What is a military representation. Fifth acceptance



On the military representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Document as amended by:
(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 33, 18.08.2003, art. 3269);
(Russian newspaper, N 174, 08/01/2012).
(Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 07.07.2014);
(Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 09/28/2017, N 0001201709280010).

Government of the Russian Federation


1. Approve the attached Regulations on military representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

2. Approve the deduction rates Money for the maintenance of military representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and their control bodies in the amount of one percent of the cost of weapons, military equipment, military-technical and other property, mobilization-purpose items produced industrial enterprises, institutions and organizations for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other government customers (hereinafter referred to as military products).

3. Establish that quality control and acceptance of military products supplied outside the state defense order for state customers, except for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, are carried out by this Ministry on a contractual basis.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

To allow the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to control the quality and acceptance of military products at enterprises and organizations of foreign states by the military representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the basis of intergovernmental agreements.

4. Extend the Regulations on the military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to the military missions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
(The paragraph was supplemented by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2003 N 475 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2017 N 1162. - See previous edition)

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

REGULATIONS on military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated August 11, 1995 N 804

1. Military representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military representations) are created to control the quality and acceptance of military products at enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of departmental subordination and organizational and legal forms (hereinafter referred to as organizations), carrying out in the interests of defense development, testing, production, supply and disposal of these products, both directly and in cooperation, as well as maintenance, repair and (or) modernization of military products carried out by specialists of organizations directly at the consumers of these products in accordance with the terms of government contracts (contracts).
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

In this Regulation, military products are understood as armaments, military equipment, military-technical and other property, scientific, technical and other products, as well as work performed in the interests of defense.

Military missions and their control bodies are part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

Acquisition positions military missions by military personnel and civilian personnel is carried out in accordance with their organizational and staffing structure.

2. The activities of military missions and their control bodies are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, these Regulations, military regulations, legal acts Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

The activities of military missions are managed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation through the bodies of military command authorized by it.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

3. In cases where military representations are not created in organizations, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation sends its representatives to them, who carry out quality control and acceptance of military products, as well as control mobilization training these organizations. These representatives shall be subject to all the rights and obligations provided for by these Regulations, in terms of the performance of the work assigned to them.

4. Military representations carry out quality control of military products and their acceptance in cases established by state contracts (contracts).

Military missions have the right to control the quality of military products and their compliance with technical documentation at any stage of development, production, service, repair, modernization and disposal of these products.

Military representations on the basis of concluded state contracts (contracts) determine the lists of products, assembly units and operations technological process subject to mandatory quality control and acceptance, which are brought to the attention of the heads of organizations and can be specified by military missions depending on the results of the operation and quality control of military products.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

5. Military missions take part in planning measures to protect state secrets in the development, testing, production, supply, maintenance, repair, modernization and disposal of military products. The heads of military missions are included in the permanent technical commissions in organizations for the protection of state secrets.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

6. When organizations carry out search, experimental, research and other works of military importance, military missions exercise control over the performance of these works in the amount agreed between state customers and organizations that approved the tasks for carrying out these works.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

7. Military personnel and civilian personnel of military missions that control the quality and acceptance of military products in organizations with harmful and dangerous working conditions are subject to guarantees of legal and social protection and benefits established by law Russian Federation for employees of these organizations.

8. Military missions are entrusted with:

participation in the preparation and approval of contracts for the supply of military products, components, service, repair, modernization and disposal of military products, for the implementation of preliminary projects, research and development work, as well as control over the implementation of government contracts (contracts);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

checking the quality and completeness of the received military products, their compliance with the requirements of technical documentation, as well as concluded state contracts (contracts);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

acceptance of military products within the time limits stipulated by state contracts (contracts), issuance of certificates for accepted products to organizations;
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2012 N 766;

control over the development of technical documentation for military products, verification of its compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents and the terms of state contracts (contracts), as well as the approval of changes made to this documentation, and checking the status of its originals;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

See previous edition ;

record keeping material assets created or acquired by organizations during the development, production, maintenance, repair, modernization and disposal of military products at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

control over the implementation and compliance by organizations with the requirements of documents on the standardization of defense products (hereinafter referred to as standards) in the development, production, testing, maintenance, repair, modernization and disposal of military products;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

participation in the assessment of measures to protect state secrets, carried out in the development, manufacture, testing, supply, maintenance, repair, modernization and disposal of military products;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

control over the mobilization preparation of organizations;

quality control and acceptance of work on maintenance, repair and modernization of military products carried out by specialists of organizations directly at the consumers of these products in accordance with the terms of state contracts (contracts);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612)

control of metrological support in the development, production, testing, maintenance, repair, modernization and disposal of military products;
(The paragraph is additionally included from July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612)

issuance of conclusions on the price of military products, including forecast.
(The paragraph is additionally included from July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612)

9. When controlling the quality of serial military products and their acceptance, military missions are required to:

exercise control over the quality of manufacture and testing of military products, their units, assemblies and parts, as well as the compliance of components and materials with the requirements of technical documentation;

conduct acceptance tests of military products;

participate in periodic, qualification, type and other tests of military products and give opinions on their results;

participate in the analysis of the reliability of military products based on the results of its production, testing and operation;

agree on action plans aimed at bringing the reliability indicators to the values ​​established by the technical documentation, and monitor their implementation;

control the implementation of decisions on issues of improving the quality and reliability of military products, compliance with the rules for storing accepted military products and their maintenance;

See previous edition ;

the paragraph became invalid on July 15, 2014 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612 - see the previous edition.

9_1. Military missions are required to suspend the acceptance and shipment of military products in the following cases:

a) failure to comply with the terms of state contracts (contracts), as well as decisions made to ensure the quality and reliability of military products;

b) negative results of tests of military products provided for by the design documentation for these products;

c) violation of especially critical technological processes for the production of military products, established by technical documentation;

d) detection of defects during the operation of military products that cause their failure, if these defects are present in military products that are in production;

e) the use in the production of military products of counterfeit, falsified, substandard components, materials and semi-finished products, as well as the recognition of manufactured military products as counterfeit;

f) violation of the requirements for countering foreign technical intelligence and technical protection, contributing to the creation of channels for the leakage (disclosure, loss) of information constituting a state secret.
(Clause 9_1 is additionally included from July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612)

9_2. The head of the military representation notifies the head of the organization and the state customer in writing, as well as federal agency executive power, authorized to carry out control (supervisory) activities in the field of state defense orders, to suspend the acceptance and shipment of military products.

