Game tasks for boys on February 23. Games and competitions for discos and parties

Sports and entertainment game for children of middle school age "Ford Boyard"

The event can be useful in organizing outdoor games in the fresh air.Congratulation
Today all mothers and girls know
That they congratulate dads and boys.
After all, the February holiday
always for men
There are many reasons for this holiday.
Defenders helmet congratulations,
Let them be our pride.
We wish men strength in everything,
After all, they need to protect the house from all troubles.
To grow up brave, reliable fighters,
We set the boys as an example of their fathers.
1. Leading.
-Our meeting is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday was established in 1919 as the Day of the Red Army and is dedicated to the victories over the troops of Kaiser Germany in 1918. Since 1946, after the Red Army was renamed into the Soviet Army, the name of the holiday also changed. It became known as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Currently, February 23 is celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day in accordance with federal law Russian Federation“On the days of military glory (victorious days) of Russia”, adopted on February 10, 1995. By decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation since 2002, February 23 is a non-working day.

2. Leading.
- Defender of the Fatherland Day is a professional holiday of the military. However, this holiday has long ceased to be just professional. It has become a holiday for all men and boys. A man must always be strong, courageous, able to protect his family and homeland, regardless of whether he is a military man or not. And today you will once again show us your courageous qualities.
-Our competitions will be held in the form of the Ford Boyard game.
For each victory in the test you will receive a key, the team with the most number will become the winner.
Before starting the game, of course, you need to come up with a team name.
(Teams come up with a name and determine the captains)

1. Leading.
Ready? And we're starting!
Teams, it's time to introduce yourself, and our game will begin!
(teams take turns introducing themselves, voicing the name, motto or slogan, introducing the captains)

2. Leading.
Well done! The game starts!

To get the key you need to be very fast!
The game "Leapfrog", you need to get to the gazebo in this way, whose team gets there first, they will get the key.

1. Lead.
(In the gazebo)
In order to get the key you need to be smart,
And he will help in this - a six-celled logicon!
(the team solves the logicon, see the appendix)
2. Lead.
In order to get the key for you, first you need to join hands with the whole team, run to the fence, where the swing in the summer delighted you.
(run to next point)

1. Lead.
We got it, you guys are great! Here is the task for you fighters, take the sled in your hands, and take the team to the ice figurine, where you will receive your key.
(the captains take turns transporting the entire team on a sled to the next point)

2. Lead.
Here is a rope or a rope, you can’t really make it out here, but you need to get the key for such a task.
(Tug of war. The teams stand on opposite sides of the middle of the rope, the keys are on the chairs. At the signal of the leader, each team tries to get the key from the chair, pulling the opponents, whoever gets it first wins the key.)

1. Lead.
And now the whole team will jump like crazy, either in a mortar, or in a bag, getting the right key.
(Jumping in turns in bags.)

2. Lead.
Again, run to the gazebo for us, earn a key for you.
(A line is lined up from multi-colored beads, you need to carefully look and remember how the colors are arranged .. Then the thread with beads is removed and the team must quickly compose in the same color order)

1. Leading.
And now we run to the gate that leads to this wonderful garden.
There, the captain will be happy to complete the task for the key.
(It is tied to the leg of the captains by an inflated balloon, you need to burst at the opponent)

2. Leading.
Here again we will extract the key, but it is not so easy, it will be for you to get it.
(On the chairs at a distance from the teams there are plates with flour, sweets are hidden in them, without hands you need to get the candy and return to the team until all the candies are reached. There are exactly as many candies as there are participants in the team)

1. Lead.
Now you have to be a skillful hockey player, so that you can get the key, act those boys boldly.
(Hockey with broomsticks and disposable plates. Bring the plate to the finish line and back to the team, and so each member of the team)

1. Leading.
And the last contest for you captains.
Why do boys need pockets?
Well, how can you not know!
The boys are constantly in them
Should keep half the kingdom:
Coin, gum, toffee
And a water pistol
And also someone's note,
In which a terrible secret!
And what is in the pockets of our captains? Let's see...
(Everyone puts everything they have out of their pockets, the one with the most items wins.)

