How to make the right contacts. Tips for introverts on how to make business connections and acquaintances

Helpful Hints, which will enrich your life, surrounded by an ever-growing, thin and responsive network of friends who care about you just as much as you care about them.

True communication is about finding ways to make other people happy. The key is to give more than you receive.

If you build your career and life with the help and support of friends and acquaintances, then this has undeniable advantages because: you will never be bored and you will always learn something new about yourself, other people, business and the world around you, as well as a circle of acquaintances that provides you with support and opens up many opportunities for development is very important in today's world. the world.

To create such a circle of communication, you need to work hard. To do this, you need to think not only about yourself, but also about others. If you decide to help others so that you can, on occasion, turn to them for help yourself, then you will understand what a powerful lever this tactic can be to achieve your own goals. It will enrich your life, surrounding you with an ever-growing, thin and responsive network of friends who care about you just as much as you care about them.

So, the basic principles of building a network of acquaintances:

  1. Don't waste your time on modesty. Capture every moment. Don't hesitate if you can do something or think you can. All genius, strength and magic is in courage.
  2. Look for people in the field you need. Whether it's a business, a career in a particular company, or just a circle of interests.
  3. First you, then you. First of all, we must stop conducting mutual calculations of good deeds. You cannot build a network of mutually beneficial relationships by saving your acquaintances only for yourself. The more people you help, the more support you get in return.
  4. Prepare ahead of time. If you go to a company or to a meeting with important person, find some information about him or the company in advance. Knowledge of the case, or the interests of a person will always benefit you.
  5. Write down contacts people you meet.
  6. After talking / meeting with the right person, immediately agree on your next meeting. It is worth reminding yourself so as not to lose contact. Otherwise, this person will remain just a number in your notebook.
  7. You need to look for people in advance. And not at the moment when you suddenly urgently needed help. Meet people for friendship, not just for profit.
  8. Don't eat alone. Having lunch with someone is a great way to connect in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Invite the right people to dine with you.
  9. Connect circles of friends. In the circles of acquaintances united among themselves, new connections can be born that are also useful for you.

Ilya Malyshev,
especially for

Gil Petersil © 2018 - Meetpartners LLC


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101 networking tips
How to make useful connections
Alexey Babushkin

Editor Ilya Popenov

Commissioning Editor Ekaterina Romanova

Cover designer Ivan Smagin

© Alexey Babushkin, 2017

© Ivan Smagin, cover design, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-0857-8

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

I. Strategic networking

Organize your contacts

It's hard to remember everything. A person, as a rule, simultaneously keeps in memory several dozen people - with whom he is closely acquainted, often sees or communicated recently. If you maintain a database of your contacts, you will be able to find information about the right person much faster. It is better to maintain such a base in electronic form- in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, Google Docs, or enter contacts into CRM. List next to each person keywords that can be searched. As such words, use: specialty, position, company name, field of activity, city of residence and other information. Add new contacts to your database immediately. Change contact details and information about people's opportunities in a timely manner so that it is always up to date.

Make a list of people who will help you reach your goal

Set a goal. This is your benchmark for networking. Identify three to five people who will help you achieve your goal. Expand your network of contacts, starting with getting to know these people.

Make friends with networking hubs

Hubs are people who have many acquaintances. Among them: politicians, journalists, event organizers, PR people, professional networkers. They also include hairdressers, lawyers, headhunters, successful entrepreneurs. Establish friendships or partnerships with such people. You will get access to their network of contacts. Also, on their recommendation, it will be easier to reach the person you need.

Ask friends to introduce you
with people around them

This is the simplest and effective method expanding connections. Invite people you know to visit or to a meeting, offering to take with you someone with whom you do not know personally. Expand your network of contacts on the principle of concentric circles, reaching out to more and more new acquaintances. Turn friends of your friends into your connections.

Meet VIPs Through the Environment

If you don't know how to approach famous person, then see who from his environment you can easily establish contact with. These may be members of his family, former and current colleagues, secretaries, friends, classmates. Once you have strengthened your relationship with them, ask them to introduce you to a VIP. The person from the environment will become a kind of bridge for getting to know the top.

Look for alternative ways to promote

Promote ideas not only directly to the decision maker. Pay attention to his deputies. Sometimes it's easier to get to know them. And then through them to convey your idea to the leader. Bosses often approve the decisions prepared by their subordinates.

