousness can be considered
as a body of knowledge, norms and
values ​​that reflect and
guiding professional
activities of a librarian
S. Matlina
Values-norms are a system of rules that have developed
in library teams to form
which are affected by the state
moral relations in society, traditions,
community goals of the team
Values-qualities are manifested in moral
consciousness, character traits, actions

CENSORSHIP - the general name for the government's control over content
and dissemination of information to prevent
dissemination of ideas and information recognized by this authority
harmful or unwanted
fulfillment by the person who has access to the information, the requirement
do not transfer such information to third parties without the consent of her
INFORMATION AVAILABILITY – avoiding temporary or permanent
hiding information from a user who has received access rights


Politeness - observance of the rules of decency, upbringing,
courtesy, delicacy. Politeness creates an atmosphere
benevolence, testifies to a high culture and
respect for others.
Form of politeness - words of greeting, gratitude,
Tact is a sense of proportion, which is necessary
observe in conversation, in personal and official relations, the ability
to feel the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words or
actions, resentment begins in the person with whom we communicate.
A tactful and delicate librarian will smooth out the small
oversight of an inexperienced reader, will not notice the physical
shortcomings of the visitor, offer unobtrusive assistance and
bypass sensitive topics that may cause conflict.

Correctness is tact in dealing with people, politeness,
Obligation - readiness to assist, fidelity to one's word.
One of the fundamental principles of library service is to accurately and
fulfill orders for literature in a timely manner.
Punctuality is accuracy, accuracy in the execution of something.
All meetings, excursions, conversations in the library should start on time.
Coming to work on time is a sign of conscientiousness and punctuality.
These qualities inspire confidence in the librarian from colleagues and
poise, pliability, benevolence, skill
identify attractive aspects in the library profession.
The librarian must be able to clearly express his thoughts, conduct a conversation
on topics of interest to the reader, to argue their point of view.
Communication is the ability to find the right tone, appropriate
form of communication, the ability to establish contact with the interlocutor
Attention functions, level of adjustment for reception and processing
incoming information, the ability to store for a long time
sustained attention and the ability to switch it from one view
activities to another, the ability to quickly choose from a large
the amount of information information that is needed to make a decision
specific tasks.

Volitional qualities: the ability to work according to instructions, to carry out
The current stage of development of librarianship involves
introduction of a competency-based approach aimed at
competitive, mobile professionals with
forward-thinking, ready for constant
change, with the initiative and ability
to self-education throughout life. One of
key requirements for modern library
the specialist becomes the possession of information
Librarians working in modern conditions
information technology, must master the methods
problem solving (psychological, informational,
managerial, economic, etc.); use in
maintenance of information and telecommunications
technology; observe professional ethics and
intellectual freedom of users, regardless of

Professional competence is the ability to solve professional problems and tasks, taking into account professional and

life experience, taking into account the values ​​and those inclinations,
that a librarian and a person in general have.
A culture of speech
strategic thinking
Computer literacy
perseverance in
goal achievement
Volitional qualities

Communication barriers:
different social status;
barrier of negative emotions;
health status;
psychological protection;
installation barrier and others.

Techniques for reducing emotional stress in the process of dialogue

Reducing voltage
opportunity partner
speak out
2. Verbalization
emotional state
(own, partner)
Boosting voltage
Interrupting a partner
emotional state
(own, partner)
3. Emphasizing commonality Emphasizing differences
with a partner (similarity
between yourself and your partner.
interests, opinions, etc.)
4. Showing interest in
partner problems
disinterest in
partner problem.

5. Emphasize importance
partner, his opinions in your
Humiliation of a partner
negative personality assessment
6. Offer specific
exit from the existing
Finding the guilty and blaming
7. Turning to the facts
Transition to personality.
8. Calm, confident pace
A sharp increase in the rate of speech.
9. If you are wrong
her immediate recognition
Delaying the moment of recognition
being wrong or denying
10. Maintain optimal
distance, setting
eye contact with the opponent.
Spatial avoidance

Five mistakes of business women
1. Neckline
2. Short skirt
3. Lots of decorations
4. Inadequate makeup
5. Summer dope



specific activity,
bearing a negative
moral assessment
Development stage
Conscious mutual
suppression of self-worth
human dignity
infringement, in particular
moral standards
conscious (often