Acceptance and shipment of military products are resumed after the organization has carried out measures agreed with the state customer to eliminate the identified shortcomings and their causes.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612)

10. When exercising control over the implementation of preliminary designs, research and development work, as well as the development of project documentation for the construction of military facilities, military missions are obliged to:

take part in the coordination of tactical and technical (technical) assignments for the implementation of preliminary projects, research and development work, as well as coordinate the technical assignments for the constituent parts of these works;

control the implementation of preliminary projects, research and development work at the development stages established by tactical and technical (technical) tasks and state contracts (contracts);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

coordinate the methods and programs of tests carried out by organizations at all stages of the development and manufacture of prototypes (batches) of military products, as well as participate in the conduct of these tests and the preparation of conclusions based on their results;

carry out verification of prototypes (batches) of military products intended for preliminary or state (interdepartmental) tests for their compliance with regulatory and technical documentation and tactical and technical (technical) tasks.

Military missions are responsible for the unreasonable delay in issuing conclusions on the completed stages of preliminary projects, research and development work.

The paragraph became invalid on July 15, 2014 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See the previous edition.

10_1. Preliminary projects, research, development and design works (their stages) presented for acceptance are not accepted in case of failure to comply with the terms of state contracts (contracts), the requirements of tactical and technical (technical) tasks and standards. The specified works (their stages) can be re-submitted for acceptance after the implementation of measures approved by the state customer to eliminate the identified deficiencies.
(The paragraph was additionally included from July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612)

11. Military missions selectively control the quality of military products supplied by organizations without acceptance by military missions. The order of the specified control should be stipulated in the state contract (contract).
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

12. If necessary, military missions carry out selective inspection, disassembly and testing of military products, their units, assemblies and parts. The procedure for such verification and the methodology for testing them are established by agreement between the heads of the military representation and the organization.

13. Heads of organizations provide:

fulfillment of contractual obligations;

checking the quality of components, materials, raw materials, semi-finished products and protective coatings used for the manufacture of military products;

timely presentation of military products for testing and acceptance, as well as the elimination of production and design defects of military products identified during testing and operation;

implementation of work on the standardization and unification of military products, components and materials used for its manufacture, as well as the timely implementation of standards;

development and observance of technological processes for the production of military products;

safety of military products accepted by military missions and transferred for storage, as well as its maintenance;

timely planning and performance by the organization of work on the replacement of components of military products in operation, which have a shorter warranty period than these products;

substantiation of prices for military products, their coordination with military representations;
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on August 9, 2012 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2012 N 766; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See . previous edition)

organization and implementation of work on metrological support for the development, manufacture and testing of military products;

organization and implementation of the analysis of the reliability of the supplied military products based on the results of its testing and operation;

protection of state secrets in the process of development, testing, production and supply of military products.

14. The heads of organizations submit to the military representation for approval and (or) conclusion:

draft tactical and technical (technical) tasks for the development of military products and components, programs for their testing, reports on the results of these tests, action plans to eliminate deficiencies and defects identified during testing, design (and, if necessary, technological) documentation necessary for production of military products, as well as all changes made to this documentation;

plans for the implementation of preliminary projects, research and development work;

work plans for the replacement of components of military products in operation that have a shorter warranty period than the specified products;

research and development work (their stages), as well as components of these works, performed in cooperation.

15. Heads of organizations are obliged:

provide military missions for review with all documents on the quality of military products and work on maintenance, repair and modernization of military products;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

take timely measures to eliminate deficiencies and defects in military products identified during its development, production, installation, testing, acceptance and commissioning;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

carry out work to improve the quality and reliability of military products throughout their entire life cycle;

provide the heads of military missions with information on the range and content of work performed by organizations, regardless of the source of their funding, in order to determine work of military importance;

the paragraph became invalid on August 9, 2012 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2012 N 766 - see the previous edition;

in the absence of military representations in organizations, notify state customers about the progress in the implementation of state contracts (contracts);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

timely submit to military missions settlement and calculation materials justifying the level of prices for military products.
(The paragraph is additionally included from July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612)

16. The heads of organizations to create conditions for the work of military missions provide them with:

documentation, reference materials and scientific and technical information necessary for quality control and acceptance of military products;

control and measuring devices, tools and equipment, as well as production personnel necessary for testing, quality control and acceptance of military products;

equipped office premises in accordance with current sanitary standards, services for secret and unclassified office work, communication facilities available in organizations, as well as premises for personnel arriving to receive and accompany military products;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

the paragraph became invalid on July 15, 2014 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612 - see the previous edition.

Civilian personnel of military missions are provided with all types of social and medical services on an equal basis with the corresponding categories of employees of organizations.

17. Military representations organize their work taking into account the internal regulations established in organizations. The admission of military personnel and civilian personnel of a military mission to service, production and storage premises is carried out in the manner established in the organization.

18. The heads of military missions and organizations have the right to mutually address all issues related to the development, manufacture, testing, acceptance, supply, maintenance, repair, modernization and disposal of military products, as well as ensuring the working conditions of military missions, and are obliged to personally consider these issues and make decisions on them.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2014 N 612. - See previous edition)

19. It is prohibited for organizations to pay any remuneration to military representatives and for military representatives to receive monetary or in-kind remuneration from organizations.

20. Military representations have no right to interfere in the official activities of the administration of organizations, and the administration of organizations - in the official activities of military representations.

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Often on the Internet you can find a discussion regarding certain types of acceptance, which are marked with the numbers 5 or 9. On the websites of manufacturers of certain types of products, in particular radio electronics, it is indicated that their products are tested according to the requirements set by the Ministry of Defense. Let's try to understand and understand acceptance 5, what it is and when it is applied.

What is "military" acceptance and its differences from the standard

Military acceptance is a well-established system of maintaining required quality products manufactured for the military sphere and partly for the civil one, if we are talking about dual-use products. Their main consumer and General Customer is the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In order to ensure such work, at enterprises producing a certain range of products, at the expense of the financing of the Moscow Region, representative offices of the customer independent of the manufacturer are created or military representatives are sent. Their activities are regulated by a special Regulation approved by Government Decree No. 804 of August 11, 1995. At the same time, the form of ownership or departmental subordination of the plant does not matter, the only important thing is that these plants develop, manufacture, supply, and also dispose of military products.

