Cable internet slows down. Hardware faults

In the last couple of years, the Internet has become an important part of almost everyone's life. Using world wide web, we can know the weather, last news world, download required programs, play online games, etc. When the Internet is working well, doing the above things is very pleasant, but what if suddenly web pages start loading for a very long time, and online games slow down? You should immediately look for an answer to the question of why the internet is slow. In this article, we will look at the causes of poor network performance.

Why is the Internet slow. Variants

1) It is important to remember that the Internet connection on a computer is used not only by the browser on which you are viewing sites. If torrent trackers are installed on your PC, programs for obtaining Email, Skype, etc., then Internet traffic can go to them. Also, do not forget that your computer likes to update programs and anti-virus systems automatically. Check if this reason is the answer to the question of why the Internet is slow.

2) If you are sure that only the browser is using the Internet connection, you should assume that the problem is with the browser. First try updating your browser, if it doesn't work, uninstall it completely, and then download a new one from the official website. You can also try reconfiguring your browser. Perhaps you accidentally changed something in the settings. First, you should check if there is a check mark next to the "Proxy server" item. If it is, then try to remove it and see the result. If it is not there, then try to put it.

3) If the two previous points did not bring any result, be sure to contact the provider. Perhaps your tariff plans have been changed or your account is running out of money. There are also providers that, after a certain amount of downloaded gigabytes. If this is the problem, then you need to go to unlimited tariff or change the provider.

4) Another answer to the question of why Internet viruses are slow. Be sure to complete a complete good antivirus program. Malware begins to clog the Internet channel, destroy applications and system files. If it happens that the computer has found a lot of viruses, first remove them. If there is no result, then there is only one way out, but the most effective is to reinstall the system.

5) If you connect to the Internet through a Wi-Fi router, then the problem is that the wireless Internet setting is incorrect. To get it right through Wi-Fi, I recommend contacting a knowledgeable person or find step by step instructions, then complete everything point by point. Only with the right one will you get good speed the Internet.

I hope, after reading this article, you have found an answer to the question of why the Internet is slow. If not, then you have only one thing to do - to turn to professionals for help. They are 99% likely to help solve your problem.

We live in an age when everyone has forgotten about carrier pigeons and messengers, and you can live comfortably without leaving your home. In an age when the word "teleportation" is no joke. I don’t know why, but it’s rather regrettable that in the era of high technologies we have to observe how the video on the Internet slows down.

Users complain that the Internet freezes at the most inopportune moment

On the other hand, there is nothing terrible or unusual in the fact that periodically your computer or laptop is stupid, and the Internet speed drops. Why is this happening and what can be done about it? Let's try to figure it out.

So, if your Internet slows down, then do not rush to call the support service, because, most likely, you are the main culprit. Why? So after all, only you decide: what your computer should do and store.

First, you need to determine what speed we have now. To help you, specialized services that will help you quickly find out the current speed of the Internet connection. After the measurement, leave yourself a note with the data - this will be the control result. After diagnosing each problem, measure the speed and compare with the control result to find out for sure what is the cause.

TOP reasons for slowing down the Internet:

  1. Viruses:

Oh, these interesting links "download without registration". Why do everyone's hands itch to touch them? Most often, when you enter such a site or download files from them, you acquire ZIPP (diseases acquired through the Internet). They hide all sorts of trojans, adware and much more, from which not only slows down the video on the Internet, but also the speed of the computer noticeably decreases.

The way out is simple - get yourself a set of antivirus programs to clean your computer , and also install a stationary antivirus with constant protection. Contrary to popular belief, cacti on the monitor no longer save you from new viruses.

  1. Antiviruses:

Set up - set, set up - forgot. Yes, since this is protection - it can greatly reduce speed. And the stronger the "armor" - the more the Internet slows down.

It's all about the network screens. They check all the information in real time, thereby trying to protect you from ZIPPs and visits to suspicious sites.

Measure the speed of your Internet connection with antivirus enabled and disabled. If the reason is in it, then you should think about either a new "blacksmith", whose protection will not weigh you down, or about high speed and the risk of being infected.

