Hexagram 5 interpretation from different aspects. Awareness positions

Wait, wait; pay attention to what is needed; wait for the right moment; participate in the sacrifice.


Xu (The Need to Wait): take care, look after, serve; provide the necessary; wait, hesitate, doubt; have patience and focus; wait out the rain. The hieroglyph depicts rain and a sign denoting both a stop and a source. This implies the need for waiting.

Figurative row

For the possessor of truth - the original accomplishment.
Fortitude is for happiness.
Favorable ford across the great river.

This is the time to wait and explore. Find out what is required in this situation. Wait for the right moment for action. The connection with the spirits (initial fulfillment) will ensure success. The path is open (happiness). Will come soon the right time to step into the river of life with a goal, to start a project or to found a company. Take the time to assess events, carefully carry out all current affairs. Sharing food and drink with other people is in harmony with the spirit of this time. This is not the time to step forward, advocate principles, or climb mountain peaks. The situation is full of wholesome rest, peace of mind, contentment and harmony. Have patience. Expectation can lead to fame and great achievement.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Water and Sky

Inner focus confronts outer danger through watchful anticipation.

Hidden opportunity:

The expectation contains latent opportunity resolution of internal conflicts.


The immature needs nourishment and support. This realization implies the need to wait.


Waiting means no performance.


Clouds cover the sky. Expectation.
The noble person eats and drinks for relaxation and joy.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Waiting on the outskirts.
Constancy of activity is favorable.
There will be no abuse.

The wait precedes the start of the action. This is the threshold of cognition, when constancy in the assimilation of the past is necessary. Nobody can accuse you of being slow.

Second nine

Waiting on the coastal sand.
Minor conversations ahead.
In the end, happiness.

Waiting on the shore reflects inner doubts and the struggle between old and new. You are surrounded by insignificant people and insignificant conversations. Adapt to this. Wait out the situation and the path will be open (happiness).

Nine third

Waiting in mud.
The arrival of the robbers is approaching.

You have taken a step forward and are now in danger. Vulnerability allows inertia and gloom (robbers) to gain an advantage over you. You still have time to ponder this warning.

Six fourth

Waiting in the blood.
Exit from the cave.

The tension is growing to such an extent that it can only be expressed in the image of a bloody battle. The way out of the situation can be compared to the way out of the cave; from darkness to the light of awareness.

Nine fifth

Waiting for wine and food.
Fortitude is for happiness.

Overcoming the crisis is replaced by a period of rest. Feasting with others reduces waiting times. Peace of mind comes with experience. The path is open (happiness). The worthy is separated from the unworthy.

Upstairs six

You will enter the cave.
There will be three leisurely guests arriving.
Honor them - in the end there will be happiness.


Wait, wait; pay attention to what is needed; wait for the right moment; participate in the sacrifice.

Figurative row
For the possessor of truth - the original accomplishment.
Fortitude is for happiness.
Favorable ford across the great river.

This is the time to wait and explore. Find out what is required in this situation. Wait for the right moment for action. The connection with the spirits (initial fulfillment) will ensure success. The path is open (happiness). The time will soon be right to step into the river of life with your purpose, start a project or start a business.

Take the time to assess events, carefully carry out all current affairs. Sharing food and drink with other people is in harmony with the spirit of this time. This is not the time to step forward, advocate principles, or climb mountain peaks.

The situation is saturated with wholesome relaxation, peace of mind, contentment and harmony. Have patience. Expectation can lead to fame and great achievement.


  1. The full moon means the prospect of a very successful career.
  2. The gate means that the sky always leaves the door open.
  3. A man holding on to the tail of a dragon means "trying to achieve success by holding on to the great master's coattails."
  4. The Registrar Monk means that you will be guided by a distinguished person.
  5. The grave means twelve is a lucky number.
Expectation. If you are sincere, great success will come. Fortitude is for happiness. Auspicious time to cross the great river.
  1. This is the hexagram of August. It is good for spring and winter.
  2. Water (upper trigram) evaporates and becomes clouds in the sky. The peasant is waiting for the clouds to turn into rain. But this takes time.

the sky covered with clouds.
Symbol: the clouds are gathering, but it is not raining.

Explanation of individual Yao according to Zhou-gun

The first yao.