Classification of conflicts

Types of conflict situations

Main stages of the conflict
1. The emergence and development of a conflict situation. Conflict situation
created by one or more subjects of social interaction and
is a precondition for conflict.
2. Awareness of the conflict situation by at least one of the participants in the social
interactions and emotional experience by him of this fact. Consequences and
external manifestations of such awareness and related emotional
experiences can be: mood changes, critical and unfriendly
statements addressed to your potential adversary, limiting contacts with
him, etc.
3. Beginning of open conflict interaction. This stage is expressed in
that one of the participants in social interaction, who realized the conflict
situation, proceeds to active actions (in the form of a demarche, statement,
warnings, etc.), aimed at causing damage to the “enemy”. Another
the participant is aware that these actions are directed against him, and, in his
turn, takes active retaliatory actions against the initiator of the conflict.
4. Development of an open conflict. At this stage, the parties to the conflict openly
declare their positions and put forward demands. However, they may not
be aware of their own interests and not understand the essence and subject of the conflict.
5. Conflict resolution. Depending on the content, conflict resolution
can be achieved by two methods (means): pedagogical (conversation,
persuasion, request, clarification, etc.) and administrative (transfer to another
work, dismissal, decisions of commissions, order of the head, court decision, etc.).

The main phases of the conflict:
1) initial phase;
2) lifting phase;
3) the peak of the conflict;
4) decline phase.

The ratio of phases and stages of the conflict

their interests
Strategies of behavior of participants in the conflict
other people's interests

Conflict behavior strategies:

Competition - "For me to win,
you must lose."
Compromise - "So that everyone
of us has won something, each
one of us has to lose something."
Collaboration - "To win
me, you have to win too.”
Avoidance - "No one wins
in conflict, so I'm leaving him"
Adaptation - "So that you
won, I must lose."

Actions of the leader and ways to resolve the conflict
structural conflict resolution
taking into account the psychology of participants
principled negotiations
psychotraining, psychotherapy
clear statement of requirements
principle of unity of command
setting common goals
reward system based on thoughtful criteria
suppression of the interests of conflicting
transfer to another job, separation of conflicting
administrative measures
conflict resolution based on the order of the leader
organizations or court decisions


Transactions of psychological equality
B - B:
A: What time is it?
B: It's a quarter to eight.
R - R:
A .: The students do not want to study at all.
B .: Yes, before curiosity was higher.
D - D:
A .: And what if you go to the cinema after the last lecture?
B: Yes, it's a good idea.
B - B:
CH: I need books on the history of Kansk.
B: I can offer only one book. See also this folder.

Transactions of the psychological
R - D (a)
A .: Aren't you ashamed to be late ?!"
B: I'm sorry, I won't.
R - D (b)
A .: And mom said that you should not leave unwashed
B: I'll fix it!
B - B (a)
C: Honey, bring me a magazine.
B: Yes, now.
B - B (b)
CH: Here, I found a card for a book in the catalog (and gives a card).
B .: You probably did not attend classes on information culture, from
and such illiteracy.

Crossed transactions

In the family (classic example of E. Berne):
Husband: Honey, can you tell me where my cufflinks are? (B-B).
1) You're not little anymore, it's time for you to know where your cufflinks are!
2) Where you left them! (R-D).
Q: Is this book in the library?
B .: I have already told you a hundred times, it is written off ...
B: You held up the book.
CH: I know, but if you knew how many problems I have ...

Hidden transactions

C: Tell me, do you have this book? (now say no)
B .: Go to the fund (tired ...)
B .: Galina Nikolaevna, my intuition tells me that you
brought a book to replace the lost one?
C: You have great intuition.

At present, a person, a person, often an amateur, needs to quickly navigate the flow of information and select the information he needs. The informatization of society has necessitated the emergence of the profession of an information worker. And the trend in the development of society is such that today the classical librarian has become an information worker. The values ​​of information service, reflecting the meanings of the profession, underlie information ethics, or rather the ethics of a librarian or information worker. .

Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. It is a well-known saying that the one who owns the information owns the world.

In recent decades, there has been persistent talk about the transition from the "industrial society" to the "information society". There is a change in the methods of production, the worldview of people, their way of life. Information Technology fundamentally change the daily lives of millions of people.

