Web publishing of electronic documents. What is an electronic document

Now almost all self-respecting enterprises are abandoning paper workflow, replacing it with a more modern one. An electronic document is the most relevant form of existence of all modern files containing great amount essential information.

Main advantages

The main advantage of electronic documentation is that it allows you to work quickly and efficiently. It is easy to sign materials in this format, even if all those who need to endorse them are far from each other. Due to this, it is possible to save a huge amount of money and effort.

Among other things, the presence of an electronic archive avoids the need to contain a huge number of documents in an organization. For storage of the accumulating papers, you will need to allocate an appropriate area on the territory of the enterprise, as well as hire a highly qualified archivist who will be able to quickly understand the available materials. To store an electronic archive, you only need compact removable media or a few hard drives.

Diadoc's electronic document management system is the easiest way to exchange legally significant electronic documents and invoices.

What is ED

An electronic document is a material that is recorded on special media (disks, USB sticks, additional equipment).

It can be a whole collection of images, sound files and symbols. Such a file can be transmitted in space and time using special telecommunication means. Telecommunication channels can also be used for publication, storage and further processing. The main thing here is to correctly process all existing data.

Also, such a document should be understood as a special form with which you can use the data in a completely different purposes... It is about recording information on electronic or magnetic material carriers, and then about their further processing and sending to all participants in the data correction process.

All documented materials that have been converted into electronic format are suitable for processing in existing information structures and transmission via TCS. All these files are amenable to analytical processing, which can be done using information systems.

Electronic document and EDS

Electronic documents must have legal force, otherwise they cannot be used when working with other structures. You can secure the action of a document using an electronic digital signature, which has the same capabilities as an ordinary paper one.

An EDS will be relevant if a number of conditions are met during its formation:

  • the certificate of the key that controls the operation of the signature must be current at the time of the endorsement of electronic files;
  • evidence must be provided to determine when the file was signed;
  • the authenticity of the digital signature must be confirmed in the same file where it is used;
  • the signature should be used in accordance with the information indicated in the attached certificate.

To obtain such a signature, you will need to contact a certification center. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents in advance. The location of the organization can be clarified in the territorial office The Pension Fund Russia, where you can get SNILS.

In addition to SNILS indicated in the pension certificate, you will need to provide a copy of your passport and a valid e-mail. In addition, you need to prepare in advance a USB-drive, on which the employees of the certification center will have to write down the keys and certificates necessary for the approval of electronic documents.

The details of an electronic document are valid only if it is certified digital signature... EDS is of equal importance with the paper counterpart, however, for this, all the necessary conditions... The signature must be legal, registered with the CA.

Electronic documentation

The concept of an electronic document provides that it can consist of more than characters that are understandable to users. The presence of unstructured information is allowed, which must be decrypted operating systems... The main thing is that the material must be saved on a special medium.

An important part of the document is also a form with a set of attributes required to describe it. Thus, the file should contain information about:

  • the date of its formation;
  • data author;
  • the name of the document;
  • format, which is necessary for the correct reading of the materials.

The more detailed information about an existing document is, the easier it will be to work with it in the future. Electronic document and electronic document On the contrary, they are closely interrelated, without the first the second is impossible. At the same time, the circulation of materials is greatly simplified if the organizations exchanging information use the same telecommunication systems and software equipment.

Electronic documentation can contain materials that can be used to search for files or classify them according to certain criteria. All existing files can have different permissions, they also may not carry any structured elements. In this case, an electronic document directly depends on its owner. Structured materials can have special elements, with the help of which external additional applications can receive data about individual elements of the file.

Paper and electronic documents cannot be compared with each other, because digital has a number of advantages. Among them:

  • the possibility of long-term storage;
  • convenience in performing additional operations (editing, deleting, archiving, etc.);
  • the ability to search for data within files using key markers;
  • ease of handling materials using automated systems used by organizations practicing electronic circulation.

Now there are several formats of electronic documents, but the most popular is the "odf" format, which is convenient when working with any software.

The concept and structure of an electronic document can vary significantly. The software for processing it has a huge impact on this. Separately, materials processed using 1C should be highlighted. Such files differ significantly from others, since they are not separated into separate documents. They can be considered only as an information unit with unique identifiers and modification tools.

Such documentation can also include materials that are created as a result of the vigorous activity of applied information systems. They are dynamically generated using existing material stores. Thus, they do not carry any information about themselves, they can only be considered with the help of the system.

As soon as a document is printed or viewed, it ceases to exist in the system as an object. From this moment on, it functions as a special application. In the event that the file needs to be opened with other software, you will have to convert it.

What electronic documents exist

An electronic document is a file containing certain information that is not always clear to the user. To create archives and collections of these files, you need to know their classification.

  • In one embodiment, the materials may differ in the presence or absence of similar printed documents.
  • Files can also differ in what kind of information they contain. This classification refers to:
  1. text,
  2. fine,
  3. sound,
  4. multimedia publications,
  5. software products.