Initial nine. Waiting in the meadow. It's good to continue with what you currently have. This is the correct approach.
  1. Wait a bit, because the right time has not come yet.
  2. Set aside your newly conceived plan.
  3. Your partner is in trouble, he or she cannot give you what you ask for.
Second Yao.
Nine is the second. Waiting on the sand by the river. Unpleasant gossip started. In the end there will be luck.
  1. Your friend may be in trouble; don't get caught up in it.
  2. When pure-hearted selflessness is visible, the whole world will step aside to let you pass.
  3. Take it easy. Don't get involved in litigation.
Third yao.
Nine third. Waiting in the mud, the enemy is coming.
  1. You meet general opposition because of your carelessness.
  2. If you don't take care of yourself, you will face poverty and your girlfriend has found a new love.
Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. Waiting in the blood. Try to get out of the hole.
  1. Don't try to use violence.
  2. The situation is very dangerous. We must stand still and let fate choose its course.
  3. The patient needs surgery.
Fifth Yao.
Nine fifth. Waiting for food and drink. Persistent will get good luck.
  1. Wait for the good news calmly.
  2. Good food is not a luxury for you now.
  3. You will recover from the disease.
Sixth Yao.
Top six. Falling into the pit. Three unexpected guests appear. Entertain them, and in the end there will be good luck.
  1. The wait is over. To move forward in this situation, you need to take precautions.
  2. If we are three of us, at least one of the other two is good enough to become my teacher in some area.
  3. Three years of hard work will be crowned with success.

General interpretation of the hexagram according to Yu. Shutsky.

In the process of development of the underdeveloped, it is with particular force that the need for planning and endurance appears with particular force, i.e. "the need to wait". And about self-education - one of the types of education in general - Myn-chzy gives the following parable:

"It is necessary [all the time] to work [on oneself], but not [to count on] immediate success. Let consciousness not forget about this matter, and not" help growth. " was depressed that his seedlings did not grow, and began to pull them out.

Having worked so hard, he returned home and said to his family: "How tired I am today! I helped the seedlings to grow." His son ran to look at the seedlings, and they had already dried up. Few people in the world do not "help" to grow like this.

However, this does not mean passive expectation of favorable circumstances, but, on the contrary, the most active preparatory activity: the lower trigram is "creativity", which is still concentrated inside and has not yet manifested itself outside, because it is surrounded by fog and clouds (the upper trigram is the outside world - water).

If each event has its own cause, then by correctly creating the causes of future events, we prepare for their correct implementation. By creating the truth now, its realization can be left to the future, when it manifests itself by itself. Therefore, at this stage, “possession” is essential, and then its “brilliance”, its obviousness will develop by itself.

With such a distribution of activity, the "need to wait" itself acquires a slightly different meaning, and it is here that it is appropriate to indicate its final result, to the opportunity to undertake a major and serious business - to cross the great river - through the entire stream of human life in order to fruitfully achieve the highest ideal of human perfection ...

This image finds support in the hexagram itself: with all the fullness of the inner forces of creativity, courage and clarity in front of the dangerous water abyss of the environment - and decisively move into it.

These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows: The need to wait. Possess the truth. Then its brilliance will develop, and fortitude will be for happiness. Favorable ford across the great river.

The first mentions of fortune telling from the Book of Changes are found back in 672 BC. But to this day, in any Chinese family, they use the interpretation of the I Ching in various everyday situations. The basis of fortune telling is tossing three coins. If two or three coins lay heads up, then the questioner draws a solid line on the paper. If tails, then intermittent. So, for the fortuneteller, hexagamma 5 fell out. This means that the waiting time has come.

Translated from Chinese "Xu" (this is how this hexagram is called) means "the need to wait". Other meanings of the symbol are care, anticipation, slowness, doubt, concentration, the need to have patience. It's like waiting out the rain. It is the rain and the sign denoting a stop that hexagram 5 depicts. There is a classic and modern interpretation of the hexagram. Moreover, any of them should be perceived not only logically, but also to connect sensory perception, taking into account what associations the interpretation evokes personally for the one who turns to the Book of Changes. This is her secret, that for different people one and the same text will have a completely different meaning and a presumed scenario. If you follow the recommendations received, you can find the best way to solve the problem.