2. Leading.
So our competition is over, let's count the keys.
The floor is given to the chief referee of our game, the Director of the BEI DO "CTR and GO"
(Winner's reward ceremony)

See you soon!


Six cell logicon
Instruction: comparing the information in the upper cells and in the lower ones, find a logical connection in it. This will make it possible to fill an empty cell.

7 45 654
o d?
beetle man horse
6 2 ?
white nose Sel
p S?
hand knife Bow
F m?
lacquer village Clay
3 4 ?
13 62 81
1) the letter "T" - in the top row there are numbers one-digit, two-digit, three-digit.
2) The number "4" - a beetle has 6 paws, a person has 2 legs, a horse has 4.
3) The letter "G" - white - adjective, nose - noun, sat down - verb.
4) The letter "M" - the hand is feminine, the knife is masculine, the bow is masculine
5) The number "4" - varnish - a word of 3 letters, a village - of 4 letters, glue - of 4.
6) The letter "H" - 13 is an odd number, 62 is an even number, 81 is an odd number.

Download Sports and entertainment game for children of middle school age "Ford Boyard"


The holiday is coming
Army is born!
We are for our boys
They folded congratulations.

1st girl:

On a February day, a frosty day

Everyone celebrates the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

2nd girl:

We will not give you flowers:

They are not given to boys.

Girls a lot of warm words

They will leave you in your hearts.

3rd girl:

We wish you forever:

So that life is not shy,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage.

4th girl:

And all the obstacles on the way

To overcome you together.

But first, grow up

And you need to grow up.

5 - I'm a girl:

Listen, boys, to us,

Accept congratulations!

We know that on this day you

The second birthday.

6th girl

Be, you, hardy,
Healthy and strong.
So that your Fatherland,
Could protect.

7 - I'm a girl

Be courageous, stand
Always be brave
real soldiers
You will then!

The song on the motive "Neighbour" performed by girls sounds.

How can we not have fun?

This holiday is not a joke?

We will try together

To cheer you up.

Long thought, wondered

How can we congratulate you

We are tired of thinking

We decided to sing this time.

We are from all the girls of the class

Congratulations to eight.

In this room on the expanse

We will dance and sing.

You listen, boys,

Our song is fun.

None of the textbooks

You will never find.

Games are loved by old and young

Who doesn't want to play?!

Someone likes games while sitting, and someone needs to jump,

competition: Chefs

What specialist can not do without a single army? Of course, without a chef. And our next competition is a cook competition. 2 people from each team are called.

Each team receives a plate and a set of cards with the names of products: meat, potatoes, cabbage, beans, beets, carrots, onions, salt, sugar, vinegar, peppers, vermicelli.

Your task is to cook naval borscht. Choose which of the proposed products you use when preparing borscht.

competition: Chauffeurs

It is known that any man would like to drive a car. The army also has a special category - military drivers. Let's see if you have driving ability. Two participants are invited from each team. Two (four) identical toy cars are placed on the floor, to which ropes with sticks at the end are tied. On a sound signal to the music of the "Songs of Drivers", the participants begin to wind the rope around a stick. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

competition: Pilots

The next competition is the competition of aircraft designers and pilots. 5 people from each team are called. The competition consists of two parts:
1) all participants of both teams must construct their planes from paper. The speed of aircraft manufacturing is estimated.

2) flight tests for the range and beauty of flight

competition: Scouts

Any military operation is impossible without intelligence. One most observant participant from each team is called. Within one minute, participants need to study and memorize the presented set of items (spoon, scissors, felt-tip pen, notepad, ruler, cube, ball, screwdriver, tape cassette, pills, battery, comb). And then, within two minutes, list all the objects you see.

competition: Signalers

And now, guys, I suggest you work as cryptographers who use the key to decrypt intelligence reports. Each team is given a card with encryption and a key. Your task is to decipher the proverbs (connect the beginning and ending).

