Application for a patent through public services. Register or close an individual entrepreneur through public services

What is an IP? Its features. Who can be a payer and what documents are required? The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur through the State Services (opening) in 2019.

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Many specialists sooner or later have a desire to stop working under the authority of the employer and create their own business. The simplest option in this case is to open an IP.

Basic moments

This type of property is different in that it operates without the obligatory creation of a legal entity.

An LLC can also operate if it has one founder. The choice of type of ownership depends on the scale of the business.

IP refers to small, and LLC - to medium. The possibility of choosing counterparties, as well as obtaining loans and borrowings, depends on this.


Advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship

Individual entrepreneurship has its own characteristics. Before deciding to open an enterprise with this form of ownership, it is necessary to weigh all the pluses and minuses that accompany it.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • minimum package of documents for registration;
  • the ability to personally make decisions related to the implementation of activities and development of the enterprise;
  • there is no need to search for an additional address that will act as a legal one, since the enterprise is registered at the place of the entrepreneur;
  • reduction of the amount of the state duty paid at registration;
  • the ability to work on a simplified system, which facilitates accounting and tax reporting and allows you to save on an accountant;
  • lack of authorized capital;
  • provision of tax;
  • opening a current account is optional;
  • the profit received is the property of the entrepreneur;
  • simplified process .

Such a list of positive aspects, of course, will attract those who want to work for themselves and encourage them to create. But at the same time, they should familiarize themselves with the shortcomings of the system.

They include the following:

  • the entrepreneur bears obligations with all personal property, and not only with that included in the authorized capital;
  • hard to win the trust of consumers and contractors;
  • even the most developed IP cannot be sold.

As you can see, the number of positive aspects still exceeds the negative ones. Therefore, many choose this form of ownership for economic activity.

The legislative framework

Registration and activity of IP is regulated by the following legislative acts:

Providing for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation
Providing for capital investments in individual entrepreneurship
Provides for the development international relations and in the field of foreign economy of business entities registered in the Russian Federation
Regulatory Development tourism business handled by IP
And providing for aspects of the release and distribution of excisable goods IP and the regulation of this process by the state
Licensing certain types activities that IP can engage in
Which provides for the protection of the rights of legal entities and individuals entrepreneurs
Provides for changes to labor Code Russian Federation for retail trade
Provides that IPs are not required to apply CCP
Provides for the procedure for citizens to apply to the bodies of the Federal Tax Service
In order to make changes to
Provides for the registration of IP

In addition, individual entrepreneurship Russian Federation regulated and.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to open your own business in the form of an individual entrepreneur, having weighed all the pros and cons, it is worth performing a series of procedures, after which economic activity considered legal.

Let's consider in more detail where you need to go and what to do to open.

A package of necessary documents

As mentioned above, a minimum package of documents is required to register an IP. However, its composition varies depending on certain factors. Let's consider it in more detail.

For citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of majority, the following documents are required:

  • a statement, an example of which is presented below;
  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • on payment of the state fee.

If the person is married, a copy of the certificate is required. For the opening own business in the Russian Federation, persons aged 16 to 18 also have rights.

But in this case, they need to add to the above documents a notarized confirmation of the parents about the person's ability to work.

Also, foreign citizens who are legally located on the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to such activities.

For them, the list of documents is somewhat expanded and includes:

  • statement;
  • a document confirming the place and date of birth;
  • identity document;
  • a document confirming the right to reside in the Russian Federation;
  • a document identifying the person's place of residence;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Documents can be submitted in person by contacting the tax authorities at the place of registration of the entrepreneur.

But it is much more convenient to do this remotely using online Internet resources. One of them is the portal of public services. Opening an individual entrepreneur through the State Services in Moscow is as simple as in other cities of the Russian Federation.

It was created with the support of state bodies in order to simplify the construction of relations between citizens and budgetary structures. Thanks to him, access to most structures and their sites is opened.

One of the functions of the State Services is the registration of subjects entrepreneurial activity in the tax authorities.

It is important that it must be qualified, as it is intended for external use. You can get it by contacting a special letter of credit key certification center.

It is convenient to use such a signature not only for working with the Federal Tax Service, but also with other government bodies, such as FSS and for signing .

Sole proprietorship is one of the easiest ways to start and run your own small business.

In order to support it, government agencies have developed various programs. Most of them are associated with preferential or simplified taxation systems.

State regulators every year expand their electronic resources, optimize the scope of electronic interdepartmental interaction and document flow. These actions should help small businesses as well. Therefore, individual entrepreneurs should learn how to fully use all the possibilities of electronic document management. This streamlines processes and simplifies business operations. Consider how you can open an IP through the State Services website.

Business registration on the State Services portal

The best option for starting your own business, applying for registration individual enterprise and paperwork - use the Unified portal of state and municipal services(EPGU).

