Sales manager's strengths list. The main qualities of a sales manager

Answer from Quora user Mira Zaslove .

  • Stability. Sales work is always a failure. The more easily a specialist accepts rejections, the faster he will achieve success and will be able to maintain a positive attitude. At all stages of the selling process, you will have to face negative reactions. For example, you call a potential customer and he hangs up. You offer a person to buy something, and he says that he does not need it. Or promises to buy, but does not pay.
  • Ability to ask the right questions, listen to the interlocutor, understand what he is saying, and properly allocate time. Remember that customers and deals are not the same, and you should only spend time on things that are of real value.

Make sure you understand:

1.) Why customers buy your products. In order to develop the right sales strategy, you need to understand the motives of the buyers. Sometimes the motives change and the client abandons the deal. For example, if he buys a house because looking for housing closer to a potential job, but then it turns out that he did not get a job, the deal will not take place. And you will never know why he refused, if you do not find out the motive for the purchase in advance.

2.) How much money your client has.

Perhaps the client wants a bottle of French champagne, but he only has money for a bottle of cheap beer. The sooner you know this, the better. Send him all the necessary documentation and ask about the conditions under which he will make the purchase. As soon as the client sees the numbers on paper, he will realize that he may need to look at other options.

3.) Who makes the purchase decision. Make sure to speak directly with the person making the final decision. You can take the time to explain the details to someone who is not responsible for anything. The sooner you figure out exactly who is writing the check, the better.

4.) How long does your client have. Perhaps the client is asking the right questions, really needs the product and has the necessary amount, but plans to make a purchase only next year, and your last inventory runs out this quarter. Ask exactly when he will need your product and make sure you can arrange delivery just in time.

  • Resourcefulness. Taking action increases your chances of success. Grow your customer base and don't expect a single deal to save you. Try to get as much information about the client as possible (see the previous paragraph). Sales is a business that is directly related to people, and people can surprise you pretty much. Trades that seemed like a deal can suddenly fail. Try to always have a few leads in hand to close your plan.

The answer below was given by John Levitt, Head of Sales at

Salespeople who do not have the right qualities lose a lot of opportunities. Here is a list of the qualities I look for in potential hires:

  • The ability to self-organize. Being organized and systematic allows you to work more efficiently and make better deals.
  • The desire to learn new things. There is a lot to learn before you can be trusted to negotiate. Those who are ready to learn climb the career ladder faster and bring more value to the enterprise.
  • Ability to demonstrate their competence. If you are an expert in a particular field, you can easily gain customer trust and learn how to deal with rejection.
  • Ability to deal with rejection. No matter how good your product is, customers will always find something to complain about. You need to quickly and convincingly present shortcomings in the form of new opportunities. The salesperson doesn't have to say no. Regardless of the question, he must be able to turn the conversation in the direction he needs.
  • Correct attitude to work. The salesperson must be able to handle rejection. He should always strive for greater success and quickly forget about failure.
  • Humor. The ability to defuse a tense situation is very important. It is good for all of us to smile sometimes. Smiling makes any conversation interesting, and people pay more attention to cheerful people.
  • Ability to act quickly. Lethargic and apathetic people will never be successful in sales. However, it should be remembered that any rush must be justified and not reckless.
  • Sincerity. People always feel pretentious, do not trust such specialists and do not make deals with them.
  • Ability to sell based on the value of the product. It's easy to talk about the features of a product. Talking about value to the end user is much more difficult. You can learn to do this, but for this you have to change your habits.
  • The ability to listen. The simplest and most obvious quality. No one likes interlocutors who do not allow a word to be inserted into the conversation. By recognizing the needs and desires of the client, you can build an effective dialogue. You are unlikely to succeed if you offer customers a product that does not suit them at all.

Would you like to add something? We look forward to your comments!
Translation: Airapetova Olga

What should first of all teach new managers - the technical characteristics of the product or the techniques of influencing the client? Which of these is more important for successful sales? Business coach Vitaliy Kravchuk shares his opinion.

