Organization of QC work at the enterprise. Fundamentals of the organization of inspection - control of work on metal plating

In accordance with GOST 16504-81, technical control is understood as checking the compliance of the control object with the established technical requirements. The object of control can be a product or process, on which its quality depends, as well as technical documentation for them. Technical control includes the following main functions:

Quality control of raw materials, semi-finished products supplied to the enterprise from outside;

Control of equipment and technological equipment;

Control of technological processes and finished products (including during their storage, transportation and operation);

Prevention, detection and accounting of marriage, establishment of its causes and participation in the development of measures to eliminate them;

Participation in the development and implementation of measures to improve product quality.

Technical control should be carried out at all stages of the product life cycle. At the stage of product development, his task is to check the compliance of the prototype with the terms of reference and technical documentation. Technical control also covers the entire production cycle of the enterprise, from the receipt of raw materials, semi-finished products, equipment and technical equipment to the enterprise and ending with the receipt of blanks, processing of parts and production finished products. At the stage of operation (consumption) of products, the task of control is to check the compliance of product quality indicators with the specified requirements during storage, transportation and operation of these products, to verify the correct operation of products.

The main principles of the organization of control at the enterprise are:



Compliance of control with the level of technology, technology and organization production processes;

Compliance with the qualifications of the personnel of the enterprise exercising control.

An independent structural subdivision of the enterprise, which manages the technical control of product quality in all stages of production, is the technical control department (QCD), subordinated directly to the head of the enterprise.

By stages of the production process technical control at the enterprise is divided into the following types:

Input (preliminary), consisting in checking the quality of those received by the enterprise (workshop, site, workplace) raw materials, materials, parts, semi-finished products;

Operational (intermediate), carried out in the process or after performing a certain technological operation;

Intermediate (final) - control of finished products.

By completeness of coverage of objects technical control is divided into selective and continuous. Selective control is understood as checking a part of objects in a batch. With continuous control, the entire volume of products of one name, which is submitted for control, is checked. This type control is used in cases where it is absolutely unacceptable to skip defects, when the quality of uncontrolled products is unreliable.

By the means of control used distinguish between measuring, registration, organoleptic, visual, control sample and technical inspection.

Measuring control is used to evaluate the values ​​of the controlled parameters of the product: by the exact value and by the allowable range of parameter values.

Registration control is carried out to evaluate the object of control based on the results of counting certain qualitative features, events, products.

The control on the control sample is carried out by comparing the features of the controlled product with the features of the control sample.

Organoleptic control is carried out through only the sense organs without determining the numerical values ​​of the controlled object.

Visual control is a variant of organoleptic control, in which control is carried out only by the organs of vision.

Technical inspection is carried out mainly with the help of the sense organs and, if necessary, the simplest means of control.

Inspection control is a repeated verification of products.

Abroad, statistical methods for monitoring and managing product quality have been widely used.

The product quality control system is a set of interrelated objects and subjects of control, the types, methods and means used to assess the quality of products and prevent defects at various stages of the product life cycle and quality management levels. An effective control system allows, in most cases, to carry out a timely and targeted impact on the level of product quality, to prevent all kinds of shortcomings and malfunctions, to ensure their prompt identification and elimination with the least expenditure of resources. Positive results of effective quality control can be identified and in most cases quantified at the stages of development, production, circulation, operation (consumption) and restoration (repair) of products.

Regulations on the department of technical control.

General provisions are specified in the appendix.

The main tasks of the OTK.

The main tasks of the OTK are:

Ensuring the release of products, the quality of which fully meets the requirements of the customer.

Organization and management structure.

    The structure of the quality control department, as an independent division of the plant, is approved by the general director.

    The number of QCD is determined by the staffing table approved by the General Director.

    The QCD is managed by the head of the technical control department, who is appointed and dismissed by the general director.

    The composition of the QCD includes according to the staffing table:

Head of QCD;

Deputy Head of Quality Control Department;

Master control for finished products;

Master control in workshops No. 1,2;

Head of laboratories in workshops No. 1,2;

Control master for acceptance of external cargoes;

Inspector in the production of ferrous metals, carrying out acceptance tests;

Laboratory assistants-controllers of QCD;

QCD controllers

5. The organizational structure of the QCD is presented in Appendix D.

OTK functions.

In accordance with the assigned tasks, it performs the following functions:

    Control over the quality and completeness of finished products manufactured by the plant, compliance with the requirements of contracts.

    Control over the quality of raw materials and materials supplied to the enterprise, for compliance with their concluded contracts and agreements.

    Quality control of in-plant products transferred from one department to another (molds, quartzite, etc.).

