What you need to open a petting zoo. How to open a petting zoo using the example of successful business models

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

1.Resume of the project

The goal of the project is to open a petting zoo in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people to provide services in the field of entertaining family leisure. The petting zoo will be a closed separate room with an area of ​​220 sq. meters, which will be equipped with aviaries with various types of domestic and exotic animals that do not pose a danger to humans. Unlike classic zoos, a petting zoo will allow visitors to touch, feed and pet the animals. In addition, due to the format, it will be possible to visit such a zoo at any time of the year. The target audience of the zoo will be preschool and school children and their parents.

The cost of the project will be 1,660,000 rubles. The payback period is 11 months. The preparatory period will take 3 months. Reaching the planned sales volume from the moment the petting zoo starts operating - 3 months.

* during peak sales months

2. Description of the industry and company

Contact zoos began to appear in Russia in 2009 and became very popular for just a few years. Contact zoos open one after another in different parts of Russia. Contact zoos are small-format zoos (usually their area is only 200-300 square meters. Naturally, in such menageries there is no place for predators in cages - all animals are harmless and pose no danger to humans. Contact zoos have gained the greatest success among residents of million-plus cities, for whom such establishments have become practically the only opportunity for close communication with wildlife. Contact zoos began to appear in large shopping centers and other crowded places. In essence, contact zoos can be classified as a family entertainment market. Due to its format and small areas, the number of visitors to a petting zoo cannot be compared with large zoos, so the ticket price is slightly higher than to a large zoo and can reach 300-400 rubles.

The goal of this project is to open a petting zoo in a city with a population of over 500 thousand people. It will be a closed area of ​​220 sq. meters with enclosures equipped inside. The zoo will be divided into two main zones, one of which will include animals that can be found on the farm, and the other, more rare exotic animals of the jungle and tropics. All of them will not pose a danger to humans. 90% of the zoo is contact, that is, visitors to the zoo will be able to touch and pet the animals, as well as feed them with special food, which can be purchased at the entrance. Another 10% of animals can be simply watched. The target audience of the contact zoo will be children of preschool and school age (0+) and their parents. The main income of the zoo will come from the sale of entrance tickets.

The form of ownership of the contact zoo is IP. The taxation system is simplified (6% of income). The main activity code according to OKVED is 92.53 "Activities of botanical gardens, zoos and reserves". The head of the petting zoo will be individual entrepreneur... The staff of the zoo - the veterinarian, caretakers, receptionists, as well as the chief accountant - will be directly subordinate to him.

3. Description of services

The following types of services will be provided on the territory of the petting zoo:

Individual visit to the petting zoo;

Group visit to the petting zoo;

Organization of children's parties and events.

The average check of the petting zoo will be set at 250 rubles. Children under 3 years old are admitted free. There will also be discounts for some other categories of the population. A detailed list of services is given in Table. one.

Table 1. List of services



Cost, rub.

Adult ticket

Visiting a petting zoo for a visitor over 14 years old

Child ticket

Visiting a petting zoo for a visitor from 3 to 14 years old

Children under 3 years old

Visiting the petting zoo for visitors under 3 years old (accompanied by adults)

is free

Group visit + excursion

A visit to the contact zoo by an organized group of 10 people (kindergartens, schools, circles, etc.)


Visit to the petting zoo on your birthday + 2 days (upon presentation of a supporting document)

is free


Visiting a petting zoo as a pensioner (upon presentation of a pension)

Children's holiday at the petting zoo

Conducting a birthday, matinee, themed holiday with the participation of an animator


In addition to the above services, a trade in souvenirs and food for the animals of the zoo will be organized on the territory of the touching zoo. As the zoo develops, children's quests will be included in the paid services grid. It is also planned to organize 2-3 free events every month, including themed evenings, lectures on caring for animals, holidays and master classes, etc.

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All services provided by the petting zoo will be extremely safe both for visitors and for the animals themselves. Pets of the zoo will be exclusively non-aggressive representatives of the fauna, namely:

Poultry (geese, ducks, chicken);

Small animals and rodents (rabbits, hedgehogs, ferrets, guinea pigs);

Large animals (goats, sheep, pigs, ponies);

Non-hazardous amphibians and reptiles (turtles, snakes, iguanas, frogs);


All animals will undergo regular veterinary control - visitors will be able to see extracts from the animal's veterinary passports. Only high-quality feed will be purchased for the animals. The safety of pets and visitors will be monitored by caretakers who will instruct visitors. A system of fines will be provided for inflicting injuries on animals.

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Particular attention will be paid to maintaining the cleanliness of the premises. Wet and dry cleaning will be carried out daily. Once a week, a “bath day” will be organized for pets, once a month - disinfection and deratization with washing floors with disinfectants. The zoo will be equipped with a climate controlled ventilation system. Before visiting the animals, visitors will have to remove outerwear, put on shoe covers and wash your hands. There will also be an agreement on the disposal of biological waste.

