What professional achievements are the most important. The importance of professional achievements for a resume

If, after a question about professional achievements, life flashes before your eyes faster than the heroes of action films, you definitely need to prepare for the interview in advance. We chose 3 questions that an employer will definitely ask, and figured out how to answer them without panic and irritation.

"Tell me a little about yourself"

Such a seemingly simple request can make many applicants pretty nervous. What exactly to tell? How much time to talk? What can and what cannot be said? What should be focused on? How not to seem too modest or immodest?

Telling about yourself is very important point self-presentation at the interview. It doesn't have to be a long story about your life or listing the highlights of your resume. Telling a story about yourself is the first and probably the best chance to let the recruiter know that you are the right person to hire for the position.

If you don't know where to start, use the simple and popular "present-past-future" formula. First, talk about who you are at the moment, what you do, what you can do. Then - talk about what brought you to your current position: a combination of skills and experience. At the end, talk about your plans and prospects, paying special attention to the opportunities that open up for you along with this work. Also tell us about what you will do to develop the company in this position.

Remember that in the story you need to pay a lot of attention to the professional skills required for this position. You can say a few words about your hobbies and hobbies, but a few words are 1-2 minutes of your interview time, no more. As for the duration of the whole story about yourself, everything is very individual here, but try to keep within 7-8 minutes, after which invite the recruiter to ask their questions.

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?"

Talking about their strengths, do not get carried away with common phrases like “I can easily integrate into any team” or “I am not conflicted”. List the specific character traits and skills that are needed specifically for this position: “I know how to manage people”, “I have experience in successfully organizing the work of ten people”, “I won first place in the regional marketing competition”, and so on.

When talking about your achievements, focus on how they affected the success of your organization. If you can brag about accomplishments that are not related to work - for example, community initiatives - try to link them to your work life. When listing your strengths, do not be too modest: if you do not tell the interviewer about your advantages, no one will do it for you at the interview. However, do not go to extremes: you should not arrange a half-hour presentation on the topic of your conceivable and unthinkable virtues. Instead, talk briefly about the main strengths and be ready to describe each in detail if asked.

With disadvantages, too, everything is not so difficult. Don't try to be perfect. Recruiters value sincerity and the ability to adequately assess themselves and their shortcomings in applicants. Do not try to embellish or hide your weaknesses: if you get this job, sooner or later everything secret will become clear.

However, there is a little trick. Speaking of any shortcoming, you can talk about how you successfully deal with it. For example, at school you had a fear of public speaking. Then it was a huge problem. You couldn't even calmly go out to answer the board. However, at the university, at seminars, you made presentations as often as possible, participated in amateur performances. The fear of speaking began to recede. Today, although you are experiencing great excitement, you are quite capable of speaking in front of an audience of one hundred people. In addition, you continue to work on yourself - attend trainings, read specialized literature. The main thing is for the employer to see: you not only recognize your own shortcoming, but also actively fight against it.

There are also weaknesses that will play into the hands. For example, in your last job, you were considered a meticulous bore with a lack of creative thinking, but in this job you will be valued for your attentiveness and responsibility, especially if other employees generate creativity.

Remember that the worst answer to the question about weaknesses is a joking "I'm too perfect" or "I struggle unsuccessfully with my perfectionism." This will leave the recruiter with a rather negative impression of your self-esteem and sense of humor.

"Your biggest professional achievement"

The best argument in your favor in an interview is a list of impressive ones. The logic of the recruiter is simple: if the candidate has achieved a lot in the previous job, then you can expect accomplishments from him in the future. Therefore, before the interview, take a piece of paper and a pen and make a list of your brightest and most impressive victories on the work front. These can be examples of successfully implemented projects, increasing profits and reducing costs, or increasing sales. Try to rank the achievements according to their importance to the enterprise. The more important the victory was, the higher its rating. When you can isolate the most significant achievement, dwell on it in more detail. First, tell us why you chose it. Secondly, explain how your success has turned out for the enterprise and what it has given you personally. Thirdly, share how you managed to achieve success, what technologies and methods you used in your work.

Don't forget your colleagues. Tell us about who helped you achieve results, who was a partner, who inspired you to win. Tell us about the difficulties you encountered and how you overcame them.

Finally, be sure to link your past job to your desired future position. Share how the techniques you have used can help you achieve results in the present. The recruiter must understand that you are not going to stop there and intend to move on, bringing benefits to the enterprise where you will work.

