Instructions for the types of work. Instructions by type of work Who is developing this document

For an accountant or for an office employee. I think yes! He also comes to work, uses electrical appliances (split system, electric kettle, microwave oven, coffee maker, etc.), tools and various office equipment. And often, not observing elementary safety rules, office employees are injured going down the ladders (for example: in high heels, carrying a pile of papers), from chairs (climbed into a chair to turn on the split system) and simply performing an unusual job for which he was not trained (For example: repairing an electrical appliance).

Therefore, today I will give an example of instructions for accounting employees: I approve:
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"____" ____________ 200__

on labor protection for employees of the accounting department, budgeting and controlling department

1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1. The instruction applies to the accountant, deputy. chief accountant, statistician, licensing specialist, early. department of budgeting and controlling, senior financial analyst (hereinafter referred to as employee) working in accounting, in the department of budgeting and controlling.
1.2. Individuals who are at least 18 years of age, have the appropriate education and training in their specialty, who have theoretical knowledge and professional skills in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory legal acts, who have no contraindications to work in this profession (specialty), are allowed to work independently as an employee. health, passed in the prescribed manner preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations, trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work, introductory instruction on labor protection and instruction on labor protection in the workplace, testing of knowledge of requirements labor protection, if necessary, an internship at the workplace and having 1 group on electrical safety. All types of briefings must be recorded in the Briefing Log with the mandatory signatures of the recipient and instructor. Repeated briefings on labor protection should be carried out at least once every six months.
1.3. The employee must:
- comply with the internal regulations approved in the organization;
maintain order in your workplace;
- to be attentive during work, not to be distracted by extraneous affairs and conversations and not to distract others from work;
- not to allow violations of labor safety requirements and fire safety rules;
- use equipment and tools strictly in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers;
- observe the rules of personal hygiene;
- perform only the work that is determined by his job description;
- to comply with the work and rest regime depending on the duration and type of work activity (a rational work and rest regime provides for the observance of breaks);
- store and take food only in established and specially equipped places;
- Immediately inform the immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that has occurred in the organization, about the deterioration of his health;
comply with the requirements and regulations of safety signs, signal colors and markings;
- be able to provide first aid to victims of accidents;
- to know the phone numbers for calling emergency services (fire brigade, ambulance, emergency gas service, etc.) and urgently informing immediate and higher managers, the place of storage of the first-aid kit, ways of evacuating people in emergency situations.
1.4. The employee is obliged to comply with labor protection rules to ensure protection from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the nature of the work, including:
- increased visual stress when working for a long time on a computer and with paper documents.
1.5. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages at work, as well as going to work while drunk is prohibited.
1.6. In accordance with the current legislation, the employee is responsible for violations of the requirements of this instruction, industrial injuries and accidents that occurred through his fault.
1.7. Control over the fulfillment of the requirements of this instruction is entrusted to the head of the structural unit and the labor protection engineer or other authorized official.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Inspect the workplace, equipment, tools and materials used. Remove unnecessary items.
2.2. Check:
- workplace for compliance with safety requirements;
- serviceability of the equipment and tools used, the quality of the materials used;
2.3. Prepare used office equipment, equipment, tools, materials, turning on and off devices, lamps, electrical wiring, etc.
2.4. Adjust the illumination level of the workplace, the working chair in height, if you have a computer, the height and angle of the monitor.
2.5. Any violations of safety requirements detected before starting work should be eliminated on their own, and if it is impossible to report this to the immediate or superior manager, representatives of technical and (or) administrative services for taking appropriate measures. Do not start work until troubleshooting.
2.6. Self-elimination of violations of labor safety requirements, especially those related to the repair and adjustment of equipment, is carried out only if there is appropriate preparation and admission to this type of work, subject to compliance with labor safety rules.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Observe the safety requirements and rules for the operation of equipment, the use of tools and materials set forth in technical data sheets, operational, repair and other documentation developed by the manufacturing organizations.
3.2. During operation, avoid extraneous conversations and annoying noises. Sitting at the desk should be straight, free, without straining. Regulated breaks during the working day for general industrial gymnastics, finger and hand massage, and eye exercises should be observed.
3.3. It is forbidden to work with insufficient lighting and with one local lighting.
3.4. Monitor the cleanliness of the indoor air. Avoid drafts when ventilating. Keep the workplace tidy and clean. Garbage should be collected in special containers and removed from the room every day.
3.5. To prevent accidents and industrial injuries, it is prohibited:
- smoking indoors;
- touching bare electrical wires;
- work on faulty equipment;
- leave electric heating devices unattended;
- use electric heaters with an open coil.
3.6. Constantly monitor the health of equipment, tools, interlocking, on and off devices, alarms, electrical wiring, plugs, sockets and grounding.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If hazardous working conditions arise in the working area (the smell of burning and smoke, increased heat generation from the equipment, increased noise level during its operation, grounding failure, material and equipment fire, power outage, gas smell, etc.) immediately stop work, turn off the equipment, report the incident to the immediate or higher management, if necessary, call representatives of the emergency and (or) technical services.
4.2. In the event of a fire, smoke or gas contamination of the premises (the appearance of a gas smell), it is necessary to immediately organize the evacuation of people from the premises in accordance with the approved evacuation plan.
4.3. If a gas contamination of the room is detected (gas smell), you should immediately stop work, turn off electrical appliances and power tools, open a window or window, leave the room, report the incident to your immediate or higher management, call the emergency service of the gas industry.
4.4. In the event of a fire or fire, immediately call the fire brigade, inform your immediate or higher-level supervisor and proceed with the elimination of the fire source with the available fire extinguishing means. If the power supply networks and electrical equipment catch fire, it is necessary to de-energize them.
4.5. In case of an accident (injury), provide first aid. Call an ambulance if necessary. Report the accident (injury) to your immediate or superior supervisor.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Tidy up the workplace.
5.2. Disconnect and de-energize equipment, office equipment, heating devices and lamps.
5.3. Place used tools and materials in a designated storage area.
5.4. Inform your immediate or superior supervisor, and, if necessary, representatives of repair and technical and administrative services, about equipment malfunctions and malfunctions identified during work and other factors affecting labor safety.