The meaning of the i-ching of the hexagram advises the fortuneteller to wait for the right moment for active actions, which have no place now. Very soon the time will come when you need to gather all your strength and plunge into the full-flowing river of life, to start realizing your plans. Assertiveness and hasty actions now can only do much harm. At the moment, it is necessary to carefully carry out current affairs and responsibilities, to think over and evaluate everything planned, to study the situation. If you do this properly, help and support will come even faster. The given time you can devote to communication with friends, to share food and drink with them, which just corresponds to the spirit of this period, saturated good rest, pacification, tranquility and harmony. After some time, a certain person will appear - he will provide such assistance, which previously could not be counted on. Perhaps a sudden improvement in financial situation and the emergence of feelings for a person older than the fortuneteller. The interpretation advises not to show this interest too much. The Chinese hexagram recommends to be patient: waiting can lead to glory and grandiose deeds. In general, the situation is favorable for a fortuneteller.

How to apply this interpretation to a particular situation in life? For example, in business, when a project is just emerging, it is necessary to attract investments for its implementation. Obsession with the idea and the upcoming prospects from its implementation do not give rest day or night. But doubts also have a place in life. To somehow clarify the situation, a person turns to the Book of Changes with the question "Is the idea destined to be realized?", And he gets hexagram 5. How to compare its interpretation with events in life? First of all, the hexagram advises to wait, not to rush and plan, act prudently, but not abandoning your goal.

Help will come - you just have to wait: the more serious the business, the longer the wait will be. And only after that will the time come for decisive actions that will lead to glory and grandiose deeds. It is worth double-checking everything a thousand times, even if an offer of funding arrives right away. There are a lot of fraudsters in this environment, and if the offer comes on behalf of some reputable company, it is not a fact that this is really the case. You can also prevent communication with scammers and possible material losses.

This will be the prudence that the Chinese hexagram advises to show. The more ambitious the idea, the more likely it is that even loved ones will not provide support and will interfere with the implementation of plans. After all, the time spent thinking about an idea and searching for information could be devoted to your family. They are absolutely sure of the correctness of their actions, when they demand attention to themselves to the detriment of even grandiose, but so far unlikely plans. Here it is worth showing perseverance and dedication, as the interpretation advises. See a goal in front of you and make efforts despite all the obstacles. What doesn't kill makes us stronger. Time will pass, and the investor will help, money will come, and work will require maximum concentration of energy. In the meantime, you should devote time to current affairs - albeit not so grandiose, but still necessary. The situation is favorable and this should be used.

The I Ching hexagrams will answer any questions - whether they relate to business or love. It often happens in life that a woman cannot find her happiness in any way, which in her understanding means family life. Time passes, but a loved one does not meet in any way on the path of life. How to apply the interpretation of Hexagram 5 to this situation? The waiting period can be devoted to your beloved, self-education, communication with friends, find a new hobby, relax and enjoy life. Harmony, agreement with oneself, a positive attitude will help to blossom both externally and in soul. A new hobby for dancing, yoga or something else will expand the circle of acquaintances, and after a while that one and beloved one will meet. Life will shine with new colors, because more than one example has proven that there is a place for happiness at any age.

Description of the outer and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world.
There is no end to the blue ocean. Life is raging, filled with dangerous events.
A plateau of pure gold begins to emerge from under the water. Through obstacles, hardships and dangers, a priceless treasure begins to manifest itself from the inner plan.
Ocean waves so wash away, so polish gold that it will illuminate the whole world! It is thanks to dangerous trials that a wonderful treasure will manifest and shine.
Gift of heaven! This is a gift from heaven, a gift from God!

In the subtle world (on the subconscious), the picture is similar, which doubles the power of what is happening.
Flame shot up to heaven, illuminating everything around. Passions boil, emotions boil. All attention is captured by the events taking place (the property of fire is cohesion). There is complete clarity.
A beautiful underground lake with ingots of gold at the bottom woke up under the fire. Passion will give rise to a concrete solution containing a treasured treasure.
The water will extinguish the fire and turn into steam by itself. Ingots of gold will emerge from the ground. A joyful achievement will extinguish the fire of passions. The clarity of what is happening will be completely lost. Nothing is clear at all, why everything happened like this, why did it happen to me? Stable bonds (fire grip) will also be destroyed. Valuable gold bars hidden in the depths of the subconscious will appear as a joyful accomplishment.
The wonderful shine of gold bars will illuminate the world. As a result of serious and unexpected trials, a person will begin to radiate wonderful higher vibrations into the world!

