Work in remote access regulatory support. A complete guide to remote work based on personal experience

Many companies have long been convinced of the real benefits of hiring remote workers, but literally until recently in Russia there was no legal framework for official labor relations. How to correctly register remote employees for work, what is important to consider in employment contracts, how to avoid financial risks- tells the IPK legal expert Tatyana Shirnina.

In 2013 the Labor Code Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) was supplemented by chapter 49.1 "Peculiarities of regulation of the work of remote workers". These innovations were due, among other things, to high development information technologies. And in practice, the principle of remote work has been used for a long time, that's just legal regulation hasn't been for a long time.

Today, outside the location of the employer (at home, in another city / country, in a restaurant, on the beach, etc.), specialists with different skill levels work: engineers, lawyers, accountants, translators, journalists, editors, designers, programmers, auditors. Despite the fact that remote work is already a well-established phenomenon in Russia, there are no fewer questions. Let's try to answer some of them.

So, first of all, let's consider the main question:

How to formalize an employment relationship with a remote worker?

The main assistant for you will be the Labor Code, namely the above-mentioned chapter 49.1, which, by the way, provides for two options for concluding an employment contract:

1) an employment contract with a remote worker can be concluded by visiting the employer's office in person;

2) an employment contract with a remote worker can be concluded through an exchange electronic documents. This option can only be used if the parties have enhanced qualified electronic signatures.

When hiring a remote worker, the list of documents required to conclude an employment contract is no different from general list provided for in Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Just one caveat: if an employment contract for remote work is concluded by exchanging electronic documents with a person entering into an employment contract for the first time, this person receives an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance on his own.

The obligation of the employer to familiarize employees with the documents before signing the employment contract is also preserved. The method of familiarization depends on how the interaction between the employee and the employer takes place: by exchanging electronic documents (here we remember the enhanced qualified electronic digital signature) or by visiting the employer's office directly.

Conditions of an employment contract with a remote worker

When drawing up an employment contract, it is necessary to be guided by article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But since it's a special kind labor activity, the text of the contract must reflect that the work is performed remotely.

Besides this, there are other special conditions employment contract with this category of workers. One of mandatory conditions- indicate the place of work and there are no exceptions for remote workers in this part. However, how to specify it if we do not know in what place the employee will perform his labor function today and tomorrow?

Let's turn to article 312.1. TC RF:

“Remote work is the performance of a labor function defined by an employment contract outside the location of the employer, its branch, representative office, or other separate structural unit(including those located in another locality), outside a stationary workplace, territory or facility directly or indirectly under the control of the employer, provided that it is used to perform this labor function and to interact between the employer and the employee on issues related to its implementation, information - telecommunication networks of general use, including the "Internet" network".

According to representatives of Rostrud (Letter of Rostrud dated 07.10.2013 No. PG / 8960-6-1 "On determining the place of work of a remote worker"), an employment contract for remote work should contain information about the place of work where the remote worker directly performs the duties assigned to him with an employment contract. Of course, the clarification of Rostrud is not equated with regulatory legal acts. However, the State Labor Inspectorate acts as its territorial body, therefore, the policy will be similar. That is, if the employment contract with a remote worker does not contain such a condition as a “place of work”, the company may be held administratively liable under Part 3 of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

So where to look for the answer? The reference may be a letter from another federal body executive power - the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08/01/2013 N 03-03-06 / 1 / 30978, which concluded from the definition of remote work given in Art. 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: for an employee permanent job is its location.

Perhaps we should agree with this opinion. After all, it is logical that the place of work of the "remote worker" is the place of his actual location at the time of the performance of the labor function.

Working conditions in the workplace

As you know, working conditions at the workplace are determined by the results of a special assessment of working conditions. But how can an employer describe these factors if the employee can move around the world every day?

