Job description of a sales development manager, company, personnel and retail network: the specifics of each area. Business Development Manager Job Description

HR Development Manager is engaged in planning, coordinating and monitoring the work on training and development of personnel in the company. This specialist must evaluate professional level employees of the company, as well as candidates for open positions, identify training needs, study market prices for training. We present you a sample HR development manager job description.

Job description personnel development manager

Surname I.O.________________
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1. General Provisions

1.1. The Human Resources Manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The personnel development manager is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the head of the company on the proposal of the head of the department.
1.3. The HR Development Manager reports directly to the head of the department, another official.
1.4. During the absence of the personnel development manager, his rights and obligations are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.
1.5. A person with a higher psychological or pedagogical education and work experience of at least one year is appointed to the position of a personnel development manager.
1.6. The Human Resources Manager should know:
- orders, instructions, directions, instructions and other normative and administrative documents regulating the work of the manager for training and development of personnel;
- legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials on personnel management, labor legislation;
- Fundamentals of psychology, sociology, pedagogy and labor organization;
- the structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects;
- personnel policy and enterprise strategy;
- basics of marketing;
- modern concepts of personnel management;
- basics work motivation and personnel assessment systems;
- market conditions work force and educational services;
- psychological mechanisms of interpersonal and group communication;
- advanced domestic and overseas experience in the field of personnel management;
- the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement;
- the procedure for drawing up plans for the training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, curricula and programs, other educational and methodological documentation;
- organization of the process of continuous training of personnel;
- progressive forms, methods and means of education;
- the procedure for financing training costs;
- methods for analyzing the effectiveness of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;
- the procedure for keeping records and reporting on the training and advanced training of personnel;
- means of computer technology, communications and communications;
- culture of work and ethics of business communication;
- Fundamentals of economics and management;
- Fundamentals of legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;
- the charter of the company, its staff list, internal labor regulations;
- rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
1.7. The HR Development Manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the Charter of the company, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Responsibilities of the personnel development manager

The Human Resources Development Manager is responsible for the following:

2.1. Plans, coordinates and controls the training and development of personnel in the company.
2.2. Analyzes training needs for developing new programs or modifying existing ones.
2.3. Prepares training materials and materials for the orientation of new employees in the company.
2.4. Confer with management to identify training needs.
2.5. Develops training materials for distribution.
2.6. Develops procedures for testing and evaluating trainees.
2.7. Evaluates the effectiveness of training programs and the work of the trainers themselves.
2.8. Formulates training procedures and schedules using information on identified training needs.
2.9. Interprets and explains legal instruction in the field of training, and provides information and assistance to trainees, supervisors and other stakeholders.
2.10. Designs procedures using individual training, classroom training, presentations, conferences, on-the-job training, etc.
2.11. Prepares a budget for training a department or the entire company.
2.12. Evaluates training programs for their compliance with state standards.
2.13. Evaluates the professional level of the company's employees, as well as candidates for open positions.
2.14. Coordinate and manage training.
2.15. Coordinates employee continuing education programs.
2.16. Develops goals and objectives of courses and trainings.
2.17. Develops training evaluation procedures.
2.18. Develops training programs.
2.19. Edits teaching materials.
2.20. Examines market prices for education.
2.21. Prepares audio, video and handout support materials.
2.22. Creates training schedules.

3. Rights of the personnel development manager

The HR Development Manager has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding its activities.
3.2. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of the company's departments and specialists the information and documents necessary to carry it out official duties.
3.3. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the this manual responsibilities.
3.4. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.5. Require the management of the company to assist in the performance of his duties and rights.

4. Responsibility of the personnel development manager

The HR Development Manager is responsible for:

4.1. Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Business Development Specialists - new profession, which is aimed at actively promoting the services or goods of a company, enterprise, organization, as well as attracting new customers. In fact, the functional list of duties of specialists of such importance is quite significant. You need to have a truly analytical mindset in order to analyze the current situation in an enterprise or company, and choose the right way for business development. Among other things, you will need the skills of an oratory type, which will allow you to properly organize communication with employees, specialists, customers, investors, etc. Also, a specialist must be able to manage people and competently establish contacts, have sociability and a certain mobility.

