Official invitation to the conference. Letter of invitation from the organization

Let's compare these two letters. They both start with an invitation, but the first letter is from the company. ("Furniture Factory" Birch "invites ...") and the second on behalf of all employees of the company ("We invite you…").

The first option is very formal. You can also write here: “ The Beryozka company is glad to invite you ... "

The invitation from “us” (company employees) is also quite formal, but it is perceived as more “human”: “ We invite ... ", “We are glad to invite you ... ", “We would like to invite you ... ".

In some cases, you may need to write an invitation from yourself. For example, if you are a leader and want to make the invitation even more personal. Then these phrases are transformed into: "I invite ...", "Glad to invite you ...", “I would like to invite you ...”, "Let me invite you ..."

Less formal letters

In a less formal situation, when, for example, you are writing to your colleague with whom you meet every day in the office, such "ceremonies" are completely useless.

Nowadays, it is important to know how to write correctly to all kinds of significant business events and parties. Correctly drafting the invitation is the first step to successful implementation Events. We will reveal for you all the nuances and subtleties of writing an invitation letter in English.

"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option."

Never let someone else be your priority, letting yourself be their choice.

In our article, you will find out what structure and principles you need to adhere to when drawing up an invitation letter, as well as get acquainted with an example of writing letter of invitation in English.

Examples of letters of invitation in English with translation

Writing a letter may be needed when passing a language exam, when entering a higher educational institution abroad, when applying for a job.

Time is money. Today we cannot afford to waste it inviting everyone in person. In this case, the best option is to write an invitation letter.

Invitation letter usually write for an invitation to an event such as a family gathering, party, business meeting, or social event. All of these types of invitation letters can be divided into two categories: business and personal. In any of these letters, you need to adhere to the same structure of the letter.

-invitation in English

Inviting colleagues, clients or potential clients to an event is important aspect activities in business. The number of guests who will attend your event depends on how professional and effective the invitation letter is.

The main rules for writing an invitation letter in English:

    In a business letter of invitation a prerequisite is the appeal by name to the reader (Dear Mr. Smit), perhaps it will take a little more effort, but it is always more pleasant to receive a letter addressed specifically to you, and not written in impersonal phrases like: Dear Colleague.

    In a business-style invitation letter, you should always use a formal tone, because you usually write such letters to business partners.

    The invitation letter should be short and answer the questions What? Where? How ?, because business people value their time.

    Offer an incentive like a free lunch at an event or a prize draw. This will show that you value the time of the invitees. In addition, the incentive will keep guests at the very end of the event.

    Write your invitation long before the event itself. This will help the invitees plan their visit to you. Make sure there are no important holidays or football on this day.

  1. Check the letter carefully for grammar and style. And let the other person read the letter so that he finds the mistakes that you missed. A misspelled email can negate all of your previous efforts.
Sample invitation Translation
Dear Ms Blue,
It gives us great pleasure to invite you to our annual partners appreciation event on Friday, the 29 of October at 6 p.m. We believe it to be a wonderful opportunity for us to learn more about your company, establish strong business relations and have a good time.
We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Sincerely yours,
Alexander pemsky
Dear Miss Blue,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our annual event to celebrate our partners, which will take place on Friday, October 29 at 18:00. We are convinced that this will be a great opportunity for us to learn more about your company, to establish strong business relationship and have a nice time.
We look forward to meeting you at our event.
Yours sincerely,
Alexander Pemsky
General manager

Write an invitation letter in English

Strictly adhere to the design rules when writing the invitation letter, we used to. However, please note that the invitation letter cannot be long. There should be the most necessary information and very few phrases like “we are very happy to invite you to a meeting”.

    Welcome / introduction + name of the person to whom this invitation is addressed.

    The main part, which contains information: on what occasion the invitation, place and time of the meeting, as well as additional information (for example, in what clothes you should come or what to bring with you).

  1. Conclusion / Signature

Letter of invitation in English to a friend

Your friend will always be pleased to receive an invitation letter from you.

Letter of invitation in English for a visa

If you want to get a visitor visa to the USA, then the receiving party draws up an invitation letter on its own behalf. An invitation letter can be from friends, relatives, business partners, organizers of various events. Below we provide one of the options for how such an invitation might look.

