What do key people at apple do? Apple in faces

Perhaps, after Steve Jobs has left this world, and the technology of promoting "apple" products is increasingly merging with a faceless mass of competitors, get a job in Apple is no longer a cherished dream even of programmers devoted to the brand. However, there are a couple of points that simply cannot be denied - working for bosses from Cupertino is still extremely authoritative, and most importantly, profitable. What you need to do to be part of the "apple" team, we'll talk further.

What's in the office

Before we reopen our filthy job guide, let's take a look at the 2 main offices Apple for a Russian person. You will find the Moscow branch not far from the Central Department Store in the Berlin House business center. Office did not say. which strikes the imagination: small and stylish, but if you remove the large company logos, then perhaps you would not have guessed who is the boss here. In general, this sophisticated IT specialist will be attracted only by the professional component.

In Cupertino, while the global construction. New office under the name "Spaceship" (Spaceship) began to be erected in 2011, they planned to meet within 4 years, but so far the end is still far away. Therefore, you will not find anything supernatural in San Francisco either, only an old-fashioned building with large office space, a cafe, a museum and a park.

It turns out that the only privilege of working in Apple- the opportunity to be the first to touch the hardware and software innovations of the richest IT company in the world.

Way one. Education

Well, it's time to move on to practical advice. There are two main points that can be recommended to those who are just going to enter the university with thoughts about Apple. First, you will be called to Cupertino from the university only in one case - if someone from the top leadership studied there. As you understand, none of them graduated from the Ryazan State Radio Engineering, with all due respect. Well, a student from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is unlikely to read this text, so we will immediately discard this employment option.

Secondly, when studying, you should strive not for good grades, but for impeccable understanding. future profession. That is, to know the essence of programming, and not to cram languages ​​and algorithms. That is, to be able to freely communicate on the topic of development with teachers and fellow students. These are the qualities you will need when a recruiter contacts you. Apple. And yes, from the very first year, find out in detail about the possibilities of exchange or continuing education in leading universities in Europe and the USA.

Way two. Make friends

This method has been described in sufficient detail in . FROM Apple exactly the same story. Register for LinkedIn, add all, all your friends, then look for ways to get into the company through them. It is better to do this in stages, through lower-level specialists and further to the leaders. But, if suddenly you have a friend of the second hand, who is in Apple big bump - well, that's even better.

Way three. Get to work

If you really want to have Good work in Apple, you can start your journey even with an intern, even with a consultant in a company store. This is surprising, but from the position of the seller it is really much easier to get into one of the head offices. However, one should not think that you will get a job here without any problems, because even here the competition reaches 200 people per place. But the turnover is much higher, so with the right approach, you can expect to get into the main structure in a couple of years.

In the case of an internship, you will undergo a full selection with test tasks and interviews. You will feel the difference in the salary (although here it is in the region of 6 thousand dollars a month) and the fact that no one at any stage will pay you for accommodation and flights. Maximum duration the internship is 51 weeks, then you will be offered a contract only if the work is of exceptional quality. However, even if not, the key advantage (connections, interview experience, knowledge of the inner workings) will already be in your pocket.

If you go to the official store next door, be prepared to memorize all the information about the products, as well as read a few books about Steve Jobs and Apple. Understanding the company's philosophy and development vector will be much more useful than your crazy love for "apple" products. Although, of course, from faith in world power Apple don't give up either. She, coupled with a well-suspended tongue, will make you a potential winner of a difficult competition.

Way four. Create

I don’t know to whom this method will seem simple, but at least it will help you develop your potential, earn money, and then really seriously think about working in Apple. You just need to create a popular application in AppStore, and preferably in the subject in which you plan to work. It's great if you can create an innovative or simply digestible office-style application.

Then the guys from Apple, admiring your brainchild, they will offer you a job and a bag of gold to boot. As experience shows, there are quite a lot of people who ended up in Cupertino this way (and not all of them created applications with a million downloads), which means that this path should not be discounted either. Practice at the same time.

Path five. Storm

If none of the first 4 points suits you, then you can go the good old way of sending a resume. We go to the vacancies page, set up filters and start mailing. Most importantly, do not forget to create Apple ID. Please note that not so many IT specialists are required in Russia (marketing and sales are much more in demand), so feel free to cover at least the US and the CIS. chances of getting into Apple not so much in a standard way for a developer without recommendations, some even spend 4 years on it. However, what would the company achieve if the ranks of its employees were not carefully weeded out?


