your past accomplishments. How to describe professional achievements

In recent years, the standards for compiling a resume have changed: if earlier it was a description of the duties and responsibilities of a person in a particular position, now the emphasis is on what success and results the person holding this position has achieved. Employers choose candidates based on the characteristics that make the candidate stand out from others and the benefits that they can bring to the new employer or company. In other words, successes and achievements results oriented your performance and indicate that the candidate is able to evaluate his contribution as a whole.

Completing this document is intended to help you (and by extension, us) highlight and highlight your specific successes and accomplishments in every position you have ever held.

In other words, Successes and Achievements define the distance between a goal or task (that is, what you have to do) and the end result (what you have done). A person can complete a task, over-complete a task, or come close to solving a task.

Anatomy of Success/Achievement

  1. Definition/description of the task/goal/your responsibilities.
  2. Describe the result obtained by solving the problem:
    1. a) Did you complete the task? How exactly: (by time, budget, etc.)
    2. b) Did you complete the task? How exactly: (by time, budget, etc.)

If possible, try to give specific facts that confirm your successes and achievements, for example:

“Nikolai Ivanov installed and adapted software... in ... by 80 personal computers. According to the first budget estimates, this resulted in savings of nine man-months and 80,000 hryvnias.”

Below are examples of resumes that properly describe the successes and achievements of candidates.


Part 1(Describe the task/goal/your responsibilities)

“During the development of the system ... I was given the responsibility to ensure the functioning of the three main modules by a strictly defined deadline - January 2010, that is, three months in advance.”

Part 2(Describe the result)

“I was the manager of this project and my team of 6 completed the task on time. The modules have been working flawlessly since day one. We didn’t have to make major changes, and users sent a letter of thanks to our company for a job well done.”


“I removed our company's product, completely redesigned it, and then reinstalled it on the user. This has fundamentally changed the customer's attitude towards the product, and now he recommends our product to other customers.”

“I analyzed the problems that customers had and required technical support our company. I have identified the root causes of these problems and created working groups to address these causes. This made it possible to increase the productivity of the staff by 100%, since each employee now served not 15 points, as before, but 30″.

“I have ensured the growth in the number of users: when I started work, there were 30 of them, now their number has grown to 700, and the growth continues.”

The above are examples of Successes and Achievements taken from the candidate resumes we have. When describing your Successes and achievements, think about how your actions influenced the completion of the task, and what results were obtained, always keeping in mind the benefit / benefit that the employer wants to receive from you.

List the results of your work that you yourself consider your highest achievements:

  • Carried out the implementation of systems, meeting the deadline and budget.
  • Carried out analytical work and designed a device that is used in a system that is now in production, meeting the deadline and budget.
  • With a limited time and budget, I wrote all the software specifications for the inventory control system.


Instructions for filling out the form:

1. Based on your resume, think about what you consider a success or accomplishment in each position you hold.

2. Write a description of your Successes and achievements, looking for inspiration in 2 pages. titled “Professional Characteristics of a Specialist in information technology” and “Keywords”.

Begin each phrase with the words “improved”, “modified”, “designed”, “reduced”, “eliminated”, etc.

Describe the results of your activities like this. so that it is completely clear in which position you have achieved certain results.

3. After completing the form, please return it to the reception. The consultant will be informed that you are ready for the interview.

4. Your successes and achievements will be included in your resume and will be used to find the application of your knowledge and skills with potential employers.



The following are the key areas in which employers evaluate information technology professionals:

  • Timing.
  • Budget execution.
  • Difficulties.
  • Inspection/Control Strategies.
  • Documentation skills.
  • Compliance with standards.
  • Analytical potential.
  • Knowledge of structural methodologies.
  • Understanding consumer needs.
  • Learnability.
  • Compliance with code conditions.
  • specific knowledge.
  • Implementation of systems in production.
  • Breakthroughs.
  • Training.
  • Solution of problems.


Below is a list of some words that will help you describe your successes and accomplishments in each position. Then your successes and achievements can be included in the resume.

Resume writers can be roughly divided into two categories: those who lie and don't blush, and those who don't lie and blush.

