Improving pedagogical skills through the participation of teachers in professional competitions. My pedagogical achievements Requirements for competitive materials

Competitions of professional skills

as a means of creative self-realization

pedagogical workers.

A competition is a competition aimed at highlighting the best of the participants. Pedagogical skill competitions can be considered as a stage of increasing the professionalism of teachers, as an open mass pedagogical competition for teachers. A teacher focused on professional growth seeks to make himself known to the general public in order to improve teaching skills and disseminate the experience of his work. Professional competitions are not only serious creative tests for the best teachers. Their implementation contributes to the effective development domestic system school education, wide introduction into practice of new interesting methods and approaches to teaching.

Pedagogical excellence competitions are held in order to increase the prestige and status of a teacher in society, identify and study new areas of theory and practice of management in the field of education, support innovative developments and technologies that contribute to the development of the education system and have an effective impact on the process of education and upbringing.

The content of professional competitions is not chosen arbitrarily, it must be subordinated to the solution of the main tasks facing the education system. Each contest carries its own semantic load, determined by its nominations.

Show jumping are full-time and absentee. But, as a rule, all remote competitions held on the Internet are of a commercial nature and have no special significance. One of the main and significant pedagogical competitions is the "Teacher of the Year" or "Educator of the Year", which can supplement and even replace many other administrative methods for evaluating team members for the leaders of the school and the municipal education system: control, interview, annual certification. The competition has advantages over them as a much more democratic mechanism for evaluating and remunerating the work of a teacher and leader. And the higher the status of the competition by stage (school, municipal, regional, all-Russian), the more prestigious participation in it.

An analysis of the experience of working at school allows us to identify the following types of competitions that are most often used in working with teachers of educational institutions:

reviews-competitions of the subject-developing environment,

methodical competitions, teaching materials,

skill competitions,

competitions with the participation of children, where training is provided by the teachers of the educational institution.

Competition type

Actual tasks implemented during the competition




developing environment

Creation of conditions for the cognitive activity of children, etc.

Encouragement of teachers to creative activity, disclosure of creative abilities, imagination and fantasy.

Identification of the positive experience of teachers.



educational and methodological


Stimulating the growth of professional skills of teachers, promoting the development of the research sphere in pedagogical activity.

Promoting priority national project"Education".

Revealing creative educators engaged in innovative pedagogical activity.

Identification and support of innovative projects, methods.

Formation of the need to study and implement new generation programs in work with children.

Generalization of work experience.

Orientation of teachers to innovation, experiment, forecasting.

Determination of the most effective ways to implement the Concept of modernization of the education system.


professional excellence

Increasing the prestige of the professions "teacher", "educator".

Identification of talented teachers.

Promotion and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, creation of a data bank.

Stimulation of the work of the teacher.

Expanding the range of communication of creatively working teachers.

Demonstration of the possibilities of new pedagogical technologies and new forms of work with children.

Increasing the creative activity of teachers, creating conditions for personal and professional self-realization.

Activation innovative work, identifying and supporting innovative teachers in the process of mastering modern programs, methods and technologies for the development, upbringing and education of children.

Competitions with the participation of children

Identification of positive experience in the education and upbringing of children.

Identification of gifted children.

Creation of conditions for the development of children's abilities and the creative potential of teachers.

Intensifying the activities of teachers to introduce various creative techniques into work with children.

Development in children of expressive poetry reading skills, updating and diversity of the song repertoire.

Development of directing skills and abilities of teachers.

Stimulating the creative search of teachers for the selection of methods, technologies for teaching children to compose creative stories.

There are several approaches to the selection of participants in competitions: self-nomination, nomination by the professional community - the entire teaching staff or groups of teachers, as well as a combination of all three options. As you know, the most deserving do not necessarily become participants in the competition. A teacher who has all the qualities of a potential winner may never participate in any of the competitions. And vice versa, a teacher who does not even show average results in his work can be nominated and win. Why do teachers participate or, conversely, refuse to participate in competitions?