Like the arrangement of offices, Apple recruits employees according to the standard scheme: test, remote interview with a specialist, presentation before the commission. The assignment, which will be sent to you in the case of a suitable resume, is quite difficult and can take you a whole week. Therefore, do not waste a second, but upon completion, make sure that you understand what is happening in each line as well as possible.

This will come in handy at a personal remote interview, when there will be a detailed analysis with passion. Questions on logic and space of thinking are extremely rare here, so feel free to waste time on the technical side of the issue. In general, a telephone or Internet conversation with an employee takes place rather in the format of a university exam: if you know the subject and the requirements of the teacher, there is nothing to worry about.

If you pass the first two stages, get ready to fly to another hemisphere (or go to the center of Moscow), the company will pay for everything. The final interview with specialists (there may be from 2 to 5) takes place in several stages and may take several hours. Therefore, get enough sleep (for this, arrive the day before the interview), rest and be in good physical and emotional shape.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, do not stop learning the profession, and the dream will definitely come true. Nothing is impossible here.

Would you like to Apple?

The path through training: profession "".

This column is dedicated to those people thanks to whom Apple was created and evolved to the status of one of the largest corporations in the world. Here you will find a lot of interesting news and other key figures who have played an important role in the development of our beloved company.

Most of us are familiar with the front side of Apple - the windows of retail and online stores, iPhones, iPads, Macs, and other products that are coveted and in demand, despite their high or very high prices. The other side of Apple is familiar to its suppliers - those who supply it with numerous components for its products. They do not talk about their impressions of this company. Contracts include a non-disclosure clause that promises severe penalties for violators - and suppliers know that this is not a formality at all. But all the secret someday becomes clear.

On February 26, at the Steve Jobs Theater, the annual reporting and re-election meeting of shareholders will be held. Boring? The board of directors will report to the owners of the company (you will be surprised: these are not reptilians at all!), the owners will express their will. Everything as usual? But no: among the 6 issues on the agenda there is one outrageous and almost indecent, worse than that, it is purely political. The decision of the owners is the law for the company, no one knows what it will be, the consequences can be catastrophic.

36 years ago (okay, one more day) was released. He became the first personal computer, which used a graphical user interface instead of the then standard command line interface. The product was called revolutionary and defined further development industry. How exactly was it, and what has changed since then?

Apple pays great attention development of medical technology, but over and over again faces force majeure world bureaucracy. Surely, if not for this, we would have already seen an Apple Watch with functions, analysis of blood oxygen levels and at an early stage. Especially since the company's branded watches already know how to do all this, but in order to release these functions to the public, it takes an incredible job of approval, licensing and certification. However, they fully support this practice of introducing innovations, considering it more than useful.

Probably everyone has heard the story that the annual salary of Steve Jobs in the post CEO was equal to one dollar. It is clear that he had no shortage of securities company, and therefore, even with such a salary, the entrepreneur did not live in poverty. However, sometimes this became the cause of all sorts of incidents, which Jobs himself liked to talk about. For example, it is known that every time Jobs came to dine in the campus cafeteria, where it was necessary to pay with a name badge associated with the employee's personal account, he could type anything, but he did not know who was actually paying, because his salary would not even be enough for coffee. Tim Cook usually pays for himself, but this is understandable, because his salary is much higher than that of his predecessor.

The fact that by the end of 2011 the first Apple Store in the CIS may appear in Moscow. Despite the fact that this has not been officially confirmed and the agreement has not yet been signed, I consider this quite probable. To be aware of how this will end and in general to receive Apple-related news among the first in Runet, follow on Twitter.

Suppose the Apple Store will still appear in Moscow. Then, I think some of you will be interested to know how the interview with future Apple employees goes. What if you are the one who will work in the brand new Apple Store in Moscow?

For some people, getting a chance to work at Apple seems like one of the most compelling jobs on the planet. To be fully surrounded by Apple. Talk to customers about how incredibly magical (incredibly magical) products are here. If all of this sounds tempting to you, then read on, but don't ignore that it's easier to get into Harvard than it is to become an Apple employee. This is a translation of an article about how the hiring process at Apple works.