The latter should be considered as alienated works or publications of separate fragments of program texts and codes.

  • The largest classification should be considered the types of electronic documents for their intended purpose. Most often there are official publications that are published government agencies, they usually contain regulations.
  • Production publications are used in factories. They carry information about the organization of the existing production. Some materials were specially created to inform employees of certain production areas about the existence of norms and requirements when they are on the territory of enterprises.
  • Educational and reference editions are produced that are easy to use. You can find the information you need in such a file in a few seconds, this saves a huge amount of time and effort. Such documents can be used not only by students, but also by teachers.
  • Political parties quite often use electronic publications as campaign materials. They contain public works that are intended for a wide audience of readers. In such materials, one can most often find analytical information that is used by political scientists and sociologists around the world.
  • Another classification of documents distinguishes them by the method of distribution. There are local editions that can be used within a single enterprise, they are also issued in paper versions and in a limited number of identical copies.
  • Online editions are intended for widespread use, their number is not limited. Additional paper copies in this case are not required, this increases the value of the electronic document several times. Such documents can be easily sent to archives.

Electronic file documents - a requirement of modern society

Now you know what an electronic document is, what types of it exist, and how they can be used in everyday life. In this case, the information can be stored in files in an encrypted format. To work with them, you will need to use existing passwords, which can be changed at any time.

Any user of telecommunication communication channels has the right to create their own documents. The only thing that he needs for this is the presence of a special software... The storage period for such files is unlimited. You can perform any operations with them at any time.

Chapter 1 Electronic Publications and multimedia technology

1. Electronic publications: definition, classification.

Electronic publishing is becoming more and more important in the field of presenting information on cultural heritage. An electronic publication is a publication presented as a collection of data (text, static and moving images, sound) recorded in digital form on a machine medium or in the memory of a computer, and intended for human perception using special hardware and software tools.

Electronic publications can be classified into the following categories, depending on the dissemination technology 1:

    local electronic edition: an electronic publication intended for local use and issued in the form of a certain number of identical copies (circulation) on portable machine-readable media. In the museum sphere, this category includes electronic signatures recorded on hard media (for example, on CD-ROM, DVD, etc.); the disk is installed in the computer and the user gains access to the information. EP of this kind can also be called static , since their content remains unchanged. Naturally, this is a conditional concept - subsequent editions are possible.

    online electronic edition: an electronic publication available to a potentially unlimited number of users through telecommunication networks. This category includes museum electronic signatures, in which data can be promptly corrected, modified and replenished after the initial publication (a typical example is publications on the INTERNET) 2. Conventionally, this kind of EP can be called dynamic.

    combined distribution electronic edition: an electronic publication that can be used both as a local and as a network; - by the nature of the interaction between the user and the electronic edition. For example, a CD-ROM can be used for more than just individual work, but for classes in groups, organizing collective access to data from several computers via local area network... Electronic expositions and exhibitions, which will be discussed in a special section, can be referred to this ES category.

Thus, all categories of electronic publications can be found in museum practice.

Static electronic signatures are subject to state registration... There is an organization STCenter INFORMREGISR under the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Telecommunications ( ), which is entrusted with the functions of registration, state accounting, storage and acquisition of the legal deposit of the electronic signature. For INTERNET DS, the registration procedure has not yet been determined.

The creation and use of electronic publications is based on multimedia technology, which will be discussed below.

2. Multimedia technology

The term MULTIMEDIA came into our lexicon from English-speaking sources, and the further, the more vague its content becomes. This technology, and approaches, and methods of implementation, and numerous applications; and this is natural, since in its essence multimedia is complex system, which, as you know, cannot be described "from the standpoint of one observer." I would not like to delve into the terminological jungle of the definition of multimedia, as this will take us far from the subject of discussion and we will get bogged down in discussions about definitions; Suffice it to recall the many years of discussions in the 60s about what "informatics" is. Here is a definition that was proposed back in the early 1990s by one of the pioneers of this technology in our country, Sergei Novoseltsev:

"MULTIMEDIA (eng.MULTIMEDIAfrom lat.multum- a lot andmedia- environment, means) is a complex of hardware and software that allows the user to work in a dialogue mode with heterogeneous data (graphics, text, sound, video), organized in the form of a single information environment ”.

Let's highlight the most significant features of multimedia:

    data is stored and processed in digitalform, usingcomputer;

    data may contain text, sound, graphics, video and animation components;

    multimedia actively uses hypertext- technology for working with data, establishing links between individual terms, fragments of text, articles, pictures, etc. This means that information is presented in the form of documents, which can contain links to other documents (for example, by highlighting a piece of text in color). The user therefore has the ability to "jump" from document to document, each of which can be stored on different servers on the network; For those who want to learn more about the history of the phenomenon of "hypertext", we recommend that you refer to the publication of DL Krechman and AI .. Pushkov 3;

    property interactivity(which means active interaction between the program and the person who works with this program) is inherent in multimedia to a very high degree.

