What is the raw material for the production of cotton candy. Cotton candy production as a business

Is cotton candy business profitable and how to start your own business? Most novice businessmen choose directions from the most common ones. Such a business is initially doomed to failure. In most cases, these are grocery stores, cafes fast food. These are the most complex types of business, characterized by a high level of competition and only at first glance seeming simple and understandable. You need to have great financial resources, obtain a significant amount of permits, be able to choose the right place for the future enterprise and invest in the purchase of goods.

It is best to choose a simpler direction, for example, the sale of cotton candy. To open such a business does not require special knowledge, just the desire to learn and understand all the problems that may await you when doing business. Cotton candy is sold in many cultural and entertainment establishments, so with a search ready business there will be no problems with the plan. However, the best option is to independently perform all the calculations, since many indicators will depend on the location outlet, personal qualities of the organizer of the business and the ability of sellers. Payback initial investment happens almost instantly. You can start earning high income on the first day of your outlet's operation.

While maintaining the proper sales volume, the initial investment will pay off in a month, after which you will receive net profit. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a cotton candy business is the perfect option for you. Naturally, certain difficulties happen in any business, so do not take business lightly. Learn to deal with problems as they come.

How to start your own cotton candy business

The sale of cotton candy is practically no different from the sale of other goods, you need to have individual approach to every buyer. You can organize a stationary outlet or purchase mobile equipment for the production of cotton candy. In the first case, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of a place, because your profit will depend on its patency. You can open a retail outlet of this type in a park of culture, a zoo, a shopping center. Particular attention should be paid to the design of the counter and the quality of the products.

Since most of your customers will be children, come up with a catchy name and a colorful sign. Use in the design of various materials (metal, plastic, wood), painted in bright colors. The seller must keep workplace clean, because customers will refuse to buy at the sight of dirty shelves. In large areas, it is better to use a trolley with a company logo. You will be able to move the point of sale between parks, shopping centers and zoos, increasing sales and, accordingly, your own income. Many people buy cotton candy more than once, but not everyone wants to come back for it, so it will be very good if your outlet is always nearby.

Cotton candy production equipment

The basis for the success of such a business is high-quality equipment for the production of cotton candy. The best option is to purchase a machine that will produce quality and attractive products for a long time. Such an apparatus for making cotton candy is not cheap, not every novice entrepreneur can buy it. If you have special knowledge, you can assemble the equipment yourself, since now you can find many assembly instructions. The process itself is not complicated, but this approach can lead to unpleasant consequences. You can make a non-working cotton candy machine. In addition, you will spend extra time and money that could be spent on buying normal equipment, and lose part of the profits.

It is best to purchase equipment made in America, where cotton candy has been made for several decades and is very popular. Such a machine is capable of producing up to 500 portions of this delicacy per hour and provides the desired profitability of the business. There will be no queues even with a large flow of people who want to eat sweet treats.

Preparation of documents for opening a point of sale for the sale of cotton candy

Organization of any direction commercial activities starts with registration tax office, PF, etc. But, before addressing this issue, you must choose the legal form for your business.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is cheaper than paperwork for legal entity. For an individual entrepreneur much easier to use cash in cash he doesn't need legal address And authorized capital. On the other hand, if you have partners or your business project involves not only the sale of cotton candy, but also other areas of activity, then it is better to draw up LLC documents.

The procedure for preparing all documents necessary for the sale of cotton wool includes:

  • registration with the Federal Tax Service and statistical authorities;
  • registration with the Pension Fund, social and medical insurance funds;
  • obtaining a trade permit (in the city administration);
  • paperwork in SES;
  • obtaining a quality certificate.

To register with the tax office, you need to choose from of the all-Russian classifier code that matches your business. The cotton candy trade falls into the group with OKVED 54.24.22. Be sure to check the availability of medical books from your sellers.

In addition to all of the above documents, you no additional permits or licenses needed.

