An electric meter that transmits readings: a characteristic of metering equipment. Wireless electricity meter "a1" with a radio module "strizh", single-phase Data transmission from meters to a computer

View readings on your smartphone, tablet or PC

No need to climb into the plumbing closet. Saures R1 will collect readings from all meters and save them in your personal account. Install the device for yourself, parents, tenants and take readings from your smartphone.

Submit meter readings automatically

SAURES will send the testimony of your management company, HOA, to you or, for example, to your landlord. Just indicate in your personal account the day when you need to send the readings and the method of sending.

Be aware of plumbing problems or leaking pipes

The SAURES system will detect hidden leaks based on water consumption data. Tell the system that a monotonous water flow for 2 hours is a suspicious situation for you and SAURES will inform you about such situations based on the data from the water meters.

Protect your home from water leaks

Connect a leakage sensor and an electric ball valve to SAURES R1 and the system will shut off the water in the apartment in case of flooding. Naturally, you will immediately know about the accident using a PUSH notification or an email.

How all this can be useful for you

You know exactly when and how much water you use

This can be useful for resolving disputes with a resource supply company, and simply makes it possible to quickly and easily get an answer to the question: "When did we manage to pour out so much water?" Graphs in your personal account show water consumption up to hourly data.

You no longer need to remember about the need and timing of the transfer of evidence

Just tell SAURES when and where to transfer data and the system will automatically do it for you. No more accruals according to the standard due to non-delivered testimony.

More reasons to install smart meters

No more climbing into a plumbing closet with a mirror and a flashlight or performing miracles of acrobatics

Sometimes counters are installed in hard-to-reach places, and sometimes installers surprise with their dislike for people by installing the counter with a dial on the wall. If taking a reading every month turns into an acrobatics act for you, then SAURES R1 is what you need. Now all the readings are on your smartphone and you do not need to climb into the plumbing cabinet.

Install the system to parents and their meter readings will be sent to you or immediately to the management company

Set up automatic sending of data and parents will no longer need to climb into the plumbing closet, strain their eyes and deal with numbers.

You are sure that pipes and plumbing do not flow in your apartment, and the accusations of neighbors do not cause you concern

Tell SAURES which monotonous flow of water is considered a leak and the system will immediately notify you of suspicious situations, preventing financial losses and saving your nerves.

You rent out your apartment, or maybe even more than one

No need to call tenants to get meter readings. In the event of a flood in the apartment, your property is additionally protected from damage, and you from problems with your neighbors. If you rent several apartments, then you can control all the readings from one personal account. It's comfortable.

You rent an apartment and regularly report your testimony to the owner of the apartment

Set up automatic sending of readings to email to your landlord. Protect yourself from unnecessary disputes and problems in case of emergencies.

You save your money and protect yourself from unnecessary financial risks

The SAURES system allows you to save money in several ways at once:

  1. First, you can detect and reduce wasteful water consumption. For example: constantly open faucet when washing dishes.
  2. Secondly, the system will warn you of hidden water leakage, and you will be able to detect and fix the problem earlier. For example, you went for a walk, and the button stuck to the toilet bowl. So in 3-4 hours half of the monthly rate of water consumption can leak.
  3. And thirdly, the use of SAURES makes it possible to save yourself from paying for repairs in the neighbors' apartment. Somewhere far away under the bathroom a pipe was leaking for a couple of months, and now the neighbors have a stain on the ceiling, and now they are already coming to you.

This article discusses the features of such metering equipment as an electric meter that transmits readings: the specificity of devices, their design, advantages and disadvantages, the system for using devices with remote control, the scheme for transmitting readings on electrical energy consumption and the rules for performing this procedure in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

The electric meter that transmits readings allows you to automatically send data on the used kilowatts

Meters equipped with a remote reading system are suitable for apartment owners who do not want to think every month about how and where to transfer the received meter readings. If a consumer of electrical energy has a similar device installed at home, the data transfer will be carried out automatically without the direct participation of a person.

Sending twisted kilowatts does not take much time, and the process itself is comfortable and convenient. Electricity supply companies can use these devices to monitor the energy consumption of the population.

In a global sense, which are capable of transmitting information remotely, allow rationalizing the consumption of electricity and achieving efficient operation of the entire system, from energy production to its consumption and data processing for paying utility bills using network information and metering systems.

Note! Metering equipment with remote transmission of information differs from a standard electric meter by the ability to switch tariffs. When taking data, the user can see three indicators: night, total and day. In this case, the switching is carried out every 15 seconds.

Purpose of information-measuring systems

Network systems designed to collect measurement information on meter readings organize the process of remote data transmission from accounting equipment via the worldwide Internet.
The operation of such systems is automated. Due to the software, the information is read and the received data is subsequently sent to the server of the energy supply company.

