Accountant's resume for implementation example. Writing a resume: chief accountant

Nowadays, when looking for a job, writing a resume is of particular importance. Having a properly drawn up CV listing the duties to be performed significantly increases the applicant's chances of finding a high-paying job faster. To write a competent resume for an accountant, it is very useful to use templates and sample documents, ready-made examples which can be found in our article. The presence of a cover letter and recommendations from previous employers will enhance the effect of the resume.

How to write an effective resume

Regardless of what job you are looking for - design engineer, lawyer, IT specialist or accountant - when writing professional resume you must adhere to certain rules. There is a generally accepted resume structure that is generally applicable to accountants.

Good resume template

Using the standard structure of writing a resume, you must also adhere to the proven principles of filling out the main paragraphs of the document. Of course, there are no rules that work perfectly, but by following the tips below, you will increase your chances of finding the job you want.

Competent job title

An exact indication of the position for which the applicant is applying is required. If this is the field of accounting, then in no case should you write about consent to any position from the cashier to the chief accountant. It should be specified specifically that you, for example, are applying for the position of a senior accountant in the analytical department or for the vacancy of an accountant-analyst. Even if you are well versed in all the nuances of accounting work, it is better to draw up a separate resume for each specialty.

Desired salary

It is necessary to indicate the specific salary for which the applicant applies. Of course, before that, you should familiarize yourself with the current value of official salaries. It is necessary to avoid specifying a wide fork with a difference of several times between the minimum and maximum suitable salaries. At the same time, it is not necessary to indicate the salary before the ruble, for example, 21320 rubles. Round up to a thousand.

List of core skills

Do not over-praise yourself and report exaggerated or inaccurate data about your professional knowledge. For example, if you are unfamiliar with some accounting software, then you do not need to write that you have mastered all accounting software. When interviewing or at the beginning of your new job your knowledge will be tested and you may find yourself in a very embarrassing position.

Perfect photo

It is advisable to supplement the text with your recent photograph, which should clearly show your face. It is only natural for a job seeker to appear attractive in a photograph. At the same time, it is desirable that the accountant in the photo be in business attire.

Sample photo

Correct spelling and formatting of text

It is imperative to check your resume for grammatical and syntax errors. Avoid overly complex sentences, use short, concise phrases.

What shouldn't be on the right resume

  • Don't write too long text: 1-2 pages will be enough.
  • Do not provide such personal details as the exact address and passport information. Indicate the city of residence and mobile phone.
  • Avoid linking to your pages in in social networks... This should only be done if there is positive characteristics your personal data.
  • There can be no jokes in the resume. This business document so refrain from even a hint of humor before hiring.

Key information that must be indicated in the resume for the position of an accountant + ready-made examples

A resume when looking for a job as an accountant has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when compiling it.

Professional knowledge and skills

The resume should indicate the accounting knowledge that the applicant possesses. Their list is summarized as follows:

  • experience in accounting, tax accounting;
  • cash book design skills;
  • warehouse accounting;
  • accounting for settlements with counterparties;
  • payment wages, sick leave, compensation;
  • work with primary documentation;
  • execution of powers of attorney, consignment notes, receipt and expense cash orders;
  • preparation and submission of reports to tax authorities and funds;
  • conducting inventories;
  • preparation of advance reports;
  • reconciliation of settlements with buyers and suppliers;
  • budgeting;
  • economic analysis of the enterprise;
  • knowledge of accounting and tax legislation;
  • work in the "Client-Bank" system;
  • knowledge of the regulations and instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • ability to work with MS Excel, Word, 1C or other accounting programs.

Of course, not every applicant possesses all of the above skills. Therefore, it is advisable to indicate exactly of them that you have.

Personal qualities

In your resume, it is advisable to mention that you have those personal qualities that are especially appreciated when working in the accounting field. And this:

  • accuracy;
  • Analytical mind;
  • fast learner;
  • attentiveness;
  • concentration of attention;
  • working capacity;
  • diligence;
  • organization;
  • a responsibility;
  • decency;
  • stress resistance;
  • honesty;
  • the ability to work with a large amount of information;
  • perseverance.

If you have no work experience: what to write + sample

This case is very common. If you just graduated from college, where do you get work experience? But you have a ton of other benefits, including:

  • endurance (performance);
  • the ability and, most importantly, the desire to improve their knowledge;
  • possession modern methods accounting;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages.

