Volunteering as a method of social modeling. Volunteering as a technology of social education of students

Volunteering as a way the formation

social and life attitudes of the younger generation

Shokurova N.G.

social teacher

MBOU "Lyceum"

“Kindness is what a deaf person can hear

and see the blind "

( Mark Twain).

It is obvious that today the young generation of Russia is going through a crisis socio-psychological situation when potential threat health of the individual and society, accompanied by a sharp rise in the level of alcoholism, drug addiction, a fall in spiritual and moral values ​​and ideals.

The younger generation does not have the necessary life skills that would allow them to preserve their individuality and form a healthy lifestyle for each of them.

Volunteer volunteers play an important role in this today.

Volunteers - these are leaders who enjoy authority among peers and adults, have their own beliefs and negative attitudes towards the use of drugs, which conduct propaganda healthy way life among their peers.

Volunteering - it is a social phenomenon of voluntary participation of enthusiasts in any business.

Volunteering, volunteering - these are re-emerging concepts. In many cities and regions of Russia, volunteer movements are already operating, uniting schoolchildren and students with an active lifestyle.

The relevance of the development of the volunteer movement is justified by the need to involve a larger number of young people in preventive work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Attracting adolescents and youth to volunteer work simultaneously solves several problems:

    allows this work to cover a large teenage audience;

    to form stable social and life attitudes, both among the volunteers themselves and among those children with whom they work, developing in the children a sense of self-respect and responsibility;

    through socially useful work, forms skills that are important for adult life, including for future professional activities.

Academic Institute social service The Russian State Social University conducted a study of the motivation of young people to participate in volunteer activities according to some parameters:

1. Readiness to participate in volunteer activities was stated in the affirmative by 45% of young people, “rather yes than no” - 20% of young people, “rather no than yes” - 35% of young people.

2. The priority forms of volunteering were identified (in order of preference):

    organization of leisure activities (organization of free time for children, adolescents and youth);

    socio-psychological support for children and youth;

    prevention of a healthy and safe lifestyle;

    pedagogical support of children and adolescents;

    social patronage of orphanages.

3. At the same time, according to the study, more than 70% of young people from 14 to 21 years old did not show socially significant public initiatives in their lives and did not carry out significant public assignments. The conclusion of sociologists: many guys would like to engage in socially useful activities, but do not have such an opportunity.

In the city of Arzamas, there are volunteer movements of students of city schools and students of colleges, institutes

Center for the Development of Volunteerism "My City".

In our municipal budgetary educational institution "Lyceum" since 2002, a project has been implemented to organize the volunteer movement of students. In the volunteer movement, students are volunteers in promoting healthy lifestyles.

Initially, the volunteers were students in grades 10-11. The volunteer group consisted of 8 students with an active life position who are leaders in the classroom and assistants of the lyceum specialists (social educator, educational psychologist) in preventive work.

Students chose a title"Counter", what is translated means new, unexpected, rushing forward. The following words are the motto of the volunteer movement: “We can clearly develop all ideas forward. And of course we will help everyone. Choose the right move in life. " A business card has been developed by student volunteers.

The purpose of the volunteer movement: conducting preventive work in order to form the skills of a healthy lifestyle and legal culture in minors


    to instill in students healthy lifestyle skills;

    inform peers and minors about the factors influencing bad habits on a person;

    make informed decisions and define meaningful personal values;

    to increase adolescents' resistance to various social phenomena of society.

The activities of student volunteers are based onprinciples:

"Position" - demonstrate by your own example that with a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to get much more from it.

"Protection" - to be able to protect and teach others to defend themselves from the aggression of the environment.

"Help" - if peers begin to have problems related to drug or alcohol use, be able to provide possible help.

Volunteer mission Is the creation of conditions for various projects and initiatives aimed at creating a healthy life position for peers and students of educational institutions.

Students-volunteers of the Lyceum are engaged project activities, develop and implement various social and educational projects:

    project "Addresses of Mercy"

    project "School of Reconciliation"

    Volunteer project "LIVE"

    the project "Day of sports uniforms"

    All-Russian action "We choose sport as an alternative to bad habits"

    action: "Dance for life"

    Legal Aid Day for Children

    World's greatest lesson

These projects and actions are aimed at moral, spiritual education, the formation of leadership qualities and an active life position. As part of these projects, student volunteers prepare and conduct school for students extracurricular activities on various topics

When preparing these events, student volunteers select interesting material, use the latest technology and forms of work with children:

Group form of work (drawing up a syncwine for bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking) and creative work);

Using elements of training exercises; role-playing games, etc.