Taxation regime for a cotton candy outlet

Experienced businessmen recommend, even at the stage of preparing papers for registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, to write an application for choosing a taxation system. Ignoring this issue ends with the fact that a novice entrepreneur falls into the category of business representatives who pay taxes on a common basis. These are extra expenses and additional “paper” work, for which you will have to hire an accountant.

For the operation of a cotton candy outlet, you can choose UTII, but only if the local authorities allow the application of this taxation regime for this area of ​​​​commercial activity.

An alternative option is a simplified taxation system. It allows you to pay to the state treasury 15% of gross income or 6% of the difference between revenue and expenses (costs must be documented).

What is the best raw material to choose?

When organizing a cotton candy business, it is necessary to find a reliable supplier of raw materials.

Bad sugar significantly worsens the quality of the final product, which negatively affects the profitability of the business.

Selling cotton candy requires the ability to make innovative decisions, stand out from the crowd and attract potential consumers. The client only sees final product so it must have an attractive appearance. In most cases, cotton candy is wrapped around an ordinary wooden stick, but you can attract young customers by making a bright holder design. Cotton wool itself can be painted in bright colors, for example, make it multi-colored using 2 devices. Dyes and flavors are cheap, but the attractiveness of the product increases significantly.

How much can you earn in the production and sale of cotton candy

Profitability is calculated based on the initial investment, running costs and monthly income. Buying a compact device will cost you 50 thousand rubles. It is small in size and produces up to 400 servings of product per hour. For 100 thousand, you can buy equipment that has 2 times greater productivity. A package of food coloring will cost 500 rubles. As for sticks, it is better to purchase several types at once. Children prefer bright sticks with drawings that cost about 1000 rubles. for 1000 pieces, older people can make cotton wool on a plastic cocktail tube (500 rubles for 1000 pieces)

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To begin

In this material:

Cotton candy is not only a delicious treat, but also a good way to earn money. A special apparatus for cotton candy (for business) costs from 10 thousand rubles. and higher. Without it, it will be impossible to start a business. Choosing this type entrepreneurial activity, it should be noted that the sale of cotton candy is a seasonal business, but profitable. Plus, it is also that the cost of purchasing equipment for business is minimal. Popular places to sell treats are parks, zoos, entertainment centers, embankments, where children often appear, as they are the main fans of this sweet.

The device must be selected correctly, a person with any capital can purchase an inexpensive model. The cheapest miniature device costs from 2 thousand rubles. For a more expensive, but professional cotton candy machine, you will have to pay over 10 thousand rubles. Quality and functionality will directly affect the cost of the unit. If things go uphill, then over time it will be possible to purchase more expensive equipment in order to increase your profits.

Popular professional machines for making cotton candy

To date, Russian and foreign manufacturers offer great amount machines for the production of cotton candy. Popular Models:

  1. Apparatus for the production of cotton candy brand Econo Floss from the company Gold Medal. This model has a width of 65 cm, a height of 40 cm. Econo Floss is suitable for both home use and mass production. It can be placed on any table or countertop, as it takes up very little space. It can be connected to a 220 V network, the unit does not consume much energy, but its weight is about 17 kg. The price of Econo Floss is 35 thousand rubles. In one hour of operation, such a unit will prepare up to 200 servings of cotton candy. With such performance, the costs are justified very quickly.
  2. The device for the production of cotton candy Tornado has more impressive dimensions: width - 80 cm, height - 60 cm, weight - 35 kg. Such a machine produces more: on average, you can get more than 600 servings of airy treats per hour. The price of such a machine is from 60 thousand rubles. For successful business this is a very reasonable price. Such equipment for the production of cotton candy will quickly justify itself.
  3. The apparatus for the production of cotton candy Parallel is the brainchild of domestic production. In an hour, he will cook a maximum of 60 servings. For the price, it is very attractive for novice entrepreneurs; you will have to pay only 10 thousand rubles for the equipment. It is good to buy such a unit for home use, for example, to pamper your kids.
  4. The cheapest representative is the CandyMaker baby. It is suitable for home use only. If the budget is very small, but to do seasonal business If you still want to, then you can start with such a unit. It costs only 1500 rubles.