All the efforts of a specialist should initially be aimed at increasing the profitability of the business as quickly and competently as possible, as well as the implementation of the process of creating high-quality, long-term relationships with partners, customers, customers or service users.

It is quite obvious that when hiring a specialist, the manager must correctly set the goals of his work. Such a concept as an instruction of an official type is being created, which allows you to clearly describe all the rights and obligations of a specialist. Based on this document, the management has the opportunity to further demand from the specialist the fulfillment of the obligations assumed, in the absence of compliance with this instruction, it is possible to make a legal dismissal.

What is a job type instruction?

It must be said right away that this instruction represents legal document organizational type, in which all data on the main functions of an employee are entered, taking into account his duties, responsibilities and rights. At the same time, the instruction is formed exclusively within the framework of a specific position. Essentially, this document allows for the following aspects:

  • Correctly and competently distribute all the duties of a functional type among various employees, taking into account certain positions;
  • Significantly improve the reliability and timeliness of the tasks assigned to the employee;
  • To improve the climate in the team, as well as to carry out the process of competent elimination of conflicts, since each specialist clearly knows his duties, and does not indicate that he is performing the role of another employee;
  • Determine the nuances of the interaction of one employee with other specialists, as well as clearly indicate the functional connections of the employee;
  • The document also specifies all the rights of an employee that arise as a result of signing an employment contract;
  • In the process of creating clear instructions for a specific position, in fact, the basis for increasing collective and personal responsibility is created, incentives for employees are formed, and a uniform load is created for each employee, taking into account the tasks clearly set for him.

Job type instructions are created based on the classifier of management functions, functional and organizational structure, as well as through labor standards and certain regulations on units. Among other things, instructions are based on data expert assessments, which allows you to correctly compose a description of all the duties of a specialist.

Development of job type instructions: highlights

The responsibilities of each individual employee, in our case the business development manager, are determined based on the tasks and functions of the entire organization as a whole. Naturally, it all depends on what kind of activity the enterprise is engaged in, what tasks it sets for itself, what developments exist in this moment time, etc.

The text of the instruction should be developed clearly and precisely, excluding phrases that may have an ambiguous interpretation. The document describes the tasks that the employee is required to perform, as well as all his functions, duties, responsibilities, etc.

Remember that an incomplete, as well as an odd description of the scope of a business development employee, leads to the fact that the entire organization can work unstably, while each employee can shift certain responsibility to another employee, given that the area of ​​his functional activity is not documented. In order for the text of the document to be a full-fledged instruction, you need to compose it in separate paragraphs, and create certain sections:

  • Data is required general position. That is, an indication of the position is formed, certain information on this position, a unit of a structural type is indicated, and it is mandatory to indicate to whom it reports this employee;
  • A description of the functions and main tasks is formed. It is in this paragraph that all the nuances of the employee's work should be clearly described. You also need to specify what documents the employee should create, how he should produce a report on the work done before the management;
  • A detailed description of all the duties that the employee assumes with the signing of an employment contract is created. The employee is obliged to comply with all the rules that are determined by the labor, internal regulations. Also must comply deadlines on the delivery of documentation, must communicate correctly in a team, etc .;
  • Be sure to specify the rights of the employee. In this paragraph, you list the right to approve documents, the right to perform assigned tasks, make decisions, etc.;
  • It indicates what responsibility the employee takes on the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him. The responsibility of a manager in charge of business development is significant;
  • An item is also defined describing the relationship of the employee with other employees and departments.

Why do you need to write instructions?

The employment process is carried out on the basis of setting certain requirements for the candidate, after which the submitted resumes are checked and the interview process begins. Based on the results obtained, the employer has the opportunity to choose a specialist who can perform the functions assigned to him. It is quite obvious that it is the job-type instruction that can detail a number of basic issues that relate directly to the performance of labor-type functions that are assigned to a business development manager.

This position is very responsible, at the same time, it is highly paid, precisely for this reason, there is an urgent need to clearly and accurately set tasks for the employee, as well as determine his responsibility in case of violation of certain points of contractual relations.

