Repair of automotive equipment in the armed forces. Repair, maintenance, installation and installation of weapons and military equipment

According to paragraph 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 13, 2012 N 581, one of the types of work (services) that make up such a licensed type of activity as development, production, testing, installation, installation, Maintenance, repair, disposal and sale of weapons and military equipment, is the repair, maintenance, installation and installation of weapons and military equipment.

For enterprises and organizations fulfilling (or intending to fulfill) the state defense order (hereinafter referred to as the State Defense Order), we offer a whole range of services to assist in obtaining (reissuing) a license for the repair, maintenance, installation and assembly of weapons and military equipment, or how they say in everyday life - for the repair of weapons and military equipment. You can read more about these services on the pages and.

Responsibility for the security of any state rests with the Armed Forces and specialists who maintain the relevant weapons and military equipment. It is on their condition that it depends how well-coordinated and fast the actions of the military personnel will be in response to an attack from the enemy.

We all understand that scientists have not yet been able to invent a "perpetual" motion machine, so it is necessary to periodically repair weapons and military equipment.

Repair of weapons and military equipment, or repair of weapons and military equipment is a set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of products or constituent parts weapons and military equipment and the restoration of their resources. The repair of weapons and military equipment may include disassembly, troubleshooting, control technical condition products, restoration of parts, assembly, etc. The content of a part of the operation of repairing weapons and military equipment may coincide with the content of some maintenance operations. Repair of weapons and military equipment can be carried out by replacing or restoring individual parts and assembly units. Repair of any kind, as a rule, must be accompanied by the issuance of certain guarantees for the subsequent service life or operating time of the product.

Repair of weapons and military equipment can be divided into:

  1. By venue. At the same time, the repair of weapons and military equipment can be factory, military, field, etc.
  2. By the degree of impact on weapons and military equipment and volume. At the same time, the repair of weapons and military equipment can be current, medium, capital:
  • Overhaul of weapons and military equipment- this is a repair performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to complete restoration of the product resource with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones.
  • Medium repair of weapons and military equipment- this is a repair performed to restore serviceability and partial restoration of the resource of products with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and control of the technical condition of the components, carried out to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation.
  • Current repair of weapons and military equipment is a repair performed to ensure or restore the operability of the product and consists in the replacement and (or) restoration of individual parts.

  • By type of planning and frequency. At the same time, the repair of weapons and military equipment can be planned, unscheduled, regulated, emergency:
    • Scheduled repairs of weapons and military equipment- this is a repair, setting up which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.
    • Not scheduled repairs - this is a repair, the production of products for which is carried out without prior appointment.
    • Scheduled repair- this is a scheduled repair performed at the frequency and in the amount established in the operational documentation, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of the repair.
    • emergency repair- one of the varieties of unscheduled repairs. Emergency repairs are carried out in case of sudden breakdowns of weapons and military equipment due to improper operation, overloads, emergencies and other reasons.
  • According to the methods of work, individual, aggregate, mixed and impersonal repair of weapons and military equipment are distinguished.
  • If we are talking about repair work on ships or ships, then repairs can be navigational and docking.
  • There is also such a type of repair as the repair of weapons and military equipment according to the technical condition, in which the technical condition is monitored at intervals and to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation, and the volume and moment of repair is determined by the technical condition of the product.

    According to GOST 18322-78 (ST SEV 5151-85), maintenance is understood as a set of operations or an operation to maintain the operability or serviceability of the product when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storing and transporting. Thus, the maintenance of weapons and military equipment is a set of works aimed at maintaining weapons and military equipment in working condition during transportation, storage and direct use for its intended purpose.

    Maintenance contains operations regulated in the design documentation to maintain the operability or serviceability of the product during its service life. The maintenance operation in accordance with GOST 3.1109-82 is understood as the completed part of the maintenance of an integral part of the product, performed at one workplace by a performer of a certain specialty. Maintenance may include washing the product, checking its technical condition, cleaning, lubricating, fixing bolted connections, replacing some of the product components (for example, filter elements), adjusting, etc.

    Installation of weapons and military equipment is the assembly and installation of machines, structures, structures, technological equipment, blocks, assemblies, instruments, devices, etc. from ready-made parts and elements, drawing up a single whole from separate parts, selected according to a specific topic or plan. Installation of weapons and military equipment often also includes connecting it to power supplies and systems for cleaning and removing waste, equipping it with instruments, automation and control equipment.

    Installation of weapons and military equipment is a device (placement) of weapons and military equipment in their regular places, which often includes mounting, installation, connection and configuration.

    Each type of armament and military equipment has its own terms and volumes, which are established by the relevant documentation. The average, overhaul and regulated repair of weapons and military equipment is reflected in the long-term and annual plan for the operation and repair of weapons and military equipment. It is carried out directly in the military unit, at the facilities of the Armed Forces, as well as in organizations and enterprises that are engaged in the repair of weapons and military equipment.

    Enterprises and organizations engaged in the repair, maintenance, installation and installation of weapons and military equipment must have an appropriate permit (license) for this type of work (service). The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Minpromtorg) is responsible for licensing this type of activity.

    An enterprise that repairs weapons and military equipment gives a guarantee for military equipment, which also allows for post-warranty service. Some types of repairs are carried out at the customer's premises, but in many cases the work is carried out at a specialized repair facility. It is planned that service centers and enterprises (organizations) specializing in the provision of this kind of work (services) will carry out the repair of weapons and military equipment, as well as engage in its maintenance. Such an approach will allow the military to engage in their immediate duties, in other words, to protect the Motherland, while qualified engineers and specialists from outside organizations and enterprises will repair weapons and military equipment.

    The consulting company Regul Service is considered to be recognized leader on the market for the provision of licensing services in the field of arms and military equipment!

    The manual describes the purpose, composition, performance characteristics, design and operation of the 9K38 Igla MANPADS, the procedure for maintenance and current repairs of the complex elements in military units, general information about the operation of weapons and military equipment, as well as the procedure for the platoon commander during preparing and conducting training sessions with personnel.

    It is intended for students of technical faculties undergoing military training in the military registration specialty "Combat use of units armed with short-range man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems."


    Sections of this page:


    2.1. General information about the operation of weapons and military equipment in military units

    Equipping the Armed Forces with the latest types of weapons plays a decisive role in improving the Armed Forces. further development methods of combat use and organization of operation of modern weapons and equipment.

    Definition and content of exploitation. Organization of operation

    Operation of weapons and military equipment (WME) in the military unit - stage life cycle samples of weapons from the moment they are accepted by the military unit from the manufacturer or repair company.

    As a rule, the life cycle of weapons includes: intended use for combat and training purposes, maintenance, storage, transportation and repair.

    The use of weapons is understood as their use for combat and training purposes in compliance with the norms, rules and regimes established by the operational documentation that ensure its normal operation.

    Under maintenance means a set of works to maintain the serviceability or only the operability of the product during preparation for use and use for its intended purpose, during storage and transportation.

    Under storage means the maintenance of serviceable, unused samples of weapons and military equipment in places specially designated for their placement in a given condition, ensuring their safety within the established time limits.

    Transportation- this is one of the stages of the operation of weapons and military equipment, which includes the preparation and transportation or movement under specified conditions using transport or towing vehicles while ensuring the safety of their technical condition and completeness. Self-propulsion is not transportation, but a stage of intended use. Weapons and military equipment can be transported by rail, water, air, and road transport.

    Under renovation refers to a complex of operations to restore the serviceability or operability of weapons and military equipment and restore the resources of samples or their components.

    Under savings refers to a set of measures to maintain weapons and missiles in good condition and ensure their safety. Savings are ensured by the timeliness, completeness and quality of inspections, technical equipment and repair, proper storage of weapons, as well as timely completion of their spare parts and materials.

    Only combat-ready weapons are allowed to be used for their intended purpose if they perform their work with the parameters established by the documentation for the sample.

    Combat ready sample - a workable sample of weapons and military equipment, having the necessary resource reserve, brought to the initial position or state established by the operational documentation (ED) and prepared for the fulfillment of the assigned combat mission.

    Organization of operation - this is an ordered structure of interconnected bodies, means and methods of operating a variety of weapons and military equipment facilities, the management of which is expressed in the planning of operational and technical measures, their implementation, control and adoption of new decisions.

    Properly organized operation of weapons is the main condition that determines the reliability of its operation and service life.

    The organization of the operation of weapons in the military unit includes:

    1. Planning for the operation of weapons.

    2. Admission of personnel to operation, acceptance and commissioning of weapons.

    3. Accounting for the operation of weapons and maintaining ED.

    4. Monitoring the technical condition and operation of weapons.

    7. Carrying out improvements to weapons.

    8. Carrying out maintenance and repair of weapons.

    10. Transportation and operation of weapons.

    11. Generalization of advanced experience in the operation of weapons and its introduction into the practice of the troops.

    The operation of weapons in peacetime is organized in accordance with combat training plans, annual resource consumption rates, overhaul periods, and is carried out in accordance with the operation plan.

    The deputy commander of the unit for weapons is responsible for organizing the operation of weapons in the unit. The operation of rocket and artillery weapons is organized by the RAV service. In subunits, all commanders and chiefs in charge of the operation of weapons and maintaining them in good condition bear full responsibility.

    Planning the operation of equipment and weapons

    General characteristics of operation planning.

    In peacetime, the main goals of planning the operation and repair of weapons and military equipment are:

    Ensuring the combat readiness of the unit (compound);

    Implementation of plans for combat and mobilization readiness of troops;

    Implementation of activities economic activity;

    Rational and economical use of weapons and military equipment resources, fuels and lubricants;

    Ensuring the gradual consumption of weapons and military equipment resources and their release into scheduled repairs;

    Timely maintenance and repair (M&R) of weapons and military equipment.

    The operation of weapons and military equipment is planned according to the relevant principles, the essence of which is:

    In taking into account the peculiarities of the organizational and staffing structure of units (formations) and the nature of the use of weapons and military equipment for solving combat training tasks;

    Development of documents planning the daily activities of the unit (compound) based on the nature of the tasks to be solved for a certain time (i.e., drawing up long-term, annual and monthly operating plans);

    Using planning data to solve practical problems of operation to ensure the reliability and combat readiness of weapons and military equipment, control the movement of weapons and military equipment between operational groups on the scale of a unit (connection) and between parts of a military district, taking into account the developments of weapons and military equipment, their technical condition.

    Planning for the operation of weapons and military equipment consists in the advance development of measures for the preparation, maintenance and implementation of the operation of weapons and military equipment, indicating the deadlines for the implementation of these measures, the executors and persons responsible for organizing and monitoring their implementation.

    Long-term planning is divided into promising(five years or more) current(one year) and operational(for a limited period in some cases, and in wartime - for a battle, operation).

    Plans are drawn up at the appropriate levels: unit, formation, association (army), district, main (central) governing bodies of the Ministry of Defense.

    The development of plans is based on the following provisions:

    Use of guidelines and normative documents;

    Use of formulary and accounting data on weapons and military equipment;

    Usage current plans, which differ in purpose from those being developed, but are related to them (for example, a long-term plan is used to develop current plans);

    The use of techniques based on heuristic approaches, analytical calculations or a combination of heuristic approaches and calculations.

    When planning the operation of weapons and military equipment, appropriate manuals, orders (on the organization of maintenance, supervision, repair, storage, transportation, on the expenditure of resources, standardization of labor costs for maintenance and repair), instructions for the operation of weapons and military equipment are used.

    Planning for the operation of weapons and military equipment includes the following stages:

    1) determination of the need for resources for the implementation of the combat training plan;

    2) distribution of the resource by months and periods of study;

    3) planning the main organizational and technical measures carried out at the weapons and military equipment in order to maintain it in constant combat readiness;

    4) execution of plans.

    The need for resources is determined by the headquarters of the unit together with the heads of services to carry out the following activities: conducting exercises, organizing technical and special training, maintenance and repair, combat duty, and ensuring economic activities.

    The distribution of the resource by months of operation is carried out in accordance with the timing of the above activities included in the Combat Training Plan.

    The main organizational and technical measures planned and included in the documents on the organization of the operation of weapons and military equipment include:


    Maintenance No. 1 and No. 2 (TO-1, TO-2);

    Maintenance No. 1 and No. 2 during storage (TO-1X, TO-2X);

    Seasonal maintenance (SEO);

    Repair and maintenance service (RTO);

    Control and technical inspection of weapons and military equipment in long-term storage (KTO VVT DH).

    2. Scheduled repairs:

    Medium repair (SR);

    Capital repairs (KR);

    Scheduled Repair (RR).

    3. Technical examination of objects of energy and state technical supervision.

    4. Verification of measuring instruments.

    5. Checking lightning protection.

    6. Testing of protective equipment.

    7. Write-off of weapons and military equipment.

    8. Planning of equipment of repair bodies and logistics (LTO) of operation.

    The planning procedure, the scope of work and the frequency of organizational and technical measures are established by the regulatory and technical documentation (NTD).

    In wartime, in units (formations), the combat readiness of weapons and military equipment is ensured and maintained in accordance with the maintenance plan, which is developed for periods of direct combat operations. The operation of weapons and military equipment (expenditure of technical resources of weapons and military equipment, maintenance and repair) is reflected in a special section of this plan. For other periods (reformation, rest), operational plans for the operation of weapons and military equipment are being developed.

    In general, two groups of measures are included in the plans for the operation of weapons and military equipment: 1 - mandatory operational and technical measures and 2 - measures directly related to combat training.

    Events first the groups correspond to the control, restoration of weapons and military equipment and the prevention of failures, therefore, they include maintenance, repairs, and verifications in the supervisory authorities. The indicators of these activities are determined by regulatory operational documents.

    Events second groups include conducting exercises, performing shooting, conducting tactical and special classes and training. To implement these measures, it is necessary to plan the use of weapons and military equipment, and, consequently, the consumption of their resource.

    Guidelines for the operation of equipment and weapons

    important place in proper organization and compliance with the requirements for the operation of weapons and military equipment is documentation. It must contain the information necessary to study the design of weapons and military equipment, the rules for their operation when used for their intended purpose (combat use), maintenance, current repairs, storage and transportation by all modes of transport.

    Information on these issues should take into account all stages of the operation of weapons and equipment from the moment they are manufactured by the industry until they enter the overhaul or until they are completely worn out.

    In the part (connection), in the process of planning the operation of weapons and military equipment and its repair, the following planning documents are developed:

    1. Operating documents (ED) are designed to study the product and the rules for its operation.

    The ED nomenclature for specific types of weapons and equipment intended for self-training is agreed with the customer.

    Part mandatory operational documents for a sample of weapons in accordance with GOST 2.601.68 include:

    Technical description (TO);

    Operating Instructions (IE);

    Form or passport;

    Sheets of spare parts;

    Statement of operational documents (ED).

    For a complex system such as air defense systems, the following are additionally developed:

    General technical description (TO) of the entire system;

    General instruction manual (IE);

    Instructions for the maintenance of the system;

    Summary sheet of ED for the system.

    2. Repair documents - these are working design documents intended for the preparation of repair production, repair and control of the product after repair.

    The set of repair documentation should include:

    General repair manual;

    Medium Repair Guide;

    Catalog of parts and prefabricated units;

    Spare parts consumption rates;

    Material consumption rates;

    Additional operational documentation.

    The additional ED includes a number of documents that recommend ways to quickly eliminate failures and malfunctions, containing mainly information on the device and operating rules for single samples.

    3. Service (departmental) documents . They clarify the features of the operation of weapons and military equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in which instructions and recommendations are given on issues. These documents can be: charters, instructions, manuals, rules, regulations, instructions, orders, directives, recommendations, etc.