An interesting interpretation of the concept of "multimedia" is given in the above-mentioned publication by D.L. Krechman and A.I..Pushkov:

“… As we can see, multimedia brings together four disparate data (graphics, text, sound and video) into a single whole. These are four elements, four elements of information.

And then the "Fifth Element" comes to mind. Yes, this is the name of the famous film by the French director Luc Besson, which is successfully shown on the screens of the world. The name "Fifth Element" originates from traditional elements alchemy: earth, air, fire and water. The four elements put together create the fifth: life. "

“Firstly, multimedia is an idea, that is, a new approach to storing information of various types in a single digital form. Secondly, multimedia is an equipment for processing and storing information; without it, it is impossible to realize a multimedia idea. And third, it is software that allows you to combine four pieces of information into a complete multimedia application. "

In 1991-1992, the Computer Press magazine published a series of articles by Sergei Novoseltsev 4, in which the author introduced readers in detail to the phenomenon of the emergence of multimedia abroad and in our country, to the technology of creating and using multimedia products, to hardware and software that are necessary for its implementation.

Since its inception, multimedia technology has begun to conquer its area in such areas as education, culture, art. the multimedia program Domesday, which reflects the portrait of the United Kingdom as conceived by the authors. This program was distributed to schools in the UK.

One of the first Russian programs, which with some stretch can be called multimedia - created in 1990, an electronic version of the painting by artist A. Ivanov "The Appearance of Christ to the People." The program recorded on a floppy disk was very primitive: it did not contain any hypertext or sound, but it allowed the user to interactively receive a color image of a picture or its enlarged fragments on the monitor screen, controlling the process with the mouse.

1990-1991 a group of enthusiasts from Armenia created the program "Hyperguide to Armenia", containing elements of hypertext, several dozen images, sound accompaniment and working in an interactive mode. Another example from the same period is the multimedia program "Trinity-Sergius Lavra", created by the specialists of INTERSOFT. this program first appeared animation elements - "oscillating" candle flame.

In 1990, the State Russian Museum released an interactive video disc "Masterpieces of the Russian Museum", on which about 1000 images of outstanding works from the museum's collection were recorded. However, this development was experimental and did not receive further development.

In 1991-1993. electronic editions were created " Traveling around the Moscow Kremlin "(KOMINFO company together with specialists from the Moscow Kremlin Museums)," Walks around the State Hermitage "(INTERSOFT company). These electronic publications already at that time possessed all the basic properties of multimedia: they worked in an interactive mode With text (including in several languages), with images, sound, they used hypertext, video fragments. A significant limitation imposed on these electronic editions is the amount of memory determined by the type of media - floppy disks with a capacity of 1.2 or 1.4 MB. Therefore, for the record complete program a package of 6 - 10 floppy disks was used, which had to be preinstalled on the computer.

"Multimedia Explosion" fell in Russia in 1994. Several reasons contributed to this. Firstly, multimedia computers have ceased to be exotic, multimedia technology has poured into Russian market and a ton of CD-ROMs hit the market. Secondly, teams of specialists were formed with the knowledge and skills necessary to create serious software products, and whole line Russian enterprises quickly mastered the technology of manufacturing and replicating such programs on CD-ROM disks. And last but not least, many museums are "ripe" to be included in the process of creating multimedia art publications.

Due to a number of objective and subjective reasons, it is CD-ROM technology (and not CD-I or Photo-CD) that has become a monopoly in Russia. Several dozen CD-ROMs on art, museums and their collections were created and went on sale in the second half of the 1990s. On the other hand, with the penetration of the INTERNET into Russia, many electronic representations (sites) of museums around the world have become available to any INTERNET user; at present, the number of electronic documents on museum topics (on disks or in the form of sites in INTERET) has exceeded several thousand. We'll start by looking at the local ESs provided on the CD-ROM.

Zero L. Ya. Information Technology in the activities of the museum.

Go to the table of contents

1 GOST 7.83-2001 “Electronic publications. Main types and output information ". This document is advisory in nature.

2 Static electronic signatures can also be placed on the Internet, i.e. unchangeable publications, although it is in principle possible to make changes; on the other hand, non-network technologies are emerging that allow the user to additionally record and rewrite a disc - like the reader's notes on the margins of an e-book.

3 D.L. Krechman, AI ... Pushkov Multimedia by own hands. - St. Petersburg: BHV - St. Petersburg, 1999, S. 108-115

4 Novoseltsev S.K. Multimedia synthesis of the three elements. Computer press, N 7, 8, 1991; Novoseltsev S.K. Are interactive discs coming to the country? Computer Press, No. 5, 1992; Novoseltsev S.K. Multimedia-91. Computer Press, No. 7, 1992; Novoseltsev S.K. Multimedia in three dimensions. Computer Press, No. 5, 1992; Novoseltsev S.K. Home media: wait a little longer. Computer Press, No. 5, 1992.

