Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management. Coursework: Management documentation system Foreign experience in organizing management documentation support

Is it necessary today to reform the preschool educational institution at the national level? Domestic traditions, world experience, regulation of preschool educational institutions in the CIS countries, practical necessity - all this testifies in favor of updating regulatory framework office work in Russian Federation... What are the prospects for reforming office work in our country?

The administrative reform carried out in our country is aimed at improving the processes government controlled, increasing its efficiency. Documentation support of state bodies will also become an integral part of the reform. at various levels... Today, the DOE also serves as a tool effective management, and the most important communication tool in the relationship of government agencies with the population of the country, civil society structures, business.

In our opinion, in the course of the reform at the national level, it is necessary to establish uniform principles for the unification and standardization of services and technologies of preschool educational institutions, as well as documentation - for better interaction between government bodies. Of particular importance is state regulation in the field documentation support acquires in connection with the use of electronic documents and electronic communications. The growth in the amount of information and documentation in government bodies puts forward the need for constant monitoring and management of these processes by the state.

Domestic traditions, world experience, recommendations of the International Council of Archives clearly indicate the need for state regulation of document management, as well as a reasonable reduction in the volume of document circulation in the country.

The state archival service has traditionally been involved in streamlining management documentation in Russia.

For example, the last Regulations on the Federal Archival Service of Russia dated 28.12.98 No. 1562 included the following task: “development and improvement together with federal bodies state power and public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of archiving and record keeping, including state system office work and unified documentation systems ”.

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Project methodology: Russian standards for project activities

This article will consider domestic standards for project activities.

The new management body - the Federal Archival Agency (see the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2004 No. 290), in accordance with the decisions on the administrative reform, is not endowed with the functions of document management. It is assigned only the function of coordinating approximate nomenclatures of cases, instructions for office work federal bodies executive power, as well as lists of documents generated in the course of the activities of federal bodies of state power and organizations subordinate to them, indicating the terms of their storage. As you can see, even a very abstract task of “development” of office work has dropped out of the Regulations.

This situation introduces uncertainty in the prospects for further improvement of preschool educational institutions at the state level. However, in all developed countries in one form or another, the functions of document management are assigned to the relevant state bodies, and this practice justifies itself.

Regulatory framework for document management abroad

International acts, national laws, government regulations, recommendatory acts such as international and national standards, contract documents. In the last decade, these acts concern mainly the use of electronic documents and the directions of their application.

In the United States, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) plays a special role in shaping the regulatory framework (records management).

NARA requires the head of each federal agency to manage electronic records. To do this, you should:

  • appoint a person responsible for the application of the intradepartmental program for the management of all documentation - created, received, used or stored on electronic media;
  • integrate the electronic document management system with other documents and information resources of the institution;
  • ensure the compliance of the document management system with legal requirements;
  • train users, update software documentation, follow established rules storage of documents, ensure their compliance with applicable standards.

Of interest is the US law “On the reduction of work with documents” (1980), which for unknown reasons is not reflected in domestic developments. Its essence lies in the creation of sectoral - departmental - information centers, which should be contacted by any organization if it is necessary to collect any information, and only if this information is not available in the information centers, the organization is given permission to independently collect the information of interest. The provisions of the law apply to information on any media.

The UK has a government program to improve records management. In the official UK document "Modernizing Public Administration", all government organizations are set a goal - to switch to document management with the help of electronic means by 2004, while retaining paper documents. The Data Protection Act (1998) applies to documents on any medium.

The UK Records Office has issued guidance on how this law is applied in the management of records, and has published standards, guidelines and methodologies for the management of records in any medium during their complete life cycle- from creation to transfer to state storage.

In 2002 g. State Archives The United Kingdom has developed Functional Requirements for Electronic Document Management Systems. UK firms are document management systems developers with an interest in ensuring that their software products were assessed for compliance with these requirements, undergo appropriate testing in the National Archives.

In Germany in 2000, the government adopted General rules the work of federal ministries, in which organizational and technological procedures for processing documents on a paper basis are presented in detail and fundamental instructions for working with electronic documents are given. The legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany has endowed the state archival bodies with the right and the duty to help government agencies of various levels in matters of document management.

For example, the Law “On Ensuring the Preservation and Use of Archival Documents of the Federal Level” (1988) stipulates that the federal archive advises the highest bodies of state power, federal institutions, associations and court in matters of document management.

In Finland, under the Archives Act (1981) and the Public Archives Ordinance (1983), the National Archives and Provincial Archives administer and inspect documents. government agencies... The National Archives has developed and adopted in the form of a legal act the Instruction on Records Management for State and other institutions.

National Archives Australia under the Archives Act (1983) plays a leading role in the management of records of government agencies, issues major regulatory developments in records management and archiving.

In March 1995, the Australian National Archives released the Electronic Document Management manual. In 1996, Australia for the first time in the world adopted the National Records Management Standard, which contains requirements for working with traditional paper-based documents and with modern electronic documents.

Thus, in developed foreign countries ah, there is a regulatory and methodological framework for document management, one of the leading places in the formation of which belongs to state archival organizations.

Regulation of preschool educational institutions in the CIS countries

The experience of our colleagues from the CIS countries is also indicative. The Republic of Belarus is one of the first states to successfully develop and implement a legislative and regulatory framework for managing all documentation, including electronic. Law "On Informatization" (1995), Civil Code Of the Republic of Belarus (1998), Law “On Electronic Document” (2000), state standard STB 1221-2000 “Electronic documents. Rules of execution, handling and storage ”are important state acts in the field of preschool educational institutions.

Note the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 06.10.94 No. 3277-XII “On the National Archival Fund and Archives in the Republic of Belarus”, in which the development and implementation of document management systems, supervision of compliance with the legislation on record keeping are assigned to the management bodies of the archival service and its institutions.

In Ukraine, the Law of 13.12.01 No. 288-111 “On the National Archival Fund and Archival Institutions” was adopted. The law decides to authorize the central executive body to work in the field of archiving and office work. This body carries out legal regulation relations in the field of archiving and office work, supervises the activities of archival institutions and office management services. Acts of the central executive authority are binding on state authorities, local authorities, enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of their subordination and form of ownership, as well as for citizens.

In 2003, the Law of Ukraine “On electronic documents and electronic document management ”. In 2004, the Basic Rules for the Archives of Ukraine were approved. They establish the legal basis for managing archival affairs and record keeping on the part of state archival bodies.

Ukrainian clerks have developed a draft law on office work (2003).

Since 1994, the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Records Management began its activity.

By the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 17.10.97 No. 1153, it was approved Sample instruction on office work in ministries and other government bodies.

The Republic of Kazakhstan adopted the Law "On the National Archive Fund and Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated December 22, 98 No. 326-1.

Chapter 5 of this law "State regulation of the management of archival affairs" refers to the regulation issues: public policy in archiving and document management; development of projects and implementation of state programs for the development of archiving and documentation; development of research and scientific and methodological activities in the field of archival science and records management.

The law also notes that the instructions of the authorized body on the maintenance of documentation are binding on all individuals and legal entities.

The Regulation on the Committee for the Management of Archives and Documentation of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan (approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07.05.99 No. 543) sets the task of improving the state system of office work. To implement this and other tasks, the Committee develops draft regulations, implements programs for the development of office work, stimulates research and methodical work, and also conducts state inspection of compliance with legislation.

The Committee for the Management of Archives and Documentation issued an order dated 12.07.00 No. 44 “On the regulatory and scientific-methodological base for the development of archiving”, which approved a rough plan for the regulatory and scientific-methodological support of archiving for the long term. The plan is already being implemented.

So, the Committee developed Requirements for the design of organizational and administrative documents, Standard rules for documenting and document management in government organizations Of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Model Regulations on the Authorized State Body for the Management of Archives and Documentation.

In the Kyrgyz Republic, the Legislative Assembly adopted the Law on the National Archival Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic (1999), which establishes and regulates the organizational, legal and economic foundations for the acquisition, accounting, storage and use of documents from the National Archival Fund of the Republic and the management of documentation in the republic.

Article 25 of the Law “Procedure for conducting office work” establishes that the development of regulatory and methodological documents governing the organization and maintenance of office work in state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, is entrusted to the republican archival management body. In addition, all enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, are obliged to comply with the norms and requirements for working with documents and their storage.

Similar rights and obligations exist in the relevant regulations. legal acts some other CIS countries that regulate the management of archives and establish the powers of management bodies in the field of record keeping at the state level.

Thus, an analysis of international experience shows: first, that document management (DOE) is a subject legal regulation and is in the focus of attention of many states. Second, as a rule, these tasks are assigned to archival bodies.

Prospects for the development of the regulatory framework for office work in Russia

Russia should pay attention to the experience of foreign countries. Indeed, today, after the implementation of administrative transformations, the state function of document management (DOU) for the first time in the last three centuries has dropped out of the field of vision of the state. The archival agency cannot perform coordinating, control, supervisory functions in the field of preschool educational institutions. No other government agency has been assigned this task. Of course, this situation will negatively affect the state of the country's preschool educational institution.

Under the current conditions, important work on the draft federal law "On documentary support management activities”, The development of which has been carried out over the past years. Reforming state structures necessitates a large-scale revision of the accumulated legal and methodological base of preschool educational institutions.

It is required, in particular, a revision of the standards for documentation support, operating at the interstate, state and intersectoral levels of government, taking into account the ongoing work under the federal target program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)", a number of international agreements and areas of information exchange. At the same time, it is necessary to stop the uncontrolled growth of the volume of document circulation.

The volume of documentation generated in the activities of government bodies is approximately 250 billion sheets of documents annually. At the same time, sample surveys of the state administration revealed that an increase in the volume of documentation by 8-15% is observed annually.

It should be especially noted the increased level of computerization of government bodies - this is an additional factor that affects the state of preschool educational institutions.

The estimate of the direct costs of documenting management actions shows significant fluctuations in the amounts depending on the sphere and level of government bodies.

The cost of documenting and processing documents per document is on average about 50 rubles. In this regard, the reduction of the species composition of documents by unification and standardization by 10% makes it possible to count on obtaining a direct economic effect by reducing the cost of documenting and processing documents. The savings amount to about 12.5 billion rubles.
The regulation of the functions of government bodies and the procedures for their documentation support allows by reducing the time spent on documenting and processing documents (on average from 15–20 minutes to 3-4 minutes) to save up to 40–50% of the total time spent on documentary processes. This, in turn, will make it possible to obtain a direct economic effect in the amount of at least 2.5–3.0 billion rubles.

Currently, the Russian economy is shifting from a predominantly raw material towards the expansion of production of high-tech science-intensive products that use the highest scientific and technological achievements and the country's intellectual potential. In accordance with the previously adopted decisions of the Security Council (SB) under the President of the Russian Federation, the main attention should be paid to ensuring the competitiveness of domestic products, especially to foreign market... This requires documentation and information support of products in accordance with international standards at all stages of the life cycle, which is recorded in Federal law“On technical regulation” dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ.

Commission on information security Security Council of the Russian Federation in March 2003, drawing attention to the problem electronic document management, made a decision on the need to create a set of normative legal acts in this area.

