Professional activity term of work in descending order. How many jobs should be listed on a resume? Urban district of the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region

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  • Full Name

    Place of residence

    3. Education(secondary, secondary special, incomplete higher, higher) - emphasize.

    4. Additional education(training, courses, internships)

    5. Are you going to continue your education in the near future: __________ Only for work ________________________________________


    Computer skills (tick as appropriate)

    7. Additional knowledge and skills that you would like to acquire ______ Practice at work and 1С_______________________________________



    8. Personal car and garage(there is / No) ______________________________________________________________________________________

    9. Driving experience(years)___7 years____________________________________________________________________________________________

    10. Information about work experience(starting from the last place, indicate real work experience, including part-time work, own business. Work without legal registration is also indicated.

    Name of the organization Zarina LLC Type of activity of the enterprise Catering Position Marketing and Sales Manager Number of subordinates About 60
    Start Month/Year July 2010 Job Responsibilities Ensuring the smooth operation of the cafe, monitoring the activities of departments. In order to ensure the provision of product quality, service, as well as compliance with sanitary norms and rules. Labor regulations, labor protection rules on fire safety. Control over the timing of the sale of goods. Work on staff training. Preparation of dishes. Implementation of the plan for turnover.
    Ending Month/year June 2015
    Leadership attitude Salary
    Name of the organization LLC "Zarina" Type of activity of the enterprise General catering Position Head of production Number of subordinates
    Start Month year April 2006 Job Responsibilities Control over the quality of cooking, grading, inventory, sales.
    Ending Month/Year October 2007
    Specific examples of achievements (increase in sales volumes, organization of new directions, acquisition / improvement of professional skills, etc.)
    Reason for looking for a new job Transfer, promotion Salary

    11. What qualities of your character can help / prevent you from taking this vacancy:

    12. What criteria do you follow when choosing a job(mark in descending order of importance from

    10 to 1 criteria, using each value only once):

    6- Career. 10- Proximity to home.

    4- Stability. 7 - Independence and responsibility.

    5- High work intensity. 9- The complexity of the tasks.

    2- Acquisition of new knowledge and experience. 8- Standardized working day.

    3- Payroll. 1- Prestige of the company.

    13. What type and mode of operation suits you(Underline whatever applicable): constant, temporary, part-time, normal working day, irregular working hours, flexible hours, other ___________________________________________

    14. Remuneration:

    Minimum level (for a trial period): _____ from 20000_________________________________________________________________

    Desired level: ________________________ 30000-35000 ________________________________________________________________________

    15. Travel restrictions(specify the reason, if any) ______ no ______________________________________________


    If a person managed to work not in three or five companies, but in 10 or more, and even in different areas, when compiling a resume, he may have a question - is it necessary to write about everything? Are recruiters ready to read long resumes? Are they interested in the entire work biography of the candidate or only the experience he has gained in recent years? "Work for you" asked HR managers of well-known companies about this.

    Ekaterina Tikhvinskaya, HR Director, Uponor Rus CJSC:
    In principle, it is advisable not to change jobs often, then the resume will not be long. If it so happens that you have many places of work, it is advisable to indicate all. Otherwise, the recruiter will have questions about the gaps - for example, if there is a gap between graduation from the institute and the first specified job. The best option is to indicate all places of work, with the earlier ones briefly, and the last two or three in more detail. In a brief description, indicate the company, position and main responsibilities, and on the latter add projects, achievements and a detailed description of responsibilities.

    Olga Kryuchkova, Head of Recruitment Department, Corpus Group:
    A resume should first of all be concise. There are unwritten rules: it is desirable to indicate in the resume either the last three jobs or 10 years of experience. But you can break the rules. In any case, it is necessary to reflect those competencies, positions and companies that are most indicative of filling a vacancy that is currently of interest to the candidate.

    Marina Kostrykina, director of the children's leisure and entertainment center "Sedora":
    If you have had many different jobs, it makes no sense to list them all, so as not to get too long a resume. The last three are enough. But if the last positions were not in the professional field to which the vacancy belongs, you can indicate earlier places of work (if they were in the same or a related field). At the same time, other places of work are simply designated and not described in detail.

    Valentina Mitina, independent HR consultant:
    It is better to indicate the last two or three places of work - rarely anyone reads long resumes. If there are important skills and abilities in previous work experience, you can write about them in a cover letter. Many recruiters are interested in other jobs themselves. And if the candidate is young and has changed many employers, he is more likely to be rejected, since “flyers” are not very interesting for good companies.

