Marketing research in the men's clothing market. Marketing research of the outerwear store market

Summary Marketing research contains up-to-date information on the state and prospects Russian market men's suit products in 2018.

In the course of the study, the following blocks of questions were considered: the volume and dynamics of domestic production, export-import operations, sales of men's suit products and producer prices. The characteristics of the current market conditions are given and a forecast of its development for the medium term is made. Particular emphasis is placed on factors that have a significant impact on the state of the industry - its drivers and stop factors.

In a separate block of the extended version of the study, competitive analysis largest participants men's suit market: manufacturers, exporters, importers and trading companies. In this section, for each of the companies reviewed (where possible), information is provided on the volume of production and / or import / export, market share, promising projects, as well as reference data from the official financial reporting(company card, balance sheet, income statement, etc.).

Research geography: Russia.

Period: statistics from 2013 to 2018, forecast until 2025

The study will help you answer the following questions:
What changes were observed in the volume of production of men's suit products in 2018
What is the presence of foreign products on the Russian market
Which regions dominate production and consumption
Who acts as the main manufacturers in the Russian market
How has the price level changed in the market?
How the market will change in the medium term

Research methodology:
Analysis of materials from open sources
Collection and analysis of secondary market information
Analysis of materials received from market participants
Studying the financial and economic activities of market participants
Desk work of IndexBox specialists
Expert survey of market participants (only for the extended version of the report) Content 1. SUMMARY



4.1. Apparent consumption in 2013-2018
Forecast for 2018-2025
4.2. Market structure: production, export, import, consumption
4.3. Structure of consumption by federal districts in 2013-2018
4.4. Balance of production and consumption
4.5 Average per capita consumption in 2013-2018

5.1. Production volume in 2013-2018
5.2. Structure of production by federal districts in 2013-2018
5.3. Investment projects in the industry until 2025

6.1. Average producer prices in 2013-2018
6.2. Average export price in 2013-2018
6.3. Average import price in 2013-2018

7.1. Volumes of foreign trade operations in 2013-2018
7.2. Trade balance in 2013-2018

8.1. Product import volume in 2013-2018
8.2. Producing countries, leading deliveries to the territory of the Russian Federation in 2018

9.1. Product export volume in 2013-2018
9.2. Recipient countries of Russian exports of the product in 2018

10.1. Factors affecting the development of the market
10.2. Scenarios for the development of the Russian economy
10.3. Scenarios for the development of the product market until 2025

11.1. Russian manufacturers and their output volumes and market shares in 2018.
11.2. Russian exporters and their export deliveries in 2018
11.3. Foreign manufacturers and their volumes of deliveries to the Russian Federation in 2018
11.4. Russian importers and their supply volumes in 2018
11.5. Comparative competitive analysis of key market players
11.6. Profiles of leading market participants List of tables Table 1. Key indicators in the market of men's suit products in 2013 - 2018.
Table 2. Classification of men's suit products according to OKPD
Table 3. Classification of men's suit products according to FEACN
Table 4. The volume and dynamics of the market for men's suit products in 2013-2018 and forecast up to 2025 (under the base development scenario)
Table 5. The balance of production and consumption in the men's suit market in 2013-2018 and forecast until 2025
Table 6. Manufacture of men's suit products in 2013-2018
Table 7. The volume of production of men's suit products by type in 2013-2018
Table 8. Manufacture of men's suit products by federal districts in 2013 - 2018
Table 9. Investment projects in the industry in 2018-2025
Table 10. Average prices of manufacturers of men's suit products in the Russian Federation in 2013 - 2018
Table 11. The volume of imports of men's suit products by country of origin in 2018, units rev.
Table 12. The volume of imports of men's suit products by country of origin in 2018, thousand US dollars
Table 13. The volume of Russian exports of men's suit products by countries of receipt in 2018, units rev.
Table 14. The volume of Russian exports of men's suit products by countries of receipt in 2018, thousand US dollars
Table 15. Dynamics of the resident population in 2010-2018, million people

