Business woman etiquette. Requirements of etiquette for the appearance of a business woman

How do you recognize a business woman?

You can recognize a future business woman even at school: she is a talented girl, but, according to the teachers, sometimes with hooligan manners. But in fact, she is simply protesting against the school drill, fighting for her freedom, striving at the same time for knowledge and power. Often she behaves like a boy, because she is oppressed by the difference in requirements for the two sexes already in adolescence.

She proves her right not to be a good girl, as is often required from girls at school. And studying is easy for her, even if she sometimes does not teach lessons.

The first difficulties appear at the institute. Often, the selection committee acts, as they say, on the basis of gender: girls are given fewer preferences in exams than boys. As one old professor used to say,
“Why waste time with young ladies? After graduation, they will still marry wealthy men, will not work, will take care of the house and children.
Only young men can be brought up to be real scientists, and it is not a pity to waste time and energy on them ”. Alas, this is the point of view of many teachers. high school, especially fanatics of their business. But the future businesswoman is not at all going to limit herself to diapers and the kitchen! However, the teachers cannot be persuaded, and therefore it is sometimes more difficult for a girl to go to college than for a young man. Especially where there are few young men or where the specialty is initially considered "male". And if such a girl still makes her way and does, then you can be sure: in intellectual abilities she is much higher than those young men who were accepted with her. During her student days, a business woman begins to secure financial independence for herself.

Her scholarship is often not increased, but the most common (because her grades do not reflect her real level of knowledge), but she almost always works part-time during her studies. In addition, he leads an active social life.
Indeed, in addition to the fact that she has a high intellectual potential, she is also an energetic lady and she tries to spend this energy not for trifles, but in order to achieve something definite in life. In particular, doing social activities, she lays the foundation for her career and fulfills her desire for power. In the old days, such girls became Komsomol leaders, but now they are starting to break into business from their student days.

Career-oriented women from a young age usually do not have time to start a family. They confidently go to the intended goal - the boss's chair.
They do not think about the family, putting it off until later. They begin to think closer to 30, having received a position. Since in order to achieve this position they had to make much more mental and volitional efforts than men, at this level they are surrounded by men who themselves seem unworthy of them. Such women want to see a strong, successful person next to them, but just such men want to see tenderness and weakness in a woman.

A business woman, ideally, is a bright personality, she is feminine, not cruel and not cold, intellectually and physically active, she makes decisions, but perfectly captures the mood of others; she is not in the nature of petty custody of subordinates. She is willing to take risks, purposeful, self-confident, responds with dignity to criticism, remarks and even insults. Knows how to quickly switch from one social role(“Manager, business woman) to another (“ daughter, mother, wife ”), confident in understanding, support and help from her husband and children. Climbing the ladder of success turned out to be difficult and unsafe. A business woman must constantly prove to herself and those around her that she is doing her own business. Approximately 1/3 of all nervous disorders in business women come from the collision of their role as a manager at work and a performer at home.

But a woman has a number of advantages, having realized which, she can become a successful leader. A woman-leader has a more subtle social intelligence, she more subtly feels the nuances of relationships, including the attitude towards herself. She knows how to evaluate and predict the behavior of other people. True, she is more than men, the danger lies in wait for her emotions. And hysteria and leadership are incompatible things. A woman has more contact and practicality of thinking. If a man is inclined to make long-term plans, to rely on a long-term perspective, then a woman prefers a concretely guaranteed result, "here and now." A woman is better than a man in controlling her own and other people's mistakes; she tends to be better at formulating her thoughts and expressing ideas. It is noticed that she reacts less than men to courtship and sexual claims in business relationship... She clearly distinguishes between business and entertainment.

Style business communication.

To be perceived as a person, you must, first of all, be one.
A person who has integrity: intellect, his own style, his own attitude, will certainly be perceived as a person. The fact that a man reacts to your sexual attractiveness is quite natural (by the way, sexual attractiveness has a positive effect not only on men, but also on women).

For absolutely asexual persons, men, as a rule, give very low marks. If your business partner is a woman, then she will most likely cause a negative reaction, an excess of elements of sexual provocation in your clothes or behavior. Any formal relationship requires a lot of restraint. There are a number of rules, the implementation of which allows you to configure the interlocutor (regardless of his / her gender) to business style communication. Let's start with the look.

During business negotiations and meetings, your posture should be at the same time quite free and restrained-taut. A woman huddled on the edge of a chair, convulsively clutching her handbag, with all her appearance shows constraint, shyness, self-doubt. A too loose posture can be taken as evidence of your swagger.
It is best to sit up straight and gesticulate freely within the so-called intimate area with a radius of about 45 centimeters around your body. It is better not to keep the bag on your lap, but to put it or put it next to you.

It is necessary to look kindly and carefully into the face of your interlocutor, showing that you are interested in what he is saying. At the same time, if you have a business relationship with the interlocutor, then direct your gaze to the upper part of the face, just above the eyebrows, and to indicate attention - occasionally look into the eyes (a long gaze into the eyes can cause your interlocutor to feel discomfort). With emotional communication, the gaze automatically moves from the eyes to the lower part of the face - it is immediately felt.

The characteristics of your voice also matter in communication. If you have a high-pitched voice, try at least not to be squeaky, as in this case you can make the other person feel an irresistible urge to close their eyes and shut their ears. High-pitched voices are very annoying and tiring and are associated with stress or addiction. So try to make your voice chesty and sweet by lowering it as much as possible. But don't speak too softly and hesitantly. Are you so afraid of your interlocutor! A voice that is too loud and deafening to the interlocutor is also bad.


The measured tempo of speech is best perceived when you allow yourself to pause briefly, showing that you are thinking about what you have heard before answering something. Immediately there is a feeling that you are a “reasonable person.” It is undesirable to speak too quickly, overwhelming the interlocutor with streams of information. He may not immediately understand what such a grandiose project you are informing him about, and may interrupt you and ask you to repeat all over again. You will lose time, and most importantly, make it clear that you are a petty, dependent person and try to have time to say everything as quickly as possible before you are kicked out. An increased rate of speech is always associated with addiction and frivolity. And if you speak too slowly, then you tire your interlocutor: he already understands everything, and you are still finishing the phrase.


In business and political circles, it is customary to shake hands.
Shaking hands is a traditionally masculine way of greeting. For most women, it causes slight discomfort, since she does not know in advance whether her hand will be vigorously shaken as a party comrade or if they will try to kiss. To avoid confusion and awkwardness, it is better to extend your hand neither in a vertical plane (as for shaking), nor in a horizontal plane (as for a kiss), but in an intermediate position at an angle to the plane: you want to kiss, you want to press. The handshake should be concise and energetic enough.


Never fuss - it makes a bad impression anyway. If, coming to a business meeting, you quickly slip into the office, greet you quickly, bustle important documents, while dropping something, then consider - you are gone. It is much better to enter slowly, calmly greeted, inquire where you can sit. Do everything without fuss, excessive frequency in plastic, speech, facial expressions.
In short, act as if you are a gorgeous, gorgeous woman and can afford to take your time. Sit down smoothly, slowly pick up objects, picking them up as if they were alive, speak calmly - this will undoubtedly make a pleasant impression on the interlocutor. Be kind, open, emotionally restrained, do not show excessive assertiveness and self-confidence.


Here, as in many other things, is good golden mean... Gesturing should be in proportion to the rhythm of speech and roughly correspond to what you are talking about. The more formal the communication, the more restrained the gestures should be. But at the same time, its complete absence is perceived as constraint. Avoid neurotic gestures that indicate your embarrassment and nervousness: picking your ear, under your nails, scratching, straightening your clothes, hair. Most people are unaware of the enormous meaning of gestures in conversation. A gesture can convey much more information about us than we want it to. Gestures too often give us away and the unwise use of certain gestures sometimes leads to undesirable results. Therefore, in order to win over the interlocutor, use in the conversation suggesting gestures that allow you to see your palms.
This is a testament to your openness. But negative, crushing gestures should be avoided. By decisively chopping open the air with the palm of your hand, you can make your interlocutor feel uncomfortable that they do not want to agree with him on anything.
If you are not going to put pressure on the interlocutor and eventually slap him like a fly, do not press the table with your palm facing down. Do not clench your fists during a conversation and do not point your finger at the interlocutor like a mentor. Also forget for a while the rejecting hand gesture: “One minute! I haven't said everything yet! ”, Thereby showing that you want to continue your wonderful monologue, and let him listen. For the other person, this gesture will make you feel that you do not want to talk to him, and will increase the distance between you.