In fact, the legislator has provided for exceptions in terms of the mandatory special assessment of working conditions for certain categories of workers. These included remote workers (part 3 of article 3 federal law dated December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions"). Consequently, since there is no need to conduct a special assessment of working conditions, the employer is automatically relieved of the obligation to prescribe in the employment contract with a remote worker such items as: “guarantees and compensation for work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor” and “working conditions at the workplace”.

Working mode

Here is another important question: how to build a work schedule with remote control? It all depends on how important the employer is to the time frame in which the employee will perform his labor function. This is also connected with the way in which the accounting of working time is set: the employer will keep it on his own or entrust the employee to mark work hours by self-taping.

As one option, provide for remote employees the usual operating mode adopted in the company. For example: “The employee is set a 40-hour five-day work week, with two days off. The employee is set working days from Monday to Friday, working hours from 9:00 to 18:00, a break for rest and food - 1 hour from 12:00 to 13:00, which work time not included and will not be charged. Saturday and Sunday are days off.

The second option (if it is not important in what period of time the work will be performed) is to set the employee, for example, a 40-hour five-day work week, with two days off. Specify which days are considered working days, which days off. With regard to the time of the beginning and end of the working day, as well as a break for rest and meals, state that they are set by the employee independently. In this case, you can write like this: “Duration of one working day: not less than 5 hours and not more than 9 hours a day. The duration of the break for rest and meals is 1 (one) hour, which is not included in working hours and is not paid.

Additional features

From the foregoing, we can conclude that it is necessary to fix the ways of interaction between the employee and the employer. In the employment contract, it is recommended to additionally prescribe means of communication ( mobile phone, email, Skype, etc.) that will be used by the employee and the employer, and the time during which the employee must answer the call, incoming message / call back / write a message / get in touch.

Whatever mode of operation you specify in official documents, remember: a remote worker may be at a point with a different local time. Therefore, when determining the mode of operation, specify time zones. Otherwise, it may happen that when you get in touch with an employee at 8:00 Moscow time, you will not wait for him. After all, if he ends up, say, in New York, he will have a deep night - 00:00.

Don't Forget Vacation

Part 2 Art. 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges employers to prescribe the procedure for granting annual paid leave and other types of leave to a remote worker in an employment contract.

What else should be provided in the employment contract with the "remote worker"?

It is recommended to clearly state what equipment (software and hardware) will be used by the employee in the performance of his labor function, by whom it is provided, what actions the employee needs to perform and within what time frame it is necessary to inform the employer about the breakdown, technical malfunctions. If the employee will use his equipment (for example, a laptop, telephone, etc.), the employment contract should additionally regulate the procedure and terms for paying compensation for its use.

In order to track the quality and quantity of the work performed, you can additionally prescribe the procedure, terms and form for the employee to submit reports on the work performed.

Of course, as with any relatively convenient option, remote work has its pitfalls.

1) When accepting a remote worker in a company, interviews are often conducted via Skype or by e-mail. In this case, the employer bears the risk of incomplete and unreliable assessment business qualities specialist. Agree, at home, when there is a lot of reference material around (books, manuals, the Internet), it is much easier to pass an interview.

2) Since remote work implies the possibility electronic document management, including the signing of an employment contract, certain difficulties may arise. For example, the employer signed an employment contract and sent it to the employee, but he did not return the signed document and left all copies with him, or sent a scanned copy.

Unfortunately, due to simple carelessness in the event of a litigation, the terms of the employment contract may be recognized as inconsistent with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, remember: the employment contract must be signed by both parties with an enhanced qualified electronic digital signature or a "live" signature on paper.

3) The question of control remains open, namely, how many hours a day a person works. That is, the interaction must be clearly regulated, otherwise the employer will never know how long the remote worker worked on a given day - 8 hours or only 2 hours.

4) When an employment contract is terminated at the initiative of an employee, the employer often receives a scan of his letter of resignation. However, based on the existing judicial practice, the courts do not recognize the scanned statement as evidence, indicating that the will of the employee to be dismissed must be expressed either in writing with a "live" signature of the employee, or signed with an enhanced qualified electronic digital signature.

