Trading software. Trade warehouse

You can still take into account sales in a small kiosk using a notebook, but when the business expands, this method of accounting starts to generate many problems:

  • storing the remains of slow-moving goods;
  • lack of time to correct sales prices when the purchase price changes;
  • losses due to the complexity of control over the shelf life of products;
  • the emergence of incomprehensible shortages and surpluses during inventory;
  • untimely purchases of ending goods;
  • the need for the owner to be constantly at the outlet when receiving a new product;
  • lack of convenient analytics for daily sales;
  • the complexity of accounting for the movement of goods between structural units;
  • spending a lot of time on receiving goods during the day;
  • the need for manual entry of the names of the supplied goods.

More and more entrepreneurs, faced with such problems, decide to automate trade accounting. But how to choose the right warehouse program if you are faced with this for the first time? Most of the offers are paid and there is a risk of wasting money aimlessly by choosing a program that is not suitable for your business.

We decided to help entrepreneurs understand the specifics of popular ones by writing this article. It will highlight the following hot topics:

  • types of accounting programs, and how they differ from each other;
  • N important criteria when choosing a program;
  • functionality of popular Russian programs in accordance with the proposed criteria;
  • rating of warehouse accounting programs.

After reading the article, you can easily decide on the choice of a warehouse accounting program that will best suit the type of business and will help solve most of the tasks facing the manager.

We make a list of the most popular programs

There are dozens of programs on the Internet that allow entrepreneurs to keep records in retail, but most of them are crude or not very functional. So how do you determine the shortlist of the best apps?

The red line of the shortlist can be the maximum acceptable monthly subscription fee

We took it upon ourselves to compile such a list. The resulting rating consists of nine warehouse management programs:

  • "EKAM";
  • "MoySklad";
  • "";
  • LiteBox;
  • Qasl;
  • CloudShop;
  • "Circuit";
  • "1C: Trade and Warehouse".

After making the list suitable programs an entrepreneur is faced with a difficult question: what criteria should be used to evaluate them? This is discussed in the next section.

Important features of warehouse management programs that you need to consider when choosing

Businessmen don't like to invest in a pig in a poke. But having bought a random accounting program for a warehouse, there is a risk that it:

  • inconvenient to learn;
  • does not support work with the equipment available in the warehouse;
  • prone to frequent freezing;
  • does not contain critical functionality;
  • does not have 24/7 support
  • reveals sufficient opportunities only at the maximum tariff.

Sifting out programs that are unsuitable for your business at the stage of their selection will help to avoid the listed problems. Let's see how the apps can differ.

The following are the criteria for choosing accounting programs that an entrepreneur needs to take into account:

  1. List of supported operations. Someone just needs to know the income / expense, but for someone it is important to additionally price accounting and sales analytics.
  2. The cost of implementation and maintenance. It makes no sense to delve into the overview of the inventory control program in detail if the entrepreneur is not ready to pay the minimum monthly payment.
  3. Availability of additional optional modules (CMS, accounting, logistics). When planning a discount system, a CMS is a must.
  4. Networking capabilities. For example, for warehouses distributed in space, only a cloud-based warehouse management program will be relevant.
  5. Ease of learning. The new employee must master the basic features of the program in a few hours.
  6. Stability of work. The program should not freeze and restart, because this can lead to the loss of the last entered data.
  7. A fully functional demo version. It is much easier to choose a program by downloading its fully functional version and trying out the possibilities
  8. An open API that allows you to modify the program according to the individual needs of the client.
  9. Convenient interface. Switching between menus during work should take the staff a minimum of time.


Is one of the leaders in Russian market in its niche and occupies high positions in the ratings. To register in "EKAM" enter your email below and try all the possibilities of the system for free.

The interface of the program of warehouse accounting "EKAM"

The program works through the "cloud" and is intended for the complex automation of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of trade and services. allows you to automate the following operations:

  • inventory control;
  • sales;
  • purchases;
  • management reporting;
  • creation of loyalty and discount programs;
  • receiving and fulfilling orders in cafes and restaurants;
  • movement of money.

Also, the warehouse accounting program "EKAM" is integrated with accounting applications, simplifying the preparation tax reporting.