    As an example, the following orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation regarding the operation of weapons and military equipment can be listed, without indicating the order number and date, since they change:

    On the introduction of the norms of military stocks of missiles in formations and units of the air defense forces;

    The procedure for the use of automotive equipment;

    Introduction of instructions on technical support in operations (army, navy);

    Commissioning, operation of BT in peacetime;

    Implementation of the manual on the organization of complex maintenance and repair of weapons and equipment;

    Putting into effect the norms of resources and overhaul periods of operation of RAVs up to medium, overhaul;

    Procedure for inspecting the troops and forces of the fleet;

    Putting into effect a manual for checking and assessing the state of weapons and military equipment in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    Orders for the provision of spare parts.

    Note. Documentation for operation and repair can be statutory, administrative, operational, repair, planning, accounting and reporting, etc.

    Maintenance system for weapons and equipment

    Under system TO should be understood as a set of interrelated forces and means, TO documentation necessary to maintain and restore the quality of weapons and equipment included in this system.

    By the forces TO are members of the calculation, as well as the personnel of the maintenance and repair units involved in planning, organizing, conducting and monitoring maintenance work on weapons and military equipment during their operation.

    means TO are sets of spare parts, materials, equipment and equipment for mobile and stationary workshops.

    Documentation are orders, directives, instructions, instructions that define the basic provisions for the organization and conduct of maintenance work on weapons and military equipment samples. The documentation defines the types of maintenance, the scope of work performed under these types, and the frequency of their implementation.

    Maintenance of weapons and military equipment is a set of works to maintain the serviceability or performance of a sample of weapons and military equipment during preparation and use for its intended purpose, during storage and transportation.

    Maintenance strategy - a system of rules for managing the technical condition of weapons and military equipment in the process of maintenance.

    Maintenance program - a document that establishes strategies, quantitative characteristics of the types of maintenance of weapons and military equipment, the procedure for their adjustment throughout the resource (service life).

    The main tasks of the AME maintenance system are:

    Prevention of degradation processes occurring in weapons and military equipment;

    Assessment of the state of weapons and military equipment;

    Maintaining weapons and military equipment in readiness for its intended use;

    Determining the need for weapons and military equipment for maintenance and its timely implementation;

    Minimization of costs for the operation of weapons and military equipment.

    The tasks of the maintenance system determine the conduct of special events, which include the following operations: auxiliary, control and check, adjustment and adjustment, preventive.

    Auxiliary operations are intended to prepare weapons and military equipment, tools, control and measuring equipment (CIA) and a workplace for the main activities, as well as to bring the sample of weapons and military equipment to its original state after all work has been completed.

    Control and verification the work consists in measuring and monitoring the technical parameters of weapons and military equipment and their modes of operation to determine readiness for use, as well as determining the need for its adjustment, adjustment and repair.

    Adjusting and tuning the work is intended to bring the parameters of the AME sample, its individual blocks (assemblies, systems) to the value specified by the ED. They are carried out on the basis of the results of control and verification work without changing the elements of the circuit and design of the sample.

    Preventive work is carried out in order to increase the reliability of the sample during the period of operation. This is achieved by predicting failures, as well as carrying out lubrication, fixing, and SEO work.

    In the general case, depending on the principle of assigning deadlines, maintenance can be divided into the following types: by operating time, by calendar terms, with control of the level of reliability, with control of parameters, in special cases.

    Maintenance of weapons and military equipment consists in checking the completeness and serviceability of the technical condition, cleaning, lubricating and refueling with operational materials, setting up, adjusting and eliminating the identified malfunctions. In combat conditions, all types of maintenance are used.

    For equipment and armament of subunits, units of military air defense adopted preventive maintenance system, in which, depending on the intended purpose of weapons and military equipment, the nature and conditions of operation, the terms for their maintenance are established taking into account the operating time or calendar period.

    There are three maintenance principles for a preventive maintenance system: scheduled, calendar, combined.

    1. Under the rule of thumb maintenance is envisaged after the armament has worked out a certain part of the resource set for it, regardless of the period of time during which this time will take place. The operating time can be measured in hours of operation, kilometers of run, in the number of loads, refueling, shots, launches, etc.

    This principle is applied when working in difficult conditions, for devices that work for a long time without interruption. The advantages of this type of maintenance are the relative simplicity of its design, planning and the absence of the need to develop special diagnostic algorithms. The disadvantage of such a maintenance system is that it complicates the planning of maintenance, since it is often difficult to determine in advance the moment when the weapon reaches the set resource.

    This principle is implemented, for example, after a certain mileage of automobile or tracked vehicles.

    2. With the calendar principle of maintenance carried out at strictly defined intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual, annual maintenance) without taking into account the operating time of weapons.

    Most often, according to the calendar principle, maintenance is carried out in service when it is stored (systems do not function) or when the intensity of wear depends mainly on the duration of storage, waiting (the dependence on operating time is small). In other words, the calendar principle does not take into account the intensity of the use of weapons and military equipment, but planning becomes very simple. For instance, monthly routine work with the rocket.

    So the difference between regulatory and calendar principles is on what time (on operating time or calendar time) the reliability characteristic depends.

    3. Combined principle timing of maintenance is used for weapons and military equipment, the wear of which occurs both during operation and during storage, waiting for use. Such a maintenance system is to a certain extent devoid of the shortcomings of the first two, and is a combination of them. According to this principle, maintenance in service is carried out after a set calendar period and, in addition, when a certain part of the resource is depleted.

    In order to improve the quality indicators of the technical condition of weapons and military equipment throughout its life cycle, while simultaneously reducing operating costs, maintenance with periodic monitoring is being introduced into the existing preventive maintenance system.

    In connection with the introduction of maintenance with periodic control, the following types of control of the technical condition of weapons and military equipment are introduced: control inspection (KO), control and technical inspection (CTO), technical diagnostics (TD), instrumental fault detection of units, assemblies and parts during the repair of a sample of weapons and military equipment.

    Control inspection is a set of operations carried out by the driver or the entire calculation in order to determine the degree of readiness of the sample for its intended use.

    Control and technical inspection is a set of transactions officials subdivisions and units in order to determine the technical condition of the AME sample, as well as the volumes of maintenance and repair according to the technical condition.

    Technical diagnostics is a set of operations carried out by the specialists of the repair unit, the integrated technical commission of the unit in order to determine the technical condition of the AME sample, as well as the types of maintenance and repair, the moment they begin and the place where they are carried out.

    Instrumental fault detection units, units and parts is carried out in order to determine the actual values ​​of indicators, qualitative features characterizing the technical condition of units, units and parts, and compare them with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation (NTD) in order to assess the technical condition and residual life.

    Types, frequency and volume of maintenance of weapons and military equipment

    The main types of technical maintenance of weapons and military equipment are:

    According to the stages of operation: MOT during use, MOT during storage, MOT during transportation;

    Implementation regulations: maintenance with periodic control, routine maintenance (RTO);

    Periodicity and volumes of carrying out: daily (ETO), TO-1, TO-2, TO-1x, TO-2x, TO-2x with re-preservation and control run;

    Operating conditions: SEO, maintenance in special conditions. Types of technical maintenance of weapons and military equipment, characteristics of the types of control of the technical condition of weapons and military equipment and the maintenance system of weapons and military equipment are given in Appendix. 1 and 2.

    The frequency of types of maintenance of weapons and military equipment (except for weapons and NBC protection equipment, weapons and military equipment of engineering troops, rear equipment) is determined by the frequency of maintenance and repair of the main components of equipment samples.

    The frequency of maintenance of samples and means of NBC protection, equipment and weapons of the engineering troops and equipment of the rear is determined by the frequency of maintenance and repair of automobile and armored vehicles of armament mobility.

    For weapons and military equipment samples mounted on car trailers, the frequency of maintenance is determined by the frequency of maintenance of the main component.

    Planning and organization of military equipment maintenance

    Maintenance of weapons and military equipment is organized by the deputy commander of the armament unit (ZKV). The orders of the commander of the unit, the deputy commander for armaments on the organization of maintenance of weapons and military equipment are obligatory for lower commanders and heads of services of the unit.

    Responsibility for the organization of integrated maintenance of weapons and military equipment rests with the commander of a military unit, ZKV, chiefs of services, and unit commanders.

    The need for maintenance of weapons and military equipment is planned based on annual resource consumption rates, storage periods, established maintenance intervals, combat and mobilization training, as well as based on the results of the inspection of the technical condition of weapons and military equipment samples and their components.

    Control inspection and ETO IWT are not planned. CTO, technical diagnostics (TD), TO-1, TO-1x, TO-2, TO-2x, maintenance No. 2x with re-preservation and control run, SeO, RTO VVT in peacetime are planned .

    Maintenance with periodic control of weapons and military equipment in the unit is organized and carried out in accordance with the annual plan for monitoring the technical condition, the monthly plan for carrying out KTO and TD, developed by the deputy commander of the unit for armaments.

    The frequency of conducting CTO and TD IWT is indicated in the appendix. 1, while the list of operations by types of technical condition control is determined by the general customer in the NTD.

    Simultaneously with CTO and TD, maintenance is carried out with periodic control. The scope of maintenance is determined by the results of monitoring the technical condition of the AME sample.

    Numbered maintenance, seasonal and regulated maintenance are reflected by the heads of services in the operation and repair plans in accordance with the established frequency and volume of their implementation and are combined in time and place with the next CTO or TD. At the same time, the scope of their implementation can be specified based on the results of monitoring the technical condition of weapons and military equipment samples.

    For the purpose of comprehensive monitoring of the technical condition and maintenance of weapons and military equipment, the following planning documents are being developed in part:

    Annual plan for monitoring the technical condition of weapons and military equipment with the conduct of technical documentation by specialists of the repair unit and the integrated technical commission of the unit;

    Monthly plan for KTO and TD VVT;

    Plan-task for the repair unit for a month;

    Schedule of maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment for the repair unit for a month.

    The services of the military unit develop long-term, annual and monthly plans for the operation and repair of weapons and military equipment.

    As an annex to the annual plan for monitoring the technical condition of weapons and military equipment, the metrologist of the unit develops a schedule for submitting measuring instruments for periodic verification, as well as extracts from the schedules of higher metrological services.

    Repair system and determination of overhaul periods

    Timely and high-quality repair of weapons and equipment is one of the main means of maintaining them in constant combat readiness.

    Repair is understood as a complex of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of equipment and weapons and restore the resources of samples or their components.

    The system of maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation establishes the following types of repairs:

    Maintenance (TR);

    Medium repair (SR);

    Capital repairs (CR).

    Maintenance is carried out in order to ensure or restore the operability of an AME model that has failed due to limited technical reliability or minor damage, by replacing or restoring individual parts. It is carried out by the personnel of the maintenance and repair units of the unit (compound) with the involvement of calculations and field repair teams.

    Medium repair is carried out in order to restore working capacity or serviceability and partially the resource by repairing or replacing components of a limited range. In peacetime, it is held on repair enterprises military district, center.

    In wartime, a complex SR is produced in the repair bodies (RO) of the army (front); a specialized SW for SPV (and if there are spare parts and specialists in RAV) - in the RO of the connection. In the RO of parts, individual SR operations can be performed during the supply of components that require replacement and the involvement of specialists from a higher repair body. It is carried out after the expiration of the established operating time or the receipt of combat damage of medium severity. With SR, the sample resource is restored by 40–60%;

    Overhaul carried out for the purpose recovery serviceability and resource close to full, after the established operating time or upon receipt of severe combat damage. Both in peacetime and in wartime, it is carried out at the repair enterprises of the Military District, the center or industrial plants. During the CD, any component parts, including the basic ones, are replaced or restored. As a result of the KR, the resource of weapons and military equipment is restored by 90-95%.

    The period (resource, operating time) during the operation of a model of weapons and military equipment between two scheduled repairs of the same type is called overhaul. This period (running time) before or between SR or CR is determined for a specific type of weapons and military equipment.

    Depending on the operating conditions, the number of previous repairs, the nominal basic values ​​of the overhaul life R mr b corrected by multiplying it by a factor K: R mr = R mr b? K.

    For RAV K = K1?K2.

    Coefficient K1 takes into account the change in resource and service life before repair depending on climatic conditions (temperature and air humidity) during the operation of RAW samples in various climatic zones and areas of military districts. Values K1 for different climatic zones are given in table. 27.

    Table 27

    Coefficient values K1 for different climatic zones

    Weighted average value of the coefficient K1 for climatic zones in which RAW was operated, is determined by the formula:

    K 1 \u003d K1 1 ?t 1 + K1 2 ?t2 + ... + Kn? tn / t 1 + t 2 + ... + tn,

    where K1 1 , K1 2 , …, K1n- the value of the coefficients for the climatic zones in which the RAW was operated; t 1 , t 2 , …, tn- the duration of RAW operation in the corresponding climatic zones.

    Coefficient K2, which takes into account the change in the resource of the service life before repair, depending on the storage conditions of the RAW samples, is in the range of 0.8–1.0. Weighted average of coefficients K2 defined similarly K1.

    The numerical value of the coefficients K1 and K2 is recorded in the sample form in the "Special Marks" section.

    Adjustment of the overhaul period (resource) for AT is determined by the coefficient K = K1? K2? K3, where K1- the coefficient taking into account the natural and climatic zone is in the range of 0.7–1.0; K2 takes into account road operating conditions, the value is in the range of 0.6–1.0; K3 takes into account the type of machines and the nature of their use. Its values ​​are in the range of 0.6–1.0.

    Values K1, K2, K3 for automotive equipment (AT) are set by the head of the auto service of the district (army) for each formation and unit and are recorded in the form in the "Special Marks" section.

    The basic values ​​of overhaul resources (terms) for AT and armored weapons and equipment (BTVT) are determined by the governing documents. Adjustment coefficients for BTVT are not established.

    Determining the type of repair

    By types repairs can be: at the venue; on the volume of restoration work; by the degree of impact on the sample; on the principles of.

    By venue repair is divided into military and factory.

    Troops is the repair of weapons and military equipment at the locations or bases of a military unit by the forces and means of operating units or brigades of repair enterprises (industrial plants).

    Factory called repair, carried out at repair enterprises or manufacturing plants, upon transfer there, the sample is removed from service.

    By amount of restoration work repair of weapons and military equipment is subdivided into specialized and complex.

    Under specialized refers to the repair of a sample of weapons and military equipment, carried out according to individual nomenclatures of its components.

    Comprehensive called repair, performed according to all the nomenclatures of the component parts of the sample, combined at the place and time of its implementation.

    By principles for conducting allocate regulated repair and technical condition repair.

    Regulated called scheduled repairs carried out at intervals and in the amount established by the ED, regardless of the technical condition of the AME sample at the time the repair began.

    Repair according to technical condition- this is a repair, in which the control of the technical condition is carried out at intervals and in the amount established in the NTD, and the scope of control and the start of the repair are determined by the technical condition of the AME sample.

    Current repair methods

    During the current repair of weapons and military equipment, the following methods are used:

    Replacement of a non-recoverable element;

    Replacing an element with its subsequent restoration;

    Connection of a reserve element;

    Carrying out preventive maintenance.

    1. The first repair method is used in case of failure of non-repairable elements: squib cartridges, connecting elements, seals, electric lamps, etc. Repair consists in replacing the failed element with a serviceable one from a single or group spare parts kit.

    Single electric lamps, piston rings, etc. are not optimal non-recoverable elements in terms of volume and composition, since a lot of time is spent on finding and eliminating their malfunctions and troubleshooting is available only to highly qualified service personnel.

