Job description of the assistant (assistant) to the general director, job descriptions of the assistant (assistant) to the general director, a sample job description of the assistant (assistant) to the general director. What does an assistant manager do?

The work of a leader is intense and intense, and for the successful operation of the company, the director must correctly delegate his powers between subordinates.

You will learn:

  • Why does a manager need a personal assistant?
  • What an assistant manager should do.
  • What are the requirements for a person applying for the position of your assistant?
  • How much to pay an assistant manager.
  • How to find the perfect executive assistant.

In addition to narrow specialists - accountant, economist, technologist and other similar positions - many organizations have established the position of assistant manager. Such ads are increasingly appearing in the sections of modern commercial publications, and this is no coincidence.

Being the “right hand” of the director of the company, the assistant performs the functions of various specialists: psychologist, organizer, clerk. At the same time, the activities of the entire company depend on the results of his work: the results of important, business spirit of the chief, the success of new projects, the degree of agreement between specialists structural units etc.

Assistant to the head: features of the profession

A good executive assistant, no doubt, will be useful for any organization, because very often he is actually the second person in the company. An active, responsible, erudite and purposeful specialist who performs the functions of a manager's assistant is able to perform high-quality and flawless work of any complexity: from registering incoming correspondence to negotiating a profitable contract with partners. For this reason, employees who perform their job functions impeccably and professionally are highly valued in any enterprise.

The practice of organizing work is such that well-proven secretaries, heads of structural divisions or office managers often become assistant managers. By successfully combining the functions of a lawyer, a consultant with the work of an assistant manager, talented and competent specialists provide tangible results for the entire company.

If we are talking about job description of a given specialist, then it is not possible to compile it precisely, but theoretically, of course, you can try. But how to identify the line beyond which there is an intuitive understanding between the leader and his assistant, and on which the success of cooperation and mutual understanding depends? Of course, not every person is endowed with such qualities. To ignore the nervous breakdowns of the boss, to be sociable, diplomatic, and, regardless of the mood, always look presentable - this is what any manager expects from an assistant.

Equally important is the coincidence of the "internal clock" or the pace of work. If the boss is constantly short of time, then his assistant must be mobile, efficient and at the same time not show signs of haste.

A personal assistant to a manager is, first of all, a dedicated employee of his company, who naturally and sincerely represents its interests in any field of activity: when checking security alarms and when resolving unwanted disagreements between specialists. The best encouragement for him is moral reward. This is not to say that he is indifferent to the size of wages, nevertheless, he does not work for money.

Personal relationship with a manager is separate, very important aspect psychological climate. Moreover, often spending time in an informal setting, the assistant leader knows a lot about the family of his boss, about the strong and weaknesses the life of both the leader himself and the entire company as a whole. An experienced director will always be able to determine how devoted an employee is to the team, and whether his assistant values ​​the interests of the company.

It is no secret that competitors will appreciate information about the company, its advantages, solutions, development strategies, and other information of a confidential nature, which is well known to the assistant manager. From how honest this employee is, how confident, diplomatic and presentable the assistant manager looks, potential partners of the company can draw conclusions about the state of affairs in the company, the internal psychological climate, success and stability.

How to work 4 hours less a day and be in time for everything: Gazprom's algorithm

You take away your time, when you spend hours answering unimportant letters, chaotically completing overdue cases, and as a result you do not have time to do anything.

Editorial office of the journal " Commercial Director»Found out about effective instruments to help solve this problem. A personal to-do planner and detailed instructions will come in handy.

Working hours of the assistant manager

Like other employees, the personal assistant to the manager performs his functions in work time stipulated by the conditions labor agreement... As a rule, this is an 8-hour work day with a five-day work week.

Nevertheless, the practice is such that the actual hours worked often go beyond the contractual obligations, and the most important functions are performed precisely in non-working hours... Informal meetings, important negotiations during the "rest" in nature and other similar scenarios are assumed in the activities of the assistant performing additional responsibilities on the recommendation of the authorities.

The rights and responsibilities of the assistant manager

Occupying such an important and responsible position, the assistant manager is endowed with certain rights that correlate with his responsibilities. In particular, work with source documentation assumes the right of the assistant to approve these documents. At the same time, for a complete study of the case materials, the assistant can request the necessary additional information from the head and specialists of the company.

This employee has the right to demand necessary conditions for work. Comfortable working conditions, a positive psychological climate, an appropriate level of technical equipment - these are indicators on which the result of a specialist's work directly depends. Since rationalization labor process involves the division of labor functions, then many work operations involve the interaction of several specialists. In particular, the processing of incoming correspondence does not exclude the interaction of the secretary and the assistant manager.

The terms of the employment agreement provide for a list of duties of the assistant director, which, nevertheless, can be significantly expanded in practice, depending on the circumstances. Working in a team leader, the assistant is responsible for:

  • improper performance of labor functions, assignments and direct duties provided for by the content of approved job descriptions that do not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • illegal actions provided for by the norms of the current legislation;
  • causing any damage to the enterprise provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts and regulations of federal, regional and local significance.


Experienced and talented executive assistants certainly hold great promise. Their work is highly valued, because it is they, first of all, who get the opportunity to quickly climb the career ladder and achieve high results in building a career.

Broad prospects open up, first of all, to those of them who are able to study and systematize extensive information in a short period of time, choose tactics of behavior, and provide strategically important negotiations with all the necessary. Professionals who have demonstrated positive results in their work have ample opportunities in career advancement and obtaining a prestigious position.

What kind of executive assistant do you need? 10 types of secretaries and assistants

The powers and responsibilities of the assistant manager differ depending on the target activities and the management strategy of the company.

    Business Assistant

Who needs it: the management of enterprises with extensive document flow.

Who reports to: immediate supervisor.

A business assistant is a specialist who is responsible for many processes: preparation and organization of negotiations and documentation for them, development of a director's work schedule. The result of negotiations, meetings and other similar events depends on the degree of his organization, loyalty and diplomacy. It follows from this that the assistant manager is a diverse vacancy that requires certain knowledge, skills, erudition and competence.

The business assistant not only performs the assigned technical functions, but also determines the structure of current tasks on the spot and performs them. Moreover, this specialist, in the absence or on behalf of the head, performs part of the director's work, the results of which the head uses in his work. Therefore, the assistant needs certain knowledge and practice in the profile of the company.

The practice is that men are more likely than women to work as assistant managers. When choosing a person for this position, the manager proceeds from the level of training of a specialist, his experience in this position, the level of proficiency in foreign languages, tk. a personal assistant to the leader must be ready to meet a foreign delegation. Also important are such skills as organizational skills, the ability to correctly and rationally lead business negotiations and willingness to make effective decisions based on an analysis of the current situation.

Among the applicants for such a position, as a rule, there are specialists of 30 - 40 years old with a higher specialized education and experience. successful work in the industry. In addition to other business qualities of a potential assistant, in the first place is the ability to adequately respond to criticism, the ability not to give vent to ambitious feelings, since the results of his activities will in fact be used by another person. Thus, a job as an executive assistant is not suitable for job seekers with high personal ambitions.

