Electronic registration of orders. How to issue and maintain a register of orders for personnel? How to issue and how to keep a register of orders

Many business leaders are wondering whether it is necessary to keep a register of orders for personnel.

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Consider what Russian legislation, relevant in 2020, says about this. Doing personnel documents is an important part of the activity of every company.

After all, this way you can record any event in the working life of employees. Companies accumulate a lot of documents that are compiled every day.

They have to be contacted when an inspection is being carried out, or certain certificates need to be submitted to the employee.

To organize and optimize documents, you need to use special magazines.

What you need to know

All orders and other documents should be registered in the appropriate journal and book.

One of these documents is the register of orders for personnel. What is this concept, what is the content of the journal and the rules of registration?

Let's say right away that there are no clear rules that you should follow if you decide to start a registration log.

Basic terms

The journal records all orders that were issued in the company and relate to various actions in relation to personnel.

Record the work path of employees. And if the need arises, you can quickly find a specific order.

Such a journal is used in proceedings before a judicial authority. It's a supporting document, proof.

Registration is also called the recording of accounting information about documentation for regulated designs.

Registration can give documents legal force. Until the document is registered, a number is assigned, it is not considered to be issued, which means that it does not actually exist.

Purpose of the document

This kind of register is used by personnel services to keep records of documentation (orders on personnel), which determines a number of service, official and labor functions of subordinates.

It is necessary to keep such a log for the following reasons:

Some companies have a rule to register documents, and only in this way will it act. Registration in the journal of the order is necessary in order to legalize the corresponding document.

The legislative framework

The legislative documents do not say anything about the order of numbering orders. So, you can follow the instructions that were approved.

Record keeping is carried out in accordance with the following documents:

How to keep a register of orders for personnel

Almost all orders for personnel are personified. Types of orders for personnel:

  1. On the admission of an employee to the company.
  2. About termination of the agreement with the employee.
  3. Oh for another job.
  4. About the combination of positions.
  5. About sending an employee to .
  6. Oh, etc.

Those orders, in accordance with which the first person of the company is appointed to the position, are orders for the main activity, and not for personnel.

Separate orders are prepared in accordance with the unified form of primary accounting documents for personnel records.

If the letter designation “a” is used, then the order is issued in relation to several people.

Who completes the form

The journal is filled in from the moment the enterprise begins to conduct business, and until the day the sheets run out. Therefore, it is advisable to use a thick notebook so that you do not have to change it often.

Since the registration log is one of the main documents that are transferred to the archive, the company must have an employee who will be responsible for maintaining it.

Such a person is appointed by issuing an order. But it happens that the corresponding obligation is prescribed in personnel specialists.

The document is maintained by the following persons:

  • personnel officer;
  • personnel manager;
  • secretary
  • clerks;
  • leader.

Who exactly will keep the journal will depend on the size of the firm and what its organizational structure is.

Compilation procedure

Be sure to consider the following requirements when registering a journal. Use hard cover, especially when filing long-term orders.

After all, you should take care that the log is stored for a long time. The title and index are written on the covers.

All pages are numbered (the continuous method is used - serial numbers are put down). Then stitched according to requirements normative documents. They put a filling.

The magazine is stitched with threads, and on the front sides they are tied into a knot. A leaflet with data on the end date of the document, the number of the order on its completion is glued to the thread.

The seal should be placed in such a way that part of it is on the magazine itself, and part is on the knots of the threads.

The last page should contain information like this:

  • number of pages;
  • signature of the head of the company or the head of the personnel department;
  • seal.

This way you can protect the document from correction. Before registering an order in a journal, an employee of the personnel department must check whether the document is legitimate.


  • is there a link to the document on the basis of which the order was issued ( labor agreements, legal acts, etc.);
  • is there a date, name, number, is the place of preparation of the order registered;
  • is there a title and text, signature;
  • is there a mark confirming the approval of the order with an authorized specialist of the company.

Since the legislation does not establish a single form of the journal, each enterprise develops its own sample.