Archival documents are the most important source of reliable information about all kinds of aspects of the development of society. Unfortunately, today the main consumers of archival information are only scientists-researchers and citizens who turn to the archive on personal request, since most people, unknowingly underestimating the importance of archival information, consider archives to be simple repositories of outdated, obsolete documents. To correct this state of affairs and to increase interest in archival documents, it is necessary to change the distorted perception of archives and archival affairs in the public mind that exists in general.

Today, relations in the field of archival management in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ "On archival affairs in Russian Federation", According to which any user has the right to freely search and receive archival documents for study. However, no archive is capable of traditional methods work to provide access to archived information for a large number of visitors.

Thanks to the development of communication technologies, this issue is gradually being resolved, since new ways of access to archival information appear. The above-mentioned law specifies such access methods as:

1) the provision of reference and retrieval tools and information about these tools, including in the form of an electronic document;

2) provision of originals and (or) copies of documents, including in the form of electronic documents;

3) the use of public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, with the ability to copy materials.

This article is devoted to the last of the listed methods of access, that is, access to archived information via the global Internet. It will be about the emergence of this direction in our country and the first developments in this area, about the prospects for development, as well as some of the problems to be solved.

The introduction of information technologies into archiving began back in the 80s, when there was first an episodic appearance, and later a massive spread of computer technology, which made it possible to better meet the needs of users. In the early 90s. Database management systems (DBMS) for the creation of databases, including integrated ones, were actively developed, which was a big step forward. With the transition of information technologies to a qualitatively new level, new opportunities for their use have appeared, which served to the emergence and development of ideas on the creation of more convenient and faster ways to obtain archive information.

To provide access to archival materials and information about them via the Internet, it is necessary to take two main steps: first of all - to form an electronic archive, and then - to create a high-quality website for placing there information about the archival institution, its composition and the archival documents themselves.

The formation of an electronic archive is a very time-consuming and expensive process, which, if you do not go into details, includes the conversion of various forms of archive materials into electronic form and the creation of databases on their basis. The development of a high-quality website is also a rather difficult job, since when creating it you have to be guided by such tasks as correct organization its entire structure, ensuring adequate functioning, ease and convenience in use and, at the same time, security.

Developments in the field of archival "site building" in our country began at the turn of the 2000s, then Rosarkhiv prepared Recommendations for the creation of an archive site on the Internet (2001). They were aimed at optimizing the work of archives and creating high-quality sites for accessing archival documents using information resources... The recommendations also covered the problems of the content of the site, the organization of its creation and support, placement on the Internet, the formation of the concept and design of the site, but did not touch on a highly specialized complex. technical issues related to the installation, connection and protection of your own server.

In the same year, the Archives of Russia website was created, which today has a very extensive structure. On this portal, all federal and regional archives have their own pages, while Rosarchiv and a number of archives have their own representation on the Internet in the form of a website. A special feature is the "Forum" section, where the information necessary for consumers is presented in the form of a discussion. One of the sections of the portal - "Archival online projects" contains photo, background, film documents on a specific topic, which are collected in virtual exhibitions or collections. Basically, the materials relate to the following topics: Great Patriotic War, statehood of Russia, Soviet era, conquest of space.

In 2010, the Program of Informatization of the Archival Industry for 2011-2020 was developed, thanks to which steps were taken towards the digitization of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and the creation of one Center storage of electronic documents, which is designed to significantly reduce the financial costs for the acquisition, storage and organization of the use of electronic documents in comparison with their decentralized storage.

In 2012, Rosarkhiv as part of the federal target program"Culture of Russia" (2012-2018) "Recommendations for the creation of Internet exhibitions of archival documents were developed, which relate to key aspects of the development of the site of an archival institution, as well as the placement of virtual exhibitions on it. Recommendations include information on selecting documents for exhibitions, developing a design project and navigating an exhibition, promoting Internet exhibitions, and some other aspects to help you create an attractive, easy-to-use and functional portal.

It should be noted that at the moment active work on the placement of archival materials in online access is conducted not only at the federal level, but also at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Now on the sites, in addition to information about the archives themselves, there are various interesting historical materials stored in them. Archival departments are actively developing in this area. Chuvash Republic, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Chechen Republic and many other regions.

The site of the department for archives of our republic (Archives of Bashkortostan) is currently less developed than the sites of the above republics, but we also have interesting materials posted online. These are, for example, such archival sources as revision tales (population censuses for the 18th - 20th centuries). Being in remote access, the user can study the data on the population censuses of a particular locality, indicating in the additional search parameters the years of mention or the modern regions on the territory of which the settlements of interest to the user were located. By registering on the site, you can view the scanned documents in their original form and view the images in detail. There is also a section on the site called Music Archive, but at the moment its materials are not yet available.

Thus, thanks to methodological developments per last years a large number of archives have acquired their own websites, and post reference information about archives and archival documents, about providing various services and conferences, create online exhibitions and collections of various types of documents. However, these sites are far from always perfect, despite the fact that this direction has been developing for about 15 years. The reason for this is insufficient funding and the lack of a well-developed and tested regulatory and methodological base, as well as a lack of qualified personnel who could deal with the translation of documents into electronic form, the compilation of electronic databases, as well as the improvement of the archive site itself.