    Quality control of tare, packaging and shipment of products.

    Monitoring compliance with production technology by workshops in accordance with established technological regulations, instructions, company standards.

    Carrying out sampling and samples in accordance with GOSTs and methods adopted at the plant for all incoming raw materials and finished products.

    Control over the correct storage of finished products in the warehouses of the plant.

    Carrying out daily analysis production waste, with the establishment of the causes and those responsible for the occurrence of manufacturing defects in semi-finished products and finished products.

    Consideration of claims for the plant's products, establishing the reasons for the release of low-quality products, identifying the guilty, preparing orders for product quality.

    Collection of information and analysis of the service life of manufactured refractories in order to assess their quality in the post-production period.

    Participation in the development of documents of the IC, in conducting internal audits in the QCD.

    Development of STP for QCD, corrective actions.

    Participation in the development and implementation of existing MVI and updating existing MVI.

    Registration of shipping documentation for shipped products from OAO Dinur.

    Implementation modern means and test methods.

    Organization of training, advanced training and professional level personnel.

    Ensuring the safety of the entrusted property, equipment and measuring instruments.

    Creation of safe working conditions. Compliance with the rules and regulations on labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation, as well as the rules fire safety in accordance with the “Regulations on the Occupational Safety and Health Management System at OAO Dinur”. Development of safety instructions for QCD employees.

Interaction with other departments of the enterprise

- with the central factory laboratory (TsZL):

Receives: forms with the results of tests and studies.

Represents: applications (forms) for conducting chemical, physical, thermal, mechanical, X-ray phase tests, properties of raw materials, finished products;

- with the technical department:

Receives: normative documentation for raw materials, finished products, technological instructions, regulations for the production of manufactured products; for approval of drafts of the newly developed RD and amendments to the existing RD; technical literature and other information at the request of specialists.

Represents: applications for ND, technological documentation, technical literature;

- personnel management service (SMS):

Receives: information about violators of labor and production discipline, copies of orders related to the admission, transfer and dismissal of workers, copies of orders on labor discipline, changes in internal labor regulations.

Represents: applications for workers and specialists, characteristics for employees provided for promotion and rewards, materials for violators of labor discipline, vacation schedules, training plans for workers and specialists. Acts of inspections on compliance with labor discipline;

- with the department of labor and wages (OTIZ):

Receives: guidance materials on improving the organization of labor and wages, staffing of specialists and workers.

Submits: for approval of the regulation on the remuneration of workers, proposals on the staffing table, increasing coefficient, analysis of the refractories service (for a month before the 15th, quarterly and annual before the 20th), report on the work of the department (until the 15th of each month), data on bonuses;

- with the Central Laboratory of Metrology (CLM):

Represents: methodology, laboratory equipment and measuring instruments for certification and verification.

Receives: a schedule for the certification of laboratory equipment, methods for performing measurements, verification, calibration and repair of measuring instruments in operation; schedule of metrological supervision of their condition and use;

- engineering center (EC):

Represents: proposals for the development of new technological regulations, information about the service of refractories.

Receives: information about service properties of products, prescription cards for pilot batches;

- with the Quality and Certification Department (OKiS):

Receives: quality requirements for products under contracts, facsimile messages, blot schedules for approval, information about product service, albums of drawings for products in accordance with orders.

Represents: information about the service;

With the legal department;

With a design bureau (PKO);

With the management of material and technical means (UMTS);

With the service of the chief power engineer;

With the service of the chief mechanic;

Department of Enterprise Economics (EEP);

With the financial department (FD);

With repair and construction management (DCS);

With the main accounting department;

With the service of industrial safety and labor protection (SPBiOT).

PJSC "Company"
____________ P.P. Petrov

"___"___________ G.

Regulations on the technical control department

1. General Provisions

1.1 The full name of the unit is the technical control department, abbreviated as OTK (hereinafter referred to as OTK) is an independent structural unit of the enterprise.

1.2 QCD reports to the Deputy Director for Quality - Head of QCD.

1.3 Deputy Director for Quality - Head of QCD reports directly to the Director for Quality.

1.4 Deputy director for quality - the head of the QCD is appointed to the position by order of the general director of the enterprise on the proposal of the director for technology and quality.

