The marketing mix includes the following elements. The traditional concept of the marketing mix: elements of formation and direction of development

About the main core of the theory and practice of marketing is - the marketing mix. Commodity, price, sales and communication marketing policy are the four main elements of the marketing mix.

The marketing mix also serves as a good basis for building a marketing plan. To do this, it is enough to analyze the activities of the enterprise for each of the components.

With the study of buyers, identifying their motives and needs, marketing begins, the purpose of which is to sell products and satisfy the identified needs. The main core of any marketing activities The marketing mix is ​​on the market.

Marketing mix- a set of tools used in marketing to influence consumer demand. It includes four basic elements of marketing, they are called "elements of the marketing mix".

Other names are also used for the concept of "marketing mix" - "marketing mix", "marketing mix", "4P concept".

The first element of marketing - Product

The product element includes the following components:

- The actual product - a set of properties of a product, service or idea that is offered for sale. And here it is not so important what quality characteristics the product has. It is much more important what needs of buyers and how effectively it can satisfy.

Example: obsolete, but technologically advanced Olivetti typewriter, inferior to the most primitive computer.

- Trademark - a symbol of a company or product, positioned in the minds of consumers. In marketing, this is an artificially created stereotype of product perception, but not approved in any way. statutory ok logo.

Example: differences in consumer perception of the 1990s of the trademarks of Pierre Cardin and the Bolshevichka factory.

- Package - a means of stimulating buyers and contractors. In marketing, packaging is considered not so much as a means of ensuring the safety of goods, but as an additional incentive for the consumer to make a purchasing decision, a carrier of targeted appeal.

- Services - benefits or amenities offered for sale or provided in connection with the sale of goods. Here we are talking about either services as such (transport, consulting, repairs, etc.), or services provided in connection with the sale of goods, but not directly related to it.

Examples: a free shopping bag or free parking at a store.

- Guarantee - the degree of conformity of the product to its purpose. The buyer, purchasing the goods, counts on its consumer properties. If expectations are not met, the brand ceases to be popular.

Example: the Scarlett kettle needs to boil water and last long enough, not just the 30 day warranty.

- Service maintenance - Warranty service that satisfies consumers. In marketing, this is primarily a means of maintaining the brand image and fighting for consumer preferences, rather than solving organizational repair issues.

Example: Samsung and LG Corporation products, unlike Sony Corporation products, provide a three-year free service.

The Second Element of Marketing - Price

The price element includes the following components:

- Pricing - activities related to the establishment of the price of goods. not carried out randomly. There are certain patterns here: expensive goods require large promotion costs, and the price of cheap goods itself is an incentive to buy. Much in pricing also depends on the degree of segment saturation of the market, the activities of competitors and on the subjective perception of goods by consumers.

- Discount - Reducing the asking price of a product in order to stimulate sales. The general principle here is that the "cloak" comes first, and then the discount. In any case, the seller focuses on the base price, below which he is not ready to sell, and the buyer - on the perceived price that he sees on the price tag. The main disadvantage of discounts is that buyers quickly get used to discounts, taking them for granted.

The third element of marketing - Sales

The element "sales", or "distribution" (English place), includes two components.

- Sales channels (merchandising, distribution) - the path that the product passes from the supplier to the final consumer. The length of the channels is determined by the number of intermediaries on the way of the goods from the supplier to the consumer. Distribution channels usually correspond to individual segments of the consumer market. The task of marketing is to select, organize and track the effectiveness ( bandwidth) distribution channels.

Example: beer can be sold on wholesale markets, in specialty department stores and through restaurants.

- Sales process - the actual movement of goods from the place of production to the place of consumption. This includes the terms of the contract: duration (one-time deal or long-term contract), delivery (self-pickup or supplier’s transport), payment (prepayment, deferred payment, consignment), lot size, delivery method (container, mail car, van, air), etc. e. The task of marketing is to optimally coordinate the interests of all participants in the distribution channels in order to achieve the maximum economic effect. The sales process is usually referred to as marketing logistics.

The Fourth Element of Marketing - Communication

The element of "communication", or "promotion" (English promotion), includes the following components.

- Advertising non-personal promotion of a product or service paid for by the seller. Marketing does not include all advertising activities in general, but only the process of advertising promotion of goods on the market. The main thing here is not advertising production technologies, but how it affects the sales of goods. Marketing deals with market analysis when developing an advertising campaign, its planning and monitoring of effectiveness.

- Personal (direct) selling - sale of goods through personal communication between the seller and buyers. At a minimum, this implies a level of customer service (providing information about the properties and benefits of the product, etc.). As a maximum, this is what we do not quite rightly call network marketing (food supplements, cosmetics). The task of marketing is information support customer interaction process.

- Propaganda - activities aimed at creating a favorable image of the company or brand. The main difference between propaganda and advertising in marketing is that propaganda is aimed at promoting the image of the company, and advertising is aimed at promoting the image of the product. In general, propaganda (PR, publicity, public relations) involves the use of techniques that are not subject to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Advertising" (promotions, press conferences, sponsorship, etc.).

- Sales promotion - any other activity aimed at stimulating the work of personnel and contractors. This includes measures of moral and material incentives that increase the interest of participants in the distribution system in the results of sales. These can be awards, free trips and a Board of Honor for sales staff or competition for the best dealer” for contractors.

The marketing mix is ​​the core on which the theory and practice of marketing are built. Its four elements form the basis for four types of marketing policy: commodity, price, marketing and communication. At the same time, the marketing mix the simplest algorithm developing a marketing plan. It is enough to analyze the activities of the company for each of its components, and most of the problems will find their solution.

There is an ingrained belief that marketing is aimed at increasing the sale of goods. This is not entirely true.

The main goal of marketing

The main goal of marketing is to ensure the predictability of results market activity enterprises, minimizing the uncertainty and risk associated with the acquisition, production or sale of goods.

To achieve the main goal of marketing, a strategic approach is used, within which the following tasks are solved:

  • Linking current profitability with the solution of long-term tasks;
  • Forecasting future market changes;
  • Alternative distribution of resources in priority areas.

The formulation of the goals and objectives of marketing activities, the fulfillment of the conditions for its implementation allow us to start marketing planning.

Marketing planning

Marketing planning implies the presence of two types of complementary documents: a marketing plan and a marketing program.

marketing plan

A marketing plan is a document that defines marketing goals, objectives and main strategies for promoting products in the consumer market. It is advisory in nature and is included in the general plan of the enterprise along with financial, production and other plans.

