Non-material incentives for staff labor activity. Intangible motivation

It can turn out to be a much more effective tool than material incentives. An increase in the salary of the company's employees motivates more active and hard work only for a short period, while the methods of non-material motivation of personnel will help to constantly keep employees "in good shape", stimulating creative activity, increasing the professional level and loyalty to the company.

The goals of non-material motivation of personnel are identical to those set by the company's management when introducing a system of material incentives. First of all - increasing the efficiency of employees and the entire company as a whole. Other purposes of non-financial incentives include the following:

  • increase in the company's profits;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere in a team with elements of a healthy competitive environment;
  • formation of new skills and abilities among employees;
  • professional development of personnel, development of creative potential.

Unlike material types of incentives, non-material motivation of staff does not separate the team (“Petrov received an award, but I didn’t, although we worked the same way,” “Ivanov has more wages and a lower position”), but unites. Due to the regular holding of joint corporate events, trainings, meetings, each employee feels that he belongs to the common cause, which is very good for the overall atmosphere in the team.

Free catalog of policies and procedures for staff motivation payment

Types of intangible motivation

An employee who works solely for monetary rewards and does not accept praise and intangible rewards at all, probably does not exist at all. According to the theory of Abraham Maslow, everyone needs the fulfillment of creative needs, respect and recognition of merit. It is on these needs that the system of non-material incentives for personnel and methods of motivation are built. Depending on the existing corporate culture, financial capabilities of the company, leadership style, various types of non-material incentives for employees can be considered.

In general, the following types of non-material motivation of personnel are distinguished.

  1. Social motivation. This includes health insurance, the possibility of training and self-development, the designation of career prospects. The implementation of social motivation implies an increase in the employee's sense of their own worth by involving them in decision-making, participating in team management, and delegating important powers.
  2. Psychological motivation. Based on the communication needs of each person. It is necessary to motivate non-materially by the method of psychological motivation in the first place. Work on creating a favorable environment in the team is built taking into account the interests of all employees. Also in this type of motivation, an important role is played by the example and authority of the leader, the regular holding of corporate events.
  3. Moral motivation. Affects the need for respect from the team and company management. The most effective tool is recognition of merit, for which you can use oral public praise, a board of honor, insignia and certificates.
  4. Organizational motivation. It manifests itself in taking care of the employee, the organization of his workplace, food and rest during breaks in work. This motivational program is usually implemented through the purchase of new office equipment for employees' workplaces, the opening of a canteen, the arrangement of gyms and recreation rooms.

With the help of the listed types of non-material motivation of personnel, integral effective systems of non-monetary motivation of employees can be developed, which will necessarily take into account the legal, economic, political and social external conditions in which an enterprise or organization operates.

Ways of non-material motivation of personnel

Each company can create and apply its own methods of non-material incentives for staff. The set of motivating tools will depend on the nature of the team, the specifics of the work, and the style of management.

For example, a team of young and active professionals can perfectly motivate joint leisure activities (a picnic, a group hike, a corporate event, participation in sports events), while for the older generation, it may be of great importance to get additional vacation days or a family trip to relaxation.

The most effective methods of non-material incentives for staff are as follows:

  • provision of paid time off, additional vacation days;
  • providing flexible working hours for employees;
  • presentation of tickets for cultural events, travel vouchers;
  • organization of corporate events;
  • staff training;
  • personal public praise;
  • organization of contests and quests among all employees;
  • drawing up plans for the career development of employees (it is necessary that the employee knows that upon reaching a higher professional level he will be promoted);
  • the possibility of continuous professional development;
  • congratulating employees on significant dates (anniversary, wedding, birth of a child);
  • creating comfortable working conditions;
  • providing more freedom of action when performing assigned tasks;
  • conducting motivating meetings;
  • involvement of employees in decision-making;
  • incentive business trips;
  • informing the team about the employee's achievements;
  • assistance in family matters (for example, providing transportation when moving);
  • provision of discounts for company services;
  • the possibility of additional work;
  • beautiful job title;
  • seeking advice from employees;
  • organization of catering for employees, gyms or the provision of subscriptions to sports clubs;
  • organizing the possibility of a personal meeting with senior management.