    Personal assistant

Who needs it: CEOs of large companies.

Who obeys: only his immediate supervisor.

The position of personal assistant to the manager is relevant for a large enterprise, where a full staff of administrative employees has already been sufficiently formed. In this case, it is the secretariat and other categories of professionals, who are the “right hand” of the director. Their responsibilities include meeting the administrative needs of directors in booking tickets for travel to the place of business trips, booking rooms in a hotel, and fulfilling assignments for the head's family. It is notable that the work of an assistant manager extends beyond the office.

The assistant actually frees the boss from performing organizational procedures of an administrative nature, thereby providing the opportunity to rationally manage the enterprise and use own resources... In order to fulfill all the listed conditions, the employee must have the necessary experience in the position personal assistant a manager or secretary-assistant from 3 years old, and at the age of 25–35 years to receive a higher specialized education.

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  • Personal assistant

Who needs it: CEOs of large Western companies.

To whom he reports: exclusively to the leader.

To carry out assignments of a personal nature, which are quite common in the practice of a leader, in staffing table include a position such as Personal Assistant. Typically, such work is associated with the implementation of some kind of assignment for family members and close people of the leader. Such an employee is often busy organizing family events, holidays, organizing leisure activities for the director's children, etc.

The average age of a personal assistant is 26 - 35 years old, higher specialized education, maximum organizational skills, restraint and communication skills.


Who needs it: companies of large, medium and small businesses.

Subordinates to: management team.

The post of secretary is needed in almost every enterprise, regardless of the organizational and legal form. The duties of this employee include receiving and registering incoming correspondence, responding to phone calls and timely switching of communication to the chief, control of the circulation of documents, ensuring normal work in the office, creating and maintaining a positive microclimate in the reception area of ​​the management.

Most often girls are invited to such a position at the age of 22-30 years with a higher, secondary specialized (less often general) education, who are fluent in the skills of a confident PC user who can quickly print documents and process a large amount of incoming information. Not last place also assigned to such personal qualities as responsibility, communication skills, diligence and business etiquette.

    Assistant Secretary

Who needs it: CEOs of companies with no more than 25 employees.

The assistant secretary is the same assistant to the head, who is responsible for ensuring the normal work of the office specialists. This employee prints outgoing mail, greets guests and serves drinks, answers guests' questions and provides a pleasant, friendly microclimate.

Higher education is welcomed, the ability to quickly use office equipment and quickly print, process incoming correspondence. Applicants with practical experience it is much easier to find a job. As a rule, in any enterprise, an executive and responsible secretary with a neat appearance and good manners.


Who needs it: a company with more than 60 employees with a large traffic flow.

Who reports to: office manager, assistant manager, or the manager himself.

The duties of a manager's assistant are not limited to handling correspondence and answering incoming calls. For large companies interacting with numerous business partners, it is very important that they are met by a friendly secretary with a pleasant appearance, with a disposable smile and correct manners. So, the secretary at the reception is responsible for receiving guests, treating them with drinks and desserts, works with couriers in terms of accepting orders and sending correspondence. Since secretaries at the reception are among the first, by virtue of their duties, to come into contact with visitors, they should be friendly, helpful and oriented, first of all, to meeting and accompanying customers.


Who needs it: middle-class companies.

To whom he reports: the leader.

This position is usually considered an "intermediate" position, since its inherent functions are inherent in both the personal assistant to the manager and the secretary. In particular, the secretary-assistant is present at the negotiations of the bosses with partners and heads of the company's divisions, keeps minutes of meetings and negotiations, and provides documentary support for the meetings of the head. It should be noted that the functions of the secretary-assistant are gradually changing, and the job description of the assistant manager involves the performance of various related functions.


Who needs it: Companies specializing in the provision of services.

Who reports to: the head of the company, the manager, or the administrative director.

It should be noted that job duties a manager's assistant are similar to the duties of a secretary, personal assistant and assistant secretary. Upon closer examination, the functions of the administrator are somewhat different from them.

The position of administrator is established in companies specializing in the provision of services. In particular, the administrator is engaged in meeting guests, organizing business meetings and negotiations, keeping track of the visit (reception) schedule. The main task of the administrator is to ensure maximum convenience and comfort for visitors while in the office of the company. It is not surprising that, most often, girls and boys of pleasant appearance, who know the rules of business and corporate etiquette, are resistant to stress and are able to simultaneously perform several functions, are invited to the post of administrator.

    Office Manager

Who needs it: medium-sized companies with more than 25 employees.

Who reports to: the head, the administrative director.

The tasks of this specialist include solving the problems of technical support of employees working in the office. For the correct accounting of all operations, the office manager maintains the necessary accounting documentation. It should be borne in mind that Western European office managers perform clearly defined functions. In contrast, Russian specialists of this profile often perform the work of a secretary.

The optimal age for applicants for the office manager position is 23 - 35 years old. To qualify for this position, a specialist must have high communication skills, be stress-resistant and have a pleasant appearance. Experience as a manager's assistant will be a priority.


Who needs: government organizations, as well as companies in which the workflow is clearly marked in accordance with GOST.

Who reports to: the administrative director, the head of the office, or the head.

V state enterprises and companies with a mixed form of ownership include the position of a clerk in the staffing table, as well as the rest of the strictly regulated positions. This employee monitors the document flow, parses and organizes letters, orders of the head, archival documentation and other documents of the enterprise.

Among the requirements for the applicant for this position, it should be designated: attentiveness, prompt execution of instructions, knowledge of the rules for filling out documents, literacy. The clerk is often called the "head of the office", however, this does not change the essence and content of this work.

An assistant is already a close person!

Yuri Vodilov,

General Director of the company "Sibrybprom", Tyumen

For eight years I have been working with a personal assistant, and I must say that this person helps me with organizational and administrative matters. At the time of the conclusion of the employment agreement, this girl was hired as a secretary. In the course of work, she demonstrated good organizational and communication skills, and over time was approved as a personal assistant.

How did I decide to approve this particular candidacy? First of all, I should note the adequate reaction to the remarks of the head, high organizational skills, the ability to correctly and reasonably state their position. To top it all off, I note high degree self-organization and discipline, excellent professional skills and adherence to norms corporate ethics.

By accepting company visitors, the personal assistant helps to form positive image directorate. His responsibilities include the preparation of the necessary documentation, the schedule of meetings of the manager with partners and visitors, the organization of business meetings and personal meetings. The assistant, of course, creates a harmonious psychological climate, which is very important for long-term personal contact.

The responsibilities of an assistant manager: what should he do?

It is noteworthy that the assistant successfully combines functions of different profiles: from simple secretarial to more responsible and important, deputy ones.

What work functions are usually assigned to the assistant, what is the scope of his work?

Time management:

  • Development and approval of the director's work schedule - negotiate the timing of visits, meetings, meetings, follow the schedule and conditions for these events;
  • Record and promptly notify the manager about the schedule of upcoming meetings, trips and other deadlines. If in the resume of the assistant manager it is noted that the applicant has experience in this job, this will play a decisive role in choosing an employee.