I would like to immediately note that in relation to the position of a manager who will be engaged in business development, the approach to compiling instructions is particularly relevant. Since in many enterprises a stable approach to setting a task is not established due to the lack of intensive development. The described position allows the employee to clearly understand all the obligations that he assumes when signing a cooperation agreement. Among other things, in this document the manager can clearly indicate the need to perform certain functions that will be the responsibility of a specialist, even if initially the position of a manager does not imply such obligations. For example, a meeting with investors, the conclusion of contracts on behalf of the management of the enterprise, etc. Such an indication of the details is important for enhancing the correct and purposeful activities of a specialist.

In many enterprises, the development manager is, in fact, engaged in the marketing of products. In other companies, this position involves active interaction with various suppliers, investors, wholesale buyers etc. As you understand, in both cases the duties of specialists have a similar meaning, but they perform different functions. And this example clearly shows how important it is to correctly draw up an instruction that would clearly reflect the entire functionality of the specialist's duties. That is, in certain companies, this position is aimed at setting goals for the development of the business as a whole, and naturally, the functionality of duties becomes more expanded. In other companies, the need to develop certain areas is established, which forms the setting of completely different tasks.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that the job type instruction clearly defines the main responsibilities, specific tasks, as well as the rights that a development manager is vested in a well-defined enterprise, company or organization. Based on the instructions, a number of requirements are formed that management can impose on its employees.

It must be said that another important value of the instruction is that it is in this document that the basic requirements for the selection of candidates and their qualifications are fixed. The position of the development manager is not indicated in the classification handbook. It is for this reason that it becomes clear that there are no clearly defined recommendations on the requirements for this position, which means that the employer has the right to independently determine what requirements a specialist applying for such a position must meet. In order to avoid the formation of certain disputes in the future, which relate to the issue of refusal to hire, it is necessary to fix all your requirements in the document.

Sample document

The employee who will develop the job format instructions can use ready-made samples, upgrading them to individual requirements in an enterprise, organization, company:

  • General data (position)

In this section, an indication of basic information about the position is formed:

  1. The title of the position is indicated, namely, the business development manager (of a certain line of business, a certain kind activities of a company, organization, enterprise);
  2. Be sure to indicate all the data that relate to the order of subordination. That is, it is determined who is responsible for the process of conducting the recruitment, as well as who has the right to carry out the dismissal process;
  3. Classification requirements are specified. This paragraph defines what skills, experience the specialist should have, indicates the level of education, and also lists all the knowledge that the head of the enterprise would like to receive from the candidate;
  4. The presence of subordinates is determined, and all data related to the procedure for replacing a specialist is established.

  • Rights

It should certainly be said that this column is being developed taking into account the requirements of the head of the enterprise. That is, as a rule, data on the rights of an employee are compiled on the basis of a decision of the management, taking into account one circumstance that in order to fulfill the set goal, as well as all the tasks assigned to the employee, it is necessary to give him a certain number of powers. So, he must certainly have a certain freedom in making well-defined decisions that relate to his competence. The lack of rights in this aspect can become the basis for the lack of efficiency in the implementation of the tasks set. Therefore, the manager needs to clearly define the tasks themselves, after which, analyze the powers that the employee needs to implement these tasks. The most common rights are:

  1. The right to take actions to obtain documentation and information that is necessary to determine the level of efficiency of the units, taking into account the need to analyze them and draw up an action plan for development;
  2. Business development specialists have the right to get acquainted with all the decisions of the management, since each decision can directly or indirectly affect the activity of the enterprise development in the future, and the development of the business as a whole. Accordingly, the specialist needs to properly optimize his work depending on the decisions made by the management;
  3. Also, the employee has the right to provide management with his proposals and developed plans that are aimed at improving all work processes. In addition, a specialist may require management to carry out certain actions on personnel in order to activate the performance of certain duties;
  4. If the employee has subordinates, he has the right to create certain orders, control and motivate the course of their subsequent execution;
  5. Specialists responsible for business development, as a rule, receive the authority to negotiate with customers, buyers, investors. At the same time, in certain companies, the possibility of active action is established to attract partners to cooperate with an enterprise or a company;
  6. Also, the authority must include data on the ability to endorse certain contractual relations and other documents, within a clearly established framework of the employee's competence.
  • Job type duties