Lists of controlled items are compiled annually on the basis of State Defense Order contracts concluded with enterprises. Military products are:

  • military equipment;
  • weapons of various types;
  • military-technical, as well as other property;
  • documentation and products of a scientific and technical nature;
  • work that is carried out in the interests of increasing the defense capability of the state.

The representative of the customer (military representative) accompanies the entire process of creating a device or part from drawing up a technical specification to using it for its intended purpose. Not only the final result is important, but also all the intermediate stages along the chain of cooperation of different organizations: materials, parts, components. The Ministry of Defense monitors compliance with standards and specifications, the completeness of tests and reliability tests, the reasonableness of prices and actual costs.

All product parameters, the procedure for acceptance, packaging, marking, shipment are specified in the technical specifications. The tests prescribed in the technical specifications are carried out by the plant on its own equipment and by the forces of its employees. If the company is unable to provide right quality goods, the military representative has the right to suspend the verification process for an indefinite period until the causes are identified and the deficiencies are eliminated. In addition, the representative of the Ministry of Defense controls the orders of other departments (FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Roscosmos, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSO, Rosatom) and takes part in activities aimed at protecting state secrets.

Since Soviet times, the attitude towards products manufactured by order of the Ministry of Defense differed from the usual "civilian". First of all, this concerned issues of quality, durability and the ability to endure increased loads of various kinds. Since many issues related to the "defense industry" were classified, there are a great many opinions about the specific decoding of certain abbreviations and digital indices. Where did the famous acceptance 5 come from?

Many commentators on specialized forums, in particular, argue that in the USSR, at first, a number in an asterisk indicated a special acceptance, and later in a rhombus:

  • 1 - standard QCD check;
  • 2 – quality control with additional climatic tests;
  • 5 in the square - QCD check for products that have not passed military acceptance;
  • 5 in a rhombus - military acceptance (VP);
  • 7 - the same as the previous one, but with climatic tests;
  • 9 - OS, which can be deciphered as "special series", or OSM ("special series small"). Some experts argue that the OS indicates a special stability in functioning. This type of verification is most often tied to the nuclear industry.

According to the results of climatic tests, the corresponding marking was also added: V - all-weather version, U - moderate, T - tropical, UHL - moderately cold version.

All these icons can be seen on some old semiconductors, microcircuits or lamps for electrical appliances. For products used in the manufacture of MO products, a longer warranty period for uninterrupted operation is often applied, for example, at least five years instead of the standard three. At the same time, in rocket and space technology, on the contrary, the duration of operation can be lower, since the device is forced to operate under conditions of hard ionization radiation.

Usually, additional tests or technological operations can be added to the traditional acceptance by the technical control department, aimed at stabilizing certain parameters of the products. The customer can prescribe special requirements for standard products manufactured by the plant in the technical documentation. For example, use not a plastic case, but a metal or ceramic case, use a sapphire substrate and gold leads, pump nitrogen into the cavity, rather than simple air. The tolerance limits are set narrower, the selection for quality is very strict. More often, continuous control of products is used; selective control is permissible only for some tests.

On the website of the PROTON Plant, it is indicated that acceptance 5 or military acceptance can be ordered for the purpose of an additional guarantee High Quality. These activities involve, in addition to inter-operational and final control, also the participation of a military representative, as an independent expert, during particularly important operations or key stages of the order manufacturing process, as well as in the preparation of documentation.

What additional requirements apply to military products

There is little information on specific additional tests required for military acceptance, so we can conclude that this list is formed by the customer and the manufacturer based on the type, purpose and intended place of operation of the product. For example, the Dupan instrument-making company, whose main products are control panels for special equipment, in the section "Acceptance 5. Military acceptance" indicate such qualities of their product as resistance to a number of adverse operating conditions:

  • acoustic noise;
  • sinusoidal vibration;
  • repeated mechanical shocks with acceleration;
  • low atmospheric pressure, in particular during air travel;
  • precipitation (snow, rain, hail), including condensed precipitation (dew, frost);
  • temperature fluctuations ranging from -70 degrees to +100 degrees;
  • short-term heating up to 600 degrees;
  • exposure to dust, sand, sea (salt) fog;
  • aggressive media (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide);
  • coolants (antifreeze), fuels and lubricants.

At the same time, the company’s website itself indicates that special equipment is being completed for acceptance 5, and military acceptance is highlighted separately. Warranty periods vary greatly: from the standard 1 year, up to 6 years for customer orders, and even up to 12 years for the military-industrial complex.

Although some experts point out that military acceptance often does not involve any special tests, but lies in the fact that at all stages of manufacturing products, their production is controlled by a military representative specially assigned to the enterprise. So, in particular, in the official publication of the Federal Agency for Metrology and Technical Regulation regarding the acceptance and quality control of interactive electronic repair and operational documents, there are rules governing relations between the manufacturer and the Ministry of Defense.

In particular, several notes indicate that when developing a technological product commissioned by the DoD, military representatives should be involved in all processes related to quality control, if this is part of their official authority. In other cases, their obligations and rights are determined by a special protocol included in the general contract documentation and signed by the customer and supplier. In addition, an employee of the military representation of the Ministry of Defense necessarily coordinates the protocol of the first check, and the second check is generally carried out by military representatives or organizations that are authorized by the defense department.

Due to the use of better and more durable materials, additional tests, small-scale production practices, the cost of products for the military-industrial complex often far exceeds the price of civilian goods of the same type.

In order to prevent unreasonable price increases, military representatives or customer services monitor all aspects of creating a product, taking into account labor costs, the number of man-hours needed for their development and production, and the cost of resources used.

Mark of distinction

Management Emblem

MILITARY REPRESENTATION of the Ministry of Defense (eng. military representation) - a representative office of the Ministry of Defense, created to control the quality and acceptance of military products at enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of departmental subordination and ownership, engaged in the development, testing, production, supply and disposal of these products, both directly and in cooperation. Military products are armaments, military equipment, military-technical and other property, scientific, technical and other products, as well as work performed in the interests of defense.