4.Sales and Marketing

Basically, mini-zoos are spread in large cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people. They can be seasonal outdoor establishments or indoor zoos. The latter are often shopping centers. Among the players there are both large federal chains developing through the sale of franchises, and individual private zoos. At the beginning of 2016, there are more than 60 such zoos in 15 largest Russian cities (2GIS data). Prices for visiting mini-zoos on average vary in the range of 150-350 rubles. The fee is set for the entrance and can be the same for both adults and children, or differ depending on the age of the visitor. Children under 3 years old are usually free to enter. Such zoos work most often every day, from 10:00 to 20: 00-22: 00.

The main clients are parents with children of preschool and school age, as well as teenagers. Most often, petting zoos are visited by families. Parents act as “tour guides” and introduce the animals to children, so an intermediary in the role of a guide is usually not required. It is worth noting that, largely due to the novelty of the format, the requirements for such establishments on the part of customers are not yet high - for many, visiting a petting zoo is new. However, an analysis of the experience of operating zoos will reveal some of the main mistakes in the work of such establishments. Among them:

1. Lack of opportunity to purchase animal feed;

2. Unpleasant smell in the room;

3. Dirt, disorder in the institution;

4. Lack of control over animals and children;

5. Tightness, inability to approach the enclosures;

6. Lack of car parking.

All these errors are planned to be taken into account when organizing the work of the zoo.

At the start of the petting zoo, an advertising campaign will be held with the involvement of the city's media and an opening day with contests and prize draws. In addition, the following will be used as means of marketing promotion and customer acquisition:

Promotion of the zoo website in search engines with an output to the top;

A petting zoo will be presented at in social networks(Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram), where the zoo news will be posted. It is also planned to maintain contacts with the media - news from contact zoos about the birth of mongooses, hedgehogs and other animals regularly appear in news feeds. To increase customer loyalty, a network of events will be developed, including excursions, theme nights, and lectures on caring for pets. The zoo plans to cooperate with orphanages, organize meetings with the animal for disabled children, children in difficult life situations.

5.Production plan

The location of the petting zoo was chosen as a room with a separate entrance, located in the city center, in close proximity to the main attractions and the recreation park. For the convenience of visitors, there is a free car park near the entrance. There is a public transport stop 250 meters from the petting zoo with connections to various parts of the city. When choosing a place, we took into account the following factors: plenty of daylight, no noisy neighborhoods (nightclubs), proximity to family recreation.

To repair and equip the premises with everything necessary, 830 thousand rubles will be required. On an area of ​​220 sq. meters there will be two main halls with aviaries, a reception area with a wardrobe, administrative and utility rooms, and a bathroom. The purchase of equipment will require 650 thousand rubles. The greatest costs will fall on the arrangement of places for keeping animals. Another expensive item in the equipment column is the ventilation system. Complete list equipment is given in Tab. 2.

Table 2. Equipment costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Equipment for places where animals are kept (aviaries, cages, aquariums, terrariums, nesting boxes, etc.)

Supply and exhaust system

Lighting system and decorative elements

Office equipment

Staff rest room equipment

Reception area

Household appliances and accessories

Outdoor sign

Bowls, feeders

Other expenses

For the operation of the petting zoo, you will need receptionists who provide reception and organize the sale of tickets, food and souvenirs, and room keepers who keep order, who clean the premises and feed the animals. The work schedule of the service personnel is shiftable. The main requirements for caretakers are love for animals, communication skills and the ability to work with people. The state will definitely need a veterinarian. His responsibilities will include the treatment and prevention of animal diseases and the maintenance of the necessary documentation. For admission to the position mandatory requirement will have work experience in the specialty for at least 1 year. Table. 3 is given the staffing table and the payroll. It is possible to attract volunteers to organize ancillary work.

Table 3. Staffing table and wages fund

On the initial stage zoo operation (3-5 months) is planned to reach the sales volume of 450-500 thousand rubles. In the future - reaching a turnover of 800-850 thousand (10-12 months). With such indicators, the initial investment will pay off in 1 year of work. The fixed costs of the contact zoo will include: rent (220 thousand rubles - at the rate of 1 thousand rubles per sq. M.), wage personnel (171 600 rubles including deductions), public Utilities... Variable expenses include the purchase of feed, spending on veterinary services, the purchase of new animals, advertising.

6.Organizational plan

The petting zoo project will require preparatory phase for a period of 3 months. Large time resources will require coordination with the structures (SES, Gospozhnadzor, etc.). The petting zoo will be managed by an individual entrepreneur. In his duties control will enter staff, recruitment, marketing promotion, cooperation with feed suppliers, organization of animal purchases, representative functions in other organizations.

7 financial plan

Investments in the project will amount to 1,660,000 rubles. Of this amount, 830 thousand rubles. will be required for and equipping the premises of the zoo, 500 thousand will be working capital, 330 thousand rubles. will be spent on intangible assets (registration, launch advertising campaign, website development, other expenses). Financial indicators for costs, revenues, tax deductions, net profit are presented in Appendix 1. Calculations are made for five summer period work with an average check of 250 rubles.