Now let's talk about the distance between people in any business conversation. Each person, depending on his personal emotionality, himself determines the distance suitable for a given case. Emotional people seem to be closer and more understandable, constrained and restrained, push the interlocutor to a greater distance. Live facial expressions speak about shortening the distance, when they play with their eyebrows, squint, smile, lively intonations, relaxed poses. As soon as the interlocutor wants to increase the distance, he immediately stretches himself, turning his face into an impenetrable mask, and begins to broadcast in the dispassionate voice of a loudspeaker or television announcer. If you deliberately want to increase the distance, just start calling your interlocutor by name and patronymic more often than necessary. In general, it is necessary to mention the name of the interlocutor in a conversation from time to time. If you, while talking to a person for two hours in a row, have never called him by name, he may suspect that you have completely forgotten who you are talking to. Using bureaucratic, cumbersome, or outdated verbal constructs like "of course"
"Certainly" causes confusion, increases the distance and indicates a rather cool attitude. Therefore, you should always try to take into account a lot of nuances in the relationship, playing with which, you can find the optimal communication style that suits both interlocutors.


Imagine that you come to negotiations, in a room where there is no air conditioning, or you are put on a lower seat than your interlocutor, or facing the window, because of which you see only a dark silhouette against a bright background. You are placed at a disadvantage, you are under pressure.
In this case, if you feel that you are uncomfortable, say that you would like to change seats, referring, for example, to the fact that the light hits your eyes. If you do not go to a meeting, then it is better to refuse to negotiate. Own and manage the situation. Hopefully, the tips above will help you develop a self-disciplined, fuss-free style of behavior free from unnecessary attempts to flaunt your virtues. This style will help you, on the one hand, maintain a certain distance, and on the other hand, demonstrate interest and friendliness. Remember, the more there is something true in a person, the more free he is in his behavior, the less he needs to pretend to be something.

Cloth business woman.

Previously, there were no business women in our country - only party and trade union activists. They dressed accordingly: "school" suits and modest blouses under the throat (option - a bow on the bust). As the classic sang, "and my wife, Comrade Paramonova ..."

But now Russia is confidently emerging as the world leader in the number of business and elegant women. The success of an enterprise depends in no small part on how the businesswomen are dressed.

What should be her costume?

Boring, predictable and impeccable - these are the definitions that are indispensable for a woman's business suit, says the famous Moscow stylist, creator-director of the Koty group from the well-known company Margaret Astr.
Andrey Manovtsev.

The main danger that lies in wait for a woman when choosing a business suit is its hyperprovocation. A business suit demonstrates not only the financial capabilities of a business woman, but also her upbringing, taste, knowledge of business etiquette. Therefore, a woman should always remember the rule: if you are in business, you need to be ready to make certain sacrifices in fashion.

Despite the fact that the silhouette of a woman's business suit has remained practically unchanged for thirty years, the suit itself is constantly undergoing cosmetic adjustments. This is due to the evolution of the concept itself
"classic". The classic style these days obviously gravitates towards moderately free, democratic lines that can be combined with other styles.

Some democratization of the classics is manifested primarily in the loose cut of the jacket. It is fitted - but slightly, and it is not accented.
Everything else is not strictly regulated. The jacket can be double-breasted or single-breasted; up to, below and above the thigh line. Buttons - necessarily real bone or covered with fabric or leather. It is desirable that they are the same color as the suit. The clasp can be caliper (internal), like in suits from Chanel. The shoulder is slightly widened and slightly raised, but nothing more.

What the newfangled liberties do not extend to is the skirt.
Here for innovations is a taboo. The skirt should be straight, narrowed downwards, fitting the hips, with a slit in the back no more than ten centimeters.
The classic skirt length is up to the middle of the knees. But it can be slightly above the knee or slightly below. A mid-calf skirt is only good for women with leg problems.

Gold and silver straps on the skirt are excluded. Conversely, handmade leather straps with the logo of well-known brands are welcome.

Trousers of a purely classic cut, slightly tapered from top to bottom. A sign of bad manners is tight-fitting trousers.

Fabric and color play an important role in the choice of a woman's business suit. Preference is given to smooth fabrics - English tweed and wool, as well as satin, matte silk, velvet and bouclé. Viscose and all kinds of stretch are excluded.

The color scheme is not variegated: gray, beige, various shades of dark blue, deep burgundy, brown and black.

It must be remembered that the same color and texture of the fabric can be acceptable at one business event and completely unacceptable at another.
For example, a cotton etiquette suit should only be worn if you and your business partner are having breakfast or lunch in an outdoor restaurant. In a pure white suit, you can only appear in the summer for dinner.

The pinstripe suit is suitable for formal events in the afternoon.

When choosing a women's business suit, you should pay special attention to the manufacturer.

It is best to buy business suits from reputable firms such as
Armani, Max Mara, Lanvin, Trussardi, Cerruti, Robert Barton, Betty Barclay,
Chanel, Guy La Roche, are calm, non-challenging things that correspond to the canons of business etiquette.

But the suits that Russians love from Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, fashionable Gucci, Moschino, and Japanese fashion designers are less suitable for business meetings. Their models are more suitable for bohemians.

If you're invited to dinner, Valentino and Gianfranco outfits are appropriate
Ferre. The main thing: collectibles from the latest runway shows are not suitable for a business woman. Her business suit should be impeccably boring, simple and clear, like a crust of stale bread. It is ideal if the business suit is tailored especially for a certain woman in a fashion house of a famous designer. You will not find a second such suit; it will definitely have a company logo indicating the person for whom the personal model was sewn.

It is known that a business suit, consisting of a skirt and a jacket, is more often intended for events in the first half of the day. Trousers and a jacket are good in the evening.

A black business suit is good for either evening business meetings or formal public appearances.

Anastasia Gareeva on the image of a business woman.

It's no secret that in the world of business people, a serious attitude to their image and to maintaining a favorable image of their company is extremely highly valued. And this is not surprising, because one of the most important components of a business is interpersonal contacts. The success of communication directly depends on the ability of people to present themselves and leave a good impression.

You may know all the Carnegie Cases by heart, but a stain on your skirt or lipstick that is too bright will negate all your attempts to influence a business partner. You can be seven inches in the forehead and very well versed in the subject of your business, but charming curls will become a stumbling block on your way up the career ladder. While knowledge and application of at least the basic laws of business image and business etiquette can turn you into a true Business lady(of course, if you have a certain amount of business acumen).

So what is image? Leaving aside all complex socio-psychological and philosophical concepts and definitions, it can be decomposed into very specific components. Your clothes, hairstyle, makeup, gait, manners, speech, place of work, apartment, car, dacha, husband, children, pets (as well as the absence of any living creatures in your home), your habits, taste preferences, attitude to alcohol , literary preferences (or lack thereof), love (or indifference) to art, etc. - it all works for your image (or against it). This one listing can make your head spin and you might get the impression that you cannot cope with all this alone. However, you should not give up and pin your hopes on the image maker (however, if financial opportunities allow, then why not?). But it seems to me that the clients of the image-maker are mostly men (who really, by their very nature, have a difficult time!). And you are a woman, so you have a natural flair
(intuition, sixth sense) how to look and behave. In this you have a huge advantage over the stronger sex.

Clothing is one of the building blocks of the image building. We are accustomed to focusing on the second part of the common expression: "They are greeted by their clothes, but escorted by their minds." Of course, this is partly true. But why wait until your partners and interlocutors appreciate all the subtleties of your mind? Wouldn't it be better to immediately show them a business card of your seriousness and respectability? After all, the first (favorable) impression will only contribute to the appreciation of you. In addition, the style of your clothes can affect how your superiors treat you and what tasks you will be entrusted with. Of course, it is much easier for men (due to their inherent conservatism and stereotyped thinking) to constantly wear some kind of business uniform. For women, clothing is, first of all, a way of self-expression. And although they have to accept the rules of the team, sometimes there is a need to stand out, and certainly in something selflessly orange or purple. However, remember that the following thought may creep into the boss's head: "Can I entrust an important client with that flower?"

In general, if you work in a reputable company or want to take a vacant position in it, dress so as not to shock others and not offend your company image with your appearance. All sorts of the latest squeals, squeals, sobs and other aspirations of fashion (if you are a fan and follower of them) can only cause confusion among employees (and this is in best case). But the classic has always been and remains a win-win option. A couple of impeccable suits, a few elegant but austere blouses and classic shoes - this is almost enough to create the desired look. It is very important to master the art of picking items of clothing and accessories. Then you will be able to create a wide variety of compositions, and you will not be sick of the monotony. Your helpers in the struggle for elegance are shawls, headscarves, light scarves and, of course, ties. They can be tied and draped in a variety of ways, depending on the task at hand and the inspiration that visited you. A simple but addictive play with accessories will make you feel at ease at all times - whether at a business meeting, at a buffet table, at a conference or at a dinner with a chef.

