Helicopter Sikorsky s 76 spirit. Cargo cabin dimensions

Since its introduction to the market in the late 1970s, the Sikorsky S-76 has become a true workhorse in the fleets of VIP helicopter operators, establishing itself as one of the most popular rotorcraft. Sikorsky capitalized on this love and created a tradition of regular upgrades to the S-76, with the D-series now the eighth iteration after the S-76A, A+, A++, B, C, C+ and C++.

The first flight of the S-76 took place in March 1977, deliveries began two years later, and since then more than 800 helicopters of this family have found their owners, having flown a total of more than 6.2 million hours. To date, at least 680 helicopters of this type fly in 42 countries around the world.

The most numerous fleet (430 units) is used for offshore operations; in second place is corporate transport, numbering 180 vehicles, the flight time of which today has exceeded 630 thousand hours. Sikorsky marketers consider air ambulance and search and rescue operations to be other priority areas for the S-76D.

Potential customers in all four of these segments are already showing strong interest in the S-76D. For example, the Japanese Coast Guard has placed an order for a search and rescue variant, and a little-known Chinese company, Ruili Jingcheng Group, has ordered a passenger version. The latter is also purchasing a larger S-92 for its new division. commercial traffic. The VIP and medical options were not ignored either. According to Dan Hunter, director of new programs at Sikorsky, the manufacturer is negotiating deliveries with oilmen from Mexico and China, and also expects to find customers in the form of commercial operators from the United States.

The S-76C++ model was discontinued last year, and the first deliveries of the new modification are scheduled for the end of this year. The catalog price in the basic configuration starts from $12 million, depending on the cabin variant, optional equipment and the number of cars ordered. According to Sharon Desfort, president of agency HeliValue$ Inc., this amount logically fits into a price move of $10.2-10.4 million for a completely new C++ and $8.5-9.0 million for the same helicopter with half developed resource.

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The S-76 helicopter is the first Sikorsky helicopter designed for civil use. The development of the helicopter began in 1976 in accordance with the requirements for a light transport helicopter that could be used to service offshore oil fields, as well as an administrative and multi-purpose helicopter. The requirements provided for the transportation of 12 passengers with a crew of two pilots over a distance of 740 km at a speed of 230 km / h. When developing the S-76 helicopter, the experience of creating the S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopter was used.

The construction of four prototype helicopters began in May 1976. The first flight of the first prototype S-76A helicopter with two Allison 250С-30 gas turbine engines with a power of 485 kW each took place on March 13, 1977. In August 1978, the S-76A helicopter of the head series took off. By the beginning of 1994, more than 400 S-76 helicopters had been delivered. The price of the S-76A helicopter is $5.25 million, the S-76B is $5.9 million. The price of the H-76 military helicopter with improved flight and navigation equipment and weapons is from 7 to 9 million dollars.

Fuselage of monocoque design, made with considerable use composite materials. The design of the bow used fiberglass and Kevlar; light alloys and honeycomb core were used for the cargo compartment; tail boom semi-monocoque design, made of light alloys. The cockpit is equipped for the first and second pilots. The use of a dual digital autopilot allows piloting by one pilot. The cab front windows are equipped with double wipers; glass heating system is installed at the request of the customer. The passenger cabin with an area of ​​4.18m2, dimensions 2.46 x 1.02 x 1.37m and a volume of 5.78m3 is equipped with a heating and ventilation system. Air conditioning system at the request of the customer. In the administrative version with four, six or eight-seat layouts, improved sound insulation, radiotelephone equipment, an improved interior and a higher level of comfort are provided. The seats in the cabin are installed in three rows - four seats in a row with a step of 0.79m. In the rear part of the cabin there is a 1.08 m3 luggage compartment, equipped with hatches on each side of the fuselage. In the transport multi-purpose version, it is possible to install a cargo cable with a hook for external suspension of cargo, designed for a force of 1815 kg, and a rescue winch with a lifting capacity of 270 kg. Access to the cabins is provided through four hinged doors, two on each side. Sliding doors to the cargo compartment are installed at the request of the customer. Kevlar was used in the design of fairings and doors.

The main rotor is four-bladed, developed on the basis of the design rotor UH-60A helicopter has articulated blades. Centrifugal loads, loads in the plane of swing and the plane of rotation are taken up by elastomeric bearings. There are swing limiters. The blades are rectangular in plan, with swept tips made of Kevlar (30° leading, 10° trailing), Sikorsky SC-1095 profile and non-linear twist. Blade chord 0.39m. The hollow spar of oval section is made of titanium alloy. Anti-abrasive pads made of nickel and titanium alloys pass along the tip of the blade, the filler of the layered structure is made of nomex, the blade skin is made of fiberglass. There are hydraulic vibration dampers in the plane of rotation and pendulum vibration dampers on the main rotor hub. Sleeve of a monolithic design made of aluminum alloy. The main rotor brake is installed at the request of the customer. Service life of blades 4900 h. The blades require a one-time replacement during the entire life of the helicopter. A design of a blade made of composite materials with built-in anti-icing elements has been developed. The angle of inclination of the main rotor shaft is 5°.