The Air Force and their control bodies are part of the Armed Forces, have valid names, a seal with the State Emblem, letterheads and stamps. The staffing of regular posts of the Air Force by military personnel and civilian personnel is carried out in accordance with their organizational and staffing structure.

In the Russian Federation, the activities of the VP MO and their control bodies are regulated by the Regulations on military representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, military regulations, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation manages the activities of the VP MO through the management of military missions. Military representations are preserved in almost all armies of the republics of the former Soviet Union. Similar structures exist in the armies of NATO countries.

In cases where VPs are not created in organizations, the Ministry of Defense sends its representatives to them, who control the quality and acceptance of military products, as well as control the mobilization preparation of these organizations. These representatives are subject to all the rights and obligations provided for by the Regulations on the military representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in terms of the performance of the work assigned to them.

The VP has the right to control the quality of military products and their compliance with technical documentation at any stage of development and production of these products. The nomenclature of military products subject to quality control and acceptance is annually established by the ordering departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and brought to the attention of the heads of organizations and VP. On the basis of the approved nomenclature, the VP determines the lists of products, assembly units and operations of the technological process that are subject to mandatory quality control and acceptance, which are communicated to the heads of organizations and can be updated by the VP depending on the results of operation and quality control of military products.

The VP take part in planning measures to protect state secrets in the development, testing, production and supply of military products. Heads of the EaP are included in the permanent technical commissions in organizations for the protection of state secrets.

The military personnel and civilian personnel of the EaP who carry out quality control and acceptance of military products in organizations with harmful and dangerous working conditions are subject to guarantees of legal and social protection and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for employees of these organizations.


Even under the first tsar of the Romanov dynasty - Mikhail Fedorovich, the verification of the supplied military products was carried out by the most qualified factory masters - weapons "watchers". However, it soon became clear that such a quality control organization does not adequately ensure that the technical characteristics of the products meet the requirements of the customer. After all, Russian masters of the middle of the 17th century achieved significant success in the manufacture of artillery pieces. But the striking difference between squeakers of the same caliber in terms of weight, size and other design features significantly reduced their effectiveness. combat use. A way out of this situation was found in the appointment of representatives of the central military control bodies - the Pushkar and Arms orders as receivers of weapons.

The content of the few documents of that time that have come down to us sheds light on the first steps of domestic military representatives. By decree of the tsar of June 25 (old style), 1645, military acceptance of artillery pieces was introduced at the Tula plant of "food and iron business", owned by the Dutch merchant Andrey Vinius. Responsibility for its organization and conduct according to the methods set out in the decree was assigned to the Tula governor, Prince Yakov Cherkassky.

This decree of the king ordered to carry out the acceptance of military products "as before", which indicates the existence of military controllers in an earlier period. However, relevant primary documents does not currently exist.

First of all, squealing receivers tested factory products by "shooting through" them at the test site. The target was a special log house showered with earth. Then, the conformity of the types, sizes and weight of the guns to a kind of technical task (painting of the Pushkar order) and factory technical documentation (master's fairy tale) was checked. It turned out that all squeaks are different in weight and size.

The royal decree, in addition, defined the criteria for the acceptance of military products. Permissible deviations from the given weight and size of the guns were established (three pounds and two inches, respectively). From now on, receivers were ordered to keep detailed line-by-line reporting on the results of their activities: "... how many squeakers will the core in the reception be apart, and what weight squeaked, and in what measure of length, and what will the potion and cores shoot through, and where those squeaks will be arranged and what the barn [warehouse] will become ... "

Emperor Peter I also had a hand in this most important matter for the country's defense. The need for the institution of military representatives for the state and the expediency of its maintenance at industrial enterprises was convincingly confirmed in the era of Peter the Great. At that time, the basis of the Russian army was artillery - "a mass of unsystematic guns with servants of a half-shooter character, with control alien to the ABC of artillery." Artillery, assembled from different factories, "was crowded at random, moved on dummy ones, acted in vain, was spat by hereditary one class, was in charge of others in absentia."

For "internal peace and external security through a well-organized army" a well-established system of supervision over the production and provision of the army and navy with high-quality weapons and ammunition was required. The beginning of artillery education in Russia and the training of specialists for the acceptance of "squeakers, fuses and guns" was laid by Peter I. His military transformations were predetermined by the failures of the Russian troops at the end of the 17th century and the need to fight for access to the Baltic Sea.

In this regard, the systemic transformation of the army began with the reorganization of the control system for the production and supply of weapons.

By a decree of May 19, 1700, Peter I introduces the post of Feldzeugmeister General and appoints Tsarevich Alexander Imeretinsky, General of Artillery, to "be in charge of all sorts of affairs" in the Pushkar order and "cares to ensure that cannons, mortars and everything that belongs to artillery are taken into account and good craftsmanship." The list of "all sorts of things" included the duties of managing the organization of supervision over the creation, production and acceptance of gunpowder, lead, weapons for the reorganized army.

They began to make guns only according to the drawings approved by Alexander Imeretinsky. According to his instructions, the acceptance and delivery of weapons to the army began to be carried out taking into account the test results according to the methods set forth in the tsar's decrees. Arms inspectors at the enterprises, as before, being in the royal service, had complete independence from the factory administration. A certain idea of ​​the content of their activities during the Northern War, in 1700-1721, is given by documentary materials stored in the archives of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps, in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts.

The archives preserved the reports of the foremen of the receivers of guns (aldermals) on the input control of raw materials (copper, saltpeter, sulfur, etc.) and the results of tests, on the supply of weapons and gunpowder to the outlying cities of Russia and the Zaporizhzhya army.

The increase in the number of factories producing military products, and the resulting problems of providing specialists, equipment, raw materials and materials required further development systems of military control, the introduction of centralized management of the activities of aldermals in factories. In 1719, the Office and the Artillery Expedition of the Military Collegium were established. The first organs of control over the activities of military representatives were specialists from the Office of the Feldzeugmeister General.

By the decree of the tsar of January 11, 1723, it was ordered "the weapons office from St. Petersburg to move to Tula and day and night to observe the serviceability of the guns" and control "how the Aldermal stamps are put." With the poor quality of "guns and fuzes", Peter's decree ordered to punish the office officials (clerks and clerks), the owner of the gun factory and the foremen of the aldermals. It is known that one of the chiefs of the receivers of guns - the foreman of the Aldermals Frol Fuchs, was exiled to Azov for the poor quality of the guns.