Briefly, the sequence of actions for registering an IP is as follows:

  • get an account individual on the public services portal;
  • based on it, generate an online application for the state. business registration;
  • purchase an electronic signature (optional), you can register an individual entrepreneur without it, but an online visa greatly simplifies and speeds up interaction with controllers and government agencies;
  • receive entries in the USRIP on the tax sheet;
  • on the basis of the received certificate and OGRIP, form a verified account of a private entrepreneur.

We recommend this particular path, since registering an individual entrepreneur using the online resource of public services is one of the fastest and most simple ways opening a private company. In addition, the opening of the Personal Account provides new opportunities for individuals. persons, prepares the ground for further work individual business, in fact, is the referent of the entrepreneur in his relationship with regulatory authorities and government agencies.

YSPU portal - a simple way to register an IP and prepare for running a private business

Advantages and potential of EPGU

In the legal plane, it does not matter how a person receives state. service: personally in a state institution or in in electronic format. Both methods are legitimate, but filing documents or making a request through the state WEB site is much faster and easier.

Consider the advantages of communications and document flow through the public services portal in comparison with traditional methods:

  • Saving time - all requests can be made at a convenient time for the user, in any place, and through the media available at hand with Internet access. Access to the online resource is open, including through a mobile application.
  • Part of public services can be obtained without even leaving home (payment of fines and debts, checking a pension account).
  • There are also partially remote services on the Internet resource, for example, registration of an individual entrepreneur, when the applicant sends all documents online, and receives them personally (after an invitation from the inspection), without waiting in lines and returning documents for corrections.
  • After sending the request, on the portal, you can monitor the status of the application in real time: on verification, the application is registered, denied, confirmed.
  • The service automatically enters all the user's basic data into the forms, without allowing technical errors, and without skipping fields that are required to be filled in, which allows you to avoid returning documents for revision.
  • The site generates all public services in one place, here you can quickly receive reminders and requirements from regulators, resolve current issues and formalities.

Open portal of public services - an assistant in business and private life

The information system of a single portal of public services provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals, private entrepreneurs and organizations:

  • Assistance in finding information on any public service.
  • The fastest possible receipt of all possible electronic services of the state. regulators and municipalities.
  • Personal Area user, which reflects:
    • the entire history of individual appeals to government agencies;
    • list of payment transactions;
    • notifications and reminders come here (for example, about the deadline for paying a tax fee or the need to obtain a new driver's license, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, etc.);
    • physical penalties are instantly reflected here. persons who can be promptly paid at a discount (for example, traffic police fines at a rate of 50% of the amount).
  • From the portal you can pay a large number of state duties with a 30% discount:
    • starting from the fee for the replacement of a driver's license and registration of the vehicle;
    • for registration or dissolution of marriage;
    • obtaining a foreign passport of an old or new sample, as well as a passport of the Russian Federation;
    • it is possible to register an individual entrepreneur;
    • and this list is constantly expanding, you need to follow the updates.
  • There is an e-mail state mail, where in electronic form notifications and registered letters from regulators arrive: summonses from bailiffs, notifications of fines and debts that are not lost and are available for viewing and printing notifications about the stages of consideration of applications, complaints, etc. (unfortunately, this service is not yet available for all regions of the Russian Federation , but the list of subjects of the Russian Federation is expanding).
  • Prompt recovery of lost documents, here you can get help with renewal:
    • both types of passports;
    • PTS and STS, driver's license;
    • auto insurance policies and compulsory medical insurance policy;
    • certificate and diploma of higher education;
    • SNILS and work book;
    • real estate registration documents;
    • marriage, birth or death certificates;
    • TIN, military ID, etc.;
    • the maximum list of information about a person is already on the portal, the site will coordinate where and with what application you can apply.
  • There is the possibility of online payments to the budget and extra-budgetary insurance funds (no commission).

In general, the service makes it possible to navigate the world public services and issues of municipalities, competently and without intermediaries to use the available state. resources, generates the maximum range of communications with the state and regulatory authorities.

The online resource is easy to use, with clear navigation logic, all actions are performed quickly and simply. Even an inexperienced user will cope with portal navigation.

It is convenient for business - transitions to almost all the necessary websites of state institutions and departments are configured directly from the portal:

  • website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation;
  • the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • regional branches of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS);
  • Federal bailiff service;
  • websites of Rosreestr, Roskomnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor;
  • portals of other controlling and social authorities.

In addition to the above, the system allows you to adjust to the desired region in which the user is located. It is enough to indicate your location, and the catalog will inform about public services available in the region, send it to local departments of departments and regulatory authorities, specifying their addresses and opening hours.

In order to quickly form applications for public services, respond to the requirements of regulatory authorities, and resolve formalities with regulators, a businessman needs to register on the EPGU website. This step will significantly save the time and resources of the entrepreneur throughout the work of the IP. It will also make life easier for a businessman as an individual.