Regarding the attitude to clothing in the world of business people, I recall a curious story. A Russian translator who worked at the American headquarters of the UN, said that the appearance of employees there is subject to constant control by special employees. So, at the entrance to the building there are women who stop and send home all those who, in their opinion, are dressed inappropriately. Moreover, this can happen to one person 2-3 times a day until his clothes take the proper form. All women there are obliged to wear tights, closed pumps with heels, even in 30-degree heat, and change their blouse at least once a day.
Dresses, sweaters, trousers, long skirts and other wardrobe items loved by our compatriots are not allowed. Perhaps we should take an example from them.

Let's go to next item image. You will agree that there will be no effect from the most respectable clothes if you do not have a hairstyle. And if you are a business woman, then at the workplace you should not demonstrate all the beauty of your hair, loosening it over your shoulders or winding stunning curls. The rules of etiquette of the business world prescribe a woman to have not a short haircut and not a complicated hairstyle, but hair of medium length (not below the shoulder line). However, if you do not want to part with the "girlish beauty" in any way, you will have to make sure that your hairstyle does not cause associations with a crow's nest, or your head does not look like the head of that beach girl from the calendar. You can choose the hair color depending on your goals and intentions.
Of course, reds, purples and similar shades will only play against you. But it is known that a woman-leader with dark hair involuntarily evokes respect for herself, while blond ones are popular and well-disposed by their subordinates. So if you are the person in charge, if you are used to being the mistress of the situation and holding the reins in your hands, your color is dark. If your leadership style is more democratic, light colors will only contribute to this.

Makeup, properly done and appropriate for the occasion, can not only accentuate your natural charm, but also become one of the factors of a successful career. And, on the contrary, once you appear in the office with a face a la "vamp woman", you run the risk of running into hard-hitting remarks. It is difficult to give general advice, because every woman's face is different. However, avoid flashy colors and an abundance of makeup. And common sense and sense of taste will tell you the right tactics.

Is it worth repeating the common truth that neither clothes, nor hair, nor makeup will make you respectable if you cannot wean yourself from biting your nails or sniffing. Remember the heroine Audrey Hepburn: good manners turned a street girl into a real lady! And if your parents didn’t bother to instill them in you as a child, it’s not so bad. Gait, facial expressions and gestures are just as changeable as clothing or hairstyle.
Take a look at yourself in the video. Do you like everything? If not, then you will at least know what you need to work on.

The obstacle to success for many is their own speech. Too fast (or, conversely, too slow) pace, swallowing or chewing words, lisping are very unpleasant things.
Especially for those whose work is related to telephone conversations, meetings and conferences. However, only a small proportion of people have organic defects (abnormalities of the larynx, nasal and oral cavities), due to which they cannot speak correctly. The rest are simply too lazy to engage in voice production. If you have problems with diction, your persistence, coupled with the efforts of a rhetoric specialist or a book on how to speak correctly, will do the trick.

And finally: all the components of your chosen image are only combined with each other and perceived naturally when they are inspired by your inner content. And if your desire for success is sincere and reinforced by daily work, you will not have to violate your nature, getting used to a new image. It's just that at a certain stage in your career, you will realize that you are already the very business woman whose image has excited your mind for so long.


Business etiquette is an established procedure for conduct in the area of ​​business and business contacts.

Etiquette, if understood as an established order of behavior, helps to avoid mistakes or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the main function or meaning of a business person's etiquette can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that contribute to mutual understanding between people in the process of communication. The second most important function of etiquette is the function of convenience, that is, expediency and practicality. From the smallest to the most general rules, etiquette is a system close to everyday life.

One of the first rules that determine etiquette itself is that it is worth doing this not because it is accepted, but because it is either expedient, or convenient, or simply respectful towards others and oneself. Etiquette is one of the main "tools" for forming an image. V modern business the person of the company has a significant role to play. Firms that don't follow etiquette lose a lot. Where etiquette is involved, higher productivity, better results. Therefore, you should always remember one of the main tenets that businessmen around the world know: good manners are profitable. It is much more pleasant to work with a company where etiquette is observed.
Almost all over the world, it has become the norm of activity. This is because etiquette, by virtue of its vitality, creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts.

We need to remember that etiquette helps us only when there is no internal tension arising from an attempt to do according to the rules of etiquette what we have never done before.


1. Anastasia Gareeva, "Everything for the office" magazine N 19, 1997
2. Alekhina I.V. Image and etiquette of a business person. - M.: EEN, 1996
3. Sarmatova Ksenia "Woman's career"
4. "Daughter-mothers" No. 18, September 1998


The appearance of a business person

Clothes for success

1 Clothes for men

2 Features of the appearance of a business woman




In the modern world in the face of heightened competition, business communication is becoming an important factor determining the success of not only an individual, but also the whole company, organizations.

"They are greeted by their clothes, they are escorted by their minds," says popular wisdom.

This rule is very often ignored by many people. However, consciously or unconsciously, we judge others by their appearance. According to some studies, 55% of the impressions we make on other people are determined by what they see (skin and hair color, appearance, posture, facial expressions and gestures, facial expressions, the nature of eye contact); the remaining 45% of impressions are determined by what people hear (the semantic load of speech, its tempo, voice pitch, clarity of speech, pronunciation, etc.).

When we meet a person for the first time, see how he is dressed, how he looks, we judge not only his appearance, but also about whohe. And vice versa, knowing which person we are going to meet, we can mentally imagine him. Assuming that each category of people looks in a certain way, and seeing a person corresponding to these ideas, we automatically assign him to one category or another. And then we expect from him certain actions, appropriate behavior.

It must be remembered that clothing reflects and emphasizes individuality, characterizes a business person as a person. The choice of clothing is determined by the field of upcoming activity and position: for example, the clothes of bankers are distinguished by conservatism, which is not welcomed in creative circles.

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner a suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business.

In this work, we will consider the features of etiquette business clothes.

The work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion and bibliography.

1. The appearance of a business person

The transition from the initial forms of market relations to civilized ones more and more actualizes the meaning and implementation of business etiquette. Etiquetteis a set of rules of behavior that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (dealing with others, forms of communication and greetings, behavior in public places, manners and clothes).

To a large extent, our initial impression of other people is formed by their external data. All other things being equal, people more easily accept the position of the person towards whom they experience an emotionally positive attitude, and vice versa, it is more difficult to accept (and often reject) the position of the person towards whom they experience an emotionally negative attitude.

The office environment imposes certain requirements on the appearance of a business person. In the world of fashion, a certain concept has long been formed - "business suit". He, of course, takes into account the latest trends and trends in fashion, but at the same time remains to a certain extent strict and conservative.

Carrying out the selection of a suit in the broad sense of the word (ie, taking into account all the accompanying components), a business person should be guided by the following general rules: unity of style; matching style to a specific situation; reasonable minimization of the color gamut (the so-called "rule of three colors"); color comparability in color gamut; material texture compatibility; the comparability of the nature of the pattern in various components of the clothing; conformity of the quality level of accessories (shoes, folders for papers, briefcase, etc.) to the quality of the main suit.

In the process of preparing for negotiations, you should pay attention to the choice of a business suit. Even very high quality, expensive and fashionable things can look tasteless if you do not observe the condition of style unity. Your costume and accessories should be combined not only in color and texture of the material, but also look like a single stylistic whole. You cannot mix "power" and "affordable" or sporty and purely business style in one suit.

The "domineering" or "power" style of dress (a dark suit with straight "hard" shoulders, a white shirt, a traditional dull tie, moccasin shoes) corresponds to a situation of a responsible meeting or important negotiations. However, if you need to create a relaxed atmosphere and eliminate distance, it is better to use an "accessible" style, such as a less strict gray suit with "soft" shoulders.

If you are facing a problem with clothing that is too harsh or too soft, try to solve it with color. A dark business suit can be "livened up" with a light (but not white) shirt or a slightly brighter than usual tie. A suit in an “affordable” style can be kept in one color scheme of muted tones, then it will look more formal.

At an interview, based on the results of which a decision on replacement will be made vacant post, the appearance should indicate that you will easily join the ranks of the organization's employees, since you have a corporate image (and therefore, you also value corporate values).

When seeking a promotion, dress as you would for the job you want to get. Thus, the authorities are more likely to represent you in this position.

