Operating systems from sun microsystems. Sun Microsystems

Company rising sun
On Tuesday, the computer language Java, developed by Sun Microsystems, was officially distributed over the Internet. Company CEO Scott McNealy puts on his brainchild great expectations intending to use it to radically change the balance of power both in the hardware market and in the software market.

Sun King
Scott J. McNealy, # 1 manager in the company claiming the title computer firm# 1, was born in Columbus, Indiana in 1954. Scott's father, R. William McNealy, was vice chairman of American Motors Corp. As a teenager, Scott spent evenings with his father on AMC documents and played golf with auto industry luminaries such as Lee A. Iacocca. He says he saw competitors push AMC out of business because the company did not have significant market share and vowed that he would never let this happen to his own firm.
Scott had the makings of a leader at school - Cranbrook Kingswood School (located north of Detroit) - he became the captain of the school tennis team. At Harvard, he became interested in economics, thanks in large part to classmate William J. Radachel, who later became Sun's chief information officer and head of the corporate development program. McNealy was not an outstanding student. He was not accepted into business schools - both at Harvard and Stanford (the last - three times). Therefore, in 1976, he went to work as a foreman at the Rokwell International Corp. in Ashtabul, Ohio. The factory was engaged in a rushed production of a large number of car hoods on the eve of the strike. As a result of two months of work for 14 hours a shift, McNealy overextended himself, fell ill with hepatitis and was hospitalized for a month and a half. And then he entered Stanford on the fourth attempt.
His student habits and curriculum choices did not make McNealy "a model material for creating an executive director." First, he focused on manufacturing - in the days when finance was the way to the top. Moreover, according to friends at the institute, Scott preferred golf to attending lectures. McNealy himself explains that he did not attend classes that, in his opinion, did not contribute to getting a job in the future. With a Business School diploma, he held various positions with the tank manufacturer FMC Corp. and minicomputer manufacturing company Onyx Systems.
In those days, he seemed reluctant to follow in his father's footsteps, believing that it was his inherent workaholic habits that led to his parents' divorce. Scott dreamed of owning a small car shop that could be passed on to his heirs and retire early.
In 1982, an event occurred that changed the fate of McNealy. Stanford acquaintance Vinod Khosla suggested that McNealy and computer designer Bechtolsheim create Sun. Scott's manufacturing experience helped the fledgling company cope with rapidly growing demand, and as a result, the firm's sales grew from $ 9 million in 1983 to $ 39 million in 1984. McNealy says that he “fired up” production so that soon there were not enough orders for manufactured products. He tried to find intermediaries. But then new orders blocked the financial opportunities for expansion. McNealy began looking for someone to help, and found him in Eastman Kodak Co., which used Sun workstations in one of their projects.
McNealy's business ability made a strong impression on Philip Samper, then executive vice president of Kodak. In 1984, in exchange for an investment of $ 20 million, Kodak insisted that McNealy take over as president of his firm. (Samper later served as head of Sun's computer technology division.) Around the same time, Sun chief executive Khosla's dispute with the board of directors led to his resignation, and McNealy was named president - temporarily until the board found a more experienced manager. But luck smiled at Sun, and the directors stopped looking for replacements. McNealy was officially named CEO at the age of 30.

Sun Business Areas
Workstations ($ 2.7 billion in annual revenue). Sun has ceded leadership to Hewlett-Packard, but hopes to win back with new UltraSPARC machines. IBM, Silicon Graphics, Digital Equipment are also competitors in this sector.
Servers ($ 1.3 billion in annual revenue) In this area, Sun has achieved the greatest success in corporate computing and Internet-related business areas. Competitors are the same as in the workstation sector.
Computer services (annual income - $ 885 million). The demand for consulting on the Unix operating system and network computing is growing, but competition from firms such as EDS, IBM, Oracle is increasing.
Software ($ 395 million in annual revenue). The Unix operating system is the most popular in networked computing, but it is difficult to sell to those who use computer hardware manufactured by other companies. The main competitors in the sector are Microsoft and IBM.
SPARC technology ($ 99 million in annual revenue). Sun's SPARC chips are industry leaders, but their positions are potentially threatened by the cheaper Pentium Pro microprocessors. The main competitors in the sector are IBM and Digital Equipment.