Personal account of public services is available online and in a mobile application

Step-by-step instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur

Before starting the state registration of an individual entrepreneur, you need to take the first preparatory step - register a personal account of a physical person. person and, based on it, get a verified account on the portal. On its platform, it is easy to authorize the Taxpayer's Personal Account on the website of the tax regulator - the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. And subsequently - the account of an individual entrepreneur.

Forming an account

For full-fledged work in the online service of public services, the first thing you need to do is create and receive a verified account as an individual. faces.

Consider what needs to be done to register on single portal public services and verify your account:

  • To create a simplified physical account. persons with minimal functionality of public services, it is enough to enter on the main page of the portal:
    • email address or phone number;
    • 1-3 minutes after checking the data, the person receives via SMS a confirmation code for a simple FL entry on the portal.
  • To get a standard account with access to an extended list of public services, you must add to your personal profile:
    • SNILS;
    • passport data;
    • the system will automatically check personal data with the Federal Migration Service and the FIU;
    • after which (usually it takes several minutes) the applicant will receive a message on the e-mail about the result, individual cases this procedure lasts a day;
    • if all the data is entered correctly, the citizen is registered at the second level of the account.
  • The final step is obtaining a verified account, which gives the right to full access to online public services, for this a person must personally attest to registration information. The easiest way to do this is to visit one of the nearest Service Centers (SC). Their addresses can be found at the link. Usually such centers are within walking distance, there are no queues in such institutions more often. To go through the identification procedure, you will need a passport, in some cases - SNILS.

For the first two stages of this process, you will need: Internet access and 5-15 minutes of personal time.

The third step will take 20-50 minutes (taking into account the road to the central heating).

After receiving a standard ultrasound, best option- to identify a person in the Central Organ, register a confirmed UZ and receive everything from the portal

Subsequently, after the businessman is registered with the USRIP, thanks to a verified FL account, it will be possible to get an account of a private entrepreneur within 10 minutes without leaving home, for this you should:

  • fill in the data on the individual entrepreneur in the registration form of the Personal Account (OGRNIP is required);
  • wait for the data verification by the service to complete;
  • An account registration notification will be sent to the email address specified in the application.

Immediately after receiving a confirmed entry, a person can register on the portal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, which will definitely come in handy when conducting business activities.

Please note: the owner of a record confirmed in an authorized center has the right to open access to the taxpayer's Personal Account on the website of the tax authorities without visiting the inspection. But only on condition that the user has personally been identified in the Central Organ. Users who received an access code by the Russian Post or have only a standard public services portal account will not be able to connect online to the service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

→ get a login and password at any branch of the Federal Tax Service, regardless of the registration of the FL;

→ through an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

The first step for online registration of a private business has been completed, a verified account has been received on the public services portal, let's move on.

We register a business for public services - partially remotely

Registration of a private business in 2017-2018 can cost an entrepreneur 800 rubles. You can get the same service with a 30% discount - for 560 rubles.

It should be noted that such a preference is only available when an application is made electronically on the public services portal. Another necessary condition- non-cash payment of the duty: by card (MasterCard, Visa, Mir), through an electronic wallet (Webmoney) or from a mobile phone (from a federal operator number). There are no other options to get a discount. This discount is valid from January 2017 to December 2018.

The period for which the tax inspectorate is obliged to issue to the applicant documents confirming the fact of registration of an individual entrepreneur or to give a justified refusal to register in a single state. register (EGRIP) - 3 working days.

Stages of forming a package of documents for registration with the tax service as a private entrepreneur with a 30% discount:

  • Step No. 1 - on the page of the portal "Registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs", opt for the online application for registration of individual entrepreneurs - "Register online".
  • Step number 2 - enter the public services website using a verified physical account. person, if available, the system will specify the login and password of the user of the Personal Account and offer to create an application.
  • The third step is to enter data into the online application for state registration. IP registration. Please note: if an application has not been submitted before, you must select "new application". The service will automatically fill in the already existing data about the applicant. It remains only to add the missing information:
    • main and additional OKVED codes on which the IP will work, according to the classification of 2017 (it is recommended to prepare them in advance);
    • choose a way to receive feedback and documents on registration in YRGIP, it can be:
      • issuance to the applicant during a personal visit to the IFTS;
      • extradition to the authorized person of the applicant;
      • (or) send the documents by Russian post to the place of residence of the applicant.
  • The fourth step is to send the application to tax office(the system itself will decide which IFTS the IP will be assigned to, this is determined by the applicant's place of residence).
  • The fifth step is to wait until the invoice arrives in your Personal Account and make an online payment of the state duty (560 rubles).
  • It remains to receive a resolution from the tax regulator on the readiness of documents or a reasoned refusal to register an individual entrepreneur. The term for a decision is 3 working days.
  • If the result is positive, on the fourth day from the date of registration of the application, an invitation will be sent to the user's Personal Account - to come to the IFTS to receive documents.
  • We choose the time and go to the tax office.