Organization and provision of work activities:

  • Preparation and organization of meetings, important negotiations, taking minutes of meetings of the head and notifying participants of meetings and meetings, preparation required documents based on the results of these meetings;
  • Preparation of travel certificates, provision of travel tickets with transport tickets, accommodation of guests in a hotel, etc.

Records management:

  • Acceptance, sorting and forwarding of incoming mail. Grouping by urgency, level of significance (importance), delivery of letters to the head for review and approval.
  • Working with documents - professional drafting business correspondence and other documentation, registration of applications in accordance with the requirements business etiquette and workflow, editing letters written by the head.

Maintaining business contacts:

  • To tactfully and politely answer incoming calls, to have information on when and how to connect the subscriber with the manager. The importance of the procedure lies in the fact that in each case the decision on the appropriateness of the connection must be made independently.
  • Protect the director as much as possible from unnecessary waste of time, useless contacts, while maintaining the image of the company and the immediate leader.

Office manager job:

  • Ensure that the manager's workplace meets the standard requirements of rationalization, comfort and maximum functionality.
  • Maintain contact with partners, be able to quickly resolve technical support issues and other urgent tasks.

Deputy job:

  • Promptly and accurately find information useful for the manager, deal with the addresses and contacts of potential partners and clients in a timely manner;
  • To represent the head or the interests of the company at representative meetings, business events, be able to find answers to the questions posed, clearly express the position of the head.

The personal assistant to the manager must meet the requests of both the immediate manager and the status of the company. In small (and, if necessary, in large) companies, an assistant manager can share work functions with other employees, and vice versa, combine the work of an assistant with other functions under the main Agreement.

The pratik experience

Regis Lomme,

Head of the Pfizer Representative Office in Russia, Moscow

A specialist working in the company as a personal assistant is engaged in the following work:

  • develops and agrees a business schedule for the day and for the week;
  • supervises work related to the organization of business trips, business meetings and presentations;
  • responsible for the timely notification of the manager about upcoming contacts with partners and visitors, etc.

Naturally, such a specialist must have an optimal set of communication skills: corporate ethics, high adaptability in a rapidly changing environment, accuracy and punctuality, attentiveness and friendliness. The best assistant is one who understands and understands what else needs to be done to improve the director's working conditions.

Modern instructions do not fully cover the job responsibilities of an assistant manager, but an experienced secretary is well aware of the essence of this work. The more sincerely an employee cares about the company, the more successful his career will be, regardless of position. A personal assistant to the leader, who shows healthy and timely concern about the working conditions of the leadership, will always be recognized as he deserves, because it is very important for the leader that there is always a person next to him who fully shares his interests and position, in whatever country or region they are. were.

A specialist who helps me in my work and is employed as an assistant provides comfortable conditions for carrying out important administrative and organizational activities. I will add that these conditions are important not only for me personally, but also for partners, which, in the end, affects the interests of the entire company.

Moreover, it gives me pleasure to understand that an adequate, self-organized and responsible person is working next to me in constant contact, capable of soberly assessing the situation and promptly making useful decisions. Moreover, I trust my secretary on an intuitive level, realizing that he fully shares with me the interests of the company and my own interests.

The ideal executive assistant:

  • He is fluent in the skills of related specialists. Successfully communicates with people and inspires trust among visitors;
  • Rationally and efficiently organizes the process of business negotiations;
  • Being intellectually developed, he is able to maintain a conversation on general topics, nevertheless representing the interests of his leadership;
  • Has good manners, excellent taste, and is loyal to the leader;
  • Polite and correct;
  • He is fluent in the laws of logic, is well aware of the character and position of the manager, is able to represent his interests in front of other companies without prejudice to the interests of the boss. The position of assistant manager assumes uncompromising and principled position in various sectors, both politics and economics;
  • He independently determines and denotes the boundaries of his responsibility and competence, does not shift his work to anyone else, and at the same time, clearly understands the boundaries of the transition of the duties of one employed specialist to another.
  • Has a quick reaction, the ability to quickly manage employees of the company and unmistakably understand: is it worth worrying the boss about this issue.

In view of the above, it is not difficult to determine what are the characteristic requirements for the applicant for this position. In any case, this specialist must have a sufficient educational level and practical experience to ensure his positive reputation. The exact list of requirements depends on job specifics employee.

In particular, if the assistant will be predominantly busy performing the functions of an assistant, then the list of requirements will include the following items:

  • secondary education;
  • little experience in this position;
  • PC and office equipment user skills.

A novice assistant to a company leader can start his career if he has the indicated characteristics.

However, if the assistant will combine the work of a secretary with the work of a manager, it is easy to assume that the requirements for such a specialist will slightly expand. Taking into account the level of tasks in this case, the applicant for the position of assistant manager must have a higher level of qualifications.

A typical skill set should include the following positions:

  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(languages ​​are most in demand: English, French, German, Chinese);
  • confident mastery of a popular package of computer programs;
  • personal qualities of an employee: correctness, responsibility, courtesy, efficiency;
  • age up to 35 years (many companies hire older specialists, taking into account the available practical experience).

While senior executives have more advantages when considering candidates, less senior executives who demonstrate exemplary organizational skills and are proficient in corporate ethics also have a fair chance of success.

This is due to the fact that the manager prefers to independently train his assistant "from scratch" so that the employee immediately develops a certain stereotype of behavior. Moreover, modern technologies are better mastered by young specialists who are not burdened with outdated knowledge. Often the job description of the assistant manager directly indicates the work with new species software, and the selection of candidates takes place according to certain rules.

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What should be the salary of an assistant manager

Personal Assistant Salary Level

Federal district

Approximate salary level (in rubles)

Far Eastern

6500-21 000
9000-21 000

Kazan, Tatarstan
Nizhny Novgorod

5200-26 000
18 200
9880-26 000


7000-11 700
11 700

Barnaul, Altai Territory

9500-39 000
9500-18 500
14 300
16 900-39 000


7800-26 000
7800-26 000
13 000


17 200-19 500
17 200
19 500


10 400-13 000
13 000
10 400-13 000

Executive Assistant Courses: What They Teach

1. Professional and psychological profile of a personal assistant (assistant) manager

  • The list of requirements for qualifications, the level of professional training, as well as requirements for the personal qualities of the assistant manager.
  • The meaning, responsibilities, competence of the assistant manager.
  • Fundamentals of corporate ethics and business interaction of the assistant manager.

2. Documenting the activities of the leader and the organization as a whole

  • Unified document management system, office work basics.
  • Principles of document classification. Varieties of organizational and administrative documentation. Typical documents.
  • Forms of documents, requirements for their filling. Basic and additional details.
  • Rules for the formation of contractual documentation. Registration of administrative and organizational matters.

3. Organization of document flow

  • Working with documents. Varieties of document flows.
  • Principles of document flow. Internal, incoming, outgoing documents. Registration of documents with subsequent control over the execution of the orders of the head.
  • The basics organizational structure... Formation of cases, taking into account the main nomenclature.
  • The concept of the examination of the value of a document. An assistant manager without special training, if necessary, can master the necessary skills and knowledge in special courses on organizing the circulation of documents.