An important aspect of the use of archival information through Internet resources, which cannot be ignored, is the consideration of modern copyright laws. Implementation electronic technology brought with it new problems that relate to the ease and scale of copying any materials, including protected ones. To prevent these problems, protection programs began to be actively developed and implemented, designed to combat illegal copying and use of works, which, in turn, served to develop counter-circumvention programs. With all this, such technologies have never appeared that would have made it possible to provide access to materials for bona fide users. Therefore, we can say that the level of legal culture and customs in relation to copyright for electronic information is still generally low.

An analysis of the above positive aspects, as well as inevitably arising problems, can lead to the following question: are these developments justified and how promising is this area of ​​work in general? Of course, it is promising, since, despite all the obstacles, today there are quite successful examples information resources that function and develop in this area, albeit not at a very fast pace. Information technologies are getting better every year, they are becoming an integral part of almost all branches of human activity, and archiving is no exception. It is only important to competently and responsibly approach research and development in this direction, combine the experience of several scientific disciplines, and then it is possible to achieve positive results.

Date of publication: 06.04.2011 10:48 (archive)

The Federal Tax Service has developed the service "Submission of documents for state registration in in electronic format», Providing an opportunity to send electronic documents using the Internet to the tax authority during state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

  1. The sending of electronic documents to the tax authority is carried out by the applicant (one of the applicants) or a notary or a person replacing a temporarily absent notary who attested the authenticity of the signature of the applicant (applicants) on the corresponding application (notification, message) (hereinafter referred to as the sender). These persons must have a qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key and the corresponding electronic signature key (hereinafter referred to as the UPC), which are valid at the time of signing the electronic document and on the day these documents are sent to the tax authority.

    UPC is issued to applicants by organizations that issue certificates of electronic signature verification keys for use in public information systems in accordance with Federal Law No. 63-FZ of April 6, 2011 “On Electronic Signatures” and are certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia.

  2. Applicants can also use the UPC issued for the transfer of tax and accounting statements in electronic form via communication channels.

    The UPC is issued to notaries (persons replacing a temporarily absent notary) by the certification center of the Federal Notary Chamber, the accreditation of which must also be valid at the time the UPC is received.

    UPC is used to sign electronic documents to be sent, as well as when sending electronic documents through the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for authorization in the "Submission of electronic documents for state registration" mode to authenticate the sender.

  3. 2. For the purpose of submitting documents in electronic form, these documents are drawn up in accordance with the following recommendations.
  • 2.1. Electronic documents are sent to the tax authority in the form of files with images of documents scanned from paper carriers, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Documents containing multiple sheets are scanned into one file.
    Scanning of document images is carried out taking into account the following requirements:
    image format: BW;
    resolution: 300 * 300dpi;
    color depth: 1 bit (black and white);
    finished file format: multi-page TIF.
  • 2.2. A file with a scanned from a paper medium of an application (notification, message) sent to the tax authority, as well as a document provided for in subparagraphs "b" - "h" of paragraph 1 of Article 22.1, subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of Article 22.2 of the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs", signed by the electronic signature of a notary (a person replacing a temporarily absent notary) who attested the authenticity of the signature of the applicant (s) on the corresponding statement (notification, message) on paper.
  • 2.3. Files with images of other documents sent to the tax authority scanned from paper are signed with the electronic signature of the applicant (one of the applicants) or a notary or a person replacing the temporarily absent notary who attested the authenticity of the applicant's signature on the application (notification, message) sent simultaneously with such documents.
  • 2.4. Files with scanned images of documents sent to the tax authority can be signed with the electronic signature of the person replacing the temporarily absent notary, if the authenticity of the signature of the applicant (s) on the relevant application (message, notification) is certified by a notary whose duties are performed by the specified person. These files can be signed with the electronic signature of a notary if the authenticity of the signature of the applicant (s) on the corresponding application (notification, message) is certified by a person temporarily replacing him.
  • 2.5. For each electronic document sent to the tax authority, the following are generated:
  • a file with a document image scanned from paper;
    a file with the contents of the electronic signature of the applicant or a notary or a person replacing a temporarily absent notary.
  • You can prepare an application (notification, message) using specialized free software:
  • Program for preparing documents for state registration.
  • The files specified in clause 2 of this document, including files with the contents of the electronic signature of the applicant or a notary (a person replacing a temporarily absent notary), are packed into a zip archive (hereinafter referred to as a shipping container). When forming a transport container, it also includes a file with a description of the attachment.
  • You can prepare a shipping container using specialized free software
    Package preparation program for electronic registration
  • When sending electronic documents to the tax authority in the section of the website of the Federal Tax Service "Submission of documents in electronic form for state registration" or in the corresponding section of the Single portal of state and municipal services, provided for sending electronic documents to the tax authority, the sender performs the following actions:
  • fills in the required details;
    attach the transport container referred to in paragraph 4 of this document;
    clicks the "send documents" button.
  • After sending the documents electronically, to the applicant in real time, as well as to the address Email specified when sending electronic documents to the tax authority, a message is sent containing a unique number confirming the delivery of electronic documents to the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for centralized data processing. The unique number must be saved (written down, copied to text editor etc.).
  • When specifying the unique number referred to in clause 6 of this document on the website of the Federal Tax Service in the section "Submission of documents in electronic form for state registration" in the subsection "Informing about the results of processing documents sent to the registering authority" or Single portal state and municipal services in the relevant section of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, provided for informing about the results of processing the submitted electronic documents, the applicant will be able to receive information about the passage of electronic documents in the tax authority, as well as electronic documents addressed to the applicant referred to in paragraphs 10 and 11 of this document.
  • If the shipping container does not meet the format and logical control requirements established by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, a message will be sent to the applicant by e-mail containing information on the identified discrepancy. The shipping container is not sent for further processing.
  • A transport container that meets the format and logical control requirements established by the Federal Tax Service of Russia is sent to the tax authority.
  • No later than the working day following the day of receipt of electronic documents by the tax authority, a transport container containing:
  • a file with a receipt for receiving electronic documents,
    file with an electronic signature of the tax authority.
  • Documents prepared by the tax authority in connection with making an entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, or a decision to refuse state registration, generated in electronic form and signed by the electronic signature of the tax authority, are sent to the applicant by e-mail in the transport container. When making a decision on state registration of a legal entity, the transport container also includes a file submitted by the applicant containing the constituent documents of the legal entity, signed by the electronic signature of the tax authority.
  • You can view the contents of the shipping container received from the tax authority using the specialized free software for preparing the shipping container mentioned in paragraph 4 of this document.
  • Providing the applicant with a copy of the documents generated by the tax authority in connection with making an entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, constituent documents a legal entity with a mark of the tax authority or a decision to refuse state registration on paper is carried out in the manner specified by the applicant when sending electronic documents to the tax authority.
  • Federal tax office provides an opportunity for individuals registered or registered as an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter - individual entrepreneurs), as well as legal entities to send documents for state registration in electronic form via the Internet.

