Physical culture leisure on the theme "Spring" in the senior group of kindergarten. Thematic entertainment "Spring" (for children of the middle group) Entertainment on the theme of spring

Scenario of entertainment in the senior group. "Save Spring"

Author: Ananyeva Elizaveta Ivanovna, educator of the MBDOU d / s "Golden Cockerel", Temnikov, Republic of Mordovia.
In my script, I included a new fairy-tale heroine - Vesnoedka. We came up with it with the children, writing a fairy tale about spring. I also made a costume for her myself and composed poems for this character.
How it turned out, you be the judge. The children believed in the Vesnoed.
My script can be used by teachers of the senior and preparatory groups. It can be carried out in the form of entertainment or leisure.
To bring joy to children from competitions with Vesnoedka.
Continue to teach children with expression to recite poems, sing songs on the theme “Spring”;
continue to instill a love for nature;
Preliminary work:
writing the script "Spring has come";
learning poems about spring;
talking with children about the signs of spring, getting to know spring flowers, looking at pictures;
together with their parents came up with attributes for March, April and May.
Materials and equipment:
attributes for the roles of Spring, March, April, May, two sets of collapsible flower, house, sun for the game "Who is faster"; two tunnels, a sheet for covering the Vesnoed, musical instruments for the song.

Entertainment progress:

I want to put things in order
I will make a present for you.
Spring you come to us,
Have fun with us.
Here the winter is over
I, Spring, have come to you.
I melted the snow everywhere
All frosts spent.
Are you happy for me or not?
Give the children to me the answer. (Answers of the children)

The first month is March
I give April a start.
Made the night shorter
Kicked the frost away.
You are my reliable neighbor
You do no harm to me.
We help each other
Here we will play together.
Soon I will come to you
I'll go for April.
I'll take off your mittens
The month of May is a class!
Spring came! Spring is red!
With green grass by the window.
She hung the earrings on a birch - white leg.
Spring is everywhere! Spring is everywhere!
In the animal mink and in the nest!
Spring has come bright
Red spring has come
With sticky buds
with the first leaves.
Spring came,
The drops are ringing.
Bird's chirping is heard everywhere
And the heavens got higher
You can see the beauty of the snowdrops.
Spring is red to us, it has come,
And it brought joy.
Grass turn green
Birds sing songs
Gardens bloom in spring
And we will grow faster.
The sky turned bright blue
The sun warmed the earth.
From the mountains, from the seas
Flocks of cranes rush.
The streams in the forest sing
And the snowdrops are in bloom.
Everyone woke up from sleep.
This spring has come to us.
Spring has a lot of work
Rays help her:
Together they drive along the roads
talking streams,
Melt the snow, break the ice,
Warm everything around.
From under the needles and blades of grass,
The first sleepy beetle crawled out.
The song "Spring is red."
Presentation "The spring-eater is looking for spring."
Children are shown photos on a multimedia screen.
Presenter: let's see how you played and looked after the birds in the winter, had fun and looked at the buds in the spring. Then the children see how the Spring Eater enters the gate. Who is it? (children's answers). This is the Spring Eater, she is looking for Spring. She does not touch children. Further photos are shown of how Vesnoedka goes to kindergarten. In kindergarten, she goes into the nurse's office, into the kitchen, into our group, but does not find Vesna anywhere.
There is a knock on the door, the Spring Eater comes in (everything you need for games is in the basket).
I, the Spring Eater, have come to you,
Well, I barely found you.
I always eat in the spring
I eat a lot, I repent of it.
I eat leaves and grass
I make grooves everywhere.
May you not have spring
Every sun will forget.
But if you complete my tasks, I will leave you spring.
Child's mother:
I came to help you
And I will not offend you.
I will help you all
Drive away evil thoughts.
First task:
You must praise me.
Spring Eater:
This is the easiest to do, the second will be more difficult.
Second task:
Together with me, they must make spring on the floor: collect the sun, build a house, collect a flower.

