What is a Personal Assistant to the Executive? Assistant manager: duties and requirements.

Personal assistant (assistant) - in demand by managers large companies, which already have a developed staff of administrative staff (reception, secretariat).

Its functions include administrative support for the head, from negotiations to booking tours, air tickets for the head and his family. Also, conducting telephone conversations, drawing up a plan for the day for the manager and monitoring its implementation, organizing meetings, conducting correspondence, preparing materials for presentations, organizing business trips, and executing other instructions of the director.

When we talk about the perfect personal assistant, we mean a set of inherent skills, principles, and habits. One of these skills is the ability to plan your work and the work of a leader. A good executive assistant is an indispensable person who performs the widest range of functions, from secretary to deputy head, confidant and sometimes second person in the company. Therefore, people of high qualification and personal devotion who perform this work are highly valued.

Often, secretaries, office managers, heads of departments close to the head of departments who have outgrown their direct duties become assistants to the head. Very often, an assistant manager combines his duties with the performance of other functions - for example, a translator or a lawyer.

It is almost impossible to formulate the full job responsibilities of a personal assistant. He should be able to read the thoughts of the leader, already by the call to determine the bad mood of the boss, and not pay attention to dissatisfaction in his address, when evil was simply ripped off at you. The most important requirements that leaders make to a personal assistant are the high human qualities of the future "right hand". The leader is more likely to give preference to a person with a less modest track record, but who is “on the same wavelength” with him, than a cool specialist, but with roughness at the first meeting.

The boss must be absolutely confident in his assistant, because he knows everything about him, has a considerable amount of exclusive information that can be used to the detriment of the company and the boss. According to the personal assistant, partners and clients can judge the affairs of the company.

The role of an assistant manager in any organization is huge, because it is on his high-class work that the productivity of the working time of the first persons of the company depends. Both top managers of small companies and CEOs of the largest holdings need their help. Ideally, the professionalism of the assistant should allow the employer to transfer to him a significant part of his own duties that do not require personal participation.

Advantages and disadvantagesin the job of Assistant Manager

The main advantage in the work of an assistant manager is the opportunity to gain invaluable managerial experience and the prospect of unlimited improvement of one's own qualities and talents. Working side by side with a smart and successful leader, you can learn daily the logic and principles of setting and solving strategic and tactical business problems, making optimal decisions, conducting business negotiations, resolving conflicts, communicating with people of different social, financial and age levels. In the future, the acquired knowledge and skills will help you move up the career ladder or even open your own business.

Among the minuses can be identified:

  • heavy work schedule - the mode, as they say, 24/7/365, because often the working day of an assistant lasts longer than that of a manager;
  • some managers are sharply negative about the desire of their assistant to move to another position, and sometimes personal assistants become "hostages of their profession";
  • age restrictions: as a rule, employers consider applicants for this position at least 25 years old, and the career of an assistant manager lasts an average of 35-40 years.

When forming the staff, the head of any organization must necessarily inform the hired employee about his official duties. When writing instructions, the manager must maintain the order of its sections, the specific structure. b Usually describes the characteristics of the profession, indicates official position the employee in the structure, the requirements, his rights and responsibilities. The assistant manager, like the rest of the employees of the organization, is obliged to act and comply with all the requirements of this document.

The manual is written by the head according to established standards, should not violate the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It must be necessarily coordinated with the relevant services (lawyer, head of the personnel department), familiarized with the applicant for the position, signed by both parties. At the same time, some lawyers do not consider the presence of such a document to be mandatory for formalizing service relations.

The usefulness of the job description

Main purpose:

  • assistance to the manager in his daily activities;
  • maximum information about duties, functions, requirements for employees;
  • in the event of a trial, it will be easier to prove non-compliance with the position held;
  • absence in the contract detailed information about the features of the functions and direct duties of an employee;
  • allows the applicant for the position to give a justified refusal due to non-compliance with the requirements for the position;
  • allows you to delimit responsibilities between employees of the organization;
  • allows you to evaluate the performance of each employee;

The presence of instructions is useful to the assistant himself. He clearly knows his rights and obligations. It is not required to perform functions that are not specified in the instructions.