4. Business interaction and effective communication with the manager

  • Challenges and opportunities information support director's work. Organizational and technical means for presentations.
  • Planning and scheduling the director's working day.
  • New types of software and hardware that provide effective performance the head.
  • The basics of interpersonal communication between a leader and an assistant. The salary of a manager's assistant directly depends on the assistant's ability to establish comfortable conditions for ensuring positive interaction.

5. Organization of special and business events (meetings, negotiations, conferences)

  • Preparation of a conference room and the necessary documentation for events.
  • Record keeping in the course of events.
  • Organization of buffets, coffee and other treats for conference participants.
  • Preparation of a cultural program, purchase of gift accessories.

6. Managing stress and your condition.

  • Developing resistance to stress, maintaining a comfortable state.
  • The ability to adapt to changing conditions, the ability to prevent stressful situations, the formation of a positive psychological climate.
  • Ability to focus on positive moments, relax and recover at the end of the day.
  • Keeping presentable appearance, maintaining an aesthetic form, observing a rational regime of work and rest.

7. Time management

  • Identification of priority areas in work and personal life.
  • Possession of knowledge about internal biorhythms, cycles of energy flows.
  • Ability to assign goals to roles.
  • Determining the scope of influence and direction of concerns.

8. Resolution of complex and conflict situations

  • Algorithm for the settlement of disputes and disagreements.
  • Empathic listening.

9. Organization of director's business trips

  • Preparation of documents for the travel manager.
  • Advance ordering of travel documents and hotels.
  • Preparation of the manager's trip abroad.
  • Meet and greet foreign partners. The instruction of the assistant to the head of some companies provides for communication with foreigners and knowledge of foreign languages.

10. The image of a modern personal assistant (personal assistant)

    Personal dress code support.

11. Practical skill in interviewing and writing a resume.

  • Ability to negotiate at the level of top managers, business owners.
  • The ability to correctly present oneself and the company, the ability to maintain a reasonable balance in the process of a conversation, the education of aesthetically attractive manners.
  • Organization of team building: ideas for team building activities

I need an independent assistant

Julia Konelskaya,

General Director of Galaktika Group of Companies, Moscow

Both external and internal resources were used as a client base in the selection of the assistant manager. The announcement "Assistant Manager Wanted" was posted in the local media to attract the attention of applicants with experience working in large companies or administrative departments. The work on the primary selection of candidates was carried out by the personnel department.

First of all, the specialists determined to what extent the applicants meet our requirements, and potential opportunities were identified. During the interview process, candidates solved test cases and considered specific situations. After testing, we received initial information about the capabilities and abilities of candidates.

Further, the selected applicants were tested for compliance with corporate ethics standards adopted at the enterprise. We determined whether the specialist is able to take responsibility for himself and resolve the situation in favor of the company. Personally, I am more impressed by an assistant who is ready to make independent decisions.

4 steps to find the perfect executive assistant

Step 1. Determine who exactly you need

In order to do right choice, you need to clearly know: what kind of specialist is needed as a manager's assistant? What work functions will be assigned to him, what tasks will the manager set for him? When choosing an assistant, it is important to take into account psychological compatibility, the coincidence of biological rhythms and work rates. It is known that business qualities the same person can manifest themselves in different ways in different conditions.

An assistant manager with no experience can find a job in a developing company, with a leader implementing innovative models in administrative and management practice. When the director often travels, the assistant must be able to rationally and efficiently resolve issues related to hotel reservations, tickets and transfers. But if business trips are not frequent, there is no need to train a specialist to perform preparatory work. At the same time, an experienced executive assistant is likely to look for a job that provides him with full-time employment and development opportunities.

Step 2. Finding a suitable candidate

There are two options:

  • the personnel department is engaged in the search for a suitable candidate;
  • selection is carried out by the efforts of the personnel service.

A detailed description of the qualities and skills of the potential assistant will need to be presented to the recruiting service. The more detailed the description of the specialist, the more fruitful the work and activities of the manager will be. The pre-selection process will filter out unsuitable candidates, and it will be much easier for the manager to make a choice among the remaining candidates. In addition, if a person does not meet the requirements for several parameters.

Executive Assistant courses help to identify the priorities of each applicant, uncover potential opportunities. Graduates without work experience can first undergo secretarial practice, acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, and only then apply for the position of assistant to the head of the company.

Please note: It is illegal to reject applications based on age, gender and nationality. During the interview, personal antipathies should not be voiced; there are other, more correct forms for refusing the services of an applicant. If an experienced specialist turns out to be a candidate, the experience of working as a manager's assistant will certainly tell such a candidate the reason for your refusal.

Step 3. Checking the competence of candidates

If 10-15 applicants apply for the position of assistant manager, it is advisable to assign personnel service determine how honestly they filled out the questionnaire. Next, ask each of the candidates to solve a real work situation and analyze their responses.

A particular example: offer a candidate such a problem. “You need to send correspondence. Your actions?". According to the options of the answer, you will make your choice unmistakably.

First option. I will mail the envelope or use a courier service as required by the executive assistant's job description.

Second option. I will find out from the manager how urgent the delivery is. With this in mind, I will decide how to send correspondence: by mail, by courier or (if it is important documents) deliver in person. Departure should be made after the contact person, the exact address and work schedule of the recipient have been determined. The fact of delivery can be verified by phone, after which it is necessary to report to the manager about the work performed.

Step 4. Making a choice

According to the results of the preliminary selection, several applicants remain in the field of vision of the head. This is an important stage at which it is necessary to decide why the candidates applied to this particular company? Ask applicants, what are the reasons for their appeal and why they want to work in the position of assistant manager? Do not be embarrassed if this question has been asked several times. If the employee does not want to burden himself with the confirmation of his intentions, it is hardly worth paying attention to this person. It's another matter when a candidate speaks with interest about a future position, explains his vision of the situation and proposes new, non-standard solutions. Make sure the applicant is emotionally compatible with you.

In the context of a short interview, it is extremely difficult to determine the level of compatibility. Listen to your intuition: do you like a person who demonstrates knowledge, experience, readiness to work? If, in the presence of all these qualities, there is no desire to continue a conversation with him, this is an alarming sign, do not contradict yourself. The issue of psychological compatibility is all the more relevant when an assistant to the head of the department is selected.

In the conditions of growing competition, the quality of management, the direction of strategic administrative and organizational resources is of cardinal importance. The success of the entire company depends on how correctly and promptly the management strategy is chosen. Therefore, the activities of the head should be provided with the most comfortable conditions, means and resources that allow effectively solving strategically important issues without formal or organizational burdens. The personal assistant to the leader is the person who, in any weather, is entrusted with the “ship's compass” controlled by the captain.

Information about the author and company

Yuri Vodilov, General Director of the Sibrybprom company, Tyumen. Sibrybprom LLC is a diversified enterprise specializing in the production of fish products. It has three enterprises where live fish are bred and raised, three fish processing plants, a smoking and drying shop, warehouses, and a shipyard.