Table 1. The structure of the production of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in physical terms and in % of the total production volume in the Russian Federation
Table 2. The volume of Russian exports of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in physical terms
Table 3. The volume of Russian exports of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in value terms
Table 4. The volume of imports of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in physical terms
Table 5. The volume of imports of men's suit products by manufacturing companies in 2018 in value terms
Table 6. The volume of imports of men's suit products in the Russian Federation by recipient companies in 2018 in physical terms
Table 7. The volume of imports of men's suit products in the Russian Federation by recipient companies in 2018 in value terms
Table 8. Comparative competitive analysis of key market players
List of drawings Figure 1. The volume and dynamics of apparent consumption of men's suits in 2013-2018 in physical terms and forecast up to 2025 (under the base development scenario)
Figure 2. The volume of apparent consumption of men's suit products in value terms, 2013-2018 and forecast up to 2025 (under the base development scenario)
Figure 3. Dynamics and structure of the men's suit market in 2013-2018
Figure 4. Market structure of men's suit products by origin in 2018
Figure 5. Structure of consumption by federal districts in 2013-2018
Figure 6. Dynamics of per capita consumption of men's suit products in 2013-2018
Figure 7. Annual production of men's suits in 2013 - 2018
Figure 8. Manufacture of men's suit products in 2015 - 2018 by months
Figure 9. The structure of the production of men's suits in 2018 by type in physical and value terms
Figure 10. The structure of the production of men's suits by federal districts in 2013-2018, in kind
Figure 11. Average import prices in 2013-2018
Figure 12. Average export prices in 2013-2018
Figure 13. Comparison of average prices of manufacturers of men's suit products by federal districts in 2018
Figure 14. Annual dynamics of imports of men's suits in the Russian Federation in 2013-2018
Figure 15. Annual dynamics of Russian exports of men's suits in 2013-2018
Figure 16. The volume of foreign trade operations in the men's suit market in 2013-2018
Figure 17. Trade balance in 2013-2018
Figure 18. The structure of imports of men's suits in the Russian Federation by country of origin in 2018, in physical and value terms
Figure 19. The structure of exports of men's suits by countries of origin in 2018, in physical and value terms
Figure 20. The structure of Russian exports of men's suits by countries of receipt in 2018, in physical and value terms
Figure 21. Dynamics of the physical volume of GDP in market prices in the Russian Federation in 2010 - 2018, in % of the previous year
Figure 22. Dynamics of real disposable money income of the population in the Russian Federation in 2013-2018, in % to the previous year of the previous year
Figure 23. Dynamics of nominal and real wages population of the Russian Federation in 2010 - 2018
Figure 24. The structure of the population of the Russian Federation by income level in 2018, in % of the total
Figure 25. Dynamics of nominal and real retail trade turnover in the Russian Federation in 2010 – 2018, billion rubles
Figure 26. Structure of retail trade turnover by type of product in 2010-2018, in value terms
Figure 27. Forecast of consumption of men's suit products in the Russian Federation in real terms under the baseline scenario in 2018-2025
Figure 28. Forecast of consumption of men's suit products in the Russian Federation in real terms under the optimistic scenario in 2018-2025

Figure 1. The structure of the production of men's suit products by manufacturers in 2018 in % of total production in Russia
Figure 2. Market structure of men's suit products by key players in 2018

The branch of the company "Suitmen" in the Sughd region in Khujand will provide services to residents of the entire region. And also the choice was made as a result of the analysis of the number of resident population by age categories in the Sughd region at the end, 2009.

The number of resident population by age categories of the Sughd region, at the end of 2009.

Table 1

Thus, we found that the resident population aged 25-29 - young people make up the majority in the analyzed groups. It was revealed from the survey that it is this age category that seeks to buy clothes (for educational founding centers, weddings, etc.).

To plan and implement an effective marketing strategy, first of all, it is necessary to give a clear and reasonable definition of who exactly are the consumers of our services, and who could become them. In this regard, a number of questions arise for the resolution of which marketing research is being carried out. To conduct a marketing research to identify the market capacity in the business of selling men's outerwear in the Sughd region, we implemented the following activities:

  • 1. A questionnaire was developed aimed at identifying the interests of potential customers, to determine the gradation of acceptable prices and identify criteria by which potential customers can be grouped or divided into segments.
  • 2. A survey of residents of the Sughd region was conducted.
  • 1. Item, which country do you prefer?
  • a) Turkey
  • b) China
  • c) Italy
  • G) ________
  • 2. What clothes do you like best?
  • a) sports
  • b) classical
  • v) ___________
  • 3. From which store would you like to buy clothes?
  • a) suitmen
  • b) Nur
  • c) Popolare
  • d) Javoni
  • e) _______
  • 4. What material do you like the most?
  • a) wool
  • b) cotton
  • c) synthphone
  • d) kremplin
  • e) _______
  • 5. Why would you like to buy clothes from the “Suitmen” store?
  • a) quality
  • b) price
  • v) _______
  • 6. Are the prices shopping store“Suitmen” acceptable?
  • a) yes b) no
  • 7. What is the convenient way to contact Suitmen Trade Store for you?
  • a) by phone
  • b) online applications
  • c) personal contact
  • 8. Will the electronic version (website) of the “Suitmen” trade store be convenient for you?
  • a) dab) no
  • 9. Will you have problems with authorization?
  • a) dab) no
  • 13. Would you recommend this store to your friends?
  • a) yes b) no

The result of the survey

Evaluation of the activities of the shopping store "SUITMEN"

This study aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses work of the trade store, in order to further improve and improve the activities of the clinic.

50 respondents participated in the survey.

The survey showed that of those surveyed, 45 respondents (90%) buy Turkish-made goods, and 3 respondents (6%) from Chinese-made, as well as 2 respondents (4%) from Dubai-made.

The next question showed that out of the number of respondents, 18 respondents (36%) buy goods from the “Popular” store, and out of 12 respondents (24%) prefer to buy goods from the “Nur” store, as well as 10 respondents (20%) prefer goods from "Javoni" store, and 10 respondents (20%) prefer goods from the "Sutmen" store.

Clients believe that the best material is:

wool 25 (50%)

cotton 25 (50%)

Respondents also answered the question why they prefer to buy clothes from this store:

Because of the price 2 respondents (4%);

Because of the quality 8 respondents (16%);

And 40 respondents (80%) have not yet bought goods from this store.

The price affordability of the retail store was assessed as follows:

"prices are acceptable" - 10 (20%)

"prices are unacceptable" - 0 (0%)

"I don't know" - 40 (80%)

Also, the respondents were asked the best way in connection with the "Suitmen" trade store, to which they answered as follows:

  • 29 (54.16%) respondents answered that they are satisfied with the communication "by phone"
  • 13 (16.66%) respondents are not against "online application"
  • 8 (29.16%) respondents prefer "personal contact"

Regarding the electronic version (website) of the shopping store, the respondents expressed their answers as follows:

45 (90%) respondents reacted positively

5 (10%) respondents reacted negatively

Conclusion and Conclusions

Thus, the study showed that the "Suitmen" shopping store is not very popular among the population. The conditions and services of the shopping store are good quality goods. At the same time, the competence and communication skills of the staff need to be improved, therefore, it is necessary to conduct trainings on communication skills for the staff.

Product prices are quite low.

To attract more new customers:

expansion of the service package;

by lowering prices for services;

by introducing a system of discounts for regular customers.

The respondents also indicated that they were not against the creation of a store website, for easier access to information.

In general, the work in the store is satisfactory.

Top Store Competitors menswear"Suitmen"

The main competitors of PE "Suitmen" in the domestic market are all shops selling outerwear for men located in the region and providing services. The main ones are:

Table 2.

Competitors of the projected men's outerwear store

Characteristics of competitiveness.

The level of quality of the service provided.

Range of services provided

Service personnel level

Sale of goods per month

Store locations.

Not far from the center

Not far from the center

Not far from the center

Providing discounts

Table 3

SWOT - analysis of men's outerwear store "Suitmen"

The present

Strengths of the store

Shop features

Shopping room

Walking the buyer on the trading floor and examining the goods on the shelves of the Store

Personal contact between the buyer and the seller (consultation)

Buyer's choice of goods

Goods order

Issuance by the seller and delivery of the invoice to the buyer for payment

Virtual store

Viewing server pages by the buyer

Consultation with the seller (if necessary) by computer network or by phone

Buyer's choice of goods

Ordering goods through the server

Shipping by seller computer networks invoice buyer

Weaknesses of the store

Store Threats

You can’t “touch”, you can’t find out more than what is written (example: furniture, clothes)

Warranty issues, maintenance

Often long delivery times

Global economic crisis

The presence of competition.