Preventive work requires special knowledge from future volunteers, the ability to master the elements of the correct impact on the personality, the development of their social and normative life style. For this purpose, since 2006, the summer area of ​​the volunteers club KONTRE "has been functioning for students in grades 6-10, where children, along with rest, games, are trained, where they are engaged in the development of projects; development class hours within the framework of the Summer School of Reconciliation project; skills of working with peers to promote healthy lifestyles.

At the moment, there are about 30 students in grades 6-10 in the volunteer movement.

The areas of work of the volunteer movement of students are expanding every year, but they all carry a note of positive and excellent mood.

Participation of volunteers in competitions:

For several years in a row we have been active participants in the regional training camp for the training of volunteers "Healthy Generation" organized by GBOU DOD "Children's Health and Education Center of the Nizhny Novgorod Region" Children against Drugs "

Nizhny Novgorod regional competition propaganda teams to promote healthy lifestyles

All-Russian action "Sports alternative to addictions", nomination "Organization of volunteer preventive work"

City events - anti-drug marathon "Healthy Future"; seminar "Lecturer on anti-drug education"

In our opinion, volunteering (volunteering) is one of the priority and promising areas of activity of the young generation, which contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of prevention, creating conditions for the development of positive motivation and the development of healthy lifestyle skills for minors. And the most effective prevention is the one that is carried out by the students themselves.

For a detailed study of the experience of youth volunteer associations in the Perm Territory, it is necessary to understand the very phenomenon of volunteering: in its signs, types, areas of activity.

In our work, we will use two concepts of the same meaning: "volunteering" and "volunteering", as well as derivatives from these words, since this is due to the translation of words: the word "volunteer" comes from the French "volontaire", which in turn comes from the Latin "voluntarius", and literally means "volunteer", "willing".

The concept of "volunteering", and in modern Western sociology, "volunteerism" is used to denote socially useful activities based on voluntary choice, reflecting the personal views and positions of a citizen, as well as his active participation in the life of communities, which improves the quality life, promotes personal prosperity and deepening solidarity in society.

Traditionally, in the Russian Federation, a volunteer is considered to be any individual, including foreign citizens and stateless persons who contribute to the development of volunteering, carrying out volunteer activities, based on the principles of volunteering. In the draft Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Volunteering (Volunteering)" of 2013, volunteering (volunteering) means "the totality public relations associated with the implementation by individuals voluntarily in their free time (study) of activities in the interests of the recipients of the volunteer (volunteer) assistance ”.

A volunteer (volunteer) is considered to be “an individual who, in his spare time from work (study), carries out voluntary socially oriented, socially useful activities in forms and types without receiving monetary or material remuneration (except for cases of possible reimbursement of costs associated with the implementation of volunteer (volunteer) activities) ".

Volunteer corps carry out their activities in regional centers and small towns in the main areas:

· social protection;

· Ecology;

· Improvement;

· Prevention of alcohol and drug addiction;

· promotion of healthy lifestyles;

· Human rights activities;

· Preservation of historical and cultural heritage;

Promotion of activities in the field physical culture and mass sports;

· Assistance in the field of education, science, culture, art;

· Education, spiritual development of the individual.

The phenomenon of volunteering is considered in a number of works by Russian and foreign researchers. So, Potapova I.A. and Dzhumagalieva G.R. there are 4 types of volunteering:

1. mutual assistance or self-help (volunteering is aimed at helping other members of their own social group or community);

2. charity or service for the benefit of others (third parties);

3. participation and self-government (the role of individuals in the management process - from representation in advisory bodies of government to participation in local development projects);

4. education or promotion of any issues related to certain groups of society. Like any other type of social activity, volunteering has inherent and basic features. So, M.V. Singing in her article "Volunteering as a Sociological Problem" highlights the following signs of volunteering:

1. the involvement of volunteering in a broader context of social, economic, political relations;

2. the presence of its regulatory regulators based on universal and humanistic values;

3. implementation of volunteering as a form of social interaction based on a combination of its national and international manifestations;

4. the presence of a procedural nature of volunteering;

5. the implementation of volunteering in free time from the main work, the achievement of practical benefits, the presence of an organized nature of work;

6. the presence of the subject of volunteering such attributes as the absence of expectations of any material remuneration for the results of his work, a meaningful and conscious choice, a responsible attitude, satisfaction with the process and results of volunteering;

7. availability of social, economic, political, cultural resources of volunteering;

8. the presence of common values, interests, attitudes as the basis for the formation of the social identity of volunteering.