Usually the status of a teacher is determined by the current assessment of his performance by the administration of the educational institution. Sometimes the assessment develops spontaneously or under the influence of the teacher's attitude to work, his loyalty to the administration, and is by no means always objective. Competitions of pedagogical skill help to eliminate this contradiction.The desire to participate in a professional competition is expressed, first of all, by teachers, who are not afraid of the situation of achievements, but, on the contrary, stimulate. They tend to have a high level of ambition, as well as motivation and ability to achieve. These are, of course, people striving for success. However, they can consider success as real professional achievements, confirmed by winning the competition, and the rewards that they expect to receive by becoming the winner: recognition, fame, status in the team, award, category, the possibility of receiving departmental awards, etc. The main motivation for participation in the competition is both internal and external.

At the same time, the intention to avoid failure in the current work also serves as a motivation for participating in the competition. This is a kind of protest reaction to the unfair assessment of the administration, the desire to be rehabilitated. Not finding recognition, the teacher seeks to prove his worth by participating in school, district or city competitions. Thus, both the motives for achieving success and avoiding failure can prevail in the behavior of a participant in the competition. However, it is well known that among good specialists there are very few who seek to participate in competitions. What's the matter, why do many teachers dislike competitions so much?

The competition is a teacher's public performance in front of colleagues, a stressful, tense situation that can bring both success and recognition, and failure. Probably, a considerable group is made up of teachers who are not very confident in themselves, restrain ambitious impulses, regretting their passivity. Their claims and self-esteem are high, and passivity is the desire to avoid possible failure. As a rule, such teachers are anxious, and participation in the competition requires a lot of nervous expenses from them. The mere mention of the competition causes them unpleasant emotions. However, such teachers should remember that if they do not decide to participate in the competition of professional skills, their internal conflict will remain unresolved, they will retain a feeling of dissatisfaction with themselves and others.

Factors that influence the decision of the teacher to participate in the competition:

Professional and personal interest, the need to transfer the acquired experience, the desire to get acquainted with the experience of other teachers.

Desire to acquire a certain professional status.

The desire to improve pedagogical skills, to gain recognition in the pedagogical community, the desire to become the best.

Each competition has its pros and cons.

Positive sides:

development of creative potential, involvement in research activities;

development of teachers' competencies, development of active life position, communication skills, the desire for self-improvement, self-knowledge, self-actualization;

creating a favorable motivational environment for professional development teachers;

introduction of new pedagogical technologies in municipal sphere education;

demonstration of their professional credo, application of the acquired experience in their pedagogical activities, both in the process of training and education, and for further professional development;

development of creative abilities, establishment of new connections, development of professional communication in the pedagogical community, introduction of new pedagogical technologies in the field of education.

the opportunity to declare socially significant ideas implemented in one's own practical activities, accept and implement the best practices of the best teachers in the educational process.

promotion of pedagogical ideas and achievements, expansion of the space for active pedagogical communication.
stimulation of pedagogical creativity of teachers.

So, pedagogical skill competitions are not only a competition, but also an opportunity to communicate with other teachers, organizers, jury members at a professional level. The competition allows you to join the active innovative activity, to most fully implement a personality-oriented approach to their professional and career growth. For teachers, participation in the competition means an opportunity to demonstrate their achievements in professional teaching activities, present the results of their work with students, joint work with parents, local community. Participation in the competition is a kind of stop, a look at your activities from the outside. Everyone has it teacher there is an opportunity to show that he is a modern teacher, because he uses modern educational technologies, including information and communication; generalizes and disseminates his own pedagogical experience at the municipal and (or) regional level(master classes, seminars, conferences, round tables, etc.), improves qualifications and passes professional retraining. The competition is a mechanism for the professional development of teachers. It's no secret that effective participation in competitions is an important criterion for the effectiveness of a teacher's work during certification.