5) From the point of view of the procedural code, it is not entirely clear from what point the employee has the right to apply to the court for the restoration of violated rights.

Here is an example from practice. The Moscow City Court in the Appeal ruling dated 01/20/2015 in case N 33-1146 / 2015 found that on May 21, 2014 the plaintiff received a dismissal order by e-mail, printed it out, put his signature on it and also sent this order by e-mail the defendant. Thus, the plaintiff received a copy of the dismissal order on May 21, 2014, and from that date he knew about his dismissal, and was not deprived of the opportunity to apply to the court with a claim for reinstatement at work before the expiration of one month. However, the plaintiff applied to the court on July 7, 2014, that is, he missed the one-month deadline.

Thus, in order to calculate the deadlines for appealing against the actions of the employer, it is the employee's awareness of the violation of his rights that matters, including the receipt of an electronic copy of the order and the employee's subsequent actions.

Of course, it is often convenient for both employees and employers to use the remote collaboration format, but please note that not all specialists can be hired remotely. For example, this applies to those whose result of labor is expressed in material products. This, by the way, is one of the differences between remote workers and homeworkers.

Another interesting question that arises in practice: Can all employees work remotely in small companies?

The legislation not only does not contain restrictions on the number of employees employed remotely, but also does not define a list of positions that cannot be occupied in this form. For example, if this is an online store, why not arrange remote work for everyone? There is only one condition: the nature of the duties performed must comply with the definition of remote work (Article 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), namely:

a) performance of a labor function outside the location of the employer;

b) performance of a labor function outside a stationary workplace, territory or facility directly or indirectly under the control of the employer;

c) the use of public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, to perform the labor function;

d) implementation of interaction between the employer and the employee on issues related to the performance of the labor function, public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet.

That is, if we objectively consider the possibility of such an organization of labor, we must again take into account that not all categories of employees, as noted above, can work remotely. As a rule, "remote workers" are intellectual workers. Therefore, it is still quite difficult to imagine a company where only “remote workers” really work. Secondly, it is difficult to imagine how complicated the red tape with documents is, and what huge risks of losing them in the process of electronic exchange.

At the moment, there is no judicial or inspection practice on this issue, so what assessment the authorized bodies can give to such an organization of work can only be guessed at.

As rightly noted in explanatory note to the draft law on amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in terms of regulating the work of remote workers, " modern development economy is impossible without productive employment, which is a derivative of a well-functioning flexible labor market that allows you to quickly respond to economic challenges.”

Of course, remote work has many advantages, for example:

  • reduction of the employer's costs for renting premises and organizing workplaces;
  • saving time, energy and money for the employee due to the absence of transport problems - delivery to the workplace and back;
  • growth of labor productivity during its organization in accordance with the desire of the employee in more comfortable conditions.

Remote work increases business activity and employment of the population, since people have the opportunity to work without leaving their homes or other convenient locations. The benefits for employers are obvious: to attract workers without the cost of equipping workplaces, and at the same time receive income from their productive activities.

Tatyana Shirnina, Leading Associate of the Labor Law Department

The article will help you find out how to formalize an employment relationship with a remote employee at a remote job, whether a working mode is established for him and what is the procedure for dismissal.

Many citizens prefer to work from home, regardless of whether they have the opportunity to visit daily workplace. Although telecommuters may perform the same work as on-site workers, their terms of employment differ from standard ones. We will tell you about how to formalize an employment relationship with a remote worker, what insurance payments are due to him and what is the procedure for dismissal in this article.

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general information

There are the following methods of remote work:

  1. Remote work.
  2. Home work.

Citizens working remotely are subject to the general norms of labor legislation. (part 3 Labor Code Russian Federation).

Features of labor relations with remote employees are regulated by the following regulations:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely.
  • Law No. 63-FZ of 04/06/2011, which reflects information regarding the procedure for obtaining electronic digital signature and exchange of electronic documents between the employer and employees.