Spring Eater:
And they did the job!
Third task:
Perform a number with musical instruments.
The song "Spring has come".
Spring Eater:
But you won't be able to do the next task!
Fourth task:
The game "Tits in the nests".
Spring Eater:
You tricked me again, I won't let you do it again.
Fifth task:
"Catch the sparrow."
Spring Eater:
Why are you so smart? But the sixth task is very difficult,
You will definitely lose.
Sixth task:
"Whoever climbs into the tunnel faster will take a friend, and through the tunnel he will return to his place."
Well guys, well done!
They played from the heart.
Spring Eater:
You have completed all my tasks, but something does not want to leave you.
We'll cover it now
We will open the door from the hall for her.
Let's say together 1-2-3,
You fly away from here!
Child's mother:
The spring eater has flown away
I wanted to ruin everything.
Freed from her
And we won it.
You welcomed me well
Song, dance welcomed.
I will give everyone a medal
I won't cheat anyone!
Children are given medals.

Leisure entertainment: "Spring is red" in the second junior group

Target: Motivate children to get involved in play activities.
1. Update ideas about the number 4 and the concept of "the same".
2. To train the mental operation, analysis and comparison of objects in size (wide - narrow, long - short), develop attention and speech, form the experience of self-control.
3. Activate the mental activity of children by solving logical problems.
4. Update the ability of children to visually compare objects in width, train mental operations, analysis and comparison.
5. Show the connection between changes in inanimate nature and changes in the life of plants and animals (the first flowers appear, animals wake up after hibernation, insects appear).
6. To form an ecological culture in children through play activities.
7. Develop memory, auditory attention, imagination, the ability to perform movement in accordance with the text.
8. Cultivate love for nature, a friendly attitude towards each other.
9. Activate the child's quality vocabulary.
Material: audio recordings, ticket cards, A4 sheets with traced trees (tree trunks were previously drawn), a basket with cotton swabs for drawing, wooden spoons for dancing, a surprise. Children go out into the group to greet guests, gather around the teacher.
Guys, I invite you to go on a fabulous journey, tell me guys what can you travel on? (children's answers)

Let's go on a train journey.
Game: Train ticket
What should we do before we get on the train? (To buy a ticket)
Where do they buy tickets? (at the register)
What is the name of the person who sells tickets? (Cashier)
How many tickets do you need to buy if you want to travel together? (As many as children)
The teacher says that the ticket for the train will be a card that shows 4 items. Children buy their own tickets.
Children approach the ticket office table, on which there are ticket cards with items depicted on them. There are as many cards on which 4 objects are drawn as there are children. There are also cards with 2, 3, 5 items. The cards are mixed.

The teacher-conductor checks the tickets near the train.
If the ticket is bought correctly, then the conductor asks to say what and in what quantity is drawn on the ticket. (I have drawn 4 apples, etc.)
The conductor collects the ticket.
If there are not 4 items on the card that the child has chosen, then the teacher asks the child-passenger to count the items. In this case, the child sees his mistake when counting, takes the card to the table and chooses the one that shows 4 objects.
All passengers are in their seats, tickets have been checked - you can go. Children put their hands on each other's shoulders and go on a journey along the carpet (The song “The train from Romashkovo” sounds)

Look to the right (left), we arrived in the forest, it is full of fairy tales and miracles.
Tell me guys, who lives in the forest? (children's answers)
Why do they live in the forest? (children's answers)
How should one behave in the forest? (You can’t make noise so as not to disturb the forest inhabitants, you can’t litter, because the forest is the home of animals and birds, and the house should be clean, etc.)
Lesovik comes out from behind the tree. The woodsman woke up and stretched.