  • the establishment of uniform unified rules and methods of preschool educational institutions in state structures regardless of their departmental subordination;
  • monitoring and control over the observance of the rules and norms of interdepartmental workflow, over the processes of document formation and the volume of workflow;
  • scientific and methodological work in the field of documentation support and the introduction of the most rational methods of working with documents in governing bodies and state organizations;
  • centralized development of standard regulations for solving management tasks government organizations;
  • ensuring the safety of documents in government bodies, the formation of documentary funds as information resources of organizations, the establishment of storage periods for documents, as well as compliance with statutory provisions on access to documents of management bodies and organizations;
  • examination of software and other information tools used in government bodies and state organizations for electronic documentary communications;
  • professional training and advanced training of specialists in the field of preschool educational institutions.

The implementation of these tasks, which form the basis of document management, will increase the level of quality and professionalism in the socio-economic sphere of Russia and obtain, through improving the activities of the management apparatus, a total direct economic effect in the amount of 13.75-14.25 billion rubles. And the effect, which is much greater than the direct one, is an indirect economic effect, which is reflected in the growth of the gross national product and the competitiveness of Russian producers.

Of course, to solve the above tasks, a special government agency level federal service... An archival management body with appropriate powers is best suited for this purpose.


on the topic of

"Organization of document circulation abroad"


Chapter first. Features of document management abroad

1.1 Legal regulation of document management

1.2 System international standards

1.3 Regulatory regulation of electronic document flow and document management

1.3.1 Concept of workflow, organization of work with documents. Features of electronic document management

1.3.2 Features of the regulatory framework of electronic document management in the countries of the European Union

1.3.3 Peculiarities of Document Management and Regulatory Regulation of Electronic Document Management in the United States

1.3.4 Features of the regulatory framework for the organization of work with documents in Italy

1.3.5 Features of the regulatory framework of electronic document management in France

1.3.6 Features of the regulatory framework of electronic document management in Germany

1.3.7 Features of the regulatory framework of electronic document management in the UK

1.3.8 Problems of international electronic document management

Chapter two. The main directions of improving the organization of work with documents in Russia, taking into account foreign experience

2.1 Comparative characteristics Russian and foreign directions of development of document management systems

2.2 Problems of improving the documentation of management in Russia and ways to solve them

2.3 Changing the system of national standards in the field of management documentation as a factor of Russia's integration into the world community


List of used literature


The transition to a market economy raises the question of creating appropriate modern conditions uniform norms and requirements for the system of documentation support for management activities.

The increase in the importance of the economic factor and the legal force of documents in management makes the research of scientists and experiments of practitioners in the field of document management aimed at the transition from traditional office work, from the classical division of documentation "by systems" to the creation of highly efficient, using modern technical and technological achievements of management systems for the entire complex of information and documentary resources in achieving strategic and operational management goals in any organization, especially in the state administration ...

One of the important components of this work is the study of a relatively new concept in Russian document science - document management and its introduction not only into scientific circulation, but also into practice.

The term "document management" is widespread in the world. For example, in the United States, the organization in charge of records is called the National Archives and Records Management. (National Archives and Records Administration)... The literal translation of the German term "Schriftgutverwaltung" means "written document management". The English term "Records Management" is also translated as document management.

Feature modern society is a continuous exchange of information. Actual, complete, reliable, timely information is necessary condition successful functioning of any organization.

Management activities are associated with information exchange between subjects and objects of management... In the absence of the necessary information, it is impossible to make timely decisions, determine the development strategy of the organization.

One of the main factors of the influence of scientific and technological progress on all spheres of human activity is the widespread use of information technologies ... At the current level of their development, work with information (collection, analysis, storage, distribution, etc.) is carried out faster and more efficiently. Under the influence of new information technologies, fundamental changes are taking place in the management system (the processes of substantiation and decision-making, the organization of their implementation are automated), the professionalism of specialists engaged in management activities is increasing.

We are under document management we will understand one of the key areas of activity carried out within the framework of the organization's document management, and includes the current operation and optimization of the document management subsystem.

In the process of managing the organization's documents, the following main tasks are solved:

Organization of rational document flow;

Control over the execution of documents;

Operational storage of documents, including their proper preparation for transfer to archival storage in the state or departmental (according to the organization) archive;

Subsequent storage of documents in the archive.

The ultimate goal of document management is to create an environment for efficient processing of documented information within the terms determined by the content of the organization's activities and with the lowest material costs.

We believe that the relevance of the presented term paper obvious, because to improve the workflow system in activities Russian organizations and a significant increase in competitiveness when choosing the most rational and effective organization of work with documents, it is necessary to analyze foreign experience in this area in building legislative framework and in the direct management of documentation.

The high significance and insufficient practical elaboration of the problem determine the undoubted novelty of this study.

The study of issues related to this topic is of both theoretical and practical importance.

The results of the research can be used to develop a methodology for the analysis of "Organization of document flow abroad." The theoretical significance lies in the fact that the problematic chosen for consideration is at the junction of several scientific disciplines at once.

The purpose course work is a comprehensive and systematic study of work with documents abroad, the study of the international regulatory framework, the use of the findings to develop and make proposals to improve the workflow in Russia.

To achieve this goal, theoretical and scientific-practicaltasks:

1) study of the system of sources of legal regulation of document circulation in Russia;

2) study of the features of legislative regulation of document circulation both at the international legal level and at the national;

4) conducting a comparative legal analysis Russian legislation and normative legal acts of other states in the field of work with documents;

5) determination of the role of foreign experience in the organization and functioning of document management systems in Russia.

Research object are the processes occurring during the organization and operation of document management systems.

The subject of research is the characteristic of the normative regulation of document circulation in Russia and abroad.

Analysis scientific articles, teaching aids, research suggests that interest in foreign experience work with documents is growing.

In the process of preparing the course work, numerous periodicals were used in the journals "Secretarial business", "Office work", "Clerk", "Secretary-assistant".

When writing the term paper, the works of Russian specialists in the field of management documentation were used (A.Yu. Arnd, M.N. Kostomarov, S.L. Kuznetsov, M.V. Larin, O.A. Romanov, O.I. Ryskov, N.A. Khramtsovskaya and others).

Particular attention is paid to standards ISO 15489-2001 "Information and documentation - Document management" and GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Document management. General requirements".

Chapter first

Features of document management abroad

1.1 Legal regulation of document management

Globalization international relations on the the present stage led to an increase in the importance of international legal regulation of document circulation.

The creation of special acts at the domestic level does not contribute to the development of international relations, since legislation different countries different approaches to the definition of the basic legal institutions and principles of legal regulation.

V last years in European countries, public attention is paid not only to issues of working with long-term archival documents, but also to document management as essential element operational management activities. Several factors contribute to the active implementation of document management programs and the development of corporate information and documentation strategies in both government and commercial organizations.

First of all, such factors include the adoption and operation of legislation on archiving, data protection, freedom of information, and human rights. The legislative and other normative acts of European countries contain requirements for the types of documents that must be created, and for the retention periods of documents. In addition, there may be rights or restrictions on access to documents or their content (for example, in freedom of information legislation), requirements for the format of documents (for example, in personal data protection legislation), transfer of documents to archival institutions (for example, in archives legislation), document management processes (for example, legislation may establish a procedure for indexing (registering) documents in order to improve their storage).

Lecture 1. Modern technology and organization of office work. Assessment of the current state of documentation support for management (DOU).

The course "Organization and technology of management documentation support" consists of two sections: "History of the organization of office work in Russia" and "Modern organization and technology of management documentation support".

The purpose of the course is to give students an idea of ​​the peculiarities of the formation and development of national office work systems in different historical periods and to familiarize them with the theory and practice of organizing modern documentation support based on scientifically grounded principles and methods for its improvement.

Objectives of the course:

    to highlight the place of documentary support of management in management processes;

    to acquaint with the history of the development of the system of state office work;

    to form students' rational approaches to solving the problems of organizing work with documents in the institution;

Documentation is the basis of management technology

Office work-branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents..

Initially, the term appeared in oral speech (presumably in the 17th century) and meant the process of solving (producing) a case: “to do business” - to solve an issue. In the course of the decision, it became necessary to consolidate the result, for example, the agreement reached. For this, documents have been created since ancient times, since the spoken word is short-lived, it can be forgotten, distorted during transmission or not so understood. Already in the XVI century. the word is used case as a collection of documents related to any case, issue. For the first time in this concept, the word "business" was recorded in documents in 1584.

Modern office work includes:

    ensuring the timely and correct creation of documents (documentation);

    organization of work with documents (receipt, transfer, processing, accounting, registration, control, storage, systematization, preparation of documents for filing, destruction).

In parallel with the term "office work" In recent decades, the term has been used management documentation(DOE). Its appearance is associated with the introduction of computer systems into management and their organizational, software and information support to approximate the terminology used in computer programs and literature. Currently, the terms "office work" and "management documentation" are synonymous and are used to refer to the same activity.

Management documentation (DOU) is a type of organization management, which includes fixing, transferring and storing information about the state of the organization and control actions to change its state. The preschool educational institution includes the following main processes:

    fixing control actions or data on the state of affairs of the Organization on official media, i.e. " documenting"or" production of documents ";

    timely provision of information in an official manner, i.e. transfer of documents or " document flow";

    prompt and long-term storage of documents, i.e. "archival storage".

Management documentation is a branch of activity, the main purpose of which is to provide management with information about the state of affairs in the Organization for making informed management decisions and monitoring their implementation.

Documenting Is the process of creating and formatting a document. The state standard defines documentation as "recording information on various media according to established rules."

Today, a preschool educational institution serves both as a tool for effective management and as the most important communication tool in relations between government agencies and the population of the country, civil society structures, and business. In our opinion, in the course of the reform at the national level, it is necessary to establish uniform principles for the unification and standardization of services and technologies of preschool educational institutions, as well as documentation - for better interaction between government bodies. State regulation in the field of documentary support is of particular importance in connection with the use of electronic documents and electronic communications. The growth in the amount of information and documentation in government bodies puts forward the need for constant monitoring and management of these processes by the state.

Domestic traditions, world experience, recommendations of the International Council of Archives clearly indicate the need for state regulation of document management, as well as a reasonable reduction in the volume of document circulation in the country.

The state archival service has traditionally been involved in streamlining management documentation in Russia.

For example, the last Regulations on the Federal Archival Service of Russia dated December 28, 1998 No. 1562 included the following task: “development and improvement, together with federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of archiving and record keeping, including the state record keeping system and unified systems documentation ”.

The new management body - the Federal Archival Agency (see the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2004 No. 290), in accordance with the decisions on the administrative reform, is not endowed with the functions of document management. It has only the function of agreeing on approximate nomenclatures of cases, instructions for the office work of federal executive bodies, as well as lists of documents generated in the course of the activities of federal bodies of state power and organizations subordinate to them, indicating the terms of their storage. As you can see, even a very abstract task of “development” of office work has dropped out of the Regulations. This situation introduces uncertainty in the prospects for further improvement of preschool educational institutions at the state level. At the same time, in all developed countries, in one form or another, the functions of document management are assigned to the relevant state bodies, and this practice justifies itself.

Russia should pay attention to the experience of foreign countries. Indeed, today, after the implementation of administrative transformations, the state function of document management (DOU) for the first time in the last three centuries has dropped out of the field of vision of the state. The archival agency cannot perform coordinating, control, supervisory functions in the field of preschool educational institutions. No other government agency has been assigned this task. Of course, this situation will negatively affect the state of the country's preschool educational institution.