Based on the fact that volunteering is carried out with the aim of helping an individual, a group of people or society as a whole, it is important to note the fact that in the process of activity there is always direct contact with people. In this regard, the personal qualities of the volunteer play a key role. Thus, a volunteer may have great opportunities, a wide range of interests and advantages over other candidates, but there are a number of personality traits, which cannot be dispensed with. Among them, one can single out those that will allow solving problems of a socio-pedagogical nature:

· Recognition and assimilation of such values ​​as humanity, justice, self-determination, confidentiality, tolerance, disinterestedness and honesty;

· Conscious and reasonable use of one's own personal qualities and differentiated use of communication skills;

· Responsibility and self-discipline;

· Deep and sincere interest in solving the problems of the ward and positive results of work;

· The presence of personality traits that allow you to win over different people, inspire confidence, a desire to cooperate, help and at the same time do not allow yourself to be manipulated, suppress yourself as a person.

The volunteer movement emerged in the west after the First World War and immediately attracted the attention of scientists from all over the world. The first to study it were representatives of the West.

American researchers H. Anher and L. Salamon, having analyzed the concept of "volunteering" in English, French, German and other languages, came to the conclusion that in Australia and Great Britain volunteering is defined as an institution of civil society, as a public sector, separated from the state and business ... In other countries, volunteering is classified as public services... According to these authors, all existing definitions of volunteering are based, first of all, on the importance of volunteer work, which includes a combination of a number of characteristics: time measurement (volunteer employment: full-time or part-time), economic aspect(whether the volunteer is paid for his work or not), as well as the social aspect (the volunteer works in an organization or independently).

M.S. Sheraden interprets volunteering as “services that are provided in an organized form of significant participation and contribution in the local, national or global community, which are recognized and appreciated by society with minimal monetary compensation for the participants”. In foreign concepts, the value of volunteering is of great importance for the volunteers themselves. This value is recognition in society, significance for this society, which is fixed in the minds of people.

Canadian sociologist R. Stebbins considers volunteering to be a serious leisure content with distinctive qualities such as: episodic participation in social interaction, which will allow self-realization, as well as provide an opportunity to make a career.

Researchers from the American University named after D. Hopkins define volunteering as "a set of activities, as a type of work implemented in free time without any monetary compensation." From the point of view of European researchers, "volunteering is the sum of actions that citizens carry out for each other free of charge of their own free will."

Russian researchers do not stand aside and take an active part in the study of this type of social activity. They view volunteering as a form of public charitable activity, which is characterized by the absence of strict regulation and the involvement of a wide range of actors. In the definitions of Russian scientists, 4 characteristics of volunteering can be distinguished:

1. volunteering as an active form of charity;

2. altruistic orientation of activity without material gain, without coercion;

3. the subject of volunteering is motivated by humanistic values;

4. object of activity - social groups that require social support.

I.V. Mersiyanov and L.I. Jacobson characterize "volunteering (volunteering) as a disinterested individual or collective activity for the benefit of other people or society, as a kind of philanthropic practices."

The Russian approach, in contrast to the Western one, is characterized by a narrowing of volunteering to the sphere of social work... So, L.E. Sikorskaya writes: “We consider volunteering as a form of social service carried out according to the free will of citizens, aimed at disinterested provision of social services people, their support, protection, personal development ”.

If we compare the above interpretations of volunteering by Russian and foreign researchers, we can reveal a number of significant differences. In the definitions of foreign authors, as a rule, there is no clarification of the object of labor and the specification of its results. Another difference lies in the prioritization of the axiological and social meanings of volunteering. For Russian authors, the first place is the value for society, for foreign authors - the value for members of various communities, the value for the volunteers themselves. Foreign interpretations are based mainly on pragmatism, while the Russian approach to the definition of volunteering is more social.

In general, the indicated positions do not contradict, but only complement each other. The key, essential characteristics of volunteering can be considered: recognition of the objective significance for society, the subjective understanding of the social value of volunteering among members of this community, as well as subjective assessments of the values ​​of the activity by volunteers themselves through satisfaction with its process and result.


This article presents a methodology for organizing volunteer activities during sports events, based on dividing the general work plan into stages.

Keywords: volunteer, volunteering, sports, management, event, organization.


The article presents the sport events organization method based on the separating the hole plan into phases.

Key words: volunteer, sport, management, event, organization.