The details of one suit must also satisfy such a requirement as compatibility, that is, correspond to each other in the following parameters:

coloring (the details of the suit should not sharply contrast with each other, the combination of "incompatible" colors, such as bright red and bright green, for example, if the situation or uniform does not require it), it is most reasonable to observe the rule of "three colors" ;

texture of the material (costume items should not be made of fabric of clearly different texture and density, for example, from heavy wool and silk);

seasonality (light summer trousers and skirts next to heavy winter jackets and jackets will look out of place).

The most important color is the one closest to the face. Shirts, blouses, ties, scarves should be of such shades that suit not only the color of the suit, but also to your face and decorate it.

For a business person, accessories often have a functional meaning: a briefcase contains the necessary documents, a watch helps to manage time correctly. People pay attention to these accessories because they are used constantly.

Too many accessories make a person's appearance fidgety and distracting. The impression should be made by the results of work, and not by what you have in your hands. Make sure all the little things are functional. At the same time, one should not forget that sometimes it is the details that "logically complete" your image. The details should help, not interfere with the general perception of you as a qualified professional and a pleasant interlocutor.

Typically, clothing depends on your lifestyle and place of work. In industries such as finance, law, politics, accounting, consulting, wearing formal clothing is almost mandatory. In other industries, for example, in funds mass media or advertising, much more freedom is permissible.

However, it should be noted that the main rule that one should strive to follow when choosing a business suit in all its components is the general impression of neatness and neatness. This should make your partner think that you will be just as careful in your business.

And we should not forget that "according to the mind" they only see off, therefore, "clothes" when meeting and communicating is in many ways a determining factor.

2. Clothes for success

.1 Clothing for men

An important factor that characterizes a business man is his suit. There are three types of business suit:

official suit - clothes in black or dark blue with a white shirt, black shoes and a tie, socks and a handkerchief matched by color. Wears for formal and corporate events, as well as on other special occasions (for example, speaking at a congress or major symposium, reception at the city hall). In diplomatic etiquette, an official suit is a tuxedo.

unofficial suit - plain clothes (jacket, trousers) of other shades - green, blue, gray, etc. For an unofficial suit it is possible to wear light-colored shirts, both monophonic and with a pinstripe or check. This type of clothing is recommended for regular business visits.

regular suit - this includes various color combinations of the elements of the suit (for example, a light jacket and dark trousers - but not vice versa!). These clothes can be worn in the office for planned visits. regular customers.

The choice of the type of business suit, first of all, depends on the purpose of the visit, the type of event being held.

An obligatory accessory of a classic men's suit is jacket... It must be worn at any visit.

The bottom button of the jacket is never fastened. The rest must be buttoned up in an official setting - on the podium, at the entrance to any room. You should also dance only in a buttoned jacket. You can unfasten it only if you are sitting at a table.

The jacket must be buttoned, however, as mentioned above, the bottom button of the jacket is not buttoned (this does not apply to jackets with a single button).

You can take off your jacket at official events only after the owner or special guest- in a word, the first person at the reception.

In some countries, men take off their jackets at work (for example, in the Netherlands), while in other countries (Germany, France), managers do not even loosen their tie and do not take off their jackets while in the office. Never take off your jacket first!

Keep your handkerchief unfolded and in your trouser pocket or purse. Do not put a pen, pencil, glasses, hairbrush and other items in the upper outer pockets of jackets and jackets so that they look out.

Trouser belt - only made of genuine leather, dark color; with a modest buckle - no "lion" and "wolf heads".

Socksare selected depending on the color of the suit and shoes. It is an absolute bad manners to wear white (light) socks to a dark suit - socks in color should be darker than the last one, and their length should be sufficient to cover the shin even when cross-legged. Ideally, socks should be darker than pants but lighter than boots. Dark blue, dark gray, dark green and black socks go well with any formal suit. White socks - for sports only.

Shirt- made of thin cotton, sometimes with the addition, almost imperceptible, of synthetics - for less creasing, always light colors - white, light gray, light blue, light sandy shades. The collar is classic, traditional.

The color of the shirt, of course, should be in harmony with the color of the suit. There is such a requirement: in terms of color intensity, in the first place - a jacket, in the second - a tie, in the third - a shirt.

On the shirt, as well as on the jacket, elements of a sports or military style are also not allowed - shoulder straps, patch pockets with folds and yokes; let's say, however, one modest patch pocket - usually such shirts have the manufacturer's logo on the pocket.

One of the most important accessories of a general business suit is shoes... Therefore, in no case should we forget about its quality - old sloppy shoes can spoil the impression even of a quite decent suit. What's more, expensive, well-groomed shoes can distract attention from cheap clothing. The trousers at the back should cover the top of the heel.

One of the ways to attract and retain attention during presentations is to have no more than one bright spot. In a men's suit, such a spot is tie.A tie is the main indicator of a man's taste and status, therefore, special attention should be paid to his correct choice.

Combining a shirt with a tie changes the overall look of any suit. The tie should match the color with the suit or contrast with it (for example, a navy blue suit and a blue or burgundy tie).

A tie is a must-have addition to a plain shirt. A plain tie goes well with a striped suit in a cage. And with a plain suit, a tie with a pattern, motley.

If the shirt is not light, monochromatic, care must be taken to match the tie with its color. Only a plain tie is suitable for a bright shirt with a pattern; in all cases, the tie should be darker than the shirt.

Preparing for business negotiations, it is better to wear pearl gray, blue-red, maroon ties. Better to wear a graphic tie. Such a color scheme will set your interlocutors in a business mood, emphasize your respect for them. But a bright, avant-garde tie will create emotional pressure on your business partners, irritate them and distract them.

A silk tie is best suited to an evening, dark suit; synthetic ties are worn only with a leather jacket. Bow ties appear only at formal events.

It is not customary to combine a tie with a sports or woolen shirt, with any shirt worn for graduation.

The width of the tie should be in direct proportion to the size of the jacket, that is, the wider a person is at the shoulders, the wider the tie should be.

The optimal tie length is up to the buckle of the trouser belt.

An indispensable attribute of a tie with a business suit should be a tie barrette - it is worn on the 4th top of the shirt buttons. This part of the toilet will not allow the tie to wrap up in the wind or change the position of the body, prevent the tie from falling on the table (when tilting) or on the plate (when eating).

The dress code for men is generally more conservative than for women. However, men can also find room for imagination and a way to emphasize their individuality.

.2 Features of the external appearance of a business woman

For women, there is the same principle in clothing - the color scheme of the toilet, dresses and accessories, of course, should complement each other, and the style of clothing should correspond to the characteristics of the figure.

Although a woman enjoys much more freedom in choosing the style of clothing, material and color of fabric than a man. This gives a woman more opportunities to choose such styles of clothing that best suit her individual tastes and fit the characteristics of her figure. It should be remembered that a good style of clothing should emphasize the appropriate beauty of the forms and correct the existing figure flaws.

The suit of a business woman at the negotiating table should be functional, which will facilitate the negotiation process. The most popular is the classic style. By tradition, the basis of business attire is a suit or dress-suit.

The type of clothing should be determined based on the current situation. Of course, it's good to have multiple suits in your wardrobe. For example, a stylish professional suit matches a suit for success, while skillfully selected accessories can make a conservative model look fashionable.

Loose skirts are recommended, rather than tight-fitting skirts that will not stretch as much when walking or sitting. A light suit is required for spring and summer. Recommended colors: ivory, greyish beige, greyish brown. The lighter the suit, the more quality tailoring it should be. Any woman, regardless of her natural characteristics, can wear a grayish-beige or grayish-brown suit.

Preference for a formal setting of a suit does not mean that a dress is unacceptable for a business woman in this situation. It also fits, but the dress is more fashion-conscious, and its variability affects the stability and certainty of the impression. A jacket should be worn on a light silk, viscose or jersey dress.

A business woman can wear a dress or suit of strict and modest colors not only to work, but also to daytime receptions.

It is recommended to wear more elegant and revealing (evening) dresses for receptions organized after 8 pm. They can be long or regular. Clothes in this case are complemented by evening shoes made of leather or suede with comfortable heels and a small handbag. It must be remembered that you can only sit cross-legged on a chair. Sitting in the car, the woman first sits down and then pulls her legs into the car (respectively, when leaving the car - in reverse order).

A skirt without a belt usually looks "unfinished". You should choose belts of neutral colors and such width; which would fit the figure. The belt looks elegant in the color of the shoes. If the shoes are warm colors, for example brown, you can wear an olive or yellow belt with a dress or skirt. Sometimes you can combine the color of the belt with one of the colors on the skirt, with the color of the blouse or suit.

Stockings or tights for a business suit are required. Buy quality stockings in the right size with a blend of durable fibers such as lycra. As for the color of the stockings, it should be combined with the color of the skirt, dress or shoes. Patterned stockings also have no place in a work wardrobe.

