Job description of a make-up artist-stylist. makeup artist job description makeup artist job description

How to become a makeup artist - the basics of skill. The pros and cons of the profession, who will suit the work of a make-up artist.

Among modern professions quite popular and, no doubt, the creative work of a make-up artist stands out. What is this calling? And how can you become a popular makeup artist?

Makeup artist - description of the profession

Before deciding to connect your life with human faces, it is worth studying in detail the description of the makeup artist profession. After all, such employment can be called a vocation, even "the command of the soul."
A make-up artist (an alternative name is a make-up artist, from the English make-up - make-up) is a face care specialist who skillfully selects make-up, hairstyle or accessories for him. The main task of a make-up artist is considered not only to create an image, but also the ability to emphasize the dignity of the client's face, hiding the flaws.
Many people compare a mikaper with an artist, for whom the client's face serves as a canvas.

Who is a makeup artist for?

What kind personal qualities suitable for successfully mastering the craft of a makeup artist? After all, the ability to combine colors and apply high-quality make-up is not all. So, a rookie entering the ranks of makeup artists must memorize a kind of memo-oath:
I promise to look neat and tidy.
The expression "shoemaker without boots" clearly does not apply to the makeup artist profession. It is unlikely that anyone will want to entrust their face to a master with a lack of a competent make-up, contaminated skin and other visual flaws.
I swear to consider the wishes of the client, but do not forget about common sense
Those who want to absolutely disperse all clients should remember the list of standard phrases:
  • "What terrible eyebrows!"
  • "How do you live with such a wide mouth?"
  • “Yes… when handing out eyelashes, you were obviously late. Well, nothing, somewhere here I have a couple of invoices. ”
The list can be supplemented.
The result is guaranteed - the client will run away, dropping "louboutins" or ballet flats, even if the make-up artist is a thousand times right. Therefore, the “face artist” must be extremely tactful and polite. Many clients have their own opinion, deviation from which can bring a lot of unpleasant minutes. But delicate recommendations regarding makeup and care for failure can be favorably received. The main thing is to be able to convince.
I swear to honor (read) Wikipedia, Cosmopolitan and Freud
Old Sigmund was here for a reason - knowledge of human psychology is an additional bonus for a make-up artist. Of course, the list of resources for replenishing the baggage of knowledge can be longer. But the fact remains - an erudite person can be seen immediately, from the very first words spoken. And the client will immediately notice whether the master understands fashion, makeup trends, etc. And just talking to an interesting person is more pleasant than waiting for the results of a make-up in shackled silence.
Summing up the above, we can conclude that the make-up should be:
  • well-groomed (about cleanliness and not worth mentioning)
  • sociable
  • tactful
  • erudite
  • punctual (no comment)
  • patient (see paragraph on tact)

Pros and cons of the profession

To paraphrase a well-known folk wisdom, in any tube of foundation there is a drop of ... spoiling substance. In other words, not everything is so smooth in the craft of a make-up artist.

Responsibilities of a makeup artist - what a working day looks like

Work as a make-up artist is suitable for those who do not want to work according to a clear schedule, creative natures. But you need to be prepared for capricious clients, early rises and long standing.
The daily duties of a make-up artist include:
  • The ability to distinguish color shades, understand the types of makeup and color types of appearance
  • Have an idea about the latest fashion trends, cosmetic novelties. Take into account the features of the appearance of customers
  • Perfectly master the technique of applying tone, blush, shadows, etc.
The vast majority of makeup artists work from home. Their services are used by clients before going out. With a successful course of circumstances, there are great chances to get a job in the salon. The level of income in this case usually increases, plus a great opportunity to get acquainted with interesting (and sometimes famous) people is acquired.
Advice. The skill of a makeup artist should be constantly improved. Participation in master classes of various competitions is an excellent springboard for career growth. The make-up artist business tends to grow. Any novice make-up artist can later work successfully on television or in show business or open his own beauty salon.

