Specifications. Gypsum binders

Group G12




Gypsum binders. Specifications

The text of Comparison of GOST 125-79 with GOST 125-2018, see the link.
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OKP 57 4431

Introduction date 1980-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Industry of Building Materials of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree State Committee USSR on construction matters dated 19.07.79 N 123.

3. INSTEAD OF GOST 125-70, GOST 5.1845-73


5. REPUBLICATION. October 2002

This standard applies to gypsum binders obtained by heat treatment of gypsum raw materials to calcium sulfate hemihydrate and used for the manufacture building products all types and production construction works, as well as for the manufacture of molds and models in porcelain, ceramic and other industries.

The standard complies with the requirements of ST SEV 826-77 in the part specified in Appendix 2.

Requirements for medical plaster must be established by the relevant regulatory and technical document developed on the basis of ST SEV 826-77.



1.1. Binders shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard. technological regulations, approved in the manner prescribed by the ministry-manufacturer.

1.2. For the production of binders, gypsum stone is used according to GOST 4013 or phosphogypsum according to the current regulatory and technical documentation.

1.3. Depending on the compressive strength, the following grades of gypsum binders are distinguished: G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, G-6, G-7, G-10, G-13, G-16, G -19, G-22, G-25.

The minimum tensile strength of each brand of binder must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table 1.

Table 1

Binder grade

Tensile strength of specimens-beams with dimensions of 40x40x160 mm at the age of 2 hours, MPa (kgf/cm), not less than

under compression

when bending

1.4. Depending on the setting time, binders of the types listed in Table 2 are distinguished.

table 2

1.5. For the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, binders are made with setting times set for normally hardening gypsum.

1.6. Depending on the degree of grinding, binders of the types listed in Table 3 are distinguished.

Table 3

1.7. For the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, fine grinding binders are produced with a maximum residue on a sieve with a clear mesh size of 0.2 mm, not more than 1%.

1.8. The manufacturer must determine the specific surface area of ​​the fine grinding binder at least once a month and indicate its value in the document prescribed form.

1.9. Binders used in porcelain, faience, ceramic and other industries must comply with additional requirements indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

1.10. Astringents the highest category qualities must meet the additional requirements specified in Table 5.

Table 5

Example symbol gypsum binder with a strength of 5.2 MPa (52 kgf / cm) with a setting time: start - 5 minutes, end - 9 minutes and the residue on a sieve with a mesh size in the light of 0.2 mm 9%, i.e. binder brand G-5, fast-hardening, medium grinding:

G-5 A II

Note. Possible areas of application of binders are indicated in Appendix 1.


* Acceptance rules - according to GOST 26871.

2.1. The supply and acceptance of the binder is carried out in batches. A batch is considered to be a binder of one type and one brand.

The batch size is set depending on the annual capacity of the enterprise in the following quantity:

Up to 200 tons - with an annual capacity of St. 150 thousand tons;

Up to 65 tons - with an annual capacity of up to 150 thousand tons.

When a binder is shipped in courts, the batch size is established by agreement of the parties.

2.2. The manufacturer must guarantee and confirm with a document of the established form the compliance of the properties of the binder with the requirements of this standard based on the results of current tests.

2.3. The consumer has the right to perform a control check of the compliance of the properties of the binder with the requirements of this standard, while applying the sampling procedure and test methods in accordance with GOST 23789.

If it is found that the bending or compressive strength of the binder does not match the grade specified in the relevant document, it must be changed in accordance with the actual strength.

2.4. Sampling and test methods for binders are carried out in accordance with GOST 23789.


* Packing, marking, transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 26871.

3.1. Binders are shipped without packaging or packed in bags according to GOST 2226 and other containers.

3.2. Binders used for the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, as well as for special purposes, should only be shipped packed in bags in accordance with GOST 2226.

3.3 The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch with a document of the established form, which indicates:

Name of the organization in whose subordination the manufacturer is located;

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Batch number and date of issue of the document;

Lot weight and date of shipment;

Name and address of the recipient;

The designation of the binder according to clause 1.10 and the results of physical and mechanical tests;

Specific surface area for fine grinding binder;

Designation of this standard.

3.4. During transportation and storage, binders must be protected from moisture and contamination.


4.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the properties of gypsum binders comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

Guaranteed shelf life of binders - 2 months from the date of manufacture.