It usually contains:

  • title page;
  • a section that lists the employees who are responsible for maintaining the document;
  • section where the registration of orders for personnel is carried out.

On the title page they write:

  • The name of the company;
  • title of the document;
  • the date on which the log was started;
  • date when filling stops.

The second section contains:

  • Full name, positions of employees who are responsible for maintaining the journal;
  • data on documentation, which is the basis for the appointment of employees;
  • the signature of each such person;
  • data on the period during which the person keeps records.

The main section contains the following information:

  • registration number of the order;
  • date, order number that was approved;
  • type of command;
  • Full name, personnel number of the employee;
  • documents that served as the basis for issuing the order.

Such a journal is an important legal document. So, it is worth arranging it correctly. Each entry must be complete.

Data cannot be abbreviated if this would lead to problematic interpretation. Errors and corrections are not allowed, corrective means cannot be used to edit the entry.

If there is an error, it is crossed out with solid lines. The correct data is written next to it.

The rules for keeping a journal are prescribed by management in separate regulations for the main activity, which should be drawn up in free forms and determine:

  • who will be the responsible person;
  • who will replace the responsible persons in case of their absence;
  • what period of maintenance and where the document will be stored.

It is worth considering the following features of logging:

Every order is worth Register on the day it was published
Register any order Manager versus employee
If the order is not registered It will not have legal effect.
Usually the journal is kept for the current year First next year numbering starts over
All orders have unique codes Therefore, it will not be difficult to find them if necessary.
The journal can be kept in paper or electronic format. Journal of registration of orders for personnel in in electronic format involves the establishment of protection (password)

It is worth considering such nuances:

Employee details What is responsible for logging can be written on the covers of the document, on each or last sheet
Each sheet must be protected from withdrawal and attachment. Therefore, the magazine is stitched
Name must be complete, And the name of the position, specialties and professions - according to
Erasure, correction, deletion are not allowed (as discussed above) If it is necessary to correct what is written, the entry is crossed out so that it can be read. A new entry is made in the same column. If there is a “Note” item, a correction is written in it. If there is no such item, then you can make a mark below, in the same way as it is done in work books(an entry such and such in column such and such is invalid). Then the new information is written
Registration log - internal document It must not be shared with anyone other than the Human Resources Department. Transfer is possible only if there is a written order from the authorities
Head of department or other official of the company Can read the journal only in the presence of persons responsible for its maintenance
The journal is regularly submitted to the head of the department for him to check Whether decisions were made in a timely and correct manner, and could also prepare a report, a report, analyze personnel work
The indexation procedure is being developed in the company

Sample Fill

If we compare magazines that are kept in different companies, we will see significant differences. Some companies remove certain items, while others add a number of additional fields.

Video: what should be the logs and how to flash them

The management has the opportunity not only to independently develop a document, taking into account their needs, but also to buy a ready-made magazine.

What is the shelf life

The retention periods for orders vary greatly:

The company may keep separate journals for long-term orders and short-term orders. If the enterprise is large, then it is advisable to divide it into several groups (a magazine is separate for each group).

The period of storage of the registration log is set in accordance with the Basic Rules for Working with Archiving Documentation.

Orders are grouped and formed into separate cases. When they finish keeping a journal, it is transferred to the archives. There it will be stored for 5 or 75 years.

Journal of registration of orders for personnel- This is a journal in which all issued orders for the personnel of the organization are recorded.

The register of orders for personnel must be laced, numbered and fastened and.

A personnel officer who maintains a register of orders for personnel must fill in the columns in accordance with the texts of orders for personnel.

Currently legally approved unified form there is no register of orders for personnel, so the organization has the right to develop it independently in any form.

Shelf life Journal of registration of administrative documents on personnel established by Art. 258 b of the List of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of activities government agencies, bodies local government and organizations, indicating the periods of storage (approved by the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation August 25, 2010), and is 75 years old and 5 years old.

Based on the different periods of storage of journals, it can be recommended to have two journals for registering orders for personnel in the organization.

