Presentation of interactive teaching methods in high school. Presentation on Interactive Teaching Methods

  • History teacher Zheltukhina T.A.

  • Biology teacher Nosova I.N.

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“Any person can become Newton if only an apple falls on his head. But why wait until it falls; it's better to be the one who shakes the apple "

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Modern pedagogy is focused on ensuring that

The child has learned to learn
- discovered the energy of knowledge, constant striving for new knowledge.

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The success of the learning process is highly dependent on the relationship.

  • Teachers with children

  • Children with each other

  • Each child with a teacher

  • A student with a team
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    The idea of ​​cooperation comes from

    • From ancient sages

    • Passes through the philosophy of many spiritual teachings, classical pedagogy and psychology
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    A student-centered approach to the educational process helps to provide interactive methodologies.

    Translated from in English interact - "to be in interaction, to communicate"

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    Interactive teaching methods - a system of rules for organizing productive interaction of students with each other and with the teacher in the form of educational, business, role-playing games, discussions, during which there is a development of new experience and the acquisition of new knowledge.

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    Interactive teaching methods allow you to solve the following tasks:

    • Active inclusion of each student in the assimilation process teaching material

    • Enhancement cognitive motivation

    • Learning the skills of successful communication (the ability to listen and hear each other, build a dialogue, ask questions for understanding)
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    • Self-development skills learning activities: determination of leading and intermediate tasks, the ability to foresee the consequences of one's choice, its objective assessment

    • Leadership education
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    • Ability to work with a team and in a team

    • Take responsibility for joint and own activities to achieve the result
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    Methodological techniques of interactive learning:

    • Couples and groups

    • "Brain attack"

    • "General discussion"

    • Projects
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    • Seminars

    • "General hubbub"

    • Word associations

    • Reproduction of information
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    Game classification:

    • According to the game methodology: subject, plot, role-playing, business, imitation, dramatization

    • By the nature of the pedagogical process: teaching, cognitive, reproductive, creative, generalizing, diagnostic, training, controlling, developing
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    Game classification

    • By field of activity: intellectual, social, psychological, physical, labor

    • By gaming environment: computer, technical, desktop, television
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    Business game

    • Simulating a real process in a game using a model

    • Differences in the interests of the participants in the game

    • Having a common game goal

    • Decision chain implementation

    • Using flexible time frames
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    Situational games

    • Situations - illustrations

    • Situations - Exercises

    • Assessment situations

    • Problem situations

    • Predictive situations
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    Couples and groups

    This method gives students more opportunities to participate and interact.

    Groups can be formed arbitrarily, at the request of the students, but most often when planning group work in the lesson, the teacher divides the class into groups in advance, taking into account the level of educational skills, student success and the nature of interpersonal relationships.

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    Rules of conduct

    • Criticism of the ideas put forward is prohibited

    • Judgments about the unsolvability of the problem are not allowed

    • The more proposals are put forward, the more likely a new and valuable idea will emerge.

    • Role availability
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    • Improvement and development of the proposed ideas are encouraged during the assault.

    • Friendly, creative atmosphere

    • Active interaction of all participants

    • Application of the assessment system, incentives
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    General discussion

    An educational discussion is called a purposeful, collective discussion of a specific problem, accompanied by the exchange of ideas, judgments, opinions in a group.

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    Discussion stages

    • Orientation

    • Grade

    • Consolidation
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    Project activities

    Self-study of various topics, conducted by students for some time.

    This technique can be used to change value orientations students, improving the climate in the team, individualization and differentiation of learning.

    It is best used when children can already do their own searches.

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    Stages of work on a project

    1. Motivational (setting goals and objectives, actualizing the problem, developing basic ideas)
    2. Planning - preparatory (team building, distribution of responsibilities, collection of information)

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    3. Stage of project implementation (integration of all collected information, preparation visual material, creating a computer presentation)
    4. Evaluative and reflective (making adjustments, summing up, discussing the results of the project)

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    Seminar organization method

    1. Identifying Discussion Issues
    2. Selection of literature
    3. Selection of individual life situations

    Eremkina Olga Vasilievna Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Management in Education, Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin

    Slide 2: Questions:

    What explains the interest in interactive forms and teaching methods? What is the difference between interactive and active teaching methods? What methods can be classified as active and interactive teaching methods? What is the algorithm for conducting interactive teaching methods?

    Slide 3: Passive Method

    student student student teacher

    Slide 4: Traditional Learning

    passivity of the student during the lesson; one-way communication; the teacher uses material that is not original; only the methods of its construction, logic and manner of presentation are original.

    Slide 5: Active method

    student student student teacher

    Slide 6: Patterns of learning according to R. Karnikau and F. McElrow

    a person remembers 10% of what he has read; 20% - heard; 30% - seen; 50% - seen and heard; 80% - what he says himself; 90% - what has reached in activity.