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

The calculations show that the project to open a contact park is effective. The initial investment will pay off within 11 months, with a return on sales of 15%. The main performance indicators are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Indicators of project performance

* during peak sales months

9 risks and guarantees

The success of this business is facilitated by the novelty of the format and conditions of modern urban life. Children are often deprived of the opportunity to be in nature and have direct contact with it, and the formats of large zoos do not allow close communication with animals. One of the main risks of this business is a gap in Russian legislation, which does not regulate such activity in any way. In particular, closed spaces raise questions (especially when it comes to shopping centers). The conditions for keeping them can be grossly violated: pets are kept in too small an area, they receive irregular food and often do not have the opportunity to hide from people at will. In addition, there are no clear requirements for the qualifications of personnel. All this causes discontent among animal rights activists, which is also expressed in doubts about the ethics of free business and actively seeking to ban such establishments. Nevertheless, today there is already a certain industry of private zoos. According to experts, even if the new law is adopted, the activities of most private zoos will not stop, but the requirements for them may significantly increase. In the highest risk group - exotic animals requiring special care and maintenance, in the least - unpretentious domestic animals - dogs, cats, pigs, rodents, etc. Table. 5, the project risks were assessed and measures to prevent them.

Table 5. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Introduction to the legislation on the regulation of the activities of contact zoos

Bringing the activities of the zoo in accordance with the legislation, emphasizing the maintenance of unpretentious animals

Injury to an animal by a visitor

Verbal and written instructions on the rules of behavior with animals, control over visitors, a system of penalties for injuring animals

Inspection body fines

Compliance with standards for keeping animals, veterinary control, prevention of keeping animals in the same enclosure different types feeding with proven feed

A sharp deterioration in the situation in the country, a drop in the population's ability to pay

Stimulating demand with loyalty programs, revision pricing policy, cost reduction, introduction of additional services



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In this material:

Many people, especially children, love animals, so entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a zoo. A petting zoo business plan will help in this difficult and interesting business. Some experts consider this business unprofitable, but with the right approach to organizing it, you can get a good income.

Choosing a place to accommodate animals

The main criterion for choosing a place for a zoo is the availability of access roads and parking. The place should be located near public transport stops, while the entrance to the zoo does not have to go directly to the bus stop. In any case, customers should not walk more than 300 meters. If you do not take into account this moment, then you risk losing a significant part of the profit. It will be very good if the zoo is located in a city park of culture and recreation. Before opening an organization, do not forget to equip a car park, a paid car park can be a way of earning extra money. However, at first it is better to abandon this idea, this may negatively affect the attendance of your establishment.

The key to the success of your business is the variety of animals on display. Some zoo owners do not pay due attention to the animal selection stage. Even when opening a small establishment, you need to think about the assortment of animals. Most zoos display a standard roster of horses, lions, deer, camels, foxes, and eagles. Some owners don't try to surprise their customers.

The main task of doing business correctly is the acquisition of animals that can become business card your zoo. If your establishment has at least a few rare animals, the attendance will increase many times over. Everyone will want to see rare representatives of the fauna. A significant amount of money will have to be spent on the purchase of such animals. If you want to attract maximum attention to the institution, you will have to invest a lot of money. If your zoo is designed for residents of your city and nearby villages, you can get by with the purchase of a standard assortment of animals.

In a large city, you can open a so-called rural zoo. City dwellers have little knowledge about farm animals, so pigs, cows, sheep and rabbits will become exotic for them. Taking care of such pets is much easier than, for example, lions and tigers, because they are adapted to life in our climate.

Where can I buy animals?

The easiest way to get animals is in another zoo. After a certain period of time, your animals will begin to bear offspring, the cubs can be exchanged for representatives of other species or sold. When opening a petting zoo, remember that keeping animals is not as easy as it might seem. The main expense is feeding the pets. A zoo's business plan should take these costs into account in the first place. Elephants are considered the most expensive in this regard, their maintenance requires at least 100 thousand rubles, walruses are not far behind - their food will cost the owner of the zoo 90 thousand. The most economical are small herbivores and birds.

Many petting zoos offer custody of the animal. The visitor addresses the owner and expresses a desire to independently maintain the animal. The owner gives him this opportunity. This does not mean that a person himself will be engaged in cleaning and feeding, he can sponsor these actions. Before opening a zoo, be sure to consider this option. Perhaps you will find people who want to take care of the animal while living on the territory of the zoo. Advertisements with such an offer can be placed in the media.

Animals are the main source of income for the petting zoo. To increase profits, in addition to observing their lives, visitors can be offered paid excursions, organize circus performances with animals, and sell souvenirs. Allow photography in the zoo: this will increase the flow of customers. You can provide an opportunity to feed non-hazardous species of animals by selling food on the territory of the zoo. Additional income can be earned with the help of a cafe that works at your institution.

Will the business be profitable?

In order for a petting zoo to bring the desired profit, it is necessary to think over a business plan competently. Minimum start-up capital required for the opening of such an institution - 300 thousand rubles. You can start with a small assortment of fauna representatives, gradually expanding it. In addition to animals, you will need to purchase enclosures and equipment. The cost of renting a plot will depend on its location. You also need to think about finding employees. Even a small establishment will require a guide, administrator, veterinarian, cleaners and animators. The greatest number of visitors is observed in summer, while in winter some animals hibernate.

Place your bet on the purchase of animals that can bring additional income. You can sell ostrich eggs, rabbit fur, sheep wool. A petting zoo should be dominated by the number of animals capable of safe contact with humans. It is very profitable to buy horses: riding delights children.