This instruction has been developed in accordance with the current legislation and regulations in the field of labor protection

DRAFTED BY _________________________


Ancillary worker is a profession that is still in demand on the labor market. It is associated with the impact of many harmful and hazardous production factors. In the article, we will tell you how to correctly draw up an instruction on labor protection for this type of work.

From the article you will learn:

How to prepare instructions on labor protection for an auxiliary worker in production

The structure of the OT instruction should be as follows.

1. General requirements for labor protection

It is necessary to list:

  • Requirements for the admission of an employee - for passing preliminary medical examinations, briefings, internships, training, qualifications.
  • Harmful and hazardous factors of the working environment, which are identified in the course of SOUT or certification of RM. Based on this information, a list of contingents for a medical examination will also be formed. If, then, the grounds for the medical examination must be taken from the conditions of the work. To do this, it is required to find out, when assessing professional risks, whether the auxiliary worker is affected by industrial noises, general or local vibration, and the most important component is physical stress on the body and the severity of the production process.
  • The number of the standard norms for the issuance of protective equipment, clause. It should be listed with an indication of the conditions of use in various climatic conditions, as well as indicate the period of wear, the procedure for replacing with serviceable ones in case of breakdown or repair.
  • Obligations of an employee for labor protection, taking into account Articles 21, 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as job (production) instructions. Prohibition to perform work in which the employee has not been trained.

This section can be phrased as follows:

An employee who is at least 18 years old is allowed to do ancillary work, who has completed introductory and primary OSH briefings, an internship in the workplace in the number of XX shifts, training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements, assignment of group II on electrical safety, trained in providing first aid to victims at work.

The employee is entitled to issue overalls and footwear according to item XX in the standard issuance rates No. XXX from XX.XX.XXXX in the following composition: protective helmet - 1 pc. for 1 year, cotton suit - 1 pc. for 1 year, boots with a protective toe cap - 1 pair for 1 year, signal vest class 2 - 1 pc. for 1 year.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

In this section, you must specify the order.

  • visual inspection of PPE before donning;
  • inspection of the tool before use, the actions of the employee if the PPE or the tool is faulty;
  • inspection of the workplace, equipment, work area;
  • , signs, posters.

3. OT requirements during work

In addition to technological features, in this section it is necessary to describe the procedure for the employee to turn on the equipment correctly and monitor its stable operation by instruments and external examinations. Here you can cite the entire safety information set forth in the equipment manual.

4. OT requirements in an emergency

This section is one of the most important. If an incident or accident occurs, the employee must automatically learn the sequence of his actions: what exactly needs to be turned off in the first place, who should be informed, how, how to preserve the situation that was at the time of the accident for investigation.

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5. OT requirements upon completion of work

This section should take into account all the actions of the worker to leave the work area. He must clean his workplace himself, without suffering any damage. To do this, you need to use auxiliary means - scrapers, brushes, do not remove shavings and other industrial debris with your hands, since.

Then you need to change into your personal clothes and take a shower. Used PPE should be carefully hung in the dressing room, in your locker. If the protective equipment needs to be washed or repaired, you need to hand it over to the employee responsible for carrying out these activities - the storekeeper, for example. The employee should be familiar with the schedule for putting PPE in the wash.

Development and approval procedure

When developing an IET for an auxiliary worker, the employer must appoint a person in charge. If the organization has a health and safety specialist on staff, he can check the instructions for relevance and compliance with the requirements of the NLA. Ready-made samples for different professions are collected for you in the "Labor Protection" System.