In 1728, on the basis of the Chancellery, the Headquarters of the Feldzeugmeister General was created, and on January 24, 1812, on the basis of the Artillery Expedition, the Artillery Department was in charge of "producing artillery weapons and supplying the army with them."

In parallel with the formation of a system of military control of artillery weapons, as historical sources testify, a control system was formed to supervise the design and construction of ships.

Starting from 1695, in the centers of shipbuilding (Voronezh and other cities), special persons (stolniks) stood out who were close to the sovereign and shared his labors and care for the fleet. In the future, specially created institutions began to deal with shipbuilding and issues of supervision over the construction of ships: since 1700 - the Admiralty Order, or the Order of Admiralty Affairs; since 1707 - the Admiralty office.

In December 1717, nine colleges were established, including the Admiralty College. The Admiralty Board included 11 offices, one of which (Admiralteyskaya) was engaged in monitoring the correctness of work and evidence of invoices for the materials used, the second (Ober-Sarvayerskaya), which was in charge of all shipmasters, including watchmen for work, was directly responsible for building ships.

The principles of assessing the quality of weapons, testing and acceptance of products, the methodology and criteria for monitoring production, laid down during the creation of the system of military missions, were retained during subsequent reforms of the army. In the 19th century, the Minister of War Dmitry Milyutin became the initiator of military reforms in Russia, report to the king the need to reform the system of central military administration and the creation of military districts. As a result of these transformations, on December 24, 1862, the positions of officers of military missions were introduced into the states of the newly created Main Artillery Directorate (GAU). It was from that day that the official mention of the term "military representative" first appeared. At the same time, a complete set of documents was developed that regulated in detail the entire process of the activities of military representatives. Thus, the system of military control and the timely delivery of military products in the Russian Empire received appropriate legislative formalization.

From historical documents, the names of military receivers who control the quality of weapons for the Russian army in the 19th century are known. Among them, Ivan Bobarykov, the receiver from the GAU at the St. Petersburg Cartridge Plant until January 12, 1870, the manager of the Verkh-Isetsky plant, Alexander Semevsky, and the head of the foundry for casting guns, staff captain Alexander Engelgard.

On January 1, 1866, the Main Directorate of Shipbuilding and Supply was formed, which was in charge of the construction and armament of ships, procurement of materials and cost accounting for their construction.

The constantly developing system of quality control of weapons and military equipment fully justified its purpose in the pre-war period and made a significant contribution to the victory of our weapons in the Great Patriotic War.

Very interesting is such a historical fact as the work abroad of officers of military missions who accepted aircraft from US factories under Lend-Lease in 1943-1945, the deliveries of which accounted for 16% of the deliveries to the front of our fighters and 38% of the output of the US industry.

Reforms of the military representation system

The existing system of military control over the development and production of military products took shape over the centuries and acquired its final form in the Soviet period. Until the 21st century, each branch and most branches of the armed forces of the country had "their" military representations, "their" departments (in the Air Force - service) of control and cadres of military representatives. The VPs of each type and type of troops were subordinate to one or another thematic department of the ordering departments. Each military representation was headed by a senior military representative (since the end of 1986 - chief), and several military representations were subordinate to a district engineer (since the end of 1986 - authorized). such an important element of management as the apparatus of authorized persons.

The second blow to the military control system followed in the early 2000s. Since January 2005, the control bodies of the military missions of the Russian Ministry of Defense have been disbanded and the Directorate of Military Missions has been created on their basis. Since April 2005, military missions responsible for quality control and acceptance of developed and manufactured models of weapons and military equipment have been reassigned to the head of armaments of the Armed Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Over the three centuries of its existence, since the time of Peter the Great, military acceptance has shown its effectiveness. In the Soviet years, the Air Force Air Force alone had more than 10,000 officers and about 11,000 civilian specialists. Today, there are about 7,500 military representatives in all branches and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the reform, only 1,500 officers will remain.


  • 1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 11, 1995 N 804 "On military representations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"
  • 2. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Instructions for the work of military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" dated 18.6.2000 No. 320

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Military representations of the Ministry of Defense (VP MO)

one). Structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (RF) to ensure acceptance and control over the development of design estimates and design documentation for the construction of facilities of the Rocket Forces strategic purpose. Created in the early 1960s. in accordance with the directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR as the VP of the Ministry of Defense at design, development and research and production organizations in Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv and other cities.

IN subsequent years VPs were created at installation and commissioning organizations, as well as VPs for quality control and equipment installation acceptance directly at construction sites.

Head 630 VP MO was formed in April 1961 at the design institute Gipropromtransstroy (Moscow). Colonel Kirilkin S.K. was appointed the first head - senior military representative of the 630th Air Defense Ministry

Due to the increase in volume design work controlled by the VP MO, and to improve the effectiveness of the management of military missions, the positions of district engineers were introduced, to which the VP MO was subordinate. The technical management of the work of military missions through district engineers was carried out by the technical department of the Main Engineering Directorate (GIU) of the Missile Forces (RV). In the early 1960s Colonel Ya.F. Lunev was appointed district engineer of 630 VP MO. In subsequent years, Colonels Sereda P.I., Rozhkov I.I., Panchenkov V.M., Zakalata D.K. were district engineers of 630 VP MO.

In the mid 1960s. the intensity and scope of design and engineering work increased sharply. This was due to the program of mass construction of combat missile systems (BRK) of the "OS" type - separate launches. At the same time, VPs appeared at the following design institutes: Tyazhpromelektroproekt of the USSR Minmontazhspetsstroy; "Giprosvyaz" of the Ministry of Communications of the USSR; Central Research Institute "Proektstalkonstruktsiya"; PMT-5 (TsNPO "Kaskad"); later, VPs were organized at the following enterprises and organizations: VNPO "Kaskad" (Leningrad, Kharkov); "Energosetproekt"; VNIIETO.

In 1986, in connection with the decision to design new mobile railway DBKs, the VP MO was formed at specialized design institutes: Promtransniiproekt (Moscow) and Moszheldorproekt (Moscow).