This business is not without its drawbacks.

Before opening a petting zoo, you will have to obtain a large number of permits.

First, the company must be registered in tax office secondly, you will need to obtain permission from local authorities. All animals must be examined by a veterinarian and vaccinated. With the right approach to organizing a business, its profitability can be quite high. If you do it right advertising campaign, make a schedule, set adequate prices, your business will be a success.

Investments: Investments from 360,000 rubles.

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Contact or "touching" zoo- an establishment with animals that do not pose a direct danger to humans. Each visitor to such an institution can freely touch, stroke and feed the animal. If you are planning to open your own petting zoo or are partial to animals, then be sure to read this business idea. She probably the only one in Runet, which will reveal all the intricacies of business at petting zoos.

Most Russian petting zoos keep domestic and farm animals of traditional and exotic breeds... Rabbits, hens and chickens, ducks and others Domestic bird, piglets, kids. Sometimes there are calves. Kittens and puppies of dogs are found everywhere. A number of such establishments can also contain puppies of raccoons and foxes, turtles, hedgehogs, peacocks, non-venomous snakes, ferrets and other "wild" exotic.

The opening of such a zoo, in the opinion of its owners, carries good goals. Since, they refer to the opinion of scientists, constant contact with animals has a beneficial effect on human well-being.

Exists scientific termpet therapy... It characterizes the positive therapeutic effect of animals on humans. Contact with animals in humans. Even in primitive times, man had the first domestic animals. Therefore, it is not surprising that contact zoos are very popular. This means that there is a stable demand in this area! He seeks to satisfy private business in all forms.

Turning to the statistics of search queries from Yandex, we will see that the topic of business at a petting zoo is very popular. Here are the top five popular search phrases:

  1. Open petting zoo,
  2. how to open a petting zoo,
  3. petting zoo business plan,
  4. business plan of a petting zoo with calculations,
  5. how to open contact zoo documents.

To open a private petting zoo, you need to purchase all the necessary animals. Each such animal must have a veterinary passport or certificate. These documents can be provided by Veterinary Control or veterinary clinics authorized to issue such documents. As a rule, the animal must undergo a complete examination and medical examination with the necessary vaccinations.

The interior of the zoo should be designed so that animals cannot leave their place or enclosure, and visitors have unhindered access to the pets. In the local authorities of the Federal Tax Service and the SES, you can clarify the list of necessary documents for opening a petting zoo. Since the form of such a business at the place of work falls under the rules and requirements of local governments.

Truth and peculiarities of opening a petting zoo in Russia

When visiting contact zoos, you might have noticed that in such establishments, as a rule, young- puppies, kittens, chickens and the like. Have you ever wondered why? Where are the adult animals?

An animal's close contact with a stranger is stressful for both. But, not always the meeting has a negative color. Even while guarding the territory, the animal first warns and tries to scare off the enemy. In other cases, a living creature, obeying instincts, strives to run away and hide. Only the rabid animal usually attacks first.

Cubs of representatives of the wild nature are deprived of such an instinct, they are not yet able and do not know how to defend themselves. This is what the owners of touching zoos use. Young animals used in business are a guarantee of non-aggressiveness of animals, therefore, increased safety of visitors. And let's be honest - small animals are so cute!

The second factor responsible for the recruitment of animals in the zoo is the mortality of the latter. Animals that are constantly under stress do not live long. Failure of internal organs (heart, kidneys, liver, etc.) due to stress in animals from contact zoos is the most common occurrence. Unfortunately, the truth is that in such establishments, animals very often die. Without ever becoming an adult. This “turnover” is the main factor behind the exceptional availability of young animals in contact zoos.

But what about domesticated animals? The one owner that animals are accustomed to does not cause them stress. On the contrary, they love him, wait and rejoice at his appearance. Therefore, it is one thing when a four-legged friend lives with one owner, and another - when every day the animal "passes" through the hands of dozens of different children and adults. Perhaps some (we are talking about people) can be more aggressive than representatives of the fauna.

Many owners of such establishments forget that the animals under their care are not toys. They, like all living individuals, want to walk, sleep, eat, be alone when they need it. Also, no petting zoo follows the natural cycles of animals. This is a loss of money if you give a nocturnal animal (of which the majority, for example, the same cats, foxes, raccoons) sleep in a shelter during the day. For them to be able to bring money, animals must be constantly "in the hands" of visitors. That guarantees the stress of the "filling the zoo". Or, more simply, animals in "touching" zoos start to get very sick. “Touching,” isn't it? And the owners do not particularly treat such animals. Treatment costs more than a new puppy. Why would the owner of a touching zoo spend money when he can replace the animal?

The business portal site opposes the opening of contact zoos as a business, where animals are treated badly, as a way to earn money, and not our smaller brothers.

This is blasphemy. For all animals, such zoos are a life-long prison with only one outcome. the site strongly condemns all Internet sources, which describe in detail the instructions for opening contact zoos as a business idea. Money doesn't smell like the famous expression says. But, mass abuse of animals for the sake of profit cannot be justified by any words, promises and actions.