  1. Other software:

Let's not forget about what we use ourselves, not thinking that the "background mode" is the very reason that once again slows down video on the Internet.

The Internet was created in order to quickly and conveniently communicate, transfer information. But why should your computer and Internet channel be overloaded? Applications that work in minimized mode - ICQ,, Skype, Viber, RaidCall, and other messengers and talkers - also use Internet channels, even if you do not use them, and they are minimized. Therefore, if you crave high speed internet, then do not forget to free yourself from "unnecessary passengers".

Add-ons and all sorts of bars are the misfortune of those people who do not know how to refuse installer programs. As a result - surprise, and why they see only half of the screen. All of these add-ons, note, are easily disabled and removed in the Extensions and Add-ons sections.

  1. Wi-Fi

If your devices connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, then it will be useful to look into the router settings, add all your devices to the list of MAC addresses, and turn on the filter.

One of the common reasons the internet slows down is multiple connections to a Wi-Fi network. Why not encrypt the channel if you really want all the traffic and speed to go to you only?

Assemblies, assemblies, assemblies. Happiness for the homebrew geek who low price will reinstall for you ignorant of computer affairs, operating system... At the same time, in the kit you get a whole set of incredibly "useful" programs. But in such assemblies, even more "background" operations take place behind your back. Various services, performing their tasks, are "sucked" to the Internet, and significantly reduce the speed of data transfer.

There are two ways out of here: the first is to turn off services on your own, you can find the methods on our website. And the second is the installation of a clean OS, followed by the independent installation of the necessary software, and why not?

  1. Hardware configuration

Not the least question is the modernity of your computer. After all, Internet technologies work to improve the quality of the material, and, therefore, to reproduce. Therefore, when your video on the Internet slows down, think about whether your Pentium can handle Blu-ray?

The main efforts fall on the video card and RAM, so do not forget to calculate the strength of your iron "beast".

  1. Equipment malfunctions

And the last thing that depends on you is the quality of equipment care. If your cat uses the internet cable like dental floss, you shouldn't be surprised that your internet video stutters. Why not remove all the wires under the skirting board?

When was the last time you serviced your computer? And when was the modem with a router cleaned of dust? These are all good reasons for internet problems to start pestering you.

A faulty network card is verified by simply plugging the cable into another computer / laptop.

Internet connection problems that are not related to you in any way:

They can be explained by technical and preventive work provider, broken wires, heavy load on the network due to the large number of connections, and much more, with which you cannot do anything on your own. Therefore, when all the points are checked and swept aside, feel free to call the provider and demand the restoration of the declared speed (which, by the way, is always higher than the real one).

What do we end up with?

Not always the slow Internet can be blamed on the provider. For the most part, the problem starts with the user. We figured out and found out the reasons why the Internet speed may decrease, and now you will share with us your successes or ask questions!

Modern programs and services are firmly tied to the Internet. Network games; streaming content: video, audio, radio; as well as applications for work and entertainment - useless without a network connection. So low speed the Internet does not allow you to complete everyday tasks in full. Why the Internet works poorly and slowly, why it takes a long time to load and what to do to fix it, you will learn from this article.

Router speed limiting

Open the control panel of the router and check the settings for the Internet bandwidth. Increase the value if necessary.

It is also recommended to measure the speed of the Internet using a router and direct cable connection to the computer's network card. With a noticeable difference in speed, the probable reasons why the internet is slow are as follows:

  1. Malfunction of the router. Sometimes resetting the settings and re-setting, changing the firmware helps. Less often, the replacement of the router due to irreparable breakdown / marriage.
  2. The maximum bandwidth of the router is lower than the speed provided by the provider. Only replacing a router with a higher bandwidth.
  3. The Internet cable is not connected correctly in the provider's equipment. It is common for a wizard to plug a network cable into a service port instead of a regular connector. When a router is detected, the speed is automatically reduced. Therefore, it is important to inform the provider about the decrease in speed when using the router in order to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

Cookies overflowed

With each new visit to the site, the browser saves to disk a part of temporary files called cookies. The data stores site customization information and speeds up identification. When you visit the resource again, the browser accesses the disk for the cache to speed up page loading. If the disk is slow and / or full of files, the page open time is increased due to the cost of searching the cache. Therefore, clearing cookies sometimes helps speed up page loading. To delete the cache, open your browser settings, select the appropriate section and delete temporary files.