Electronic equipment is located in the forward fuselage. Instrument flight system and different kinds radio navigation and radar equipment at the request of the customer, including the VHF-20 transceiver, automatic radio compass, radio altimeter, meteorological radar, radio ranging equipment, low-frequency navigation system, emergency radio beacon. A dual digital autopilot is provided, which can be used in either autopilot mode or stability and control system mode.

Sikorsky S-76 Spirit Sikorsky S-76 Spirit

Sikorsky S-76 "Spirit"(English) Sikorsky S-76 Spirit listen)) is a commercial helicopter. Built by the firm Sikorsky Aero Engineering Corporation. When developing the S-76 helicopter, the experience of creating the S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopter was used. The construction of four prototype helicopters began in May 1976. It first took to the air on March 13. By the beginning of the year, more than 400 S-76 helicopters had been built. Electronic equipment is located in the forward fuselage. The passenger cabin with an area of ​​4.18 m², dimensions of 2.46x1.02x1.37 m and a volume of 5.78 m³ is equipped with a ventilation and heating system. Fuel is contained in two tanks. Standard fuel capacity 1064 l. Engine resource up to overhaul 3000 hours Main gearbox resource 1500 hours Blades service life 4900 hours Blades require a one-time replacement during the entire life of the helicopter.

Tactical and technical characteristics

The given characteristics correspond to the modification S-76C+.

  • Crew : 1-2 pilots
  • Passenger capacity: up to 13 passengers
  • Length : 16.0 m
  • Fuselage length : 13.21 m
  • Rotor diameter : 13.41 m
  • Tail rotor diameter: 2.44 m
  • Maximum fuselage width : 2.13 m
  • Height : 4.42 m (with tail rotor)
  • Area swept by the main rotor: 141.26 m²
  • Chassis base: 5.0 m
  • Chassis track: 2.44 m
  • Empty weight: 2,545 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight : 5 307 kg
  • Payload weight: 1,616 kg
  • Mass of fuel in internal tanks: 3030 kg
  • Volume of fuel tanks: 1,083 l (standard tank)
  • Power point : 2 × Turbomeca Arriel 2S1 turboshafts
  • Engine power: 2 × 856 hp (2 × 638 kW (take-off))

Cargo cabin dimensions

  • Length: 2.46 m
  • Width: 1.93 m
  • Height: 1.35 m
  • Floor area: 4.18 m²
  • Useful volume: 5.8 m³

Flight characteristics

  • Maximum allowable speed: 287 km/h
  • Cruising speed : 259 km/h
  • Practical range: 813 km
  • Practical ceiling: 3,871 m
  • Static ceiling:
    • using ground effect: 1,722 m
    • without ground effect: 549 m
  • Climb rate : 8.25 m/s
  • 37.6 kg/m²
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: 224.7 W/kg (without/with suspension for transmission)

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An excerpt characterizing the Sikorsky S-76 Spirit

