Qualification levels in professional standards. The concept and forms of determining the qualifications of an employee

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The level of qualification of workers is determined by the Unified tariff and qualification reference book of works and professions of workers of the national economy, and for employees - Qualification handbook positions of employees with its corresponding additions.

The qualification level of workers is determined by the ranks that are assigned to them depending on theoretical and practical training.

Increasing the level of qualifications of workers is objectively due to technical progress. Creation and introduction into production of equipment of high parameters - high-performance units, technological lines, intensively operating continuous or low-stage technological processes, automated systems management makes qualitatively new requirements for the level of qualifications of service personnel.

The number and level of qualifications of workers directly servicing the machine depends on the complexity of the design. More sophisticated equipment with high quality parameters, as a rule, requires a lot of knowledge and experience in work. For example, the complexity of driving a car with a carrying capacity of 3 and 25 tf is far from the same. The wages of workers are made up of the basic and additional.

Thus, the level of qualifications of workers is characterized by an average wage category. The analysis determines the compliance of this indicator with the average wage category of work.

The level of qualifications of workers has significantly increased.

The task of analyzing the level of qualifications of workers also includes the study of the reasons for deviations of the established categories of workers for each profession from staffing table or from the category of work performed in order to bring them into line. Current practice indicates that the use of workers in jobs charged under other categories is undesirable. Payments for low-grade work by higher-grade workers increase labor costs per unit of output and cause unproductive spending on wages, and the implementation of more complex work that does not correspond to the qualifications of workers leads to a decrease in product quality, to an increase in the level of rejects and unjustified savings in the wage bill.

When the coefficient of the skill level of workers is equal to one or more, the team will quickly master new technique and technology, to successfully complete production targets for all technical and economic indicators.

Кз - coefficient of the qualification level of workers, determined by dividing the average wage category of workers at the site by the conventionally accepted reference level equal to 3; K4 - the coefficient of professional uniformity of personnel, is determined by adding to the unit the actual number of professional groups, reduced by 6 (conventionally accepted reference level) and multiplied by 0 05; l 1 min per worker per shift; n - the number of workers on the site.

For a correct assessment of the level of qualifications of workers, it is necessary to take into account, in addition to the average wage category, the number of Stakhanovites, shock workers, multi-workers and other advanced workers in the collective of a given enterprise.

For example, the skill level of workers is characterized by an average wage category. Consequently, in the course of the analysis, it is necessary to determine the correspondence of this indicator to the average wage category of the work performed. Indicators of the average wage category of workers and jobs are determined as the arithmetic mean, respectively, of workers and jobs, weighted by the number of hours worked.

Category - an indicator characterizing the level of qualifications of workers. The category of a worker is assigned by a special tariff and qualification commission in strict accordance with the data of the Tariff-Zhvalifyakany-nnogo handbook and with the actual work performed. If a worker claims a higher grade, and there is no such work for him at a construction site, then the commission has the right not to carry out tests for the assignment of a higher grade. Appointment of a worker to foremen does not give him the right to be assigned a higher grade just for the fact that he is in charge of the brigade. The results of the worker passing the test (samples) are drawn up in a protocol and approved by the order of the head of the organization, and information about the assigned category is entered into work book... The assigned grade can be reduced if the worker systematically, through his own fault, does not fulfill the output standards or does the work poorly. Decrease in the category is also formalized by the tariff and qualification commission and approved by order of the head of the organization.

It became necessary to completely eliminate the lag in the level of qualifications of workers from the level of complexity of work, which leads to a delay in the development of the design capacity of the enterprise, inept use of modern equipment, large losses from product defects, equipment and tool breakdowns. Studies show that due to inadequate professional training, the output of workers is reduced by an average of 10-15%; 70% of rejects and 30% of breakdowns of tools and equipment occur for the same reason. Scientific and technological progress is possible only if the level of qualifications of workers is higher than the level of complexity of work.

The auditor-planner checks the activities to improve the qualifications of workers and employees in the whole enterprise, as well as the effectiveness of measures aimed at reducing staff turnover and forming a stable workforce, and, if necessary, determines the shortage of labor.

The law on professional standards has been in effect for several months, but not everyone has finally figured out how to apply the new regulation in their companies. To help employers - practical advice one of the most respected Russian experts on labor law Maria Finatova.