How to write a resume for a novice accountant (specialist assistant) + sample

It is necessary to list in the CV the latest theoretical knowledge that you acquired at Faculty of Economics, indicate what computer technology you own, do you know foreign languages... If you have participated in any student conferences, meetings, industrial practices, then this must be reflected in the resume. Of course, you shouldn't overpraise yourself, but you shouldn't write that you don't know anything.

At the same time, you do not need to give out unnecessary information that is not related to your future professional activity... For example, if you took part in judo competitions, then this has nothing to do with your professional capabilities. But about the fact that during your summer practice you worked in a bank as a cashier's assistant, it is worth mentioning.

If you indicate your desires to develop your knowledge in the professional field, then this will definitely make a favorable impression on your potential employers.

The nuances of drawing up a CV for various accounting specialties

Each specialty has its own specifics, requiring certain additional knowledge in a narrow direction. These features must be taken into account when writing a resume.

At the same time, it is necessary that the specialty for which you are applying appears in the staffing table of the enterprise of interest.

Among the many accounting specialties and positions, the following can be named:

  • Chief Accountant;
  • accountant-cashier;
  • chief accountant's assistant;
  • payroll accountant;
  • assistant accountant;
  • accountant for primary documentation;
  • accountant of a budgetary institution;
  • fixed assets accountant;
  • economist accountant;
  • material desk accountant (materialist);
  • sales accountant;
  • materials accountant;
  • lead accountant;
  • accountant-calculator.

Chief Accountant or Deputy

In this summary when describing professional career in addition to the name of the companies or enterprises in which the applicant worked, it is necessary to indicate, in short, the main direction of activity of these enterprises, their approximate annual turnover and the number of employees. It is also advisable to write the number of employees who were subordinate to you, and the number of accounting departments. This data will help a potential employer understand the scale of your business.

And also the applicant for the position of chief accountant needs to outline the level of his professionalism, not being too lazy to list all the functions performed. Among them, it is imperative to recall the experience of interaction with tax authorities.


The work of an accountant-cashier has its own characteristics and requires the possession of certain highly specialized knowledge related to the experience of working with large amounts.

In their resume, an applicant for the position of an accountant-cashier can indicate experience in working with cash, maintaining journals for accounting for fixed assets and commodity material values... And it is also important to write about your knowledge and experience in the execution of the financial estimate with an indication of the items of expenditure. Skill of working with banking institutions may be required.

An important role is played by the applicant's possession of knowledge in the field of operations with foreign currencies and the ability to work with exchange rate differences, skills in working with MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook) and 1C, knowledge of foreign languages.

Resume of the calculator (payroll accountant)

To write a high-quality resume for the position of a payroll accountant, you need to take into account your nuances. These include the possession of the following skills:

  • payroll, bonuses, social benefits, travel and other expenses;
  • preparation of certificates of salary and other income of employees;
  • the ability to calculate taxes and report for them to financial and tax authorities;
  • experience in checking and analyzing timesheets;
  • be able to work in the "Client-Bank" system, with MS Excel, Word, 1C: Accounting 8.2 and others.

If you indicate on your resume that you have all of the listed skills and knowledge, then your chances of getting a job will increase dramatically.

How to describe the responsibilities of a material desk accountant on a resume

The sales accountant is mainly introduced to staffing table in large trading firms with a significant sales volume. The applicant for this position is usually faced with a large volume of the same type of operations for the preparation of invoices, invoices and reconciliation acts with buyers.

Quite often the work of the sales accountant is combined with the work of the material accountant. Therefore, it is advisable to indicate in the resume your knowledge and work experience also in these areas of accounting.

As for the luggage of skills, its features are:

  • knowledge of the composition of legislative acts, regulations, normative documents and registration rules business transactions for the sale of goods and property;
  • knowledge of the basics of civil law, financial, tax and economic legislation;
  • forms and methods of accounting;
  • plan and correspondence of accounts for the accounting of sales;
  • organization of document flow in this area of ​​accounting;
  • order documenting and reflection on the accounts of accounting of proceeds and write-offs of goods.

An example of compiling a CV of an economist

In some businesses, lead accountants are often forced to act as economists. If you have a similar experience, you should definitely reflect this on your resume.

Responsibilities of the accountant for primary documentation

A specialist in the "primary" is often assigned additional functions, for example, assistance to the accountant for materials or an accountant in a single person. Such experience is very conducive to career growth, therefore, the fact of performing such duties should be definitely indicated in the resume in the "Achievements" section.