Proverbs for the 1st team:

Proverbs for the 2nd team:

competition: Arrows

A sharp shooter has always been highly valued in the army. Let's see how smart you are. All team members participate. Target throwing competition (you need to hit the bucket with lumps of newspaper).

8th competition: Military weekdays

Any soldier should be able to hem a collar, sew up clothes, sew on a button. Three (four) participants from each team are called. Their task is to sew buttons to a piece of fabric in three minutes. Accuracy and speed of work performance are evaluated.

9th competition: Competition of captains

1. What sailors serve.
3. What all soldiers protect.
5. Lies in the ground, if you step on it, it will explode.
6. What does a soldier have on his feet?
7. One in the field is not...
8. What they throw and say: "Lie down!"

2. What animal sometimes also serves?
4. Where do all the guys go to serve when they grow up?
8. Hospital for wounded soldiers.
9. Special pocket for a pistol.
10. Equipment for the protection of the air border.
11. Winter outerwear soldier.
12. Vehicle on tracks.

10th competition: Literary competition

Any military man should be a cultured and educated person. Your task is to determine what literary work this passage is from. Who is the author of this work? ( Quotes from the fairy tales of G.-Kh. Andersen "Flint" and "The Steadfast Tin Soldier").

1st excerpt :

“A soldier was walking along the road: one or two! One-two! A knapsack behind his back, a saber on his side - he won back his own, and now he was on his way to the house. Suddenly an old witch meets him.
“Good evening, soldier,” she said. You have a glorious saber, a large knapsack. Young soldier. And now you will have as much money as you want - you see an old tree, climb into the hollow ... "

2nd passage: “There were once 25 soldier brothers in the world. They were very beautiful: a gun on their shoulder, a chest with a wheel, they look straight ahead, and what a magnificent uniform. What a miracle, what kind of soldiers! ”... All the soldiers are exactly the same and only one was a little different from everyone else: he had only one leg.

Summing up the results of competitions and awarding the winners


Our holiday is coming to an end

The jury sums up our results,

V. End of the holiday

Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of the competition, which ensured success.
Now it's time to say goodbye. Our speech will be short:
We say: "Goodbye, until happy new meetings!"

Competition program dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day for schoolchildren "Army Express"

Target: education in students of love for the Motherland, respect for its defenders, the desire to serve the Fatherland.

Event progress

I. Introductory part.

L. Agutin's song "Border" sounds (recorded).

Leading. February 23... The holiday is over 80 years old. For more than eighty years, the strong half of humanity has been celebrating the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and kindness. To commemorate the victory over the German invaders near Narva and Pskov, on February 23, 1918, a decree was issued on the celebration of the Red Army Day, later it was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. It has been celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day for several years now. For a long time in Russia, the military profession has been one of the most respected and honorable. To serve the Fatherland is to protect the peaceful life of our people, it is to preserve the honor and dignity of our Motherland.

Leading. The word "army" comes from the Latin word "aptu" - "I arm". But the army is not only strong in weapons, it is strong in the stamina and courage of its soldiers. The Soviet Army in 1945 defeated Hitler's troops and liberated Europe from the Nazi invaders.

Leading. And in peacetime, our army guards tens of thousands of kilometers of land, air and water borders of Russia. And always guided by the best military traditions of our ancestors.

presenter. The glorious victories of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky inspire the deeds of today's soldiers, teach them love for the Motherland. In the wonderful film "Officers" one of the main characters says: "There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland!"

Leading. Today's competition program "Army Express" is dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland. Two teams compete.

Presentation of teams, jury...