In the current conditions, important work on the draft federal law “On documentary support for management activities”, the development of which has been carried out over the past years, is hampered. Reforming state structures necessitates a large-scale revision of the accumulated legal and methodological base of preschool educational institutions.

It is required, in particular, a revision of the standards for documentation support, operating at the interstate, state and intersectoral levels of government, taking into account the ongoing work under the federal target program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)", a number of international agreements and areas of information exchange. At the same time, it is necessary to stop the uncontrolled growth of the volume of document circulation.

The volume of documentation generated in the activities of government bodies is approximately 250 billion sheets of documents annually. At the same time, sample surveys of the state administration revealed that an increase in the volume of documentation by 8-15% is observed annually.

It should be especially noted the increased level of computerization of government bodies - this is an additional factor that affects the state of preschool educational institutions.

The estimate of the direct costs of documenting management actions shows significant fluctuations in the amounts depending on the sphere and level of government bodies.

The cost of documenting and processing documents per document is on average about 50 rubles. In this regard, the reduction of the species composition of documents by unification and standardization by 10% makes it possible to count on obtaining a direct economic effect by reducing the cost of documenting and processing documents. The savings amount to about 12.5 billion rubles.

The regulation of the functions of government bodies and the procedures for their documentation support allows by reducing the time spent on documenting and processing documents (on average from 15–20 minutes to 3-4 minutes) to save up to 40–50% of the total time spent on documentary processes. This, in turn, will make it possible to obtain a direct economic effect in the amount of at least 2.5–3.0 billion rubles.

Currently, the Russian economy is shifting from a predominantly raw material towards the expansion of production of high-tech science-intensive products that use the highest scientific and technological achievements and the country's intellectual potential. In accordance with the previously adopted decisions of the Security Council (SB) under the President of the Russian Federation, the main attention should be paid to ensuring the competitiveness of domestic products, especially in the foreign market. This requires documentation and information support of products in accordance with international standards at all stages of the life cycle, which is fixed in the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ.

In March 2003, the Commission on Information Security of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, having drawn attention to the problem of electronic document flow, decided on the need to create a set of normative legal acts in this area.

    the establishment of uniform unified rules and methods of preschool educational institutions in state structures, regardless of their departmental subordination;

    monitoring and control over the observance of the rules and norms of interdepartmental workflow, over the processes of document formation and the volume of workflow;

    scientific and methodological work in the field of documentation support and the introduction of the most rational methods of working with documents in governing bodies and state organizations;

    centralized development of standard regulations for solving managerial problems of state organizations;

    ensuring the safety of documents in government bodies, the formation of documentary funds as information resources organizations, the establishment of storage periods for documents, as well as compliance with statutory provisions on access to documents of management bodies and organizations;

    examination of software and other information tools used in government bodies and state organizations for electronic documentary communications;

    professional training and advanced training of specialists in the field of preschool educational institutions.

The implementation of these tasks, which form the basis of document management, will increase the level of quality and professionalism in the socio-economic sphere of Russia and obtain, through improving the activities of the management apparatus, a total direct economic effect in the amount of 13.75-14.25 billion rubles. And the effect, which is much greater than the direct one, is an indirect economic effect, which is reflected in the growth of the gross national product and the competitiveness of Russian producers.

Of course, in order to solve the above problems, a special state body at the level of the federal service is needed. An archival management body with appropriate powers is best suited for this purpose.

Office work today is defined by the standard as a "branch of activity" that provides documentation and organization of work with documents "2, ie the whole process from the moment of creating a document to its destruction or transfer to storage in the archive."

The term appears initially in oral speech (presumably in the 17th century) and means the decision process itself (the production of the case - "to do business" (to solve the issue). Since in the course of solving any issue documents arose in order to consolidate the agreement reached, the decision made (for an oral word is short-lived, it can be forgotten, distorted during transmission or not so understood already in the 16th century. 1584 g.

In parallel with the term "office work" in recent decades, the term "management documentation support" has been used. The appearance of this term is associated with the introduction of computer systems v management, their organizational, program and information security. To approximate the terminology used in computer programs and literature in the field of office work, the term "management support documentation" began to be used similarly, which is essentially synonymous with the term "office work". For example, in the titles of the normative documents "State system of documentation support of management" and "Typical instructions for office work in the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation."

A broader term used today - information and documentation support of management, includes, in addition to traditional work with documents and information services, the creation, maintenance and work with databases.

Both the process of creating documents and the organization of work with them have always been regulated by special legislative and regulatory and regulatory and methodological acts. In the pre-revolutionary period, the largest legislative acts that determined the organization of office work were the "General Regulations" approved by Peter I on February 28, 1720 4, "The Establishment for Governance of the Province" in 1775 by Catherine II, "The General Establishment of Ministries" in 1811. These acts established the basic principles of working with documents that are in force today (for example, mandatory registration of documents, registration, control, formation of cases, creation of an institution's archive, etc.).

Regulatory and methodological acts for office work:

The state system of documentary support is managedand I.Basic provisions. General requirements for documents and documentation services. - M.,1991.

At present, in accordance with the federal target program, the development of a new version of the GSSOU is being completed - a system of regulations that determine the basic rules for working with documents in organizations. The system is focused on commercial structures as well. It will consist of two parts: normative and methodological. In the normative part, as in the document existing today, the main tasks and functions, the legal regulation of the activities of the document support service in the organization, its approximate structure are determined; the procedure for the preparation and execution of documents; all stages of working with them: delivery, passage, processing, accounting, registration, control of execution, information and reference work, operational storage of documents, search for documents and information; protection of information retrieval systems; preparation of documents for the archive; the procedure for the examination of the value of documents; organization of storage of documents.

The main difference new system lies in the fact that it will be a single complex of automated documentation based on modern text editors, automated workflow (including email), databases and automated storage and use of documents (including automated nomenclatures of cases, inventories of cases, etc.) 9.

Typical instructions for the office work of the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation. - M., .2005.

New edition of the Instruction. It includes both the general procedure for the preparation and execution of documents, and the peculiarities of the preparation of certain types of documents: orders, instructions, instructions, minutes. It describes the procedure for registering documents, building search engines for reference work, organizing control over the execution of documents, the procedure for drawing up and working with the nomenclature of cases, forming cases, conducting an examination of the value of documents, processing cases, compiling inventories, operational storage of cases, transferring them to archival storage. The appendix contains the forms of the nomenclature of cases, the act on the allocation of documents for destruction, inventories, etc. As can be seen from the brief listing of the contents of the instruction, it reflects almost all issues of organizing office work. Although it is intended primarily for ministries and departments, it can be used and will find a lot of useful for themselves office management services of organizations of any form of ownership. It can be used as a basis for the development of instructions for the office work of a particular organization.

Basic rules for the work of departmental archives. - M., 1988.

The rules can be roughly divided into two parts. The first (sections 2-4) covers in detail the office-work issues:

    requirements for nomenclatures of cases, their types, the procedure for their preparation, filling, maintenance;

    the procedure for the formation of cases in office work;

    organization and procedure for the examination of the value of documents in office work;

    the procedure for the selection of documents for destruction; 4 preparation of cases for transfer to the archive: registration of cases (numbering, filing, additional registration of the cover, etc.), compilation of inventories, transfer to the archive.

In another part of the rules (section 5-14), the work with documents in the archive is disclosed in detail.

For commercial organizations that do not transfer documents for state storage, but keep them at home, the rules are an irreplaceable aid in organizing their archive.

List of documents indicating storage periods (Typical><ми ведомственный) 10 .

    Model regulation on the conduct of office work on proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

This act describes the fundamental provisions for organizing work with this category of documents: registration features, deadlines for execution, maintaining a reference file, forming cases, retention periods for cases, maintaining analytical information on appeals. The methodology set forth in the Regulations can be used to organize work with any documents of individuals.

Lecture 2. Organization of the preschool educational institution. Tasks and functions of the preschool educational institution.

    Organizational forms of documentation support (office work).

    DOE service: purpose and place in the structure of the organization

    Typical structures of the preschool educational institution in organizations of various levels of management.

    Functions of employees of the preschool educational institution

    Work rationing of workers

    The official and number of personnel of the preschool educational institution.

    Regulation of the activities of the preschool educational institution.

1. Documentation support as a management function is present in any organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form, the nature and content of activities, competence and other factors. By definition, enshrined in GOST R 51141-98, management documentation is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

The document is the main way of fixing and transferring managerial and other information in the management system, and the quality of the decisions made and, consequently, the effectiveness of the institution's activities largely depends on how effectively the work with documents is organized. That is why in any organization it is extremely important to pay special attention to the organization of the office work service and to achieve the most rational organization of work with documents.

For this, first of all, it is necessary to resolve the following issues at the organizational level:

    Choosing the optimal organizational form of office work;

    Development of the organizational and functional structure of the office work service and the choice of its specific name;

    Delineation of functions, duties, rights and responsibilities between individual structural divisions of the office work and employees and their consolidation in the relevant organizational and legal documents;

    Labor rationing of employees of the office work service;

    Determination of the numerical and official composition of the office work service;

    Choosing the optimal technology for working with documents and fixing it in the Office work instructions;

    Rational organization of workplaces and the creation of favorable working conditions;

    Improving the qualifications of employees and the culture of working with documents.

The first question - the choice of the optimal organizational form of office work - is decided at the initial stage of organizing the office work. When solving this issue, one should proceed from the fact that historically there have been three main forms of organization of office work: centralized, decentralized and mixed.

The centralized form involves the implementation of all operations for processing documents (from receiving documents and registering them to sending documents, forming cases and storing them) in one unit - the office work service.

The decentralized form of organization of office work involves the creation of an independent office management service in each structural unit and is currently rarely used. The decentralized form of office work is used only in geographically dispersed organizations, as well as in individual divisions working with specific documentation.

with documents of limited access, which must be separated from documents of open office work.

A mixed form of organization of office work involves the implementation of some office operations in the office work service, others in departments. As a rule, the clerical service takes upon itself the receipt and sending of documents, their registration, the organization of document circulation, control of the execution of documents, while the creation and execution of documents, their systematization, the formation of cases and storage are carried out in structural divisions. In addition, with a mixed form of office work, the same technological operation (for example, registration of incoming and outgoing documents) can be carried out in the office work service and in structural divisions, depending on the category of documents. Documents addressed to the management are registered in the office work service, addressed to structural divisions in the corresponding divisions.

Most organizations use a mixed form of organization of office work, less often - a centralized form, although, of course, the latter has a number of advantages. The centralized form of organization of office work allows you to concentrate all technical operations for processing documents in one department, leaving other structural departments to creative work with documents, it makes it possible to form a single database of all documents received and created in the organization, thus providing a more reliable search documents and, accordingly, reference work on documents. The centralized form relieves structural units from the need to form executed documents into cases and store them, since this work is carried out by the office management service. In addition, the centralized form makes it possible to more efficiently and comprehensively use office equipment and computer equipment to perform office operations for processing documents.