Cover letters as a way to increase interest in your resume

A well-written cover letter is an excellent tool for drawing the attention of a cadre worker to a job seeker in any specialty. A well-written letter sometimes hooks the hiring manager more than the accountant's resume itself. Therefore, the applicant needs to know well the basic rules of writing letters of recommendation.

Rules for filling out sections of a cover letter

sales accountant

  1. The letter should give answers to the main questions: "Why does the applicant want to go to the job indicated in the resume" and "Why should the employer take him for this job?"
  2. The note should not be a repetition of a resume. Your best business and personal qualities, which will be needed exactly for the company where you are sending your resume.
  3. The text should be written without grammatical errors, in compliance with all spelling rules.
  4. The letter is addressed to the manager who is considering the issue of employment. To do this, you need to know in advance his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the correct title of his position.

An example of writing a cover letter for a Chief Accountant vacancy is given below.

The cover letter form for the vacancy of an accountant is given below.

A resume for applying for a job as an accountant has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when drawing up this document. Compliance with the rules for issuing a CV, taking into account various accounting specialties and positions, will help to more efficiently search for a new job.

Before you start compiling any resume, you need to study in detail the requirements of employers for a particular profession. The accountant's resume (a sample of the structure of the form can be viewed in this article) is also prepared taking into account these features.

Requirements for the accounting profession

The requirements for an open vacancy by employers can obviously be examined by the published vacancies. Vacancies are posted on the websites of recruiting agencies or on the pages of the company itself.

An accountant's resume for work (a completed sample of 2016 can be viewed on the websites of recruiting agencies) is also compiled taking into account the requirements, established by law.

From February 7, 2015 entered into force professional standard"Accountant" approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 22, 2014 No. 1061n. In fact, this document can be used as a roadmap for this specialty.

It is also necessary to study the norms of the Federal Law "On Accounting" dated 06.12.2011 N 402-FZ (as amended on 23.05.2016).

How to write an accountant's resume (sample)

There is no single approved resume form. Therefore, the applicant must independently choose the most suitable option for himself. Large sites specializing in job search (recruiting agencies) provide on their Internet site a ready-made interactive resume form that can be filled out online. Sometimes the employer offers to fill out his form posted on his website. In this case, it is better to fill out a resume from a potential employer, since such a resume contains questions, the answers to which are important for the company.

It is advisable to compose a resume for a specific vacancy. If the vacancy has not yet been selected, then the resume is compiled taking into account general requirements to the profession of an accountant.

Accountant resume structure

The structure of the resume can consist of various sections that allow you to disclose information about professional qualities applicant.

Purpose (title) of the resume The vacancy for which the applicant is applying is indicated.
Contact Information Phone number and email address.If the applicant's email address contains abbreviations, it is best to create a new address suitable for official correspondence.
Education The university, the city of its location and the specialty received are indicated. It is also necessary to indicate the available additional education, which may be useful in the performance of the duties of an accountant.
Seniority The name of the company, city and field of its activity are indicated.Seniority is listed in reverse chronological order. The emphasis is on the description job duties, achievements and acquired skills.
If you have experience in a completely different field, it is enough to indicate the place of work and position.
additional information Marital status, place of residence, readiness or not for business trips are indicated.It describes only what can be useful in the work of an accountant: for example, working with Excel.

Features of the resume of a payroll accountant

A payroll accountant is usually required in companies with a large staff. The main functions of such an employee are the timely calculation and calculation of wages for the company's employees. Therefore, in the resume of a payroll accountant, it is important to focus on skills such as:

  • payroll to employees;
  • accrual of bonuses, vacation pay, sick leave, maternity and other payments to employees;
  • issuance of certificates of wages;
  • checking the time sheet.

Features of the resume of an accountant-cashier

Accountant-cashier - an employee who is entrusted with the maintenance and accounting of all transactions with the organization's funds.

The resume of an accountant-cashier should include information about the presence of the following skills:

  • maintaining a cash book, as well as expenses with the accountable persons of the enterprise;
  • control Money at the cash desk of the organization;
  • the issuance of wages to employees of the enterprise;
  • carrying out various transactions with funds;
  • working with banks on the exchange of necessary information, documentation, receipt and payment of funds, etc.

Features of the resume of the material desk accountant

The resume should be prepared taking into account the specifics of this area. A material desk accountant is an employee who keeps records of all material reserves. His duties also include:

  • conducting documentary and planned audits of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise for maintaining accounting records of property, business transactions and liabilities;
  • analysis of material reserves;
  • control of material assets of the enterprise;
  • accounting of material values.