II. Holding contests.

Leading. The jury will take into account the correctness, clarity, completeness of answers to questions that will be asked to the teams in turn. If the team does not know the answer to the question, then the right to answer passes to the other team. For each correct answer, the team will receive 1 point.


1. "Intellectual quiz"

Hero of the native land

And protector of the weak

He won

In an evil bloody battle.

nightingale the robber

He forced to serve

The one to fix robbery and evil

Forever left.


1. Name the hero. (Ilya Muromets.)

2. What are the names of the three heroes depicted in Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes"? (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.)

3. Why was Alyosha called Popovich? (Popovich is a priest's son.)

4. Why was Ilya nicknamed Ilya Muromets? (He was born "from the city of Murom and from the village of Karacharova".)

5. Who is the creator of the Russian army? (Peter I.)

6. Who is the creator of the Russian fleet? (Peter I.)

7. What does the title "midshipman" mean? (Translated from French, “midshipman” means “naval guard”, that is, a midshipman is a person who graduated from the naval academy. This title was established by Peter I in 1716.)

8. Who are the grenadiers? (Grenadiers are grenade launcher soldiers walking in front of the column.)

9. What is the name of the piercing weapon attached to the barrel of a rifle? (Bayonet.)

10. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Iu tree, and the rifle has a barrel.)

11. "Checked - no mines." Who makes these inscriptions? They also say about them that they are mistaken only once. (Sappers.)

12. What device can be used to protect yourself from poisonous gases? (Mask.)

13. What is the name of the warehouse of military equipment? (Arsenal.)

14. What is the name of a shooter who knows the art of marksmanship? (Sniper.)

15. What is the name of the steering wheel with which the ship is steered? (Steering wheel.)

16. What is the most common clothing among sailors? (Vest.)

17. What is the name of the device that holds the ship while it is anchored? (Anchor.)

18. What is the name of the tower with signal lights on the seashore? (Lighthouse.)

19. What is the most cherished dream of a pilot? ("The most cherished dream is height", a line from the song.)

20. What does the word "ram" mean? (Strike with the hull of a tank, ship or aircraft.)

2. “Outstanding people need to be known by sight”

First task

presenter. Before you are portraits of six outstanding people of Russia who have done a lot to make us proud of our country, its people, and the army. You need to name them. The team will receive additional points if they list the merits of the military to the Motherland. First, the 2nd team calls the number and name of the person depicted in this portrait, then the 1st team, and so on. As a result, we will remember each of these outstanding figures.

Second task

Leading. I will read to you a phrase uttered by one of these people and which later became winged. It is necessary to determine to whom it belongs.

1. "Win not by numbers, but by skill." (No. 3. A. V. Suvorov.)

2. "Procrastination is like death." (No. 2. Peter I.)

3. "Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword." (No. 1. Alexander Nevsky.)

4. Who, before starting a very important task, said: “Let's go!”? (No. 6. Yu. A. Gagarin.)

3. "Military training"

First task

Leading. The first part of the third competition is push-ups. This competition is attended by one person from the team. Each participant will bring the team as many points as they do push-ups.

Second task

Leading. The second part of military training is arm wrestling. We invite one person from the team. The winner will put 5 points into their team's piggy bank.

4. "Competition of captains"

First task

Leading. Everyone knows that everyone who serves in the army has a military rank. It is personally assigned to each serviceman and conscripted reserve of the armed forces in accordance with official position, military and special training, length of service, belonging to the branch of service or type of service, as well as merits. Military ranks determine seniority in the relationship between military personnel.

The host addresses each captain in turn with a question.

Leading. Captains, without repeating yourself, name the existing military ranks in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, except for the Navy. With this competition, you will bring the team as many points as there are correct answers.