If there is no such specialist, then the manager himself must make sure that the most important thing is not overlooked in the instructions - and the operating manuals for equipment and tools.

Often in small companies, IOT is developed by a personnel officer, and this is wrong. It is necessary to assign the development of instructions to the responsibility of the immediate supervisor - the senior foreman or the head of the construction and installation site. They have not only knowledge, but also work experience, can correctly assess professional risks.

In larger companies, in addition to the labor protection specialist, the IOT should consider the trade union and, during the discussion of the draft document, make the necessary additions or amendments.

The head of the organization approves the instruction. To do this, you need to issue an order. After signing the order, each employee in this position, as well as part-time workers, is introduced to the IOT.

Labor protection instructions for an auxiliary worker (sample)

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1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training and have mastered safe work techniques are allowed to work as an auxiliary worker.

1.2. Before being admitted to independent work, an auxiliary worker must undergo mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations) to be recognized as fit for work in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health of Russia, introductory instruction on occupational safety, production sanitation and fire safety, initial instruction on labor safety directly at the workplace with the subsequent registration of admission. Repeated instruction on labor safety is carried out for an auxiliary worker at least once every three months.

1.3. In addition to briefing, no later than 1 month from the date of enrollment in the staff, the auxiliary worker must be trained in safe methods and techniques of work according to the program approved by the chief engineer. After training, and in the future every year, the auxiliary worker is tested on the knowledge of these methods and techniques of work in the commission chaired by the chief engineer. Knowledge testing is documented.

1.4. An auxiliary worker is obliged:

  1. comply with the requirements of this instruction and instructions on fire safety measures;
  2. comply with the internal labor regulations, remember about personal responsibility for compliance with labor protection rules;
  3. use the issued overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment;
  4. be able to competently provide first aid to the victim in an accident;
  5. know the location of the means of providing first aid to victims, primary fire extinguishing means, ways of evacuating people in the event of an accident, natural disaster or fire;
  6. do not appear at work and do not start work while drunk, and do not bring or drink alcoholic beverages at the workplace;
  7. take measures to eliminate violations of labor protection rules, report these violations immediately to the work manager;
  8. observe the work and rest schedule;
  9. perform only the work for which instructed and approved by the responsible head of the workshop;
  10. do not follow orders if they contradict labor safety rules;
  11. not to allow the presence of unauthorized persons at the workplace;
  12. be attentive during work and avoid violations of labor protection requirements.

1.5. An auxiliary worker can be affected by the following hazardous and harmful production factors:

  1. moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of equipment;
  2. sharp edges, burrs, roughness on the cleaned surfaces, equipment, inventory and fixtures;
  3. products, materials, etc; moved by export conveyors and cranes;
  4. collapsing structures;
  5. high air humidity;
  6. increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;
  7. insufficient illumination of the working area;
  8. an increased voltage value of an electrical circuit, the closure of which can pass through the human body;
  9. increased content of dust and harmful substances in the air of the working area;
  10. noise, etc.

1.6. To reduce the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors, an auxiliary worker must be provided with:

  1. overalls and footwear in accordance with standard industry norms and collective agreement: cotton suit - for 12 months, leather boots with a hard toe cap - 1 pair for 12 months, combined gloves or gloves with polymer coating - 12 pairs for 12 months, signal vest - for 12 months, a jacket with an insulating pad - for 30 months, trousers with an insulating pad - for 30 months, felt boots - 1 pair for 36 months;
  2. other personal protective equipment (helmet, goggles, etc.);
  3. first aid kit with medicines;
  4. other conditions necessary to fulfill the requirements of this manual.

1.7. In the event of a fire hazard, immediately inform the work manager (foreman or shop manager) about it, and if necessary, call. "01" to the city fire service and take all necessary measures to eliminate the fire, save materials, equipment and other valuable property.

1.8. In case of an accident, provide first aid to the injured person, call medical service workers, immediately report the incident to the workshop administration and take measures to preserve the situation to investigate the circumstances under which the accident occurred, if this does not threaten the life and health of others and does not lead to an accident.

1.9. An auxiliary worker is obliged to immediately notify his immediate or superior work manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in his health, incl. the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).

1.10. Drink only water from saturators, drinking fountains or drinking cisterns.

1.11. Food should be taken in specially equipped rooms.

1.12. To cope with natural needs to use toilet facilities.

1.13. When moving around the territory of the plant, an auxiliary worker is obliged to:

  1. walk only on footpaths, sidewalks;
  2. be attentive to moving vehicles;
  3. when leaving the building, make sure that there are no vehicles moving nearby;
  4. to enter production buildings and premises only through specially equipped places for this purpose. IT IS FORBIDDEN to use technological gates;
  5. cross the railway track only in the established place;
  6. do not crawl under the railway cars standing on the tracks;
  7. be attentive to potholes and ice on the roads and avoid them.