What is the noise in my forest, I can not understand. Do not let me rest, who came to visit me.
Lesovik, we guys came to visit, it's time to wake up, all nature has already woken up, and spring has come.
Sasha Sh.:
The sun laughs merrily
Shines brighter, hotter
And from the hillock it pours loudly
talkative stream
Marina K.:
The sun came out from behind the clouds
And warmed the creaky snow
Snow thought a little
And the stream set off on its way
The snow is tired of lying in snowdrifts
Catch him try
Matthew K.:
ding ding ding
Droplets sing
The starling sings
Jin-la-la for real
Winter has come to an end
So it really is Spring, I have been sleeping for so long, and if you had not come to the forest, I would have been late to see the changes in nature.
Guys, I also know riddles, listen here

The snow is melting, the meadow came to life
The day is coming
When does it happen
Standing in a field curly
White shirt
golden heart
What is it (chamomile)

Guys, hear these beautiful sounds (the metallophone sounds). These are raindrops. Let's play with drops.
One drop fell - slammed 1 time
Two drops fell - slammed 2 times
Three drops fell - slammed 3 times
Many droplets dripped clapping many times
The last drop falls - quiet cotton
Guys, I invite you to visit me in the clearing. Oh what is it, the river has become so wide, how can we be?
The game "On the other side"
On the floor, a river is marked with a cloth, and in different places it has a different width. Children can jump over it in the narrow part, but not in the wide part.
The teacher brings the children to a wide part of the river and tells them that Lesovik's house is on the other side of the river.
How can you get to the other side? (children's answers)

All proposals of children are listened to. After that, the teacher leads them to the idea that the river can be crossed and offers to do it, the children try, but they do not succeed.
Why are you unable to do this? (Because the river is wide)
What should the river be like for you to be able to cross? (narrow)
The teacher offers to find a place that they can step over, the children move to the other side.
We walked quickly with you, you must be tired? Look how beautiful it is, the birds sing, they also rejoice at the arrival of spring. Let's rest with you, lie down on the soft grass.
Children lie on the grass on their backs on their stomachs. (music "sounds of nature" sounds)

The music ends, the children rise.
Guys, you have a little rest, but let's teach Lesovik to play the game "flies - does not fly"
The game "flies - does not fly"
The children stay in the field. The teacher explains the rules of the game:
I will name objects and ask: “Does it fly?”, for example, “Dove flies? Is the plane flying? etc. If I name an object that actually flies, you raise your hands. If I name a non-flying object, do not raise your hands. You need to be careful, because I will raise my hands even when he is not flying. Whoever makes a mistake will pay a fant.
Patting the teacher on the knees and the children say: “Fly, fly”, then the teacher starts the game.

At the beginning of the game, many guys involuntarily, by virtue of imitation, raise their hands every time. But that is the meaning of the game, in order to hold on in time and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named. Who could not resist, pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.
Suddenly the voice of the cuckoo is heard (audio recording)
Guys, hear who sings this (children's answers), it's right the cuckoo, she told me that the leaves on the trees had not yet blossomed in her clearing, she asks for your help, you will help the cuckoo (children's answers).
Children with a teacher and a forester go to a clearing where there are tables. And sheets of 4 formats with painted trees without leaves.
Guys, look at our trees, which we painted last time when there were no leaves yet, and now the leaves are starting to appear on the trees and we also need to finish them, and how are we going to draw them?
Oh, oh, oh, look what the cuckoo left for me, wait, that's what it is. (children's answers)
Thank you, Lesovik, otherwise we thought we had lost them, let the guys remember how to use cotton swabs (children's answers).
Children use cotton swabs to draw leaves on trees.

Well done guys, they did their best, they did everything carefully, they turned out beautiful trees, let's leave everything in the clearing near Lesovik so that the paint dries, and then he will show all your drawings to his friends. We have worked hard together, now we will have a nice rest, let's give the dance to Lesovik. Children are given wooden spoons and they dance. (Dance of the "stomp").

Did you like our dance, Lesovik?
Lesovik: Yes.
So the time has come for us to say goodbye to Lesovik, did you like visiting (Answers)
Wait, wait, I also have gifts for the guys, look, my friends gave it to you. (Hands a basket of cakes)
Let's say thank you, goodbye to everyone, it's time for us to go back.
The children put their hands on each other's shoulders and start walking back. (Sounds the song "Engine from Romashkovo")

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 57 "Rainbow"

Abstract entertainment

in the senior group No. 1

on the topic:


Prepared by:

Rumyantseva M.V.