Buy a cotton candy machine

Additional raw materials

Cotton candy is made from ordinary granulated sugar. It takes only 1.5 tbsp to make one serving. l. granulated sugar. If the goal is to do business, then you also need to purchase special food colors that will give cotton candy not only color, but also a pleasant taste. It is recommended to pay attention to Flossine dyes. In their arsenal there are nutritional supplements with mint, orange, peach, apple, banana flavors. There are 20 titles in total. They dye cotton candy in different colors.

Cotton wool will need to be wound around something, and here one cannot do without special sticks. About 15 years ago, only ordinary wooden sticks were used, today the manufacturer has slightly expanded the choice. Today you can buy both wooden and plastic sticks for your business, there are also paper ones on sale. Specially for children, sticks with various colorful ornaments were invented..

Do not forget about sanitary standards food production, so any cotton candy production unit needs a special cap that will protect the rotary drum from dust getting into it. It will be necessary to think about a mobile cart, on which it will be possible to move the apparatus. If all the equipment for the production of cotton candy will be in one place, then you need to take care of purchasing a tent. You need to think in advance where exactly to store the device.

It is best to look for a place to sell near a building where you can rent a small room.

Electricity must be connected to the tent. As a last resort, it should contain a generator.

Places of sale and projected income

It is best to sell cotton candy in crowded places and especially where there are many children. Their list can include various entertainment centers and venues, cinemas, zoos, children's entertainment festivals, central streets on holidays. It is not necessary to place it on the street, cotton candy can also be sold indoors, the only requirement for this is a certain air humidity, at which the cotton wool will not start to stick together. You can not only wind sweet sugar threads in round skeins, but also try to make various shapes out of them. To learn this art, you can watch special videos.

To receive income, you will first have to spend money on the purchase of the device and components. Average per cotton candy machine, tent, food ingredients, plus optional equipment it may take about 60 thousand rubles. The rental price of the necessary premises will vary from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. Total costs for initial stage will amount to approximately 80 thousand rubles. The following months will be much less expensive, as you will need to spend only on sugar, dyes, sticks and rent.

You should immediately take into account that this business is seasonal, so it will only bring income for a few months - from about May to September, maximum until October, if we are talking about southern cities where summer lasts long enough. In 4-5 months, you can earn about 180 thousand rubles. Subsequent seasons may be even more profitable.

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Undoubtedly, the sale of cotton candy is a profitable business. But in order for the business to bring a stable profit, it is necessary from the very beginning to choose the right device that suits you specifically. What aspects should be paid attention to in the first place?

Manufacturer country

This is one of the most important criteria. After all, the price and very often the quality will depend on where the device is made. Here you can buy machines for the production of cotton candy from the following countries:

  • Russia
  • United States of America,
  • China,

One of the most popular are devices from the USA: they are able to perform large amounts of work in a very short time. The performance of such machines, as a rule, ranges from 4.5 to 8.5 kilograms per hour (each model has its own performance, this parameter can always be specified on our website). Therefore, those who are going to serve crowded parks and events often choose American products. Apparatus from Russia also proved to be of high quality, the volume of output they produce is from 3 to 5 kilograms per hour, but the quality of cotton wool is slightly worse. But prices are much lower than American ones. Chinese and Taiwanese cars are also not very productive (up to 3 kilograms), but they can also boast of build quality and an affordable price. Russian products with low output volumes, as well as similar goods from China and Taiwan, are in demand among small entrepreneurs.