    1. The submission of electronic documents to the registering authority is carried out by the applicant or a notary, who must have a signature key certificate (SKP), which provides electronic signature according to the GOST R 34.11 / 34.10-2001 algorithm.
    A signature key certificate is issued to applicants by organizations that issue signature key certificates for use in public information systems in accordance with Federal Law No. 1-ФЗ dated 10.01.2002 "On Electronic Digital Signatures" and are certification centers that are part of the network of trusted certification centers, a member of which is the Federal Tax Service of Russia.
    Applicants can also use signature key certificates issued for the transmission of tax and financial statements in electronic form via communication channels.
    UPC is issued to notaries by the certification center of the Federal Notary Chamber.

    The signature key certificate is used to sign the sent documents and for authorization in the "Submission of electronic documents for state registration" mode to authenticate the sender.

    2. In order to submit documents in electronic form, these documents are drawn up and sent in accordance with the following recommendations.
    2.1. For individual entrepreneurs with an electronic digital signature (EDS),
    a) application for registration - in the form of an Excel or Word file.
    b) other documents submitted together with the application, including a document confirming the payment of the state duty in the cases established by law - in the form of files with scanned images of documents from paper media. Documents containing multiple sheets are scanned into one file.
    Scanning of document images is carried out taking into account the following requirements:
    image format: BW;
    resolution: 300 * 300dpi;
    color depth: 1 bit;
    finished file format: multi-page TIF.
    Each of the generated files specified in clause 2.1 is signed by the electronic signature of an individual entrepreneur.
    Sending of documents is carried out by the applicant.
    2.2. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who do not have an EDS, in the form of files with images of documents scanned from paper carriers, drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:
    a) a file with a scanned image of the application (notification, message) is signed by the digital signature of the notary who attested the applicant's signature on the application (notification, message) in established by law The order of the Russian Federation;
    b) files with images of other documents, including a document confirming the payment of the state fee, are signed by the notary's EDS.
    The sending of electronic documents is carried out by a notary.
    2.3. For legal entities with EDS- in the form of files with images of documents scanned from paper carriers, drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:
    a) a file with a scanned image of the application (notifications, messages) signed by the notary's EDS, which attested the applicant's signature on the application (notification, message) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    b) files with images of other documents, including a document confirming the payment of the state fee, are signed with the electronic signature of the applicant (one of the applicants) or the electronic signature of the notary.
    The sending of electronic documents can be carried out both by the applicant and by agreement with him by a notary.
    2.4. If it is necessary to obtain after state registration of a legal entity upon creation (including through reorganization) or changes in the constituent documents of a legal entity, copies of constituent documents (amendments to constituent documents):
    a) a request for a copy of the document - in the form of a Word file or in the form of a file with a scanned image of a request made in handwritten text from a paper carrier;
    b) a document confirming the payment for providing a copy of the document - in the form of a file with an image of the document scanned from paper.
    The files specified in this clause are signed with the applicant's EDS, and in its absence - with the notary's EDS.