Detailed instructions for opening contact facilities can be compared to a call for animal abuse. Take a cat, a dog, a turtle and give them to a group of people who will squeeze these animals for 12 hours a day. How many minutes will you regret and take away your pet? The key characteristic of these animals is that you love them, you are the owners. In contact zoos, unfortunately, the owners do not take care of the poor kids. Zoo owners see only profit moving on their paws, not living things. Let's be honest, the zoo has owners, the animals they contain do not!

Animal Law in Russia

To the general joy of animal lovers in the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of December 27, 2018 N 498-FZ "On the Responsible Treatment of Animals and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" began to operate, prohibiting the direct activities of contact zoos and mobile dolphinariums.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Ecology and Protection environment Vladimir Panov believes that such establishments are not humane, and the keeping of animals is unfavorable for the latter.

Vladimir Panov oversaw the finalization of the draft law on the responsible treatment of animals. The parliamentarian noted that inhumane human-animal communication is carried out in contact zoos. To a person on commercial basis the right of physical contact with the pet is granted, but the animal is not given the right to avoid this contact if it does not want to. From which animals experience severe stress and die prematurely.

For a relatively long time, there has been a controversy in society about the need to adopt such a law. In autumn 2016 the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, an ardent defender and lover of animals, pointed out the importance of adopting such a law and gave appropriate instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation. After lengthy discussions and decisions, this federal law No. 498-FZ was adopted.

The editors of the portal site advocate for the adoption of such a legislative act. Contact zoos where animals are oppressed have no place in modern society... If you want to pet and feed the animal. Get yourself a kitten, puppy, turtle, parrot. You don't have to pay for them! In any newspaper free classifieds there are many suggestions that animals are given for free. Please do not miss the opportunity to make yourself a loyal friend.

18 december 2018 of the year deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in second main reading adopted a bill on the responsible treatment of animals. Chapter profile committee State Duma on ecology and environmental protection Vladimir Burmatov noted that the bill establishes a complete ban on the killing of animals, as well as keeping them in bars, restaurants and petting zoos.

The site reminds especially ardent "defenders" of business at contact zoos of the most resonant tragedy of 2018 - a fire in mall"Winter Cherry" (Kemerovo, Russia). On that day, over 200 animals were burned down in the local petting zoo located in the shopping center.

December 19, 2018 the law has been fully adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Approved by the Federation Council December 21, 2018... On December 27, 2018, after the approval and signing of the law by the President of the Russian Federation, the law on the responsible treatment of animals came into force.

Touching zoos under the Animal Law

According to the Federal Law of December 27, 2018 N 498-FZ, if animals are used for cultural and entertainment purposes, then the possibility of their physical contact with visitors is excluded. In the same law, there is a norm according to which, when holding events, animals must have shelters, inaccessible to visitors, where the animal can hide. That is, the operation of a contact zoo is possible if all conditions of comfortable living are organized for the animals - cozy houses where they can live and sleep, without contact with people.

Formally, in Russia, the work of touching zoos on the square of shopping and entertainment centers not prohibited... In article 15, paragraph 4, direct contact of visitors with animals is prohibited if this is the sole purpose of the event, but in paragraph 5 of the same article, partial permission of interaction is stipulated if a number of conditions are met. It is also worth paying attention to the clause that permits the display of animals strictly at their place of residence, which imposes a ban on, for example, outdoor events and other animal movements. Each animal must be registered with the relevant veterinary services of the city at the place of detention and displayed only there - at the address of the contact zoo.

Also, according to the new federal law, the owner is responsible for the fate of the animal. And all animals are considered creatures capable of experiencing emotions and physical suffering, they must be protected from abuse. Article 13 paragraph 2 notes the prohibition on the use of pets in entrepreneurial activity, with the exception of cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation. It is also worth noting that according to article 15, paragraph 8, the owner is obliged to ensure the maintenance of the animal until its natural death occurs (or to transfer it to someone - physical or legal entities, or to a special shelter), even if the further use of the animal for cultural and entertainment purposes is impossible.

Activities related to the maintenance and use of animals in zoos, zoos, circuses, zoo theaters, dolphinariums, aquariums are subject to licensing in accordance with the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ "On licensing certain types activities ".

In the realities of the existence of new legislative acts of the Russian Federation, it takes some time to assess the efficiency of the law in each a separate case and clarification of all the subtle points. That is, the owners of contact zoos should refrain from radical actions related to their ward animals or the closure of the institution. For now, it will be enough to bring the business into compliance with the new standards established by federal law about animals. It is difficult to predict anything further, most likely, there will be a wave of mass closings of such establishments that do not comply with the norms of the law. But we hope that every owner of a petting zoo loves their animals and tries to create the best living conditions for them, which is required from them under the new law. This means that such a business will continue to exist.

And don't forget to watch the great video from Kaspersky Lab. It's much better than a touching zoo.

Respectfully yours, great animal lovers and protectors
Thanks to our readers for the photos they provided!

As practice shows, successful projects contact zoos start with a hobby - hobbies for caring for animals, collecting rare species or a business associated with representatives of the fauna.

A great way to turn a hobby into a profitable business is to organize a petting zoo as a business.