Emelyanova N. P.

Stary Oskol - 2014

Theme: "Spring!"

Program content:continue to acquaint children with Russian folk art. To improve the ability of children to move, perform dance movements. Create a fun, joyful mood for children. To educate children in emotional responsiveness to Russian folk songs, dances and games.

(Children enter the hall and sing the song "Kulik-spring")

  • Kulik-spring!

What did you come for?

  • On the whip

On a collar.

  • Leave the sleigh

Take the cart!

We will go to Rostov

bow to spring

Drink from the spring.

Leading. Spring! Thankful, long-awaited! Many songs, poems, sayings are composed among the people about this time of year.

Go Spring

Go red!

Bring a rye spikelet


big harvest

To our region!

Leader (to children). Guys! Which birds are the first to return from warm lands?(Children answer: "rooks".)That's right, with their arrival, spring begins.

What months is spring divided into?

In the people, spring is divided into the spring of light (March - protalnik), the spring of water (April - snow) and the spring of green grass (May - grass).

March is the first month of spring. There is still snow, but the sun warms more affectionately. No wonder they say: "Spring, light the Svega!"

All children (spoken):

Mother spring is coming

Open the gate.

The first of March has come

He spent all the children;

And then April

Opened the window and the door;

And how May came

Play as much as you want!

(Spring leads all the children into the gate with a chain and starts a circle. A “Swallow” appears (a girl in a swallow costume)).


Swallow, swallow,

Sweet swallow.

Where were you?

What did you come with?


Been across the sea

I got the spring

I carry, I carry Spring - red!

What a glorious day!

Gather, people, in a round dance!

Let's go around in circles

Let spring have fun.

Let's start a round dance

Let's all drink together:

  • Hello, hello spring!

Performed, Russian folk song “Now the winter is passing» (edited by I. Arseev).

Leading. Now let's play. Let's count first (in chorus)


The birds were singing

soared -

They flew to the forest

Birds have become nests

Nest to twist.

Who does not viet -

Therefore, drive!

The Russian folk game “I catch birds on the fly” is being held.

Game "Catch birds on the fly"

(Children are put on hats with the image of birds on their heads. The text addressed to the trap is pronounced)

(The trap (leader) will catch up with the birds and tries to touch them. The salted one is out of the game.)

Leading. April is the second month of spring, the spring of water.

For a long time people say: "April is Aquarius!"

Children (in order). Water flowed from the mountains - brought spring! April streams wake everyone up. April will get everyone drunk.

Leading. In April the days get longer and warmer. Nature awakens. The first spring rains will fall.

1st child. Rain, rain

Have fun!

Drip, drip

Do not be sorry!

Just don't get us wet!

Don't knock on the window!

Spray into the field more:

The grass will get thicker!

2nd child. rainbow arc,

Make it rain!

From the lagoon bucket

To forests, to meadows.

3rd child.

Rain, rain, pour!

There will be a glorious harvest!

And mountain ash, and viburnum,

And a merry round dance

Red maidens at the gate.

Leading. From time immemorial, round dances have been danced in Russia. The accordion will play, the eyes will shine, the cheeks will glow - and in a circle! They especially loved to dance "And we sowed millet." Let's start this round dance.

(Children lead a round dance “And we sowed millet» (arranged by I. Arseez). The Russian folk song "In the forge" is staged. Children perform movements according to the text of the song.)

Leading. Weave, weave, weave,

Curl up, golden trumpet!

And now we will play the game "Wattle".

GAME "Wattle"

Children, holding hands, become four lines (one opposite the other). To the music of a Russian folk melody, each of the ranks in turn goes towards the opposite rank and bows. After the bow, the children return to their original place. With the beginning of a fun dance, the children leave their ranks, disperse throughout the room, dance using well-known dance movements. With the end of the music, each line should take its original place, and the children should quickly and correctly “braid the fence”, join hands crosswise.