Scope of binders

1. Production of gypsum building products of all kinds

G-2 - G-7, all hardening periods and degrees of grinding

2. Production of thin-walled building products and decorative parts

G-2 - G-7, fine and medium grinding, fast and normal hardening

3. Plastering, grouting and special purposes

G-2 - G-25, normal and slow hardening, medium and fine grinding

4. Production of molds and models in porcelain, faience, ceramics, engineering and other industries, as well as medicine

G-5 - G-25, fine grinding with normal hardening periods

5. For medical purposes

G-2 - G-7, fast and normal hardening, medium and fine grinding




Electronic text of the document
and verified by:
official publication
Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2002

Gypsum binders, GOST 125-79

Construction Materials. GOST 125-79: Gypsum binders. Specifications. OKS: Building materials and construction, Building materials. GOSTs. Gypsum binders. Specifications. class=text>

GOST 125-79

Gypsum binders. Specifications

GOST 125-79
Group G12


Gypsum binders. Specifications

OKP 57 4431

Introduction date 1980-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Industry of Building Materials of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of 19.07.79 N 123.

3. INSTEAD OF GOST 125-70, GOST 5.1845-73


5. REPUBLICATION. October 2002

This standard applies to gypsum binders obtained by heat treatment of gypsum raw materials to calcium sulfate hemihydrate and used for the manufacture of building products of all types and in the production of construction works, as well as for the manufacture of molds and models in porcelain, faience, ceramic and other industries.
The standard complies with the requirements of ST SEV 826-77 in the part specified in Appendix 2.
Requirements for medical plaster must be established by the relevant regulatory and technical document developed on the basis of ST SEV 826-77.



1.1. Binders must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer's ministry.

1.2. For the production of binders, gypsum stone is used according to GOST 4013 or phosphogypsum according to the current regulatory and technical documentation.

1.3. Depending on the compressive strength, the following grades of gypsum binders are distinguished: G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, G-6, G-7, G-10, G-13, G-16, G -19, G-22, G-25.
The minimum tensile strength of each brand of binder must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table 1.

Table 1

Binder grade

Tensile strength of specimens-beams with dimensions of 40x40x160 mm at the age of 2 hours, MPa (kgf/cm), not less than

under compression

when bending

1.4. Depending on the setting time, binders of the types listed in Table 2 are distinguished.

table 2

1.5. For the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, binders are made with setting times set for normally hardening gypsum.

1.6. Depending on the degree of grinding, binders of the types listed in Table 3 are distinguished.

Table 3

1.7. For the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, fine grinding binders are produced with a maximum residue on a sieve with a clear mesh size of 0.2 mm, not more than 1%.

1.8. The manufacturer must determine the specific surface area of ​​the fine grinding binder at least once a month and indicate its value in a document of the established form.

1.9. Binders used in porcelain, faience, ceramic and other industries must meet the additional requirements specified in Table 4.

Table 4

1.10. Binders of the highest quality category must meet the additional requirements specified in Table 5.

Table 5

An example of a conventional designation of a gypsum binder with a strength of 5.2 MPa (52 kgf / cm) with a setting time: start - 5 minutes, end - 9 minutes and a residue on a sieve with a clear mesh size of 0.2 mm 9%, i.e. binder brand G-5, fast-hardening, medium grinding:

G-5 A II

Note. Possible areas of application of binders are indicated in Appendix 1.


* Acceptance rules - according to GOST 26871.

2.1. The supply and acceptance of the binder is carried out in batches. A batch is considered to be a binder of one type and one brand.
The batch size is set depending on the annual capacity of the enterprise in the following quantity:

Up to 200 tons - with an annual capacity of St. 150 thousand tons;
- up to 65 tons - with an annual capacity of up to 150 thousand tons.
When a binder is sold in courts, the size of the lot is established by agreement of the parties.

2.2. The manufacturer must guarantee and confirm with a document of the established form the compliance of the properties of the binder with the requirements of this standard based on the results of current tests.

2.3. The consumer has the right to perform a control check of the compliance of the properties of the binder with the requirements of this standard, while applying the sampling procedure and test methods in accordance with GOST 23789.
If it is found that the bending or compressive strength of the binder does not match the grade specified in the relevant document, it must be changed in accordance with the actual strength.

2.4. Sampling and test methods for binders are carried out in accordance with GOST 23789.


* Packing, marking, transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 26871.

