Unified portal of public services. public services

Single portal public services.
State services. Ways to get them.
In everyday life, every adult person, one way or another, is confronted with the need to receive different kind public services, for example: obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, obtaining a foreign passport, obtaining a pension, registering a car, registering at a place of residence. There are three ways to get public services:

  • in the relevant authorities state power and local self-government (for example, a ¨C passport at the Federal Migration Service; submit an income declaration - at the Federal Inspectorate tax service; register the car ¨C with the traffic police);

  • in a multifunctional center (MFC);

  • in in electronic format on a single portal of state and municipal services, or on some other websites of government departments.
Let's take a closer look at what an MFC is. Multifunctional Center¨C is an organization created for the purpose of obtaining public services on a one-stop basis. The MFC accommodates municipal, regional and federal organizations. The first MFCs appeared in Russia relatively recently ¨C in 2007, but many Russians have already appreciated their advantages. If, for example, you need to receive several certificates and documents from various authorities, then you can come to the MFC and complete everything you need at the same time in one window. In Moscow, there are currently 15 operating MFCs, in the Moscow region, an MFC has opened in Balashikha and Klin, and it is expected to open in the city of Khimki. Year by year the number of multifunctional centers will grow.

You can find out where the nearest MFC is located on the Internet at: mfc.rf

And now let's take a closer look at the possibility of receiving public services in electronic form.
Public services in electronic form. SNILS. Registration on the website of public services.
Until recently, it took our parents a lot of time to receive any public service, they had to take time off from work, stand in lines, fill out a lot of forms. It took them a lot of time and energy. Now we live in a wonderful time ¨C the era of modern Internet technologies that allow you to send a request to almost any organization and receive a response from it via the Internet. And free time to spend on more pleasant things ¨C for example, go to the movies with the whole family. In other words, to obtain, for example, a certificate of the amount of pension savings, it is enough just to send an electronic request through the public services website. This type of presentation of public services is called ¨C E-government.

At present, almost all state organizations have their own pages on the Internet, which contain information about the public services they provide. However, recently on the Internet at: http://www.gosuslugi.ru . This site can be called a virtual MFC. In the near future, with its help, it will be possible to issue almost any public service via the Internet, as well as obtain information about the addresses and telephone numbers of departments, about what documents are needed to process the service and how to obtain it.

In order to be able to use public services through the site, you must register on it. Already today each of you can do it. To register on the public services portal, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account) ¨C a green plastic card, which each of you should have. If you do not have SNILS ¨C, ask your parents to apply for it at the nearest department of the Pension Fund. This document is issued to a person from the moment of birth. The SNILS number will become your login on the website http://www.gosuslugi.ru, and in the future, the personal number of your universal electronic card (UEC), which from January 1, 2013 will be issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14. UEC will replace many documents (pension certificate, student card, medical insurance policy and many others), and will also become your personal payment bank card.

So, in order to register on the site http://www.gosuslugi.ru, you need SNILS and a password that you must come up with yourself. After that you will be mailed by registered mail an email with an activation code will be sent. The activation code can be obtained at the Russian Post office by presenting a passport, as well as at Rostelecom offices. This procedure is necessary to protect your personal data, so that no unauthorized person can use your personal information. After entering the activation code on the site http://www.gosuslugi.ru, you get the opportunity to use public services in electronic form. In the future, if you need to receive a public service, you simply enter your login (SNILS number) and password on the authorization page.

Public services can be both paid (with payment of state duty) and free.

And now let's look at what public services are already available on a single state portal for adult and minor citizens of Russia. Do you know at what age a citizen Russian Federation considered an adult? (addresses students) The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes that a citizen of the Russian Federation can independently exercise his rights and obligations in full from the age of 18. However, even before the age of majority, starting at the age of 14, you have the right to use public services to a limited extent. Let's list these services:

Informing about the addresses and telephone numbers of state organizations;

Get enrollment information educational institution(school, college, etc.);

Obtaining information about the current progress of the student, maintaining electronic diary and gradebook;

Passport replacement (in case of loss/theft, damage);

Providing information from the registry and numbering plan (find out which telecom operator owns a phone number).