How much do makeup artists get

How much do makeup artists get paid? It should be noted that this craft at the very beginning will most likely be unprofitable. After all, high-quality cosmetic consumables are not cheap (and you should not exchange for cheap ones). Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that the first time, while the clientele is being developed, will be devoted to the desire to “recapture” what has been spent.
Make-up artists working in salons can count on a salary of 10-15,000 rubles plus a percentage of the client. Depending on the experience of the master, seasonality, the policy of the salon and other factors, the “cash desk” of a mikaper can be from 10,000 to 60,000 rubles per month. For masters working for themselves, the figure may vary in one direction or another (depending on the client base).

Where to study to be a makeup artist? And what are the exams?

So where do those who want to learn to be a makeup artist go?
There are 2 main ways to get this education:
  • Professional make-up courses
  • Primary or secondary special education (in colleges, schools, etc.). To master the craft of a make-up artist, it is recommended to choose the following specialties:
    • Cosmetics and make-up art
    • Theatrical and decorative arts.
  • Stylist. The listed directions guarantee the acquisition of the skills necessary for further work as a make-up artist
As a rule, those wishing to become makeup artists do not face entrance exams. Often they are replaced by interviews, at which the commission tries to discern in the applicant the rudiments of professional taste and the potential of the make-up talent.

How to become a makeup artist from scratch: video

I want to become a makeup artist - the subtleties of mastering the profession from scratch

A make-up artist is a kind of artist-painter who creates on human faces. The main tasks of the make-up artist are to create a unique image, emphasize style features and hide the main flaws in the client's appearance. The first steps in this craft will require a considerable investment of effort and finance. However, having developed a good portfolio and a solid clientele, the master will easily recoup the initial costs.

A make-up artist is a specialist in the field of make-up created by means of decorative cosmetics.

The task of this person is to mask the defects on the face and emphasize the benefits, create a unique and original image for a particular event.

A true professional in the process of work relies on the latest fashion trends, personal preferences of the client, his facial features, hairstyle, style, make-up purpose.

What are the responsibilities of a makeup artist?

A make-up artist is a specialist whose services are required in the process of organizing the following events, for example:

  • weddings;
  • thematic photo sessions;
  • alumni balls;
  • conferences and presentations;
  • fashion shows;
  • shooting.

The most successful employees in their field manage to interact with famous and successful people, for example, actors, performers, models, as well as constantly travel in connection with work.

The main task of the specialist bring beauty to the face at the client, this is the main thing that the make-up artist does in a beauty salon. The visitor must leave satisfied and happy man from the realization of his new image. Often, makeup artists are called stylists, as they are able to think through not only the details of makeup, but also the image of a person as a whole.

The first and main thing that a makeup artist can boast of is the presence in the arsenal lots of cosmetics for different makeup purposes, appearance types, occasions. She must match a huge number requirements (by composition, purpose, properties, safety) and be presented in several brands, colors, consistencies.

The task of the makeup artist is to determine the type of face from the first time and understand how to emphasize strengths and remove imperfections so that the make-up turns out to be bright, but not defiant, bold, but not vulgar, and also appropriate for the occasion.

Makeup artist jobs are as follows:

  • Beauty Salons;
  • fashion houses;
  • television studios;
  • photo studios;
  • fashion agencies;
  • home reception.

Documents for download (free)

In connection with the listed powers, there are several duties of a make-up artist (in accordance with the job description):

  • creating or changing the appearance of the client (mainly for the face) with the help of care and decorative cosmetics;
  • correction and visual improvement of the facial contour through properly selected and implemented make-up;
  • masking flaws in the client's facial features;
  • emphasizing its benefits;
  • optimal selection of colors, shades, textures of cosmetics in accordance with the type of appearance;
  • applying makeup taking into account the wishes, requirements and personal preferences of the client;
  • individual choice of cosmetic products;
  • providing clients with advice on self-performing make-up;
  • sale of branded cosmetics (in rare cases).