Advantages of the EKAM cloud service:

  1. Prompt and accurate control over warehouse balances.
  2. Automatic setting of the sales price based on the specified markup.
  3. Convenient and fast inventory.
  4. Intelligent procurement system.
  5. Remote work with the program.
  6. A wide variety of customizable analytical, financial, product and management reports.
  7. Possibility of simultaneous accounting of goods in several structural divisions.
  8. Loading the prices of suppliers into the program, which facilitates the creation of the nomenclature.
  9. Multiplatform: the program can be used on computers through a browser and on mobile gadgets through a special application.
  10. Small Business Acceptable tariff plans.
  11. A friendly, understandable interface that allows you to independently configure the program and quickly teach new employees to work with the program.
  12. Availability of a practical client base module with the ability to link discount cards.
  13. Automatic transmission of sales data to 1C.
  14. High stability of work
  15. Open API for individual customization to customer requirements.

Cons of "EKAM":

  1. There is no delivery management functionality.
  2. There is no calendar block and tasks.

Tariff plans of the program of warehouse accounting "EKAM"

One of the advantages of "EKAM" is prompt and professional technical support. Its specialists solve the problem both by prompts and by means of a remote connection to the user's computer.

EKAM is configured by the company's employees. After that, entrepreneurs can enjoy all the benefits of the app.

« MyWarehouse »

Rating of cloud-based warehouse management software « MoySklad ”among businessmen is quite high. This is due to the stability of the application and the sufficiency of its functions for small entrepreneurs.

The interface of the warehouse accounting program "MoySklad"

In addition, the application developers did not limit themselves to trade support and added manufacturing operations to the functionality.

Advantages of the program "MoySklad":

  1. Wide functionality suitable for retail, wholesale, catering and small industries.
  2. Support for discount cards, creation of a customer base, formation of a sales funnel.
  3. Stable work.
  4. Friendly interface and ease of development of the program for new employees.
  5. A demo version with full functionality.
  6. Multiplatform: the program can be used on Windows, macOS, Android, Linux, iOS.
  7. Open API.

Cons of "MoySklad":

  1. Lack of templates for sales.

Tariff plans of the warehouse accounting program "MoySklad"

We can say that the "MoySklad" program was created for small stores and companies, and representatives of more than big business... But the developers are in no hurry to take into account the wishes and comments of customers, which leads to dissatisfaction technical support and the program as a whole.


The cloud-based warehouse accounting program "" has been distributed since 2011, so its functionality is broader than that of most competitors. The application can be used in retail trade, in the provision of services, in wholesale trade, when selling goods through an online store. allows you to perform the following operations:

  1. Inventory control.
  2. Sale through online cash registers.
  3. Formation of loyalty programs.
  4. Setting up cashier rights.
  5. Integration with 1C.
  6. Sales analysis.
  7. Control of banking operations.
  8. Bulk mailing by Email and SMS.
  9. Calendar and tasks.

Despite its wide functionality, the application has both positive and negative sides.

Pluses of the program:

  1. The widest possible range of functionality suitable for retail and network businesses.
  2. Loyalty program.
  3. High stability of work.
  4. Convenient interface.
  5. Demo version available.
  6. Detailed video instructions on the site.
  7. Multiplatform, the program can be used both on computers and on mobile gadgets.
  8. Open API.

Cons of "":

  1. Lack of 24/7 support.
  2. The monthly subscription fee is higher than the market average.
  3. Limited space in the "cloud" for information placement.
  4. Difficulty for new employees to master.

Tariff plans of the program of warehouse accounting ""

The developers of the application had enough time to adjust the program to the needs of small businesses. Therefore, this application occupies a rather high place in the ranking of warehouse accounting programs.


LiteBox cloud service is designed for trading and financial accounting small business representatives. The functionality of the program is presented in six areas:

  1. Trade management
  2. Inventory control.
  3. Analytical reports.
  4. Procurement management.
  5. Documentation.
  6. Marketing tools.

In fact, the LiteBox accounting program has a typical functionality for its class: it allows you to trade and analyze sales.

The software base is in the cloud, which allows you to work with it anywhere you have the Internet.