The VPs, subordinate to the district engineer 630 VP MO, were simultaneously assigned the tasks of control and acceptance design and estimate documentation in design organizations TsPI-31 MO, TsPI-20 MO, as well as in the Kiev branch of TsPI-20 MO. Due to the increased requirements for equipment and technical systems design bureaus of such plants and research and design associations as KhEMZ (Kharkov), OKBA (Moscow), All-Russian Research Institute Elektroprivod, etc. were involved in the development of design documentation. In these organizations, acceptance and control over the development of design and development documentation was also carried out by the VP MO, subordinated to the SMI RV.

In the 1970s, in connection with the design of new rocket and space complexes at the Baikonur cosmodrome, a head military representative office was created - 5346 VP MO at the design institute Giproaviaprom (Moscow), which was subordinate to the district engineer Stebakov Yu. M. With the creation of the Military Space Forces (VKS) in 1982, the district engineer 5346 VP MO and a number of military missions reassigned GUKOS. In 1988, after the dissolution of the technical department of the SMI RV, military representations at design and design organizations were subordinated to the head of the design department.

Head 630 VP MO approx. For 40 years, he has been successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to him by the command of the SMI Strategic Missile Forces to ensure acceptance and control over the development of design estimates for the construction of objects of the Rocket Forces.

590 VP MO was formed on August 21, 1959 at SKTB-16 and the Spetsmashmontazh trust. The priority task is to control the quality of construction and installation works at the Strategic Missile Forces DBK. Colonel G.N. Serkov became the first senior military representative.

In 1987, 590 VP MO became complex by the decision of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. Several branches were formed in the military representation. The range of received military products has increased. Specialists appeared in the military representation: mechanics, signalmen, electricians and others. Since the 90s the personnel of the 590th VP of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and its branches take part in putting the Topol-M rocket launcher on combat duty, in putting on combat duty prototypes of a stationary command post and an internal power supply system manufactured by Russian cooperation.

Currently, 590 VP controls the quality of design, installation and technological documentation and accepts installation work at the Strategic Missile Forces facilities by the Heads of 590 VP MO in different years were colonels Aralovets A.P., Zagniy A.I., Sokolov A.G., Pupkov A.A., Kirillovich V.I., Alekseev D.V. It is currently headed by Colonel Ilyin O.V.

2757 VP MO, formed on the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR dated May 25, 1965 to control the implementation of the established deadlines and the quality of the developed design and estimate documentation by the All-Union Research and Design Institute "Tyazhpromelektroproekt".

The technical management of the military mission was carried out technical department 3rd Directorate of the GIU RV, headed by engineer-colonel Korneev F.V. The general management was carried out by the district engineer, Colonel Sereda P.I.

For more than 40 years, 2757 VP MO has been involved in the creation of external and internal power supply systems, automatic control systems for technical devices of objects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (USSR). One of major works, carried out in the interests of the Strategic Missile Forces, controlled and accepted by the military mission (and subsequently merged into its composition 5230 VP MO and 5228 VP MO), was the development of a unified internal power supply system for missile regiments of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Currently, 2757 VP MO continues to work on quality control and acceptance of military products created in accordance with the latest achievements of science and technology. Developed project documentation and the construction of the external power supply system of object 1335 is underway, the reconstruction of the external power supply system of the Plesetsk cosmodrome is underway. A standard design and project documentation for the missile regiment's internal power supply system have been developed, and work is underway to equip the DBK facilities with this system. Development started standard project to the internal power supply system of the missile regiment of the Topol-M PGRK. Documentation was developed and a number of life support facilities of the Central training ground of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation were built on the archipelago New Earth, a complex of means of physical protection of its facilities is being designed. Reconstruction of the power supply systems of a number of facilities of other types and arms of the armed forces, the main departments of the General Staff is underway. The first head of 2757 VP MO was Colonel Nekrasov B.V. From 2007 to the present, it is headed by Colonel Kochan O.N.

4185 VP MO, formed in 1966 on the basis of a directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Stationed in Moscow, Central Research and Production Association "Kaskad". The main tasks are: ensuring the quality of installation, adjustment and putting on combat duty latest systems communications, automated control systems and computer technology of missile systems, facilities and structures of the Strategic Missile Forces. 4185 VP MO included two branches - in Perm (reduced in 2003) and Yoshkar-Ola (reduced in 2007).

For almost 40 years of work, VP specialists took part in putting the Strategic Missile Forces formations, command posts of formations and formations of the Strategic Missile Forces on combat duty, creating Korund and Kristall satellite communication systems and modernizing them, commissioning the latest DBK, PGRK and BZHRK .

In different years, the VP was led by: Colonels Peganov I.Ya. (1966-1968), Saulsky S.V. (1968-1977), Kostyura E.A. (1977-1987), Khrustalev G.I. (1987-1995), Zakharzhevsky B.I. (1995-2000), Lomakin S.A. (2000-2007), Kalyukshev A.I. (from 2007 to present).

2874 VP MO, created in 1987 in accordance with the directive of the Chief of the General Staff armed forces as a military representative office of the Ministry of Defense with a authorized staff and a place of deployment in the city of Novosibirsk - at the NMU "Yakhont" and 1 NMU "Sibelektromontazh", which at that time were engaged in performing special work at the facilities of RSD and MKR missile systems. In 1989, the office of the commissioner was abolished.

The purpose of 2874 VP MO is to organize and control the quality of installation, adjustment and testing of mechanical systems, power supply systems, combat control and communications facilities for RSD and MKR missile systems at the Strategic Missile Forces facilities. During the existence of the military representation, its specialists took an active part in putting units and formations of the Strategic Missile Forces on combat duty at the facilities of the cities of Omsk, Uzhur, Klyuchi-1, Zhangiz-Tobe, Aleysk, Barnaul, Blagoveshchensk, Chita, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Novosibirsk, their modernization, the introduction of the DBK "OS" and mobile missile systems "Topol".

Since 1987, 2874 VP MO supervised the work on the conversion of missile systems, the extension of their service life, the creation of the 15V210 product, the Yarus and Kvazar complexes, supervised the laying of cable communication lines, installation, adjustment and testing of equipment for measuring points at the test site in the city Keys-1.