    3. You can prepare an application (notification, message) in electronic form using specialized free software:

    4. The files specified in clause 2, as well as the corresponding files with the contents of the applicant's or notary's EDS, are packed into a zip-archive (hereinafter referred to as the shipping container).
    You can prepare a transport container from the "Program for the preparation of documents used for the registration of individual entrepreneurs (IE)", as well as using the specialized free software "Program for preparing a package for electronic registration"Located at.

    5. To submit documents for state registration in electronic form in the section "Submission of electronic documents for state registration" after authentication, you should select the "Send a new application for state registration of individual entrepreneurs (KFH), legal entity" mode.
    After switching to the specified mode, you must perform the following actions:
    - attach the transport container specified in point 4;
    - press the "Send" button.

    6. After sending the documents in electronic form, an on-line message is sent to the applicant containing a unique number confirming the delivery of documents to the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for centralized data processing. The unique number must be saved (written down, copied into a text editor, etc.).

    7. In the section "Informing about the results of processing the submitted electronic documents", specifying a unique number, the applicant will be able to receive information about the passage of electronic documents in the registering authority, as well as electronic documents sent to him.

    8. If the shipping container does not meet the format and logical control requirements established by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, a message will be sent to the applicant by e-mail containing information on the identified discrepancy. The shipping container is not sent for further processing.

    9. Not later than the working day following the day of receipt of electronic documents by the registering body, a transport container is sent to the applicant by e-mail, containing a file with a receipt for receipt of electronic documents, signed by the EDS of the authorized person of the registering body.

    10. Documents confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Registers of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities, registration (deregistration) with the tax authority, the decision to refuse state registration, prepared by the registering body in electronic form, signed by the EDS of the authorized person of the registering body are sent to the applicant by e-mail in a shipping container.
    You can view the contents of the shipping container received from the registering authority using specialized free software for preparing the shipping container.

    11. Documents confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Registers of Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities, registration (deregistration) with a tax authority, a decision to refuse state registration in hard copy are issued (sent) to the applicant at his request, who can be formed when sending electronic documents to the registering authority or submitted to the registering authority after state registration.

    Publication of documents in the electronic environment: some issues of terminology and regulatory support E. V. Strelkova International seminar "Digital documents in libraries, museums, archives: quality, technology, accessibility" Republic of Karelia, Russia October 7-9, 2009

    Legislative framework Constitution of the Russian Federation Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part four Federal laws: "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and museums in the Russian Federation" "On librarianship" "On information, information technologies and on the protection of information" "On obligatory copy documents "" On technical regulation "" On personal data "" On electronic digital signature "" On science and state scientific and technical policy "Laws of the Russian Federation:" On state secrets "" On funds mass media"" On the protection of consumer rights "

    Right, responsibility, choice the right to be communicated to the public - "Internet law" St of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Exclusive right to a work of an object of copyright - regardless of - the merits and purpose of the work - as well as the way of its expression St of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Objects of copyright digital heritage and the incomparability of the characteristics of information sources

    In the electronic environment, it is possible to create normalized resources with the marking of responsibility for their content; [ФЗ from N184-ФЗ "On technical regulation"] to provide ACCESS to - museum items and collections; - legally published works. Of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation E. Kokorina Databases of collections as a source of museum development Zemskov AI, Shraiberg Ya.L. Electronic information and electronic resources: publications and documents, funds and libraries L.Ya. Information technologies in the activities of the museum A.B. Antopolsky, T.V. Maistrovich. Digital Libraries: Principles of Creation

    The path of museums Creation of ICOM International Council of Museums (1946) CIDOC Committee on Museum Documentation (f) Beginning of work in Russia (1977) Declaration of Quebec: Basic Principles of New Museology (1984) ADIT Association for Documentation and New Information technologies in museums (1996) Conferences ADIT, EVA, ECHOLOT From "machine" catalogs to a network of cultural heritage Electronic publications of museums have received worldwide worldwide recognition

    Electronic resources Museum collectionBook collection AISABIS Reproduction for the purpose of publication Reprographic reproduction not for the purpose of publication Original work in electronic form Digitization Museum values, archival materials, rarities from personal collections become objects of library storage in digital form.

