Regulations on technological regulations. Technological regulation of production

Technological regulations - a technical document that is necessary to ensure the successful operation of production at a particular enterprise. This technical documentation includes information regarding the design and production of a particular product, as well as a complete set of information about the technological processes for the manufacture of the claimed product, its processing, disposal, and so on.

The technological regulation used in production as the main technical document allows the company to produce only high-quality products that have exactly those indicators and characteristics that are required for the full functioning of the manufactured goods. When a well-designed technological regulation is introduced in a company, the level of labor safety is also increased by improving compliance by the employees of the organization with the rules and regulations provided for by the enterprise.

First of all, the main users of this technical document are the specialists of the working group of the manufacturing enterprise, the technological regulations are used throughout the entire procedure for the production of the product (material, substance, equipment, etc.). Note that this technical document is created and compiled separately for each specific type of product. The fact is that each product has individual characteristics and properties, and is also used in different areas, therefore, the manufacturing process of a particular product, as a rule, differs from the production of other products. In certain cases, it is allowed to issue one technological regulation for products similar in purpose, characteristics and manufacturing procedure.

How to develop technological regulations

The creation of technological regulations is strictly regulated by the State - each technical document must necessarily include some items, each of which describes a specific technological process or property of the declared product. It should be understood that due to the presence of technological regulations, a company can put into circulation high-quality goods, which will lead to an increase in competitiveness and sales growth.

If no changes are allowed during the production process, then the validity of this technical document is 5 years. In the case when new equipment is tested at existing facilities in accordance with TR standards, or when new products are manufactured, the validity period of the developed technologist. regulation will be 2 years.

When drawing up a technological regulation, the following sections must be included in the document:

  • General information about production (properties, characteristics, and so on);
  • Description and properties of the manufactured goods;
  • Characteristics of raw materials and materials used;
  • Detailed description of the technological (production) procedure;
  • Information regarding the consumption of raw materials, materials and resources;
  • Waste regulations;
  • Rules of production process modes;
  • Methods and methods of production control;
  • Information about potential problems, as well as information about how to resolve them;
  • Requirements for environmental protection;
  • Safety rules at the enterprise;
  • Norms of sanitary and hygienic control;
  • Requirements in the field of fire safety at the declared enterprise;
  • List of technical documents of the declared production;
  • A list of literature that is recommended for compliance with the stipulated norms and rules.

The following are the cases in which the TR must be changed without fail:

  • Significant change in the technological process;
  • Changing the components of the manufactured product, replacing the materials used, components, and so on;
  • Production accidents resulting from incorrect description of certain processes, equipment, and so on;
  • And other.

You can consult with a specialist and order the execution of such a document as a technological regulation at the offices of the accredited center "ReGOST".

Technological regulations (TR) - a regulatory document of the enterprise for internal use, which establishes production methods, technical means, technological standards, conditions and a detailed procedure for the implementation of the technological process.

This document allows you to obtain finished products in terms of quality that meet the requirements of Russian or international standards. Also, the Technological Regulations introduce the safest methods of work, which at the same time contribute to the achievement of optimal technical and economic indicators of production.

The Technological Regulations prescribe all production processes with a high degree of detail:

  • what operations and how to perform in different situations;
  • how to conduct the mode correctly;
  • what temperatures, pressures and flow rates to withstand;
  • how to correctly change the main technological parameters and characteristics;
  • what and in what sequence to open / close.

Technical documentation and Technological regulations

There is ESTD - the Unified System for Technological Documentation, which is part of the ESTPP - the Unified System for Technological Preparation of Production.

In accordance with the provisions defined in these systems, the development of the technical documentation of the enterprise is provided by the organization itself. Third-party organizations or specialists may be involved in the creation of technical documentation. In cases established by law, technical documentation is registered with supervisory organizations.

Technical documentation is required for a detailed description of technological processes, production characteristics, methods and methods for manufacturing products and their control. Registration of technical documentation may be required in the following cases:

  • When issuing certificates of conformity;
  • when making contracts;
  • when conducting inspections by supervisory authorities.

Technical documentation can be divided into three large groups. This is the technical documentation:

  • For technological processes;
  • for products;
  • to the quality management system.

The main technological document of the ESTD is the route map.

The description of technological production processes is contained in the Technological regulations. In addition to them, there are still enterprise standards, technological maps, technological and work instructions for processes, methods and other technical documentation. The technological regulation is the main working document for engineering and technical personnel and workers involved in the production process at a given enterprise.

Development of Technological regulations

Provisions for the development of Technological regulations, as a rule, are industry or departmental documents. Often there are and can be used in the development of standard TR. So the oil refining industry has more than 30 years of experience in developing such documents. There are industry guidelines for the development of TR, which were approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 393 dated September 30, 2003 and are valid within the oil and gas industry.