Equipment failures

Dependence on the delivery service

Software bugs

Changes in policy and taxation

Limited throughput systems

Store threats.

  • 1. The global economic crisis and the associated depreciation of the national currency, in connection with this, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population;
  • 2. intense competition;

In case of opening a kiosk on the street, the estimate competitive environment it is not difficult to compete with everyone who sells the same product within sight. In the case of e-commerce, the situation is somewhat more complicated.

Depending on shipping costs, and also taking into account currency fluctuations and differences in cost work force, competitors can be located anywhere. Internet - in the highest degree competitive and rapidly developing environment. In popular industries, new competitors emerge almost daily.

3. crackers;

The most popular e-commerce threat comes from computer intruders - crackers. Any enterprise is subject to the threat of attack by criminals, while large e-commerce enterprises attract the attention of computer hackers of various skill levels.

The reasons for this attention are varied. In some cases, this is just a "purely sporting" interest, in others - a thirst for fame, attempts to steal money. Site security is ensured by a combination of the following measures:

Backing up important information

Using software with data protection capabilities and updating it in a timely manner.

Audit and logging to detect successful and failed attempts hacking

As a rule, hacking succeeds due to an easily guessed password, common configuration errors, and untimely software updates. Relatively simple measures are enough to protect against a not too sophisticated cracker; as a last resort, you should always have a backup copy of critical data.

4. equipment failures;

It is quite obvious that the failure of a critical part of one of the computers of a company whose activities are concentrated on the Web can cause significant damage to it.

Sites that are under heavy load or performing important functions are protected from downtime by duplication, so that the failure of any component does not affect the functioning of the entire system. However, even here it is necessary to evaluate the losses from possible downtime in comparison with the costs of purchasing additional equipment.

5. power failures, communication lines, networks and delivery services;

Dependence on the Internet means dependence on many interconnected service providers, so if the connection to the rest of the world suddenly breaks, there is nothing left but to wait for it to be restored. The same applies to power outages and strikes or other disruptions to the delivery company.

6. software errors;

When commercial activity depends on the software, it is vulnerable to bugs in this software.

Critical failures can be minimized by installing reliable software, rigorously testing after each replacement of failed hardware, and applying formal testing procedures. It is very important to accompany any innovations to the system with thorough testing.

7. changes in policy and taxation;

In many countries, activities in the field e-business not defined (or insufficiently defined) by law. However, this situation cannot last forever, and the settlement of the issue will lead to a number of problems that may lead to the closure of some enterprises. In addition, there is always the danger of raising taxes.

8. limited system bandwidth.

At the design stage of the system, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of its growth. Success is inextricably linked to workloads, so the system must allow equipment to be scaled up.

Limited performance gains can be achieved by replacing hardware, but the speed of even the most advanced computer has a limit, so the software must be able to distribute the load across several systems before this limit is reached. For example, a database management system must provide simultaneous processing of requests from several machines.

Brief description of the study
Ready-made analysis of the men's clothing market in Russia. The study contains information about the market volume, growth rates, development trends and prospects, and other key indicators.

The research report consists of 10 chapters

Chapter 1 is technological characteristics research.

V Chapter 2 presented general characteristics and classification of men's clothing.

V Chapter 3 presents data on the volume and growth rate of the menswear market in Russia.

V Chapter 4 provides information on the production of men's clothing in Russia.

V Chapter 5 considers data on import-export operations with men's clothing in Russia.

V Chapter 6 the main factors, events, trends and prospects for the development of the men's clothing market in Russia are considered.

V Chapter 7 the level of prices in the market of men's clothing in Russia is considered.

V Chapter 8 analyzed consumer preferences in the men's clothing market in Russia.

V Chapter 9 the main sales channels for men's clothing in Russia are considered.

V Chapter 10 the main players in the men's clothing market in Russia are considered.

Purpose of the study

To characterize the current state and prospects for the development of the men's clothing market in Russia.

Research objectives:

1. Determine the volume, growth rate and development dynamics of the Russian menswear market.

2. Determine the volume and growth rate of menswear production in Russia.

3. Determine the volume of imports to Russia and exports from Russia of men's clothing.

4. Identify and describe the main segments of the men's clothing market in Russia.

5. Make a forecast for the development of the men's clothing market in Russia.

6. Determine the key trends and prospects for the development of the menswear market in Russia in the next few years.

7. Determine the key factors that determine the current state and development of the menswear market in Russia.

8. Characterize consumer properties various commodity groups men's clothing.

9. Describe the financial and economic activities of the participants in the men's clothing market.

10. Monitor prices and determine the level of prices in the men's clothing market in Russia.

Object of study

Men's clothing market in Russia.