Reassessment of values, or accounting for achievements in your life

From time to time it is useful to ask yourself the question: what have I achieved? The question is not idle, as it helps to comprehend what has already been done and what remains to be done. If there are not as many achievements as we would like, this may serve as a reason to start changing something in life.

Important achievements in life can be divided into two conditional categories: public and personal.

Social achievements are something that is valued in society, speaks of a person’s success (a gold medal at school, a diploma from a prestigious university, a status position, material well-being).

Personal achievements are those deeds for which we respect ourselves.

A very, very controversial question, which is more important - public acceptance or personal satisfaction from your life. Both are important.

Achievements visible to all

Remember the Soviet film comedy, which became a classic, and the phrase from this film, which went to the people: “an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty”? There are achievements by which we are evaluated in society. These success criteria include education, career, social status person. It so happened that we live in society and play by the rules that society dictates to us.

Education is an important achievement in life. But there is one “but” here: the education received can be considered an achievement, provided that a person studied independently (and did not buy sessions and exams) and as a result acquired a profession that will bring him income in the future. If you need a diploma “just to have it”, then this is a dubious achievement.

Another important achievement in life is the success of a person in professional terms. If a person does what he loves, which brings him not only income, but also a sense of satisfaction - this, of course, is a criterion for success.

The concept of social status is quite ephemeral and one can argue for a long time on the topic that in our society everyone is equal, but in real life all wrong. If a person is respected in the professional community, has a good reputation in his circle of friends, this is also a certain achievement in life.

A dangerous, dead-end path is to consider your material well-being as your important achievement in life. There will always be someone who is richer than you, which means that your own material wealth will no longer be so pleasing. And at the same time, it is probably not quite the right step to ignore material success.

Personal achievements counter

With personal achievements, everything is easier and more difficult at the same time. Here everyone determines for himself what is important to him. It turns out a personal scale of values, and what is important for you will not necessarily be a priority for others.

To create a harmonious family - someone quite rightly considers this an important achievement in life. And for someone, an important achievement in life is to learn how to cook Spanish cuisine, visit Kilimanjaro, or lose 20 kilograms.

We are all different, and someone considers the purchase of an expensive car to be an important achievement, and someone considers their spiritual self-development.

For successful person a mandatory personal achievement should be the desire to learn, to learn new things. And it's not just about professional activity, you can also learn “personal” things: learn to forgive and, as a result, become more generous, learn to restrain emotions - and due to this ability to honorably get out of the most difficult life situations.

Listing personal achievements (for example, having a photo album of your triumphant moments in life) is a great exercise in confidence. And when there is a feeling of inspiration and self-confidence, it is much easier to reach new heights.

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It is no secret that some candidates in their stories about themselves are hindered by stiffness and excessive modesty, while others - real virtuosos of self-presentation - can create an enchanting impression of themselves, however, not always supported real deeds.

So what is the most competent way to answer one of the favorite questions of HR managers: “Tell us, please, about your achievements?”

Facts matter
Remember, when asking such a question, the personnel officer expects from you by no means lengthy stories about your life and difficult choice of profession. First of all, he wants to hear about the specific results of your work that have had a positive impact on the performance of the company as a whole and on your professional path in particular.

If your job is to attract customers, tell us how many new organizations or people have started using your company's products or services since you started working for it. If you are a public relations specialist, please share the number of PR events, publications, etc. that you have organized.

When preparing for an interview, stock up on clearly articulated information (this can be an oral, written story, a selection of numbers or tables with graphs) that reflects your success in your previous job.

Not only the experienced win
But what about those who are looking for work for the first time - students or university graduates? Do not think that such candidates have nothing to say: the lack of work experience (or little experience) does not mean the absence of achievements in the chosen profession.

So, if you are a young specialist, at the interview you can talk about successful student projects, victories in competitions, etc. The presence of such experience will convince the employer of your determination, initiative and intelligence.

The main condition is that these accomplishments must be related to the vacancy for which you are applying.

A little about personal
However, sometimes it can be useful to tell a recruiter about achievements that at first glance have nothing to do with the desired position. We are talking about personal achievements that reveal the qualities of your personality that are important for the work you have chosen.

For example, a story about how you conquer mountain peaks at your leisure will tell the employer about your determination and courage. The fact that you are the head of the regional club of chess lovers indicates that you have not only logical thinking but also organizational and communication skills.

But when talking about these kinds of victories, be careful: your personal achievements or hobbies (for example, you are a stuffed animal maker or a winner of an indecent joke contest) can close the doors to the chosen company for you, as the personnel specialist will decide that , despite the brightness of your accomplishments, you will not be able to work for them.