Technological regulations can be of three types:

  • constants intended for the production of products according to a well-developed technological process;
  • temporary - for new products being mastered, when using new equipment, or if major changes are made to the technology;
  • one-time - for research work or for the release of a one-time batch.

Industry-wide documents that are regulatory in the development of technological regulations are: the Federal Law "On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" dated July 21, 1997 and the resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia No. 77 December 18, 1998 - Regulations for the development of TR "Safe operation of production".

The technological regulation contains the following sections:

  • General characteristics of production;
  • description of the characteristics of materials, raw materials, reagents, semi-finished products;
  • description of the technological process and technological scheme of production;
  • norms of technology regimes;
  • description of process control;
  • description of the start and stop of production;
  • description of the safe operation of production;
  • description of waste, sewage, emissions into the atmosphere, indicating the methods of their processing, disposal;
  • a brief description of technological and pump-compressor, regulating and protecting equipment;
  • list of normative documentation and mandatory instructions;
  • graphic flow chart of production.

The period of validity of the Technological Regulations is determined by law, but, as a rule, is 5 years. After which, if no significant changes have occurred in production, then it is extended for another 5 years. If the enterprise is going to launch the production of new products or put new equipment into operation, then the TR is developed for 2 years.

Technological regulations can be processed ahead of schedule in cases provided for by law:

  • With the introduction of new legislative acts on industrial safety;
  • fundamental changes in production technology;
  • if accidents have occurred due to the fact that safe operating conditions are not sufficiently reflected in the current TR.

Mandatory Technological regulations

In addition to the Technological regulations governing the direct production processes, there are "general purpose" TRs.

1. If the technological process is carried out with the use of explosive substances, materials or products, then the company must have a Fire Safety Technological Regulation. Approved on May 1, 2009, the "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" is based on the old Technological Fire Safety Regulations using new concepts and terms.

2. When new construction of any type begins, the developer must have a Technological regulation for waste and waste management. This document reduces the risk of the negative impact of production on environmental pollution, helps to increase the efficiency of the use of natural resources.

The technical regulation contains a list of waste and defines a classification by hazard groups, describes methods for removing garbage from construction sites, and indicates the places for its temporary storage. This normative document is unified. This Technological regulation is mandatory for all construction companies that generate construction waste as a result of technological processes. It is developed and approved by the Committee for Nature Management and Environmental Protection, which is present in each locality.

When construction work is completed, regulated by the Gosstroy Certificate, the Technological Regulations must be closed. This procedure is also carried out at the Committee for Natural Resources, where certificates are provided on the acceptance of the object and on the calculation of fees for the negative impact of production on the environment.

3. The technological regulation for the operation of treatment facilities is a document that is mandatory for enterprises that have treatment facilities. Without it, it is impossible to perform work on connecting to the water supply network or sewerage. This Technological regulation establishes the rules for wastewater treatment. Based on the passport documentation for the cleaning equipment, the TR is issued by the developer or customer. Technological supervision authorizes the control of the operation of treatment facilities to reduce the risks of pollution of drains.




Deputy Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation N.G. Shamraev May 6, 2000


State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection (No. 02-19/18-214 dated November 26, 1999)

Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (No. 02-35/234 dated April 28, 2000)


Effective date from the date of approval.


This Regulation applies to technological regulations for the production of products manufactured at the enterprises of the chemical complex, regardless of the form of ownership.

The provision does not apply to:

Production facilities with flow charts that determine the technological process;

Production of chemicals and custom-made reagents produced at laboratory facilities according to laboratory methods or literature prescriptions.

The regulation establishes the composition, procedure for the development, execution and approval of technological regulations for the production of chemical complex products at enterprises, regardless of their organizational and legal form of ownership.

When developing technological regulations, one should be guided by the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" by the governing documents of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia), the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Federation (Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance).

1. General Provisions

1.1. The technological regulation is the main technical document that determines the optimal technological regime, the procedure for carrying out technological process operations, ensuring the production of products of the required quality, safe operating conditions for production, as well as meeting environmental protection requirements.

1.2 Technological regulations should be developed for the technological process for the production of certain types of products (or semi-products) of a given quality.

Note.An intermediate product should be considered a substance obtained at one or more technological stages of production and which is a raw material for the following technological stages.

1.3. Depending on the degree of development of production and the goals of the work carried out, the following types of technological regulations are provided:


Temporary, starting;


Laboratory (start-up notes, production methods).

1.3.1. Permanent technological regulations are developed for mastered industries that ensure the required quality of products.

