Reply letter to the application. Business letters

Letter of request Already from the title of this document it becomes obvious that it contains any request sent to the addressee. As a rule, the purpose of this document is to obtain certain information, goods or services that the author of the letter needs. This category of incoming documentation is drawn up on a letterhead and contains phrases such as: "We ask you to notify about ...", "We ask you to inform ...", "We ask you to take action ...", etc. In some cases, business paper may not contain a direct request, but only a wish. For example, "We hope for the consideration of the appeal ...". In this case, the document must also contain the appeal itself or a description of the situation requiring the adoption of certain measures. There are also situations when one request letter contains several requests. In this case, the design rules require that each of them be described in a separate paragraph.

Business letters

Your request and asked to provide. An offer that we hope will interest you. You. Best wishes and best wishes ... Dear! ... We gratefully acknowledge that we have received it. Your request from ...
(date). It is a pity, but we cannot satisfy. Your request due to the fact that all our products have already been sold. The current situation does not give us the opportunity to increase our production capacity today. Hope for understanding. We remain with respect. Dear Sirs! ...
Thanks for. Your request from (date). Unfortunately, we cannot satisfy on our own. Your request. The fact is that for many years our interests have been represented by (company name). Given the contractual obligations to this company, we cannot independently sell our products on the territory.
Your country. Please send a request to the address :. Sincerely..

Bad request

You will receive this product on the following conditions: plastic (name) in a package of discs in pieces; delivery: freight paid to the border; disc packaging: free; payment: irrevocable letter of credit. We will be grateful for. Your order. For our part, we promise service at any time. C. Appendix: sample in one copy. Dear Sirs! ...

We confirm receipt. Your request from (date) for the supply of (product name). There is no need to send samples because. You are very familiar with the quality of our products. With a timely order, we will be able to deliver. You (number) of items quarterly.

Pan (surname) from our company introduced. You with prices and delivery schedule. Your feedback has been positive, so we can start shipping after receiving your order. Best wishes and best wishes ... Dear Sirs! ...

In response to.

Reply to the letter of inquiry. reply letter

Sometimes, in response to a request, you can propose to change its conditions: quantity of goods, model, delivery time, etc. ... Dear Sirs! ... On the. Your request from (date), unfortunately, we have to inform you that we are not producing the desired one. You products. But we can offer. For you the catalog of our current assortment.

We would be very happy if. You have entered some of our products in. Your implementation program. If you are interested in this offer. We ask you to send us an answer. WITH. . Dear /. Answering to.


Your request for supplies (name of goods), we inform you that we can not supply products in the desired. You volume. By. We can only make a partial delivery for your order within days. In addition, we have temporarily stopped shipping because we have to complete pre-orders first.

Please inform urgently if you are satisfied. Our offer for you. WITH.

Punctuation in a business letter after the phrase "we inform the following"

The letter of answer with a positive decision is structured as follows:

  • repetition of the content of the request using stable language formulas, for example: Upon your request for the supply of spare parts to ... we inform ...; In response to your request for ... we send ...;
  • presentation of information upon request.

The refusal letter is structured as follows:

  • repetition of the content of the request (in a form similar to a letter with a positive decision);
  • a reasoned statement of the reason (or reasons) why the request cannot be granted or why the proposal cannot be accepted;
  • statement of refusal or rejection of the offer.

In a letter of rejection, it is especially important to use vocabulary that helps the sender of the letter to remain polite, concerned about maintaining the self-esteem of the recipient of such a letter.

How to issue a reply letter

In this case, each subsequent paragraph containing the petition should begin with the words "We also ask you to take action ...", "Along the way, we ask you to pay attention ...", "At the same time, we ask you to consider ...", etc. Request letter Perhaps, the request letter is the only document, the answer to which must be sent without fail. Despite the fact that letters-requests and letters-requests are very similar in style and content, the request has one distinctive feature that cannot be ignored. It is about the justification of the document. Letters of inquiry refer to service letters sent to the addressee in order to obtain certain information, documents and business papers. Such a document in correspondence is distinguished by the presence of justification, which is indicated by the author of the request.