Sample invitation Translation
The USA Embassy,
7834 East street
Chicago, Illinois

Letter of Invitation for: Passport No: XXX77777

Dear Madam Kira
I am writing this letter to support the visitor visa application for Anna Tramp.
She is fully resident in Russia, and is my wife. She lives at Perm, Gogol street 14/85 and their home phone number is (YY) XXXXXXX.
I am a legal permanent resident of the USA, and I live at 9034 Commerce Street Detroit, Michigan, and I work as marketer - with a net income of $ 70,000 per year. I would like Anna Tramp to come and visit me from 12/18/2018 to 12/25/2018 because of my wedding.
My request is that she would be granted with a visa for this whole period, in which time I would be fully responsible and cater to her well being. She will also be resident at my home, and following the expiration of her visa, I will see that Anna Tramp return to her home country.
Kindly find attached, all necessary documentation required.
Thanks in anticipation of your favorable response
Thank you.

Embassy of the USA,
7834 East Street,
Chicago, Illinois

Letter of Invitation: Passport Number: XXX77777

Dear Mrs. Kira
I am writing this letter to support the visa application for Anna Trump.
She lives entirely in Russia and is my sister. She lives in Perm, Gogol street 14/85, her home phone number is (YY) XXXXXXX.
I am a Native American living at 9034 Commerce Street, Detroit, Michigan and I work as a marketer - with net profit at a rate of $ 70,000 per year. I would like Anna Trump to come and visit me from 12/18/2018 to 12/25/2018 due to the celebration of my wedding
My request is that she has been granted a visa for this entire period, at which time I will fully respond and satisfy her well-being. She will also be staying at my house and after her visa expires, I will see Anna Trump returning to her home country.
Please find attached required required documentation.
Thank you, awaiting your favorable response.
Thank you.
[Owner's date of birth]
[Host address]
[Host phone number]
[Host Signature]

Official letter of invitation to the event in English

V colloquial speech we can be forgiven for some minor flaws and reservations. But such mistakes in writing are unacceptable, especially when it comes to business correspondence.

invitation to the conference

In the case of an invitation to a conference, your letter will be longer than the previous one, since you need to include more information in it. Accordingly, its structure will also change.


    Information about the conference (name).

    Objectives of the conference.

    Dates and venue, sponsors.

    Technical details (visas, travel, reports, etc.)

    Registration information with the contacts of the person in charge.

  1. Final part.
Sample invitation Translation
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to participate in the upcoming World Conference on Information Technology. The aims of the conference are to bring together researches and practitioners in an effort to lay the ground for future collaborative research, advocacy, and program development as well as to educate the adequate professionals in the information industry. The world Conference is scheduled to take place from October 14th - 16th 2018 in… (the venue, the city and the country) under the auspices of… Foundation. Note that all interested delegates that require entry visa to enter ... (the country) to attend this conference will be assisted by the organizational committee. Free air round trip tickets will be provided to all registered participants.
The Workshop welcomes paper presentations from any interested participant willing to present papers during the meeting.
For any further information you are to contact the conference Registrar at:
Michael faraday
Activities Coordinator
Dear colleagues,
We cordially invite you to take part in the upcoming World Conference on information technology.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners in order to create a basis for future collaborative research, advocacy and program development, as well as to train adequate professionals in the information industry. The World Conference will be held from 14 to 16 October 2018 in ... (place, city and country) under the auspices of ... the Foundation. Please note that all interested delegates who require an entry visa to enter ... (country) to attend this conference will be assisted by an organizing committee. All registered members will be provided with free round-trip air tickets. The workshop welcomes paper presentations from any interested participant wishing to present their papers during the meeting.
For any additional information, contact the Conference Registrar at:
Email mail:
Tel .:
Michael Faraday
Event Coordinator
Email mail:
Tel .:

Now let's move from the more complex to the simpler. We will now consider examples of drawing up invitations to various activities in everyday life.