Remote workers should be included in the staff of the organization.

  1. controlled by the employer.
  2. The employee is there or should arrive there as needed.

Until the conclusion of an employment contract, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with various local acts:

  • Labor regulations.
  • Award Regulations.
  • Collective agreement, etc.

This procedure can be carried out through an electronic exchange between the employer and the employee who works remotely. Documents must be signed with an electronic signature.

This rule is confirmed by the following regulatory documents:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part 5 of article 312.1, part 5 of article 312.2.
  • Law No. 63-FZ of April 6, 2011, article 6.

Employment relations between these persons are formalized in accordance with general rules under Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The registration process includes the following items:

  1. Drawing up an employment contract.
  2. Issuance of a job order.
  3. Establishment of a personal card.
  4. Making an entry in the work book.

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The mode of work and rest of a remote employee

If possible, the remote worker sets the mode of operation independently. When work is required to be completed at a specified time, this rule fixed in the employment contract or additional agreement.

Record example: “The employee's working hours are set from 10.00 to 19.00. Lunch break- from 14.00 to 15.00"

The procedure for granting annual and other holidays is fixed in the employment contract and is carried out in accordance with the general rules.

An example entry: “An employee is provided with annual paid leave of 28 calendar days according to the holiday schedule.

Remote worker works when he wants, so he has no days off

The remote worker worked on the day off. How to pay for this if the employment contract provides for the establishment of working hours and rest periods at the discretion of the employee?

Labor legislation does not provide for a special procedure for granting rest days to remote workers for working on weekends. Since the employment contract does not define the mode of work and rest of such an employee (the employee determines the mode of work and rest at his own discretion), it is impossible to consider his work on a certain day.

The trip of a remote worker to the office by order of the employer is a business trip

By order of the employer, the remote worker comes to the office to perform their work duties. According to Rostrud specialists (letter No. PG/37458-6-1 dated January 24, 2020), such a trip should be considered as a business trip. This means that the employer must pay the employee travel expenses.

Exchange of documents in electronic form

An employee working remotely can contact the employer via email. For example, if he needs to convey any information or write a statement. Appeals are certified by an electronic signature.

For the exchange of documents in electronic form, both parties must have an enhanced qualified electronic signature issued in a specialized certification center.

If the remote worker needed copies of some work documents and did not indicate in the application that they can be submitted in electronic format, the employer must send them by mail by registered mail with notice. Copies should be sent to the employee within 3 working days from the receipt of the request (part 8 of article 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

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Insurance payments

A remote worker has the right to receive insurance payments (, maternity, etc.) in accordance with general grounds.

To receive these payments, you must send the employer by registered mail the original documents relevant to the case (disability certificate, certificates).

These rules are defined in parts 6, 7, 8 of article 312.1 of the Labor Code of Russia.

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Occupational Safety and Health

The direct obligations of the employer to protect and ensure non-hazardous criteria for the work of remote employees:

  1. Follow the instructions of the State Labor Inspectorate.
  2. Pay premiums for insurance of remote workers against occupational diseases and accidents.
  3. Investigate employee accidents.
  4. Investigate occupational diseases employee.
  5. Familiarize employees with the requirements of labor protection when working with equipment.

The employer is not obliged to provide remote employees, training in the safe performance of work, unless this is stipulated in the employment contract.

There is no special assessment of working conditions for remote teleworkers

According to paragraph 3 of article 3 "Special assessment of working conditions" A special assessment of working conditions is not carried out in relation to the working conditions of homeworkers, remote workers and employees who have entered into labor relations with employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs. In this regard, with regard to working conditions homeworkers and teleworkers - special assessment working conditions not carried out.

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Dismissing a Remote Employee

If an employee working remotely was issued, then it must be sent to the citizen's address on the day of dismissal. Before sending, you should obtain the consent of the employee to transfer documents in this way.