In one magazine with a shelf life of 75 years

  • about moving;
  • about combination;
  • , advanced training, awarding titles (ranks);
  • about changing the surname;
  • about encouragement, rewarding;
  • , bonuses, various payments;
  • all types of vacations of employees with heavy, harmful and hazardous conditions labor;
  • on parental leave;
  • about holidays without pay ( wages);
  • on duty according to the profile of the main activity;
  • on business trips for employees with difficult, harmful and dangerous working conditions.

In another magazine with a shelf life of 5 years personnel orders will be recorded, such as:

  • O disciplinary action;
  • about leave in connection with training;
  • about duty;
  • on short-term domestic and foreign business trips.

Perhaps a more fractional division of the registration of groups of personnel orders and instructions. In this case, separate groups are singled out and separate registration arrays (different journals) are maintained.

Requirements for the establishment and filling out the register of orders for personnel

Let us note some requirements that you need to know when maintaining a register of orders for personnel. The front side of the journal indicates the start and end dates of its maintenance, the index of this journal according to the nomenclature of cases (if any).

The front side of the register of orders for personnel

Information about the employee responsible for keeping the journal can be given on the cover of the journal (front or back), on each or last page of the journal:

Person responsible for logging:

__________________________ __________________________
position surname, name, patronymic

Journal pages must be protected from withdrawal and attachments, for this:

the sheets of the journal are numbered, laced, sealed with a seal (wax, mastic) and the journal is certified by the head of the personnel department or the deputy head of the personnel management organization or the head of the organization himself;

The sheets of the magazine are numbered in order and laced, a sticker is made on the last page of the sheet lacing knot with an imprint of the seal of the personnel department or organization. At the same time, a confirmation inscription is made on the last page:

In this magazine numbered, laced

and sealed with _______ sheets

Head of Human Resources

______________________ _____________________

"___" ______________20___

Surname, name, patronymic in the journals should be indicated in full, and the name of the position, specialty, profession - in accordance with the staffing table.

Erasures, corrections or deletion of previously made entries using corrective means are not allowed.

If it is nevertheless necessary to make corrections, then erroneously made or incorrect entries are crossed out with one line so that the previously written text is clearly readable. A new entry is made in the same column. If the journal has a “Note” column, the following entry is made in it:

Corrected in column ____

__________________ ______________________
(signature) (signature transcript)

"___" ______________ 20___

If there is no column “Note” in the journal, then the erroneously entered information is not crossed out, and the same mark is made under them as in the work book (“entry No. ___ in column No. ___ is invalid”) and new information is indicated.

The magazine is an internal document and cannot be transferred to employees of departments other than the personnel department without a corresponding order from the head of the personnel department.

Familiarization of heads of departments or other officials organizations with a journal should be carried out in the presence of the person responsible for its maintenance.

Logs with a certain regularity established in the personnel department are submitted to the head of the department to check the timeliness and correctness of the decisions made, to prepare reports, reports, analysis personnel work.

In the process of maintaining the journal, it is kept by the person responsible for its maintenance. When the magazine ends, a corresponding entry is made on the front cover.

Since at present there is no legislatively approved unified form of the register of orders for personnel, we will give approximate form magazine. If necessary, you can add additional columns or delete unnecessary ones.

Order number– digital and/or letter designation (indexation) assigned to the document during its registration.

The rules for indexing personnel orders are developed by the organization itself. In work practice personnel services alphanumeric indexing received the greatest distribution.

With large volumes of documents, orders for personnel relating to various issues of working with personnel should be grouped separately, using different indexing. For example: the letter “k” (personnel) or l / s (by personnel) is added to the serial numbers of orders on the movement of personnel (hiring, transfer to another job, dismissal), for orders on secondment of workers - “km” , on the provision of holidays - “o”, on encouragement - “p”, on disciplinary sanctions - “c”, etc.

Date of issue of the order is the number when it was signed by the head or authorized person. The date is entered in column 3 (see Appendix).