To maintain the image of a business person, a woman should pay special attention to her hair and shoes - they should always be in order.

For work and play, you should have several pairs of shoes. They don't have to be the same style, but they should go with any outfit. For work, shoes made of genuine leather are recommended. As for their color, dark blue, black, brown are most acceptable in winter. In summer, shoes are worn to match the color of the clothes, but beige and light gray are always popular.

Some women have naturally gorgeous hair that you just wash and dry and it looks great. However, many are doomed to the use of various cosmetic preparations that promise to improve the quality of hair: foam fixers and gels help to shape weakened hair; various oils, wax, conditioners improve the quality of hair, etc. A good hairstyle can change the image as well as a new costume. Hairstyles from loose hair are definitely not perceived in the business world - just haircuts or smooth, gathered or styled.

Make-up for women is an evaluative factor. The cosmetics of a business woman should be discreet, and the scent of perfume should be barely perceptible. Cosmetics are applied in moderation and without the use of flashy tones. In this case, the smell of perfume should be barely noticeable. If a woman wears glasses, then she should not wear smoky glasses in a metal frame (through such glasses, the interlocutor's eyes are poorly distinguishable, which makes it difficult to eye contact with him). For brunettes, it is recommended that glasses are framed to match the hair, and for blondes a dark (brown) frame is recommended.

Great attention should be given to the choice of jewelry. It is not recommended to wear a lot of jewelry; you should not wear gold and silver jewelry at the same time. Bijouterie - only of high quality, from prestigious firms.

An integral attribute of a business woman is a diplomat (attaché case) or a handbag made of good quality leather without bright decorations. Business papers should be kept in a folder, and personal items: powder, lipstick, comb, hair brush, etc. should be in a small cosmetic bag in a briefcase or diplomat along with a notebook and keys.

A small handbag with a long belt is practical and convenient for storing money (only for a wallet). With most toilets, a black or reddish brown bag looks quite elegant. If the main color of your clothes is dark blue, then you can choose a bag of the same color.

Women wear gloves whenever and wherever they want. The opinion that gloves cannot be worn without a headdress is incorrect. When giving a hand to a man, you don't have to take them off. When entering an Orthodox church, gloves are removed. The woman taking the floor to speak can walk up to the podium wearing gloves, but must take them off before speaking. At the evening reception, it is permissible to wear a bracelet over a long glove, but rings cannot be worn.

So, the suit and manners of a business person must correspond to the requirements accepted in society for this category of its members. Following the above rules for wearing clothes allows you to positively tune in advance the desired interlocutor, to arrange him to conduct a constructive business conversation, without being distracted by outsiders.

A neat and appropriate business suit, politeness and observance of the rules of etiquette, combined with a good command of communication skills, greatly facilitate contact with others and allow the representative to maintain a high business image of the company.

If a person has a "well-groomed appearance", then he seems to radiate a positive self-esteem, which automatically increases the chances of being highly appreciated by others.

business accessory manner comparability


In this way, clothing is an important component of a business image.

Looking right at work means competently managing business communication and personal careers. Appearance represents an employee of an organization in a business environment. With the help of well-chosen clothes, you can manage your impression of yourself, tune your business partners to a particular style of interaction, shape desired image... Professional employees of organizations know that there are no trifles in the design of appearance. Clothing, hairstyle, accessories and business manners generally carry the most important information about the individual. The most common form of business attire around the world is a suit, both for men and women.

A man's clothing style influences his success in business circles, and the right suit contributes to the creation of his image. When choosing clothes, a man should remember that individual details should be in harmony with each other. An important detail of a business suit is a tie, which must correspond to the suit: thin ties are selected for light fabrics, and for heavy fabrics, made of denser materials. The brightness of the tie should also be compensated for by the severity of the suit. The ideal tie length is to the middle of the belt. Socks - another piece of clothing regulated by business etiquette, are chosen to match shoes or a suit; the socks would be so long that a bare leg would not protrude from under the leg.

It is even more difficult with women's business clothes. On the one hand, women need to remain members of the fair sex even at work, on the other hand, they need to adhere to strict standards. So, in business clothes, it is better to refuse from fitted or silhouette-tight things. Another taboo is short and miniskirts. The optimal length is up to the knees. It would be no less an oversight to appear in the office without tights, even in the summer - bare legs are unacceptable. And finally, the last - according to etiquette, business women are not prescribed bright makeup and loose hair. The basic rule is to match the time and the setting.


1.Beringova, N.V. Business conversation: tutorial/ N.V. Beringov. - Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2010 .-- 160 p.

2.Gorbatov, A.V. Business ethics: tutorial / A.V. Gorbatov, O. V. Eleskina. - Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2007 .-- 142 p. Send an application indicating the topic right now to find out about the possibility of getting a consultation.

In the office Business Etiquette extremely important. It is the observance of his rules that allows women to win their own place in the sun from men. Feeling close attention, being constantly energized and not even showing the sight is the ability to hold your face. And under the gun, first of all, is the appearance.

Style - business

Failure to comply with the recognized rules of the office dress code is already a reason for discussion and, possibly, condemnation. And for a lady who seeks to make a career, such a mistake is unacceptable: this is both an uncomfortable environment at work, and a long wait for such a close, it would seem. appointments to a higher position. Therefore, the image of a business woman presupposes compliance with the rules of business etiquette.

The minimum requirements for clothing are good quality and solidity. Famous brand and an expensive brand - the conditions are completely optional. After all, the quality is important, not the number of things and not the demonstration of a fashionable logo. Screaming about a stable financial position and opportunities.

An outspoken outfit is unacceptable for a business meeting. For a successful completion, you do not need to wear a defiant outfit with a deep neckline, leather or denim clothes and too tight knitwear.

But every lady striving for success is a must in the wardrobe. This is a fitted jacket, straight skirt, pencil skirt or dress pants. But the length of the skirts is neither maxi nor mini, and cuts on the side or in front are unacceptable. The best way- just above the knee.

The role of a jacket will be perfectly performed by a vest; it will be complemented by a blouse without a voluminous collar and an abundance of decorative trimmings. Fabric x is opaque, good quality- compulsory, as well as sleeves. Even in the warm season, they should be, albeit shortened. The colors are preferable to pastel and calm.

Designers offer a lot of office dresses of suitable length. A well-chosen one thing will save time when choosing an image, since it is much more difficult to successfully combine a blouse and a skirt. Do not forget that regardless of the season, wearing flesh-tone tights is mandatory. Perhaps this requirement is no longer so observed, but restraint is much more profitable than variegation, albeit super-fashionable.

Tights in the warm season can be replaced with stockings. The expansion of the color palette led to the fact that acidic, bright and saturated colors began to be referred to office. Among the business ones there are fabrics with stripes, a cell and with a dull small pattern.

A lot has been said about shoes in the business world. Sabo received a solid "no". Wearing them in the office is unacceptable. This business etiquette speaks clearly. The best option is classic beige, brown, black or gray shoes with a medium heel no higher than five centimeters. Summer allows for more open shoes and it is imperative to have a perfect pedicure in this case. The beauty of a properly dressed business lady is more visible.

In general, the business style and image of a business woman does not consist only of a suit. Both hair and makeup do it. A neat and moderately strict hairstyle is not loose hair, especially long. There are many variations of simple and effective styling, and you don't have to go to the hairdresser every time. Hair dyed in a bright defiant tone will look completely inappropriate in the office.

Should not be conspicuous. This is also business etiquette. Dim lipstick natural color skin, blush and mascara are the basis of daytime make-up. Pastel shades of shadow are also acceptable. But in a reasonable amount and in a thin layer.

The manicure is calm French. This option is recognized as the best: it will allow you to demonstrate the well-groomed marigolds and will not look catchy and tasteless. This image of a business woman is most acceptable.

Well-chosen jewelry will harmoniously fit into the image of a business woman. It is important to observe moderation when choosing: earrings or a ring, a ring or a pendant. Natural stones, high-quality jewelry or precious metals are acceptable.

Accessories always complete the look. A phone, a purse and even a keychain cannot be ignored. And here it is worth remembering the quality of such things. At first glance, they should give the impression of accessories of a serious business woman, who skillfully chooses only high-quality things from the whole variety.

But the style of a business woman is not limited only to a business appearance. It is impossible to ignore business communication. Correct behavior at work, the ability to negotiate, on the phone and at meetings - this is a requirement for all office employees, regardless of gender.

Clarity and literacy of speech, confidence in voice and intonation, confidence in every gesture, gait, demeanor and the presence of a light smile - this is the image of a competent specialist who knows how to defend his own point of view and realizes his value.