Negative sides:

problems in the organization labor day, because not enough time;

stressfulness, tension of the situation, which can bring not only recognition and success, but also failure;

increasing inequality between the strong, successful schools and teachers and promising, but not possessing the required qualities at the time of the competition, which can lead either to an intensification of efforts aimed at achieving victory in the following competitions, or a loss of faith in one's strength, a decrease in motivation, self-esteem, etc.

Thus, there is a threat of "loss" of potentially capable, but insufficiently competent participants at the time of the competition. And this indicates the need to provide for such a group of teachers other forms of support and development, including by changing the usual competitions. Today, there are many defenders and opponents of professional competitions in Russian education. Some scold them for their resemblance to the show, others for the formalism of the procedure for competitive events.

The main problem of professional teacher competitions is the presentation of pedagogical activity. How to objectively assess the skill of a teacher if he works "behind closed doors"? Usually, open lessons are organized for these purposes. However, it is precisely the need to give such lessons that often causes the teacher's reluctance to participate in the competition. Teachers believe that it is not always possible to correctly assess the quality of their work by one, especially a presentation lesson. The assessment given on the basis of open lessons, which are specially prepared, in their opinion, cannot be considered objective. It does not reflect the effectiveness of the daily work of the teacher in the school. How to solve this problem?

If we proceed from the fact that in a professional competition not only the skill of conducting a lesson is evaluated, but the system of a teacher's work, then the system needs to be presented. In addition to studying open lessons, teachers' developments provide a fairly complete picture of the level of professionalism: author's programs, scientific reports, self-prepared visual aids, didactic materials, devices, as well as planning, notes and scenarios for training sessions, development for students. You can make a film about the skill of a teacher, telling about his individual laboratory, about what distinguishes him from others; prepare an exhibition of teaching materials, interview. In other words, the contestant's work system must be presented as a whole.

Based on work experience, several stages of preparing and holding competitions can be distinguished.

The first stage is "Organizational and preparatory".

It includes:

Development of "Regulations on the competition". The regulation states

Competition theme,

Goal and tasks,


Content and order of conduct,

Requirements for the content and design of competitive materials,

Criteria for evaluation,


The composition of the jury

Competition procedure.

There may be appendices to the regulation on the competition, which indicate the application form for participation in the competition or the forms of any other documents (characteristics - submission to an educational institution, etc.).

Acquaintance of teachers with the Regulations on the competition with comments and recommendations.

Writing a script or procedure for the competition, choosing a host.

Selection of props for the competition, decoration of the premises, purchase of certificates, gifts, etc.

Providing advice and practical assistance to teachers in preparation for the competition.

The second stage is "Basic" or "Practical".

It includes:

Conducting the competition itself according to a pre-written scenario or plan.

Summing up the results of the competition and rewarding participants and winners.

The third stage is "Final" or "Analytical".

It includes:

Writing an analytical report on the results of the competition.

Acquaintance with the analytical reference at the teachers' council.

Presentation of methodological materials of the competition.

Registration of an exhibition of methodological materials, photographic materials, etc. following the results of the competition.

School education today needs a teacher who can independently obtain necessary information, isolate problems, find ways to solve them, be able to critically analyze the results obtained and creatively apply them in practice. The participation of teachers in various competitions allows them to develop and improve their pedagogical skills.

Olga Malchikova
My pedagogical achievements

My pedagogical achievements.

Malchikova Olga Yurievna.


Children's educator preschool age.

Experience teaching work 17 years.

Educator of the highest qualification category.

Higher education.

Today the teacher should be modern man able to learn. In my work I use modern technologies which helps me improve my professional level, and use new methods of education in working with children in the direction of morally patriotic education of children and self-education in this area.

In his pedagogical I use methodological developments in my work, innovative technologies who help me in the education and training of my pupils.

- “Moral and patriotic education of children of primary preschool age (methodological developments)

- "Moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age" (methodological developments)

- "The system of ethical education of preschoolers"

Ethical grammar "Mood Rainbow"

Patriotic education "Motherland as a value"

Petersburg studies in the system of ethical education of preschool children.

By using your pedagogical experience I take part in competitions of my educational institution and district.