Build connections for growth

Be equally respectful to any interlocutor, regardless of his status and position. Do not rush to “brush it off”, even if it seems to you that today it is of no use to you. It is possible that soon he will become a successful businessman, and maybe your boss. Do not neglect any connections.

Write to your former classmates

If you have lost contact with classmates, then most likely you do not know their status, and what they are doing now. During the time that you did not see each other, many of your past acquaintances occupied high positions, opened own business changed the city of residence. Restore ties with those with whom you once studied together, served, worked, went to the same section. Find out what they are passionate about, where they work, what city they live in. Tell them about yourself and your projects. Perhaps you will open up new opportunities for realizing your goals.

Pay attention to weak ties

People with whom you communicate rarely and very superficially are your weak ties. But sometimes such contacts can be more useful than close acquaintances. This is because when you move in the same circle of people, your and their capabilities are similar and duplicate each other. The information you may receive from close acquaintances rarely differs from what is already available to you. Weak links

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To achieve success in many professions, personal acquaintances are often more important than existing knowledge. Therefore, the search for business or useful acquaintances is important aspect career development. Learn to connect with the right people to find opportunities, get interviews, and even get a job.


Part 1

Basic moments

    Start with an existing circle of acquaintances. As a first step, remind old friends, distant relatives, classmates, and classmates about yourself. This will temporarily save you from having to approach strangers. Start with a group of fairly close people and only then move on to those with whom you have not communicated at all before.

    Define the contacts you want. A beginner or already established professional understands the value of their time. Try to think selectively and astutely, because it is in your own interest. Approach the person in question confidently, reach out and introduce yourself. This is not always easy, but with experience this direct approach will prove to be the easiest.

    Prepare a short story about yourself . A short presentation allows you to quickly describe yourself from the "professional side" - for example, during a fleeting conversation in an elevator. This is not a speech that needs to be remembered, but some general theses, on the basis of which the story can be adapted to a specific situation. For instance:

    • "I graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. My specialization is anthropogenic impact to the animal world. Now I am leading a campaign to protect snow leopards and Amur tigers."
  1. Learn to have casual conversations . Any interesting talk often begins with an exchange of casual remarks. They allow interlocutors to “probe the soil”. There is an opinion that conversation is a ladder, and secular conversation plays the role of the first step. Don't worry if the first step is difficult at first. smile , stay confident inside and carefully listen interlocutor.

    Think twice about your words. In a normal conversation, it is quite normal to adjust to the pace of the conversation and be wary of awkward pauses. If we start to focus on keeping up with the conversation, we often forget to listen carefully to the interlocutor and think about meaningful responses.

    Consider dating search from the point of view of "How can I be useful to a person ? " Sometimes it seems to people that the search for useful contacts is a manifestation of selfishness, since some people perceive the process as a means to an end, and not the end itself. This is one possible, but too superficial view of the situation. Instead, try to approach the matter first with the thought of how you can help the person. If you sincerely try to help people, then they want reciprocate. Therefore, mutual aid has good intentions.

    Assess the person's circle of acquaintances. When talking to people, seek to find out what they do for a living and how they play, including the work and hobbies of their spouses or partners, relatives or close friends. Try tagging this information in your address book so you don't forget anything.

    • Let's imagine that you met Masha at a book club and found out that her cousin is engaged in windsurfing. A few months later, your nephew tells you that he wants to learn how to sail a board. Find Masha's phone, make a call and see if her brother can give your nephew a private lesson as a birthday present. Masha gives you a positive answer and convinces her brother to make a discount for his friend. The nephew is delighted. A month later, your car breaks down and you remember that your nephew works in a car repair shop...
    • Look for extroverts. In the process of searching for useful acquaintances, it will be discovered that some people have succeeded better than you - they already know everyone in the world! First of all, it is important to get acquainted with such people, because they can introduce you to those who share your goals and hobbies. In other words, introverts should look for extroverts who "organize everything."
  2. If successful, ask for a business card and say that you are happy to continue the conversation. After a pleasant conversation, exchange of opinions, or sympathy for an obnoxious boss, don't be afraid to say that it was a pleasure to talk to you. For example, say, "I'm glad we're talking. You seem like a very knowledgeable and respected person. How would you like to meet again?"