3.1. Binders are shipped without packaging or packed in bags according to GOST 2226 and other containers.

3.2. Binders used for the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, as well as for special purposes, should only be shipped packed in bags in accordance with GOST 2226.

3.3 The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch with a document of the established form, which indicates:
- name of the organization in whose subordination the manufacturer is located;
- name and address of the manufacturer;
- batch number and date of issue of the document;

Lot weight and date of shipment;
- name and address of the recipient;
- the designation of the binder according to clause 1.10 and the results of physical and mechanical tests;
- specific surface area for fine grinding binder;
- designation of this standard.

3.4. During transportation and storage, binders must be protected from moisture and contamination.


4.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the properties of gypsum binders comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.
Guaranteed shelf life of binders - 2 months from the date of manufacture.



Scope of binders

1. Production of gypsum building products of all kinds

G-2 - G-7, all hardening periods and degrees of grinding

2. Production of thin-walled building products and decorative parts

G-2 - G-7, fine and medium grinding, fast and normal hardening

3. Plastering, grouting and special purposes

G-2 - G-25, normal and slow hardening, medium and fine grinding

4. Production of molds and models in porcelain, faience, ceramics, engineering and other industries, as well as medicine

G-5 - G-25, fine grinding with normal hardening periods

5. For medical purposes

G-2 - G-7, fast and normal hardening, medium and fine grinding




Section, paragraph GOST 125-79

Section, paragraph ST SEV 826-77

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(ST SEV 826-77

in terms of technical


GOST 125-70,

GOST 5.1845-73

UDC 691.55:006.354 Group Zh12




Gypsum binders. Specifications

By the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of July 19, 1979 No. 123, the deadline for the introduction is set

from 07/01/1980

Amended (IUS No. 9 1984)

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to gypsum binders obtained by heat treatment of gypsum raw materials to calcium sulfate hemihydrate and used for the manufacture of building products of all types and in the production of construction works, as well as for the manufacture of molds and models in porcelain, faience, ceramic and other industries.

This standard complies with the requirements of the CMEA 826-77 standard in the part specified in the reference appendix.

Requirements for medical plaster must be established by the relevant regulatory and technical document developed on the basis of ST SEV 826-77.


1.1. Gypsum binders must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer's ministry.

Gypsum stone is used for the production of binders.

according to GOST 4013-82 or phosphogypsum according to the current regulatory and technical documentation.

(Changed edition, amendment)

1.3. Depending on the compressive strength, the following grades of gypsum binders are distinguished: G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, G-6, G-7, G-10, G-13, G-16, G -19, G-22, G-25.

The minimum tensile strength of each brand of binder must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in table. one.

Table 1

MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Binder grade

Tensile strength of specimens-beams with dimensions of 40x40x160 mm at the age of 2 hours, not less than

under compression

when bending

1.4. Depending on the setting time, the types of binders listed in Table. 2

table 2

1.5. For the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, binders are made with setting times set for normally hardening gypsum.

1.6. Depending on the degree of grinding, there are types of binders given in Table. 3.

Table 3

1.7. For the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, finely ground binders are made with a maximum residue on a sieve with a clear mesh size of 0.2 mm, not more than 1%.

1.8. The manufacturer must determine the specific surface area of ​​finely ground gypsum binder at least once a month and indicate its value in a document of the established form.

1.9. Binders used in porcelain, faience, ceramic and other industries must meet the additional requirements specified in Table. 4.

Table 4

1.10. Binders of the highest quality category must meet the additional requirements specified in Table. five.

Table 5

An example of a symbol for a gypsum binder with a strength of 5.2 MPa (52 kgf / cm 2) with a setting time: start - 5 minutes, end - 9 minutes and a residue on a sieve with a mesh size in the light of 0.2 mm 9%, i.e. binder brand G-5, fast-hardening, medium grinding:


Note. Possible areas of application of gypsum binders are listed in Appendix 1.


2.1. The supply and acceptance of the binder is carried out in batches. A batch is considered to be a binder of one type and one brand.

The batch size is set depending on the annual capacity of the enterprise in the following quantity:

up to 200 tons - with an annual capacity of over 150 thousand tons;

up to 65 tons - with an annual capacity of up to 150 thousand tons.

When a binder is shipped in courts, the batch size is established by agreement of the parties.