After the employee is hired, the manager will expect him to perform well-defined, specific tasks that are described in the instructions in this section. In fact, the duties of an official type can be different, and they depend precisely on what powers the manager is ready to give the employee, as well as what tasks will be assigned to him. The most commonly used description functional duties in document:

  1. The main duties of a specialist include the need for a competent, correct development of the concept of a general plan for the development of an enterprise or a company;
  2. Among other things, a development strategy is being developed, but only within the framework of a general plan, which should be the basis for the implementation of other actions to promote certain ideas;
  3. Be sure to include in the description of duties the need to provide data on the development of individual programs, each of which excludes certain problems of the enterprise and is aimed at active development. Such programs need not only to be created, but also to monitor their execution as competently as possible;
  4. An obligation is established, if necessary, to systematically provide management with documentation that reflects all the data on certain proposals, taking into account the possibility of their implementation at the current time;
  5. The business development officer must carry out ongoing actions to find new sales markets, as well as actions to develop a structure for the development of these markets, taking into account the need to increase profits;
  6. Also, the organization of interaction of all divisions of structural significance is carried out, taking into account the need to fulfill plans that are aimed at the development of the enterprise;
  7. The duties of a specialist should include actions based on the need to analyze the results of the execution of certain programs, to carry out the process of their modernization in order to eliminate certain errors that could arise during the compilation process;
  8. The specialist also takes on the responsibility of preparing reports that relate to the effectiveness and quality of the implementation of certain programs aimed at development.
  • A responsibility

A manager who is engaged in the development of an enterprise or business can be held accountable for the actions that he has carried out. He is also responsible for the decisions made, and the consequences of these decisions, if they were negative. These are the liability options:

  1. Disciplinary responsibility. Appointed in the event that the employee does not fulfill all the obligations of the labor plan, which he assumed, taking into account the signing of the cooperation agreement;
  2. Criminal and administrative liability is also formed in the event that an employee, in the process of execution professional activity, carries out violation of the established norms of the legislation;
  3. If an employee performs actions that may have negative material consequences, then he also bears responsibility, which is related to the need to compensate the company's funds in case of damage to property.
  • Relationships

This section contains all the data that determines the peculiar interaction of the employee with certain structural units, as well as a number of officials. It must be said right away that such data is not entered in many instructions of the standard format, but practice shows that the manager should standardize in great detail all the basic norms that can be essential in the process of implementing the functions of a business development manager.

This section lists all divisions of the structural plan from which the employee will be able to obtain various information and documentation, as well as data on the interaction of business development employees of different divisions, if the enterprise employs several such specialists.

This document, as a rule, is developed by the head of office work, his signature is necessarily put on the document. Approval is carried out by the head of the organization. The document is issued on a standard - common letterhead of an enterprise, organization, company.

The nuances of compiling instructions

It should be noted that in some companies this position has not only a narrower specialization, but also a different name, for example, a manager who is engaged in the development of the territory, personnel development, etc. format. The thing is that each position has its own characteristics that apply specifically to well-defined aspects of the line of business. Their correct display in the document can become an indisputable basis for the formation of the specialist's diligence.

In this article, we have given a sample document that is typical for creating a job-type instruction for a manager who will deal specifically with business development. Since the document contains all the data aimed at activating actions for the overall development of an enterprise, company or organization. In case you have to create instructions for a more highly specialized position, then this direction, certain sections of the instructions can be modified and modernized.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that additional data can be entered into the document. For example, job responsibilities can include data on the need to analyze, develop, activate various sales channels exclusively in a clearly defined area. You can also focus on the development and implementation of new programs that relate to the process of expanding the territorial aspects of the company, for example, the creation of new divisions, etc.

In any case, the main task of the manager who will be involved in business development is to develop, fix and implement measures that will be aimed at a more intensive process of the overall development of the company. At the same time, the scope of the specialist's authority will directly depend on the data that will be included in the document (instruction). And remember that you can demand from your employee the execution of only those data that are reflected in the instructions, you cannot demand more. We recommend that you watch the video on this issue.