If you rely on statistics, then only 38 percent of applicants attribute non-existent merits to themselves. The remaining 62 percent either present their successes beautifully or are afraid to once again indicate professional achievements, examples of which we will consider today, so that you do not have a feeling of embarrassment or excitement.

Let's first look at what a resume is.


This document is intended to assist in the search for vacancies and employment. It indicates briefly biographical data, education and describes labor activity.

A resume is a true advertisement of oneself, it is read in 1-2 minutes. Since there may be more candidates for one vacancy than for a state-funded place at the institute, the HR specialist has to look through tons of similar information. In this case, the human factor is triggered, and bright information will catch the eye of even an experienced recruiter.

The main points of the summary

Last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address, marital status, phone number and e-mail are required.

The next step is to list all educational institutions in which you had to study, special attention is paid to higher educational institutions.

You can supplement the previous paragraph with completed courses, trainings or webinars. You need to indicate those that directly relate to the future position.

Work experience. If you started to lead labor activity at the age of 11, selling apricots in the market, this is commendable, but such a fact should not be entered in the resume. The most important are your last three jobs.

In additional information, you can tell about your useful skills: knowledge of computer programs, possession foreign languages etc.

In "personal qualities" applicants often write: sociability, purposefulness. That's great, but these qualities are so common on resumes that employers simply miss them and consider them a lack of creativity. Ability to learn quickly, prioritize work, introduce rationalization proposals. Such an employee is the dream of any leader.

Examples of professional achievements in a resume include official duties that were completed, brought to an end and provoked a positive shift in the organization or benefit someone. For example, your responsibilities include finding new candidates and conducting interviews, then indicate that over the past year the staff was replenished with 50 employees, 100 interviews were conducted.

What is considered a professional achievement?

The question is not easy, and the answer to it will be different for everyone. After all, one type of activity is given to someone with difficulty, and the second is easy. It is important not to confuse professional achievements with personal ones.

If you have worked in social service and you managed to save many families from such an unpleasant procedure as deprivation parental rights, it will be a professional achievement. It might not have been difficult for you, because you are an altruist by nature, but mastering the Excel computer program was a real test, but you did it. Feel the difference?

The second point has become your personal pride, but the employer will appreciate the first one.

Do not destroy, do not let go down and prevent - sometimes a greater achievement than to advance, increase and achieve.

What is not considered an achievement?

The following may sound very stupid phrases, but this also happens:

  • "managed to achieve personal success in professional activity";
  • "during my tenure as a secretary, the flow of clients has increased dramatically";
  • "it was possible not to reduce the turnover of the company";
  • "achieved communication skills in the course of work", etc.

First phrase. What is personal success? This is the result personal growth. A very commendable phenomenon, but no one will take your word for it. In this case, it equates to saying "I've gotten a lot better."

The second sentence is similar. It is unlikely that the flow of clients will depend on the secretary, unless of course you are Aphrodite. This phrase can be reformulated: "I am very beautiful and charming." This is great, but you need to shine with professional skills. But if you supplement it with the following words: "... the number of customers has doubled in a year," then it will have the right to life.

The third phrase can be an example of the main professional achievement in life if you are a crisis manager. If a person managed to turn a successful developing company into just a stable one, you should not talk about it.

The fourth case is your personal achievements. It is likely that this girl had communication problems. She managed to work on herself and achieve success, this is not worth shouting about. The employer may regard this achievement as closeness.

Why list your accomplishments?

  • Any company is interested in employees who will lead it to prosperity, and not just perform their duties at an average level, so your success in previous jobs will demonstrate your promise.
  • It's better not to specify a couple personal qualities in the resume, and confirm them with facts in "professional achievements". Purposefulness must be demonstrated in practice.
  • The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. "Bad soldiers" are unlikely to be of interest to a successful promising company.
  • You can not indicate your successes in the resume, only then do not be surprised if you are not even called for an interview.
  • You must describe yourself as the ideal "victim" of a headhunter, then you will be "pecked" good company with a high level of motivation.