A heating element

There are two types of heaters for melting sugar - and in the form of a spiral. The latter makes caramel much faster - in less than half a minute. But on the other hand, it gets dirty sooner, and it breaks much more often. The advantage of the ring heater is that it is enough to warm it up to remove sugar residues, but the spiral must be washed at the very end of work. Where goes big the flow of customers and there is a risk of large queues, heating elements are often used. Where the flow of customers is distributed fairly evenly throughout the day (for example, in shopping malls), and where the heating rate of the apparatus is important, it is better to use a spiral apparatus

working head

There are two types of devices - with the issuance of cotton wool upwards, like in Chinese and Taiwanese models, and with side dispensing, like in the American ones. The upper dispensing is very convenient, it allows you to wind up large beautiful portions, as well as make cotton wool in the form of flowers and other shapes, even a beginner can work on such an apparatus. Also, on these devices, cotton wool usually turns out a little more fluffy, but they also have a main drawback - they are not designed for high performance and cannot cope with a large flow of people and huge queues. With severe overheating, these devices can often become clogged with undeveloped sugar and even simply stop producing cotton wool. Another significant drawback is the long heating time, about 3 minutes, in some cases this is critical. Devices with side delivery, on the contrary, heat up quickly and are able to work for many hours in a row without interruption, but it is more difficult to cook cotton wool on them, especially if you wind large portions of cotton wool. But, nevertheless, it is precisely such devices that are considered professional and serve as a quality standard all over the world. At good points with high traffic, for example, in circuses, zoos, public events, they are used.

Bowl for catching threads

Here you should pay attention primarily to the material of the trap: it is made either metal or plastic. Metal lasts longer, but increases total cost apparatus. A plastic bowl is most often found on cheaper models, but it requires more careful handling, because. may be damaged during transport. The recommended diameter of the bowl for ease of use is more than 50 centimeters, if speed in service is required.

Electricity consumption

The engine of cotton candy machines is powered by electricity and its power also plays an important role in the choice. If you have a small flow of customers, then you should not take a powerful device that produces from 4 to 8 or even more kilograms of product per hour. Maintenance costs will be very high. In this case, it is best to purchase a car up to 1.5 kilowatts, which will produce from 2 to 3 kilograms per hour.

Availability of additional accessories

On the one hand, these items seem insignificant, but you can’t do without them - for quality work, certainly. For example, if you have a device with a lateral dispensing of cotton wool, then you should equip it with a net with holders for stabilization. This element will allow the threads of sugar to stick to the walls of the catcher and not fly out of the apparatus. Also important is the presence of a cover on the bowl - it will protect the resulting cotton wool from dust, rain and insects and help maintain the aesthetic appearance of the machine itself. When working outdoors, a protective dome is a must SES requirement. If you have a small appliance that has to be moved frequently, you can equip it with a trolley. You can also equip a portable hood to eliminate the smell of burnt sugar if the device is in a shopping center.

What equipment do we offer

On our website you can order the following equipment:

  • for medium workload - Floss Boos and EX Breeze from Gold Medal;
  • for light workload - EF-MF-03 and EF-MF-05 (Starfood), Twister-M (ТТМ), WY-MF03 (GASTRORAGE), CC-7E (ENIGMA);
  • for high performance (up to 5 kg) - Focus M2 (TTM).

All details regarding equipment and order conditions can be obtained from consultants on our website. Leave your phone number and we will call work time to discuss all issues.

In catering. Cotton candy stands apart in it - a favorite delicacy from childhood and the most profitable edible product. Today we will take a closer look at how this business works and how much you can earn selling cotton candy.

If you suddenly don't know cotton candy - a product obtained by heating sugar in a special apparatus . It looks like the picture and is usually sold on a stick. However, not always. In Thailand, for example, it is customary to wrap cotton candy in thin salted pita bread and eat it like a roll - peculiar, but tasty.

cotton candy

To start trading, it will be enough for you to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, notify Rospotrebnadzor and rent a site. You can also sell cotton candy from a mobile cart. To try yourself in this business, it is enough to buy a pack of sugar, dyes, sticks and an apparatus.

Prices for cotton candy machines

The main equipment manufacturers are Russia, Ukraine, China, Taiwan and the USA. Russian devices look quite flimsy, but it's better to start with them. In fact, the design of the apparatus is quite simple, there is nothing to break - a gas burner and an electric motor, which does not particularly strain, can spin at least all day, and two bearings. If you wish, you can easily find a video instruction through a YouTube search and assemble a cotton candy machine with your own hands.

As sales grow, you can already buy a powerful and reliable American professional device with a profit. Here is a price list for cheap cotton candy machines (taken from the whitegoods.ru catalog).