What is this article about? Once again, about professional standards, the application of which is still not clear to many. Let's talk about how to learn to identify professional level where the worker is located.

All qualification levels specified in professional standards are used in their development to describe labor functions, requirements for education and training of workers. Uniform requirements for the qualifications of employees, established by the levels of qualifications, can be expanded and refined taking into account the specifics of the types of professional activity.

The qualification level is defined as the ability of an employee to perform labor functions (tasks, duties) defined in terms of composition and level of complexity, which is achieved by mastering the necessary set of theoretical knowledge and skills.

The normative act that names the skill levels is the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social protection RF of April 12, 2013 N 148n "On the approval of qualification levels in order to develop draft professional standards." There are 9 levels in total and each has its own requirements. The higher the level, the higher the requirements, the lower the level, the lower the requirements for the position. Usually the 1st level is unskilled labor for which there are no strict requirements. 2,3,4 levels of blue-collar specialties, 5,6 - specialists, 7,8 - heads of the organization, top managers, 9 - the country's leadership.

Each level has certain indicators, which include: authority and responsibility, the nature of knowledge, the nature of skills and the main ways to achieve qualifications on the basis of which a professional standard is developed.

For example, at the 1st qualification level, they are like this:

And at the 6th qualification level, these are:

In order to understand at what level a particular employee is, the employer needs to carry out a whole range of measures:

  • To begin with, choose a suitable professional standard for compliance with which the position of the employee will be checked.
  • Then analyze his labor function, defined labor contract or job descriptions for its compliance with labor actions (TD) provided for in the chosen professional standard.
  • Then already verified labor actions compare with labor functions in the same professional standard.
  • And already in conclusion, from the compared labor functions (TF), determine which or what generalized labor functions (OTF) the employee is suitable for.

For each generalized labor function (OTF) in the professional standard, the corresponding qualification level is indicated. Using a simple procedure, you can determine what qualification level an employee has and what requirements are set for him.

for instance, if you take the professional standard "Accountant", then you can see that there are only 2 qualification levels in it: 5 and 6 for the positions of "Accountant" and "Chief Accountant", and accordingly the requirements for these qualification levels different. When comparing, it may turn out that one of the workers does not meet the standard, because he does not have enough experience, or seniority, or the necessary education at a certain level for him. In this situation, the employer must solve this problem: in the case of education, by sending the employee to study, in the case of experience and seniority, through the transfer of the employee to another position.

Situations may be different, but it must be remembered that the requirements of Law No. 122-FZ must be fulfilled by all employers, regardless of the organizational and legal form, form of ownership, number of employees, etc. However, the law does not imply dismissals for failing to meet professional standards. Therefore, it is important and can be found the right decision in each specific situation with each specific employee.

Maria Finatova, Head of the Consulting Projects Department and partner of Valentina Mitrofanova's group of companies

An employee's qualification is the level of his preparedness for professional activity. Labor Code defines the term "qualification of an employee" as the level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of an employee, confirmed by documents on education.

The main goal of the training activities for employees is to improve theoretical knowledge and practical skills within the profession.

Staff development has the following advantages:

  1. Application the latest technologies... Many organizations have the opportunity to introduce new technology into production. But it is often not used, since the company does not have employees capable of working with it (see).
  2. An employee's qualifications are characterized by the productivity of his work. Its increase will meet the needs of customers and increase the competitiveness of the organization.
  3. Identifying professionals who can take a leadership position. In the course of training, people who have leadership qualities and leadership abilities show themselves in the best way.
  4. Ability to quickly respond to market changes. Highly qualified employees can quickly respond to changing customer needs.
  5. Experienced professionals can perform a variety of tasks and improve the performance of an organization (see).
  6. Guaranteed employment of employees.
  7. Management's concern for employees encourages them to improve their productivity.

The level of qualifications of management personnel, specialists and employees is determined by their experience and education:

  • The highly qualified specialists have academic titles and degrees.
  • Highest qualification - higher education and experience.
  • Secondary qualifications - secondary or specialized secondary education.
  • Specialists - practitioners do not have special education, but they occupy the positions of specialists and managers.

The qualification level of production workers is determined by the categories. They are assigned depending on the professional background.