Examples of professional achievements of an accountant

  • Reducing the staff of economists by half as a result of the introduction of automation of calculations.
  • 10 successfully passed tax audits.
  • Enterprise software update.
  • Successfully passed 5 checks on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund.
  • Possession of a vocational training diploma.
  • 12 audits passed for compliance with labor legislation.
  • Three articles were published in the newspaper "All about accounting".
  • 9 successful external audits.
  • There is a certificate professional accountant, certified by qualification " Chief Accountant".
  • She was the mentor of five student interns.

Professional achievements of the teacher

  • Honorary Diploma of the Department of Education for conscientious pedagogical work.
  • Gratitude of the Administration of the Ivanovsky district for the quality training of the winners and prize-winners of the regional conference of scientific research.
  • Letter of thanks from the Administration of Petrovsky municipality for the preparation of the winner of the regional local history conference "My land is beautiful."
  • 15 open lessons were held.
  • Participation in 5 regional and 7 regional conferences.
  • Organization of the circle "Skillful musician".
  • Organized 8 seminars for city teachers.
  • 5 webinars were held as an exchange of experience for geography teachers.

Doctor's professional achievements

. There were 250 successful operations.

It was possible to achieve the acquisition of new medical equipment: 3 fetal monitors and a doppler.

I have a certificate of training course in the program "Medical massage".

Successfully passed 10 inventories of medical property.

I completed a 6-hour first aid training course, I have a certificate.

Took part in the international scientific-practical conference.

I have a certificate of honor from the mayor of the city for organizing and providing highly qualified medical care population during an epidemic.

Professional achievements of the programmer

Managed to save 20% of the funds for the purchase new technology through software optimization.

Developed the organization's website.

Developed a program that facilitated the process of converting archival documents into digital format and saved 10% of the funds.

Reduced the number of crashes by 4 times by improving the functioning of the server.

Examples of other professional achievements

Prepared the necessary documentation for participation in the tender, which was won by our organization.

Conducted negotiations, as a result of which the number of new customers increased by 120%.

In 2014, according to a social survey, she was among the top ten bank tellers.

Awarded with an honorary diploma "The best seller of a chain of stores" in 2015.

Ranked in the top three International Competition in hairdressing.

What wording will not attract a recruiter?

We looked at examples of achievements in professional activities that can be indicated in a resume. Below are phrases that should not be written.

  • Improved the efficiency of the department.
  • At previous places of work, he performed his work qualitatively and on time.
  • After a year of work, he was one of the contenders for the position of head of the department.
  • For 3 years of service, I did not receive a single comment.
  • Managed personal conflicts with the boss.

Let's recap!

1. It is better not to indicate the fulfillment of one's direct duties in professional achievements.

2. Any positive indicators are better calculated. Achievements must be backed by numbers.

3. Do not list achievements that are in no way related to the duties of the desired position.

4. If your profession does not involve achievements that can be counted, keep silent about them. If you know how to express your thoughts beautifully, then go from the opposite: "During the work there were no emergency situations."

5. Do not confuse personal achievements with professional ones. If necessary, list them separately.

6. Avoid humor, sarcasm or irony. "I'm so cool" is not allowed in an official document.

7. Do not reveal the essence of your professional achievements against the backdrop of failures and failures of other employees. Don't compare yourself to your former colleagues.

The “Results and Achievements” section of the summary contributes more than any other sections to achieving main goal- receiving an invitation for an interview.

Your professional results and achievements are your advantages over other candidates.

Moreover, this information increases the level of confidence in you as a specialist and professional in your field, who can be entrusted with a responsible job! This is especially important if you are applying for leadership position.

Employers select those candidates who can demonstrate that they are capable of achieving results and making a valuable contribution to the development of the organization. They tend to deal only with bright professionals!

That is why it is so important to focus on describing the results and achievements in past jobs. Hard facts are not enough for employers today. Therefore, the section "Results and Achievements" should be in the resume of every specialist, and even those whose experience is quite small!

This is not about any outstanding results. Achievement refers to any positive results that have been achieved through the ability to achieve goals, initiative or other special skills and knowledge.

How to make a list of your professional achievements?

When compiling a list of their own professional achievements for the first time, candidates often find themselves in a dead end. At first glance, it may seem that there are none. However, professional career counselors explain: achievements can be found in the experience of almost any candidate.