2.2. The manufacturer must guarantee and confirm with a document of the established form that the properties of the binder comply with the requirements of this standard based on the results of current tests.

2.3. The consumer has the right to perform a control check of the compliance of the properties of the binder with the requirements of this standard, while applying the sampling procedure and test methods in accordance with GOST 23789-79.

If it is found that the bending or compressive strength of the binder does not match the grade specified in the relevant document, it must be changed in accordance with the actual strength.

2.4. Sampling and test methods for binders are carried out in accordance with GOST 23789-79.


3.1. Binders are shipped without packaging or packed in bags according to GOST 2226-75 and other containers.

3.2. Binders used for the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, as well as for special purposes, should only be shipped packed in bags in accordance with GOST 2226-75.

3.3. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch with a document of the established form, which indicates:

the name of the organization in whose subordination the manufacturer is located;

name and address of the manufacturer;

batch number and date of issue of the document;

batch weight and date of shipment;

the name and address of the recipient;

the designation of the binder according to clause 1.11 and the results of physical and mechanical tests;

specific surface area for fine grinding binder;

designation of this standard;

image of the State Quality Mark according to GOST 1.9-67 for a binder of the highest quality category.

3.4. During transportation and storage, gypsum binders must be protected from moisture and contamination.


4.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the properties of gypsum binders comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

Guaranteed shelf life of gypsum binders is two months from the date of manufacture.


Fields of application of gypsum binders

Production of gypsum building products of all kinds

G-2 G-7, all hardening periods and degrees of grinding

Production of thin-walled building products and decorative details

G-2 G-7, fine and medium grinding, fast and normal hardening

Plastering, grouting and special purposes

G-2 G-25, normal and slow hardening, medium and fine grinding

Production of molds and models in porcelain, faience, ceramics, engineering and other industries, as well as medicine

G-5 G-25, fine grinding with normal hardening time

For medical purposes

G-2 G-7, fast and normal hardening, medium and fine grinding



Information data on compliance with GOST 125-79 ST SEV 826-77

Clauses 1.3 of GOST 125-79 correspond to clause 1.1 of ST SEV 826-77

Clause 1.4 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 1.2 of ST SEV 826-77

Clause 1.6 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 1.3 of ST SEV 826-77

Clause 1.11 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 1.4 of ST SEV 826-77

Clause 2.1 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 2.1 of ST SEV 826-77

Clause 2.2 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 2.2 of ST SEV 826-77

Clause 2.3 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 2.3 of ST SEV 826-77

Clause 3.1 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 4.1 of ST SEV 826-77

Clause 3.3 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 4.2 of ST SEV 826-77

Clause 3.4 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 4.4 of ST SEV 826-77

Section 4 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to section 5 of ST SEV 826-77

By the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of July 19, 1979 No. 123, the deadline for the introduction is set

from 01.07.80

This standard applies to gypsum binders obtained by heat treatment of gypsum raw materials to calcium sulfate hemihydrate and used for the manufacture of building products of all types and in the production of construction works, as well as for the manufacture of molds and models in porcelain, faience, ceramic and other industries.

This standard complies with the requirements of the CMEA 826-77 standard in the part specified in the appendix.

Requirements for medical plaster must be established by the relevant regulatory and technical document developed on the basis of ST SEV 826-77.


1.1. Gypsum binders must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer's ministry.

1.2. For the production of binders, gypsum stone is used according to GOST 4013-82 or phosphogypsum according to the current regulatory and technical documentation.

1.3. Depending on the compressive strength, the following grades of gypsum binders are distinguished: G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, G-6, G-7, G-10, G-13, G-16, G -19, G-22, G-25.

The minimum tensile strength of each brand of binder must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in table. one.

Table 1

MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Binder brand

Tensile strength of specimens-beams with dimensions of 40×40×160 mm at the age of 2 hours, not less than

under compression

when bending

1.4. Depending on the setting time, the types of binders listed in Table. 2.

table 2

1.5. For the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, binders are made with setting times set for normally hardening gypsum.

1.6. Depending on the degree of grinding, there are types of binders given in Table. 3.

Table 3

1.7. For the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, finely ground binders are made with a maximum residue on a sieve with a clear mesh size of 0.2 mm, not more than 1%.

1.8. The manufacturer must determine the specific surface of finely ground gypsum binder at least once a month and indicate its value in a document of the established form.