    When choosing an employee in their organization, each employer puts forward certain requirements in him. Gender, age, education, certain business qualities, work experience in the desired industry, and so on. The applicant must behave in the same way. When a person does not have much experience, his requirements are minimal. In addition, he has not yet received a certain experience in order to understand himself, which is actually of paramount importance to him when choosing a job. He sometimes does not think about some things until he encounters this in practice.

    In any case, each applicant must make for himself a basic list of expectations from the place of work that he would like. Here's what you should pay attention to:

    In any case, each of the applicants is looking for a job in order to receive decent pay for it. I will pay for my time, my talents and skills. The main point in choosing a place of work is wages.

    Location (distance from home)

    “A mad dog is seven miles away” - this can be said about those who do not attach much importance to the territorial location of their place of work. He is ready to sit in traffic jams for 1.5-2 hours getting to work in the morning, and spend the same amount on the way back. In total, such a person spends a large segment of his life on the road. The older the applicant, the more important for him the proximity of the location from home. This understanding usually comes with experience. It doesn't bother young people.

    Official employment

    A person who has just graduated from an educational institution and does not have the required amount of experience has to sacrifice this item in order to simply be able to get a job, no matter where. For people with work experience, formal employment is important, especially when it comes to people 30+, because they are already fully aware of the importance of experience in the work book - their future pension will depend on it.

    Social package

    The social package includes: payment of sick leaves, vacations, contributions to medical and pension funds. Few people will be pleased if, after working for a year in a new place, he will not be given the opportunity to rest without losing wages and jobs.

    For many segments of citizens, it is important how fully their employer takes care of their employees. In addition, according to these criteria, one can judge how firmly the employer himself stands on his feet.


    VHI is voluntary health insurance. It can be attributed to the extended social package. This kind of concern for your employees can be extremely valuable. The client of the VHI package is given the opportunity to use a number of paid medical services during the insurance year, while he will not pay for them himself.

    Compensation for travel, meals, communications

    It is pleasant for everyone to save money, and when the company's management provides some compensatory bonuses, this greatly increases the loyalty of employees. If an employee's working day is connected with traveling, it is much more pleasant to realize that these expenses are not covered by him, but by his company. It is the same with lunches, communication costs - corporate numbers, etc.

    Opportunity for career growth

    What soldier doesn't dream of becoming a general someday? When career growth is important for a person, it is extremely important to find out whether there is such an opportunity at the enterprise in principle. After all, you can spend six months, a year. 2 years - and understand that you can’t jump above your head. Dead end! Either settle down or find a new job.

    Friendly team

    Not everyone thinks about this, but when the work team is really friendly, there are many interesting, open, friendly people in it, going to work every day is a joy. Sometimes you can work for many years, doing boring work for little money, but sincerely holding on to the team. For good relations, cheerful corporate parties, cozy spiritual atmosphere.


    Not a few important aspect when choosing a job is the work schedule. It is convenient for someone to work from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday, having 1 hour break from 13:00 to 14:00, someone is closer to work 12 hours a day, but 3 days a week, someone then you need to combine work with study, or with a second job. Everyone has their own needs. In any case, each job seeker sells his time for the salary he receives.

    Dress code or lack thereof

    Large corporate establishments almost always have a dress code. A certain style of clothing, prescribed or unspoken. Some people accept this with ease, while others find it more expensive to express themselves by exchanging a beautiful cover and prestigious work for a free style of dress. Dress code may vary. This is the usual office style - nothing vulgar and defiant, soft muted shades in clothes, no jeans. Or this is a special form of employees of banks, large retail stores, implying a certain affiliation - consultants in Svyaznoy, Sberbank operators, McDonald's salespeople, etc.

    Well developed corporate culture

    A large enterprise, standing firmly on its feet, always has a pronounced corporate culture. It can be expressed in many ways. And yet a person working there, subconsciously feels and understands that he is there, and not somewhere else. This is the defining thing that should characterize all employees of the company from top to bottom. The corporate culture includes:

    • mission of the organization
    • values ​​(anything is allowed / not allowed)
    • behavior patterns in certain work situations
    • leadership style in an organization
    • communication system between employees
    • company brand (clothes, motto, company logo, etc.)