Naturally, with a centralized form, the office management service performs a much larger amount of work than with a mixed form, and this, naturally, requires a larger staff of workers, and since all cases are processed, formed and stored in the office management service, then, accordingly, a larger number of special official premises intended for processing documents, forming and storing the current archive of the organization. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the introduction of modern computer technologies, in particular, network technologies for processing documents, allows you to create a single database of documents of the organization and, in a mixed form, office work.

The chosen form of organization of office work largely determines the technology of working with documents, which is fixed in the instructions for office work.

2. It is important to emphasize that in modern conditions, when the work with management documentation in many institutions is based on computer technology, the functions of the office work are not limited only to the organization of the institution's workflow, records of documents, control of their execution and storage of documents. The office management service is directly involved in setting tasks in the development of automated information technologies for working with documents, in providing access to information and protecting information, in improving work with documents.

Office work service - case management, office, general department, secretariat, office work department - an independent structural unit of an organization, institution, enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the organization) that performs the function of documentary support for management activities (DOW) and is directly subordinate to the head of the organization. The specific name of the office work service is chosen depending on the type of organization, its organizational structure, place in the hierarchy of governing bodies, scope of activities and other features. In small organizations, office functions are typically performed by a single clerk.

3. The choice of a specific name for the office work is carried out simultaneously with the development of the organizational and functional structure of the service. The State System for Management Documentation (GSDOU) contains recommendations for choosing the most appropriate name of the service and its structure.

Depending on the status of the organization, its goals, tasks, the number of structural units and officials, the preschool educational institution service has various names of organizational forms, structure, and official composition.

For preschool educational institutions, organizations create:

    business management;


    Common department;

    preschool educational institution or preschool educational institution department.

In federal executive bodies (ministries, departments), this is the management of affairs, which, as a rule, has a complex structure. It includes: the secretariat, the inspection under the minister, the secretariat of the collegium, the office.

Secretariat consists of the reception of the minister, the secretariat of the minister, the reception and the secretariats of the deputy ministers. The secretariat prepares documents for the report and organizes work with documents sent to the management.

Inspection under the minister controls the execution of government documents, administrative documents of the authorities, orders of the minister.

Secretariat the collegium is responsible for the technical and documentary support of the collegium meetings.

Chancery consists of structural divisions.

They include: expedition, bureau of government correspondence, bureau of accounting and registration of documents, control group, typewriting bureau or computer center for processing documents, copying and duplicating bureau, teletype, central archive.

At various enterprises - state, non-state, research, design, engineering, higher educational institutions - a department of documentation support or an office is created. They may have structural divisions (sector, group), or the conduct of a specific area of ​​work may be entrusted to specific performers (performer).

In the office or department of the preschool educational institution, divisions are created that carry out accounting and registration of documents, control, improvement, work with documents and the introduction of technical means, consideration of citizens' appeals. They may include a secretariat, an expedition, a typewritten bureau, a copying bureau, an archive.

In the executive bodies of power, local government create a general department. The structure of the general department includes divisions the same as the office. However, its structure necessarily contains such subdivisions as protocol department, group of letters, reception. In the protocol department, draft documents are prepared on behalf of the management, documents prepared in structural divisions are analyzed, its employees are preparing meetings of the management body. The group (bureau, department) carries out work with citizens' appeals. The reception room accepts citizens who apply with proposals, applications, complaints of a personal nature.

A positive fact should be considered the inclusion in the structure of the preschool educational institution of a unit that is engaged in improving the forms and methods of working with documents. This unit can be called the department for improving work with documents and implementation of technical means or a group (sector, bureau) for improving work with documents.

In the office and in the general department (department of the preschool educational institution), as well as as an independent unit, a secretariat can be created, which includes all the secretaries of the leaders of the organization.

The main condition for the creation of this service, regardless of its name, which must be strictly observed, is as follows: "Documentation support of management in organizations, institutions and enterprises is carried out by a special service acting as an independent structural unit subordinate directly to the head of the organization."

In ministries and departments - business management. The management of affairs, as a rule, includes: secretariat (reception, secretariat of the minister, secretariats of deputy ministers, secretariat of the collegium, protocol bureau), inspection under the minister (head of department), chancellery (bureau of government correspondence, bureau of accounting and registration, expedition, typewritten bureau, copying and duplicating bureau, teletype, etc.), department of letters (complaints), department for improving work with documents and implementation of technical means, central archive);

At enterprises (associations), in research, design, design organizations and computing centers, higher educational institutions and other organizations - from cases of documentation support of management or office. In their compound, as a rule, it includes: subdivisions for accounting and registration of documents, control of execution, improvement of work with documents and the introduction of technical means, consideration of citizens' appeals, a secretariat, an expedition, a typewriter bureau, a copying bureau, an archive;

In the executive authorities (administrations, city halls, prefectures, etc.) and the management apparatus of public organizations - Common department. The general department includes: a secretariat, an office, a control group, a protocol group, a group for improving work with documents, a group of letters (complaints), a typewritten bureau, a copying bureau, an archive;

In organizations that do not have a clerical service in the structure, its functions are performed by executive secretary, in structural divisions - division secretary or another specially designated person.

4. The office work service solves two main sets of tasks:

Providing a unified procedure for documenting management activities and organizing work with documents;

Improvement of forms and methods of working with documents.

The tasks facing the office work determine its functions. Ensuring a unified procedure for documenting management activities is solved by performing the following functions:

    development and design of letterheads, ensuring their production;

    ensuring the production of documents, copying and duplication of documents;

    control over the quality of preparation and execution of documents, compliance with the established procedure for approval and certification of documents.

The task of organizing work with documents is solved by performing the following functions:

    establishment of a unified procedure for the passage of documents (document flow of the institution);

    forwarding processing of incoming and outgoing documents;

    registration and accounting of incoming, outgoing and internal documents of the organization;

    control over the execution of documents;

    systematization of documents, ensuring their storage and subsequent use in management activities;

    organization of work with citizens' appeals;

    ensuring the protection of documentary information.

The task of improving the forms and methods of working with documents includes:

    development and processing of normative, instructive, methodological documents for office work (instructions for office work, nomenclature of cases, etc.);

    methodological guidance and control over the observance of the established rules for working with documents in the structural divisions of the organization;

    professional development of employees of the institution, their advice on the issues of working with documents;

    Streamlining the documents of the institution, carrying out work on the unification of documents, developing the Timesheet and Album of forms of documents used in the activities of the organization;

    Development and implementation of new forms and methods of working with documents, improving the document flow of the institution, increasing executive discipline when working with documents;

    setting tasks for the development or improvement of automated information technologies used when working with documents.

5. Labor standards are developed on the basis of research and are intended for repeated use in determining specific labor costs.

According to their purpose, the materials used to rate the labor of employees are divided into:

    time standards- regulated time expenditures for the performance of a unit of a standardized type of work or its element in certain organizational and technical conditions;

    headcount standards- the regulated number of employees of the professional and qualification structure, necessary for the high-quality performance of a particular function in certain organizational and technical conditions;

    work centralization standards- the regulated ratio of the number of employees of the administrative apparatus to the total number of employees of the enterprise by management functions or by the enterprise as a whole;

    controllability standards- standards for the number of subordinate (or served) workers;

service standards- the regulated number of managed (or serviced) employees (subdivisions), which, under certain organizational and technical conditions, must be managed (or serviced) by one employee;

standards for the ratio of the number of different categories of employees- a regulated value that ensures the best use of standardized workers in accordance with the level of their qualifications in certain organizational and technical conditions;

standardized tasks- the scope of work established on the basis of time standards that must be performed by performers for a certain calendar period of time in compliance with the established requirements for the quality of labor results.

According to the scope of application, labor standards are divided into intersectoral, sectoral and local (applied at a separate enterprise). Inter-sectoral standards are intended for the regulation of labor of workers of the same professions or specialties engaged in the implementation of homogeneous technological processes at various enterprises. These standards are developed for the most typical technological processes for the same types of work with standard working conditions and therefore are unified.

For example, for the rationing of the work of clerical personnel, Intersectoral consolidated norms of time for work on documentation support of management have been developed and are applied (M., 1995).

Enlarged time standards are designed to perform a complex of technologically and organizationally related labor techniques (operations).

The enlarged standards for the performance of individual operations are calculated using the formula:

The standards are based on labor standards that determine the amount and structure of labor time expenditures and are the benchmark against which the actual time spent is compared in order to establish their rationality. When labor rationing is applied:

    time norms;

    production rates;

    service standards;

    population norms;

    controllability standards;

    standardized tasks.

If the time standards are intended primarily to determine the time rate for a unit of work, then the service standards, the number are intended, respectively, to calculate the service rates and the total number of workers performing a certain amount of work during the year.

When compiling time standards, the time norms for individual repetitive operations (work) are first calculated, then the labor intensity of all works is determined - as the sum of the products of the labor intensity of performing individual works by their number. After that, the number of employees is determined.

Lecture 3. The official and technical staff of the preschool educational institution. Functional responsibilities of employees of the preschool educational institution. The regulatory framework governing the organization and technology of information and documentation support of the institution's activities.

Regulatory and methodological base of documentary support of management (DOU) - a set of laws, regulatory legal acts, methodological documents, state standards regulating the technology of creation, processing, storage and use of documents in the current activities of the organization, as well as the activities of the office work: its structure, functions, staffing, technical support and some other aspects.

Regulatory and methodological documents for preschool educational institutions are developed by various government and administrative bodies in accordance with their competence.

The regulatory and methodological base of the preschool educational institution includes:

Legal acts issued by the highest bodies of state power and administration;

Legal acts issued by federal executive bodies: ministries, committees, departments of both industry-wide and departmental character;

Legal acts issued by the legislative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their territorial entities, regulating the issues of office work;

Legal acts of a normative and instructive nature, as well as methodological documents on the documentation of management, issued by the management of enterprises and organizations.

Regardless of the specific name of the office work service and its structure, the legal basis for its activities is the provision on the service and the provisions on its structural parts, as well as job descriptions of employees, which are mandatory for each organization. These documents consolidate the delineation of functions, duties, rights and responsibilities between individual structural units of the office and employees.

Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution- a legal act that defines the organizational and legal position of a unit in the structure of an institution, its tasks, functions, rights, responsibility, as well as relationships with other units and institutions.

Job description- a legal act that defines the organizational and legal position of the employee in the structure of the institution and unit. his functional duties, rights, responsibilities and relationships with other employees and departments.

The regulations on the office work service and the regulations on its structural parts, if any, are developed by its head with the involvement of qualified specialists who are well aware of both the work of the department and the organization as a whole, and are approved by the head.

One of the functions of the clerical service is the choice of the optimal technology for working with documents and fixing it in the clerical instructions. Instruction for office work- a legal act establishing the technology for creating or receiving documents, their processing, storage and use in the activities of the organization. Instruction for office work establishes uniform rules for documenting activities, organizing document flow, maintaining records, registering, monitoring the execution of documents and their storage. The instruction is approved by the head of the organization and is mandatory for all employees.

The purpose of the instruction is to improve work with documents, reduce the number and improve the quality of document preparation, streamline document flow and optimize managerial work.

Instruction for office work is developed on the basis of the provisions of the State system of documentation support for management, state standards for documents. Ministries and departments develop instructions for office work based on the Model Instruction for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies. the instructions consistently reflected all the stages of working with documents from their creation or receipt to execution, sending and / or delivery, to the archive.