In response to your letter, we inform


You cannot provide an offer for the supply of one or another product that the customer needs, be sure to send reasoned refusal:. Dear! ... Thank you. You for your inquiry from (date) and your interest in our products. It's a pity, but considering the needs modern market, we do not manufacture such goods.

We asked the gentleman (surname), with whom we are fruitfully cooperating, to convey the relevant proposals. We add an illustrated catalog in which are located detailed description goods that we produce. Please let us know who is interested. You are one of them, then we will be able to transfer the draft agreement, noting in.
Delivery time, cost, payment terms too. ... C. Dear Sirs! ... Thanks for the letter from (date). Unfortunately, we have to report. You that all manufactured products are exported by the company (name).
We sent there.

Response to a request for information

A number of situations, such as situations of refusal, delay in a positive decision, disagreement, involves the use of words expressing regret at the beginning of the key phrase, for example: Regretfully forced to report the impossibility of satisfying your request ...; Unfortunately, we cannot agree to your terms ...; To our deep regret, problems with ... do not allow us to take advantage of your offer in the near future ... etc. When responding to a commercial request, the seller, if he can immediately satisfy the buyer's request and deliver the goods, sends an offer (offer).

In response to your request, we inform you the following

Previous CONTENT Next 718 Letter - a response to a request A letter of request will undoubtedly disdain the answer: you can report that you are studying the received request, send catalogs, price lists, offer to change the conditions specified in the request, refuse to supply tons of goods or other request. So, if you are interested in the supply of this product, then in response to the request, an offer is sent. Offer is a written offer for the supply of goods, which the seller makes to the buyer. It expresses the desire or readiness to conclude a sales contract on the terms set out in proposal 33.

For instance: . Dear Sirs! ... We acknowledge receipt with gratitude. Of your request and send the sample (product name) that interests you. You. We can offer.
Banks often remind clients of debts or new lending terms. You can send information about vacancies and a notice of employment to the person you would like to see in your team. Some messages must be received by the company's employees in writing. This is information about disciplinary action and a reduction warning. Partners usually receive new proposals, complaints and apologies. 4 A business letter must contain certain details, so it is better to develop forms right away. The completed form can be sent by e-mail as an attachment or print and send by regular mail, regular or registered mail. At the top should be the name of your company, or even better - the logo.

  • A positive answer should be as detailed as possible,
  • and the negative one is justified and extremely correct.

In addition, if a request is refused, it is good practice to inform the author of the information about the circumstances under which the answer can become positive. In any case, the reply letter should be written in the most polite manner possible. It is advisable to avoid empty unsubscriptions and even in the absence of the necessary information, the answer should be written with restraint, polite and respectful towards the author of the request.

Rudeness, exactly as it is known false information completely unacceptable. How to write a response to a request The form for filing and responding to a letter of request can play a decisive role in relations between organizations. That is why its compilation should be treated very carefully, adhering to certain rules.

In response to your request, we provide the following sample

Reply letter (sample) Requisites of the reply letter Help This category of letters contains the same requisites as any other service letters. The main details include:

  1. name of company;
  2. reference data about the organization;
  3. organization code;
  4. the main state registration number (OGRN) of the legal entity;
  5. taxpayer identification number / registration reason code;
  6. date;
  7. registration number;
  8. reference to the registration number and date of the incoming document;
  9. destination;
  10. heading to the text (when composing a letter on A4 form);
  11. signature.

It is important to understand that any reply letter must contain the number of the document in which the request was sent and its date. In this case, the response letter is signed by the employee in whose name the request was sent.

4.88/5 (8)

Sample response letters

ATTENTION! View the completed sample response to an information request:

You can DOWNLOAD sample letters-responses to a request for information by following the links below:

How to draw up a document correctly

The response to a request for specific data is composed as follows:

  • Letter cap. Located in the upper right corner (sometimes in the upper left). Here the full details of the company that sends a response to the request are written: full name, TIN, KPP, OKPO, legal address, location, contact phone number, email;
  • In the opposite upper corner, the data of the person who sent the request is indicated. If this is a legal entity, then the above details and a contact person acting on the basis of the charter or power of attorney are also registered;
  • In the journal of outgoing correspondence, you need to make a note about who and when the response was sent. The subject of the letter is indicated at the discretion of the person entering the data in the journal;
  • Further, in the middle, we write an appeal. For example, "Dear Sergey Petrovich".