Marketing program

The marketing program concretizes and is a document that defines who, what, when, where and how he does and for what he is personally responsible to the management.

Marketing planning involves choice strategies and tactics marketing activities.

Marketing strategy- this is a set of goals and objectives of marketing to increase the competitiveness of sales through the definition of the main parameters of the proposal on the market.

For example, if marketing is tasked with bringing a new product to the market, then the strategy will be associated with ensuring the uniqueness of the product in the eyes of consumers in one or more elements of the marketing mix (features, price, distribution and promotion). Accordingly, it will include product, price, marketing and communication strategies for promoting the product.

Marketing tactics is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of sales in the current market demand.

The development of marketing tactics involves temporary, quantitative or quality criteria evaluation of its effectiveness.

Any marketing plan is focused on maximum adaptation to market conditions and is adjusted depending on changing market conditions.

The most "advanced" firms consider marketing plans as a prototype and a basis of the general plan.

Marketing planning involves the implementation of a number of fundamental principles:

  1. Rolling scheduling principle- provides for the adjustment of planned indicators depending on changes in market conditions. For example, a plan can be drawn up for 2-3 years, but adjustments are made annually as needed. Therefore, the marketing plans include the so-called financial and resource pillows - reserve funds in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  2. The principle of multivariance- development of several options for a marketing plan at once (usually two options - the worst and the best). The optimal plan provides for the timely achievement of planned indicators. The worst is drawn up in case the planned activities “do not work” and you have to play back. If the indicators are much better than planned, then you will have to radically rebuild the entire work of the company;
  3. Principle of differentiation- implies the reorientation of marketing to serve certain categories of customers, selected on any basis. The fact is that goods (works, services) cannot suit absolutely all consumers at once. Differences potential buyers always too big (habits, lifestyle, needs, interests, etc.).

It should be understood that marketing is inextricably linked not only with the sale of products, but also with its production. The tasks of marketing include determining the characteristics of the product and the scale of production, as well as analyzing the possible prospects for marketing products.

In other words, marketing decisions precede production and investment decisions.

Thus, modern marketing includes activities aimed at the production of products in demand and bringing all the resources of the company into line with the characteristics of the market for maximum profit.

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From this article you will learn:

  • What is a marketing mix
  • What is the role of the marketing mix in a company?
  • What are the elements of the classic 4P marketing mix?
  • What are the most popular modern marketing mix models?
  • What are the characteristics of the marketing mix of an online firm?
  • How to develop a marketing mix
  • How to analyze it

The main figure that organizes the construction of any business strategy is the marketing mix, or marketing mix. Long-term practice of developing business processes has shown the effectiveness of marketing, which is a set of actions for promotion in the market. Like everything ingenious, marketing is simple, understandable and accessible to anyone.

History of the marketing mix concept

The concept of the "marketing mix" was first introduced in the article "The Concept of the Marketing Mix" by Nal Borden. This event took place in 1964. The main task that the author set himself was to summarize the basic elements of marketing needed to create a plan to expand the company's capabilities.

Borden's former partner, James Culliton, prompted this idea. In 1948, James introduced the lead marketer in a rather unconventional way, jokingly comparing him to a "mixer of the necessary ingredients."

In the original version, the marketing mix - Borden's marketing mix - really included many components: promotions, service, product development, pricing, branding, distribution, personal selling, advertising, packaging, etc. However, over time, they began to make development more difficult strategies.

To improve the marketing system, Borden systematized all the components in the 4P marketing mix. This made it easier to memorize and quickly respond to the slightest changes in the market, highlighting the leading components: product, price, sales and promotion.

It is generally recognized that the marketing mix allows a comprehensive approach to developing a strategy for successfully promoting a product or service on the market. At the same time, it is often possible not only to increase the subjective perception of the price of products, but also to maximize the immediate and long-term profits of the company.

The purpose of the marketing mix

Integrated marketing solutions serve to achieve a number of tasks:

  1. Reaching the forefront of leading positions in its market niche. To do this, the marketing mix must include effective components.
  2. Successful organization of competition by emphasizing the advantages of the company, resulting in an increase in profits. This is realized through an operational analysis of the activities of their company and other similar enterprises in the field, economic research, the analytical experience of managers, and the ability to manage markets.
  3. Creation of conditions for the highest possible quality supply of products own production target audience and the market as a whole.

The ultimate goal of the marketing mix is ​​to create a set (mix) that meets the needs of current and potential customers and stimulates the productive work of the company.

The Key Role of the Marketing Mix

The most significant property of the marketing mix components is their versatility and controllability.

From a wide range of elements included in the marketing mix, a marketer can select those required precisely in a given period to effectively influence demand.

Another feature of this complex is the clear sequence of its elements, which consists in performing a certain sequence of actions to implement marketing functions.

For example:

  • A marketer will not be able to choose to start this or that action from the marketing mix without having at his disposal a product that is focused on a particular consumer.

In addition, the product must necessarily have useful qualities for the user. This situation is very aptly characterized by the well-known saying that goes among marketers: “If you don’t have a product, then you don’t have anything” (that is, what’s the point of talking about marketing then?).

  • There must be at least two parties on the market.

Moreover, both should be interested in trade interaction with each other and have the means to do so. For products presented on the market, the conditions for delivery to its consumer must be provided, that is, the possibility of implementing the function of goods movement.

  • When evaluating a product, the buyer usually proceeds not only from its real benefits, but also from the costs associated with the acquisition.

In this case, we are faced with a typical relationship used in marketing - price - quality. However, perhaps the expression "utility - quality" will be more accurate. The buyer must evaluate how useful the product is for him at the current cost. As a result, we are now considering another element of the marketing mix - pricing policy.

  • To prepare for transactions, a potential consumer must be able to negotiate using the Internet, telecommunications, etc.

This implies another important element of marketing - communication policy. Communication tools help to quickly work out the offer (or demand), find the best options, apply the means to convince the client of best quality goods of your company by providing additional information, promotional materials, etc.

The four functions listed above, combined into a marketing mix, will help to carry out a full-scale exchange of information between the customer and the contractor, between partners. If at least one position is not realized, one of the parties receives less information or receives it in a distorted form, the transaction may not take place.