The instruction should include sections: general provisions; documentation of activities (requirements for forms, registration of details of documents, registration of certain types of documents); organization of document flow (processing of incoming and outgoing documents, registration of documents. control of execution of documents); organization of storage of documents (drawing up a nomenclature of cases, formation and execution of cases, transfer of cases to archival storage). In addition, it is advisable to include in the instruction sections related to the production of documents using computer technology; storage, accounting and use of forms, seals, stamps: use of facsimile equipment and e-mail; photocopying and duplication of documents and some others. Depending on the specifics of the institution's activities, its structure, the procedure for passing documents, the presence of separate areas of work, the technical means used, and other factors. Instruction for office work can be supplemented by other sections, for example: documenting the work of a collegial body (collegium, board of directors, academic council, etc.); registration of letters sent abroad, etc.

The regulations of the instruction are supplemented by appendices (samples of letterhead ; main types of documents; classifiers, registration forms, etc.).

The regulatory and methodological documents governing preschool educational institutions include:

List of documents with storage periods (standard and departmental).

Typical lists developed by archival institutions establish the retention periods for documentation typical for most institutions, organizations, and enterprises. On the basis of standard lists, departmental lists are developed, including the most complete and systematic listing of the documentation of organizations and enterprises of their system.

Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution are developed on the basis of typical ones, which contain the maximum set of functions. When developing individual regulations, the composition of the tasks and functions of the service is specified, depending on the real conditions of its activities. For example, the functions of forecasting the development of documentation support, unification of documents, methodological guidance for setting up office work in structural divisions, etc. can be added to standard technological functions. for other structural divisions.

The position form and the structure of the text are unified in the USORD.

If the subdivision does not have an internal structure in the form of sectors, departments, groups, bureaus, etc., the "Structure" section is not included in the provision. If the department has an internal structure, an independent regulation is developed for each structural unit.

The first paragraph "General provisions" establishes the exact name of the preschool educational institution, its place in the organizational structure of the organization, the degree of independence of the service. Consider two formulations of this clause:

    "The office is an independent structural unit of the JSC and reports directly to the general director."

    "The office is part of the general department of the joint-stock company and is subordinate to its chief."

In the first case, the independence of the office is secured, in the second - its auxiliary value.

Further, the Regulations indicate the name of the position of the head of the service - head, bequest, manager; the procedure for appointment and dismissal from office, requirements for his qualifications and length of service.

The next point is a list of the main legal, directive, regulatory and instructive documents that the preschool educational institution is guided by in its work. First, legislative and national, normative-methodological and normative-technical documents are listed, then - internal organizational and administrative documents.

If the office has its own seal (seals), the Regulations give its descriptions, conditions of storage and use.

The section "Main tasks" is intended to formulate the goals facing the unit, in other words, the problems that the unit must solve.

The section "Functions" lists the types of work or activities performed by the department based on the tasks it faces.

To implement the functions assigned to it, the office work is endowed with a certain set of rights, and for non-fulfillment functions bears the responsibility specified in the regulation.

The section "Rights" lists the actions that the unit, represented by its head, must carry out in order to fulfill the functions assigned to it. When drawing up this section, you must follow the same rules as when drawing up the corresponding section of the job description (see below), but in relation to the unit.

The section "Responsibility" establishes the types of responsibility that the head of the department can bear in the event that the department does not fulfill its functions. The Office of Records Management is responsible for violation of the established procedure for working with documents in the institution, loss or damage to documents, for non-observance of the secrecy or confidentiality regime in working with documents, for failure to comply with the instructions and instructions of the management.

In the process of performing the functions assigned to the office work service, it interacts with the management of the institution, all functional units and support services and individual employees, the office management service of the parent organization, archival authorities, research or other institutions on the organization and improvement of work with documents. The section "Relationships" regulates the information and documentary links of the unit; basic documents created or received by him; it is indicated with which departments and organizations the interaction is carried out, what information the department receives and presents, the frequency and timing of submission to which order and by whom disagreements arising in the work of the department are considered.

Similarly, provisions on structural divisions of the office management service: regulations on the secretariat, regulations on the protocol bureau, regulations on the archive, etc.

Along with the regulation on the office work service and the provisions on its individual structural units for each employee of the office work, job descriptions are developed. Job descriptions regulate the organizational and legal status of employees and provide conditions for effective work. They make it possible to objectively assess the activities of employees and are the normative basis for applying administrative measures to employees. Job descriptions make it possible to implement the basic principle of the rational organization of labor - the principle of division and cooperation of labor.

To draw up a high-quality job description, it is necessary to carefully and deeply analyze the types of work performed by an employee holding a certain position, in other words, to compose a description of the position or workplace. A detailed description of the work performed allows you to formulate a set of requirements for a specific position or workplace, requirements for the knowledge that an employee must have, his skills, experience, etc.

When developing job descriptions for office workers, one should be guided by the "Tariff and qualification characteristics for positions of employees" (approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor. executive authorities "(letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 13, 1996 No. 482-BK), if the office workers are classified as civil servants. Tariff and qualification characteristics are also published almost annually in the form of a Qualification Handbook of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees (Moscow: Ministry of Labor of Russia, 2001).

The tariff and qualification characteristics cover the main categories of management workers - managers, specialists, technical executors and establish the range of job responsibilities, qualifications and education requirements, and the availability of special knowledge and skills.

The approximate structure of the text of the job description for employees of the office work service is given in the SSSOU: general provisions, employee functions; job responsibilities; employee rights; relationships (connections by position); employee responsibility, performance evaluation.

In the case of subordination of the office management service to the head of the institution, the job descriptions of its employees are approved by the head of the institution or the deputy head of personnel. If the office work is subordinate to one of the deputies

Lecture 4. General principles and methodological foundations of the organization of document flow. Information and documentation support, being the most important service management function, needs a careful, well-thought-out organization.

The speed of obtaining the information necessary for making a decision depends on the clarity and efficiency of processing and movement of the document. Late processing of documents, especially financial ones, can lead to negative economic consequences. Therefore, the rational organization of document flow, the speed and clarity of processing and transfer of documents for execution is always given great attention.

"The movement of documents in an organization from the moment they are created or received until the completion of execution or sending" 1 is called document flow.

All documentation of the institution is divided into three document flows

    incoming (incoming) documents;

    outgoing (sent) documents;

    internal documents.

Each of the document flows has its own peculiarity in terms of quantity, processing and movement.

The number of documents of all flows per year will be the volume of the institution's workflow. The size of the workflow is needed to calculate the required number of office personnel for calculating the effectiveness of the use of means of mechanization and office automation. In general, it shows the workload of the entire management apparatus, since all his employees have to deal with documents.

In the technological chain of processing and movement of documents, the following stages can be distinguished:

    reception and primary processing of documents;

    preliminary consideration and distribution of documents;


    control over execution;

    information and reference work;

    execution of documents and sending.


State educational institution

Higher professional education



Department of "Document Science and Language Communication"


By discipline: "organization and technology of documentation

management support "

On the topic: Experience in organizing work with documents abroad

Work completed:

3rd year student

GDU-32 groups

Vasilenko Anastasia


The work was checked by:

Vatolina Marina


Completion date:


Introduction ………………………………………………………………… ..3

1. Foreign experience of standardization ……………………………………… 4-11

1.1 The history of the formation and development of the international organization for standardization …………………………………………………………… 4-5

1.2 The current state of international standardization in the field of document management ………………………………………………… ..6-11

2. Experience in organizing work with documents in foreign countries …… 12-20

2.1 Experience with documents in the Australian Union ……………… .12-16

2.1.1 Commonwealth of Independent States System of Australia ... 12-13

2.1.2 Commonwealth Archives …………………………… ..14-16

2.1 Experience with documents in Italy ……………………………… ... 17-20

3. Analysis of the current state of document management in Russia .. 21-27

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… ..28-29

List of sources used ……………………………………… 30


The topic of the course work is relevant, because by studying the experience of organizing work with documents abroad, one can trace the main trends in the development of office work and, analyzing them, apply these innovations in Russia.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the experience of organizing work with documents abroad.

Work tasks:

Study foreign experience in standardization;

Analyze the experience of organizing work with documents in foreign countries;

Analyze the current state of document management in Russia.

To write the term paper were used:


Internet resources;

Periodicals ("Office work", "Secretarial business").

Research methods are: comparative analysis, historical.

1. Foreign experience of standardization

1.1 The history of the formation and development of the international organization for standardization

International standardization is a collection of international standardization organizations and the products of their activities - standards, recommendations, technical reports and other scientific and technical products. There are three such organizations: International Organization for Standardization - ISO (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission - IEC (IEC), International Telecommunication Union - ITU (ITU).

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a global network that defines what standards are required for the operation of commercial, government and public organizations. It was officially established on February 23, 1947.

Its main goal is formulated in the ISO Charter: "... to promote the development of standardization on a global scale to ensure international exchange of goods and mutual assistance, as well as to expand cooperation in the fields of intellectual, scientific, technical and economic activities."

ISO brings together 64 countries. ISO is a non-governmental organization: its members are not government delegates, as, for example, at the United Nations. However, ISO has a special position between governmental and non-governmental organizations. This is because, on the one hand, many of the ISO institutions are part of government structures in their countries or are under the tutelage of their government. On the other hand, other ISO members are completely private, created by local unions of industrial organizations.

The scale of the organization's activities is evidenced by the following facts: more than 30 thousand experts participate in technical work, which is carried out within the framework of 187 technical committees, 576 subcommittees, 2057 working groups. More than 800 meetings of the aforementioned technical bodies are held annually around the world. The park of ISO standards exceeds 14 thousand units, more than 800 new and revised standards are published annually.

ISO International Standards do not have the status of binding for all participating countries. Any side of the world has the right to adapt or not to adapt them. The decision on the application of the ISO international standard is mainly related to the degree of participation of the country in the international division of labor and the state of its foreign trade. In the Russian system of standardization, about half of the international ISO standards have found application.

Thus, the main task of international standards is to create at the international level a unified methodological basis for the development of new and improvement of existing quality systems and their certification.

1.2 The current state of international standardization in the field of document management

Organizationally, ISO includes governing and working bodies. Governing bodies: General Assembly (supreme body), Council, Technical Management Bureau. Working bodies - technical committees (TC), subcommittees, technical advisory groups (TCG).

The General Assembly is a collection of officers and delegates appointed by the member committees. Each member body has the right to represent a maximum of three delegates, but they may be accompanied by observers. Corresponding Members and Subscriber Members participate as observers.

The Council directs the work of ISO between sessions of the General Assembly. The Council has the right, without convening the General Assembly, to send questions to the member committees for consultation or to entrust the member committees with their decision. At meetings of the Council, decisions are made by a majority vote of the committees-members of the Council present at the meeting. In the period between meetings and if necessary, the Council may make decisions by correspondence.

There are seven committees subordinate to the ISO Council: PLACO (technical bureau), PROFCO (methodological and informational assistance); CASCO (Conformity Assessment Committee); INFCO (Scientific and Technical Information Committee); DEVCO (Committee for Assistance to Developing Countries); KOPOLKO (Committee for the Protection of Consumer Interests); REMCO (committee on reference materials).

PLACO (PLACO - Planning Committee) prepares proposals for planning the work of ISO, for organizing and coordinating the technical aspects of the work. The scope of work of PLACO includes consideration of proposals for the establishment and dissolution of technical committees, defining the area of ​​standardization that the committees should deal with.