1.5 In progress production activities OTC cooperates extensively with all structural divisions enterprises.

1.6 QCD coordinates the activities of the company's divisions in the field of product quality assurance.

1.7 QCD is guided in its activities by:

current legislation RF;
— Law of the Russian Federation “On technical regulation”;
- Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization" No. 5154-1 dated 10.06.93;
- Law of the Russian Federation "On certification of products and services" No. 5151-1 dated 10.06.93.
- Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" No. 4871-1 dated April 27, 1993;
— Normative — technical and technical documents;
- Orders and orders of the enterprise management;
— The policy of the enterprise in the field of quality;
— documentation of the quality management system (QMS) of the enterprise;
international standards ISO 9000 series;
collective agreement enterprises;
- the internal labor regulations of the enterprise;
- by this Regulation.

1.8 The requirements of the QCD employees on the issues of product quality assurance are obligatory for all employees of the enterprise.

2 Goals

2.1 Prevention of the release (delivery) by the enterprise of products that do not meet the requirements of regulatory technical documentation, terms of delivery and contracts or incomplete products.

2.2 Strengthening production discipline and increasing the responsibility of all production links for the quality of products.

2.3 Development, implementation and maintenance of the QMS, ensuring full satisfaction of the consumer's requirements for product quality.

3 Internal structure

3.1 Structure and staffing The OTC is approved by the General Director.

3.2 QCD includes:

3.2.1 bureau of technical control of machine-building production;

3.2.2 QMS lead engineer

3.2.3 entrance control bureau;

3.2.4 production control areas (workshops Nos. 5,6,7,14);

3.2.5 electrician's area for maintenance of test equipment.

3.3 The Deputy Director for Quality - Head of the Quality Control Department reports to the Deputy Head of the Quality Control Department - Head of Test Stations, Lead Engineer for QMS.

3.4 The Deputy Head of the Quality Control Department - Head of the Test Stations is directly subordinate to:

- Head of BTK production;
- seniors control masters production shops;
— leading quality engineer (complaints);
– engineer for periodic and certification tests, provision of technical documentation;
— leading engineer for accounting and analysis of NSP, certification of test equipment;
– electricians for the repair and maintenance of test equipment;
- head of the entrance control bureau.

4 Functions and tasks

4.1 The main tasks of the QCD of the enterprise are:

4.1.1 implementation and maintenance of the functioning of the QMS in the department, ensuring full satisfaction of the consumer's requirements for the quality of products;

4.1.2 ensuring effective product quality control at all stages of the life cycle;

4.1.3 organization and analysis of the quality level, causes of defects, as well as measures to improve product quality;

4.1.4 coordination of the work of the technical services of the enterprise in matters of improving the quality indicators of products in order to increase its competitiveness, meet consumer requirements and increase profits from sales.

4.2 In order to implement these tasks, the QCD performs the following functions:

4.2.1 organization of quality control of products during their manufacture and shipment to the consumer in order to minimize the damage caused by in-house inconsistencies;

4.2.2 implementation of "flying" control over the observance of technological discipline, compliance of production operations with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation (NTD) in force at the enterprise, approved design and technological documentation;

4.2.3 control over compliance with the rules for labeling, conservation, packaging, storage and transportation of products within the enterprise;

4.2.4 control of the conformity of technological equipment for the main production, in accordance with the current NTD at the enterprise;

4.2.5 determination of the procedure for collection and storage of nonconforming products, implementation of measures that exclude the possibility of its use before correction;

4.2.6 control over the conduct of all types of tests (periodic, acceptance, control, certification) of manufactured products, timely and high-quality testing assigned to the QCD;

4.2.7 consideration of mutual claims of workshops and services of the enterprise on issues within the competence of the QCD and making final decisions on them. Decisions made by the quality control department can be canceled by the quality director;

4.2.8 collection, generalization of information on the state of product quality in the production process and its submission for analysis to design, technological and other services in order to develop measures to improve product quality;

4.2.9 summarizing the results of the analysis and proposals for measures aimed at eliminating the identified inconsistencies;

4.2.11 Control of the storage of documentation that ensures traceability and confirms the quality of product manufacturing at all stages of its production;

4.2.12 Organization and participation in the improvement of the technical control system of the enterprise, including the development and implementation of progressive methods and means of product quality control, including organizational forms, material and moral incentives for employees for improving product quality;

4.2.13 Carrying out systematic work (if necessary, together with technical services) to analyze the effectiveness of the technical control system, increase the effectiveness of control operations, labor productivity of QCD employees and improve their professional training;

4.2.14 Development of proposals to increase the requirements for the quality of products manufactured and consumed by the enterprise, to improve the regulatory and technical documentation of the enterprise's quality management system that establishes these requirements, aimed at stimulating the release of products High Quality and prevention of release of nonconforming products;

4.2.15 Participation in the development of programs and activities to improve the methods of technical equipment of control operations, to introduce progressive tools and methods for monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the quality of the enterprise's products;