  • Unskilled workers do not receive special training. They are engaged in service and support jobs.
  • Low-skilled workers were trained for several weeks. They do a simple job.
  • Skilled workers study for several years and have work experience. They perform complex construction, renovation and other works.
  • Highly qualified workers have been trained for more than 2 years and have a large practical experience... They work with sophisticated equipment and perform demanding jobs.

Interesting fact: Grade professional qualities employees is carried out taking into account their contribution to the development of the organization when performing job duties.

Professional training implies not only training at the workplace or in an educational institution, but also the exchange of knowledge, self-education, and reading specialized literature.

Goals of professional development:

  • improving the competitiveness of the organization;
  • increasing the ability of employees to adapt to changing market requirements;
  • improving the professional skills of employees, their competence;
  • an opportunity for an employee to build a career;
  • improving mutual understanding between employees and management of the organization;
  • increasing the commitment of employees to their company, which helps to reduce employee turnover.

Mandatory professional development in accordance with the law

For some professions, legislation provides mandatory increase qualifications. The organization of advanced training of employees is the responsibility of the employer. When sending an employee for training, he is obliged to keep it workplace, release from official duties for the period of preparation and pay the average salary for this period.

Compulsory advanced training passes:

  • medical workers;
  • teachers;
  • workers railway transport if their activity is related to the movement of trains;
  • drivers of automobile and urban electric transport;
  • security guards.

Types of employee training, their features

Depending on the specifics of the organization, the complexity of production, the goal of training and the skills of employees, one of these types of advanced training of employees is more often chosen.

  1. Short term preparation. Individual problems arising in a specific production are considered. After completion, a test or exam is held.
  2. Thematic seminars. Consider problematic issues that arise in an industry, region or enterprise.
  3. Long-term training. Takes place in an educational institution and implies an in-depth study of the problems associated with professional activities... After completion, certification is carried out.

Information about the learning outcomes is transmitted to the HR department.

Interesting fact: As practice shows, among the employees who occupy leadership positions, not all have the necessary qualifications to fulfill the set requirements.

Where can I get vocational training?

According to labor legislation, employees can study in an organization or in an educational institution that has passed state accreditation. These institutions include academies, courses, institutes, training centers.

If it is possible to pass without interrupting production, it is carried out at the enterprise. Can take place individually or in a group.

Interesting fact: If the license of an educational institution is suspended after the entry into force of the contract for the provision of educational services, the organization will only suffer if it was aware of the lack of a license.

Professional development of employees is documented in the following documents:

  1. Apprenticeship contract, which is in addition to the employment contract. It can be concluded both with an existing employee of the organization and with a potential one.
  2. The program for the training and retraining of personnel with an indication of the educational level and the institution in which the training is carried out.
  3. In accordance with the program, an order is issued to send an employee to training.
  4. An agreement is concluded between the organization and the institution providing training.
  5. Documents confirming the completion of training: certificate, certificate, diploma. Issued by an educational institution.
  6. An invoice from the service provider.
  7. Documents confirming payment for the services provided.

In many areas of life, you can often hear about the presence or absence of any qualifications. From the article you can learn that qualification is a very broad concept and even its term has two main translations.

The meaning of the concept

WITH in English the term is translated as "quality", which means the degree of the displayed merits. In an older translation (from Latin), the word "qualification" is a combination of the words "what" and "to do". In other words, how good is what is being done.

Depending on the field of application, the term means an assessment of the degree of quality or the specified levels.

Qualification types

Qualification is a fairly broad concept. There are various types of it, distinguished depending on the scope of application:

  • in education, this is the level of training of those who graduated from an educational institution (secondary or higher);
  • v labor relations- the level of manifestation of professional qualities, the degree of suitability for certain requirements;
  • in sports - preliminary (qualifying) competitions;
  • in criminal law - an assessment of a specific socially dangerous action.

In addition to the division according to the scope of application, a distinction is made between the qualifications of an employee and a job.

Employee qualifications

For an employee, qualification is the degree of his training in a professional sense. In other words, this is the level of his training, the availability of experience, theoretical and practical skills to perform a certain type of activity. Most often, a qualification is established in the form of a category or category.

The employee has the right to take advanced training courses and after that receive more high category or discharge. This will increase his wage... But if the employee cannot confirm the existing category, the employer will have the right to downgrade it and even terminate the employment contract.

The procedure for determining the level of training of a professional has its own characteristics in each individual country. They are spelled out in labor laws.