Contest "Patriotic education of a preschooler" 1st place. 2006

Contest "Developing environment in preschool» 1st place 2007

Competition "Developing environment "Road and Children" 1st place. 2011

Contest pedagogical achievements in the nomination"Childhood" Winner, second place in the district. 2011-2012 year.

Government Prize Award Saint Petersburg

"The best teacher of a preschool educational institution

St. Petersburg" 2012

The most important thing for me has always been and always will be love for children, for my profession. In each period of the development of society, the educator is given different tasks, but for me the task of developing a highly moral personality remains important. Love and attention to children, understanding of responsibility, the most important qualities in dealing with children, it is important that children understand you and love to trust you.

Working with children makes it possible for a person to show all the best that is in him, all his abilities. I want to introduce a small person into the world of knowledge of the surrounding reality, to awaken and affirm noble feelings and experiences in his soul, to educate human dignity, faith in a good beginning in man, boundless love for his native land.

In other words, my work is dedicated to the world of childhood. And childhood children's World- this is a special world. To get into that world, you need to become yourself, to some extent, a child. Only under this condition, children will not look at you as a person who simply guards this world, who is indifferent to what is happening inside this world. My purpose as an educator is to teach children to respect each other, understand each other, appreciate everything that surrounds you and them. It is important for me that the child believed me, retained respect and appreciation. Justifying his trust is a big responsibility. When you come to children and see a spark of love in their eyes, when you feel that their hearts are open to you, and when you understand that they need you, and you need them, isn't this true happiness.

In every child is the sun, you just need to give it the opportunity to shine

I want to give him that opportunity [If you want something, the whole universe will contribute to your desire came true]

P. Coelho

17 years is mine teaching experience. Over the years, I was able to graduate from the institute. Reached the highest category , and I see the essence in movement.

Participation in the competition gave the Victory. And the Prize lit the way for me!

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Saberzyanova Ramila Rakhimovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, GBOU gymnasium No. 363 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg
Tikhomirova Veronika Viktorovna, teacher primary school GBOU Gymnasium No. 295 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Ponomarenko Irina Vyacheslavovna, music teacher GBOU secondary school No. 303 with in-depth study German language and objects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle named after Friedrich Schiller of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg
Fadeeva Elena Alexandrovna, teacher of biology, Gymnasium No. 441 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Results of the competition for the award of the Prize of the Government of St. Petersburg "The best teacher of additional education of the state educational institution of St. Petersburg" in 2019

Danilova Irina Vladimirovna
Dmitrieva Elvi Yakovlevna, teacher of additional education GBU DO Center for Creativity and Education of the Frunzensky District of St. Petersburg
Moiseeva Irina Mikhailovna, teacher of additional education GBU DO Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity of the Frunzensky District of St. Petersburg
Smirnova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education, GBOU school No. 603 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg
Topuria Alexander Sergeevich, teacher of additional education GBU DO Center for Creativity and Education of the Frunzensky District of St. Petersburg

1. Semenova Inna Eduardovna, teacher of physics and computer science GBOU No. 368, winner

2. Kovalenko Ekaterina Mikhailovna, biology teacher GBOU No. 298,

3. Kononova Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher physical education GBOU No. 296,winner in the nomination "Skill of a teacher of physical culture and sports" (sub-nomination "Creativity of a teacher of physical culture during school hours")

4. Lisitsyna Elena Alekseevna, physical education teacher GBOU No. 296,winner in the nomination "Skill of a teacher of physical culture and sports" (sub-nomination "Creativity of a teacher of physical culture in extracurricular activities")

5. Petropavlovskaya Daria Dmitrievna, teacher visual arts GBOU No. 368, winner in the nomination "Education of a schoolchild" (sub-nomination "Debut")

6 . Zhuravleva Elena Volodarovna, primary school teacher GBOU No. 318, winner in the nomination "Education of a schoolchild" (sub-nomination "Master")

7. Makarova Nadezhda Sergeevna, group teacher extended day GBOU No. 310, winner in the nomination "Education of a schoolchild" (sub-nomination "Educator of an extended day group")

8. Tikhomirova Veronika Viktorovna, primary school teacherGBOU No. 295, winner in the nomination "Program extracurricular activities(sub-nomination "Primary school")

9. Zainulina Olga Sergeevna, teacher of fine arts GBOU No. 311, Nikolaeva Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher of mathematics GBOU No. 311, pwinners in the nomination "Program of extracurricular activities" (sub-nomination "Basic school").

