How to be in demand. Proficiency in several foreign languages

The largest Superjob resource has been helping employers and job seekers find each other for 17 years. According to statistics, IT-specialties have been among the top five most demanded and highly paid for several years now. If you dream of a successful career, a good salary and interesting work, this option is for you! Learn, master the complex and exciting world of IT development and programming.

Popular methods 4:

  • graduate from a university;
  • practice on your own;
  • find an IT guru and ask for a student;
  • complete online courses

Each of these methods has significant advantages. But everything more people prefers online learning. About 2 million people have become clients of the GeekBrains training resource.

Online learning and university

The main advantage of studying at a university is a diploma. At some enterprises, such a document is necessary: ​​they will not be hired without it.

  • You will have to spend a lot of time studying theory, but there will be little practice. It will have to be worked out either independently or after high school.
  • The training is long, at least 5 years, and the program has a lot of extraneous subjects that are necessary for general development, but useless in professional activity. Why does an IT specialist need history or cultural studies?
  • The most important thing: to understand whether you like the specialty or not, you can only in the last courses, when the specialization begins. It will be very difficult to change something.

Online courses do not have the disadvantages of studying at a university:

  • You yourself choose the areas of knowledge that are important and interesting to you. If you think you don't need a course, don't take it. But if you change your mind, you can always go back to it.
  • You can immediately assess the attractiveness of the profession and understand whether you have found your calling or need to look further. For example, the GeekBrains resource has courses in 18 specialties. Basic knowledge in these specialties is free: you choose a profession after you "try" it. For example, you dream of becoming a programmer. Follow the link, learn the basics of programming and realize that you were wrong. You are not interested, but web design is interesting. You move on to another course and do what you like. Lost time - a minimum, lost money - 0 rubles 0 kopecks.

Online learning or self-training

Self-training is absolutely free. In addition, you do only what you think is necessary and right. But:

  • You waste a lot of time looking for the right material. In addition, you really do not know what you need and what not. It is difficult to draw up a lesson plan on your own if you do not understand the topic at all.
  • If you have a question, there is no one to turn to for help. You can ask around on the forums, but not the fact that you will be answered. Nobody likes to teach beginners.

Online courses cost money. But:

  • You get structured information presented in the right sequence.
  • You save time. Which, as you know, is money. You sleep well, communicate with family and friends, and do not turn into a gloomy recluse.
  • The GeekBrains website has a forum. There you can ask any question, consult, if necessary. The forum is shared by students just like you. They are willing to help if they can. And you can always contact a mentor. He will help to solve a complex problem, explain if something is not clear.

Online training or communication with an experienced IT specialist

If you know the master of his craft, and besides, he is a good teacher, you are very lucky. This person will be able to explain the theory to you and provide a good practical experience. But IT professionals are rarely good teachers. This is different areas activities.

GeekBrains courses are taught by university professors and practicing IT specialists. They also write blog articles and host webinars. People who cannot clearly present information, convey it to students, simply do not get into this project.

What about after training?

The main problem of a novice specialist is to find a job. Employers prefer to hire employees with experience. Studying on GeekBrains is practical projects that will go into a portfolio: you will have something to show the employer.

Many companies are looking for employees on GeekBrains. On the page you will find a list of vacancies. These employers don't want people with degrees. They need employees who can solve specific problems for a decent salary. You can become just such a person.

Internet work at home is becoming more popular year from a year. Even the most skilled and successful workers suddenly leave for free bread. Isn't this something to think about?

Copywriting - work via the Internet

To become an author of articles and make money from it, it is not enough to be a genius of writing. Work on the Internet in most cases is indifferent to rare talents. Sometimes there are completely uncreative copies, they work like automatic typewriters, which, on order and a certain monetary equivalent, give out tons of soulless content every week. The main thing: a clear correspondence with the paid order. So what are the most important qualities of an Internet writer:

  • Literacy is the most important condition. Without knowing elementary rules Russian language, you can be anyone, just not a writer.

  • Ability to listen and hear. More precisely - to read and understand. Understanding the ultimate goal that the customer is trying to get with the help of the article makes the copywriter very attractive in the eyes of employers. And there are also a lot of boring requirements that can kill the entire creative potential of an ambitious writer in the bud. If fate does not scare you to write not as you want, but as required, then this is simply wonderful.