This is a place where animals that are not dangerous to humans are kept. During his visit, you can contact with pets: ironing and feeding. Most often, such establishments contain farm animals: sheep, rabbits, pigs, chickens, ducklings (in the case of organizing an outdoor business). Guinea pigs, hamsters, turtles, raccoons, chinchillas, foxes, parrots, reptiles and even some types of insects live in indoor establishments.

The main visitors are, of course, children or organized groups of children, of course accompanied by adults. In order to understand how to organize a business, let's look at the main preferences. target audience- why do people go to the petting zoo?

Thus, according to a survey conducted by the authors of the Naukovedenie online magazine, 57% of respondents visit it for recreation purposes, 22% - for educational purposes, 18% important direct contact with animals: pet, feed, 3% visit similar establishments with research purpose. According to age, these trends are shown in graph 1

Schedule 1 Purposes of visiting a petting zoo depending on age Source: Naukovedenie Internet magazine

The older the visitors, the more they prefer rest and direct contact with animals, and for educational purposes, including for the sake of contact with the inhabitants, the younger respondents visit contact zoos.

The open-ended answers included such as: love for animals, communication with nature, the opportunity to take an unusual photo, play with animals and feed them.

By the way, a scientifically proven fact - tactile communication with animals, including in a petting zoo, carries, in addition to an aesthetic, also a therapeutic psychotherapeutic function. This technique is called animal therapy.

Knowing the needs of your target audience makes it easy to customize your business to meet them. In our case, since the main visitors are children from 7 to 17 years old, and for them, as can be seen in graph 1, the cognitive component is important, it would be useful to organize mini-lectures on care, habitat and other features of the zoo inhabitants.

And also provide an opportunity to take pictures with pets and equip a small recreation area for accompanying persons: comfortable seating, perhaps a mini-cafe where the older generation can relax while the children interact with the animals.

Important points for organizing a business

If communication and caring for animals evokes positive emotions, you want to bring joy to children and the idea of ​​opening a petting zoo has appeared, then you need to know and take into account the following points:

  • Ideally, to do such a business better than those people whose occupation is associated with animals. This is a great option for owners of veterinary clinics, farms, zoo workers. It will be difficult to open this business from scratch without knowing anything about its specifics. We must not forget about the ethical side and humanism in relation to the inhabitants of the zoo.
  • Currently, in Russia, the activity of zoos is not regulated by law, it is regulated by the order of the Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia from 1993. According to the UNESCO classification, zoos, including contact ones, are museums of wildlife, therefore their activities are subordinate to the departments of culture.
  • Documentation of activities includes, in addition to standard points, such as the choice and registration of the organizational and legal form - the best option Individual entrepreneur on the simplified taxation system (6%), OKVED 92.53 "Activities of botanical gardens, zoos and reserves", concluding a lease agreement, also mandatory examination of all pets by a veterinarian, their vaccination followed by issuing passports for each inhabitant, as well as obtaining permission to maintain activities from the Veterinary Directorate.
  • V Lately there are many opponents of contact zoos due to the fact that they put profit first, and not its inhabitants. In such a business, priority should be given to not harming animals in the first place, for this it is necessary to hire staff-zoologists who will control the communication of children with pets. After all, children, not because of cruelty, but because of inexperience and ignorance, can easily harm the helpless inhabitants of such institutions.
  • An important point is the choice of the location for the organization of the contact zoo. It will be a mini-zoo in a shopping center with several pets or a large park of animals or birds in the open air.

In a shopping mall

We will consider this format using the example of a petting zoo with a funny name "Bugagashechka", opened by an animal lover - the owner of veterinary clinics, cat cafes and a cat museum Anna Kondratyeva in one of the shopping malls St. Petersburg.

Here kids and their parents can feed, pet the animals, listen to lectures on caring for pets, as well as take part in game and educational quests with 100% passability for kids with the participation of real insects. For older visitors, quests based on the book by Ray Bradberry are organized.

Theatrical decorators were hired to equip the space, who built special rabbit holes, an anthill, and even a "maternity hospital for butterflies" - a place where they hatch from a cocoon.

Capital investments in the opening of the establishment amounted to about 1.5 million rubles. And this is taking into account the fact that the animals were not purchased by Anna. All the inhabitants were donated by friends-zoologists, taken from junior circles, brought to the veterinary clinic for treatment and "forgotten" by the owners. Now in "Bugagashechka" there are inhabitants of 64 species, among them: guinea pigs, mice, chinchillas, insects, reptiles, rabbits, birds.

The third part of investments in the business fell on the purchase of equipment: spacious terrariums, fairy-tale houses, cages, aquariums. TO running costs, in addition to the purchase of animal feed, rental of premises, salaries for employees, veterinary services, vaccination of animals, and disinfection of premises are included.

It turned out to be not so easy to find a place for a zoo due to the specificity of the business: there must be windows for the animals to receive sunlight, a ventilation system. The presence of an elevator, ramps is critical, since the institution is visited by parents with strollers, as well as people with disabilities; a toilet with a washbasin is required, because sometimes visitors are delayed for several hours. Also, you need a small utility room for storing and preparing animal feed and a reception desk for selling tickets and receiving visitors.