To make it easier for you to list your own accomplishments, try to answer all of the questions below.

  • Are there any good reviews about my work?
  • What can I do better than anyone else?
  • In what situations do I take the initiative?
  • Have I received thank you notes or letters from clients or colleagues?
  • Was it so that I was entrusted with the execution of responsible assignments? How often was it? What were the results?
  • Do I have any awards, promotions, titles (for example, employee of the month)?
  • Have I been involved in any significant project (such as the launch of a new product)? What was my contribution?
  • Was it that a major project was completed by me on time and within budget?
  • Was it so that on my initiative business processes were changed with a subsequent increase in efficiency?
  • Has the company saved time or money because of me?
  • What are the 10 most important achievements in my life, and what skills have helped me achieve these results?
  • Do I have time to do all the tasks planned for the working day?
  • Can I often complete tasks in less time than planned?

As a result, you should have a fairly long list of your strengths, as well as the results that you have achieved thanks to your most developed competencies. Now select the results and achievements that best fit the profile of the job you are writing a resume for.

And if you still have not written answers to the proposed questions, then it is strongly recommended that you do not be too lazy to do it right now!

Firstly, you will prepare the information for the resume. Secondly, questions like: “What are your 5 strengths?”, “Why should we hire you?”, as well as "Tell me about your accomplishments" This is a classic interview.

In one form or another, these questions will be asked during the interview, and you will have to give a reasoned answer to them, unless, of course, you want to receive a job offer... Therefore, the answers to the above questions will be of invaluable help to you, just like when describing professional results in a resume as well as during interviews.

The secret formula "PROBLEM + ACTION = RESULT"!

After you have compiled a list of your accomplishments and strengths professional qualities, it is necessary to correctly describe them in the section "Achievements and results". This is where a very effective self-presentation technique called comes to the rescue.

When describing achievements, you need to briefly explain how it all started (problem or task), what actions you took to solve the problem, and what was the result. At the same time, it is important to make it clear to the employer what your role was in achieving the result.

Here are some examples of achievements that are described by the formula "Problem-Action-Result":

"Designed new program professional and career development of employees with the result of growth non-material motivation personnel and a decrease in staff turnover by 11%" (personnel Management)

"Handling over 85 technical support tickets daily, successfully resolving 95% of customer issues" (technical support specialist)

"Won two awards last year for excellent customer service" (service industry worker)

“Helped the loan manager make phone calls to potential clients. As a result, the volume of loans issued increased by 17%.» (assistant credit manager)

“Developed and implemented a new management system production process with an increase in production volumes by 20% and a reduction in costs by 8% (savings of more than 4 million rubles monthly)" (production technologist)

“Developed an effective methodology for finding and attracting new customers. trained sales representatives effective sales techniques. As a result, the volume of transactions increased by 16%, sales by 21%" (Head of Sales Department)

As you can see, in almost every example there is a result that can be objectively measured, quantified. When the results are described in this way, they are more credible to the recruiter than unsubstantiated claims.

Therefore, it is important to avoid a common mistake. One should not describe achievements simply by stating a fact, like this: “Increased such and such indicator of the company by 30%”. What is this fantastic figure 30% ? Where did she come from?

To make this wording arouse more interest and confidence in your candidacy, never forget about the formula "Problem-Action-Result". In the above example, the first two components of this formula are missing.

Consider the option with a production technologist. Here it is implied problem- the inefficiency of process. There is action- development of a new production management system. And there is result- an increase in volumes by 20%, as well as an 8% reduction in costs - saving money, and in fact - increasing profitability.

Results and achievements are described for each place of work separately - immediately after the description of duties.

Finally, I want to touch on another very important point for employment. This is the motivation of the candidate to perform this or that work. The section of professional achievements and results helps to competently demonstrate to the recruiter of the company your motivation, and most importantly interest in my profession. Such candidates always have much more advantages over all other applicants and receive interview invitations more often.

Should achievements that are not related to professional activities be indicated?

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Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Victory doesn't come easy! But how to get around rivals and get a position for which hundreds of worthy competitors are ready to fight? Here you need a serious argument - why you. Do not give up, even if the competence of your opponents exceeds your personal achievements.