Resume of an accountant-economist

In addition to the general duties that an accountant must perform, an accountant-economist must be able to plan the economic and production activities of an enterprise. His responsibilities include drawing up plans to increase the profitability and efficiency of the company, rational use enterprise resources.

The listing of the professional skills of the chief accountant in the resume is one of the mandatory parts of this document. Otherwise potential employer will automatically ignore the candidate's resume for the given position. We will tell you what is meant by the skills of the chief accountant and give real examples.


What are the professional skills of a chief accountant in a resume? V current legislation there is no such thing. There are only a number of requirements for education, seniority, and the presence of a criminal record. And even then with regard to accounting work in certain types of organizations.

By general rule professional skills are the ability, the ability to apply in practice in the daily activities of the chief accountant knowledge according to the level vocational education... Not a single resume is complete without listing them.

An approach

The main task of the chief accountant, who is looking for a job, is to fully reveal the key skills of the chief accountant in the resume. It is desirable to give examples:

  • in a separate section immediately after listing the duties that had to be performed for past employers;
  • or together with a listing of responsibilities in past jobs.

Please note that revealing your professional skills as fully as possible does not mean in great detail. Personnel do not like overly long and detailed resumes and prefer not to waste their time studying them.

Feature of the position

Of course, depending on experience, the skills of a chief accountant on a resume will vary slightly for everyone. However, it is possible to highlight the general, which must be mentioned in the resume.

As a general rule, the position of the chief accountant includes not only accounting and reporting issues, but also along the way:

  • management of the entire accounting service of the enterprise, accountants in "detachments", remote accountants;
  • constant contacts with senior management.

Often, on job posting sites, the resume template is as formalized as possible. For example, a section on the basic skills of a chief accountant might look like this:

That is, the task of a candidate for the position of chief accountant is limited to the need to note keywords, phrases, tags.

Examples of

To summarize, as a real example of professional skills in the resume of a chief accountant, you can name the following:

  • experience in personnel / team management;
  • work with specialized accounting software;
  • work with the electronic reporting(in the IFTS, off-budget funds, Rosstat, etc.);
  • work with reference and legal systems;
  • inventory management skills;
  • budgeting skills;
  • reporting skills economic analysis the activities of the enterprise;
  • coaching;
  • tax optimization;
  • consulting on taxes and accounting issues;
  • passing inspections (tax, etc.);
  • financial control;
  • risk analysis;
  • development of accounting policies;
  • Management Accounting;
  • budgeting;
  • HR administration and much more.

In fact, the professional skills of a chief accountant in a resume can be listed endlessly - from the most general to highly specialized. But it is important to feel the measure.

If a person claims to be the chief accountant, then there is little point in listing the duties that he performed as an ordinary accountant. In most cases, this goes without saying and only clogs up the resume. We need to go to a higher level of skills.

The profession of an accountant is one of the most widespread in last years. Accountant (and more than one)- a demanded specialist at any enterprise, since each organization maintains accounting records, regardless of the organizational and legal form and type of activity.

Quite high requirements are provided to modern accountants - basic knowledge economics and tax base, legislation on accounting, communication skills, and of course, honesty, perseverance and hard work. Therefore, when considering an accountant's resume, the employer pays attention not only to the level of education and professional experience, but also to the listed personal qualities.

In order to profitably present yourself to the employer, it is important to correctly draw up an accountant's resume, reflecting the professional and personal information about yourself in a structured way.

A traditional structure to help an accountant write a resume:

The purpose of the resume.
If you plan to send your resume to recruiting agency, it must be universal.
If the accountant's resume is sent to a specific employer, it must meet the requirements. In the field "Desired position" indicate the vacancy for which you are applying.

First of all, indicate the profile education for the desired position (period of study, name of educational institution, specialty received. If you have additional education in your profile, check this.

In an accountant's resume, such educational institutions as Moscow State University, MGIMO, REA, MIPT, MEPhI, and the Financial Academy under the Government of Russia are valued.

However, a prestigious educational institution is not yet a guarantee of a successful accountant's resume. For some employers, the experience of a specialist and the level of tasks to be solved are much more important.

However, if you are a recent graduate, mark the results of your participation in olympiads and university competitions in your specialty, the presence of a red diploma; indicate the company in which you passed industrial practice.

It will be useful to note the training in the specialty "Taxes and Taxation" in the accountant's resume.
Information about additional education will provide you with an advantage, employers are especially encouraged to have a certificate of completion of training in ACCA, CAP / CIPA, US GAAP, CIMA, CPA programs, since many domestic companies have switched to the international system accounting statements.