Basic elements of the 4P marketing mix

1. Product

The main component of marketing is the product that the company promotes in the market. This is a product or service. It is with the presentation of the product that marketing begins. For a product to become successful, a deep awareness of its usefulness in the consumer market for the target audience is necessary.

The characteristics of the product that should be reflected in the marketing strategy are as follows:

  • distinctive brand symbolism, including a logo, name, stylish design;
  • product characteristics: useful and original properties of a product or service. At the same time, the functionality of the product is directly related to the concept of product levels;
  • the required level of product quality in terms of the target market. The quality of the product is evaluated based on consumer preferences. For example, some buyers evaluate the quality of bread by taste and smell, others by the type of wheat from which it is produced;
  • product appearance – style, design, packaging;
  • nomenclature of the product;
  • support and level of service.

2. Price

The price indicator is also one of the main components of the marketing mix. It clearly demonstrates whether marketing activities have worked out effectively or not, whether the profit received corresponds to the costs of pre-sale preparation.

The formation of value occurs depending on the demand for the product among consumers, the nominal costs of its production, the price picture on the market in this niche, and the planned profit.

The “price” level is reflected in the marketing strategy as follows:

  • price as a tool for promotion in the market (quick entry, dumping price indicators, etc.);
  • retail price. Selling price for the product must necessarily be correlated with the planned retail, if the company is not the last link in the distribution chain. It is important not to forget that the selling price changes significantly due to markups before it reaches the target consumer: VAT, surcharge retail network etc.;
  • price varies depending on the conditions of sale. A different price level is allowed for different links in the distribution chain, for different suppliers (for example, volume discounts, bonuses for large wholesalers, etc.);
  • package pricing is focused on offering several company products together at a special price level;
  • carrying out seasonal discounts, offering goods for a promotion;
  • activities aimed at the active promotion of goods (advertising campaigns with the ability to personally determine the quality of the products offered, the maximum and minimum levels of discounts, the frequency of promotional events, etc.);
  • price discrimination as an element of competition.

3. Distribution

It is important that the target market knows exactly where (specifically in what place) the desired product can be bought at any (convenient) time of the day, where it can be touched, tested independently. Then the consumer demand increases exponentially. In this case, the place of sale acts as a distribution model.

The positions applied in the marketing strategy at the point of sale level are as follows:

  • prospective places (sites) where the goods will be sold (including prospects for geographic expansion);
  • supply channels being developed (distribution channels);
  • types of distribution (exclusive, a specific list of dealers or unlimited distribution);
  • product distribution strategy (bonuses and promotional prices for dealers, product display requirements for dealers and penalties, etc.);
  • conditions and rules for the display of goods (shelf level, target share of the shelf, number of facings on the shelf, duplication of facings, mandatory assortment, etc.);
  • coordination of stocks of goods, control over logistics (stock levels, requirements for expiration dates, etc.).

Traditional distribution channels for goods of a material level are represented by hypermarkets, supermarkets, grocery stores, markets, specialized outlets. They also include wholesalers and retailers.

In addition, there is e-commerce, direct selling, or network marketing, catalog sales, etc.

4. Promotion

The marketing mix complex includes actions to “hard” attract the attention of the consumer by bringing the product as close as possible to it, providing the opportunity to personally form one’s knowledge about it, its useful and unique characteristics, to impose the need to purchase the product, including re-purchase.

Marketing interactions related to the conduct of promotions, for example, at points of sale, are also considered promotion. The same functions are performed by search engine optimization, PR, direct marketing, etc.

The marketing strategy under the heading "promotion" is as follows:

  • promotion strategy: pull or push;
  • target marketing budget and SOV in the segment;
  • dissemination of information about the usefulness of the product among the target audience;
  • organization of thematic shows close to the consumer;
  • establishing communication channels for extended contacts with customers;
  • regions of communication;
  • PR strategy and event marketing;
  • brand media strategy;
  • planned promotional events, seasonal, festive, systematic sales promotion campaigns.

Modern components of the marketing mix

The modern market does not stand still, therefore, in order to successfully sell your product and be competitive, you must constantly develop and improve the mechanisms for promoting your products and the company's brand. This is what the marketing mix is ​​all about.

New elements are poured into its composition, creating the structure 5P - 12P, 4C and others. But it cannot be said that the expansion of the components of the marketing mix is ​​unambiguously welcomed by everyone.

More often, the cause of dissatisfaction, which is supported by critics of the expansion of the marketing mix, is the possibility of violating the harmony of the marketing idea itself, when additional elements deform its managerial component.

As before, only four traditional components can be comprehensively controlled and analyzed. Additional components do not yet have such a practice.


Experts recognize 7P as the most acceptable option for expanding the 4P model.

To the checked four positions are added:

  • people (people), involved in the buying and selling process;
  • process (purchase process)– assessment by the consumer of the usefulness of the product;
  • physical Evidence (physical attribute)- a material factor that satisfied the client and confirms that the service was provided and fully justified.

Initially, the 7P model was developed for marketing services, but is now actively used in the commodity version.

Other R

Opponents criticize the 4P marketing mix for its focus on the micro level, as well as the fact that only the seller is involved in the process.

Expanding the 4P marketing mix structure increases the number of Ps in marketing economics:

  • purchase (purchase)– motivation and result of the purchase;
  • package (packaging) competent presentation to the purchase and its result;
  • profit (profit);
  • physical Surround ( environment ) - creation of conditions for increasing efficiency, initiated by the manufacturer;
  • PR (public relations)- the formation of positive consumer perceptions of the organization.


To focus on the consumer, a 4C model has been formed. However, it cannot work fully in all situations, since it does not provide for the use of P-components.

This marketing mix includes:

  • customer needs and wants (benefit and aspirations of the buyer);
  • сost to the customer (costs for working with the consumer);
  • communication (regular information interaction);
  • convenience (consumer convenience).

These components contain the concept of reorientation from producer to consumer, concerning all stages of production and further sale of goods.

Perhaps, this set is perceived by some as an antagonist of the four Ps. But it must be borne in mind that the classical elements of the marketing mix also take into account the needs of the buyer to one degree or another.

The application of the 4C concept is designed to indispensably conduct customer needs analysis and other marketing research. This model necessarily takes into account both competitors and suppliers.


In contrast to traditional methods, SIVA was published in the journal Marketing Management in 2005. In this version of the marketing mix, an equivalent SIVA component is selected for each element of the classical 4P concept.

