Self-development courses. Best Personal Growth Coaching Exercises Personal Growth Courses

Hello everyone! Today I want to bring to your attention the best personal development trainings. External changes begin immediately after internal ones. Therefore, work on oneself is obligatory for every person who strives to live happily and to the fullest. Realize your desires and turn your dreams into reality.



The practice is more suitable for women, as it is focused on revealing femininity and sensuality. Doing exercises, you will be able to make changes in the relationship with your partner. And if it is not there yet, then you will feel desired, seducing and attracting men. By the time they take literally five minutes, but the effect is amazing.

Stopping and listening to yourself does not hurt anyone. It is at such moments that a person feels that he is alive and notices what is really happening to him. Without masks, haste, strained smiles and so on. Get in touch with yourself. And over time, you will feel how energy and cheerfulness fill you.

Igor Safronov

An interesting video course "How to get rid of fears and blocks and start living" offers Igor Safronov. Thanks to his program, you will be able to establish a connection with your subconscious. Accordingly, solve the problems that do not allow you to live in peace. Techniques are aimed at attracting money, fighting overweight, fears that limit. Resolution of internal conflicts, getting rid of negative attitudes, etc. Each person will find something valuable for themselves.

Pavel Kolesov

school of luck invites its participants to take the reins of government into their own hands and finally become happy. And how exactly to do this, you will learn for free by subscribing to the course. It consists of 27 educational videos and will help you find your true purpose, or, in other words, the meaning of life. It will teach you how to attract money and luck to yourself, as well as get what you want, solving complex life tasks as quickly and easily as possible.

Tony Robbins

Forbes magazine included Tony in the list of 100 most influential personalities and in general, he is considered one of the 6 best business leaders in the world. Among the participants who have passed his program, there are such celebrities as Andre Agassi, Bill Clinton and even Mikhail Gorbachev. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with his audio training "Absolute Superiority". After listening to it, you will be able to clearly define your goals and confidently move forward without stopping or going astray.

Itzhak Pintosevich

Yitzhak is an expert on personal growth. He helped thousands of people to believe in themselves, discover their resources and opportunities. And not just to discover, but also to use them to achieve goals. For those who, for some reason, cannot attend his trainings personally, online courses have been specially developed.

They are convenient in that they allow you to save time, which is sometimes not so easy to carve out. And also the fact that you can engage in self-development in comfortable clothes and a comfortable cozy atmosphere. Since the only condition is access to the Internet, which almost everyone has modern man. And if you can’t get in touch at the agreed time, you will be sent a video so that you are sure to be aware of what happened during the lesson.

The topics are diverse, everyone will be able to find a seminar suitable for themselves.

Konstantin Dovlatov

Konstantin has many courses. And here is one of them: the code big money . This is a 12-month marathon to improve your well-being. You can also see this one free webinar to understand, does this person resonate with you?

Suitable for those who are trying to change their lives, but for some reason fail. Or for those who lack energy, motivation, strength, or anything that makes it impossible to be active and act.

Radislav Gandapas

Leadership Specialist. By studying his seminars, you will raise the level emotional intelligence, memory, motivation. And you can even become an excellent speaker, overcoming the fear of public speaking. Radislav was elected three times best business coach in Russia He has written 9 books to date and released 14 films. In which he talks about how to win the recognition of others and ensure that you are listened to.

Sergei Azimov

His seminars will help you improve your sales skills. Useful for managers, entrepreneurs, consultants and all those who are connected with trade and want to earn much more than they can at the moment. You will learn how to clearly argue and defend your point of view. Negotiate and complete deals in your favor, as well as everything that is necessary for a successful business.

Nicholas Vujicic

Nick is known throughout the world for his desire for a fulfilling, happy and eventful life. Despite his physical limitations, he helps others, those who find themselves in difficult life circumstances or have lost faith in a wonderful future. Born without arms and legs, he managed to achieve tremendous success in life. Create a wonderful family and build a career.

This person proves to each of us that all limitations are in the head. And it is important to allow yourself to think wider, then you will go beyond the boundaries of the possible. In general, if you feel that you have gone astray and cannot find the meaning of your mission, resources, motivation - you are welcome to Nicholas

Personal development trainings differ from instrumental trainings (trainings of specific skills) in that they provide knowledge and develop tactics, strategies and skills that increase personal potential: helping to better solve life problems and used in a wide range of situations, increasing the capabilities of the individual in more than one narrow area and many areas of life.