The list of public services provided to adult citizens on the portal http://www.gosuslugi.ru is much wider:

This includes obtaining a passport, registering at the place of residence, registering a car, filing a tax return, information on pension savings; filing applications for registration of acts of civil status (ZAGS) and many other services.
Obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation. The concept of civil society, social responsibility. The path to adulthood.
We have reviewed the main types of public services in electronic form, which today can be obtained on the portal http://www.gosuslugi.ru.

This site is growing every day. new information and soon more and more public services will be available to citizens of the Russian Federation.

The task of our government is ¨C to tell as many citizens as possible about the possibility of receiving public services via the Internet, and yours, as students and citizens of Russia living in the 21st century, ¨C to tell your parents about the portal of public services, its capabilities, help them register on the site. You now also know what an MFC is. Soon such multifunctional centers will come to every city of our country. You have learned a lot of interesting things about the structure of our authorities, about your rights, about the fact that the rights of every citizen of Russia, even the smallest one, are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

However, do not forget that in addition to rights, in the face of the state, all of you also have duties. The most important of them is the observance of the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. The constitution also obliges us to protect nature and environment, take care of natural resources (art. 58), protect historical and cultural monuments. The Constitution establishes the obligation of parents to take care of children, their upbringing (part 2 of article 38), and their receipt of basic general education(Part 4, Article 43) and the duty of able-bodied adult children to take care of disabled parents (Part 3, Article 38). And, perhaps, the main thing that you should always remember is that the exercise of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen should not violate the rights and freedoms of other persons (part 3 of article 17) ..

Some children do not see the line between rights and responsibilities. Can rights be separated from duties? Rights and obligations are closely related. Break the law ¨C break the order. Break the order ¨C break the duty.

Let's try to do the following correctly:
Divide into two columns the rights and obligations of any student.

  1. Free education (law);

  2. Respect for the opinions of all students and teachers (duty);

  3. Convenient workplace(right);

  4. Attending school at designated times (obligation);

  5. Active acquisition of knowledge (law);

  6. Protection of personal property (right);

  7. Exemplary behavior in lessons and breaks (duty);

  8. Compliance with safety and regulations traffic(duty);

  9. Respect for school property (duty);

  10. Cooperation with teachers (law).

Only knowing your duties, only being a decent person can you become a full member of society. You are responsible for your behavior and actions. You are the future of our country, its face. What will be that person ¨C is entirely up to you. You are entrusted to implement best ideas in life, to build a democratic state. Learn, strive for knowledge, keep up with the times, hurry to master new technologies. Let today's lesson be your first step into adulthood.

A public service is a service financed from the relevant budget, legally established, related to the powers of the competent government agencies executive power, mandatory for them law enforcement activities aimed at realizing the rights or legitimate interests of the individual or legal entity that initiated it, as well as ensuring the fulfillment of his duties.

There are three main ways to receive state and municipal services:

Personal appeal to the relevant department (authority);

In electronic form on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (EPGU);

Through Multifunctional City Centers (MFCs).

In the first case, a citizen personally applies to the relevant department or authority to receive a certain public service. You need to contact the nearest department (for example, branch pension fund Russia) or call the counseling center, make an appointment and get the necessary information or service directly at the reception. It should be noted that information is provided only on the day of the application.

Today, most of the population prefers to receive services in the usual format: visiting institutions in person, collecting a lot of documents on paper. Thus, considerable time is spent filling out documents, visiting various departments. Receiving public services in electronic form removes all these problems. For these purposes, a single portal of state and municipal services has been created, the main objectives of which are to reduce administrative barriers, simplify the procedure for providing services and reduce the time for their provision, and introduce uniform standards for servicing citizens living in different territories.

In order to take advantage of the opportunity to receive state and municipal services in electronic form, you must register on the portal.

All information that is filled in the personal personal account, are securely protected and are used only for the provision of public services. At the same time, data is provided exclusively to departments providing public services, and exactly to the extent that is necessary in accordance with the administrative regulations for the provision of services.

There are certain advantages of receiving state and municipal services in electronic form, through the Unified portal of public services:

Simplification of obtaining state and municipal services and other useful information;

Reducing the time from filing an application to issuing a completed document;

Reducing the number of submitted documents;

Informing the citizen at each stage of work on his application;

An application for the provision of state and municipal services can be submitted practically without leaving your home or without leaving your workplace.