This is the most important part of an accountant's resume, and is the first point that HR specialists pay attention to.
Indicate in this section your work experience in reverse chronological order (work experience, name of the organization (specifying the profile), position, duties).

The greatest value for the employer is represented by specialists who worked in the main taxation system, since they have to solve more complex problems.

A certain advantage will be the experience of passing audits and tax audits and the ability to defend one's case in front of tax officials.

An important role in a successful accountant's resume is played by the fact of continuous activity during periods financial statements(March-April), it speaks of a high professional level accountant.

Functional responsibilities.
Depending on the profile and specifics of the company, the range of duties performed can vary significantly, and this is of great importance in an accountant's resume.

Be sure to indicate if you had to temporarily act as an assistant or deputy chief accountant.

Before writing a resume, an accountant needs to clearly define the level of proficiency in certain professional skills in order to indicate them as fully as possible in the resume (what part of the accounting department did you do, how many employees in the organization, etc.).

It is difficult to imagine the functioning of any company without a competent accountant. The selection for this position requires a thorough analysis of the capabilities of the future employee. Indeed, the correctness of tax and accounting records depends on the skills and knowledge of this employee. The employer takes a very responsible approach to studying the resume of applicants for the position of an accountant, so it is better to entrust the preparation of the document to professionals. You can download a sample resume of an accountant for a job from our website, but let's talk about everything in order.

A ready-made example of a resume for the position of an accountant

Our site offers users a ready-made resume template for any specialty. When developing each form, all aspects were taken into account:

  • employers' wishes;
  • subtleties of recruiting work;
  • perception efficiency text information;
  • detailed characteristics required for a particular profession.

When writing a resume, the main thing is to observe the golden mean in the ratio of the volume of the text and the functions of this self-presentation. If the amount of information is too small, the job seeker will not be able to transfer all of his strengths... When a resume is inflated, the employer will simply tire of studying it and put it aside. The optimal size for a resume for any position is 1-1.5 pages of typewritten text.

The 2019 Standard Sample contains several sections:

  • The surname, name and patronymic of the applicant for an accountant vacancy, an indication of this particular position (important if the company has several vacant positions).
  • The expected salary level. Usually the minimum value is indicated - "from ...". For example, from 25 thousand rubles. This mark indicates that the specialist does not consider job offers with a lower remuneration for work.
  • It is definitely worth making a note whether the person is ready for business trips and irregular work schedules.
  • The next section of the resume - contact details: number mobile phone, E-mail address.
  • Personal data of the candidate: date of birth, registration, marital status.
  • Educational level - detailed listing for educational institutions in chronological order.
  • Professional experience - starting with the last employer, indicating his legal name and position, to earlier places of service. It will not be superfluous to briefly indicate the functions performed - chief accountant, calculator, accountant for inventories, etc.
  • Enumeration of the employee's achievements. For example, I optimized the tax burden by 10%, connected a remote document management system with counterparties, etc.
  • Skills - the ability to work in 1C, excellent command of other software, knowledge international standards accounting and so on.
  • Additional information: completion of refresher courses, availability of certificates, etc.
  • Personal qualities that characterize the job seeker as a responsible, scrupulous and honest employee.

The photo attachment to the resume makes the document copyright, the potential employee has a face, and the employer can make a first impression of him.

Key skills and abilities for an accountant's resume

If a person starts to compose a resume on his own, he may get confused in the design intricacies or not indicate important details. And then the job search is delayed.

Certain requirements are imposed on the applicant for the position of an accountant, this specialist must have a number of skills:

  • accounting and tax accounting in full;
  • knowledge of cash discipline;
  • the ability to conduct reconciliation with contractors, suppliers and customers;
  • calculation of wages and benefits social nature;
  • calculation of contributions from the wage fund, calculation from extrabudgetary funds;
  • primary accounting of business transactions;
  • formation of tax, accounting and statistical reporting;
  • inventory taking;
  • checking estimates and various economic feasibility studies;
  • drawing up a summary of current activities for founders;
  • the ability to work in the programs "Bank-client", 1C: Enterprise, MS Office applications and others;
  • knowledge of the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for processing payment orders, etc.

In small enterprises, the duties of an accountant include hiring and firing personnel, maintaining all personnel records... An accountant, especially a chief accountant, is an employee who, along with a manager, is responsible for the legality of all financial transactions of the company. On our website you can download a sample resume for an accounting specialist.

Do not hesitate, real professionals worked on the creation of all templates! Take advantage of their best practices and save your precious time!