Second task

Leading. There are insignia of military personnel - these are insignia on uniforms to indicate personal military ranks, belonging to the type of armed forces, branch of service, service. The following are used: shoulder straps, epaulettes, badges on headdresses (cockades), shoulder straps (stars, gaps, stripes, etc.) and buttonholes (emblems), chest and sleeve badges (stripes, chevrons), piping and stripes. Belonging to a particular type of armed forces, branch of service or service is indicated by a different color of shoulder straps, edges, as well as emblems on shoulder straps (buttons).

Then the presenter addresses each captain in turn with a question, while showing shoulder straps.

presenter. Captains, tell me, what rank do these shoulder straps correspond to?

Third task

presenter. Now let's see how good nurses our captains are. Answer the questions:

1. What medicinal plant can be used for bruises and abrasions? (Plantain.)

2. What plants treat seven ailments? (Onion garlic.)

5. "Auction of songs about the defenders of the Fatherland"

Leading. The team that sings the last verse from the song wins. 5 points are awarded for winning the competition. Additional points can be obtained by naming the author and performer of the piece of music.

6. "Military crossword"

Leading. You have to solve a crossword puzzle containing several military terms. For each correctly guessed word - 1 point. The team that solves the crossword faster, provided that all answers are correct, will receive an additional 2 points.


3. Weapons invented by Kalashnikov.

4. Offensive shouting "Hurrah!".

6. A sport that characterizes climbing mountain peaks.

7. Enemy.

8. Arms - the "god" of war. Vertically:

1. The basic law of the country.

2. Rifle with a short barrel.

3. An ancient Greek hero whose weak point was the heel.


Horizontally: 3. Automatic. 4. Attack. 6. Mountaineering. 7. Enemy. 8. Artillery.

Vertical: 1. Constitution. 2. Carbine. 3. Achilles. 5. Hangar.

7. "Stars of Glory - Stars of Immortality"

Leading."Stars of Glory - Stars of Immortality" is the last and most difficult competition of our program. Each team will be asked three questions:

1. What feat did he accomplish during the years of the Great Patriotic War Hero Soviet Union Nicholas Gastello? (Nicholas Gastello died heroically, directing his burning plane at a cluster of enemy tanks and vehicles.)

2. What is the name of the brave pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, who, having lost his legs, returned to duty again and shot down fascist planes. (Alexey Maresyev.)

3. On the battlefield, he closed the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his body. Name the Hero of the Soviet Union. (Alexander Matrosov.)

4. Why are Heroes of the Soviet Union Mikhail Yegorov and Mikhail Kantaria famous? (They hoisted the Banner of Victory on the roof of the Reichstag in May 1945.)

5. In many cities there is a street named after the intelligence officer who told the Soviet government the exact date of the start of the Great Patriotic War. Name the scout. (Richard Sorge.)

6. Name the Heroes of the Soviet Union - our countrymen. (For exploits during the war years, four Yamal residents received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - these are Alexander Evstafyevich Zvyagin, Nikolai Vasilyevich Arkhangensky, Ivan Vasilyevich Korolkov, Anatoly Mikhailovich Zverev.)

Results are summed up after each competition. After the seventh competition - the final scoring.

III. Final part.

Leading. Defender of Motherland! How proud these words sound! Defending the Motherland is the duty of every citizen, the honorable duty of every man. The boys of our class are future defenders, so I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!

The girls of the class congratulate the boys on the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The jury announces the final results. Winner's reward ceremony.

O. Gazmanov's song "Officers" sounds (recorded).

Competitions for February 23 for boys include competitions for accuracy, dexterity and strength - that is, they demonstrate the qualities that a a real man. At the same time, classic competitions for tug-of-war or hitting the target can be interestingly beaten, supplemented in such a way that they will become a real surprise for both children and parents. This will be discussed in the article.

Paired competitions for February 23 for boys

Competition "Assemble the machine"

For the competition you will need toy pistols with sticky bullets and a target. The task of the participants is to load the weapon with several bullets and shoot, trying to hit the center of the target. Whoever hits the target faster and, most importantly, more accurately, wins. At the end, scores are calculated based on the markup of the target.