The eternal dispute in sales: what is more important during training and in the process of work, knowing the product or mastering persuasion techniques?

When you start looking for answers to it, you understand that this question is relevant for both beginners and experienced employees. Not to mention the leaders:

  • Once the new employee the sales department goes to work, it needs to be trained right away
  • If the manager does not fulfill the sales plan, the manager also decides to train him (although it happens that he fires)
  • When a company enters new markets or adds new products and services to the assortment matrix, the question immediately arises on what to focus on again - in training

Most executives consider knowledge of the company's product and services to be much more important than sales skills. They are guided by the following: the main thing is that the manager knows the product and service and can tell the client about it. And if the buyer needs our "good" (goods), they will somehow agree. Therefore, a newcomer to the sales department is expected in best case a short summary of the product and service that will need to be learned. And if everything happens as usual, it will be a complete description of 300 pages, "so that the manager can answer any question about his product."

And this approach seems to be correct. Not to teach in the first place how to establish contact and respond to objections?

However, his fallacy, in my opinion, is revealed at the moment such a "trained" salesperson leaves the field. When he starts to contact customers.

Imagine. The novice manager tried, taught and now knows everything about the product. And he really wants to tell the client about it. But the trouble is: potential buyers no time to listen endless specifications, and somehow nothing is for sale from the employee. There comes a stage when the clients are bad - they do not understand their happiness. The product is bad - no one needs it.

Seller Categories

I propose to classify all salespeople by charting (Y-axis - product knowledge, X-axis - sales technician / skill).

As a result, 4 large groups are obtained:

1. Beginner. Knows nothing and can do nothing. No sales.

2. "Living Directory". Everyone who teaches only materiel and does not pay attention to sales skills at all gets here. They know everything about the product from the point of view of its characteristics, they are ready to talk about them endlessly. But such a manager has no deals or only a few of them, depending on the complexity of the sale process. Only customers who are ideally suited to the description of the characteristics of the product / service buy from such a seller.

To fulfill the sales target, the salesperson needs to make a huge number of attempts to hit the target. The “living reference book” does not have in its selling arsenal of techniques the basic tool for today - transforming the properties of its product / service into customer benefits. Moreover, these benefits should be aimed at the needs of the client, and not at describing the merits of the product. The advanced level is the addition of an emotional picture to the client's benefit, thanks to which the client will distinguish the company from among the competitors.

When I was a manager, I sold complex technical equipment telephone connection... Its reliability depended on the line supply voltage. As a "living reference", I said: the supply voltage of the line is 48 volts. To which the client often shrugged his shoulders - it did not mean anything to him.

I went through basic sales training, read a couple of books and began to say: the supply voltage of the 48V line, the equipment is more resistant to possible voltage surges. It started to work a little better.

Then I learned that the client always wants to hear - about himself and how to solve his problems. The phrase now looks like this: "The supply voltage of the line is 48V, it gives you an order of magnitude more protection against possible external influences of the network." It worked much better, but there was no life in the phrase. Somehow it didn't sound.

And only when I added emotion: “The voltage is 48V. Due to this, you will get more reliability for the same money, and you will not have to drop everything and run to check the fuses during a power surge, ”I immediately felt the interest of customers. The only pity is that I had to go to this on my own for 3 years.
3. Shirt-guy. Often these are managers with work experience or well-developed communication skills and intuition. They think the opposite way - why teach a product if I'm a great salesperson, I can sell to anyone. In practice, they will not have significant sales. With such managers, clients are happy to communicate, maintain relationships. But when the moment of choice comes, they will choose a professional who will not only tell the anecdote to the place, but also demonstrate how his proposal compares favorably with all the others. And then he will sell.

Recently, I ran into such a seller in one of the chain stores household appliances... The salesperson was very friendly, made good contact, showed all the options. But when it came time to decide, I could not clearly explain the difference between the two models. When I asked a direct question about the benefits, I tried to laugh it off somehow, and then generally suggested thinking, looking at reviews on the Internet and coming back again. I looked at another store, and half an hour later left with a purchase.