Information has become one of the most important strategic, management resources, along with resources - human, financial, material. Its production and consumption form the necessary basis for the effective functioning and development of various spheres of public life. And this means that not only sources of information in any part of our planet become available to every person, but also the new information generated by him becomes the property of all mankind. In modern conditions, the right to information and access to it are of vital importance for all members of society. The growing role of information in society has become the subject of scientific reflection.

The world is entering a new era - information, in the age of electronic economic activity, network communities and organizations without borders. The advent of the new time will radically change the economic and social aspects of society. Such changes most directly relate to the place of man in the information world. A person changes in accordance with the vector of information and technical characteristics of society. However, this is not at all a passive acceptance of the new conditions of production and consumption. A person acts as a subject of informational reality, far beyond the informational technical characteristics. Informatization of everyday life and the emergence of a new information field of human existence does not pass without a trace for the human life world. In the electronic space, behavioral standards and value orientations of the individual are changing.

The question arises: how can a person navigate the flow of all information and select the necessary one for him. The informatization of society has necessitated the emergence of the profession of an information worker.

Knowledge worker -- worker mental labor whose activities are related to the processing of available information and obtaining new information; includes programmers, analysts, planners, etc.; sometimes this group includes all workers who have a high level of education or are associated with education.

Today, this term coined by Drucker is half a century old, and the skills of an information worker are in many cases already among the mandatory requirements. All this makes us think about what image an information worker will acquire in modern society, what skills specialists should have to perfection now and what will be required in a few years. In our opinion, the following can be distinguished:

  • * information competence (the ability to search, analyze, transform, apply information);
  • * communication skills;
  • * professional identity;
  • * individual style of activity and communication;
  • * intellectual culture;
  • * creative potential. Professional identity includes:
  • * awareness of the rules and norms of their profession;
  • * awareness of these qualities in other people; taking into account self-assessment as a professional by colleagues and subscribers seeking information;
  • * self-evaluation of their individual parties;
  • * a positive assessment of oneself in general, the creation of a positive self-concept.

The individual style of activity and communication is determined by: the ability to navigate in situations of communication, the ability to empathize, communication skills, speech abilities, the orientation of the personality (authoritarian, conformal, altruistic, indifferent, dialogic), the ability to self-regulate.

Intellectual culture is understood as a holistic combination of such professionally significant qualities as:

  • * broad erudition based on the historical and cultural foundation;
  • * professional competence based on the necessary stock of general professional and special knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • * methodological equipment, flexibility and adaptability of thinking, which determines the innovativeness of professional behavior and contributes to understanding the conventionality of existing theoretical knowledge and obtaining new knowledge, acquiring new practical skills and abilities..

Creativity includes a certain level of development:

  • * creative abilities (originality of thinking, susceptibility to problems, imagination, ability to formulate new definitions, etc.);
  • * intuition;
  • * personal orientations;
  • * ability to self-development.

Thus, one of the important professional qualities of any specialist is competence.

If we turn to the works of such figures as G. A. Altukhova, S. D. Borodin, V. G. Drygailo, V. N. Melentiev,. we will see that they assigned all the above qualities to the librarian. Thus, the trend in the development of society is such that the classical librarian has now become an information worker.

The values ​​of information service, reflecting the meanings of the profession, underlie information ethics, or rather the ethics of a librarian or information worker. The concept of "ethics" is defined as "one of the forms of ideology - the doctrine of morality, its development, principles, norms, and role in society", as well as "a set of norms of behavior, the morality of some social group, profession" ..

The professional ethics of an information worker is realized in the course of communication, therefore, primarily in the process of information service. At the heart of professional morality, including the information worker, are universal norms, which are supplemented by specific professional norms. Among the general norms are such as treating another person as oneself and the responsibility that follows from this. Famous philosopher and theologian of the XX century. Hans Jonas, in his work The Principle of Responsibility, An Ethical Experience for a Technological Civilization, draws attention to the fact that in the past “the good or evil that was the concern of activity was in the immediate vicinity of the action - in the practice itself or in the nearest distance from it and did not represent an object of distant planning. This proximity of goals concerns both time and space.

For information services, the proximity of goals is also characteristic (the information worker must fulfill the request of the user who has contacted the information service at the moment). However, along with this, information activity has always been considered in a broad context and was focused on the future and very distant.