    Comfortable and equipped workplace

    With a cute paradise and a hut - this is not about the workplace. It is sometimes extremely difficult to think about completing a task quickly when it is +35 〫 C outside the window, and the room is not particularly cool, or there is no curtain and the light hits you from the window right in the face. Or if you need to make a lot of manipulations on the computer, and there is either a cloudy monitor, or a mouse with a double click, or a chair that is terribly uncomfortable. Little things like that can throw anyone off balance. All this greatly affects not only the work process, but also the morale of the employee.

    Opportunity for advanced training (courses, trainings)

    It is extremely important for every young specialist to have the opportunity to improve their skills. This will help him to better understand important working moments, as well as give him a chance to climb higher on the career ladder. Sometimes an employee is ready to work for symbolic money, just to be able to get excellent training for free. Such a person invests in himself, and this is not a little and will undoubtedly be useful to him in the future.

    So we have considered with you the key aspects when choosing a new job.

    In any case, each applicant needs to understand the meaning and importance of each of these selection points, and yet, whatever one may say, it is almost impossible to find a job where all the points will be fully involved. Or you need to wait a very long time for such work, and it’s not a fact that you will get it. There are no perfect jobs, just like there are no perfect people. Each has both pros and cons. And yet it is important for you personally to choose from these points those that are of fundamental importance to you personally. After all, you are not looking for a job for a month or two, but you plan to devote a lot of time and effort to it, most likely to undergo certain training at the workplace, because every enterprise, even in the same industries, has its own internal specifics.

    Drawing up a resume is an important and necessary step for an interview in any self-respecting company. A resume forms an initial opinion of a potential employer about you, which can be improved, or vice versa, worsened during the subsequent interview. By itself, a well-written resume does not guarantee you a job, but it significantly increases your chances of it. At the same time, a frankly unsuccessful resume can be the reason why you are not invited for an interview, which automatically means that your candidacy is denied a possible job in a vacant position in this company. How to write a resume correctly, what data should be indicated in it, what should be taken into account when compiling it? We will answer these and other questions in detail in this article.

    There are three main approaches to how to properly compose and write a resume: chronological, functional and combined. There is no universal advice on which approach to apply in one case or another. It all depends on where you get a job and what previous work experience you have. For example, if you consistently went to the position that you are now applying for by improving your professional skills and experience and followed all the stages of career growth along this path, then it is better to choose the chronological option. If you have recently had to engage in activities not related to your specialty and little corresponding to the position you are currently interested in, then in this case the functional method becomes more suitable.
    Summary in chronological order.
    The most commonly used type. You can take the entries in the work book as a basis and, in reverse chronological order, describe all the previous places of your work, the tasks performed at each of them and the results achieved.

    • your professional growth is clearly visible, starting from the very beginning of your career, your accumulated experience and the results obtained;
    • it is familiar to most interviewers and they consider it to be some kind of standard.
    • for applicants who, for various reasons, had to change their occupation, this type of resume is not suitable, as it will immediately catch the eye;
    • in the chronological type of resume, your breaks in work activity are immediately visible, as well as the frequency of job changes, which can greatly alert potential employers;
    • if you have extensive experience in performing a wide range of functional duties, then you will not be able to disclose all this completely due to the restriction on the recommended number of pages in a resume equal to two, in extreme cases three pages.
    Functional Resume.
    It lists all of your skills, knowledge and experience related to the position you are applying for. As evidence, examples of achievements from previous jobs are given as your professional viability and effectiveness in solving certain problems.
    • this resume format emphasizes your ability to work successfully in areas that are new to you;
    • some employers are not familiar with him and consider him a way to hide some important information about them.
    • in its pure form, a functional resume does not give key characteristics of previous similar jobs and the time during which you worked at them, or they are not as clear as in a chronological resume, which is very important for many employers.
    Combined variant.
    There is also a combined version of the chronological and functional resume, combining their advantages and getting rid of their shortcomings as much as possible.

    Combined version with a bias towards the chronological type.
    It is also compiled in chronological order, but in the description of each job, the emphasis is not on a dry enumeration of the list of your duties on an accrual basis, but your achievements and real experience are emphasized.
    Combined version with a bias towards a functional resume.
    This type preserves the structure of key skills, knowledge and achievements, and also contains a visual summary table of your previous jobs in descending order, characteristic of a chronological resume.

    How to write a resume.
    As a template, users of operating systems of the Windows family can take the standard, modern and sophisticated resume styles that come with the Microsoft Office software package.
    You can choose from by running the Resume Wizard (Resume Wizard.wiz), located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\1049\
    If you can't find it on your computer, you can download this archive (downloads: 250), which contains these styles as separate files that you can open in Microsoft Word and start writing your own resume.