Information and measuring systems are used to automate the following processes:

  • collection of information;
  • data transfer;
  • analysis of energy consumption indicators.

The use of information and measurement systems by energy supply companies not only gives them access to indicators on the consumption of electrical energy, but also provides a number of additional functions. This includes the following possibilities:

  • operation of accounting equipment in the mode of several tariffs;
  • connection or disconnection of the consumer of electricity in remote mode;
  • individualization of work with the consumer of electric energy, taking into account the terms of the signed contract;
  • forwarding warning notices;
  • effective analysis of the collected information, etc.

Note! The feedback from the consumer to the energy supply company or service company via a data processing system is carried out using the Internet.

Benefits of automatic transmission of meter readings for users

By installing meters in your apartment that have the function of automatic remote data transmission, the homeowner receives many advantages.
Benefits of the system for users:

  • resolution of disputes - meter readings can be recorded every day. Such a data transfer scheme eliminates conflict situations if there are problems with receipts or the transfer of information by the subscriber is not carried out regularly;
  • control of readings - metering devices provide the ability to take readings from places that the consumer rarely visits, for example, from a rental apartment, garage or country house;
  • high calculation accuracy during tariff switching - if there are no indications by the date of tariff change, energy companies make charges based on average indicators. As a rule, the settlement is carried out in favor of the supplier company. The use of metering devices with a remote transmission function avoids such problems;

A meter with an automatic counting system will be convenient for users who use several electricity metering tariffs

  • remote control of the meter - the equipment can be used to preheat housing. It is enough to connect the device a couple of hours before coming home, so that the heater system warms up the premises before arrival. This will require a smartphone;
  • safety - if the owner forgets to turn off an electrical appliance, for example, or a stove, there is no need to return home. It is enough to de-energize the apartment by remotely turning off the meter;
  • practicality and time saving - the user does not need to spend time and effort on taking readings, queuing at the cash registers or transmitting information using standard methods.

Important! If bills are not paid, the company can remotely turn off electricity access to the apartment. To do this, employees do not even need to visit the debtor's apartment.

Device of meters for remote transmission of electricity readings

Equipment designed to measure electrical energy is a kind of converter that converts an analog signal into a pulse frequency. When these pulses are counted, the amount of electricity consumed is calculated.

If we compare electronic devices with induction-type devices, then the differences affect not only the internal structure, in which there are no mechanical rotating elements.

The main distinguishing feature is the advanced functionality:

  • extended time interval for input voltage;
  • convenient organization of multi-tariff accounting systems;
  • the presence of a mode for viewing indicators for past periods (months);
  • the ability to measure power consumption;
  • Possibility of connection to systems of automatic data acquisition and transmission.

With regard to the structural structure, a modern electronic type meter is a housing frame equipped with a measuring current transformer, a terminal block, as well as printed circuit board. The latter serves as the basis for mounting the electronic component of the device.

Note! A large number of additional functions is due to the presence of software in the microcontroller of the device. Similar components are present in almost all electric meters of the modern generation.

The structure of electricity meters that transmit readings remotely

The design of a modern electronic type meter consists of the following elements:

  • LCD display;
  • clock displaying real time;
  • current transformer;
  • telemetric output;
  • bodies exercising control and management;
  • a power source designed to service the electronic circuit;
  • supervisor
  • optical port, which can be installed optionally.

The LCD display is a multi-digit type alphanumeric display. Its main function is to indicate the operating modes of the counter. In addition, the component displays information about the consumed electrical energy, the current time, and the date.

The power supply provides voltage to the microcontroller and other components installed in the electronic circuit. A supervisor is connected directly to it, which generates a reset signal for the microcontroller that occurs when the power is turned off or on. In addition, the supervisor monitors input voltage changes.

Real time clocks are used to accurately keep track of the date and current time. In some modifications of the meters, a microcontroller performs this option. In order to reduce the load on this part, most often a separate microcircuit is provided for such purposes. It saves microcontroller power consumption by directing this energy to more important tasks.

Using the telemetric output, the meter is connected to a personal computer or a remote data transmission system. The optical port is designed to take readings directly from the accounting device.

Note! The optical port is not present in all devices. In some models, it is involved in programming information.

Microcontroller and functions of devices with remote transmission of electricity readings

The most important part of the device is the microcontroller. It performs most of the functions:

  • converting the input signal coming from the current transformer into digital data;
  • mathematical processing of information;
  • outputting the result to the display;
  • receiving commands from governing bodies;
  • interface management.

The list of microcontroller functions depends on the installed software. To date, active work is underway to improve such equipment, which consists in adding additional functions. These options include the ability to monitor the state of the power grid, while transmitting data to the dispatch center.