1.3.2. Temporary technological regulations are developed for:

New productions at this enterprise;

Operating productions, the technology of which has been fundamentally changed;

Manufacture with new technology.

1.3.3. One-time technological regulations are developed for the production of commercial products at pilot and pilot plants (workshops), as well as for pilot and pilot work carried out at existing industries in accordance with the requirement of paragraph 1.10 of the General rules for explosion safety for explosive chemical, petrochemical and oil refining productions (PB 09-170-97).

It is allowed to produce marketable products up to 1000 kg/year in accordance with laboratory regulations (start-up notes, production methods).

The systematization of installations by type and type is given in the reference.

Notes to .

1. This Regulation establishes the general requirements for laboratory regulations (start-up notes, production methods).

2. In development of this Regulation, industrial enterprises may develop provisions on laboratory regulations (start-up notes, production methods) that take into account the specifics of the enterprise.

1.4. Compliance with all the requirements of the technological regulations is mandatory, as it guarantees the quality of products, rational and economical conduct of the technological process, the safety of equipment, the elimination of the possibility of accidents and environmental pollution, and the safety of the production process.

1.5. Persons guilty of violating the current technological regulations are subject to disciplinary and material liability, if the consequences of this violation do not entail the application of other punishment to these persons in accordance with the norms of the current legislation.

1.6. The metrological service of the enterprise should carry out a metrological check of all types of technological regulations, taking into account the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" dated April 27, 1993 No. 4871- I.

2. Composition of technological regulations

2.1. Permanent, temporary and one-time technological regulations should consist of the following sections:

General characteristics of production;

Characteristics of manufactured products;

Characteristics of the feedstock, materials, semi-finished products and energy resources;

Description of the technological process and scheme;

material balance;

Consumption rates of the main types of raw materials, materials and energy resources;

Production waste generation standards;

Production control and process control;

Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them;

environmental protection;

Safe operation of production;

List of mandatory instructions;

Drawing of the technological scheme of production;

Specification of the main technological equipment and technical devices, including environmental protection equipment.

2.2. The laboratory regulations (start-up note, production method) in general form should contain the following data:

Purpose of the installation;

A brief description of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, wastes, effluents and emissions, indicating their toxic, fire and explosive properties;

Description of the technological scheme and location of the equipment;

Description of the scheme of instrumentation, automation (KIPiA), interlocks and safety devices;

Description of the power supply scheme;

Requirements for safe operation;

Requirements for ensuring environmental safety;

Drawings of the technological scheme and devices.

Note:Depending on the purpose of the installation, it is allowed to reduce or expand the composition of the laboratory regulations (start-up note, production methodology).

3. Content of sections of technological regulations

3.1. General characteristics of production.

3.1.1. This section should list:

Full name of production;

Year of commissioning;

Production capacity (designed and achieved at the time of drawing up the regulations);

Number of technological lines (streams), stages;

production method;

Enterprises that carried out the project;

The enterprise that performed the functions of the general designer;

Enterprise-developer of the project of the technological part;

Enterprise-developer of the technological process;

Information about the reconstruction (whether the reconstruction or expansion of production was carried out, in what year, which enterprise completed the reconstruction project and according to the developments of which enterprise).

3.2. Characteristics of manufactured products

The section provides:

3.2.1. Technical name of the product in accordance with the normative and technical documentation.

3.2.2. The name of the state or industry standard, technical specifications, enterprise standard, in accordance with the requirements of which the products are manufactured, with a list of technical requirements.

3.2.3. The main properties and quality of products, physical and chemical properties and constants: appearance, density, solubility, pour point or melting point, boiling point, vapor pressure, viscosity, electrical conductivity, dielectric constant and other indicators.

All data of the regulation must comply with similar data adopted in; state and industry standards, technical conditions, enterprise standards, or data given in reference or technical literature, with a mandatory reference to them.

In the case of obtaining several products according to the same regulation, the characteristic is given for each of the manufactured products.

Note.The properties characterizing the fire, explosion and toxicity of the finished product, raw materials, intermediate products and production waste are given in the section "Safe operation of production", which should be referred to in the relevant sections of the regulation.

3.2.4. Scope (main).

3.2.5. Information on the registration of information cards of potentially hazardous chemical and biological substances (cards of HCS).

3.2.6. Information on the registration of safety data sheets (SDS) of substances (materials).

3.3. Characteristics of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and energy resources.

3.3.1. The data characterizing the initial raw materials, materials, intermediate products and energy resources should be systematized in the form of a table (Table 1).

Table 1

Characteristics of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and energy resources

3.3.2. The table includes all types of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and energy resources used in the technological process of production. All indicators included in the table are given with allowable deviations.