Birthday invitation letter in English with translation

Sample invitation Translation
Dear Nicki,
I am turning twenty three this coming Friday. I have arranged a small party on Sunday at the Black ‘n’ White restaurant that is close to your place at 17.00 hours. I wish your presence on the occasion.
The party would be a great time to catch up with all our old friends and have fun just like old times. There is a dance party in the beginning and after that there is an arrangement of snacks and dinner. I will also mail you the details of the party.
I will look forward to meet you at the party and would appreciate if you could confirm your presence well before time so that I can make the arrangements accordingly.

Warm Regards,

Dear Nicky,
I turn 23 this coming Friday. And I am throwing a little party on Sunday at the Black and White restaurant, which is not far from your house, at 5 pm. I would like your presence on this occasion.
The party will be a great opportunity to see all our old friends and have fun like the good old days. At the beginning, dances are scheduled, after which there is an agreement on snacks and dinner. I will also mail you the details of the party.
I look forward to meeting you at the party and would be grateful if you can confirm your presence well in advance of the appointed time so that I can make the appropriate arrangements.
WITH Best wishes,

Wedding invitation in English

Sending out wedding invitations on time is important and imperative. The sooner the better - this is the basic rule of sending invitations. It is optimal to do this 1-1.5 months before the date of the proposed celebration, and, in any case, no later than 2 weeks before the wedding. Invitations are sent by mail or e-mail (if there is complete confidence that such a letter will be read), or delivered in person.

The tradition of arranging wedding invitations in the form of exquisite and delicate cards in an envelope or unusual cards and invitations is a kind of way to preserve the memories of the holiday.

Sample invitation Translation
Dear Barbara,
As I am writing this letter to you, I am doing so with a heart that is full of bountiful joy, gladness and happiness. Without much ado, the main essence of writing this letter is for it to serve as an invitation to my marriage ceremony. As you know, I will be getting married to my sweetheart of many years, Dexter Hedley.
The marriage ceremony has been scheduled to come up on the 9th of November 2018. The venue is the Sky Hall in Hoffman’s and all programs will kick off by 9.30 am prompt.
It will be deeply appreciated if you can grace the occasion with your presence.

Yours affectionately,
Melissa taylor

Dear Barbara,
As I write this letter, my heart is overflowing with joy, fun and happiness. If not to speak extra words then the main reason I am writing this letter is to invite you to my wedding ceremony. As you know, I will be marrying my longtime lover, Dexter Headley.
The wedding ceremony, as previously planned, falls on November 9th, 2018. The venue is the Heavenly Hall in Hoffmans and all events will start at 9.30 am sharp. I will be very grateful if you can decorate the event with your presence.
Always yours,
Melissa Taylor

New Year's Eve invitation in English

Those with whom the company actively cooperated throughout the year and who helped to achieve high results are invited to the New Year's celebration.

Party Invitation Letter in English

Sample invitation Translation
Dear Ben! You’re invited to tumble, jump and play!
Please, come and join us at our Barbeque and Tea party! It will be fun!
Date: Saturday, June 25th Time: 2:00 pm-4:00pm
Where: 48, Summer Avenue. Welcome!
Dress: Wearing casual clothes.
No admittance without smile, having a humorous story to tell and a game to play! Bring your favorite CDs))
I look forward to meeting you. You are my special guest!
P.S. You may bring a girlfriend.
Please, phone: 513- 55-432 for more details.
Dear Ben! have fun, jump and play!

Please come and join us for barbecue and tea! It will be fun!
Date: Saturday, June 25 Time: 2:00 am-4:00pm.
Location: 48, Summer Alley. Welcome!
Clothes: casual.
Take a smile with you, as well as an anecdote to tell and a game to play! Bring your favorite CDs))
I am looking forward to meeting you. You are my special Guest!
P. S. You can come with a friend.
Please call: 513 - 55-432 for more detailed information.

Letter of invitation to visit in English

Personal and telephone invitations are more suitable for narrow family celebrations and friendly events. For significant events, a formal form of inviting guests is more appropriate - written invitations.