1.14. To enter and leave the territory of the plant, use the equipped stationary checkpoints (checkpoints). It is forbidden to climb over the fence and openings in it.

1.15. An auxiliary worker, being on the territory of the workshops of the plant, must comply with the following requirements:

  1. walk only on established walkways and walkways;
  2. do not sit down or lean on random objects and fences;
  3. do not go up or down the stairs;
  4. stay out of the range of hoisting machines and stand under the load;
  5. do not look at the electric welding arc without protective equipment;
  6. do not touch electrical wires and cables;
  7. pay attention to safety signs and comply with their requirements.

1.16. Remember that knowing and observing the requirements of the labor protection instructions, you will protect yourself and those around you from accidents.

1.17. If you notice a violation of the instructions by other workers, warn about the consequences.

1.18. For violation of the requirements of this instruction on labor protection, the auxiliary worker bears disciplinary, administrative and material liability, and in some cases - and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, depending on the severity of the consequences.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Inspect and put on overalls, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment of the established sample (depending on the conditions and nature of the work performed). Fasten or tie the cuffs of the sleeves, tuck in the clothes so that there are no fluttering ends, tuck the hair under a tight-fitting headdress. Do not pin clothes with pins, needles, do not keep sharp, fragile objects in clothing pockets.

2.2. Receive an assignment to perform work from the work supervisor.

2.3. Check the workplace:

  1. dimensions of approaches and passages to the workplace. Remove from under your feet everything that may interfere with the performance of work or create an additional hazard;
  2. sufficiency of illumination of places of cleaning;
  3. availability and serviceability of cleaning equipment and devices;
  4. the condition of the surfaces to be cleaned (the absence of unenclosed openings, open hatches, ladders, potholes, irregularities, etc.) on them;
  5. make sure that there are no loading and unloading operations in the cleaned area;
  6. make sure that the transport conveyor is off and the trolleys are disengaged from the conveyor chain;
  7. the presence, serviceability, correct installation and reliable fastening of the guards of the moving parts of the equipment;
  8. no hanging and bare ends of electrical wiring;
  9. stability of stacks of materials, reinforced concrete products, etc.

2.4. In case of incomplete provision of protective equipment or their absence, as well as in case of failure to ensure safe and healthy working conditions, the auxiliary worker is prohibited from starting the task until the full provision of protective equipment and ensuring safe and healthy working conditions.

2.5. The detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated by the auxiliary worker on his own before the start of work, and if it is impossible or insufficiently qualified to do this, the auxiliary worker must inform the work manager about them and not start work until they are eliminated.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. An auxiliary worker is obliged to correctly use the personal protective equipment issued to him during work.

3.2. During work it is necessary to be attentive and careful, not to be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, not to distract others from the work. Do not allow persons not related to the work performed to the workplace.

3.3. Observe labor and technological discipline, refrain from actions that prevent other employees from performing their work duties, and help eliminate the causes that interfere with normal work.

3.4. An auxiliary worker must perform only the work that is entrusted to him by the work supervisor.

3.5. Carry out cleaning in the workshop and on the territory of the export conveyors, where loading and unloading operations are carried out, after the end of these works or when they are temporarily stopped. Take special care when cleaning near hatches, gangways, stairs, etc.

3.6. To reduce dust emission when sweeping floor surfaces, equipment, etc., spray them with water or clean with a damp broom or brush.

3.7. When cleaning, it is not allowed:

  1. sweep garbage and production waste into hatches, openings, wells, etc.;
  2. clean up the garbage and compact it in the trash can (box, cistern, etc.) directly with your hands;
  3. touch with a rag or hands to open and unshielded live parts of the equipment, as well as to bare and damaged insulation wires.

3.8. Do wet cleaning of electric motors and other electrical equipment only after disconnecting them from electricity.

3.9. Before removing a loaded trolley, make sure that it is disengaged from the conveyor chain and that loading and unloading operations are not carried out.

3.10. An auxiliary worker is prohibited from:

  1. to leave the workplace unauthorizedly without production necessity;
  2. allow the presence of unauthorized persons in the area of ​​operation of the export conveyor;
  3. to carry out cleaning in the workshop and on the territory of the export conveyor during loading and unloading operations and during the movement of trolleys;
  4. to clean the rotating parts of the conveyor equipment during its operation;
  5. pass through the technological (export) gates during their opening or closing and with a moving export conveyor.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of an emergency, the auxiliary worker must de-energize the export conveyor equipment.

4.2. If a danger is detected that threatens the life and health of people, you should warn the people around and notify the management of the shop.

4.3. In the event of a natural disaster, accident or fire, it is necessary to inform the management of the shop and start working to eliminate the emergency or extinguish the fire with the available fire extinguishing means.