This is not a complete list of ways of non-material motivation of personnel for labor achievements without direct payment of cash bonuses or salary increases. Such methods, as a rule, affect the entire collective of the enterprise as a whole, which gives a much greater effect for the company than the “point” material motivation of the most successful employees.

System of non-material motivation of personnel

Employee motivation will have the greatest effect with systematic action. A well-functioning system of non-material motivation of personnel should become part of the corporate culture. At the same time, the system should be as open as possible, which will enable the employee to know what kind of support the company provides for loyal employees.

When developing a system of non-material incentives, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. The motivation system should focus on the development of the most significant areas of the company's work.
  2. The motivation system involves all employees of the company.
  3. The motivation program should be periodically reviewed and updated.
  4. For the system to work effectively, it is necessary to identify the needs of all employees and "adjust" approaches and incentive tools for each group.

Another important requirement for the current system of non-material incentives for personnel is documentary confirmation. This significantly increases its transparency and allows each employee of the company to get acquainted with the motivation system. When developing a project for non-material motivation of personnel, it is necessary to involve specialists from the HR department and line managers. Only in this way will it be possible to obtain real, most effective tools for influencing the productivity of workers.

Non-financial motivation of employees translates into certain costs for the company. But collectively, they have a much greater effect than the cost of direct payment of premiums. An additional factor of success is recruiting with internal self-motivation. It is easy to “tune” such employees for maximum efficiency and high loyalty to the company. Energetic, active and proactive employees are the key to success, therefore a well-designed personnel incentive system is the most important task of personnel policy.

Non-material motivation of personnel is widely used in the Russian production environment. On the one hand, these are echoes or traditions of the bygone Soviet times, on the other, there is a conscious need for management to express gratitude to employees not only in monetary terms. Employees themselves are also well aware of non-material methods of reward, usually they are happy to accept awards, titles, and so on.

Intangible incentives can be good tools in executives' management tools. Voluntarily or involuntarily, they are used by everyone who has at least one employee subordinate to them. The best effect is, of course, achieved with the deliberate use of intangible incentives.

Types and methods of non-financial motivation of employees

Most often, non-financial motivation of employees is understood as the use of incentives that do not require additional cash costs. Sometimes this category includes all methods of motivation that do not provide for the payment of any sums of money to employees.

This article will consider methods that do not require additional cash costs (at least significant). Let's list all the methods in a list:

  • natural;
  • moral;
  • organizational;
  • participation in management;
  • paternalism (caring for employees).

Each of them needs a more detailed description.

Natural ways

For example, a company may grant its employees the right to use existing material goods for personal gain. For example, using a laptop both at work and at home for personal purposes; use of the infrastructure available in the company (premises, closed areas, etc.); provision of official transport for the period. Everything is limited only by the capabilities of the organization and the reasonableness of the employee's requests.

Also, an enterprise can use its business connections to provide any benefits to its employees. This can be, for example, the provision of places for study in prestigious educational institutions on a preferential basis, or the provision of places in preschool institutions; engaging in sports clubs or participating in the work of creative associations.

You should also not ignore the fact that if you need business trips for employees, for example, on a trip abroad, such a business trip itself can be meaningful and valuable for employees.

As an incentive, you can also provide an opportunity for an employee to take family members with him on a business trip, if this does not lead to significant costs for the company. Usually, according to the rules of hotels, two close people (for example, a husband and wife) can live in one room at no additional charge. It is especially important when the company is located in small towns, far from “civilization”.

Moral incentives

This group of methods should be divided into three types (we will use the classification of the respected professor V.I. Gerchikov):

  1. Moral incentives for general action
  2. Target reference incentives
  3. Competitive incentives

We remember the moral incentives for common action as soon as we begin to talk about non-material motivation. These are gratitude, certificates, letters of thanks, honor boards, honored titles and so on. Posting a note in a newspaper (local or corporate) - falls into the same category.

