Project activity of a speech therapist teacher. Project activities in the work of a speech therapist

Speech therapy project "We play, study, speak and understand"

Completed by the teacher speech therapist

MDOU d \ s No. 5 "Poplar"

town Kokui

Zlobina A. A.

Section I Informational part

1. Passport project

1. Abstract project

2. The relevance of the topic and the problem the solution of which is directed project.

3. Goals and objectives project

4. Novelty project and practical significance

5. Anticipated risks

6. Expected result

7. Effectiveness of these results

8. Participants project

9. Duration project

10. Stages of work

11. Plan-scheme project

12. References

The passport project

Name project"We, playing, studying, we speak and understand". "Development and use of gaming tools, methods to increase the motivation of children in the system logo-correction work»

Type of project Short term, practice-oriented

annotation project

The project aimed at providing corrective developmental speech therapy helping children through the use of play methods. Project designed for children 6-7 years old attending speech therapy group in a preschool.

Project"We, playing, studying, we speak and understand» wears open character: having studied traditional and non-traditional forms speech therapy work, relying on the material and technical equipment speech therapy room, at the beginning of 2016 I have planned work on the use and development of game methods in speech therapy work with children of senior preschool age with speech impairment.


“The child has a passion for the game, and it must be satisfied. We must not only give him time to play, but it is necessary to saturate this game with his whole life. His whole life is the game».

A. S. Makarenko

Every year, especially in recent years, in the process of work, one has to face the fact that the level of speech development of children is declining.

As a result, children face difficulties in the learning process, they poorly learn the program material. In this regard, it became necessary to use effective methods of teaching and corrective work that ensure the successful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by children, provided for by the program, and comes to the rescue. the game, and becomes an important area of ​​corrective work.

Make activities with children interesting, but not entertaining, effective, not spectacular, educate, playing, not just play These are the main issues that need to be addressed speech therapist working with children in kindergarten.

On my still short speech therapy In practice, I met many children with a feeling of infringement from the consciousness of their defect. The child has a different attitude to himself, to the team, to the assessments of others.

Working with the use of game techniques, we can draw some conclusions about their significance in the development of children with speech disorders.

1. Games distract the child's attention from the speech defect and encourage him to communicate.

2. They free children from tiresome, unnatural for their age immobility in the classroom.

3. Help to diversify the activities of children in the remedial lesson in all sections of the program, including various levels of regulation in the work.

4. Develop general and fine motor skills, the ability to navigate in space.

5. Help to work on the development of prosodic (melodic intonation) speech components.

6. Games develop and normalize the emotional-volitional sphere, which is especially important for hyperexcitable children.

All this contributes to the better functioning of the speech organs and has a positive effect on the development of correct speech skills in children. A task speech therapist together with parents to convince the child that speech can be corrected, you can help the child become like everyone else. It is important to interest the child so that he himself wants to participate in the process of speech correction. And for this, classes should not be boring, like a lesson, but should become an interesting game.

"For preschool children - games have an exceptional meaning: game for them - study, game for them is work, the game for them it is a serious form of education.”

Krupskaya N.K.

Engage in speech therapy classes, playing, fun and interesting. As a result of the growing interest in games, the set sounds are quickly fixed, speech becomes grammatically correct, and boring and uninteresting exercises in inflection and sound analysis become exciting tasks for the child.

Using games on the system speech therapy work can reduce fatigue and increase the emotional interest of the child.

Application of game methods on speech therapy classes interesting, informative and fun for kids. They attract attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with children.

All these facts served as the basis for the development of this project. We need to develop new game approaches, means of speech therapy work engaging children, their parents and teachers.

Creation and organization of conditions for the use of game methods on speech therapy classes to improve the efficiency of the teacher- speech therapist, as well as the effectiveness of gaming technologies, as a means of developing motivation and increasing the cognitive interest of pupils on speech therapy classes.

1. Get acquainted with traditional and non-traditional game methods.

2. Use modern gaming technologies in the learning process on speech therapy classes.

3. Improve the subject-developing environment.

4. Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes.

5. To systematize the knowledge of teachers in the use of game methods in the classroom.

6. Share the experience through active forms work: Internet resources, mass media.

Novelty the project is that it presents new approaches in game methods of correctional work.