Every organization that loses prospects will be doomed to failure. Because of this, everything large companies allocate resources for development. The choice of the path that the enterprise will take will depend on its type of activity. In any case, you will need a specialist - a business development manager. He can find new markets for products, negotiate with potential customers, etc.

Each specialist working at the enterprise has his own job description, the business development manager is no exception.

What is the job description of a manager and director of business development

Essence and purpose

"Movement is life" this rule especially true for companies. After all, if often initial stage things are going well, over time you will need to go to a higher level. If this is not done, then the activity of the organization will be reduced over time. Just for such a case, business development managers are hired in the company.

Its main activities include establishing a good atmosphere within the team, working with clients, including the search for new markets. His work helps to establish the right communication between management and subordinates.

To do this, the development manager will need access to information about the state of affairs within the organization and in the industry market. He must always operate only with the most up-to-date statistics. Also, the development manager can represent the company in negotiations with customers and suppliers.

What regulations govern

The job description is regulated by article 68 part 3 labor code RF.


Sales Development Specialization

The employer who hired such a specialist first of all wants to increase sales and enter new markets. An experienced company employee who has already proven himself to be very effective can often be appointed to such a post.

  • One of the duties of such a manager is to make forecasts of the organization's sales indicators for a specified period of time.
  • Besides, good specialist establishes the constant work of the sales department, with the help of proper planning. This is possible thanks to a carefully drawn up action plan for each employee individually and for the department as a whole.
  • Also, such a specialist must train and prepare new employees for work.

The main task for the manager is to manage the organization's customer service process:

  • Negotiations and preparation of necessary documentation;
  • Customer service (order processing);
  • Accompany the entire document flow of the order;
  • Track the shipment of deliveries for customers, as a result of which interact with the logistics department.

Specialization in network development

The activity of this employee is related to the development and establishment of the effective operation of the network outlets. The manager is required to appoint and remove managers for each outlet. He can also choose a location for opening a new store and negotiate with the owners of the premises.

The immediate task for a specialist is to maintain competent advertising campaigns that are aimed at popularizing the chain of stores. You also need to constantly monitor the activities of competitors.

The manager must constantly work with the store staff, including resolving conflicts and considering their proposals regarding the optimization of activities. He can also develop a system of remuneration, bonuses, etc. that stimulates employees.

Specialization in company development

  • This specialist must have a higher education and significant knowledge in marketing and psychology.
  • Such a manager is obliged to analyze the market, competitors and implement projects of varying complexity. In addition, he will be looking for new customers, negotiating with them, concluding contracts.
  • The specialist must also be familiar with sales planning and forecasting for a certain period of time. It is desirable that he be familiar with current legislation and economy.
  • His activity also concerns the organization of trainings for employees of the enterprise.
  • The duties of the manager include additionally maintaining data about each employee and planning based on their personal data and the results of possible career growth.

Specialization in employee development

The activity of this specialist is devoted to the development and training of professional skills among the company's employees. He is responsible for organizing trainings and training seminars. Therefore, the manager is responsible for how professional the employees are and how their work meets the requirements of the enterprise.

His responsibilities include assessing the current level of knowledge and training of employees. Based on the data received, a training plan will be drawn up. It can include both the training of an entire department and several employees. In addition, the manager may involve third-party specialists to conduct training.

Specialization in regional development

The direct responsibility of this manager is permanent job with company representatives. He must also conduct a constant analysis of their activities and take measures to improve labor efficiency.

Specialization in Organizational Development

This specialist is required for companies that have reached certain heights of development and in order to continue growth they need to reorganize the management structure. In other words, you need a specialist who will help solve organizational issues.

Such a specialist must have higher education, have knowledge about marketing and psychology. The manager is also responsible for staff retraining (training, trainings, seminars, etc.).

Who makes up and where it is used

This instruction is being compiled. Due to the fact that there are many types of development manager services, the requirements in the document are prescribed individually for the current needs of the company.