Normative - legal framework for the preparation of job descriptions

It basically looks like this:

  • current legislation of the Russian Federation;

Legislation allows you to provide an employee with any functions, if he is trusted, he has enough knowledge, experience, qualifications to resolve such issues. Please note that the authority must be issued by the head of his order.

  • job description;

The job description is drawn up taking into account the specifics of the position, establishes the terms of reference. It should reflect the actual work performed by the assistant manager.

  • internal documents:
  • charter of the organization, directives of the management, internal regulations and conduct.

The assistant must quickly navigate the legal framework governing his activities and the work of officials subordinate to him. He needs to study federal, regional legislation, regulations organizations.

The main parts of the job description

The structure is presented in the state handbooks on the qualifications of employees. It contains all the basic requirements for an assistant manager and indicates his place in the structure of the organization.

The main components of the instructions:

  • its general provisions. The conditions for enrollment in the state, the procedure for dismissal, subordination in the organization, the rules for replacing an assistant in his absence are prescribed. The level of qualification, education, skills, experience is indicated;
  • requirements and skills;
  • job responsibilities. The main functions of the assistant are clearly indicated;
  • powers. This paragraph prescribes the degree of competence, the rights of the assistant;
  • responsibility. The general level of special responsibility for the mistakes and violations made in the work is prescribed, their list is indicated (at the request of the head);
  • job connections. The section defines the range of official interaction with other members of the team. It is indicated with whom and on what specific issues cooperation is required.

Let's take a closer look at each section.

General provisions

Basic provisions:

  • assistant - a specialist who assists him in technical and documentary matters;
  • appointment to a position and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the head of the organization;
  • in the process of work, the assistant follows the orders and instructions only of the head;
  • during his absence, an adequate replacement is provided, the position of his replacement is indicated, an order is issued for the organization to replace;
  • the assistant must have a profile higher education. Experience in the profile - at least two years. You may need to upgrade your qualifications when applying for a job.


The role of executive assistant can involve very different functions.

The person holding this position in practice may be:

  • in fact, his deputy and report directly to the leader and only him. He often has subordinates to other employees;
  • personal assistant. He performs the work of a secretary and is in the reception area, he also belongs to specialists. At the same time, he reports not only to the leader, but also to the leader. personnel service regarding the functions of the secretariat.

Such an assistant has much less rights and powers than a specialist corresponding in his functions to a deputy head. He may have a secondary education, experience in the specialty may not even be required.

It is incorrect to identify these positions. One implies the performance of mainly auxiliary functions, and the assistant manager performs organizational and administrative functions.

Basic requirements for an assistant with organizational and administrative functions:

  • carry out requirements employment contract, job description;
  • know the rules of corporate etiquette and business communication;
  • to know thoroughly the workflow, maintenance of reporting documentation and the structure of the organization;
  • competently lead business meeting;
  • be able to draw up important documents;
  • inform the manager in the field of submission of important reports;
  • work on a PC, use equipment in the office (scanner and printer) to perform their direct duties;
  • desirable knowledge foreign languages(at the level of communication);
  • be able to draft standard agreements.

The head of the enterprise, given the importance of the position of his assistant, can supplement the specified list, taking into account the specifics of the organization and its work.

Responsibilities of an Assistant Manager

The assistant has a lot of responsibilities, working directly with the manager.

The main responsibilities are:

  • strictly comply with all orders, orders of management;
  • plan the manager's daily routine for the next day. Develop, coordinate the time of visits, receptions. Submit the schedule to the manager in a timely manner;
  • accompany the head at receptions, on trips;
  • to receive visitors, create lists of management visits, respond to phone calls and submit various certificates according to their authority;
  • ensure the activities of the head, solving technical problems (organize negotiations, meetings, book tickets, book hotels);
  • prepare meetings, meetings, meetings of the head, notify all participants of the agenda and time of the meeting;
  • keep minutes of the course and results of meetings, meetings, negotiations, document their results;
  • coordinate the work of departments, divisions of the organization, according to the instructions and orders of the head;
  • bring to the attention of managers structural divisions orders of the management, control the timing of their implementation;
  • accept, register documents and applications submitted for the signature of the head, transfer them to the head;
  • prepare letters, requests, other documents on behalf of the head;
  • ensure that the powers of attorney issued by the head are taken into account;
  • communicate independently with employees of departments and other organizations, resolve a number of emerging issues that can be resolved without a manager;
  • receive the necessary information - collect the required documentation at the request of the head;
  • prepare visual aids, documentation necessary for meetings;
  • organize office work, manage, control the activities of clerks;
  • receive, register and present to the head the correspondence sent to the head;
  • communicate with visitors. Meet the organization's clients, staff, keep records and organizes a personal reception of visitors to the head. Also answer their questions, which he can solve on his own.