PROFCO is obliged to provide methodological and informational assistance to the ISO Council on the principles and methods of developing international standards. The committee is studying the fundamental principles of standardization and preparing recommendations for achieving optimal results in this area. PROFCO also deals with terminology and organizing seminars on the application of international standards for trade development.

CASCO (CASCO - Committee on conformity assessment) deals with the confirmation of the conformity of products, services, processes and quality systems to the requirements of standards, studying the practice of this activity and analyzing information. The committee develops guidelines for testing and conformity assessment (certification) of products, services, quality systems, confirmation of the competence of testing laboratories and certification bodies. An important area of ​​CASCO work is promoting mutual recognition and adoption of national and regional certification systems, as well as the use of international standards in the field of testing and confirmation of conformity. CASCO jointly with IEC has prepared a number of guides on various aspects of certification, which are widely used in ISO and IEC member countries: the principles set out in these documents are taken into account in national certification systems, and also serve as the basis for agreements on the conformity assessment of interconnected products in trade. -economic relations of countries in different regions.

DEVCO (DEVCO - Commitete on developing country matters) studies the requests of developing countries in the field of standardization and develops recommendations to assist these countries in this area. The main functions of DEVCO: organization of discussion on a large scale of all aspects of standardization in developing countries, creating conditions for the exchange of experience with developed countries; training of specialists in standardization on the basis of various training centers in developed countries; facilitating study tours of specialists from standardization organizations in developing countries; preparation of textbooks on standardization for developing countries; stimulating the development of bilateral cooperation between industrialized and developing countries in the field of standardization and metrology.

COPOLCO (Committee on consumer policy) studies issues of ensuring the interests of consumers and the possibility of promoting this through standardization; summarizes the experience of consumers' participation in the creation of standards and draws up programs to educate consumers in the field of standardization and bring them the necessary information about international standards. This is facilitated by the periodic publication of the List of international and national standards, as well as useful guidelines for consumers: "Comparative testing of consumer goods", "Information about consumer goods", "Development of standard methods for measuring the performance of consumer goods", etc.

REMCO (REMCO - Committee on reference materials) provides methodological assistance to ISO by developing appropriate guidelines on issues related to reference materials (measurement standards). Thus, a reference book on reference materials and several guidelines have been prepared: “Reference to reference materials in international standards”, “Certification of reference materials. General and statistical principles ”, etc. In addition, REMCO is the coordinator of ISO activities on reference materials with international metrological organizations, in particular, with OIML - the International Organization of Legal Metrology.

The development of international norms and standards in the field of information and documentation in ISO was entrusted to the technical committee No. 46 "Information and Documentation", in which 34 national committees - ISO members take part, including the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of Russia, Rostekhregulirovanie.

This committee deals with standardization in the field of information activities, publishing, indexing and abstracting activities, practical activities of libraries, document and information centers, archives.

It has four subcommittees in its structure: Subcommittee No. 4 “Technical Cooperation”; Subcommittee No. 8 "Quality - Statistics and Performance Assessment"; Subcommittee No. 9, Identification and Description; Subcommittee No. 11 Archives / Records Management.

Subcommittee No. 11, created in order to develop standardization in the field of office work and archiving, developed 3 international standards: two parts of ISO 15489-2001 "Information and documentation - Document management" (ISO 15489-2001, Information and Documentation - Records management) and the first part of ISO 23081, Information and Documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records - Part 1: Principles. The ISO 15489 standard regulates the management of documents of any format and on any media created and received by various organizations in the course of their activities. The second part of the standard covers the procedures for managing the organization's documents in accordance with the principles standardized in the first part of ISO 15489-1: 2001. This document is actually a technical report, which, according to ISO rules, refers to information documents and does not have the status of a standard; the purpose of its development is to propose one of the possible methodologies for the implementation of document management systems, created in the organization on the basis of the principles of the first part of ISO 15489-1: 2001. This methodology is based on Australian experience. At the same time, it should be noted that during the discussion of the second part of ISO 15489-1: 2001, proposals were put forward to include in the technical report several options for methodologies for the implementation of document management systems and thereby remove the contradictions associated with national peculiarities of document management and document management. But due to the complexity and variability of these methodologies, it was decided to include only one version in the technical report and refer the work on developing the necessary methodology to the sphere of activities of national standards bodies, document and archive management.

Therefore, in most developed countries of the world, when developing a national standard, close attention is paid to the first part of ISO 15489-1: 2001, the second is used as an auxiliary (clarifying a number of provisions of the first part) document.

ISO 23081 standard is devoted to record keeping metadata in management activities, their types, functions to support managerial and record keeping processes, as well as metadata management.

In March 2005, ISO 22310 “Information and documentation. Document management requirements contained in standards "(ISO / DIS 22310, Information and Documentation - Requirements for records / documents management in standards).

Technical Committee No. 46 in its activities is associated with Committee No. 154 "Processes, data elements and documents in trade, industry and management", which developed such widely used standards as ISO 8439-1990 "Forms. Basic layout scheme "(ISO 8439: 1990, Forms design - Basic layout) and ISO 8601-2000" Data elements and interchange formats - Information exchange - Representation of dates and times "(ISO 8601: 2000, Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times).

Among the standards developed by TC No. 46, it should be noted the international standard ISO 5127-2001 "Information and documentation - Vocabulary" (ISO 5127: 2001, Information and documentation - Vocabulary), which contains basic terms and concepts used in the field of working with information and documentation. ... The standard is used in the development of applied standards for information science, including librarianship, records management and archival records.

The international standard ISO 2384-1977 "Documentation - Presentation of translations" (ISO 2384: 1977, Documentation - Presentation of translations) establishes the rules for presenting translations in a standard form, which simplifies their application by various categories of users.

In 2003, the international standard ISO 14416-2003 "Information and documentation - requirements for the binding of book, periodical, serial publications and other paper documents for use in archives and libraries - Methods and materials" (ISO 14416: 2003, Information and documentation - Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials and other documents for archive and library use - Methods and materials).

From the above, we can conclude that, at present, in the field of document management, a sufficient number of standards have been developed that allow regulating the management of documents of any format and on any media created and received by various organizations in the course of their activities, establish rules for presenting translations in a standard form, which simplifies their use by various categories of users.

2.1 Experience with documents in the Australian Union

2.1.1 Commonwealth of Australia

The entire experience of Australia in the field of management documentation is the quintessence of the best practices of its specialists.

The state system of standardization of the Australian Union is represented by the Standards of Australia, an organization established in 1922. The regulatory and methodological framework for documentary management of the Australian Union is quite extensive. It is quite right to say that Australia is one of the leaders in the region. An example of this is its national standard AS 4390-1996, which was taken by the International Organization for Standardization as a basis for the development of ISO 15489: 2001, which means that it is recommended to all countries whose national standardization bodies are represented in ISO as a reference when creating the corresponding national standards.

As part of its work at ISO, Australian Standards supports the Archives / Records Management Subcommittee within the Information and Documentation Technical Committee, forming its secretariat. The latter is responsible for the development and implementation of the following international standards:

ISO 15489-1: 2001;

ISO 15489 / TR-2: 2001;

ISO 22310: 2006;

ISO / TS 23081-2: 2007

In 2002, Australia adopted the equivalent ISO 15489: 2001 national document management standard - AS ISO 15489-2002. It was developed by the Records Management Committee, a structural division of Australian Standards. Subsequently, Australian Standards also established a Records Management Regulatory Compliance Technical Committee to prepare a companion document to AS ISO 15489-2002 providing practical guidance for monitoring and auditing organizations.

Although the AS ISO 15489-2002 standard largely repeats the content of the AS 4309-1996 standard, however, there are a number of significant differences between them regarding terminology, structure, and approach to covering various kinds of issues.

The AS ISO 15489-2002 standard was developed and implemented as an international standard, and some terms have been changed to ensure compliance with its norms accepted in international practice.

AS 4390-1996 and related standard have been revised, enlarged and modernized, thereby becoming AS ISO 15489-2002. While AS 4390-1996 contains six parts, AS ISO 15489-2002 has two (the standard itself and technical auxiliary materials). Accordingly, the information contained in AS ISO 15489-2002 differs significantly from that presented in AS 4390-1996, mainly due to brevity and conciseness. After the publication of AS ISO 15489-2002, Australian standards tried to highlight the key components of AS 4390-1996 that were not included in the new standard and publish them as appendices, additions to the current regulatory and methodological act on the organization of document management.

Thus, it should be emphasized that globalization, which, among other things, is characterized by the standardization of economic and technological processes, is clearly traced in the field of management documentation. A striking example of this is the development on the basis of the national standard of the Australian Union AS 4390-1996 of the international normative-methodological act ISO 15489: 2001 and the adoption of authentic standards in a number of countries, whose national standards bodies are represented in ISO.

2.1.2 Commonwealth Archives

The Archives of the Australian Union is represented by a network of specialized bodies responsible not only for the storage of documents of the Archives of the country, but also for the development of legislative and regulatory acts in the field of archiving. This network includes the National Archives of Australia, the Australian Society of Archivists, and the federal government archives.

The National Archives of Australia was formed in 1961 when the Union Archives Office separated from the National Library of Australia. In 1975, the institution was renamed the Archives of Australia, and in 1998 it received its present name.

At the same time, the status of the National Archives of Australia also changed. The 1983 Archives Act assigned institutions to ensure the preservation of documents from government agencies and institutions. In 2001, the Australian National Archives became a federal executive body under the Minister of Culture and Sports.

The position of the head of the Australian National Archives is officially “CEO”. The Council for the National Archives of Australia was established under section 10 (1) of the Archives Act 1983. The Council consists of a Senator, a Member of the House of Representatives, and 11 other members, for whom the Secretary of State for Culture and Sports is responsible.

Structurally, the Australian National Archives consists of five divisions: Access and Communications, Advisory Services, National Coordination, Document Management and Preservation, Government Information Management, each of which is headed by one of the Deputy General Director ".

The Australian Society of Archivists is a public organization that was formed in 1975 due to the lack of qualified personnel among archivists.

The functions of the Australian Society of Archivists include:

Education of our own qualifications, which involves the conduct of specialized trainings and seminars;

Assistance in organizing the storage of documentary materials of the Archival Fund of the country, overseeing their use in an appropriate manner;

Comprehensive assistance in conducting scientific research in the field of archival affairs;

Publication and other dissemination of information related to the archiving organization of the Union of Australia.

The decision of the current activities of the Australian Society of Archivists is entrusted to the council, whose members are elected by internal voting.

The working bodies of the Australian Society of Archivists are target groups, which include:

Target group "Archives of organizations";

Target group "Electronic documents";

Target group “Problems of Indigenous Populations”;

Target group “Archives of local executive authorities”;

Target group "Archives of schools";

Target group "Archives of Universities".

The State Archives of Victoria was established by the Public Records Act 1973 for the selection, long-term storage, and long-term storage of state government records.

The Victoria State Archives is administered by the Cultural Division of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Department.

The State Records of Victoria is responsible for:

Preparation of standards governing the processes of creating documents of the state government;

Consulting representatives of government agencies on the implementation of the provisions of the standards in practice. Conducting trainings and seminars.