Models 4P and SIVA can be compared as follows:

  • PRODUCT -> SOLUTION (solution).
  • PROMOTION -> INFORMATION (information).
  • PRICE -> VALUE (value).
  • PLACE -> ACCESS (access).

If we consider the four elements of SIVA in more detail, then it looks like this:

  • solution (solution) - the optimal choice of solving the problem for the most complete satisfaction of the needs of the buyer;
  • information (information) allows you to determine where the source of information about the product will be located to the consumer and how this will help ensure the sale of the product;
  • value (value)- accounting for the costs and benefits of the buyer, his losses and bonuses;
  • access (access)- providing assistance to the buyer in resolving issues related to meeting his needs: where to find or purchase the necessary source.

2P + 2C + 3S

To email marketing The Otlacan model, which represents the marketing mix in the form of services, is included. Perhaps this is the limitation of this concept. In general, the elements of the model look like this:

  • 2P - Privacy (confidentiality), Personalization (personalization).
  • 2C - Community (community), Customer Service (customer service).
  • 3S- Sales Promotion (sales promotion), Security (security), Site (site).

Features of the marketing mix on the web

The Internet marketing mix is ​​almost similar in structure to the traditional 4P concept. However, in principle, the implementation of its elements, there are distinct features. Now let's take a closer look at each component.


A product on the Internet is a functional unit of marketing, represented by several elements.

  • Electronic media

A characteristic feature of this type of sites is, as a rule, impressive text content. The most popular representatives of such resources are online publications: and

They do not set themselves the task of artistically positioning themselves in the Internet environment. These resources are used to obtain fresh news information or relevant analytics. Therefore, artsy design is unlikely to benefit them. It will overload the page, interfering with a calm, thoughtful reading of information.

  • Design studio website

This type of site is just designed for use maximum number beautiful graphics, design delights. But the text content here is often scarce - they have other tasks. Some sites provide for the use of flash-technologies. At the same time, graphics are a clear dominant of the site.

  • Mail servers, payment systems

Means of communication and payment services should have two main qualities: reliability and convenience for the ability to work quickly. A high level of security and confidentiality must be ensured. This is facilitated by a simple registration scheme, quick and clear authorization, ease of navigation, and high reliability of the system.

The information contained on these resources is reduced to a brief and specific description of the service, the agreement that the user must accept, and the FAQ section (frequently asked questions).

Bidirectional marketing mix

It should be noted that in the “product” component, the content content, design quality and usability are directly related to the given site guidelines, based on the market situation in the relevant area and user requirements.

Network and traditional media, websites information order receive income from the sale of advertising space.

For example, online media resources and others containing informational content do not charge for receiving periodicals published by them. In this regard, there is no “price” component in the marketing mix aimed at the audience of users of digital information resources.


The Place marketing mix element is sometimes translated from English as "place". Hence, marketing activities within the framework of this component are carried out accordingly. These include choosing a hosting or domain name.

That is, the activities within this element are reduced to the physical filling of the resource with content (files) and its virtual placement in the domain area (website address). But this interpretation is not reliable.

Let's clarify right away - the Place element should be understood as the distribution channel (s). In addition, the consumer does not care where the site is located (he is not interested in hosting, server, provider, etc.). The user often does not know what a domain is, whether it is paid or free, and at what level. But the choice of a domain name and hosting should be taken very seriously.

Hosting must be reliable, resistant to any interference. Then the site will always be in demand from the user. You need to choose a short and easy-to-remember top-level domain name.

The convenience that the site provides with its round-the-clock availability, quick memorability of the domain name, of course, are particles of usability.

In the traditional understanding of marketers, the Place element means a channel, using which a company reaches the consumer with an offer of its product. And this channel in modern conditions is often the Internet.

Once the product component has been created, there are some steps that need to be taken before launching the advertiser-targeted marketing mix.

Let's say the approximate price of a banner demonstration on advertising sites of networks is 10-12 rubles per thousand impressions. And if banners are shown to a non-target audience, then one can hardly expect high efficiency from an advertising campaign.

The click-through rate (CTR) is the main evaluative factor for the success of an advertising campaign. Average CTR values ​​in banner exchange networks range from 0.2-0.3%.

Then the effectiveness of advertising increases markedly, and CTR can reach 10%. True, such advertising usually costs more (up to 150 rubles per 1000 impressions). In this regard, the preliminary gradual creation of a targeted audience is a serious task for an Internet resource.


The Internet is distinguished by a specific value formation system, which, in comparison with other industries, is the most objective. The formation of the price here is influenced by the number of clicks in relation to the number of ad impressions.

An additional advantage may be the possibility of personal tracking by the advertiser of the facts of the demonstration of his information, which cannot be done in traditional media. Neither radio nor television provide these statistics.

At the same time, the advertising service is solely responsible for attracting (increasing interest in the product) from the target audience and guarantees the number of impressions of information blocks. The remaining structural parts of advertising effectiveness depend on the advertiser: the quality of the site, the offer, the convenience of performing conversion actions, etc.


Promotion on the Internet is a certain format of information messages and a network of channels through which they are distributed. Such materials can be banner ads, text and text-graphic ads, links and articles.

Advertising promotion occurs mainly through the Internet. Offline channels for modern advertising are ineffective and therefore almost never used. Such reputable portals as,, sometimes use advertising outside the network space, but mainly for brand PR.

The promotion mechanism is conditionally divided into two components:

The format of events depends on what goals they pursue.

The following options are widely used:

  • media advertising- banners are placed on thematic sites. This format of advertising is focused on bringing information to the target audience, already tied to these sites. A certain calculation in this option is also based on brand promotion in a specific niche;
  • contextual advertising- the one that appears on the resources of partners "Yandex" and "Google" in response to input into search engines keywords. It is thematically focused on these words;

  • information and advertising article- on your own website and others information resources placed texts advertising products and their manufacturers.

For the convenience of understanding promotion technologies among different groups of customers, it is divided into two parts. The first uses online channels, the second uses offline mode of operation.

How online promotion works, we have just considered.

Offline channels for promoting the services of Internet companies are, in fact, the placement of information with the involvement of traditional media, advertising agencies and other organizations specializing in the advertising business. However, we are faced with the task of demonstrating the features of the marketing mix of Internet companies.

Marketing mix tools in practice

Most marketers are familiar with the concept of the marketing mix or the 4P model. But today, not everyone owns this tool, which serves for successful and rational development business.