terms of reference

The main powers and rights of the assistant:

  • register, sign documents within their competence;
  • gain access to a closed public access information when needed;
  • study documents related to professional activity;
  • know the structure, leadership of all departments of the organization;
  • - draw up letters, requests, other documents, prepare responses to requests (on behalf of the head);
  • ask representatives of structural divisions Required documents, materials, receive information to the extent necessary for the implementation of their direct duties;
  • get acquainted with the decisions, orders and orders of the head;
  • participate in meetings, meetings of the leaders of the organization;
  • submit a request to the head for permission to provide important documents to structural units;
  • send suggestions to improve their work and the activities of the company;
  • organization of the manager's workplace, creation of conditions for successful and efficient work.

Taking into account the specifics of the work of the organization itself and the peculiarities of the work of the assistant, the proposed list of powers and rights can be changed, significantly expanded or, conversely, reduced.

Usually final clause-provisions about the measures of responsibility that apply to the employee.

Assistant Responsibility

Penalties for violation of the contract, job description, internal regulations, laws should be only in accordance with applicable law. Usually, the degree of responsibility is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The Assistant Manager is responsible for:

  • improper execution official duties, failure to execute;
  • violation of the deadlines for the performance of the required work;
  • violation of orders, decisions, resolutions of the head;
  • actions not within their competence;
  • not friendly, rude treatment of partners of the organization, visitors, employees, non-observance of business communication and etiquette;
  • material damage to the organization, its contractors, employees;
  • providing false information to employees;
  • insufficient control over the activities of subordinate employees;
  • disclosure of personal data, confidential information that has limited access.

There are penalties for:

  • failure to perform official duties in full or insufficiently in good faith (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • offenses (according to the legislation: administrative, civil, criminal);
  • material damage caused (according to the Labor and Civil Codes RF).

The prescribed punishment may be in the form of deprivation of material remuneration, even dismissal. At the end of the text of the document, there must be visas of employees who agree on it and the signature of the assistant manager.

The head of the organization develops instructions, coordinated by: a lawyer, head of the personnel department, labor protection. After making amendments, additions, the head approves. His position, surname (with decoding), date of approval and signature are indicated.

His signature confirms agreement with the changes when making amendments and the legality of this document.


The position - assistant to the head is a very multifaceted, responsible, special position. He reports directly only to the leader and must impeccably follow all his instructions - the main thing in his work. He has an increased responsibility for dishonest attitude to work. In this case, consequences are possible with damage to the employer himself.

The assistant must have special personal qualities: commitment in the performance of his functions, conscientiousness, sociability, be demanding of himself, be able to communicate with a large number of people. He must have a certain innate charisma and charm.

We examined in detail the components of the instruction, the terms of reference, functions and requirements. They can be added and refined depending on the specifics and size of the organization. The main thing is that the instruction should be drawn up by the head, coordinated with the relevant services. The applicant for this position must be familiarized with it under a personal signature and it is desirable to get it in hand.

A business assistant is needed by every manager who, while managing big company, he can entrust the performance of many of his duties. This should be a person with the necessary knowledge, skills, competence, whom you must trust in everything. The assistant is the "right hand" of the leader, necessarily smart, hardworking, competent, reliable assistant, who, in the absence of the leader, can largely replace him. not for nothing qualification guide relates it to specialists - leaders.