4. Professional... Knows the product and has strong sales and negotiation skills. Thanks to this, he sees the sales process from start to finish.

Ready for almost any situation and question. When communicating with such a seller, the client does not have the feeling that something is being sold to him or that they are conducting a dialogue with standard book phrases. Professional:

  • Always preparing for sale, he has perfect plan... But real sale almost always works differently. At any time, the conversation can go both in the direction of discussing the nuances of the product, and in the contractual obligations.
  • He has in his head the ideal sales plan, as well as the goals set for this round of negotiations, in the format: the minimum acceptable option; satisfactory option; the highest possible option. As a result, the professional adjusts to the current situation and leads the client in the right direction.

As an example, I will cite negotiations with a customer who, at the stage of identifying a need, put forward unrealizable requirements. I realized that this is his ideal position and asked the question: "And can it happen that due to the high cost you will have to give up part of the requirements"? It turned out that this can really happen. After the negotiations were continued, a complex proposal of several options was prepared for the client.

Without a plan for negotiations, instead of undermining the client's ideal position, one would have to say that the task is too tough. And leave, as I did at the beginning of my sales career.

A bonus for all 4 groups of sellers is good intuition. The better it is developed, the stronger we can feel what is important for the client at the moment. And based on this, make your proposal. When at trainings I am asked to give an example of how to use intuition - although this does not apply to business topics, I often talk about personal relationships between people.

When a guy meets a girl on a date in a cafe, they have a sweet conversation. And suddenly the guy has a feeling that he needs to kiss the girl and she will not mind. And, most likely, she will have the same feeling.

And then you need to act.

So it is with the client - you felt that he was ripe - act according to the circumstances.

Summing up, I would like to note that there is no unambiguous answer to the question posed in the title. You cannot sell well on product knowledge alone or sales skills alone. Even the most powerful intuition or “selling from the heart, with all my heart to the client” will not help if we cannot:

  • formulate the benefits of our proposal
  • lead the client to the right choice

Learn both. Knowledge of the product and the ability to sell it are two sides of the same coin. Equally important and mutually complementary.

Watching, do not pass by ...

To every person who is looking for himself suitable job or an organization that needs one or another specialist had to look at sites that generate open vacancies and resumes. And the most relevant, today, vacancy presented from organizations is a sales manager. Such vacancies are full of requirements and conditions, and the more creatively the vacancy is composed, the more responses it receives. Someone is responding to such vacancies for the first time, having decided to try themselves in sales, and someone, having already tested their strength in this field, is looking for a warmer place.

Personal qualities

Let's take a look at the qualities a sales manager should have and consider one of the important qualities of a successful sales manager.

I managed to work with both sales gurus and chicks who are just starting to fledge. Some of the chicks quickly grow into a guru, while others need a long time to adapt, which the employer often cannot afford.

In all of the above cases, factors in the development and application of the personal qualities of a sales manager, both in practice and in theory, play a role. Let's try to consider them. And we'll start with personality traits.

One sees only a puddle in a puddle, and the other, looking into a puddle, sees stars

First, of course, it is an active desire to work in sales and develop oneself in this direction. Without this quality, there is no point in considering the rest of the points mentioned here. After all, the starting point of any success is desire.

Secondly, knowledge of this or that product, and maybe the product line, which the manager presents to the buyer.

Thirdly, this is undoubtedly knowledge of sales techniques, for the development of this skill there is now a lot of information in open sources, and of course, if an employer is interested in developing his staff and increasing profits, then he simply will not skimp on organizing trainings and seminars on this direction... As you know, investments in knowledge give the highest dividends.

Fourth, fifth, sixth ... communication skills, the ability to competently negotiate, the ability to choose the right product / service that will solve the customer's problem.