The pluses of LiteBox include:

  1. Multiplatform: the program can be used on a computer, tablet, laptop.
  2. Affordable plans for small businesses, including a fairly functional free plan.
  3. A fully functional demo version that allows you to use all the features of the program for 14 days.
  4. Advanced functionality for sellers of alcoholic beverages.
  5. 24/7 technical support phone.
  6. Functional warehouse accounting, including, among other things, the reservation of goods and the movement of goods and materials between stores and warehouses.
  7. Support for the formation of primary accounting records(form TORG-12, TORG-16 and others).
  8. Cloud data is backed up in modern DATA centers with Tier3 security certification.
  9. Possibility of renting an online cash register.

Cons of LiteBox:

  1. Intricate interface that requires learning and long getting used to.
  2. The complexity of the initial self-configuration of the program.
  3. Support for individual discount cards is not backed by a customer base. Cards are not linked to your full name or phone number.
  4. The impossibility of adding arbitrary characteristics to the product card.
  5. Lack of support for Mac OS family.

Based on the analysis of the functionality of the LiteBox program, we can say that it is worthy of the attention of entrepreneurs working in the trade sector. But the app is missing many important elements(a full-fledged client base, an intuitive interface, etc.), therefore, to achieve market leadership, developers still have a lot to create and change.


The Subtotal warehouse management software entered the market not so long ago, is at the stage of active development, therefore it occupies an average position in the ranking. The application is a typical cloud service for organizing retail sales.

Subtotal is primarily focused on trade, this program is not very suitable for services.

Pros of Subtotal:

  1. Detailed sales analytics by product groups, cashiers, customers and other categories.
  2. Affordable tariff plans.
  3. Intuitive interface, ease of training for employees.
  4. Integration with 1C and My Business.
  5. There is a possibility of forming a customer base and a loyalty system.
  6. Open API.
  7. Demo version available

Cons of Subtotal:

  1. No support for discount cards.
  2. Routine work on the site is often carried out during the daytime, which negatively affects the stability of the program.
  3. Lack of 24/7 support.
  4. The program does not work in the absence of the Internet.

Thus, Subtotal is a program with good functionality, but technical problems scare off many customers even at the stage of testing the application.


Trade automation service Qasl in 2017 acquired an important strategic investor - manufacturer cash registers ATOL. Shortly after the deal, Qasl presented a boxed solution for retail and catering, which was sold together with the ATOL Sigma 10 smart terminal.

As for the provision of services, the extended functionality for this area is still under development.

Advantages of the Qasl warehouse management program:

  1. Automatic transfer of sales data to 1C, and vice versa, transfer of information about goods from 1C to the Qasl cloud database.
  2. The presence of detailed videos and photos of instructions for working with each menu of the program.
  3. Annual service rates are below the market average.
  4. Drafting technological maps for catering.
  5. A simple, intuitive interface that allows you to quickly train new employees to work with the program.
  6. A full-fledged customer base module with the ability to link discount cards.
  7. Availability of a trial version with a free two-week period.
  8. Connection of several stores and warehouses.

Cons of the Qasl program:

  1. Warehouse functionality is not available at the lowest rate, although these functions are basic for each store.
  2. Lack of support for sales through online stores.
  3. Work on a computer only through a browser.
  4. The program maximizes its capabilities only with the ATOL manufacturer's online checkout, although it supports devices from other companies.
  5. ATOL Sigma 10 works only with Qasl software.
  6. There are no functions for goods reservation, delivery management.
  7. Impossibility of Email-mailing.
  8. Lack of telephone support.

The retail program Qasl is just beginning to conquer the market, therefore it is trying to attract customers with low tariffs and good functionality. The main problem for users is that integration with 1C, support for loyalty programs, warehouse functionality are available only in expensive tariff plans. In addition, users still have a lot of complaints about the work of the technical support service.


CloudShop software is designed for online retail sales accounting. The application provides support for the following basic operations:

  • sale and return of goods;
  • purchase;
  • loading nomenclature from tabular files;
  • import and export of bases of suppliers and buyers;
  • registration of the receipt and expenditure of money;
  • setting up discounts;
  • sales statistics and analytics;
  • connection of an online cash register, barcode scanner and an online store.

The CloudShop application is universal, not focused on national legislation, therefore it is used by users in many countries.