10. Kopylova Irena Georgievna, educator GBDOU No. 106, winner

11. Voronina Sofia Andreevna, teacher-psychologist GBOU No. 37, winner in the nomination " Efficient Technologies support services"

12. Kleingof Denis Sergeevich, teacher of additional education GBOU No. 364,winner in the nomination "Programmatic and methodological support of additional education for children" (sub-nomination "Additional general education program")

13. Golubeva Irina Yurievna, teacher of additional education of the State Budgetary Institution of Children and Children of Youth, the winner in the nomination "

1. Agafontsev Alexander Alexandrovich, computer science teacher GBOU No. 311, winner in the nomination "Pedagogical debut"

2. Ivanova Nadezhda Olegovna, physics teacher GBOU No. 311, winner in the nomination "Skill of the teacher"

3. Nilova Anna Nikolaevna, teacher of physical culture GBOU No. 322, winner in the nomination "Skill of a teacher of physical culture and sports" (sub-nomination "Creativity of a teacher of physical culture during school hours")

4. Kotova Lidia Andreevna, teacher of history and social studies, GBOU No. 310, winner in the nomination "Education of a schoolchild" (sub-nomination "Debut")

5. Mineeva Olga Nikolaevna, teacher of history and social studies, State Budgetary Educational Institution No. 310, winner in the nomination "Education of a schoolchild" (sub-nomination "Master")

6. Ziteva Irina Vladimirovna, teacher of the after-school group GBOU No. 365, winner in the nomination "Education of the schoolchild" (sub-nomination "Educator of the after-school group")

7. Pryazhnikova Anna Yurievna, teacher, teacher of additional education GBOU No. 303, winner in the nomination "Program of extracurricular activities" (sub-nomination "Primary school")

8. Alexandrova Eva Alexandrovna, Deputy Director of GBOU No. 316, Korolkova Alexandra Vladimirovna, teacher of mathematics at GBOU No. 316, winners in the nomination "Extracurricular Activities Program" (sub-nomination "Basic School").

9. Kuznetsova Tatyana Gennadievna, music director of GBOU No. 299, winner in the nomination "Education and development of a preschooler"

10. Kiryushatova Tatyana Nikolaevna, educator GBDOU No. 100, winnerin the nomination "Education and development of a preschooler"

11. Black Svetlana Evgenievna, teacher of additional education of the State Budgetary Institution of Children and Children's Children's Youth, the winner in the nomination "Creativity of an out-of-school teacher" (subnomination "Debut")

12. Fedorova Marina Yurievna, teacher of additional education GBU DO TsTiO, winner in the nomination"Creativity of an out-of-school teacher" (sub-nomination "Master")

13. Leoshko Irina Alexandrovna, teacher-defectologist GBDOU No. 97, winner in the nomination "Effective technologies of the escort service"

14. Kholinova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education of the State Budgetary Institution of Education for Children, the winner in the nomination "Program and methodological support for additional education of children" (subnomination "Additional general education program")

1. Karpich Maria Valerievna, teacher of Russian language and literature GBOU No. 226, winnerin the nomination "Pedagogical debut"

2. Shendrik Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature, State Budgetary Educational Institution No. 365, winner in the nomination "Teacher's Mastery"

3. Zazybina Anna Leonidovna, primary school teacher GBOU No. 301, winner in the nomination "Education of a schoolchild" (sub-nomination "Debut")

4. Petrova Inna Gennadievna, primary school teacher GBOU No. 205, winner in the nomination "Education of a schoolchild" (sub-nomination "Master")