Related article:

Often meters have a function that allows you to limit the power level of the network. If there is an excess of power consumption, the device automatically interrupts the consumer's access to the network. This system works by means of a contactor that controls the voltage supply. The device can also turn off if the consumer exceeds the assigned energy limit or runs out of prepaid electricity.

Note! Some modifications of electricity meters are equipped with readers that accept plastic cards. They are designed to replenish the balance. This category of devices includes models STK-3-10 and STK-1-10.

Control system in electricity meters with remote reading

Automated systems designed to control accounting data for electrical energy have been developed due to the emergence of microprocessors at an affordable cost. The price of these devices was relatively affordable, so only large enterprises in the industrial sector could afford the installation of such equipment.

With the invention of electronic meters and PCs, automated accounting systems have taken a significant step forward. Thanks to the introduction cellular communication wireless systems have been developed.

Automated accounting systems perform the following functions:

  • collection of electrical energy flows for a reasonable period of time at all voltage levels;
  • processing of received information;
  • generation of reports on released or consumed power (electrical energy);
  • analysis and forecasting for generation (consumption);
  • processing payment indicators;
  • performance of calculations on electric energy.

To organize an automated accounting system, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Install high-precision accounting equipment. To do this, electronic meters are installed at electricity metering points.
  2. Transfer digital information (signals) to blocks with built-in memory. They are called "adders".
  3. Form a communication system, for example, GSM. It will be used to transfer data.
  4. Form data centers and equip them with computers with appropriate software.

Note! To date, many electronic type meters have a built-in interface for connecting an automated accounting system. Even those devices that do not provide such an option allow you to install an optical port designed to take readings locally.

How to transfer readings of electric meters with an automated system

The process of sending data is carried out without the participation of the subscriber. It is only responsible for transmitting the first indicator. This data must be reported until the manufacturer sends notice that it is no longer necessary. Measurement of electricity consumption in such meters is carried out every hour. Once a day, the information received is sent to the controlling organization. Some models use a mobile connection.

How do electricity meters work, transmitting readings automatically

The simplest automated data transmission systems carry out their work in stages:

  1. Collection of information.
  2. Data transport.
  3. Analysis of the received information, its further storage.

The main participants in the first stage are the devices that measure the parameters of the system, and the electricity meters themselves. The category of measuring devices includes all kinds of sensors that are connected to the system via analog digital converters or equipped with an output used to connect the interface.

The interface line used to transmit the information signal has an input impedance of 12 ohms. Since the power capabilities of the transmitter are limited, similar restrictions are imposed on the number of receiver devices that are connected to this line. The maximum number of sensors for which the receiver is designed is 32 pcs.

Note! The automated system can be used not only on electronic, but also on induction meters in which a converter is installed. It converts the number of disc revolutions into electrical impulse signals.

At the second stage, the controllers come into operation, transporting the signal between the interface lines. This procedure is necessary for the information to be read by the controller or personal computer. If more than 32 sensors are involved in the connection, then concentrators are installed in the system.

At the third stage, a server, a PC and a controller are involved, which collect data, analyze them and save them. The system must have an appropriate software, allowing you to configure it.

Induction type electricity meters and automatic data transmission systems

Not only electronic devices can be used to transmit indicators remotely. Induction devices marked with the letter "D" are equipped with a telemetry output. In fact, this output is a pulse sensor. The SRZU-I670D model can be attributed to the category of such devices. Due to the pulse sensor within the framework of a two-wire communication line, information is transmitted to the system that collects and processes data. The information contains data on the active electricity that passes through the device.

The pulse source is a measuring transformer. It radiates a magnetic flux that crosses a metal sector mounted on an aluminum disk axis. Next, these pulses are transmitted to the sensor circuit, and then to the communication line that feeds this sensor.

A photo-LED head is installed on the pulse sensor. It is a pair consisting of an LED and a photodiode. The sensor inside the electric meter has a specific location. The device is installed so that the head is turned towards the aluminum disk. The LED emits a signal that is reflected by the disc and then received by the photodiode. The darkened sector on the disc provides signal discontinuity.

These interrupts are tracked electronic circuit, are converted and fed to the communication line in the form of a sequence of pulses. Then the receiving device receives them, performs a count for a certain period of time and displays the result on the display.

Why are electronic meters beneficial when transmitting readings for light

Theoretically, the induction counter system described earlier is possible, but in practice it does not make sense. Such devices are gradually withdrawn from service and replaced by electronic ones. The exception is locally placed accounting equipment.

Electronic devices in relation to creation automated systems transmission of indications has significant advantages, which are determined by the information component and extensive service capabilities.

The disadvantages of such equipment include the need for a permanent connection to the network. When leaving for a long time, do not use the fuse to turn off the meter. There is a special switch for this. The exception is electrical work. Otherwise, the operation of electronic meters that independently transmit readings is accompanied by benefits for the user.