4.2.16 Control and participation in periodic, qualified, certification and other tests of the company's products, confirming the stability of the quality of its manufacture;

4.2.17 Keeping records of claims for the quality of products manufactured by the enterprise, if necessary, participation in the consideration of claims for products together with other divisions, monitoring the implementation of measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies;

4.2.18 Leads the work on quality planning, including the development and updating of the Policy and objectives of the enterprise in the field of quality;

4.2.19 Development of planning and organizational measures for the preparation of production and documentation for state and foreign certification of products and the quality management system of the enterprise;

4.2.20 Planning, organization and participation in the development, control, amendments to the documented procedures of the QMS;

4.2.21 Keeping records and managing all documentation for state certification of products and the enterprise's quality management system;

4.2.22 Together with units included in Enterprise QMS, analysis of the effectiveness of the functioning of the QMS with the development of recommendations for improvements;

4.2.23 Organization of work on the extension, renewal of state and foreign certification of products and quality management systems;

4.2.24 Provision of methodological assistance to all divisions of the enterprise in the implementation of planning and organizational measures to prepare for certification of products and the quality management system of the enterprise.

5 Rights

OTK has the right:

5.1 Stop receiving and shipping products that do not meet standards, specifications, standards, drawings, set completeness and technological documentation and contractual obligations, immediately notifying the general director of the enterprise in writing. The order of the director for quality or the deputy director for quality - the head of the QCD to stop the acceptance or shipment of products can be canceled only on the basis of a written order (instruction) of the general director.

5.2 At any production site, check materials, blanks, parts or components for compliance with standards, specifications and drawings.

5.3 Assign and conduct, not provided for by the approved technological process, quality checks of finished products, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and components, the quality of individual technological operations and transitions, the quality and condition of process equipment and tools, production conditions, packaging, storage, loading and transportation within the enterprise, as well as other checks necessary to ensure the release of products in accordance with established requirements.

5.4 Participate in the testing of new and modernized product samples, as well as in the coordination of technical documentation for these products, in order to provide conditions for effective quality control.

5.5 To carry out, together with the metrological service, control over the state of control and measuring equipment at the enterprise, as well as their timely submission for state verification.

5.6 Require the heads of workshops, services and departments of the enterprise to carry out all necessary measures aimed at improving and ensuring the quality of products.

5.7 Make the final decision on the quality of products in case of disagreements between the QCD employees and employees of workshops or departments of the enterprise.

5.8 Submit proposals to the heads of the enterprise on bringing to justice the employees guilty of producing non-conforming products, violating production technology and using materials, raw materials and semi-finished products that are inappropriate or subject to verification, but not verified by the Quality Control Department.

5.9 Require the divisions of the enterprise to provide the necessary materials for the implementation of work that is within the competence of the Quality Control Department.

6 Relationships with other departments

6.1 With production departments on:

- receipts: ten-day schedules of production output by shops for the coming month. Execution of memos
OTK staffing table. Schedules for staff training.

- submissions: Information about the recognized good and inconsistencies of the manufactured products with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and contractual obligations. Information on request. Applications for staff training

6.2 With the planning and economic department on the following issues:

- receipt: organizational structure of the QCD;

— submissions: information about nonconforming and advertised products. Required information on request
6.3 With the design and technology department on:
- receiving: operational control cards for coordinating control operations. All technical documentation necessary for control, instructions for testing products and individual components, notifications of production changes, schemes of test installations. Conclusions on claims, necessary decisions on parts, assemblies, assemblies and products that deviate from drawings and specifications, as well as calculations necessary to determine product quality (on request) Instructions for control tests agreed with the management of the Quality Control Department and charts of control operations of technological processes ;

- submissions: information about non-conformities with an analysis of the causes of the measures taken to eliminate it. Information about all detected shortcomings in the drawings and technology. Notices of violations of technological processes affecting product quality Complaints and proposals for improving technology and improving product quality, information on the quality of products supplied by the enterprise, acts of product quality control received for conclusion from customers, as well as protocols and conclusions on the results of testing units, products, systems, assemblies and parts.
6.4 With the departments of the chief mechanic and the chief power engineer on the following issues:

- receiving: Necessary controls to ensure reliable quality control production repair equipment. Equipment check schedule technological accuracy. Information about the results of testing equipment for technological accuracy.

6.5 With the central laboratory of measuring technology on:

- receipt: Schedules for verification of measuring instruments. Information about the withdrawal from circulation of defective incorrect and not passed into deadlines verification of measuring instruments. Data on verification of measuring instruments for compiling a quality report, protocols of measurements;

— submissions: Applications for measuring instruments and power supplies to them, for high-precision and arbitration measurements and tests. Measuring instruments for verification, according to the schedule, out of order before the next verification. Measuring instruments for rechecking or repair.