Contest "Inventor"

For the competition, you need to make blanks: cut out various geometric shapes from cardboard, prepare glue, felt-tip pens. Boys are given a piece of drawing paper. The goal is to come up with an unusual, own type of transport and depict it on a piece of paper using improvised means. The non-standard approach and ingenuity of the participants are evaluated.

Competition "Dandy"

In front of the participants is a pile of clothes and accessories: hats, scarves, jackets and more. The task of the boy is to combine clothes in such a way as to look stylish and irresistible.

Competition "Knight"

The outfit of a knight is not easy. However, in battle, first of all, skill is needed. Participants must, at the signal of the host, begin to put on all the elements of the knight's costume, including armor. The one who completes the task first and raises the spear wins.

Competition "Ivan Tsarevich"

Boys are equipped with bows and arrows. At the leader's signal, the participants pull the bowstring and release the arrow. Whose arrow will fly farthest, he won.

Competition "Medusa"

For this competition, you will need a light silk scarf or a piece of organza. The task of the participants is to toss the scarf, not letting it fall to the floor. The winner is the one whose "jellyfish" lasts the longest in the air.

Competition "Strongmen"

The boys sit on the floor facing each other and rest their feet. The task is to pull the enemy to your side.

Team competitions for February 23 for boys

Relay "Riders"

There are chairs in front of the teams. Participants line up one after another. The first boys “mount” the horse (take horses on sticks), jump towards the chairs, go around them and return to their team, passing the horse to the next participant.

Competition "Cookers"

Each team is given an empty bowl. At the same time, there is a bucket filled with water nearby, and a ladle lies. At some distance from the teams are large basins.

Participants must fill the pot with water using a ladle, run to the basin, trying not to spill water, pour water into the basin, return back to their team with an empty pan.

The goal is to get as much water into the basin as possible. The task can be complicated by placing various obstacles on the way.

Competition "Biathlon"

Small tunnels are set up in front of the teams. Behind the tunnels are toy rifles and bullets for them. Nearby are cardboard targets according to the number of participants. The task of the participants is to crawl through the tunnel, load the rifle, shoot, trying to shoot down the target.

The team that completes the task the fastest and hits the most targets wins.

Competition "On the attack"

The boys are divided into two armies. Only their weapons will be quite unusual. The guys will fight with bananas. At the shout of the leader "Attack!" two teams rush towards each other and start fighting with bananas. The task of the participants is to defeat the maximum number of opponents, trying to break their bananas.

The winning team is determined by the number of whole bananas.

Contest "Funny Tankers"

In front of the teams there are easels with attached sheets of whatman paper. Team members are blindfolded in turn. The guys should blindfold draw a military word on a piece of paper. vehicle(tank, submarine). Each participant draws one detail. The winning team is determined by the closest resemblance of the drawing to the real object.

Competition "Paper airplanes"

This competition is held in preparatory group kindergarten. Boys should first be taught how to make paper airplanes.

Before the competition, each team is given a paper according to the number of participants. The guys must, at the signal of the host, have time to make paper airplanes and send them to enemy territory. At the same time, a dividing line is drawn between the teams.

On whose territory there will be more enemy aircraft, that team lost.

Competitions for boys on February 23.

The celebration of February 23 seems to have no boundaries. Aside traditional day there are no real men left, starting with the smallest future defenders of the country and ending with male representatives “with experience”.
Everyone is involved in various thematic events taking place in kindergartens, educational institutions, work teams. And all this is prepared for them by master entertainers - beloved and dear women. I always want to stand out with the originality and originality of competitions, so that pleasant memories remind of holiday February, come up with the funniest ideas.
First, to prepare interesting scenario you need to know the age category and capabilities of the audience. Secondly, clearly define the time frame for the celebration. Thirdly, decide on the form of the thematic scenario. For example, a matinee, a competitive program, individual or team sports competitions, a musical program, a theatrical performance, etc.
In addition, competitions are designed to identify the best players. In this regard, tasks are for accuracy, speed, strength, dexterity, etc. Intellectual and creative competitions are also often included.
We do not forget about inviting a competent jury, as well as certificates, diplomas and incentive prizes.