In column 4 Type of order a record is made on what issue of work with personnel an order was issued (hiring, dismissal, transfer, about the next vacation, etc.).

Columns 5, 6, 7, 8 contain data on the employee in respect of whom the order is issued.

Summary of the order or its title, which is written at the beginning of the text of the order, is entered in the journal in column 10 (see Appendix).

In column 10 Base the initiative document that served as the basis for issuing the order is indicated.

Maintaining personnel records, first of all, implies a great responsibility. Along with this, the collection, analysis and registration of documents of an order nature requires increased concentration and strict observance of the law. Magazines related to personnel work are, in essence, the foundation of all personnel records management.

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In this regard, the designated journals may be the subject of systemic checks by various regulatory authorities. Moreover, correct design personnel documentation, has a direct impact on its legal significance, and also personally concerns each employee of the organization. We can say that until the document is properly registered, it does not actually exist.

Legislation Word

Usually, personnel workers draw up several different journals in which they register orders different types. For example, one journal may contain orders exclusively for personnel. Another log may display the orders of the enterprise's activities. There is also a practice of registering magazines only for vacations or layoffs.

The generally accepted form of the order registration log contains all the key columns in personnel practice. As reserve columns, there may be empty columns, which, if necessary, will be filled in by responsible persons at their discretion

There is no single form of the register of orders, which would be approved by law.

In this regard, a sample log of registration of orders for employment will be shown below in the text. In addition, organizations can develop own project journal forms.

Depending on the situation, employers, in addition to the generally accepted columns, have the right to add additional columns. For example, “F.I.O. or the position of the employee for which the order is issued”, “by whom the order is certified”, “the reason for the order”, “the personnel number of the employee”, “the executor of the order”, “where the order is transmitted”, “position and full name person who made the relevant entry.

Regulatory policy

According to the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, the List of documents that are formed in the course of the enterprise's activities was approved. One of key provisions of this normative act is the establishment of the terms of their storage. Thus, in relation to the registration logs that are associated with administrative documentation for personnel, two different terms were provided, at 5 and 75 years.

The order of numbering of orders is not provided by law or the List. Whereas, according to Model Instruction on office work, which was approved by order of the Federal Archive of November 27, 2000 No. 68, the orders are numbered sequentially, but within the calendar year. Additionally, the instructions indicate the need for a separate numbering of orders for the main activity, as well as orders for working personnel.

Is it necessary to lead?

As mentioned earlier, by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2010 No. 558, the period for the preservation of registration logs that are associated with administrative documentation was approved.

It follows that the maintenance of registration journals is mandatory.

How about an electronic form?

There are no provisions in the legislation on the mandatory keeping of journals on paper, including special conditions its design. Special conditions mean numbering, certification by seal, stitching of magazines.

For this reason, it is permissible to keep a logbook in electronic form.

In addition, if, according to the procedure, order numbers are assigned automatically during their formation in the 1C program, then maintaining such a journal in paper form is not necessary.

Types of order registration logs with samples

Today, the following forms of registration logs are used by various human resources departments:

  • On the reception, transfer, calculation of personnel.
  • About vacations.
  • About staff travel.
  • On the promotion and imposition of disciplinary sanctions.

Sample work order register:

Methodology of conducting

The main stages in the organization of office work are:

  • Organization of workflow, i.e., the optimal movement of prepared documentation within the enterprise.
  • Documentation of economic and administrative activities.
  • Ensuring the preservation of documentation.

The standard procedure for paperwork involves the participation of many employees of the enterprise. Office work and its organization is in the area of ​​responsibility of the office work service. In addition, this name is conditional, and depending on the size of the enterprise or the functions assigned to it, it can be either general department as well as the office.

In small organizations, this function is usually assigned to the secretary. On the initial stage it is necessary to establish uniform rules for working with documentation. To solve this problem, an excellent solution would be to fix them in the instructions. It should not be forgotten that modern clerical work is largely determined by the enterprise itself, while regulations are more advisory in nature.