General interpretation of hexagram No. 5

In the manifested reality, the plateau of gold will sparkle so brightly and cleanly only because it is well washed in big water, only because of serious obstacles, hardships and problems. So Her Majesty KARMA cleans out all unnecessary, superficial, leaving only pure gold, only pure radiance of love, as a gift from God. In the subtle world, unshakable ties will be shaken, the clarity of what is happening will be completely lost. This always happens when KARMA enters the scene, inexplicable, not subject to the logic of the current play of life. Her Majesty KARMA writes her completely incomprehensible scripts. It is impossible to explain it, it is useless to fight it. You just have to accept everything and wait for the situation to be resolved and the gold hidden in the depths with a vengeance (in the external world and in the subconscious) will sparkle with joyful accomplishment through the water column, troubles, passions and obstacles.

It is favorable to accept everything passively and with love, without losing faith in the happy outcome of events, which will certainly happen here. Any action to tackle external problems is likely to exacerbate them.



FREEDOM OF WILL - there are no obstacles to the implementation of any actions. Everything will come true like clockwork.
FREEDOM OF WILL will easily allow you to realize the most unbridled desires and fantasies, to achieve prosperity and success in any business. This is a very big danger to forget yourself in great achievements and lose the most precious thing - your soul. Therefore, FREEDOM OF WILL, as a rule, generates KARMA.


Awareness positions:

1. A negative action is nothing more than a consequence of karmic problems. And where does a negative action come from if there is no negative in the soul? Negative emotion in the soul is primary, the action is secondary.The connection between emotions and karmic problems is direct and close: a constant negative emotion that appears with appropriate irritating factors indicates the presence of a karmic problem (deformation of the soul pattern). A negative external action does not always indicate the presence of a negative emotion, and, therefore, a karmic problem. A person who has committed a negative act may not even have karmic problems. His act, perhaps, manifested itself only once under the influence of a burst of energy, which is not characteristic of this person. This act may be just accidental or caused by someone else's strong emotion. After all, emotion is energy that manifests itself where the appropriate conditions are created. If a person experiencing a strong negative emotion never loses control over himself, then he will never commit acts that manifest this emotion. This does not mean at all that there is no deformation of the structure of the soul, that is, karmic problems. This also does not mean that energy (emotion) will remain without realization. Perhaps, after some time, thousands of kilometers away, circumstances will develop, and there will be people who only slightly resonate with this emotion and who cannot control themselves. This will be enough for the energy of the emotion to manifest itself in concrete negative actions. On the physical plane, all the blame will fall on these people, from the point of view of karmic problems, the responsibility lies with a person with a strong negative emotion. Although he, most likely, will never even know about the specific manifestations of the energy generated by him. Thus, the real culprit is not necessarily the person who committed the crime. It is also not necessary that a person who has done nothing wrong in life has pure karma. Keep track of your emotions and thoughts, they are more significant than specific actions.

2. All actions of a person are imprinted in the pattern of his soul. This is how karma is formed, which determines the fate of a person. Any significant negative action of a person will cause in his future life a situation where this person himself will be affected by similar actions. Thus, karmic problems cannot be overcome quickly. They should be worked out. This explains why a person who has taken the path of purification experiences so much suffering throughout, perhaps, his entire life.

3. There is no karma at all. And there is a response to events that have developed over the course of a person's life under the influence of various factors. This is what determines the different behavior of people in similar circumstances. Such reactions can be developed purposefully. This reaction, together with the many accidents in life, shapes our destiny.

4. The law of karma is inevitable until active awareness is activated. Our thoughts are determined by past experience and shape all events around us. Consciously changing thoughts, by rejecting judgment and any judgments, burns karma. External negative events will not occur, despite the negative experience of the past, since the very reason that causes them, the negative thought, disappears. Karma must be burned with awareness!

5. Thoughts and emotions form our subtle energy structure. Further, like attracts like. If we condemn someone, then these vibrations are in our energy shell (aura). This means that everything that we condemn will be attracted into our life, like a magnet. This is called the law of Karma, meaning only the external manifestations of the law of attraction of like to like.