  • Discipline and performance. Working on the Internet at home implies that from now on and forever the boss in the usual sense of the word is gone forever. Remote writers are their own masters and this is their main advantage, which is fraught with terrible danger. No one can fire a worker from home, so you can procrastinate for days without fear of the righteous wrath of the boss. But you can lose a promising customer, but it doesn’t matter - there will be another one. It is important not to forget that no one has yet been paid for the endless job search. Keeping the rhythm and giving out your text norm daily is the key to the success of a good copywriter.

  • Responsibility. I gave you my word - do it. Even if all the dark forces of the parallel universe decided to oppose your good intentions. Even if the end of the world comes in a matter of minutes - the last thing in his life that a copywriter should remember as he types the final sentences of the ordered text. Reputation, she is a very capricious lady - hard to win, but damn easy to lose without the possibility of rehabilitation.

There are many more different rules and requirements, but the ones listed above are almost a biblical covenant in the field of copywriting. Working on the Internet is complex in its simplicity and this is its main paradox.. To understand whether this semi-journalistic activity is suitable for a particular person, it is enough to set a goal to acquire copywriting experience in exactly one month. If during this period, working on the Internet at home did not bring either pleasure or money, then you should look for another way. After all, sitting at home, you can earn not only on texts, but also with the help of other knowledge and skills.

The labor market is constantly changing under the influence of external factors. What characterizes the state of this market at the present time and how to adapt to it. How to position yourself to be a sought-after specialist in any conditions.

The labor market is a rather changeable structure, which is subject to various external influences. All this instability is the source of some fear of uncertainty, which is more susceptible to those young people whose own career path is only at the very beginning.

Moreover, all the main trends that are more or less characteristic of this market today are completely different from those that were five years ago.

Initial data for today:

  • the overall unemployment rate is above 7%;
  • you can read about the reputation of the organization on the Internet, and if there is a personal desire, then with your questions you yourself can take part in creating this very reputation;
  • the world itself and its structure are changing so rapidly that those skills that may be required tomorrow may still be absent in nature today.

Agree, the situation is rather not simple. And how to survive in it, how not to break down and how to find yourself?

It is not easy to build a successful career, but it is still possible. To do this, it is enough to use certain principles that will help to achieve this success in an era of significant economic instability and constantly changing technologies.

To be successful, you need to learn how to position yourself correctly. But sometimes there is a lack of specific advice on how to develop these sought-after skills and extremely useful skills.

1. Try to clearly highlight exactly those qualities, due to which the advantage in case of choice will be on your side.

These are not only technical or professional skills, but also personal qualities. For example, openness, communication skills, possession of time management techniques. A detailed analysis of all your inherent qualities and skills will help you understand which skills are most valued in your chosen field, both in real and even this moment, and in the near future.

It is easy to find information about the most popular of them on the World Wide Web. But in order to understand and determine the possible prospects for the development of your chosen direction, it will be much more useful to personally talk about this with the people who work in it, and even better if they are those who occupy leadership positions. This way you can learn the essential nuances of your chosen field of activity, which cannot be read about in blogs, magazines or methodological literature.

2. Give the most unbiased and honest assessment of your knowledge

People tend to exaggerate their own merits. But convinced self-deception and a global exaggeration of one's own skills can play a really cruel joke with you. Try to take a critical look at your own strengths and weaknesses - this will help guide the development of the necessary skills in the right direction.

Try to evaluate your own personal and professional quality, be honest with yourself. Only in this way the given direction of training will be as correct and true as possible.

3. Define a personal development strategy

Decide for yourself what is better for you - to focus on developing your weaknesses or strengthening your strengths? The result will be positive in any case. But by strengthening the strengths, it will be achieved much faster, and you will spend much more time developing the weak.

In this case, only you can decide, because everything depends on your own personal qualities. As a rule, a quick result is a powerful motivator, and the rapid achievement of success brings a person much more pleasure. Together, this will make your work really the most beloved for you, and you - a happy person.

But if you look at the current situation from a slightly different angle, then it is quite possible to notice that you have some significant poor quality, and it can seriously interfere with your career or at least somehow limit its development, then its development should be dealt with directly in the very first place.