The main weapon in this battle is . Design it in such a way as to cause an acute desire of the employer to meet with you. Especially important aspect- correctly indicate professional achievements in the resume, emphasizing your strengths and.

What achievements to write about

Let's start with the fact that you need to be able to separate your personal qualities from professional ones. Do not mix them under any circumstances. Understanding this issue is quite simple. List yours, which, as you think, are in demand in the desired field of activity. If in another area they are completely unnecessary - professional skills, otherwise - personal.

Often does not focus on personal achievements. Stop only at those that are adequate to the position and can contribute to the work.

Bring to the attention of the employer your professional achievements: significant results and knowledge related to work, emphasizing:

  • implemented projects,
  • improvement in financial performance,
  • goals achieved,
  • results that have surpassed your past victories or the achievements of colleagues.

How to deliciously present professional achievements

When writing a resume, literally everything matters. Even seemingly small things can affect the course of events.

The most common mistakes

You will be passed over and you will never get a job if your resume is:

  • vague. Avoid common phrases: provision, promotion, implementation. It seems that you wanted to do it, but did not have time due to dismissal. It raises doubts whether you understand, in general, what is at stake.
  • wordy. The statements will not give results: “helped to avoid mistakes”, “led the team”, “conducted training”, “quickly completed tasks”.
  • negative. Bypass negative information: “analyzed complaints about:”, “controlled the decrease in the percentage of sales”, “moved from position:”.
  • Contain passive forms. The wording "responsible for the implementation", "found application" is rephrased to - "implemented", "effectively used". The expression "occupied an administrative position" should be replaced by the word "supervised". Instead of "worked there for five years" should be written "was promoted", and the term "did extra work rewrite as, "always got the job done on time."

How to write everything correctly?

Use business language.

Assumes business conversation. It is based on numbers and calculations. Whatever topic is touched upon: corporate values, clients, working conditions of personnel, financial issues are always brought to the fore.

Presenting your achievements in the language of business is the key to success and an indicator of communication. A resume is an effective method of showing your abilities in the language of numbers.

Add specifics.

Orientation to the result and achievement of the set goal is the main component that affects the outcome of the selection of the best applicant for the position! However, not all successes will be credited to the candidate. The effect on the employer will only have the result that will be:

  • Make up the importance for the job seeker and recruiter.
  • be measured in quantitative terms.
  • Have a time frame.

To summarize, it should be noted that your achievements should be:

Job Responsibilities and Achievements Writing Examples

Your achievements in the resume can be described as follows:

  • Transition of the capital investment service to new system calculations. Implemented a new accounting program and trained 30 employees to work with it in 2 months.
  • Increase in the supply of raw materials in 2016 - by 40%, in 2015 - by 20%;
  • During the period from June 2016 to February 2017, he developed 56 new projects that the company successfully implemented.
  • In the 1st half of 2016, he organized the work of a furniture production workshop, which led to the implementation of 80% of the plan, instead of the planned 20%.
  • Saved the company $15,000 by developing a rationalization proposal to improve equipment.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

In the case of a ban on the disclosure of commercial information by your ex-company, it will be enough to indicate the figure as a percentage or limit it to the expression "several times".

Rules for describing major achievements

Endure style

When it comes to previous work, it is appropriate to use the past tense verbs: erected, designed. You should talk about the real place of work, using the present tense of verbs: I build, I design. Finish the phrases.

When applying for a managerial position, state your key skills in the language of the manager. For example: Influenced, Activated, Directed, Proved, Instructed, Initiated, Justified.

Balance of results

Balance is the key to effective work. This indicator is characterized rational use resources and development of the team's capabilities.


  • Set a limit on bill payments;
  • eliminated unnecessary water consumption costs;
  • improved the mechanism for the distribution of equipment repair costs.

Link personal achievement to your workplace

Describe in the column your responsibilities and achievements in your resume, acquired for recent times. Outdated information has long lost its relevance. And if in your life you have changed a dozen employers, then only information about achievements from the last 2-3 positions should be indicated.