Leading. May is the third month of spring, the spring of green grass. Leaves are blooming on the trees, nightingales and finches sing in the forests… the first thunderstorms rumble in May.

Children (in order).Spring rain never fails. Like rain in May, so will rye.

Leading. In May, spring work begins in the fields, in vegetable gardens and orchards.

Sunshine, sunshine

red bucket,

Rise high

Shine far:

To the dark forests

On raw borks,

To the river, to the fields,

To the blue seas

To the green garden

And for all the people.

RUSSIAN FOLK GAME "Burners with a handkerchief"

(Participants of the game stand in pairs one after another. Leading, he holds a handkerchief in his hand above his head.)


Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

(The children of the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left). The one who runs to the driver first takes a handkerchief from him and stands in front of the column with him, and the latecomer “burns”, i.e. drives.)

Leading. And I would be glad to have spring in Russia for centuries, let May end, summer begins. Let's talk about summer next time.

Kamenskaya O.S., folklore methodologist of the Volkhov Municipality "Inter-settlement socio-cultural association district house of culture"


Cognitive - entertainment program for children

6 girls.

Attributes: Larks 6 pieces, rope, foam rubber balls, 2 boxes, 2 hoops.

storyteller. The winter time in Russia lasts a long time. The merry holidays of Christmas and Maslenitsa have already passed. Everyone dreams of how warmly will drive away the fierce cold. And with bright hope we are waiting for the arrival of spring. What month does spring start? (since March). And in the old days, March was called zimobor, protalnik, dry, birch. Spring comes in March timidly, takes its first steps uncertainly. In order to bring closer the joyful time of the spring renewal of life, people came up with another rite - invocations of spring. Poems were composed about spring, songs were sung, round dances were dedicated to her, calling on her to melt the winter snow as soon as possible. This ceremony was performed on March 22. What event falls on this day according to the natural calendar? (Day of spring equinox). With spring, the first flowers wake up. What spring flowers do you know? (snowdrops, tulips, mimosa). And beautiful girls came to you like spring flowers, in order to call spring with songs-springs, to see off winter.

Girls run out.

1 girl. Bless, mother, see off the winter,
See off the winter, call spring.
2 girl. Let the winter go away
Spring will be on the threshold!
3 girl. Spring, spring, wake up!
And you, winter, go beyond the seas.
4 girl. You are tired of us and bored,
Our little hands froze.
5 girl. We, winter, are tired of you,
And she ate all the bread.
6 girl. We burned all the wood.
She took the straw off the roofs.
1 girl. No bread, no potatoes
The samovar is on the window.
2 girl. I drank tea, ate sugar,
I put the samovar on a stake.
Storyteller. Let's guys help winter get away until next year. The girls will sing the song “Vesnyanochka”, and you sing along.

Girls (dance and sing).

And the red sun is hot, hot,
And everywhere gold spilled, spilled.
Spring streams all murmur, all murmur,
The cranes are chirping, everyone is flying, everything is flying.
Soon the whole land will be in a wreath, be in a wreath.
Snowdrops bloomed in the forest, yes in the forest,
Oh, sun-father, please, please.
And mother earth freak, freak.

Spring enters.

Spring. Hello! You called me so well that I could not pass by. Storyteller. The children tried to talk to spring as a kind and generous friend.
1 girl. Spring is red, where have you been?
Spring. I wintered in the forest, fenced the garden,
Planted cabbage, planted flowers.
2 girl. Spring is red, what did you come for?
Spring. On the plow, on the harrow, on the perch, on the furrow.
On a rye spikelet, on a wheat pie.
3 girl. Spring is red, what have you brought us?
Spring. Plow, harrow and filly crow,
A patch of sun and a bunch of straws.
A loaf of bread and a mug of water.
Rooks fly, they trumpet all over Russia:
“Choo-choo, choo-choo, we bring spring!”
Storyteller. In March, the housewives baked small balls from the remains of wheat or oatmeal, and then every day they threw one ball into the street, persuading the frost to taste the treat.
Girls. Frost-Red Nose,
Here is bread and oats for you,
Now, get out of here and say goodbye.
Spring. And we offer you to play, appease the winter. Flowers will help you, show you how to play.