Therefore, the problem of responsibility, both immediate and related to the future, is the most important in professional information ethics. Now it is the responsibility for ensuring free access to information, for the accuracy and completeness of its provision, and at the same time for preserving the sources of information so that they can be used not only by the present, but also by future generations. This is the responsibility for attention to the needs of users, for the quality of services provided, the comfort of the information environment.

On the one hand, the information worker is responsible to each specific user of the present and future users as a representative of a socio-cultural institution, which is called upon to fulfill certain needs of users and not deceive their expectations. On the other hand, the information worker is responsible to users as an individual and specialist. In both capacities, he faces ethical tasks that he solves based on his ethical attitudes, ideas of conscience, and personal responsibility.

IN real practice the information worker often finds himself in a contradictory ethical situation, for example, between the duty to provide free access to a book, picture, etc., and the need to preserve them. This is, in essence, a contradiction between the responsibility to a specific present user and the responsibility to future generations, who will not be able to get acquainted with cultural values ​​if they are lost. This contradiction, as noted, is inherent in the functions of the information institution.

Other ethical conflicts are also possible, for example, in a situation where the rules for using an information service provide for payment after an hour of a user's work on the Internet. The information worker, in the absence of a queue, may allow the user to work more for free, or may not allow it. This will depend on how the information worker resolves the contradiction between sympathy for the financial situation of the user (value - user) and responsibility to the information service in terms of its material problems, as well as a possible increase in salary for paid services (value - material goods). . Examples could go on: allow the reader to enter the vault and choose the books themselves or not; to serve the reader if he delayed the books or to punish; set aside books in a bookstore for a regular customer or sell immediately; disclose to the heads of a particular employee, parents of children or other persons the secret of reading, the nature of the information taken due to special circumstances or not; whether to issue information related to extremist organizations or not, etc. Such contradictions, as a rule, are resolved by the information worker himself, guided, on the one hand, by universal, professional, and on the other hand, by individual morality, determined by his beliefs, motives, value orientations , ideals, self-esteem, etc. Knowledge of the laws that lay down some professional norms, for example, the requirement of free access to information, can help an information worker in choosing behavior.

The norms of professional ethics can be presented in the code of professional ethics, but more often moral norms are transmitted orally in a team (moreover, in each team, the norms have their own characteristics related to the moral climate in this group).

These norms contribute to the optimization of relations between managers and subordinates, between information workers themselves, between information workers and users, between the information service and authorities, and other external structures (firms, organizations).

The main ethical requirements for information workers, which are set out in modern documents, can be formulated as follows: recognition and provision of freedom of access to information for users, confidentiality of information about the user, honesty in dialogue with him, willingness to help users, responsibility in fulfilling their requests, benevolence, politeness..

In connection with the formation of environmental ethics, some of its norms should be included in the circle of ethical norms of an information worker, in particular, the requirement to create safe (psychologically, including) conditions for searching for information and working with it, organizing a comfortable information environment.

Knowledge of professional etiquette as a set of rules of conduct in the profession can help an information worker in communication. The rules of etiquette do not replace the ethical behavior, they are the external form of their manifestation. Knowledge of etiquette is important in both ordinary and conflict situations, because it allows you to react automatically, and not look for a form of behavior. For the formation of etiquette skills among information workers, special trainings are held. Thus, the main problems of the ethics of the information worker today are the availability of information and the confidentiality of information activities. Ethical issues of confidentiality pose a dilemma for the librarian, the information worker: on the one hand, one should adhere to a set of social obligations, and on the other hand, protect the intellectual freedom of users. Censorship and filtering of information is used in most Russian libraries and information centers that provide their users with access to the Internet. As a rule, information of a pornographic nature that promotes violence, entertainment sites, gambling sites, chat rooms, etc. is filtered. This practice is typical for most European libraries, but the fundamental difference from Russian libraries is that abroad the content of filtering becomes an object of regulatory (or administrative) regulation and is reflected in the obligatory informing of readers. A characteristic feature of Russian libraries in this matter, the decision to restrict access to information is made at the technical level, without being fixed in legal, regulatory acts. Only the ethical principles of employees, their ideas of virtue and piety determine the solution of issues of access to information, the content of information services in general.