Price list of cheap cotton candy machines

Prices start from 3 thousand rubles. For this price you can get a simple Pullman PL-1011 model from Russian manufacturer power of 400 watts. The coolest professional device GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS CO TWIN WIND II with a power of 3300 W, made in America, costs as much as 130 thousand rubles. Agree too much big investment for a lowly business like selling cotton candy to children.

Cotton candy business plan

According to the starters on cotton candy, the alignment is something like this.


  • cotton candy machine - 5000 rubles;
  • a stand for him - 5000 rubles, or you can do it yourself;
  • gas cylinder - 7000 rubles;
  • battery - 5000 rubles.


  • sugar. You can take multi-colored with different tastes - the kids scream with delight. Consumption - 5-10 grams per serving. A kilo of sugar costs about 60 rubles;
  • sticks - 50 kopecks / piece;
  • gas for the apparatus - about 5 liters for 700-800 servings. Gas replacement - 1000 rubles;
  • student-seller, salary 10-20 thousand rubles per month;
  • place rental. Prices are different, well, let it be 200 bucks.

Where to trade

The most profitable points in Russia, according to our estimates, are located in the Moscow Zoo. It sells 30 portions of cotton wool and popcorn per hour, the daily revenue of one tent can exceed 50 thousand rubles. Of course, they belong to the zoo itself or to affiliates and perform a good mission, helping to keep animals.

Brown bear

The best place to start trading cotton candy young entrepreneur These are city parks. Contact the organizers of events such as City Day, Children's Day, and so on. Pay your rent and set up your bright tent. For a day at a holiday, you can make a monthly income of the park. Plus, the assortment can be expanded, offering popcorn, draft cola or kvass, everyone, hot dogs, and so on.

Prices for cotton candy in Moscow are 100-150 rubles. Thus, having sold 30 portions per day, you already have 3,000 rubles, minus penny expenses. The problem is that no one walks in the parks on weekdays. Sales go on weekends and holidays. Business has a certain seasonality. If you learn how to beautifully design your product, it will gather crowds of onlookers and increase sales many times over.

The specialist tells

Anton, cotton candy seller:

“Costs are penny, payback is fast. It takes 2 tablespoons of sugar per serving, it doesn’t even make sense to count gas, in general, by selling 3-4 servings, you will recoup all the costs for a day of work. It was almost impossible to follow the rules, since this is a public catering and it takes a lot of time and money to organize everything. But, having a “roof”, you can stand in good places without problems with the police. For you to understand, everyone who is just standing with a stand and a device is most likely not completely legal.

It makes no sense to talk about the number of sales, everything depends on the place. You can sell 300 pieces a day, or you can sell 10... I had a bad place, I stood without any documents in a seaside village, no one ever touched me, but there were few sales. 20-30 servings a day was considered normal for me.

You need to learn so as not to miss the moment, otherwise you will overheat the sugar a little and the product is spoiled. After you have made a portion, it is better not to turn it off immediately, otherwise the syrup will harden and you will have to rinse. Having made portions of 10-20, any beginner will figure out what's what in this business.

The device is better than an ordinary one, do not take a fully electric one, the heating elements burn there, and it overheats more. And cotton wool does not fly up, but it needs to be collected from the side - this is inconvenient.

And in this curious video, ordinary guys decided to try themselves as cotton candy sellers.

They fire off some interesting numbers:

  • maximum revenue per day - 16 thousand rubles;
  • a set of equipment - 70 thousand rubles;
  • payback business on cotton candy - up to 10 days!

Pros and cons of this business


  • “ridiculous” start-up capital;
  • no special knowledge required;
  • crazy profitability.


  • seasonality;
  • the complexity of designing a mobile outlet;
  • complete dependence on the place.

In summary, the conclusion is: any student can save up from a scholarship for a cotton candy machine and earn money for a car over the summer. But the "Lada" or "BMW" - this is how lucky you are with the place. It is almost impossible to burn out in this business, the apparatus and the gas cylinder “fight off” once or twice a week maximum.