The peculiarity of their use is that they quickly get used to such methods of stimulation - one letter is perceived positively, but the third or tenth already causes, rather, irritation. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it.

Target benchmark incentives are so named because they are used to reward workers and teams that have a particular benchmark at work. For example, “excellence in quality”, “team of exemplary culture,” “soul of the company,” and so on. As always, it's important to be creative and imaginative when choosing these rewards.

Competitive incentives are used, as the name suggests, to encourage a spirit of competition and competition. Awarding the best by profession, the best sales manager, “champions” in order fulfillment speed are just a few examples of such non-material incentives.

Why is it important? The fact is that by rewarding and encouraging the best employees in their field, the company sets the level of quality and professionalism to its employees, which they should strive for.

Organizational incentives

With the help of organizational incentives, employees are created the most convenient working conditions for them. It can be:

  • individual work schedule (floating, free);
  • the opportunity to work outside the location of the company, including at home;
  • providing the best working tools;
  • more convenient location of the workplace (up to a separate office);

Don't underestimate the importance of this type of reward. In practice, their value to employees is quite high.

For example, let's take the situation with the renewal of the vehicle fleet. Which driver should get a new, possibly more comfortable and easy-to-drive car? Or, when buying new, additional computers with better graphics and performance, giving it away for beginners or “average people” is not the best option in terms of employee motivation.

Thus, in and of themselves, measures to improve the organization of labor act as a rather powerful incentive to increase the labor motivation of workers. This usually does not require serious cash expenditures in excess of those already budgeted for the purchase.

Participation in management

This type of intangible motivation consists in the fact that the leader involves his subordinates or colleagues in the development of management decisions. How does it look in practice? Quite simply - when making important decisions, you first need to ask the opinion of the most experienced, qualified employees. Let them give their thoughts on the proposed solution.

At a minimum, a good leader will be able to obtain the additional information needed to make a decision. This method of motivation is simply necessary to use before major changes in the work are coming or are brewing in the company or at the workplace. Such discussion, exchange of views helps to weaken resistance to changes in the team or among individual employees. Also, an open discussion of the problem is a prerequisite for involving employees in the process of solving it.

The most important and necessary condition for effective application is complete and timely informing of employees about the state of affairs in the organization.

Paternalism or concern for employees

We mention here this method of non-material incentives, since it is actually present in the management arsenal. It has many disadvantages, which cover all the potentialities of its use.

The essence of this approach is in building a system based on guardianship, "parental" attitude towards their employees. An organization or company is positioned as one big “family” that takes care of their “relatives”. Leaders are raised within the company, the influx of "outside" employees is not welcome.

Let's list the cons:

  • in large teams it is difficult to pursue a unified policy of paternalism, each leader will have different approaches;
  • it takes a long time to build such a system, you need at least 5-7 years to implement and root such an approach;
  • when a manager is changed, the system “crumbles” - the “own father” leaves, the attitude of employees to other managers will be different, increased requirements for new managers;
  • it is difficult to link paternalism with some situation that requires additional motivation - parents love their children not for their actions, but because they have them

Does intangible reward work?

The unequivocal answer is that it works 100%. Most likely, moral non-financial incentives work even better and more efficiently than monetary ones. Raising salaries, bonuses, additional payments and other types of material incentives have a short-term effect. A person gets used to the level of salary, the bonus is quickly spent and their stimulating effect stops.

What do you think is non-material motivation? Buy souvenir mugs with the company logo and donate to employees? Or maybe bring the team to barbecue once every six months?

Not really.

Below we will tell you how to properly motivate employees.

Motivation stages: how to lead an employee from desire to goal

Simply put, motivation is what motivates a person to take action.