With the active participation of 2874 VP MO in OKB "Salyut" developed and delivered to the objects of the Strategic Missile Forces: mobile stations for maintenance of radio communications "Brod-1M"; mobile stations for maintenance of wired, tropospheric and satellite communications "Brod-2M"; cars of the duty technical shift "Broad-V"; mobile hardware remote measurements of the parameters of radio communications and AFU "Batrak-01"; mobile hardware remote measurement of parameters of fiber-optic communication "Batrak-03"; mobile hardware parametric control of cable communication lines FOCL "Buster-01"; mobile hardware for emergency recovery work on the cable communication lines "Booster-02", etc. VP in different years was led by Colonels Virov V.M., Tarafin S.S., Kiryanov V.S., Chizhikov A.N.

During the period of mass construction of the DBK, there were 6 districts with 33 assembly airspaces, which were divided into two types: complex and specialized. Complex VPs were stationed at NIIP-5, NIIP-53 MO and in the formations of the Strategic Missile Forces. Specialized assembly VPs were created at the leading assembly and commissioning organizations in Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov and other cities.

2) Structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (RF), created to control the quality and acceptance of weapons, military equipment, military-technical and other property, scientific, technical and other products, as well as work performed in the interests of defense.

The VP MO was entrusted with the tasks of ensuring the quality of military products and their compliance with technical documentation at any stage of development and production of these products, their participation in planning measures to protect state secrets during the development, testing, production and supply of military products, as well as the duties of heads of organizations for ensuring necessary conditions for military missions.

The history of the Air Force of the Strategic Missile Forces begins in the 50s. during the formation of the first missile formations and units, when the first missile systems are being developed and their mass production is being mastered. A wide network of VPs is being created at large research institutes, design bureaus and factories engaged in the development and production of missile weapons in many regions and republics of the Soviet Union (in the cities of Moscow, Kyiv, Kharkov, Saratov, Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Leningrad, Dnepropetrovsk, Orenburg, Irkutsk).

Among those who laid the foundations for military control of missile technology, created the methodology of military representative work, were officers Trubachev P.E., Lipkin I.A., Zhuravlev I.M., Bashta N.V., Krasnyansky N.M., Pozhidaev V. .Ya., Ivanov A.M., Belkin M.S., Poltavsky A.S., Avdeev M.V., Musin K.V., Sobolev A.F., Soloviev K.N., Julius I.I. ., Komissarov B.A., Markov V.Ya., Shubin V.P., Balzovsky P.E., Vladyko A.F., Levchuk P.I., Shikin V.A., Bobchikhin S.Z., Kolomiychenko E.I., Arzhenikov O.I., Kiselev Yu.I., Polunovskiy G.P. and etc.

With the development of military control in industry, the organizational and staffing structure of the VP was improved. In 1986, instead of district engineers, the institution of authorized ordering departments of the Ministry of Defense was introduced, new job categories(head, deputy head of the military mission, head of the group, lead engineer, assistant lead engineer). The structure of the EP is formed in relation to the structure of research institutes, industrial organizations, taking into account the range and volume of military orders. The first commissioners in the Rocket Forces were colonels Gorsky Yu.F., Datsenko N.N., Kolos N.M., Kuliev I.M., Zakharov V.V., Slavin V.A., Soloveichik V.Ya., Osetrov IN AND.

Organizational and staffing measures in military missions made it possible to significantly improve their activities in pursuing a unified technical policy in industry in the development and manufacture of military equipment, create a management system that ensures the quality and reliability of the supplied missile weapons, and increase the personal responsibility of the military representative.