The idea of ​​a “single window”, where any citizen of Russia can apply to solve any of their problems related to the activities of state administrative structures or municipal institutions, has long been discussed at various levels authorities. But only in 2014-2015, MFCs appeared in some regions of the country - multifunctional centers, whose duty is to provide many public services.

Where an MFC appears, people no longer need to knock on the thresholds of a dozen offices - it is enough to contact an employee of the multifunctional center, explain their problem and give him the documents necessary to solve it. The employee himself will collect all the required certificates and signatures, and the applicant will only have to receive desired document in the same window a few days later.

Tellingly, multifunctional centers provide their services free of charge. Citizens who apply to them only need to pay the required state duties and fees set by law for the execution of a particular document. In addition, the notary service of issuing a power of attorney to conduct the affairs of a citizen, issued to an employee of the MFC, is subject to payment.

The activities of multifunctional centers are based on automated system obtaining information that provides access to information systems various departments to quickly obtain the required information. This greatly facilitates the work of the MFC staff and allows them to cope with a variety of requests from citizens.

Many regional centers accept applications for the provision of services not only in offices and branches, but also via the Internet via email and own Internet portals.

The sites of regional MFCs allow you to get acquainted with the list of the center's capabilities, work schedule and other details, as well as make an appointment at a convenient time for the visitor.

2. Multifunctional center: essence and functional purpose

The absence of queues, the speed of service, the possibility of receiving services in electronic form are tasks that will make it possible for applicants to communicate with state or municipal authorities as comfortable as possible.

Improving the quality of public services is one of the main directions in the work of the Cadastral Chamber in Moscow.

The quality of the provision of public services in the field of cadastral registration and registration of rights by specialists of the Cadastral Chamber can be assessed by residents of Moscow on the Vash Control website (vashkontrol.ru).

Ministry economic development The Russian Federation has created a feedback tool to make the process of obtaining public services more convenient. The Vash Control website enables any applicant who has received a public service to influence the quality of services provided, evaluating them in a specific place, for a specific service.

Thus, applicants who have visited the offices of the Cadastral Chamber or the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services (MFC), using the Vash Control website, can evaluate the speed of work, the professionalism and courtesy of employees, the waiting time in line, the level of comfort in the premises and the convenience of the procedure for obtaining services in general.

An assessment can be made not only after receiving documents at the offices of the Cadastral Chamber or the MFC, prepared on the basis of the results of the service, but also after receiving the service through the electronic services of Rosreestr, visiting consultations or a personal reception, which is conducted by the leadership of the Cadastral Chamber.

In addition, on the site "Your control" you can leave detailed review about receiving the service; talk about the difficulties that you had to face, or, on the contrary, leave gratitude.

To assess the quality of the services provided, the applicant must:

1. Register on the website www.vashkontrol.ru (or log in using an account on the website www.gosuslugi.ru or one of the social networks);

2. Select in the list of organizations "branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in Moscow";

3. Select the service you want to leave a review about.

4. Evaluate the quality of the public service by answering the questionnaire, or look at the ratings that were given by other consumers of services.

According to the portal "Your Control", 96% of the respondents positively assessed the work of the Cadastral Chamber in Moscow. To date, more than 11 thousand assessments have been made, the average score for assessing the provision of public services was 4.9.

In addition, Muscovites can evaluate the quality of public services through a free SMS message. To do this, when contacting the MFC, you need to leave your phone number, after which an SMS message will be sent to it. The applicant can evaluate the received public service on a five-point scale.

Director of the Cadastral Chamber for Moscow Elena Spiridonova noted: “The work to improve the quality of public services has been and remains a priority task for the Cadastral Chamber for Moscow. The service for assessing the quality of public services "Your Control" allows you to identify "problem areas" and quickly take the necessary measures to eliminate them. We look forward to and appreciate feedback from applicants who have used our services.

State (municipal) service (work) - a service (work) provided (performed) by public authorities (local governments), state (municipal) institutions and in cases established by law Russian Federation, other legal entities. In connection with the use of similar terms and concepts in the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of services provided in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. July 2010 No. 210-FZ), and services provided in the context of Federal Law No. 83-FZ of May 8, 2010.
Federal Law No. 210-FZ of July 27, 2010 regulates the provision of state (municipal) services by authorities in the course of exercising their functions in the exercise of powers assigned to them or transferred from another level (for example, issuing a building permit, providing an extract from the register real estate).