If the master has good reputation and impressive work experience, he takes on the training of other makeup artists through master classes, trainings, lectures. In accordance with the same job description, a makeup artist has not only duties, but also rights. They are in the following aspects:

  • familiarization with projects and preparation for participation in them (preparation of materials, tools, equipment);
  • personal request for information and documents that are necessary to ensure an established workflow (or actions on behalf of higher specialists);
  • submitting proposals for consideration by the authorities aimed at improving the work process in order to improve the performance of the duties prescribed in the job description;
  • making suggestions to eliminate shortcomings in the work that were discovered by the make-up artist;
  • the requirement from the management apparatus to provide assistance in the course of the performance of the main official duties.

Thus, the functions of a make-up artist are reduced to providing a beautiful appearance to the client, taking into account his own wishes.

Typical applicant requirements

There are several basic requirements for a specialist in the profession of a stylist-cosmetologist:

  • mastering the skills of applying makeup in any style and using any technology;
  • the ability to interact (contact) with customers;
  • selection of optimal colors and shades of cosmetics in accordance with such parameters as the color type of appearance, features of hairstyles, attire, etc.;
  • possession of information about all working tools - cosmetics, equipment, means of application;
  • regular acquaintance with fashion trends in the field of visage;
  • knowledge of hygiene, sanitation, the ability to use antiseptics;
  • availability of a medical book (in many situations).

Along with this, a specialist in the profession "cosmetologist-make-up artist" must know the basics of drawing, possess accuracy, be sociable and emotionally stable.

To master this knowledge and skills, you can enroll in special courses or individual lessons, as well as work for a certain time as an assistant makeup artist.

If the goal of a beginner is to become a high-level professional, it is necessary to ensure the improvement of skills and have enough practice. An important role is played by visiting master classes, constant work with clients. In 2-3 months you can become a master entry level. And in six months it is realistic to achieve the title of a master of the middle hand.

Approximate income

The range of salaries for this specialist is quite wide - from 25 to 120 thousand rubles per month. The amount of income is determined by the following factors:

  • the level of training of the master;
  • work experience;
  • place of performance of labor duties (prominence of the company in which he works);
  • personal merit;
  • the number of clients served.

Practice shows that the average salary of a novice makeup artist in regional centers is 30,000 rubles, and after a year of work, subject to constant training, you can increase your income to 60,000 rubles. In Moscow, a talented master earns from 100,000 rubles.

Thus, the list of duties of a makeup artist is impressive, but the work is promising and allows you to constantly grow up the career ladder.

For more information about the work of a make-up artist - see the video:

Now it is very difficult to find a woman who has never used cosmetics in her life. If you want to decorate not only yourself and do it professionally, then read on.

Medium wage: 20000 rubles per month




entry barrier


A makeup artist is a specialist in the field of creating an image using various makeup techniques. It's bright and interesting profession, giving not only the opportunity to create, but also good connections.

Makeup is the application of decorative cosmetics to the skin of the face, which is necessary to create an image or mask flaws. This art appeared in ancient times. The first written mention of make-up was left by the philosopher Ovid in his work The Science of Love. He hinted that the flaws on the face of women should be masked. Makeup developed rapidly and was little described. Only a few writings made it possible to recognize the trends and possibilities of different eras. In Russia, the first mention of make-up dates back to the 16th century. In that era, all the fair sex used white and blush. They did it so ineptly that unsuccessful makeup was conspicuous. White and rouge were made using toxic metals: lead, mercury. Only in the twentieth century did flashy and unnatural makeup go out of fashion. Harmful materials began to disappear from the composition of cosmetics, cosmetics became better. With the advent of cinema, the first make-up artists arose. It was they who eventually retrained as makeup artists. This profession has recently separated from the film industry and has become available to mere mortals. Today, a makeup artist can be found in every beauty salon.