4. Set aside time in your schedule to develop new skills

This is really necessary and very important. And you can do it in completely different ways. Everything depends on your desire. So you can find a lot of Internet resources, including free ones, with the help of which you can systematically strengthen your existing skills, as well as successfully develop new ones: these are online conferences, various online courses, as well as webinars.

It's best to start with the most important - key - skills and gradually incorporate related ones. So, if you find it difficult to speak in front of an audience, but you have excellent command of graphic design, then the best way out for you would be a detailed mastery of Javascript or the field of interface development, rather than learning public speaking. A simple but effective way to test your knowledge is to freelance.

This way you can practically apply your new skills and at the same time gain the necessary experience in project management, communication with various clients, or whatever you need. In fact, you will have enough tangible results of your work that you can collect in a portfolio and then show to your new clients. And by working on various online exchanges specializing in freelancing, you will also be able to demonstrate the experience gained in the form of a simple list of completed projects, as well as real reviews your clients.

5. Feel free to show off your new skills

Folk wisdom, proven over the centuries, says that even the loud sound of a tree falling in the forest will not be heard by anyone if they are not directly next to it at that time. In fact, this fully applies to your skills: no one will be able to know about them if you do not show them yourself.

Believe me, this is really important both for the global expansion of new opportunities and for creating your own brand. And you can develop in a variety of areas and areas of activity, including popular social media. Use freelancing, look for work on sites where each order you complete will enrich your skills with some skills. personal experience work.

And for young people who are just starting to build their careers, this is the most effective way to make themselves known loudly enough on the Internet, build up an extensive portfolio and get a real summary of their activities from clients. You can simply verbally declare the skills and abilities that you are fluent in, or you can just show your specific work - for example, a website that you personally developed.

For many people, the ever-changing labor market is cause for serious concern, while for others it is a great opportunity to learn and express themselves. Previous statistical studies warn that by 2015 more than 60% of a wide variety of professions will require such specific knowledge that only 20% of the working population today possess.

You have a truly wonderful opportunity to personally take advantage of this enticing advantage, because in essence you alone are responsible for developing your own skills and abilities. Use in this direction your own ambitions to the fullest!

Magazine "Recruiting"

There are so many people in the world, so many images, but in this article we will only be interested in how your image matches the nature of the work that you do or would like to do.

Image consists of the totality of the features of your appearance, speech, behavior. It also includes the process side - emotions, speech rate, perception, etc. The inner side of the image is intelligence, erudition, values, character.

The famous sociologist Erving Hoffmann said that image is the art of "managing the impression." It is difficult to disagree with this, however, in my opinion, this art is becoming more and more a science.

There are so many people in the world, so many images, but now we will be interested in how your image corresponds to the nature of the work that you do or would like to do.

As much as you would like to avoid this at times, you cannot prevent the signals transmitted by your image from being perceived by other people. Any person who meets you for the first time will “read” them one way or another. In situations where the first impression means as much as possible, the impact of such signals turns out to be the strongest.. The role of these signals, however, is not limited to situations where first impressions are important. Your appearance and behavior constantly influence others, and even people who know you well will pick up and “translate” these signals to correctly interpret your mood.

The more confidently we manage our image, the less timidity we will experience and the easier it will be for us to realize our goals.

Install for yourself what exactly do you want to tell people. Think of your image as an advertisement and remember that your image is not just a picture that advertises what's inside, but also the promise that the external image will provide the advertised skills, competence and dignity.

How is the first impression formed? The main factors that a person pays attention to are the following:

superiority factor;

attraction factor;

The factor of attitude towards us or us towards someone.

Excellence Factor

There are two main components of this factor, perceiving which we form an idea of ​​a person:

Clothing and what surrounds a person (what is his workplace, what office equipment, furniture);

Man's behavior.

The most practical idea I know of on how to dress your best and how to improve your appearance is very simple - put yourself in the hands of a specialist. Your appearance should inspire confidence: you should look more expensive than your best offer!

Do not spare money for the improvement of your office or workplace, because it is here that visitors get a certain impression of you and your business. In some cases, not only the interior is important, for some professions the “right address” also plays a big role. If both the location and the environment leave much to be desired, direct efforts to change the situation.

The second component of this factor is the manner of behavior. The main thing that is evaluated here is the independence of a person, i.e.:

Posture (relaxed, constrained…)

Speech (slow, fast, accented or monotonous…)

Manners (violation of some generally accepted norms may speak of independence ...)