The compilation of the main part of the document will depend on the type of decision taken:

  • If the answer is positive about the provision of information upon request - the number or details of the letter that was received from the applicant, the essence of the appeal and the information itself, in connection with the need to obtain which the request was made;
  • In case of refusal, a brief essence of the appeal is also indicated, and after - the very fact of a negative decision and the reasons for refusal.

If documents or extracts from them were requested, then the reply letter may contain attachments on several sheets (containing such documents). Date and signature are added at the end general director companies with decryption and seal.

The answer to the request is prepared and sent only by the employee (representative) of the company, in whose name the request was written.

Exceptions are cases:

  • Employee illness;
  • Vacation;
  • Dismissal;
  • Business trip;
  • The absence of an employee at the workplace for another reason.

In such a situation, the answer is made by the one who replaces him. It is recommended to use the “mirroring” technique in response to the request letter, ie. use in the text the same stylistic devices, turns of speech, metaphors, terminology, etc.

Compliance with this condition is permissible only if the request is made correctly. It is inappropriate to respond to the received letter with the same errors and shortcomings. In addition, it is incorrect to point out the person who is contacting you about his mistakes. This is a rule of thumb.

Try to correctly express your thoughts in the letter. It should be as short as possible, but succinct. Business style statement of the essence is required. Try to address the applicant as politely and discreetly as possible. Avoid unnecessary phrases that do not make sense and are not related to the essence of the address.

Attention! The answer to the request, under no circumstances, should contain rudeness and false information.

What types of response letters are there, and what are their features

In practice, there are several types of responses to requests for information.

They are divided into two groups:

  • A positive response with the provision of the requested data - the applicant is informed about the decision made and the information he requested is provided;
  • No answer - the applicant is presented with a reasoned refusal with a detailed indication of the reasons for the decision.

The difference between these two categories of answers is their content. For example, in case of a positive decision, not only a complete answer to the question asked is given, but also all information on the essence of the requested information fits in as much as possible. As a result, having received such an answer, the applicant should be completely satisfied with it without unnecessary additional questions.

The main feature, as well as the difference between these types of letter-response to a request for information, lies in its content. So, when composing a positive letter, it is necessary to give the most complete and exhaustive answer to the question posed.

Ultimately, the requesting organization should not have any questions on the merits of the information provided. When forming a negative response to a request, on the contrary, a bias is made to the motivating part of it, since the requested information for one reason or another will not be provided.

If there is such a possibility, then in a negative decision, give an indication to the applicant of the addresses where he should apply to obtain the requested data.

Watch the video. In what form should the documents be submitted at the request of the tax authorities?

How to prepare a response letter correctly

The response form can be:

  • Handwritten. Relevant when a letter requesting certain information is also handwritten;
  • In the printed version. This form saves time and makes the letter understandable (the reader does not have to understand the intricacies and peculiarities of your handwriting)

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any questions.

The response letter is drawn up either on a white, blank A4 sheet, or on the company letterhead. The last option looks more solid and is processed faster (time is not wasted on driving in the details of the company).

At the end of the letter-response to the request, there must be a signature responsible person or director. The requirement to have a seal for such letters expired back in 2016.

The letter contains the date of signing and a serial number is assigned, by which it can be identified in the journal of outgoing correspondence in case of loss or a disputable situation.

Such logs contain all information about outgoing correspondence. Entering letters in them is a mandatory rule of any organization. This is necessary so that in the event of a dispute, you can quickly raise all the information about the correspondence.

Document flow rules for all companies are practically the same. In most cases, the response to the request is formed in a single copy, but there are times when the organization insures itself and leaves a copy of the response sent.

Another important rule is sending a letter of receipt. After the issuance of correspondence to the applicant, you will receive a notification indicating who, when and on what grounds received your letter.