Regis Lomme, Head of the Pfizer Representative Office in Russia, Moscow. The Pfizer company, which has existed since 1849, develops and manufactures pharmaceutical products for various fields of medicine (cardiology, oncology, urology, psychiatry, ophthalmology, endocrinology, dermatovenerology), including new generation antibiotics. Pfizer has over 150 locations around the world. The company annually invests significant sums in research and development of new drugs. Russian representative office of the company (Pfizer International ELS) has been operating since 1992.

Julia Konelskaya, General Director of Galakta Group of Companies, Moscow. Group of companies "Galakta" - Russian manufacturer vodka brands "Poltina" and "Frost and Sun". The company is included in the Top 10 vodka producers. The distribution network of products covers all regions of the Russian Federation and consists of more than 100 distributors. Regional offices of the group have been established in 24 largest regions. In 2006, the total production volume of the group's enterprises amounted to USD 2,520 thousand. The number of staff is 600 people.

His place in the management system is often spoken about, his role in modern business a lot has been written, its sphere of influence is expanding, and its functionality is becoming more complicated from year to year. Only its status remains unchanged. Assistant - who is he? What does he do? Why is his humble persona getting so much attention?

From the history of the profession

It is believed that the first helpers appeared in ancient Rome. Roman jurisprudence, which developed formulas for legal transactions, needed to be clothed in traditional written form. Gradually, the mechanical work on legal materials becomes not only more independent, creative, but also almost exclusive. Its representatives in the era of the republic were scribae and exceptoreset notarii - scribes who were engaged in putting legal material into documentary form. The Scribae were in the public service, exceptores et notarii in the service of private individuals. The office of scribae could only be held by Roman citizens who were not deprived of civil honor, and persons subjected to diminution of civil rights did not have access to this office. Their election was for life and was not limited to the term of service, but extended to the successors. The Scribae could relinquish their seat to another person for a fee.

Of the more capable scribes, the magistrates selected assistants for themselves, whose duties included the production of public documents (tabulae publicae) and the maintenance of public accounts (rationes), as a result of which they were called scribae librarii. The assistants took a high social status... One of the names that have come down to us from the depths of centuries is the name of the close assistant to the ancient Roman emperor Augustus - Maecenas, who carried out diplomatic, political and private assignments. His patronage of poets, artists and scientists made the name "Patron" a household name.

Who are hired as assistants?

A leader today is, first of all, a leader who is distinguished by intelligence, flexible thinking, the ability to analyze and self-analyze, emotional maturity, organizational skills and amazing performance. Naturally, such a leader cannot exist in a vacuum. He needs a connecting link, a conductor of his ideas, tasks, a person who will take upon himself the solution of many problems, relieve him of the burden of routine. The faster the business develops, the larger the company and the more successful the leader, which means that the need for a serious assistant becomes urgent.

Choosing a personal assistant for himself, a successful leader declares the highest requirements not only to his education, professional qualities, work experience, practical skills, but also to personal characteristics. A personal assistant is not so much a position as a special status of a trusted person that a leader needs ... A personal assistant is a professional, a responsible person who is able to take on huge responsibilities to ensure the activities of a manager, free him from wasting his time.

It is difficult to find a truly professional assistant. An experienced recruiter approaches the choice of a personal assistant to the manager with all responsibility: he does not even consider the proposals of applicants who often change jobs, without education, work experience, and CVs, drawn up with grammatical and stylistic errors, will not arouse his interest.

There is an opinion that a person between the ages of 25 and 30 can be an assistant. Many experts are very skeptical about the establishment of such boundaries. Work that requires high stress and great concentration of attention makes special demands on professionalism, psychological stability, communication skills, which are acquired exclusively through knowledge, experience, and reputation. That is why in Lately the position of personal assistant has “matured” significantly. Focusing on the totality of objective and subjective parameters and characteristics, a person who has reached full personal and professional maturity can be considered a reliable assistant. From this point of view, the 30th anniversary is not the final stage of the assistant's career, but rather, its starting point.

More recently, mostly women have become personal assistants. A male helper is no longer uncommon today.- he is distinguished by purposefulness, decisiveness and emotional restraint, he has intelligence, the ability to think strategically. In turn, female assistants are more stress-resistant, adapt better, feel the nuances of relationships more subtly due to their flexibility, quickly find a way out of a difficult situation, are attentive to details and have the ability to listen, and are more patient when performing routine work. Therefore, the choice of an assistant should be based not on his gender, but on professionalism, a set of skills.

The requirements for the education of a candidate for the position of a personal assistant are not too strict: they can be a specialist who has higher education in any area, the main thing is the presence of other components necessary for the implementation of the functionality for this position. Most often, humanitarians - specialists in the field of tourism business, public relations and documentation support management, historians, translators, journalists, philologists. The assistant may have a technical, economic or legal education - such specialists often have an analytical mindset, demonstrate their abilities when preparing reviews, reports or supervising projects, and perform tasks of increased complexity. And of course, education that matches the profile of the company is always encouraged.

At the same time, the requirements for work experience and professional skills of an assistant are very high. Those who think that it is enough for a personal assistant to have secretarial skills - to know a foreign language, to know a computer, to have experience in drawing up business letters and providing business trips, booking tickets and organizing business meetings. In addition to all of the above, the assistant needs:

● have an analytical mindset and the ability to systematically logical thinking;

● have good memory, have a quick reaction;

● be hardworking, resilient, stress-resistant;

● have a broad outlook, competent speech;

● be able to take responsibility;

● have good taste;

● be committed to the corporate interests and personal interests of their manager.

Responsibilities of the assistant

Among the main responsibilities of an assistant manager are the following:

● administrative support of the head;

● planning the manager's working day, coordinating and organizing meetings and receiving visitors;

● information and analytical support of the head: search and processing of the necessary information; preparation of information, analytical and presentation materials, reports and speeches, analytical reviews, reports, etc .;

● conducting business correspondence of the head;

● preparation of meetings, councils, meetings conducted by the head, formalization of the results of business meetings / negotiations;

● participation in negotiations, business meetings, receptions; accompanying the head at meetings, on trips, etc.;

● organization and provision of business trips and meetings (logistics of optimal routes, booking tickets, hotel rooms, transfer; visa support; registration of participation in conferences and seminars; organization of leisure);

● implementation of relationships with representatives of companies, enterprises, organizations, authorities state power and management to address issues that do not require the direct involvement of the manager; receipt of documents and information from government and management bodies on behalf of the head;

● oral and written translations, linguistic support of business negotiations and meetings;

● organization of presentations and protocol events, representation activities;

● preparation of reports on expenses;

● fulfillment of personal orders of the head.

This list is not complete; specific company Assistant responsibilities may vary.

About trust

The issue of trust is the very cornerstone, the basis of the foundations, on which the entire system of the "assistant-leader" relationship is built. For many leaders, an assistant is not just a confidant, a person exposed by the secret of knowledge, but also almost a member of the family. The degree of trust is sometimes so high that he is trusted with confidential information, bank account numbers, payment cards and pin codes, large sums of money, safe codes, company seals and personal secrets. That is why many assistants provide not only the organization of the manager's official activities, but also solve his family and household problems: they buy gifts for family members, order baskets of flowers for loved ones, select household staff, organize children's holidays, etc.