Sample invitation Translation
Dear Kaitlyn and Matthew,
We are looking forward very much to your visit to our country this summer. We are expecting you at the beginning of July and are hoping that you may stay until the end of month or longer if you can manage.
We consider it a privilege for us to receive you as guests in our house and to be allowed to entertain you. We are very grateful indeed to you for consenting to come and stay with us. We are looking forward to offering you hospitality in return for the hospitality you have kindly given us on many occasions.
We want you to understand that we will see to all your needs while you are with us and to any expenses that may arise.

Yours sincerely,
Anna and alexander

Dear Caitlin and Matthew!
We are looking forward to welcoming you this summer in our country. We are waiting for you in early July and we hope that you will stay with us until the end of the month, or longer if you can. It is a great honor for us to host you at home.
We are very glad that you agreed to come and stay with us.
We want to respond to you with the same hospitality that you have kindly shown us more than once.
You should know that we will provide you with everything you need during your stay with us, including financial expenses that may arise.
Sincerely yours,
Anna and Alexander

As you can see, in these invitations, which are more informal, you can safely use all the knowledge from the course. The requirements for writing such invitation letters are less stringent. However, they still need to retain their structure.

    Message / greeting

    Specifying the purpose of the invitation

    Date, time and place of the event

    Special arrangements, if any (e.g. Hawaiian-style party and guests need to dress appropriately)

  1. Conclusion

We figured out how to compose an invitation ourselves. But, what if you yourself are the addressee of such an invitation. Let's analyze the correct answers using several letters as an example.

Letter of answer to invitation in English

Business etiquette requires a recipient's response in the form of expressions of gratitude for the invitation received, confirmation of its acceptance or explanation of the reasons for the refusal.

Is there some kind of structure in these answers? It may not be as clear as in the invitations themselves, but it is.


    Reaction to the invitation received

    Actually, the answer to it indicating special conditions, if any (delay, as in the first case)

  1. Conclusion


The response time shows the addressee how interested you are in communicating with him.

Reply to a birthday invitation in English

When you write a response to an invitation, there is no need to write out the consent in detail - it is enough to mention common phrases, and also send the letter on time. This will be enough for the norms business correspondence have been respected.

On a note:

You can familiarize yourself with useful expressions for writing birthday greetings in the article.

Reply to a Party Invitation in English

First rule: the response to the invitation letter must be final, you should not leave the person confused whether you will appear there or not.

The second rule is, do not delay answering the invitation.

Instead of a conclusion

We hope that this material will be useful for you to competently draw up invitations for your English-speaking friends and colleagues to the brightest events in your life! If you need professional help studying in English- we are always happy to help! First step - ! We are waiting for you!

In contact with

An invitation letter is, as a rule, an official document stamped and signed by the sender. It can be addressed to both a specific person and the whole company. The preparation of the invitation must be approached thoroughly. In almost all cases, a benevolent attitude towards the addressee and interest in his coming to any event, exhibition, interview or conference will be appropriate. Below are some examples of how to design a letter of invitation.

Important! The text in the letter should be short, correct and concise. Jargon and ambiguous phrases are not allowed. Like all other letters, such a document is drawn up in the first person.

When is it appropriate to send an invitation letter?

Such letters are compiled on the occasion official events... For example, when one company is hosting an exhibition, conference or other event and wants to invite employees and / or managers of a third party to it. Using a letter, you can invite a specific person to a business meeting, for example, for an interview. Below you will find samples of invitation letters both for various events and for an interview.

Composing an invitation letter, first of all, speaks of the sender's interest and respect. It is extremely ignorant to ignore such a document, even to refuse without a significant reason is already bad manners.

This letter can also act as a document certifying that the person is indeed invited to a specific event. That is, it can be shown at the entrance to a building in which, for example, a conference is being held.

Situations in which sending an invitation letter is appropriate or even necessary:

  • anniversary of the company;
  • business meeting with one person or group of persons;
  • the conference;
  • seminar;
  • Exhibition.

Important! One copy of the invitation must remain "in the hands" of the sender.

It would seem, why write a letter when you can just call and notify the person about the meeting? Firstly, it is convenient, especially when it is not about one person, but about a company of persons. Secondly, it shows the special relationship of the sender to the recipient.