6. The Law of Karma is the inevitable law of Divine justice. If you act inharmoniously, cause damage to someone, you yourself will have to get into a similar situation. The law of karma is the law of heavenly justice that cannot be deceived.

7. Love reigns in the world, not inevitable revenge. If a person has changed and repented, why should he continue to be a victim of his negative past actions. The past is long gone, but the person here and now is completely different. Would you punish a repentant child? And even more so, because he is love itself. Karma is burned away by repentance.

8. There is no law of Karma. Just look around, no matter how a person acts horribly, if he himself believes that he did everything right, then he lives very well. And the opposite, if a very worthy, virtuous person considers himself a sinner and expects punishment, then punishment in the form of various trials and misfortunes will surely come to him. Where is the law of Karma? Materialization of thoughts is what rules the world!

9. “Nothing will ever go away until it teaches us what we need to know.” - Pema Chodron

10 ... Karma is an unfinished energy - Kryon (Carroll Lee).

11 ... Let's say I killed a person and earned negative karma. It is generally accepted that karma will be worked off when I myself am killed under similar circumstances. This opinion reflects a general bias in the minds of people towards everything material, manifested. But karma deforms the subtle structures of consciousness; it cannot be touched by hands. Therefore, even if they kill me a hundred times, but I consider myself absolutely right in that initial situation, absolutely nothing will change. If this situation happens again, I will kill in the same way. There is only one way out of the circles of karma, when I sincerely tell myself that I was wrong, and for this it is not at all necessary to be killed in the manifested reality.

12. “Whoever does not understand his past will have to relive it again,” - Buddha.

13 ... Unhappiness in your life indicates unconscious karmic problems.

14 ... The misfortunes in your life indicate that you are on the verge of a transition to a new higher level of consciousness.

15 ... “What I do unfair to another person becomes my own destiny” - Bert Hellinger.

16 ... “Karma is more than just unfinished business. Karma is not a punishment for past actions. The attribute of judgment has nothing to do with God. Karma is a sense of past incarnations and an emotional reaction that pushes you to either do it again or stay away from it. ”- Kryon“ Recalibrating Humanity ”channeled by Carroll Lee.

17. A person is more than karma and can drop it. " New energy carries new motivators for survival for ancient souls and ideas in which karma will no longer enter your brain. We advised you to get rid of karma, because it is no longer needed. Go ahead with the Akashic energy that you create for your future, and do not be guided by ideas from the past. "- Kryon" Recalibration of Humanity "channeled by Carroll Lee.

18. “The only law of karma, the law that is eternal and unchanging, is harmony in the world of matter, as absolute as it is in the world of spirit. It follows from this that it is not karma that rewards or punishes us, but we ourselves reward or punish ourselves, depending on whether we work together with nature, being in harmony with its laws, or violate them, "- E. Blavatsky

19. “How people treat you is their karma, but how you react is yours.” - Wayne Dyer.

20. “- Teacher, what is karma? - Karma is the gratitude of the Universe for your deeds. - Gratitude? - What business, such and gratitude!", - Moriko Kitsune.

21. “We repeat that there is no greater love in the Universe than when best friends come to the world of duality to offend each other, if it is appropriate for their training - one puts on a mask of anger and hatred, and the other is in the position of the victim, and they go through life, exchanging the energy of hatred. There is no greater love. For this is karma in its most powerful manifestation, filled to the brim with destiny that needs to be worked through and released. ”- Kryon.

22. “The biggest and most important problems of life are insoluble. They can only be outgrown, ”- Carl Gustav Jung.

23. “What people usually call fate is, in essence, just a set of stupid things they have done,” - Arthur Schopenhauer.

24. “I saw a bug and was so angry with the unfortunate insect that I didn't even press. Why give a bloodsucker a martyr's death? Improve the karma of the bug so that in the next life he will be reborn on a higher level of samsara? Shish him, not samsara, "- Boris Akunin. From the life of chips.

25. “If you have a good memory, developed imagination and honesty with yourself, you realize the absolute inevitability of the past”, - Mikhail Weller. A ring.

26. "I don't really believe in karma, because too often bad things happen to good people." Hawaii 5.0 / Hawaii Police (Hawaii Five-0).

27. “Karma has a specific effect: non-virtuous actions always cause suffering, and virtuous ones always bring happiness. If you sow good, you will reap happiness; if you sow evil, you will reap suffering. ”- His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV. My way.