Data collection method

Monitoring materials of printed and electronic business and specialized publications, analytical market reviews; Internet; materials of marketing and consulting companies; results of research DISCOVERY Research Group; expert interviews

Research Information Base

  1. Databases of the Federal Customs Service RF, FSGS RF (Rosstat).
  2. Materials DataMonitor, EuroMonitor, Eurostat.
  3. Printed and electronic business and specialized publications, analytical reviews.
  4. Internet resources in Russia and the world.
  5. Expert polls.
  6. Materials of participants of domestic and world markets.
  7. Results of researches of marketing and consulting agencies.
  8. Materials of branch institutions and databases.
  9. Price monitoring results.
  10. Materials and databases of UN statistics (United Nations Statistics Division: Commodity Trade Statistics, Industrial Commodity Statistics, Food and Agriculture Organization, etc.).
  11. Materials of the International Monetary Fund (International Monetary Fund).
  12. Materials of the World Bank (World Bank).
  13. Materials of the WTO (World Trade Organization).
  14. Materials of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).
  15. Materials of the International Trade Centre.
  16. Materials Index Mundi.
  17. Results of the DISCOVERY Research Group.

Sample size and structure

The procedure for content analysis of documents does not involve the calculation of the sample size. All documents available to the researcher are subject to processing and analysis.

Zhilkina Elvira Evdokimovna, Khametova Nuria Gumerovna k. e. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Commerce and Marketing, Kazan State Technical University them. A.N. Tupolev

Sportswear and footwear market in Russia Lately is recognized as one of the most dynamically developing markets, and Kazan is no exception. The key issues that need to be addressed in the course of the retail business commercial enterprise, are the price, assortment, advertising, competitive policy of the enterprise. With a comprehensive consideration of these parameters of the activity of a retail trade enterprise, it is possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company, and based on the analysis, develop proposals for improving specific parameters of the company's activities. The right decision these issues will ensure the success of the trade enterprise and help attract consumers. It should be noted that all of the above parameters are closely related to each other and, of course, a change in one of them will entail a change in the other.

The purpose of the study is to identify the relationship of these factors, as well as the degree of influence of each of them on the formation of the level of consumer demand. The object of the study was the company Sportivny Mir LLC. As part of this study, 2,351 respondents were interviewed.

The Sportivny Mir LLC company was established on 12/04/1997. The network of stores LLC "Sportivny Mir" sells sports and fashion clothes, as well as Sports Equipment, focusing on retail covering a wider range of consumers. At the moment, the sports world company is represented by three stores located in the cities of Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk.

The store is multi-brand, which justifies its name. It presents, first of all, the products of three titans-manufacturers in the world of sportswear, such as Nike, Reebok, Adidas. Moreover, in each Sportivny Mir store they have their own department. All other manufacturers are also located separately from each other, though in smaller quantities and mostly on different racks. Such a display of goods allows the consumer to quickly orientate, without wasting time looking for a thing of a certain company. Also, the advantage of such a display of goods is that the consumer can immediately determine the possibility of acquiring full equipment from one company, which will allow him to create a fashionable and stylish image with minimal time.

The concept of a “quality” assortment of the “Sportivny Mir” company under study in this study is carried out through a comparison of the parameters characterizing the assortment with the parameters of the most successful competitor of the company - the Sportmaster chain of stores.

The assortment policy of the retail trade enterprise Sportivny Mir LLC is one of the key factors in the formation of consumer demand, as well as its competitiveness.

In the multistore under study, there are 28 clothing brands and 11 clothing brands. sports shoes. The same picture in the Sportmaster chain of stores looks different. For example, Sportmaster presents 47 clothing brands and 23 footwear brands, which in total is almost twice as large as the same number of manufacturers represented in Sports World. This indicates the limited range of the Sportivny Mir store compared to its main competitor. But to draw conclusions only on the basis of the brands presented in stores, we consider it unreasonable. Therefore, we will consider the total number of goods in each of the stores, as well as the number of types and varieties of goods for a more complete and adequate picture. Brands that represent accessories, equipment, sports equipment, related materials, various equipment, underwear, socks and other products that are also of no small importance in the world of sports and recreation were not considered.