    Replacing a node or a block is more economical than restoring, therefore, promising equipment is designed in a modular design, built-in indicators of module failure almost eliminate the need for highly qualified personnel. However, the use of a modular design involves the inclusion of individual elements as matching circuit elements. Therefore, maintenance personnel must be aware of the symptoms of malfunctions and how to detect them.

    2. Repair by the method of replacement and subsequent restoration of the element (aggregate replacement method) is carried out to improve the readiness of weapons and military equipment. In this case, modules, blocks and assemblies are used as restorable elements. This repair method, in comparison with the first one, provides a significant reduction in the idle time of weapons and military equipment (repair time), and therefore increases the availability factor ( Kg) Instruments: Kg \u003d To / (To + TV), where That- uptime; TV- recovery time.

    The repair time is reduced by simplifying the search for a faulty part (element), as well as by reducing the replacement time. The limitation of this method is the increase in the cost of SPTA elements due to the large number of expensive spare blocks, modules, and assemblies. The increase in cost should be compensated by the gain in the degree of readiness of the equipment for use.

    3. Repair by connecting a backup element is a type of repair without shutting down the equipment. The spare element is installed in advance. In case of failure of the main element, its functions are performed by a spare.

    The actual troubleshooting work on the main element is deferred until some point in the future. As in the second case, the application of this method is associated with high economic costs. In addition, this repair method is accompanied by an increase in the complexity of the device circuit, as well as complication of control due to the need to check the backup circuits.

    4. The preventive maintenance method is a kind of routine maintenance. It consists in replacing a serviceable element with another element from the composition of the spare parts kit based on the data for predicting its failure. This method is applicable only for elements with preventable failures. Preventable failures include all gradual failures, as well as a part of sudden failures, the law of distribution of the uptime of which is a function of the operating time of the element in the presence of the latter. Justified preventive replacement of the element makes it necessary to know the laws of distribution of the time of their failure-free operation.

    Under category is understood as conditional accounting characteristic sample of military equipment or property, established depending on its technical condition, technical resource reserve and the need for one or another repair.

    When receiving weapons by military units;

    After the expiration of the maximum-normative periods of operation, warranty resource or the development of a technical resource;

    In case of premature failure of weapons, as well as in case of receiving combat damage;

    When carrying out TO-2 or KO weapons of current allowance and long-term storage;

    After medium and major repairs.

    Compliance of the established category of weapons with their technical condition is checked by inspecting persons, the commander of the unit, the ZKV, the head of the PAB service during inspections and checks of the technical condition.

    Officials who have the right to approve acts of technical condition for the transfer of weapons to the 5th category are allowed to transfer weapons of the 5th category to training with the necessary repairs or improvements.

    Armament after SR or CR translated into 2nd category. The technical condition certificate is approved by the head of the repair body after the repair and verification of weapons for compliance with their technical conditions for repairs.

    After the development of technical resources (service life), weapons in a satisfactory technical condition are not transferred to the lowest category, their service life is extended by one year or one annual rate of resource consumption, depending on its technical condition and the feasibility of further use for its intended purpose on the basis of acts of the technical condition of weapons established by the Accounting Guide. The subsequent determination of the service life or resource before decommissioning must be done every year.

    Weapons that require repair, but have not worked out the established technical resource (service life), are transferred to a lower category on the basis of a technical condition report. The check of the technical condition of the weapon model is carried out by a commission appointed by the order of the commander of the unit (formation), consisting of representatives of the services in charge of the components of the RAV under the chairmanship of the ZKV.

    In the event of a premature release of weapons for repair, an administrative investigation is carried out. The materials of the investigation indicating the causes of the material damage caused, the perpetrators and the measures taken against them, as well as the decision to withdraw the sample for early repair, are attached to the technical condition report.

    Armament subject to restoration by current repairs in the repair bodies of units and formations is not transferred to a lower category.

    The absence or malfunction of spare parts, as well as components (sights, panoramas, cases, knapsacks, cases, etc.) does not serve as a basis for transferring weapons to a lower category, but characterizes their state of completeness.

    The special part of the ground equipment of air defense systems and radar facilities includes: radio stations, SNR, RPK, PU, ​​SOU, PZU, ZU, ZSU, combat vehicles, points and complexes of automated control systems, KIPS, KPM, TZM, TM, carts, truck cranes, oxidizer, fuel and air tankers, UKS, spare parts equipment, training equipment.

    A new model is understood as a weapon model that has not been previously used or is in storage, not being used for its intended purpose.

    2nd category- serviceable and fit for combat use, which has exhausted its guaranteed service life (storage), is and was in operation, has not exhausted its technical resource (service life) to SR or CR, as well as past SR or CR.

    5th category- unfit for combat use, the restoration of which is technically impossible or economically unfeasible (the cost of the CR exceeds 70% of the cost of a new product), upon reaching the limit state, limit or limit-normative service life established in the NTD.

    Anti-aircraft guided missiles according to their technical condition are divided into three categories:

    TO first The category includes missiles and their component parts suitable for combat use and long-term storage (including those with restrictions on combat use), without defects or with defects that do not require workshop repairs and do not interfere with combat use (including those subject to "refreshment" according to the decision of the GRAU). SAM, their components and spare parts, in addition, must have unexpired warranty period or unexpired expiration dates.

    Co. second categories include missiles that require workshop repairs (at arsenals, bases and district warehouses), replacement of individual elements, elimination of defects that appeared during service operation, sorting, as well as missiles, their elements and spare parts with expired warranty and unidentified(or expired) terms of technical validity.

    TO third categories include missiles that are unsuitable for combat use, subject to repair at industrial plants (alteration, restoration), prohibited by the decisions of the GRAU based on the results of laboratory and field tests, as well as dangerous for combat use, which were under the influence of explosions, fires, as well as cars, aircraft - and railway accidents.

    Technical inspections of missiles and in the process of their storage;

    routine work;

    Decisions made based on the results of laboratory and field tests;

    Qualitative accounting and valid warranty periods or terms of technical validity of missiles and their elements provided for in the ED.

    ZUR are transferred to the lower categories, on the basis of acts that are approved:

    a) at the central arsenals and bases:

    When transferred to the 3rd category - GRAU;

    b) in military districts:

    When ZUR is transferred to the 2nd category - by the head of the RAV service of the district with a subsequent report to the GRAU;

    The transfer of missiles to the 3rd category - GRAU. Acts for the transfer of missiles to the 3rd category in districts and groups of troops, if necessary, are approved after their inspection on the spot by a representative of the district.

    Categorization is preceded by flaw detection VVT, the main task of which is to determine the level of technical condition, the nature of wear of parts, assemblies and devices and determine the type of repair required.

    Fault detection is carried out by service personnel with the involvement, if necessary, from the repair department of personnel and specialists from weapons and military equipment manufacturers. The results of fault detection are recorded in a special list for each sample of weapons and military equipment.

    Measures taken to determine the categories of weapons and military equipment or fault detection are called technical examination .

    General information about security measures

    “The commander (chief) is obliged to establish the necessary security measures when working with weapons, military and other equipment and instruments during a march, conducting exercises, live firing, special classes or work, promptly bring these measures to his subordinates and demand their strict implementation.”(From the General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.)

    An analysis of injuries in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the causes of accidents with the death of personnel indicates that about 80% of accidents are associated with gross violation established security measures. And there is no excuse for those commanders and chiefs whose young guys die in peacetime due to negligence, unpreparedness or other similar reasons.

    Safety- the absence of an unacceptable risk to life, health and property of a person and environment under normal conditions of its existence.

    Security measures- a set of measures to ensure the safety of people and the safety of weapons and military equipment.

    In order to prevent death and injury, the occurrence of occupational diseases of personnel in the troops, a security system for the operation of weapons and military equipment. It includes the following elements: objects of increased danger, performers, means of protection and documentation.

    The system of security measures in the operation of weapons and military equipment must ensure:

    Solid knowledge by the personnel of the weapons device, the rules for its safe use, maintenance and repair;

    Organization of admission of personnel to the operation of lifting mechanisms, vessels operating under pressure, and electrical installations;

    Timely communication to all personnel of security measures and control of their implementation during classes, exercises and other work with weapons and military equipment;

    Timely registration, verification and certification of objects of increased danger and means of protection;

    Proper use by personnel of collective and individual protective equipment;

    Strict adherence to fire protection measures.

    The security system must be comprehensive and complete, covering the entire territory of the military unit and the weapons and military equipment located on it. In addition, the security system must be effective and reliable throughout the entire period of operation of weapons and military equipment, must create confidence in the service personnel in the high combat qualities of weapons and military equipment and ensure working environment when using them.

    The requirements for the security system must be met both in the process of designing and manufacturing weapons and military equipment, and during their operation in the troops. Only with a comprehensive solution of security issues can its sufficient effectiveness be achieved.

    The system of security measures includes:

    1. Timely conduct briefings(introductory, periodic, at the workplace) and bringing them under painting.

    2. Study, certification, periodic re-certification of personnel, improvement of their qualifications.

    3. Constant monitoring of the progress of work by officials.

    4. Ability to master first aid techniques.

    To provide safe operation VVT is established by the Instruction on security measures, including:

    General provisions;

    Safety measures during the operation of electrical installations;

    Safety measures during work with objects of state technical supervision;

    Security measures during loading and unloading operations;

    Safety measures when working with explosives;

    Safety measures when working with aggressive and toxic liquids;

    Safety precautions for maintenance and repair work, etc.

    In addition, this includes security measures determined by the operating instructions for a specific type of weapon.

    During maintenance and repair, additional safety instructions are developed for specific workplaces. These instructions include both general provisions and take into account the specifics of work using specific equipment, instruments and tools.

    General provisions Safety instructions generally include:

    The procedure for admitting personnel to independent operation;

    The procedure for the production of works;

    The procedure for monitoring the implementation of the requirements of the Instruction.

    Ensuring Security Measures

    To ensure the safe operation of weapons by order of the unit commander appointed:

    The person responsible for organizing the operation of the electrical facilities of the part;

    A person supervising the operation of objects of state technical supervision;

    Freelance metrologist of the part (if not in the state);

    The person responsible for the development and implementation of measures to protect personnel and the public from the effects of EMR;

    Persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of pressure vessels; for the maintenance of lifting machines in good condition; for the safe conduct of work on the movement of goods;

    Persons responsible for organizing and conducting work with missiles;

    The composition of the qualification commission to test knowledge of the operating rules and safety requirements;

    The composition of the commission for receiving weapons, missiles and ammunition received by the unit;

    The composition of the commission to investigate cases of damage to weapons.

    When operating weapons and military equipment, it is always necessary to take into account security issues.

    When carrying out work, the unit commanders are responsible for:

    Organization of safe work in the workplace;

    Timely briefing of personnel on security measures;

    Availability of instructions for safety measures in the workplace.

    PROHIBITED carrying out any work without the guidance of officials or work managers, as well as without bringing security measures under the signature and checking their knowledge by personnel.

    The commander who gave the order to carry out the work is obliged to take into account the complexity, degree of danger of the work, the qualifications and experience of the performer and appoint a leader from among the officers (ensigns) - weapons specialists.

    In accordance with the adopted system of security measures, personnel who have studied the material part of the weapon, the rules for its operation, security measures and have passed the test (this is a permit) for the right to work independently are allowed to operate weapons.

    Testing knowledge by personnel of security measures is divided into: primary, periodical(next) extraordinary.

    Primary, as well as periodical knowledge is tested: personnel involved in the operation of electrical installations, as well as command and engineering staff organizing their operation (platoon commanders, power engineers of units and formations), - 1 time per year, command and engineering staff, not related to the composition of the previous group, but in charge of which there are electrical installations - 1 time in 3 years. The specified personnel are tested in the qualification commission of the unit.

    Extraordinary knowledge is tested: persons who have committed violations of the Safety Rules in the operation of military electrical installations, job and operational instructions; persons having a break in work at this electrical installation for more than 6 months; persons transferred to a new electrical installation; persons at the direction of the higher command and the order of the inspector of Energonadzor.

    At unsatisfactory assessment of knowledge, a re-test can be carried out no earlier than two weeks later.

    Persons who showed unsatisfactory knowledge during the third test, to work on electrical installations not allowed and must be transferred to another position not related to the maintenance of electrical installations.

    Military personnel who have committed a violation of security measures or operating rules during operation are suspended from work in service. Re-admission to independent work in this case, it is carried out on the basis of the results of passing the offset of the commission by the decision of the unit commander.

    Damage to weapons depending on the circumstances, nature and consequences are divided into combat, breakdowns, accidents and catastrophes.

    TO combat includes damage resulting from the impact of enemy weapons, as well as when overcoming obstacles erected by him.

    breakdown damage to weapons and military equipment is considered, for the elimination of which it is necessary to carry out Maintenance without replacement or KR of the main units.

    Crash- this is an incident that caused bodily harm to people (injuries), regardless of the degree of damage to weapons and military equipment, as well as an incident in which weapons and military equipment are damaged and are subject to write-off or restoration of weapons and military equipment requires a CR or SR, or the replacement of one main unit.

    Catastrophe- this is an accident with equipment that resulted in the death of people, regardless of the degree of damage to the machine.

    The dead are those who die within 24 hours from injuries, wounds and poisoning resulting from accidents and crimes.

    incident- this is an event that caused significant material damage or other grave consequences, in the absence of corpus delicti in the actions of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Premature ruptures on the trajectory, shortfalls (falls) of shells, mines, grenades and missiles, premature missile launches, accidents of gas turbine objects (explosions of vessels, cylinders, barrels, tanks operating under pressure, destruction, fracture of metal structures of hoisting machines, breakage lifting ropes, etc.), as well as accidents.

    To clarify the causes of the incident, by order of the commander of the formation (unit), a commission, which conducts an investigation at the scene.

    An investigation into the causes and nature of the damage begins immediately upon discovery. The initial investigation is conducted by the company commander.

    Upon completion of the investigation, the commander of the unit is obliged to organize with the personnel a study of the causes of the incident and ensure that measures are taken to prevent them in the future.

    catastrophes under investigation personally by the commander of the unit, accidents - by the commission appointed by the commander of the unit, breakdowns - unit commander. The investigation must be completed within three days from the date of discovery of the damage. For weapons and military equipment that have not completed the warranty period, if the operating rules have not been violated, the causes of damage are investigated only after arrival representatives of the manufacturer or repair company.

    The results of the investigation into the causes and nature of the accident and catastrophe are documented in an act, and breakdowns - in a report.

    When drawing up the act, the following information is indicated: the date and basis for drawing up the act; the composition of the commission indicating the positions, military ranks, surnames and initials of the chairman and members of the commission; number and date of the order on its appointment; type, index and number of weapons and damaged units, assemblies, mechanisms and equipment; data on the operating time of a weapon model from the start of operation or the last CR; weapon model category; military rank, surname and initials of the platoon commander (head of department, head of calculation); number and date of the order to assign this type of weapon to the calculation; when, under what conditions and circumstances the weapon was damaged; the nature of damage to weapons and the amount of work required to restore it; the cause of the damage and the perpetrators; victims and their condition; commission conclusions.

    2.2. Operation of MANPADS

    2.2.1. Combat means

    Security measures when handling military equipment

    The handling of combat assets includes maintenance, military repairs, as well as transportation and other work not related to the conduct of combat work.

    Safety measures at the same time determine the procedure that prevents the breakdown of the complex, and measures to prevent harm to the health of personnel.

    The personnel must strictly comply with the requirements of the operating instructions, treat the products with care, preventing them from falling and colliding.