28. “If you no longer like the world, but you cannot change it, leave the world to your own karma and succeed,” - Boris Akunin. Not saying goodbye.

29. “Probably, there is still karma. The only pity is that universal justice often reaches the grooms than the dukes, ”- Nadezhda Kuzmina. A couple is not a couple - a guy is not a guy.

30. “You may meet a very good person who is very hard, and you - an outside observer - may think that it is unfair that such a good person suffers so much, or that this person is paying for extremely heavy karma. But you can be wrong. How do you know that this person does not endure pain and suffering in order to understand how it is possible to divert this pain and suffering from those who will come after him? Do not think that this is always a payback for bad karma. It can be the accumulation of good karma. ”- Lobsang Rampa. Thirteenth candle.

31. “Most of all I am impressed by the laws of Karma. "The one who offended a donkey in this life will become a donkey in the next one." Not to mention the cows. A very fair system. But the deeper you delve into, the more interesting: whom did you offend in your past life? " - Mariam Petrosyan. The house in which….

The need to wait

For the possessor of truth - the original accomplishment. Fortitude is for happiness. The crossing of the great river is favorable.


1. Starting nine.

Waiting on the outskirts. Constancy is favorable. There will be no abuse.

2. The nine is the second.

Waiting on the coastal sand. Minor conversations ahead. In the end, happiness.

3. Nine third.

Waiting in mud. The arrival of the robbers is approaching.

4. Six fourth.

Waiting for blood. Get out of the cave!

5. Nine fifth.

Waiting for wine and food. Fortitude towards happiness.

6. Top nine.

You will enter the cave, and there will be the arrival of three leisurely guests. Treat them with respect and, in the end, there will be happiness!


1. Starting nine.

Now is not the time to be in the thick of events or business, step aside, "to the outskirts", but be true to your business, goals, principles. Nobody will blame you for this.

2. The nine is the second.

Wait in the wings. Someone around you is impatient and may argue, pulling you into conflict as well. Now you are able to cope with troublemakers, balance will be restored.

3. Nine third.

It is necessary to apply cunning: show your weakness, helplessness to reveal the plans of enemies, rivals. Continue to do nothing and wait for the right moment.

4. Six fourth.

The enemy revealed himself, those around him showed their true face and plans in relation to you, it's time to go out into open battle. Show your strength too. The clash will be "bloody", so test your capabilities. Are you ready?

5. Nine fifth.

Meet everyone who comes into your life with benevolence, hospitality and spiritual generosity. Good luck awaits you, but this is not the time to act.

6. Top nine.

There will be communication with a small group of people. They know what they want, they are confident that they are right, so you need to be careful; pay attention to their suggestions, respect their opinion, authority, and you will be successful.


Whatever amount of theoretical knowledge and life experience has accumulated in the hexagram? 4, the time has not come to act. One must learn to wait, gradually approaching the goal. You are not yet ready to take on responsibility, leadership in big business, are not ready to openly show their ideas to competitors and colleagues, to go out on a big voyage.

First of all, find out what others "breathe" with, show yourself ignorant, inexperienced, even stupid. You know why you need it and it will give you strength. Not seeing you as a serious rival, the strong and experienced will lose interest and vigilance in you, and at this time you will become a force capable of winning.

Victory does not mean cruel methods at all, be peaceful and kind, condescending, seek dialogue, "consensus". The hexagram clearly indicates communication with three people and a successful solution to your question. It can be help with personal, romantic and business matters. Good luck is predicted for you on a long journey, serious life changes, but be patient and persistent, do not rush, respect the opinion of others. Learn to care for others in common earthly matters, serve, and be receptive to what is happening.

You will periodically be either alone, detached, or in the midst of communication. But in any case, you are given time for reflection, for the harmonization of the inner, spiritual space.

There has been a pause in a romantic relationship, do not rush to look for a second half. If the choice is made and your heart has a "splinter", take a closer look, pay attention to your rivals, come for help to the "three knowledgeable people". Perhaps through them it will be easier for you to approach, get to know the object of sighing. There is a prospect in a relationship, but you should remember the tactics listed above. You will have parties in a pleasant company. Continue to be tactful, do not frighten her or his onslaught of emotions, do not boast of talents, great intelligence and other outstanding abilities.