The products of Nike, Reebok, Adidas have long won the respect, trust and love of consumers. And it is not surprising that, according to the research, these brands are the most popular among the respondents. For example, Adidas is preferred by 38% of the residents of the Republic of Tatarstan. In second place in popularity is Reebok, 27% of respondents gave their votes to it. In third place is Nike, 13% of respondents are ready to buy clothes and shoes from this manufacturer of sportswear and shoes.

Thus, these three manufacturers occupy more than three quarters of the sports goods market of the Republic of Tatarstan, namely 78% of the total market share. So, if we talk about the range of sportswear and footwear in the Sportivny Mir multi-store chain and the Sportmaster chain of stores, then for both companies to trade successfully, it is necessary that the bulk of the goods on the trading floor be occupied by these three well-known brands. What happens in reality?

As can be seen from Figures 1, 2, the situation in the Sportivny Mir multistore does not differ much from the assortment policy of the Sportmaster company, if we talk about the leading four manufacturers.

Rice. one. Distribution of brands in the assortment of the Sportmaster store

Rice. 2. Distribution of brands in the assortment of the Sportivny Mir store

Studies have shown that the most popular and most old company in the world of Adidas sportswear and footwear, the percentage is 22.65% of the total number of goods presented and 18.80% of total types of products (table).

Table. Percentage of brands in the Sportivny Mir store

And this is not a leading place, but only the second in the company's assortment policy. The honorable first place is occupied by Nike - 24.26 and 25.07% of the total number of goods presented and of the total number of types of products, respectively. As for the third and fourth brands, namely Reebok and Puma, their situation is not much different from their competitors.

All four fundamental brands are in the category of goods with an average or above average price level. As for the remaining third of the manufacturers represented in both stores, the picture is radically different. Thus, in the Sportivny Mir multistore, brands prevail in the residual share of the assortment, as well as the previous leaders belonging to the middle and above average price segment of the sportswear and footwear market. And again, an important part is the diversity of manufacturers. So, in the "Sports World" there are almost two times less of them than in the "Sportmaster" chain of stores.

As for the Sportmaster store, the bulk of the brands presented in the remaining third belong to the price level below the average or economy, due to which a wide group of sportswear and footwear buyers is formed, belonging to different social and material levels. This group is practically not represented in the Sports World multistore, which leads to an outflow of customers to a competitor, since in the current situation of an abundance of goods, anyone wants to have a choice, even with the minimum payment for a particular purchase.

When analyzing the assortment policy of stores and comparing the results with the results of the study, it should be noted that the most popular item among the respondents - sneakers / shoes, 55.1% of the total number of respondents. Shorts/trousers are on the second place, the respondents gave 13.1% of their votes to this category of goods. The third place is taken by (down jacket / jacket) - 10%. Other options suggested by the interviewees themselves include tracksuit (5.6%) and t-shirts/shirts (6.3%). These data were obtained based on respondents' answers to the question about the purchases they made during the year.

Based on the information obtained during the study, it was revealed that the portrait of the modern consumer of sportswear and footwear is characterized by the following parameters: these are men (41.8%) and women (58.2%) aged 18 to 39 years (74, 5%), with an income of up to 30,000 rubles (79%) per month per unmarried person (59%).

Field of activity potential buyer sporting goods as follows:

  • mid-level worker - 33.2%;
  • individual entrepreneurs, business owners - 18.4%;
  • managers (administrative apparatus) - 13.8%.

For the largest number of respondents, sportswear and shoes are comfort (42%) and a necessity for playing sports (32%).

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that the main consumer in this market uses the desire for beauty and attractiveness as the main motivation when buying sportswear and shoes. appearance and, consequently, a change in social status.

The study revealed that the majority of respondents purchase sports goods once a year (41%), 25% of those surveyed buy sportswear and shoes twice a year, and only 13% do so once a quarter. This trend is explained by the fact that the purchase of these products is not for professional sports, but rather to maintain physical fitness, i.e. for training in the gym no more than three times a week for two hours, or just as comfortable clothing / shoes. Based on this, the service life of sportswear and shoes varies between a year and a half. During the same period, the acquired model remains relevant and fashionable.