Practical significance

Practical significance the project is that the conclusions contained in it will provide a qualitatively new approach to working with children both in the correction of speech disorders and in various areas of the educational process as a whole.

Estimated Risks

1. The administration will not support the idea of ​​​​implementation project, since this event involves material support.

2. Some educators don't get the relevance project.

3. Parents will not be interested in the topic project are not competent enough in the formation of children's speech.

Expected Result

1. The use of game methods in correctional work will help increase motivation and the successful development of children's communicative and creative abilities.

2. Increase psychological-pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of the impact of the game in the speech development of children.

3. Creation of a rich piggy bank of game materials for corrective work.

4. Presentation project in the form of entertainment.

The effectiveness of these results

Positive dynamics of speech development (decrease in the number of children who need speech therapy assistance);

Development of sustainable motivation of children for speech self-realization;

A positive assessment of the activities of the preschool educational institution in "eyes" parents;

Acquisition and use of knowledge on the issues of game methods in the speech development of children;

The interest of teachers in creativity and innovation.

Members project

Members project: preparatory children speech therapy group, parents, teachers speech therapist, educator, music director.


Duration: 4 weeks

Stages of work

1. Definition of the topic. Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic project.

2. Drawing up a plan-scheme project

3. Discussion project parent meeting with parents

4. Discussion project with a tutor, music director

5. Collection of information, literature, additional material

6. Development of gaming complexes for different areas speech therapy assistance.


work with children, parents and teachers to implement project

1. Preparatory -

January 18, 2016 - Conversation with parents "Introduction to project» (Parent meeting)- teacher- speech therapist

January 18, 2016 - The study methodological literature, selection of games and game methods - teacher speech therapist

January 19 - Questioning of parents "My child's favorite games"- teacher- speech therapist, caregiver

January 20 Consultation for teachers "The role of the game in the educational process"- teacher- speech therapist

2. Practical -

January 21 Composing poems together with children about hedgehog for the use of massage balls in the development of fine motor skills - teacher- speech therapist

January 18-January 22 - Adjustment and holding of individual and subgroup speech therapy lessons on introducing a game character into each direction speech therapy assistance - teacher-speech therapist

January 25 - January 29 - Joint creation of didactic toys: frogs, gloves, tongue (articulatory gymnastics and the use of bioenergetics)- teacher- speech therapist, educator, parents.

February 1 - Activity-entertainment "Our Games"- teacher- speech therapist, music director

February 3 - Together with children, inventing and making game materials for breathing, articulatory, and staging sounds - teacher speech therapist

February 4 - Organization of special games and exercises to develop the ability to use prepositions in speech (didactic the game"Dog in the House"- teacher- speech therapist

February 5 - Creating a memo for parents "Teach playing» - teacher- speech therapist

February 8 - Master class for teachers "Game techniques in the education and upbringing of children"- teacher- speech therapist

3. Final

February 9 - Making a photo exhibition for teachers and parents "That's how we do it play, developing"- teacher- speech therapist

February 10 - Presentation-entertainment "We playing, do not miss, even better understand" - Teacher- speech therapist, music hands

February 11 - Summing up the implementation project at the teachers' council - Teacher- speech therapist

February 12 - Implementation Report project at the general parent meeting - the teacher speech therapist

January 18 - February 12 - Update of the subject-developing environment in speech therapy room - Teacher-speech therapist


1. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. Program speech therapy work on overcoming the FFN of speech in children.

2. Tsvyntarny V.V. « Let's play, listen, imitate - we get sounds " M., 2004

3. Borisova E. A. Individual speech therapy classes with preschoolers: met. allowance. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

4. Gening M. G., German N. A. Teaching preschool children the correct speeches: A guide for kindergarten teachers. - Cheboksary: Chuvash book publishing house, 1980.