4.4. First aid in case of accidents:

4.4.1. First aid for injury.
To provide first aid in case of injury, it is necessary to open an individual bag, apply a sterile dressing material that is placed on the wound, and tie it with a bandage. If the individual package somehow did not appear, then for dressing it is necessary to use a clean handkerchief, a clean linen rag, etc. On a rag that is applied directly to the wound, it is advisable to drip a few drops of iodine tincture to get a stain larger than the wound, and then apply the rag to the wound. It is especially important to apply iodine tincture in this manner for contaminated wounds.

4.4.2. First aid for fractures, dislocations, blows.

In case of fractures and dislocations of the limbs, it is necessary to strengthen the injured limb with a splint, plywood plate, stick, cardboard or other similar object. The injured arm can also be hung with a bandage or scarf around the neck and bandaged to the torso.
In case of a fracture of the skull (unconsciousness after a blow to the head, bleeding from the ears or from the mouth), a cold object (a heating pad with ice, snow or cold water) should be applied to the head or a cold lotion should be applied.
If a spinal fracture is suspected, it is necessary to put the victim on the board without lifting him, turn the victim face down on his stomach, while observing that the body does not bend in order to avoid damage to the spinal cord.
If the ribs are broken, a sign of which is pain when breathing, coughing, sneezing, movements, it is necessary to bandage the chest tightly or pull them off with a towel while exhaling.

4.4.3. First aid for thermal burns.
In case of burns by fire, steam, hot objects, in no case should the formed bubbles be opened and the burns should be bandaged up.
In case of first-degree burns (redness), the burned area is treated with cotton wool soaked in ethyl alcohol.
In case of second-degree burns (bladder), the burned area is treated with alcohol or a 3% manganese solution.
In case of third-degree burns (destruction of the skin tissue), the wound is covered with a sterile bandage and a doctor is called.

4.4.4. First aid for bleeding.
In order to stop bleeding, you must:

  • Raise the wounded limb up.
  • Close the wound with a dressing material (from a bag) folded into a ball, press it down from above, without touching the wound itself, hold it for 4-5 minutes. If the bleeding has stopped without removing the applied material, put another pad from another bag or a piece of cotton on top of it and bandage the wounded area (with some pressure).
  • In the case of severe bleeding that cannot be stopped with a bandage, squeezing of the blood vessels that feed the wounded area is applied by bending the limb at the joints, as well as with fingers, a tourniquet or clamp. In case of severe bleeding, an urgent need to call a doctor.

4.4.5. First aid for electric shock.
In case of electric shock, it is necessary to immediately release the victim from the action of the electric current by disconnecting the electrical installation from the power source, and if it is impossible to disconnect, pull it off from the conductive parts by clothing or using an available insulating material.
If the victim does not have breathing and pulse, it is necessary to give him artificial respiration and indirect (external) heart massage, paying attention to the pupils. Dilated pupils indicate a sharp deterioration in blood circulation in the brain. In this condition, the recovery must begin immediately, and then call an ambulance.

4.5. In all cases, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the head of work on eliminating the consequences of the accident.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. Clean the cleaning work equipment and put it in the designated storage area.

5.2. Inform the work supervisor about all faults and shortcomings noticed during work.

5.3. Remove overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment and put them in a designated storage area.

5.4. Wash your hands with warm water and soap or take a shower.

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This OSH instruction is specially designed for the handyman.