    The safety of handling the complex is ensured by:

    Solid knowledge of the structure and procedure for the combat use of MANPADS and skillful handling of them;

    Solid knowledge of maintenance and repair procedures;

    Timely briefing of personnel on safety measures when handling the complex and bringing it under signature;

    Using only regular and serviceable tools, fixtures, equipment, consumables;

    The prohibition of the presence of unauthorized persons and the distraction of the calculation from the performance of their functional duties;

    Control over the observance of security measures by commanders of all levels and the personal responsibility of a serviceman.

    When handling the complex prohibited:

    Without the need to remove the front and rear covers from the pipe, with the exception of cases provided for in the Operating Instructions;

    Aim the rocket at the sun with the front cover removed;

    Remove the rocket from the launch tube;

    Activate the NPS when checking its docking with the pipe;

    To check the connection of the NPS with the pipe when the pricking lever is in the "PIN" position;

    Disassemble the NPC and bring it to the face;

    Unnecessarily remove the protective cap from the fitting of the spare NPC;

    Allow products to fall;

    Allow the complex to heat up to temperatures above +50 °C.

    The 9K38 complex includes maintenance and repair facilities, which include the PKP 9V866 mobile control point and the KPA 9F719 control and verification equipment, designed to carry out maintenance of the complex elements, respectively, in the field and at bases (arsenals).

    The maintenance of the complex with the help of these means is carried out by the forces of a specialized calculation, and in military units - by anti-aircraft gunners.

    Maintenance is organized and conducted in accordance with the governing documents, which include:

    1. Technical description and operating instructions for MANPADS 9K38 " Needle».

    2. Manual for the operation of rocket and artillery weapons.

    3. Guidelines for the storage, conservation of rocket and artillery weapons and property in the central and district warehouses and bases.

    4. Instructions for extending the technical suitability of missiles of the type " Needle". Maintenance is carried out in accordance with the Combat Training Plan of the military unit (annual) and the Perspective Plan for the operation of weapons and military equipment (developed in the military unit for five years) by order of the unit commander.

    This is preceded by organizational and technical measures, including, respectively:

    1. Organizational events :

    Clarification of the volume of weapons and the type of maintenance;

    Calculation of the needs of human and material resources;

    Drawing up a schedule for maintenance;

    Organization and conduct of briefings and classes with involved personnel.

    2. Technical measures :

    Preparation of jobs and weapons for maintenance;

    Logistics maintenance.

    Maintenance procedure includes:

    1) removal of weapons elements from the closure;

    2) carrying out the required type of maintenance;

    3) inspection of the closure;

    4) packing of elements into capping;

    5) filling out the reporting documentation (forms, reports, etc.) indicating the date, type of maintenance performed, the date of the next, eliminated faults; the completeness and quality of the work carried out is checked;

    6) drawing up acts and orders based on the results of maintenance.

    The following types of maintenance are installed for the combat means of the complex:

    Control inspection (KO);

    Current maintenance (TeO);

    Maintenance No. 1 of the trigger mechanism (TO-1 PM);

    Routine work with a rocket in the tube.

    KO and TEO are not planned, but are carried out as necessary during the operation of the complex.

    TO-1 PM and scheduled maintenance with the rocket are carried out by the PKP calculation during the operation of the complex in military units or the KPA - during storage.

    KO carried out by an anti-aircraft gunner before launching missiles, taking up combat duty, making a march, on the march (at halts and stops), before exercises and training sessions.

    Combat means KO includes:

    1) KO of an anti-aircraft guided missile in the launch tube (SAM in the PT);

    2) KO trigger (PM);

    3) KO ground power source (GPS);

    4) KO spare inventory and accessories (spare parts).

    It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that:

    1) before taking up combat duty and before launching, it is necessary to check the presence of an aerodynamic nozzle by removing the front cover;

    2) after transportation to the infantry fighting vehicle, it is necessary to check the condition of the back cover for the absence of punctures by forcing fingers from the inside around the circumference and in the center, after removing the cover from the pipe.

    Theo carried out by an anti-aircraft gunner every time after a failed rocket launch, march, training and exercises, but at least once every two weeks.

    The TeO of combat means includes:

    1) TeO SAM in PT;

    3) TeO SPTA;

    4) TEO capping.

    Operations carried out in the scope of KO and TEO of combat means are set out in Appendix. 3 and 4, respectively; the composition of spare parts and consumption of materials - in the appendix. 5 and 6.

    TO-1 PM and routine maintenance with missiles in PT are carried out by the calculation of PKP 9V866 (KPA 9F719) with the participation of anti-aircraft gunners. The volume and frequency of these works are indicated in the appendix. 7.

    During TO-1 and routine maintenance, it is necessary:

    1) conduct a feasibility study;

    2) check the functioning of the rocket in the tube and the launcher in accordance with 9V866 IE;

    3) inspect boxes for PM and 9Ya694 for missiles in the PT;

    4) eliminate the identified faults and shortcomings, put the products in corking boxes and fill out the documentation.

    1. When checking the PM, the following is controlled: the integrity of the electrical circuits, insulation resistance, current consumption, the serviceability of blocking and starting circuits, the analysis time of the PM states, and other parameters.

    2. When carrying out routine maintenance with missiles in the PT, the following is monitored: the technical condition of the missile and pipe, the insulation resistance of the NIP, the operation of the rectifier and stabilizer of the BIP, the amplitude of the signals from the steering gears, the sensitivity of the OGS, the command coefficient module, the current consumption, the rotational speed of the gyroscope rotor, etc. . parameters.

    3. When inspecting the boxes, it is necessary to check:

    The presence and condition of shock absorbers, edging, lodgements and linings;

    The condition of the polyethylene sheet in the 9Ya694 box and the polyethylene bag for laying the cover with PM (through punctures and cuts in them are not allowed; seal the existing punctures and cuts with polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer of the AZO GOST 2044–75 brand or polyethylene film Cs 0.20 of the 1st grade GOST 10354-73 on polyisobutylene glue P-20 TU 38-103257-90, dissolved in gasoline for industrial and technical purposes; if necessary, replace the canvas, taking a new one from the spare parts group kit);

    Absence of moisture and mold;

    The condition of the coloring and marking on the boxes (touch up the places of damage to the color of the boxes with GF-1147 green enamel TU 6-10-1361–78; touch up the places of damage to the marking with enamel EP # 51 GOST 9640–75 of the corresponding color or enamel PF # 113 GOST 6465–76, or XV16 TU 6-10-1301-78).

    4. When laying missiles in pipes in a box 9Ya694, you must:

    Lay the rockets in the pipes in the pads, while the shoulder straps should be placed in the grooves of the pads;

    Apply a uniform layer of polyisobutylene, taken from the group set of spare parts, to the rubber edging; close the box with a plastic sheet (sticky side to the rubber edging of the box) and straighten the sheet;

    Close the box with a lid and secure it with six (eight) locks, on which checks should be installed;

    Put the forms on the rockets in the tubes in the box in plastic bags and put them in your pocket.

    Note: if there is a spacer ring in the box, install it on the ground power source.

    When laying PM in a box, you must:

    Put the PM and its single set of spare parts in the PM case;

    Place the case with PM in plastic bag, seal the bag or seal it with polyisobutylene glue P-20, dissolved in gasoline for industrial and technical purposes, or polyethylene film Cs 0.20 of the 1st grade on polyisobutylene glue P-20 or polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer of the AZO brand;

    Put the PM in a case in a box;

    Close the box with a lid and secure with locks;

    Put the form on the PM in a plastic bag and put it in a pencil case.

    Note: it is allowed to use similar materials produced by the industry according to other GOSTs and TUs (instead of the above).

    2.2.2. Means of target designation and communications

    The operation of target designation and communication means is carried out in accordance with the Instructions for Use of Products, as well as the requirements of departmental documents of the RF Ministry of Defense.

    Portable electronic tablet PEP 1L15-1

    The operation of the probe includes the use for its intended purpose for combat and training purposes, maintenance and repair, as well as storage and transportation.

    General provisions of safety measures during the operation of PET 1L15–1

    Persons who have studied the operating instructions and the technical description of the product and have been instructed in safety precautions when working with electrical and radio installations are allowed to operate. When operating the product, in order to avoid its damage, it is necessary to take precautions: do not allow falls, bumps, heavy and hard objects to fall on the protective glass of the indicator and not to get sunlight on it. When checking the product, use only serviceable tools and devices. When working with electrical measuring instruments and during checks, it is necessary to ground the case, instruments, and power source. When installing the product in the area of ​​influence of HF and microwave radiation from the radar, it is necessary to maintain a safe distance from the radar or limit the time spent in the area to acceptable standards. When performing transportation and storage operations, comply with safety requirements for loading and unloading and transport operations.

    The order of preparation and work on the probe

    I. Position selection

    1. The position must provide:

    a) the convenience of viewing the terrain and airspace;

    b) the best conditions for radio reception;

    c) protecting the screen of the matrix LED indicator from direct sunlight;

    d) its presence near the place indicated in the combat order of the commander.

    2. According to the conditions of radio reception, it is better to be located at a height, on a slope from the side of the control center or side.

    3. You should not be located closer than 50 m from massive structures and forest edges.

    II. Preparing the probe for work

    Open the top cover of the PEP, the bag of a single spare parts kit and write in the initial data:

    a) the full coordinates of the position, determined on the map:

    X pos1

    Y pos1=…, km (accurate to tenths)

    b) the full coordinates of the reference point indicated in the combat order:

    X rap.=…, km

    Y rap.=…, km

    c) the main and spare operating frequencies indicated in the combat order:

    f main=…, MHz

    f zap=…, MHz

    d) calculated topographic location coordinates:

    X tp1 \u003d X pos1 - X rep=…, km

    Y tp1 \u003d Y pos1 - Y rep=…, km

    Attention! The coordinates must be only positive, i.e. the reference point must be located southwest of the firing position.

    2. Supply power to the probe:

    a) from an embedded source:

    Unscrew the battery cover screw and remove the battery case;

    Move, until the extreme marks are aligned, the cover of the battery case and open it;

    Install 6 cells of type A-343 into the battery, observing the polarity indicated on the battery case, close the lid;

    Install the battery in the battery compartment with the terminals down, aligning the chamfer of the edge of the battery case with the cut corner of the compartment (the “+” signs on the battery and compartment must match);

    Close and screw the battery compartment cover;

    Check battery performance by setting the type of work switch to the "WORK" position:

    When the “LOSS OF COMMUNICATION” and “TOPOLOAD” displays light up, the battery is in good order;

    When the “CHANGE BATTERY” display lights up, the battery life will be enough for no more than 40 minutes of operation;

    If these displays do not light up, the battery is inoperative;

    b) from a remote source (in cold weather):

    Remove the battery from the battery compartment, fasten the compartment cover again with a screw;

    Install the battery in the case, taken from a single spare parts kit, with the terminals down and align the chamfers (the “+” sign is towards the cable);

    Connect the Sh1 connector of the case cable to the Sh3 connector of the probe, aligning the locks of the connectors and fixing it with a union nut;

    Place the battery case under outerwear;

    Check battery performance;

    c) from an external source (on-board network of BMP +27V):

    Strictly observing the polarity, connect the + 27V and ^ terminals of the external source and the probe with a cable (preferably with multi-colored wires). In this case, the built-in or remote sources are automatically turned off;

    Check source performance.

    2. Enter the geolocation coordinates into the PET, for which:

    a) set the switch for the type of work in the "WORK" position, check the lighting of the "LOSS OF COMMUNICATION", "TOPOLATCH" displays and the sound signal;

    b) press the "X" button and, observing the seven-segment indicator "X":

    By simultaneously pressing buttons I and II, enter tens of kilometers Х tp;

    By pressing the button II, enter the units of kilometers Х tp;

    By pressing the I button, enter tenths of a kilometer Х tp;

    c) similarly enter the YTP coordinate and make sure that the “TOPOLOVYAZKA” display goes out (when Х tp and Y tp are entered, the indication “TOPOLOVYAZKA” stops);

    The set values ​​of coordinates are stored in the TP mode for up to one day. Control of the entered coordinates - by pressing the buttons "X", "Y". The coordinates are reset by setting the switch for the type of work of the probe to the “OFF” position. for 7 s;

    d) set the switch for the type of work of the probe to the position "STANDARD." and make sure that the "LOSS OF COMMUNICATION" display goes out.

    In case of increased external noise, connect the Ш connector of the external telephone to the “Ш3” connector of the probe or to the “Ш2” connector of the battery case (in cold weather).

    4. Install the antenna in the antenna socket of the PET:

    Remove the antenna from the bag on the PET cover;

    Align the axis of the upper part of the antenna with the sleeve of its lower part;

    Close the junction with a movable tube;

    Holding the base of the antenna with one hand (wrench) and turning the tension nut with the other hand, tighten the antenna cable;

    Fix the tension nut with a lock nut;

    Screw the antenna into the antenna socket.

    5. Set the main (backup) operating frequency of the receiver:

    Pull the MHz knob up to the stop;

    Turning the knob and observing the scale, set the value of the operating frequency MHz (within 37–51);

    Drown the handle down;

    Similarly, use the KHz knob to set the KHz value of the operating frequency (within 000–950 in increments of 50).

    At night, set the receiver switch to the "BACKLIGHT" position.

    6. Check the receiver's operability (if there is power in the "STANDBY" mode), for which set the receiver's switch to the "RECEPTION" position. Wherein:

    If after 7 s the display “LOSS OF COMMUNICATION” goes out, and telegraph or voice information is clearly heard in the phone, then the position is selected correctly, the receiver is operational, the communication channel is functioning;

    If after 30 s the “LOSS OF COMMUNICATION” display does not go out, and the telecode is weakly heard on the phone against the background of noise, then it is necessary to change the position in order to improve reception;

    In cold weather, to improve reception, place the receiver under outerwear, for which:

    Loosen the union nut of the antenna socket and disconnect the tip of the wire “A” of the receiver;

    Disconnect connector "Sh1" of the receiver from the connector "Sh2" of the probe;

    Unscrew 6 screws of the receiver cover and remove the receiver;

    Close the receiver niche with a cover from the spare parts kit;

    Take a connecting device from ZIP-1 and connect it:

    · connector "Sh1" to the connector "Sh2" of the probe;

    contact "E" to the antenna socket of the PET;

    terminal "AN" to the wire "A" of the receiver; connector "SH" to the connector "SH1" of the receiver;

    · pass the belt of the connecting device through the eyelets in the receiver housing;

    Hang the receiver on a belt under your clothes.

    If after 30 seconds the “LOSS OF COMMUNICATION” display does not go out, and only a characteristic noise is heard in the phone, then the communication channel is not working. Check the spare frequency or listen to the channel with any other receiver with a sensitivity of at least 10 µV. Report to commander.

    7. Orient PET north using a compass or work map and local objects.

    8. During a break in combat work, set the switch to the TP position, while the topographical data are saved.

    III. combat work

    1. Set the switch for the type of work of the probe to the work position and make sure that after 7 s the light and sound indication of the loss of communication has disappeared and the signs “CHANGE BATTERY”, “TOP-LOADING” are not lit.

    2. When an alien target appears in the PET display area:

    a) a pulsed light signal "ZONE" and an intermittent sound signal will appear;

    b) the indicator LEDs will start blinking intermittently at a frequency of 3.5 Hz and a duty cycle of 2, showing the location and course of the target (and the new position of the target is indicated by a brighter glow of the LED). “Own” targets are displayed by non-flashing LEDs.

    3. Assess the air situation, select a target for shelling and continuously determine its range and azimuth.

    4. At a distance of 9-6 km, give target designation to the shooter in reference directions, local landmarks or azimuth and range.