It consists of 4 stages:

  • The emergence of a need (for example, I want to become a real Jedi).
  • Strategy development (get to the Jedi Temple and become a Jedi).
  • Drawing up an action plan to achieve the goal (become a youngling, undergo training, grow to Padawan).
  • Satisfaction of a need (position of a real Jedi).

At any stage, an employee can take the evil side simply because it’s easier and more interesting. Your task is to develop a scenario for passing each stage, create the necessary conditions and choose the tactics of motivation for moving to the next level.

Imagine that you have held a seminar for managers and told them about the goals of the company and their future role. They had a desire to reach new levels of careers.

Then you:

  • help them see the strategy: in order to achieve a new position, you need to bring the company to a new level;
  • show specific goals, such as how to help the company enter the market in another country;
  • in the end: you promote employees who have worked for success.

At every stage of motivation from its inception to getting a new position - keep employees interested, celebrate intermediate successes, help move towards the final goal.

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Theories of motivation X, Y, Z: motivate employees taking into account the attitude to work

The theory of motivation X was developed by the American engineer F. Taylor, and then supplemented by the psychologist D. McGregor, who added the theory Y to it. The theory Z was proposed by Professor V. Ouchi.

In these theories, the features of the attitude to work are considered:

  • X - assumes that employees are initially lazy and require constant monitoring, motivation is based on monetary reward and personal comfort;
  • Y - based on the fact that employees can take responsibility and enjoy a good job, and the manager's task is to remove obstacles to self-realization;
  • Z - development of team spirit and corporate culture, employee participation in making important decisions.

You can use the tools of all three theories for intangible motivation. Keep in mind that for low-skilled personnel, theory X is more correct, for knowledge workers - Y, and for managers and leaders - closer to Z.

Non-material motivation according to theory X:

  • Standardized working day.
  • Stability.
  • Clear tasks.
  • Timely wages.
  • Feeling secure.

Non-material motivation according to theory Y:

  • The need for the company.
  • Solving important tasks.
  • Interest in work.
  • Employee value.
  • Self-development.
  • New knowledge, training.
  • Career growth.

Non-material motivation according to the Z theory:

  • Teamwork, team spirit.
  • The value of the employee's opinion.
  • An opportunity to learn and develop.
  • Solving interesting problems.
  • Responsibility for the fate of the company.
  • Involvement, participation in decision making.

Needs theories: motivate employees based on individual needs

Employees can be motivated not only based on their attitude to work. But also tailored to individual needs.

American psychologist Abraham Maslow identified 7 levels of human needs. They are the driving force behind motivation.

Maslow believed that after satisfying needs on one level, a person moves on to the next. The movement takes place from the bottom up: from the lower stage of physiological needs to the upper stage - self-expression. But movement can also occur in parallel. After all, we want to be loved, well-fed and healthy at the same time.

Later, the psychologist K. Alderfer combined needs into three groups: existence, communication, growth.

American psychologist David McClelland calls the pursuit of power, success, and ownership as basic needs. Different people have one of these needs prevailing. For example, for someone it is more important to manage people, while for someone the main incentive will be to achieve success, that is, the correct solution of the tasks set.

McClelland's theory of needs

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Consider how to motivate employees based on their needs:

The necessities of existence

Physiological: food, sleep, air, water, sex. The need for security is stability, confidence in the future. People who work for the satisfaction of primary instincts are only interested in personal comfort and peace.

How to motivate: Provide formal employment, provide benefits, health insurance, retirement benefits, create a sense of stability and security.

Communication needs

People want to participate in events, make decisions, work in a team, be “their boyfriend” in a team.

How to motivate: arrange team games, trainings, team building. Place a photo of successful employees on the honor board, highlight them with distinctions in the form of diplomas and letters of thanks.

Growth needs

This is the need for creativity, self-development. The desire to use their knowledge and experience, to implement non-standard ideas.

How to motivate: give the reins of government, provide freedom in decision-making and tools to implement ideas, take into account the opinion of such employees.