5. Krupenchuk O. I. Finger games. St. Petersburg: Litera, 2008.

6. Ivchatova L. A. Su-Jok therapy in correctional and pedagogical work with children// Speech therapist. – 2010. №1.

7. Novikovskaya O. A. Mind at your fingertips. Academy of finger games. M.; SPb., 2007.

8. Tsvyntary V.V. Let's play fingers and develop speech. Moscow: Center Polygraph, 2005.

Marina Morozova

presentation on the topic:

Speech therapist Morozova M. V. MBDOU d / s No. 16 Kropotkin

Our modern children live in the world of computers and the Internet, cell phones. Children learn to gain knowledge by separating it from the information flow, learn to communicate through trial and error. The child's ability to maintain interest in learning about the world around him, the desire to learn and discover new things becomes the foundation for the development of the child's personality and the key to successful schooling.

Today, a special place in preschool education is design. essence design in education consists in such an organization of the educational process in which children acquire knowledge and skills, experience of creative activities, emotional and value attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks.

I to improve the efficiency of speech therapy work in the educational process, along with speech correction, I widely use research work. Project activity is aimed at the formation and development of communication skills in children, skills of preparation for educational activities, proper time management, planning and self-control. Speech therapy training of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech is carried out with the interaction of an adult and a child. This cooperation helps to teach children to independently find ways and means of solving their own problems. A child with a speech disorder ceases to be the object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in the creative process. activities, the purpose of which is to activate its own resources in the process of learning and development.

As practice shows, in recent years the number of children with speech difficulties has been steadily growing. Standardized methods of corrective work with children with speech disorders do not always give the expected result. In this regard, the search for effective forms and methods becomes relevant, the need to include a search engine in the content of preschool education. activities requiring the use of knowledge and skills in a new situation for them to solve new problems. Analyzing various forms of corrective work with children with speech disorders, we were looking for those that would speed up the process of staging, automating impaired sounds, in general, the development of all components of speech, cognitive processes, communication skills, and came to the conclusion about the modernization of joint children's projects in the practice of a speech therapist.


Title page: above - the name of the institution; middle name project in capital letters, full name of the author; below - city, year.

2 page: Motto or aphorism project

3 page: - view project(by composition, by term, by type); - participants;

4 page: structure project:

1. Problem (clear, concise sentence, what's the problem).

The problem statement is usually "flows out" out of relevance.

2. Relevance (if project for more than 6 months)

3. Purpose: Formation….

4. Tasks (three : educational, developing, educational)

From page 5:

Description of implementation steps project

1.) Preparatory (we are preparing something, collecting)

Collection of information about, questioning, selection of audio or video materials, etc. 2.) Main (self holding) Educational areas (indicate which ones are involved, GCD (indicate what kind of excursions, outdoor games, etc.) for implementation project). Working with parents: joint activity(for example, making creative works, joint trips, etc.).

3.) Final:

1-2 final events (holiday, matinee, entertainment, etc.);

Product project;

Expected results.

Diagnostic studies (at the beginning and at the end, if long-term project) .

Bibliography (if long-term project) .


Portfolio project: GCD abstracts, scripts, any material.

Photo apps: photos of materials project.

Target design method:

Creation of conditions that reveal the creative and intellectual potential of preschoolers, focused on the dialogical interaction of children, parents and teachers.

Projects are classified:

1. According to the composition of participants

2. By target installation

3. By topic

4. By terms of implementation.

Types projects by target setting

Research and creative (children experiment, and then the results are drawn up in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design).

Role-playing (with elements of creative games, when children enter the image of the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problems in their own way).

Information-practice-oriented (children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests - group design, stained-glass windows, etc.)

Creative - (designing the results in the form of a children's holiday, children's design, for example: "Space Week").

mixed types projects:

Interdisciplinary in subject - content area;

Creative monoprojects- are carried out within the framework of a narrow problem, one section of training.

By implementation time

Short term

(projects, lasting from 1 day to a week);


(projects 1 week to 1 month);

Long term

(projects lasting 1 month or more).

Related publications:

Games in the work of a speech therapist The CSF Standards speak of an educational process based on games appropriate for the age of the child. The game is the leading activity.

Game techniques in the work of a speech therapist Preschool children with speech disorders have a poor vocabulary, in such children there is a discrepancy between the volume of active and passive.

ICT in the work of a speech therapist Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 11 in Melenki Report on the topic: “ICT in the work of a teacher.