According to Article 84.1 and Part 6 of Article 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if a citizen is present on the day of dismissal in an organization, then employment history issued to him personally.

to the menu how to find a job in a crisis
An overview of the resources where you can find vacancies and work in Moscow in a crisis is given.

IN Lately Remote work is becoming an increasingly common form of employment, in which the employer and employee maintain contact at a distance from each other, and the transfer of technical tasks, work results, and often payment is made using payments via the Internet.

The concept of remote employment was first applied in the 1970s in the United States. The advent of the Internet has contributed to an increase in the number of employees doing work at a distance.

Today, many people mistakenly believe that remote employees and freelancers are one and the same.

In fact, the freelancer is de facto individual entrepreneur: he provides himself with work, while interacting with several employers, he pays taxes and contributions to the pension fund.

A remote employee is part of the staff of a particular enterprise or company, and his relationship with the employer is regulated. The "remote worker" reports to a specific leader and carries out his orders, receives the agreed salary. The employer also makes all necessary fund contributions from wages. From other employees of the company remote employee differs only in that it is not geographically located in the office.

Formalization of labor relations has many advantages. First of all, it is completely legal income, social security and guaranteed receipt of insurance payments. A remote worker, based on an employment contract, can defend his interests in emerging disputable situations.

Official registration of remote work

At the beginning of 2013, an additional Chapter 49.1 appeared in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the specifics of regulating the work of remote employees. The articles in this chapter describe in detail the mechanism of employment of an employee on remote access.

For the official registration of an employee, an employment contract is concluded between him and the employer, which spells out the rights and obligations of both parties. The same document allows you to officially resolve all issues that arise in the process of work. The law also provides for mandatory social and medical insurance for employees who work remotely.

The formalization is as follows:

  1. The applicant provides the hiring party with a standard set of documents for employment: a passport, documents on the education received, data on an individual personal account, etc. (in electronic or "paper" form).
  2. The employer draws up and sends it to the applicant for review.
  3. After agreeing on all the rights and obligations prescribed in the contract, the contract is concluded, and an electronic signature can be used.

After signing the documents, the official place of work of the employee is the location of the hiring party. If necessary, the employer provides the employee necessary equipment or software, technical means of information protection.

The law does not spell out mandatory, therefore this moment is negotiated by the parties separately. More details on the provisions of the Labor Code governing remote employment can be found in the relevant chapter.

Features of concluding an employment contract

Official remote work differs from work in the office by the lack of "live" control of the employer over the activity remote employee. Therefore, the contract can clearly stipulate the modes of work and rest, describe the mechanisms of management and control. The more detailed the conditions for remote work are spelled out, the less disputes will arise in the process of interaction between the parties.

So, the contract may clearly specify the working hours. This is necessary for and so that the employer can contact the employee without problems within the specified period of time. At the same time, the schedule may coincide with the company's work schedule or differ from it if the employee is in a different time zone.

So that the employer does not have suspicions about a possible failure to meet deadlines or improper performance of the task, the contract may stipulate the periodic provision of a report on the work done.

In some companies, remote employees are involved in planning meetings and meetings in order to be involved in the work process, both in person with the arrival of a “remote worker” at the office, and using video communication tools. The contract may also provide for additional distance learning.

In cases where the employer does not provide his equipment, software and other technical means for carrying out labor activities, the contract may specify the amount and procedure for paying compensation for the depreciation of equipment owned by the employee.

Remote recruitment

Before you start looking for a remote employee, you should clearly define the list of requirements for the applicant and indicate the responsibilities that will be assigned to him if he is hired.

The next stage of selection is an interview with applicants. It can take place in several stages: test task, express testing by phone or video interview.

In the selection process, one should take into account the specifics of remote interaction with an employee and the lack of full control of activities. For this reason, in addition to general requirements, it is recommended to discuss with the candidate whether he has such qualities as the ability for self-organization and self-discipline, purposefulness, responsibility.

Remote employees working remotely is no longer a rarity today. Now it is far from always necessary to be in the office in order to fulfill your labor duties. Going towards progress, legislators have amended the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regarding remote workers (freelancers).