Rules for drawing up a letter of invitation

The writing style should be formal and restrained. The first appeal to the recipient by name or by the name of the company (if the document is sent to the whole organization). The appeal should go in the center, below - the text of the letter.

What must be indicated in an official letter:

  • data about the organization or the sender (full name, TIN, PSRN, company code and name, registration number);
  • sender's signature;
  • stamp - desirable, as it shows the officiality of the document;
  • date.

Important! The invitation letter can be sent by email. This is convenient if you need to send it to a large group of people at the same time.

Naturally, there should be information about the event. It is necessary to indicate where exactly the recipient is invited - to a conference, business meeting, exhibition, interview or other event. The main emphasis should be on the event itself - what time is it, is there a dress code, and so on.

Sample invitations to various events

Example 1: Letter of invitation to the conference.

In the upper left corner there is a company logo and short information, for example - Steel Doors LLC, as well as the date and contact number. In the upper right corner information about the sender, example - general manager LLC Steel Doors Vasiliev Igor Nikolaevich.


"Dear colleagues! (center)

We invite you to the New Product Conference. The conference will provide information on which technologies are best used in production, with which suppliers of materials you need to cooperate. The conference will be held on December 12, 2017 at 16:00 in the Kovcheg business center. Applications for participation can be sent no later than December 11, 2017.

Best regards, Igor Nikolaevich (below). "

Sample 2: Letter of invitation to the exhibition


“Dear Dmitry Olegovich Voronin! (center)

We invite you to the exhibition of our new products. We bring to the market perfectly new product under the "Stylish Elephant" trademark. I think it will be interesting for you to attend this event. It will take place on October 16, 2018 at the Fox Center in the exhibition hall. Beginning at 19:00. The dress code is evening. We will be glad to see you at the exhibition!

Respectfully yours, Nikolay Vasilievich, Director of Eurostyle LLC.

Sample 3: Interview invitation


“Dear Tatyana Georgievna Eliseeva!

We are glad to inform you that our company has chosen your candidacy for the position of accountant. We will be glad if you come to our office to discuss all the nuances. We work from (time) to (time) from Monday to Friday.

Yours faithfully, representative of the TekhnoMir company Yakovlev Sergey Anatolyevich.

These are just examples that can be used as hints. In fact, invitation letters can be composed differently. The main thing is to stick to general rules and provide all necessary information.

More several samples letters with an invitation.

In this article, we'll look at how to write a formal invitation to a meeting, negotiation, or meeting. Let's share samples of invitation letters.

Event Invitation Letters: Samples

Official letter of invitation to the event

The company that plans to hold the event takes into account the fact that it will have to send official letters of invitation during the preparation for it. This is especially true for events for which lists of guests are drawn up, whose presence is desired.

In this case, it is not enough just to call them and inform them about the upcoming event. It is important that the invited person is aware of the scale of the meeting and their own significance. Therefore, the secretary will need to draw up an invitation letter to participate in the event.

To begin with, understand the classification of such correspondence and the nuances of its design. A formal business letter of invitation is a variation... Belonging to this category is determined based on the purpose of the invitation: to notify the right people about the upcoming event, the time and place of its holding. Key features of an invitation letter to an event:

  • personal, sent in a single copy personally to each invitee;
  • contains information that applies to each guest separately;
  • looks more presentable than other letters - better quality paper, decor;
  • can be handwritten.

Note that in this case, standard forms are very rarely used for registration. business letter... However, if you need to draw up an official letter of invitation to a business event, then its design using a letterhead is permissible.

Event invitation letter: sample

Download sample

Meeting invitation letter

A formal letter of invitation to the meeting should be addressed to those directly interested. In this letter, you should describe in detail the topic of the meeting, the issues that will be considered at it. You should also notify the location of the meeting and the time.

An invitation letter to a meeting can only be sent to the head of a specific organization. If necessary, he will decide for himself whether to invite other employees. He will notify you of this in a separate letter so that you can plan in advance the seats for all those present.

Letter of invitation to a meeting: an example for representatives of another organization

Download sample

Letter of invitation to negotiate

Before you think about sending an invitation, keep in mind that there are two types of negotiations: operational and planned. When preparing an operational meeting, the secretary must invite the participants, notify the manager about employees who did not come, and find out the reasons for their absence.