Personal development trainings are held both in the personal field and in the business field. For example, "The Art of Communication" or "Emotion Management" - rather training personal plan, personal topics, and the trainings "Public Speaking", "Goal Setting", "Leadership Development" and "Stress Management" are rather business-oriented trainings. Training "Logical text analysis", which develops thinking, can be attributed to both business and personal fields. But all these trainings are personal development trainings.

Personal development training and psychotherapy

Personal Development Trainings and Personal Growth Trainings

These are quite different things, but in practice few people distinguish between them. Even experts call them, confusing, and so and so. But to be precise, growth occurs only by itself, while development can be produced.

You are invited to visit wonderful courses of personal growth at every corner, promising a deep transformation of personality and pleasant changes in life in a short time. , success, love of the opposite sex, fulfillment of desires ... just come to the courses and a miracle will happen.

We will not argue that personal growth courses are completely useless. There are people whom they really helped (by the way, they are then stuck out as advertising), but there are not so many of them. Efficiency is determined by statistics, and if out of 100 students of personal growth courses, at least 50 would really succeed, then this article would be called differently, for example, "the phenomenon of the amazing effectiveness of personal growth courses."

Most of the clients of such courses really light up after the first visits, but then they are disappointed and return to their former lives. And all because the industry of "personal growth" resorts to typically marketing ploys in competition.

You can achieve anything you want if you believe in yourself!

People like to achieve their goals. Our hormonal system is seriously working on this feeling. The feeling of satisfaction when achieving a goal is due to a whole bunch of hormones, but it is believed that dopamine plays the main role here. The same hormone also stimulates the movement towards the goal, being a kind of dope.

Can you achieve anything you want if you believe in yourself? In general, yes. Many talented people really do not have enough faith in themselves to make a breakthrough to success. But more often than not, just magical faith in yourself is not enough. It sounds too boring for magic courses, so they try not to talk about it too much, but .. you need to work. Work on your goal.

In addition, self-belief of a near-religious nature borders on destructive self-confidence, and self-confidence is blinding. As a result, you cannot reasonably assess your strengths and abilities, and therefore you begin to do something that, if not doomed to failure in advance, then has very little chance of success. So, for example, at the age of 30 it is too late to engage in rhythmic gymnastics on the professional level, and Everest can not be conquered if you have a bad . And no amount of faith in yourself will change that.

It's easy to change!

Change is easy with just words. It is so difficult for people to change that many people use the saying "people don't change". And probably in 95% of cases this is true. No positive change comes easy. Often you have to give up something and sacrifice something. For example, if you want a good figure, you will have to give up cheap fats and fast carbohydrates (no! Just not cakes and cakes!), And if you want to make good money, you will have to give up evening beer and TV and finally do something to no longer go to your low-paying job, but earn decent ones.

They really work, but somewhere on the upper layers of the subconscious. Any serious stressful situation will bring you face to face with everything that is repressed into the unconscious - fears, phobias, self-doubt, etc.

You can't just say to yourself "I'm confident" a thousand times and become confident. It doesn't work like that. Harzima and confidence, just like spiritual weakness and self-doubt, come from deep, poorly conscious layers of the psyche. Making an insecure person into a strong charismatic personality is a serious challenge for any professional psychologist. This includes working with childhood traumas and introspection, and re-experiencing the repressed content, and much more. Such a transformation is a serious spiritual and emotional experience, and everything that happens on the surface, like affirmations and self-hypnosis, remains there.

Do you know why the first rule of a psychologist is not to give advice? Because if advice helps, a person becomes dependent on the adviser, and if it does not help, then the adviser will share part of the responsibility (and in the mind of the one who is advised, sometimes all) for failure. In the end, everyone loses: both the one who gives advice and the one who listens to them. Never give advice or listen to other people's advice, and if you come to personal growth courses where they give you advice, know that the value of such courses is tantamount to the teachings of grandmothers near the entrance, but grandmothers near the entrance, at least they don’t try to weld on you.

Do you want to improve your professionalism, learn how to cope with difficult situations and discover leadership qualities in yourself? Attending personal growth trainings from teachers of the Russian School of Management will help you master the models of personal development: you will reveal your inner potential and learn techniques for achieving success.

Our methods

Curricula are prepared by expert practitioners in accordance with modern developments in the field of personal development, business psychology and leadership. You will receive complete information from basic concepts to internal blocks that prevent you from using new skills.

At trainings for growth and personal development, methods of individual and group interaction are used:

    Role-playing games.

    Business games.

    template situations.

    Success stories.