It is important to remember that trust is given to a helper who:

● is proficient in skills business communication;

● knows how to hear and listen;

● observes the chain of command;

● maintains neutrality and confidentiality;

● maintains a balance between confidence and compliance, has his own opinion, is ready to defend his position, but understands well when it is necessary and where to retreat.

Pros and cons of the profession

Let's start with what they usually end up with, modestly leaving "for later" - with the question of wages. The very high requirements for the candidates for the “personal assistant manager” vacancy, as well as the serious proposals of the candidates, have significantly raised the bar for salary expectations and proposals. In Moscow, the approximate average wage assistant manager varies from 40 to 60 thousand rubles, in the regions - from 20 to 30 thousand. Availability of work experience, recommendations, knowledge foreign languages allow a candidate to qualify for higher remuneration.

Daily managerial experience, an increasing level of responsibility, a change in the nature of the tasks being solved allow the assistant to acquire invaluable knowledge in this position. Assistant - a position that involves constant growth and self-realization, improvement of personal qualities, abilities, talents; opening up real prospects for professional activity. Considering all of the above, a professional assistant in the future can apply for at least the position of head of the secretariat, chancellery, business management, but a different development of events is also possible - an executive, administrative, managing director or organizing your own business.

The flip side of any profession is the price we pay for mastering professional skills. The assistant's working day lasts longer than the manager's working day, so it often starts early in the morning and ends in the late evening. In addition, a personal assistant should be available to his boss almost around the clock. If the manager has only one assistant, sometimes it is difficult even to take a day off, to go on vacation - the assistant is strictly limited by the vacation framework of his manager.

In addition, the established relationships, harmony, personal attachment to the leader often play against the desires and aspirations to change something, make the assistant hostage to a specific official, and hence the profession.

The position of the assistant should be considered as a launching pad, and his career and personal growth depends on dedication, a clear awareness of their capabilities, desires and the amount of effort.

Name in history

The names of the figures who have left their mark on the history of world politics, culture, science, diplomacy are known to everyone, but the names of their assistants, who took upon themselves the hard and sometimes thankless work, contributing to the birth of many achievements, history does not always preserve for posterity.

Pavel Ivanovich Yaguzhinsky ( 1683-1736) - assistant to Peter I, statesman and diplomat. An active and energetic man, since 1701 he became a constant companion of Peter I on all campaigns and trips abroad, found himself everywhere in his place and earned the Tsar's favor. V different years served as Prosecutor General of the Senate, Minister Plenipotentiary at the Polish Seim in Grodno, cabinet minister, was envoy in Vienna, ambassador to Berlin. Peter I repeatedly entrusted him with important diplomatic missions. Pavel Ivanovich conducted very difficult negotiations with the kings of Denmark and Prussia. Yaguzhinsky, as a personal confidant of the tsar, took part in all European congresses without exception. Including because he spoke English, German, Spanish and French, not to mention Polish and Lithuanian. The Emperor was not mistaken in his choice of the Prosecutor General. Yaguzhinsky zealously and very promptly carried out all the orders of Peter I. He never delayed execution, as other nobles often practiced, and, having received any task, after a day or two reported to Peter I about the results.

Contemporaries who watched Yaguzhinsky in the service are unanimous in their assessments: “A prominent man, with a wrong face, but expressive and lively, with a free attitude, capricious, proud, was smart and very active; he did as much in one day as he couldn’t do in another in a week ”.

Petr Petrovich Konovnitsyn(1764–1822) assistant to Mikhail Kutuzov, adjutant general, count. Unusually brave and reckless in combat affairs, Peter Petrovich was at the same time an excellent staff worker, extremely accurate, diligent and punctual.

Contemporaries assessed him as "an extraordinary type of Russian nature." After the retreat from Moscow, Kutuzov appointed Konovnitsyn as the duty general of the headquarters of the Russian army, on whose shoulders lay a huge burden of organizational work in the army: the supply of ammunition and food, fodder and medicines, uniforms and transport. This appointment was not accidental: Mikhail Illarionovich, despite the general confusion after the loss of Moscow, needed a balanced and firm person nearby. In addition, honest Konovnitsyn, as it were, neutralized the chief of staff L. Bennigsen, who was intriguing against Kutuzov. Since that time, Petr Petrovich became the first speaker for the commander-in-chief, all combat correspondence between Kutuzov and the commanders subordinate to him passed through him.

In 1815-1819. Konovnitsyn held the post of Minister of War, since 1819 - a member of the State Council, head of military educational institutions, chief director of the Pages and other cadet corps and the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Charles Maurice Talleyrand-Perigord (1753–1838) assistant to Napoleon Bonaparte, an outstanding French commander and statesman. A whole era is associated with his name: royal power, revolution, Napoleon's empire, restoration, July revolution. Fate tied these people for 14 years. Napoleon appreciated Talleyrand: "He is a man of intrigue, a man of great immorality, but a great mind and, of course, the most capable of all the ministers I have had." Talleyrand became a knight of all French orders and almost all foreign ones. Back in 1807, at the height of Napoleon's power, Talleyrand wondered how long the emperor's triumph would last. A sophisticated politician, Talleyrand felt that it was time to leave, and left the ministerial post. The experienced diplomat was not mistaken in anticipating Napoleon's downfall. Talleyrand, showing miracles of diplomacy, persuaded the allies to leave the throne not to the heirs of Napoleon, but to the royal family - the Bourbons, and, once again in favor, became Minister of Foreign Affairs and Head of Government for the third time.

Alexey AndreevichA. A. Arakcheev(1769-1834) - assistant to three kings - Paul I, Alexander I, Nicholas I.

He served in the Gatchina garrison, which was transferred into full control to Tsarevich Pavel Petrovich, the future Emperor Paul I. At one of such reviews, the future emperor noticed the executive lieutenant Arakcheev. Soon, Arakcheev became the commandant of the palace, treated his duties with diligence and diligence - he was on duty at any time of the day. Under Paul I, at the age of 28, Arakcheev rose to the rank of commandant of St. Petersburg and received the baron's coat of arms, in which, with the permission of the emperor, he inscribed the motto: "Betrayed without flattery." Under Alexander I, he began to widely plant military settlements, the idea of ​​creating which had long occupied his thoughts, since 1815 he actually concentrated in his hands the leadership of the State Council, the Committee of Ministers and His own Imperial Majesty's Chancellery, was the only rapporteur to the tsar on most departments. From 1817, during the reign of Nicholas I, he held the post of chief commander of military settlements. Arakcheev refused to take part in the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, for which he was dismissed by Nicholas I

Friedrich Engels(1820-1895) - assistant to Karl Marx, one of the founders of scientific communism. The meeting with Marx, held in Paris in 1844, marked the beginning of a creative community that lasted until the death of Marx. Engels actively participated in the organization and activities of the "Union of Communists", together with Marx wrote the program of the Union - "Manifesto of the Communist Party" and published the "New Rhine Newspaper", in 1849 he participated in the armed uprising in southwestern Germany. Having inherited from his father, Engels provided constant material assistance to Marx. Together with Marx, he directed the activities of the First International. After his death, he began publishing volumes of Capital, compiling the final text from Marx's draft manuscripts.