Job Responsibilities assistant (assistant) CEO - this is, first of all, assistance to the first person of the company. The job description of an assistant (assistant) to the general director may include specific requirements (for example, knowledge of two foreign languages) and duties. In any case, a sample job description for an assistant (assistant) to the general director will help you in drafting a personnel document.

Job description of the assistant to the general director
(Job description of Assistant General Manager)

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. The assistant (assistant) to the general director belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The assistant (assistant) of the general director is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The assistant (assistant) to the general director reports directly to the general director of the company.
1.4. During the absence of an assistant (assistant) to the General Director, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of assistant (assistant) to the General Director: education - higher or incomplete higher, experience of similar work from a year, knowledge of office equipment (fax, copier, scanner, printer), programs Microsoft Office(Word, Excel), office work.
1.6. Assistant (assistant) to the General Director is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the company, Internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of an assistant (assistant) to the general director

Assistant (assistant) to the General Director performs the following duties:
2.1. Plans the working day of the CEO (meetings, calls, receptions, etc.).
2.2. Provides technical support for the activities of the General Director (ordering transport, tickets; organizing meetings, negotiations, etc.)
2.3. Accompanies the CEO at meetings, on trips, etc.
2.4. Takes part in negotiations, business meetings, special receptions; maintains protocols and other documents documenting the course and results of meetings and negotiations.
2.5. On behalf of the General Director, he coordinates certain issues with employees of structural divisions, brings to them the instructions and orders of the head; controls the execution of instructions and orders.
2.6. Collects materials and information required by the General Director, prepares analytical, informational, reference and other materials and submits them to the head.
2.7. Conducts office work, receives correspondence submitted for consideration by the General Director, accepts documents and personal statements for the signature of the General Director, keeps records and registration, and transfers them to the head.
2.8. Keeps an appointment with the head, organizes the reception of visitors.
2.9. On behalf of the General Director, he draws up letters, requests, and other documents.
2.10. Carries out work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the General Director (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants of the time and place of the meeting, agenda, their registration), keeps and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings.
2.11. Performs individual official assignments of the General Director.

3. Rights of an assistant (assistant) to the general director

Assistant (assistant) to the General Director has the right to:
3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve the assigned tasks.
3.2. Provide management with suggestions for improving their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Request personally or on behalf of the head from the divisions of the enterprise and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents resulting from the activities of the company.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility of the assistant (assistant) of the general director

Assistant (assistant) to the General Director is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

A job description is a document that establishes the tasks performed by an employee, defines his job responsibilities and the limits of his
Although the development of job descriptions for each profession or position in Russian Federation is not regulated by labor legislation, in the vast majority of employers (both state-owned and private), this document is necessarily available.

The job description of an assistant manager contains a maximum of information

The expediency of preparing a job description is explained by the fact that in the event of a trial, without it it will be difficult to prove the employee’s failure to fulfill his (and their exhaustive list is established in the instruction document), because the employment contract with the employee in accordance with part 2 of article 57 Labor Code RF contains only the position and its general labor function.

The job description allows the employer to:

  1. Justify the refusal of the job seeker due to non-compliance with the requirements established in it
  2. Clearly delineate responsibilities between individual employees
  3. Evaluate performance both during and after the trial
  4. To substantiate the inconsistency of the employee with the position he occupies (taking into account the results of the certification).

The presence of a job description is also useful for the employee himself, as it sets the limits of his duties and responsibilities, and perform functions that are not provided for either by the employment contract or official duties no one should.

Development and instruction sections

When compiling instructions, they usually use the provisions of GOST R 6.30-2003 and the qualification directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees (approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor in 1998). The instruction in the form of a project is endorsed by the developers, agreed with the representative body of employees (if any), and approved by the head.

The instruction is put into effect from a certain date, and the employee must be familiarized with it against signature. It is advisable to give the employee a copy of this document (also against signature). According to established practice, the instructions include typical subsections:

  1. General provisions
  2. Job Responsibilities
  3. Responsibility

It is important to remember that the instruction is not drawn up for any employee, but for a specific position / profession. Therefore, taking into account the specifics of a particular position, the instruction establishes the scope of duties that the employee will perform in this particular position.