    Example: « So-and-so(call sign) target over something(number of landmark or reference direction), height 00(in hectometers), range 00(in hectometers), destroy" or " So-and-so(call sign) target left/right, front/back, height 00, range 00, destroy».

    "11th, target over 1, height 10, range 30, destroy."

    "12th, target left over bridge, height 15, range 20, destroy."

    At the end of the work, put the receiver switch in the “OFF” position, the PET switch in the “OFF” position. and roll the product into the stowed position.

    The procedure for carrying out maintenance of the probe is set out in Appendix. eight.

    Radio R-157

    General provisions for safety measures during the operation of R-157

    In order to avoid premature failure of the radio station, it is required to keep it clean; protect the rubber sheath of the cables of the microtelephone headset from oil and gasoline; protect the ticker from moisture. In case of severe contamination of the battery compartment, it is allowed to rinse it with a jet of water, followed by drying. If water gets on the battery, dry it with light shaking.

    It is also necessary to protect the radio station from bumps and falls; avoid excessive force when connecting and disconnecting the battery and handset; do not twist or bend at an acute angle the antennas and cables of the microtelephone headset; when disconnecting the headset, take the connector cover with your hand, but do not pull the cable; start folding the whip antenna from the top link, bending the antenna at the locations of the short bushings; protect the battery from various impacts, since TsNK-0.45 batteries do not have sufficient mechanical strength; when removing the battery from the housing, while pressing the lock button, support it with your fingers.

    During operation, do not turn on the radio station for transmission without an antenna or its equivalent.

    The operating instructions for the power supplies must be observed.

    In addition, when carrying out maintenance of the radio station, allow maintenance personnel with solid practical skills in operation, maintenance and knowledge of the relevant safety rules when working with measuring instruments. Maintenance personnel conducting regulations must be aware that careless or inept handling of the radio, violation of the operating instructions and safety measures can cause failure of the components of the radio. Troubleshooting of any nature and repair of the radio should only be carried out with the power source turned off. When checking and adjusting the radio station, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for safe work with radio installations, all control and measuring equipment must be grounded.

    Attention! When carrying out routine maintenance on batteries prohibited:

    Charge batteries directly from the network;

    Shorting the battery poles;

    Discharge batteries to voltages below 10 V.

    Failure to comply with these rules leads to depressurization and explosion of batteries.

    The procedure for preparing the radio station R-157 for work

    To use the radio, you must connect a headset to the transceiver; insert a charged battery into the battery compartment until it stops (you will feel a click in the lock); insert the antenna into the antenna socket of the transceiver and turn the antenna lock nut clockwise; set the required operating frequency with the knobs on the front panel of the transceiver; turn on the power of the radio (set the switch for the type of work on the manipulator to the “ON” position); check the presence of noise in the phone and the operation of the noise suppressor (set the switch for the type of work on the manipulator to the “ShP” position); install two radio stations at a distance of 5–10 m from each other and check for communication between them on the same frequencies; put the switch for the type of work on the manipulator in the "OFF" position.

    The order of work on the radio station R-157

    When operating a radio station, especially at the limiting distances of radio communication, it must be remembered that the choice of the location of the radio station must be made taking into account the characteristics of the propagation of ultrashort waves (VHF), and also depending on the method of placing the radio station.

    When choosing a location, it must be remembered that electromagnetic waves, propagating along the earth's surface and encountering obstacles on their way, can to some extent go around them, be simultaneously reflected and absorbed by them. The shorter the radio wave, the less pronounced its ability to go around obstacles and the more it can be reflected and absorbed. Reflection and absorption of radio waves in the range of the R-157 radio station is expressed to a large extent, and the ability to go around obstacles is small. Therefore, you must follow the following rules:

    Do not be located in the immediate vicinity of local objects in the direction of the correspondent: behind the steep slopes of hills and embankments; near stone, reinforced concrete and railway structures, transverse power lines;

    Locate the radio station, if circumstances permit, on the side of the mountain facing the correspondent, on the side slope or closer to the top;

    At the edge of the forest, do not deploy the radio station, but it is better to go deeper into the forest or move to an open place;

    In the forest, place the radio station in the center of a group of trees, but not on their border with a clearing;

    On the top of a mountain, on tall trees, on a tower, on the roof of a building, etc., a communication range is achieved that significantly exceeds the nominal one. When there are several mountainous obstacles (heights) between the correspondents, then choose the final points so that the route passes through the highest points, peaks. The most favorable radio communication conditions will be with direct visibility of both correspondents;

    Soil has a significant effect on radio communication: communication on dry soil is much worse than on wet soil (dry soil is sand, frozen soil, snow-covered soil, frozen reservoirs);

    In the conditions of a city, especially a large one, the phenomenon of interference of VHF radio waves is observed, which is expressed in the fact that a few meters from the place of good hearing there are places with very poor hearing or there is no hearing at all. And if the connection turns out to be unreliable, then the radio station should be carried a few meters from the place of initial installation. The communication range when working in a populated area is reduced relative to the nominal;

    When working from a stone building for a radio station, choose a room with windows overlooking the correspondent and be located on the top floor (but not under the iron roof itself);

    To be located with a radio station on sites, in parks, as far as possible from urban buildings. It is desirable that there is more free space near the radio station in the direction of the correspondent. Carburetor internal combustion engines with an electric ignition system create radio interference due to spark discharges that occur during the operation of automotive electrical equipment and are accompanied by high-frequency electrical oscillations. Therefore, avoid placing the radio station near the road, move away from it.

    Communication with the correspondent

    Depending on the operating conditions and the location of the radio station on the operator, communication is carried out on a whip antenna or an antenna in a belt. When working at extreme distances, orient the antenna according to the best audibility (the whip antenna should be tilted away from the correspondent), connect the counterweight and turn off the noise suppressor.

    Set the switch for the type of work on the manipulator to the “ON” position. The transceiver is in receive mode and the phone is hearing receiver noise. When the switch for the type of work is switched to the SHP position, only weak noises of the low-frequency amplifier are heard.

    To call a correspondent, press the "TONE" and "TRANSMISSION" keys on the keypad, the transceiver switches to tone call transmission mode. The correspondent's phone is listening to a single-tone signal.

    To communicate by voice, press the "TRANSMISSION" key and work from the microphone. During transmission, monitor the condition of the battery: if the light on the manipulator lights up, disconnect the battery and replace it with a freshly charged one. Set the required volume in the phone by rotating the external disk built into the chequephone until the holes in the disks overlap or overlap.

    After the end of the connection, put the switch for the type of work on the manipulator to the “OFF” position.

    It is also necessary to remember the features of the radio station in various climatic conditions:

    To increase the duration of the radio station operation from one battery at low temperatures (below -10 °C), place the battery under outer clothing, connecting it to the transceiver through block No. 1, included in a single spare parts kit.

    When operating the radio station in low temperature conditions, do not place it directly on snow and ice, protect the external parts of the set from moisture and freezing. When brought into a warm room, the radio sweats, you need to wipe it with a dry soft cloth (rag).

    When the ambient temperature rises above +50 °C, unscrew the technological screw on the front panel of the transceiver and bleed the air; After the air has escaped, tighten the screw until it stops. Do not allow the radio to reach temperatures above +65°C.

    After operating in wet weather, dry the radio in a dry, well-ventilated area.

    R-157 Maintenance

    For the maintenance of radio stations, a preventive-planning principle is used, according to which maintenance at radio stations is carried out after certain calendar periods, regardless of the operating time.

    Maintenance procedures should include:

    Daily maintenance (1);

    Monthly maintenance (3);

    Semi-annual maintenance (5);

    Annual maintenance (6).

    During maintenance, all the work specified in the relevant regulations must be performed, and the identified shortcomings and malfunctions must be eliminated.

    The results of the implementation of regulations 3, 5, 6 are clearly and accurately recorded in the register of routine maintenance. All detected malfunctions, repair work, measurement results of controlled parameters, as well as the results of the implementation of regulations 5 and 6 must be entered in the appropriate section of the radio station form.

    The labor costs for the implementation of the regulations are given without taking into account the time required to prepare, deploy and repair radio stations, the labor costs for the implementation of regulations 5 and 6 are given without taking into account the time required to check the capacity of the batteries.

    During the maintenance of the radio station, work should be carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive measures. Based on this work, the content of the regulations is specified and corrected in the prescribed manner.

    The procedure for carrying out regulations 1 and 3 is set out in Appendix. 9.

    2.2.3. Training aids

    Unified field simulator 9Ф635

    The simulator can be used both during training in fulfilling the duties of anti-aircraft gunners for shelling air targets in various modes, and when fulfilling standards No. 10 and No. 11 for fire training of units armed with MANPADS.

    The procedure for using the UPT for working out educational tasks and standards is given in Appendix. 10. Options for learning tasks are given in the training manual " Special training for a 9K38 Igla MANPADS platoon commander”, as well as on the corresponding poster in the combat work class of the military department.

    General provisions for safety measures during the operation of UPT 9F635

    Persons who have studied the device and operating rules of 9K38 equipment, the technical description of the UPT and this manual are allowed to work with the unified field simulator. The personnel must strictly comply with the requirements of this instruction, treat the products with care, avoiding their falling and collisions. The admission of personnel to work is carried out after checking the knowledge of the material part of standard complexes, operating rules and safety precautions.

    When conducting training on the UPT, it is necessary, in addition, to observe safety measures when working with electrical equipment and a gasoline-electric unit:

    1. To avoid electric shock to personnel prohibited:

    When the power is on, make docking and undocking of cable connectors, replacing fuses and light bulbs, and other current repairs;

    Use fuses and light bulbs of other ratings, non-standard and faulty tools.

    2. To avoid poisoning of personnel with poisonous technical liquids (YATZH) and exhaust gases prohibited:

    Install the gas unit for operation on the leeward side;

    Carry out refueling / refueling of the operating unit with fuel and lubricants and coolants;

    Allow YATZh to get inside.

    3. To ensure fire safety The workplace must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment. In the event of a fire, turn off the unit, de-energize the electrical equipment and start extinguishing.

    Besides, prohibited:

    Use open fire when starting the unit;

    Extinguish electrical installations and cables with water and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers;

    Smoking in places not provided for this.

    Training kit 9F663

    General provisions for safety measures during the operation of UTC 9F663

    Persons who have studied the device and operating rules of 9K38 equipment, the technical description of the 9F663 kit and this manual are allowed to work with the training kit. The personnel must strictly comply with the requirements of this instruction, treat the products with care, avoiding their falling and collisions. The admission of personnel to work is carried out after checking the knowledge of the material part of standard complexes, operating rules and safety precautions.

    Preparation for operation of the product 9F726 02.000, work, preparation for reuse of the kit 9F663 should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions. Persons who have undergone special training, have studied the safety regulations when working with pyrotechnics and are appointed by order are allowed to prepare the product for reuse. Personnel preparing the kit for reuse must wear clothing that does not contain a charge. static electricity. When changing the device, it is not allowed to find personnel in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front and rear cuts of the pipe. It is allowed to prepare the product for reuse in the field with protection from atmospheric precipitation.

    To save the training and practical product 9F726, it is necessary to choose a place for work in such a way that the product falls onto soft ground (plowing, sand, snow).

    Connecting the 9Ф663 cable plug to an external power source is allowed only in the polarity indicated on the plug.

    Product 9F726 and devices 9F726 are safe during storage, operation, checks, work, accidental fall on a concrete base from a height of up to 5 m and are trouble-free when falling in a capping from a height of up to 2 m onto a concrete base. In case of accidental fall of 9F726 products from a height of up to 1 m, it is necessary to carry out an external inspection with a corresponding mark in section 12 of the form. If MTP 9F634 falls without capping from a height of more than 2 m, it is necessary to carry out maintenance with a note in section 16 of the form.

    When using the kit prohibited:

    1) perform real work for operators who have not been trained in educational and training, training and practical modes of operation;

    2) apply power, press the trigger and move the handle of the product pricking mechanism to the PUNCH position without the instructor's command;

    3) make docking and undocking of the NPS, if the lever of the pipe pricking mechanism is turned in the direction of the pricking arrow;

    4) undock the MTP if it is powered on;

    5) tilt the training-practical product with the front end down with the trigger of the MTP pressed (also in case of non-displacement of the TPI with the device);

    6) place the 9F663 kit without capping on the floor of a moving car;

    7) jump with items from the car body;

    8) finding people, explosives, flammable materials outside shelters at a distance closer than 60 m from the working site.

    9) work:

    Without goggles;

    With closed front and rear covers of the pipe;

    At an elevation angle of less than 20° above the horizon line;

    From a kneeling position if the elevation angle is more than 50°;

    From a standing position, if the elevation angle is more than 70 °;

    With a shoulder strap thrown over the head or arm;

    If behind the operator at a distance of less than 0.5 m from the rear cut of the pipe there are high objects (walls, blind fences, trench walls, earthen ramparts, etc.);

    10) press the trigger release lever and move the lever of the pricking mechanism to its original position after passing the “Descent” command without the instructor’s command;

    11) move the lever of the pricking mechanism to its original position without returning the trigger to its original position.

    To use the kit you need:

    Prepare the position in accordance with the requirements of the instruction manual;

    Deploy the kit in position;

    Carry out self-control of the functioning of the equipment;

    Dock the training device to the training-practical product;

    Dock the equipped training and / or training-practical complex for training in the selected mode;

    Conduct training in one of the modes:

    Educational and training;

    Training and practical with a training or operating device

    2 operators in the training-practical;

    Collapse kit.

    The procedure for docking a training device to a training and practical product is set out in Appendix. eleven.

    The order of deployment, self-control of equipment and training is set out in Appendix. 12.

    Maintenance of the 9F663 kit ensures its constant readiness for operation and consists in the periodic performance of certain activities (inspections, checks and other work) aimed at timely detection of faults, their prevention and elimination.

    The maintenance work of the kit is carried out by the personnel of the calculation under the guidance of the unit commander. Maintenance of MU 9F728 and educational product 9F727 is carried out by specialists of PKP 9V866 with the involvement of the calculation operating the 9F663 kit.

    During maintenance, it is necessary to use only regular serviceable tools and accessories, strictly follow all safety instructions.

    For all types of maintenance, it is mandatory to fill out the form 9F663 FO and the forms of its components and devices.

    Forbidden reduce the amount of maintenance provided for in this manual.

    Types and frequency of maintenance UTK 9F663 (app. 13):

    1) control inspection (KO);

    4) maintenance No. 2 (TO-2);

    5) seasonal maintenance (SEO).

    In the event that during any type of maintenance, malfunctions are found that cannot be eliminated by the calculation forces, the repair is carried out with the involvement of repair organizations and the manufacturer.

    Unified class simulator 9Ф874

    General provisions of safety measures during the operation of UKT 9F874

    Personnel who have studied the operation manual (technical description) of MANPADS are allowed to exercise on the 9F874 simulator. Students must know the device, principle of operation, the procedure for preparing and combat use of MANPADS combat weapons. They must be familiar with the performance of anti-aircraft gunner operations with MANPADS combat equipment in accordance with the operating manual. An instructor who trains anti-aircraft gunners must be trained in the design, operation and practical application MANPADS and UKT 9F874.

    All work on the installation and dismantling of the simulator, docking and undocking of cables of all types, as well as carrying out all types of repair work, must be performed only when the complex is completely de-energized. When carrying out repair work, the safety measures adopted for this type of work (welding, gluing, etc.) should be observed.

    When using the trainer prohibited:

    Allow to work persons who have not been instructed in safety;

    Turn on the product and work with it for one anti-aircraft gunner without an instructor;

    Leave the product energized without supervision.