Analyzing the structural diagram of the organization of the Archives Fund of the Australian Union, we can conclude that the specialized bodies are a combination of the federal state organization, federal public organization and state organizations of the subjects, and perform a "triune function":

The developer of legislative and regulatory acts in the field of archiving;

Controller-auditor, who is called upon to monitor the implementation of their provisions in practice;

Educational environment.

So, the Australian Union takes one of the first places in the world in the development of standards in the field of office work and archiving, many of the standards adopted in the Australian Union become international, thereby actively influencing the development of office work around the world.

2.2 Experience with documents in Italy

Office work in modern Italy has existed since the beginning of the 19th century - from the time when the Italian states were under the rule of Napoleonic France. The French government instilled in Italy a classification of documents and a registration system, the main features of which remain today. Fourteen years after the formation of the Italian Republic, which took place in 1861, the government opened in Rome - Archivio Centralle dello Stato(Central State Archives). Located in Rome, the Archives contains documents issued by the central administrative bodies of the Italian national government. In addition, the Archives governs the hierarchy of state archival organizations throughout Italy and forms the structure of the nationwide record keeping.

It can be said that modern office work in Italy began with the publication of a Royal Decree of 1900 (the document outlined the fundamental principles of the work of the offices and archival institutions of the state government). However, it was only in 1963 that the structure of office work was formed in the form in which it officially exists today. At this time, D came out ecreto del Presidente dello Republica(Presidential decree), which determined the basic requirements for archival storage and office work, which, with minor changes, are still applied to this day. Let's consider the essence of these requirements.

The Italian registration system was spelled out in the Royal Decree of 1900 and differs little from other European systems. Each category of documents, united by a common heading or topic, corresponds to a number of documents in the log book. As a rule, a separate journal is created for each category of documents. As in most registration systems, every document received or created in the office is subject to mandatory registration in the journal. Registered documents are numbered sequentially; records of incoming and outgoing documents are kept in the journal separately. The fact of registration of a document is an official confirmation not only of the very existence of the document, but also of its authenticity.

When registering incoming documents in the journal, the date of receipt, the name of the sender and the subject of the case are stamped. When registering outgoing documents, the date of creation, the addressee and the subject of the case are indicated. In addition, all documents are registered in the journal of the office in which they are received.

European Offices usually use some kind of standard case classification scheme in conjunction with registers, and Italy is no exception. A 1900 Royal Decree introduced a "systematic classification by mandate (commission)." This standard system provides for both general and specific subject categories that form the basis for the conduct of business in government ministries.

General categories of cases make it possible to classify administrative documents common to all or most ministries (such as, for example, personal files), while special categories reflect the needs of a particular ministry, due to the specifics of its activities. The various subject categories make up a hierarchy of classes and subclasses, each of which is assigned its own alphanumeric code. A similar system is widely used in North America.

In addition to the journals mentioned above, the Italian Chanceries use a special category of registration journals called reporterio... These journals are a list of all cases in each subject category. Indexes to journals consist of two registration journals with alphabetical lists of persons who created, sent or received documents, while the third journal contains the subject indexes of registered documents.

Documents that have come out of active use are moved from the Italian government departments to the so-called "depository archives" - intermediate repositories, which are a complex national storage system. Once a year, documents from the intradepartmental archives are sent to the depository archives, where they are stored for 40 years from the date of receipt. After this period, documents of historical value are transferred to the appropriate archive storage, and all the remaining ones are destroyed.

The 1963 Presidential Decree, which was already mentioned above, defines the terms of archival storage for all categories of government documents, including documents of the government, provinces and provinces, as well as municipalities.

As noted, the Rome-based Central Archives Office manages the government's network of archival institutions, which includes the State Central Archives, the Archives Supervision Authority, regional archives for individual territories and provinces, and other organizations.

Archival supervision bodies function independently of the state archive and resolve issues at the regional level in relation to documents owned by individuals or organizations.

So, office work in Italy began to develop late. The French government has been very influential in areas such as document classification and registration systems. Today, the Italian office system is not much different from other European systems.

3. Analysis of the current state of document management in Russia

Currently, the regulation of documentation, organization and technology of documentary support of management is carried out in several directions: legislative regulation, standardization, development of normative and normative-methodological documents of national action.

The laws of the Russian Federation have the highest legal significance.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" secured the obligation to document information, established a number of terms (information, informatization, information resources, documented information, etc.), settled relations arising from the creation and use of information technologies, established obligatory provision of information to state bodies.

The compulsory documentation is also mentioned in other legislative acts. Thus, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determined the legal basis not only for the activities of legal entities, but also for its documentation. A number of articles set requirements for the composition of information (content) of documents and their design. So, Art. 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains a requirement for the content of the charter and the constituent agreement on the basis of which legal entities operate; Art. 185 and 186 define the details of such a document as a power of attorney; in st. 878 defined check form, etc.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and archives established that the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation includes documents located on its territory, regardless of the form of ownership of the organizations in which they were formed. Therefore, many documents of institutions, organizations and enterprises, after a certain period of time, must be transferred to the state archives for storage in the manner determined by regulatory documents.

Legislative acts of the Russian Federation regulate the requirements for documents sent using various means of communication (mail, telegraph, facsimile and electronic messages), requirements for the protection of information at different stages of its creation and storage, giving documents formalization (legal force). They also contain the foundations for regulating informatization processes. The law establishes the right of ownership to individual documents and arrays of documentation, categories of information by levels of access to it.

A number of legal acts contain norms that must be taken into account in the preparation and execution of management documents. Such acts include, for example, the law of the Russian Federation "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods", which determines the procedure for registering the emblem of an enterprise placed on the letterhead; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On streamlining the production, use, storage and destruction of seals and forms with reproduction of the state emblem of the Russian Federation", etc.

Currently, in accordance with the federal target program, the GSDOU operates - a system of regulations that determine the basic rules for working with documents in organizations. The system is focused on commercial structures as well. It consists of two parts: normative and methodological. In the normative part, the main tasks and functions, legal regulation of the activities of the document support service in the organization, its approximate structure are determined; the procedure for the preparation and execution of documents; all stages of working with them: delivery, passage, processing, accounting, registration, control of execution, information and reference work, operational storage of documents, search for documents and information; protection of information retrieval systems; preparation of documents for the archive; the procedure for the examination of the value of documents; organization of storage of documents. It is a single complex of automated documentation based on modern text editors, automated document management (including e-mail), databases and automated storage and use of documents (including automated case nomenclature, case inventories, etc.).

GOST R 6.30-2003 USD Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork.

The standard applies to “organizational and administrative documents related to the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD), - decrees, orders, orders, decisions, protocols, acts, letters, etc., used in activities:

Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which, along with Russian as the state language, have local self-government bodies;

Enterprises, organizations and their associations, regardless of the organizational and legal form. "

Currently, in the field of preschool educational institutions, several problems and ways of solving them can be distinguished. It is necessary to introduce a law on documentation.

A fundamental role in solving the problems of preschool educational institutions should be played by the Law on Documentation of the Russian Federation. The law will make it possible to regulate the general principles and the most significant provisions of documentation, including the obligation to document the activities of all organizations, forms and methods of documentation, electronic documentation, the exchange of documented information to meet the needs for documentation of legal entities, measures of responsibility for violations. The law should become the fundamental regulatory framework that will not only resolve many controversial issues of electronic document management and electronic archives, but also, to a certain extent, determine the directions and further prospects for the development of automation of preschool educational institutions. The enactment of a documentary law is an imperative task for the near future. To ensure unification, it is necessary to develop new standards.

The solution of technological problems of documentation is facilitated by the developed VNIIDAD and approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation GOST 6.30-2003. "USD. OSD system. Requirements for paperwork". The standard, presenting requirements for the unification of elements of documentation, greatly facilitates the creation of standard, unified and unified processes of both traditional and automated documentation, storage and transmission of documented information. The subsequent development and maintenance (updating) of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information, incl. forms of management documentation at the level of departments, enterprises and organizations. Let's look at the experience of other countries. The United States of America has had the Federal Records Management Act since 1976. The term "Document Management" means planning, control, leadership, organization, training, promotion and other administrative and management activities involving the creation of documents, their storage, use and the ability to dispose of documents. In 1980 - the "Law on the reduction of work with documents" was adopted, aimed at creating a unified legal basis in this area of ​​administrative activity. The United States National Archives system has a powerful unit that is in charge of records management. Let us take European examples that are closer to us.

England: A government program to improve records management has been in place since 1985. There is a second administrative department under the Cabinet of Ministers, which, together with the State Archives of Great Britain, with appropriate financial support from the Government, deals with the issues of document management at a modern technical and technological level. In Germany, where, as we know, federalism has been elevated to the principle of state structure, on June 21, 1995, the government approved a centralized system of office work based on the general rules of the order of work of federal ministries. German document experts and archivists regard this fact as their great victory, which required long-term efforts of the staff and leaders of the Bundesarchive. Moreover, this legal act is not the first in the history of Germany. Since 1926, the "imperial law on the general procedure for office work" was in force, and in 1958 the "Law on the general procedure for the work of federal ministries" was created. It is interesting that the developers of the modern system of office work in the federal ministries of the Federal Republic of Germany set one of its main tasks the creation of unified nomenclatures of affairs of federal ministries and resisting the temptation to abandon strict systematizing schemes for grouping and encrypting documents through the means of modern computing technology. This list could be continued with other examples from legislation, for example, the Czech Republic, where the law on archives 1994/1997-2002. the obligation of all organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, to keep the documentation in order, to take care of its accounting and storage is clearly recorded. A similar norm is recorded in a similar legislative act of Belarus and other countries. We can also recall the experience of Australia, where for the first time in the world in 1996 the National Records Management Standard was adopted, which contains recommendations for working with traditional paper-based documents and with modern electronic documents.

The problem of electronic document is closely related to the problem of electronic document management, automation of preschool educational institutions. Currently, various firms have developed and implemented a large number of automated document management systems (ASUD), characterized by specific approaches and computer-communication means of implementation. Unfortunately, there is no consistent terminology in these developments. The products of the developers' companies bear such names as: document flow automation system, computer office automation system and document flow, office management system, distributed document management system, electronic archive, etc. The variety in the names of the developed and developed systems only indicates that today this area of ​​the information market has not yet taken shape as an independent segment, and in a number of cases, ASUD products appear as accompanying developments or a by-product when solving other more complex problems. Nevertheless, the number of ASUDs is growing quite rapidly.

It is possible to formulate certain requirements for a modern document management system in an organization. First of all, the ASUD must perform all the tasks of documentary support of management in full: preparation of documents, their registration, control over execution, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents. The system should be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the framework of the existing organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements. The ASUD must ensure the full use (integration) of the accumulated information resource and implement the principle of a single input of information and its repeated use, both documentarily and in fact. The system should also help administrators choose the routes for the movement of documents within the organization, providing the necessary degree of protection of information from unauthorized access. ASUD in modern conditions should be capable of expanding according to certain components (the number of technical devices and technologies, the number of documents (amount of information), the number of users) and be able to adapt within reasonable limits to the changing requirements of users.