The result of state registration - IP certificate and entry in the USRIP

There is important point, which must be taken into account when forming an online application: when filling out OKVED codes, it is enough to enter the first 4 digits. The main thing is that the codes are up-to-date at the time of filling. Therefore, one should focus on All-Russian classifier types of economic activity OK 029–2014 as amended on 09/08/2017. You can determine the current codes.

You can start filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur on the YSPU website, postpone and return when there is time. The system will save the entered data.

You can return to filling out the application at a convenient time.

The following advantages of registering a business on the public services portal are obvious, they should be noted:

  • saving 240 rubles on the state duty, while you can make a payment at a discount, including through the mobile service of public services;
  • elementary execution of the application - only 2 points need to be clarified: OKVED and the method of obtaining the result;
  • no need to look for the address and code of the inspection to which the entrepreneur will be assigned, the system determines this automatically at the place of residence of the applicant;
  • when filling out form No. P21001 on paper, errors are often encountered, even if elementary designations are entered inaccurately (such as “city and street”), the tax authorities can return the appeal, the online resource will not allow such errors;
  • the online resource automatically sets the correct CCC for the state duty payment; it is impossible to return the money if the CCC was indicated incorrectly.

Keep in mind: if the applicant has not printed out a receipt for payment of the fee for registering an individual entrepreneur, the IFTS employees do not have the right to refuse to issue documents to him. The fact of making payment to the state. collection responsible persons should check online information system state and municipal payments.

An entrepreneur, in addition to online registration of documents on the public services Internet portal, has 3 more ways to apply for registration of a private enterprise:

  • You can send an application electronically through the portal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, in this case you need to authorize the Taxpayer's Personal Account or have an electronic qualified signature. You can go to the IP registration page on the portal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation by following the link. In the case when a citizen has a qualified electronic signature, he can submit and receive documents in the transport container of electronic document management without visiting the inspection (we will consider the possibilities of UKEP in the next chapter of the material). If the ES has not yet been received, here, as in the previous version, you can fill out and send an online application, and after 3 days meet at the Federal Tax Service.
  • The entrepreneur has the right to personally visit the registration authority with a ready-made package of documents (IFTS or MFC). You can send your legal representative to the department, having previously certified the power of attorney and the application in the form No. Р21001 at the notary.
  • The longest way to register an IP - mailing(with a list of attachments and notarized documents).

Photo gallery: a sample of filling out the form No. P21001 on paper

The title page of the application (form No. P21001) The second page of the form No. P21001 Residents of the Russian Federation do not fill out the third page, on sheet A you need to indicate OKVED, the selected individual entrepreneur (4 digits) Final sheet - B - indicate contacts, how we will receive documents and approve

We receive documents

It should be noted that the applicant has every right to choose any of the possible ways obtaining a result after registering an IP. And it does not depend on how the application was submitted. The only limitation here is the electronic view. The method of obtaining documentation is specified when submitting an application.

The result of the state registration of a private commercial enterprise there will be a package of IP documents:

  • record sheet in the USRIP (on four sheets);
  • certificate of state IP registration;
  • information on registration with the IFTS;
  • certificate with taxpayer identification number - TIN (in case it has not been issued before).

It is necessary to take into account the moment - if the applicant chooses to receive registration documents through a legal representative, the assistant must have a notarized power of attorney in his hands.

Another significant point when receiving documents is when an entrepreneur does not want to work on the general tax regime, which is imputed by default by the tax authorities, if the applicant has not announced a preferential regime, the individual entrepreneur must form a separate application.

The easiest way in this case is to choose the simplified regime and submit an application for the application of the simplified regime to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate. You can download the notification from the link.

When visiting the IFTS, do not forget to declare the transition to preferential treatment - for example, USN

After the issuance of documents to a private entrepreneur, the tax regulator, as part of an interdepartmental exchange, will directly inform the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as the FFOMS, about the fact of registering an individual entrepreneur. A businessman is not required to apply to these off-budget funds with notification of the start of their company.

Arguments for refusal to register an individual entrepreneur

Not always the tax controller gives the entrepreneur a positive decision on the state. registration. There are situations in life when an applicant is denied registration with the EGRIP. The refusal must be motivated, the tax authorities must give detailed comments about the reason for their decision.

There are common mistakes that return an individual entrepreneur to the initial stage when registering a business:

  • the inspection code when sending documents is selected incorrectly;
  • the documents are drawn up incorrectly, an incomplete package is provided, an incorrect CSC of the state duty is indicated;
  • there are errors when notarizing papers, not all documents are endorsed;
  • the application was signed by an unauthorized person.

I would like to note that none of the above errors is possible when registering a business on the online portal of public services.

The way out of the above situations, when the documents are not accepted, is to correct the errors and submit the updated documents, and it is better to do this from the EPGU website.