The modern development of the sports field requires the organization and implementation of mass events and competitions, attracting the audience and promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population. The use of a volunteer resource in sports movement contributes to solving the urgent problem of effective coordination organizational processes... Sports volunteering, in its modern sense, exists in Russia relatively recently, but has already shown itself at many major sports events. The successfully implemented volunteer program of the XXII Olympic Winter Games demonstrated the possibility and feasibility of further development this practice, which requires an effective theoretical base, which is not properly represented in Russia today.

Purpose of the study

To form a general sequence of actions for organizing volunteer processes at sports events.

Research methods

Theoretical analysis of literary sources; analysis of practical organizational processes at sporting events.

Research results

The largest theoretical base for working with volunteers is possessed by organizations that hold major international competitions, such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Universiade, various world championships and tournaments. Organizational and methodological developments are not available and are used only by representatives of these organizations for work.

In preparing for the Olympic Games in Sochi, the Russian organizers were guided by the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which were formed over the many years of its activity. Various methods, including those for working with volunteers, have shown their effectiveness in practice. During the Games, Russian specialists were given the opportunity to gain experience under the guidance and theoretical developments of the IOC.

In an open publication on the Internet, you can study the recommendations on the volunteer processes of the ministries of sports of some foreign countries. The materials of Great Britain and Australia are quite detailed. Foreign methods organizations of the volunteer movement reflect the versatile practical experience, but at the same time they are designed for use at the local level and must be adapted for use in the conditions of Russia.

Domestic methods of managing volunteer processes are created by practice centers and NGOs, as well as by specialists social sphere based on the needs and volunteer policies of specific organizations. The existing methods do not provide general theoretical provisions on the organization of volunteer processes, and sports volunteering is not distinguished as separate species practice with unique characteristics.

This paper presents the main provisions of the method of phased organization of volunteer processes. The methodology was developed based on the analysis of volunteer processes at the Games in Sochi, the Universiade in Kazan and a number of smaller sports events.

The theory was created proceeding from the specifics of the sports direction of volunteering, but it can be applied to its other types as well.

When planning a volunteer program for any event, it is necessary to take into account its main characteristics, such as:

  • place and routes of the event;
  • dates and schedule;
  • the number of participants and spectators;
  • peculiarities of interaction of communal, medical and law enforcement services, etc.

Having formed the plan of the event, the organizers discuss with the coordinators the possible options for the participation of volunteers: the required number of volunteers is calculated, the required level of training is determined ( foreign languages, physical fitness, special skills, etc.), as well as possible motivating incentives to attract volunteers.

Having decided on the parameters of volunteer participation, the coordinators can start implementing the volunteer program for this event.

V general view the system of step-by-step management of volunteer processes at an event can be presented in the form of a table.

The implementation of the plan for volunteer processes is entrusted to the coordinators, who coordinate their activities with the organizers of other processes at the event, jointly solving common target tasks. The action plan can be adjusted in the process based on the characteristics and specifics of the event.

Step-by-step planning of the volunteer program of the event



Attracting volunteers

  • Dissemination of information about the action at meetings and through information sources (media, handouts, Internet);
  • collection and systematization of data on candidates

Selection and analysis

  • Contacting candidates and obtaining additional personal information; division of candidates into groups according to the degree of compliance with the requirements of the organizers (skills and abilities, experience, etc.)

Distribution to positions

  • Additional interviews and determination of a suitable position for each candidate;
  • formation of final lists of participants

Training and coordination

  • Drafting and implementation of a training and education program for candidates; coordination of volunteers in the preparation and conduct of the event;
  • keeping records of work time and performance of volunteers' duties

Recognition, retention and development

  • Carrying out celebrations following the results of the action; registration and presentation of certificates and volunteer books;
  • organizing interim events to reinforce the engagement of volunteers;
  • additional training and development of active volunteers and staff of the exhibition center

Withdrawal from activity

  • Thanksgiving events and material incentives;
  • further interaction and proposals for participation in the activities of the CC


With a pronounced uniqueness of each individual event, to which volunteers are involved, all actions have common characteristics and structural elements. This allows us to highlight the main stages of working with volunteers and formulate general mechanisms and methods for coordinating volunteer processes. The consistent solution of individual tasks allows you to implement the program as a whole.