Therefore, for the formation of office work, it is necessary to develop two basic documents:

  1. Business Instructions. In the specified local act, all internal organizational rules for working and handling documentation should be displayed. In the event that the enterprise has not yet formed its own rules for conducting clerical work, or the development of instructions at this stage seems inappropriate, then you can temporarily use the appropriate provisions.
  2. Case nomenclature. The specified systematized list of documents reflects their accounting by terms of storage, and is used for the purpose of subsequent transfer to the archive or for destruction.

Watch the video on how to write instructions for office work:

It should be noted that all orders related to personnel are recorded in the journal. The title page of the journal is used to write the full title of the document. It should be noted that the name is written in capital letters. This is followed by the name of the company.

V large organizations it is preferable to keep the number of journals commensurate with the number of relevant services or departments.

The title page also indicates the date of the actual execution of the document. The journal is numbered and stitched, after which it is sealed with the signature of the director and the seal of the enterprise. Ideally, if the registration log is sealed with a numbered seal. But in this case, its number must be entered in the journal, otherwise it is impossible to consider the journal sealed without this.

Responsible persons

In relation to the main activity of the enterprise, orders are prepared on behalf of the director by the heads of departments of divisions. If there is a question of solving a complex problem, then the head can create a special commission, which will consist of diversified specialists. But, since tasks are not only basic, but also operational, orders must be classified.

You can suggest this option:

  1. Instructions for the main activity. Such orders are issued as part of the implementation of organizational tasks.
  2. Administrative orders.

Orders in the above directions are subject to separate registration. In other words, it is necessary to store this documentation separately. This is due to the fact that the period of storage of documentation related to administrative tasks is 5 years. Whereas the documents on the main activity must be kept permanently. The registration log belongs to the category of documents intended exclusively for internal use.

The procedure for familiarization with the registration log takes place exclusively in the presence of the person responsible for its registration. In addition, logs should be regularly provided to the head of the department. This is necessary to check the decisions made, as well as to evaluate the personnel work of the department.

During the registration period, the registration log is kept by the person who is responsible for its maintenance. If the journal ends, then a note is made on the title side of this.

Mandatory columns

As mentioned earlier, there is no statutory form of the registration log, which allows the organization to develop it independently. Therefore, it is allowed to use graphs recommended by experts.

In particular:

  • No. p / p (record number),
  • date of the order;
  • order number;
  • type of order, its brief content;
  • FULL NAME. employee
  • Personnel Number;
  • grounds for issuing the order.

Additional columns include:

  • who signed the order
  • who is the executor of the order;
  • where the order was sent;
  • receipt of receipt (signature, date);
  • a note about the direction to the case;
  • position, full name the person making the entry (registering the order);
  • note.

It happens that the "Note" column in the journal is not provided. In this case, you need to make a mark similar to the one displayed in the work book (“entry No. ___ in column No. ___ is invalid”), and then specify the new data.

Fill example

Consider a sample for filling out the main section of the journal using the example of orders for personnel:

No. p / p

Order date

Order number

Order type

FULL NAME. employee

Tab. room



Polozova Tatyana Viktorovna

Labor agreement No. 14 dated 07/13/2014




Kuzin Andrey Sergeevich

Add. agreement No. 2 of 12.07.2014 to the employment contract No. 11 of 10.03.2012



Transfer to another job

Sorokina Maria Alexandrovna

Application, add. agreement No. 2 of 12.07.2014 to the employment contract No. 11 of 10.03.2012

Shelf life

It should be recalled that by virtue of the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2010 No. 558, the period of preservation of the registration log is determined, which is 75 years.

This type of journal typically displays the following orders:

  • about hiring;
  • about translation;
  • on duty;
  • on wages;
  • about combining professions;
  • on the dismissal of an employee;
  • on advanced training;
  • on staff incentives;
  • about all types of holidays;
  • about changing the name of an employee;
  • about long trips.

Another logbook, which has a retention period of 5 years, typically displays the following orders:

  • about disciplinary sanctions;
  • about annual and study holidays;
  • on duty;
  • about short trips.