If necessary, special requirements for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and energy resources used in production are specifically stipulated.

3.4. Description of the technological process and scheme

3.4.1. In the description of the technological process, the essence of the process is given, indicating the main and side reactions, thermal effects, temperatures, pressure, space velocities, types of catalysts, formulations and other indicators.

3.4.2. The description of the technological scheme is carried out according to the stages of the technological process, starting with the receipt and preparation of raw materials and ending with the shipment of the finished product. The description states:

The main technological parameters of the process, with particular emphasis on the parameters that affect product quality assurance and process safety;

Major equipment used;

Systems of regulation, alarms and blocking of technological parameters;

If there is a special regulation (recipe) for the preparation of raw materials, it is allowed to refer to them when describing the technological scheme.

3.4.3. In the description of processes for the separation of chemical products (combustible or their mixtures with non-combustible ones), indicate the degree of separation of media and explosion safety measures that prevent the formation of explosive mixtures at all stages of the process.

3.4.4. If the processes contain non-combustible liquids with combustible gases dissolved in them, to be discharged into the sewer, indicate measures for the release of combustible gases from them and their residual content, control of the content of combustible gases and its frequency.

3.4.5. For aerosol separation apparatus, indicate the measures to prevent the formation of solid phase deposits on the internal surfaces of these apparatus or the safe methods and frequency of operations to remove such deposits.

3.4.6. If in the drying process there is direct contact of the dried product with the drying agent, indicate the methods for cleaning the spent drying agent from the dust of the dried product and the means of cleaning control, as well as the frequency of control.

3.4.7. In the description of the reaction processes proceeding with the possible formation of intermediate peroxide compounds, explosive by-products of gumming and compaction (polymerization, polycondensation) and other unstable substances with their possible deposition in equipment and pipelines, indicate:

Methods and frequency of monitoring the content of impurities in the feedstock that contribute to the formation of explosive substances, as well as the presence of unstable compounds in intermediate products;

Methods and frequency of introduction of inhibitors, excluding the formation of dangerous concentrations of unstable substances in the equipment;

The need for continuous circulation of products, raw materials in capacitive equipment to prevent or reduce the possibility of deposition of solid explosive unstable products;

Methods and frequency of withdrawal of the reaction mass enriched with dangerous components from the apparatus;

The mode and time of storage of products that can polymerize or resin, including the timing of their transportation.

3.4.8. When using catalysts, including organometallic ones, which, when interacting with atmospheric oxygen and (or) water, can ignite spontaneously and (or) explode, indicate measures that exclude the possibility of supplying raw materials, materials and inert gas containing oxygen and (or) moisture to the system in quantities exceeding the maximum allowable values. Indicate the permissible concentrations of oxygen and moisture, methods and frequency of monitoring their content in the initial products, taking into account the physicochemical properties of the catalysts used.

3.4.9. When describing the processes of storage and loading and unloading of liquefied gases, flammable and combustible liquids, indicate the procedure for performing technological operations for the storage and movement of flammable liquid substances, filling and emptying mobile and stationary storage tanks, the principles for selecting process parameters, the values ​​of which determine the explosion safety of these operations (pressure, travel speeds, maximum and minimum levels, vacuum removal methods, etc.).

Specify the measures to exclude the possibility of accidental mixing of products at all stages of the loading and unloading operations.

Describe the procedure for preparing containers for filling (freeing from the remnants of products previously located in them, washing, cleaning, neutralizing containers, etc.) and carrying out work on switching (connecting) pipelines and fittings.

Specify the measures to exclude the possibility of an explosion in this equipment. When preparing for filling storage tanks after installation, repair, cleaning and similar work, indicate the measures to exclude the possibility of an explosion in this equipment, as well as the procedure for preparing for filling, monitoring the oxygen concentration in the equipment, as well as other parameters that determine the explosion hazard.

3.4.10. Give a description of the means of emergency response devices and systems for supplying inert and inhibitory substances, as well as the frequency of their control.

3.4.11. In the description of the technological process, the characteristics of the main environmental protection equipment for the treatment of emissions, the discharge of harmful substances, the collection and disposal of waste are given.

3.4.12. If there are several technological threads, the description of the process scheme can be done for one technological thread, indicating this at the beginning of the section.

3.5. material balance

3.5.1. The material balance is drawn up per unit of time (hour), per unit of output, per production flow, or per production capacity as a whole.

3.5.1. The balance should be a diagram indicating all incoming and outgoing flows, with all stages and stages that change the qualitative and quantitative indicators of technological flows.

A table with a characteristic of the qualitative and quantitative indicators of all flows is applied to the scheme.