The profession of "make-up artist" includes a whole range of areas. Depending on the duties, the profession can be divided into several types:

  • Make-up artist and make-up artist. The range of services of this specialist includes only the application of cosmetics to the skin of the face of clients. This is done in order to hide the shortcomings and emphasize the merits. Such specialists are often hired for weddings and other celebrations.
  • Makeup artist-stylist. This specialist creates a new image, an image that will be with a person all the time. His work includes the selection of the optimal makeup technique for everyday and evening life. Often the task of such a master is to teach the technique of applying makeup for clients.
  • Makeup artist-cosmetologist. Such a master will not only select the image, but also teach the basics of face and skin care. He will select the best cosmetics for you. To do this, in addition to makeup courses, you must obtain a certificate of a cosmetologist.

The profession of a make-up artist is the most creative and creative. She is quite young and is in constant development. Innovations appear very often, which guarantees constant development.

What specialties to study

In order to get the opportunity to work as a makeup artist, you should choose the following specialties:

  • Hairdressing, make-up courses.
  • Theatrical and decorative arts.
  • Visagiste.
  • Stylist.

All these areas include the knowledge and skills necessary to work as a make-up artist.

Where to study

Make-up courses or specialized faculties, there are educational institutions each regional center. The most prestigious are the diplomas of the following universities:

  • Penza State Technological University.
  • Moscow Socio-Pedagogical Institute.
  • Kabardino-Balkarian State University them. HM. Berbekov.
  • Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art.

The newest and brightest makeup trends can be studied at the capital's courses. The corresponding certificate will be a confirmation of advanced training.

What you have to do at work and specialization

The work of a makeup artist is directly related to the creation of beauty. An experienced and professional master will be able to make any client beautiful, because nothing is impossible in the modern beauty industry. The range of daily duties depends on the focus:

  • A makeup artist must have a very subtle sense of style. After all, every day he has to correct flaws and emphasize advantages with the help of decorative cosmetics. To do this, he carries out the following activities: preparing the skin for applying makeup, applying cosmetics, caring for eyebrows, eyelashes and lips. The makeup artist can also do eyelash extensions.
  • Makeup artist-stylist is not limited to the selection of appearance for one day. He creates a permanent image for clients, teaches how to apply makeup correctly and distinguish between its evening and day types. The range of work also includes training in the selection of makeup for certain outfits and occasions. Almost all wealthy women have their own make-up artist-stylist.
  • Makeup artist-cosmetologist. A feature of this specialist is that he not only masks the shortcomings, but also teaches how to eliminate them. Responsibilities include determining the type of skin and selecting the appropriate care products for daily use. Also, this specialist applies makeup, creating unique images that match the type of face and outfit of the client.

All make-up artists are united by the obligatory application of decorative cosmetics to the skin. Every day they work with people, so they must not only create, but also be able to find an approach to demanding clients.

Visage is not limited to decorative cosmetics. All make-up artists are engaged in the care of eyebrows and eyelashes. This is shaping, building, painting. There are also hardware makeup artists who do permanent makeup. It is not washed off and is performed according to the tattoo technique.

Who is suitable for this profession

To become a successful makeup artist, you need to know more than just makeup techniques. This profession is suitable for creative and sociable individuals. Appearance is especially important. The make-up artist must be well-groomed and neat. Communication skills and knowledge of psychology will be an additional plus.


The profession of a makeup artist is not always in demand. Usually good earnings from spring to mid-autumn - during the wedding season. Well-known beauty salons try to stick to already familiar and experienced masters. Vacancies appear rarely and are associated mainly with the opening of a new center.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The salary of a successful makeup artist is quite large. For example, in Moscow, such masters receive on average from 25 to 37 thousand rubles a month. IN regional centers- from 10 thousand. Outback given profession unclaimed.

Is it easy to get a job

Most makeup artists work from home. They come to clients and transform them before going out.

In order to get a job in the salon, it is better to take refresher courses in addition to the diploma. You need to take a portfolio with photos of work and a resume. Most often, they hire experienced specialists with experience of 1 year or more.