(VALTEC VT.USPD.R1) The data collection and transmission device (DUCD) is designed to obtain information on the consumption of resources from metering devices with a pulse output (water, heat, gas meters), signals from sensors with a "dry contact" type output (leakage sensor, temperature sensor, pressure sensor, etc.), drives pipe fittings, transmitting the received data over the air to the server for further processing and use.

VT.USPD is an electronic unit with built-in WiFi module(protocol 802.11 b / g / n) and batteries (three AA batteries), having a dust and moisture protective case, has eight pairs of inputs with spring terminal blocks for connecting counters and sensors.

The device polls the state of the counters at a specified interval and transmits the received signals to the server. Signals from the sensors initiate instant transmission of the message to the server. If the data transmission channel is not available, the device accumulates data (the maximum archive depth is one month), and when a connection appears, it transfers them to the server. To protect against unauthorized exposure, a tamper-evident detector is provided, upon activation of which a corresponding signal is transmitted to the server.

The data transmission device complies with the requirements of the State Committee for Radio Frequencies set out in Decision No. 07-20-03-001 dated 07.05.2007.

    Key benefits of using VT.USPD:
  • The apartment is under control when you are in the country, on vacation or at work.
  • Collection of testimony and control of expenses of tenants.
  • Automatic transmission of readings from devices to the UK / HOA, etc.
  • Independent power supply.
  • Ease of installation and configuration.

The user of the VT.USPD data collection and transmission device can be either Management Company apartment building, and the owner or tenant of a single apartment, individual house.

By purchasing the device, the buyer gets free access to use the system automatic control and accounting of SAURES resources ( with the provision of a personal account, the possibility of personal settings and obtaining information on mobile phone or computer.

To connect the USPD does not require a separate WiFi networks– You can use an existing home or public network.

There is no subscription fee. For mobile devices on Android and Apple platforms, the free SAURES app is available from the Play Market and the Apple Store.

Technical support for users is also provided free of charge - you can consult by phone or e-mail.

By installing a VT.USPD data collection and transmission device, the owner or tenant of the property will be able to receive in electronic format readings of metering devices, analytical reports, information about errors in the operation of home equipment. For example, the user will be alerted to abnormal water flow due to a plumbing leak or a faucet left open.

When equipping an apartment building with VT.USPD modules, the HOA or the management company receives automatically read meter readings, information about possible accidents and abuses by unscrupulous tenants.

Leakage control can be carried out according to meter readings and leakage sensors. Information about the leak goes to the owner of the apartment and to the HOA. Shutting off water can be carried out automatically or by a remotely controlled crane.

Up to eight meters or sensors can be connected to one VT.USPD module.

The device is powered by three AA batteries (possibly from an external unit). The battery charge lasts for at least four years of its operation.

We offer a device for collecting and transmitting data, the price of which will pleasantly surprise users of modern electronics.

Product in stock! Prices 2019

Terms of ordering and delivery of adapters for communication with Mercury meters
(requests by e-mail or by phone 8-909-283-34-16)

1) Automation unit - WiFi router (model VR-007.4) The cost is 5000 rubles. Buy. Miniature USPD for polling lists of Mercury counters via any of the connected USB-RS485/CAN/IRDA/optoport interfaces. It can independently interrogate 10 three-phase Mercury meters, or create an end-to-end tunnel through itself for polling an unlimited list of meters by external programs.

2) The cost is 3300 rubles. Buy. A complete hardware device for data transmission between an Ethernet local area network and a wired RS485 interface. It is widely used to automate the taking of readings from metering devices, including Mercury electricity meters. Works with all kinds of TCP/IP protocols in server and client modes. It can be displayed on the Internet for remote monitoring of ASKUE accounting objects.

3) The cost is 1950 rubles. Buy. Interface converter for electricity meters Mercury-230, 231, SE-102 containing IRDA interfaces. To connect to the electric meter does not require opening the terminal box.

A wireless electric meter with a radio module measures the amount of electricity consumed and transmits consumption readings to the user's personal account.

Such a metering device does not require the connection of the STRIZH modem, the radio module is already built into the meter, which makes it possible to implement the system commercial accounting electricity is even easier.

The A1 electric meter also transmits data on the state of operation and notifies the dispatcher in case of emergency situations or an attempt to open the device.

The reverse link allows remote control of the consumer's load.

All information about the consumption of resources is stored in non-volatile memory before it is transmitted to the information processing center, and in the event of a power outage of the network, data logging continues.

The meter has a battery backup and in case of a power failure external power supply continues to work offline.

Where is an electric meter with remote reading used?

The electric meter with a radio module is part of the STRIZH commercial electricity metering and control systems and can be used to build ASKUE systems in