At the mention of cotton candy, something good and joyful is always remembered. This sweetness creates a festive atmosphere even on a gray weekday, which is why both children and adults fell in love with cotton candy.

The owner of any enterprise can establish the production and sale of cotton candy Catering, because it will not be difficult to purchase and install a special one.

Cotton candy is obtained from granulated sugar, which is poured into special apparatus, where it melts during rotation, forming threads.

In addition to sugar, special food coloring, wooden sticks and paper cups will be required for production.

The devices are capable of producing about one hundred portions of the finished product from 1.5 kg of any sugar per hour.

Sugar in the apparatus is heated and sprayed by means of a spiral or ring heating element. Also, the device is equipped with a rotating head, a motor with a chassis, a spring suspension, transport screws, a container made of of stainless steel with a diameter of at least 560 mm and a height of 170 mm.

Cooking cotton candy

To prepare cotton wool, it is necessary to activate the rotating sleeve and transport screws. Next, you should fill in the granulated sugar so that it does not reach the top edge by 2 cm, and then start the rotating head and spiral. When the product is ready, you will need to turn off the machine, and only then add a new portion of sugar.

After the cotton wool is cooked, it is necessary to scroll the remaining sand, then turn off the heating coil or heating element, and after another 30 seconds after the idle rotation of the sleeve, turn off the device. It will be necessary to tighten the transport screws, wash the heater and container.

Equipment selection

When choosing a device, the main role is played by its performance.

The most cost-effective are devices in which the head rotates at a speed of 3,000 revolutions per minute.

This allows you to process 3 kg of sugar and get two hundred servings of cotton wool per hour.

The power of the device must be at least 950 W at a voltage of 220 V.

Overview of popular models

Econo Floss

Gold Medal's Econo Floss can produce over three hundred servings of cotton candy from 4.5 kg of sugar per hour. The device measuring 670x670x514 mm weighs 12.5 kg. To start the cooking process, it is enough to turn on the device and wait a couple of seconds, which are necessary for heating the spiral. The capacity of the device is made of aluminum and equipped with four carbon brushes and a grid. Optionally, a protective plastic dome can be purchased with the device. The average price of the device is 60,000 rubles.

If you wish, you can try to make the device yourself, but it’s better not to waste time and effort, but to buy high-quality American equipment Econo Floss or Tornado.

Buyers tell about the quality and performance of the Econo Floss machine:

  • I purchased the device a few months ago and am very pleased. Its performance is excellent, use, connection and transportation are easy. Looks very impressive in my establishment. Two of my employees work with him, and I clean the equipment myself. No problems so far, I recommend to everyone.
  • The device is just great! It was produced in America, and the Americans know a lot about such devices!


Tornado is another American device equipped with an aluminum catcher, a bowl of , four brushes.

  • The device heats up due to the spiral, weighs 32.7 kg.
  • Dimensions of the device - 724x660x470 mm,
  • the voltage required for its operation is 220 V.
  • The device is capable of processing 5.4-8.5 kg of sugar per hour.

The device costs 15,000 - 16,000 rubles.

Those who already use the device share their impressions:

  • The quality and performance of the device are high, it is a pleasure to work with it. Everyone loves cotton candy, they sell out quickly. I didn't go wrong with my purchase.

    I have been thinking about such a seasonal form of income for a long time, how to keep the point with sweets (for example, cotton candy or soft drinks). I bought myself a home device for testing, its model is not described in this article, it is very miniature and cost around one and a half thousand, sometimes you can treat yourself to sweets at home and remember your childhood. I think that at the end of spring I will finally decide and get myself a real device, so I will take this article into service, it will help in choosing.

    My husband and I purchased a cotton candy maker. You know the business is profitable. But we only go to fairs or big holidays. It is necessary to agree that there would be somewhere to connect the device, and all the work is in full swing. The main thing is a lot of sugar (we sometimes get from 10kg to 15kg.)
    and wooden sticks. And of course skills. It is easy and pleasant to work.