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Text commercial offer for the supply of goods must be thought out to the smallest detail. An example can be found in this

Retroactive Orders: Registration Methods

Due to the fact that the registration journal is stitched and numbered, after which it is signed by the director, sealed with the seal of the enterprise, the introduction of an order retroactively into such a journal is excluded. But, as practice shows, there are various situations, in the resolution of which both parties are often interested, i.e. the employer and the employee of the enterprise. On this basis, sometimes there is a forced violation of the registration procedure.

Let's consider several possible options.

  1. If there is no further registration of orders at the enterprise, then the order can be made retroactively.
  2. If the enterprise has further registration, then you can do memo in the name of the manager with an explanation of the reasons and register the order with the current number. The second option is good because in the case of checking explanatory note will justify the current situation before the regulatory authorities. Therefore, if it is necessary to place an order in the “past period”, in practice, the issuance of an order under a fraction (11/1-P) or any other index is used.

The letter of the alphabet of the order index has no legal significance. But, its use simplifies the work of the personnel officer. In addition, in the event that regulatory authorities may demand orders issued by the enterprise, it is desirable that the dates of issuance of orders coincide with real events. Such an approach will avoid increased interest on the part of the inspectors.

Regarding the artificial correction of errors, the only thing that can be recommended here is to replace only those documents that do not overlap with other orders, especially those that cannot be replaced.

The chronology of events, first of all, is needed for the employer himself. For example, in the event that an accident occurs with an employee who is outside the territory of the enterprise. Under such circumstances, a "Consecutive Directive" with the employee's signature stating that he is familiar with the order is a fundamental way to troubleshoot problems. In the event of an accident investigation, there is no better preventive measure, especially when it comes to hazardous activities.


All orders for the main types of activities must be recorded in the corresponding order. The record reflects the title, date of compilation of the document and other important information. A sample entry, examples of filling out a journal - all this can be found in the article.

Any order is a legal act of internal action, which is usually issued by the head of the company, its separate subdivision, branch. Orders are classified according to various criteria, including the area they regulate. For example, they may relate to personnel, material assets of the enterprise. At the same time, there is a large group of orders that regulate complex, complex issues relating to the entire company as a whole. They are called orders for the main activity. There are several types of such documents:

  1. On the appointment of a director.
  2. On the formation of a division of the company.
  3. On the introduction of the developed staffing table.
  4. On the introduction of a system for transferring wages through non-cash payments.
  5. About the instructions for filling out the pay slip.
  6. On the establishment of labor regulations.
  7. On the reduction of 1 or more employees.
  8. On measures to protect information that constitutes a commercial secret.
  9. On the establishment of a collective liability workers.

There are other types that are also related to the main activity - they are subject to recording in the registration log. Moreover, it should not be confused different types documents. For example, if an act of approval comes into force key employee whose position is specified in the charter (this can be not only a director, but also Chief Accountant, head of the security service), such an order should be registered in the journal for the main activity, and not for personnel.

Another important point– documents related to the main activity and administrative and economic issues are registered separately, because the latter are stored for 5 years. As for the first group of acts, they should be kept permanently ( at least 75 years old). During the same time, the log is also kept.

Sample journal entry: instructions for filling out

Fixing a record of the creation of an order is mandatory, because in this case the document finally comes into force. Thus, the record gives it legal force as an internal regulatory act that is mandatory for implementation within the entire enterprise or its specific separate subdivision. In addition, thanks to the ordered fixing system, the search is greatly simplified. required document among thousands of papers like him.

Title page

On the title page, the responsible person writes:

  1. company name, its organizational form. Generally accepted abbreviations are allowed - LLC, PJSC and others, for example: Dolce Vita LLC.
  2. The date the document was entered. It may not coincide with the beginning of the calendar year, which is normal.
  3. The date the document was completed (last page completed). After that, the journal is transferred to the archive for long-term storage (at least 75 years).
  4. Responsible for maintaining - position, surname, initials.
  5. In the column "shelf life" indicate "permanently".