Preparation for a scheduled meeting with a large number of participants begins in 1.5-2 weeks and includes the following steps:

  • appoint the date, time and place of the meeting;
  • draw up an agenda, a list of participants and speakers;
  • perform any work that may be required before the meeting starts;
  • compose the text of the invitation.

A special type of negotiation is the so-called "brainstorming". Such an event is held when it is necessary to solve a complex problem, find a way out of a confusing situation, and make a responsible decision.

Internal Meeting Invitation Email: Sample

Download sample

How to write and draw up a letter of invitation to a foreigner

When sending an invitation letter to foreign partners, employees and clients, you need to take into account that they may not know your city. Therefore, it is worth enclosing the directions to the place of the event or to your organization with the letter. You also need to take care of the foreigner settling in the hotel during his stay. If the host pays for accommodation, flight, transfer and other services, then this should also be mentioned in the documents accompanying the invitation.

When drawing up a letter of invitation for foreigners, it is necessary take into account national peculiarities ... At the same time, you should not write the invitation in the native language of the invitee: it is enough to draw it up in English.

Example of an invitation letter for a foreign partner of a company

An invitation for foreigners to the event should be sent much earlier than for other participants. When planning events with the presence of foreign citizens, consider how long it will take them to arrange required documents planning a flight.

A useful service from the "Secretary's Guide" magazine: a designer of business letters

"Personnel officer. Personnel record keeping", 2011, N 12

INVITATIONS for a corporate holiday: HOW TO DRAW OUT, WHAT TO WRITE?

A corporate holiday is one of the components of corporate culture. Any holiday begins with an invitation. How to issue an invitation card? What should be a corporate invitation? This is what will be discussed in our article.

Corporate and professional holidays are popular in every company, organization and firm. The occasion for a corporate event can be a professional or calendar holiday, the anniversary of the chief.

An invitation or invitation card is a means of motivation to participate in a corporate event, a sign of attention and respect for colleagues, team members, a pass to an event, an element of creating a festive mood.

Invitation - business card holiday, performing two main tasks:

Introduces the guest to the theme of the holiday;

Provides him with the information he needs.

Invitation letters are issued either with a postcard with text on the inside, or it is an envelope with an insert - usually they use a sheet of loose paper the size of a quarter of an A4 sheet. In shape, such a sheet can be rectangular, square, round with wavy or small jagged edges. There are hundreds different options registration of invitations. First of all, you need to decide what your invitation will be. Letters of invitation to corporate events directly depend on the nature and purpose of the event. Depending on the occasion, scale, venue, each time there will be new text, design, method of presentation. The invitation can be sent to the addressee in electronic form or in a solid "postcard" form. The choice depends on the addressees, their status and expectations, the specifics of use Email in the office, the tasks of maintaining intrigue and the need to target messages.

Dictionary HR administration... The letter of invitation is one of the most widespread types of business postal items... The need for business contacts necessitates the addressing of invitations to one, several persons on behalf of legal entity or a specific addressee ( natural person) representing this or that organization.

The email invitation must differ in font size, color, style, etc. from regular business correspondence.

Invitations in envelopes require a delivery address and the name of the recipient in the letter. This format will require expenses for the postcards themselves, for courier delivery, etc. Accordingly, this should be justified by the objectives of the holiday and the audience. The invitation can be designed as a poster in the office. Bright, beautiful.

You can arrange for the delivery of invitations at the entrance to the office.

The main thing is that the invitation symbolizes the beginning of the holiday for each invitee. Therefore, it must be beautiful and attractive.

If a serious corporate event is planned, sending invitations by fax or e-mail is excluded immediately. It does not allow you to convey a personal appeal to the recipient and indicates the sender's careless attitude towards his guests, about the desire to save money. Email can be used to feedback by entering your email address on the RSVP card. The option with a simple mailing list is suitable when it comes to the many friends and business partners of the organization. Level postal delivery short. The letter may be delayed or completely lost and not reach the recipient. Certified letters with notification - a good option... However, if it New Year, International Women's Day, then in the pre-holiday hype, letters will require more time for delivery and will be delivered no earlier than a week later.