However, this method will not help if the problem is that your Internet is loading files slowly, then the reason for the poor performance is different.

Deprecated network card drivers

Check for updates for the network card. Sometimes developers make corrections to previously found errors, optimize general work, which contribute to the improvement and acceleration of data exchange. If support is discontinued, a supported plug-in NIC will be dropped as an alternative.

Outdated computer

The speed of the Internet is also affected by the component parts of the computer. Morally and / or physically worn-out components slow down page loading, downloading or transferring files.

It is worth paying attention to the condition of the hard drive. Slow, worn out and fragmented HDD negates all benefits high-speed internet... Therefore, replacing the HDD with an SSD will noticeably improve the response of the computer. At the same time, the update of some components is important to correlate with the general assembly. Sometimes it is rational to replace the computer completely. And in some cases, improvements are visible after installing an SSD and increasing RAM.

This point also disappears if yesterday your Internet worked quickly, and today it began to work slowly.

Energy saving modes activated

Some network cards support green technologies to conserve energy or optimize the internet. Sometimes these functions do not work correctly or limit throughput when maximum speed is required. Therefore, it is worth opening the properties of the network card in the "device manager", and on the "advanced" tab, select and disable automatic speed limiting functions and other "green" technologies.

Also open the section "power supply" of the computer, where you can select balanced or productive mode. If the modes have changed, reset the settings to eliminate the power supply restrictions.

Viruses and malware

If the internet is slow, it is important to check the system for viruses. Since malware degrades system performance and reduces Internet bandwidth by loading the channel and / or deliberately using traffic redirection.

Applications running in the background

It is also worth checking programs running in the background, for example, torrent clients and file download managers. Pause or limit the download speed.

It is also worth paying attention to extraneous programs. Check the list of installed utilities. Remove programs you have not installed, including plugins and services of various search engines. You should also not keep on the computer "optimizers", supposedly aimed at improving memory, Internet, system resources and services. Since such programs sometimes degrade the performance of the OS, slow down the Internet.

If you like to spend time playing online games, check to see if updates are being downloaded. If necessary, set a limit on downloading updates.

Applications running in the background can slow down your internet speed.

Tariff plan

The speed of the Internet is affected by the speed described in tariff plan provider. The measurement is performed in the form of the received traffic volume per second. At the same time, some companies cleverly present the speed, indicating "Mbps" instead of MB, which leads to confusion. So the "large" figure of 20 Mbit is equal to 2.5 Mbytes. Therefore, a 100 MB file will download in 40 seconds, not 5.

It is also important to carefully study the terms of the tariff plan for hidden restrictions. For example, the provider is ready to provide unlimited Internet at a speed of 40 Mbps, but indicate in small print - automatic speed reduction to 4 Mbps when downloading 100 GB per month.

Users are often lured into high speed at 100-150 Mbps. At the same time, they do not report that the declared speed applies only to the local, internal, network with limited access to information. Whereas the speed to global access is noticeably lower.

The reason for the slow Internet may be in the tariff plan, if you did not switch to another tariff and did not notice the jumps in the network speed.

VPN activated

The Internet works slowly if a traffic redirection program is installed or a VPN plugin is active. Incoming and outgoing traffic passes through a virtual private network, which allows you to change the actual location, thereby gaining access to resources and services that are not available in a particular region. At the same time, the throughput of the boarding school is reduced by 10-20 times, for example, 3 Mbps instead of 70 Mbps without using a VPN.

Usually there are speed limits in free virtual networks. V paid subscriptions, the bandwidth is higher. Therefore, it is rational to disable VPN and traffic redirection functions if there is no urgent need for it.

Aggressive advertising

The presence of a large number of advertising banners - reduces the page load speed. Pop-up windows with music or video are actively consuming traffic. On such sites, it is recommended to enable AdBlock, an ad blocking program. The utility is available for download from the internal software stores of most popular browsers.