Winter treat game.

Two teams run to the basket of balls and throw one at a time into the hoop.
or a box. The team that throws the most balls wins.
Spring. Well done! The frost has eaten, until next year it will now go away and take the winter away.

Storyteller. We guess about the approach of spring by the fact that the day is getting longer, the birds are returning from distant countries to their homeland. What birds are the messengers of spring, do you know? (Rook, starling, swallow, lark, chaffinch, crane).
Spring. The birds were gathering
The singers gathered in herds, herds.
The birds sat down
The singers sat in rows, rows.

Guess what kind of birds they were?

1 girl. Black, agile, shouting "crack!", worms enemy (rook).
2 girl. In front of the bird is a hairpin, behind the bird is a wiltz.
The bird itself is small, but there was a (swallow) across the sea.
3 girl. The bird sat on the bough and sings: "Ku-ku, ku-ku" (cuckoo).
Storyteller. Most of all, the peasants loved the sonorous singer of the lark, who, with his trills, forced nature to wake up from its winter sleep. And on March 22, in every house they baked lark birds from dough, smeared them with sweet fragrant honey. Also, larks were made of clay, rags and paper, decorated with gilding. Festively dressed girls and children walked around the village, threw up their figurines of birds, and sang songs-calls: they called, that is, they called, they called for the red spring to come to the earth as soon as possible.
Spring. Let's split into two teams and make larks.

Game "Make a lark".

Two teams draw a lark, color it, cut it out.

And now let's take our larks in the palm of our hands, we will slightly toss them up, and the girls will sing songs-chants. (The guys take the larks in their hands and throw them under the songs of the girls).
1 girl. Chuvil, chuvil, lark,
Fly to the fires, bring us
2 girl Spring-red, red sun,
Warm fly, green mowing!
3 girl. Larks, come
Bring red spring.
4 girl. Bring spring on your tail
On a plow, a harrow, on an oat sheaf.
5 girl. The lark sings on a thawed patch,
He calls the red spring, calls.
6 girl. Do not fly snow in an open field, melted,
A violent river in the blue sea rolled away.
Spring. And spring responded, life awakened in the fields to the call of people, the first greenery sprouted. And on the festivities they led the first round dances.
Storyteller. In the old days, the round dance was associated with rituals in honor of the main deity.
- the sun, symbolized the movement of the sun. Hence the main drawing of the round dance is a circle.
Spring. Get ready, kids, it's time to dance! (everyone becomes in a round dance).

Round dance "Zemelyushka-chernozem"

1. Zemelushka-chernozem, Zemelyushka-chernozem,
Chernozem, chernozem, chernozem-chernozem.

2. Here the birch has grown, the birch has grown,
She grew, she grew, then the birch grew.

3. Grass under the birch, grass under the birch.
Grass, grass, grass under the birch.

4. Flowers on the grass, flowers on the grass,
Flowers, flowers, flowers on the grass.

5. The guys were walking here, the guys were walking here.
Walked, walked, the guys walked here.

6. Tore flowers from the grass, tore flowers from the grass,
From the grass, from the grass, they tore flowers from the grass.

7. Weaved wreaths of flowers, weaved wreaths of flowers,
From flowers, from flowers, wreaths of flowers were woven.

Storyteller. April, April, drops are ringing in the yard. In April, the mighty forces of nature wake up - they bloom with the first delicate flowers, they rise with sweet birch sap. April also has other names - pollen, birch. The day in April is noticeably longer, the sun's warmth pampers the earth. And April 2 is the day of birds.
Spring. Mother, storyteller, we called the larks, but forgot about the rest of the birds. Now the guys and I will sing such incantations. Let's split into 10 groups. The girls will help each group learn the verse of the call.