But there are other, more serious situations that will necessarily lead to the refusal of the tax regulator when registering an individual entrepreneur:

  • the businessman is not deregistered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • the type of activity that the entrepreneur has chosen is not allowed for private business: banking, alcohol sales, etc.;
  • The individual entrepreneur on whose behalf the application is submitted is at the stage of bankruptcy;
  • the deadline for the forced termination of the IP business has not expired, the rights of the IP are blocked;
  • the applicant was once found guilty of crimes against human life, sexual inviolability of the person, offenses against minors, etc. At the same time, the applicant plans to engage in services in the field of education, recreation, culture and sports for minors, as well as in the social and medical sphere.

In these cases, the citizen does not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

Legislation strictly regulates the ability to engage in private business by individual citizens

Should I get an electronic signature?

Electronic-digital visa is increasingly used in the conduct of private business. It empowers the entrepreneur, simplifies and optimizes the workflow, ensuring its confidentiality and legal status, saves time and resources.

There are several types of EDS that can be used to identify individuals. persons, individual entrepreneurs, or legal entities when maintaining electronic document management (EDM).

The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates 2 types of electronic signature - simple and enhanced. An enhanced visa can be either qualified or non-skilled.

The difference between online visas is significant:

  • Simple EP physical. a person receives immediately as soon as he registers on the public services website - this is the login and password that are issued when registering on the portal (free of charge). A simple electronic signature confirms the fact that letters and messages are sent by a certain citizen. Such a signature can only be used by individuals for official requests in solving life situations.
  • Enhanced Unqualified Electronic Signature (UNEP) is a more secure version of ES, but, like a simple one, such a visa is not suitable for business. You can get such a visa for free on the portal of the tax service (you can do this by clicking on the link). To install the ES key certificate, you will need a certain software, but the installation procedure is simple, the service will prompt you step by step what needs to be done. This signature allows a person to generate a 3-NDFL declaration for online submission to the tax office, clarify the data of 2-NDFL, prepare other documents that do not require printing. But UNEP is suitable only for citizens and only for work in the Personal Account of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. For the portal of public services, as well as business, such a visa is not suitable.
  • Qualified electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs - required condition to work with the Internet resources of EPGU, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and, in general, with the system of interdepartmental electronic communications. With the help of UKEP, you can submit reports online to the IFTS, send legal documents in real time using an electronic visa, you can make bank payments, etc.

Possibilities of a qualified electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs

Therefore, we will consider the method of obtaining, the possibilities, as well as the pros and cons of using a qualified ES for an entrepreneur.

UKEP - the official signature of a businessman, which has full legal force (along with a "live" visa). This is a multifunctional assistant for individual entrepreneurs, which gives businesses the opportunity to form a legally complete and convenient document flow between controlling organizations, government agencies, banks and counterparties of an entrepreneur.

What opportunities does an electronic certified signature (ECES) provide:

  • ensures confidentiality;
  • protects the document flow from forgery and unauthorized interference;
  • allows you to determine the authorship online (by whom and when the document was sent);
  • saves time on the process of exchanging papers and requests;
  • reduces the cost of delivery, optimizes accounting and archiving.

With the help of a qualified ES, an entrepreneur can:

  • order and receive the maximum range of state and municipal services that are available online;
  • submit reports in the electronic document management system of the tax regulator, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, other funds and controllers;
  • send applications to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the offset (or refund) of overpaid tax fees, request certificates and reconciliation acts, initiate reconciliations with the state budget;
  • conclude civil law transactions, sign any contracts;
  • participate in electronic auction, including government ones.

UKEP - online assistant for private business

To obtain a UKEP, an entrepreneur needs to obtain a certified signature key. The Qualified Online Visa certificate is certified by a special accredited center. An officially approved list of such organizations can be viewed on the website of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation or.

After sending the application to the certification center, we form a package of documents and go to receive the UKEP, you must have with you:

  • application (according to the CA form);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (original);
  • SNILS;
  • TIN certificate;
  • record sheet in the USRIP (at the request of the individual entrepreneur);
  • bank details: r / account, bank, BIC and KPP of the bank (if the individual entrepreneur plans to participate in the auction).

After registration in an accredited center, a private entrepreneur receives:

  • electronic signature carrier (flash drive, smart card with UKEP cryptographic cipher);
  • installation instructions and software - crypto provider (CryptoPro UEC CSP);
  • a license that confirms the online signature and certificate.

It remains to download everything to the computer, independently generate the UKEP PIN code and authorize the signature on the portals of public services, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, and other regulators.

To finally dispel doubts about the need to obtain an electronic signature, it should be noted that UKEP cannot be faked. Such an electronic signature always has a verification key generated using cryptographic means, which is confirmed by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the CA on the storage and use of the key. Also, you cannot correct or forge text in electronic document management signed by UKEP. All changes in the text made after signing the document will be highlighted. Verification of the electronic signature will also show that the UKEC is distorted.

The certified online visa has only 2 disadvantages:

  • the validity period of the UKEP is only 1 year, after 365 days it must be changed;
  • confirmation of the key certificate is a paid service, the cost for an entrepreneur starts from three and a half thousand rubles (depending on the functionality and capabilities of the signature).