How to send a document to a recipient

The methods for sending a written response to a request can be any:

  • mail;
  • Courier;
  • Fax;
  • Email;
  • handing in personally.

During the conduct economic activity the company is faced with the need to carry out correspondence with various counterparties - from ordinary customers to large business partners.

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One of the types of business documents is a letter of request for the provision of any data and a response to it, drawn up in accordance with the following rules.

In what cases is it necessary

Here is a list of the most common cases when composing an answer is necessary:

Request received from

A comment

Government department For example, from the Federal Tax Service on reporting
Supplier of goods or materials If the supplier asked the purchaser to clarify the list of goods or materials for which the order is being made
Buyer For example, if the buyer sent a request about the possibility / impossibility of delivery of the goods to him at a certain date or time
Judicial authority When the court asks for the evidence base
Other natural or legal person For example, when an individual requests information about the possibility of getting a job in an organization for a certain vacancy

What types are possible

Conventionally, a letter-response to a request can be divided into 2 main types:

The main difference between these types of letters is their content.

So, if the letter contains a positive answer, its text will contain the most complete and exhaustive answer to the question raised in the request (with references to legal acts, if necessary).

Ultimately, the contacting counterparty should not have any questions if the answer was really given in substance and in full.

A negative answer is shorter, but it must also contain a reasoned formulation, including not only the reasons for refusal, but also a list of reasons. Also, the negative letter should contain the conditions under which the organization that made the request will still be able to obtain the necessary information.

How to draw up and sample it correctly

Before composing a response, the applicant should be informed of any in a convenient way about the receipt of a request for the contacts specified in it (request) - by phone, e-mail or in any other way.

Registration is made:

  • or on the company letterhead provided for answering inquiries;
  • or in free form.

The letterhead, as a rule, already contains in the “heading” the name of the organization giving the answer, its legal address, the telephone number of the head and the fields for stating the outgoing number of the document and the date of its preparation.

With free form, all fields will have to be formed independently, namely:
  1. "Cap".

At the top left, you must write the full name of the company giving the answer, indicating the organizational and legal form, address of location, contact phone number, date and number of the outgoing document, as well as its name - “Reply to the letter-request (letter number) from (date of registration of the request ) ”.

In the upper right corner is the position and full name official to whom the reply is sent, and the name of the organization to which it is being sent.

  1. Appeal to an official.

An appeal to the person to whom the answer is sent is written in the center. For example, “Dear Marina Sergeevna”.

  1. The "body" of the letter.
  1. List of applications.

If, in response to a request, it is required to provide the applicant with copies of any documents, their list should be indicated.

  1. Signature, transcript of the signature of the director of the organization that gave the answer.


The positive wording of the answer should contain:

  • details of the request itself (date and number of its registration);
  • a few words about the request (the main point);
  • directly the answer itself.

For example, when a customer asks for a quote for a product, you might respond as follows:

“In response to your request dated November 18, 2017 No. 05-03 / 273 to provide a price list for a new collection of shoes“MaxStyle", We send to your address the current price list (see the appendix on 5 sheets)".


If the answer is negative, the wording text should contain:

  • as with a positive answer - details and brief essence the request made;
  • the reason on which the request is rejected;
  • justification of the reason (with reference to federal or local regulations).

Delivery methods

It is better to send the answer in the manner indicated by the applicant in the request.

If no method is specified, the response can be sent by fax or email.

If the response letter contains extremely valuable information or originals of any documents, it is preferable to use the services of the Russian Post by sending ordered letter with a list of attachments.

Will there be an answer

The organization or citizen who made the request may not respond to the response letter, since the response letter does not contain any requirements, requests or requests. Although nothing prevents the applicant from thanking the organization that gave the answer, in writing or by phone, for the information provided.


There are peculiarities of filling out and sending official responses to inquiries in specific situations.

In English

If the organization interacts with foreign partners, it may be necessary to conduct business correspondence in English.

In this case, standard cliché phrases are required:

About the provision of documents

The request for the provision of documents must contain:

  • a list of the requested documentation with an indication of the number of required copies;
  • information about payment for the provision of copies (if payment is required);
  • applicant's address where the documentation will be sent;
  • link to normative act, containing the right (or obligation) of the person to whom the request is sent to issue any documents.