Provide relevant information

Sometimes, the achievements indicated by the applicant do not correspond to the level of the position. For example, a candidate aims for the position of the head of the department, but mentions the achievements of the master. Or vice versa. The applicant wants to get a position as a programmer, and describes the achievements in the resume of the highest managerial level in the business where he once worked.

So, remember: if you are applying for a job in the management team - indicate the successes of the manager level, if you want to work as a line specialist - meet these evaluation criteria. Forget what you did before and make a resume according to the requirements of the future job.

If there are no achievements

Do you think that you do not have labor achievements? You just need to think. Of course, not everyone can have special merits and feats, but if they wish, they will be typed into a small list. Success is different for everyone. And how many people, so many opinions.

A position, such as a janitor, does not require achievements. The same can be said for the professions of a loader, handyman, cashier, fast food restaurant worker, driver, etc.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

Achievements can be omitted if your position is on the list of unskilled labor - they are simply unnecessary there.

Or maybe you just underestimate yourself? Then use the criterion: you brought the work you started to its logical conclusion, and everyone felt better. Apply this method.

Which section to post

Standard scripts used on work portals do not have a special “achievements” column.

For example, on the largest recruiting site HeadHunter, in the “work experience” section, you need to enter your key skills in the “duties, functions, achievements” field in your resume. Sample - see below.

Use of verbs in a graph

According to statistics - the correct use of verbs in the section will bring the desired result. Each type of activity has its own set of words:

Administrative management and management
Public relations and creativity
Financial management
Social help and patient care

office service
Research and Analysis
Sales and Marketing

I welcome you to the blog site. Professional achievements for resumes play a particularly important role. Thanks to these characteristics, a potential employer will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of your work, and decide whether you are suitable for work in his enterprise.

A completely different question is how to describe an example of your achievements in a resume in such a way as not to get rejected? Examples of real characteristics will be discussed in detail below.

What are “professional achievements” and why write about them?

Professional achievements are your successes and merits that you have achieved and that you have received throughout your work in a particular field of activity. It is quite logical that such characteristics cannot be the same for all professions, therefore, each applicant applying for a specific position must be able to indicate only that information about himself as a specialist that will be useful. Only correctly presented data on personal achievements in the resume will interest the employee of the personnel department and the company's management.

Why write about professional achievements?

Why include examples of personal accomplishments on your resume? There are several important reasons for this.

  1. The characteristics of yourself as a professional described by you will help the head of the company to understand how successful you are in your profession. You not only work and perform your job duties brilliantly - you lead the enterprise to prosperity and leadership among many competitors. Every boss will want to see such an employee within the walls of his company.
  2. An example of your achievements in the resume significantly increases self-esteem potential employer. Every boss wants his firm to make a profit at minimal cost, so that old customers stay and new ones keep coming. One person physically cannot cope with everything on his own, especially if he leads big company. Therefore, he needs a real pro, and this is you!
  3. An example of personal achievements of the resume characterizes you as a purposeful and responsible employee. Simple indications of your personal qualities, such as "purposeful", "obligatory", "responsible" - this is just a set of empty words that, in fact, do not prove anything. But if you give a specific example of your successes and achievements in your resume, your candidacy will certainly be of interest to the company's administration.
  4. If you indicate examples of your professional achievements in your resume, the manager will be able to understand how positive the dynamics of your career growth is. It is by this criterion that the boss will evaluate your diligence, professionalism, readiness for further self-development. This will be a good chance for you to get not only the desired position with a high salary, but also to be able to count on a promotion over time.

As you can see, by giving a sample of achievements in work for a resume, you can draw attention to your candidacy, and significantly "overtake" other applicants for the desired position.

Basic description rules

An example of achievements in work in a resume must be able to present correctly. To do this, follow 3 basic rules.

  1. Let's get more specific. Do not describe the basic principles and methods of your work. When giving examples, indicate your most significant professional achievements. Do it as follows: “increased the percentage of sales by ...%”, “accelerated the task completion time by ... minutes / hours / days”, “trained ... employees”, etc. And it doesn’t matter at all in what units you measure your achievements - the main thing is provide clear numbers. If this is problematic, try to clearly but concisely outline the essence of the work done.
  2. Tie your main professional achievements to a specific place of work. As a rule, in the summary, potential employees indicate 2 - 3 companies where they worked before, and give a short list of their merits.
  3. Prove that you are qualified for the position you are applying for. If you have previously worked as an economist, look for a job according to this criterion. Do not apply for the position of chief accountant with skills and experience in the field in which you worked before. A sample of your achievements as an economist in a resume for the position of chief accountant will be more than inappropriate. Most likely, you will immediately receive a refusal from the head of the company.