All of the above qualities are simply necessary for an active sales manager and his effective work, which should bring not only pleasure from the efforts made, but also fruits, both for the further development of the sales manager himself, and for obtaining the maximum profit, which is aimed manager.

Those who do what they do best do the best.

Now let's look at the quality that influences a successful sales manager.

The points listed above are a component of any sales manager, without these qualities the manager will not last and probationary period at work, he will either run away without turning around, or he will be fired. But what makes a successful sales manager different? This is, of course, confidence. Confidence, which in turn is divided into three categories:

  • Self confidence
  • Confidence in the product
  • Confidence in the company

A manager can know for five with a plus all the products that he sells, possess a smart technique of sales and communication skills, while combining masterly resistance to stress, but without that core, without this zest - confidence, everything can become in vain and ineffective.

There are several ways to develop confidence and personal qualities, but first of all it is work on yourself. And also positive thinking, perseverance, self-improvement of knowledge and skills, life experience, confronting failures (no need to give up after the first failure), making responsible decisions, reading business literature, attending seminars, trainings, praise from the bosses can help. and of course material bonuses.

A successful sales manager is a creative person who does not know how to think according to a template.

It's never too late to be who you want to be.


Olga Katunina , Head of Sales Department of Integrated Solutions, IT company "InformConsulting"


# Expanding the horizons of opportunities

Entrusted to CRM systems, some business processes require human intervention.

No amount of automation can replace a face-to-face meeting with a potential client, which continues to be largest deals... But not every sales manager succeeds. There are at least 10 qualities that help a sales manager to be successful.


Of course, the most successful salespeople need to be able to connect and communicate with different people in the first place. A professional must be educated, have a wide range of interests, as well as some knowledge of psychology. Such skills will allow a good sales manager to feel comfortable at meetings and meetings, not to get lost in the event of surprises, confidently speak in front of a large audience and find a common language even with the most difficult clients.


Successful salespeople first establish for themselves lofty goals and then work hard to realize them. Without the realization of their own dreams, they do not see their life, and such a position promises prosperity and success. You need to tune in to more than just selling and making money. Think over a certain mission for yourself, which you will follow during your work.

Self confidence

Selling is not a place for thin-skinned and vulnerable people. Customer rejection is a common thing in any business. If you give up as soon as you hear the first “No,” then this job is not for you. If “No” is a challenge for you, a desire to change a negative response to a positive one, then you are definitely in your place.


The bad one is that he does not believe in the product or service that he himself sells. You must be passionate about your product, understand its benefits and, as a result, be able to convey information to a potential client. Dedication is one of the main qualities of a good salesperson. You are unlikely to have a standardized working day, because sometimes you have to adjust to the client's capabilities and coordinate a meeting or negotiations at a time that is convenient for him. If the sales are not fun for you, you will probably be successful in this business.

Independence and initiative

As mentioned above, sales are not the place for those who might be offended by rejection. A good salesperson needs to be quick to respond to and adapt to a potential customer's reaction. It follows from this that a professional does not always follow instructions clearly and is often in a "combat" readiness to take the initiative, to return the conversation to the right track, to reduce the price, and to answer an unexpected question.

Hard work

A successful salesperson is usually familiar with the rules of etiquette. He is never late, especially when it comes to meeting with a potential customer, and does his work on time and on time. He understands perfectly well that an optional person cannot be called a professional.


A good salesperson is a great organizer. And he can organize, first of all, himself. Such a person always has a clear plan for the day, month and even life. And he will do everything to make the planned come true.


Is the glass half full or empty? A good salesperson always has only a positive answer to this question. He looks to the future with optimism and no refusal can ruin his mood. Rather, on the contrary - a firm "No" from the interlocutor will only provoke him and force him to change the situation in a favorable direction.


A good salesperson knows how to put himself in the shoes of a potential client, to feel in his shoes. This will give the professional the opportunity to choose the best and most convincing words in order to persuade the interlocutor to buy. They never impose their opinions, but rather get used to the role of a consultant who gives valuable advice. Thus, it is one of the main qualities characteristic of successful salespeople.