Pluses of the program:

  1. Multiplatform: the program can be used both on computers and on mobile gadgets.
  2. Connecting an online store.
  3. Friendly, intuitive interface that allows you to perform the initial setup of the program yourself.
  4. Affordable plans for small businesses.
  5. The presence of a convenient client base module.
  6. A fully functional demo version that allows you to use all the features of the program for 14 days.
  7. Connection of several stores and warehouses.

Cons of the program:

  1. Only a limited list of cash register equipment models can be connected to the program.
  2. Lack of telephone support, which significantly complicates the solution of technical problems.
  3. The base tariff is useless, since it involves the introduction of only one supplier and one buyer into the base.
  4. Lack of analytics for cashiers and assortment groups.
  5. There is no possibility of finalizing programs for a specific client.

In general, the CloudShop program can be recommended for small stores that operate on a simple buy-and-sell basis. If we talk about restaurants, the need to customize the program, sales on order, then in such cases the application's capabilities will no longer be enough.


The product for trade automation of the Kontur company is a whole set of accounting programs. The basic application is Kontur Accounting, which interacts with the online cash register through the Kontur Market software. To send the check data to the OFD, the program "Contour OFD" is additionally used.

The interface of the warehouse accounting program "Contour Accounting"

The accounting module is analogous to 1C and is responsible for maintaining a full-fledged accounting, warehouse and tax accounting... It is problematic to use it with third-party cash register programs, so it is better to immediately purchase a set of online cash registers with the Kontur Market and Kontur OFD software installed on them. The program is capable of working both in the cloud and offline.

Advantages of the Kontur software:

  1. All accounting, including bookkeeping, is maintained within a single application.
  2. The program allows you to keep records of several retail outlets and warehouses.
  3. 24/7 technical support.

Cons of the Kontur program:

  1. The high cost of a license and subscription for updates, which is not available to some entrepreneurs.
  2. The complexity of training, the need for regular communication with the support service.
  3. Users should have basic accounting knowledge.
  4. There is no management analytics not directly related to accounting.
  5. There is no possibility to create loyalty programs.
  6. There is no free demo version.
  7. The closed source code limits the ability to tailor the program to the needs of the client.

Tariff plans of the warehouse accounting program "Kontur Accounting"

Due to the availability of accounting functionality, the program interface is rather overloaded with the menu, so a novice entrepreneur is unlikely to like this application. For a small store or auto repair shop, it is better to pay attention to simpler warehouse management programs.

"1C: Trade and Warehouse"

1C software products are known to every entrepreneur, but the high cost is often the reason for choosing less expensive competitors' applications.

The interface of the program "1C: Trade and Warehouse"

The recommended price for the 1C: Trade and Warehouse configuration as of April 2019 was 15,200 rubles. Monthly product support will cost several thousand more.

Such a high cost makes the program attractive only for retail chains and large stores... Why do entrepreneurs value this app?

Advantages of the 1C: Trade and Warehouse program:

  1. Availability of functionality for full-fledged accounting, tax and warehouse accounting.
  2. Integration with any cash register and trade equipment.
  3. Automatic generation of all unified trade documents.
  4. Consolidated accounting in several outlets.
  5. High stability of work.
  6. The ability to customize the menu and functionality for a specific client.

Cons of the "1C: Trade and Warehouse" program:

  1. High price.
  2. Difficulty in training new employees.
  3. Long period of implementation and customization.
  4. The need for constant software updates.
  5. Lack of round-the-clock support due to its provision by third parties.
  6. Lack of a CMR system.
  7. Lack of demo version.

Tariff plans of the warehouse accounting program "1C: Trade and Warehouse"

The products of the 1C company are focused mainly on medium and large businesses that are subject to OSNO or STS taxation regimes and can pay the high cost of software. For small entrepreneurs, who often work on a patent or UTII, accounting functionality is not so important, so for them the use of the 1C: Trade and Warehouse program is inappropriate.

The assessment took into account that the accounting program will be used mainly by entrepreneurs with special tax regimes. For them, the functionality of most of the listed programs is sufficient for drawing up tax reports. Therefore, in the first place in the assessment come functionality and the comfort of work. The final choice of a warehouse accounting program for a business remains with the entrepreneur himself.

You don't have to buy this useful product for business automation.