For employment, you will have only one chance - an interview with the owners of the salon. It usually doesn't take too long. Employers will review your resume and portfolio, ask a few questions about latest trends make-up and appreciate your appearance. In the beauty industry, people are greeted by clothes. It is important to appear as a well-groomed and neat person who inspires confidence.

How is a career usually built?

A career as a makeup artist is usually limited to this position. But you can enjoy interesting work. The beginning of a career usually starts with working from home, then you can get to permanent job to a beauty salon. The most interesting is work on television or in the film industry. You get an excellent level of income and communicate with interesting and famous people. To obtain this kind of position, it is important not only to gain experience, but also to constantly develop. You will definitely succeed if you attend master classes and participate in all-Russian and international competitions. Winners of prestigious awards always achieve success in their professional activities.

Prospects for the profession

The prospect of each profession directly depends on the mindset of its owner. Any makeup artist can grow up to own salon or beauty schools. It is important to have a desire and a clear vision of the path to achieving your dreams.

Most are quite satisfied with the level of income. It's only difficult at first. If you develop a circle of clients, your earnings will be consistently high. An ordinary make-up artist, through participation in competitions, can achieve work in famous theaters or on television. It is considered prestigious and guarantees a high level of income. Thus, you can earn own business and get profitable clients.

Visagiste- a specialist who creates a certain image of a person's face with the help of makeup. A makeup artist is often referred to as a "face artist", from the French word « visage"-" face, image, appearance " or "make-up artist" , which means"beauty artist" The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing, world artistic culture and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

A true professional perceives a person as a whole - from head to toe, taking into account not only the shape of the face, but also the structure of the figure, the general appearance and even the inner world. The best makeup is the one in which the external appearance of a person is in harmony with his inner world. Modern means makeup and the art of a makeup artist can radically change the look. The profession of makeup artist exists to help people look stylish and sophisticated in the most important points their lives, giving the impression of a successful and healthy person.

There are many types of makeup designed for different occasions:

  • day;
  • evening;
  • business;
  • wedding;
  • podium;
  • anti-aging (lifting);
  • male;
  • hastily.

Features of the profession

The make-up artist, following the fashion and world trends of cosmetic brands, at the same time must take into account the wishes of the client and his physical features: the structure of the face, the shape of the eyes, eyebrows and lips, skin color, his style and lifestyle. The make-up artist during the consultation can offer the client his vision of the image, but not impose it.

The duties of a make-up artist include not only stylistic makeup, but also the selection of suitable cosmetic products to eliminate visible skin defects.

Main functional responsibilities makeup artist:

  1. determination of the skin type of the client's face and the selection of suitable cosmetic products that can be used to remove skin defects;
  2. choice of make-up type;
  3. preparation of the client for procedures;
  4. correction of the contour of the face;
  5. masking imperfections;
  6. emphasizing the elements of the face: eyebrows, eyelashes, lips;
  7. applying makeup;
  8. individual selection of cosmetics and decorative cosmetics with tips for their use at home.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high salaries for popular makeup artists;
  • interesting creative work;
  • the opportunity to work for yourself;
  • free work schedule;
  • the profession obliges the make-up artist to have a stylish and well-groomed appearance on a daily basis.


  • whims and dissatisfaction of customers;
  • the risk of deceiving the client's expectations, who may not like the new image;
  • discrepancy between the opinion of the makeup artist and the opinion of the client;
  • work on the feet, like barbers.

Place of work

Beauty salons, modeling agencies, beauty parlors, film studios, theaters, television, specialized stores of famous cosmetic brands Rive Gauche, L’Oreal, etc.

Important qualities

For a make-up artist as an artist, the following are important:

  • creative imagination;
  • artistic refined taste;
  • color discrimination;
  • spatial and figurative thinking;
  • sense of style, harmony and symmetry;
  • creativity.