6.6 With the department of logistics and equipment on the following issues:

- receiving: Accompanying documents suppliers (certificates, regulations, test certificates and passports) for all materials and components entering the enterprise. Extracts from contracts with suppliers, amendments to contracts necessary for inquiries or reclamation acts;
- submissions: Conclusions of factory laboratories certifying the quality of incoming materials and components and permissions for their use in production. Offers and prohibition of issuance from warehouses of materials and components that have deviations from the technical specifications, acts on materials with inconsistencies detected during acceptance.

6.7 With the sales department on:

- provision: Information on the results of consideration and decisions made on complaints received for products. Information about the right to sell products based on the results of periodic tests. Information on all types of certification of production.

6.8 With accounting on issues:

receipt: Information on the results of accounting for losses from non-conforming products in the shops according to notices of non-compliance and reclamation acts and on the attribution of amounts to those responsible;

provision: Acts on non-conformities indicating those responsible for the formation of non-conforming products. Conclusions on accepted complaints.

6.9 With department information technologies for questions:

- receiving: Forms primary documents for ICU and instructions for completing them. Methodological assistance in filling out forms of primary documents for ICU. Summary data on changes to the technical documentation;

- Provisions: Proposals for the mechanization and automation of various control and calculation tasks. Application for computer and org. technique.

6.10 With supervisors of workshops and sections on the following issues:

- receipt: Necessary tools and devices for carrying out test control. Accompanying technical documentation (drawings, diagrams, standards and manufacturing technology for these products). All operational documentation (description);

- provision: Conclusion on the conformity of products with the requirements of technical documentation (TU, GOST, drawings, standards, manufacturing technology, etc.). Issued acts on non-conforming products with indication of the perpetrators. Acts for accepted products, warning about non-conforming products in case of violation of the manufacturing technology of products and their non-compliance with the requirements of technical documentation.

6.11 With all subdivisions within the framework of the QMS on the following issues:

- receipt: Draft documents and other documentation within the framework of the quality management system, proposals for amending the documents of the enterprise's quality management system;

— providing: Documentation of the quality management system necessary for the work.

6.12 With the HR department on:

– receiving: Questionnaires, resumes of contestants for vacancies;

— submissions: Applications for the selection of personnel.

7 Responsibilities of the unit head

7.1 Full responsibility for the untimely fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned by these Regulations to the department is borne by the deputy director for quality - the head of the Quality Control Department.

7.2 The degree of responsibility of other employees is established by job descriptions.

8 Conclusion

8.1 This provision has been developed in accordance with:

8.1.1 Requirements of STP SMK 5-007.

8.1.2 Operating in the enterprise organizational structure management.

8.1.3 staffing department of technical control.

8.2 The director for technology and quality has the right to make proposals for changing it to these Regulations.

8.3 The date of entry into force of this Regulation is the date of approval of the Regulation CEO enterprises.

8.4 The term of this Regulation is 5 years.

Quality Director K.K. Qualitatives


Head of QCD O.O. Responsible

Head of Personnel Department I.I. Ivanov

Head of Quality Management Department V.V. Vasiliev

Head of the Legal Department S.S. Sergeev

Before considering the organization of technical control carried out at an industrial enterprise, one should dwell on the concept of "product quality". In the broadest sense of this term, quality is the ability of a product (product) to consistently meet or exceed consumer expectations. In a narrower sense, product quality is understood and interpreted depending on the approach to this term. So, quality can characterize the class of products, the material from which they are made, special technical or other parameters of products, the skill with which products are made. In general, the classification of the main quality parameters on the example of durable products is given in Table. 4.5.

To ensure the basic parameters of the quality of products manufactured by an industrial enterprise, careful control over the production process is necessary, which, in general view consists of three stages - before the start of production, during production, after the end of production (Fig. 4.6).

In the technical control carried out at an industrial enterprise, it is important to establish the number of checks carried out at the stage of control of technological processes and the stage of acceptance control of finished products; determination of the objects of inspections, identification of types of deviations in the production process, establishment of measurement and calculation methods during inspections.

The number of checks can have a wide range - from the complete absence of any checks to multiple tests of each element of the product. Mass-produced products with a low price characteristic often do not need to be checked for two reasons: first, the damage from a missed defective product is negligible; secondly, the production processes of such products, as a rule, have high reliability (technological processes are worked out in detail), so defects are quite rare.