For low-stage production, it is allowed to draw up a balance sheet only in the form of a table.

An example of compiling a material balance is given in the reference.

3.5.3. The material balance for new productions is compiled according to the project data. For existing ones - according to the achieved performance indicators of production in the last year before drawing up the regulations.

The material balance is revised only if additional operations or stages are included in the technological process or excluded from it.

3.6. Consumption rates of the main types of raw materials, materials and energy resources.

3.6.1. The consumption rates of the main types of raw materials, materials and energy resources should be given in the form of a table (table 2).

table 2

Consumption rates of the main types of raw materials, materials and energy resources.

Before the table, the accounting unit of manufactured products is indicated. When releasing several types of products according to one technological regulation, dividing subheadings are made in the table: product name and accounting unit.

3.6.2. The regulation allows to give consumption rates for interchangeable raw materials.

3.6.3. The consumption rates of raw materials and materials are given for all reserve recipes provided for by the regulations.

3.13.2. The diagram should have symbols and an explication indicating the position numbers and names of the devices.

3.13.3. It is allowed to draw up separate schemes by stages (repartitions).

3.14. Specification for the main technological equipment and technical devices

The specification for equipment should be drawn up in the form given in the recommended.

4. The procedure for the development, approval, approval and execution of technological regulations

The forms of the title pages of technological regulations are given in the mandatory.

At a certain stage of its development, the organization has to regulate the main business processes, i.e. describe the progress of their implementation in local regulations. In such a document as a regulation, the progress of the process, which is being worked on in several departments at once, is covered in stages. It is unlikely that the secretary will be entrusted with the development of regulations for a complex production process, but office work is quite likely.

This article discusses the regulation as a type of document, its structure and basic details, and also provides an example of the regulation of one of the most important processes in the preschool educational institution - control over the execution of tasks according to documents.


Our dictionary

Regulations in a commercial organization- This is an organizational and administrative document that describes a specific business process step by step from the moment it starts to completion.

Regulations are strictly individual and can only be valid in the organization that has approved them for itself. So, when compiling instructions for office work, they usually use GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork ”and Methodological recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003. On the basis of these documents, internal instructions are created both in a small store and in a federal-level OJSC. But, for example, the procedure for passing internal documents established in one organization may not be suitable for another at all.

Having familiarized himself with the regulations, the new employee of the unit must understand what his tasks are and promptly join the process.

Typically, business process regulations are developed by representatives of a consulting company invited to the organization. But they cannot do without the help of workers who carry out these processes every day.

When several structural divisions are involved in a business process (such a process is called end-to-end), one regulation can replace lengthy internal correspondence. After all, an employee of one department cannot obey the head of another, so why should he take the baton and perform some actions without the order of his immediate supervisor? Under normal circumstances, department heads have to engage in correspondence. If there is a regulation, then employees of different departments are included in the execution of the process, without waiting for instructions "from above".

What processes are subject to regulation?

It is undoubtedly very convenient to have separate regulations for all work processes. However, this medal also has a flip side, namely:

  • regulation requires serious financial investments: good consultants are expensive, as well as the working time of their own employees;
  • any process is constantly evolving: new technical conditions of work appear, new, differently trained people come to its implementation, and the process scheme drawn up today can change beyond recognition in a year. This, too, needs to be monitored, which means new costs;
  • the approach to the implementation of the process, when “a step aside is tantamount to an escape”, does not contribute to the manifestation of initiative by employees, and after all, no one, in the end, will be able to optimize the process better than those who directly work on it;
  • the implementation of the regulation is almost guaranteed to entail the resistance of employees, both direct participants in the process and numerous "sympathizers". Overcoming resistance is a whole stage of implementation of the regulations, requiring both temporary and material resources.

Thus, standard processes are subject to regulation in the first place. They will always be carried out in the organization, regardless of the external situation. The list of processes to be regulated in a particular organization is compiled strictly individually, based on many factors.


As a rule, the regulation consists of the following main sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Terms, definitions, abbreviations.
  3. Process description.
  4. Responsibility.
  5. Control.


General provisions

  • The purpose of the regulation ( This regulation sets out the…);
  • scope: objects or employees of the organization that are affected by the regulation;
  • regulatory documents on the basis of which the regulation was developed (if any);
  • procedure for approval, amendment and cancellation of the regulations

Terms, definitions, abbreviations

Definition of terms and clarification of abbreviations used in the text of the regulation.

Terms are given in alphabetical order. Each of them is written on a new line in the singular, and its definition is indicated through a dash without the word "it". It is desirable to use legislative acts, state standards and other regulatory documents as a source of definitions.