Nicholas Roerich(1874-1947) - Russian artist, philosopher, scientist, writer, traveler, public figure, politician. He wrote about 7000 paintings and created almost 30 literary works, author and initiator of the International Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historical Monuments (Roerich's Pact), founder international movement in defense of culture. At the age of 24, he became assistant director of the museum at the Imperial Society for the Encouragement of Arts and at the same time assistant editor of the art magazine "Art and Art Industry". Three years later he was appointed secretary of the Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts.

Evgeny Petrovich Petrov (Kataev)(1903–1942) - assistant to the Russian prose writer Ilya Ilf, writer. Together with I. Ilf he wrote the hugely popular novels "The Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf". In 1932-1937 Ilf and Petrov wrote feuilletons for the newspaper Pravda, during this period they traveled across the United States, the result of which was the joint book One-Story America.

The creative collaboration of the writers was interrupted by the death of Ilf in 1937. Petrov goes to work in the newspaper "Pravda", writes screenplays.

During the Great Patriotic War works as a correspondent for the newspapers Pravda, Krasnaya Zvezda, Sovinformburo. He was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Igor VasilievichKurchatov(1902-1960) - assistant physicist Abram Fedorovich Ioffe, an outstanding physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the first and long-term head of the Soviet nuclear program.

In Kurchatov, the talents of a physicist and an organizer were organically combined. It was on him that Academician A.F. Ioffe, who obtained permission to organize a nuclear physics department at his institute and recommended that Kurchatov be appointed the head of the atomic program - and this largely determined the rapid success of the development of nuclear weapons. In 1943, Igor Vasilyevich founded and headed the institute, which later received the name of the Institute of Atomic Energy of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Under his leadership, the first cyclotron in Moscow was built, the first nuclear reactor in Europe, the first Soviet atomic bomb, the world's first thermonuclear bomb, and the world's first industrial nuclear power plant and the largest research facility for controlled thermonuclear reactions. The 104th element of Mendeleev's periodic table is named after him Kurchatov.

Yuri Mikhailovich Baturin(Born 1949) - Assistant to the President Russian Federation, Russian politician, scientist (lawyer and political scientist), pilot-cosmonaut (382nd cosmonaut of the world and 90th cosmonaut of Russia), Hero of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation.

1993 to 1994 worked as an assistant to the President of Russia on legal issues, in 1994–1996 - on national security issues, in 1996–1998 - assistant to the President of Russia. In 1998 he was appointed to the post of test cosmonaut at the Russian State Scientific Research Testing Center for Cosmonaut Training named after V.I. Yu.A. Gagarin. Since 2000 - Deputy Commander of the Cosmonaut Detachment for Research and Testing Work. This is the first time a civilian has been appointed to an administrative position in a military cosmonaut unit, which is the CPC unit. Since 2008 - Member of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

M.E. Tarasova,
head of organizational and administrative service
NK Rusneftekhim CJSC

On the general director the company has a lot of responsibilities. As the organization develops, this range of responsibilities expands. There is a lot of “turnover” on which the leader has to spend time instead of solving problems aimed directly at the development of the company. This reduces the efficiency of the specialist. Part of the tasks that do not require high qualifications can be delegated to the assistant general director.

Assistant CEO Position: Key Features

It is difficult to give specific characteristics to the position of assistant CEO. The fact is that the terms of reference of this specialist are determined based on the needs of the CEO. An employee's activity can be focused on one aspect. Consider the positions in which assistants work in practice:

  • Clerk. This specialist is responsible for working with the documentation. In his area of ​​responsibility are calls, various daily tasks.
  • Personal assistant. Specializes in organizing the CEO's working day, business meetings and conferences. The specialist also accompanies the manager on business trips.
  • Deputy CEO. The employee has the right to make decisions on a limited range of issues.

As a rule, in practice, the assistant combines the functions of several specialists. In large companies, the CEO may have two assistants. For example, one organizes the manager's working time, while the other deals with paperwork.

The assistant belongs to the category of managers. He reports directly to the CEO. Requirements that are usually presented to an employee:

  • Higher education in the relevant profile (for example, legal).
  • Work experience from three years.

As a rule, other employees are subordinate to the assistant general director. He has wide powers: from the right to issue orders to control the work of various departments.

IMPORTANT! Appointing a helper is not an overkill at all. This measure allows the leader to focus on solving problems that require high professionalism and creativity. The "turnover" is delegated to the assistant. This significantly increases the efficiency of both the CEO and the company itself.

Legal regulations

The activities of the assistant to the general director are regulated by regulatory enactments:

  • Methodical recommendations.
  • The charter.
  • Labor agreement.
  • By orders of the head.
  • Job description.

What are the responsibilities of an Assistant CEO?

The responsibilities of an assistant CEO vary according to the size of the company. In small companies, employees are engaged in control over the work of couriers, managers, and the life support of the office. In large organizations, the CEO usually has two assistants. One personal assistant organizes the manager's working day, the second - deals with all other matters. The list of specialist responsibilities can vary considerably. In any case, the responsibilities should be spelled out in the job description. Consider a rough list:

  • Organization of negotiations, including by phone.
  • Reception of correspondence.
  • Organization of meetings and assemblies: preparation of related materials, control over compliance with regulations, execution of minutes, stenography.
  • Control over the execution of orders from the CEO.
  • Providing papers for signature to the head.
  • Reception of the general director's visitors.
  • Organization of business trips (for example, booking rooms, ordering tickets).
  • Ensuring the efficient work of the CEO.
  • Drawing up a plan for the working day.
  • Informational support of the general director.
  • Participation in meetings and business meetings.
  • Organization of business meetings.
  • Organization of presentations.
  • Preparation of reports on expenses.
  • Execution of personal orders.
  • Creation of databases, virtual presentations using a PC.

An assistant is the person closest to the CEO. Often his working day is not standardized. An employee solves a wide variety of tasks, so he must have the appropriate personal qualities.

Employee rights

The assistant to the general director is endowed with the following rights:

  • Familiarization with the projects and decisions of the head concerning the activities of the assistant.
  • Right to Receive Required Information.
  • The right to make decisions within the framework of official powers.

An assistant CEO can be empowered. For example, an employee may have the right to sign documents.

Responsibility assigned to the assistant

The responsibility assigned to the assistant should be spelled out in the job description. The employee is responsible in the following cases:

  • Failure to comply with job descriptions.
  • Actions that violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Causing damage.

If the assistant has committed a misdemeanor, an investigation is carried out before imposing responsibility on him. It is needed to establish the degree of guilt. Taking part in the investigation key employees companies. Based on its results, a document is drawn up. Depending on the degree of guilt, a penalty may be imposed on the employee. The assistant can also be fired.

What personal qualities are required from an assistant?