Job qualification

This characteristic is established depending on the degree of complexity, the responsibility of the employee during the performance of labor duties. It is determined in accordance with the existing records of tariff-qualification categories that relate to a specific specialization.

What are job qualifications and why are they important? It is used when setting tariff rates and salaries from which wages are calculated. In simple words, wages depend on qualifications.

Professional qualifications

This is the name of the professional training of an employee who is to perform certain kind activities. The job requires one or another qualification, determined depending on its perceived complexity and required quality execution.

Most often, there are the following stages:

  • initial vocational education allows you to be a worker;
  • secondary education - as a technician;
  • higher - by a specialist.

Among the working specialties, there are 6 categories, which are spelled out in a special grid. As a rule, vocational schools graduate workers of 3-4 grades.

There is a grid for teachers. So after graduating from a higher educational institution, the teacher takes office as a specialist and works without a category. Then he can raise it to the 2nd, 1st, highest. The last qualifying step in pedagogy is the category of teacher-methodologist.

Employees have their own grid. It consists of 18 digits.

Do not forget that in real working conditions, the qualification on the grid does not always correspond to real skill. In addition to professional development, the employee must have a sense of responsibility, professional duty, and civic maturity.

Knowledge, skills, experience and practice form the degree of qualification of an employee - the degree of professional training required to perform specific labor functions. Distinguish between job qualifications and employee qualifications. Job qualification is a set of requirements for who must perform this work, as well as the degree of its complexity, accuracy and responsibility. The qualification of an employee is a set of acquired professional qualities by a person. It is necessary that the qualifications of jobs and workers correspond to each other.

The qualification of an employee is determined by such factors as the level of general and special knowledge, length of service in a given or a similar position, necessary for the successful mastering of the profession. The qualification is assigned to an employee based on the results of training in educational institutions, in training courses, as a rule, special attestation commission based on a comprehensive test of knowledge and experience. The qualification is confirmed by various documents: diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc. Usually the qualification of an employee is determined by his rank, category in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers (ETKS).

The tariff and qualification characteristics of workers' professions are given by category and consist of sections:

Description of work - a list of labor skills that a worker must possess in order to obtain a category corresponding to the work performed;

Must be able to - a minimum of special knowledge and skills required to work in this category;

Examples of work - a list of the most typical jobs for a given profession and a given wage category.

According to the degree of qualification, workers are usually divided into the following groups:

1. Highly skilled workers who graduated from vocational schools and secondary special schools with a training period of 2-4 years.

2. Skilled workers who graduated from secondary vocational schools, technical schools, ordinary vocational schools or completed industrial training at enterprises for 6-24 months.

3. Low-skilled workers who have undergone industrial training for 2-5 months.

4. Unskilled workers who have passed hands-on training or on-the-job briefing for several weeks.

Statistics allows you to calculate a number of quantitative indicators characterizing the qualifications of the personnel of the enterprise.

One of the simplest indicators of personnel qualifications is the average tariff category, which is determined by the weighted arithmetic mean formula as follows:

where Tr ii- th tariff category;

Cp i- the number of workers with i- dd rate category.

The average wage category of work performed at the enterprise is calculated by the formula:

where Tr ii- th tariff category;

Vр i- the scope of work requiring the involvement of workers with i- dd rate category.

During statistical analysis the correspondence of the qualification level of workers to the level of complexity of the work performed in the workplace is being studied. To do this, according to the specified formulas, the average wage category of workers and the average wage category of work are determined. If the calculated average wage category of workers turns out to be below the planned average wage category, or below the average wage category of work, then the consequence of this situation will be a decrease in the quality of products. If the average wage category of workers is greater than the average wage category of jobs, it will turn out that skilled workers are employed in jobs that do not correspond to their qualifications and they will need to pay extra for work in places with low qualifications of jobs. ...

The average wage category as an indicator of the complexity of labor has drawbacks that make it difficult to compare it across industries, since in different industries the same wage categories can be assigned to workers employed in jobs with different levels of complexity. When studying the dynamics of the average wage category, it should be remembered that technological progress changes the level of requirements for the same category of the corresponding profession.

Indicators of the average tariff category can be supplemented by a number of other indicators characterizing the qualifications of personnel.