Process description

Step by step description of the process. For convenience, this section is divided into sub-sections, each of which corresponds to the next stage of the process. The section indicates the employees involved in the implementation, describes the action and result


Responsibility of participants in the process for failure to comply with the regulations (disciplinary, administrative, criminal). The latter concerns usually complex production processes associated with a risk to the health and life of workers.


Indication F.I.O. official responsible for monitoring the implementation of the regulations, as well as, if necessary, means of control


The main details of the document include:

  • name of company;
  • date and number of the document, place of its preparation;
  • stamp of approval;
  • Title of the document;
  • document text;
  • application (if any);
  • visa approval.

By the way

Requirements for the registration of the listed details are established by GOST R 6.30-2003. Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 explain and specify the procedure for the implementation and application of this standard.


A business process model can serve as an application to the regulation. It is customary to depict it graphically (see diagram), but it is also permissible to compile a table and even describe the process verbally. Graphic models of business processes are created using special software.

What at first glance seems to be an intricate interweaving of lines and geometric shapes, in fact, is a strict procedure for performing a particular process, in our case, the office work process. The business process diagram is much more convenient for perception than the text of the same regulation. It clearly shows who and with what starts each stage, how it ends and to whom passes the baton in the work on the process.

The graphical model of the business process "Approval of the draft document" presents such key parameters of the business process as inputs and outputs, customers and participants. Each new employee, looking at the model, will quickly get involved in the execution of his process at a certain stage and will know how to behave in any work situation associated with it.


Working on the regulations is no different from working on any other organizational and administrative document: first, a draft document is drawn up, which is agreed with interested officials, then it is approved by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him. Finally, the participants in the process get acquainted with the regulations against signature and receive copies of it in their hands.

Regulations can be approved in several ways:

  1. directly (the head personally signs on the document);
  2. indirectly (by issuing an order) (see Example 1). In this case, the registration data of the order will be entered into the approval stamp.

Example 1

Order on approval and entry into force
business process regulations

(OOO Perspektiva)


07/23/2014 No. 456-Pr

Moscow city

On approval and enforcement of business process regulations

In order to improve the office work procedures of Perspektiva LLC


1. Approve and put into effect from 01.08.2014 the regulations for the following business processes:

1.1. Registration and accounting of documents.

1.2. Document execution control.

1.3. Storage and retrieval of documents.

2. Appoint administrative director A.V. Legostaev as responsible for fulfilling the requirements specified in clause 1 of this order.

3. Head of the office Parshina V.K. ensure that the employees of Perspektiva LLC are familiarized with this order against signature and transfer copies of the approved regulations to the structural divisions of Perspektiva LLC before 07/30/2014.

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

CEO Maksimov YES. Maksimov

Familiarized with the order:

Legostaev A.V. Legostaev 24.07.2014

Parshina V.K. Parshina 24.07.2014

P.A. Karpenko


The regulation of the business process "Document execution control" is given in Example 2.

Example 2

Regulations of the business process "Document execution control"

Limited Liability Company "Perspective"
(OOO Perspektiva)

business process "Document execution control"

1. General Provisions

1.1. The regulation of the business process "Document Execution Control" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) determines the procedure for monitoring the execution of tasks on documents in Perspektiva LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Organization).

1.2. The requirements and rules of the Regulations apply to all structural divisions of the Organization.

1.3. The Regulations are approved, amended and canceled by order of the General Director of the Organization.

1.4. Employees of the Organization are required to know and comply with the requirements of the Regulations. All newly hired employees of the Organization should be familiarized by the heads of structural divisions with the established procedure for monitoring the execution of documents in the Organization.

2. Terms, definitions, abbreviations

2.1. The Regulations use the following terms and definitions:

Document- information recorded on the carrier with details that allow its identification.

The task- instructions from the leader.

A task- see the task.

Executor- an employee of the Organization who is entrusted with the execution of a task.

Control- a set of actions that ensure the timely execution of the document.

Responsible executor- an employee from among the performers, who has the right to coordinate the work of other performers. The resolution is listed first.

Resolution- requisite containing the instructions of the official on the execution of the document. It includes the names, initials of the performers, the content of the order (if necessary), the due date, signature and date.

Supervisor- the official who makes the resolution.

Period of execution- calendar date of task completion. The deadline for the execution of the document starts from the day of its registration in the office of the Organization and is calculated in calendar days. Documents are subject to execution within the following standard terms:

From a specific execution date - within the specified period, if the document was received by the Organization no later than three days before the expiration of the specified period;

Without specifying a specific date of execution and special notes - within 30 days;

Without specifying a specific date, marked "Urgent" or "Immediately" - within three days;

Without specifying a specific date, marked "Promptly" - within 10 days.