Order records

You can set the procedure for generating a record yourself, since there are no strict legal requirements for the form. Usually all records are recorded in a tabular form; indicate the following information:

  1. Document number - the numbering goes in a through order, from the beginning to the end of the year. Documents, information about which is recorded in different journals, have different numbering - there is a certain order in documents on core activities, on personnel, etc.
  2. This is followed by the date of publication of the document - from this day it usually comes into force.
  3. Then the name of the heading is given (exactly as in the order). You can also write a summary here.
  4. Mark the number of sheets and applications through a slash "/".
  5. In the "responsible" column, the names and initials of the employees who are responsible for the execution of the issued order are written.
  6. In the column "familiarize" - the names and initials of employees who in writing (under signature) must familiarize themselves with the text of the document.

If desired, you can also insert the “Notes” column, where, if necessary, brief comments on the issued orders are written.

After the journal is completed, it is necessary to formalize the end of its maintenance. To do this, you first need to lace up all the pages and fasten them with a cord. Then they prescribe the number of sheets (not pages), put the date and signature with a transcript (last name, initials). These entries are made by the responsible person who kept the journal during its entire period (or the person replacing this employee).

Ways of conducting and responsible

The log can be maintained in two ways:

  1. Traditionally handwritten. Blue or black pens are used that do not leave blots and streaks. All entries are made carefully, corrections are possible only in exceptional cases. It is also necessary to ensure that the document does not have torn pages, additional inserts (instead of the previous ones), etc.
  2. In electronic form: in this case, only the employee who has the right to electronic signature can make entries in the journal and correct them.

The following employees may be responsible for filling out the document:

  • Secretary;
  • secretary-referent;
  • other employees appointed at the direction of the director.

As a rule, a specific method of conducting, as well as a responsible person, is approved by a separate local legal act accepted by the enterprise.

What does the registration log look like?

The form of this document is a small book of 64 pages with a cover made of golden cardboard (format 210 * 288 mm). Holes are provided to lace the pages, and then hand over the document to the archive.

If the magazine was not originally flashed, you must do it yourself.

The order registration log allows you to systematize the workflow in the organization, which facilitates the passage of GIT checks. Learn how to design it, download sample magazines

Read this article:

Order Logging Rules

The activity of any organization involves the formation of a large number of documents, including orders, which must be kept for 5 or 75 years. For this reason, there should be two registers of orders, the maintenance of which is also possible in electronic form. In the second case, it is necessary to provide backup data so that documents are not lost as a result of a failure.

It does not matter how orders are registered in the organization (in electronic or paper form), it is necessary to adhere to general rules magazine design. In the future, this will help to avoid unnecessary questions during checks, quickly find the necessary records or documents.

Book of orders: sample design

  • on the title page reflect the full name of the document, as well as the date of its execution;
  • below indicate the name of the company or structural unit organizations;
  • the magazine is numbered, stitched, fastened personal signatures heads of the enterprise, put a seal, if it is used;
  • in order to protect against falsification, the registration log is sealed.

There are five mandatory registration logs, the rest are voluntary. But even if you don’t want to “spread extra paperwork”, don’t rush to give them up - read the article in the magazine “Handbook of Personnel Officer”. In it, experts analyzed five situations where such magazines help a personnel officer prove his case in court and save himself from a large fine.

The order log contains several columns:

  • the second column is used to record personal data (positions responsible person, FULL NAME.);
  • the third is for order numbers. The indication of letter codes is also provided: “LS” (personnel), “OD” (main activity), “O” (vacations);
  • in the fourth column of the book of registration of orders reflect the dates of the preparation of documents;
  • in the fifth, indicate the data of the employee for whom the order was issued, as well as his position;
  • in the sixth summary;
  • in the seventh - the signature of the responsible person.

The register of personnel orders can also be filled out in a different order, since this depends solely on the form of the book used.

The document can be developed independently, the organization also has the right to apply type specimen. The main thing is that it contains mandatory and auxiliary columns.