1. Employee qualification factor Kkv is determined by the formula:

where n about- the number of employees with the necessary education;

n op- the number of employees with the necessary experience;

N- the total number of employees.

2. Qualification utilization rate workers:

3. Specialization rate workers, determined by the formula:

4. Seniority ratio work in the organization:

A number of specialists offer other indicators that can be used to assess the qualifications of personnel. So, for example, V.T. Shishmakov and S.V. Shishmakov believe that in order to assess a qualification, it is necessary to determine the parameters or its components, according to which the assessment will be made. These include:

Higher or secondary specialized education;

Work experience in years in a specific specialty;

Completion of training courses, seminars, internships and other programs that improve the qualifications of an employee.

All three together provide an indication of qualifications.

Where Kv- qualification factor,

Cho- the number of employees with higher and secondary vocational education;

Emergency- the number of employees with work experience not less than specified in job description;

Chk- the number of employees who underwent advanced training for a certain period;

Chbsh - total employees in service.

Numerical parameters in the formula 0.42; 0.36; 0.22 - the coefficients of significance, respectively, of qualifications, length of service of employees and the frequency of their qualification improvement in the growth of labor productivity. Significance coefficients are calculated by the authors based on expert assessments managers and specialists of more than a hundred enterprises.

Khmeleva G.A. and Khmeleva E.M. to assess the level of qualification, it is suggested to use the qualification factor Kk... This coefficient for different categories the personnel of the enterprise is calculated in different ways. So, for the category of workers, it can be calculated as the ratio of the average grade of workers at the enterprise to the maximum grade:

Кк р = R avg / R max ,

where Kk r- coefficient of qualification of workers;

R Wed- the average category of workers in the whole enterprise;

R max- the maximum category for workers.

If in different sections the maximum discharge has a different value, then the average value of the maximum discharge is taken.

For employees necessary condition advanced training is participation in seminars, trainings, refresher courses with the subsequent implementation of the results in the current process. Therefore, a characteristic of the qualifications of employees (management and service personnel, as well as the main one, if this organization provides services) can be the qualification coefficient, defined as the ratio of the number of employees who have completed advanced training courses, internships participating in seminars, training in the specialty to the total number of employees. The formula for calculating the qualification factor for employees will be as follows:

Kk s = N k / N ,

where Kk with- the coefficient of qualification of employees;

N to- the number of employees who improved their qualifications for Last year;

N- total number of employees (people).

On the manufacturing enterprises the qualification ratio is calculated as the sum of the worker qualification ratio and the employee qualification ratio. For an enterprise providing services, the calculation should be carried out only according to the formula for calculating the qualification coefficient of employees.

Ilyin A.I. proposes to use to assess the use of qualifications of workers, the coefficient of use of qualifications, determined by the formula:

where P p- the average category of workers in the unit;

P with- the average category of work performed by them.

Another approach to determining the level of qualification of personnel is to calculate the qualification factor using the formula:

K kv = 0.4K about + 0.3K op + 0.2K pov.kv + 0.1K sov,

Where To about- the share of employees in the total number with higher and secondary specialized education;

To op- the share of employees in the total number of employees who have worked in the organization for more than 5 years;

K pov.kv- the share of employees in the total number who improved their qualifications in reporting period;

K owls- the share of employees in the total number, combining professions.

Table 3 provides information on the qualifications of workers and the work they perform. Let's define the average wage category of workers and jobs.

Table 3

Information about the work performed

The average wage grade of workers is:

(500*3 + 580*4) / (500 + 580) = 3820 / 1080 = 3,5.

The average wage grade of work is:

(110*2 + 450*3 + 490*4 + 30*5) / (110 + 450 + 490 + 30) = 3680 /1080 = 3,4.

We obtain by calculation that the average wage category of workers is higher than the average category of work performed by them.

The Ilyin qualification utilization factor is:

K uk = 3,5/3,4 = 1,029.

The utilization rates of workers' qualifications according to Vesnin are:

For workers 3 categories K isp.kv= 300/500 = 0.6 or 60%.

For workers 4 categories K isp.kv= 370/580 = 0.638 or 63.8%.

According to the calculations performed, it can be concluded that, in general, the qualifications of workers exceed the qualifications of the work they perform, however, workers of the 3rd grade perform only 60% of the work corresponding to their qualifications, and workers of the 4th grade, respectively, 63.8%.