Look (straight, running ...).

Attractiveness factor

It is based on the generally accepted given time in this society and this social group norms.

In this case, the more a person meets these standards, the more attractive he becomes after the first meeting.

For example, in our time, of the three main types of men (picnic, asthenic, athlete), an athlete is rated as the most attractive at the first meeting. But even more than compliance with accepted norms affects our idea of ​​​​the attractiveness of a person, his efforts expended on maintaining attractiveness (a taut picnic is more attractive than an athlete "from God").

Attitude towards a person

Here the main thing is the attitude that the person perceived by us demonstrates towards us.

A person’s assessment of this factor is formed depending on how a person looks at us, how he conducts a conversation (listens to us or simply “tolerates” the presence); whether he accepts us as a person or not, shows respect or treats us without it

We are rarely aware of the impact of such factors, forming an impression of each other, moreover, they often operate simultaneously. Each of us has our own system of values ​​and beliefs that come into play when first impressions are made of another person.

When you first meet another person, you form a vivid impression of him in the first few moments, and a stable opinion within thirty seconds to four minutes. The first impression is very strong and long lasting. But sometimes to to change the first impression, it is enough just to look at the person a second time.

Since my profession requires the ability to understand and analyze presentation signals, I try not to judge people only by how they present themselves, but I try to separate the personality from the impression it makes. It is often difficult to do this. According to my observations, many people, no matter what abilities they have, remain unclaimed or feel underestimated precisely because of the wrong self-presentation.

Sometimes it is enough to change just two or three aspects in the manner of presenting oneself and the impression made by a person can improve significantly. The surrounding people begin to react to him in a completely different way and the person himself changes his mind about himself in better side. However, often this is not enough, because the reasons for this or that aspect of behavior are not on the surface and change requires long and painstaking work.

In the image of each person there are elements inherited from nature, or, to be more precise, inherited from their ancestors: height, physique, facial features. Today it is considered proven that the main psychological traits and behaviors are also inherited. This discovery was made more than thirty years ago by the American Doctor of Physics and Psychology Champion K. Teutsch. Together with his wife, Joel Marie Teutsch, he developed a theory of behavior called psychogenetics and proposed a method for its practical use. This method allows you to change the undesirable "family" type of personality behavior, relieving a person from genetic "oppression".

Genetic code sometimes manifests itself in different situations. And a person cannot understand the reasons for his misfortunes and failures with his mind, because 5/6 of the brain is occupied not by consciousness, but by the subconscious. I'll give you an example. I was approached by a man who had a very successful start to his career, became a deputy director big company, but after three months he was left without work - the campaign fell apart. He was invited to head a large division at another company - six months later he was laid off. At the next job, he barely managed to hold out for two months - he was forced to leave, unable to find a common language with his subordinates. The constant here is the job loss, and the variable is the reason it happened. And no matter how many attempts he made, the result would be the same if he did not decide to change the genetic code. The fact is that in the subconscious of this person, the model of “losses” inherited from his ancestors is firmly inscribed. The development of a program to get rid of unwanted behavioral patterns allows you to change your personal history and the genetic code of the family. This person is confident that he will be able to get rid of the unwanted model and create a new family story - a success story. For about a year now he has had a wonderful job and with his whole appearance he “radiates success”.

A specialist differs from a professional in that he is focused on the subject of his work. A professional, on the other hand, is focused on working with real problems in real situations, it is important for him to solve the problem and for this he is ready to borrow productive things from other areas, to become a professional from a narrow specialist. The specialist comes and says: "Yes, something happened to your computer, but the set of tools that I have does not allow me to do anything." A professional comes in and doesn't talk about a set of tools, he just solves a problem.

A professional considers communicative competence as part of his competence, in other words, the ability to communicate competently. A professional is a person with whom it is pleasant and “convenient” to work with both the manager and colleagues.

Health is a professionally important quality. A set of regular exercises, tailored to your current health, weight and endurance, will make you stronger and more attractive. Maintaining good physical shape is not only good for health, but also good for self-esteem. In addition, some firms, although they do not talk about it aloud, try not to hire overweight candidates or not to promote obese employees to higher positions. She wrote about it in her book Business Etiquette» Jen Yager, renowned American sociologist and management consultant.