He dreamed of breaking windows for a long time
During his decade as chief executive, McNealy's main goals were: first, to prove to the world that computers work better on a network than on their own; second, to shake the dominant position in the industry of Microsoft's duumvirate - Intel. The first idea was well understood by the techies and Wall Street brokers who became the users of Sun workstations in the mid-eighties. The general public preferred what was cheaper and simpler. Usually this was cheaper and simpler clone of the IBM PC. In the early nineties, sales and profits of Sun Microsystems began to decline, some analysts began to predict the sunset. But then the "Internet boom" began. The number of amateurs who wanted to connect to the world's largest computer network began to grow at a frantic pace. Apparently, it was on them (and on the more experienced, but thrifty users) that McNealy made a bet when he supported the Java project.
The essence of the project, which began to be developed at the end of 1990 by engineer Patrick Nouton, is as follows. The new language can be used to write small applets that can be easily sent over the Internet and used on any type of computer. Programs written in the Java language can be used on any type of computer and in any operating system. Thus, “platform wars” between computer manufacturers (PC versus Macintosh) and “operating system wars” between software manufacturers (Windows, UNIX, OS / 2 - every man for himself) are made potentially meaningless. Market dominant Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp. soon, you may have to give up their positions of the monopolists. As McNealy put it, there will be a "post-Wintel era" (short for Windows and Intel). Sun's goal is to make Java the de facto standard for new software development and use on the Internet.
But that's not all. Competing platforms and operating systems, according to McNealy's plan, should leave the scene altogether, clearing the way for new products - special terminals connected to the global network (from Sun, of course), the price of which will be significantly lower than the price of a PC, which will ensure their superiority in the market. The terminal will not have a floppy drive - since there is no need for it. All programs will be located on the Internet itself, and the user will be able to take from there at any time newest version... A huge array of terminals will be controlled by a central Sun supercomputer. Those who are unable to withstand competition with personal terminals will simply die out.
The plan is ambitious, you won’t say anything. The question is whether consumers will behave as Scott McNealy expects. In the meantime, the license for the new programming language was bought from Sun by 14 major companies in the computer business, including IBM, Toshiba, Netscape Communications, Oracle Systems and even Microsoft.

Are apples for sale?
"Dine or dine with you" is the motto of Scott McNealy. In the last days in the means mass media more and more people are talking about Sun wanting to dine at nothing less than the veteran computing company Apple Computer Inc.
A report from New York, appearing in the Wall Street Journal on Java's birthday, said Apple Computer and Sun Microsystems have resumed merger talks and the deal is inevitable. The first round of negotiations began in September last year, but was interrupted in early January. Reporters were unable to find out the details of the second round of discussions, except that it seems that the merger should be carried out through a swap operation and Apple is valued at $ 4 billion (approximately $ 33 per share). At the same time, it became known that Oracle Corp. also claims to Apple.
However, on the same Tuesday annual meeting Apple shareholders Executive Director company Michael Spindler proudly announced that his company was not for sale.
When asked about a newspaper article, both Spindler and Apple CEO Markkula respond with the traditional phrase "no comments".
Analysts point out that Spindler's statement can be interpreted in two ways: either the Apple-Sun negotiations have completely failed, or the company wants to raise the price. By the way, once a similar scenario has already been played out. In 1994, IBM made a bid to acquire Apple at $ 40 a share, but Spindler asked for $ 60 and the deal fell through.
What is happening is somewhat symbolic. Apple was once the # 1 company, but with the advent of cheaper clones of IBM, the mainstream consumer turned away from its products. Now Sun wants to overthrow the reign of PCs with an Intel microprocessor and Windows operating system, while joining forces with the former leader. History repeats itself.


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Sun Microsystems, a world renowned manufacturer of server solutions, software, networking and architect SPARC, was founded in 1982 with the aim of creating affordable workstations for working with CAD / CAM applications.

Currently, the company's clients in Russia are the largest banks, state structures, telecom operators and industrial enterprises.

Sun Microsystems offers a wide range of software and hardware products.

Hardware and software solutions from Sun Microsystems

Sun Microsystems' portfolio of software and hardware products allows you to create information systems of any scale and complexity: from user workstations to data centers, from operating systems and office suites to application servers.

Entry level servers... High performance, reliability, rack mounting, combined with a low price have made these servers immensely popular both in large data centers and in small companies and workgroups. The range of offered servers ranges from single to eight-processor servers running OS Solaris or Linux - now you have the opportunity to choose exactly what you need. The latest update to this family is the latest Sun Fire V20z server, a dual-socket server based on AMD Opteron processors: high performance, easy administration, new architecture - at a competitive price.