The cost of the visit is 300 rubles. for adults and 250 rubles. for children, the cost of one quest is 3000 rubles. On weekends, an average of 4-6 quests are held. This additional service allows you to bring the business into a stable plus, because, as it is recognized, the hostess of the establishment, a surge in attendance, when it is possible to say that the business is profitable, happens during school holidays, the rest of the time you have to balance on the verge of zero.

On open air

In the Kolomensky district on the basis of the crumbling farms"Maksheevsky" in 2009 the contact zoo "Gorki" was opened. Currently, chickens, ducks, geese, squirrels, nutria, ostriches, llamas, deer, camels, horses, ponies and many other animals live in a huge open area in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat.

Coniferous trees serve as an excellent aid as an additive to animal feed and the construction of benches for them. But the owners of the zoo do not destroy the forest; in winter they organize volunteer actions to collect the trees left over from the New Year holidays.

The seasonality to which the business is exposed leads to a lack of funds for operating costs, the zoo management found a way out of this situation. In "Gorki" there is a program "Take custody of the animal." Firm, organization or individual can become patrons of art, providing financial aid a zoo or to take care of one or more animals.

At the same time, it is possible to place your sign near the cage with the animal, and all sponsors are provided with a free subscription to the zoo.

Price entrance ticket for adults it is 250 rubles, for children - 100 rubles. In addition to the standard services - observation and communication with animals, services such as pony, horse, camel riding, riding lessons are offered, for an additional fee, you can buy food and feed the pets. There is a shop and a riding school on the territory, which brings additional benefits to its visitors and profit to business owners.

Diana Yang, 2016-07-31

Questions and answers on the topic

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Initially, the idea of ​​a mini-zoo grew out of an environment of farmers who, in order to increase their income, began organizing viewing enclosures. They house a variety of domestic animals that are interesting for city dwellers: goats, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, turkeys, quails and others.

These enclosures are extremely attractive to children. In them, you can simply observe the four-legged and feathered inhabitants, it is even more interesting when the viewing is accompanied by an excursion. This additional income has become the main source of income for some farmers.

And thanks to the growing popularity of mini-zoos, they began to be organized within the city limits.

Contact mini-zoo

Mini-zoos have become even more popular, in which pets can not only be examined and observed their behavior, but also petted and fed.

As a rule, aviaries are populated by chickens, geese, ducks, pigeons, turkeys. Representatives of domestic birds such as quails and ostriches are not so uncommon. Of the animals, you can almost always see various breeds of piglets, goats and rabbits, which children really like.

If there is a budget, the project can be expanded and part of the enclosures can be devoted to wild representatives of the animal world: foxes, arctic foxes, ferrets, wolves, monkeys, parrots, peacocks, and even spiders, scorpions and Madagascar cockroaches. Indoors, you can place aquariums with fish and terrariums with amphibians, reptiles and insects. Exotic reptiles such as snakes and iguanas are always of great interest. They have an interesting appearance, are safe and can be fed.

Children are always the main visitors. When forming the species composition of the inhabitants, this must be taken into account. Knowing the peculiarities of a child's character, it is better to settle a few pets in the zoo that have interesting features than many similar species or breeds. Viewing similar animals will just tire the child and not give much interest.

When compiling a list of pets, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of their content. For example, feeding predators and large animals is expensive. Some species require specialized nutrition. In addition, predators are dangerous animals, they cannot be touched or fed on their own. Such a selection does not fit into the idea of ​​a petting zoo.

With a minimum budget, it is better to abandon such animals, focusing on representatives of the zoo world that are no less attractive to visitors, but more economical in keeping.

To have a large influx of visitors, the zoo should be located within the city. A great place is the city park. The occupied area will depend on the number of pets and their species composition. Larger animals will need more spacious cages and aviaries. Their size should be such that the animal feels comfortable, and visitors can be sure that the animals are healthy and happy here.

How to attract visitors?

The profit of the mini-zoo will be directly proportional to the number of visitors. To attract them, advertising on local TV channels, radio, and in print media will be effective. Centralized excursions can be organized for kindergartens and schools.

As you know, in the 90s, most entrepreneurs started a business out of despair: factories were closed, people lost jobs. "Out of nothing to eat" started his business and Vladimir Gerasichkin ...

At first, the entrepreneur mastered the field of trade, and then moved on to a more interesting and original business- a private zoo. Vladimir Gerasichkin was at that time a serviceman, and it was for this category of citizens in the nineties that the crisis hit most of all - the salary was not paid for months. To feed his family, Gerasichkin was engaged in a private cab at night. In 1995, wandering around the city at night, Vladimir thought: why not organize a business selling food for drivers like him. Having borrowed 1,000 rubles from friends, Gerasichkin refitted an old container that was on his summer cottage as a garden house, under a trade booth. Having bought the first batch of goods, Vladimir began trading. The business turned out to be profitable, and after 2 years, having accumulated a certain amount of money, Gerasichkin opened a small cafe. After another 2 years, the entrepreneur opened a second cafe in his city. Of course, at that time he did not even think about his own zoo.