Question. So, what examples of accomplishments can you put on your resume? It all depends on which position you are applying for. If this is a managerial position, take care to describe your characteristics from a manager's point of view. If we are talking about an ordinary ordinary employee, stick to this line, without deviating anywhere from it.

Examples of personal achievements for different professions

What achievements to write in the resume? Examples for different professions are given below.


An accountant is a very responsible and difficult position that requires accuracy, responsibility, and pragmatism. Therefore, the professional characteristics of this specialist should be at the highest level.

Examples of professional achievements in a resume for an accountant are as follows:

  • automation of accounting calculations and the subsequent reduction in the staff of economists;
  • successful completion of 10 (or more) tax audits;
  • full update of the company's software;
  • creation of 3 - 5 publications for accounting journals or newspapers;
  • there is a certificate or diploma confirming the qualification of "Chief Accountant", etc.

Another good example of what achievements can be listed on an accountant's resume is the number of successfully completed external audits. If you have such an experience, be sure to write about it in your characteristics.


What to write in the achievements in the resume of the teacher? An example is described below:

  • Availability certificate of honor for labor merits in pedagogical activity;
  • successful implementation of 10 open lessons;
  • participation in 7 district, regional, all-Russian conferences on pedagogy;
  • organizing and conducting various training circles.

Also good example achievements at work is the holding of conferences or webinars for the exchange of pedagogical experience.


Of course, here professional achievements will directly depend on the medical field in which the person works and the degree of his qualification. For each area of ​​medicine, there are some of its own, special, nuances that are important to indicate in the description if you want to get a new job.

So, let's look at the achievements that can be indicated in the resume, using the example of an ENT doctor:

  • performed 50 successful operations on ENT organs;
  • wrote and published 200 articles for magazines and newspapers "Health";
  • created and protected scientific work"Innovative methods of treatment of scleroma", for which he received the degree of associate professor of medical sciences;
  • within 5 recent years trained 45 interns;
  • held 8 webinars on otorhinolaryngology;
  • participated in 15 conferences, 3 of which are international.

Note. It is very good if you indicate in your resume the invention of a new medical device, device, device. Moreover, it must be not only developed by you, but also patented. You, in turn, must have confirmation of the licensing of your development. However, it is only necessary to indicate this in the resume if such an achievement actually takes place in your medical practice!

Sales Manager

If you are applying for the position of a sales manager, then indicate your achievements in your resume as follows:

  • increased sales by 30%;
  • attracted 50 new partners/clients over the past six months;
  • trained 15 new employees per year;
  • over the past 3 years, organized 35 promotions and discount programs, thanks to which he attracted 200 new regular customers.

Examples can be cited innumerable. But one thing you must clearly remember: only the truth, and no distortion of facts! Remember that the head of the firm may at any moment demand proof that you are really successful in your field of activity, and if you embellish information about yourself a little, your deception will be quickly exposed.


Leaders can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: small and large caliber. The first category includes administrators, supervisors, the same managers, etc. The second group can include directors, general directors, presidents of firms, etc.

Consider examples of professional achievements in a resume for a manager, taking the position of director of the logistics department as a basis:

  • over the past 2 years has developed 5 schemes of new routes for fast delivery cargo from ... to ...;
  • automated the inventory system, thanks to the faster implementation of this process (it used to take 5 hours, now it takes 1-2 hours);
  • completely updated the software, thanks to which it was possible to increase the speed of selection from ... to ... lines per hour.

So, we gave real examples of professional achievements from the resumes of applicants. Of course, you should not copy everything in your characterization. The previously described samples will only help you navigate how to correctly fill in the column with professional achievements in your " business card". Everything else is in your hands, so do not miss the opportunity to get the job of your dreams by writing a resume correctly and competently!