For a make-up artist as a service worker, you need:

  • sociability;
  • tact;
  • goodwill;
  • punctuality;
  • patience;
  • the ability to win over clients;
  • the ability to find original solutions;
  • stress resistance;
  • accuracy;
  • physical endurance.

Make-up artist training (make-up artist)


To obtain the profession of a make-up artist, it is enough to complete special courses for make-up artists and stylists or a make-up school (studio). There are special colleges of the Beauty Industry, Colleges of Business, Management and Technology of Beauty, which teach in the specialty "Stylistics and the art of makeup."

You will learn how to perform day and evening make-up, smokey eyes, Hollywood make-up, wedding looks and age make-up, make-up for shows and photo shoots. Training is 80% practical. The school provides cosmetics for classes. Groups of 7-9 people. , the missed lesson can be visited with another group. Upon completion of the exam, a diploma is issued. Possibility of payment in installments. Branches in 33 cities of the Russian Federation. All schools operate on the basis of an educational license.


Salary as of 03/12/2020

Russia 25000—100000 ₽

Moscow 35000—150000 ₽

Makeup artist is a highly paid profession. Remuneration depends on the place of work, the level of qualification of the specialist and experience. Various certificates and diplomas for participation in professional competitions make-up artists.

Details Updated: 01/23/2020 19:13

Profession make-up artist has now become very popular. Everyone, from housewives to screen stars, needs specialists who create a “new” face with makeup.

There are several types of make-up: evening, day, wedding, art, express, business, lifting, catwalk, men.

People have long tried to decorate their face using natural paints. The art of make-up reached its greatest development in ancient Egypt. Nefertiti emphasized her eyes and lips, and Cleopatra carefully monitored not only her face, but also her skin, the recipes she uses are still popular. Actively used cosmetics and the ancient Romans.

In the Middle Ages, make-up was banned. Now almost no girl can imagine her life without makeup.

Features of the profession

Who is a makeup artist?

Makeup artist is a specialist who must understand the latest makeup trends, new cosmetics, notice and take into account the physical characteristics of the client. In his work, he not only emphasizes the merits, but also hides the flaws, masks skin defects.

Work as a make-up artist suitable for those who do not want to work according to a clear schedule, creative natures. But you need to be prepared for capricious clients, early rises and long standing.

Significant financial investments will also be required:

  • education;
  • buying expensive professional cosmetics, brushes and a special bag.

In addition, at first you will have to work for free or for very little money in order to create a portfolio for yourself and find regular customers.


Before proceeding to applying makeup, the makeup artist must determine the client's skin type, choose the right cosmetics. Based on the wishes of the client and his individual features, the specialist creates an image.

The make-up procedure itself consists of several stages: face preparation, contouring, work with defects, creating the desired image.

If necessary, the makeup artist can give advice on the selection of cosmetics, their independent use.

Important qualities

Work as a make-up artist suggests the presence of imagination and artistic taste. It suits those who have a sense of style and symmetry, creativity, figurative and spatial thinking.

Important for the makeup artist - make-up:

  • goodwill;
  • the ability to find an approach to people;
  • sociability;
  • tact;
  • punctuality;
  • patience;
  • accuracy.

You have to work standing up, often in an uncomfortable position, bending over, so the makeup artist needs to be hardy and in good physical shape.

Skills and knowledge

Good makeup artist is one who understands not only the types of makeup, but also the color types of appearance, age and racial characteristics. He must also distinguish between shades of colors.

The make-up artist knows the most popular brands of professional cosmetics, types of cosmetics and follows the latest in this area. The specialist thoroughly understands the technique of applying tonal foundation, shadows, blush and other things. The makeup artist must be able to work with makeup.

Prospects and career

There are many places where makeup artists are required:

  • Beauty Salons;
  • beauty parlors;
  • theaters;
  • film studios;
  • modeling agencies;
  • brand stores of major cosmetic brands.

Many masters prefer to work for themselves.