Firewall active

The Internet is often slow due to antivirus and / or firewall software. Because by default the programs are configured to scan all incoming and outgoing traffic. Therefore, it is recommended to measure the Internet speed with and without antivirus / firewall enabled. If there are restrictions, it is worth changing the settings or finding an alternative program where the Internet speed is not limited.

Problems with the provider

The service provider has a lot to do with the speed of the internet. Some unscrupulous companies deliberately cut the bandwidth to evenly distribute the speed among other subscribers. Contribute to automatic lowering of the speed when a router is connected or when traffic is actively exchanged. In this case, it is recommended to break off the relationship and use the services of another, honest provider. And frequent breakdowns of equipment and interruption of the Internet supply are an additional reason for switching to another provider.


Slow internet speeds are often caused by problems with your ISP, wasted traffic by background programs, network hardware failures, or an outdated computer. Therefore, it is important to diagnose problem areas and troubleshoot one by one. The article describes in detail why the Internet is slow and how to solve the problem. The list contains the most common reasons, including minor ones, which users rarely pay attention to.

Internet speed has little or no effect on whether your web browser will slow down. How to speed up your browser? There are different options optimization, even an inexperienced user can adjust the speed without installing a variety of special programs. It is enough to periodically "clean" the working device and periodically perform the following actions.

What can slow down your browser Google chrome or others? There are several possible reasons:

And these are just the main ones: there can also be a lot of advertisements in the browsers themselves, various blocks and unwanted windows constantly pop up, the initial page does not change. Everything in order.

Lack of system resources

Device resources may not be enough due to some circumstances:

  • If the shortage notification appears immediately after launching the browser, then the problem may be in the antivirus program that is blocking the web browser. If it is safe, you should add it to the security software exclusions (for non-standard browsers);
  • If the paging file is deactivated on the PC or there is no more than 2 GB of free space on the system disk, this will cause an error. You should create a paging file and set its value using the "Auto-detect" function (the system will figure out how many resources it lacks);
  • Sometimes the reason lies in the fact that the resources of the "hardware" are really not enough to download the contents of the browser (if the PC is very old or a large number of different programs are running at the same time).

You should also not forget about cleaning up the startup, which, when started, when Windows starts, immediately loads the system to the limit.

Operating system problems

Similar problems can arise if there is no network connection or firewall settings do not allow the system to actively operate on the Internet.

  • A malfunctioning browser.

Often times, browser problems can arise from watching lengthy videos or activating time-consuming processes. Sometimes reinstalling your web browser is sufficient.

  • System flaws due to driver problems.

This applies to devices with Nvidia graphics cards, as well as when using two or more displays. To solve it, it is enough to roll back the driver versions to the previous ones.

  • Incorrect Wi-Fi operation.

If all browser pages load poorly, then you just need to restart your PC. However, you can deactivate the function general access To wireless connection, it is installed on the system by default. Using this parameter, you will be able to improve the style of the connection.

How to speed up your web browser

Often, users who constantly work on the Internet through browsers Yandex, Google and others notice that they start to slow down. Such problems are associated with a variety of nuances that affect efficiency and performance.

Checking the speed of the Internet connection

The network connection speed test is a special test that allows you to find out the transmission speed of information. It is measured by the method of transferring a certain amount of information from your computer to the service server for verification, and then in the opposite direction. At this moment, the average data transfer rate per second of time is calculated.

It is best to turn off the software that is used for downloading (torrents, FTP clients), mail clients, various instant messengers, and so on during such tests. It is better to pass the test several times and check the information received.

Anti-virus scan

If, during braking, you need to check for a virus software, then you need to know about the following:

  • Either you have to install an antivirus or a module that contains an anti-virus database or is connected to the cloud, or upload suspicious files to a special service (the first option is simpler and more reliable);
  • Additional scan modules do not conflict with existing antiviruses.

The most important thing is to use proven antivirus software.