  1. Bodrenkova G.P. Systemic development of volunteerism in Russia: from theory to practice: study guide. allowance [G.P. Bodrenkova] // Russian Center for the Development of Volunteerism. - M .: ANO "SPO" SOTIS "", 2013. - 315 p.
  2. Ermolaeva V.Yu. Volunteer Center "Turnkey", or Guide to the creation and organization of the activities of volunteer centers / Region. youth societies. org. "Center for the Development of Volunteerism Resp. Tatarstan "; [V.Yu. Ermolaeva and others]. - Kazan: Scripta, 2012 .-- 112 p.
  3. Ershova N.N. Volunteering - a school of civic development of youth: study guide. allowance / [N.N. Ershova, M.N. Bearded] // Federal Agency for Education; Vyatka state humanitarian un-t. - Kirov: VyatGGU, 2009 .-- 193 p.
  4. League M.B. My profession is a volunteer! Organizational aspect activities of a volunteer association: study guide. allowance: [in 2 hours] [M.B. League] // Ulan-Ude: All-Russian Fund “Nat. prospects "; otv. ed. M.B. League. - Part 1, 2013 .-- 163 p.
  5. UK government materials ( Electronic resource) // http://www.sportengland.org
  6. Materials of the Australian Government (Electronic resource) // http://www.dsr.nsw.gov.au/sportsclubs/ryc_volunteer.asp


  1. Bodrenkova G.P. System development of volunteering in Russia: from theory to practice. - M .: ANO "SPO" SOTIS ", 2013. - 315 p.
  2. Ermolaeva V.U."Turnkey" volunteer center or volunteer center organization instructions. - Kazan: Scripta, 2012 .-- 112 p.
  3. Ershova N.N. Volunteering - the social school for youngers. - Kirov: VYaTGGU, 2009 .-- 193 p.
  4. Liga M.B. My profession - volunteer! The organizational aspect of volunteer union. - Ulan-Ude: "National Perspectives", 2013. - 163 p.
  5. Great Britain Government materials (Web resource) // http://www.sportengland.org
  6. Australian Government materials (Web resource) //

Within the framework of the study of our topic, an interesting definition seems to be, in which special attention is paid to the social orientation of volunteer activity, given by E.S. a constructive level of social activity, expressed in any socially useful events with the aim of changing the world around him, and is one of the conditions for the intellectual, personal and active development of a personality, defining its life position as humanistic.13 Azarova, E.S. Psychological determinants and effects of volunteerism: Diss ... cand. Psychological sciences: 19.00.01 / E.S. Azarov, Kemerovo. - 2008. S192. "

The concept of "volunteer activity" allows you to define its main features: voluntariness, gratuitousness, non-professional social activities, which has a pronounced socially useful character, contributing to the development of professionally significant personal qualities of young specialists in various fields.

The knowledge of a social work professional can be practiced and useful in volunteering as it is humanistic, aimed at supporting people with problems. In addition, social work and volunteering have a common goal - to provide assistance to people in difficult life situations, uniform technologies for working with those categories of the population that, due to various circumstances, cannot independently solve the difficulties that have arisen.

At all stages of the development of society, in different forms and under various names there was volunteer activity. Social development made adjustments to its content, changing the scale and forms, defining it as charity, volunteering, social activity, volunteering. The history of the development of social work in Russia is closely connected with the state approach in the matter of public assistance and public charity. A. Stog for the first time in Russian historiography tried to show the evolution of the state approach to the problems of aid and support for those in need, starting from the early pages of Russian history - X-XI centuries. Since the 10th century, the development of mercy began on the part of ordinary inhabitants of Russia and governmental support, it develops to this day.

Social work as a professional activity appeared in Russia on April 23, 1991, when, in accordance with decision No. 92 of the State Committee for Labor and social issues new specialties appeared in the list of professions - social worker, social educator and social work specialist. It was then that the development of education in this area began, which made it possible to increase knowledge and systematize approaches in the field of social assistance and give impetus to the development of gratuitous assistance.

Social work methods and their application are used in various fields social service... The application of such methods in the field of volunteering and their understanding will significantly improve the quality of the organization itself, where the knowledge of the social work specialist can be applied. Communication with other organizations, communication with volunteers and participation in new projects and other social contacts need to apply social work methods at a basic level.

To study the problem of the issue of this final qualifying work, it is necessary to trace what knowledge can be used by a social worker to attract the younger generation to a charitable organization as a voluntary force. In relation to social work, we can talk about two groups of methods: methods of social work as scientific knowledge and as practical activity. Many methods used in social work are interdisciplinary, which is the universal nature of this type of knowledge.