Issues of professional ethics play a prominent role in the activities of the information worker. Since the emergence of the profession, the moral attitudes of a specialist have had a significant impact on the relationship of colleagues in the team, on their communication with users. The main quality of professional morality of a librarian has always been a humanistic orientation. Possession of the highest moral qualities constitutes the authority of the library profession, determines its purpose for society, influences the basis of professional morality, and forms only its inherent characteristics. Professional duty becomes a moral need of a librarian, and he is aware of it in working with users.

Information worker ethics and user service are related concepts. Service means focusing on the other, providing the necessary services, benevolent help in joining the sources of information, creating a healthy atmosphere in the professional environment. Ethics also includes the concept of human character, the nature of actions, the needs of people and the peculiarities of their communication. Having studied the laws of ethics, realizing his professional duty, the information worker feels responsible for the quality of service, creatively treats each request of the subscriber.

The development of the theoretical and practical foundations of professional ethics largely depends on the socio-political and economic conditions of society. At present, library science is showing considerable interest in such ethical issues as free access to information, censorship, confidentiality, priority service, managerial ethics, and many others that have not previously been the focus of attention of specialists.

Professional morality has an ideological orientation, which turns it not only into a set of certain norms and prohibitions, but also into an internally ordered system that becomes an organic element of education, forms a stable need for scientific knowledge about professional morality, forms an internal unity of professional requirements with the requirements social.

The process of mastering professional morality, its assimilation cannot be spontaneous. A professional passes moral norms through the specifics of his work. The synthesis of generally accepted moral norms and specific ones, inherent only in a certain profession, constitutes the content of professional codes.

It should be borne in mind that the moral norms of society change over time, are periodically updated. History records these changes. Feudal, feudal, communist and other types of morality are known. At the same time, the old moral and professional systems are preserved, which can no longer meet the requirements of the time, the moral consciousness of society. In this regard, the moral and professional training of a specialist should be consciously organized and purposeful. The professional ethics of an information worker expresses the professional normative intrinsic value of morality, therefore it is necessary to create ethical codes with the help of which each specialist can make the right moral choice of his professional behavior.

Ethics, on the one hand, is the adherence to values, virtues, principles that people need to live in peace and mutual respect. In this sense, the appearance of information is inevitable, causing rather the moral degradation of a person than his development. On the other hand, the concept of ethics also includes the meaning of the search for truth, humanization, freedom, standing above the interests of the state. And then information is "peaks in the struggle for truth" and trust in the authorities. But in any case, the problems of protecting intellectual freedom and the existence of censorship on the Internet require self-determination from the information worker.

Inevitably, the dilemma also arises: what should be guided in the issue of access? Which way to go? As for the problem of the degree of accessibility of Internet resources, it has different solutions, but the profession of a librarian itself obliges to be guided by specific principles developed over the centuries, dictates an appeal to established ethical traditions. Servicing users in a virtual environment requires self-determination. Obviously, our task now is to find the optimal balance between intellectual freedom and moral guidelines for the activities of the Russian library.

This Code defines the moral foundations of the professional activity of a Russian librarian.

The Russian librarian is guided by the following beliefs:

  • - the library is a necessary and important institution that performs information, educational, cultural, leisure and other functions that meet the needs of the individual and society as a whole;
  • - dissemination of knowledge and information is an important condition for social development, modernization and prosperity of Russia, contributes to social stability and justice;
  • - library resources are the basis for the preservation, development and dissemination of cultural heritage, spiritual traditions, the whole diversity of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and other countries;
  • - humanism is the ideological basis of the library profession;
  • - The social nature of the library profession is based on a sense of social responsibility.

In relations with society, a librarian.

  • - is guided by professional duty, and not by personal views or preferences of political, economic, religious and other organizations;
  • - resists censorship, economic, political and other barriers while providing users with access to information, knowledge and cultural heritage;
  • - observes the measures established by law to prevent the use of information for the purpose of violence, the spread of racial and religious hatred, national, political and other discrimination;
  • - promotes a positive intercultural dialogue of ethnic, linguistic and cultural groups represented in society;
  • - seeks to develop partnerships with authorities, public organizations and various institutions in order to promote the development of libraries and increase their social significance.