The wording of the answer is standard - if the applicant has the right to receive the papers, the organization will send a positive answer, otherwise - negative.

The response letter is written in a free form and has much in common with a reference. The page provides an opportunity to download a sample of the discussed paper for free.

A written request requires a reasoned detailed response from the addressee. The letter-response is the one required document, which is worth writing in such cases. The message is written in free form and has much in common with the help. The information sheet contains a limited scope of the narrative and should only answer the question posed in the requirement. An answer letter is easy to write even to an inexperienced person, having a computer and a printer at hand. The page of this resource provides an opportunity to download and apply in life a sample of the discussed paper for free.

Let's consider the main features included in the concept of a letter-response. The meaning of the response is business communication contractors. An excellent way of resolving problems out of court allows you to save significant money and time for participants in legal relations.

The legitimacy of communication lies in a paper medium compiled in accordance with all the rules of office work and having a genuine management visa. E-mail is an unreliable option for evidence in court.

  • The address and name of the institution to whom the response letter is sent;
  • Own data of the author, contact numbers;
  • Number, date and title of the narration;
  • A summary of the request to which the response letter is being prepared;
  • Clear and specific answers to the questions posed. You don't need to write too much;
  • A respectful tone is encouraged, but strictness is also important;
  • Fixation of the executor of the paper, signature and transcript of the head, seal of the institution.

It is best to give the reply letter personally to the addressee. In return, you need to get a receipt for the second copy. If it is not possible to send a personal response letter, you need to use postal services by sending a document with a notification and a list of attachments. The available sample and a set of other forms and examples on the site will help you draw up the desired appeal on your own. Most templates have the simplest format and can be easily edited in Microsoft Word. Enjoy your use.

Date: 2015-11-04

50 golden rules of business correspondence checklist

The letter that you send on your behalf (or on behalf of your company) is the “point of contact” that forms the impression. So think for yourself what impression you want to form about yourself, and what you are doing for this.

This article has been asking for a while. And the more often in our work we come across projects on business correspondence (for example, the development of standard letter templates), we understand that very few people and companies pay attention to (seemingly) little things that have sad consequences.

We'll talk about printed ones.

Business correspondence

A response letter is a service letter that is drawn up as a response to a letter of inquiry or letter of request. The answer can be negative (letter of refusal) or positive.

In the text of the response letter, the same language phrases and vocabulary should be used that the author used in the initiative letter, provided that the letter of request was composed linguistically correctly.

You should not include in the text of the response letter a link to the received ("To yours from _______ No.__ ...").

Business letters

The letter-response acts as a composition-dependent text in relation to the letter-request.

In a rejection letter, it is especially important to use vocabulary that helps the sender to remain polite, taking care of the recipient's self-esteem.

How to write a response letter?

A response letter is a business letter that is drawn up in response to an official request or letter of request. Such a letter can contain both a positive and a negative decision (in this case, it is a letter of refusal).

In case of receiving a letter of request or request, it is necessary to give an official answer as soon as possible. Procrastination can, in the first place, make your organization look bad and give your partners or clients a reason to consider you an unreliable partner.

How do I start a letter?

When writing a letter, the main difficulties are often caused by its beginning and ending. In the latter case, the article How to end a letter will help you. Well, we'll talk about how to start a letter in this article.

The beginning of any letter depends entirely on its type: official, love, one or another letter to foreign language... It does not matter whether it is paper or electronic, we will only clarify that we will be talking about the first phrases after the appeal, since there is already a separate article about how to contact us.

If you follow the accepted terminology, then business letters are classified as official.

How to carry out a sale and purchase transaction

In any state, the procedure for processing various transactions is regulated by the appropriate legal documents... All purchase and sale transactions are carried out by drawing up a special agreement. Depending on how correctly this agreement is drawn up, the outcome of the transaction will depend, and subsequently the resolution of issues and conflicts that have arisen in the performance of obligations under such an agreement.

Remember that a sales contract is an agreement under which the seller transfers some product, and the buyer acquires the right to own this product, and also undertakes to accept the item specified in the contract, paying a certain amount of money.