When time is running out, you can use the express delivery service or courier service. Courier delivery can be organized by yourself. It is important to make every effort to deliver the invitation on time. In this case, the phone is useful only for feedback. Even if the head of the company has invited someone during a personal conversation (a conversation between the heads of a company, a firm, etc.), etiquette requires you to confirm the invitation to writing... You need to start sending any invitations at least 2 - 3 weeks before the date of your corporate event.

The postcard and the inner envelope of the invitation should be designed in the same style and color scheme as the invitation text on the insert. They may also contain additional information, such as a congratulation, some kind of quote, company logo, etc. If the employer wants to make an original invitation, you need to contact a printing house or agency and place an order for the production of invitations. The outer envelope gives the first impression, so it is necessary to arrange it in the same style as the insert (even if it is a simple mail envelope).

Also, the design and text of the invitation directly depend on who it is intended for. Those invited to a festive event can be divided into several categories:

VIP-guests (founders, sponsors, large clients, representatives of the city administration, regular partners). Company executives usually hand over invitations to such guests personally. For these people, nominal texts should be drawn up. The invitation cards must be handed in 3 to 4 weeks in advance. All VIP-guests must receive an invitation personally from the head of the company or his deputy;

Company employees. Invitations addressed to company employees can be of the same type, standard. In such invitations, it should be specified who is invited to the festive event - the employee himself, he can take his spouse, children with him. In order not to forget anyone, you can send such invitations to the heads of departments in the requested quantity, and they will already distribute them in a hierarchical order;

Business partners (suppliers, partner companies). The invitations for this category are standard. The invitation cards must be handed in 1 - 2 weeks in advance. When the number of participants in the event is limited, it is necessary to call everyone and clarify who is planning to come and who is not. It is important to make every effort so that the invitation letters to each invitee are delivered directly to the addressee or to a trusted person.

Once you've decided what your invitation will be, it's worth considering the content of the invitation. Any invitation is a short text made up of a few simple sentences. The entire text is usually 5 - 7 sentences. Do not forget that, like any text, the content of the invitations is conventionally divided into an introduction, main part and conclusion. Therefore, any invitation should have three paragraphs. But before we begin to compose the text of our invitation cards, we should recall two features of the documentation language that are etiquette in nature:

The first is spelling, it is associated with the capitalization of the pronouns "you" and "you" for the purpose of polite treatment (in writing) to one person;

The second is etiquette, it is related to the question: from what person should the presentation of the text in the document be built - from the first or the third? The way of presentation from the third person is impersonal, orders, statements are written in the first person singular, you can also write invitations. But when composing the text of the invitation, it is better to build the presentation in the first person plural - thereby the author acts as a representative of the organization, company.

Any invitation begins with an appeal, the first paragraph is an introduction. Basically, these are typical phrases: "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!", "Dear Tatyana Alexandrovna", "Dear Mrs. Petrova", "Dear Mr. Ivanov". Avoid grandiloquent phrases like "Dear Semyon Ivanovich!", "Dear Anna Alexandrovna" in your circulation. Here it is worth touching on the question of the appropriateness of the use of the exclamation mark. Many of us have repeatedly noted that in business correspondence and in documents published in the press, a comma is increasingly encountered instead of an exclamation point. At the same time, the text of the letter itself, as is customary in Russian office work, begins with a paragraph, but not with a traditional capital letter, but, as in English, with a lowercase letter:

Dear Alexander Petrovich,

we appeal to you ...

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not build the text of the invitations in this way. In European countries, corporate etiquette is different, it is not customary to address the addressee by name and patronymic. According to our corporate ethics, it is customary to address the invitee by name and patronymic.

The second paragraph is informational. In it, you can indicate in what capacity a person is invited to a festive event.

The third paragraph is the final one. The time and place of the event, a mark about the dress code are indicated here. When composing the text of the invitation, it is necessary to take into account which category of guests it will be addressed to:

We address a colleague with respect and attention;

To the client - with charm;

To the sponsor - with gratitude;

To media representatives - with a desire to interest and leave a vivid impression.