Consultation of a speech therapist for parents "Cooperation in working with children of a speech therapist and parents" The problem of relationships and cooperation between a speech therapist and parents is little covered in the literature. Only in some methodological developments.



Morozova T.I., teacher-speech therapist of the highest category

Moscow, GBOU gymnasium No. 1573

Project activities in speech therapy classes in the conditions of a modern general education school

The project method appeared in pedagogical practice in the 20s of the 20th century. In Russia, it was used in the classroom in the early 20-20s, then it was undeservedly forgotten, but in the world it was widely used and continues to be used in our time. At the same time, it is referred to as a pedagogical technology of the 21st century. The project method provides for the ability to adapt to the new modern conditions of a post-industrial society. The federal state educational standards of the new generation provide for the active nature of the content of student learning and the cooperation of students and teachers, therefore, a speech therapist should use modern teaching methods in remedial development classes and expand traditional areas of methodological work.

Conditions for applying the project method

  • The existence of a problem that needs to be solved through research, creative search and the application of integrated knowledge.
  • The significance of the expected results (practical, theoretical, cognitive).
  • Application of research creative methods in design (gathering information, using practical knowledge of children and knowledge of theory).
  • Application of research, creative methods in design.
  • Structuring the stages of the project.
  • Independent activity of students in a situation of choice (some students - photographs, others - drawings, others - make up the rules, fourths share their personal experiences, fifths extract interesting facts from the lives of great people).

Features of projects in elementary school: there are problems, because the children are very small. But it is possible.

Project value

  • Opportunities and strengths of a given student or children's team.
  • The content in it of new information that can serve as the basis of the project.
  • Skills that this project develops.
  • The interest of the student (students) in the work.

3 important points of the project

Choice (theme)

Planning (structure, from what parts)

Criticism (conclusions and observations made during the work on the project).

Currently, the learning process is more associated with an activity approach to the development of new knowledge by children.

One of the varieties of this approach is project activity. The specifics of this activity are:

Focus on teaching children elementary methods of joint activity;

Taking into account the age characteristics of children;

Gradual increase in independence;

Increasing the creative activity of children.

Stages of project activity

1. Organizing moment:

Acquaintance with the specifics of project activities; division into groups (analysts, experimenters, illustrators, photographers, testers). Analysts and testers are stronger groups.

2. Formulation of the theme and goals:

For example: subject: Creating a book of correct pronunciation.

Objective: To help other children overcome speech deficiencies.

3. Preparatory:

A general plan is being drawn up. Children are divided into groups. "Brainstorm". Analyst children have a special role, who correct the proposals of other children. The results of the brainstorming should match the choice of the planned teacher.

4. The actual project:

There is work in groups. The role of children (experimenters, testers, illustrators, analysts). Testers and experimenters hold a presentation of the book.

5. Practical application of the project:

Testers work.

6. Introspection:

The positive and negative aspects of the activity are analyzed.

7. Results the whole work as a whole.


Pronunciation Book

Students should know:features of Russian speech, correct pronunciation of sounds, stages of work on speech, basic principles of project activities.

Students should be able to:use the knowledge gained in speech therapy classes in practice, blanks of the pages of the "Book of Correct Pronunciation". Plates with the name of creative groups.

Formulation of goals and objectives:create a manual for students working on correcting speech deficiencies.

Preparation for development:repetition of the components of the book (cover, title page, chapters (parts of the book), content (table of contents), conclusions).

Project creation:definition of chapters and headings, design of illustrations, design of chapters of the book, introduction and table of contents. What follows is the story of the book itself.

Project type : information-research, collective, long-term.

Project subject : children at school, at home, outside of school.

With the participation of adults: parents, teachers.

Project protection must be public.

Project nominations

Project-discovery, project-surprise (project-surprise), project-uniqueness, fun project, academic project, project-thinking, project-fantasy, project-erudition, project-harmony, project-research, project-problem, project- review, universal project, panorama project, creative project, mini-project, global project, “free choice” project.

Types of project presentations:

Report, slide show, computer presentation, poster presentation, concert, video film, advertising, correspondence tour, performance, theatrical performance, demonstration of electronic projects.