Features of the job description of the assistant manager

Executive Assistant - Responsible Position

Assistant manager is a special position. The labor function of an assistant manager is to build the work of his manager, both technically and organizationally.

Scheduling meetings and events, planning a working day, a week, a longer period, organizing trips and events, monitoring execution important documents- these are just a small part of the duties of a qualified assistant manager.

It is wrong to identify the positions and, accordingly, the duties performed by the secretary, assistant, office manager and assistant manager. If the first positions imply more auxiliary functions, then organizational and administrative functions are required from the assistant manager. It is no coincidence that the qualification directory refers this position to the category of managers.

Accordingly, the requirements established for an employee hired for the position of an assistant manager are presented as for management: from the level of education to the qualifications and experience of previous work. Personal qualities are also very important.

Since neither the employment contract nor other documents contain a detailed statement of the competencies of the assistant manager, they must be reflected as accurately as possible in the job description. Features of the instruction for the position "Assistant to the head":

  • Detailed terms of reference
  • Drawing up instructions by analogy with the instructions of the head (excluding, of course, the function of direct management and making sole decisions)
  • Accounting for the confidential nature of certain duties
  • Increased liability for bad faith (taking into account the possible consequences of causing damage to the employer)
  • Ability to perform functions delegated by the head additionally.

General requirements for an assistant manager

Often there are special requirements for the position of assistant manager

The section "General Provisions" may include, in addition to listing the requirements for experience and education, also the necessary skills, subordination and substitution procedure. The most common conditions are:

  1. Higher education
  2. Experience (usually at least 1 year, sometimes more)
  3. Proficiency in foreign languages.
  4. Business communication, writing and etiquette skills
  5. Ownership of office equipment
  6. Stress tolerance

In addition, an employee in this position must know the local acts of the enterprise, get along with employees and management. As for foreign languages, it is worth demanding from knowledge only in cases where the assistant will use them practically in the course of performing his duties.

The incumbent of an assistant manager must be able to use and store confidential information.

Duties and Rights

Typically, the duties of an assistant manager include:

  • Fulfillment of direct tasks of management
  • Planning and coordinating the working time of the manager
  • Control and organization of negotiations (both telephone and oral)
  • Compilation and editing
  • Document confidentiality and safety control

Functions such as copying, maintaining information bases data, other technical and auxiliary work is usually performed by the secretary (secretary-referent). For successful work The assistant manager is endowed with fairly broad rights:

  1. Represent the interests of the organization in meetings and telephone conversations
  2. Request any necessary information, documents from employees to fulfill the instructions of the head
  3. Within the delegated authority to conduct correspondence and negotiations, endorse documents to resolve current issues.

Of course, each organization, taking into account the nature of its activities, supplements or modifies the list of rights granted to the employee.

Limits of Liability

Executive Assistant Job Description Avoids Litigation in the Future

When establishing liability, it is necessary to remember the norms of the law:

  • For non-fulfillment of official duties - according to the Labor Code
  • For - within the limits of administrative, civil and criminal legislation
  • For - in accordance with the norms of the Labor and Civil Codes.

Having developed a job description for an assistant manager, taking into account the norms current legislation and the specifics of the activities of a particular organization, you can not only choose the most suitable employee to such a responsible position, but also to avoid possible litigation in the future.

Opinion of a legal expert:

Article 81, clause 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains the basis for terminating an employment contract at the initiative of the employer. It is related to the professional suitability of the employee. This basis must be confirmed by the results of certification. When compiling a job description for an assistant manager, it is necessary to spell out in detail everything qualification requirements to a specialist.

The working conditions of a person and his/her effectiveness may depend on the degree of detail and specification. Ultimately, the leader needs a real conscientious assistant. We should also draw the attention of our readers to the fact that a manager may have several assistants. They may specialize in technical matters, financial, etc.

There is a type of leaders who do not have deputies on the staff. He does everything himself, and a few assistants just help him with this. He makes all decisions alone. To draw up a high-quality job description for an assistant manager, it is necessary to involve the manager himself in the process. Otherwise, it will be just a piece of paper.

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