5. Yakovleva Natalya Gennadievna, primary school teacher GBOU No. 303, winner in the nomination "Extracurricular Activities Program"

6. Syrovetskaya Oksana Vadimovna, primary school teacher GBOU No. 305, winner in the nomination "ICT in education" (sub-nomination "ICT in educational activities")

7. Brukhis Marina Anatolyevna, teacher in English GBOU No. 368,winner in the nomination "ICT in education" (sub-nomination "Distant educational institution")

8. Sorokina Olga Leonidovna, senior educator GBDOU No. 41, Babenkova Natalya Vladimirovna, educator GBDOU No. 41, Bylim Lyudmila Ivanovna, teacher GBDOU No. 41 - winners innominations "ICT in education" (sub-nomination "Distant preschool educational institution")

9. Ulyanova Svetlana Viktorovna, pedagogue-psychologist GBDOU No. 94, winner in the nomination "Effective technologies of the escort service"

10. Rolbina Leah Rafikovna, additional education teacher of the State Budgetary Institution of Children and Children's Children's Children's Youth, the winner in the nomination "Creativity of a preschool teacher" (subnomination "Debut")

11. Popova Olga Ivanovna, teacher of additional education GBU DO TsTiO,winner in the nomination "Creativity of a preschool teacher" (subnomination "Master")

12. Gleb Dilya Shakiryanovna, educator GBDOU No. 41, winner in the nomination "Education and development of a preschooler"

13. Egorova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of additional education GBU DO TsTiO, winner in nomination " Program and methodological support of additional education for children" (subnomination "Methodological materials")

1. Alexander Sergeevich Lastochkin, history teacher GBOU No. 226, winnerin the nomination "Pedagogical debut"

2. Romanov Dmitry Alexandrovich , teacher of computer science GBOU No. 325,winner in the nomination "Skill of the teacher"

3. Mikhailova Elena Viktorovna, music director of GBDOU No. 60, winner in the nomination "Education and development of a preschooler"

4. Nekrasova Nadezhda Pavlovna, speech therapist teacher GBDOU No. 93, winner in the nomination "Effective technologies of the escort service"

5. Talzi Svetlana Stanislavovna, primary school teacher GBOU No. 325, winner in the nomination "Extracurricular Activities Program"

6. Afanasyeva Anastasia Olegovna, teacher-organizer of GBOU No. 230, winner in the nomination "Education of a schoolchild"

7. Mishenev Rodion Olegovich, teacher of additional education, winner in the nomination "Creativity of an out-of-school teacher" (sub-nomination "Debut")

8. Marakhovskaya Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education GBOU DOD CVR, winnerin the nomination "Creativity of an out-of-school teacher" (subnomination "Master")

9. Ryabova Elena Efimovna, teacher of additional education GBOU No. 443, winner in n nominations" Program and methodological support of additional education for children" (subnomination "Methodological materials")

Educational portal "Educational and Methodical Cabinet" site site invites teachers of preschool education, teachers, teachers of additional education, educators, college teachers, pedagogical students educational institutions take part in a competition.

The professional competition runs from January 15 to April 15, 2020

The theme of the competition: "Collection of pedagogical skills and creativity"

The competition accepts author's methodological developments of pedagogical value on the following topics:

Articles on pedagogy, psychology and teaching methodology.

Summaries of classes with preschoolers.

Summaries of lessons for schoolchildren.

Consultations for parents of preschool children (schoolchildren).

Master classes for children, teachers or parents.

Games (educational, didactic, role-playing, mobile, intellectual...) for children of preschool and school age

Abstracts of conversations with preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios of intellectual, sports entertainment for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Interesting educational stories, fairy tales, poems for children of preschool and school age

Abstracts gaming activities with preschoolers (schoolchildren)

Holiday scenarios for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios game programs for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios of competitive programs for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Scenarios of extracurricular activities and activities for schoolchildren

Scenarios, class notes

Scenarios of leisure programs with fun games, songs, funny contests and dances

Scenarios of discos, skits, tournaments, KVNs

Scenarios for summer holidays, scenarios for events for a summer camp

Competition procedure

1. The competition is All-Russian. Teachers from other countries can also take part in the competition, but we accept works only in Russian.