1. Kulik fly from the sea, fly to the field.

2. Long-necked crane, you hum well.

3. You are a chaffinch-whistle, a forest whistle.

4. Jackdaws, jackdaws, bring a stick!

5. Doves, doves, bring a ball!

6. Cuckoos, cuckoos, bring a reel!

7. Tits, tits, bring a spoke!

8. Canaries, canaries, bring a sewing machine!

9. Tap dance, tap dance, bring on the brush!

10. Ducks, ducks, blow the pipes.

And together we say:“Bring spring to freedom, bring spring to the hem” (Children repeat). Spring. And now we will play the game "Karkusha".

Karkusha game.

Everyone split into two circles. Right hand to the center of the circle. We move in a circle and say these words:
“Karkusha, karkusha, karkusha, dear! Karkusha, karkusha, karkusha, my dear! We have one person KARKUSHA. He can call “CAR” at any time, after which everyone should quickly find a mate from another circle. KARKUSHA is also looking for a mate. Whoever is left without a couple becomes KARKUSHEI.

Storyteller. Well done! And in the spring it was time to drive out cows, horses, sheep, goats to pastures. And for the first time they drove out cattle with the help of a sprig of fluffy willow. And the hostess baked special gingerbread - in the form of horses, which were supposed to be attached above the gates of the peasant yard. It was believed that such gingerbread protects animals. Girls. Gingerbread friend, save our nurse In the field and beyond the field, in the forest and beyond the forest,
Under the bright moon, under the red sun,
From a predatory wolf, from a fierce bear, from an evil beast.
storyteller. What else did people do in the spring?
Spring. The main thing is to get along a plow and a harrow, to plow the land in order to sow bread. Storyteller. It is now that smart machines have come to the aid of people. And before the land was plowed with a plow and plow.
Spring. Girls will guess riddles for you, and you try to solve.
1 girl. Grandmother Andrevna, hunched over, stands.
Legs in a zemelushka, she spread her little hands - she wants to grab everything (plow).
2 girl. An iron nose has grown into the ground,
Digs, digs, loosens the earth (plough).
3 girl. Curve disheveled, and toothy combed (plow and harrow).
4 girl. Guess my riddle: what actions are described in it?
I'll throw my riddle behind the garden bed.
Summer will pass - it will rise like a roll (sowing grain).
storyteller. And when the grains sprout, there is another riddle about this:
The green letter lies on black velvet (seedlings on the field).
Spring. When the sowing was over, people waited for the long Mitroshka to knock on the window. What's this? (rain).
storyteller. Yes, the rain was necessary and welcome. After the rain, the sun was supposed to dry and warm the sown fields. And what was the herald of a change in the weather? Guess, a multi-colored rocker hung over the river (Rainbow).
Spring. And now we will start sowing millet.

The game "And we sowed millet."

The players are divided into two teams and then, holding hands,
stand in two rows, one row opposite the other.
The first half sings:

1. And we sowed millet, sowed,
Oh, Did Lado, sowed, sowed.

On the first line of the verse, the first half approaches the second half, on the second line they retreat. The other half responds with the same movements:

2. And we will trample millet, trample,
Oh, Did Lado, trample, trample.

1. And how do you trample, trample?
Oh, Did Lado, trample, trample.
2. And we will release the horses, release,
Oh, Did Lado, let's release, let's release.
1. And we will catch the horses, we will catch,
Oh, Did Lado, we'll catch, we'll catch.

The first half catches the second. When everyone is caught, the game starts over.

storyteller. In the spring it is necessary to manage everything: to plow, and sow, and graze cattle, and lead a house. So people have put together proverbs and sayings about work!

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
If there was a hunt, any work would be adjusted.

Spring. With laboring hands you will not disappear anywhere.
Girls, let's check how the guys know proverbs about work.

1 girl. Without difficulty ... (you can’t catch a fish from a pond).

2 girl. Small business is better... (big idleness).

3 girl. Business - time ... (fun hour).

4 girl. A good end to the whole thing ... (crown).