In order to get promoted, it is important to be a confident person and have reasons for this. Perhaps our self-image is more influenced by our weaknesses than our strengths. What's the matter here? We have probably taken many of our strengths and abilities for granted and stopped paying attention to them in our daily thoughts about ourselves.

People who succeed in life usually rely on their strengths and calmly accept the weak.

Often people who fail are always digging into their weaknesses criticize themselves by saying, “What is happening to me? Why can't I do anything?" As a result, they lose more and more self-confidence.

By the words we use, people judge us. Words form a network of relationships between people. The feelings and thoughts of other people, just like ours, are expressed in words.

Our mind and body also react to words. Words are the most powerful drug that mankind uses, - so said Kipling.

Words are either our masters or our servants. Either they control us or we control them. Our mind, life, body, everyday existence, success or failure are defined by words. When we use negative words, they become our masters. This is one of the reasons why we do bad things. Our self-confidence, success, everyday life and even health are created from positive words!

Watch behind yourself and your surroundings: What words are key in your life? How do you answer the question: "How are you?" If the answer is “Nothing”, I think that really nothing important and significant simply can happen in your life, because the Universe always justifies our expectations. Try instead of " nothing" respond "everything is fine" . I am sure that very soon you will notice changes in your life for the better. There are no important or unimportant words, your every word forms the reality in which you live.

How important is the image for a person making a career? So much so that it becomes the central object of your constant attention. You must know what in your image attracts and what repels others; due to which one gets the impression of your competence, reliability, decisiveness. For some questions you can find answers yourself, for others you will have to turn to a professional.

There are several reasons that show that personal image is an important component for career growth:

Image affects those who make decisions in matters of professional growth;

We believe what we see;

We are all busy people and often make decisions based on first impressions;

We all act, whether we realize it or not, as ambassadors for our profession or organization;

- "there is no other way to highlight the best in the crowd of the same";

Looking good and feeling confident is good for you.

As my experience and the experience of my colleagues shows, from all huge amount people take what is easiest to use as material for creating an image: smile at everyone and everywhere, demonstrate sincerity and attention, take care of shoes and hair, and ... oh, a miracle! You are successful and attractive, everyone is just happy to do business with you. However, people are surprisingly quick to see through all your "tricks". You can portray sincerity as much as you like, but sooner or later falsehood will be detected by "invisible sensitive hairs", as Sherlock Holmes said. I am in no way opposed to taking care of my appearance and manners. But: image is always a unity of internal and external. “Whatever image you try to show to the world, it, first of all, should be a reflection of your inner essence and be firmly based on it.” (Bird P. "Sell yourself! An effective tactic for improving your image." - 1997).

The image, which is not constantly supported by real big things, melts, sometimes, like snow in the spring sun. The most important thing in order to be in demand in your profession is quite specific, real cases, presented competently, in a “packaging” acceptable to people.

We note in conclusion that for professional effective mutually beneficial contact with the outside world is very important, therefore the defining part of its image is:

  • Positive attitude towards life, the ability to rejoice.
  • High self-esteem, self-confidence.
  • Faith in the benevolence of the Universe and faith in a kind person.
  • Social and personal responsibility (“I am the cause of everything positive and negative in my life”).
  • The desire to change and the ability to take risks with a healthy sense of self-preservation.
  • I wish our readers to become a true professional in their field!

    While contextual advertising managers are not trained in universities, novice specialists will have to master the necessary skills on their own. In the article I will tell you where to start studying the profession and where to then develop the first practice.

    Minimum required knowledge for a beginner

    First of all, you need banal literacy and mathematics at the level of the 7th grade. And if there are usually no problems with the ability to write without errors, then beginners have problems with mathematics. At eLama webinars and classes in Netology, someone will regularly ask why, by dividing 30 rubles by 5%, I got 600 rubles, and not 6 (as it should have turned out in his opinion).

    Now you can move on to more specific knowledge and skills:

    1. Internet Marketing Terminology

    You can check yourself if you understand the terminology by asking the following questions:

    • and how is it different from a single page site?
    • what is a conversion and why is it measured in percentages, and conversions in units?

    2. Marketing communications

    Contextual advertising is the same kind of advertising, and therefore you cannot do without knowing the basics. It is important to understand what exactly and to whom you are selling, what problems the product solves, how it is better than other ways to solve the same problem / task, what questions and doubts the consumer has in the selection process.