    The simulator provides protection against external energy overloads. The instructor workplace monitor (RMI) provides protection for the instructor from electromagnetic and other harmful radiation and complies with the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    When using UCT, it must first be prepared for work:

    Turn on the simulator (press the switch located on the computer case under the protective cover);

    Run the special software of the simulator (mouse over the icon of this application and double-click the left mouse button);

    If necessary, enter your full name. trainees to the base of the simulator, using the RMI software interface;

    If necessary, create new exercises or edit existing ones and enter them into the simulator database using the RMI software interface.

    When working at the UKT, you must:

    Select an exercise from the list using the RMI software interface;

    Choose your full name a student from the list using the RMI software interface;

    Give the trainee a task for training work;

    Instruct the trainee to take a seat at the counter with the MANPADS BS simulator;

    Instruct the trainee to put on the helmet-display and take the MANPADS BS simulator (if necessary, the second trainee helps the first one);

    Set the zero position on the orientation sensors of the helmet-display and the MANPADS BS simulator by pressing the F2 and F4 buttons in sequence;

    Start the exercise by pressing the F1 key on the keyboard;

    The instructor controls the student's actions during the exercise (to interrupt the exercise at any place, if necessary, press the ESC key);

    At the end of the exercise, give the trainee a command to remove the helmet-display and put the MANPADS BS simulator on the stand;

    Enter the grade in the database, if necessary, conduct a detailed analysis of the student's actions.

    At the end of work, turn off the simulator (exit the special software of the simulator, then turn off the computer using the standard procedure operating system Windows).

    Maintenance of the UKT should ensure its constant readiness for use, as well as timely detection and elimination of faults. The UKT maintenance system is being developed in accordance with the requirements of the "Unified System for the Comprehensive Maintenance and Repair of Weapons and Military Equipment" and based on the operating experience of training equipment.

    The following types of maintenance are established for UKT:

    1) control inspection (KO);

    2) daily maintenance (DTO);

    3) maintenance No. 1 (TO-1);

    4) maintenance during storage (TO-X).

    Maintenance is carried out in the places of operation and does not require dismantling of individual parts of the simulator. Whenever possible, types of maintenance should be combined.

    1. Control inspection carried out by service personnel before the start of classes. Control inspection includes:

    Visual check of the absence of mechanical damage to the simulator;

    Checking the reliability of cable connections;

    Removing dust from all surfaces of the simulator (except for the monitor and optics of the helmet-display) with a damp cotton cloth. Dust from the monitor and optics of the helmet-display, if necessary, is removed with a dry, clean cotton cloth;

    Switching on, checking the operation of the helmet-display and the MANPADS BS simulator in accordance with the operating manual at the UKT.

    2. Daily Maintenance carried out by the attendants after the classes, but at least once every two weeks, if the simulator was not used. Daily maintenance includes work in the scope of QA.

    3. Maintenance No. 1 carried out by a specialized calculation and is carried out once a year. TO-1 includes:

    Carrying out work in the scope of the STO;

    Checking the availability and condition of single sets of spare parts and accessories;

    Replacement (from spare parts and accessories kit-O) of the units and parts of the simulator that have expired according to the operating manual at UKT;

    Checking the condition of the paint coating of the MANPADS BS simulator and, if necessary, restoring it in accordance with the operating manual at the UKT;

    Carrying out the undocking of the PM simulator with the rocket simulator in the tube to check the serviceability of the elements of their attachment to each other, the state of the contacts on the plug and socket of their on-board connector, docking the PM simulators and the rocket in the tube in order to check the reliability of their mutual attachment;

    Uncoupling the NIJ simulator, the onboard connector cover on the pipe to check the presence and condition of lubrication on the docking and rubbing surfaces of the pricking mechanism, the operation of the NIJ retainer, traction, etc. Lubrication of docking points;

    Checking the presence and condition of seals, their compliance with the form.

    4. Storage maintenance carried out by the personnel of storage units and maintenance points once every six months. TO-X includes:

    External inspection of the condition of the UKT package;

    Opening the package with an uninterruptible power supply, setting it up for recharging in accordance with the instruction manual.

    2.2.4. General information about the maintenance of mobile MANPADS

    Maintenance of MANPADS mobile vehicles is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Operating Instructions and technical description machines, as well as with the instructions and recommendations set out in the departmental documents of the RF Ministry of Defense.

    Full use of the technical capabilities of combat vehicles, constant combat readiness and reliability of their operation are ensured by:

    Correct and technical competent organization operation of equipment;

    Keeping records of the work and maintenance of machines;

    Systematic qualified control by officials of the technical condition and maintenance of machines in subdivisions, units;

    high level technical training personnel;

    Availability of equipped parks, mechanized stationary and mobile facilities;

    Timely supply of troops with property and operational materials according to established tables and standards.

    Maintenance of mobile vehicles consists in periodically carrying out a strictly defined list of works: cleaning and washing vehicles, refueling fuel and lubricants, adjusting, lubricating and washing filters, eliminating possible malfunctions, etc., which are carried out in accordance with operating plans in conjunction with other weapons and equipment of the unit.

    For them, the main types of operation will be:

    Scheduled maintenance;

    Intended use during exercises and in educational process within the allocated resource norms;

    Short-term storage in a specially equipped and guarded zone No. 1 of the park of the military unit.

    To check and maintain the BMP#2 in a technically sound condition and in constant combat readiness, the following types of maintenance are provided:

    1) control inspection (KO);

    2) daily maintenance (DTO);

    3) maintenance No. 1 (TO-1);

    4) maintenance No. 2 (TO-2).

    1. Control inspection (KO) machines are held before every exit from the park or before the battle to check the serviceability of the machine and refuel it with operational materials. The approximate duration of the inspection is 15-20 minutes. Control inspection on the small halts held after 2-3 hours of movement on the march. The approximate duration of the inspection is 10-12 minutes.

    At control examination before leaving the park:

    Check the filling of the fuel supply system, the oil level in the engine lubrication system tank, the coolant level in the expansion tank of the cooling system and top up if necessary.

    Check the serviceability of the operation of the steering wheel, pedals and levers of the control drives, the serviceability of external lighting and signal, the presence and fastening of manhole covers and plugs in the bottom and body of the machine, the fastening of spare parts and accessories outside the machine, the presence and serviceability of caterpillar shackles and wedges with nuts.

    Prepare the engine for starting, start it, warm it up and check engine operation at 2000–2600 rpm, serviceability of instrumentation (instrumentation), availability of charging current and voltage of the machine’s on-board network, no fuel, oil and coolant leaks.

    Before going out at night, set to working position and check the operation of the TVNO-2 device, wipe the optical parts of the sight, the TKN-3B device and observation devices, check the operation of the sight control panel in day and night operating modes.

    In anticipation of firing from a gun and a machine gun, check the automatic locking of the gun at the angle of loading and remove grease from the bore of the gun; serviceability of the electric ignition circuit; the amount of fluid in the hydraulic recoil device; electric trigger of the machine gun and remove grease from the bore and moving parts; ammunition storage and fastening of ammunition; the treadmill of the conveyor of the loading mechanism and free it from foreign objects; the position of the tray-capture; operation of the guidance drive 1ETs10M.

    In anticipation of 9M14M ATGM launches, check the operation of the ATGM control panel handle, switch, condition of the signal lamp cap, buttons and protectors; reliable fastening of the cover on the launch bracket; check the reliability of the fastening of the guide in the laying.

    In anticipation of air transportation, remove the plugs from the air cartridges on the sight and the cover of the spare head; locking the turret and make sure that the handle of the rotary mirror of the TKN-3B device is set to the desired position (according to the requirements of the IE).

    At control examination on halts, check the fastening of manhole covers and plugs in the bottom and body of the machine; fastening boxes with spare parts outside and inside the machine; absence of leakage from the connections of engine systems and power transmission units, as well as whether there is any chafing of pipelines of systems; serviceability of marker and signal lights; cleanliness of the grid of the air intake pipe and grids above the radiator; the condition of the caterpillars; fixing covers and plugs of lubrication holes in the undercarriage assemblies; no leaks from systems power plant and power transmission.

    In addition, wipe the glass of the sight and observation devices; check the attachment of ammunition; remove foreign objects from the treadmill of the conveyor of the loading mechanism; clean the guide vanes; remove condensate from the moisture separator.

    2. Daily Maintenance (DTO) carried out daily after the return of the machine from service, regardless of the distance traveled. Estimated service time 2.5-3 hours.

    STO includes technical activities:

    By car: clean the car outside and inside from dirt and dust (wash in summer) (in winter - from snow); air intake pipe mesh; non-return valves of outlet pipes of bilge pumps from dirt and deposits; device TKN-3B.

    Carry out KO machines. In addition, check the antenna device (serviceability of locks, antennas, whether there is dirt and water in the cavities); the condition of drying cartridges in the sight and drying cartridges in the TKN-3B device, as well as in spare parts.

    Wash the handle locks with diesel fuel and lubricate with MT-16p oil through the holes in the door handles; rubbing parts and internal cavities of door handles; glasses of observation devices of ball bearings.

    Undercarriage: check the presence and tightness of the nuts of the wedges of the tracks and, if necessary, tighten them; fastening the wheel hub caps and tightening the filler plugs, tighten the bolts if necessary.

    By power department: start the engine and check its operation by ear and according to the indications of control devices in various modes; remove condensate from the moisture separator.

    Check the tightness of the valves for draining water from the ejector and from the engine cooling system and clean if necessary; oil level in the fuel pump regulator and in the gearbox housing and top up if necessary.

    By management department: check the operation of TVNO-2 and the consistency of the light beams of the headlights with the direction of sight through the device; the position of the handles of the mirror, shutter and diaphragm of the TKN-3B device; ease of pedal travel; fuel supply; adjustment of stopping brakes; the operation of the radio station and transport hub, the reliability of their fastening and connection of all wires; reliability of locking the handwheel for controlling the winter air intake damper; serviceability and reliability of fastening of the converter, electric wires, tightening of union nuts, plug connectors, direction indicator. Clean the transducer and gyro-semi-compass from dust and dirt and wipe dry.

    By fighting department: check the operation of the sight in day and night modes; replenish ammo.

    By airborne squad: check the condition and degree of charge of the batteries; clean the seats of the ball bearings from dust and dirt, wipe them dry and lubricate with a light layer of grease.

    3. Maintenance No. 1 (TO-1) carried out every 2500–2600 km of run. Estimated service time 5.5-6 hours.

    4. Maintenance No. 2 (TO-2) carried out every 4800–5000 km of run. Estimated service time 7.5-8 hours.

    Safety measures during maintenance and repair of the BMP-2

    1. Direction and speed indicators and other road signs are installed on all roads laid in parks. Walking and driving in the park outside the roads is prohibited.

    Driving cars and tracked vehicles on the territory of the park and in industrial premises is allowed to persons to whom they are assigned, who have the right to drive this equipment. As an exception, it is allowed to check the technical condition of the machines on the go by persons responsible for the technical condition and operation of the equipment. When driving cars on the territory of the park, the rules for the movement of vehicles along the streets and roads must be strictly observed. Overtaking cars in parks is prohibited.

    2. Before starting the engines of machines in enclosed spaces, you must first open the front doors and turn on the ventilation. Warming up cars in a parking lot in enclosed spaces is strictly prohibited. Warm them up in designated places outside the park, parking.

    3. When starting the car, make sure that there are no personnel nearby, and if necessary, post an observer.

    4. In cold weather, in closed parks, it is forbidden to warm up engines and units with an open flame, torch and lamp heaters. Warming up engines with soldering and torch heaters is allowed only in open parks. In these cases, a fire brigade must be appointed and fire extinguishing equipment prepared.

    5. Check the brakes on the move to carry out on specially equipped sites.

    6. Parking of cars on the roads in parks, in front of workshops and PTOs, as well as the work of personnel under cars in these places is prohibited.

    7. When parking cars, observe the following rules:

    Make sure there are no personnel;

    Putting the machines into place is carried out under the guidance of a duty officer or a specially appointed person;

    Before draining water from the cooling system, open the radiator cap after the engine has cooled down a little to prevent burns from hot steam and water.

    8. At workplaces, in workshops, PTO and other industrial premises, strictly follow the safety rules at these posts.

    9. To avoid electric shock to personnel in the park, observe the following rules:

    Repair of the power and lighting network and electrical appliances shall be carried out only by specialists authorized for these works by order in part;

    Use only a serviceable electric tool that does not have short circuits of current-carrying parts on the body of the tool. The housing of electrical appliances and tools must be grounded using a special wire and pin;

    It is forbidden to replace the installed fuses with various kinds of "bugs";

    At the washing posts, do not direct the water jet in the direction of the electrical wires;

    Use portable lamps with a voltage not exceeding 36 V. Portable lamps must have protective grids.

    10. In addition, prohibited:

    Smoking in places not designated for this;

    Start engines by towing and leave the car with the engine running;

    Move through the territory of the park at a speed of more than 5 km / h;

    When the engine is warming up in the parking lot, stay in the cab for more than 2 minutes;

    Carry out repair work on machines in places prohibited by the Manual on BTS;

    Use gasoline for washing parts and washing engines;

    Check battery voltage for spark;

    Carry out repairs under machines without special shields;

    During operation, lubricate and fasten parts, refuel, adjust and clean from dirt.

    2.2.5. Transportation and storage of MANPADS

    Transportation and storage of MANPADS is carried out in strict accordance with the Instruction for the operation of the products of the complex and means of transportation, as well as other departmental documents of the RF Ministry of Defense that regulate the procedure for carrying out work.

    At the same time, rockets in pipes and launchers are placed in a cap to protect them from external atmospheric and mechanical influences.

    The closure for 9M39 missiles is the 9Y694 box, in the cradles of which two missiles are placed in pipes with docked ground power sources and two spare ones in individual cases. The box provides long-term storage of missiles in the entire range of specified storage temperatures (from -50 to +50 ° C), humidity and other influences:

    In heated rooms - up to 10 years;

    In unheated rooms - up to 7 years;

    On the open areas under a canopy - 2 years.

    The box allows the missile to be transported by motor vehicle over a distance of up to 5,000 km, and by tracked vehicles up to 3,000 km.

    On the outer surface of the lid of the box there is a metal indicator, which shows the layout of the missiles and spare NPCs. Eight hooks are installed on the cover to fasten it with locks. On the side of the drawer there is a special metal pocket for stowage accompanying documents(forms). Two corner locks from different ends on opposite sides are sealed. To carry the box, it has special handles on the sides. For ease of use, they are rubberized. The box is carried by two people.

    The closure for PM 9P516-1 is a special box with rubber seals, the weight of which with PM and a single set of spare parts and accessories is 7.6 kg.

    Capping for group kits of spare parts and accessories for missiles 9M39 and PM 9P516-1 are specially equipped boxes. The mass of boxes with spare parts and accessories is 2.53 and 4.53 kg, respectively.

    When transporting elements of air defense systems prohibited:

    Place MANPADS on the floor of the vehicle outside of the closure boxes;

    Together with missiles, transport explosive materials and fuel;

    Allow missiles to be heated to temperatures above +50 °C.

    Transportation of the complex by rail, water and air transport is carried out without limitation of range and speed. When transported by these modes of transport, the boxes are stacked and securely fixed with standard and improvised means.

    Boxes 9Y694 with products before loading them onto a mobile frame of a railway car must be assembled and tied on the ground (site) into a package with four bars 100 × 100 × 1900 mm from lumber conifers and four wire ties. Before installing wire ties, four wire rings must be installed on the top bars. The ties should be twisted with a mounting crowbar (500-600 mm long) so that the hole from the crowbar is located between two boxes, in order to avoid breaking the boxes. Ties and rings are made of wire 6-0-4 GOST 3282-74 in 6 threads (3 full turns).