Relationship with user librarian

  • - Respectfully and kindly treats all users, real and potential;
  • - provides high quality library services and a high level of communication culture;
  • - ensures the user's rights to search, select and receive information and knowledge, including through modern information and communication technologies;
  • - ensures the user's rights to access cultural property and initiates the user's participation in the cultural life of society;
  • - ensures the equality of the rights of users to library services, regardless of their gender, race, nationality, property or official position, political or religious beliefs, physical health conditions;
  • - contributes to the socialization of the individual, the formation of civic consciousness;
  • - contributes to the development of the information culture of the individual;
  • - promotes the book and reading as a source of intellectual and spiritual development of the individual, contributes to the formation and development of a culture of reading;
  • - promotes the intellectual and spiritual development of users-children and young men;
  • - does not recommend unreliable, deliberately false materials, is aware of the danger and harm that they can cause to individuals and society;
  • - protects the user's right to privacy and confidentiality of information about his information activities, guided by a sense of social responsibility.

In relationships with colleagues, the librarian

  • - Shows goodwill, respect and honesty;
  • - participates in the formation of the corporate culture of the team and follows it for the purpose of effective teamwork and comradely mutual assistance;
  • - contributes to the professional development of young personnel;
  • - observes the principle of confidentiality of personal information;
  • - strives to earn his reputation with professionalism and moral qualities, does not resort to dishonest methods of rivalry;
  • - uses the results of third-party intellectual activity in good faith, avoiding plagiarism.

In relation to his profession, a librarian

  • - strives for professional development and advanced training, cultural self-education as an integral condition for the fulfillment of its social mission and professional duty;
  • - makes efforts to increase the social prestige of his profession and the recognition of its promising role in the information society;
  • - takes care of his appearance as an integral part of the formation of a positive image of the profession;
  • - in the course of professional activity does not allow obtaining personal material or other benefits at the expense of users, colleagues, booksellers and other suppliers of goods and services;
  • - does not commit actions that damage the prestige of the library profession, takes care of its high public recognition.

Compliance with the code.

Knowledge and observance of the Code is a matter of honor, conscience and professional responsibility of every Russian librarian.

The RLA is working to promote the Code among librarians.

The Council of the RBA is considering cases of violation of the Code that have caused serious damage to the prestige of the library profession.

G. A. Altukhova



In modern conditions, the global tasks of the development of society have a single point of reference - the importance of a person, respect for his rights, the priorities of moral relations between people. The radical transformations taking place in our society are essentially aimed at establishing this dimension of a person and make us pay special attention to the system of universal human values, ideals and moral principles. Ethical issues today inevitably arise in all spheres of public life: economics, politics, culture, education. Until the paramount importance of culture and education and the ethical norms of behavior and activity produced by them is not recognized, society cannot become either civilized or democratic.

The spiritual recovery of people is greatly facilitated by the library, the work of which is based on moral principles, on the moral principles that have been formed in the profession of a librarian. With the abolition of the ideological diktat in library science, the question arose of overcoming the prevailing stereotypes, changing the established moral principles of the "communist consciousness". Issues of professional ethics are increasingly attracting the attention of specialists.

In fact, this is a new issue for library science, its comprehension does not yet have established traditions, a developed scientific and theoretical base. Therefore, the main goal of the textbook is to initiate the development of the theoretical foundations of the professional ethics of a librarian, to show its specificity in relation to the original, basic ethics as a philosophical science. The goal is also to formulate the concept of "professional ethics of a librarian". To do this, the textbook broadly examines the theoretical aspect of the professional ethics of a librarian: the essence and specificity of professional morality are revealed, the definition of moral attitudes, principles, categories is given, and the boundaries between what is permitted and what is not permitted in the library profession are identified.

When determining the essence of the professional ethics of a librarian, the author of the textbook proceeded from its main feature - "intrusion" into the spiritual world of a person, the fulfillment by a professional of the noble mission of enlightenment and information activity.

The author considers the moral assessment of the professionalism of a librarian based on two factors: what the library profession brings to social development and what moral return a librarian receives as a result of his work. These two terms form the postulates of the librarian's professional ethics.