Additional information: http://ru.sun.com/products/servers/entry

Enterprise department and midframe servers... Representatives of this class have long and firmly won a leading position where reliable operation of business-critical applications is required - server consolidation, data warehouses, data mining, online transaction processing (OLTP) systems, significant databases, and production management systems. The latest update to this family is the Sun Fire E2900, E4900, and E6900, the first UltraSPARC IV servers to use multithreading on a chip technology. According to various studies, their performance is twice the performance of their predecessors - servers based on the UltraSPARC III processor.

Additional information: http://ru.sun.com/products/servers/midrange

Data Center Servers... Servers of this class provide the highest level of reliability and scalability and are designed to work in the field of network computing - for example, such applications critical for business as server consolidation, migration of applications from mainframes to open architecture systems, high-performance computing, decision support systems, systems data storage, system of structured storage of information.

This family is represented by servers based on UltraSPARC IV processors and UltraSPARC III - the customer can choose the one that best suits his business needs. The two latest servers based on the Sun Fire E25K and Sun Fire E20K UltraSPARC IV processors offer twice the performance of their UltraSPARC III predecessors.

More information: http://ru.sun.com/products/servers/highend

Data storage systems... Sun Microsystems designs and manufactures the StorEdge family of disk arrays and tape libraries for reliable storage and operational performance. StorEdge disk arrays enable you to build a wide range of storage solutions for data centers of all sizes. A wide range of tape libraries allows you to create archiving and backup systems.

Additional information: http://ru.sun.com/products/storage

Workstations and Thin Clients... The high-performance Sun Ultra workstations, built on SPARC processors, are ideal for software development, imaging, and engineering. Ultra-thin clients provide mobility, ease of use and storage security. In addition, they have a wide range of upgrades.

Additional information: http://ru.sun.com/products/workstations

Sun Java System... The Sun Java System Platform is a radical new approach to how enterprises acquire, develop, and manage software. Today, only Sun has the expertise and product line to offer such a unique and revolutionary strategy for the industry. With the Java System, network services and critical business applications are deployed and run faster, easier, and at a lower cost than ever before. Our customers can now devote more time to innovation and achieve better results in their work.

More information: http://ru.sun.com/products/products/javaenterprisesystem

Sun Microsystems Software... Sun Microsystems is committed to providing the most complete web service continuity solution at the lowest cost and complexity. Sun Microsystems software including Java technology, Solaris operating system, software Sun Java System middleware and N1 datacenter management solutions - leading the industry and delivering added value to users.

Sun Microsystems Is a global provider of networking solutions: servers, storage systems, software and services based in Santa Clara, California, Silicon Valley. It is currently in the process of being acquired by Oracle for $ 7.4 billion. The corporation was founded in 1982. Vinod Khosloy(Vinod Khosla) and Andreas Bechtolsheim(Andreas Bechtolsheim). Sun is an acronym for Stanford University Networks. Traditionally, it was one of the largest manufacturers of servers and workstations based on RISC processors and Unix-compatible systems.

Industries Sun operates in: Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment, Financial Services, government agencies, education and research, healthcare, internet services, manufacturing, transport, energy. The corporation operates in more than 100 countries around the world. The company's partners are Intel, AMD, Microsoft, Fujitsu, Oracle, SAP, Google.

Performance indicators

2008-2009 Sun Microsystems' net loss for the 2008-2009 fiscal year ended June 30 was $ 2.23 billion, against a profit of $ 403 million a year earlier. The company's revenue for the reporting period decreased by 17.5% to $ 11.45 billion.


  • turnover - $ 13.9 billion
  • operating profit - $ 372 million
  • net profit - $ 403 million (2008)

Merging with Oracle

Sun in Russia

In July 2010 it became known that the largest Russian distributors of Sun Microsystems may lose the status of its authorized partners. They are not able to fulfill the requirement of Oracle, which is buying this corporation, to undergo an anti-corruption audit. This is fraught with the deprivation of discounts on Sun products, up to 50% of the retail price.