Table 4.5

Main parameters of product quality



Basic technical, economic and operational characteristics of products; level of after-sales service; simplicity and ease of use of products; detailed instructions manual


Additional specific characteristics, in particular: degree of operational safety, performance design, ease of use, use of high technologies in the manufacture of products


The constancy of product operation (rare failures of components and the product as a whole); service life - physical useful life cycle products; the degree of manufacturability of products; the level of replacement of parts and assemblies


Indirect assessment of product quality by consumers - ergonomic parameters of products, price characteristics of products, reputation of the enterprise - manufacturer of products, compliance with the wishes of consumers

Products with a high price point, produced in small batches, usually have significant costs associated with missed defects, and therefore require careful inspection. This raises the problem of balancing the cost of inspections and the amount of costs caused by missed defective products, which in some cases are very significant. As an option for finding the optimum number of checks - the minimum sum of the cost of checks and the damage from missing defective products, you can use the graph (Fig. 4.7).

The objects of checks (control) can be purchased products - raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, finished components; measuring, cutting and auxiliary tool; final finished product; intermediate product at a certain stage technological process- before an expensive production operation (prevention of labor and machine time costs for elements with defects), before an irreversible process, when the defect can no longer be eliminated, before applying a protective coating (painting, galvanizing, assembly operations) that can hide defects.

Any production process, to a greater or lesser extent, as a rule, has certain deviations, which are class-

Rice. 4.6.

Rice. 4.7. The optimal number of product checks is divided into two types. The first type is random or arbitrary deviations in the output parameters of the process, which are created by a number of factors, upon detection of which the number of deviations practically does not decrease, for example, wear and tear of equipment. At the same time, it is impossible to eliminate this type of deviation without making cardinal decisions (for example, replacing equipment). The second type is specific or non-random deviations in the output parameters of the process, such as tool wear, defective material resources, non-compliance with technological discipline. This type of deviation, as a rule, can be eliminated. So main goal checking the production process for deviations is to identify the causes of non-random deviations and make decisions on their elimination.

In theory and practice, only those characteristics of the production process (technological operations) and products ( material resources, intermediate and final finished), which can be calculated or measured, for which it is necessary to have a method (methods) of measurements and calculations. One such way is to evaluate the measurements against the available standards of comparison, which allow to obtain the required level of quality. Control in this case is carried out by checking (for example, a batch of products), then comparing the results with a predetermined standard (standard, design parameters), assessing deviations from the standard (if any), and taking appropriate corrective actions if necessary.

technical control, carried out in an industrial plant is a verification of compliance with technical requirements imposed on the quality of products at all stages of its manufacture. The objects of technical control at industrial enterprises are material resources supplied to the enterprise from suppliers, the enterprise's products both in finished form and at all stages of its production, technological processes, tools, technological discipline and general production culture.

Technical control is designed to ensure the release of products that meet the requirements of technical documentation, and to facilitate the manufacture of products with the least expenditure of time and money. At the same time, technical control is a complex of interrelated and conducted in accordance with the established procedure of control operations. At the same time, the vast majority of control operations is an integral and mandatory part of the production process. general principles rational organization of technical control are the following:

  • technical control should, to one degree or another, cover all elements, stages and operations of the technological (production) process of manufacturing parts, assembling components, assemblies and the product as a whole;
  • technical means, methods and organizational forms of control operations must fully comply with the specific features of the equipment, technology and organization of the production process at a particular enterprise;
  • the effectiveness of the rational organization of technical control carried out at an industrial enterprise as a whole and its individual elements must be justified by appropriate technical and economic calculations;
  • the organization of the technical control system should ensure a clear and justified distribution of duties and responsibilities between individual performers and various production units.

Depending on the specific tasks facing the technical control carried out at an industrial enterprise, different kinds and control methods (Figure 4.8).

Rice. 4.8.

Essence certain types control is as follows: acceptance control is carried out upon receipt of material resources from suppliers and in the production of products in order to identify and isolate defects; preventive control is aimed at preventing the appearance of defects in the production process; complex control simultaneously solves the problems of acceptance and prevention; special control pursues the solution of specific production tasks: assessment of the level of product quality in production departments enterprises, evaluation of product quality in operation.

In turn, the methods of technical control used set the following tasks: adjustment control aims to verify compliance with the established requirements for product quality at the beginning of a particular operation; volatile control consists in periodic and episodic product quality checks directly at the workplace; statistical control is a special group of methods based on the economic justification of the modes of technological processes and their clear regulation; selective inspection provides for the control of a part of the product - a representative from the aggregate or batch of intermediate or finished products; continuous check provides full control of production.