Do not think that these problems are exclusively Russian problems. The entire business world is preoccupied with similar problems. For example, a 1996 British study found that nearly half of the UK institutions surveyed have major information and documentation problems. In these institutions, the system for finding the necessary documentation is poorly established. 77.6% of managers of various ranks admitted that they are looking for information on their own, and only 18% turn to assistants and secretaries for help. This situation is unlikely to illustrate effective management.

Thus, the current legislation contains a significant number of mandatory norms, rules and requirements for documenting various areas of activity of state and non-state organizations, for the design of certain types of documents, their content and text structure.


It should be noted that abroad (Europe, the USA, etc.) have made much further progress in the application of information technologies in documentation support, especially in matters of electronic document management and the use of electronic documents. This is, of course, the first most important difference. ISO back in 2001 adopted a document management standard (ISO: 15489-1-2001); in Europe, too, in 2001, the specification "Typical European Requirements for Electronic Document Management Systems" was developed and adopted.

These facts indicate that in developed countries, document management cannot be imagined without the use of information technology. They haven't divided there for a long time office work to the traditional, as it is still accepted in our country, and with the use of information technologies. Any office work for them is based on the use of modern information technologies, there simply cannot be another.

The second thing to note is that there are some specific approaches to document management that are specific to dtree production Western Europe and the United States, which, by the way, is reflected in the ISO-15489 standard, in the section that establishes requirements for document management processes. In the standard, document management processes begin not with the registration of documents, but with an examination and determination of the retention periods for documents. They also have registration, but it is not in the first place. By and large, there is no contradiction in this, because we also determine the storage periods for documents, but in our country this, as a rule, is done after the execution of the document, when it (or a copy) is transferred to the file for storage.

Another difference: one of the functions office work in Russia, it is the control over the execution of documents .. In the form in which this function is implemented in the Russian office work, this is probably not the case anywhere. Each country has its own specifics office work therefore, we can say that control over the deadlines for the execution of documents is a Russian specificity.

Currently, in the field of document management, a sufficient number of standards have been developed that allow regulating the management of documents in the International Association for Standardization of any format and on any media created and received by various organizations in the course of their activities, establish rules for the presentation of translations in a standard form, which simplifies them application by various categories of users.

The main task of international standards is to create at the international level a unified methodological basis for the development of new and improvement of existing quality systems and their certification.

The Australian Union occupies one of the first places in the world in the development of standards in the field of office work and archiving, many of the standards adopted in the Australian Union become international, thereby actively influencing the development of office work around the world.

Globalization, which, among other things, is characterized by the standardization of economic and technological processes, can be clearly traced in the field of management documentation. A striking example of this is the development on the basis of the national standard of the Australian Union AS 4390-1996 of the international normative-methodological act ISO 15489: 2001 and the adoption of authentic standards in a number of countries, whose national standards bodies are represented in ISO.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation contains a significant number of mandatory norms, rules and requirements for documenting various areas of activity of state and non-state organizations, for the design of certain types of documents, their content and text structure

List of sources used

    Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ

    State system of documentation support for management. General requirements for documents and services of documentation support of management.-M., 1991

    GOST R 6.30-2003 USD Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork

    ISO 15489-2001 "Information and documentation - Document management"

    ISO 23081-1: 2004 "Information and documentation - Document management processes - Document metadata"

    ISO 22310 Information and documentation. Requirements for document management contained in standards "

    ISO 5127-2001 "Information and Documentation - Vocabulary"

    ISO 2384-1977 "Documentation - Translation Processing"

    AS ISO 15489-2002 "Record Managent-General"

    D.V. Volkova. Activities of the International Organization for Standardization. Office work.2006 No. 2.p 66-70

    A.S. Holotnik. The state system of standardization of the Australian Union as an indicator of the processes of world globalization // Office work 2007.-№4.p.66-70

    ... per commercial banks per overseas 5 1.1 The essence of the supervision system 5 1.2 Experience work commercial banks per overseas 11 2. Supervision system per... the meeting is signed document fixing ... credit organization... Credit checks organizations can ...
  1. Staff motivation per overseas

    Abstract >> Management

    On the creation of an appropriate regulatory document introducing this rule ... typewriter, counting Work etc. In the practice of regulatory research work per overseas used and ... interest experience large Western firms organization in-house system ...

  2. Psychological and pedagogical support of children with complex developmental disorders per overseas

    Examination >> Psychology

    ... per overseas 2.1 Organization teaching deaf-blind children per overseas(70-80s) 2.2 Organization ... per overseas... It is important to consider not only experience, but also the mistakes of foreign experts in work... teaching the deaf-blind and normative documents taken in a specific ...

  3. Technologies work With documents limited access

    Abstract >> Industry, production

    What are the most serious frontiers protection of protected electronic information ... At the beginning of the case, an internal inventory documents contained in it, at the end of ... cases. Control per work With documents limited access is carried out by the head organization, his...

  4. Social status of Russian immigrants per overseas

    Coursework >> Sociology

    Assigned to special organization- national services ... of commissions, by Russians on documents turned out to be only 6 thousand ... studies or work but the remaining per overseas... Destinations of emigration ... work in another country or insufficient knowledge of a foreign language. But experience ...

Keywords: Office work, Personnel management, State and municipal administration, Basics of certification and standardization.

The object of the research is the analysis of the conditions "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management". The subject of the research is the consideration of individual issues formulated as the objectives of this research.

The aim of the research is to study the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" from the point of view of the latest domestic and foreign research on similar issues.

In the course of the work, a theoretical and methodological analysis of the topic "Foreign experience in organizing management documentation support" was carried out, including the theoretical aspects of studying the phenomenon "Foreign experience in organizing management documentation support", the nature of the topic "Foreign experience in organizing management documentation support" was studied.

Further, a study of the relevance of "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management" in modern conditions was carried out with the involvement of statistical data and scientific publications of recent years.

As a result of the study, specific ways of solving the problem "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" were identified and quantitatively substantiated, including some possibilities for solving the problem "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" and trends in the development of the topic "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" were identified.

Degree of implementation - proposals and specific activities have been tested in the activities of the organization, which served as the basis for educational practice.

The proposed measures, with some specification, can be used in the work of personnel services of Russian enterprises.

The implementation of the proposed measures allows for a more accurate understanding of the nature and topical problems "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management."

Review of sources on the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management"

The list of references used in the preparation of this work contains 36 bibliographic sources. Let's characterize some of them:

The designated problem "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" is considered by M. Yu. Rogozhin in the book "", published in 2009 and containing 384 pages. From the description of the book, it can be concluded that

Also, the problems of regulation of modern issues on the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" concerns M. Yu. Rogozhin in the monograph "Documentation support for management". This book was published by the publishing house "Prospect" in 2009, contains 0 pages.

A universal educational and practical guide provides answers to all key questions of the effective organization of documentation support for the management (DOW) of the activities of an enterprise (organization, institution). The material of the manual is presented in a comprehensive manner, based on legislation and regulations on preschool educational institutions. The main place in the manual is devoted to the consideration of the issues of document management (document management) and documentation of activities, including the preschool educational institution service, personnel service and the accounting department of the enterprise. For heads of enterprises, their deputies for management, employees of preschool educational institutions, personnel services and accounting, as well as students in the specialty 350800 "Document management and documentation support of management."

A number of topical problems were touched upon in the book "Documentation support of management". R. Ye. Bulat determined the relevance and novelty of this topic in his research, published in 2012 in the publishing house "Business-Press". The description of the book reads as follows.

The content of the training manual corresponds to the curriculum for the discipline "Office work in the personnel service", which is included in the block of special disciplines of the specialty 080505.65 "Personnel management", as well as the curriculum for the discipline "Documentation support of personnel management", which is included in the basic part of the professional cycle of the approximate basic educational program of higher professional education in the direction of training "Personnel Management" - 080400, developed by the UMO of Russian universities for education in the field of management. The regulatory requirements presented in the publication (including those that came into force in 2012) and methodological recommendations for documenting management activities and introducing a systematic approach to documentary support for the management of a modern organization will be useful to both students, graduate students and teachers, and practitioners in the field documenting management activities.

In addition, when studying the topic "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management", such periodic sources were used as:

  1. Foreign experience of legal regulation of public services. A.F. Vasilyeva, "Journal of Russian Law", No. 12, December 2007.
  2. Alternative resolution of commercial disputes. Overseas experience. D. Stoletova, "Personnel officer. Personnel management", No. 10, October 2007.
  3. The problem of competitiveness in personnel management of an organization. V. Shapovalov, "Human Resource Management", No. 18, September 2007.
  4. 1C: Enterprise 8 - experience in organizing the transition. "BUKH.1S", No. 9, September 2007.
  5. The collection business continues to gain strength and experience. I.E. Smirnov, "Management in a Credit Organization", No. 5, September-October 2007.

Sample introduction

The presented work is devoted to the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management".

The problem of this study has relevance in the modern world. This is evidenced by the frequent study of the issues raised.

The topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" is studied at the junction of several interrelated disciplines. The current state of science is characterized by a transition to a global consideration of the problems of the subject "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management."

A lot of works are devoted to research questions. Basically, the material presented in the educational literature is of a general nature, and in numerous monographs on this topic, narrower issues of the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" are considered. However, it is required to take into account modern conditions in the study of the problems of the designated topic.

The high importance and insufficient practical elaboration of the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" determine the undoubted novelty of this study.

Further attention to the issue of the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" is necessary in order to more deeply and reasonably resolve the particular topical problems of the subject of this study.

The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, to the great interest in the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" in modern science, on the other hand, to its insufficient development. Consideration of issues related to this topic is of both theoretical and practical significance.

The results can be used to develop a methodology for the analysis "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management."

The theoretical significance of studying the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" is that the problematic chosen for consideration is at the junction of several scientific disciplines at once.

The object of this research is to analyze the conditions "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management".

In this case, the subject of the study is the consideration of individual issues formulated as the objectives of this study.

The aim of the research is to study the topic "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" from the point of view of the latest domestic and foreign research on similar issues.

  1. To study theoretical aspects and to reveal the nature of "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management".
  2. To tell about the urgency of the problem "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management" in modern conditions.
  3. To outline the possibilities of solving the subject "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management".
  4. Outline the development trends of the subject "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management".

The work has a traditional structure and includes an introduction, a main part consisting of 3 chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic choice, sets the goal and objectives of the research, describes the research methods and sources of information.

Chapter one reveals general issues, reveals the historical aspects of the problem "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management." The basic concepts are determined, the relevance of the sounding of the questions "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support of management" is determined.

The second chapter deals in more detail with the content and modern problems "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management".

Chapter three is of a practical nature and on the basis of individual data an analysis of the current state is made, as well as an analysis of the prospects and development trends "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management".

According to the results of the study, a number of problems related to the topic under consideration were revealed, and conclusions were drawn about the need for further study / improvement of the state of the issue.

Thus, the urgency of this problem determined the choice of the topic of the work "Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management", the range of issues and the logical scheme of its construction.

The theoretical and methodological basis for the study was legislative acts, normative documents on the topic of the work.

Sources of information for writing a work on the topic "Foreign experience in organizing documentation support for management" were basic educational literature, fundamental theoretical works of the largest thinkers in the area under consideration, the results of practical research by prominent domestic and foreign authors, articles and reviews in specialized and periodicals dedicated to the topic " Foreign experience of organizing documentation support for management ", reference books, other relevant sources of information.