A detailed display of the requirements for a specialist in the instructions is also important so that there are no disputes regarding rights, powers and responsibilities. The job description is used when hiring. The applicant must familiarize himself with its provisions in writing, after which an employment contract will be signed.


As a rule, 4 sections should be displayed in the job description.

A sample instruction sheet can be downloaded.

Development Director's CI (sample)

General provisions

Displayed here:

  • The title of the position itself;
  • To whom does the specialist report?
  • Requirements for education and qualifications;
  • Who will report to the specialist;
  • The order of his replacement.


To perform effective work, the manager will need to have the following rights:

  • Request data and documentation from all departments of the company to solve certain problems;
  • Acquainted with ;
  • Offer management plans to improve the efficiency of the organization or team;
  • Require management assistance;
  • Issue orders to subordinate employees and monitor their implementation;
  • Negotiate with clients;
  • Search for new clients for the company;
  • Negotiate contracts (if applicable).

How to hire an employee for the position of director or business development manager in the field of B2B:

Job Responsibilities

This item is individual for each company, as it depends on its needs. Here are the main provisions:

  • Organization of the development plan for the development of the company;
  • Develop a long-term strategy for the development of the organization;
  • Prepare plans for the restructuring of the enterprise;
  • Propose development plans to management new activity for the organization;
  • Search for new customers and markets;
  • Organize training sessions for company employees;
  • Establish communication between departments within the organization;
  • Analyze the results of development programs;
  • Prepare reports based on statistics and analysis of development programs.

A responsibility

This specialist is held accountable for the consequences of his decisions and actions. She may be:

  • Disciplinary. If the specialist does not fulfill his duties;
  • administrative or criminal. Everything will depend on the severity of the offense;
  • Material. If a specialist, due to his activities, has caused severe damage to the company.

A business development manager is a valuable specialist who becomes very important when a company reaches a certain level of growth. Upon reaching which she will need to further development taking a number of reorganization measures. If this is not done, then while maintaining the old management structure, the company simply will not master the new prospects and will lose customers.

The job description of a development manager is a useful document for the organization that describes in detail the labor functions and establishes a qualification qualification for applicants. We understand how to develop and implement it.

From the article you will learn:

The profession of a manager or director of business development is in demand both in manufacturing enterprises as well as in the service sector. A specialist of this profile is entrusted with market analysis, development of marketing programs and strategies, work on increasing the profitability of production.

Promoting new products and developing new business directions is also the responsibility of the development manager. This is a position with broad powers and a high level of responsibility, because the success of the company directly depends on the qualifications and work experience of the employee holding it.

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A complete reference book of job descriptions for all sectors of activity.

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Job Responsibilities of a Development Manager

Business Development Manager: job description-2018

If the company has a development director or development manager, the job description is drawn up taking into account the real tasks solved by the employee. In the proposed template, the functional position map is written in the second section. The general structure of the document is as follows:

  • general provisions;
  • official duties;
  • rights;
  • a responsibility;
  • revision instructions.

The first section contains basic information about the position. It indicates her full name (director or development manager), the procedure for appointment and dismissal, the replacement scheme for an employee in case of illness, business trip, etc. Details - in the article "How , business trips, decrees.

In this section, you can list the key documents that the specialist is guided by in the process of performing his duties, as well as the knowledge and skills he needs. The development manager must know:

  • basics of marketing, economic theory, advertising organization;
  • norms labor law and labor protection;
  • business plan and main goals pursued by the company;
  • structure of the company, its profile and features of the products;
  • methods of economic modeling and management;
  • theory and practice of management;
  • finance and business administration.

The list can be expanded and modified. Along with the requirements for theoretical knowledge, a minimum practical experience necessary for the effective completion of assigned work. As a rule, a specialist with at least two or three years of experience in this field is accepted for the position of development manager.

specialists from other structural divisions recruited with management permission. Display everything without errors the necessary conditions in DI will help the article “What , and what is better to exclude.

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After agreement, the director of the organization puts the finished instruction into effect - by a separate order or with the help of the “I approve” stamp. The document is dated, registered, certified by signatures and from that moment it acquires legal force. Don't forget to share it with your development manager by giving one copy to keep at your workplace.