After browsing Apple's website for a long time, I stumbled upon the section on working at Apple and thought, "Hmm, why not try applying for some open positions and see what happens?" Realizing that my blogging wasn't going to solve anything, I sent my resume to several job boards in Cupertino, Los Angeles. I was shocked when I received an email two days later inviting me to the “Apple Career Seminar” two days later at the Phoenix Hotel. I had to respond within 24 hours because the hotel was filling up very quickly.

First meeting : It was a big group event. About 30 candidates applied for vacancies at the Apple Store. When I arrived, this group was waiting for admission to the seminar. When we entered the interview room, MGMT music was playing on the speakers, and Apple employees applauded in the way they usually do on the day of the launch of a new product (Launch Day). For about two hours, we were shown several video demonstrations of working at Apple, several managers were introduced, and we, as a group, asked questions about Apple and its products. There was also a speaking portion where each of us stood in front of the group and introduced ourselves. At the end of the room sat a group of six managers who took notes, wrote down the responses and actions of each of us. At the end of the interview, we were divided into groups of six and took turns answering typical event questions: “Why do you want to work at Apple?” “Tell me about a time you didn’t get along with an employee,” “Tell me about when you were dealing with an angry customer,” and so on.

Note: During the workshop, it's helpful to raise your hand to every question and act super excited about everything Apple has to offer.

Second meeting: 72 hours after the "Apple Career Seminar" I got a call. The person on the phone asked if I enjoyed the event and if I'm still interested in pursuing a career with Apple, what kind of job would I prefer. I was also told that they don't hire geniuses and everyone starts from the bottom like an Apple Specialist, but I can work to get to the top. Over the next 10-15 minutes, I was asked a few more questions, and then she asked if I could come tomorrow for a personal interview.

Questions asked: "Tell me about your technical background", "Tell me about a time you had to do something technical but didn't know how to complete the task ahead of time."

Third meeting: I showed up for my interview at 9 am but was told that the manager I was supposed to interview with was busy and I was asked to wait a few minutes. After the first group seminar, I had the feeling that every answer I gave was valued (and I am absolutely sure that it is). As I waited for my interview, I talked excitedly about the iPod Shuffle and Nano (specifically the trim and headphones), and spoke to the security guard and a few employees.

Thirty minutes later, the manager came out to start the interview with me, but then another candidate came in, who was scheduled to come at 9:30 am. We were told that we would be interviewing together. Over the next 1 hour, we were asked to recall past work experiences and situations that happened there. Some of the questions were repeated from past interviews, such as "Why do you want to work at Apple?" But there were other questions: "Tell me about when you were not satisfied with your expectations?", "Tell me about when you exceeded the expectations of others?". We were also allowed to ask about the inner workings of the Apple Store. The manager was incredibly pleasant and helpful (incredibly nice and helpful) and told us that both of us would be heard at our next interview.

Note: I was specifically warned over the phone not to wear a shirt and tie (I went to the first interview that way, out of personal preference), so I wore a bow tie and trousers with suspenders (sorry Apple, not everyone likes t-shirts). If you really want to get a job at Apple, I would recommend that you casually dress like a hipster.

Refusal : only a week passed before I heard anything from Apple. Finally, seven days after my last interview, the manager's secretary called me to let me know that they were happy to meet me, but they were "going to move in another direction." I was about to ask a question, but she hung up, which was a bit odd since all the other employees were very hospitable and polite. I have heard from others that they only received a rejection email, so I don't think it was the standard protocol for this.

My advice for those hoping to become an Apple Employee:

1) Get a referral. If you don't know someone who works at an Apple Store, go to the store and show your interest by talking to Apple employees. A friend in the store might recommend you after the first interview, which will slightly increase your chances.

2) Be outgoing at all times. Whether it's on group interview or on a personal basis, try to be friendly not only with those who work at Apple, but also with the rest of the people around you. Maybe it just seemed so to me, but it seems that they pay attention to even the smallest details.

3) Fit the mold. Apple doesn't hire people based on their technical knowledge alone, they also want people who are also people savvy. Spend some time at your local Apple Store to get a feel for the type of people they hire (look at their clothes and how they interact with people).

4) Know the products. You don't need to know absolutely everything about Apple products, but it would be very helpful. I was the only person at the seminar who could explain what it was and why switching to Intel chips was important. It helped me stand out and general manager remembered me.

Questions and timing may vary slightly in some points, but the actual interview format should be something like this because Apple, as we know, is a company that loves uniformity and simplicity. These are just the first steps to getting a job at the Apple Store, but it should be helpful for those looking to join Apple's ranks. True, all these tips are written by a guy who was refused ...