3. Description of the process

3.1. Putting a document under control.

3.1.1. All registered documents requiring execution are subject to control.

3.1.2. The basis for putting a document under control is the resolution of the General Director of the Organization or his deputy.

The resolution states:

document executor;

The deadline for completing the task;

If necessary, the content of the task.

3.1.3. Having received the document with the resolution, the Secretary of the General Director or the Secretary of the Deputy General Director (hereinafter referred to as the Secretaries) prepare a scanned copy of the document with the resolution. The scanned document is placed in the "On Control" folder.

3.1.4. The document copy file is attached to an email sent to the contractor.

3.1.5. In the parameters of the e-mail, the deadline for completing the task is set and the option to notify the author of the task about its receipt is enabled.

3.1.6. After receiving an e-mail with a task, the performer sends a notification to the author of the task about its receipt.

3.1.7. If the performer receives a task, the content of which is beyond his competence, he is obliged to notify the author of the task within one working day from the date of receipt of the task. The author of the task, having received such a notification, submits the document to the manager for re-resolution.

3.2. Completing a task.

3.2.1. The executor performs the task assigned to him within the period specified in the resolution.

3.2.2. If the last day of the task execution falls on a non-working day, the document is due for execution on the next business day.

3.2.3. If it is not possible to complete the task within the time period specified in the resolution, the performer is obliged to report this to the manager before the deadline for completion and explain the reason for the delay. If the reason is valid, the manager can extend the deadline for completing the task.

3.2.4. If the deadline for completing the task was extended by the manager, the author of the task changes the deadline for its completion in the electronic card of the document.

3.3. Task completion report.

3.3.1. After completing the task, the executor generates a report on the completion, which is sent to the author of the task in the form of an electronic message. The engagement report should be informative and contain a specific description of the actions and actions taken. If it was necessary to draw up a document to complete the task, its registration data is indicated in the report on the completion of the task.

3.3.2. Having received a report on the completion of the task, the author of the task puts the status "Completed" in the electronic card of the document. The document is removed from the folder "On control" and placed in the file.

3.3.3. If the author of the task has not received a report on the completion of the task within the time period specified in the resolution, he sends an e-mail request to the executor with a request to indicate the reason for the non-completion of the task. The author of the task reports to the manager about the non-fulfillment of the task with the explanation of the performer. If the reason is valid, the manager can extend the deadline for completing the task.

3.3.4. If the deadline for the task was extended by the manager, the author of the task changes the deadline in the electronic card of the document.

3.4. Formation of a report on the execution of tasks.

3.4.1. Secretaries monthly form a report on the completion of tasks according to documents, which they present to the head.

The report states:

The total number of tasks assigned for the reporting period;

Number of completed tasks;

The number of tasks with an extended deadline;

The number of tasks not completed on time.

If there are tasks not completed on time, the names of the performers of these tasks are also indicated.

4. Responsibility

Employees of the Organization, regardless of their positions, bear disciplinary responsibility for improper performance or failure to comply with the requirements of these Regulations.

5. Control

Control over the implementation of the Regulations is carried out by the administrative director of the Organization.

The technological regulation of production, a sample of which will be described below, is a regulatory document of a local nature. Subject to its requirements, the company produces products whose quality meets international and Russian standards. The document establishes methods, means, standards, detailed procedures and conditions for the creation of goods. The technological regulations for the use of waste for the production of products establish the safest methods for processing raw materials and creating new products from them.


Technological regulations for the production of products can be:

  1. Permanent. It is compiled for mastered production methods that ensure proper product quality.
  2. Starter (temporary). Such a document is created for new industries, as well as existing technologies, which are subject to fundamental changes.
  3. One-time. This regulation is intended for use in experimental and pilot workshops (at installations), when performing test work at an existing production facility.
  4. Laboratory. Such a regulation is being developed for model, bench installations that are not involved in the production of marketable products. According to these standards, trial production of products in the amount of up to 1 thousand kg / year is allowed.


All processes are detailed in the technological regulations for the production of products. In particular, the document states:

System unity

The procedure in accordance with which a regulatory document is drawn up establishes the Regulations on the technological regulations of production. It, in turn, is included in a single set of methodological recommendations for the preparation of enterprise lines for the production of products. According to the Regulations, the preparation of technical documentation is carried out directly by the organization itself. Third-party enterprises or individual specialists may also be involved in this process. In some cases provided for in the legislation, the documentation is registered by supervisory authorities. In particular, such a requirement contains the Regulations on technological regulations for chemical production.

When is a document needed?

The development of a production procedure may be required when:

  1. Registration of contracts.
  2. Carrying out inspections by supervisory authorities.
  3. Issuance of quality certificates.