Oracle and Sun Microsystems, which it is preparing to acquire, sent letters to five of the largest Russian partners - Kroku, Verysell, OCS Distribution, Technoserv and Jet Infosystems, instructing them to provide complete information on sales of Sun products. Representatives of two large Russian IT companies that received such letters told Vedomosti about this. Vedomosti also got acquainted with copies of these letters. It follows from them that the goal of Oracle and Sun is to audit all transactions for the sale of equipment and software made by Russian distributors. It is required to indicate their amounts, level of profitability, structure, buyers, etc. Sun justifies these requirements, in particular, by the norms of American antimonopoly legislation.

For failure to comply with the requirements, Oracle threatens to deprive Russian distributors of the status of authorized Sun partners. At the same time, they will lose special discounts on Sun products, Oracle said in a copy of the letter. 15-50% of the recommended retail price - this is the average size of discounts provided by Sun Microsystems to authorized partners, says a top manager of a major Russian IT distributor. And in some cases, discounts can reach 70%.

But in many cases these requirements are impracticable, say representatives of both Russian IT companies: with a number of clients (for example, government agencies), IT integrators and their clients enter into confidentiality agreements. And disclosing the data requested by Sun and Oracle is against the Trade Secrets Act, one adds. Technoserv would like to maintain partnership relations with Oracle and Sun, but it has no right to violate the terms of contracts concluded with customers, says its representative Andrei Konyaev. Representatives of Krok, Verysell and Jet Infosystems did not provide official comments, and it was not possible to contact OCS Distribution yesterday.

Marina Savinova, a representative of the Russian office of Oracle, is not aware of the problems of Russian partners. Oracle Vice President EMEA Marcel van de Morten (signed Oracle's letter) said he was not authorized to comment on the company's relationship with Russian partners. Yesterday it was not possible to get comments from the legal adviser of the Russian office, Alexander Filatov (signed Sun's letter).

Participants of the Russian IT market find it difficult to guess why Sun and Oracle decided to conduct a rigorous audit of the partner network right now. According to a representative of one of the IT companies, American corporations did it after a series of corruption scandals related to the supply of IT equipment to Russia. The most recent such scandal occurred in December last year, when German law enforcement agencies charged several former Hewlett-Packard managers with bribing Russian officials. Allegedly, these bribes allowed the company to win a tender to equip the Prosecutor General's Office with computer equipment. Oracle has always had customer information for its software products, since those buying software licenses must register as users, a representative of the Russian distributor explains. And tracking the path of Sun equipment is more difficult. As a result, the Russian distributors will be able to find a compromise with Sun and Oracle, he hopes, but does not undertake to suggest what the terms of such an agreement might be.


Company founders - Vinod Khosla and Andreas Bechtolsheim

  • Sun is a leader in x64 and UltraSPARC processor innovation, delivering high-performance, scalable systems that make the most of the physical space in the data center.
  • Sun provides many system design innovations, from processor, server, and operating system to data center management software and integrated middleware.
  • Sun provides more choices, from processor to operating system.
  • Sun integrates servers and services into one solution, and offers unique remote connectivity and network upgrades to save time and money.
  • Sun delivers continuous investment protection and interoperability with the Solaris 10 operating system. The multi-threading capabilities of Java software, operating system, and processors help you outperform the competition, deliver more high speed, productivity and cost savings.

Data storage systems

Sun Microsystems combines expertise in server and storage technology (StorageTek) with technologies and techniques to simplify customer data structures, protect customer data, manage identity, improve recovery and backup, and expand the use of that data.

  • Sun offers its customers additional features in the field of information storage and data archiving:
  • Benefit: An attractively priced data management solution delivers a competitive edge.
  • Access: the ability to obtain the necessary information at any time and in any form, regardless of its structure, format or placement.
  • Simplicity: An environment that is easy to manage.
  • Reliability: constant confidence in the integrity of data, that is, that it has not been altered, damaged or read in an unauthorized way - from the moment of creation to deletion.
  • Sun's advantage lies in its unique approaches to data and storage. Sun and StorageTek provide a single, most complete offer of enterprise storage, data management systems and services, including heterogeneous disk, tape, software and IT infrastructure optimization services.
  • Sun disk storage systems outperform competing models (in the SPC-1 benchmark, Sun StorageTek 6920 outperforms HP by more than 140% and IBM over 70%) and is backward compatible with our NAS. unlike NetApp products. Sun Microsystems has unique expertise in identifying and implementing ILM solutions systems approaches To information security... In contrast, our competitors are focusing on point products (EMC and NetApp) and high-value custom systems (IBM Corporation).
  • Sun is committed to providing innovative, world-class services such as:
  • Sun simplifies management with a single, web-based platform.
  • Sun offers more secure approaches to encrypting data "in-host" (at the host), "in-band" (over the network) and "in-device" (at the device).
  • Sun is delivering the best policy-based software for migrating and archiving data across a full range of content and archive management solutions, thus offering the industry's only truly end-to-end identity solution for content delivery, monitoring, compilation. reports, data transfer and archiving.
  • The StorageTek 5320 NAS from Sun Microsystems uses Sun x64 systems to achieve record low total cost of ownership (TCO) and excellent price / performance ratio.
  • Sun offers Sun Managed Operations for Storage and Sun Host-based Data Migration Service.