The program for retail trade MySklad has a free trial period of 14 days. You will not pay a dime for using the program at this time. Then you only need to make a small subscription fee only for the time that you use it.

The main advantages of the presented solution

  • Availability. Each employee will be able to work with the program. No prior training is required.
  • Adaptation to work in any store. You can use the program when selling toys, sports goods, clothing, etc. All parameters are set by the user.
  • Help from specialists. Don't you know about all the features of the program? Are you interested in its features? Do you have any questions? Ask them to our support specialists e-mail or phone.
  • Full functionality. The MoySklad solution provides all the possibilities for controlling the receipt of goods, accounting for expenses, registering sales, planning purchases and much more. The program allows you to print documents using an extensive library of forms.
  • Control capabilities. It is very easy to analyze the work. The program provides round-the-clock access to it from anywhere.
  • Compliance with the basic requirements for maintaining reference books and preparing documents.

The presented trading program, with a free period of 14 days, will allow you to increase your business efficiency! Trading at your location will rise to a new level in no time. Check out all the features of the program now!

Thanks to special software, keeping records of the movement of goods in stores, warehouses and other similar businesses has become much easier. The program itself will take care of saving and organizing the entered information, the user only needs to fill in the necessary invoices, register receipts and sales. In this article, we'll take a look at a few of the most popular software solutions that are great for retail.

MoySklad - modern programs designed for trade and warehouse enterprises, retail and online stores. Software solution for convenience, it is divided into two parts:

  1. Cash program. Can be installed on any platform: Windows, Linux, Android, iOS. There is support for online cash registers (54-FZ), it is possible to connect a smart terminal Evotor, as well as any of the following fiscal registrars: SHTRIKH-M, Viki Print, ATOL.
  2. Cloud program for inventory control. Thanks to the technology used, data can be easily accessed through any browser - just log into your work account. It is designed to work with prices, discounts, nomenclature. Here, both warehouse accounting and the client base are maintained, all the necessary reports are formed and available for viewing.

MoySklad also has several interesting, useful functions. In it, you can create labels in an interactive editor, and then send them to print. Depending on the format of the outlet, the sale can be carried out individually and in sets, taking into account the modification of the same product. For example, if it's a clothing store, a modification would be a specific color and size of the item. Added work with bonus programs- for the purchases made within the framework of the promotions, the program calculates points with which the buyer will be able to pay in the future. The payment itself is possible both in cash and through terminals accepting bank cards... It is also important that MoySklad operates in accordance with the law on mandatory labeling of goods.

Based on individual needs, the client is offered to manage a different number of points of sale, add an online store or business site on VKontakte. All users of MoySklad are provided with round-the-clock technical support, whose employees are ready to answer any questions that arise. MyWarehouse for one user with one point of sale is provided free of charge, flexible tariff plans have been developed for larger businesses with payment of 450 rubles / month.


It should be noted right away that OPSURT is distributed absolutely free of charge, which is rare for such software, since it is used in business. But this does not make the program bad - it contains everything you need that the manager and other personnel who will use it may need. There is reliable password protection, and the administrator himself creates access levels for each user.

It is worth noting the convenient management of purchase and sale. You just need to select the name and drag it to another table for it to be counted. This is much easier than selecting it from a list, clicking and navigating through several windows to prepare the item for movement. In addition, there is the possibility of connecting a scanner and a receipt printing device.

True Shop

The functionality of this representative is also quite extensive, but the program is distributed for a fee, and in the trial version, half of everything is simply not available even for familiarization. However, the open options are enough to form your opinion about True Shop. It is unremarkable, with a standard set of tools, software used in retail.

We should also pay special attention to the support of discount cards, which is rare. This feature opens in full version and is a table where all customers who have such a card are entered. This feature allows you to quickly access information about discounts, expiration dates and other information.

Goods, Prices, Accounting

"Products, Prices, Accounting" just resembles a collection of tables and databases, but this is only in appearance. In fact, it has more features that are useful in retail and product tracking. For example, the creation of invoices for the transfer or receipt and the register of goods. Documents and operations are then sorted and placed in directories, where the administrator will find everything he needs.

There is the possibility of switching to other versions that provide extensive functionality. Some of them are under testing and not fully finalized. Therefore, before moving on, study the information on the official website in detail, the developers always describe additional versions.