Depending on the features of the controlled parameters, control of geometric shapes and sizes is distinguished; the control appearance products and documentation (state of packaging and conservation, availability and correctness of labeling, correctness of technical documentation); control of physical-mechanical, chemical and other properties of materials and semi-finished products; control of the internal state of products (shells, internal cracks); control of technological properties that determine the suitability of materials and semi-finished products for further processing (formability, weldability); control and acceptance tests in appropriate conditions (under normal operation modes, elevated modes); control over the observance of technological discipline.

Each of these types of technical control differs in the nature of the means, methods and control modes used. In turn, control operations differ depending on the stages of the production process at which technical control is carried out, depending on the degree of control coverage of technological operations, and also depending on the place where control operations are performed. An enlarged classification of varieties of control operations is presented in Table. 4.6.

The first stage of quality control at an industrial enterprise is the technical acceptance of materials and semi-finished products, finished and component products coming from supplier enterprises. Technical acceptance includes an assessment of the quality of products arriving at the enterprise; registration of acceptance documentation; drawing up reclamation acts for low-quality products; isolation of defective (rejected products); control over the correct labeling of products; evaluation

Table 4.6

Enlarged classification of control operations

Control operations


Checking the quality of initial basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products


Checking the quality of intermediate products in the process of performing technological operations


Checking the quality of the finished product before it is sent to consumers


Implementation of control after each production and technological operation


Implementation of control after performing several production and technological operations


Carrying out control of operations performed at a specialized workplace


Carrying out control of operations performed at each specific workplace

state of packaging and conservation; control of geometric dimensions and carrying out appropriate tests; sampling for laboratory tests and subsequent verification of the compliance of the properties of material resources with specifications; monitoring compliance with the rules for unloading, storing and issuing products to production.

The second stage of product quality control at an industrial enterprise is the technical control of the production process. Here, the most effective method is statistical control, which, unlike other sampling methods, is justified by technical and economic calculations. Statistical methods of current control of the quality of products and processes provide for the compliance of control methods with the technological features of the course of operations; strict regulation of control regimes and their mandatory economic justification; combination of preventive and acceptance control; recording the results of control in a form that facilitates their use for the purpose of direct control over the course of the controlled operation and subsequent analysis of the state of the operation; change of methods and modes of control depending on the state of the operation.

The main advantage of the statistical method of control is the rigorous justification of its modes. Each variant of such control has its own characteristic, which allows evaluating its technical and economic advantages. At the same time, the variants of the statistical control method may differ in the control procedure itself and the volume control works required to assess the quality of products received for control (Fig. 4.9).

Rice. 4.9.

Single sampling method provides for the use of a series of special tables that determine, in accordance with the size of the batch of products received for control, the size of the sample, according to which the quality of the entire batch is evaluated and the maximum number of defective parts used in assessing the quality of the batch of parts received for control.

Double sampling method provides for a double selection of samples: when evaluating the results of checking the first sample, a more stringent criterion of suitability is established, as a result of which it is possible to reject the lot after checking the parts included in the first sample; the second sample is carried out only in those cases when the check of the parts included in the first sample does not allow assessing the quality of the batch of parts submitted for control.

Multiple sampling method consists in the fact that the assessment of the batch, for example, the final finished product (acceptance control), received for control, is carried out on the basis of sequential inspection of item by item or sequential selection and checks of a small volume of final finished product.

Step control method consists in changing the modes of its implementation depending on the change in the quality of manufactured products: the improvement in quality, fixed by the results of previous inspections, serves as the basis for reducing the volume of control work; the decline in quality serves as a basis for increasing the volume of control work and returning to the original regime.

The preparation of control includes the development of control technology, the organization and equipment of workplaces and control points, the distribution of responsibilities between employees of the technical control department and production staff. At the same time, the control technology determines the name of control operations, their content and sequence of execution, methods and means of control, the place where control operations are performed, and the performers. Control technology should ensure the unity of the requirements for the quality of manufactured products at various stages of its manufacture, the use of the most effective methods and means of control.

Technique, methods and organizational forms of control depend on the type of production. So, in the conditions of individual production, step-by-step control is widely used, and at some industrial enterprises - cross-cutting and continuous control. In mass production, almost all types and methods of control are used: in processing shops, group control (acceptance after several technological operations) is most common, as well as selective control; when controlling operations performed on automatic equipment, it is used statistical method control.