Sun offers an open, fully integrated software platform on a non-profit basis or at predictable prices. Companies using the Sun platform as the core of their infrastructure can benefit from Sun's comprehensive service support.

  • The industry-leading Solaris 10 operating system can serve as the backbone of a customer's IT infrastructure.
  • Wide choice: Hundreds of x64 and UltraSPARC-based systems support this OS; 6 million registered users.
  • Many innovations: Solaris ZFS file system, DTrace dynamic tracing, Solaris containers, HPC, secure execution, proactive self-diagnostics combined with enterprise-grade quality.
  • Open Source Software, Non-Commercial: The OpenSolaris.org community is taking an innovative approach to the Solaris OS.
  • Sun released the Java platform under the GPL (November 2006).
  • The Java Enterprise System is an open, freely available, fully integrated software platform at predictable low cost, with global support for customers using it as the core of their infrastructure.
  • The Java System Identity Manager is the only complete user experience and metadirectory support solution on the market that simultaneously delivers increased security across the enterprise and dramatically improved ROI.
  • The Java Composite Application Platform Suite contains everything a customer needs to develop and deploy a service-oriented architecture that enables application reuse, provision of new services, and rapid integration of legacy and packaged applications.
  • Customers can pilot their core applications using Sun software for free, reducing costs and risks. When you deploy these applications, the benefits increase as Sun provides all the support, warranties, and reimbursements you need by subscription.
  • For sysadmins and IT leaders looking to accelerate implementation and leverage the experience gained from pilot projects, Sun software is the easiest way to prepare, approve, pilot, and deploy applications.
  • Sun pre-installs and tests its software on a variety of platforms; applications similar to those optimized for the Solaris OS can be implemented for other operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and HP-UX.
  • Sun provides its developer communities with a wide range of fully integrated, state-of-the-art tools that can be downloaded for free:
  • NetBeans Software: A full-featured tool for developing multi-platform Java applications.
  • Sun Java Studio Creator Integrated Development Environment: A visual programming tool for Web applications.
  • Sun Java Studio Enterprise Software: A complete solution for developing, testing, and deploying applications.
  • Sun Java Studio Mobility Pack: An emulation and development toolkit to help you create applications for mobile devices.
  • Sun Studio software: Full native application support + C / C ++ / Fortran compilers for UltraSPARC and x86 processors.


Sun helps automate and simplify IT services, thereby reducing the cost of providing them. Sun Microsystems works with its customers to help them grow their businesses with technology rather than more workforce, so customers can focus on business success without being distracted by IT issues and keep IT costs in check.

  • Sun offers an innovative service approach that is continuously available on a subscription basis to help customers, partners, and developers interact remotely with Sun Microsystems and access the latest information and updated applications.
  • Sun is simplifying its portfolio of offerings and integrating Sun computing, storage and software services to deliver competitively low prices.
  • SunSpectrum Support is Sun's most important customer service.
  • Sun Professional Services is a suite of proven, highly reliable Sun professional services that accelerate solution selection and deployment.
  • Sun Managed Services - These services allow you to create a variety of flexible heterogeneous IT infrastructures and provide management tools.
  • Learning Services are training and certification services useful at all stages life cycle IT project.
  • Sun Grid (network.com) enables high-performance computing on cpu / hour or GB / month rates.
  • Sun Microsystems' success is built on customer satisfaction and loyalty. That is why we constantly analyze customer opinions and strive to improve the work of our service support.