Video: how to register on the State Services Portal (ESIA)

Small businesses often do not trust virtual workflow, mistakenly considering this way of doing business as insufficiently secure and expensive. There is an opinion that obtaining and installing online processing is a time-consuming process that requires special skills from the user. But in many respects these are myths, in EDO everything is quite simple. You just need to try.

If you are mature enough to conduct an officially registered business activity and do not want to waste time standing in queues, you can use the public services portal to register as an Individual Entrepreneur. It will not take you much time - it will not take you more than 10 minutes to fill out the application, and the period for its consideration will not exceed 3 days.

We register an individual entrepreneur on the State Services website: step by step instructions

To complete this procedure, you must be registered on the portal, have a verified account and an electronic signature key installed on your computer. The whole process is divided into several steps:

  • We prepare a set of documents for opening (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and TIN certificate, if any);
  • We fill out an application for opening an IP;
  • We pay the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles (if paid through the State Services before January 1, 2019, a 30% discount is provided when submitting electronic application, in this case the state duty will be 560 rubles);
  • We collect the certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur on the day appointed by the tax authority.

More details on how to do this are discussed below:

Filling out an application in the form P21001

We make an entrance to the State Services and go to the catalog of services. Toward the end of the list, you can find the item "Business, Entrepreneurship, NPO", after switching to this category, open "Registration legal entities and entrepreneurs" and see the following illustration:

To get to this page, you can simply follow the link The procedure here is simple: select the item: " State registration natural person as an individual entrepreneur"

On the next page, you can select the type of public service:

  • "Register online" will give you the opportunity to apply directly via the Internet without visiting the IFTS;
  • "Personal visit to the tax authority" - you can make an appointment with the tax office at a convenient time for you. The inspector of the Federal Tax Service is obliged to accept documents from you no later than 30 minutes from the time you have chosen;
  • "Send the completed application electronically" - if you already have a completed application form, you can also send it via the Internet, although it is much easier to fill it out directly on the portal;
  • "Postal" - you can send all documents to the Federal Tax Service by mail.

We select the item "Register online" and press the button "get the service"

After choosing the service, click "fill out a new application", give consent to the processing of personal data and proceed to the application P21001 - this is the form that must be filled out when opening an IP.

At the first step, the application must include contact information and citizenship and residence address (temporary or permanent). After that, press the next button

Here we indicate information about the future IP - its TIN, gender, full name and all the data, in full accordance with the passport. It makes no sense to focus on this point: everything is intuitively clear.

Here you are provided with a complete guide to OKVED with complete list economic activity codes. They can be filtered by keyword, for example, enter the word "trade" and you will see all the activities associated with this word. Choose as much as you can more species activities (there is no demand for this, but in the case of expanding the business, this will save you from re-applying to the tax office). Click "Next"

Once again, we enter contact information and a method for obtaining documents - you can pick up the finished certificate of registration yourself, or to an authorized person, or you can send it by mail.

When everything is filled in at the State Services, the correctness of your application for opening an IP will be checked. As a rule, this takes several minutes.

After the verification is completed, you will need to upload a scanned copy of your passport in tif format. Let's tell you a secret - what is suitable for applying for opening an IP and simple photo spread of your passport with your photo. After saving the photo on the computer, you can change its format with the standard paint editor in windows / To do this, just right-click on the file, select "edit" - the paint editor will open. We do not change anything in it, but simply select the "File" tab and click the "save as" item, specify tif in the proposed save formats.

Now we sign the application with an electronic signature and send it for consideration.

When you do this, it will be possible to pay the state duty through the State Services portal (if the payment for opening an IP is made before 01/01/2019, the applicant is entitled to a 30% discount). The amount of the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles, with a discount - 560 rubles.

An application accepted for consideration is processed no more than 3 days, after which a message will be sent to your personal account with an invitation to the tax office, where you can pick up a ready-made certificate of opening an IP.

From January 2019, entrepreneurial citizens will be exempted from paying tax on registration of individual entrepreneurs if documents are submitted electronically.

The very procedure for electronic registration of individual entrepreneurs through the tax website will become as clear and simple as possible, the entrepreneur will be able to save money. Pay attention to the table below: depending on the type of activity and the desire of the entrepreneur to be involved in the registration process, the cost of opening an IP can vary from 0 to 6,000 rubles.

But the simplification of IP registration is introduced for a reason. So, to ease the bureaucratic system of business legalization individual entrepreneurs waiting for new taxes. Recall that in May 2018, Deputy Finance Minister Ilya Trunin announced the possible introduction of another tax for the "self-employed" - on professional income, that is, profit received without the use of hired employees. It was discussed that the tax could range from 3 to 6%. Now the developers of the new law are determined with the wording of the definition of the category "self-employed". The problem is that at the moment it is impossible to separate self-employed citizens from employees workers in enterprises without a contract.