2. The competition is held among teachers who have blogs on the site site

If you don't have a blog and want to enter the contest, then You need:

Register on the site;

Leave a request to open a blog (follow the link)

After reviewing your application, we open a personal blog for you.

3. You post the contest entries yourself on your blog from December 16 (the start of the contest announcement) until April 15, 2020 inclusive.

At the beginning of the text of the work, be sure to indicate all your full data (name, position, place of work).

4. The number of works from one participant is not limited

5. After posting the competition entry on the blog, you leave (follow the link). The application must be submitted within 5 days after the posting of the work on the blog (applications for work on the blog posted more than 5 days will not be considered)

6. After receiving your application, the editors conduct an expert review of the work for compliance competitive requirements within 3 working days from the moment of placing the application. If your methodological development satisfies the competitive requirements, then it is assigned a number, and it is placed in the competitive table.

If your work did not pass the peer review (the work was not accepted for participation in the competition), then your work remains on the blog. You can take part in the competition, but with new job, you can correct and redo the old work, but it will no longer be able to participate in the competition.

7. Those who wish will be able to express their opinion on each of the works and support the participants in the comments to the relevant articles.

8. Collective work not accepted for the competition.

10. When summing up the results of the competition will take into account:

Site administration ratings;

Estimates in the comments to the work;

Attention: only meaningful comments, comments-reviews, comments-analyses will be taken into account.

Comments will be evaluated from 2-4 points depending on the content and length of the comment.

At the end of each article there is a block for comments and social media buttons.

Attention! Each development will be evaluated separately. If you propose several methodological developments for participation in the competition and want them to be evaluated jointly, then you need to send a personal message to the site editor Tatyana Alekseevna before April 15, indicate in it which works (numbers of competitive works) need to be combined and how to name your combined work .

11. April 25, 2020 The results of the contest will be published and the winners will be announced.

Requirements for competitive materials:

Presentations are not accepted for participation in the competition, the presentation can only be as an appendix to the main text of your work. How to post a presentation on a blog can be read;

Materials for which Certificates of Publication have been received, or which participate in other competitions, are not accepted for participation in the competition;

A description of the work must be submitted (at least 2-3 full-fledged sentences): what category of teachers (educators, teachers, parents ...) will this material be useful for; for children of what age (group, class) is your material intended; describe the application of your material in the educational process.

Be sure to indicate the purpose, objectives in the submitted material ...

If you used any sources when compiling materials (for example, poems by famous poets, aphorisms or quotes famous people, descriptions of teaching methods or other sources), it is necessary to indicate the authors of these sources;

If photographs, pictures, drawings, diagrams are used in the design of the material, then they must be at least 700 points in width, the pictures must be bright in jpg format. Photos and pictures should not contain extraneous inscriptions (dates, logos, etc.);

Quizzes, tests, riddles, test materials must be with answers;

Materials of practical content are not accepted without photos (illustrations). The number of photos must be at least 5 pieces (there should be no children in the photo);

The text is drawn up in the Word editor;

Materials must be neatly designed, taking into account the requirements for the design of blog materials. All materials of practical content must be well illustrated: at least 5 photos (illustrations). The size of the photo is at least 700 pixels wide, without dates and logos.

The volume of the text should be at least 2 printed pages (Fonts " Times New Roman" only the 14th size. Line spacing - single)

Do not use: headers and footers, footnotes, embedded objects, frames (inscriptions), frames and fills, objects drawn using MS Word.

The text should not contain links to websites. Only the Authors of poems, works and aphorisms can be indicated in the text.

You can embed video from YouTube into the text. How to embed video in text

Video materials can be only as an addition (appendix), and not as the main part of the work (material).

Only standard characters can be used in bulleted lists.