    Install the package with products using a lifting device directly on the floor of the movable frame in accordance with the scheme of placement and fastening. The package is fixed on the movable frame with the help of cable braces, for wire rings and eyebolts placed on the movable frame of the car. The tension screw of the cable brace, after tensioning the cable, must be locked with a safety wire with a diameter of 0.8–1.9 mm.

    Component parts and spare parts for products are located in a free place of the mobile frame, convenient for fastening. Linkage and fastenings are made using wire 6-0-4 GOST 3282-74.

    The maximum number of 9Y694 boxes with missiles in a package is 24.

    The maximum number of packages placed on the mobile frame of the 9T610 car is 8.

    For transportation by water transport in holds and tween decks sea ​​vessels boxes with elements of the complex are stacked in a stack with a height of no more than 10 boxes with a mandatory brace of the stack and without stacking additional loads on it.

    It is allowed to stack a stack of 7 boxes with a mandatory brace. In this case, other compatible loads may be stacked on top of the stack, provided that the load created by the other loads on each stack does not exceed 200 kg.

    When transported by air, the loading of MANPADS elements into the cargo compartment of the aircraft is carried out manually. The design of products in a box ensures that the requirements of air transportation are met. From mutual movement in the transverse direction (perpendicular to the axis) of the aircraft, the boxes are kept by slats on the bottom and on the lid of the box. Before loading on the floor cargo cabin a sheet of plywood 300–500 mm wide and 8–10 mm thick is laid under the slats of the box. When screeding the boxes with a cable, in places where the cable is bent, install linings that ensure the cable bend radius is at least 30 mm. To secure the cargo in the cargo compartment, the equipment available on board the aircraft is used.

    When moving elements of MANPADS by road, all restrictions are imposed, in addition, the maximum distance of transportation at maximum speed for this transport and type of road is limited to 5000 km. The distance of transportation of missiles and PM must be recorded in the forms. The boxes are tightly packed, securely fixed from moving in the car body with improvised means and covered with a tarpaulin. Together with missiles in caps, it is allowed to transport the required amount of PM and PEP in standard boxes.

    Forbidden stack boxes with missiles above the side of the car by more than half the height of the box.

    The complex can be stored in the troops in unheated or heated storage facilities, as well as in the field in open areas under a canopy. At the same time, the safety and constant combat readiness of the complex depend on the timely and high-quality maintenance and routine maintenance.

    During storage, the elements of the complex are placed in regular caps, which ensure tightness. The boxes are stacked in height no more than 10 rows.

    Two types of storage are installed for the elements of the complex:

    1. short-term(for a period of one month to one year). The volume and frequency of maintenance and routine maintenance are the same as during operation.

    2. long(for a period of more than 1 year).

    Maintenance and routine maintenance are carried out at the following intervals:

    Maintenance No. 1 carried out on 100% of products once every 2 years in unheated (heated) premises, field conditions (under a canopy);

    maintenance work are carried out on 10% of products when stored indoors and on 50% of products when stored in the field once every 2 years. If defects are found, 100% of the products are subjected to inspection.

    When sending missiles and PM from the base to military units, 100% of them are checked in full if more than 1 year has passed since the last check.

    Upon receipt of missiles and PM from the base to military units, work is carried out with them in the scope of current maintenance.

    There are the following repair methods: individual, aggregate and mixed.

    The individual repair method consists in the fact that the units, units and parts removed from the machine are not depersonalized, and after disassembly, defect detection, repair, assembly and testing, they are installed on the same machine.

    The individual repair method has the following disadvantages:

    • long downtime for repairs;
    • Simultaneous repair of machine units and the machine as a whole complicates repair work;
    • Requires a large amount of equipment, highly qualified specialists and their narrow specialization.

    Aggregate method of repair - consists in the fact that the faulty units and components removed from the machine are replaced with new or pre-repaired ones. With the aggregate method, a simple machine in repair is determined by the time required to replace faulty units, and the performance of fitting, adjustment and welding work. This method achieves high quality repair requires fewer highly qualified specialists than with an individual method. However, the aggregate repair method requires an exchange fund of new or repaired units and assemblies.

    Mixed method of repair - consists in the fact that the repair of the machine is carried out using both new and repaired units, assemblies and parts.

    In the army, the main method is the aggregate method. In the repair units and subdivisions, a stock of repaired units and mechanisms is created, which is a revolving fund that ensures uninterrupted operation. The norms of the revolving fund are established by the GLAVTU.

    Methods for repairing military vehicles

    There are two methods of repair - in-line and dead-end.

    With the in-line method of repairing machines, the technological process is divided into separate operations or groups of operations performed by the same specialists.

    The production flow in this case is provided either by the movement of machines, or by the transition of the team from one machine to another. The in-line repair method is used, as a rule, at stationary and mobile repair plants for the overhaul of machines and assemblies.

    With a dead-end repair method, the same repair team performs all repair operations on the machine from start to finish, with the exception of special ones (for the repair of weapons, communications equipment). With this method of repair, the machine is at the workplace of this team from the beginning to the end of the repair. In military repair units and units, a dead-end method of repairing machines is used.

    Warranty and overhaul periods

    For automotive equipment manufactured by industrial plants, as well as those that have undergone major repairs, warranty and overhaul periods of work are established.

    The warranty period is the period during which the plant guarantees the normal operation of the units and the machine as a whole when using the machine spare parts and accessories and following the established operating rules.

    During the warranty period, manufacturers are obliged to recognize as legitimate the claims of military units for poor-quality manufacturing or repairs in cases where accidents or breakdowns of machines actually occurred due to the fault of production. Such claims to factories are presented by acts-reclamations. The warranty period for new cars is established by a government decree, for overhauled cars - by order of the head of the Main Automobile Directorate (GLAVTU).

    The warranty period of the machine (unit) is indicated in the machine's passport. If the machine (unit) failed due to the fault of production before the expiration of the warranty period, then the repair of the machine is carried out at the expense of the plant or by the plant.

    The overhaul period is determined by the established minimum period of operation of the machine in kilometers of run until the next medium or major overhaul. Overhaul periods are set by the head of the GLAVTU based on the experience of operating this brand of vehicle in the troops.

    Sending for repair of machines that have not worked out the established overhaul periods is allowed only after investigating the reasons for the shortfall in the overhaul period and obtaining permission from the senior manager.

    In peacetime, troop repairs are carried out, as a rule, in stationary troop repair bodies according to monthly work plans or in the field using mobile maintenance and repair facilities.

    High quality and efficiency of repair are provided by:

      planning the operation and repair of military equipment in a military unit;

      clear planning of the work of repair units;

      advance preparation of repair units (technological equipment, documentation, spare parts, specialists);

      proper organization of the repair process;

      constant quality control of work performed and observance of technological discipline;

      improvement of the technological process, organization of labor, advanced training of personnel of repair units.

    For current repairs, military equipment and equipment are handed over to the repair authorities of the unit or formation by the forces and means of the unit. Handed over samples of military equipment and equipment must be checked for safety, completeness with the necessary property, accessories, instrumentation for performing work and monitoring the technical condition after the repair.

    In the repair subdivision, parts of the equipment and equipment for repair are handed over by the unit commander (head of calculation) to the commander of the repair unit (commander of the repair company, repair platoon, head of the regulations and repair department) against receipt in the book of accounting for material resources issued for temporary use of the unit handing over the equipment for repair. Delivery is carried out on the basis of the schedule for the implementation of work on maintenance and repair of weapons or by order of the head of the RAV service, deputy commander of the armament unit.

    The commander of the repair unit is responsible for the storage of weapons and equipment during their repair in the RO.

    The technological sequence, operation procedure and repair methods for specific samples of military equipment and technology are given in the operational documentation and private manuals for the repair of these products.

    Usually, when repairing military equipment, the repair technology is as follows:

      flaw detection of the sample in the assembled form and the volume necessary to find the required block, assembly, part;

      dismantling of defective elements (blocks, assemblies, parts) from the sample;

      dismantling of faulty elements, their defect detection;

      restoration, replacement of faulty elements, if necessary, adjustment (adjustment);

      general assembly of the sample (component), testing after repair;

      filling out documentation.

    The malfunctions revealed in the process of troubleshooting are recorded in the book of accounting for the repair of equipment and equipment, which is located in the repair unit. Spare parts, maintenance and other materials spent on repairs are also recorded there. About the work performed on the repair of this sample of military equipment and technology, an entry is made in the form for the sample of military equipment and technology.

    The issuance of the repaired equipment and equipment is carried out from the repair unit of the unit by the commander of the repair unit and is executed by the signatures of the receiver in the book of accounting for the repair of equipment and equipment of the repair unit and in the book of accounting for material assets issued for temporary use by the unit that handed over the equipment for repair.

    When accepting the M&T from the repair, the receiver is obliged to check the quality of the repair, verify the replaced elements against the book of accounting and repair of the M&T, and the correctness of filling out the form for the M&T sample.

    For the delivery of military equipment for repair to the repair bodies of the formation (association), the RAV service of the formation (association) issues an order on the basis of the acts of technical condition submitted by the military unit. The repair order indicates the name, quantity, numbers of samples of military equipment and equipment to be handed over, type of repair, deadline for the completion of work. In this case, the delivery for repair is formalized by the signature of the commander of the repair body in the repair order or the technical condition report, one copy of which remains with the deliverer.

    Issuance of equipment and equipment from the repair body of the connection (association) is formalized by the signatures of the deliverer in the repair order and the book of accounting for the repair of equipment and equipment of the repair body.

    The above procedure for processing the delivery and acceptance of a sample of military equipment may not be observed if the repair is carried out in the presence and with the participation of the calculation. But in this case, registration and signature in the book of accounting for the repair of military equipment and equipment is mandatory.

    During the conduct of hostilities, weapons and equipment are accepted for repair on the basis of an oral order from the head of the RAV service, the deputy commander of the armament unit, and are drawn up by an act in an arbitrary form. In some cases, the commander of the repair body can accept military equipment for repair on his own with a subsequent report to the head of the service, deputy commander for armaments.

    Equipment and equipment are handed over for overhaul after the established resource or service life has been exhausted.

    The basis for the delivery (acceptance) of weapons for major (medium) repairs is the outfit issued in the service of the RAV (AT, BT) of the military district.

    The basis for issuing orders is a repair plan (order) sent to the service of the RAV (AT, BT) of the military district.

    The order indicates: the receiver and deliverer of weapons, the number and timing of sending weapons for repair, the procedure for sending, requirements for the technical condition of weapons and equipment, instructions for sending after repair. In some cases, the numbers of products (emergency and temporarily disabled) may be indicated, subject to restoration by decision of the command.

    The equipment of the complexes of automation means of command posts, radio engineering units and formations is sent for repair on the orders of the heads of departments of automated control systems, heads of communications departments and automated control systems of air defense of military districts.

    Service means of communication included in the set of weapons are sent for repair to the repair enterprises of the signal troops according to preliminary applications submitted through the chiefs of the signal troops, military districts.

    The first copy of the order is sent to the enterprise and is the basis for accepting weapons for repair and returning (issuing) it after repair. The second and third copies of the order with the lists of the configuration of the product submitted for repair are sent to the sending unit of the weapon and are the basis for removing it from combat readiness and sending it for repair.

    The third copy of the completed order is returned to the contenting authority that issued the order. This copy of the attire remains in the case of the contenting body.

    The preparation of weapons for shipment to the overhaul (medium) repair according to the orders of the contenting body is carried out by the military unit. The unit commander is responsible for the completeness and quality of training. The readiness of weapons to be sent for repair is checked by a commission appointed by the unit commander.

    When checking the technical condition of weapons, attention is drawn to the following:

      compliance of the completeness of weapons with the lists of equipment;

      correspondence of the numbers of units, power units and other components of weapons to entries in the forms (passports);

      the availability and correctness of entries in the forms (passports) about the category of weapons, their operating time, changes in operational documentation. In case of replacement of individual units, power units in the armament set in the forms (passports), these records are certified by the signature of the responsible person and sealed by the military unit.

    Based on the results of the audit, the commission is:

      an act of technical condition for the transfer of this type of weapon to the lowest category (except for the fifth);

      an act of the technical condition and completeness of the means of mobility (base vehicles) on which the weapons are mounted (drawn up with the obligatory participation of a representative of the automotive, armored service of the unit). Acts are subject to approval by the commander of the formation (unit).

    Approved technical condition certificates (one copy separately for weapons and mobility aids (base vehicles) are sent to the military district services. In addition, these certificates are sent (or sent together with weapons) to the enterprise. The work of the commission for checking the technical condition of weapons should be completed no later than 10 days before the shipment of weapons.

    Weapons prepared for shipment for major (medium) repairs are sealed with the seal of the chairman of the commission and deposited until the moment of dispatch.

    Control over the quality of training (technical condition, completeness, execution of accompanying, operational documentation, etc.) and the timeliness of sending weapons by a military unit for major (medium) repairs is carried out by the corresponding service of the military district.

    Armament should arrive at the enterprise in the first decade of the planned month.

    Weapons sent for repair are not deducted from the accounting of the military unit, unless it is specified in the order.

    A note is made in the executive order with the signature of the deputy commander of the armament unit on the completeness of the armament in accordance with the list of completeness of the product submitted for repair.

    Weapons to be handed over for major (medium) repairs must be of the appropriate category. The category of weapons is indicated in its form (passport).

    Armament must be assembled and transportable. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the safe and reliable transportation of weapons by rail (road) transport and on their own. All assembly units, devices, parts, boxes with documentation must be fixed as provided for by the design of weapons, with the exception of individual units, racks, blocks and instrumentation, which, under the conditions of their transportation, are dismantled in accordance with the requirements of operational documentation. In this case, units, racks, blocks and instrumentation must be transported with the products in complete form.

    Weapons sent for repair must be:

      fully equipped with all blocks, assembly units (serviceable and faulty) and other accessories according to the form (passport), with the exception of spare parts and accessories and other auxiliary equipment not specified in the list of completeness of the product submitted for repair, as well as operational documentation;

      finalized with changes to the operational documentation, all improvements must be recorded in the form (passport);

      covered with regular covers or packed in a container in accordance with the requirements of operational documentation;

      unloaded, explosion-proof, which must be confirmed by entries in the forms (passports), sending unloaded weapons or ammunition with weapons for repair is strictly prohibited;

      without fuel and freezing liquid (for power units);

      free of freezing liquids (mobility and base machines);

      subjected (if necessary) to decontamination, degassing, disinfection;

      equipped with serviceable, charged and sealed fire extinguishers.

    If the completeness list of the product submitted for repair has not been developed, then the weapons handed over for major (medium) repairs and subject to return to the same military unit must be equipped with only those items of a single set of spare parts and accessories that are necessary during transportation, work and testing of weapons after repair, taking into account the implementation of security measures. The actual completeness of spare parts and accessories in this case is recorded in the acceptance certificate.

    When sending weapons for repair, it is prohibited:

      dismantle weapons;

      replace serviceable assembly units, parts and portable instrumentation with faulty ones not installed on this weapon in accordance with the form (passport);

      transfer mobility aids or BM to an inoperable state;

      enter in the form (passport, acts) unforeseen information.

    The completeness of weapons handed over for repair without their subsequent return to the military unit that is the deliverer is indicated in the repair order.

    Armament to be returned after repair to the same military unit is not completed upon delivery for repair:

      personal means of communication (radio stations, telephone switches, headphones, microtelephone headsets, telephone cables, etc.);

      engineering property (entrenching tools, camouflage, etc.).