Free translation via

  • Main article about the company: Apple
  • Chronicle of events from the foundation to the present day: History of Apple
  • Business results: Apple Financials


*Why Apple hires top cardiologists

Tim Cook: We are proud that half of Apple employees do not have a higher education

The head of Apple also spoke about the promoted by the company curriculum Everyone Can Code, which by March 2019 was launched in 4 thousand schools and 80 educational institutions middle vocational education. The initiative allows students to learn how to code and develop apps for iOS devices. Everyone Can Code is taught not only in the USA, but also in some European countries.

Apple spends $150 million a year to fly employees out of San Francisco

In mid-January 2019, it became known that Apple spends a total of $35 million a year on flights for employees from San Francisco to Shanghai. This is the cost of 50 business class seats on daily flights.


Apple no longer requires higher education when applying for a job

In August 2018, the large recruiting agency Glassdoor presented the results of a study in which she named large companies who stopped demanding higher education when applying for a job. These corporations include Apple , IBM and Google . Read more.

Apple equips new headquarters with $2,500 standing workstations and chairs

Nicknamed "Spaceship" for its futuristic appearance, Apple Park's new California headquarters has a standing room for every employee. workplace. At the beginning of June, 2018 the head of Apple Tim Cook told about it during David Rubinstein's show on the Bloomberg TV channel.

Concerns about the comfort of Apple employees in the new headquarters, which is rumored to have cost the company more than $5 billion, are not limited to standing workstations. Offices, common areas and Apple Park cafes are equipped with elegant expensive furniture, often made to order specifically for Apple. In particular, at the disposal of staff office chairs Vitra Pacific, $1,200 each, and wooden chairs by Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa, $2,500.

Apple did not respond to a Business Insider request for clarification on the make and model of standing desks. Previously, the online resource Wired reported on the details of the interior of Apple Park. The journalists published several photos showing employees' workstations with tabletops attached to the wall and control buttons that allow the tabletops to be raised and lowered.

Average work experience of employees - 5 years

In April 2018, it became known that Apple employees have been working for about 5 years. Those who are on the staff of the company can expect to purchase Apple products at a discount, free admission to concerts with the most famous artists, assistance from doctors and masseurs, as well as access to the AppleCare College program, under which students pay tuition. Read more.

Apple hands over employees to the police for data breaches

In addition, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) launched decoy buses, hoping to use them to attract intruders and force them to impersonate.

In January 2018, The Guardian reported at least five attacks on buses carrying Apple employees. As a result of the incidents, the windows of the shuttles were broken, but people, fortunately, were not injured.

The Mercury News, citing data from the California traffic police, reports seven confirmed cases of shooting at buses chartered by Apple and Google, which occurred in January and February 2018. In addition, in a February interview with the publication, Sgt. Robert Nacke (Robert Nacke) said that information on several more episodes is being clarified.

Investigators say there is no evidence that the attacks are aimed at vehicles of some sort. specific company, since there are no special marks on the buses.

Meanwhile, ABC7 News, also citing CHP, released information about 20 shootings as of February 28, 2018. In an interview with reporters, the representative of the California traffic police Ernest Sanchez (Ernest Sanchez) said that the police have a description of the car, which is allegedly related to the attacks, and that law enforcement officers are taking all measures to catch the attackers.

The hatred of others and the shelling of Apple buses

In January 2018, the windows of at least five buses that Apple takes employees from San Francisco to its California office were smashed in an alleged airgun attack on the buses.

According to The Guardian, the first incident occurred on the evening of January 12, when a bus was carrying employees from an office in San Francisco. A few days later, on the morning of January 16, three more Apple buses were attacked, after which the attack was repeated in the evening of the same day. The incident is reported in an official letter from Apple to staff, with the contents of which the journalists got acquainted.

The fact of the incident was confirmed by the PR representative of the California Highway Patrol Service Art Montiel.

According to Montiel, it is impossible to say for sure that Apple was the target of the attacks, since there are no special marks on the buses. With equal success, it could be any other company, the law enforcement officer believes.

At the same time, corporate buses differ in colors. For example, Google transports its employees in white shuttles, Apple in silver, and Facebook in blue. Police have not received any reports of attacks on other companies' vehicles, Montiel said.