1.1. Individuals who have passed:
- preliminary medical examination;
- introductory briefing on labor protection;
- fire safety briefing;
- primary instruction on labor protection at the workplace and instruction in first aid;
- briefing on electrical safety for non-electrical personnel and checking the assimilation of its content, with the assignment of the I group of electrical safety;
- training in safe methods and techniques of work according to the appropriate program;
- internship at the workplace;
1.2. Persons under 18 years of age and with medical contraindications are not allowed to work as a handyman.
1.3. The handyman must go through:
- repeated instruction on labor protection at the workplace at least once every three months;
- unscheduled instruction: when replacing or modernizing equipment, devices and tools, changing working conditions and organization, in case of violations of labor protection instructions, interruptions in work for more than 30 calendar days;
- targeted briefing: when performing work of increased danger (according to the approved list of works) and performing one-time work (in addition to official duties);
- testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.4. Persons who received an unsatisfactory mark in the test of knowledge are not allowed to work independently and must be retested no later than one month.
1.5. The handyman must:
- comply with the Internal Labor Regulations;
- comply with the requirements of this manual, instructions on fire safety measures, electrical safety instructions, instructions for first aid;
- comply with the requirements for the operation of equipment and tools;
- use as intended and take good care of the issued personal protective equipment;
- be able to provide first aid to the victim in an accident;
- know the location of first aid equipment, primary fire extinguishing equipment, main and emergency exits, escape routes in case of an accident and fire;
- perform only the work assigned to him;
- do not allow persons who are not related to work (strangers) to the workplace;
- keep the workplace clean and tidy.
1.6. The handyman is prohibited from:
- smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages in the workplace;
- be at the workplace in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication;
- to be distracted from the performance of official duties.
1.7. The handyman must be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with the Norms for the issuance of personal protective equipment.
If the noise level is high, you need to use anti-noise protective equipment (headphones, earplugs, etc.).
When working in conditions of increased dusty air in the working area, it is necessary to use an aerosol (anti-dust) respirator (half mask).
When you are in rooms with operating technological equipment, you must wear a protective helmet to protect your head from impacts by accidental objects.
Drying of overalls, shoes, rags and other combustible items on steam lines and heating devices is not allowed.
1.8. If necessary, it is allowed to use portable electric luminaires with a voltage not higher than 42 V, and when working inside closed containers of luminaires with a voltage of 12 V with a working protective grid.
1.9. While on the territory of the enterprise, it is necessary to be careful, to be careful in places where vehicles pass, during loading and unloading operations, when passing through slippery areas during icy conditions, in places where ice surges are hanging.
1.10. The handyman must follow the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, rest only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from installations specially designed for this.
1.11. The following hazardous and harmful production factors can affect a handyman:
- the presence of steam and hot water;
- increased noise level;
- increased dust and gas content of the air in the working area;
- increased voltage value in the electrical circuit;
- moving and rotating parts of technological equipment, moving loads;
- increased air mobility (drafts);
- increased temperature of equipment surfaces;
- lowered air temperature of the working area;
- insufficient illumination of the workplace;
- sharp edges of various objects;
- faulty decks and ladders for climbing on them in paving means, their clutter with materials.
1.12. In case of an accident, it is necessary to provide the victim with first (first aid) aid and immediately report the incident to the work supervisor.
1.13. The handyman is responsible for violation of the requirements of this Instruction in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Inspect the overalls, make sure they are in good working order. Put on proper overalls, fasten all buttons, carefully tidy your hair under the headdress.
2.2. Clothes should not have fluttering parts that can be caught by moving (rotating) parts of mechanisms. It is forbidden to roll up the sleeves of overalls and tuck the tops of boots.
2.3. If it is necessary to be near hot parts of the equipment, measures should be taken to protect against burns and high temperatures (equipment fencing, ventilation, warm overalls). Work in areas with low ambient temperatures should be carried out in warm overalls and alternated in time with being in a warm place.
2.4. When you are in rooms with operating technological equipment, inside closed containers, you must wear a protective helmet to protect your head from impacts by accidental objects. Hair should be tucked under the helmet.
2.5. It is necessary to make sure that the working area is not cluttered with foreign objects, well lit, there are no potholes, open hatches, pits, or spilled liquids on the floor.
2.6. Before starting work of increased danger, it is necessary to obtain a permit for their performance from the responsible manufacturer of the work.
2.7. Before using the tool and accessories, you must make sure that they are in good working order: the handles of the hammers must be smooth and not have cracks, towards the free end of the handle they must slightly thicken in order to avoid slipping out of the hands, the shovel must have a smooth handle, firmly fixed in the holder and cut obliquely to it. plane.
2.8. Before working from ladders and mobile platforms, make sure the following: stairs installed on wooden floors must have pointed metal tips, and rubber shoes on stone and other hard floors. The bowstrings of the stairs must be fastened together with tie bolts with a diameter of 8 mm, located directly under the steps at a distance of no more than 2 meters from each other. Bowstrings along their entire length should be reinforced with wire 3-4 mm in diameter. Mobile platforms and ladders for climbing on them must have side fences 1 meter high with casing at the bottom to a height of 100 mm.
2.9. Before cleaning the roofs of buildings from snow and icicles, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the safety belt and rope. Protect the place of falling icicles and falling snow, hang up posters "Passage is closed."
2.10. Before starting excavation work, you must make sure that there are no underground utilities, reservoirs, etc., at the work site. Set up barriers for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians.
2.11. Before cleaning the territory, install portable fences painted in bright colors on the areas to be cleaned, in the traffic zone from the side of a possible collision at a distance of 5-7 m from the workplace.
2.12. You can start work after eliminating the shortcomings that impede its safe implementation.