The role of the teacher

In project activities, the teacher is an assistant, he provides the student's activities:





The role of the student

Depends on the stage of the project:

Choice (decision making)

Builds a system of relationships with people;

Evaluates your product and someone else's.

Features of project activities in elementary school

1. Formation of students' communication skills that underlie effective intellectual interaction in the learning process:

The ability to ask;

Ability to express your point of view;

Ability to negotiate.

2. The development of students' thinking, intellectual maturity:

Development of analytical and synth actions;

The formation of the comparative analysis algorithm;

The ability to highlight the main thing;

Isolation of the general mode of action;

Transferring the general mode of action to other learning tasks.

3. Experience in expanded meaningful differentiated self-assessment and assessment activities:

Adequately assess their work and the work of classmates;

Reasonably and benevolently evaluate the result;

Highlight shortcomings;

Make constructive comments and suggestions.

Work on the project "Book of Correct Pronunciation"

Idea : to help children correcting speech disorders correctly organize work on speech.

Target : creation of a manual for the correction of pronunciation disorders (for children correcting speech and their parents).

Project type : long-term, collective, information and research.

Topic : write "The Book of Proper Pronunciation".

The actual project: The "Book of Proper Pronunciation" manual consists of the following parts: table of contents, preface, rules of correct speech, memos on working on speech, articulatory gymnastics, speech therapist's comments, photo essay about our speech therapy classes, personal stories of children, drawings of children (my speech therapist teacher) , statements of great people about speech, the history of correcting the speech of the great Greek orator Demosthenes, conclusion, conclusions on the project.

The value of the project for children with speech disorders:

This is a special creative project, because it was performed by children with speech disorders;

Children gained experience of participation in collective creativity;

Each project participant was able to show their abilities;

The project contributed to the development of the communicative function of speech in children with speech disorders;

Interesting and useful information was collected;

Project work can be used as a methodological guide for correcting speech for children and their parents;

The children's interest in speech therapy has grown.

Project Conclusions:

A speech therapist teacher must necessarily use project activities in his work, as it contributes to the development of the communicative function of speech in children, increases interest in classes;

The types of projects need to be carefully selected so that they are feasible for children with speech impairments.

Flaws :

Part of the work did not have time to do;

The material is still being processed.

But we decided to make the next part "Book of Proper Pronunciation-2".

Used Books

1. N.V. Zasorkina, M.Yu. Shatilova et al. Method of projects in elementary school. Implementation system. Volgograd, "Teacher". 2010

2. M.K. Gospodnikova, N.B. Polyanina and others. Project activities in elementary school. Volgograd, "Teacher". 2010

3. A.B. Vorontsov. Project tasks in elementary school. Moscow, Enlightenment. 2009

4. A.P. Terekhova, Perm, Preschool Educational Institution No. 5, teacher-speech therapist. Article "Project activity in speech therapy classes" in the journal "Speech therapist" No. 3, 2009, Moscow. "Sphere".

5. M.G. Luzhina, Tomsk, preschool educational institution No. 15, teacher-speech therapist. Article "Activity approach to learning in speech therapy classes in preschool educational institutions" in the journal "Speech therapist" No. 2, 2008 Moscow, "Sphere".

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Project activity in the work of a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution. The project method is the most modern and promising method of working with preschoolers. Speech therapist Krutilina Zh.N.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

RELEVANCE The project method in kindergarten has become one of the most important components in the organization of direct educational activities. Its most important advantage is the independent "acquisition" of knowledge by children. “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand” - this is how Eastern wisdom says. Indeed, only by acting independently, by trial and error, the child acquires - "appropriates" knowledge and experience. Modern speech therapy is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with speech disorders. In speech therapy practice, the project method is relevant and effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, thereby preparing him for successful schooling. Knowledge, skills that a child acquires in the process of practical activities are absorbed faster, easier and give better results; complex and sometimes uninteresting speech therapy exercises become an exciting activity for the child. I faced the problem of organizing a system of work using project methods in solving the problems of preventing and correcting speech disorders with preschool children. One of the ways to solve this problem was the development of speech therapy projects. The projects are aimed at creating conditions for the full-fledged speech development of preschoolers.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Speech therapy projects have different directions in corrective work with a child with speech disorders, leading the child to a full-fledged developed speech: the formation of articulatory motor skills, the development of correct speech breathing, phonemic processes, the assimilation of correct sound pronunciation, the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, coherent utterance. The method of speech therapy projects is presented as a way of organizing a correctional process based on the interaction of a speech therapist teacher, a child, parents and educators.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