With faith in yourself
Before going to the interview, carefully read the requirements for the vacancy you are interested in and think about how best to present your achievements at the interview, which ones to mention and which ones to leave “until better times”. Speak clearly, do not be shy, but avoid boasting as well - the employer does not need a poseur, but a specialist who understands what he is doing. Your confidence will certainly work - a person who does not doubt the importance of his own victories will be believed by others.

A well-written, informative, interesting resume can be a guarantee successful employment in a prestigious company. Among the components of the relevant document, which many HR professionals consider key, is information about achievements. How to properly reflect them in the resume? What kind of facts should be included in the document?

Priority of facts

Experts recommend: to describe the achievements in the summary, reinforcing the statement with figures and facts. It will be more convincing than any beautiful words. The main thing is to correctly correlate the indicators with the positions that the candidate occupied at that moment, not to confuse anything. Because, for example, a record like this will look rather strange: "A customer support specialist increased department sales by 20% per year."

There is no need to be shy to artificially increase the number of feats, reflecting personal achievements in the resume. That is, for example, you can classify those very sales in 20% (if you are really an expert in them!) By separate groups of goods. How? As an option - "increased sales of the department in the segment stationery by 30%", in another line - "increased the turnover on software sales by 10%." The arithmetic mean will remain the same, but in fact there are more achievements.

Principle of non-disclosure

At the same time, reflecting the achievements in the summary with the help of figures and facts, you need to know when to stop. The fact is that in the activities of almost any company there is It, meanwhile, it can be contained in the very figures and facts that the candidate wishes to bring in his resume. Perhaps for former employer the leakage of such and such data will not become critical. But the managers of the firm where the person is going may not like the fact that the candidate easily takes out secret information outside the employing company. Experts advise to be especially attentive to those who work in retail. Achievements in the resume of the sales assistant, of course, require numbers (as in no other documents of this type). But in very many cases they will be a trade secret.

Instead of numbers - reliability

What to do if, due to the specifics of the position held, the candidate cannot provide specific figures and facts? It is quite difficult, for example, to reflect such achievements of an accountant in a resume. Or, for example, an office manager. They don't sell anything, they do functional work. How can they be?

In this case, experts recommend focusing on the precise execution of functional operations. That is, list official duties with comments like "performed without errors". And if there were any shortcomings, then this, perhaps, is even good. If they managed to be corrected, then the fact of the presence of errors can be turned into an achievement. It is enough just to enter a small explanation in one line with information about the defect: "I solved such and such a problem."

No pattern

Achievements in the summary - an important aspect. But no less significant factor is the form of presentation of information. It often happens that achievements are plentiful, but for some reason the HR manager ignores them. The summary should be made in such a way that the person reading it has a desire to at least get acquainted with the facts contained in it, and not just skim it at a glance. How to do it?

Experts recommend, as an option, focusing on reflecting the uniqueness of previous experience. So that when viewing the resumes of candidates with the same track record, the manager sees that this person really learned something useful at his last job. And therefore, it is highly likely that he will do the same in a new company. How to do it in practice?

Very simple. Listing previous jobs and positions (with achievements), give small accompanying comments. Such as, for example, "mastered the art of cold sales." Or, say, "learned the 1C program." The employer always wants to see effective specialists in his ranks. One of the criteria for this is the desire to learn, to master new tools in the work. However, this quality must be reflected in the resume.

At the same time, HR specialists do not recommend experimenting heavily with appearance summary. It happens that candidates present information about themselves in the form of pictures, and sometimes even in verse. Of course, this kind of resume may be in demand if a person applies for a job in a company for an appropriate creative position. Of course, this format of presenting information will be a positive factor for the candidate. However, this is rather an exception. as a rule, by virtue of his profession, he is conservative. In his settings, the rule is invariably - if the candidate is worthy of the desired position, he will find a way to present facts about himself within the framework of a standard, but at the same time informative scheme.

Achievements in resume structure

How to reflect the achievements in the summary in terms of the structure of this document? Experts recommend not to delay the laying out of facts in relation to the algorithm for presenting information. Personal achievements in the resume should go immediately after the information about the duties in previous jobs. Regarding the content of the relevant section, as we said above, specifics, figures, facts. No general phrases like "gained invaluable experience while solving entrusted tasks."