    Methodological support State policy International documents Projects - international - federal - national - industry - corporate Rules Formats Protocols Profiles Electronic resources electronic data (information in the form of numbers, letters, symbols or their combinations); electronic programs(sets of operators or subroutines that perform specific tasks, including data processing) or a combination of these types in one resource. GOST Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description electronic resources

    Inconsistency of terms Publication (from lat publico I declare publicly) 1. Bringing something to the public through the press, broadcasting or television. 2. Published work. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, One of the main forms of the museum's activities, involving all types of presentation of museum items and museum collections to the public through public display, reproduction in printed publications, on electronic and other types of media. the federal law from N54-FZ "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and Museums in the Russian Federation"

    Inconsistency of terms Electronic publication (eng. E-publishing) is a document, the preparation, abstracting and distribution of which is realized using electronic technologies. A.I.Zemskov, L.Ya.Shraiberg a set of data (text, static and moving images, sound) recorded in digital form on a machine medium or in computer memory and intended for human perception with the help of special hardware and software. L.Ya. Zero

    The goals of creating museums in the Russian Federation; storage of museum items and museum collections; identification and collection of museum items and museum collections; study of museum items and museum collections; the publication of museum items and museum collections and the implementation of educational and educational activities Federal Law "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and Museums in the Russian Federation" The main forms of existence of the book fund in the museum are as follows: science Library museum ". Timasheva I.A. Legal support for the functioning of library structural units local history museums

    Inconsistency of terms A document is a tangible medium with information fixed on it in any form in the form of text, sound recordings, images and (or) their combination, which has requisites that allow it to be identified, and is intended to be transmitted in time and space for public use and storage ... Federal Law of l994 N77-FZ "On the obligatory copy of documents" Electronic document 1. A document in which information is presented in electronic digital form. Federal Law of N1-FZ "On Electronic Digital Signature" 2. A document on a machine-readable medium, for the use of which computer equipment is required. GOST Electronic publications. Basic types and outputs

    Inconsistency of terms Electronic edition 1. A document in which information is presented in digital form and which has undergone editorial and publishing processing, has output information, is replicated and distributed on machine-readable media. [Federal Law of l994 N77-FZ "On the obligatory copy of documents"] 2. An electronic document (a group of electronic documents) that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, intended for distribution in an unchanged form, having output information. GOST

    Inconsistency of terms Electronic library 1. Information system, including an ordered fund of electronic documents, formed in accordance with the specified criteria and intended for public use, and a set of software and technological tools that implement the functions of creating, using and storing this fund. A.B.Antopolsky, T.V. Maystrovich 2. A distributed information system that allows you to reliably save and effectively use heterogeneous collections of electronic documents through global data transmission networks in a form convenient for the end user Information system for providing users with access to electronic documents that do not have hard media (network). [Project ED SPbSPU]

    Inconsistency of terms Electronic collection 1. A set of electronic publications selected by thematic, species or other criteria and united by a common access interface. AI Plemnek 2. Information array. ABAntopolskiy, TVMaystrovich 3. Type of information resources in the Dublin Core metadata system. A.B.Antopolsky, T.V. Maystrovich Museum collection is a set of cultural values ​​that acquire the properties of a museum object only when they are combined together due to the nature of their origin, or species relationship, or other characteristics. Federal Law of N54-FZ "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and Museums in the Russian Federation"

    Inconsistency of terms; interdisciplinary nature of projects; Working group on the creation of a museum EP: curators, exhibitors and other museum staff; project manager - a specialist with experience in the design and maintenance of electronic signature; LAWYER - specialist in intellectual property rights; specialist programmers; artist-designers; photographers; video filming specialists, sound recording specialists; editor; translator; music editor; advertising and PR specialist. lack of a unified regulatory and methodological base; imperfection of legislation associated with the novelty of the phenomenon; being ahead of theory by practice; different speed development of the components of the process of informatization of society.

    Stages of Electronic Publishing Work Creation Eligibility of Publication. Status. Preparation of an electronic document Variability of incarnations. Deposit conditions. Inclusion of an electronic document in the information resources system Content audit. Circulation, network address. Composition (part / whole). Grant of use rights. Use and disposal rights. Integrity, adequacy, protection, safety.

    Copyright to a work Arises by virtue of the fact of its creation Ownership rights arise from the moment a work (ideal object) is expressed in material form. The tangible object in which the work is expressed is protected by ownership, not copyright. SOURCES AND RESULTS OF CREATIVE ACTIVITIES - IN A SINGLE SPACE

    Virtual expositions and "electronic publications" PC Kiosks Plasma panels Screen and projector Electronic computer guides Information technologies - allow the visitor to present those items that have been kept in storerooms for many years; - develop methods and means of presentation in expositional exhibition activities... Electronic -Libraries -Archives -Repositories -Collections An important role electronic libraries the approach of images of rare and valuable objects to the publicly available resources of the national and world level is widely recognized. "Web 2" Grid networks Semantic Web Web 3.0 Knowledge nodes in a networked environment

    Conclusions Legal clearing is the basis for protecting the intellectual rights of the author of a work published in electronic form. Electronic publications on hard media, deposited in accordance with current legislation, are provided with safety, integrity, adequacy of reproduction and certification of authorship. The inclusion of online electronic documents and publications in the library funds is regulated by local regulations... When interacting on a contractual basis with legal and individuals the library acquires special rights to use works in electronic form and provide services to third parties, contributing to the formation of knowledge nodes in the networked environment of the information and library space.