The ability to quickly assess and adapt to the situation is very important for a good sales manager. You never know in advance how a meeting with a potential client will end, in what conditions it will take place and what can be expected from the interlocutor. That is why you need to be able to quickly navigate the situation and find the right words.

Most successful sales managers possess the qualities that we will list below. Each of us has most of these qualities (and some have all!).

It is clear that, depending on our personality and our experience, all these qualities are expressed in each of us in different ways. Now take your paper and pen and rate the qualities listed below on a scale of ten.

1. Ability to set goals, dedication

As soon as you decide what you want to achieve, what you should strive for, for the self-development of your personality, mentally imagine that you have already achieved all this and think about what “you did to achieve the result”. I repeat, if you clearly see the goal, then it will be easier for you to motivate yourself, force yourself to take actions on the way to the goal. The more important your goal is to you, the more you want it, the more your success will be as a result of the path.

2. Great desire to work, self-discipline

The desire to get what you want is very powerful. It can replace the lack of experience and training, it moves us and makes us work. If you have a goal and you notice that your activity is decreasing, mentally rekindle desire in yourself, think about your goal, think about how you want it, how to become successful, think about how your life will change when you achieve your goal!

3. Labor enthusiasm, self confidence

Remember, your luck depends on your ability to nourish yourself. enthusiasm! Enthusiasm can be compared to the calm self-confidence that arises from knowledge and is confirmed by experience based on confronting life's difficulties.

4. Ability to use knowledge

If you have a baggage of knowledge, then you definitely need to use it, otherwise this knowledge will weigh you down as an extra burden. Therefore, try to perceive only the information that you will use in the future, make friends with people from whom you can learn a lot.

5. Nice appearance

Tell me, is it more pleasant for you to talk with a benevolent and smiling person who readily answers your questions? In sales, like nowhere else, it is very important to be able to make a pleasant impression on the interlocutor, be open to communication, smile, show your interest in the needs of the buyer. These qualities will be prioritized during.

6. Belief in the best, positive attitude

The job of a sales manager in itself is comparable to a swing: there are no sales, then there are a lot of them. Therefore, when selling, you must always believe in your lucky star, in God, in luck, what you want, most importantly, believe in the best!

7. Willingness to give

Based on my experience in sales, I can say that in order to get a loyal customer and gain his trust, you need to give him (give) something. It may be your time that you spent on resolving the client's issues, it may be a competent professional consultation, phone calls, search for the information the client needs ... Do not be afraid to waste your time, because only if you solve the client's problem, he will fully trust you and will be ready to work with you (often work with you as a responsible and reliable person) ...

8. Perseverance

If your business does not go, never give up, always go forward, always fight, fight to the very end, so that at the end you do not regret the lost chance, but can say with confidence that you did everything you could !!!

9. Initiative

It is best to take initiative in relation to your results by looking at and comparing which actions you do actually work. And whether or not you tell your management or colleagues about your success is up to you, but before making a decision, think carefully, since not all people accept the success of others favorably.

10. Creative imagination

Yes, yes, you will definitely need creative imagination, in order to "think up" a problem based on the customer's story and suggest a means (your product) to solve it.

11. Ability to learn from failure

Consider the reasons for unsuccessful deals, analyze your mistakes without unnecessary emotions, as if from the outside, as described in our course "". If you often repeat one or more mistakes, in this case, you must immediately engage in self-study.


It is very important for sales managers to be able to understand the point of view of another person, to be able to represent themselves in his place. Thus, a professional sales manager will be able to understand how the client feels and, based on the identified emotions of the client, lead the sale.

And the most important thing is that the sales manager should be liked by the client. You will learn how to do this from a short interesting training by Evgeny Kolotilov:

How is it? How many points did you score? The most important thing is that all the listed qualities are present in you, and even their development is a matter of practice and time!