The purpose of the project activity of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution is to increase the potential for the full-fledged speech development of preschoolers.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Tasks of the project activity: Awaken in the child the desire to actively participate in the process of speech correction. 2. To develop the speech and creative abilities of children. 3. Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory. 4. Increase the amount of corrective action. 5. Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes, involve children in the process of active learning. 6. Encourage children to work together. 7. Combine the efforts of teachers and parents in joint activities to correct speech disorders, widely use parental potential. 8. Stimulate the joint productive activities of children and parents.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Expected result: 1. The use of the project method in correctional work will contribute to the successful development of children's communicative and creative abilities. 2. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of speech development of children. 3. Increasing the interest of parents not only in the results, but also in the very process of correctional and educational work.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Stages and strategy of project implementation Preparatory stage (information-analytical). Tasks: 1. Disclosing the meaning and content of the forthcoming work, developing the necessary pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the project, taking into account modern requirements and the speech capabilities of children. 2. The study of the state of the problem under study in theory and practice, to substantiate the conceptual apparatus of the study. 3. Identification of the problem - diagnosis of the current level of speech development of children of senior preschool age (speech therapy examination of children). 4. Determination of the system of speech therapy projects, the conditions for their implementation.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

II. The main stage of project implementation (practical): Task: implementation of projects in various forms, methods and techniques of joint adult-children's activities

9 slide

Description of the slide:

: Plan for mini-projects Project name Tasks Content of the work "School of the Tongue" To give advice and recommendations to parents on the formation of the correct sound pronunciation, the improvement of coherent speech in children with ONR. To acquaint parents with the features, principles, stages of the work of a speech therapist. Show on visual practical material the methods and techniques for the development of articulatory motor skills, the formation of speech breathing, the development of sound analysis and synthesis. Attracting the attention of parents to joint work on the development of phonemic processes in children. Making visual educational information for parents (poster information, memos, booklets) Online communication with parents on the Internet. Workshop for parents "Articulation gymnastics - the basis of correct sound pronunciation" Master class "Methods and techniques for setting sounds." Workshop "Games for the development of sound analysis and synthesis" Sound pronunciation screen "School of the tongue".

10 slide

Description of the slide:

11 slide

Description of the slide:

: Name of the project Tasks The content of the work "My favorite letter" To form an idea of ​​sounds and letters. To introduce letters in an interesting and accessible way. Develop the ability to translate your ideas into an artistic image. To increase the interest of children in direct educational activities in teaching literacy. To teach to distinguish and recognize the letters of the alphabet To cultivate a respectful attitude towards one's work and the work of an adult. Design of the stand "Tips of a speech therapist" on the topics "How to introduce a child to a letter", "Cheerful alphabet". Weekly update of information on the topic "Games and exercises to consolidate the studied letter." Creative competition for the production of letters from various materials and in various ways.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

: Name of the project Tasks The content of the work "Difficult sounds" Identification of the organs involved in the formation of human speech sounds. Research and comprehension by the child of the position of the organs of articulation during the pronunciation of the sounds being practiced. A conscious understanding of the articulation pattern of a particular sound and a qualitative correction of a pronunciation defect. Increasing the interest of parents and the competence of educators in this area The study of the organs of articulation with the help of toys. The study of a complex of articulatory exercises for sound production. Making folders "Speak correctly"

14 slide

Svetlana Chagina
Project activity in the correctional work of a speech therapist

Chagina S.V.

Konosha village, Arkhangelsk region. MBDOU of a general developmental type kindergarten "Teremok".

The number of children with speech difficulties is steadily increasing. Standardized Methods corrective work do not always give the expected result. To improve the efficiency of speech therapy work used in the educational process project activity. Method projects is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is an independent, research, cognitive, playful, creative, productive children's activities, during which the child learns himself and the world around him, embodies his knowledge into real products. In the educational process of the preschool educational institution project activity is in the nature of cooperation. The child ceases to be the object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in the creative process. activities, the purpose of which is to activate its own resources in the process of learning and development.