Since January 2009, 42 VPs with their branches are subordinate to the Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, including: 73 VPs of the Moscow Region, organized in 1961, control military products (electrical appliances for missile systems) at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Siberian Instruments and Systems"; 90 VP MO, organized in 2008 on the basis of the branch 285 VP MO, controls the manufacture of gyroscopic instruments and systems at FSUE Zvezda; 141 VP MO, organized in 1960, supervises the manufacture of components for control systems of missile systems at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise PO Korpus; 346 VP MO, organized in 1950, controls military products (technological equipment for the Republic of Kazakhstan) at OAO Bryansk Arsenal; 455 VP MO, organized in 1960, controls military products (corps propulsion systems, TPK, GO MBR) at JSC "Central Research Institute of Special Machine Building"; 582 VP MO, organized in 1961, controls military products (carbon heat-shielding materials for ICBMs) at FSUE Graphite; Branch 582 VP MO, organized in 1983, controls materials from carbon at OAO Novocherkassk Electrode Plant; Branch 582 VP MO, organized in 1987, controls materials from carbon at OAO Chelyabinsk Electrode Plant; 600 VP MO, organized in 1961, supervises the development and manufacture of command posts at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Design Bureau for Heavy Engineering; 629 VP MO, organized in 1970, supervises the manufacture of automatic control units for stationary and railway-based command posts at the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Minsk Electromechanical Plant"; 721 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the manufacture of life support and neutralization systems at OAO Oreltekmash; 749 VP MO, organized in 1961, supervises the manufacture of rubber products at the Ural Industrial Rubber Products Plant OJSC; 813 VP MO, organized in 1972, supervises the manufacture of technological equipment for silo launchers and command posts at JSC Tyazhmash; 975 VP MO, organized in 1961, supervises the development and manufacture of instruments for control systems of missile systems at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Production Center for Automation and Instrumentation named after. Academician V.A. Pilyugin”; 1083 VP MO, organized in 1961, controls the development and manufacture of equipment for combat control systems at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO "Impulse"; 1269 VP MO, organized in 1961, supervises the manufacture of RK aiming systems at OAO Serpukhov Metallist Plant; 1351 VP MO, organized in 1961, supervises the development and manufacture of autonomous power supply systems at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Head Special design department"Searchlight"; 1391 VP MO, organized in 1961, supervises the development and manufacture of solid-fuel rocket engines at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise federal center dual technologies Soyuz; 1408 VP MO, organized in 1961, supervises the manufacture of products from complex elastomeric materials for the Republic of Kazakhstan at the OAO Research Institute of Elastomeric Materials and Products; Branch 582 VP MO, organized in 1986, controls the manufacture of rubber products at OAO Research Institute of Rubber Coatings and Products; 1517 VP MO, organized in 1995, supervises the manufacture of combat control equipment at OAO Izhevsk Motor Plant Aksion-Holding; 1538 VP MO, organized in 1961, supervises the development and manufacture of equipment for heavy-type silo launchers, security systems for the Republic of Kazakhstan and maintenance at OAO Design Bureau of Special Machine Building; 1994 VP MO, organized in 1974, supervises the manufacture of mobile command posts at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Krasnodar Instrument Plant "Kaskad"; 2039 VP MO, organized in 2001, controls the manufacture of power supply devices at JSC Vyazemsky Electromechanical Plant; 2253 VP MO, organized in 1964, supervises the development and manufacture of light-type silo launchers, technological equipment at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise OKB Vympel; 2340 VP MO, organized in 1962, supervises the manufacture of combat control systems and means of radio channels for combat control at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Zavod im. M.I. Kalinin"; Branch 2340 VP MO, organized in 1994, controls the manufacture of combat control systems and means of radio channels for combat control at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Zavod im. Kalinina M.I.»; 2344 VP MO, organized in 1962, supervises the manufacture of devices on ferrite-ferrite products at the Factory of Devices and Ferrites; 2462 VP MO, organized in 1963, supervises the development and manufacture of equipment for stationary command posts, components of launchers at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Obukhovsky Plant"; 2916 VP MO, organized in 1987, supervises the development and manufacture of chemical current sources at JSC "Lithium-element"; 3146 VP MO, organized in 1977, supervises the manufacture of cooling systems for PU, KP at CJSC Ruskhol; 3212 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the repair of diesel locomotives at CJSC ZETO; 4007 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the manufacture of chemical current sources at ZAO Kursk Accumulator Plant; 4021 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the development and manufacture of power supply systems at OAO HK Elektrozavod, ZAO Moskabelmet, OAO TsKB Svyazi; Branch 4021 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the manufacture of communication equipment at OAO Promsvyaz; 4040 VP MO, organized in 1993, supervises the manufacture of control system devices at the Federal State Institution "Sosensky Instrument-Making Plant"; 4158 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the development and manufacture of electrothermal products at OAO VNIIETO; Branch 4158 VP MO, organized in 1965, controls the manufacture of heating elements and blocks for them at OOO OZVNIIETO; 4201 VP MO, organized in 1966, controls the manufacture of mobile railway units at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Design Bureau "Transport Engineering"; 4294 VP MO, organized in 1966, controls the development and manufacture of missile systems at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO Mashinostroeniya; 4360 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the manufacture of antenna-mast devices, launch launch systems, units of transport and launch containers at the Leningrad Mechanical Plant OJSC, Electrosila OJSC; Branch 4360 VP MO, organized in 1965, controls the manufacture of temperature controllers, starting pneumatic shields for heat exchanger pneumatic actuators, vessel apparatus, support rings at Starorussky Instrument-Making Plant OJSC, FSUE Khimmash Plant RAS; Branch 4360 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the repair of diesel locomotives, warranty supervision at CJSC Russian Locomotive; 4371 VP MO, organized in 1966, supervises the development of solid-fuel rockets, units and systems of mobile and stationary missile systems at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering; 4791 VP MO, organized in 1968, supervises the development and manufacture of rocket propulsion systems at OAO NPO Iskra; 4798 VP MO, organized in 1968, supervises the manufacture of solid fuel engine cases, SKP containers at the FSUE PO Avangard; 4874 VP MO, organized in 1968, supervises the manufacture of units and systems of PGRK and technological equipment of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Central Design Bureau "Titan", FGUP PO "Barrikada"; Branch 4874 VP MO, organized in 1996, controls the manufacture of logical blocks and components for control systems of missile systems at JSC "Electronic Computer Technology"; 5341 VP MO, organized in 1971, supervises the manufacture of solid-propellant rockets at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise PO Votkinsky Zavod; 5361 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the manufacture of solid propellant rocket engines at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kamensky Chemical Plant"; 5560 VP MO, organized in 1965, supervises the manufacture of units and systems for the command post, gas generators for armored hulls, armored caps at JSC " Machine building plant ZiO Podolsk"; Branch 5560 VP MO, organized in 1965, controls the manufacture of electric drives at JSC "Tulaelectropribor".

In modern conditions, the main task of military missions is to control the quality of missile weapons at all stages of their development, testing and mass production in order to ensure the timely creation of new types of missile weapons that certainly meet the tactical and technical requirements of the Ministry of Defense.

The official quality standard "acceptance 5" is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the provisions federal law No. 213-FZ "On the state defense order". To date, the quality category "acceptance 5" is assigned to products, the technical and operational characteristics of which require their use in ground, marine and aviation equipment for military purposes and dual use. The degree of compliance with the declared characteristics of such products is determined by a special set of stricter standards and is confirmed by the relevant regulatory and technical documentation.

The state classifier of standards of the Russian Federation, in addition to "acceptance 5" also includes whole line quality categories that products intended for use in civil, military and space technology must comply with. For example: acceptances from 1 to 3 - civil sphere, acceptance 6 - water transport and equipment, acceptance 7 and 8 - aircraft, acceptance 9 - space and nuclear technology. The most common of those listed is “acceptance 1”, which is also the acceptance of the “Quality Control Department” (technical control department). If products that have passed the Quality Control Department, as a rule, are not used in military industry, then products with "acceptance 5", on the contrary, are actively exploited in the civilian sphere.

Products with ordinary civil acceptance (OTC) differ significantly from products standardized in category "acceptance 5". The technical control department is a subdivision of an enterprise whose task is to check the product characteristics established by this enterprise and confirm them in the product passport or a document replacing it. In turn, the fifth acceptance is carried out in accordance with the requirements for military equipment, dual-use products, as well as special equipment of the military-industrial complex, which are established at the state level. Tests for the fifth acceptance are longer and are carried out in specialized certified laboratories. Therefore, products with "acceptance 5" are distinguished by an exceptional degree of reliability and high functional characteristics in particularly difficult operating conditions - negative temperature, vibration, high humidity, etc.

It goes without saying that the level of requirements for the performance properties of products imposed by the QCD and "acceptance 5" is not comparable. If for the same products, such as semiconductors, the QCD imposes requirements established by the enterprise, then “acceptance 5” is carried out according to a separate set of significantly tightened standards provided for by law and presented by the “Customer”. Obviously, "acceptance 5" means increased reliability and functionality of products, compared with products of the OTK quality category.