Method - from the Greek "methodos" - a way of research, a way to achieve a goal, to solve a specific problem.

A variety of methods also stand out in social work practice. For example, the specificity of the activity forms economic, legal, political, socio-psychological, medico-social, administrative and managerial and other groups of methods that can be used by a specialist in social work. The methods of social work are determined by the specifics of the object to which the activities of a specialist in social work are directed, as well as by his specialization.

The variety of methods currently makes the problem of choosing the most effective method very urgent from the point of view of the prospect of solving the issue of the role of a social worker in attracting young people to volunteer activities.

In this regard, the author of the qualification graduation work This issue was considered, which helped to note that the following groups are the main methods of social work in volunteering: socio-economic, legal, organizational and administrative, psychological and pedagogical methods.

1. Socio-economic methods tie together all the ways that professionals can influence the material, moral, family and other social interests, as well as the needs and values ​​of their wards. In volunteer work, this can be fundraising for future events of organizations, fundraising for wards with whom the organization works. Methods of influencing social and economic needs and interests are used in the form of in-kind and cash assistance from certain sponsors, as well as the establishment of benefits, lump-sum benefits and compensations, patronage and consumer services.

2. Organizational and administrative methods are aimed at such motives of people's behavior as the perceived need for social and labor discipline... In volunteering, these methods will primarily apply to relationships between volunteers and leaders of the organization, as well as to establish social contact with other organizations that can cooperate and help in various volunteer projects. The social worker will be able to apply these methods to establish the balance of subordination and coordination in social work, which underlie managerial impact. organizational structure social services and individual specialists.

3. Psychological and pedagogical methods are characterized by the influence and direct impact on a person through the mechanism of socio-psychological and pedagogical regulation of his social well-being and behavior. Undoubtedly, the availability of knowledge on psychological and pedagogical methods in volunteering is important for a specialist in social work; you can find a competent specialist in the field of psychology and pedagogy who could provide psychological assistance to both volunteers and the organization's wards. There is also professional burnout employees of charitable organizations, and the volunteers themselves. Social work professionals are familiar with this negative consequence their profession as burnout. Knowing the reasons for this problem, they can promptly identify and provide support to an employee in a crisis situation. Volunteers and employees of charitable organizations who received the help of a specialist will be able to freely continue their activities and continue to benefit those in need.

It should also be emphasized that in the practice of social work, varieties of persuasion methods are used, such as information, discussion and peer education. These methods will be one of the most effective in practice for attracting active youth to the activities of charitable organizations.

Types of persuasion methods include:

Information that is used in the initial acquaintance with new ideas, theories, facts that make up the main content of education in the field of volunteerism. It is very important when carrying out preventive measures. As a rule, the following forms are used: story, conversation, lecture, in Lately showing videos, etc. Using this method, leaders can familiarize future volunteers with the specifics of work in various projects, in crisis situations, as well as increase knowledge in other areas.

Discussion is a corrective method, provides an exchange of opinions, promotes the support and development of moral ones, forms self-criticism and readiness for dialogue, helps in overcoming erroneous views. Discussion is necessary to solve urgent problems, both of the entire organization, and of certain members of the organization or those who are directly associated with it. V charitable organization"Orange" monthly volunteer discussion meetings are held, where everyone's opinions are listened to and problems are solved social nature wards in an orphanage. In this case, the method of mutual enlightenment is also used.

Mutual enlightenment - a method of self-organization, provides the formation of the need and ability to promote their knowledge, views, the opportunity to share experiences, lifestyle and is implemented in everyday activities.

Thus, the methods that are used in social work due to interdisciplinary characteristics are predetermined by the universal nature of social work as an activity. Therefore, many scientists divide them into economic, political, socio-psychological, medico-social and administrative and managerial. In any case, all methods, with a certain degree of convention, can be divided into two groups: methods of solving problems and methods of obtaining knowledge about social work.

It is necessary to monitor the data on the effectiveness of social work in volunteering and the criteria that assess its performance. Such indicators can be high-quality organized work, namely: an increase in the number of new volunteers and the retention of volunteers with experience, the presence of general positive changes in the organization and an increase in the adaptive functions of the wards of boarding schools in which volunteers work.

To summarize, I will say that the main levers for expanding volunteering at the Apelsin BOO in St. Petersburg are agitation, advertising, competent and timely submission of information, support from the state and, perhaps most importantly, a competent pedagogical approach to training qualified volunteers. It is the training of qualified volunteers that the organization that we are considering in its project "School of Patronage" is actively involved in.