What would be an example scenario in which accomplishments are presented in a resume? Sales consultant for example? Facts can be reflected in this way. First we write: "Work at an enterprise such and such, in such and such years." The line below: "I developed an algorithm for communicating with customers, which allowed me to increase sales of smartphones by 20%." Even lower: "Sold over 300 iOS devices in 4 months, while the departmental average is 100 devices."

If the task is to reflect the achievements of an accountant in a resume, then the algorithm can be as follows. First - place of work, position, terms. Line below: "Provided error-free reporting." Even lower: "Translated accounting completely into electronic format using EDS." But what about problem solving? And we also reflect this: "I made adjustments to the mechanism of interaction with the Federal Tax Service, which made it possible to avoid errors in recognizing file formats."

Types of achievements

What other examples of achievements can be on a resume? There are a lot of options. Both exclusively professional achievements can be reflected in the resume, and, for example, those that are related to the business development strategy of the employing company. At the same time, achievements of the first type may well predetermine the second. In the first case, you can write: "I mastered three such-and-such programming languages." In the second: "I created an IT product that allowed the company to enter the international market."

When achievements are yet to come

Of course, it is possible that it is problematic to give examples of achievements in a resume due to a small one or because there is nothing special to brag about yet. In this case, experts recommend at least reflecting in the document a sincere desire for numbers that are worth talking about out loud. For example, if it's about describing accomplishments in a salesperson's resume retail network, then it is quite acceptable to comment on previous work experience as follows: "Regularly practiced Neil Rackham's SPIN sales." In itself, the desire to master an effective technique can be almost a big plus for a future employer than the successful results of its application. Therefore, if a person has not yet decided what achievements can be reflected in a resume, what to write as an alternative, we now know.

Reliability is the main criterion

When presenting facts, especially those relating to regalia, the candidate is obliged to write the truth. Even if there is a temptation to add inflated figures, for example, in sales. Or by the pace of implementation of such and such solutions. An experienced HR specialist will be able to check those that a sales manager reflects in his resume, achievements without any problems. And therefore, experts advise candidates: it is better to forget to enter some facts than to indicate unreliable ones.

The fallacy of the wording

Experts note interesting fact. Many candidates are confused by the terminology that suggests the correctness of the reflection in the summary of information about achievements. What kind of cases are the most common? Many HR professionals believe that this is either a conscious or unwitting substitution of the concept of "achievement" for another, which sounds like a "duty".

Let's study a few examples.

Many candidates write in their resumes comments like: "Did a quality job related to the timely sale of goods." Or, for example: "Stably performed tasks related to software compilation." In fact, this is a reflection of the positions held. It is extremely important, therefore, to distinguish between duties, functions, achievements in the resume. Subjectivism in determining performance criteria is undesirable. It is necessary that the HR manager share the candidate's vision that such and such a fact is an achievement, and not a job description.

There are other interesting points of view regarding this aspect. Some experts, for example, believe that one of the criteria for recognizing a person's achievement may be just going beyond the limits of official duties. Of course, if we are not talking about a direct violation in this case production instructions. Good example: if a person, working, for example, as an office manager, agitates colleagues to take advanced training courses and organizes a joint trip to them after work. This may well appeal to the new employer. And this fact may well be reflected in his resume manager. Achievements of this nature can significantly affect the positive decision on the selection of this candidate by the employing company.

Achievements must be relevant

An important aspect is the relevance and relevance of the facts that the candidate sets out in the relevant documents. It is also important to consider it in terms of how to correctly state achievements in a resume. What to write to the candidate so that the HR manager considers the information relevant and up-to-date?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the timing. Many skills tend to be forgotten over time. For example, if a person managed to master the 1C program, for example, 4 years ago, but did not reflect the fact that he used it until recently in his resume, then the HR manager may not count the corresponding skill. Likewise, there are skills that require practice to be mastered reliably. That is, if a person, relatively speaking, studied the 1C program in courses literally a month before submitting a resume, then he most likely simply did not use it in a real production environment. And in this case, the relevance of the skill is low. The manager also probably won't credit it.

Of course, information about achievements should be as related as possible to the intended position for which the candidate is applying. That is, the corresponding section of the resume should be targeted. By the way, the candidate's ability to correctly place emphasis in the presentation of facts related to work experience is a significant plus for the HR manager. Even if, perhaps, some information about the achievements will seem rather modest to the HR specialist, the very fact that they are applied to the place is likely to play a positive role for the candidate. In turn, undeniably high-class results, but not in the profile of the vacancy, may well make the HR manager doubt the prospects of hiring a person who has reflected the relevant information in the resume.