3.1. Perform only the work for which you have been trained, instructed in labor protection and to which the employee responsible for the safe performance of work is admitted.
3.2. Do not entrust your work to untrained and unauthorized persons.
3.3. Use serviceable equipment, tools, devices necessary for safe work, use them only for those works for which they are intended.
3.4. Observe the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only the established passages.
3.5. Do not walk or stand under or near a raised load.
3.6. Upon receipt of a new (unfamiliar) job, it is necessary to receive targeted instruction from the work manager. It is prohibited to start work without training.
3.7. Care must be taken when doing any work, not to be distracted by yourself and not to distract others.
3.8. Do not work on faulty equipment and faulty tools.
3.9. When cleaning the territory, you must:
- when a transport appears on the cleaned part of the territory, stop cleaning for the duration of its passage;
- start cleaning with good illumination of the workplace, and in the dark, clean with the outside lighting on;
- monitor the position of the rubber hoses, prevent them from kinking and twisting, do not water against the wind and make sure that water does not get onto electrical equipment and overhead power lines;
- open the taps smoothly, without great efforts and jerks;
- when icicles form on the roofs, fence off dangerous areas and inform the boss about it;
- during icy conditions, sprinkle the passages with sand;
- stand on the wind side when loading garbage onto vehicles or when storing it in a designated place;
- to clean the broken glass with a scoop and a brush;
- when cleaning near the stacks, make sure they are stable;
- work with disinfectants and detergents in rubber gloves.


4.1. If a fire occurs, it is necessary to inform the management and start extinguishing with fire extinguishing means, and if it is impossible to do this, call the fire brigade by phone 101.
4.2. In case of injury or deterioration of health, the handyman must stop working, notify the management and contact the first-aid post (call an ambulance by phone 103).
4.3. If there is an accident witnessed by a handyman, he should:
- stop working;
- immediately inform the immediate supervisor;
- Immediately withdraw or remove the victim from the danger zone;
- provide the victim with first aid;
- call a doctor or city ambulance;
- to help organize the delivery of the victim to the nearest medical facility.
4.4. When investigating the circumstances and causes of an accident, the employee should inform the commission of the information he knows about the accident.


5.1. At the end of the work, it is necessary to tidy up your workplace, remove the tool and accessories to the place designated for their storage.
5.2. Inform your immediate supervisor about any faults found in the course of work.
5.3. Take off your overalls, put them in order and put them in the closet.
5.4. Wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap or a cleansing paste, and take a shower.

Labor protection instructions developed for certain types of work (work at height, installation, commissioning, repair work, testing, etc.) are called instructions for the type of work. This section is presented for viewing and free download instructions for types of work.

Interdisciplinary instruction on labor protection

Interdisciplinary instruction on labor protection- a regulatory act that establishes labor protection requirements when performing work in various industries. The rules of the intersectoral instruction indicate the requirements for the performance of work in production facilities, on the territory of the enterprise, on construction sites and in other places where official duties are performed.

Cross-sectoral OSH instructions are approved by the federal executive authorities after preliminary consultations with the relevant trade union bodies exercising supervision in the relevant industry.

Safety instructions

Safety at an enterprise means a set of technical and organizational measures aimed at creating safe working conditions and preventing accidents at work. In this regard, all employees must be provided with safety instructions at the enterprise. The management of the enterprise is responsible for this. It is very important how carefully the workers themselves relate to this issue, because, first of all, their life and health depend on their behavior.

To protect themselves from accidents, workers must carefully study the safety instructions and follow them at all times. On our website you will find many safety instructions for various types of production.


1.1. Persons are allowed to work as an auxiliary worker:
- passed a medical examination;
- those who have passed the introductory instruction on labor protection and initial instruction at the workplace.
1.2. An auxiliary worker is allowed to work independently after an internship at the workplace for 2-6 shifts and a test of knowledge of safe methods and techniques of work.
1.3. The auxiliary worker is re-instructed once every 6 months.
1.4. The following harmful and dangerous factors can affect an auxiliary worker:
- moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of production equipment, moving products, materials;
- collapsing stacks of stored materials;
- increased dust and gas content of the air in the working area;
- lowered air temperature of the working area;
- increased air mobility;
- danger of electric shock;
- sharp edges, burrs, uneven surfaces of equipment, tools, implements, containers;
- physical overload.
1.5. The auxiliary worker is provided with special clothing and personal protective equipment in accordance with the Norms approved by the head of the institution. An auxiliary worker is given:
- cotton bathrobe or cotton suit;
- combined mittens;
when performing work on loading and unloading dusty cargo, in addition:
- respirator;
- goggles;
in winter additionally:
- jacket with insulating lining;
- trousers with a warm lining;
- felt boots.
1.6. An auxiliary worker is obliged:
comply with the internal labor regulations;
observe the rules of personal hygiene;
comply with the requirements of this instruction on labor protection and other instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory in accordance with job responsibilities;
observe the fire safety regime of the institution.
1.7. An auxiliary worker notifies his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, about the deterioration of his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute illness.