The invitation should include everyone necessary instructions with the help of which people will be able to take part in the event. The invitation letter must contain the following information:

Location of the holiday;

Start / departure time from a given point;

Dress code requirements;

Additional information important for the holiday.

Invitation etiquette recommends enclosing directions to the event location indicating possible parking spots. If an experienced designer is working on the invitation set and the style of the event allows, the location map may look not just like a printout of an Internet map, but like a map supplemented with interesting details. If the participants get to the place of the holiday on their own, it is necessary to describe the possible routes in as much detail as possible.

RSVP card

RSVP-card is translated from French as "please answer". What information should such a card contain? Typically, it contains:

Contact information (phone or e-mail) and a request to contact and confirm your arrival;

A prepaid postage form or address envelope to be sent to event organizers.

In addition, an RSVP card may contain suggestions for choosing a particular type of menu, space for comments, wishes, etc. The size of such a card should be less than the invitation itself. But the general invitation style also applies to RSVP cards. The card can be replaced with the RSVP mark on the invitation form, indicating the phone number by which you need to confirm acceptance of the invitation, or refuse it. An address can be specified to which a response must be sent.

Sample sample

│ RSVP card (text 1) │

│ It can. Can't │

│ (underline selected statement) │

│ attend the anniversary of the Tandor company │

Sample sample


│ RSVP card (text 2) │

│ Name, patronymic _________________________________________________________ │

│ Yes, we will be happy to attend the company awards ceremony │

│ Number of people ____________________________________________________ │

│ No, we cannot attend the company awards ceremony │

│ "Leader" _______________________________________________________________ │


Sample sample

Company anniversary invitations (texts)

Dear Oleg Petrovich!

We invite you to festive evening dedicated to the anniversary of our company, which will take place on November 5 at 18.00.

We are waiting for you in the restaurant "Olympia", Moscow, st. Tyurin, 25.

The invitation is valid for one person.


Igor Ivanovich Sukhov,

director of the company "Leader"

Dear Pyotr Ilyich!

We invite you and your spouse to a festive evening dedicated to the anniversary of our company, which will take place on August 15 at 17.00.

We are waiting for you at the address: Moscow, st. Tyurin, 25, bldg. 3, "Trajectory" restaurant.


Mikhail Ivanovich Petrov,

director of the company "Progress"

Dear Tatyana Vasilievna!

We are grateful to you for the fruitful cooperation between our companies. It is a pleasure to work with you. We would like to invite you to a solemn event dedicated to the anniversary of our company.

The invitation is valid for two people.


Mikhail Ivanovich Petrov,

director of the company "Progress"

Dear Igor Petrovich!

For twenty years you have been working in our company and your contribution to the common cause is truly invaluable.

We are pleased to invite you to a festive event. We hope that, surrounded by colleagues, you will truly enjoy the holiday dedicated to the anniversary of our company.

The invitation is valid for two people.


Mikhail Ivanovich Petrov,

director of the company "Progress"

Sample sample

Official invitation (text)

Dear Nikolai Viktorovich!

We have the honor to invite you to a celebration dedicated to the anniversary of our company.


Mikhail Ivanovich Petrov,

director of the company "Progress"

Sample sample

Opening event invitations (texts)

Our new plant will start production on December 15, 2011, and we are pleased to invite you to take part in the festive event dedicated to the opening of our plant.


director of the plant "Energoprom"

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov

Dear Elena Alexandrovna!

A gala dinner will take place at 13:00, followed by an opening ceremony and a guided tour of the facility. We ask you to confirm your arrival by informing us of your arrival time.


director of the plant "Energoprom"

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov

Bibliographic list

1. The culture of Russian speech: Textbook. for universities / Ed. prof. L. K. Graudina and prof. E. N. Shiryaeva. M .: NORMA-INFRA M, 1999.

2. Koltunova M. V. Language and business conversation... M., 2000.

3. Formanovskaya NI Speech etiquette and communication culture. M., 1989.

Yu Ovchieva

Lead coder

CNIT State

management university

Signed to print

  • Corporate culture


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