The need for success

This is the desire to achieve new goals more effectively than before. Such people are true perfectionists: even a perfectly performed job does not seem good enough to them.

How to motivate: reward for achieving success, give short-term tasks so that they see the result of the efforts, measure their effectiveness and show the achieved level at each stage.

Need for involvement

An “accomplice” is indispensable in teamwork - he is always active, shows initiative, and quickly copes with tasks. Those involved worry about the overall success of the company and want to feel part of it.

How to motivate:Praise, support, show value to the company. Assign tasks that require solution to the team.

Need for power

The desire to control others and work processes.

The "ruling" group is divided into two subgroups:

Power for the sake of power.

Power for the sake of achieving a common goal.

The first subgroup is of no value to the company. The second group, on the contrary, will work for the good of the common cause and motivate the rest of the team for success. It is possible to identify which group an employee belongs to only after he has been promoted.

How to motivate:to support the desire for leadership, to appoint to leadership positions, or to give tasks related to team management. Listen to the opinion of such an employee, recognize his authority within the framework of his authority.

When one need is satisfied, a new one appears. If the next level of demand is not available, then the movement begins downward. For example, a person who could not conquer the level of self-expression will again assert himself in communication.

The employer needs to track the growth of the employee and change the motivation model at each stage. It is important to constantly "feed" the needs of the employee so that he does not stand in one place and does not move down.

“At EnglishDom 90% of the team works remotely. So that work outside the team does not affect the decrease in involvement in the work process, and so that the employee feels like a player in the team, it is necessary to properly establish communication with him, which motivates him to work in a team.
Our company has developed a concept of employee motivation in accordance with the XYZ generation theory, based on which an individual approach to employees of different generations is required. "

Motivation theoryHerzberg: combining comfort with a desire for success

According to the theory of psychologist Frederick Herzberg, motivation will be effective only when comfortable working conditions (hygienic factors) are combined with non-material motivating factors.

Example: An employee receives a high salary, appreciates his company and is not going to quit (hygiene factor). The management celebrates his work in every possible way: posts a photo on the website, increases authority among colleagues, makes it possible to choose work tasks, sends him to conferences (additional factors of motivation). The employee strives to work even better.

The theory of two factors Herzberg

In 2016, the recruitment agency Kelly Services conducted to identify motivation factors that are significant for employees:

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Leader's checklist: how to motivate the team

How to combine all theories and give one excellent motivation for the team? We have prepared a checklist for a successful manager.

Formulate a common goal

The goal is the head of everything. But so that all team members make every effort to achieve it, get them interested. Do this with the needs of your employees in mind. It is necessary that each person in the team has a personal interest in achieving the goal.

Show employees their benefits

Discuss company goals with employees. Everyone should see that they affect not only the interests of the company, but also the interests of each member of the team.

Break the goal into stages

Achieving a global goal is a long road with victories and failures. Long waiting times can reduce the fighting spirit of the team.

Breaking the project down into smaller sub-goals will make it much easier. Go step by step, from goal to goal. Celebrate every victory and discuss every defeat, look for ways out, change tactics. Together.

Become your boyfriend

Nothing motivates you to achieve a result like working shoulder to shoulder with a manager. You are on the same team. Take part in the life of the team. Be aware of everything. Become your boyfriend.Listen to the staff.

Host friendly competitions

Friendly means without material benefit for anyone. Competitions bring together, inspire and cheer up the team. In collective games, the character of employees is visible, which helps to determine the tactics of motivation in the future.

Trust and respect employees

Don't be afraid to ask employees for their opinions in any given situation. Even not so - do everything so that they freely express their opinion.

Share ideas with employees and ask for advice. When people can point out YOUR mistakes without fear, then we can talk about a single team.

Encourage competition

Each team has the best and worst employees. Highlight and reward the best, encourage the laggards to reach for the leaders.

Show interest

Be involved in the life of employees: congratulate on holidays, birthdays, support in failures or illness. The team should feel that you care.