    The base vehicles and means of mobility, on which the weapons handed over for repair are mounted, must be serviceable, serviced in the TO-2 volume and equipped with equipment and documentation, with the exception of driver and entrenching tools, insulating hoods, means of increasing patency, night vision devices, portable decontamination means and disguises.

    It is allowed to send (surrender) to the overhaul (medium) repair of weapons on faulty means of mobility. In this case, the vehicles must meet the requirements specifications for the delivery for repair (issuance from repair) of machines in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 210-1980

    Separate racks, blocks, instrumentation and operational documentation are packed in standard containers or packing and transport boxes, ensuring the safety of instruments, equipment and documentation under any meteorological conditions. Non-standard boxes are edged with soft metal packaging tape and sealed by the sender. For each box with instrumentation, documentation and equipment, a packing list is filled in two copies. One copy of the packing list is enclosed in the box, the other remains with the sender. The necessary safety inscriptions and signs are applied on the side walls and covers of the box.

    Operational (secret) documentation is sent to enterprises no later than ten days before the shipment of weapons. Forwarding of secret operational documentation, separate secret blocks is carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

    Non-secret documentation is sent to the enterprise along with weapons.

    The military vehicle maintenance market is in transition. The model, which emerged more than a decade ago with the start of military operations in the Middle East, was focused on maintaining a fleet of vehicles in good condition, which were often acquired under programs of urgent operational requirements.

    For the United States and its allies, which have deployed their vehicles in Afghanistan and Iraq, the most urgent levels of the so-called MRO (maintenance, maintenance, overhaul) cycle have become a priority: routine maintenance, daily training, replacement maintenance, and minimal repairs and modifications. Meanwhile, higher-level maintenance, such as restoration, special modifications, major upgrades, overhauls of various levels, has been delayed, often until the machines return from business trips.

    The US Army's M113 tracked armored personnel carrier family is being upgraded under a BAE Systems-led program that will also add new capabilities to these vehicles.

    Combat Damage

    This state of affairs could not but affect the state of the art of the US-led coalition forces. After the withdrawal of troops and weapons from Afghanistan and Iraq, starting around 2011, the Americans and their allies turned their attention to the restoration and overhaul of vehicles that were deployed during all these campaigns. Vehicles that were acquired as part of various urgent operational requirements, such as Mastiff, Ridgeback and Wolfhound category MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected - with increased protection against mines and improvised explosive devices), vehicles that were acquired by the British army in order to assist its deployed in Afghanistan, or those that were upgraded with new equipment to different levels throughout these operations, also needed to be brought up to a common standard.

    For example, BAE Systems began a three-year program (from 2012 to 2014) to restore M2 Bradley tracked infantry fighting vehicles for the US Army. The company was tasked with partially disassembling, refurbishing and testing each machine to restore its capabilities and extend its lifespan. During the second-level refurbishment process, carried out at the Red River Army Depot military repair plant in Texas and at BAE Systems affiliates in the United States, major components were removed for inspection, and then returned to these factories for revision and testing. As part of this initiative, L-3 Communications was awarded a contract to refine the M2 Bradley transmissions.

    Meanwhile, in February 2010, the US Army awarded BAE Systems a $32 million contract to modify the remaining 417 United Defense/BAE Systems M113 tracked armored personnel carriers. BAE Systems said that this work will include the replacement of old and damaged components and the restoration of vehicles to a "pre-battle condition." The issuance of this contract followed after receiving in 2008 a contract from the US Army to carry out similar work to restore 1074 M113 vehicles.

    The US Army took the opportunity to refine the M113 vehicles in order to equip these vehicles with new additional armor and weapons of mass destruction protection equipment. In addition to contracts for the M113 armored personnel carriers, BAE Systems also received contracts for the restoration of the M-777 towed howitzers of the American army, concluding in this regard a cooperation agreement with the Anniston Arsenal. According to an official statement from the army, this modernization work includes the refinement of the recoil and hydraulic systems.

    The process of restoring equipment is not limited only to BAE Systems. For example, Textron was tasked with upgrading M-1117 Guardian Armored Security Vehicles operated by the military police to repair damage sustained in combat. At the same time, the army should have had the opportunity in the future to carry out improvements to these machines in the field of survivability, safety and mobility. An initial $4 million contract to update the first six machines was awarded to Textron as part of a pilot program. The next contract was issued in 2008 for 12 vehicles. The next contract from the US Army worth $ 20 million for the modernization of 392 vehicles with two options for the modernization of another 225 vehicles, the company received in October 2011.

    A major program is also being implemented to upgrade the M-777 howitzers in service with the US Army. In accordance with it, recoil mechanisms and hydraulic systems will be finalized

    New target

    Such restoration and modernization work is carried out not only by the Americans, but also by their allies from different countries. Many armies are now thinking about what fleets of vehicles will look like in the coming decade and how they will be maintained. This may include finding the right proportion of in-house and contract specialists performing repair and maintenance work, considering new most cost-effective models for servicing equipment and weapons, and developing technological processes MRO, which in the coming decades will be able to fully provide in the material and technical terms of combat operations with the participation of the Western military.

    When thinking about how military equipment fleets will be serviced, it is worth considering first of all what the military campaigns of the future will look like. In the UK, defense industry experts, for example, former director London's Royal Associated Institute for Defense Studies, Professor Michael Clarke, use the term "strategic raid" to describe short, fast, vigorous operations on which the British government can focus in the future instead of the long, drawn out operations of late in the Middle East.

    This model, perhaps, has already begun to be applied to the types of vehicles in which the British Ministry of Defense is investing. These are mainly functionally flexible, highly mobile vehicles that are easier to maintain in the field as opposed to heavy tracked vehicles with complex logistical requirements. In this regard, a typical example is the promising family of Ajax tracked combat vehicles, which, according to the Ministry of Defense, will be delivered to the British Army from 2017 to the end of 2019 in 589 pieces in several versions. General Dynamics' Ajax variants have a high level of commonality that reduces maintenance and logistics in the field. Such purchases also entail a change in the way the Ministry of Defense distributes material resources.

    In January 2015, the Department of Defense awarded Babcock International a ten-year, $1 billion contract to service British Army ground vehicles. The Defense Support Group (DSG), which is responsible for the maintenance and repair of equipment of the ground forces and the Royal Air Force, under this contract allocated Babcock $ 170 million to, as it was said in a press release from the Ministry of Defense, "development of a path for transforming technologies maintenance, repair and storage of British Army vehicles. According to this press release, Babcock will be responsible for maintenance, maintenance, overhaul and fleet management, as well as storage of vehicles and light weapons in order to maintain the operational readiness of equipment.

    The outsourcing of DSG services to a private company is expected to result in significant cost savings (estimated at approximately $606.8 million) over the life of the contract, more efficient use of available financial resources, and will allow DoD resources to be focused more on operational rather than material -technical support. The Department of Defense added that DSG's Ground Systems division personnel have been relocated to Babcock, and for several years the company has been implementing a program to improve and optimize business capabilities, giving DSG the ability to perform heavy vehicle maintenance for other operators, which could not be realized in as a structural unit of the Ministry of Defense. Babcock is already working to identify commercial opportunities for DSG within the Babcock group, according to the Defense Department.

    Babcock said that approximately 30% of the entire military equipment fleet of the Department of Defense is serviced by the company, including the so-called "white" fleet of 14,000 units, including, for example, buses, cranes, and armored platforms. They also noted that the logistics model is based on maintaining the operational availability and operability of equipment, securing purchases and rentals of equipment, as well as the provision of various services, including maintenance, repair, recovery assistance and troubleshooting.

    As part of the C-Vehicle (Construction Vehicle) initiative, Babcock has formed a joint venture with Amey, ALC. Under the terms of this programme, the ALC provides the Department of Defense with construction and material handling equipment used by the Corps of Engineers and the Logistics Corps, which are an integral part of the British Army. Under a $728.6 million contract that runs until 2020, the existing C-Vehicle fleet of approximately 4,000 platforms (excluding some specialized military equipment) formerly owned by the Department of Defense has been purchased by ALC and will be replaced by a substantially smaller (approx. 2100 units) by a fleet of civilian vehicles.

    Under the terms of this contract, ALC is responsible for ensuring optimal use of the fleet, providing comprehensive data on the availability of equipment through information system fleet management, which is an integral part of the defense information infrastructure. In addition, it provides training technical documentation and commercial equipment to optimize fleet maintenance, parts supply and inventory management. A vehicle availability contract like this brings huge benefits to the customer, as it takes maintenance and repair work away from the Department of Defense while ensuring that it will have access to the vehicles at any time for minimal money.

    The promising family of Ajax vehicles of the British Army was created from the very beginning with an eye to a high level of uniformity in all options in order to reduce the logistical burden and the volume of service in operation

    growing market

    Integrating private sector innovation and know-how with core, day-to-day military activities allows defense ministries and departments to more accurately monitor how services are being delivered effectively and shift the responsibility to industry to deliver services that can be measured to maximize profitability and direct resources to where they are most needed. This shift towards the contract industry, which can meet logistics needs, is also driving significant growth. global market maintenance and repair of armored vehicles.

    In its study, the London-based think tank SDI (Strategic Defense Intelligence) predicted that the market size, estimated in 2016 at $22.5 billion, will grow to $32.4 billion by 2026. Within this market, SDI expects the infantry fighting vehicle segment to hold the largest share at 32.2 percent, main battle tanks at 25.8 percent and armored personnel carriers at 17.4 percent. According to the authors, growth is determined by the needs of international conflicts and insurgencies and by the programs for the purchase of vehicles and modernization implemented by the armed forces of many countries of the world.

    The industry is developing new innovative ways to achieve combat readiness. One of the areas of development is the use of headsets virtual reality and glasses like Google Glass, which can give technicians the semblance of an x-ray needed for maintenance and repairs. These systems work by superimposing computer graphics and diagrams in the owner's natural field of view to show which components need attention, how they can be assessed, replaced or repaired. Several companies, including NGRAIN, Fieldbit, and Accenture, have developed similar smart glasses systems to use computer-aided design to simplify logistics and service processes in the industrial sector. Organizations such as the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) are showing genuine interest in the application of this technology to the military.

    For example, researchers at the Purdue University Center for System Integration, working with Honeywell and the U.S. Army, have developed a “diagnostic bar,” a speed bump with built-in sensors that a military vehicle can drive over to detect damage to major suspension components. The idea is to help operators save time and maintenance costs by identifying defects before they cause a machine to fail at the most inopportune moment.

    Complexes for monitoring the state and use of systems

    At the Eurosatory 2016 defense exhibition in Paris, Thales and Soframe introduced a new service product to optimize the management of the fleet of military vehicles called MILFLEET. The suite of fleet management services offered by MILFLEET is based on proactive maintenance concepts, made possible by the high levels of digitization of the latest generation of military vehicles. This service ensures that the right machines are always available at the right place, at the right time and in the best configuration for the customer. The platform-independent MILFLEET system provides optimal organization of fleet logistics with dedicated management, as well as maintenance of systems and equipment to precisely meet the needs of each customer.

    The HUMS (Health and Usage Monitoring System) monitoring complex collects data from the sensors built into the machine so that preventive maintenance can be carried out, and possible malfunctions can be identified and eliminated before they occur.

    HUMS has become the primary means of efficient maintenance and repair for platforms deployed on the battlefield, with more and more next-generation platforms with high levels of digitization receiving monitoring capabilities embedded on early stages design.

    British Army platforms such as BAE Systems' FV-4034 Challenger-II main battle tank will clearly benefit from new maintenance and repair agreements that the British Ministry of Defense has entered into with private companies.

    In addition to recording the status and operation of mobile platforms, sensors can measure operating modes, performance, and system health. This technology, originally developed for helicopters, is increasingly being used in the ground transport systems sector. For example, the Department of Defense chose the British division of General Dynamics to supply HUM systems and related information processing devices for British Army vehicles. Delivered in 2012, the systems are designed to optimize operational availability and minimize maintenance by monitoring vehicle systems.

    Meanwhile, the US Army Military Research Laboratory, headquartered in Maryland, is exploring technologies that will replace routine maintenance with a process used to repair parts and systems only when it is necessary to identify a breakdown, remove and replace an assembly. This approach, known as Condition Based Monitoring, will give the army more effective method identify problematic parts or components. This mature and field-proven technology will be used to diagnose problems, predict possible failure of these parts and determine the remaining life. The study includes the development of an analysis technology that will allow the transfer of data from existing sensors. The condition monitoring system sees sensors placed throughout the platform that generate important information such as vibration levels or breakdown parameters, which is recorded in real time by the HUMS device. This data is then analyzed by a specialist to determine the status of the monitored components.

    In 2014, the Department of Defense announced that it would be looking for a next-generation HUMS system to be installed on about 3,000 vehicles (potentially up to 5,000 vehicles) of its fleet, which is 15 different types plus their sub-variants. The Department of Defense said the HUMS-NG (HUMS-Next Generation) system should be able to collect data automatically without requiring human intervention and control or manual data entry, and the HUMS-NG supplier will analyze this data so that the operator can make a decision on the terms of operation of the machines included in its fleet.

    Turning to next level, the concept of predicting component failure weeks or even months in advance is gaining acceptance in the service and repair market. GE has developed a system called SmartSignal that goes beyond the basic capabilities of HUMS. It uses algorithms for monitoring the operation of machinery and equipment, which allow you to determine the inevitable breakdowns in advance and provide guidance for action. The idea is that such technology can reduce the cost of maintenance and damage to valuable equipment and ensure safe and productive work, essentially helping the user avoid unplanned downtime.

    Modernization readiness

    The US Army is currently in the process of creating new capabilities by developing its LMP (Logistics Modernization Program) logistics modernization program as part of the LMP Increment-2 initiative. The LMP is responsible for enhancing US Army Materiel Command (AMC) readiness, providing business processes and advanced capabilities that track and manage production and repair and maintenance orders in workshops, arsenals, and munitions industries. As part of the LMP, an off-the-shelf commercial enterprise resource management system manages the process of delivering products and equipment from the rear services to soldiers on the front lines faster and more efficiently than previous systems.

    In accordance with the implementation of LMP lncrement-2, the LMP architecture will be extended. As an example, typical work on overhaul army platforms may require about 30,000 pages of documents, while in accordance with LMP Increment 2 most of these papers will be replaced new technology, including the use of electronic tablets, which will certainly increase the level of automation. The key to the system is its ability to meet the needs of a combat mission, predicting when, where and what material resources will be needed. Since the completion of the LMP Increment-2 initiative in June 2015, the Army has stated that its readiness level has increased, the AMC's ability to predict material requirements has increased by 20%, while the Armored Vehicles Directorate and Air and Missile Command have improved the predicted supply rates by 6 .5 and 5.7%, respectively. While the army notes that this percentage may be small, they argue that “in the end it will result in hundreds of millions of dollars in savings that these structures spend on the production and restoration of tanks, helicopters and other major platforms, as well as equipment used by the soldiers.

    Looking to the future, the army expects additional increases in overall readiness levels, as well as further developments designed to optimize the readiness of the armed forces through improved tracking and management of equipment and equipment, balancing the tasks of the army, rapid response capabilities and the availability of material resources that are managed and tracked by the program LMP.

    Currently, the most notable change in the maintenance and repair sector is the move from post-hoc response to predictive maintenance. The key to minimizing machine downtime is knowing what problems will be encountered and when, planning these jobs in the right place at the right time with the right materials, and providing users with as much information as possible on how best to manage fleets. funds in order to maximize the level of combat readiness and minimize costs.