    Slide 7: Iterative Method

    student student student teacher

    Slide 8: Multilateral communication

    Learners become more proficient in certain skills if they are allowed to approach the subject through their own experience. Learners learn best if the teacher actively supports their way of learning. Students perceive the material better if it is structured, the student is included in the discussion, can express his point of view, even if it does not coincide with the point of view of the teacher.

    Slide 9: Active and interactive technologies

    Round table (discussion, debate). Brainstorm. Business and role-playing games. C ase-study. Case method Method of projects. Dialogue lesson (lesson - dialogue). Group work or small group work


    Slide 10: Case method

    an interactive, imitative creative teaching method involving the use of real life situations, in which, based on the construction of a role-playing system, the development of theoretical knowledge and the acquisition of practical skills are carried out


    Slide 11: Case method. Stages

    1) the teacher's introductory remarks (introduction to the problem, communication of rules of conduct, distribution of roles); 2) familiarization with the text; 3) group discussion; 4) discussion, collective analysis (formulation of a hypothesis, pedagogical influences); 5) summing up.


    Slide 12: Case method. Main characteristics:

    combination of modeling methods, system analysis, problematic, thought experiment, game methods; collective developmental learning; promotes the emancipation of its participants, the democratization of relations, the formation of a progressive style of thinking and ethics of group communication; possesses a time and plot structure, has a clear sequence of events in time, a storyline (drama), a clash of opinions.


    Slide 13: Interactive Learning

    this is a special form of organizing cognitive activity. It implies very specific and predictable goals. Purpose: is to create a comfortable learning environment in which the student feels his success, his intellectual competence, which makes the learning process productive; in the formation of skills in educational activities.


    Slide 14: Features of interaction in interactive learning:

    stay of subjects of education in the same semantic space; joint inclusion in a single creative space; consistency in the choice of means and methods for solving educational problems; joint emotional state, experiencing feelings accompanying the acceptance and implementation of problem solving.


    Slide 15: Basic rules for organizing interactive learning

    Rule one. All participants should be involved in the work. The second rule. Psychological preparation of the participants is required. For this, warm-ups, encouragement are used. Rule three. The optimal number of participants is 15-25 people. Rule four. Participants should be able to easily transfer to work in large and small groups. The fifth rule. Clear consolidation of procedures and regulations. Rule six. First, the division into groups on a voluntary basis. Then it is appropriate to use the principle of random selection.


    Slide 16: Prerequisites for organizing interactive learning:

    trusting, positive relationship between teacher and learner; democratic style; cooperation in the process of communication; reliance on personal experience students; variety of forms and methods of information presentation; external and intrinsic motivation activities, mutual motivation of students.


    Slide 17: Algorithm for conducting an interactive lesson:

    I. Preparation of the lesson, the teacher selects a topic, situation, defines definitions (all terms, concepts, etc. must be equally understood by all students), selects a specific form of interactive lesson, determines the time frame for completing the assignment in groups, for an introductory speech, briefing on reflective analysis?


    Slide 18: The teacher should before class:

    clarify the problems to be solved; clearly structure the material of the lesson; to outline the prospects for using the knowledge gained in practice; clearly imagine what the students will do in the classroom (in the process of group work).


    Slide 19: II. Introduction:

    Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson. familiarity with the proposed situation, with the problem; informing participants about the framework conditions, rules for working in a group, clear instructions; creating a situation of unambiguous semantic understanding of terms and concepts; clarification of the conceptual apparatus, definition of the studied topic.


    Slide 20: Sample rules for group work for students:

    activity; respect for the opinions of the participants; benevolence; punctuality, responsibility; openness to interaction; interest; striving to find the truth; compliance with the regulations; creativity; respect for the rules of work in a group.


    Slide 21: III Main part:

    All forms of interactive learning are characterized by the main key components: 1. Clarification of the positions of the participants, which presupposes the manifestation of the attitude of the participants to the problem under discussion

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    general characteristics interactive learning Inter "is" mutual "," act "- to act. INTERACTIVE LEARNING - learning based on the student's interaction with the learning environment, the learning environment, which serves as an area of ​​mastery of experience. Interactive methods are based on collaborative learning or learning by doing, the essence of which is expressed by the Chinese proverb: "Tell me, I forget, Show me, I can remember, Let me do this, And it will be mine forever."

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    The types of activity inherent in interactive learning Physical - change workplace are transplanted; speak, write, listen, draw, etc. Social - asking questions, answering questions, exchanging opinions, etc. Cognitive - they make additions and amendments to the teacher's presentation, find solutions to problems themselves, act as one of the sources of professional experience, etc.