Organize a joint vacation

Informal events will help employees get to know each other better. In an informal setting, people begin to open up - they talk about fears and experiences, share their opinions.

Become an example for employees

Be open and honest, admit your mistakes, work on an equal basis with everyone, actively participate in solving problems. Show that you yourself are interested in the success of each and the company as a whole.

As a summary some tips from our speakers:

“Our motivation model is working towards a common big goal that inspires and is accepted by every member of the team. We are all very, very involved, on weekends and at night they respond to clients, for example, in just 2 years of work, we have accumulated more than 5000 reviews from satisfied customers, all as one support the idea that the client should be satisfied, by any available means, so that it didn't cost us.

For example, in just 2 years of work, we have accumulated more than 5000 reviews from satisfied customers. Every morning we have a meeting where we share good news - what has been done to move towards our goal.

We want to improve business efficiency with the help of our cloud services, to become the standard of quality service all over the world. And to raise the standard of living of owners and employees of companies, as well as their families. I believe that working in a team is the greatest pleasure. "

And this is what Margarita Kashuba thinks, marketing director

“What do you need to motivate and work successfully? Firstly, set up the distribution of corporate news, add a new employee to all groups and chats necessary for work, provide access to all the features of the corporate website and the necessary documents - in general, give the employee everything for a comfortable work so that he feels like a part of the company from the first day.

Secondly, once every two weeks, we conduct advanced training sessions for teachers. The school also pays for refresher courses for IT professionals and marketers. Those. the employee understands that the corporation cares about him and invests resources in him.

Thirdly, twice a year we gather all employees for a large corporate party: once in the vastness of our homeland, the second time in warm countries. "

Determine your motivation correctly and your business will grow faster.

Good luck)

And for dessert, a cool video from the teamEnvybox is about motivation. Happy viewing!

We know how to write great lyrics. We will write for you too)

Leave a request, we will respond within a working day.

Now it's time to talk about what it is intangible staff motivation, what are its main methods and directions, and how best to apply them.

So, if we consider the most common, we can see that more than half of employees leave their jobs due to dissatisfaction with the level of wages,

But at the same time, up to 40% of employees quit for other reasons, which, accordingly, also need to be paid attention to. All these reasons just indicate that the system of non-material motivation of personnel does not work or is ineffective at the enterprise. Let's take a look at what it is and how to carry it out correctly.

Non-material motivation of personnel is the creation of internal motives for employees to increase labor efficiency and loyalty to the company by using methods that are not related to any form of payment of material incentives. At the same time, many methods of non-material staff motivation involve certain financial costs.

Unfortunately for employees, employers have an advantage in the labor market today, therefore they are the ones who establish labor rules for their employees. Of course, every employer wants to pay less and get more value at the same time. In addition, practice shows that exclusively material motivation of personnel, in the absence of intangible ones, does not work very effectively, especially in the long term. If wages are constantly raised, workers will begin to take it for granted and stop working with maximum efficiency. In addition to money, they should see that the employer takes care of themselves, their value for the company - all this can be achieved by competently applying methods of non-material motivation of personnel.

What should be the system of non-material motivation of personnel?

1. Covering all categories of employees. If material motivation is usually only used for sales employees, then intangible motivation should concern all employees so that no one feels left out.

2. Comparable to your business objectives. Non-material motivation of personnel can simultaneously be useful not only in terms of increasing labor productivity, but also in other areas of company development. For example, you can pay employees to attend trainings and seminars that will enhance their skills. As a result, it will be non-material motivation for employees - training at the expense of the company, and you will receive more qualified personnel with the same remuneration.

In other words, the system of non-material motivation of personnel should have a positive effect not only on the work of each individual employee, but also on the company as a whole.

3. With the constant replacement of old methods with new ones. If for material motivation it would be better to consistently use the same remuneration system, then non-material motivation of personnel should always have a certain effect of novelty. For example, when a manager praises an employee for the first time in front of the entire team, he will be proud of this and begin to work even more efficiently. But when he praises him in the same way for the twentieth time, it will already be perceived as routine and will not give any effect.