The marketing mix is ​​convenient in that it contains a sequence of actions to find answers to the following questions:

  • What product / service will be produced by your company (product)?
  • What will be the cost of the goods (price - price)?
  • Where will the consumer be able to access the product (place of sale)?
  • What kind Marketing communications will promote the product on the market in order to create and retain the attention of the target audience (promotion)?

Development of a marketing mix by example

An example of the development of a marketing mix in an enterprise is presented below. The sequence of actions is as follows:

This is how you can demonstrate the results of the analysis of the marketing mix 4P, 5P, 7P.

Marketing mix analysis

Often marketers for some reason do not analyze the effectiveness of the marketing mix. It should be noted that so far there are no clear ways to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of the elements of the marketing mix. Therefore, it is necessary to independently develop this technique. Can rely on expert opinions, mathematical analysis or their mixed.

The result of the methodology will be the calculation of deviations of the actual situation at the enterprise from the optimal values. The discrepancy between the desired level of private integrated performance indicators for each element of the marketing mix is ​​easier to trace.

When the analysis of indicative deviations is carried out, it is possible to objectively evaluate the parameters of the current enterprise policy and outline directions for its optimization.

In order to calculate the integral assessments of an enterprise, it is necessary to use the main indicators of its activity, which are specific depending on the industry and market. Therefore, the calculation system cannot be universal. But general principle will create conditions for analysis, will allow to evaluate the effectiveness of the elements of the marketing mix.

Table 1 presents one of the options for the list of indicators within the marketing mix.

Table 1. Performance indicators of marketing mix elements

Elements of the marketing mix

Importance Rank

Individual assessment

Integral assessment

Efficiency of commodity policy ("product"):

Share of active assortment products

Assortment balance

Share of new (innovative) goods

Competitiveness of goods

Service quality indicators

Packaging quality


The effectiveness of the pricing policy ("price"):

Production cost level


Pricing strategy

Price-quality ratio"


The effectiveness of the distribution policy ("sales"):

Market share

Degree of fulfillment of contracts (amount, assortment, terms)

New customers (number, share, growth rate)

Transport cost level

Inventory level

Goods turnover


The effectiveness of the communication policy ("promotion"):

Growth of sold products

Increase in profit from sales

Communication policy costs


The number and nomenclature of indicators, as well as their degree of significance (rank of importance) will vary depending on industries and markets. The target value to which the integral estimates should strive is one.

Of course, it is not so easy to achieve the highest result in the work of the enterprise marketing system. The rank of the importance of indicators and individual assessments are performed using expert methods and multivariate classification techniques.

These include discriminant analysis, variance or cluster analysis. It is better (for greater objectivity) if these techniques are used together. In this case, one of the methods will serve as a reference.

In the variant under consideration, the integral assessments of the effectiveness of the elements of the enterprise's marketing complex were: "product" - 0.4; "price" - 0.1; "sales" - 0.8; "promotion" - 0.2. So, graphically it will look like this:

The figure clearly demonstrates the deviation of individual integral estimates of elements from the reference value. In this case, the effectiveness of the marketing policy of the enterprise can be assessed as high. But the level of effectiveness of pricing policy is low.

Finally, having data on the rank of the importance of performance indicators, it is possible to optimize the work of the enterprise in the corresponding direction. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of the marketing policy and activities of the company as a whole.

The marketing mix is ​​a set of controllable marketing variables that a firm uses in combination to elicit a desired response from its target market.

The function of the marketing mix is ​​to form a set that would not only satisfy the needs of potential customers within the target markets, but also maximize the effectiveness of the organization.

Model 4P.

The marketing mix in its canonical form ("4P") includes 4 components:

  • - A product is a set of "products and services" that a firm offers to a target market;
  • - Price - the amount of money that consumers must pay to receive the goods;
  • - Distribution - all kinds of activities through which the product becomes available to target consumers;
  • - Promotion - all kinds of activities of the company to disseminate information about the merits of their product and convince target consumers to buy it.

Thus, McCarthy's marketing mix concept was determined by a set of basic marketing tools included in the marketing program: product policy, marketing policy, price policy, communication policy or promotion policy.

Modern researchers are constantly expanding this list, due to which new concepts arise - 5P, 6P, 7P, ... 12P and 4C, however, the 4P concept is still generally recognized. The key factor in this is that these 4 elements can be fully controlled by the marketer. In addition, it is believed that the order of the elements of the marketing mix clearly shows the sequence of implementation of the main marketing functions:

  • 1. It is impossible to raise the question of any marketing program at all if the marketer does not have at his disposal a product that can be offered to the market (consumer). Moreover, this offer should be of some value to the consumer. This situation is completely determined by the well-known aphorism of marketers, the general meaning of which is the statement: “If you don’t have a product, then you don’t have anything.” That is, it makes no sense to talk about marketing at all;
  • 2. In the event that there are at least two parties, each of which is interested in an exchange with the opposite side, they must have some means of interaction. The proposed product must be available to the consumer interested in it, so the next function of the marketing mix should solve this problem;
  • 3. The consumer always evaluates the product not only on the basis of its set consumer properties but also in terms of the costs associated with its acquisition. Here we are talking about the well-known marketing ratio "price-quality". Experts more clearly define this ratio as "utility-quality": the consumer analyzes the utility of the product offered to him and the price of this utility acceptable to him. This implies the next component of the marketing mix - pricing policy;
  • 4. Potential participants in the transaction will never be able to find out about each other if there is no communication between them - accordingly, the last element of the marketing mix is ​​the communication policy. The parties to the transaction must be sufficiently informed about the essence of the existing proposals, each of the parties must, using the means of communication, convince the opposite party of the attractiveness of their own proposal.

Model 7P.

The most successful of the "extended" interpretations of the marketing mix can now be called the concept of "7P", in which 3 more are added to the "4P":

  • - People - a contingent related to the process of buying and selling;
  • - The purchase process - what is associated with the activities of the buyer in the implementation of the choice of goods;
  • - Physical attribute - a material item that can serve as confirmation for the client of the fact that the service has been provided.

This concept was originally created for service marketing, but now a growing number of researchers are trying to apply it to "product" marketing. Which, therefore, makes it even more vulnerable to criticism.

Other "R".