To register an individual entrepreneur through the tax website, you will need: scans of a Russian passport (if you are a Russian citizen), TIN, electronic digital signature (ES). Without the last paragraph, you will not be able to register an IP online - you still have to come to the MFC or the Federal Tax Service to confirm your identity. In general, an ES can greatly facilitate the life of an entrepreneur: it can also be used to conclude civil law transactions, conduct document management, submit reports, work with banks, participate in tenders, etc. You can get an ES at certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. You can find the nearest center and check its letter of credit here If you do not have an EP, but electronic registration- the only form of submission possible for you, you will have to contact a notary.

Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, register and log into your account.

The system should redirect you to the main page. Select the "Individual Entrepreneurs" item, which is located in the "header" of the site. In the content of the page, find the item “Registration of an individual entrepreneur”. In the tab that opens, select "I want to apply for registration of IP."

Select the “Register” item from the menu, then the “Fill out a new application” button and indicate the form P21001 (Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur). If you do not complete the registration procedure for the first time, the program will save all the entered data: the readiness of the application and its status will be displayed in the “My changes” item. The date of creation and the date of completion of the document will also be indicated there.

The registration form of an individual as an individual entrepreneur is as simple as possible. In the first section "Data entry" you need to specify citizenship and place of residence. All data entered by the user is saved automatically, and to remove unnecessary information, you can use the "Reset" button at the bottom left of the page.

At the second stage - "Editing" - you will need your full name, TIN (should be displayed automatically, but in some cases you will have to enter it manually), as well as the data of the first two pages of the passport (if a Russian passport is used for registration).

The activity code sub-step is considered one of the most problematic. If the user has an unreliable Internet connection or the site is “overloaded”, then it is at this stage that the form may freeze. Experts recommend indicating maximum amount codes so as not to reissue documents if your business changes direction vector. The number of specified types of economic activity will not affect taxes or state duties in any way.

Enter your phone number and email. The last point has become mandatory for both electronic and personal submissions. In the column “Method of obtaining documents”, indicate the first item - “Issue to the applicant”, otherwise it will be impossible to send documents in electronic form, then the program will automatically select the offline submission option and you will have to pay. In the Verification phase, it is important to wait for the program to complete the operation. This may take about 5 minutes. In 2019, electronic registration of IP will not be subject to state duty, therefore, most likely, from January 2019, this item will simply disappear from the list of stages. In the meantime, the program offers to pay the state duty, confirm the payment and send all the necessary scans of paper documents.

In 2019, the deadline for registering an individual entrepreneur both through the tax office and through the State Services portal will remain the same - 3 working days after sending the documents. After this period (most often earlier), a certificate of registration will be sent to your e-mail. Since 2018, it is possible to obtain paper documents only at the personal request of an individual entrepreneur; an application can be filled out at the Federal Tax Service or the MFC. The cost of each sheet of such paper is 200 rubles, all requested documents will be provided within 5 working days.

In contact with

Before getting busy economic activity, each novice merchant is obliged to acquire the so-called status of an entrepreneur. Ignoring this measure will result in large penalties and legal liability. Since 2011, the Russian state has provided citizens with the opportunity to apply directly and contact all government services by developing the State Services service. After studying the material of the article, you will learn how to open an individual entrepreneur through public services without additional visits to banks and IFTS.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs through public services: step by step instructions

in front of you step-by-step instruction registering an individual entrepreneur through the portal of the State Service, which will tell you how to quickly open your own business with minimized economic and temporary losses.

Before registering an IP through the State Services portal, everyone who wants to do business is strongly recommended to familiarize themselves with the legal acts regulating this area:

  1. Federal Law No. 129-FZ of 08.08.2001;
  2. Articles Civil Code RF - Nos. 23, 24, 25;
  3. Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. SAE-3-09/16@ dated 01.11.2004.

Before registering an individual entrepreneur through the website of the State Service, the user needs to create a "Personal Account" on the mentioned resource. Go to the site, fill out the registration forms: enter your last name, first name and patronymic, mobile phone and email. The portal will assign you a simplified access version. To register the next, "Standard" account, enter your passport data, SNILS and other requested information. If the information is false or incorrect, the system will not verify it, and you will not get access to the extended account profile. After the information is verified by the departments, a corresponding letter will be sent to the e-mail, and the status on the site will also change.

The standard profile gives access to a limited number of services. The final step is to create a Verified Account that covers and exploits all provided electronic services, including the possibility to register an individual entrepreneur. To verify your identity, choose one of the following methods:

  1. Receive a confirmation code by mail;
  2. Go to the Service Center (Rostelecom);
  3. Apply electronic digital signature or Universal electronic card(UEC).

Using the EDS, you will be able to verify your identity in a few minutes. Electronic signature convenient in that it allows you to instantly endorse any paper remotely, saves time and will be useful when doing business in the future - quickly submit reports, sign important documents and exchange digital data. The cost of an EDS is about 2.5 thousand rubles and the validity period is about a year.