The number of respondents who buy these goods less than once a year is 17%.

Over the past two years, a large number of shopping malls located near the house, including a huge number of various shops. This combination of different types of goods in one place greatly facilitates the purchase process. Since most consumers make large purchases (for a large amount) once or twice a month, which is associated with the schedule for receiving Money at work, it is convenient for them to purchase in one trip to the store different kinds goods (products, household chemicals, clothes, shoes, etc.). The results of the study confirm this - 74% of respondents prefer to buy sportswear and shoes in sports departments shopping centers, and only 13% of respondents do it in branded separately located stores.

It is also worth paying attention to consumer preferences regarding popular sports brands. The most popular brand, according to respondents, as already noted, is Adidas (38%), followed by Reebok (27%), then Nike (13%), Columbia (9%) and Puma (5%).

This percentage is explained, in particular, by the price factor. Since Puma is one of the most expensive brands among the most popular, the consumer prefers to buy more affordable and equally high-quality products from other brands. The popularity of the Adidas brand, in turn, is explained by the fact that this brand of sportswear and footwear has been intensively positioned in the market. Russian Federation in the 90s, which led consumers to popular love and absolute trust in this brand to this day.

In addition to price, quality, design, and brand preference are factors that determine the purchaser's choice of a particular product. Most important factors, determining the choice of the consumer, are the price and quality of the goods. This is the opinion of 26% and 25% of respondents, respectively. This is followed by the external attractiveness of the product, i.e. design, this factor was named the most important by 22% of respondents. Brand loyalty was chosen as a determining factor by 13.5% of surveyed buyers.

The most attractive for the consumer are various marketing campaigns, one way or another related to lowering the price of specific goods. According to the results of the study, the most popular promotion is a discount, 48% of respondents agree with this. Less popular are discount cards. 31% of respondents are interested in this form of stimulation. Only 13% of those wishing to purchase two goods for the price of one.

The study made it possible to distinguish four segments of buyers: from buyers with small purchases (from 1 to 3 thousand rubles) to buyers with large purchases (more than 10 thousand rubles) in one visit to the store.

The principal role of Big and Large Buyers is that together they bring from 65 to 70% of the store's income. However, the number of these people is small. In our case, this figure is equal to 35.6% of buyers, i.e. one third of buyers brings two thirds of the revenue.

If we specify the number of buyers of all four categories, we get the following picture:

  1. buyers with small purchases - 1-3 thousand rubles - account for 24.8% of the total number of buyers. According to the study, they bring the store only 10% of the total profit;
  2. buyers with an average purchase - 3-5 thousand rubles - account for 36.2% of the total number of buyers. They, according to the study, bring the store 25% of the total revenue;
  3. buyers with a large purchase - 5-10 thousand rubles - account for 22.5% of the total number of buyers. They, according to the study, bring the store 40% of the total revenue;
  4. buyers with a large purchase - more than 10 thousand rubles - account for 13.1% of the total number of buyers. They, according to the study, bring the store 25% of the total revenue.

It follows from the above that it is most profitable for a store to attract consumers with a high level of income, who can afford purchases for larger amounts than the category of consumers with an average income level.

It was also interesting to say that the longer the consumer is in the store, the larger his consumer basket becomes. Thus, according to the study, a purchase made in 20 minutes spent on the trading floor is from 1 to 3 thousand rubles, and a check for 30 minutes is already moving into the category of an average purchase, i.e. from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. This principle extends to the remaining categories of purchases.

It is also worth noting that the time spent by a person in the store directly depends on the area. trading floor and on the quantity and quality of information posted in the store about the goods offered. The buyer spends 25 minutes on the trading floor, while 70% of buyers carefully study the information inside the store, and 40% buy a product after learning about it in the store.

A retailer needs to systematize and improve their work with in-store design and communications as much as possible.

This will help:

  • increase the time spent by the buyer in the store and thereby increase the amount of the check;
  • increase customer awareness of the products in the store and thereby increase the size of his basket.

It should be noted that the amount of the purchase, and, accordingly, the profit of the enterprise, depends not only on the area outlet, the duration of the buyer's stay in the store, the quality of the interior design of the trading floor, but to a large extent on the level of preparedness of the attendants.