5 girl. Put off idleness, but don’t put off ... (business).

6 girl. The work of the master ... (afraid).

Storyteller. And they also said this: “If it rains in April, there will be rye by autumn. The sun will warm - everything will be in time. If you plow in time, you will dance more cheerfully.
Spring. Let's play the Russian folk game "Brook".

The children line up one at a time. Each of the guys puts his hands on the waist of the person in front. A rope is placed on the side at a distance of 0.7-0.8 meters. During the game on the word "Wow!" we all need to jump over the rope together - "to the other side of the stream." The one who does not jump over "steps into the water and gets wet" is out of the game.

A brook spilled, a golden horn - wow!
Spilled with water, cold, snowy - wow!
Spilled with water, transparent, key-wow!
Over mosses, over swamps, over forest decks - wow!

Storyteller. Let spring gain strength, let bright days grow, and we will help them with this!
Spring. Let's start a round dance, we'll all sing together.
Let's walk in chorus and have fun in the spring!

Round dance "Golden Gate".

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Abstract entertainment
“Spring, spring is a wonderful time!”
for children of the middle group

Children sit in the hall on chairs. Spring enters.

Spring: Hello guys. I am very glad to meet you. I came to you from the forest, and on the way I found an unusual letter. Do you want to know what this letter is? This is a video letter, let's watch it ...
Viewing the presentation "Spring".
Spring: Guys, what time of the year do you think the letter refers to? (children's answers). That's right, guys, this letter is about me, because I am Spring. Do you want to visit the spring forest and meet my friends? (Yes) Then close your eyes, with the help of a magic wand I will help you get there: “One, two, three - bring the spring wand into the forest!”
Sounds like "Sounds of Nature".
Spring: So you and I found ourselves in the spring forest. Listen, we are met by my friends. Who do you think chirps so beautifully? (children's answers). That's right, guys, these are birds. They are very happy with the arrival of spring and guests. But the birds are small and defenseless, so they need our help. How can we help our feathered friends? (children's answers). Guys, let's feed the birds.

The game "We will pour crumbs for the birds" is being held

Spring: Guys, in spring all nature wakes up: the grass turns green, the first leaves appear on the trees, flowers bloom. Flowers are also my friends. Look at my beautiful flower. You like him, why do you like him? (children's answers) Guys, the flower told me in secret that flowers hurt a lot when they are plucked. Why put them in a vase if you can admire them when they grow in the ground. So let's try not to pick flowers. Do you agree? (Yes) The flower liked your promise and he wants to play the Buttercups - Daisies game with you. Get into a friendly round dance.

Spring spends with children a round dance game "Buttercups - Daisies" (disc No. 28, track 33).

Presenter: Flowers love the sun very much, because it is warm, affectionate and kind. It wants to get to know you and warm you with its warmth. Let's say hello to him.

Children become in a circle while the music is playing, the children transmit the image of the sun in a circle. The music ceases to sound and the child, who has the sun in his hands, affectionately calls himself.
After the game, the children sit down.

Spring: Well done guys! From your kind, affectionate words, the sun began to shine even brighter and many beautiful flowers grew in our clearing. And who likes to fly over flowers and collect flower nectar?
Children: Butterflies.
Spring: We are in a magical forest, so let's turn into butterflies and play a game. Close your eyes, and I will say a spell: "One, two, three, turn us into butterflies." Oh, how many butterflies appeared in our clearing. You are all beautiful, small and very tender. Spread your wings and fly over the flowers. As soon as you see me coming with a net, hide near the flower so I don't catch you.

Musical game "Butterflies" (disc 4b, track 9).

Spring: Well done butterflies. I did not catch any of you, and this is very good, because if you catch a butterfly, it will immediately die and cease to please us with its beauty. Butterflies are also our little friends, whom we should not offend.

Presenter: Guys, did you like our trip to the spring forest? But it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. And we'll take the train back. Well, stand next to each other. Go!

Children stand in a column, one after another and leave the hall to the musical game "Train Engine" (disc No. 25, track 28).