Photo material site: www.86ugra.ru

Vladimir says that most businessmen carefully study the market before starting a new business. For Gerasichkin, the creation of a zoo was a dictate of the soul, not a business project. When a person goes through a certain segment of his life, he has new ideas. Vladimir at that time did not seek to develop his business in the field Catering to the all-Russian level. He had several cafes in the city and the money that the business brought, the Gerasichkin family was quite enough. Vladimir admitted that he does not strive for luxury. According to the entrepreneur, people who want to leave behind them are much more valuable to him. good memory, bring people at least a little joy, moral satisfaction. Vladimir asked himself what he can leave behind. A cafe is a business that feeds you and your family, and a zoo is an object that will delight everyone, especially children.

The idea of ​​opening your own zoo came up unexpectedly. Once, walking in the park next to his "Beach" cafe, Vladimir Gerasichkin found an owlet. The businessman took the owlet to a cafe, where a special aviary was equipped for him. After that, Gerasichkin firmly decided to open in Nizhny Novgorod the first private zoo in the country. Of course, he first of all wondered if he had enough opportunities to maintain such a project. Vladimir went to the capital, consulted with the head of the Moscow zoo, with the menagerie workers, and decided to try. At first, the businessman decided to rely on birds: their maintenance is simpler and cheaper than animals. However, ungulates and even predators gradually began to appear in the menagerie. Today the private zoo "Limpopo" has over 128 species of animals and birds.

In the first 12 months of the menagerie's work, Gerasichkin counted every penny. The zoo did not generate any income, existing as a social project... At first, Gerasichkin made the entrance to the menagerie free. Surprisingly, the residents of the city did not appreciate the businessman's noble intentions. People who come to the zoo for free believed that everything can be done here: breaking the branches of apple trees, feeding them to animals, picking flowers. Free admission turned into a uniform disgrace. Only after the businessman set the entrance fee to the menagerie and introduced tickets, people began to treat the property of the zoo as it should. The zoo has reached a fundamentally different level.

According to Vladimir Gerasichkin, the income received as admission fees does not cover the annual costs of the menagerie. The zoo is a seasonal business. In summer, much is spent on keeping animals and an aviary less money, there are a lot of visitors, in the fall the income goes to a big minus. Winter for a zoo is a dead time that you just have to worry about. It is especially bad when the winter is frosty. There were days when only one person went to work. The staff of the menagerie is large, everyone needs to be paid a salary. In a cold year, the businessman was glad that he managed to make ends meet and not get into debt.

Realizing that in order to increase the profitability of the establishment, it is necessary to take certain steps, Gerasichkin decided to create additional infrastructure in the menagerie. At the moment, the zoo has four cafes (one for children) and a playground with entertainment attractions. In the summer, the revenue increased significantly, and in the winter it was enough to cover the salaries of employees, electricity, food for animals and heating the enclosure and buildings.

At home - as in a fortress

The Nizhny Novgorod zoo "Limpopo", according to the idea of ​​Vladimir Gerasichkin, is a contact menagerie: non-predatory animals can be hand-fed and touched. According to the owner, this is the optimal format. Vladimir admits that the zoo has become an integral part of his life. He works at the zoo every day. Vladimir is a workaholic, he is not used to being distracted by rest. Gerasichkin has only about two days off per month. Work for Vladimir is better than many entertainment and travel. Gerasichkin still has enough energy for all projects. The best motivation the businessman names the results of his work. “I’ll build a new aviary - and now I have the strength and desire to start another project,” says Vladimir. - I am used to living according to a certain system: every day to go around the zoo, observe the animals, ask questions to the staff. If I break the system, I feel uncomfortable, as if I have lost something important. " Unlike many other entrepreneurs of his level, Gerasichkin is not afraid of dirty work. According to Vladimir, he is demanding of himself and of his subordinates. If he notices a flaw or miscalculation in the work, he will never pass by and tries to eliminate it himself, if it is in his power. Gerasichkin does not hesitate to bend over and pick up a candy wrapper or a wrapper from a chocolate bar at the zoo - after all, this is his home, where everything should be perfectly clean.

“I know that most businessmen will never take a shovel or a broom in their hands to clean up their territory,” says Vladimir. - For me it became self-evident. I work for myself, tidy up at home. "

Of course, the entrepreneur has a deputy and employees whom he can fully trust, however, Vladimir left many areas of work for himself. For example, he deals with the design, construction and placement of aviaries. Gerasichkin thinks over all the details and components of the future structure. However, there is also a business that a businessman never does - buying flowers. But then Vladimir himself breaks the flower beds and comes up with their design. The director does not trust anyone with tree pruning and crown formation, deciding on his own where there are extra trees and shrubs, and where they are not enough. Also, the entrepreneur himself is engaged in the selection of animal collections. Like any other leader, Gerasichkin is recruiting executive personnel, and his deputies in a number of areas are recruiting ordinary employees. The deputy for construction invites builders, the head of public catering - cooks and waiters, the head of security - guards, and the head of the zoo department hires livestock specialists at his discretion. Vladimir is sure that the whole project is based on the leader. For the institution to work like clockwork, you need to work without interruptions, every day. Then a unique business aura will be created, which will protect the project from any negative manifestations.

Based on materials: www.business-mag.nn.ru