Competitions for kindergarten boys.

What do little robbers like? Of course, games of "war games", hide and seek, cars, planes. Based on these desires, you can come up with and hold a number of fun contests for boys.
For example, the competition "Tanks". The participant needs to hit the “enemy tank” (toy tank) with a tennis ball. Hitting the target is a victory point for the player.
Competition "Pilots". The boys take turns trying to fly the paper airplane as far as possible.
Competition "Race". The competition is in pairs. Each of the two participants in the hands of a pencil-thin stick with a thread attached, about one and a half meters long. A toy car is attached to the other end of the thread. It is necessary, at the command of the host, to wind the thread around the stick until the entire thread is wound.
Ammunition Competition. Blindfolded little soldiers need to find "ammunition" - skittles in a limited space. The winner is determined by the number of items found.
Competition "Demining". Participants will have a difficult task of attentiveness and speed. Task: from a pile of children's shoes (room shoes in kindergarten boys and girls) find and match matching pairs. The most dexterous becomes the best in this competition.

Competitions for boys of elementary grades.

Usually, competitions in grades 1-2 do not differ much from kindergarten ones in their complexity. The level can be raised by making it a little more difficult by adding additional elements or movements, especially for grades 3-4.
For example, the competition "Sniper". It is necessary to carry without touching hands, balloon on a badminton racket to the indicated place and back. The competition requires skill and patience from the participant.
Competition "Secret card". This competition more suitable for team competitions. Each group of participants is invited to put together a cut into pieces picture with an image military equipment e.g. tank, plane, etc.
Contest "Expert in military affairs". The participant must correctly and quickly fold into the “military bag” of the proposed items only those that he will need “in combat conditions”. For example, binoculars, machine gun, grenade, smoke bomb, etc.

Competitions for boys of 5-7 classes.

The most restless and perky character falls on this age of boys. And there is a big plus in this - they are ready to participate in almost everything that is offered to them.
Contest "Secret Message" The leader gives the team of boys a package with a task, in which there are cards with words. They need to be combined so that a proverb or saying on a military theme is obtained. The first team to succeed is the one that writes the correct text on paper and brings it to the presenter (or jury).
Competition "Dangerous goods". A rope is tied to a toy truck, and there is a glass of water in the back. It is necessary to carry, without spilling water, along a given route. The competition can be held as an individual one - for a personal offset to the participant. The best result is the completed task with the least amount of time and spilled water.
"Competition" Minesweeper ". Draw an automaton on a piece of paper with your eyes closed. The speed, accuracy and accuracy of drawing are taken into account.

Competitions for boys in grades 8-11.

High school students increasingly prefer extreme competitions associated with the greatest release of adrenaline. In the conditions of the hall, of course, this is more difficult to achieve than holding active sports competitions outdoors. But, nevertheless, the guys still have more than enough excitement!
Competition "Special task". It is offered for competitions between teams. Competition for speed and accuracy. The participant from the start line begins to move with his back, in a semi-squat in a given direction. Having reached the specified point, it turns to face the target (balloon), which must be hit with a dart. Popped balloon - one point.
Competition "Nimble cook". There is a potato in one part of the scene, a basketball hoop in the other. The participant needs to peel potatoes while the music is playing. If the music stops, he runs to the mark and from there he throws the ball into the basketball hoop 1 time. It returns to its original position again and so on until all the potatoes are peeled. The quality of the processed vegetable and the number of goals scored are evaluated.
Competition "Military ranks". The task for the contestants is to correctly distribute the cards by rank - from the lowest to the highest. The task is designed for the personal knowledge of the boys.