Evidence of realism

Let's study one delicate nuance. Above, we talked about the fact that it is unacceptable to indicate lies in the resume. However, with the presentation false information closely borders the tactic of reflecting in the relevant document the facts about achievements that may seem doubtful to the HR manager due to their amazing performance. And this despite the fact that the candidate writes the pure truth. Moreover, the rest of the components - responsibilities, functions, achievements - are built into the resume very competently. How can this be?

Here everything rests on the subjectivity of the perception of facts. The fact is that a person, working, for example, as a sales manager, raised the dynamics of the sale of a certain product not by 20%, but by 320%. And if he indicates the second digit, then it is quite possible that the HR specialist simply does not believe him. What if this type of achievement is true? Experts advise: no need to be modest in any case. Facts of this kind cannot be excluded from labor achievements. But they must be accompanied by a primary evidence base - one that will at least force the hiring manager not to put the resume aside as containing obviously fictitious information.

What are the options here? It is quite acceptable, for example, to accompany the phrase, which reflects the figures of 320%, with a comment like: "Due to the successful implementation of the combined sales technique using the SPIN method and Steve Schiffman's strategies, it was possible to increase the company's turnover by 320%." It will be more believable.

Another great option is to accompany your resume with a recommendation. Ideally, from a former boss or a well-known specialist in the industry, which will reflect praise for the candidate for those same 320%. Then any HR specialist, even the most conservative views, will believe what is written in the resume. Recommendations, by the way, are an excellent addition to the relevant document in all cases. So stocking up on them will not hurt in any case.

Resume writers can be roughly divided into two categories: those who lie and don't blush, and those who don't lie and blush.

If you rely on statistics, then only 38 percent of applicants attribute non-existent merits to themselves. The remaining 62 percent either present their successes beautifully or are afraid to once again indicate professional achievements, examples of which we will consider today, so that you do not have a feeling of embarrassment or excitement.

Let's first look at what a resume is.


This document is intended to assist in the search for vacancies and employment. It indicates briefly biographical data, education and describes labor activity.

A resume is a true advertisement of oneself, it is read in 1-2 minutes. Since there may be more candidates for one vacancy than for a state-funded place at the institute, the HR specialist has to look through tons of similar information. In this case, the human factor is triggered, and bright information will catch the eye of even an experienced recruiter.

The main points of the resume

Last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address, marital status, phone number and e-mail are required.

The next step is to list all educational institutions in which you had to study, special attention is paid to higher educational institutions.

You can supplement the previous paragraph with completed courses, trainings or webinars. You need to indicate those that directly relate to the future position.

Experience. If you started to lead labor activity at the age of 11, selling apricots in the market, this is commendable, but such a fact should not be entered in the resume. The most important are your last three jobs.

In additional information, you can tell about your useful skills: knowledge of computer programs, possession foreign languages etc.

In "personal qualities" applicants often write: sociability, purposefulness. That's great, but these qualities are so common on resumes that employers simply miss them and consider them a lack of creativity. Ability to learn quickly, prioritize work, introduce rationalization proposals. Such an employee is the dream of any leader.

Examples professional achievements in the summary, you can name the job responsibilities that were performed, brought to the end and provoked a positive shift in the organization or benefit someone. For example, your responsibilities include finding new candidates and conducting interviews, then indicate what kind of Last year the staff was replenished with 50 employees, 100 interviews were conducted.

What is considered a professional achievement?

The question is not easy, and the answer to it will be different for everyone. After all, one type of activity is given to someone with difficulty, and the second is easy. It is important not to confuse professional achievements with personal ones.

If you have worked in social service and you managed to save many families from such an unpleasant procedure as deprivation parental rights, it will be a professional achievement. It might not have been difficult for you, because you are an altruist by nature, but mastering the Excel computer program was a real test, but you did it. Feel the difference?

The second point has become your personal pride, but the employer will appreciate the first one.

Do not destroy, do not let go down and prevent - sometimes a greater achievement than to advance, increase and achieve.

What is not considered an achievement?

The following may sound very stupid phrases, but this also happens:

  • "managed to achieve personal success in professional activities";
  • "during my tenure as a secretary, the flow of clients has increased dramatically";
  • "it was possible not to reduce the turnover of the company";
  • "achieved communication skills in the course of work", etc.

First phrase. What is personal success? This is the result personal growth. A very commendable phenomenon, but no one will take your word for it. In this case, it equates to saying "I've gotten a lot better."