In the article below, we will figure out what are the features of accounting for relationships with remote workers, how to draw up an employment contract with them, a sample contract with a remote worker can be downloaded in this article below.

Who benefits from remote work?

Remote work is the dream of any employee, because it is possible at home, in a comfortable environment, to perform work duties and receive payment for them. No need to get up early in the morning, drive in any weather, stand in traffic jams, waste your time.

Is it good for the employer?

Of course, it is also beneficial for the employer to have a remote worker. This significantly reduces the cost of personnel, the organization of the workplace, the purchase of equipment and furniture for it.

Features of remote work are that the employee and the employer can be located in different localities, cities and even countries. You can find a really competent specialist.

However, this brings with it a more responsible approach by the employer to finding suitable personnel. Not everyone will be able to provide the necessary performance at home.

Federal Law No. 60-FZ of April 5, 2013 introduced an additional chapter 49.1 into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the work of remote workers.

This chapter consolidates such concepts as “remote work” and “remote worker”.

Remote work is the performance of labor duties outside the location of the employer.

A remote worker independently provides himself with a workplace, and maintains contact with the employer using the phone, the Internet, and mail.

Employment contract with a remote worker

Chapter 49.1 of the Labor Code makes it possible to conclude an employment contract with a remote worker in electronic form.

The text of the employment contract must include the nature of remote work, that is, it must be indicated that the employee must perform his labor duties outside the territory of the employer.

According to Article 57, the address of the workplace must be indicated, this can be a home address or any other place where the remote employee plans to perform his labor duties.

Duration working week for remote workers is the same as for ordinary workers, that is, a 40-hour work week in the standard case. All deviations from the standard working week must be recorded in the contract.

What other information should be included in the employment contract:

  • Features of the labor schedule;
  • Providing resources for work. There are several options: the employee provides himself with everything himself, the employer provides the employee with his own resources, the employer pays the employee the cost of resources (payment for the purchase of a computer, office rent, payment cellular communication, the Internet, reimbursement of expenses for fuel and lubricants, depreciation of a car, computer and other equipment used to perform work duties);
  • Features of submitting reports on the work done to the employer (via phone, skype, email, in what form, with what frequency).

If you need to transfer working employees to remote work, then this can be done using registration additional agreement to the existing employment contract, in which to state the changes in the nature of labor and the day from which these changes come into force.

If a remote worker needs to be sent to another locality to complete a task related to the organization's activities (on a business trip), the employer draws up the same documents as in relation to sending ordinary workers on a business trip. About the design business trip read .

All travel expenses for remote workers are accounted for in the standard way.

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk about the main topic of my blog and find out with simple examples what remote work is, whether it’s real or a scam. Why work from home is becoming more and more popular and now is the time to explore new activities that allow you to earn money via the Internet.

Remote work is a method of employment in which a person (performer) performs tasks remotely, contacting the employer via the Internet.

That is, any work that can be done at a distance, it is not necessary to be in the office for this, can be called remote.

I would also like to highlight a separate format for remote work - . Freelance - when you work remotely, but you do not have a permanent employer and you are always looking for orders.

Let's explain with examples what the principle of such activity is and who will pay you for what.

What should be done and who will pay?

Remember, in I talked about the circulation of money, and where they come from. Now everyone who sells various goods or services does it using the Internet. Because people spend a lot of time here, communicating, looking through the necessary information, looking for answers to their questions, and so on.

To do this, we use different sites, services, programs and applications. Have you ever thought about who creates them? Behind all this are millions of people, some of whom work remotely.

Take, for example, my blog, where you are currently reading this article. On the initial stage to make it come into being, I paid people to make it. And I have never seen these people, our communication was only in text correspondence.

The first person is the designer. He drew the design of the blog - what you now see on the screen of your device. The designer spent a total of about 2 weeks on this work, and I paid him 25,000 rubles.