How to choose methods of non-financial motivation of staff?

In order to correctly choose the optimal methods of non-material motivation of personnel, it is necessary to build on the psychological needs of the employees who make up the work team. The well-known Maslow pyramid will help in this, in which five levels of human needs are indicated. Consider how to select the types of non-material motivation of personnel for employees who have needs at each of these levels from the lowest to the highest.

1. Physiological needs. For people who cannot satisfy their physiological needs (they have nowhere to live and nothing to eat), non-material motivation will be generally ineffective. First of all, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to satisfy these needs, using material motivation - to provide a sufficient level of earnings. After the physiological needs are satisfied, the person will move to the next level of Maslow's pyramid.

2. Security needs. People, whose physiological needs are met, then have needs for protection and safety. They want to feel confident in the future, some kind of protection from their employer. In no case should such people be intimidated by dismissal: they need to be made clear that the company provides them with this protection while they work here - they will always have a sufficient level of income, they are reliably protected.

3. Social needs. Further, social needs come to the fore - being in a team, communication, friendship. In this case, the non-material motivation of personnel should be aimed at creating a close-knit friendly team, maintaining a peaceful atmosphere in it. To do this, you can use the organization of corporate events, sports competitions, joint trips on excursions, to nature, visits to cultural events, etc.

4. Needs for respect. Employees at a higher level of need need to be respected in order to feel important to the company, so that the employer sees them as a valuable employee. Here it is necessary to use methods of non-material motivation aimed at expressing recognition and respect: honor boards, personal and public praise of the leader, awarding certificates, valuable prizes, etc.

Many executives mistakenly use such non-financial staff motivation for employees in the first two rungs of Maslow's pyramid. In this case, it can be perceived negatively by them, as a mockery: “I need money, and you are here with your certificates ...”.

5. The need for self-expression. And finally, employees at the highest level of the Maslow pyramid need the opportunity to create something, take initiative, and participate in the development of some innovations. If you want to win their loyalty, you must provide them with such an opportunity, otherwise they will go to another employer, and you will lose valuable and professional personnel.

Always remember that after the satisfaction of the lower needs, the higher ones arise, therefore the non-material motivation of the staff should not stand in one place: it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to the changing needs of your employees and follow them.

Methods of non-material motivation of personnel.

Well, now I will list the most common effective methods of non-material staff motivation that can be used to increase labor efficiency and employee loyalty. I draw your attention to the fact that some of them do not require any material costs at all, at the same time, they will certainly have a positive effect, therefore, absolutely every leader who takes care of his team should use them.

- Conducting meetings at which employees will be informed about the achievements of the company and the contribution of each to these achievements, public praise, rewarding especially distinguished employees;

- Personal praise of the employee for effective work, high productivity, fulfillment and overfulfilment of targets or other work achievements;

- Congratulations to employees on their birthday, New Year, March 8, the company's foundation day and other holidays, organization of festive events at any level (from corporate events to a modest celebration in the team);

- Help and sympathy in the grief of an employee (in the death or hospitalization of relatives), not necessarily of a material nature: you can be released from work for the required number of days with pay, allocate a company car, use your connections for better organization, etc.

- Helping employees in resolving personal or family issues: for example, setting an individual work schedule, help with renting an apartment, when moving, etc.;

- Provision of subscriptions for visiting sports clubs, fitness centers, swimming pools, etc .;

- Caring for the professional growth of employees: organization of training, participation in refresher courses, trainings and seminars at the expense of the company;

- Caring for the career development of employees: promotion to senior positions, first of all, of their employees who have shown good performance;

- Organization of internships abroad and overseas business trips (for companies whose activities involve such a need);

- Demonstration of interest in the problems of the working collective and each employee, communication with the collective and each employee personally;

- Seeking advice from the team or certain employees (both in a personal matter and related to the activities of the company);