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    The goals of interactive learning are the implementation of the subject - the subject approach in the organization of educational activities; the formation of active cognitive and mental activity of students; increasing motivation to study the subject; creating a comfortable, supportive atmosphere in the lesson; exclusion of monologic presentation of educational material and duplication of information that can be obtained from available sources; working off in different forms communicative competencies of students.

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    Tasks of interactive learning Interactive learning simultaneously solves three tasks: cognitive, which is associated with the learning situation and the mastery of learning information; communicative and developmental, which is associated with the development of basic communication skills within and outside a specific group; socio-orientational, which is associated with the education of civic qualities necessary for adequate socialization of the individual in the community.

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    Interactive tasks are the basis of the content of interactive learning The main difference between interactive exercises and tasks from ordinary ones is that they are aimed not only and not so much at consolidating the already studied material, but at learning new ones. When performing interactive tasks, the dominance of any participant is excluded educational process or any idea. An interactive task always presupposes such an organization of the learning process in which it is impossible for students to not participate in a collective, mutually complementary learning process.

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    Types of interactive assignments assignments for work in small groups; educational games; social projects; discussion of complex and debatable issues and problems; solving educational problems; creative tasks.

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    Formulation of tasks: Formulate the concept. Prove it. Explain. Analytical and problematic questions: “Why? What follows? What does it depend on?" "Who will ask more questions on a certain topic in a minute." *

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    Creative assignment is the basis of any interactive method By creative assignments we mean those educational assignments that require students not to simply reproduce information, but contain a greater or lesser element of obscurity and, as a rule, have several approaches.

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    Creative tasks Composing math problems... Compilation of mathematical crosswords. Writing fairy tales, the heroes of which are numbers or geometric shapes. Mathematical essays. Reports and abstracts. Drawings or applications for specific topics of the mathematics course. *

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    eg Analytical reading Read the text and select the most important sentences and paragraphs in terms of mathematical content. Record the selected fragments in a short form Discuss the result in the group (or with a neighbor on the desk). Composing tasks When repeating the topic "Interest", you may be offered a task: to compose and solve a problem close to the real life situation in your family, to draw up on sheets of a standard size for subsequent binding of all problems into a problem book.

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    Active forms of classes * Non-imitation Imitation games non-fiction Problem lectures Problem seminars Brainstorming Round table Business game Educational game Mini-games Role-playing games Situational games Analysis of a specific situation Trainings Action according to instructions Working with documents

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    Forms of interactive learning The main feature of interactive learning is that the learning process takes place in joint activities The group form of training is the independent fulfillment of the task and its verification in the group, the independent search for the answer to the question posed. ... Advantages of the group form of organizing educational activities: all students work and, in case of difficulties, receive timely help from a senior or teacher.

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    Forms of interactive learning A collective way of learning is a form of organizing learning activities when one teaches everyone, and everyone teaches everyone. CSR advantages: everyone acts in the role of a student and in the role of a teacher, there is constant control over the implementation of the assignment, the possibility of mistakes is excluded, students receive individual help from their comrades, there is mutual learning

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    Structure of an interactive lesson 1. Motivation - to focus the attention of students (or participants in the event) on the problem and arouse interest in the topic under discussion. 2. Announcement of predicted results (educational tasks) - to ensure that students understand the meaning of their activities, i.e. what they should achieve as a result of the lesson and what the teacher expects of them. 3. Providing the necessary information - to give students enough information in order to carry out practical tasks on its basis. 4. Interactive task - the central part of the lesson - the practical mastering of the material, the achievement of the set goals of the lesson (solving educational problems). 5. Summing up - reflection, awareness of what was done in the lesson.

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    Interactive learning models Innovative models - aimed at improving the existing socio-culture (teaching culture and learning culture). These include: active learning technology; problem learning technology; heuristic learning technology; Innovative models are aimed at a purposeful radical change in socio-culture (teaching culture and learning culture). These include: project learning technology; game learning technology; information and computer learning technologies

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    Conclusion Interactive forms and methods are among the innovative and contribute to enhancing the cognitive activity of students, independent comprehension of the educational material. They are a condition for self-realization of the personality of students in educational activities. Interactive forms and methods of teaching contribute to the creation of situations of success, which is a powerful incentive for students. Contribute to improving the quality of teaching

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    The use of active and interactive forms of conducting classes in the educational process, as the implementation of the competence-based approach author - compiler: Tkachenko S.V.

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    One Chinese parable says: “Tell me - and I will forget; show me - and I will remember; let me do it - and I will understand. " These words reflect the essence of active and interactive learning.