All documentation can be divided into three categories. It can be made up of:

In addition, standards, maps, instructions, methods, etc. can be created. The technological production schedule, however, is considered the main regulatory document for personnel involved in the production of products at the enterprise.

Creation Features

Regulations on technological regulations are, as a rule, departmental or industry documents. At the same time, there are standard standards. They can be used by the enterprise when developing its own technological regulations. Many organizations prepare documentation based on industry guidelines. They are approved by the order of the relevant Ministry and operate within a particular sector. Industry-wide documents that serve as the basis for the creation of technological documentation include:

  1. Federal Law regulating measures to ensure the industrial safety of hazardous facilities.
  2. Resolution of Gostekhnadzor No. 77 of December 18, 1998

Key Sections

  1. General description of production.
  2. Characteristics of materials, reagents, raw materials, intermediates.
  3. Description of the technological scheme and the process of production.
  4. Regime rules.
  5. Process control characteristic.
  6. Description of the start and stop of production.
  7. Characteristics of the safe operation of enterprise lines.
  8. Description of wastewater, emissions into the air, indicating the methods of their processing and disposal. This section is especially important in the preparation of technological regulations for chemical production.
  9. Characteristics of the safety, pump-compressor, control and other equipment involved in the processes.
  10. List of normative documents and obligatory instructions.
  11. Graphic scheme of production.

Validity periods

They are determined by law. Permanent technological regulations are valid for up to 10 years. Temporary regulations are drawn up for the period:

  1. Up to a year - if the period of development of new lines is less than 1 year.
  2. In the absence of a deadline for putting new production standards into operation, the duration of the technological regulation is determined by the person who approves it.
  3. At the end of the period for which the PR was drawn up, and if the enterprise fails to achieve the design indicators or if clarifications are made to the plan related to changes in capacity, volumes of raw materials costs, improvement in the quality of products, safety of operations, it can be extended. In these cases, it is also allowed to create a new temporary regulatory document.

Experimental technological regulations are drawn up:

  1. For the period of experimental operations or for the period of production of a specific volume of products.
  2. For 5 years - if necessary, to carry out the development of experimental goods for several years.
  3. For a period determined by the person approving the TR.

Situation in practice

The technological regulation of production is usually drawn up for a period of five years. In the absence of fundamental changes at the enterprise, the validity of the document is extended for 5 years. If the organization intends to launch the production of new products or put into operation improved equipment, the production schedule is created for 2 years. Revision of documentation may be carried out ahead of schedule. The legislation provides for cases when this is allowed:

Mandatory standards

In addition to special TR, through which the regulation of production processes is carried out, the legislation provides for "general purpose" regulations. They are required in the following cases:

Special cases

At the beginning of construction of any type. The developer organization is obliged to have technological regulations for waste and their handling. Such a regulatory document reduces the likelihood of a negative impact on the environment. Technological regulations for waste are also used at enterprises that process waste with subsequent use in production. This document contributes to increasing the efficiency of the use of natural resources. The technological regulations for the use of waste for the production of products indicate the groups of recyclable materials, their characteristics, methods of their processing. Construction companies in their regulatory documents provide lists and hazard classes, methods for removing garbage from objects, and areas for its temporary storage. Such regulations are developed and coordinated with the Committee for Environmental Protection and Nature Management. Construction organizations after the end of their activities at the facility are required to close the TR. This procedure is carried out in the same Committee. Certificates of acceptance of the structure, certificates on the calculation of payment for the negative impact on the environment are submitted to the authorized authority.

Changes and additions

The current legislation allows making adjustments to the normative documentation. However, this procedure is strictly regulated. First of all, the proposed additions and adjustments should not adversely affect the safety of the technological process, the performance of production lines and the entire enterprise as a whole. Strict control over the process of making changes to the regulatory documentation eliminates cases of ignoring the new information included in it. Correction and addition of technological regulations is carried out in the following order:

  1. New information is entered into the "Registration Sheet".
  2. An order is issued through which adjustments and additions are put into effect. This executive document contains a description of the changes. They are written in paragraphs or whole sentences. This will ensure that the new information is quickly applied by the personnel of the enterprise. The order must be signed by the employee responsible for the technical and regulatory documentation in the organization.
  3. Items that have been corrected or supplemented must be marked accordingly. For example, "amend. 1" or "add. 2", etc. The marks opposite the items should correspond to the order in which orders are issued that introduce additions or adjustments into effect. Dates and signatures are not put next to the records.
  4. The introduced adjustments or additions should be sent to those departments of the enterprise in which the technological regulations are located and used.

All personnel involved in the production of products must be familiarized with the adopted changes against signature.