“If they knew that you wanted this, the holiday would have been canceled,” the prince said, out of habit, like a wound clock, saying things that he did not want to be believed.
– Ne me tourmentez pas. Eh bien, qu "a t on decide par rapport a la depeche de Novosiizoff? Vous savez tout. [Don't torment me. Well, what did you decide on the occasion of Novosiltsov's dispatch? You all know.]
- How can I tell you? said the prince in a cold, bored tone. - Qu "at on decide? On a decide que Buonaparte a brule ses vaisseaux, et je crois que nous sommes en train de bruler les notres. [What did you decide? We decided that Bonaparte burned his ships; and we, too, seem ready to burn ours.] - Prince Vasily always spoke lazily, as an actor speaks the role of an old play.Anna Pavlovna Sherer, on the contrary, despite her forty years, was full of animation and impulses.
Being an enthusiast has become her social status, and sometimes, when she didn’t even want to, she, in order not to deceive the expectations of people who knew her, became an enthusiast. The restrained smile that constantly played on Anna Pavlovna's face, although it did not go to her obsolete features, expressed, like in spoiled children, the constant consciousness of her sweet shortcoming, from which she does not want, cannot and does not find it necessary to correct herself.
In the middle of a conversation about political action Anna Pavlovna got excited.
“Ah, don’t tell me about Austria! I don't understand anything, maybe, but Austria never wanted and doesn't want war. She betrays us. Russia alone must be the savior of Europe. Our benefactor knows his high calling and will be faithful to it. Here's one thing I believe in. Our kind and wonderful sovereign has the greatest role in the world, and he is so virtuous and good that God will not leave him, and he will fulfill his calling to crush the hydra of the revolution, which is now even more terrible in the face of this murderer and villain. We alone must atone for the blood of the righteous... Whom shall we hope for, I ask you?... England with its commercial spirit will not and cannot understand the whole loftiness of the soul of Emperor Alexander. She refused to clear Malta. She wants to see, looking for the back thought of our actions. What did they say to Novosiltsov?... Nothing. They did not understand, they cannot understand the selflessness of our emperor, who wants nothing for himself and wants everything for the good of the world. And what did they promise? Nothing. And what they promised, and that will not happen! Prussia has already declared that Bonaparte is invincible and that all of Europe can do nothing against him... And I do not believe in a single word either Hardenberg or Gaugwitz. Cette fameuse neutralite prussienne, ce n "est qu" un piege. [This notorious neutrality of Prussia is only a trap.] I believe in one God and in the high destiny of our dear Emperor. He will save Europe!…” She suddenly stopped with a smile of mockery at her ardor.
“I think,” said the prince, smiling, “that if you had been sent instead of our dear Winzengerode, you would have taken the consent of the Prussian king by storm. You are so eloquent. Will you give me tea?
- Now. A propos,” she added, calming down again, “today I have two very interesting person, le vicomte de MorteMariet, il est allie aux Montmorency par les Rohans, [By the way, Viscount Mortemart,] he is related to Montmorency through the Rohans,] one of the best surnames in France. This is one of the good emigrants, of the real ones. And then l "abbe Morio: [Abbe Morio:] do you know this deep mind? He was received by the sovereign. Do you know?
- A! I will be very glad, - said the prince. “Tell me,” he added, as if he had just remembered something and especially carelessly, while what he was asking about was main goal his visits, is it true that l "imperatrice mere [the empress mother] wants the appointment of Baron Funke as the first secretary in Vienna? C" est un pauvre sire, ce baron, a ce qu "il parait. [This baron seems to be an insignificant person. ] - Prince Vasily wanted to assign his son to this place, which they tried to deliver to the baron through Empress Maria Feodorovna.

Sikorsky S-76 (Sikorsky S-76) American commercial helicopter developed by Sikorsky Aircraft in the 1970s. The first helicopter of the company, originally created as a civilian one.

History of the S-76

The active development of the corporate helicopter market in the 1970s forced Sikorsky to initiate work on its first machine of this type. The project was based on the developments of the S-70 project, which later developed into a helicopter.

The prototype first flew in 1977. A year later, the S-76 model received FAA certification and the cars began to arrive to customers. Initially, the helicopter was named Spirit, but the company rejected this name due to potential problems with translations into foreign languages.

In 1983, the first S-76B took off. Powered by two 1033hp Pratt & Whitney PT6B-36A engines, it features aerodynamic improvements designed for the UH-60 helicopter. The twelve-seat version of the S-76C was introduced in June 1989. and took to the air in May 1990. with Turbomeca Arriel 1S1 engines. By this time, he had already received military orders from Hong Kong and Spain.

In 2011, a new version of the helicopter began to be certified - the S-76D equipped with a Pratt & Whitney Canada PW210S gas turbine engine with a capacity of 1,050 hp.

Description: Demonstration flight of the S-76 Spirit helicopter at the Atlantic City air show

S-76 design

The Sikorsky S-76 is a multipurpose commercial helicopter built according to the classic single-rotor design with a four-bladed main rotor and tail rotor.

The fuselage is of a monocoque design, made with a significant use of composite materials. The use of a dual digital autopilot allows piloting by one pilot.

The passenger cabin is equipped with a heating and ventilation system. In the administrative version with four, six or eight-seat layouts, improved sound insulation, telephone equipment and a higher level of comfort are provided. The luggage compartment is located at the rear of the cab. In the transport multi-purpose version, it is possible to install a cargo cable with a hook for external suspension of cargo, designed for a force of 1815 kg, and a rescue winch with a lifting capacity of 270 kg.

Chassis tricycle, with a swivel bow support, retractable. The helicopter can be additionally equipped with an emergency inflatable float landing gear.

The main rotor is four-bladed, developed on the basis of the design of the main rotor of the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter. The blades require a one-time replacement during the entire life of the helicopter. A design of a blade made of composite materials with built-in anti-icing elements has been developed.

Turbomeca Arriel 2S1 engines with 856 hp each. each placed in compartments, installed at the top of the fuselage. The engines are equipped with air filters and anti-icing devices. Standard fuel capacity 1064l.

The helicopter has many modifications, both civil and military. During the release and still managed to change several generations.

S-76 operation

In total, over 1,100 S-76 helicopters were produced in 2016. They are in operation in 14 countries.

Helicopter scheme S-76 Spirit