The second sentence is similar. It is unlikely that the flow of clients will depend on the secretary, unless of course you are Aphrodite. This phrase can be reformulated: "I am very beautiful and charming." This is great, but you need to shine with professional skills. But if you supplement it with the following words: "... the number of customers has doubled in a year," then it will have the right to life.

The third phrase can be an example of the main professional achievement in life if you are a crisis manager. If a person managed to turn a successful developing company into just a stable one, you should not talk about it.

The fourth case is your personal achievements. It is likely that this girl had communication problems. She managed to work on herself and achieve success, this is not worth shouting about. The employer may regard this achievement as closeness.

Why list your accomplishments?

  • Any company is interested in employees who will lead it to prosperity, and not just perform their duties at an average level, so your success in previous jobs will demonstrate your prospects.
  • It's better not to specify a couple personal qualities in the resume, and confirm them with facts in "professional achievements". Purposefulness must be demonstrated in practice.
  • The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. "Bad soldiers" are unlikely to be of interest to a successful promising company.
  • You can not indicate your successes in the resume, only then do not be surprised if you are not even called for an interview.
  • You must describe yourself as the ideal "victim" of a headhunter, then you will be "pecked" good company with a high level of motivation.

Examples of professional achievements of an accountant

  • Reducing the staff of economists by half as a result of the introduction of automation of calculations.
  • 10 successfully passed tax audits.
  • Update software enterprises.
  • Successfully passed 5 checks on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund.
  • Possession of a vocational training diploma.
  • 12 audits passed for compliance with labor legislation.
  • Three articles were published in the newspaper "All about accounting".
  • 9 successful external audits.
  • There is a certificate professional accountant, certified by the qualification "Chief Accountant".
  • She was the mentor of five student interns.

Professional achievements of the teacher

  • Honorary Diploma of the Department of Education for conscientious pedagogical work.
  • Gratitude of the Administration of the Ivanovsky district for the quality training of the winners and prize-winners of the regional conference of scientific research.
  • Letter of thanks from the Administration of Petrovsky municipality for the preparation of the winner of the regional local history conference "My land is beautiful."
  • 15 open lessons were held.
  • Participation in 5 regional and 7 regional conferences.
  • Organization of the circle "Skillful musician".
  • Organized 8 seminars for city teachers.
  • 5 webinars were held as an exchange of experience for geography teachers.

Doctor's professional achievements

. There were 250 successful operations.

It was possible to achieve the acquisition of new medical equipment: 3 fetal monitors and a doppler.

I have a certificate of training course in the program "Medical massage".

Successfully passed 10 inventories of medical property.

I completed a 6-hour first aid training course, I have a certificate.

Took part in the international scientific-practical conference.

I have a certificate of honor from the mayor of the city for organizing and providing highly qualified medical care population during an epidemic.

Professional achievements of the programmer

Managed to save 20% of the funds for the purchase new technology through software optimization.

Developed the organization's website.

Developed a program that facilitated the process of converting archival documents into digital format and saved 10% of the funds.

Reduced the number of crashes by 4 times by improving the functioning of the server.

Examples of other professional achievements

Prepared the necessary documentation for participation in the tender, which was won by our organization.

Conducted negotiations, as a result of which the number of new customers increased by 120%.

In 2014, according to a social survey, she was among the top ten bank tellers.

awarded diploma"Best Store Seller" 2015.

Ranked in the top three International Competition in hairdressing.

What wording will not attract a recruiter?

We looked at examples of achievements in professional activities that can be indicated in a resume. Below are phrases that should not be written.

  • Improved the efficiency of the department.
  • At previous places of work, he performed his work qualitatively and on time.
  • After a year of work, he was one of the contenders for the position of head of the department.
  • For 3 years of service, I did not receive a single comment.
  • Managed personal conflicts with the boss.

Let's recap!

1. It is better not to indicate the fulfillment of one's direct duties in professional achievements.

2. Any positive indicators are better calculated. Achievements must be backed by numbers.

3. Do not list achievements that are in no way related to the duties of the desired position.

4. If your profession does not involve achievements that can be counted, keep silent about them. If you know how to express your thoughts beautifully, then go from the opposite: "During the work there were no emergency situations."

5. Do not confuse personal achievements with professional ones. If necessary, list them separately.

6. Avoid humor, sarcasm or irony. "I'm so cool" is not allowed in an official document.

7. Do not reveal the essence of your professional achievements against the backdrop of failures and failures of other employees. Don't compare yourself to your former colleagues.