Next, we will consider how to carry out a sale and purchase transaction, for which the drawing up of an agreement is not required, and all actions related to the receipt and transfer of such goods are carried out at the time of the transaction.

How to reply to an official letter

This list of goods is uniform throughout the territory. The name of the organization has considered your application from.

and cannot be expanded. Cover letters. Considering the above, your request cannot be satisfied. The cover letter is usually drawn up on an A5 form. as well as. which we ask you to consider it an integral part. Your application for the privatization of the bakery cannot be accepted, since the property of this enterprise included in the list of objects not subject to privatization.

We inform you that your company cannot act as a buyer in accordance with the article of the law.

How to reply to official letters

The letter of inquiry, no doubt, disdains the answer: you can report that you are studying the received inquiry, send catalogs, price lists, propose to change the conditions specified in the inquiry, refuse to supply the goods or other request.

An offer is a written offer for the supply of goods, which the seller makes to the buyer.It expresses the desire or readiness to conclude a sale and purchase agreement

Deadline for reply to official letters


Expressions of speech etiquette
Okay. In response to an invitation; accompanied by words of gratitude (thanks, good)
You are welcome. More often in response to a polite request (like: - If it's not difficult for you, bring me a book, please. - Please.)
OK. Consent is unconstrained
Now. This minute (minute) Consent to do something immediately.
I will do, write, bring, etc. Often accompanied by the word "good" (Okay, I'll do it. Okay, I'll write it.)
Let's). Let's go (- those), etc. Let's (- those) let's go. Went. In response to an invitation to do something or go together (like: - Let's sing. - Let's. - Let's go to the cinema. - Let's go.)
With great pleasure. With joy. Willingly. With a touch of desire
Mandatory + 1st person bud. time (come and do it). Do not hesitate. Do not worry (- repent). What doubts there can be! You can be calm (you can be calm) You can be sure (you can be sure). You can count on me. In response to a request, be sure to do something (like: - Do not forget to bring me this book on Tuesday. - Absolutely. Do not hesitate.)
(I do not mind. (I) do not mind (this) I am ready. To a request, an invitation (like: - You don't mind ... - I don't mind.)
I do not mind! I am for! Relaxed
I agree. Yes. Certainly. When asked about the desire, consent to do something (like: - Do you agree to make a presentation at the department? - Agree. Of course.)
Still would! When asked about the desire to do something (like: - Do you want to sleep for this performance? - You bet!)
Deal! Resolved! During preliminary negotiations (like: - Shall we go to the cinema today? - And what time? - And what time? - Agreed.)
So be it. We'll have to + (give, etc.) With a tinge of concession, unwillingness to do anything (like: - Well, give me this magazine at least for a few days. - So be it.) Unconstrained.
Well, what can you do (you can do it, you can do it), you have to + inf. (do, etc.)



Expressions of speech etiquette Use situation and comments
(I can not. There's no way I can. No I can not. Unfortunately ... Unfortunately ... The most common forms of refusal are: Please go to the store. - I can't, unfortunately, I'm very busy right now
I would love to ... but I can't. I would love to ... but I can't. I would like to ... but I can't. I am uncomfortable with refusing ... but ... I would like to ... but ... I would like to ... but ... I'm sorry, but ... I'm sorry, but ... Refusal regret: Can you lend me 20 rubles? - I would love to, but I can't until the scholarship.
I refuse (to do anything). Official categorical refusal.
I cannot (do anything). I am powerless + inf. Not in my power + inf. Refusal to request help are stylistically elevated statements: Help me prepare for my exams! “I cannot help you with this. (I cannot prepare you for the exams.)
It is forbidden. No. No. Unfortunately, you can't. Unfortunately, I cannot resolve. I would allow, but ... Forbidding to do anything: Can I borrow this book from you? - Unfortunately, I cannot permit it, it belongs to a colleague.
Of course not. Certainly not. (I) do not allow ... I forbid ... I cannot allow ... I have to forbid (not allow, refuse) ... Categorical refusal or prohibition: May I read your diary? - Of course you can't. I do not allow this to be done. I cannot be allowed to read my diary.
In no case! Never! Under no circumstances! It's out of the question! This is absolutely out of the question! No no and one more time no! Emotionally expressive categorical prohibition:

Topic 7. Consent / disagreement with the opinion of the interlocutor

Expressions of speech etiquette Use situation and comments
Oh yeah! You're right. I quite agree with you. I totally agree with you. This is exactly what I wanted to say. Without any doubt. Sounds believable. I thought so. Very reasonable. Certainly. Exactly. That's it. Deal. Don't go on. All clear. I assumed so. I am afraid that it is so. Hope it is (and it will). This seems to be the case. It looks like it will (and it will). It is likely (possibly). All the better! The most common forms of consent with the opinion of the interlocutor
I quite agree with you. I totally agree with you. Basically, I agree with you ... In some points I agree with you ... In some things I agree with you ... This point does not cause our objections. I fully share your point of view on ... My view completely coincides with yours. On the whole, your conditions are acceptable to me. Formal consent forms
No and no. I cannot agree with you. You're wrong. I have a different opinion. This is where you are just wrong. Of course not. Not at all. It's out of the question. Quite the opposite is true. I'm against. This is unknown to me. I'm not to judge. Well, here you are again for your own! God forbid! You are unfair. Nothing like this. It won't do It can't be! The most common forms of disagreement with the opinion of the interlocutor
I am afraid that you have missed the main point of what I wanted to say. This is not exactly what I had in mind. I cannot agree with you. Our point of view is somewhat at odds with yours. We see the solution to this problem in a slightly different light. We appreciate your efforts, but unfortunately we cannot accept the offer. This point of view seems to me convincing, however (nevertheless / meanwhile) ... I have an objection ... Formal forms of dissent
Yes? Really? It's true? Do you really believe that ... I doubt that ... Unlikely that ... I highly doubt that. Are you serious? Sounds tempting, but ... Sounds incredible, but ... Anything happens. You are joking. I can't make up my mind. I doubt. Unlikely. And you want me to believe it? I would not say. You know better. To some extent. I'm not sure. (It's hard for me to say. Well, well ... Yes and no. Are you sure? Is this all really so?

How I wish ...

The most common forms of doubt about what the interlocutor has to say
Do you really believe that ... I would really ask you to clarify ... because I have exactly the opposite information about this. I have not yet formed a final opinion on this matter. It seems to me that this solution is somewhat premature. Formal forms of expressing doubt about the point of view of the interlocutor.

Appendix 4


Thank you for your letter from ... In response, we inform ...

In addition to our letter from ... this year. we inform you that ...

In response to your letter, we inform you that ... In confirmation of our telephone conversation held ... this year, we inform that ...

In confirmation of our telegram from ... we inform you that ...

In connection with your letter from ... we inform you that, to our regret ...

We express our satisfaction with the prompt response to our inquiry.

Unfortunately, we still have not received your reply to our letter from ... and we have to remind you (ask you) about ...

We would like to inform you that ...

We thank you (are grateful to you) for the service provided (help, support).

We have to notify you (remind you) ...

We are extremely surprised by your letter from ... in which you inform that ...

We received your letter from ... this year, from which we learned with pleasure that ...

We have received your letter from ... along with the documents attached to it.

We regret (express regret) your refusal (silence) ...

We were surprised to learn from your telegram that ...

We hereby remind (inform) once again that ...

We hereby confirm that we have received your letter from ... this year. and inform you that ...

We acknowledge receipt of your letter from ... with all attachments.

At your request, we send you ...

Please accept our apologies for ...

We take note of your letter from ... and inform you that ...

We ask you to excuse us for the delay in responding to your letter ...

We inform you ... We inform you ...

Examples of phrases that can form the basis of a business letter

Your order will be executed if you ...

Your request (proposal) is pending. Upon receipt of the results of the examination, we will inform you immediately.

Your proposal will be accepted with pleasure (gratitude) if you agree to make changes ...

Your request for ... is granted ...

In response to your letter from ... we inform you that your request for delivery ... has been resolved positively.