Creative project"The Magical World of Fairy Tales"

View project: creative, long-term, group.

Members project: children 5-7 years old attending speech therapy classes, in the conditions of a speech center, teachers, parents of pupils.

Relevance: The relevance is due to the need to resolve issues aimed at improving efficiency correctional and developmental work with children of senior preschool age in the conditions of a logopoint. Fairy tales have a positive emotional impact on preschoolers. Relevance the project is that it combines the means and ways of developing the creative and speech abilities of the child. The pedagogical expediency of using collective theatrical and game productions in education, the creation of cartoons, homemade books is explained by the fact that this allows you to increase the rate of development of speech in general, by including the child in the creative activity. Based on this, it was decided to include the maximum creative activities in speech therapy.

Target: correction speech disorders in older preschoolers, in the process of creative activities.


Develop the speech of older preschoolers through theatrical and gaming activity;

Use modern technologies in speech therapy work;

Use methods and means that encourage children to a bright, emotional process of speech development;

Create a special environment that encourages the child to an active educational process and the pursuit of creativity;

Include children with disabilities in the educational process;

Engage teachers and parents in corrective- pedagogical process.

Implementation stages:

1. Initial stage. (Goal setting, task setting, literature study).

2. Productive stage. (Planning and implementing a joint activities participants for the implementation project).

3. Effective stage. (Product project: making homemade books by children and parents; showing Russian folk tales using a table theater to children of younger groups, participation of preschoolers in a regional competition of theatrical performances "Here's How We Do It", creating cartoons).

Directions project activities:

Work on the development of speech

Ensure the transition from accumulated ideas and passive speech reserve to the active use of speech means;

Develop the rhythm of speech, its intonational expressiveness, voice modulation;

Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds in theatrical and free speech activities;

Develop the ability to listen to addressed speech, develop a reaction to intonation and facial expressions corresponding to intonation;

Improve the ability to answer questions fully, ask questions, conduct a dialogue, the ability to listen to each other;

Build retelling skills. To teach the retelling of well-known fairy tales with visual support, the ability to convey the character of the hero.

Theatrical and playful activity:

Provide the necessary level of physical activity;

Improve skills of orientation in space;

Develop communication skills based on common gaming interests;

Develop the ability to stage scenes based on familiar fairy tales;

Improve creative skills, the ability to interact with other characters;

To cultivate artistry, aesthetic feelings, imagination, fantasy, the ability to transform.

Creative activity

Retelling of Russian folk tales using a table theater "Zayushkina's hut", "Riaba Hen", "Masha and the Bear", "Teremok", "Kolobok".

Joint creativity of children and parents: compiling fairy tales, stories, illustrating homemade books;

Presentation of homemade books by children;

Dramatization of the work by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom". Participation in the regional competition of theatrical performances "Here's How We Do It";

Drawing illustrations for cartoons: "Wand-saver", "Apple";

Cartoon soundtracks.

Working with parents

Getting parents to know project at the first group meeting in September.

DIY book competition "Tale in a new way";

Exhibition of children's drawings based on the fairy tale by V. G. Suteev "Under the Mushroom", "Apple";

Presentation of cartoons for children and parents at the final meeting;

Distribution among parents of a copy of the cartoon for home viewing.

Participation of group educators in project

Acquaintance of children with the work of V. G. Suteev. Reading fairy tales "Under the Mushroom", "Mouse and Pencil", "Rooster and colors", "Wand-saver", "Apple", "Different Wheels";

Watching cartoons "Under the Mushroom", "Wand-saver", "Apple";

Drawing illustrations for cartoons.


Introduction of modern methods and technologies in corrective work;

Increasing the rate of development of speech in general, due to the inclusion of preschool children in the creative activity;

Disclosure of the creative potential of preschoolers;

Speech emancipation of the child, despite his speech capabilities;

Positive interaction between children, teachers and parents.


1. N. E. Veraksa, A. N. Veraksa manual « Project activities of preschoolers»