Important! Without an EDS, it will not be possible to issue an IP through the website of the State Service online! It is she who certifies your signature on the scanned copy of the application, as well as other copies of the required materials. Therefore, if possible, purchase this prop as early as possible.

If you decide to use mail, be aware that waiting for the cherished letter will take plus or minus 14 days. Having received the code by registered mail in post office, activate it in the system and proceed to registration of IP.

Grounds for acquiring status

Before applying for an IP, make sure that there are no legal prohibitions for you, and you:

  • Have reached the age of majority;
  • Formally competent;
  • Possess Russian citizenship/temporary residence permit/residence permit.

The government apparatus implies registration of IP through the State Services and to a minor in some episodes:

  • Their entry into a marriage union;
  • Documented approval of first-degree relatives (parents) or persons replacing them (guardians). In this case, documentary justification in the form of scanned photocopies of supporting papers is required.

If you are not limited by the above conditions, just follow the instructions below.

Preparation of documentation

Having decided to open an individual entrepreneur through the State Services on the website, do not forget to collect a number of documents and digitize them, namely:

  1. Passport (for foreigners - an identity document) with a residence permit;
  2. For foreign citizens - a paper on permanent or temporary registration;
  3. Receipt of payment of state duty;
  4. Certificate of assignment of TIN;
  5. Application for registration of IP in the form No. P21001.

All digitized documents in electronic form are confirmed by your EDS. The updated version of the State Service website offers to download a specialized program that will help process and prepare documentation for submission to the tax office. The fee for 2019 is 800 rubles, you can pay it at any bank branch or on the website of the tax authorities. The application can be downloaded from the program attached to the service or downloaded from the Internet.

Working with the service program

We go to the site and select the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in the list of departments, subdivision - Federal tax office, then - State registration of legal entities, individuals as individual entrepreneurs. When applying for an IP through the State Services, choose the electronic type of application. Download the automated program and start filling in the fields:

  1. General information: full name, passport data, TIN number (if you are registered in Moscow, the program can automatically determine it), OGRNIP, address of residence and registration, etc .;
  2. Information about registration and registration;
  3. Information about the organization - representative;
  4. Code according to OKVED, OKTMO;
  5. Choice of taxation system;
  6. Information about the tax department where the appeal will be sent.

Each cell is required to be filled in with information or a dash. If the data is entered inaccurately or with errors, the service will notify you of this and will not register the profile without corrections.

To complete the process and apply for an IP through the online State Services portal, archive the received application form complete with documentation and send the application. After 3 business days, your e-mail will receive official letter either with a favorable response or with a rejection. If you have been approved for the coveted status of an individual entrepreneur, you must visit the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate and obtain a certificate, taking with you the paid receipt and passport.

Receipt of papers

When you have registered an individual entrepreneur through the State Services, you have to take one necessary step: pick up the registration paper. Three more working days are given for this. At the end of this period, the application will be canceled. Upon arrival at tax officer must hand over:

  1. IP legalization certificate (OGRNIP);
  2. Extract and record sheet from the USRIP;
  3. Notice of registration with the tax authority.

Sometimes extra:

  • Notice of registration with the FIU;
  • Notification of the assignment of statistics codes.

If they are not issued, you will have to contact the departments yourself.

Denial of registration

If you were refused, and it was not possible to open an individual entrepreneur through the State Services portal, this can be explained by a number of reasons:

  • Having a criminal record;
  • Registration of IP for illegal activities;
  • The liquidation of the past IP status has not been completed;
  • There were technical issues, and your application was incorrectly reflected. In this case, it can be resubmitted;
  • The system can be “knocked out” and then your profile will not be recognized by it. If after a few minutes you do not receive confirmation of sending by e-mail, try downloading the procedure from the beginning or contact the tax authority to clarify the situation.

Advantages and disadvantages of IP registration via the Internet

After personally completing the step-by-step instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur through the State Services website, you can see the positive and negative sides in the system. The undeniable benefit is the release of personal time, which is always in short supply when you become an entrepreneur. For a progressive business, it is important to find quick solutions, and registering an individual entrepreneur through the State Services is an opportunity to contact the state mechanism here and now, with mobile device, without standing in lines and clerical chicanery. The disadvantages include infrequent crashes in the program, a two-week wait for personal identification on the resource and heavy software, which, with such a working coverage, does not raise questions.

Related costs

Let's summarize the costs in practice.

In this publication, we sought to clarify for the reader the mechanism for registering Russians as individual entrepreneurs, and also described in detail how to register an individual entrepreneur through the State Services without getting up from your chair. Despite the shortcomings that take place in the functioning of the service, its use will greatly simplify the process of integrating your business into life, insure against empty running around and save a large part of your nerve cells. We will be glad if this methodical material will be useful, and we wish you victories on your commercial path!

Video: IP registration online