In response to your request (order), we regret to inform (have to inform) that we are unable to fulfill it (cannot) due to the following circumstances.

Unfortunately, your request cannot be granted for the following reasons.

Unfortunately, we have to reject your offer. We need more information about ...

We hereby ask you to inform us about the timing ...

We hereby inform you that your proposal has been accepted ...

We are asking you to send ...

We ask you to inform us about ...

Please inform us about your decision on the issue ...

Please inform us about the acceptability of our proposal for ...

We ask you to expedite the fulfillment of your obligations under ...

Samples of turnover-clips

Moreover …

You undoubtedly (obviously) know ...

In view of the above (above), it should (we want, we must, we need to) add (notice, mark) ...

In addition to the above (stated, noted above) we inform ...

Finally ….

To avoid delay ...

In response to your reproach, we would like to inform you that ...

Firstly Secondly …

First of all …

Otherwise, we are forced to ...

In our defense, we want to inform ...

In connection with the above ...

In connection with your request ...

In the current situation ...

In accordance with your request (attached documents) ...

We express regret (doubt, bewilderment, satisfaction) ...

The fact is that …

Moreover …

Besides …

We express our confidence ...

We are having trouble with ...

We disagree with your point of view for the following reasons ...

We recognize ...

We are quite sure ...

We regret …

We would also buy from you ...

It is necessary (should, it is necessary) to recognize ...

Draw your attention to …

Summing up (concluding, summarizing, summarizing) ...

We confirm receipt ...

Besides …

In our opinion ...

Deliveries will be made (carried out) ...

It goes without saying ...

It should (necessary, necessary, necessary, want to, consider it necessary) to add (note, notice) ...

In this way, …

Nevertheless (despite) ...

In fact ...

As for your request (remark), we draw your attention to the fact that ...

Examples of letter endings (without a welcome conclusion or courtesy formula)

Thank you in advance for your service.

In the hope of a favorable (positive) solution to our question.

In the hope of a fruitful cooperation.

We would be grateful for a quick response.

We expect your reply in the coming days.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hope to get a response in the near future and thanks in advance.

We hope that you will comply with our request.

We are waiting for your orders (your approval, consent, confirmation).

We ask you to inform us about the measures you have taken.

We ask you to confirm receipt of the letter.

We ask you to inform us.

We ask you to confirm receipt of the order and give it due attention. Please write to us about your decision on this issue.

Please contact us if you need help (assistance).

Please inform us about your consent.

We kindly ask you not to delay your reply.

"All books" to the section "content of Chapters: 57 Chapters:< 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

The letter-response is one of the types of business documents. Its compilation is due to the need to give some answer to the previously received initiative letter. At the same time, there are two types of answers: positive and negative. A letter containing a negative answer is sometimes called a rejection letter.

As a rule, a response letter is drawn up by analogy with an initiative letter, that is, it uses the same vocabulary and similar speech patterns. Of course, this rule applies only if the source was compiled correctly, in accordance with the requirements business correspondence... In most cases, when creating this type of letter, letterhead the compiling organization.


Most often in the response letter such phrases are used as “Thank you for your interesting proposal”, “We confirm our readiness for ...”, “We express our consent to…” or “Unfortunately, we are not ready for… at the present time.”

The date and number of the initiative letter must be indicated in the registration number of the response. This requirement is imperative because it helps you streamline inbound and outbound business correspondence. It is not recommended to include this information directly in the body of the letter. A violation of the rules for composing a response letter will be the following phrase "In response to your letter, number ... from ... we inform ...".

When drawing up a letter of refusal, you must indicate its reason. Unreasonable refusal is a manifestation of disrespect for the recipient. Therefore, such a letter should be started with the phrase "In connection with ...". If the originator of the refusal letter has information about who, when, in what case and under what conditions a positive answer can be given to the original letter containing the request or request, it is recommended to set out this information in the refusal.

At the end of the letter of refusal, the signature of the originator is put. In most cases, the letter is signed by a manager or other authorized person. It will not be superfluous to also indicate the contact details of the originator, so that, if necessary, the recipient could contact this person and obtain additional information.

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