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    Today, the expression is often used - active and interactive teaching methods and techniques. Let's try to figure out what it is, which methods are considered to be active, and which are interactive. Methods and Techniques: Similarities, Differences and Fundamental Features В special literature there are different interpretations of the terms "teaching method" and "teaching method". In fact, it is a way of interaction between a teacher and students, with the help of which knowledge, skills and abilities are transferred. The difference is that a technique is a short-term method that involves working with one, specific skill. And the method is a lengthy process, consisting of several stages and including many techniques. Thus, the method of teaching is only component this or that method.

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    Classification of teaching methods Methods are classified according to various criteria: by the nature of educational activities: problematic, research, search, reproductive, explanatory-illustrative, heuristic, etc .; according to the degree of activity of the teacher and students: active and passive; by the source of educational material: verbal, visual, practical; by the method of organizing educational and cognitive activities: methods of forming competencies, methods of obtaining new knowledge, methods of testing and assessment

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    One of the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs based on the Federal State Educational Standard is the widespread use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes in combination with traditional forms in order to form and develop key competencies students. Why the FSES gives preference to active-activity educational technologies is obvious: competencies are associated with the implementation of an action, they are formed and manifested only in activity, therefore the competence-based approach on which the FSES is based implies a transition in the design of the content of education from knowledge to methods of activity.

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    What are active learning methods? Active teaching methods are built according to the "teacher = student" interaction scheme. From the name it is clear that these are methods that imply the equal participation of the teacher and students in the educational process. That is, children act as equal participants and creators of the lesson. The idea of ​​active teaching methods in pedagogy is not new. The founders of the method are considered to be such renowned teachers as J. Comenius, I. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, G. Hegel, J. Rousseau, D. Dewey. Although the idea that successful learning is based primarily on self-knowledge is still found among ancient philosophers.

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    Signs of active teaching methods: activation of thinking, and the student is forced to be active; long time of activity - the student does not work sporadically, but throughout the entire educational process; independence in the development and search for solutions to the assigned tasks; motivation to learn. Classification of active teaching methods The most general classification divides active methods into two large groups: individual and group. More detailed includes such groups: Discussion. Game. Training. Rating.

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    Methods and techniques of active learning In the learning process, the teacher can choose either one active method or use a combination of several. But success depends on the consistency and ratio of the chosen methods and tasks. Let's consider the most common methods of active learning: Presentations are the simplest and most affordable method to use in the classroom. This is a demonstration of slides prepared by the students themselves on the topic. Case technologies have been used in pedagogy since the last century. It is based on the analysis of simulated or real situations and the search for a solution. Moreover, there are two approaches to creating cases. The American School offers a search for the one and only correct decision the task at hand. The European school, on the other hand, welcomes the versatility of solutions and their rationale. Problem lecture - unlike the traditional one, the transfer of knowledge during a problem lecture is not passive. That is, the teacher does not present ready-made statements, but only raises questions and identifies a problem. The rules are deduced by the students themselves. This method is quite complex and requires students to have some experience of logical reasoning.

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    Methods and techniques of active learning Didactic games - unlike business games, didactic games are strictly regulated and do not imply the development of a logical chain for solving a problem. Basket method - based on simulating a situation. For example, the student should act as a guide and take a tour of a history museum. Moreover, his task is to collect and convey information about each exhibit. Brainstorming (brainstorming, brainstorming) is a widely used method of generating new ideas for solving scientific and practical problems. Its purpose is to organize collective thought activity in search of non-traditional ways of solving problems. A round table is a method of active learning, one of the organizational forms of cognitive activity of students, which allows to consolidate previously acquired knowledge, fill in the missing information, form the ability to solve problems, strengthen positions, and teach a culture of discussion.

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    Interactive teaching methods Interactive teaching methods are based on the "teacher = student" and "student = student" interaction schemes. That is, now not only the teacher involves children in the learning process, but the students themselves, interacting with each other, influence the motivation of each student. The teacher only plays the role of an assistant. Its task is to create conditions for the initiative of children.

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    Tasks of interactive teaching methods: Teach independent search, analysis of information and the development of the correct solution to the situation. Teach teamwork: respect someone else's opinion, show tolerance for another point of view. Teach you to form your own opinion based on certain facts.

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    Methods and techniques of interactive learning Brainstorming is a flow of questions and answers, or suggestions and ideas on a given topic, in which the analysis of correctness / incorrectness is performed after the storming. Clusters, Comparison Charts, Puzzles - Search keywords and problems on a certain mini-topic. An interactive lesson using audio and video materials, ICT. For example, online tests, work with electronic textbooks, tutorials, training sites. Round table (discussion, debate) is a group type of method that involves a collective discussion by students of a problem, proposals, ideas, opinions and a joint search for a solution. Business games(including role-playing, imitation) is a fairly popular method that can be used even in primary school... During the game, students play the roles of participants in a particular situation, trying on different professions.

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