    Don't get lost. It makes no sense to take a business card or email address to forget about them. Stay in touch with the person. Maintain your connections, as they are like a tree: without nourishment, they die off. Give people the attention they need.

    • For example, share articles with a person that may be of interest to him. If you know about the upcoming tornado , unrest or a power outage nearby, then call and find out if the person is all right.
    • Write down all birthdays in the calendar and do not forget to send postcards to your friends. You should remember people so that they don't forget you either.

Part 2

Business dating on the Internet
  1. Be active on the Internet. Why not make useful contacts while playing chess online or searching for information about your husband's autoimmune disorder on an Internet forum? The Internet greatly simplifies the task of meeting like-minded groups. Follow forums, bulletins, announcements, and mailing lists to stay up to date with local events or meetings attended by people with interests, hobbies, or activities that are close to you.

    Arrange for an informational interview. This is an informal meeting with a professional to discuss work issues and exchange ideas. You can meet for coffee after work or talk via Skype during lunch. The duration of the conversation usually does not exceed 30 minutes, and the bill in the cafe is paid by the initiator of the meeting.

    • An informational interview is an opportunity to get to know a person better, as well as develop the skills to ask competent questions and listen to answers. Perhaps you will make such an impression on a person that he decides to offer you a job. For many, this is more convenient than risking a resume.
    • After the interview, you should express your gratitude and ask for the names of three other people with whom it would be useful for you to talk. Reach out to them and tell them who gave you the recommendations.
  2. Review your list of friends periodically. When you need something Work , dating partner or tourist travel), try to use your acquaintances. Make some calls or send a friendly email describing the situation: "Hi, I'm having a bit of a problem. I have two tickets to the concert on Saturday, but I don't have anyone to go with. This is one of my favorite bands, so I would like to go to the concert with someone who would be interested. Do you have anyone in mind?"

    Never limit yourself to online communication. You can meet wonderful people online, but for a successful result, such acquaintances must end with face-to-face meetings. A joint lunch, coffee or stronger drinks will allow you to get to know each other better. You can also do things together that are of common interest. If you know the man from the club speleologists, then why not invite him to a joint tour on a new route? The point is to have more intimate communication than online messaging. To do this, it is desirable to meet in person.

Part 3

Necessity and motives

    Break your stereotypes. If you are reading this article, then you are probably familiar with the various benefits of useful connections. You may have avoided dating for any reason (even a number of reasons!) and preferred the easier way out. Get rid of stereotypes! Don't justify your fears. Try to believe in yourself and understand that people make useful connections out of good and powerful motives.

    Don't view dating as insincere, fake behavior and manipulation. You should understand that sometimes this happens. Some people view helpful connections as a superficial process and mindlessly take advantage of others. But at the same time, there are people who strive to build sincere and mutually beneficial relationships. Some desire to do noble deeds out of a desire to help others. Many people enjoy the sense of community that a wide circle of acquaintances gives, as well as the idea of ​​mutual assistance.

    • In the process of searching for acquaintances, you will have to weed out people who think only about myself to find really good people. This is an essential aspect of making new friends, but the good news is that with experience, you'll get better at understanding people before you even meet them.
  1. Don't consider yourself too shy or shy. To search for acquaintances, a certain courage. Today, with the advent of sites for such a task, if you are not an extrovert who loves to chat, such a task can be tiring. Why bother then? Yes, the search process takes time and effort, but it also saves a lot of time and effort in the future. Just imagine how much less worry and time you would have to spend if what you wanted or needed were only a phone call or two away from you. Dating is an investment in which the return outweighs the initial outlay. man. It will be much easier for you soon. start a conversation with a stranger.

  2. Start small. Don't schedule 12 meetings in a month. Sustained effort over a long period of time is better than a single burst of activity and subsequent burnout. Remember that acquired connections must be maintained, so do not overestimate your strength.
  3. Make connections among politicians and their aides by volunteering for elections or participating in party life.
  4. Use all available Internet opportunities to expand your circle of acquaintances in the real world. For example, messaging apps are sometimes more convenient than calls. Also, the Internet allows you to meet and maintain communication with people from all over the world.
  5. Can't find a local club or interest group? Create your club!
  6. If you are starting a personal business, then it will be doubly useful for you to get to know other entrepreneurs.