Apple notified employees that the buses would be diverted due to incidents, but Montiel noted that in the event of a targeted attack on the company, this is unlikely to help, since it will not be difficult for attackers to track the buses.

It was not possible to obtain official comments from Apple.

Breaking windows on Apple buses may be another aggravation of a long-standing conflict with opponents of the so-called gentrification (from the English "gentrification") - a complex change in the urban environment that occurs as a result of the relocation of wealthy citizens to those areas of the city that were previously either inhabited by representatives of the lower classes, or were in a state of decline and represented an abandoned industrial zone. As a rule, this process is accompanied by the reconstruction and renovation of old buildings, and as a result, an increase in the price of real estate.

In California, technology corporation buses have become a symbol of gentrification and class inequality. According to disgruntled citizens who have repeatedly staged spontaneous rallies to block the passage of corporate buses transporting Silicon Valley personnel to nearby San Francisco and Oakland, the relocation of highly paid employees of the tech giants to these cities has driven up the prices of rents and houses in the area, making them unaffordable for those who can not boast of a salary of six figures.

During past protest actions the demonstrators, as a rule, limited themselves to standing in the way of the buses with placards in their hands, preventing them from being sent along the route. However, at least one case of vandalism is known. It happened in 2013 in Oakland. Then the indignant people broke the window of one of the Google corporate shuttles that transported employees to and from work, CNET reports.


iPhone X was assembled by interns working overtime

Apple is among the leaders in the list of IT companies from which they want to quit

In October 2017, Blind, an anonymous communication service for employees of companies, conducted a survey showing that Microsoft and Apple are the IT companies whose employees want to quit the most.

To determine which corporations' employees are the least satisfied salary, users of Blind were asked a series of questions about work and monetary compensation, the most revealing of which were: "Do you think that your work is adequately paid?" and “Would you like to change jobs?”.

Among the top 10 of this rating of IT companies, employees of Netflix, Dropbox and Facebook are especially satisfied with their salary: more than 70% of respondents answered that they receive a good salary and are not interested in changing jobs in the near future.

The first place is occupied by Netflix: about 85% of respondents believe that their work is adequately paid by the company, followed by Dropbox and Facebook - about 80% of respondents are satisfied with the salary.

More than half of Apple and Microsoft employees who took part in the survey admitted that they are not satisfied with their salary and are open to better offers.

Of the same top 10 IT corporations, Microsoft ranks first in terms of the number of employees who are seriously thinking about changing jobs: about 75%. This is followed by Amazon - about 60%, Apple and Google - about 55% of respondents consider their wages not high enough.

As noted by Business Insider, the survey may not reflect the opinion of all employees, since it covers only a small part of the staff - users of the Blind application. It is also likely that it is among the participants in the anonymous communication service that employees have the highest percentage of job dissatisfaction, but Netflix and Dropbox statistics show that this state of affairs is far from being true for all companies.

Apple will spend $1 billion on US jobs to please US President Trump

Cook explained that with this money it will be possible to create vacancies directly in production, which will lead to the emergence of new jobs in the service sector. "It's like circles on the water," - says the head of Apple. The company is going to take the necessary billion from its "American money". "To get them, you have to borrow them," Cook said, referring to US tax policies that make it difficult for Apple's foreign capital to repatriate.

Cook again recalled that in total Apple contributed to the creation of 2 million jobs in the United States. 80 thousand of them were created directly in the company, the rest - in the ecosystem of suppliers and developers associated with it.

Foreign media believe that the investment decision was made to avoid future conflicts with US President Donald Trump. Trump is pressuring companies to "bring back jobs to the US" and start investing in domestic production, writes The Verge.

2015: Payment of a fine for personnel collusion with other IT companies

The lawsuit was filed former employee Apple store by Brandon Felczer and three of his colleagues, who accused the employer of violating Labor Code state of California.

In particular, the plaintiffs alleged that Apple does not allow them to take breaks and does not let them in for lunch, and also delays the payment of wages.

One of the plaintiffs complained that Apple was forcing them to work 5 hours non-stop, and the other complained that the fee was delayed by up to 2 days. The representative of the plaintiffs in court Tyler Bilon (Tyler Belong) said that some employees are deprived of a break and do for 7-8 hours. We are talking only about those employees who receive a fee based on the amount of hours worked.

The plaintiffs demand that Apple be held liable, but do not seek monetary compensation from it.