The introduction of new elements into the marketing mix is ​​usually justified by criticism of the canonical "4P" formula. The main criticism of the 4P concept is that it is micro-oriented and affects only the seller. In this case, to expand the list "P" are usually used:

  • - Package;
  • - Purchase - represents not only the prerequisites for making a purchase, but also the consequences of making such a decision;
  • - Staff;
  • - Environment - the conditions created by the seller in order to more effectively sell their goods;
  • - Profit - capital received in the form of income in relation to invested funds;
  • - Public relations - creates a positive reputation for the product and the organization as a whole.

Model "4C".

The elements of the model are:

  • 1. Needs and requirements of the buyer;
  • 2. Buyer's costs;
  • 3. Information exchange;
  • 4. Convenience.

Obviously, in this concept, consumer preferences are highlighted as a priority. Moreover, this priority applies to all stages of the production process and the sale of goods or services without exception. However, the traditional 4P marketing mix also prioritizes consumer preferences.

When developing a “product”, “price”, “promotion” and “distribution channels”, marketing research is carried out, consumer expectations are studied. And even more than that - when developing a marketing mix, not only consumer preferences are taken into account, but also competitors, suppliers, contact audiences. And finally, consumer management is simply not possible, since this element external environment not subject to direct control.

You probably know that the department responsible for the marketing complex at the enterprise is engaged in drawing up organizational plans for the production and marketing of products for the future of a strategic and operational nature. Actually, this complex will become the main topic of the article.

Definition of marketing

To begin, let's give scientific definition the concept of marketing. Marketing is a multicomponent system for approving the structure of production and further marketing of products (both the sale of goods and the provision of services), which is based on meeting consumer demand by anticipating the preferences of potential buyers. Enterprises today are developing in rather difficult conditions market economy. Quite naturally, the market defines a whole range of problems and questions that firms need to find answers to.

The main issues of the market economy for producer participants are the following:

  • What and how to produce?
  • How many products are required to be produced?
  • How to effectively organize intra-organizational planning and management of the production process?
  • Who will buy the manufactured products?
  • What is the most effective way to survive in a competitive market environment?
  • How to work out the best way to distribute goods to potential buyers?

If you don’t like scientific definitions, just remember these questions, because at their core, marketing answers exactly them.

Sales plans

The plans of the organization mentioned above include forecasts regarding future market conditions, short- and medium-term goals of the enterprise. In addition, the plans include the development of a marketing mix (a kind of PR-company): a strategy of behavior and tactics of the enterprise in market conditions, its price, product orientation and sales policy, as well as an advertising or communication path of action.

Definition of the marketing mix

The marketing mix is ​​a set of controllable, non-permanent marketing factors used primarily to generate interest and positive feedback from the target market audience.

Otherwise, this complex is called marketing-mix. The marketing function of the "mix" is to form a set of elements of the marketing mix. A complex that not only meets the needs of the target audience potential consumers, but also maximizing the effectiveness of the organization.

"Marketing mix" is mainly used to solve the tasks set in the marketing policy of a certain economic entity in a market segment determined during the development of the complex.

A Brief History of the Marketing Mix

The first attempts to systematize disparate marketing tools were made in the middle of the last century. appeared in an article by J. Kalliton. It seemed that the author decided to work out some recipe for an effective solution to marketing problems.

Albert Frey first proposed the idea that marketing variables must be divided into two main groups:

  • make an offer (brand, packaging, price, product, service);
  • form ways and means (advertising, distribution channels, PR, sales promotion, personal selling).

The 4P model, which has become a marketing classic, was proposed by the American Jerry McCarthy in 1964. It was a marketing complex of special components: product, price, place, promotion. Luckily, all the elements began with P (it is not established that the author chose them intentionally). Actually, in such an odious way, the current name of the model, 4P, was formed today. The naming became a fundamental factor in the popularity of this marketing model due to the fact that it was simple and easy to remember. McCarthy's 4P concept was first shown to a general audience in 1965, hosted by Neil Boden, author of the 4P information article. Paradoxically, such a long-standing marketing model has indeed become (and continues to be) generally accepted, while the innovative and revolutionary models of today cannot repeat or even come close to its success.

Experts recognize the model developed by Booms and Bitner in 1981 as somewhat acceptable. Authors in new concept added three more to the four Rs: process, people, physical justification (for example, justification for the provision of a service). For a long time, Bitner and Booms did not think about the name, deciding that 7P was quite original and acceptable. (More on this later.)

One of the most revolutionary marketing models was proposed by Bob Loteborn in 1990. The author decided to speak on scientific conference, outlining in his report the main principles of building a 4C model. (Read more about this concept below.)

Dev and Schultz created the SIVA in 2005, innovatively reflecting the classic 4P through the eyes of the consumer. That year turned out to be rich in marketing revolutions: Otlakan proposed the 2P + 2C + 3S model (information about both models is in this article.)

General characteristics of marketing

Marketing is arranged in such a way that the whole system is based on the availability of the product itself. No product - no marketing. However, just finding a product is not enough; it must certainly have some value (utility) for the consumer. The product of the offer must be available to the consumer who is interested in purchasing it, otherwise the offer does not make sense. If there are at least two parties that are interested in an exchange with the opposite participant economic relations, there must be some means of interaction between them. Actually, the solution of these problems is engaged in marketing.

The ratio that defines consumer consciousness sounds like "price - quality". The buyer always evaluates the product based on the amount of costs spent on its acquisition. The above ratio can be given as a "price - utility" option: the consumer analyzes how useful this acquisition can be for him and what price he is willing to pay for this utility.

Another element of the marketing mix is ​​communication. Otherwise, how can the manufacturer know about the consumer. The parties to the transaction will certainly communicate, otherwise it would be very difficult for them to solve their tasks.

Main elements

Allocate classic and non-classical options for the marketing mix.

Classic elements of the marketing mix:

  • Product. This concept includes both goods and services: packaging and design, specifications, assortment and its definition, quality level and many others.
  • Price. The next element has the meaning of determining such characteristics as the rate of return, cost, discounts, the optimal price for the consumer, the value of the product in consumer perception, and so on.
  • Distribution (reaching the product to the consumer). In this case, we are talking about the choice of points of sale ( outlets), intermediaries in the transaction, channels and methods of distribution of products, and so on.
  • Product promotion. Under the promotion of the product on the market is understood as work on establishing effective public relations and personal sales, as well as advertising mechanisms, sales promotion and the like.