Disabling plugins

If the browser is crammed with inconsistent extensions, this may affect its speed. How can I deactivate them? Let's take a look at Google Chrome as an example:

It should be noted that many extensions are updated with the browser, such as Flash Player. Browsers themselves notify about the required download of updates for various extensions. At the top right of the screen there is an inscription "Details", after clicking on it, information about the add-ons will be displayed - their location on the PC, name and parameters.

Clearing cache memory

When a user uses a browser such as Firefox or Chrome, some information about the visited pages is stored in the cache memory and cookies. Erasing this information will allow you to get rid of various problems with web resources (as well as loading and performance when loading pages).

Using Google Chrome as an example, you should consider the cleaning process:

  • Click on the "Ellipsis" button at the top right;
  • Go to "Additional tools" - "Delete browsing data";
  • Above should indicate the time period. If you want to erase everything, then you must select the value "All the time";
  • Click on "Cookies and other available sites" - "Pictures and third-party files stored in the cache".

Blocking ads

Various types of advertising in the browsers themselves have long been outdated, and even the users themselves do not pay attention to it. But often these windows come out at the wrong time, when looking for information or talking. You should use one of the below suggested programs to eliminate pop-up banners and other advertising alerts.

  • uBlock;
  • AdBlock Plus;
  • Adguard;
  • AdwCleaner;
  • Ad Muncher.

They don't need to be set up and will do it all themselves.

Turbo mode start

In early versions of the Opera browser, the switch for this mode was in the main menu. In new versions, you will have to perform such actions;

  • Log in to the Opera Internet browser;
  • Click on the "Browser" section;
  • Check the option “Show additional options;
  • scroll the page to the end and activate the "Turn on Opera Turbo" item.

You can also download the "Turbo Button" add-on and then the activation button will glow near the address bar.

Delete unnecessary bookmarks

It is worth remembering that you will not be able to restore erased bookmarks. Using Chrome as an example:

  • Enter the browser;
  • At the top right, click on "Settings and Management" - "Bookmarks" - "Dispatcher";
  • Next to the desired tab, click on the inscription "Delete".

Applying all necessary actions and getting rid of the listed problems, it will be possible to significantly optimize indicators and increase browser speed.

What is the reason and what to do

Below we list the common reasons leading to the slowdown of the Internet, and methods to eliminate them.

First of all, check:

  • is the torrent client enabled on this computer or any other computer on your local network;
  • whether OS or other software updates are being downloaded on any of the computers in the local network.

1. Malicious software on the computer.

This is especially true of malicious browser extensions. If, in addition to reducing the speed of loading web pages, you also notice the appearance of advertising banners in the browser, then most likely the computer is infected with malware.

Browse the list installed extensions in every browser. If detected, remove the following malicious extensions:

  • iWebar
  • 2. Traces of malware activity after its removal

    Even if your computer is clean as a result of the anti-virus scan, follow these steps:

    3. Viruses on another computer on the local network

    Scan for viruses on other computers on the network. A network attack can be launched from a nearby computer, as a result of which the network and the Internet can be slow and unstable. To scan computers on the network for viruses, the same programs are suitable that are specified in paragraph 1.

    4. Failure on the router or access point.

    • Check if the settings of your router or access point are correct.
    • Reboot the router to eliminate the possibility of a crash or freeze.
    • Make a router (modem, access point). by specifying the correct settings for your ISP.
    • Try updating the firmware of your router or access point. Follow by analogy with.

    Updating the firmware rarely helps with this problem. If earlier the Internet worked fine on this firmware, then most likely it is not about it. But, sometimes nevertheless, the router crashes, which can only be cured by flashing it.

    5. Problem with the network adapter

    • network adapter. Sometimes the network adapter can work on a non-native driver, but it is unstable and at a low speed.
    • Try using a different network adapter if possible.
    • Try replacing the network adapter if possible.

    6. Hacking Wi-Fi networks

    The internet can also be slow if third parties gain access to your Wi-Fi network and use your channel.

    Check if someone else is connected to your network:

    If you find an unknown device on the network, change the WiFi security key using a new one. Disable remote access to the web interface of the router and access point.