Personal growth training is not a set of instructions. You will receive knowledge, inspiration and motivation for every day. You will work out the fears, prejudices and complexes that prevent you from achieving your goals. Growth and personal development trainings will teach you to always act calmly and professionally. New knowledge will give you a competitive advantage.

What will you learn

Personal growth courses will help:

    Understand your strengths and weaknesses.

    Develop leadership qualities.

    Unlock potential and new talents.

You will receive a boost of energy to change your life.

Growth coaching is small group work, you get the support of people who are doing similar things.

Who are these courses for?

The Russian School of Management invites you to personal growth courses in Moscow. The program will be interesting:

    Managers and owners of companies who are faced with the task of organizing the work of subordinates.

    Employees who strive for career and personal growth.

    For those who want to improve efficiency.

Personal growth training is conducted by practicing teachers who are ready to share their experience. They will support and show participation at all stages of your development. Choose the right one curriculum and change your life for the better!

Reading time: 2 min

Personal growth training is a series of activities aimed at improving individual qualities contributing to human success. Thanks to exercises focused on personal growth, a person is able to change unwanted character traits for more positive ones, can get rid of a variety of negative thoughts and negative complexes.

Personal growth is a purposeful process of improving a person, the desire to become better. Personal growth is considered to be all situations, factors and opportunities that bring the individual closer to achieving the ideal.

Personal growth involves the formation of a person's potential. Potential - a set of characteristics that express its ability to build on internal stable reference points, to maintain the stability of activity under periodically changing environmental factors. This is a series of characteristic properties that help the individual become able to regulate behavior, make decisions according to personal ideas.

It is important for each potential member of the group to know how dangerous personal growth trainings are, so that instead of being useful, they do not get more damage and maintain mental health.

The basic goal of personal growth training is the internal growth of the individual, self-development and.

Psychological training for personal growth

The purpose of personal growth training is to modify the worldview, change the stereotypes of activities that prevent the individual from being successful and happier.

Subject willing to transform individual characteristics into more positive and qualitatively different characteristics, personal growth training should be completed. An individual who has completed these classes will become more calm, confident, happy and spiritually free, regardless of the influence of circumstances and environmental factors. Thanks to special psychological techniques a person can be programmed for success. This happens thanks to classes and special exercises that help the member of the group to comprehend his deep attitudes, which subconsciously most influence existence and provoke certain results of activity.

Purpose of Personal Growth Training- to know and realize the possibilities (potential) inherent in the personality, which involve qualitative changes. The goal can change depending on the characteristics of the group. Often, exercise goals cover some general aspects:

Formation of self-knowledge by reducing psychological barriers and eliminating the feeling of insincerity of the personality itself;

Development of conditions and factors that will make it difficult or easier for the group to function (membership or size of the group);

Studying the relations of group members;

Mastering the skills of diagnosing organizational, group, individual problems, such as solving group conflict situations, strengthening group ties, creating training conditions, achieving individual requests.

The goal of personal growth training is achieved when a member of the group can make an independent decision about how he should live. Participants themselves find how diversely one can perceive all life around, they can make valuable life discoveries regarding their closest people, close friends and themselves.

A person may experience intense emotional upheavals and shake-ups, which often leads to a loss of self-control, since he needs to perform all the exercises or instructions from the coach, which sometimes do not make obvious sense.

Everyone who wants to participate in such classes needs to think about whether he is really going to change something or is it present life satisfies him quite well. If a person is not ready for changes or they do not need them, then the coach will not allow him to the group.

Future members of the training should be willing to start new life, but still must be suitable for certain parameters. Those wishing to become participants in personal growth trainings must be mentally healthy, emotionally balanced, calm and without mental abnormalities.

The coach of the group should stimulate the process of making autonomous decisions by the individual, its ranking and structuring. life values, landmarks and goals. This is done through the application of various techniques, techniques and research approaches, such as gestalt, cognitive psychology, existential approach.

Types of personal growth trainings are psychological and esoteric.

Psychological training is carried out under the guidance of a leader who has a completed psychological education, using psychological categories and definitions. In contrast to the esoteric ones, which are led by a person with knowledge of psychology at the everyday level and owning esoteric and mystical knowledge.

Types of personal growth trainings:

Personal development (used to master the general knowledge necessary for orientation in a wide range of potential situations). For example, a person learns effective interaction, he develops strong and good traits in himself, learns confident behavior, learns self-control;

Psychotherapeutic trainings (carried out with the aim of improving the quality of life, they contain special procedures, techniques, methods and exercises through which the assimilation of ways of behaving in life and personal difficulties is carried out);

Condition training (this special kind, including methods for overcoming the state and other internal barriers and various complexes that arise in humans);

Research trainings (help individuals who set goals to understand personal limitations and gain emotional experience, which often helps in understanding something);

Transformational (focused on the basic (deep) beliefs of a person, his values ​​and condition). An individual has very powerful internal spiritual transformations (enlightenment, breakthrough,), thanks to the occurrence of which he will be able to reveal something new in everyday habitual life or realize something differently.