The reliability of control and the laboriousness of control operations significantly depend on the degree of perfection of the control means used. Industrial enterprises use a significant number of various measuring instruments, instruments and devices. Control tools can be conditionally divided into two main groups: 1) active control tools that allow you to use the results of checks for the purpose of direct and, as a rule, automatic regulation of the process control; 2) means of passive control, which are used only for an alternative assessment of the conformity of manufactured products with the requirements imposed on it.

The current trend in the rationalization of controls is predominantly the development of active controls. Mechanization and automation of control operations performed, for example, in the process of manufacturing parts, is an indispensable element integrated mechanization and automation of production processes. As a rule, measuring devices are associated with executive bodies the machine and carry out its stop when the specified size of the part is reached. AT industrial production a number of special control tools are used, which combine universal measuring instruments and recording devices, which allow fixing its dimensions when measuring products.

The need for means of technical quality control of intermediate and final products produced by industrial enterprises is calculated based on the type of production, the capacity of the enterprise, and the complexity of the products. A significant part of the control means is purchased from the manufacturers of these products. Some controls are manufactured at the company's own production facilities. To maintain the means of product quality control in working order, a certain range of material resources is required for the maintenance and repair of these means - materials, finished and component products, the range and volume of which are drawn up in the form of orders-applications received by the logistics department industrial enterprise.

In order to ensure the release of products of proper quality and prevent losses in production, a number of control operations are carried out by teams, foremen and special personnel - employees of the technical control department of an industrial enterprise. The technical control department of an enterprise, as a rule, has the following divisions: an external acceptance bureau (technical acceptance of materials, semi-finished products, purchased finished and component products); workshop control bureau; bureau of registration and analysis of defects and complaints; central measuring laboratory with branches and checkpoints.

The quality control system for welding works is based on checking their compliance with current standards, building codes and regulations and the project.

QCD at the enterprise

At enterprises and in construction and installation organizations, there are three main types of control:

  • input control includes an initial check of quality and compliance with standards and SNiPs project documentation(drawings), materials intended for the manufacture of structures and welding (metal, component structures and products, electrodes, gases, fluxes, etc.), welding equipment and tool. Input control is an important preventive measure to ensure the quality of welding work;
  • operational control is carried out in the process of work and includes quality control of metal processing and assembly of parts according to design dimensions and for welding, while checking the alignment of the assembled elements, the angles of cutting edges, the amount of blunting and gap, the absence of warping in butt joints (exceeding one edge above the other), cleaning the edges from dirt, moisture and rust, fixing the joints with tacks or assembly devices. The revealed deviations should not exceed the values ​​allowed by GOSTs or SNiPs. When welding, they control the observance of the technological process, welding modes and techniques for making seams;
  • Acceptance quality control of welded joints is carried out daily at the end of the working day (shift) by external inspection. Welded joints must be well cleaned
  • welder from slag and metal spatter to be able to measure welds and detect surface defects. At the beginning and end of each seam or on a welded knot, an individual welder's mark must be placed. Quality control of seams is carried out in accordance with SNiP.

At enterprises building materials technical quality control welded joints carried out by technical control departments (QCD) of the enterprise. Employees of these departments - quality control foremen and engineers - carry out incoming, operational and acceptance control.

Along with welding quality control by the quality control department, this work also involves production personnel - foremen, foremen, heads of sections and workshops, who are also responsible for the quality of manufactured structures.

Quality control of project documentation (drawings), as a rule, is the responsibility of design bureaus plants developing detailed drawings, on technical departments and chief technologists who check projects under the guidance of the chief engineer.

When an enterprise produces especially important finished products, a special decision of higher authorities introduces state acceptance of these products, while state acceptance workers are not subordinate to the management of the plant and do not depend on it.

QCD in construction and installation organizations

In construction and installation organizations, as a rule, there is no quality control department. In rare cases, this department can be temporarily organized at very large metal-intensive facilities. The functions of quality control are performed by production personnel directly supervising the work. The quality of incoming metal, gases and other materials is checked by employees of supply departments with the participation of production personnel. The quality of the structures and components supplied for installation is checked by the production personnel (foremen, foremen). All other types of quality control, including operational and acceptance control, are also carried out by production personnel. If it is necessary to control by non-destructive or destructive methods, a construction and installation welding laboratory (CMSL) is involved.

Of great importance for improving the quality of welding work is the self-control of the welder, which is carried out by the welding performers themselves - the most qualified welders. Welders admitted to self-control themselves accept structures assembled for welding, control the welding mode and technology themselves. After welding, the seams are cleaned of slag and spatter, stamped in the indicated places, which is evidence of quality. The transition to contract work also has a positive effect on improving quality. The remuneration of each welder in this case depends on the final result of the work and will increase with the growth of quality.