The consumers of these services are only individuals or legal entities (with the exception of state bodies and their territorial bodies, bodies of state off-budget funds and their territorial bodies, local self-government bodies).
These services are provided at the request of the specified persons (applicants) in accordance with the administrative regulations.
In addition, Federal Law No. 210-FZ of July 27, 2010 regulates legal relations in the provision of services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of state (municipal) services in the context of this law (for example, issuing a health certificate, which is necessary to obtain public service "issuance of a driver's license"). Such services may be provided to the applicant, including paid basis in accordance with the requirements of Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ.
The provisions of Federal Law No. 83-FZ of 08.05.2010, to which this section of the official website of the Ministry of Finance of Russia is devoted, apply to services that are provided not by government bodies, but by institutions subordinate to them within the framework of tasks defined for these institutions (for example, the implementation of educational programs, the provision of primary medical care storage of archival documents). Consumers of such services are individuals or legal entities, as well as authorities.

The following conditional division of public services and public works has been adopted:
A service is the result of an institution's activities in the interests of a certain individual (legal) person - the recipient of the service (for example, the implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education, primary health care, library services for library users).
Work is the result of the activity of an institution in the interests of an indefinite number of persons or society as a whole (for example, the creation of a theatrical production, the organization of exhibitions and competitions, the improvement of the territory).
A “service” is characterized by a certain number of consumers and the homogeneity of the service provided to them, as a result, the volume of service provision can be measured, and the cost standard can be calculated per unit of service provision. For “work”, it is difficult to estimate the exact number of consumers, and the works themselves differ significantly in nature, as a result, normalization of costs per unit of work is usually not possible.

Departmental lists of services (works) rendered (performed) by state institutions subordinate to the federal executive authorities, in the main field of activity.

The state task for a federal state institution is formed on the basis of a departmental list of services (works) provided (performed) by state institutions subordinate to the federal executive body (hereinafter referred to as the departmental list).
That is, the state task (and, as a result, the subsidy for financial support its implementation) applies only to those services (works) that are included in the departmental list.
Paragraph 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2010 No. 671 provides that the federal executive authorities performing the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the established field of activity, has the right to approve the basic (industry) lists of public services (works) provided (performed) federal agencies in the established field of activity (hereinafter referred to as the basic lists). At the same time, it was determined that the indicators of departmental lists can be supplemented and detailed, but should not contradict the indicators of the basic lists.

Therefore, the functions of the basic and departmental lists are different:
Base lists should ensure the uniformity of the presentation of similar services in all departmental lists.
Departmental lists are formed by the federal executive body that performs the functions and powers of the founder on the basis of the basic ones (if any are approved in the relevant field of activity) and determine the services (works) performed by state institutions subordinate to them.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 671 dated September 2, 2010, the federal executive authorities formed and approved Departmental Lists and posted them on the Internet.
You can familiarize yourself with and with posted on the Internet on official sites federal bodies executive power, exercising the functions and powers of the founders of federal state institutions.
The decision on the formation of lists of state (municipal) services (works) provided (performed) by state (municipal) institutions of the subject of the Russian Federation ( municipality) are accepted by the subject of the Russian Federation itself (municipal formation).
In order to implement the provisions of Federal Law No. 83-FZ dated May 8, 2010, the Ministry of Finance of Russia recommends that the highest executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation choose one of the two approaches recommended below:
1) formation of a two-level structure of the list of services, consisting of industry list services and departmental list of services. Such an approach can be applied if a regional program of socio-economic development has been developed in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and there is a certain position of sectoral executive authorities on the implementation of regional policy in the areas of activity;
2) formation of a single list of services, in this case, the list of services is formed by the founder for the purpose of subsequent formation of tasks for subordinate institutions. The list of services is approved legal act founder.

Possibility of implementation of paid state (municipal) services.

In accordance with the provisions of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, an institution has the right to provide services on a paid basis only in excess of the assignment. The institution does not have the right to refuse to perform this state (municipal) task in favor of providing services on a paid basis (Article 69.2 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation as amended by the Federal Law). In excess of the established task, the institution has the right to provide services related to its main activity, for a fee to individuals and legal entities under the same conditions for the provision of the same services. At the same time, for budget institutions the founder establishes the procedure for determining the specified fee, unless otherwise provided by federal law, and for autonomous institutions no provision is made for establishing federal laws the manner in which such services are provided.