It is not necessary to say separately that communication channels have been established between all marketing elements. Thus, the qualitative characteristics of the product and its functionality (capabilities) quite reasonably affect the formation of the price of the goods. This specific example is due to the fact that the consumer (often on an intuitive level) evaluates his purchase according to a single criterion - the ratio of price and efficiency (utility). That is, the buyer unconsciously compares the cost of the goods with the set of benefits that this product can offer him.


The classic marketing mix structure is the 4P concept: product, price, place, promotion. Actually, all elements of the model are described in detail above. The 4P marketing mix determines the organization's policy in the areas of product sales, price characteristics, sales and communication. However, the main thing in determining the vector of activity of any enterprise is the direct sale of products. In its process, elements of the marketing mix may well change. Permutations in this case are a means of more effective impact on consumers, possible with the resources available to the organization. In this case, there is real opportunity"betrayal" of the firm itself, so it is essential to maintain your own understanding of marketing and follow a specific marketing path.

Modern models

In modern conditions, there is a constant development, and consequently, the complication of the competitive component of the market. In this regard, new elements are added to the improvement of the marketing mix, forming the concepts of 5P - 12P, 4C and others. However, the increase in the components of the concept of "marketing complex" does not cause a strong positive reaction among all specialists.

The main reason for dissatisfaction, identified by the opponents of the idea of ​​expanding the complex, is the possibility, in their opinion, of violating and deforming the very concept of marketing as such, transferring the role of additional elements from the managerial plane of marketing. It is also important that the four main components can indeed be comprehensively studied and controlled by marketers, which is difficult to say about additional elements.


Experts recognize 7P as the most successful of all options for expanding the 4P model. To the four Rs mentioned earlier, are added:

  • People (people) - everyone involved in buying and selling.
  • Process (purchase process) - active choice by the consumer desired product.
  • Physical Evidence (physical attribute) - a certain material object that satisfies the client as confirmation that the service has been provided and is completely legitimate.

The model with seven Ps was originally created for marketing services, but is now actively used in the commodity version.

Other R

Experts also criticize the main 4P marketing mix for focusing on the micro level or the fact that only the seller is affected. As part of the expansion of this concept, the number of P in the marketing economy increases.

  • Purchase (purchase) - the reasons and consequences of the purchase.
  • Package (packaging) - represents not only the prerequisites for the purchase, but also the consequences.
  • Profit (profit).
  • Physical Surround (environment) - updated conditions for improving efficiency, implemented by the manufacturer.
  • PR (public relations) - forms a positive consumer perception of the organization.


A very bold attempt to shift the focus to the consumer is the formulation of the 4C model. Its main drawback, which does not allow the concept to function effectively, is the absolute rejection of P-components.

This marketing mix includes:

  1. Customer needs and wants (needs and desires of the buyer).
  2. Cost to the customer (consumer costs).
  3. Communication (information exchange).
  4. Convenience (consumer convenience).

All the components that make up the model clearly demonstrate an attempt to reorient from the manufacturer to the consumer at all stages of both production and subsequent sale of goods. There is also a desire to create an antagonist of the four Rs. But the author, apparently, did not think that the classical elements of the marketing mix also somehow take into account the needs of the buyer. When using the 4P concept, no one will get away from conducting an analysis of customer expectations, other research in the field of marketing. Moreover, in addition to producers and consumers, the 4P model takes into account both competitors and suppliers.


A relatively new alternative to tradition (SIVA was published in Marketing Management in 2005). No wonder we use the term "alternative". In this version of the marketing mix, each component of the classic 4P concept is matched with a replacement element SIVA. Classics seem to be presented "from the inside out" - the eyes of the consumer.

The ratio of 4P and SIVA looks like this:

  • PRODUCT -> SOLUTION (solution).
  • PROMOTION -> INFORMATION (information).
  • PRICE -> VALUE (value).
  • PLACE -> ACCESS (access).

And now more about each of the four elements of SIVA:

  • solution (solution). Finding the most acceptable solution to the problem in order to fully satisfy the needs of the buyer.
  • Information (information). Who should provide the consumer with information about the product and how to do this in order to ensure the sale of the product.
  • Value (value). About the costs and benefits of the buyer, about his losses and rewards.
  • Access (access). What sources should the buyer look for help in deciding how easy it is to find or purchase a particular source.

2P + 2C + 3S

The Otlacan model refers exclusively to email marketing, representing the marketing mix of services and narrowness. Actually, this is the main drawback of the concept. And now we specify all the elements of the model:

  • 2Р - Privacy (confidentiality), Personalization (personalization).
  • 2C - Community (community), Customer Service (customer service).
  • 3S - Sales Promotion (sales promotion), Security (security), Site (site).

General characteristics of the marketing mix

The concept of "marketing mix" was first scientifically fixed in 1964 by Professor H. Borden at the Harvard Business School. However, its origins go back to the distant 40s. XX century, when D. Kallitop first applied the so-called prescription approach in the study of marketing costs. The seller was defined by him as "the compiler of the marketing program from the ingredients", since it is he who plans the competition strategy, at the same time being a manager who is able to integrate all the components into the marketing mix.

In 1960, J. McCarthy, in order to create a qualified marketing staff, synthesized the marketing mix from such elements as product, chain, distribution and promotion, creating the "4P" model.

Currently, the most common is the definition of the marketing mix, which characterizes it as a set of controllable factors aimed at the occurrence of predictable and desired responses of a certain market segment. These are activities that a company is able to carry out in order to promote its product on the market.

Marketing mix - it is a set of controllable variables whose combination the enterprise uses in an effort to elicit the desired response from the target market. The function of the marketing mix is ​​to form a complex that not only satisfies the needs of potential customers within the target markets, but also maximizes the efficiency of the enterprise.

The concept of J. McCarthy<"Р" заключается в следующем: комплекс маркетинга состоит из четырех элементов: товар (продукт - product), price (rice), distribution (distribution) of goods to consumers (place - place) and promotion of goods (promotion).

Let's take a closer look at each of the above components.

One of the most important components of the marketing mix is product (goods), or an assortment policy that directly depends on the direction of cash flows, its assessment and forecast.

The assortment can be changed in accordance with three approaches: vertical, horizontal and complex. Vertical change assortment represents the beginning of the production of products previously purchased from other manufacturers, as well as its promotion in its own distribution network. Horizontal change - this is the expansion of the range and entry into new markets within the framework of existing cooperation. A complex approach characterized by the expansion of the range in both vertical and horizontal directions.