Business lady workplace

Proper organization of the workplace is very important. All kinds of frames with photographs of dear people, pets and flowers, of course, are very cute, but it really distracts from the working mood. And, creating coziness, cute knick-knacks take away the free space of the table well, hindering the convenience of work. Result? The impression of the owner of such a workplace as a frivolous and not at all businesslike person.

Therefore, the workplace should only have the necessary attributes. There is a bedside table for personal belongings. Only a notebook and a telephone can remain on the table. Leaving a mug or glass for tea or coffee in the redistribution of visibility during a break is also unacceptable. This is business etiquette.

Punctuality is the leading trait of a business lady. Being late is already a signal of frivolity. Therefore, the main rule is always right on time, right the first time. It is this attitude that will help build a successful career.

Business partners greet each other with a handshake, here a manicure will not be the last service. The ability to greet correctly is to create the impression of a business person. When receiving guests in her own office, the first hand is extended by the owner of this office, demonstrating her hospitality.

It doesn't hurt to smile and say warm words to create a friendly atmosphere and start a successful business conversation. The image of a businesswoman will be successfully confirmed.

With frequent negotiations, you will have to pay attention to habits that can cross out all successful moments. For example, don't straighten your hair often. This gives the impression of lightheadedness, as does the overly frequent yanking of clothing.

Be sure to demonstrate your oratorical skills. The clarity and persuasiveness of speech is very relevant. It is equally important to be able to listen to the arguments of opponents without excessive emotions.

A real business woman always conducts negotiations with dignity, strengthening the reputation of a business person by respecting other people's opinions. This is the etiquette of business relationships is one of the first places. Following the recommendations will help not only start a successful self-affirmation, but also quickly climb the career ladder to its top.

If the above goals are not the main ones, then compliance with such rules will definitely allow you to look more favorable among office workers, remaining a charming woman even in the world of business and always busy people. And the image of a business woman will not suffer at all.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
Department of Social Communications and Sociology of Management

Abstract on the discipline "Ethics of business relations"
On the topic: Business woman etiquette

3rd year student of group 8211
Ivanova A.A.
T.V. Martova

Novosibirsk, 2010

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Chapter 1 Basics of Business Communication… .. ……………………………………………………… ... ...… 4

      The concept of business communication and its structure …………………………………………… 4
      Business communication style ... ………… .. ……………………………………………………………… 10
      The image of a business woman ………………… .. …………………………………………………… 17
Chapter 2 Recommendations for Negotiation ... ......................... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… .24
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31
References ………………………………… ……………………………………… .. …………… 32

Business etiquette is the most important aspect of the moral professional behavior of an entrepreneur. Knowing business etiquette is the foundation of entrepreneurial success. This work examines the basics of business woman etiquette: demeanor, appearance, ability to conduct a conversation. Such questions as: "What to say?", "When to speak?", "To whom to speak?"
This study is devoted to the study of the role of women in modern business. As you know, in our country the problem of "separation by gender" has always taken place, and often developed into discrimination against women, into the diminution of her rights.
However, today the situation has begun to change. Ten years ago, to see a woman driving a car, to put it mildly, was considered a great rarity - today women own and drive a car on an equal basis with men. Ten years ago, there was practically not a single woman in the top political elite - today some of them occupy key positions in the government, political parties; are the heads of the subjects of the federation. Ten years ago, the concepts of "woman in business", "woman entrepreneur" brought a smile to the common man in the street, today they command respect.
It should be recognized that the world of business is created and run by men. This means that in a tough business world, more determination is also required from a woman.

Chapter 1
Basics of Business Communication

      The concept of business communication and its structure
Communication is a complex multidimensional process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a single strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of another person. The structure of communication is characterized by three interrelated aspects: communicative, interactive and perceptual.
Business communication is a process in which there is an exchange of business information and work experience, which presupposes the achievement of a certain result in joint work, the solution of a specific problem or the implementation of a specific goal. The specificity of this process is the moment of the regulation, that is, submission to the established restrictions, which are determined by the national and cultural traditions adopted in a given territory, professional ethical principles adopted in this professional circle of persons. Business communication is conventionally divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (when during communication there is a certain spatio-temporal distance, that is, letters, telephone conversations, business notes, etc.).
Direct communication has greater efficiency, the power of emotional impact and suggestion, while indirect communication does not have such a strong result, some socio-psychological mechanisms directly operate in it. In general, business communication differs from informal communication in that in its process specific tasks and specific goals are set that require a certain resolution, which does not allow us to terminate the negotiation process with a partner or negotiating partners at any time (at least, without certain losses in receiving information for both parties). In an ordinary friendship, questions such as specific tasks and goals are often not raised, so such communication can be stopped (at the request of both parties) at any time without fear of losing the opportunity to restore the communication process again.
Types of business communication:
3. meetings
5. public speaking.
Business communication today penetrates into all spheres of public life of society. Enterprises of all types and forms of ownership, as well as individuals as private entrepreneurs, enter the commercial, business spheres of life.
Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in each area: in the field of science, art, manufacturing, trade. As for managers, businessmen, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, private entrepreneurs, then communicative competence, that is, the ability to adequately respond in any situation in the process of communication for representatives of these professions, is one of the most important components of their professional image.
Business communication as a process involves establishing contact between participants, exchanging certain information for building joint activities, establishing cooperation, etc.
Service contacts are built on a partnership basis, proceed from mutual needs, from the interests of a common cause. Undoubtedly, such communication increases labor and creative activity and is an important factor in a successful business.
The ability to behave with people during a conversation is one of the most important factors determining your chances of success in business, office or entrepreneurial activity. A person's success in his affairs, even in the technical field or the scientific field, only fifteen percent depends on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent - on his ability to communicate with people with whom he works. This paper examines the mechanisms, structure and principles of business communication, without the knowledge of which it is very difficult to achieve success in the field of business and entrepreneurship.
The structure of business communication consists of five main phases:
1) Beginning of the conversation.
2) Transfer of information.
3) Argumentation.
4) Refutation of the arguments of the interlocutor.
5) Making decisions.
The correct start of the conversation involves: an accurate description of the goals of the conversation, mutual presentation of the interlocutors, the name of the topic, the introduction of the person leading the conversation, the announcement of the sequence of consideration of issues.
At the end of the conversation, the order of actions should be the opposite: the leader of the conversation takes the floor and ends it by addressing the interlocutor.
The effectiveness of negotiations, the degree of mutual understanding with partners, employees, satisfaction of employees with their work, moral and psychological climate in the organization depends on how competently the business communication is structured. Almost all business problems in one way or another are associated with communication - the process of transferring ideas, thoughts, feelings, bringing them to understanding by other people. Managers spend on average 80% of their time on various types of communication.
An understanding of the processes of transferring information, the laws that exist in these processes, the development of skills for effective interaction with people are necessary for a manager of any level. Today, an experienced leader spends most of his time not on solving financial, technical or organizational problems, but on solving psychological problems that arise in the process of communicating with subordinates, colleagues and bosses. Knowledge and skills in the field of communication are necessary not only for managers, but also for any of us, because through communication a person organizes and optimizes his production, scientific, commercial, educational and any other activities. Communication allows you to solve not only the issues of the organization, but also the problems of its employees.
The principles of business communication.
Principles are abstracted, generalized ideas that enable those who rely on them to correctly form their behavior, their actions, their attitude to something.
Principles of Business Communication provide a specific employee in any organization with a conceptual ethical platform for decisions, actions, actions, interactions, etc.
The first principle: It is generally accepted that the central position of the so-called gold standard is: “Within official position never admit in relation to their subordinates, to the management and colleagues of their service level, to clients, etc. such actions, which he would not want to see in relation to himself. "
Second principle: Equity is needed when empowering employees with the resources necessary for their performance (monetary, raw materials, material, etc.)
The third principle requires mandatory correction of an ethical violation, regardless of when and by whom it was committed.
According to fourth principle, called the principle of maximum progress, the work behavior and actions of an employee are recognized as ethical if they contribute to the development of the organization (or its divisions) from a moral point of view.
The logical continuation of the fourth principle is fifth principle- the principle of minimum progress, according to which the actions of an employee or an organization as a whole are ethical, if at least they do not violate ethical standards.
The essence sixth principle in the following: ethical is the tolerance of the organization's employees to moral principles, traditions and other things that take place in other organizations, regions, countries.
Seventh principle recommends a different combination of individual relativism and ethical relativism with the requirements of general human ethics.
According to eighth principle individual and collective origin are equally recognized as the basis for developing and making decisions in business relationships.
Ninth principle reminds that you should not be afraid to have your own opinion when solving any business issues. However, nonconformism as a personality trait should manifest itself within reasonable limits.
Tenth principle- no violence, i.e. "Pressure" on subordinates, expressed in various forms, for example, in an orderly, commanding manner of conducting an official conversation.
Eleventh principle- persistence of influence, expressed in the fact that ethical standards can be introduced into the life of an organization not by a one-time order, but only with the help of incessant efforts on the part of both the manager and ordinary employees.
Twelfth principle- when influencing (on the team, on individual employees, on the consumer, etc.), take into account the force of possible opposition.
Thirteenth principle consists in the expediency of advancing with confidence in the employee's sense of responsibility, in his competence, in a sense of duty, etc.
The fourteenth principle strongly recommends striving for conflict-freeness.
Fifteenth principle- freedom that does not restrict the freedom of others.
Sixteenth principle can be called the principle of facilitation: an employee must not only act ethically himself, but also contribute to the same behavior of his colleagues.
The seventeenth principle says: don't criticize your competitor. This means not only a competing organization, but also an "internal competitor" - the collective of another department, a colleague in which one can "see" a competitor.
The principles of business ethics should be the basis for each employee of any firm to develop their own personal ethics system.
      Business communication style
Business etiquette has a special place in the art of behavior. If, by violating certain norms of behavior, in everyday life and in society, you risk mainly your reputation as a well-bred person, then in business such mistakes can cost big money and careers. The great master and teacher in the field of business relations, Dale Carnegie, argued that a person's success in financial affairs depends fifteen percent on his professional knowledge and eighty-five on his ability to communicate with people. Indeed, any business is the coordinated actions of many people, and the effectiveness of these actions directly depends on their ability to establish relationships with each other.
Thus, the ability to behave properly, i.e. observance of etiquette has now become one of the most important conditions and ways to get ahead and maintain leadership in business. In other words, firmly understand that maintaining business etiquette is one of the elements of professional strategy.
One of the most important aspects of etiquette is correct business communication. Business communication is an art that allows you to get in touch with business partners, overcome personal prejudices, rejection of one or another counterparty, and achieve the desired commercial result. Business communication is understood as any communication that contributes to the solution of commercial problems.
Business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people. Eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical norms, which express our ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, right or wrong of people's actions. And communicating in business cooperation with his subordinates, boss or colleagues, each one one way or another, consciously or spontaneously, relies on these ideas. But depending on how a person understands moral norms, what content he invests in them, to what extent he generally takes them into account in communication, he can both facilitate his business communication, make it more effective, help in solving tasks and achieving goals, and make this communication difficult or even impossible.
Communication is the process of interaction of public actors: social groups, communities or individuals, in which there is an exchange of information, experience, abilities and performance results. Communication acts as a way of being of society and man. It is in the process of communication that the socialization of the individual and his self-realization take place. According to Aristotle, the ability to enter into communication distinguishes a person from "underdeveloped in the moral sense of the creatures" and from the "superman". Therefore, "the one who is not able to enter into communication or, considering himself a self-sufficient being, does not feel the need for anything, no longer constitutes an element of the state, becoming either an animal or a deity."
There are a number of rules, the implementation of which allows you to tune the interlocutor (regardless of his / her gender) to the business style of communication.
During business negotiations and meetings, the posture should be at the same time sufficiently free and restrainedly taut. A woman huddled on the edge of a chair, convulsively clutching her handbag, with all her appearance shows constraint, shyness, self-doubt. A too loose posture can be taken as evidence of your swagger. It is better to sit upright and freely gesticulate within the so-called intimate zone with a radius of about 45 centimeters around the body. It is better not to keep the bag on your lap, but to put it or put it next to you.
It is necessary to look kindly and carefully into the face of your interlocutor, showing that you are interested in what he is saying. At the same time, if you have a business relationship with the interlocutor, then direct your gaze to the upper part of the face, just above the eyebrows, and to indicate attention - occasionally look into the eyes (a long gaze into the eyes can cause your interlocutor to feel discomfort). With emotional communication, the gaze automatically moves from the eyes to the lower part of the face - it is immediately felt.
The characteristics of your voice also matter in communication. If you have a high-pitched voice, try at least not to be squeaky, as in this case you can make the other person feel an irresistible urge to close their eyes and shut their ears. High-pitched voices are very annoying and tiring and are associated with stress or addiction. So try to make your voice chesty and sweet by lowering it as much as possible. But don't speak too softly and hesitantly. A voice that is too loud and deafening to the interlocutor is also bad.