Personal growth training for women involves dividing into groups that differ polarly. The first group consists of women subject to oppression by family members.

The purpose of personal growth training is to gain self-knowledge and develop fortitude, which helps to gain confidence and resist people who want to keep the female will from an independent, happy and self-sufficient life.

Training for women is in group form and in individual form. Participation in group trainings gives a woman a powerful impetus, because being among like-minded people, she feels confident.

The second group of personal growth training are women who work in large organizations and companies in leadership positions.

Not everyone is a natural leader, but many have to work in an organization and hold a leadership position. The charismatic attractiveness of a person helps a person achieve significant results in career advancement. Those who do not have this characteristic need to work hard and cultivate discipline in themselves. However, hard work does not help a woman overcome such a problem as internal timidity in relations with the team she leads. More often, such timidity occurs if the team is made up of men.

Personal growth training for women is focused on the development and discovery of internal potential; recognizing fears that prevent you from living a full life; development of positive traits and qualities; search for resources to help development.

Not all classes in a row can be equally useful. Quite often they conclude a veiled threat and can only harm the personality itself. The group member must know the dangers of personal growth training and recognize this danger.

In destructive sessions, participants are encouraged to destroy their personality or part of themselves that they consider unworthy and do it extremely abruptly, as if cutting it off. Such training does not at all lead to the progress of personal growth, on the contrary, it only breaks the human psyche. Advice such as "give up the old self" or "kill your weakness" is very destructive, has nothing to do with professional psychotherapy, and does not promote personal growth.

The danger of these meetings lies in the personality of the leader of the group. After working with a true psychotherapist, a person begins to notice that his emotional state has improved, fundamental changes occur in life, he becomes confident and successful.

As a result of communication with a destructive coach, a group member feels devastated and humiliated. Such a "guru" behaves with the members of the group arrogantly and cruelly. He offends, puts people in an uncomfortable position, reproaches them with weakness and ignorance. Such a leader seems to be deliberately trying to cause emotional suffering, explaining this as motivation and hardening.

Through emotional buildup, the facilitator tries to earn approval, he wants to assert himself, and not teach this to the participants in the personal growth training. He sees the ultimate goal of this training not to help others, but to subjugate their will to himself in order to force them to follow everything that the “trainer” says.

In order to understand the danger of such training in time, you need to listen to your feelings. If there is a feeling of emptiness and humiliation, you need to run away from this coach.

Destructive trainers teach that experiencing negative emotions, aggression, and suffering will only benefit the trainee for personal growth. Therefore, instructors often insult group members and try to provoke them into aggression. A person is forced to perform illogical actions: calling himself names, expressing joy for no reason, kissing or hugging strangers, declaring that this is “for their good.”

A destructive coach teaches participants to be rude and arrogant, since these qualities, in their opinion, characterize a person who is self-confident, which means successful.

First, pressure, then humiliation, then praise - this is a way of emotional swinging, which leads to the submission of participants to the coach.

A truly experienced, intelligent and conscientious psychotherapist, leading a group or personal counseling, will never humiliate a client in personal practice, will not force him to do what he categorically does not accept.

A smart and benevolent psychotherapist will teach individuals how to stand up for themselves without the use of rudeness and rudeness.

The danger of these activities may lie in the fact that members of the group are taught to actively and aggressively attack, and not defend themselves, thus, a substitution of concepts comes out when they are taught that an attack is the best defense, or impudence is a second happiness.

If a person is taught to be aggressive and rude, then he ended up in a destructive training. After visiting such a training, a person feels guilty. Even when he is absolutely unwilling to step over himself in order to show aggression, he is forced to do so.

If a person nevertheless manages to “squeeze out” an impudent trick unusual for himself, then the leader and the group approve with admiration, although the person himself does not like it. Upon returning home, a person feels a sense of shame and considers himself guilty for what he did at the training. The condition is aggravated by the fact that an internal one is formed between what is imposed on him in training sessions and what he considers the norm for himself. It is these sensations that are considered signs of the danger of personal growth training. If, at the end of the training, a person feels guilt that was not there before, then there is no need to attend this training anymore.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"