Price as the most important economic tool of the marketing complex has a direct impact on the nature of the profitability of the enterprise. To determine the price of any product, the most important indicators of the possibility of its sale are the demand for similar products, the sensitivity of purchasing power, competitiveness, as well as the level of costs associated with its production and sale. Therefore, a very important area of ​​activity for the marketing service of an enterprise is a reasonable choice of an effective pricing strategy aimed at developing a policy of uniform or differentiated, high or low, stable or unstable, preferential or discriminatory prices, as well as a policy that provides for all kinds of surcharges and discounts.

Choice of distribution system (distribution) is decisive in determining the direction of the marketing policy and can be carried out both by the enterprise itself and with the involvement of resellers - wholesalers and retailers, distributors, brokers, dealers, various agents, etc.

Implementation promotion of goods (communication policy) the market is promoted by advertising, public relations (public relations), sales promotion and direct marketing (direct marketing). All these tools are aimed at promoting the product by stimulating the activities of sellers, intermediaries and, of course, buyers. They consist in holding various promotions, contests, lotteries, providing for all kinds of gifts, discounts, benefits, etc. in order not only to increase sales and create the image of new products, but also to promote and consolidate the image of a particular brand.

In order to competently plan the profitability of the company in the short and medium term, it is necessary to resort to the help of operational marketing. This is a fairly effective tool based on a well-thought-out marketing strategy based on measurements, processing market data, and converting them into reliable information. Sometimes the most fashionable and high-quality product at first glance does not find demand because of its price and availability for the mass consumer.

The modern approach to the marketing mix is ​​not limited to the concept of the "4P" marketing mix, but tends to include additional components in it, allowing the formation of approaches such as the "6P", "7P" and even "P" models.

The most successful (on the basis of prevalence in the minds of marketers and scientists) of the "extended" interpretations of the marketing mix can be called the concept of "7P", in which three more are added to the "4P": people (people), buying process (process) and physical attribute (pehysical evidence).

People - contingent related to the process of buying and selling. Purchase process - what is connected with the activity of the buyer in the implementation of the choice of goods. Physical attribute - a material item that can serve as confirmation for the client of the fact that the service has been provided.

The concept of "7P" was originally created for the marketing of services, but now a growing number of researchers are trying to apply it to "product" marketing. However, this makes her even more vulnerable to criticism.

In accordance with the above approaches, marketing mix models may include the following additional elements:

  • o Packing (package);
  • o purchase (purchase) - not only the prerequisites for making a purchase, but also the consequences of making such a decision;
  • o clientele (people) - contingent related to the process of buying and selling;
  • o staff (personal);
  • o purchase process (process) - what is connected with the activities of the buyer in the implementation of the choice of goods;
  • o Environment (physical premises) - conditions created by the seller in order to more effectively sell their goods;
  • o profit (profit) - capital received in the form of income relative to invested funds;
  • o public relations (PR) creating a positive reputation for the product and the organization as a whole.

At its core, the concept of "4P" is a marketing position, from the point of view of which the seller approaches the formation of his sales strategy, and the consumer perceives it as obtaining possible advantages and certain benefits.

Currently, there is the following trend: in order to improve the balance of the internal and external marketing environment, 4C concept, whose elements are:

  • o Purchasing wants and needs (customer needs and wants);
  • o purchasing costs (cost to the customer);
  • o information exchange (communication);
  • o convenience (convenience).

Consumer preferences are prioritized. Moreover, this priority applies to all stages of the production process and the sale of goods or services without exception. An interesting approach, but it raises doubts for three reasons.

First of all, it does not conflict with the "4P" concept, which also puts consumer preferences at the forefront. Therefore, there is no reason to give preference to the "4C" concept. According to the "4C" concept, the mandatory factors that must be considered when developing a marketing concept are suppliers, competitors, as well as contact audiences. However, as practice shows, these factors cannot be considered decisive. Accordingly, the concept "AS" is more theoretical than practical.

And finally, consumer management is doomed to failure in advance, since this element of the external environment is practically unmanageable.

As can be seen from the analysis, despite certain attempts to increase the number of components of the marketing mix, in the end it remains unchanged. However, it is quite relevant to conduct research in the field of interaction between the marketing complex and the environment, resources and marketing tools.

The order of the elements of the marketing mix clearly shows the sequence of implementation of the main marketing functions:

  • 1) it is impossible to raise the question of any marketing program if the marketer does not have at his disposal product, which can be offered to the market with a certain value for the consumer;
  • 2) if there are at least two parties, each of which is interested in an exchange with the opposite party, they must have some means of interaction. The proposed product must be available to the consumer interested in it, so the next function of the marketing mix distribution;
  • 3) the consumer always evaluates the product not only on the basis of a set of its consumer properties, but also on the amount of costs associated with its acquisition. We are talking about the well-known marketing ratio "price - quality". Experts more clearly define this ratio as "utility - quality": the consumer analyzes the utility of the product offered to him and the price of this utility acceptable to him. The next element of the marketing mix is price policy;
  • 4) potential participants in the transaction will never be able to know about each other if there is no communication between them, so the last element of the marketing mix is communication policy.

The parties to the transaction must be sufficiently informed about the essence of the existing proposals, and each of them, using the means of communication, must convince of the attractiveness of their own proposal.

An alternative marketing mix model has been proposed Chekitan S. Dev and Don E. Schultz In the magazine "Marketing Management" for January-February 2005. In essence, this is the same "4P" model, only from the "reverse" side - the eyes of the buyer. In this model, each of the elements of the classical formula "4P" is associated with an element of the model "SIVA":

  • o product - solution (solution)- how suitable is the solution to the problem (meeting the needs of customers);
  • o promotion - information (information) - whether buyers are aware of the decision, and if so, from whom they receive information sufficient to make a purchase decision;
  • o price - value (value) - whether the buyer knows about the value of the operation; what costs he will incur, what benefits; what he can sacrifice, what will be the reward;
  • o distribution distribution - distribution) - a term implying the distribution, distribution or relative position of any objects. Efficient distribution allows the firm to correctly form the distribution channels for their products.

The main models of the marketing mix and their comparison are given in Table. 4.2.

The company itself determines with what marketing mix it can enter the market. In this, it can be based both on its own experience and on the most effective forms of marketing activities of other companies.