The second person is a layout designer. He assembled a functioning site from the picture that the designer made, using the program code. I paid him 18,000 rubles for 3 days of work.

All of them perform simple, understandable tasks for which they receive money.

There are dozens of different ones, the knowledge and skills of which can be applied to remote work.

Who can work remotely?

I used to think that only programmers could make money this way. But when I began to look for what to do, I realized that there is a lot of work here, for every taste and color. Though for the student, though for the pensioner. For a long time in such a huge variety could not choose a direction.

From a complete zero without experience, I mastered several professions and reached a stable monthly income that exceeded my offline salary. It took me six months.

Of course, it will be more difficult for older people who do not have basic computer skills. But I think you understand that neither age, nor gender, nor social status, geographic location or anything else does not affect whether you can or not.

I can give dozens of examples of guys who had a situation many times worse than you have now.

In addition, many do not need to change their specialty and learn something new. Most conventional professions are suitable for remote work, such as an accountant, sales manager, marketer, journalist, and so on.

What are the prospects?

Compared to normal work many can be identified. But today I want to tell you about the prospects that I saw in my time.

For the first time, I encountered remote work somewhere in 2011, but then I didn’t realize at all that it was possible to earn a stable income from this. I went to college and did an internship with a private entrepreneur. Engaged in the installation of video surveillance and security systems.

He had his own company for the sale and installation of security equipment, which, like everyone else, needed customers. Realizing that from social network You can get clients on VKontakte, he offered me for 1,000 rubles a month (at that time it was good money for a student) to invite people to his group.

This group ( still exists.

So for about five months I invited participants in the evenings in my free time. A task that any student can handle.

It’s a pity that I didn’t realize then that there could be a lot of such work. The more unique the services that you can provide (make websites, write texts, design, manage projects, lead a team, and so on), the more you can earn.

Technologies are developing, many companies no longer have offices, their employees work remotely and are located all over the world. It is not profitable to maintain workspaces, knowing that it is possible to hire a person who will do the same from home.

When traveling, I often meet Russian-speaking guys from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, who work via the Internet for Russian and foreign companies.

If you know English, then the world of remote work is even wider for you. It is more profitable to receive a salary not in rubles, but in dollars or euros.

Technology replaces people in production and therefore there is a reduction. Some professions are beginning to die out, because they are no longer relevant in the 21st century.

At the end of 2014, I realized this. I realized that I need to develop, learn new skills, keep up with the times, so that I don’t twist wires for 20,000 rubles all my life and don’t walk up to my ears in the dust, working as an electrician.

Where to begin?

It's great that thanks to the Internet we get unlimited access to knowledge from all over the world. To master the skills that will bring 40,000 - 50,000 thousand rubles a month, you do not need to study for 5 years at the university and spend hundreds of thousands of rubles on education.

According to statistics, the guys who start learning on ours, on average, make the transition in 3 to 6 months with maximum return.

The most difficult thing is to decide on the direction you want to pursue. Very often it happens that a person rushes back and forth and from this marks time, starting anew each time.

It is difficult to give some unique advice on choosing a profession, since everyone has a different level of development and range of interests, you need individual approach. The easiest way is to go to, take tasks to find out what works and what is generally difficult and incomprehensible for you.

For beginners, everything will seem complicated. As it once seemed difficult for me to make a website, a banner in Photoshop or write an article. Now, having certain knowledge, it will not be difficult to do this.

Also, dozens of new vacancies are published daily on the exchanges. Jobs, like tasks, can be found with different employment, complexity and payment method. In the first project I worked on, I had a free schedule and piecework pay. At a distance, the employer is primarily interested in the result.


I hope now you understand correctly what it means to work remotely and what are the prospects here. Learn, learn to learn, learn new knowledge and skills, go to remote work and travel. With the Internet, you can do this without investment.

If you need help and support, then come to our express course “Start in remote work and freelancing”.

In the comments to this article, you can ask your questions and leave feedback about your experience of remote work. I will be happy to answer them and share my advice.