- Polite treatment of employees, the use of words such as “hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”, address by name (both in oral speech and in written messages);

- Treating employees of the team just like that, for no reason (for example, pizza, cakes, sweets);

- Providing the opportunity to leave work early or take an extra day off for a job well done or for a good reason;

- Using the board of honor, both visual (in the office of the company) and virtual (on the site);

- Rewarding employees with diplomas, insignia, mementos;

- Nice job title (as in the well-known joke: "Area cleaning manager" sounds much more attractive than "Janitor"). There is not only a psychological background to this, but also a rational grain: a beautiful record in the work record book will play the best role for a future career;

- Equipment for a convenient and comfortable workplace with all the necessary equipment;

- Participation of an employee in important meetings (for example, during business negotiations with partners) as a consultant.

As you can see, the methods of non-financial motivation of personnel are very diverse, this list could be continued further. The most important thing is that every manager must understand: even some insignificant trifle for him can serve as a good non-material motivation for the staff, increase the efficiency of his work, and hence the profit of the company.

I hope you are imbued with the fact that non-material motivation of staff is no less important than material, and these two areas should be used in combination, carefully thinking over each of them.

Remember that the famous slogan “Cadres decide everything” has not lost its relevance today. The profit of the company and the personal income of the manager directly depend on how productively the personnel will work, which, in turn, can affect this efficiency, using well-thought-out and effective systems of personnel motivation.

Remember that this is not the same thing: motivation awakens in the employee an internal desire to work productively, and stimulation forces him to do it from the outside, which can lead to completely different consequences.

On this I say goodbye to you. See you in other publications on - a site that will increase your financial literacy and teach you how to effectively manage your personal finances, earnings, investing and mutually beneficial cooperation with banks. Until next time!

There are two forms of incentives to obtain the desired attitude of employees - material and non-material incentives for personnel. If everything is very clear with the first option, then the moral side of the issue of encouraging employees is not always implemented properly. With its help, a company without financial investment can get a real improvement in performance.

Non-financial methods of staff incentives - different approaches

Depending on the specifics of the company's work, the individual characteristics of each organization, different methods of non-material incentives can be used. The techniques of this approach boil down to ensuring good motivation and comfortable moral working conditions for each employee and for the team as a whole.

The main methods of non-financial incentives for employees used today in most effective companies are as follows:

  • meeting the requirements of employees according to the work schedule, providing a flexible schedule, simple registration of time off;
  • demonstration of the company's gratitude for the work performed by the employee, development of an internal reward system with titles, diplomas, levels;
  • holding corporate events, team competitions, sporting events between the company's employees;
  • development and development of a team spirit, which is based on the foundations and principles of the company's philosophy, on personal growth.

For a person who performs physical or mental work in a team of other people, it is important to get an environment in which he will feel the importance of his work. Most employees doing difficult physical work quickly begin to feel like cogs in a huge engine, on whose work little depends. It is necessary to provide the employee with a sense of the importance, necessity and value of the work he is doing.

Why does non-material incentives work better than material ones?

The increase in wages motivates the person for several weeks or months until the increase becomes a habit. The moral environment created by the leaders of the company will surround the employee every minute of his stay at work.

The productivity and mood of the staff will depend solely on the quality of the environment. It is the non-material ways of encouraging staff that make it possible to create a high-quality environment in which each employee will feel the incredible value of his work and receive proper moral reward along with work in a pleasant team.

Examples of non-material incentives for staff

The activities of many companies can be considered as examples, but it is necessary to develop your own strategy for non-material incentives for employees. Creation of team spirit and pleasant working conditions, as well as moderate rivalry - these are the main principles of modern non-material incentives. Techniques for achieving these goals can be different:

  • monthly summing up of the work process, rewarding the best employees;
  • redistribution of labor at the enterprise depending on the skills and preferences of workers;
  • giving a large amount of self-responsibility for the work;
  • lack of multilevel control, creation of opportunities for growth and development.