2.1. Before starting work, it is necessary to put in order the sanitary clothes: button up the cuffs of the sleeves, tuck in the clothes so that there are no fluttering ends, remove the hair under a tight-fitting headdress.
It is not allowed to: pin clothes with pins, needles; keep sharp, fragile objects in pockets; work in light shoes (slippers, sandals, sandals).
2.2. Check the availability of equipment, inventory, fixtures and tools necessary for operation.
2.3. Prepare the work area for safe work:
free the working area, walkways, driveways and storage areas of goods from foreign objects;
check the condition of the floors (no potholes, unevenness, slipperiness, not fenced wells, etc.);
check the sufficiency of lighting in the workplace;
check that there are no dangling or bare ends of the electrical wiring.
2.4. Check the serviceability of inventory, fixtures and tools.
2.5. Make sure that the control equipment (starters, limit switches, etc.) is working properly.
2.6. Inform your immediate supervisor about all discovered deficiencies and do not start work until they are eliminated.

3.1. Perform only the work that is entrusted by the head and for which he has been trained, instructed on labor protection.
3.2. Do not entrust your work to untrained and unauthorized persons.
3.3. Observe the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the clinic, use only the established passages.
3.4. Do not use random objects (boxes, barrels, etc.), equipment for sitting.
3.5. Use serviceable equipment, tools, devices necessary for safe work, use them only for those works for which they are intended.
3.6. Open valves, valves on pipelines slowly without jerks and great efforts. Do not use hammers, wrenches and other objects for these purposes.
3.7. Keep the work area clean, promptly remove spilled food, grease, etc. from the floor. Store the waste of cleaning materials in a metal box with a tight lid.
3.8. When working on loading, unloading, moving and storing goods.
3.8.1. Wear hand protection when carrying loads in rigid containers.
3.8.2. A load weighing more than 50 kg must be lifted by at least two workers.
3.8.3. When carrying loads at the same time, the distance between workers (or groups of workers) carrying a unit of cargo (box, bag, etc.) must be at least 2 m.
3.8.4. It is allowed to carry loads on a stretcher along a horizontal path at a distance of no more than 80 m. The stretcher should be overturned and lowered at the command of a worker walking behind.
3.8.5. It is not allowed to carry loads on a stretcher up the stairs.
3.8.6. Lifting loads with stacking in a stack with a height of more than 3 m manually is not allowed.
3.8.7. Move carts, mobile racks, containers in the direction "away from you".
3.8.8. Observe the accepted procedure for stacking and unstacking cargo. The cargo can only be de-stacked from top to bottom.
3.8.9. Do not block driveways and aisles between equipment, racks, stacks, aisles to control panels, switch switches, escape routes and other aisles with empty containers, inventory, cargo.
3.8.10. When moving box loads, protruding nails and the ends of the iron strapping must be hammered in, flush removed.
3.8.11. When moving roll-barreled cargo on a horizontal surface, observe the following requirements:
when rolling the barrels, be behind the cargo being moved;
do not roll the barrels, pushing them by the edges, in order to avoid bruising the hands on other objects that are in the way of rolling the load;
do not carry drum-type weights on your back, regardless of their weight.
3.9. When cleaning the territory.
3.9.1. If there are large traumatic objects (wire, fittings, broken glass, etc.) in the cleaned area, remove them first.
3.9.2. In the places of loading and unloading operations, cleaning should be done only after their completion.
3.9.3. Clean the area while facing oncoming traffic. When a vehicle appears on the cleaned part of the territory, stop cleaning for the duration of its passage.
3.9.4. When loading garbage on a vehicle or when storing it in a designated place, be on the leeward side.
3.9.5. When servicing garbage trucks with a manipulator:
- prepare containers with garbage and move to a safe distance;
- it is forbidden to be in the manipulator operating area when the container is tipping into the body of a garbage truck.
3.10. When painting.
3.10.1. In places where nitro paints, paints and varnishes and other compounds that form explosive and fire-hazardous vapors are used, it is prohibited to use open fire and bring in lamps that are not in an explosion-proof design.
3.10.2. Do not use paints, solvents, thinners or adhesives of unknown composition.
3.10.3. When working with silicate paints, it is necessary to protect the skin of the hands and face.
3.10.4. During breaks in work, containers with materials (varnishes, nitro paints) that have explosive vapors should be closed with appropriate plugs or lids and opened to prevent sparking with a brass hammer and chisel.
3.11. When working with an electrified tool, observe the safety requirements set out in "" И 15-2014.
3.12. When working on ladders and step ladders, observe the safety requirements set out in "" I 16-2014.

4.1. In the event of an emergency, inform the people around about the danger, report the incident to the immediate supervisor and act in accordance with his instructions.
4.2. In case of fire or fire, immediately inform the fire brigade by phone - 01, start extinguishing the fire with the available primary fire extinguishing means, report the fire to your immediate supervisor.
4.3. To victims of injury, poisoning, sudden acute illness, provide first (first-aid) aid, following the instructions "" (I 01-2014), if necessary, call an ambulance by phone - 03.

5.1. Remove the tool and accessories to the designated place.
5.2. Tidy up the workplace.
5.3. Inform the immediate supervisor about all problems and shortcomings found during work.