    Replace the last name and first name from the example with your last name, first name and patronymic. If there are fields of address and contact details, then fill them in with the address of residence, phone number and e-mail address. In the "Purpose" field, indicate the vacancy for which you are applying.

    After that, you can take a work book and, starting from the last entry in chronological descending order, fill in the “Work Experience” field, in which you indicate the period during which you held this or that position, the name of the organization, your position and a short list of achievements and (or) functions performed at that location.

    After work experience, please indicate your education. The period of time during which you received it, the name of the educational institution and the specialty received. Additionally, you can indicate the ability to work with a personal computer, specialized software and the level of foreign language proficiency, which will be a definite plus for your candidacy in the eyes of the employer.

    If you wish, you can scan and paste the current photo into the resume in the upper left corner. But, this is not mandatory.

    In conclusion, I would like to give some general advice on how to properly compose (write) a resume.

    1. Print your resume on white, unlined A4 paper.
    2. Try to keep your resume no longer than two, at most three pages. Brevity, in this case, is not only the sister of talent, but also a show of respect for the time your interviewers spent studying your resume. Do not use double-sided printing, as often during the interview, resume sheets are unfastened and laid out side by side in order to quickly find the information you need.
    3. Use a font and indents between pages sufficient for comfortable reading.
    4. Express your merits in a strict, concise language, without the use of slang expressions. Use short paragraphs, if possible, no longer than five lines.
    5. After compiling and printing a resume, proofread it carefully for grammatical errors in the text.
    6. Since you may be interviewing for several positions at different companies at once, which will be reflected in the different options for the “Purpose” field on the resume, you must print a modified resume for each new interview.
    7. Try to highlight exactly those professional skills that may be in demand for the interviewed position.
    8. Don't include salary on your resume. It is usually decided at the interview stage.
    9. Do not use exact start and end dates. It is enough to specify the month and year.
    10. If you indicate a higher educational institution in the "Education" field, then you should indicate secondary and secondary specialized education, since this information will be redundant.
    11. Do not include false or inaccurate information in your resume. Even if you manage to get a job, your lie can be revealed over time at the most inopportune occasion.
    12. Keep personal information to a minimum, or don't mention it at all. Your employer will most likely be of little interest to your weight, height, hobbies and hobbies.

    Once you get the resume right, it's highly desirable to get letters of recommendation from one or two of your last jobs. This will significantly increase your chances of getting a new job.

    Application for self-nomination

    I AM, ______________________________________________________________

    (Full Name)

    born ______________________________, residing at

    (day month Year)


    (district, city, other settlement, street, house and apartment number)

    in accordance with the Decision of the Council of Deputies of the urban district of Bor No. 23 dated March 29, 2011 and the Regulations on the Youth Public Chamber of the urban district of Bor, I notify the Youth Electoral Commission of the nomination of my candidacy as a candidate member of the Youth Public Chamber of the urban district of Bor of the third convocation .


    (signature, date)

    № __________

    (to be completed by a member of the competition committee)


    Candidate member of the Youth Public Chamber

    Urban district of the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region

    Applicant Information

    Personal and professional achievements

    Social work experience

    Participation in the activities of public associations period (month, year), name of the organization, your status, type of activity, results achieved
    If you are a representative of a public association, please describe: Name of the public association, type of association (student, working, non-profit), goals and objectives of the association, main activities, geography of the organization
    What are the priority areas in the youth policy of the urban district of Bor, in your opinion, should be developed? Name three in descending order
    How do you understand the goals, objectives and content of the activities of the MNP of the urban district of Bor?
    Describe your life priorities, personal and professional aspirations
    Additional information (please include anything you think is necessary)

    Annexes to the questionnaire:

    1. Variant of a social project, program, draft law or amendment to the law on youth policy

    2. A document confirming your nomination to the Youth Chamber, or 100 or more signatures of citizens aged 18 to 30 in support of self-nomination

    3. Additional materials confirming active social, professional activities, results achieved (copies of diplomas, letters of thanks, certificates, diplomas, letters of support, letters of recommendation and other materials)

    4. 2 color photographs 4x5 in size

    5. Photo portrait on electronic media

    Date of compilation "____" _________________ 2015

    Personal signature _______________________ (______________________)