Universal accounting software

This is one of the lightweight platform configurations developed by Supasoft. It is a set of functions and plugins most suitable for running small businesses such as stores and warehouses, where you need to track goods, draw up invoices and reports. The user can always contact the developers, and they, in turn, will help create an individual configuration for the needs of the client.

In this version, there is a minimum set of tools that you may need - this is the addition of products, companies, positions and the creation of free tables with various invoices and reports on purchase / sale.

Movement of goods

A free program that sorts and stores all the necessary information. Then it can be quickly opened, viewed and edited. It is most convenient to work with invoices and reports in it, since convenient filling forms have been made. The interface is also made in the most comfortable style.

There is also a cash register tool, where all the functionality is implemented in the form of a table. Products are displayed on the left and can be sorted into folders. They are moved to the adjacent table, where the price and quantity are indicated. Then the results are summed up and the check is sent to print.

Goods and warehouse accounting

Another representative with an unlimited number of configurations - it all depends only on the wishes of the buyer. This assembly is one of them; it is distributed free of charge and is applicable to familiarization with the basic functionality, but for network operation, you will need to purchase a paid version. A program based on the ApeK platform has been developed.

There are a lot of plugins connected, which should be enough for retail and product tracking. Some functions may even seem superfluous to certain users, but this is not a big deal, since they are disabled and enabled in the designated menu.

Client Shop

Client Shop is a good retail tool. It allows you to always be aware of the status of the product, track all processes, draw up sales and purchase invoices, view directories and reports. The elements are divided into groups in the main window, and the control is convenient and there are tips that will help novice users figure it out.

This is not the whole list of programs that are suitable for owners of warehouses, shops and other similar businesses. They are good not only in retail, but also in performing other processes associated with working in such enterprises. Look for something that suits you individually, try the free version to see if the program is right for you or not, as they all differ in many ways.

On this page you can download the free warehouse software "Info-Enterprise". It differs from the paid versions in somewhat limited functionality, but it is quite suitable for novice entrepreneurs who are not yet ready to purchase a program for accounting. See below for what functions are disabled in it.

Advantage of using free accounting software the fact that you do not need to look for it, order it, purchase it. You just need to download it from the site. It is easy to install, easy to learn. Will not work - use the training videos! They are installed along with the program.


This is not a demo version, this is a complete working programm accounting for goods, but free. It does not contain any restrictions on work, including restrictions on time, date, number of documents, turnover volume, printing documents, etc. Its capabilities correspond to the documentation (except for the functions below).

If now you are keeping track of the goods in other programs, then you do not need to enter everything anew. You will be able to transfer directories from Excel. In addition, if you have installed such commodity accounting programs as "1C: Trade and Warehouse" or "1C: Trade Management", then you can transfer not only reference books, but also most of the entered documents.

What features are disabled in the free version

For accounting of goods, the program has all the functions! Disabled only those that small or start-up companies do not need:
  • The ability to work simultaneously for several users with common base data over the network.
  • Differentiation of user access rights to different data and areas of work.
  • Database administration tools: optimization tools, logging of user actions, etc.
  • You cannot program in the built-in language, modify existing and develop your own forms, reports, change the principles of work.
  • The free product accounting software cannot be integrated with our other products for complex enterprise automation.

You can compare the features of the free program and the paid versions in more detail at. If you still need any of the listed functions in your work, write to us by mail. If you are not alone in this desire, we will include it in one of the following versions.

She is constantly improving

Starting to work in the program now, later you will receive some new functions for accounting of goods and more convenience. She herself notifies about the release of new versions and offers to install them. Sometimes these versions contain legislative changes, for example, new forms of invoices, payment orders or any other documents.

By downloading the free warehouse program, you will be able to use limited technical support, which consists of consultations on the user forum. And by switching to one of the paid versions, you can already use all types of support, including " Hotline"And the" Remote Support "service. The paid version is possible after a year of free use.

In order for the store to work efficiently and be profitable, all work processes must be automated and controlled by the manager. But how to keep records competently and avoid cost overruns and theft? Let's figure it out in our article.

What is retail accounting

Retail accounting- this is the accounting of the movement (receipts, storage, sales) of goods in the store.