Meanwhile, against Apple, proceedings are underway in another case - related to the payment for hourly work of employees of company stores. They are unhappy that the company does not compensate for the time during which they are searched by the security service at the exit of the stores.

2010: Trial over the employee who received kickbacks from suppliers

In August 2010, Apple's global supplier manager, 37-year-old Paul Shin Devine, was charged with bribery and fraud using electronic means communications. After joining Apple in 2005, Devine used his position for several years to access sensitive corporate information and pass it on to six Asian iPhone and iPod accessories makers, raising their chances of winning contracts, according to investigators. The names of the companies are not reported, but their location is indicated: South Korea, China , Taiwan and Singapore.

Defendant in this case federal authorities On August 13, Devine was taken into custody without the possibility of posting bail. In addition, Apple filed a civil lawsuit against its employee. The company accused Devine of receiving bribes and kickbacks for several years, the total amount of which exceeded $ 1 million. Apple said that they adhere to strict corporate standards, will not tolerate such behavior and exclude all kinds of excuses in such cases.

An internal investigation revealed that Paul Devine used free mailboxes on Hotmail and Gmail, sending confidential information that was of interest to accessory manufacturers from his work laptop. He sent the money he received for this to his accounts in American and foreign banks. The FBI joined the investigation of this case. It is not yet known what measure of punishment can be assigned to the accused.

1998: Jobs imposes a ban on employees from talking to the press

In Gil Amelio's time, deliberate leaks to the press by some Apple employees often forced the CEO to change his policy. Under Steve Jobs, all this stopped. Shortly after his appointment as interim CEO, Jobs imposed a total press ban on employees. All this, along with layoffs from key positions, helped to avoid a split within the company.

Over the years, Jobs's policy of secrecy from the press has formed an aura of secrecy and constant interest around the company, and the presentation of new products was always accompanied by surprises. Strictly dosing information flows outside the company, Jobs kept all publications under his control.

Leaks of corporate secrets in any self-respecting company are punished severely and on the spot. Sometimes with the use of heavy judicial artillery. No matter how free the schedule was and no matter how sparing the working conditions were, no one canceled the rule of “talker and spy”. Therefore, someone's head, most likely, has already flown from their shoulders in a number of American Apple stores. Nothing to share experiences with journalists Wall Street Journal.

Being an Apple Store consultant isn't easy. Very difficult. And often the atmosphere in the team is very different from what is shown on the site in the photographs next to the offer to apply for a vacancy for an employee. To be hired even for the most low position At Apple, two or more interviews are required. The main idea that will be explained to you very quickly in the office of an HR specialist is to prove that the company needs you. For she is absolutely not interested in you: every store is literally bursting with people who want to get a job in such a place. Chances are they are better than you.

Let's assume that you passed the interview and received a final positive answer. The most difficult stage begins. In addition to studying standard corporate materials, each employee goes through training on "following Apple's customer service principles." This would not be unusual if Apple rules did not touch your speech. Example. Can't speak "Unfortunately", otherwise you will regret already outside the doors of the store former employer. We use the phrase "it so happened that...". If you can't solve a client's problem, words with a negative connotation are prohibited.

And now, having studied a pile of corporate materials, you finally found yourself “in the field”. Or not? For two weeks, if you please, quietly run after employees with great experience. And yes, you are not allowed to talk to customers. At all. The first is training and education. As soon as you are sure of your readiness, you will be allowed to open your mouth to a person in need of help. Remember: if the client incorrectly names his device, nod approvingly in response, because this person knows better than you how to call what he spent his hard-earned money on.

Naturally, you do not work on sheer enthusiasm. Genius Bar support professionals are paid up to $30 an hour, depending on qualifications. Ordinary soldiers-consultants can expect from 9 to 15 dollars per hour. Is it a lot? By local standards - pennies. And forget the traditional "career" buzzwords: if you're hired by Apple as a store employee, you may never get a chance to make it "higher".

Whatever you do and whatever you do, you are watched by the intent eye of Steve Jobs. This person personally decided which cables would be inserted into the iPad 2 and routed to the devices on display as part of Apple Store 2.0, the company's recent store reform. Two years ago, after a liver transplant, Steve Jobs, right in his own room, reviewed plans for future Apple stores and handed out appropriate instructions. And even now, when your chief boss, Ron Johnson, is in charge of another company, you should not hope for concessions. Whoever takes his place, the strictest discipline will always come first.