Speech rate:
The measured tempo of speech is best perceived when you allow yourself to pause briefly, showing that you are thinking about what you have heard before answering something. Immediately there is a feeling that you are a “reasonable person”. It is undesirable to speak too quickly, overwhelming the interlocutor with streams of information. He may not immediately understand what such a grandiose project you are informing him about, and may interrupt you and ask you to repeat all over again. You will lose time, and most importantly, make it clear that you are a petty, dependent person and try to have time to say everything as quickly as possible before you are kicked out. An increased rate of speech is always associated with addiction and frivolity. And if you speak too slowly, then you tire your interlocutor: he already understands everything, and you are still finishing the phrase.
In business and political circles, it is customary to shake hands. Shaking hands is a traditionally masculine way of greeting. For most women, it causes slight discomfort, since she does not know in advance whether her hand will be vigorously shaken as a party comrade or if they will try to kiss. To avoid confusion and awkwardness, it is better to extend your hand neither in a vertical plane (as for shaking), nor horizontally (as for a kiss), but in an intermediate position at an angle to the plane. The handshake should be concise and energetic enough.
Don't fuss - it makes a bad impression anyway. If, coming to a business meeting, you quickly sneak into the office, greet you quickly, bustlingly hand over some important documents, while dropping something, then consider yourself lost. It is much better to enter slowly, calmly greeted, inquire where you can sit. Do everything without fuss, excessive frequency in plastic, speech, facial expressions. In short, act as if you are a gorgeous, gorgeous woman and can afford to take your time. Sit down smoothly, slowly pick up objects, picking them up as if they were alive, speak calmly - this will undoubtedly make a pleasant impression on the interlocutor. Be kind, open, emotionally restrained, do not show excessive assertiveness and self-confidence.
Here, as in many other things, the golden mean is good. Gesturing should be in proportion to the rhythm of speech and roughly correspond to what you are talking about. The more formal the communication, the more restrained the gestures should be. But at the same time, its complete absence is perceived as constraint. Avoid neurotic gestures that indicate your embarrassment and nervousness: picking your ear, under your nails, scratching, straightening your clothes, hair. Most people are unaware of the enormous meaning of gestures in conversation. A gesture can convey much more information about us than we want it to. Gestures too often give us away and the unwise use of certain gestures sometimes leads to undesirable results. Therefore, in order to win over the interlocutor, use in the conversation suggesting gestures that allow you to see your palms. This is a testament to your openness. But negative, crushing gestures should be avoided. By decisively chopping open the air with the palm of your hand, you can make your interlocutor feel uncomfortable that they do not want to agree with him on anything. Also forget for a while the rejecting hand gesture: “One minute! I haven't said everything yet! ”, Thereby showing that you want to continue your wonderful monologue, and let him listen. For the other person, this gesture will make you feel that you do not want to talk to him, and will increase the distance between you.
Now let's talk about the distance between people in any business conversation. Each person, depending on his personal emotionality, himself determines the distance suitable for a given case. Emotional people seem to be closer and more understandable, constrained and restrained, push the interlocutor to a greater distance. Live facial expressions speak about shortening the distance, when they play with their eyebrows, squint, smile, lively intonations, relaxed poses. As soon as the interlocutor wants to increase the distance, he immediately stretches himself, turning his face into an impenetrable mask, and begins to broadcast in the dispassionate voice of a loudspeaker or television announcer. If you deliberately want to increase the distance, just start calling your interlocutor by name and patronymic more often than necessary. In general, it is necessary to mention the name of the interlocutor in a conversation from time to time. If you, while talking to a person for two hours in a row, have never called him by name, he may suspect that you have completely forgotten who you are talking to. The use of bureaucratic, cumbersome, or outdated verbal constructions such as "of course", "certainly" causes confusion, increases the distance and indicates a rather cool attitude. Therefore, you should always try to take into account a lot of nuances in relationships, playing with which, you can find the optimal communication style that suits both interlocutors.
It must be remembered that there are no trifles in a business relationship. For business, etiquette means a lot. The clothes, behavior of an entrepreneur, a manager are his business card... They begin to form an idea about the guest in advance, collecting information about him. Sources of information are the behavior of a businessman on the way to the place of a business meeting, behavior in a hotel, during the meeting itself. Remember, you are surrounded by people everywhere who study you with varying degrees of bias.