    3. Basics of web analytics

    It is better to start your acquaintance with web analytics by mastering Google Analytics. After that, there will most likely be no problems with Yandex.Metrica. You need to be able to create and understand reports: compare periods, segments and different. After all, data alone does not provide answers. Data needs to be analyzed in the context of its changes or in comparison with other data. It's easy to learn how to set up a counter and set goals. It is more important to understand which goals you need to set up and to know the difference between micro and macro conversions.

    4. Working with semantics

    The success of an advertising campaign largely depends on the careful selection of key phrases. A specialist who understands semantics knows the differences between a search query and a key phrase, a negative word and a stop word, quotation marks in Direct and AdWords, knows how to automate the collection of phrases, and understands that later processing still needs to be done by hand.

    5. Create ads and banners

    When compiling text ads and rendering banners, knowledge will come in handy marketing communications: you need to remember who you are contacting, what situation this person is in, what he is doing now, what worries him, what his needs are. We must not forget about what action you need from the user. Of course, the click is always implied, but it is not the ultimate goal.

    6. MS Excel or Google Spreadsheets

    With their help, they process semantics, write declarations and analyze the results. Excel has become practically the standard in the industry. Google Spreadsheets is not only gradually catching up with its older brother in terms of functionality, but also allows you to integrate with various scripts and serve as a means of loading / unloading data. But all this is waiting for you only in the future. To get started, it is enough to be able to work with formulas, filters, sorting, transposing, calculating the average, percentages, etc.

    7. Work with advertising campaigns

    Only when a good knowledge base of related fields has been formed does it make sense to study the systems themselves to set the context. You need to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the services: figure out how to create a campaign, where to add key phrases, negative keywords, what restrictions these systems have in terms of the number of characters in an ad, phrases in a group, groups in a campaign. It is important to know about advertising bans, moderation features and possible reasons account blocking. This will help you avoid many problems. So, some beginner advertisers send the same ad for moderation without making any significant changes to it. This will not only not lead to approval, but may also lead to account blocking.

    A separate stage of learning a profession is working with Direct Commander and AdWords Editor applications. Commander is great for making massive changes to ongoing campaigns. For example, if earlier a product had a 3-year warranty, and now it has a 6-year warranty, and you need to change the information in all ads at once. AdWords Editor not only allows you to submit massive changes in the campaign, but it also simplifies the loading of new advertising campaigns from excel spreadsheets (it is also possible to do this without it, but it is very inconvenient).

    Where can I get knowledge for free

    Materials from Yandex:

    • Online training from Yandex;
    • Certification of specialists in Yandex.Direct and Yandex.Metrica;
    • YouTube channel and Blog of Yandex advertising technologies;
    • Yandex Advertising Network Club;
    • Direct Club;
    • Yandex.Metrika Club;

    Where to start working

    With all this base, you can either start looking for clients for freelancing, or get a job in an agency. I recommend choosing the second option.

    Advantages of working in an agency:

    • Access to the knowledge base and accumulated experience of colleagues.
    • Experience with large volumes of semantics and data.
    • Understanding the full range of possible KPIs (it can be not only sales or profit, but also the coverage of the advertising campaign, market share, etc.), the ability to customize advertising in accordance with different goals.
    • Quick development of various cases from which your future portfolio will be formed.

    Where to go next

    Having mastered the basic principles of working with contextual advertising, you can become a narrower professional. Possible specializations in the field of contextual advertising:

    1. Marketing copywriter

    It studies consumer intents (intentions): what questions people ask the search engine, what need they are trying to solve. He knows how to express the main idea in five words, since ads have to be written within a strict framework in terms of the number of characters. To draw banners will be enough basic knowledge graphic programs. The same person usually creates for different segments target audience. If math, data analysis and programming are hard for you, then perhaps a marketer-copywriter is your way.

    2. Analyst-optimizer

    Works with web analytics, analyzes and improves the effectiveness of running campaigns, distributes the budget between them in order to optimize the set KPIs. It will be useful for such a specialist to study, learn how to work with databases and write queries to them in SQL. Such specialists are especially in demand by large eCommerce.

    3. Automator-programmer

    According to my estimates, the entire process of growing from a beginner to a sought-after specialist takes from one to three years. It may take the same amount to master a specialization or just related topics: marketing, analytics, programming.