Facts and figures


  • The Sun Fire X4200 and Sun Fire X4600 servers have won the Technology of the Year Awards from InfoWorld. The Sun Fire X4200 server won the Best Server nomination, and the Sun Fire X4600 won the Best High Performance Server nomination (InfoWorld, 01/01/2007).
  • Sun Fire V490, V890, E2900, E4900, E6900, E20K, and E25K servers and 1.8 GHz UltraSPARC IV + processors:
  • World record for performance and industry-leading investment protection for midrange and data center servers.
  • Accelerate applications more than 8x faster than previous generation UltraSPARC II servers.
  • Double the amount of RAM for the US IV + 1.5GHz processor and up to 33% more I / O throughput.
  • Ideal for enterprise applications, consolidation projects, and mainframe porting.
  • Sun Fire X2100 M2 and Sun Fire X2200 M2 servers with next generation AMD Opteron processors (1.8-2.6 GHz); the best performance and power savings among x64 servers for Solaris, Linux, and Windows applications. Both servers are ideal for large-scale HPC and Web infrastructure deployments.
  • The Sun Fire X4500 is the world's first hybrid data server with four processor cores, combining the industry's highest throughput and a 24TB storage device at nearly 5x the density of traditional solutions, and about half the price (starting at just $ 2 / GB).
  • The new Sun Fire X4600 server is the world's first x64 server with 16 processor cores in a 4 RU chassis, delivering more than double the performance of Intel Xeon MP-based systems.
  • The Sun Fire T1000 Server, with 10 world performance records, outperforms all 1 RU systems. The Sun Fire T2000 server delivers 5X the performance improvement, takes up 4X the space, and uses 5X the power of competing 4-processor systems.
  • Sun x64 servers and UltraSPARC processor-based systems have set over 175 world records for 25 workloads and outperform competitors in performance and price / performance ratio.

Storage systems

  • Sun StorageTek 6140 storage system won China InfoWorld's 2006 Editors' Choice Award. China InfoWorld, 18.12.2006.
  • Sun Microsystems tops the list for technical support for enterprise tape libraries. Storage Magazine, Quality Awards II: Leading Libraries, 01/15/2007.
  • Sun StorageTek FlexLine 6000 Series systems were ranked # 1 in the Diogenes Labs Storage Magazine Quality Award for supplier competency and overall # 2 for original product quality, reliability, functionality and technical support, beating HP, IBM, Dell and EMC in the "Mid-Range Information Arrays" category. Storage Magazine, “Quality Awards II: EqualLogic Named Top Midrange Array,” 12/14/2006.
  • 2006 ILM Provider of the Year Award (at The Storries Annual Awards held in the UK).
  • Sun StorageTek Business Analytics storage system won the Byte and Switch Big Bytes award for Best Storage Management Software. 13.09.2006.


  • Solaris Cluster software is the world's only integrated cluster solution. It supports all major open source applications from other vendors and provides 24/7 access to all services running on SPARC and x86 / x64 systems. CXOtoday, 10.01.2007.
  • NetBeans 5.5 won the InfoWorld Technology of the Year Award for Best Innovative Java IDE. InfoWorld, 01.01.2007.
  • Solaris OS: 125 world records, 5,000+ applications, 800+ platforms supported, 6.8 million registered users - more than all competitors shipped together in the last 24 months.
  • Sun Microsystems is the largest contributor to open source software development - three times more than IBM and five times more than Red Hat, according to Economic Impact of Open Source Software on Innovation and the Competitiveness of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Sector in the EU ”(Economic Impact of Open Source Software on Innovation and Competitiveness of European ICT Companies). UNU-MERIT, 20.11.2006.
  • Sun Microsystems ranked # 1 on Forrester Wave: Integration-Centric Business Process Management Suites for Q4 2006 through its acquisition of SeeBeyond Technologies. Forrester Research, 20.12.2006.
  • In a recent Gartner report, the User Provisioning Magic Quadrant, Sun Microsystems is categorized as a Leaders quadrant; the E-APS Magic Quadrant 2005 (Enterprise Launch Platforms) for the Visionary Quadrant; in the report "Integration Software Gartner Magic Quadrant 2005" (Integration software for backbone systems) - to the Leaders quadrant; in the Web Services Platforms Gartner Magic Quadrant 2005 for the Visionary Quadrant.
  • 2006 CRN Channel Champions: Best Networked Operating System (Solaris OS) award.