Purposes of accounting for goods in the store:

  • control the safety of goods;
  • control the sale of goods;
  • have accurate data on the balances, turnover of a particular product;
  • have accurate data on the financial result trading activities store.

Accounting for goods also includes:

  • management of stocks of goods on counters and in a store warehouse;
  • checking the correctness of the documents accompanying the goods;
  • the activities of the store personnel;
  • the correctness of the inventory;
  • write-off / posting of losses and surpluses;
  • control over pricing.

To prevent this, connect the Business.Ru Retail program. It allows you to automate the work of both a single store and the work of a chain of stores. Register sales quickly and easily and does not require an internet connection.

Record keeping of goods in retail

Conditionally, it can be divided into accounting for the receipt of goods, accounting for sales and accounting for storage of goods.

When goods arrive at the store, the material responsible person comes them on the basis of accompanying documents. These are consignment notes , invoices TORG-12, certificates, specifications, etc.

At the same time, the correctness of their filling and the compliance of the actual availability of the goods with documentary data at the time of receipt of goods and materials, as well as the quality of the goods and their safety for the health of buyers are checked.

In the event of a discrepancy between factual and documentary data in the required number of copies, an Act of discrepancy is drawn up in the form of TORG-2, which indicates all the inconsistencies found.

After acceptance, the documents, certified by the signature of the receiving person and the seal of the organization, are handed over to the accounting department to accept the goods on the account. After acceptance, the goods are sent for storage: to the warehouse of the store and to the sales areas.

Technologically, this process is divided into:

  • Acceptance of goods for storage;
  • Placement of goods;
  • Ensuring optimal storage conditions;
  • Control and maintenance of stored goods;
  • Sending goods for sale, replenishment of the stock of goods.

The storage of goods must be organized in accordance with all the rules and regulations that apply to this product. Should be optimal:

  • way of packing goods;
  • temperature regime;
  • air humidity condition;
  • commodity neighborhood (to avoid the influence of one product on another - mixing or transferring odors, moisture, etc.).

Commodity losses that periodically appear during storage - breakage, scrap, shrinkage, damage, etc. - written off in accordance with the norms of natural loss - if the losses are not caused by improper storage and lack of control over the goods.

Sales accounting in retail store carried out through breaking a check to the buyer for the purchased goods.

Disadvantages of manual store inventory

The main reason for all errors in the inventory of goods in the store is the human factor. Inconsistency in the actions of staff among themselves due to the lack or untimely receipt of information on the product, mistakes when breaking through a check, when posting goods and filling out documents, theft - these are problems that become a serious obstacle to the development of the store and making them profit.

By automating the inventory of goods in the store, the entrepreneur will be able to eliminate these problems, since it is the automation of accounting that makes it possible to control the movement of goods and the sales process in real time.

Professional automation of retail inventory. Organize your store

Take control of your sales and track indicators for cashiers, outlets and organizations in real time from any convenient location with an Internet connection. Form the needs of outlets and the purchase of goods in 3 clicks, print labels and price tags with a barcode, making life easier for yourself and your employees. Build a customer base using a ready-made loyalty system, use a flexible discount system to attract customers during off-peak hours. Work like a big store, but without the cost of specialists and server equipment today, starting to earn more tomorrow.

Store accounting automation

Advantages of automation of goods accounting:

  • helps to keep track of the movement of goods;
  • records the process of selling goods in the checkout area;
  • controls the remains of the goods;
  • helps to take inventory;
  • allows you to calculate the turnover of goods - based on the analysis of sales, it shows the demand for products;
  • helps to control netting with suppliers;
  • allows you to control the activities of store employees, recording all the operations performed by them;
  • shows financial results trading activities, the profitability of the enterprise.

Programs for accounting of goods / sales at a point of sale

A program for automated inventory of goods in a store should:

  • meet the tasks of the store;
  • cost in accordance with the functionality that it provides;
  • do not require a lot of time for installation and personnel training;
  • be easy to use;
  • have a clear and logical interface.

The online service Biznes.Ru was created for those who need a convenient and effective program for trade and warehouse management. In addition, a program has been developed to automate the cashier's workplace, Biznes.Ru Retail, specifically for accounting for sales in the store.