      Image of a business woman
From history it is clear that the image accompanies a person from ancient times, even in ancient Rome, politicians tried to refine their appearance, Julius Caesar, for example, was not indifferent to how he would appear before the Romans. In the description of his life by his contemporaries, it is said that he was saddened by the partial absence of hair, because her ugliness gave abundant food to the wit of ill-wishers. Therefore, in order to disguise the lack of hair, he usually combed it from the crown of his head to his bald spot, of all the honors given to him by the Senate and the people, he did not use anything, with such pleasure as the right to constantly wear a laurel wreath. They took care of their impressive image, and such historical figures as Yaroslav the Wise, Ivan the Terrible, Richard the Lionheart. This can be seen by their nicknames, which gave an idea of ​​their personality type. Monomakh's hat was part of the image of the princes of Russia, personifying the highest state power, ordained by God.
The Jewish high priests wore purple clothes, symbolizing people about their own, serving God, since in those days purple was considered the color of blood and sacrifice.
And today, as at all times, in the modern, business world, a well-created image provides a person with a positive attitude of the environment, which contributes to his successful business life.
It is the business image that allows you to create the first impression of a person. In this case, such an image is its trademark, its external sign. The more attractive he is, the higher the professional authority of a businessman and the public reputation of a politician.
Today, professional and political skill alone does not ensure the successful implementation of commercial and political projects and does not create a decent reputation in the business community. To do this, you need to be able to win over your audience, customers and clients, that is, create your own unique business image.
A business image is the representation that you create about yourself as an external reflection of your personality and as an indicator of your business and purely human qualities. The more successful it is, the higher your professional and political authority, the easier it is to find a common language with those around you and to win recognition and due respect from them.
You may know all the Carnegie Cases by heart, but a stain on your skirt or lipstick that is too bright will negate all your attempts to influence a business partner. You can be seven inches in the forehead and very well versed in the subject of your business, but charming curls will become a stumbling block on your way up the career ladder. While knowledge and application of at least the basic laws of business image and business etiquette can turn you into a true business woman (of course, if you have a certain amount of business acumen).
First of all, the structure of the image includes external meaning-forming signs, that is, the values ​​that a person brings to the world and others:
1. The appearance of a business person or his portrait characteristics:
      physical data;
      suit (clothes, shoes, accessories);
      hairstyle and manicure;
      demeanor and speech;
      gestures and postures;
      look and facial expressions;
      features of the voice;
      the smell coming from the person.
Many researchers of the image note the existence of a certain quality that makes a person irresistible in the eyes of others and allows a mysterious influence, especially in the case of direct contact with people, for example, during a public speech. Le Bon called this quality charm, Weber called charisma.
2. Social and role characteristics:
      reputation (public opinion about a person based on his life history, personal achievements and merit);

Ethics is understood as a set of norms of human behavior, and if we extend this definition to the professional field, then business etiquette will consist of the principles of behavior of people engaged in entrepreneurial activity.

What is business etiquette?

How a person observes the rules and conventions of business etiquette determines his image as a businessman. Thanks to this, positive image in the eyes of partners, acquiring the color of personal charm. The principles of business etiquette include:

  1. Honesty and decency... There will be no more trust in a businessman who cheated once, and his reputation will deteriorate forever.
  2. Freedom... It is not customary to interfere in the affairs of your competitors and partners.
  3. Tolerance... In relations with partners, roughnesses and conflicts cannot be avoided, but if you behave tactfully and delicately, you can smooth out the rough edges and come to a consensus.
  4. Justice... This principle of business etiquette is based on the recognition of a person's individuality, an objective assessment of his personal and.
  5. Business culture... That is, every businessman must be a cultured person.

Business etiquette

Great importance is attached to the norms of behavior and relationships of people in the workplace, because business etiquette is the same secular, but with military elements. Here subordination comes to the fore, while less importance is attached to age. Here are some of the immutable rules:

  1. “Time is money” - this is how experienced businessmen like to say, who value punctuality in partners most of all. If a person cannot organize his own time, how can you build cooperation with him?
  2. Compliance with commercial secrets. An employee applying for a position in a new company and disclosing confidential information obtained at the old place of work will simply be given a turnaround.
  3. To do business. Those who work are moving up the career ladder, while others go about their business.
  4. The basic rules of business etiquette include the reception of delegations by protocol. It is necessary to know how to meet, present and place people correctly, taking into account the peculiarities of national traditions.

Workplace business etiquette

A person can be sloppy in everyday life and even in chaos to see some kind of his organization, but at work he cannot afford it. Business etiquette in professional activity is built on order in the workplace, because it is a reflection of order in the head. It is not forbidden to have some of your personal belongings, for example, a photo of a family in a frame, but each item should have its own specific place, and in general, they should all be kept in order and cleanliness, because this is a guarantee of productivity and personal comfort.

Business correspondence etiquette

Business telephone etiquette

Talking on the phone is a whole art and sometimes with one phone call you can solve what you didn’t manage to achieve in the course of preliminary meetings or negotiations. Telephone etiquette provides for picking up the handset after the second or third ring. In this case, the caller begins the conversation with a greeting, introduces himself and introduces the interlocutor to the course of the problem, giving this 45 seconds. The discussion of the situation itself can take from 1 to 2 minutes, and the withdrawal is given 20-25 seconds. If the final decision has not been made, then it is worth agreeing to call again at a certain time.

Business Gift Etiquette

Every person has birthdays, anniversaries, other solemn dates and not only relatives, but also colleagues congratulate him. The etiquette of a business person imposes its own restrictions on this process, but you still need to be able to choose a present for business partners, which will demonstrate attention and respect, gratitude and interest in cooperation. Business etiquette provides for the division of corporate gifts into the following categories:

  1. Corporate souvenirs - gizmos with a slogan or company logo.
  2. Printing products - notepads, organizers, pens, posters, etc.
  3. VIP gifts. Such products are made to order, taking into account the character, hobbies and other preferences of a particular person.

Business etiquette for women

Gender differences may not come to the fore, but they are also taken into account. The basics of business etiquette are such that a man is the first to greet a woman, but if she walks in the company of men, she is the first to greet a colleague walking alone or in the company of another woman. The first to give a man's hand is a representative of the weaker sex, and you should not expect that someone will open the door for her, letting go forward - this is always done by the one who stands closer to her, and she pushes the chair for herself.

Clothing etiquette for women

A woman's appearance is identified with her abilities, therefore, untidiness and carelessness are unacceptable. A bright flashy image as a challenge to society is also not welcome. The ideal choice is a laconic color. Business etiquette imposes its own restrictions on many things, the length of the skirt should reach the knees, and a woman is also obliged to wear tights or stockings even in extreme heat. Shoes are welcomed with heels with at least a closed toe and heel. Hair should be tucked into a neat hairstyle, accessories are used to a minimum and are selected in harmony with the clothes.

Hat etiquette for women

Initially, it was used to show respect and reverence, but later the functions of the hat were revised. The rules of etiquette for women are less strict than those for men. At work, a lady can go about her direct duties without taking off her headdress, if this is part of a professional one. Business etiquette provides for the presence in a hat at events of a public nature - tea drinking, dinner, while singing the anthem and raising the flag. But if the headdress is intended for the cold season, then it is removed indoors.

Business etiquette - manicure

Well-groomed hands are part of the image, which cannot be ignored. Women's etiquette provides for regular visits to a manicurist. Peeling varnish can ruin the whole impression, so if it is not possible to renew it, then the coating must be wiped off. Nail design should be chosen in concise, discreet colors. All kinds of decor in the form of rhinestones, stucco moldings, etc. are excluded. The ideal option is, which may be the opposite. Mixing of no more than three discreet shades is allowed.

Etiquette - a woman in a car

The car is no longer a means of luxury, and movement in the 21st century with its fast pace of life is a good help. Etiquette for women has not bypassed this aspect either. The car must comply with social status... It is not customary to be an ordinary employee and to drive to work in a luxury convertible, as well as to use an inexpensive car of a successful business woman. It is not customary to get into an elite car while wearing sportswear, and driving an SUV in an evening dress is also inappropriate.

The way of getting into the car is of great importance for a woman. First, you need to lower the pelvis into the chair, and after that, move both legs to the car. Getting out of the car should be done in the reverse order: they put their feet first on the asphalt. If a woman plans to ride in a company car with a driver, then it is recommended to take a seat in the back seat diagonally with him. If she does not travel alone, then you cannot sort things out, swear and quarrel, raise "difficult" topics, and this also applies to talking on the phone. It is also impossible to distract the driver from driving the car.