It is not allowed to perform abbreviations like: B, Vo-l, R-k, U-k, Ved. etc. It is necessary to write in full: Educator, Child, Student, Leader, etc.

We reserve the right to edit your entry and change the title of the entry to reflect your content;

Additional terms.

Participation in the Contest means acceptance of the following conditions:

● the organizers of the Contest do not enter into correspondence with participants whose applications were rejected (did not meet the requirements of the Contest);

● Organizers of the Contest reserve the right to use the materials provided for the Contest at their own discretion.

If it turns out that your work has already been posted on other sites, or you have violated someone's copyright, the work will be withdrawn from the competition and all documents issued earlier will be cancelled. Your work remains on the site.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What if the material contains a Presentation?

After posting the material on the blog, you send the presentation to us at Email sv@site

You must send a presentation before writing an application for participation in the competition. After the presentation appears in your material, you leave an application for participation in the competition. We place presentations within 1-2 days.

The subject of the email should be "Presentation for my blog post". Presentation requirements are written

You can also, additionally, instead of slides, insert photos and pictures that your presentation contains into this material (all photos and pictures must be in jpg format., good quality and without logos of third-party sites, the size of the photo is at least 640 pixels in width).

Why methodological development (work) is not accepted for participation in the competition?

2. Your work, collected word for word from other people's texts, or a complete copy of someone else's work. Your work has low uniqueness (less than 50%).

3. The amount of work is less than 2 pages of printed text.

5. If the work is poorly and inaccurately framed, there are many errors in the text.

6. If for this work you have already received an award document from the site (Certificate of publication, Certificate of participation in another competition).

How to post a table on a blog?

The blog does not have the ability to post tables. Therefore, the table must be presented as an image (picture, illustration) in jpg format, or the tabular version must be converted into plain text. At the same time, the main part should not methodological development consist of picture tables.

In the text of the letter, you must indicate your full name and say that you want to publish a summary - a table for the material posted on the blog. Be sure to include a link to the blog post for which you are submitting the abstract.

Only after posting your abstract, you leave an application for participation in the competition. We place the material within 3 working days.

Is it possible to get a Certificate of Publication for a competitive work?

For competitive work, you can receive a Certificate of participation, in case of victory, a Diploma of the winner.

We do not issue a certificate of publication for competitive work.

If there are special characters in the text of the work (for example, in extracurricular activities in natural sciences). How to post this work on the blog?

If your work contains formulas, technical symbols..., then you post the material on the blog up to the formulas (description, methodological design, abstract outline, etc.), then you need to send the entire abstract to us at

In the text of the letter, you must indicate your full name and say that you want to publish a summary with formulas for the material posted on the blog. Be sure to include a link to the blog post for which you are submitting the abstract.

Only after posting your material, you leave an application for participation in the competition. We place the material within 3 working days.

Do I need to pay money to participate in the competition? Do I need to pay money for Certificates, Diplomas?

No, you don't have to pay for anything.

Participation in the competition and the issuance of all documents (Certificate of participation, Diploma of the winner) - Free. We don't have any org. contributions.

Participation in all competitions on our portal is free.


We do not respond to questions asked in the comments, in private messages, to the e-mail address, the answers to which are contained in the text of this competitive regulation. All comments with such questions will remain unanswered or will be deleted.

Summing up the results of the competition

Number of winners: 10% off total submitted works

The winners of the competition are awarded with Diplomas for I, II and III places, respectively.

All participants of the competition during the period of the competition receive Certificates of participation.

If it turns out that your work has already been posted on other sites, or you have violated someone's copyright, the work will be withdrawn from the competition and all documents issued earlier will be cancelled. Your work remains on the site.


As soon as your work is placed in the competition table, you can download the Competition Participant Certificate within 14 days from the moment the work was placed in the competition table.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate of participation in the competition

As soon as your work is placed in the competition table, the button "Download Certificate" appears on the page with your material (next to the buttons "Edit" and "Delete".

You can download the Contest Participant Certificate within 14 days from the date of approval of your application.

Samples of Diploma and Certificate