1.9. Binders used in porcelain, faience, ceramic and other industries must meet the additional requirements specified in Table. 4.

Table 4

1.10. Binders of the highest quality category must meet the additional requirements specified in Table. five.

Table 5

An example of a symbol for a gypsum binder with a strength of 5.2 MPa (52 kgf / cm 2) with a setting time: start - 5 minutes, end - 9 minutes and a residue on a sieve with a mesh size in the light of 0.2 mm 9%, i.e. . binder brand G-5, fast-hardening, medium grinding:

G-5 A II

Note. Possible areas of application of gypsum binders are listed in Appendix 1.


2.1. The supply and acceptance of the binder is carried out in batches. A batch is considered to be a binder of one type and one brand.

The batch size is set depending on the annual capacity of the enterprise in the following quantity:

up to 200 tons - with an annual capacity of over 150 thousand tons;

up to 65 tons - with an annual capacity of up to 150 thousand tons.

When a binder is shipped in courts, the batch size is established by agreement of the parties.

2.2. The manufacturer must guarantee and confirm with a document of the established form the compliance of the properties of the binder with the requirements of this standard based on the results of current tests.

2.3. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of the compliance of the properties of the binder with the requirements of this standard, while applying the sampling procedure and test methods in accordance with GOST 23789-79.

If it is found that the bending or compressive strength of the binder does not match the grade specified in the relevant document, it must be changed in accordance with the actual strength.

2.4. Sampling and test methods for binders are carried out in accordance with GOST 23789-79.


3.1. The binder is shipped without packaging or packed in bags according to GOST 2226-88 and other containers.

3.2. Binders used for the porcelain-faience and ceramic industries, as well as for special purposes, should be shipped only packed in bags in accordance with GOST 2226-88.

3.3. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch with a document of the established form, which indicates:

Name of the organization in whose subordination the manufacturer is located;

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Batch number and date of issue of the document;

Lot weight and date of shipment;

Name and address of the recipient;

The designation of the binder according to clause 1.11 and the results of physical and mechanical tests;

Specific surface area for fine grinding binder;

Designation of this standard.

3.4. During transportation and storage, gypsum binders must be protected from moisture and contamination.


4.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the properties of gypsum binders comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

Guaranteed shelf life of gypsum binders - 2 months from the date of manufacture.


Fields of application of gypsum binders

1. Production of gypsum building products of all kinds

G-2 ÷ G-7, all hardening periods and degrees of grinding

2. Production of thin-walled building products and decorative parts

G-2 ÷ G-7, fine and medium grinding, fast and normal hardening

3. Plastering, grouting and special purposes

G-2 ÷ G-25, normal and slow hardening, medium and fine grinding

4. Production of molds and models in porcelain, faience, ceramics, engineering and other industries, as well as medicine

Clause 2.3 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 2.3 of ST SEV 826-77.

Clause 3.1 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 4.1 of ST SEV 826-77.

Clause 3.3 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 4.2 of ST SEV 826-77.

Clause 3.4 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to clause 4.4 of ST SEV 826-77.

Section 4 of GOST 125-79 corresponds to section 5 of ST SEV 826-77.

UDC 691.55:006.354 Group Zh12



Gypsum binders. Specifications

OKP 57 4431
Date of introduction 01.07.80


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Industry of Building Materials of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree No. 123 of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs of July 19, 1979

3. INSTEAD OF GOST 125-70, GOST 5.1845-73


5. REPUBLICATION. October 2002

This standard applies to gypsum binders obtained by heat treatment of gypsum raw materials to calcium sulfate hemihydrate and used for the manufacture of building products of all types and in the production of construction works, as well as for the manufacture of molds and models in porcelain, faience, ceramic and other industries.
The standard complies with the requirements of ST SEV 826-77 in the part specified in Appendix 2.
Requirements for medical plaster must be established by the relevant regulatory and technical document developed on the basis of ST SEV 826-77.


1.1. Binders must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved in the manner prescribed by the manufacturer's ministry.
For the production of binders, gypsum stone is used according to GOST 4013 or phosphogypsum according to the current regulatory and technical documentation.
1.3. Depending on the compressive strength, binders of the following grades are distinguished: G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, G-6, G-7, G-10, G-13, G-16, G- 19, G-22, G-25.
The minimum tensile strength of the binder of each brand of binder must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table. one.