The widest range of tasks is assigned to the personal assistant. Some specialists work in one direction, but this does not apply to the assistant. It requires multitasking, versatility. Consider the personal qualities that an assistant CEO is required to possess:

  • Proactiveness, work ahead of the curve.
  • The ability to foresee further development situations.
  • Preventing complications.
  • Versatility.
  • Adaptation to a rapidly changing environment.
  • Fluency in one or more foreign languages.
  • Ability to work with information flows.
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality.
  • Ability system analysis situations.
  • Ability to offer several solutions at once.
  • PC proficiency at an average to high level.
  • Knowledge of the basics of time management.
  • Ability to coordinate the activities of several employees.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Sociability, the ability to resolve conflicts.
  • Operational work with large amounts of information.
  • Good memory.
  • Ability to prioritize.

The assistant must be competent, stress-resistant. Knowledge of related specialties is desirable (for example, knowledge of the basics of jurisprudence).

When does a CEO need a personal assistant?

An assistant is hired if the CEO has a long list of responsibilities. Even if the manager is up to the task at hand, most of the turnover can be a drag on work. It is to work with the day-to-day affairs that an assistant is hired. As a rule, these employees are invited to large companies. CEOs of small organizations can handle all the work on their own.

Personal assistant to the manager is a profession that is in high demand at the moment. This is primarily related to development market economy, since in a highly competitive environment financial condition any firm depends on correct and timely management decisions... The success of the director largely depends on the skills, business management skills and personal qualities. The assistant manager, whose duties vary widely from banal office affairs to operational decisions, will become an indispensable employee, the boss's "right hand", and most importantly, the guarantor of the fulfillment of tasks at the scheduled time ...

Personal qualities of an assistant

When choosing the “right hand”, the director of a company often pays attention not to education, but to personal ones. Most likely, preference will be given to a person with less rich experience, but with a similar opinion, than a specialist with excellent recommendations, but different life convictions. An assistant manager, whose responsibilities are almost impossible to formulate, must have the ability to read minds and at first glance determine the mood of the boss. To complete all tasks, regardless of the specifics - these can be assignments of a personal nature. If you always take everything personally, then this is not your job. The executive assistant should not pay attention to the boss's frustrations and frustrations. The assistant must be loyal and loyal to his superiors. His work, in addition to monetary remuneration, is motivated by a single goal - increasing the welfare and competitiveness of the company as a whole. The assistant manager, whose duties are to negotiate and conclude contracts in the absence of the first person of the company, is to some extent the face of the company. It is by him that competitors judge the state of affairs, and clients and partners make decisions about cooperation.

Job functions

So, if you intend to become a personal assistant, you should familiarize yourself with the field of activity and the to-do list that the assistant manager performs on a daily basis. His duties, as already mentioned, range from executive functions to deputy functions.

  • scheduling and drawing up a work schedule for upcoming affairs and meetings of the head;
  • reminders of scheduled appointments, upcoming trips, organizing events and business lunches;
  • control and planning of business trips: booking tickets, booking hotels, working as a translator;
  • documentation and organizational issues to rationalize the workplace.

Deputy duties include:

  • search for the necessary information, prompt solution of emerging issues, control over the work of structural divisions;
  • representing the company and the boss at business meetings, if necessary.

In a particular company, the range of responsibilities may differ depending on the specifics of the company and personal


Highly qualified employees performing these functions are highly valued. Most often, personal assistants are office managers, secretaries, department heads who have earned an excellent reputation during their service and have outgrown their responsibilities. Some employees see the Personal Assistant position as a starting point for moving up the career ladder. In the future, experience and knowledge of the structure of the company, areas of its activities, specialization, as well as negotiation skills open up broad prospects. Experienced and distinguished workers can take superior positions, which is their high aim and the main dream.

They tell a story, they say, in the old days, before giving an employee a day off, one boss told her to plant seven rose bushes under the windows, wash the floors, weed the beds, grind coffee for seven weeks, and much more. Who knows, maybe they are lying. It’s a long time ago.

"Competence is the ability to discover and satisfy the personal tastes of superiors" (Lawrence Peter).

But with regard to rose bushes, people are still divided into two categories: the first dutifully go to the garden, and the second try to figure out what the boss really meant.

To interpret the orders of the chief is an art, but he can and should be learned. Any production task should be approached consciously. And this also applies to the sacred directives of the boss: best successes sometimes the one who reads between the lines and correctly interprets the assignments of the authorities achieves.

Useful when the question "Why?" ahead of all "How?", "When?" and "What will I get for this?", but it is not necessary (and sometimes harmful) to ask this first question to the boss directly. Ideally, the goal is to learn how to work ahead, discarding obviously unnecessary tasks, but at the same time not harm yourself and your business.

I guess myself

Once I broke free to have lunch with Tanya. We studied together, and then I turned onto the path of journalism, and she confidently walked through life as an assistant to the general director of a large travel agency. The hotter had not arrived yet, but her mobile had already insistently raised a voice from her purse.

Tanya opened her diary with lightning speed and began to write something down, repeating from time to time: "Yes. Okay. I will do everything ... Yes! Surely! Surely!" Having completed two pages, she ended the conversation and asked for another minute to put the notes in order.

For 10 seconds she carefully read, and then crossed out a good third of the points, and marked half of the remaining with a plus. I was surprised, but Tanya quickly dotted the i's.

When asked how to become a manager's assistant, she replied that she was guided by a simple principle: before starting a task, you should ask yourself why you need it. The answer to it automatically transfers a number of instructions to the list of optional ones.

For example, if the boss asks to analyze prices among several companies in the region, then he is probably going to renovate the premises, but he is not yet ready to tell her about it. Not ready - and not necessary, she guessed it herself.

She also has an acquaintance at a construction agency who will find the best office for best price, which means that analysis is not required (the main thing is to correctly formulate your proposal). The result is minus a few hours of painstaking work.

How to become a manager's assistant: a psychological portrait

Personal assistant to the manager is a profession that is in high demand at the moment. First of all, this is connected with the development of a market economy, since in conditions of fierce competition, the financial condition of any company depends on correct and timely management decisions.

The success of the director largely depends on the skills, business management skills and personal qualities of the trustee. The manager's assistant, whose responsibilities vary widely from trivial office affairs to operational decisions, will become an indispensable employee, the boss's “right hand”, and most importantly, the guarantor of the fulfillment of assigned tasks at the scheduled time.

When choosing the right hand, the director of a company often pays attention not to education, but to personal human qualities. Most likely, preference will be given to a person with less experience, but with a similar opinion, than a specialist with excellent recommendations, but different life convictions.

An assistant manager, whose responsibilities are almost impossible to formulate, must have the ability to read minds and at first glance determine the mood of the boss. To complete all tasks, regardless of the specifics - these can be assignments of a personal nature. If you are a sentimental person and always take everything personally, then this is not your job.

The executive assistant should not pay attention to the boss's frustrations and frustrations. The assistant must be loyal and loyal to his superiors. His work, in addition to monetary remuneration, is motivated by a single goal - increasing the welfare and competitiveness of the company as a whole.

The assistant manager, whose duties are to negotiate and conclude contracts in the absence of the first person of the company, is to some extent the face of the company. It is by him that competitors judge the state of affairs, and clients and partners make decisions about cooperation.

Video materials on the topic of the article

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Responsibilities of a personal assistant:

How is the interview going: