Electronic procurement. President of the "Organizational and Technological Solutions" company

Eldar Razroev was born on December 30, 1960 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School. Bauman, specializing in radio electronic equipment, postgraduate studies at the Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Occupied leadership positions in the companies VimpelCom, St. Petersburg Telecom, Alfa-Eco Telecom.

He worked as a commercial director in the Moscow branch of MegaFon - the Sonic Duo company.

In 2005-2007. - President of Euroset.

From July 2007 to June 2008, he headed the media subsidiary of AFK Sistema - Sistema Mass Media (SMM).

2009-2010: Failure in MTT

In 2009-2010 worked as general director of OJSC "Interregional TransitTelecom" (MTT). As head of the company, he replaced Viktor Belyakov. The official announcement of the company then said that the tasks of the new CEO included “the final withdrawal of the company to new markets - to segments broadband on the internet and mobile communications».

In 2010, a source in MTT told CNews that Razroev left MTT due to the incomplete fulfillment of the tasks set by the shareholders. In particular, the company did not manage to launch a virtual cellular operator: MTT received the corresponding licenses, but the regulator did not start issuing DEF-codes. In addition, MTT has not yet managed to reach out directly to subscribers cellular: unlike fixed-line networks, cellular operators provide long-distance services on their own.

Finally, the strategy for MTT's entry into the broadband access market, presented by Razroev in 2009, turned out to be unsuccessful, which implied the conclusion of agreements with regional providers on the provision of services to their subscribers. Instead, MTT began to buy up providers on its own, acquiring, in particular, Nauka-Svyaz-Ivanovo and Lipetsk Promsvyaz-Invest. However, the source notes that the strategy was developed by Roland Berger even before Eldar Razroev came to MTT.

2011: In the burning "Arktel"

April-June 2011 - Executive Director OJSC "Arktel", since August of the same year - the general director of LLC "Our network" ( trademark"A-TEL").

Since May 2013, Eldar Razroev started working in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications as an advisor to Minister Nikolai Nikiforov on communications issues.

In August 2013, after the appearance of a message about the resignation from the post of Deputy Minister of Communications Denis Sverdlov, information appeared that Eldar Razroev could become his successor. The next day after this message, the Izvestia newspaper published a message that Razroev was a persistent violator of traffic rules.

The Moscow police told Izvestia that since July 2012, 44 fines have been imposed on Razroev's car.

Razroev received the first of the fines since then on July 13, 2012 for driving along a special lane for public transport.

Following this, until the first days of August 2013, Razroev violated traffic rules 43 more times. The frequency of violations was such that sometimes Razroev was issued two fines a day.

At the same time, the lion's share of fines is for speeding. For example, in May 2013, an official was fined 12 times for driving too fast: among the fines, both exceeding by 20-40 km / h and 40-60 km / h.

At the same time, according to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all fines are listed in the database as unpaid.

- Basically, these are violations of the speed limit, - commented in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. - 13 fines - for unpaid parking. All fines are listed as unpaid in the database. However, given the incorrect operation of individual banks in terms of payment notification, the driver can apply to the traffic police with a statement, attaching the necessary receipts. In this case, the data in the database will be changed.

It is noteworthy that Eldar Razroev prefers to drive the car himself. As of August 2013, the official has a personal Wolkswagen car.

Razroev himself, in an interview with Izvestia, admitted that in Lately violated traffic rules, but noted that it was mainly about improper parking.

“After the parking lot at the ministry building disappeared, it became difficult to park the car,” admitted Eldar Razroev.

The official also noted that he prefers to drive his own car, despite the fact that he is entitled to an official one.

“It’s more usual, and I’m saving budget funds,” he said.

November 2013: According to three CNews sources, Eldar Razroev, Advisor to the Minister of Communications and Mass Media, is leaving his post. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications itself does not comment on this information.

2014: The project of construction in Moscow of the city Wi-Fi network ran into tough criticism of the authorities

The initiative of the RSVO state-owned enterprise to build a citywide Wi-Fi network in Moscow was rebuffed by the Moscow government. Moscow authorities said they did not consider the venture as a partner. They were particularly displeased with the figure of Eldar Razroev, who was appointed by the RSVO to be the curator of the project.

In December 2014, the RSVO enterprise postponed the construction of a citywide Wi-Fi networks due to rising prices for telecommunications equipment. The head of the project, Eldar Razroev, left the company. According to a quote from Interfax, before leaving the project, Eldar Razroev said that “in the current situation, the economy has changed dramatically, we need to rethink everything. The decision to resume the project will be made at the company level. " According to him, the suspension of the project is associated with the growth of exchange rates against the ruble and the subsequent rise in prices for imported equipment.

Notes (edit)

  1. The advisor to the Minister of Communications turned out to be a persistent violator of traffic rules
  2. CNews: The project for the construction of an urban Wi-Fi network in Moscow ran into harsh criticism from the authorities

Eldar Razroev was born on December 30, 1960 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School. Bauman, specializing in radio electronic equipment, postgraduate studies at the Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

He held executive positions in VimpelCom, St. Petersburg Telecom, Alfa-Eco Telecom.

He worked as a commercial director in the Moscow branch of MegaFon - the Sonic Duo company.

From July 2007 to June 2008, he headed the media subsidiary of AFK Sistema - Sistema Mass Media (SMM).

2009-2010: Failure in MTT

In 2009-2010 worked as general director of OJSC "Interregional TransitTelecom" (MTT). As head of the company, he replaced Viktor Belyakov. The company's official announcement then stated that the tasks of the new CEO included "the final entry of the company into new markets - in the segments of broadband Internet access and mobile communications."

In 2010, a source in MTT told CNews that Razroev left MTT due to the incomplete fulfillment of the tasks set by the shareholders. In particular, the company did not manage to launch the project of a virtual mobile operator: MTT received the corresponding licenses, but the regulator did not start issuing DEF codes. In addition, MTT has not yet managed to reach out directly to cellular subscribers: unlike fixed-line networks, cellular operators provide long-distance services on their own.

Finally, the strategy for MTT's entry into the broadband access market, presented by Razroev in 2009, turned out to be unsuccessful, which implied the conclusion of agreements with regional providers on the provision of services to their subscribers. Instead, MTT began to buy up providers on its own, acquiring, in particular, Nauka-Svyaz-Ivanovo and Lipetsk Promsvyaz-Invest. However, the source notes that the strategy was developed by Roland Berger even before Eldar Razroev came to MTT.

2011: In the burning "Arktel"

In April-June 2011 - Executive Director of OJSC "Arktel", since August of the same year - General Director of LLC "Our Network" (trademark "A-TEL").

Since May 2013, Eldar Razroev started working in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications as an advisor to Minister Nikolai Nikiforov on communications issues.

In August 2013, after the appearance of a message about the resignation from the post of Deputy Minister of Communications Denis Sverdlov, information appeared that Eldar Razroev could become his successor. The next day after this message, the Izvestia newspaper published a message that Razroev was a persistent violator of traffic rules.

The Moscow police told Izvestia that since July 2012, 44 fines have been imposed on Razroev's car.

Razroev received the first of the fines since then on July 13, 2012 for driving along a special lane for public transport.

Following this, until the first days of August 2013, Razroev violated traffic rules 43 more times. The frequency of violations was such that sometimes Razroev was issued two fines a day.

At the same time, the lion's share of fines is for speeding. For example, in May 2013, an official was fined 12 times for driving too fast: among the fines, both exceeding by 20-40 km / h and 40-60 km / h.

At the same time, according to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all fines are listed in the database as unpaid.

- Basically, these are violations of the speed limit, - commented in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. - 13 fines - for unpaid parking. All fines are listed as unpaid in the database. However, given the incorrect operation of individual banks in terms of payment notification, the driver can apply to the traffic police with a statement, attaching the necessary receipts. In this case, the data in the database will be changed.

It is noteworthy that Eldar Razroev prefers to drive the car himself. As of August 2013, the official has a personal Wolkswagen car.

Razroev himself, in an interview with Izvestia, admitted that he had recently violated traffic rules, but noted that basically it was about improper parking.

“After the parking lot at the ministry building disappeared, it became difficult to park the car,” admitted Eldar Razroev.

The official also noted that he prefers to drive his own car, despite the fact that he is entitled to an official one.

“It’s more usual, and I’m saving budget funds,” he said.

November 2013: According to three CNews sources, Eldar Razroev, Advisor to the Minister of Communications and Mass Media, is leaving his post. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications itself does not comment on this information.

2014: The project of construction in Moscow of the city Wi-Fi network ran into tough criticism of the authorities

The initiative of the RSVO state-owned enterprise to build a citywide Wi-Fi network in Moscow was rebuffed by the Moscow government. Moscow authorities said they did not consider the venture as a partner. They were particularly displeased with the figure of Eldar Razroev, who was appointed by the RSVO to be the curator of the project.

In December 2014, the RSVO enterprise postponed the construction of a citywide Wi-Fi network due to the rise in prices for telecommunications equipment. The head of the project, Eldar Razroev, left the company. According to a quote from Interfax, before leaving the project, Eldar Razroev said that “in the current situation, the economy has changed dramatically, we need to rethink everything. The decision to resume the project will be made at the company level. " According to him, the suspension of the project is associated with the growth of exchange rates against the ruble and the subsequent rise in prices for imported equipment.

Former adviser to the Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov Eldar Razroev decided to return to business. The former head of Euroset and MTT became the chief operating officer of the online retailer Wikimart. Regional expansion of the company will become one of the main tasks of Mr. Razroev.

Eldar Razroev has been working at Wikimart as chief operating officer since this week, co-founder of the company Maxim Faldin told Kommersant and Mr. Razroev confirmed. Eldar Razroev's area of ​​responsibility will include all operations in the areas of marketing, commerce and service, said Maxim Faldin.

The arrival of Mr. Razroev at Wikimart is not the only change in the Wikimart management team. The company now has a new Commercial Director(Alexey Kozlovsky, who came from KupiVIP.ru), Logistics Director (Oleg Timoshenkov, who moved to Wikimart from courier service PEK) and Marketing Director (Elena Sukhovey, who got a promotion inside Wikimart).

Wikimart is an online hypermarket, launched in June 2008 by two Stanford Business School alumni Maxim Faldin and Kamil Kurmakaev. It trades independently and acts as a platform for partner stores. As of April 10, the assortment included more than 2 million non-food products from 6179 stores. Financial performance are not disclosed.

The total amount of attracted investments is $ 50 million, 20% belongs to the founders, about 50% belongs to the hedge fund Tiger Global Management, the rest belongs to an unnamed Russian investor. In 2013, Wikimart's turnover was $ 130 million, this year, the management expects to double it to $ 260 million. Forbes ranking largest companies Runet for 2013 ranks 14th.

Eldar Razroev different years held managerial positions in MegaFon and VimpelCom, headed Sistema MassMedia (a subsidiary of AFK Sistema, at that time was building cable TV and broadband Internet access networks in the regions), headed the largest Russian cellular retailer Euroset , "Interregional Transit Telecom" (MTT), "Arktel" and "Our network". In May 2013, he was appointed advisor to the Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov. However, in January of this year he left the post. "This is not his calling, he is, first of all, an entrepreneur," explains an acquaintance of Mr. Razroev.

According to Maxim Faldin, changes are coming in logistics system companies. The main focus is further development Wikimart will be made for the regions, this explains the negotiations with logistics operators on direct delivery of goods across Russia from Wikimart. In particular, it is planned to start this work with the "Post of Russia"; by the end of summer or the beginning of autumn, the retailer hopes to come to an agreement with the enterprise.

The Russian Post confirmed the fact of negotiations with Wikimart. In addition, by autumn the company expects to build two local hubs (investments in opening one hub - $ 100-200 thousand), "to ensure the market delivery speed" - in Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg. Wikimart is also considering a regional franchise. "We come to local retailers who, conditionally, sell iron doors, windows - who have little traffic, and we offer them to put their software, trademark. Their task is to accept the goods and give them out so that their areas are not idle. For each such order Wikimart will pay a partner 50-100 rubles, - explains Mr. Faldin. - There are first agreements, 20 partners, which will have to withstand the competition and a month probationary period, plug in this quarter. "

Former general director of OJSC Interregional TransitTelecom, former general director of OJSC Sistema mass media, former president of Exhibition of Mobile Communications (Euroset)


"Roskomnadzor will put pressure on the situation with VPN"

“Digital resistance” does not exist, Roskomnadzor acts as a carpet on the arena, and the “fire wall” has already been built around the Runet, ex-adviser to the Minister of Communications Eldar Razroev told Fontanka.

Eldar Razroev saw and studied the telecommunications market in Russia in different guises. He occupied key positions at MegaFon and VimpelCom, headed Sistema MassMedia (a subsidiary of AFK Sistema, which built cable TV networks and broadband Internet access in the regions in the 2000s), headed Euroset, Interregional Transit Telecom (MTT), Arktel and Our Network. From 2013 to 2014, he worked as an advisor to the Minister of Communications of Russia Nikolai Nikiforov. Now an independent expert and businessman.

Ex-head of MTT E. Razroev may head Arktel.

RBK 11.05.2011, Moscow 10:33:37 Eldar Razroev, who recently left his post general director OJSC "Interregional Transit Telecom" (MTT) may soon return to work. As the newspaper "RBK daily" writes today, he received an invitation from the shareholders of OJSC "Arktel". The question of E. Razroev's appointment may be decided by the end of this week. The fact that E. Razroev was invited to the position of CEO in the company "Arktel", "RBK daily" was informed by two sources in the telecommunications market. According to one of them, the company is now experiencing “not better times»And needs a change of team. E. Razroev himself does not comment on this information. However, he said that he is currently working as an independent consultant in several telecom projects. The interlocutors of RBC daily report that the question of his appointment to Arktel should be decided by May 15. The publication failed to contact representatives of "Arktel".
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20110511103337.shtml

Eldar Razroev complained to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications

The company "Interregional Transit Telecom" (MTT) has been unable to obtain numbers for creating a virtual cellular operator for more than six months, its general director Eldar Razroev complained to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The ministry promises to issue an order on a separate telephone code for such operators. The Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz) has not yet allocated MTT numbers for the provision of virtual mobile operator (MVNO) services, although the company applied for them on November 16, 2009, according to a letter from MTT CEO Eldar Razroev to the Minister of Communications and Mass Media Igor Shchegolev (Vedomosti has a copy). The representative of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications confirmed: the letter was received.
link: http://www.tssonline.ru/ newstext.php? news_id = 67353

The case of the theft of mobiles, allegedly destroyed this spring

Euroset, according to its president, Eldar Razroev, did not know about the initiation of a criminal case, but hopes that the prosecutor's office will be able to bring it to an end. Razroev believes that the prosecutor's office itself was the initiator of the investigation: recently, the state has become concerned about the situation with the confiscation of phones, he notes. Back in the spring, Euroset and Motorola complained about the actions of the police to President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov. Putin put a resolution on the letter demanding to sort out and remove the ground for arbitrariness, and Fradkov delegated the question to the minister economic development German Gref. The minister held a meeting with representatives of Euroset, Motorola, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office, and in early August the Moscow prosecutor's office closed the previously opened criminal case on the fact of “smuggling across the border” of Motorola phones due to the lack of corpus delicti. Those 117,439 pipes that were not destroyed returned to the Euroset-Opt company.
link: http://www.compromat.ru/page_ 19516.htm

Euroset did not pay everything

“We have never used any illegal schemes related to tax minimization,” assures Euroset President Eldar Razroev. Euroset asked KPMG only to shift its management reporting to international standards, and not express an opinion about its reliability, so the auditors received from the company only the information that Euroset provided them, says Razroev. “They found a number of transactions related to payment for services, but could not identify them, which they reported,” explains Razroev. All transactions are "completely legal", he said.
link: http://www.compromat.ru/page_ 17700.htm

Eldar Razroev offered the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to cancel the payment for calls from long-distance communication networks to zonal ones

Charges for calls from long-distance networks to zonal networks lead to unjustified overstatement of tariffs for long-distance and long-distance services. international communication(MG / MN), according to a letter from Razroev addressed to the Minister of Economic Development Elvira Nabiullina and Minister of Communications Igor Shchegolev (a copy of the letter is at Vedomosti). Without this fee, tariffs for long-distance communications in Russia would have become 30-40% lower, Razroev said. Companies like Comstar-UTS and subsidiaries of Svyazinvest use the status of a zone operator - an intermediary between a long-distance operator and a subscriber - as an instrument of competition with independent operators of long-distance / international communication, he is sure: MN to the zonal network, they make the services of competitors less accessible. As an example, Razroev cites Comstar, which recently raised the tariff for such calls four times - up to 2.8 rubles. in a minute. Comstar itself has both a long-distance / international network and end users, and zonal tariffs increase the cost of communication for other users, he notes. Rostelecom, having merged the interregional companies of Svyazinvest, will also stop paying them for zone calls and will receive additional competitive advantages, and operators like MTT, in fact, will be forced to subsidize a competitor, Razroev says.
link: http://www.tssonline.ru/ newstext.php? news_id = 69254

Eldar Razroev left MTT

As it became known to RBC daily, one of the notable figures of the telecom market, a native of Euroset, Eldar Razroev, will leave the post of general director of the MTT operator in January. During the year of his work in the company, Mr. Razroev did not manage to implement the strategy of introducing MTT to new markets - such a task was set before him from the very beginning. Market participants believe that after the departure of the MTT manager, "hard times" await. A source in the telecommunications market told RBC daily that Eldar Razroev would soon leave MTT. This was confirmed by Mr. Razroev himself. He said that he had already “signed a dismissal under on their own". “The initiative for the dismissal really came from me, although, I believe, our desire to part with the shareholders was mutual,” he says. The current CEO of MTT has a contract until the end of the year, says a representative of Promsvyazkapital (controls 75% of the operator's shares) Daria Litvina. According to her, the shareholders are considering the possibility of changing him, there is already a candidate, but "corporate procedures have not yet been carried out." “We have received a statement from Mr. Razroev,” Ms. Lytvina notes.
link: http://adindex.ru/news/ marketing / 2010/12/2/57932. phtml

Eldar Razroev resigns as CEO of Sistema Mass-Media

As a number of media outlets reported today, Eldar Razroev is leaving the SMM without having worked in it for a year. As a source in the company told RBC, it is assumed that the change of the general director will take place this week. The main contender for this position is the general director of the joint venture between AFK Sistema and Russian World Studio - RWS - Andrey Smirnov. A reorganization of the SMM is expected along with the personnel reshuffle. In particular, we are talking about the possible broadcast of "Stream TV" and the project for the development of mobile television company MTS.
link: http://www.rosinvest.com/news/ 408086 /

Former President Eldar Razroev returns to Euroset

He will become the third member of the company's board of directors, Vedomosti writes. Now the board of directors of Euroset consists of two people - co-owners of the company Evgeny Chichvarkin and Timur Artemiev. “Razroev will appear here as an independent director,” explained Artemyev. The new member of the council will be able to influence decision-making in the company, will oversee the audit committee and personnel issues. According to Artemyev, the appearance of Razroev will be a good sign for financiers who want, for example, to buy the company's bonds. In the spring, Euroset announced new plans to place five-year bonds worth 5 billion rubles. Until this happened - Chichvarkin promised Vedomosti that the company would do it as soon as the market stopped falling.
link: http://www.sostav.ru/news/ 2008/08/27/46

An attempt to seize the companies by the ORSI group failed - the shareholders defended Arktel

In 1987, Andrei Radkevich graduated from the Faculty of Radio Engineering and Cybernetics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Then he studied at the graduate school of MEPhI, after which (in 1990) he defended his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty "Quantum electronics".

In 1987–88. worked as a senior engineer at the Moscow Radio Engineering Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Then, from 1988 to 1997. Mr. Radkevich was a senior engineer, research associate at the Physics and Technology Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
In 1994 he worked in the USA, was a Research Associate at the University of Alabama.
1996 to 2000 headed the CPM company.

From 2000 to 2006 Andrey Radkevich is the technical director of Lucent Technologies in Russia and the CIS countries.
In April 2007 he became the managing partner of CPM.

Andrei Radkevich is married and has two children.

He is fond of tourism, loves skiing.

R eimer Denis Alexandrovich

In 2002 he graduated from the magistracy Russian University friendship of peoples with the award of a master's degree in mathematics, in 2013 - the Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President Russian Federation by program Executive MBA"Strategic Management and Leadership".

Works in LANIT since 2000. He worked his way up from an ordinary developer to the director of the department of integrated business solutions.

From 2011 to 2013 headed subsidiary"LANIT - BP Em". He currently holds the position of Vice President. Responsible for digital innovation and the formation of new business areas. In July 2014 he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of CleverDATA.

Remizov Alexey Borisovich

In 1980 he graduated from the Faculty of Higher Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences since 1994

In 1980-1991. taught various mathematical disciplines at ICSI (Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics). In the 1990s, he held leading positions in the KAMI company: director of the research and production direction, deputy. General Director, President of STC "KAMI" (1992-1997). In 1997-2005 - Deputy General Director for Marketing and Development of Computer Technologies, Head of Research and Development Organization-10 at JSC Radiofizika. From 1997 to the present - Chairman of the Board of Directors of I-Teco CJSC.

A.B. Remizov is actively involved in social activities. Since 1991 - Vice President of the Association Russian manufacturers computer technology and software(now AP KIT). Honorary and full member of many professional communities and public associations, such as the IT-Club, non-profit organization IT industry. Member of the Presidium of the independent organization "Civil Society". Awarded with a medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow" (1997); Order of Peter the Great (2008), badges of honor, incl. RANS. Since 2003 he is one of the 25 best managers of Russian IT companies (CRN / RE).

He is married and has two sons. Hobbies: reading fiction, philately, guitar.

Interview CNews

Sergey Roizman: Sellers are the last trump card of the IT market (17.09.2006)

CNews information is based on data from 17.12.2007

R okotyan Alexey Yurievich

First Deputy General Director of Norilsk-Telecom

In 1983 he graduated from the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, specialty - "Multichannel telecommunications.

In 1993, Mr. Rokotyan defended his Ph.D. thesis and is a candidate of technical sciences.

From 1983 to 1991 he worked at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications of the USSR: first as an engineer, then as a research assistant.

In 1992-2000 he worked in the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

From 1992 to 1994 he was the head of the subdivision, and then - the deputy. Head of the Department of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

From 1994 to 2000, he held the position of head of the Telecommunications Department of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation (which in 97-99 was called the State Communications Committee of the Russian Federation and Gostelekom of the Russian Federation). During this period, he participated in the development of documents that created regulatory framework for the development of the industry.

In 2000-2001, he worked at Comstar - first as an advisor to the general director for regional projects, then as a development director.

From 2001 to 2003 - Vice President, Director of Directorate strategic planning"Companies TransTeleCom".

From April 2003 to 2006, Mr. Rokotyan was Senior Vice President, Head of the Department for the Development of Operator Activities of CJSC "Company TransTeleCom".

Since September 1, 2006, Alexey Rokotyan has been the first deputy general director of the telecommunications operator Norilsk-Telecom.

Alexey Rokotyan is married and has two adult children.

He is fond of alpine skiing. Although he has been skating for 35 years, he is not inclined to extreme.

Interview CNews

It makes no sense to build a "classic" telephone network from scratch (02.06.2005) Alexey Rokotyan: There will be no rise in prices for backbone channels (25.07.2005)

CNews information is based on data from 06.04.2007

Ronin Dmitry Anatolievich

Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) with a degree in International relationships". Then he graduated from the London business school MBA London Business School.

Worked in sales in large Western and Russian companies... He joined Arktel in November 2004 as Sales and Marketing Director. Then he headed the branch of the company in Moscow and the Central Federal District.

Left post in October 2007.

He considers his work to be his main hobby.

Mr. Ronin is married with a son.

Interview CNews

CNews information is based on data from 22.02.2007

R ubtsova Olga

Director of the Department of Sales of Solutions and Products "Technoserv Consulting"

In 2001 she graduated from the National Technical University Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute", specializing in "Applied system analysis", Master of the department" Intelligent decision-making systems in macroeconomics. "

Since 2002, she headed the sales department of the Terrasoft company in Ukraine, in the same year she became the head of the Moscow representative office of the company. While working for Terrasoft, she successfully led major projects in financial, pharmaceutical, retail and FMCG companies.

In 2004, Olga became the head of the development department of Sputnik Labs, on the basis of which Technoserv Consulting was established in 2008. In May 2011, she was appointed Director of the Department of Sales of Solutions and Products of Technoserv Consulting

Interview CNews

Olga Rubtsova: Banks will continue to launch only projects that are in the zone of quick wins (09/30/2010)

CNews information is based on data from 09/30/2010

R ybakov Dmitry Mikhailovich

President of the "Organizational and Technological Solutions" company

Dmitry Rybakov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

After graduation, he tied his professional activity with information technology: first he was the head of the IT department of the Moscow Property Committee, then the manager of IT projects in one of the largest banks in the country and, finally, took the position of CIO and head of the Center information technology a large regional bank during the implementation of the new ABS.

Currently Dmitry Rybakov is the president of the "Organizational - Technological Solutions" company, heads the board of directors, oversees the company's sales and issues strategic development OTR.

With the direct participation of Dmitry Rybakov, the absolute majority of the largest OTR contracts were concluded.

04.12.2007 Lyubov Rybakova: Western retail chooses Russian solutions (23.07.2007) Lyubov Rybakova: Today the main task of retailers is to automate the exchange of information flows between various systems (24.07.2007)