Justification theoretical aspects of professional ethics, the author of the textbook studied and analyzed in detail the works of domestic library scientists, figures of history and culture, as well as numerous publications of foreign authors, taking into account the fact that in our country they are just starting to study this problem, while in America and Europe ethics issues librarians have been successfully developed since the beginning of the 20th century.

Ethical aspects of professionalism cannot be studied without knowledge of library professionology. The leading scientists of the country are successfully working on these issues: K. I. Abramov, V. Ya. Aizenberg, N. A. Vaneev, V. I. Tereshin, A. V. Sokolov, A. I. Kapterev and many others. The questions of professionalism are studied by the authors' teams of the country's leading universities. Thanks to this, domestic library science has developed clear professional characteristics of library workers, revealed the features of their work in various areas of serving readers in the library. What has been done is a serious prerequisite and a good scientific basis for creating a legislative basis for the work of a librarian, determining the moral standards of his profession.

A significant place in the manual is given to the normative aspect of the professional ethics of a librarian, including practical recommendations and coverage of moral standards. Thus, the ethical norms of communication in the library are considered in detail, its various forms - verbal and non-verbal - are analyzed. great attention given to verbal communication. To this end, the manual includes recommendations on the art of speech of a librarian, shows the specifics of speech communication during individual and mass work, conducting a speech dialogue, etc.

Important for a librarian is not only the ability to speak, but also the art of listening. Until recently, these issues have received insufficient attention in the professional press, although this quality is one of the essential features of a librarian's professionalism. In this regard, the reader's attention is drawn to various forms of listening, to the peculiarities of the perception of the interlocutor's speech, recommendations are given for correct listening.

IN Lately professionals are increasingly paying attention to the etiquette of communication in the library. The study guide shows the relationship between ethics and etiquette and at the same time gives a clear distinction between these concepts: ethics expresses the moral side of an act, etiquette - its external form.

The attention of readers is offered the first experience of considering the norms of library ethics, little studied in Russian library science: free access to information, inadmissibility of censorship in the library, secrecy of reading (confidentiality), problems of priority service, ethics of the head of the library, etc. The characteristics of the norms are supplemented by questions for analysis, the answers to which will help the reader to penetrate deeper into the essence of the problem under study.

In Russian library science, the legal framework for the professional ethics of a librarian has not yet been sufficiently developed. In order to develop it as soon as possible, the textbook offers samples of professional librarian codes developed in foreign countries, describes the first experience of domestic researchers in this direction.

1. Theoretical basis professional ethics

1.1. The subject and purpose of ethics as a science

Ethics is a philosophical science. It studies the system of norms of moral behavior of people, their duties towards society and towards each other. The ethics dictionary indicates that the term "ethics" is of ancient Greek origin and originates from the word "ethos" (ethika - in the original sense - a human dwelling, nest). This word is translated into Russian as “habit”, “temper”, “character”, “way of life”. The Latin analogue of the term "ethics" is the term "morality". In Russian, along with the above definitions, the word "morality" is also widely used. All these terms are identical in their etymological content and are used as synonyms.

Over the centuries-old history of the development of ethics as a science, it has acquired its own specifics and methods of research inherent only to it, has taken a certain place in the system of sciences. Revealing the subject of the study of ethics, E. G. Fedorenko emphasizes that morality is studied not only by ethics. Many other sciences (pedagogy, psychology, sociology, medicine, etc.) have their own subject of study in this area. However, they all study one side of morality (educational, psychological, social), while ethics captures all aspects of morality in general, morality is its only subject of study, comprehended in its philosophical and ideological essence.

So morality is the subject of ethics. It is called a special form of social and individual consciousness, it performs the function of regulating human behavior, prompting him to obey certain social laws. Thanks to the ethical guidelines developed by society, a person realizes what can and cannot be done, what is good and commendable, and what is reprehensible and immoral.

A person cannot but coordinate his interests with the interests of society, otherwise he comes into conflict with him and with the people around him (although, to varying degrees, a discrepancy between the requirements of morality and how people behave is observed quite often). This is also a deviation from the moral norms of an individual member of society, and perhaps the whole society, the state, when human rights are violated, aggressive wars are waged, environmental disasters are provoked, a policy of genocide is carried out against its own people, etc. Each society creates its own morality, with through which the personality of a citizen is formed, and he, focusing his behavior on the developed norms of morality, contributes to the development and progress of the society in which he lives.