In some cases, there is no separate line "Notes" in the document. If the entry is incorrect, make a mark, as in the work books of employees. For example: "Entry under No. is invalid." At the same time, the correct entry is indicated below, the painting is put. If the organization uses seals, then the corrections are also certified by them.

The register of orders for personnel must be filled out clearly and without blots. It is strictly forbidden to hatch entries, cross out letters, try to remove information using corrective means. Pages that are not numbered are not allowed. The book of orders for personnel is filled only with solid text.

How to create an order register

Organizations, and especially commercial firms, can use any form of the register of orders, but the procedure for maintaining the book should be fixed in separate local regulations. It is defined directly CEO company or other authorized person.

The deed must include:

  • FULL NAME. , positions of employees responsible for the preparation, storage of the document;
  • employees on whom the obligation to keep a log is shifted if the main responsible for it are temporarily absent;
  • the established periods of storage of the book of registration of orders;
  • place of storage of fully completed documents.

Usually, the secretary is engaged in maintaining a register of orders, if the organization is small. In large firms, this responsibility may be assigned to an individual employee. At the same time, responsibility for the safety of the document should be reflected in the local act, employment contract or job description as the book may be damaged or lost. Some firms keep several magazines at once - in regular and electronic form.

Despite the fact that the book of orders for personnel is an optional document, experts recommend keeping it for each organization. This is due to the fact that during checks the company has only three days to prepare the necessary package of documents that will check Labour Inspectorate or tax. In this case, the order registration log will allow you to quickly find necessary papers. In addition, it facilitates the work of many specialists of the company, as it allows you to systematize the workflow.

If the organization does not want to independently develop an order registration log, a sample document can be downloaded or purchased at a specialized store. In the first case, the book must not only be printed, but also numbered, sealed, and then proceed to its design and maintenance. At the same time, the specialist responsible for maintaining the register of orders for personnel, the sample of which is not established at the legislative level, is obliged to adhere to the general rules for filling out the document.

Attached files

  • Template of the Journal of registration of orders for personnel.doc
  • Example of registering a termination order employment contract with an employee by agreement of the parties.doc
  • An example of registering an employer's order to transfer an employee to another permanent job requiring referral to mandatory medical checkup, at his written request.doc
  • An example of registering an order to transfer an employee to another permanent job that does not require a referral for a mandatory medical examination, at his written request.doc
  • An example of registering an order to transfer an employee to another permanent job requiring a mandatory preliminary medical examination, at his oral request.doc
  • An example of registering an order to transfer an employee to another permanent job that does not require a referral for a mandatory medical examination, at his oral request.doc
  • An example of registering an order for temporary transfer an employee to another job requiring a mandatory medical examination, at his written request.doc
  • An example of registering an order for the temporary transfer of an employee to another job that does not require a referral for a mandatory medical examination, at his written request.doc
  • An example of registering an order for the temporary transfer of an employee to another job requiring a mandatory preliminary medical examination, at his oral request.doc
  • An example of registering an order for the temporary transfer of an employee to another job that does not require a referral for a mandatory medical examination, at his oral request.doc
  • An example of registering an order to encourage an employee in non-material form.doc
  • An example of registering an order to encourage an employee in cash, if the bonus is not provided for by the remuneration system.doc
  • An example of registering an order for material incentives for an employee in non-monetary form.doc
  • An example of registering an order to encourage an employee in non-material and monetary forms if the bonus is not provided for by the remuneration system.doc
  • An example of registering an order to encourage an employee in non-material and material non-monetary forms.doc
  • An example of registering an order for early termination of an employment contract with the head of an organization (dismissal) before the expiration statutory term of notice of dismissal due to the impossibility of continuing work.doc
  • An example of registering an order for early termination at the initiative of an employee of a fixed-term employment contract (clause 3, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (option 1) .doc
  • An example of registering an order for early termination of an employment contract with the head of an organization (dismissal) .doc
  • Log book of orders on secondment of employees.docx
  • Journal of personnel.docx